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Editors choice...jubilee Market

e Jubilee Hall, which houses the Jubilee Market, was desig ned and built in 1904 and g ained Grade 2 listed status aer a renovation prog ramme in the 1980’s Steeped in histor y, and named as a tribute to Queen V ictoria , Jubilee Market is at the heart of Covent Garden and nowadays, the market has a wide variet y of eclectic arts and cras stalls, to antiques and g eneral market items spread over three different markets during a se ven-day period. Perfect for tourists to browse away a few hours among st the 120 stalls it is the only London market owned by its traders who have a 125-year lease on the market Jubilee Market is instantly recog nisable with its exciting atmosphere, flag s, beautiful hang ing baskets, and brass Jubilee Hall Market sig nag e and from the moment you arrive, you are caug ht up in the hustle and bustle of diverse products, unique niche stalls and wonderful traders from all across the UK all in the heart of Covent Garden

Shopping T Rips


Jubilee Market has plent y to offer to pre booked g roups for a fabulous shopping trip including discounted shopping , g uided tours, snack bar and restaurant. Local coach drop off and public toilets are a short walking distance away.


Book a Jubilee Market g uided walking tour (minimum 10) and receive discounted shopping wristbands for use on the day of your visit ( Tuesday to Sundays). e discount wristbands can be used on all Jubilee Market traders’ stalls You don’t have to book the walking tour to take advantag e of the discount wristbands, simply let the Jubilee Market team know in advance what date you are visiting ( Tuesday to Sundays), and the y will despatch wristbands in advance.

You will have lots of free time to enjoy your shopping experience, rela x , take a tour, have a bacon roll and a cuppa , and then explore the local area which includes the

Covent Garden Piazza , the Royal Opera House, Trafalg ar Sq, Bow Street Police Museum, and the London Transport Museum among st other local attractions

Contact Barr y for f ull details at info@jubileemarket.co.uk , or visit: jubileemarket.co.uk

Covent G arden’s historic indoor Jubilee Market has plenty to o er groups for a fabulous shopping trip.

You can also book our 45-minute guided walking tour of Covent G arden and include a refreshments package

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