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In this Issue: TxDOT Reports
Table of Contents Item 1. Effects of Wet Mat Curing Time and Earlier Loading on Long-Term Durability of Bridge Decks: Fracture, Flexural Strength and Shrinkage (TechMRT 2116-4B) ................................................................ 1 Item 2. Proposed Modifications to the LRFD Design of U-Beam Bearings (TechMRT 5834-P1) ............. 1 Item 3. Utility Installation Review System - 2008 Follow-up Report (TTI 2110-03-4) ............................. 2 Item 4. Effect of Voids in Grouted, Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Construction: Volume 1 Electrochemical Testing and Reliability Assessment (TTI 4588-1 Vol. 1) .................................................. 3 Item 5. Effect of Voids in Grouted, Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Construction: Volume 2 Inspection, Repair, Materials, and Risks (TTI 4588-1 Vol. 2) ..................................................................... 4 Item 6. Effect of Voids in Grouted, Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Construction: Inspection and Repair Manual for External Tendons in Segmental, Post-Tensioned Bridges (TTI 4588-2) ................................... 5 Item 7. Corrosion Performance Tests for Reinforcing Steel in Concrete: Technical Report (TTI 4825-1). 5 Item 8. Corrosion Performance Tests for Reinforcing Steel in Concrete: Test Procedures (TTI 4825-P1). 6 Item 9. Field Manual for the Operation of Advanced Warning of End of Green System (AWEGS) (TTI 5113-01-P1)……….…………………………………………………………………………………...6 Item 10. Mechanistic-Empirical Asphalt Overlay Thickness Design and Analysis System (TTI 5123-3) 7 Item 11. Operating Guidelines for TxDot Ramp Control Signals (TTI 5294-P1) ....................................... 8 Item 12. Evaluating and Improving Incident Management Using Historical Incident Data: Case Studies at Texas Transportation Management Centers (TTI 5485-1) ........................................................................... 8 Item 13. Assessment of a Traffic Monitoring System for a Major Traffic Generator to Improve Regional Planning: Technical Report (TTI 5531-2) .................................................................................................... 9 Item 14. Delivery of Workshops on Mobility Monitoring in Small to Medium-Sized Communities (TTI 5571-01-1) ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Item 15. Performance Evaluation of Cable Median Barrier Systems in Texas (TTI 5609-1) ................... 10 Item 16. Potential Development of an Intercity Passenger Transit System in Texas-Report on Tasks 1-5 (TTI 5930-1) ................................................................................................................................................ 10 Item 17. Considerations for Rigid vs. Flexible Pavement Design when Allowed as Alternate Bids: Technical Report (TTI 6085-1) .................................................................................................................. 11 Research and Technology Implementation Office February 2010