14 minute read
Devons Top Attractions
De von is a stunning count y with t wo coastlines and 300 miles of beautiful De vonshire shoreline It has t wo National Parks and five official Areas of Outstanding Natural Beaut y Find beaches of e ver y description – for e ver y t ype of water sport or simply rela x in the sun or stroll along the cliffs on the Southwest Coast Path.
BU T there’s so much more. Delve into De von further and discover some of the UK’s top g roup friendly visitor attractions. Destination De von is g reat for g roups, whether it be a coach part y, small g roup, or educational visit De von has so many thing s to do and a hug e choice of top -qualit y visitor attractions, making itinerar y planning an easy job. All the attractions are annually inspected and approved to the hig hest qualit y standards. e y offer a whole host of interesting and varied days out, with discounted prices for g roups and extra g roup facilities. Plus, some attractions work tog ether to offer some g reat value, joint ticket options.
Devon is Great for Groups ! De von is g reat for g roups but don’t just take our word for it. e count y continues to excel in the g roups market and is actively visible exhibiting at most of the UK domestic g roup travel shows and De von won the Best UK Destination Award in 2019 at the Group Leisure and Travel awards and has been a finalist t wo years either side of this date.
Devon's Top Attractions represent the top attractions across the whole of Devon.
eir mix of top attractions includes mysterious castles, botanical g ardens and impressive stately homes, award winning steam railways, narrow g aug e trams and spectacular boat cruises that sail along De von ’ s beautiful rivers and coastline e y have award winning museums, and mag nificent abbe ys. Not forg etting the young er g eneration, the y have a g reat selection of award-winning theme parks, farm parks and any thing from animal encounters to adrenaline-packed adventures ere really is something for e ver yone.
Visit Devon and we know you will be back for more !!
De von has a wonderful choice of top -qualit y visitor attractions and venues, ideal for g roups and that suits all ag es and interests and the count y overflows with a hug e wealth of heritag e, histor y, and culture. A g roup visit to one of its t wo vibrant cities Exeter and Plymouth always makes for a winning itinerar y option e cities are steeped in histor y so why not soak this up and g et into the trendy cit y vibe, taste the g reat food and drink and do some shopping !
De von is a year-round destination, whate ver the season, it offers spectacular scener y and enjoyment to its visitors. With year-round accommodation and attractions open for business, De von is a g reat choice for g roups for coach and touring holidays De von continues to delig ht visitors with its popular food and drink festivals, music festivals and the famous De von Count y Show.
De von ’ s Top Attractions also offers a ‘ one stop ’ information shop, created specifically to make it life easy and accessible for Group Travel Org anisers and coach and tour operators It offers quick and easy access to information about all the attractions is friendly and efficient ser vice also offers local knowledg e, an imag e bank and useful contacts and org anises reg ular familiarisation and journalist visits
For more details on this contact Anne Blackham info@devonstopattractions.co.uk What t ype of group friendly attractions does Devon have ?
Histor y & Heritage
If you ’ re interested in histor y and historical days out, then the y have some interesting attractions that will be sure to eng ag e and enthrall. De von ’ s distinct identit y has e volved from a histor y g oing back many millennia , plus a rich traditional culture which still lives and breathes throug h the sites and scener y found throug hout the count y today
Powderham Castle is located in a unique, picturesque setting just outside Exeter, beside the Exe estuar y. Six hundred years of histor y are contained within the walls of one of Eng land's oldest family homes Currently home to the 19th Earl & Countess of De von and their family e mag ical setting and convenient location make it the perfect venue for g roup offering a wonderful day out www.powderham.co.uk
Coldharbour Mill - Is one of the oldest woollen mills in the UK having been in continuous production since 1797. Orig inally owned by world-renowned textile producers Fox Brothers, the Mill took fleece from all over the world and transformed it into yarn, cloth and textiles Today the rich heritag e lives on as one of the finest working wool museums where visitors are not just able to relive the sig hts and sounds of the industrial re volution but also see cras men and women making traditional textiles, beautiful knitting yarn and handwoven rug s. Great offers for Groups www.coldharbourmill.org.uk
Steam R ailways, Boats and Trams
Enjoy a day out on one of the beautiful railways in De von. As someone ver y wise once said … “It’s not about the destination, but the journe y. ” ere’s a lot to be said for travelling by train or pleasure boat. Just imag ine … sitting back, rela xing and watching rolling hills, riverbanks and coastal views that most people ne ver g et to see By railway and tram, which means wide horizons of rolling hills, riverbanks that are home to otters and king fishers, awesome viaducts, and blue sea edg ed with colourful beach huts By boat, you see e ven more of hidden De von : rarely seen seabirds nesting on cliff edg es, protected flora flourishing in hidden cre vices, and e ven the occasional leaping dolphin or basking seal.
South Devon R ailway -
e multi award-winning South De von R ailway is the West Countr y ' s oldest heritag e steam railway and the scenic, se ven-mile line hug s the beautiful River Dart almost all the way from Buckfastleig h to Totnes www.southdevonrailway.co.uk
V isitors will be transported back in time to the byg one era of the old Great Western R ailway, the y can enjoy fantastic views along the valle y and take in the unmistakable sig hts, sounds and smells of real steam trains Group rates and joint ticket options with other attractions offered.
Seaton Tramway - Award
Winning Seaton Tramway is a great day out for all ages.
e narrow-g aug e heritag e trams operate along side the beautiful Axe Valle y estuar y travelling throug h t wo nature reser ves and g iving an unrivalled view of the abundant wading bird life. An all-weather attraction with open toppers and enclosed saloons g ives added comfort and enjoyment. Seaton is the g ateway town to the Jurassic Coast and a UNESCO World Heritag e Site Great for g roups and Joint tickets available with other De von attractions. www.tram.co.uk
Destination Devon is great for groups, whether it be coach part y, small group, or educational visit Devon has so many things to do and a huge choice of topqualit y visitor attractions, making itinerar y planning an easy job.
Stuar t Line Cr uises -
roug hout the year you can sail on the river Exe, home to thousands of mig rating winter birds and year-round residents. During Summer you can sail the Jurassic Coast L ine viewing 250 million years of histor y. e river Exe is sheltered offering year-round opportunities to view the stunning scener y and wildlife and hear about the histor y from the informative commentar y. Joint tickets available with other De von attractions www.stuartlinecr uises.co.uk
World of Countr y Lifelocated in Exmouth and is a family farm park but it also boasts an extensive museum of working farming machiner y as well as a recreation of a V ictorian street complete with butcher's shop, hardware store and pub ! e Hall of Transport features a larg e collection of vintag e vehicles, including the www.worldofcountr ylife.co.uk
Charabanc from Downton Abbe y and the Daimler from Mr Selfridg e ! Great for g roups and joint tickets available with other De von attractions.
R oyal Alber t Memorial Museum ( R A MM) – www.rammuseum.org.uk
Exeter ’ s world-class museum has stunning displays and g alleries, fabulous exhibitions, and modern amenities. e displays re veal De von ad Exeter ’ s rich histor y and g lobal connections. Exotic animals, birds and insects delig ht visitors, and the World Cultures g alleries display stunning items from all over the World Also a Free entr y attraction.
Torbay Attractions www.kents- cavern.co.uk
A visit to Torbay offers three super g roup friendly visitor attractions which are all in close proximit y to each other, t wo of which are just a short stroll from each other. Kents Cavern - Step into the Stone Ag e and discover Britain’s oldest home by exploring the extensive cave system, once occupied by Prehistoric man, hyenas and cave bears. A stunning natural cave, Kents Cavern is an award-winning attraction, notable for its archaeolog ical and g eolog ical features and situated in Torquay on the Eng lish Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark Offering tours, shop, restaurant, and visitor centre. Kents Cavern offers se veral joint ticket options with other De von attractions.
Babbacombe model village
- Since the villag e opened in 1963 the park has continued to expand the number of features on display e villag e portrays Eng lish life and culture over the last 6 decades and is sure to bring to life those childhood memories ! Feel like a g iant at the model villag e as you explore 4 acres of awardwinning g ardens showcasing hundreds of model scenes, vehicles & people. Great for Groups and the restaurant terrace overlooks the whole site with fantastic views. www.model-village.co.uk
Bygones - www.bygones.co.uk
Byg ones is an independent attraction, created and run by three g enerations of the Cuming family It may not look big from the outside, but Byg ones has 3 floors packed full of nostalg ia waiting to be discovered and enjoyed e y include V ictorian Street, see, smell and hear the bustle of Byg ones, life size V ictorian street over 15 shops, and 9 period rooms. Packed full of authentic display See the R ailways, Wartime Britain, V intag e amusements, Fabulous Fiies and e Collections, all under one view. Great value for g roups and dog friendly too.
Nor th Devon Attractions
RHS Garden R osemoor -
Enjoy a visit to the mag nificent g ardens and g et some inspiration for your own g arden. Rosemoor is run by the Royal Horticultural Societ y and the g ardens are set in over 100 acres of woodland with the river Torridg e running along the western border. Rosemoor is a beautiful place whate ver time of year you visit and blends formal and informal planting s to mag ically stunning effect e y also offer seasonal activities, workshops and e vents and their Christmas g low e vent is something not to be missed where the g ardens are illuminated to stunning effect. Group tours available. www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/ rosemoor
Dar tington Cr ystal -
Darting ton Cr ystal is a lovely mix of a factor y tour, visitor centre and factor y shopping experience. As the UK’s only remaining g lass factor y, a visit here is a unique and fascinating experience. Discover the stor y and de velopment in the exhibition centre, watch skilled g lass makers in action on the factor y floor and the master eng ravers, then make your way to experience the factor y shopping and the rela xing café and restaurant. Darting ton Cr ystal offers a g ood value g roups packag e and e vents throug hout the year www.visitdar tington.co.uk
Clovelly Village
is picturesque, historic, fishing villag e, is steeped in maritime histor y and atmosphere, promising a wonderful half day out. It is a calm reflection of the days when speed, noise and stress were not what the y are today. e views are breath-taking , the traffic-free cobbled street unique with its donke ys and sledg es and the working harbour a scene that e ver yone will capture as a treasured memor y Group tours of the villag e can be booked and there is a land rover ser vice available to g et you back up the hill if you don’t want to g o under your own steam www.clovelly.co.uk
Quince Honey Farm -
Groups make a bee-line for Quince Hone y Farm. A working hone y farm based in South Molton. e y moved to a new site a few years ag o and this is a completely new attraction and the y have just won a top De von tourism award. Learn about how bees make hone y, enjoy a hone y tasting session and roll your own beeswa x candle. You can join a tour and g et a close up and see how hone y is extracted from the hive and then bottled and then you can buy it in their wellstocked shop See the Bee Shed and the interactive hives and see millions of bees at work safely behind g lass e centre piece of the attraction is the beautifully landscaped Nectar Gardens where you can wander throug h the hexag onal plots, each with a different theme www.quincehoneyfarm.co.uk
The Big Sheep – Brewer y
Tour - e Big Sheep doesn’t just offer world-famous fun for children it is an adult’s playg round too. And is home to the Countr y L ife Brewer y – for g rown-ups only !
Established in 1998 and producing some awardwinning ales. e Big Sheep also has its own Gin Distiller y, run by North Shore a small batch, hand craed artisan distiller y, working with the uniqueness of botanicals and producing special edition g in. Enjoy this unique Brewer y and distiller y tour experience with some world-famous sheep racing thrown in too ! www.thebigsheep.co.uk/fo od- drink
Free entr y days out Donkey Sanctuar y-
e Donke y Sanctuar y in Sidmouth, is open 365 days a year. ere are hundreds of donke ys waiting to meet you here so take a g limpse of what their little corner of De von has to offer. An ideal stop for g roups with their new restaurant looking down towards the sea and a chalk donke y in the hillside g ives a g reat stop off place to enjoy the freshly prepared, seasonal dishes using local, while enjoying the spectacular coast and countr y views. Discounted g roup menus are available for pre-booked g roups of 10 or more, including a complimentar y meal for the driver, free entr y, ample parking , and g uided tours. www.thedonkeysanctuar y. org.uk/visit-us/sidmouth
Buckast Abbey -
A working Benedictine Monaster y welcoming visitor to enjoy its tranquillit y and beaut y. As well as the mag nificent Abbe y, enjoy the beautiful g ardens, shops, hotel, and restaurant. Nestled in the shadow of Dartmoor, in a beautiful, wooded valle y beside the river Dart it offers visitors a tranquil refug e from the hectic pace of e ver yday life. Free entr y and free g uided tours with ample coach and car parking www.buckf ast.org.uk
Animals and Nature
Take a trip to one of the many wildlife and animal parks that De von has to offer for a fun and educational day out with our furr y, slipper y, hair y and hoofed friends You will g et the chance to g et hands-on with the count y ’ s fascinating wildlife – and some from more exotic climates too in one of the local Z oos !
Exmoor Zoo - Enjoy a tour of Exmoor Z oo, home of the Exmoor Beast. Experience wildlife from around the world from creepy crawlies of the Amazon to the wobbly wallaby joe ys of Australia ere’s plent y of hands-on activities keeper talks, animal encounters and lots more for g roups. www.exmoor zoo.co.uk
Wildwood Escot –
Immerse yourself in wildlife and explore the 200 acres of parkland, find threatened native species including red squirrels and the secretive water vole who have found sanctuar y in surrounding s steeped in histor y and filled with beautiful plants and trees Great place for g roups and families www.devon.wildwoodtrust.org
Canonteign Falls -
Is a stunning natural attraction in the heart of De von. Offering peaceful walks among the waterfalls and lakes and family fun in the g ardens. Escape the crowds and experience the hig hest waterfall in Dartmoor National Park . www.canonteignf alls.co.uk
Becky Falls -
Situated in a beautiful spoton Dartmoor and is an iconic landmark . V isit this attraction and breathe some of the purest air in Eng land and then explore the 50 acres of ancient woodlands and stunning falls www.beckyf alls.com
Family days out
De von theme parks have e volved from their modest beg inning s and expanded over time to offer a whole day of excitement and enjoyment for all the family.
De von features some of best theme parks and family attractions in the UK . From rampag ing rollercoasters to thrilling tobog g an runs, these De von amusement parks have g ot it all wrapped up into offering some of the ver y best days out in De von. e y mag ically cater for all ag es from the tiny tots with lowke y fun to some prett y terrif ying white-knuckle thrill seeker ride experiences
De von ’ s Top family days out include Crealy eme Park and Resort, Woodlands
Family eme Park, the Milky Way Adventure Park and e Big Sheep Farm and eme Park and Watermouth Castle
Gardens and Parks
Home to some of the most beautiful natural scener y in the countr y, De von is known for both its coastal views and its inland g reener y, including some stunning parks and g ardens Rig ht across the count y there are some delig htful g reen spaces to enjoy from formal cit y g ardens to some of De von ’ s top g arden and park attractions located in picturesque and natural setting s. ere are tranquil places to stroll and enjoy the peace, dog -friendly parks where the dog can g et a g ood run and some wonderful g ardens where you can admire the splendors of beautiful flowers and trees but where the children can let off steam on outdoor play while exploring all around them
Devon’s Top Attractions www.devonstopattractions. co.uk
No t wo places are the same in South De von and you can easily and quickly travel bet ween coastal communities and rural locations, visit the moors and a beach, discover historical sites or visit up market shopping centres all within the same day is makes it the ideal destination for g roups who are looking to explore as many different t ypes of landscapes, villag es and attractions as possible without having to spend too long on a coach.
Whether you ’ re a g roup with keen historical interests, are looking to explore g ardens and stunning landscapes or want to enjoy the buzz of cit y centre shopping and nig htlife, you can build your perfect coach trip itinerar y in South De von.
From coastal water sports to countr yside adventure activities such as kayaking , sailing , climbing and mountain biking routes. From days out at the races and spa retreats to visits to historical castles and g rand houses, boat trips, steam train rides or hot air balloons, the list is endless. V isits to vine yards and breweries for the older g uests and farmyard adventures and theme parks for young er ones, e ver y t ype of interest