Group Travel Today
Adversity and opportunity Since the start of lockdown the importance of technology in keeping communities connected has become clear. But will this new found confidence in technology mean that a new generation starts to appreciate the benefits of online research and information? Wendy Hartley-Scarff, chief executive of AGTO, the Association of Group Travel Organisers, reviews what’s been happening. Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, famously wrote: “Out of adversity comes opportunity”. There’s no doubt that in our different ways we’re all facing adversity. Being in lockdown has meant that because we’ve been unable to get out and about as we would have
liked we’ve had to find new ways to keep ourselves informed and entertained. For many group travel organisers going online has long been second nature as we look for information. The internet is a veritable treasure trove of nuggets of information just waiting to be discovered, even if we do sometimes end up being side-tracked as we spot something ‘interesting’ just a click away! However, for many older people, the internet has often been somewhere to be avoided. Emails may have been mastered, just, but for many, website browsing, search engines and apps are joys yet to be discovered. But as the effects of lockdown started to hit home we began to hear about something called ‘Zoom’, an opportunity to chat online with family and friends. Webinars, the digital name for a seminar, started popping up all over the place giving an opportunity to grab a cuppa, sit in a comfy chair, and find out about the future of river and ocean cruising, air travel and, well, almost every aspect of holiday travel.
AGTO Showcase 2019 - Wollaton Hall, Nottingham
Enjoying a theatre production, an opera or a stage musical have suddenly all become possible, and all from the comfort of home. For an older population this sudden explosion in communication technology could have been all rather scary. But what I’ve discovered, in talking with our members, many of whom are in the 60-plus age group, is the way they have wholeheartedly embraced the opportunities the new technology has brought their way. Having been guided, often by family or friends, to set up an online chat or to view a webinar, it’s been a small step to understanding website browsing, search engines and apps. A growing percentage of older people now have the confidence to go exploring online, discovering, like we all do, places they might not otherwise have found. At AGTO we’ve also been updating the way that our members can communicate between themselves. Over recent months we’ve increased our presence across social media, posting and engaging on channels including Instagram,
A growing confidence in going online is helping GTOs discover new ideas for their groups
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. On Facebook we have separate pages for each of our regional branches. These have become really important ways to keep in touch with each other and to keep up to date with news and what’s happening. We’ve also launched a new website that gives our 200 or so Associate members (destinations, visitor attractions, hotels and other industry suppliers) the opportunity to keep our 400 or so GTO members updated with news about special offers and product news. AGTO is the UK’s largest independent, professional membership organisation supporting and representing the interests of individuals who organise travel for groups. Our members have shown a remarkable resilience in face of adversity, with many taking advantage of the new opportunities that have arisen. You feel that Benjamin Franklin would have approved.