For the Life of the World Winter 2020, Volume Twenty-Four, Number Four
The Theology of Missions Rev. Theodore M. R. Krey
Word and Sacrament—The Means for Mission Dr. Arthur A. Just Jr.
The Russian Project 25 Years Later Dr. Timothy C. J. Quill
“Make Known His Deeds!’’ Among All the Peoples Rebecca Winter 2020 S. Ahlersmeyer
Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Psalm 105:1
oncordia Theological Seminary was founded 175 years ago with the urgent drive and purpose to couple our clear Lutheran confession with a vigorous missionary effort. That same vision has remained at the core of CTSFW’s life and service to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the Lutheran confession throughout the world.
The vision of our founders continues to shape CTSFW’s focus as a vibrant, Christcentered theological community that engages and resources the Church and world, domestically and internationally, with distinctively Lutheran teaching, practice, and worship. CTSFW, today as in the past, brings the saving Gospel into all the world by “forming servants in Jesus Christ who teach the faithful, reach the lost, and care for all.” Many of you know our mission well by now. You are alumni of our institution yourselves or have had the pleasure of knowing or being cared for by one of our graduates. You’ve worshipped alongside us in chapel and learned from our distinguished faculty. But have you fully realized the global impact your seminary has had and is still having today? The pages in this issue are filled with stories about the ongoing role CTSFW is playing in the mission field. Our faculty, students, and alumni are actively involved in every region of the world. There is great demand for theological education around the globe – so much so that our faculty cannot keep up with the number of requests we receive each year! There is a hunger for the Word and a great desire for deeper understanding of theology. But honestly, we receive as much or even more than we give when we engage in Christ’s mission. When our faculty have the opportunity to teach at sister seminaries and mission stations in other countries, their worldview is expanded and their teaching here is benefitted. Every year we are also greatly blessed to receive international students on our campus. 2
Although they are here to study theology, our domestic students learn much from them as well. It is good and healthy, opens our eyes, broadens our understanding of evangelism and mission, and connects us more directly to the reality of the whole church on earth to have this mix of students at CTSFW. It also helps us anticipate the church triumphant, which is so powerfully shown to us in Revelation 7:9–10, “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, ̔Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!ʼ” For more stories about the ways in which the Lord is working through CTSFW and her graduates, scan the code below or visit The Word of the Lord endures forever! It goes out and does not return empty but accomplishes His purposes (Isaiah 55:11). Thanks be to God for He does all things well! In Christ’s service,
Lawrence R. Rast Jr. President Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, Indiana For the Life of the World
Volume Twenty-Four, Number Four
4 The Theology of Missions
By Rev. Theodore M. R. Krey Spreading the Gospel is likened to the Sower who intentionally goes out to sow the seed and throws His seed on all types of soil. The Sower is reckless in His love ensuring that the seed falls on all the soil. This seed, of course, is the Gospel our Lord desires all people to hear.
9 Word and Sacrament: Means for Mission
By Dr. Arthur A. Just Jr. In His mission into our world, Jesus healed the nations by cleansing the world through His blood and rising on the third day to show in His own body the healing He brings to the creation He made new.
12 The Russian Project 25 Years Later
By Dr. Timothy C. J. Quill The purpose of the Russian Project and the Siberian seminary has been to help restore the Lutheran Church in Russia by preparing pastors to faithfully preach, teach, and administer the Sacraments.
18 “Make Known His Deeds!” Among the Peoples: The International Reach of CTSFW
For the Life of the World PUBLISHER Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr. President PUBLISHER ASSISTANT Carrie M. O’Donnell
EDITOR Rebecca S. Ahlersmeyer
COPY EDITOR Trudy E. Behning
ART DIRECTOR Steve J. Blakey For the Life of the World is published by Concordia Theological Seminary Press, 6600 N. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the consent of the Editor of For the Life of the World by email at or (260) 452-2150. Copyright 2020. Printed in the United States. Postage paid at Berne, Indiana. For the Life of the World is mailed to all pastors and congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in the United States and Canada and to anyone interested in the work of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture verses are from the English Standard Version (ESV).
Winter 2020
By Rebecca S. Ahlersmeyer Started by German missionaries in 1846, the Seminary has always had a heart for serving the Lord with a vision for global impact. Over the years this vision has taken many forms and expanded exponentially. During our 175th year, three consistent strategies have emerged and endured: recruit world-class faculty, bring students here, and raise up and send out leaders from and to all corners of the earth.
Also in this Issue: What Does This Mean? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CTSFW Celebrates Its Newest Graduates . . . . . 15 CTSFW Throughout the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Called to Serve: International Harvesters . . . . 21 Faculty Focus: Dr. Don C. Wiley . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Profiles in Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Memorium: Rev. Dr. David Rakotonirina . . . . . 28 Bowditch Room Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Upcoming Events at CTSFW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 In the Word Bible Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3
Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Above: The Rev. Ted Krey, regional director for the Latin America and the Caribbean region of the LCMS, installs the Rev. Gustavo Maita as pastor of Iglesia Luterana Principe de Paz (Prince of Peace Lutheran Church), Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.
pread the Gospel, Plant Lutheran Churches, and Show Mercy” is the slogan of the church-mission (Office of International Mission) of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod (LCMS) as it celebrates 125 years working in foreign countries. Church and mission go together. As C. F. W. Walther famously preached, “the church is the mission society,” pointing his hearers to the fact that the Church is in mission and realizes that mission through the Church. The LCMS came together as a Synod to form men for the ministry and to send missionaries to the four corners of the globe. The Lord has blessed the work of thousands of our sons and daughters who have served worldwide and continue to serve as pastors, deaconesses, nurses,
teachers, administrators, and has raised up more than 30 partner churches. Today, nine of these partner churches are in the Latin America Caribbean (LAC) region. The largest and oldest is Brazil’s church partnership, having over 2,000 congregations and missions and over For the Life of the World
800 pastors formed through the seminary in Puerto Alegre, now forming pastors and planting churches in Portuguesespeaking Mozambique and Angola. Spreading the Gospel is likened to the Sower who intentionally goes out to sow the seed and throws His seed on all types of soil. The Sower is reckless in His love ensuring that the seed falls on all the soil. This seed, of course, is the Gospel our Lord desires all people to hear. The very center of the Gospel is that Jesus died for all and has reconciled the world to Himself through His death on the tree. To obtain such faith, God has instituted the preaching office. The impulse of the preaching office is outward, as universal grace is for all people. This means missionaries are intentionally sent to foreign fields even as pastors throughout the U.S., intentionally fanning out through their communities so that all might hear. Spreading the Gospel includes providing missionaries and partner churches with good literature. A study done several years ago revealed that our LAC pastors owned an average of three Lutheran books. Our VDMA* Project is a Lutheran electronic library, in its seventh year providing Lutheran pastors and seminarians with daily devotions, Journal of Lutheran Mission, Logia, Bible commentaries, Good News, Pastoral Companion, Sasse, and soon a Lutheran hymnal which will contain all of Luther´s hymns, catechism, four orders of the Divine Service, the offices, and well over 600 hymns. Where the Gospel is spread, so the Holy Spirit works faith when and where He pleases. Lutherans plant Lutheran churches. We do so because, in our ordination vows, we bound ourselves to God and His people that we would teach, believe, and confess our Lord Jesus, who is clearly set forth in the Scriptures and the Confessions. Simply put, the desire for pure doctrine is that our hearers Winter 2020
Theodore M. R. Krey
might see all of Jesus. To give them something less when we have so much more is to love our neighbor less than ourselves. Planting a Lutheran church is seasoning a community with the salt of the Gospel, so that Jesus might be present and disciple His people through His superabundant means of grace. At the heart of planting a church, our Lord Jesus is present in the Divine Service. There God’s people are fed and nourished by Jesus, through His called servants with His Word and His gifts. It does not stop there however. The baptized go out and “Make Known His Deeds!” by proclaiming, sharing, and inviting others to come and see Christ, who has brought us out of the darkness into His marvelous light. It is still true that over 80 percent of those who come to church do so at the invitation of the baptized. In LAC your missionaries are planting 40 churches in 10 countries. CTSFW plays a vital role, with Dr. Detlev Schulz offering eight modules for missionaries to learn culture, language, and a missiological approach. Missionaries are intentionally planting churches in Uruguay, Peru, Panama, Mexico, Spain, Jamaica, Caymans, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. Biannual forums, or “foros” in Spanish, have been established in these countries to bring districts, congregations, LCMS Recognized Service Organizations, and individuals together, supporting church planting efforts with their human and financial resources. More than 200 partners support our missionaries in projects where they identify the plans and the need. Prayerfully consider visiting us and inviting others to support this effort ( Where churches are planted, the pastoral office is a necessity. Church and ministry go hand in hand. There are LAC seminaries in Brazil, Argentina,
Below: The Rev. Ted Krey prepares for worship at Fuente de Vida (Fountain of Life Lutheran Church), Ponce, Puerto Rico.
Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Where the Gospel is spread, so the Holy Spirit works faith when and where He pleases. Lutherans plant Lutheran churches. We do so because, in our ordination vows, we bound ourselves to God and His people that we would teach, believe, and confess our Lord Jesus, who is clearly set forth in the Scriptures and the Confessions. Simply put, the desire for pure doctrine is that our hearers might see all of Jesus.
Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Showing mercy is in response to the chief mercy that our Lord Jesus has shown us; while we were still sinners, He called us by His Gospel. Mercy flows from the altar and pulpit through its hearers and spills vocationally in a multitude of manners.
Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. CTSFW is a vital partner with Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic, with on-line pastoral preparation Formación Pastoral Hispano that focuses on the pastoral acts. Thirty plus men in 12 countries who have no seminary can be formed thanks to this partnership. Additionally, 15 men are in residence, studying the biblical languages and being formed for the pastoral office as evangelists, shepherds, and teachers in a five-year program. Seminarians in residence spend 10-15 hours a week in evangelistic visits (equivalent to two years of vicarage). Additionally, 140 women in Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, and Panama are preparing as deaconess students. Showing mercy is in response to the chief mercy that our Lord Jesus has shown us; while we were still sinners, He called us by His Gospel. Mercy flows from the altar and pulpit through its hearers and spills vocationally in a multitude of manners. Institutionally,
we have been blessed with deaconesses who work in our mercy houses, visit the sick, care for children with disabilities, teach the children in Lutheran schools, Sunday Schools, and evangelistic visitation. Our Mercy Center, an institute of Concordia, teaches workshops preparing laity to be the hands and feet of the Church in their communities through Everyone His Witness, Ambassadors of Reconciliation, Disaster Response, Life Issues, and more. As Luther famously quipped, if he knew the world was ending the next day he would plant a tree. Perhaps for the church, that entails spreading the Gospel, planting Lutheran churches, and showing mercy. The Rev. Theodore M. R. Krey ( serves as Regional Director overseeing the work for The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod in 22 countries of Latin America Caribbean. * VDMA is a Latin acronym which translates “The Word of the Lord endures forever.” For the Life of the World
Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Eric Linthicum
erriam-Webster defines “diaspora” as “people settled far from their ancestral homelands.” Redeemer Lutheran Church, an LCMS congregation in Hyattsville, Maryland, is a multicultural, multilingual congregation where those defined as diaspora have found a home. While a diverse population of people, there is a genuine unity in our worship of the Triune God. When visitors experience Redeemer— or when it is simply described to them— one of the first questions is, “How did this congregation of such diversity come to be?” We recognize that it was and is all God’s doing, but He used people to see that the world around the congregation was changing and led them to embrace Winter 2020
the change. Before talking about the diaspora of Redeemer, let me introduce you to how the congregation began. Hyattsville, Maryland, is a bedroom community for the District of Columbia. When the congregation was formed, the area was booming; some of the early members were life-long Lutherans and 7
College Students Redeemer is close to several college campuses, such as the University of Maryland’s main campus, Catholic University of America, Trinity University, and Howard University. College students often have a unique insight into what they are looking for in a place of worship. Those looking for solid Lutheran teaching, as well as friends who have the same interest, have found Redeemer to be that place. It is not uncommon to have parents call or email looking for pastoral care and a church that will welcome their children. It is a joy for the older members to see these kids in church on a regular basis. Immigrants and Refugees Perhaps the most notable population of Redeemer’s diaspora are our immigrant parishioners. Some have come to the United States looking for a better life. Some are leaving their home countries due to unrest and war and even religious persecution. Some are here because of death threats. They have a language other than English as their 8
primary language. Currently, Redeemer has members from five continents (North America, South America, Africa, South Asia, and Europe) who speak Swahili, French, Guyanese, Amharic, Tigrinya, Urdu, and German as primary languages. Many immigrants who have chosen Redeemer as their home church were first exposed to Lutheranism in their home countries, and many are very well catechized. Because of that, they sought and found a congregation that uses and teaches solid Lutheran doctrine and the liturgy. Even though it is different from their former homeland, Redeemer expresses that doctrine clearly. Maryland Non-Lutherans Another category of the diaspora are people who grew up in the area, have family and roots in the area, and, for a variety of reasons, have found themselves displaced by their church. They are unable to go along with doctrine and practice that they believe to be in contrast instead of in concert with the Bible. Today Redeemer is home to a Lutheran Mission Society Compassion Center. The Lutheran Mission Society is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) headquartered in Baltimore. This brings people from all walks of life into our door and gives us an opportunity to reach out. When people come to
the Compassion Center, they get food, clothes, an opportunity to speak with a social worker, and a chapel service led by a rotation of LCMS pastors. Redeemer is also home to the Lutheran Social Services-National Capitol Area’s (LSS-NCA) Immigrant and Refugee Resettlement Office. LSS-NCA is also an RSO. That means that all legal immigrants who are being settled into this area come through our building. We are able to use the Compassion Center as a first touch point for these new arrivals. This is how our current Compassion Center coordinator came to be in this position and a member of Redeemer! Redeemer’s history and present exemplifies the hand of God in bringing people from different places, languages, cultures, and backgrounds to a common place of worship. We see His work in our work, our assembly, and our worship. He has caused Redeemer to not only reflect the church’s mission found in Romans 12:4-5, “we who are many are one body in Christ,” but to exemplify Revelation 7:9, “from every nation, tribe, people, and language.” The Rev. Eric Linthicum (, CTSFW 1996, recently retired, had served as Pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hyattsville, Maryland, for the past 10 years. For the Life of the World
Photo: Mr. Jesse Whetstone
Relocated Individuals As people moved into the area from all over the United States to take jobs as government employees, government contractors, or professors at the University of Maryland, they left family and friends and found themselves in need of community. Redeemer became that community for them. Many of the members of Redeemer have roots in the Midwest. Some have a lifelong Lutheran background, but many came from various church bodies through Concordia Lutheran School. While the school is closed, people relocating are still finding the congregation and a new home/family at Redeemer.
Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
members of Trinity Lutheran Church. Many of them attended Trinity Lutheran School (the now disbanded Concordia Lutheran). Redeemer became a church plant of Trinity. As the area grew, the congregation would eventually become the home of the diaspora. Let’s look at several categories of the diaspora.
Word and Sacrament
The Means for Mission The Theological Rationale for International Theological Education
Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Arthur A. Just Jr.
he mission of the Holy Trinity sent Jesus the Son into the world to journey from heaven to earth, to Jerusalem, and then back to heaven in the ascension. In His mission into our world, Jesus healed the nations by cleansing the world through His blood and rising on the third day to show in His own body the healing He brings to the creation He made new.
Winter 2020
Photos: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
The ascension of Jesus to heaven set in motion the journey and mission of the Christian church. The Acts of the Apostles document how the disciples are now empowered to go out into the world, armed with Word and Sacrament—the means for mission. How did the apostles know that this was the way to make known the deeds of Jesus? On the road to Emmaus, Jesus set the program for the Church in her worship and her mission. He created burning hearts on the way through opened Scriptures and then at Emmaus opened eyes in the breaking of the bread. The recognition of the risen Lord at the table at Emmaus is the foundation of the Church’s mission then and now. When the faculty of CTSFW revised the curriculum 15 years ago, it was based on the biblical foundation that Word and Sacrament are the means for mission. We believed that theology is done through the pastoral acts of Baptism, preaching, and the Lord’s Supper, so we designed a curriculum that formed pastors to carry out these means for mission. Our experience in helping establish a seminary in Siberia in 1996 confirmed for us that the means for mission were the pastoral acts of baptizing, preaching, and Lord’s Supper. As theological educators our calling was to help international seminaries form students to plant Lutheran churches through the pastoral acts. We believed that theological education was foundational for a new
Left, top to bottom: The Rev. Javier Lozano, pastor of Iglesia De La Santa Biblia (Church of the Holy Bible) in the Rancho Anapra community of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, baptizes a young boy. The Christ candle in Kramer Chapel at CTSFW. The Rev. Matthew Wood consecrates the elements during worship in Chiayl City, Taiwan.
For the Life of the World
church like the one in Siberia to spread the Gospel in a land that had just emerged from the darkness of communism. At that time, forming pastors through rigorous theological education at seminaries was not as central to international mission as it is now. The success of the Russian Project showed us that, for Lutherans, Jesus’ mandate to the Emmaus disciples of Word and Sacrament as the means for mission is also central to our mission as a seminary to assist in international theological education. Our mission statement reflects this connection between theology, mission, and mercy: “CTSFW exists to form servants in Jesus Christ who teach the faithful, reach the lost, and care for all.” Forming pastors and deaconesses is integrally related to reaching the lost and caring for all. The mission statement of the Office of International Mission (OIM) affirms this: “Sharing the Gospel, planting Lutheran churches, showing mercy.” Sharing the Gospel begins with pastors who are formed to plant Lutheran churches through the pastoral acts of Baptism, preaching, and the Lord’s Supper and deaconesses who show compassion as women of mercy. This happens best through theological education. This is why CTSFW is committed to develop, nurture, and sustain theological education around the world. As a Seminary, we are not called to plant churches, but we are called to assist in the formation of pastors who plant Lutheran churches, as well as deaconesses who show mercy, as they work alongside LCMS missionaries and pastors. Since 1996, CTSFW has fully embraced this partnership with international mission. It all began with the Russian Project. That was our Macedonian call to help start a seminary in Siberia, but soon others were asking us to teach courses, help in curriculum development, and train men and woman at our Seminary to serve as leaders in theological education around the world. At CTSFW we believe that residential pastoral and diaconal formation is the gold standard, and our assistance in establishing the Siberian seminary is an example of this. We have been Winter 2020
instrumental in providing our expertise in theological education in other parts of the world, especially in supporting regional residential seminaries such as Matongo Lutheran Theological College in Kenya; Riga Luther Academy in Latvia; Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane, South Africa; Lutheran Theological Seminary in Baguio City, Philippines; Timothy Lutheran Seminary, Wabag Enga Province, Papua New Guinea; Concordia Theological Seminary in Nagercoil, India; and Seminario Concordia in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We also have a vital Master of Sacred Theology program (STM) in Gothenberg, Sweden, that draws students
How did the apostles know that this was the way to make known the deeds of Jesus? On the road to Emmaus, Jesus set the program for the Church in her worship and her mission. He created burning hearts on the way through opened Scriptures and then at Emmaus opened eyes in the breaking of the bread. The recognition of the risen Lord at the table at Emmaus is the foundation of the Church’s mission then and now. from all over the world and recently celebrated its first graduation ceremony. In the fall of 2017, Centro de Misericordia y Seminario Concordia el Reformador (Concordia the Reformer Mercy Center and Seminary) in Santiago, Dominican Republic, opened its doors for the first time to form pastors for the entire region of Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain. This ambitious project gave birth to its first eight graduates from Bolivia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, and México in May 2019. Concordia the Reformer Mercy Center and Seminary serves 14 Spanish-speaking countries, offers theological symposia that draws participants from our nine partner churches, and provides mercy ministry in
the Dominican Republic and beyond. However, residential theological education is often not possible in many of our regions. In 2015, CTSFW, in conjunction with Seminario Concordia in Buenos Aires, Argentina, began an online program in theological education for Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain entitled “Formación Pastoral para Hispanoamérica (FPH)” (Pastoral Formation for Hispanic America). This four-year program follows the original design of CTSFW’s curricular development, where after the first year of introductory courses, the next three years are centered in the pastoral acts of Baptism, preaching, and the Lord’s Supper. Built on the same rationale as the LCMS's “Specific Ministry Pastor” (SMP) Program, this program succeeds through strong pastoral mentors and the support of the local church. In 2017, the courses in this FPH curriculum were adapted by CTSFW for its own bilingual program entitled “SMP – Español/English” for students in North America. Today CTSFW and the seminary in the Dominican Republic share resources as CTSFW, in its SMP—Español/English program, forms Hispanic pastors for North America and the Seminario Concordia el Reformador forms pastors for Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain. CTSFW looks forward to collaborating in new initiatives with the Office of International Mission in developing theological education in Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Latvia, and Wittenberg, Germany. For now, professors from CTSFW are privileged to be invited to participate in global theological education in partnership with the OIM and our partner churches to prepare pastors in the ministry of Word and Sacrament—the means for mission. The Rev. Dr. Arthur A. Just Jr. ( serves as Professor of Exegetical Theology at CTSFW and Associate Executive Director of Theological Education – Office of International Missions.
The Russian Proje
Where Are 1.
here were you on June 12, 1987? On that day, President Ronald Reagan delivered his famous “Berlin Wall” speech which included the stunning command, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Two years later the unbelievable happened; the wall was torn down and religious freedom returned to Russia and the nations imprisoned within the Soviet Union. The Lutheran Church in Russia was founded in 1576 and by 1905 had grown to 3,600,000 members. Starting in 1917, the Communist Revolution under Lenin and Stalin began its vigorous oppression on religion and the church. Lutheran churches were closed or destroyed and nearly all Lutheran pastors were persecuted, sent to gulags, or worse. Atheism became the official “religion” in Russia. The laity hunkered down and went without pastoral care for decades. In 1996 Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW), launched the Russian Project to prepare Russian-speaking men to serve the Lutheran remnant in Russia and countries of the former Soviet empire who had 12
suffered under the Marxist tyranny. Where were you on September 11, 2001? The shocking attack by Al-Qaeda on the World Trade Center and Pentagon changed America profoundly. The impact on foreign students studying in America was suddenly thrown into chaos and uncertainty. Overnight the State Department rehauled the entire process for obtaining international student visas and maintaining legal status. Though necessary, it was a bureaucratic nightmare. By the grace of God, the 9/11 upheaval did not stop the Russian Project from moving forward. Amazingly, 50 Russian students have studied at CTSFW. Thirty-nine men studied in the Master of Theology and certificate
3. pastoral formation programs, as well as the Master of Sacred Theology (STM) and doctoral graduate studies. The 11 women include four deaconesses, two organists, and two translators. At the same time, CTSFW established a seminary in Novosibirsk, Siberia, in 1997. At its inception, the Russian seminary relied entirely on visiting professors from America who taught with translators who studied theology in Fort Wayne. The purpose of the Russian Project and the Siberian seminary, has been to help restore the Lutheran Church in Russia by preparing pastors to faithfully preach, teach, and administer the Sacraments. They travel across the vast Eurasian countryside providing pastoral care to the faithful and reaching out to the unchurched and the lost. The Russian Project also prepared indigenous Russian speaking men as seminary professors. So where are they today? It would take many pages to tell the story of all 50 students who came to Fort Wayne from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, and Ukraine. The vast For the Life of the World
ct 25 Years Later:
They Now?
Timothy C. J. Quill
4. majority have returned home and serve as pastors or in other Christian vocations. The first two students to arrive on campus in September of 1996 were Alexey Streltsov and his wife, Elena. Alexey enrolled in courses on pastoral training. Elena studied alongside her husband in preparation as a Lutheran translator. Following completion of their studies, they returned to Russia. Alexey was ordained as a pastor in the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELC) and worked with the CTSFW Russian Project to establish the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk. He has also earned a STM at Fort Wayne and a doctorate from the University of Tomsk in 2020. Dr. Streltsov has published several articles in Russian and English, taught intensive seminary courses in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Ethiopia, and has lectured at many international conferences including the annual CTSFW Symposium, and a Patristic Society in Cambridge, England. The Streltsovs have two sons and a daughter. Anastasia is still at home. Tikhon and Krill are university students in Moscow and Dortmund. Winter 2020
5. Pavel Butakov returned to Russia with an MA from CTSFW. He went on to earn a doctorate from the University of Novosibirsk. He now teaches history and doctrine at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk. Pavel Khramov earned an MA and an STM at CTSFW and teaches pastoral theology, liturgy, homiletics, and catechesis at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk. His wife, Tatiana, earned a doctorate in mathematics and is now an assistant professor at the university. Following his studies at CTSFW, Pastor Daniel Burlakov served St. Mary’s congregation in Tomsk, Siberia. Also since 2019, he has served as a missionary in Israel. Dr. Gennadij Khonin returned to Kazakhstan and served as rector of the Lutheran Seminary in Almaty. He was also visiting professor at the German Lutheran Seminary in Astana, as well as in Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. To this day, he continues to serve as pastor of the German Lutheran Church in Almaty. He received his DMin from CTSFW in 2011.
6. 1. Rev. Alexey and Elena Streltsov and family 2. Dr. Pavel Butakov, Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Novosibirsk, Russia 3. The Rev. Pavel Khramov lecturing at Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church. 4. The Rev. Daniel Burlakov and Bishop Vsevolod Lytkin in Tomsk, Siberia. 5. The Rev. Gennadij Khonin, Kazakhstan 6. The Rev. Sergey Glushkov at Evangelical Lutheran Parish of Saints Peter and Paul, Yekaterinburg, Russia
1. Olga Suhinina teaching Greek. 2. The Rev. Oleg Sevastianov and the Rev. Olav Panchu of the Ingrian Lutheran Church
1. Pastors Sergey Glushkov and Alexey Trapeznikov have served Saints Peter and Paul Church in Ekaterinburg, Russia, on the edge of the Ural Mountains. They are active in outreach, mission starts, and evangelism/catechetical summer seminars. Svetlana Trapeznikov has started a Lutheran preschool. Olga Suhinina served as a translator for visiting professors at the Novosibirsk seminary. She has undertaken extensive translation of scholarly texts, including a Hebrew Russian grammar, and continues the study of linguistics in the graduate department of the University of Novosibirsk. Currently she also teaches Hebrew and Greek at the seminary. Gloria Vinogradov and Alla Shvetsova completed the Deaconess Program at CTSFW. Gloria is the director of the Christian Counseling Center located near the University of Novosibirsk. Her husband, Alexei Vinogradov, a brilliant computer programmer, also serves as seminary librarian. He studied library science at CTSFW, in the marvelous Wayne and Barbara Kroemer Library. Alla is helping with the Siberian Lutheran Mission Society outreach to Russian American immigrants. Pastors Andrei Vladimirov and Oleg Sevastyanov serve as parish pastors in the Ingrian Church (a Russian Lutheran Church with strong Finnish ethnic roots), as does the Rev. Olav Panchu, who has served as parish pastor and probst (“district president”). Pastor Sergei Maschevskiy returned to Kazakhstan to serve a congregation in the German Lutheran Church (ELKRAS). Following several years 14
in Kazakhstan, he received a call to serve a congregation in Ukraine. He was later elected Bishop of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ukraine. The Rev. Alexey Streltsov, rector (president) of Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk, pointed out already in 2000: “After 70 years of devastating atheism and 10 years of infiltration of all kinds of sects and cults into Russia, people long for a deep theology and for the real Sacraments. The Lutheran Church offers hope to people amidst this world of despair and chaos.” His words are even more relevant today in view of the cultural meltdown in the West. Streltsov continued, “We do not know the future of the Lutheran Church in Russia, but in view of the decay of Christianity in the West, it is not entirely impossible that the Lutheran Church in Russia will have something to offer to the Western world in the future.” While studying in Fort Wayne, Andrei Folbort had emergency heart surgery. Without the operation, which was not available in Ukraine, he would have died. The surgery added 10 years to his life, which were spent preaching about the certain and eternal hope that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Gennadi Artine came from Moldova (a small country tucked between Ukraine and Rumania). He was converted to Christianity while studying at the University of Novosibirsk. He was sent by Bishop Vsevolod Lytkin of the SELC to study in Fort Wayne. Following his studies, Gennadi Artine was sent to the city of Tomsk, Siberia, where he served in prison ministry and a mission
2. start. It takes a great deal of money to train students in America and to build and maintain a seminary in Siberia. It takes a lot of time and work to complete seminary education, but Gennadi persisted. He was eagerly looking forward to being a pastor. Shortly before his ordination, while in the sanctuary of the mission church, he was stabbed to death before the altar by a drug addict in search of money. What a heartbreaking tragedy! Was the entire effort a waste of time and money? No. Whenever Gennadi went home to Moldova, he would witness to his mother who was an unbeliever. When he was killed, she traveled to Russia to take home the body of her son. While she was there, she asked Pastor Lytkin to baptize her. So, was the time and money spent on Gennadi worth it? Absolutely. What if it had been your mother?
And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2 The Rev. Dr. Timothy C. J. Quill ( is professor emeritus at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, having served as the Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions and Director of International Studies during his tenure at CTSFW. He also serves as Visitation Pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, and General Secretary of the International Lutheran Council. For the Life of the World
L-R: The Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki, President Lawrence R. Rast Jr., the Rev. Odolous Kiula, Bishop Sylvanus Willie, the Rev. David Ukpong, the Rev. Ibok Luke, the Rev. Kufre-Abasi Etim, the Rev. Dr. K. Detlev Schulz, the Rev. Elijah Essang, the Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer, the Rev. Dr. Charles Gieschen.
CTSFW Congratulates Its Newest Graduates
ovember 13, 2020, marked a special day at CTSFW with the conferral of degrees to six international students who completed their graduate programs. From the Lutheran Church of Nigeria were Bishop Sylvanus Willie, the Rev. Ibok Luke, the Rev. Elijah Essang, the Rev. David Ukpong, and the Rev. Kufre-Abasi Etim, who each received their Master of Sacred Theology (STM) degrees. From the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (SELVD/ELCT) was the Rev. Odolous Kiula who received his Master of Arts (MA) degree. At the commencement that followed the morning’s chapel service, CTSFW President, the Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr., shared these words, “A few moments ago we sang ‘And from morn to set of sun through the Church the song goes on’ implying that the Church sings its praises of its Lord Christ without ceasing. That, of course, is true for those who are in the nearer presence of our Lord, but it also involves the Church here on earth as we, from one end of the globe to the other, join together in confessing Christ and singing of the great salvation He has won for us. Today we congratulate our graduates who are part of this community with us and who have blessed us so richly with their presence and with their insight as being part of that song that we sing together. Thank you for the way you have enriched our community and we look forward to our continued collaboration both here in the United States and in sub-Saharan Africa and throughout the world. God bless you all and congratulations.”
Winter 2020
A New Bible Translation by CTSFW Graduate
he Rev. Dr. Sibongiseni Elliot Sithole, who graduated with his PhD in Missiology from CTSFW in May 2013, currently serves as Organizing Secretary for the Eastern Region of the Bible Society of South Africa (BSSA) and an assistant lecturer at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Pretoria, South Africa. He recently completed a translation of the Bible into the isiZulu language. The isiZulu Bible Translation Project started in August 2009 in Durban, South Africa, at the Bible House, the Eastern Region headquarters for the BSSA. The completed translation was delivered to the BSSA in May 2019. Following a meeting between the BSSA and the IsiZulu Language Body to verify and standardize terms and phrases, the new isiZulu translation was approved in July 2020. After a decade of dedicated and hard work the new isiZulu Bible was launched on October 18, 2020. More than 11,500,000 people speak isiZulu making it the most widely spoken language in South Africa. BSSA hopes that this translation will contribute to the eradication of “biblical poverty” in the Republic of South Africa (RSA) as statistics indicate that 23 million bibles are still needed in RSA. This will help to fulfill the Bible Society of South Africa’s vision of “A Bible for everyone!” Rev. Dirk Gevers, Chief Executive Officer of the BSSA stated, “We are very grateful that … it was indeed possible for us to launch a brand-new translation and so place the Bible, the book of hope, into the hands of isi-Zulu-speaking people in an authentic and relevant way. This is a true translation of the Bible, from the original biblical languages, by the isi-Zulu-speaking people for the isiZulu-speaking people.” Congratulations to Dr. Sithole on this accomplishment and wonderful blessing to the Church! 15
CTSFW thro
Throughout its 175 years of teaching the faithful, reaching the lost, and caring for all, the students and
1,2,y Finland 1,2,3,y Sweden 1,2,y Norway 1,2 Denmark 2,y Poland
1 Iceland
1,2,3,v,y Germany v Ireland 1,2,3,y England 2,y Czech Republic 1,2,y Slovakia 2 France 2 Italy 1 Portugal 1,2,u,w,y Spain 2 Croatia
1,2,v Canada
United States of America
u Cayman Islands 1,u Jamaica 1,2,3,yHaiti 2,3,u,w,y Dominican Republic 2,3,u Puerto Rico
1,2,u,w,y Mexico
Students and Faculty 1 Student home countries 2,u,y Guatemala u Nicaragua 2 Faculty and instructor 2,u,y,{ Panama teaching or tour leader locations, and international conferences 3 Student internships or study abroad
CTSFW throughout the World in this Issue u See pages 4-6, “The Theology of Missions.” v See pages 7-8, “What Does This Mean? Diaspora.” w See pages 9-11, “Word and Sacrament—The Means for Mission.” x See pages 12-14, “The Russian Project 25 Years Later: Where Are They Now?” y See pages 18-20, “‘Make Known His Deeds!’ Among All the Peoples.”
1,2,u,w Venezuela v Guyana 2,y Burkina Faso
1,2,3,u,y,{ Brazil
1,2,v,y Liberia 1,2,3,y Ghana 2,y Togo 1,2,v,y,{ Nigeria 1 Cameroon 2 Democratic Republic
of the Congo
2 Chile
u Angola y Botswana
u Uruguay 1,2,u,w,y Argentina
z See pages 21-23, “Called to Serve.” { See pages 24-25, “‘Make Known His Deeds!’ Español.” | See pages 30-31, “Raise the Song of Harvest Home.” 16
For the Life of the World
oughout the World
d faculty of CTSFW have come from, taught in, or served in more than 80 countries around the globe.
2 Estonia 1,2,3,y Latvia 1,2,y Lithuania 2 Belarus 2,y Ukraine 1,2 Moldova
1,2,3,w,x,y Russia
1,2,x,y Kazakhstan
2,y Romania
2,y Kyrgyzstan 2 Greece
1 China
2 Georgia 1,2,3,x,y
v Pakistan
1,{ Myanmar
1,v Eritrea
1,2,yTaiwan 2 Hong Kong 1,2,w,y,{ Philippines
2 Thailand
1,2,v,y,{ Ethiopia 1 South Sudan 2 Sri Lanka 2 Uganda 1,2,3,w,y,| Kenya 2,y Singapore 1,2,v,yTanzania 2 Rwanda
1,2,y Japan 1,{ South Korea
1,w Papua New Guinea
2 Indonesia
1,2,3,y Madagascar 1,2 Australia 2 Zambia u Mozambique 1,2,3,w,y South Africa
Winter 2020
“Make Known His Deeds!’’
Among All the Peoples The International Reach of Concordia Theology Seminary, Fort Wayne Rebecca S. Ahlersmeyer
Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! 1 Chronicles 16:24
Deaconess Amy Rast, Associate Director of Deaconess Formation at CTSFW, teaches deaconess students at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania–South-East of Lake Victoria Diocese (ELCT-SELVD) Bishop Emmanuel Makala Training Center in Shinyanga, Tanzania. 18
For the Life of the World
INTERNATIONAL MISSION, GLOBAL VISION Humble Beginnings Started by German missionaries in 1846, the Seminary has always had a heart for serving the Lord with a vision for global impact. Over the years, this vision has taken many forms and expanded exponentially. During our 175th year, three consistent strategies have emerged and endured: recruit world-class faculty, bring students here, and raise up and send out leaders from and to all corners of the earth. Our mission is to teach the faithful, reach the lost, and care for all—a mission that goes beyond any and all borders. While there are several other articles in this issue expounding upon missions in specific regions, this piece aims to take a broader look at all of the lands touched by God’s hands through Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW). Let’s take a look at how the Seminary has grown beyond the era of pioneer missions into increasingly creative ways of fulfilling its call to Christ’s Great Commission. LIBRARY RESOURCES Building Libraries Around the World As Director of Library Services Rev. Prof. Robert Roethemeyer put it, “Aligned with the Global Seminary Initiative of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod (LCMS), the Chemnitz Library Initiative of [CTSFW] seeks to reach seminary to seminary and library to library, providing textbooks for seminary students.” As this article took shape, there were over 2,600 books enroute to our partner seminary in Nigeria, two more pallets ready for shipment to Ethiopia to bolster the central and regional seminaries there, and books and shelving staged for the seminary in the Dominican Republic. Making Our Library Available to the World A rich and varied library is an everflowing gift to someone in ministry who needs to produce continual Bible studies, sermons, counsel, and comfort for the people of God. Roethemeyer illustrated the necessity of having the right resources vividly: “as a laboratory is to a Winter 2020
scientist, so a library is to a pastor.” Part of the intentionally-designed duties of the library’s student workers is regularly scanning and uploading content to the CTSFW media site. Spiritual leaders from all over the world—in the LCMS and beyond—have reached out to express interest in and gratitude for this expansive theological resource. BOOTS ON THE GROUND Building Up International Seminaries Alongside sending books, CTSFW also offers assistance for the practical development and accreditation of seminaries around the world. The Rev. Prof. Roethemeyer has been on six continents, engaging leaders, evaluating current conditions, and laying out strategic steps for development. As the Vice President of Strategic Planning and Mission Execution, an Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions, and the Co-director of International Studies, Roethemeyer is immersed in our global seminary initiative to invite, teach, and send out pastors to every nation. He is still in daily contact with many church leaders from many lands and is passionate about being a resource and support. Have Skills, Will Travel Not only do our professors have world-class educations and backgrounds, they are passionate, world-class educators who trek the continents in service to our robust mission in the name of the Lord. One day we hope you visit and experience the inspirational thrill of seeing each teacher light up when speaking about international travels, trials, and tribulations. As much as world travel can seem a jetsetting luxury and envy, you would be hard pressed to find one among them who would not say it was among the hardest work of their life, yielding some of the greatest and most hard-earned blessings. (see table on page 20) EQUIPPING AND SENDING Missionary Training Although the Seminary has always had an interest in preparing those serving abroad, that interest became more finelytuned and focused in February of 2015 with the development of the Missionary
Formation Certificate Program. Initiated by the The LCMS Office of International Mission (OIM) as a continuation of missionary orientation, this program was developed by Roethemeyer, PhD Missiology Program Director Rev. Dr. Detlev K. Schulz, and Chief Information Officer Rev. William Johnson and announced in March of the same year. Though it began as a separate certificate program, it is now a part of the Mission Emphasis track of the MDiv Program. Along with Schulz’s missiological instruction, new missionaries have the benefit of hearing about he and wife Cornelia’s life experiences based on their time as missionaries in Botswana. Educating World Church Leaders A chief component of CTSFW’s mission to “teach the faithful” includes educating church leaders from around the world. The Seminary is passionate about providing continuing education for international parish pastors. Students at CTSFW get not only rigorous theological academic training, but also become well versed in Lutheran liturgy and hymnody. Many international students go back to become teachers and leaders in church bodies and seminaries in their homelands. The Lutheran Leadership Development Program The International Lutheran Council working in cooperation with the LCMS, Concordia Publishing House (CPH), and CTSFW developed the Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP) to provide continuing education to leaders of church bodies around the world. With the LCMS, CTSFW currently has missional partnerships with 35 seminaries and 39 church bodies in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America—many of whom have sent leaders to be trained at the Seminary. The two-year LLDP certificate program not only gives students a well-fortified theological foundation, but also provides them with practical training in leadership skills and resource management. While the LLDP is a program of the ILC, the program itself is administered by CTSFW, with Professor of Systematic Theology Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki 19
serving as an LLDP professor as well as its director. Professor Emeritus Rev. Dr. Timothy Quill serves as an LLDP faculty member, along with performing the duties of ILC general secretary. Pastoral Ministry and Missions Professor Rev. John Pless, President Lawrence Rast Jr., and Dean Charles Gieschen also serve as an LLDP faculty members. EXPANDING THE VISION Looking to a Future of International Missions Even the most visionary of our founders could not have imagined how CTSFW’s mission has spread and impacted the world. Our mission to teach, reach, and care extends to all of God’s people, from every tribe and every nation. We pray for God’s enduring and faithful blessing as we continue to provide library resources, build up seminaries and libraries overseas, send professors to teach, train missionaries for global outreach, prepare international students to serve as teachers and leaders in their own countries, and develop the leaders of our partner churches around the globe. The founders of CTSFW may not have foreseen it, but through your continued support and His providence, God has truly enabled us to “Make Known His Deeds!” among all the peoples.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 Rebecca Ahlersmeyer ( serves as Communication Specialist at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. The Rev. Prof. Robert Roethemeyer serves as the Wakefield-Kroemer Director of Library and Information Services, the Vice President of Strategic Planning and Mission Execution, an Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions, and the Co-director of International Studies. 20
Faculty and Instructors Teaching Around the World in the Past 10 Years Argentina Arthur A. Just Jr. David P. Scaer Gifford A. Grobien Don C. Wiley (online) Brazil John T. Pless
Burkina Faso/Togo Timothy C. J. Quill Czech Republic Arthur A. Just Jr. K. Detlev Schulz
Dominican Republic Arthur A. Just Jr. David Coles Lawrence R. Rast Jr. England Carl C. Fickenscher K. Detlev Schulz
Ethiopia K. Detlev Schulz Lawrence R. Rast Jr. Naomichi Masaki Robert V. Roethmeyer Timothy C. J. Quill Finland John T. Pless Naomichi Masaki William C. Weinrich
Germany Lawrence R. Rast Jr. Ghana Timothy C. J. Quill Guatemala Arthur A. Just Jr.
Haiti John G. Nordling Naomichi Masaki Timothy C. J. Quill India Arthur A. Just Jr. John T. Pless K. Detlev Schulz Naomichi Masaki Timothy C. J. Quill
Israel Naomichi Masaki Japan Naomichi Masaki
Kazakhstan Timothy C. J. Quill Kenya Arthur A. Just Jr. K. Detlev Schulz Richard C. Resch Timothy C. J. Quill Kyrgyzstan Timothy C. J. Quill
Latvia John T. Pless Naomichi Masaki Roland F. Ziegler William C. Weinrich Liberia Timothy C. J. Quill Lithuania Timothy C. J. Quill Arthur A. Just Jr. Madagascar Arthur A. Just Jr. Timothy C. J. Quill Malaysia Robert H.Bennett Mexico Arthur A. Just Jr.
Nigeria John G. Nordling K. Detlev Schulz Naomichi Masaki Timothy C. J. Quill Norway Naomichi Masaki Panama Arthur A. Just Jr.
Philippines Naomichi Masaki Poland K. Detlev Schulz
Romania Arthur A. Just Jr. Naomichi Masaki
Russia Arthur A. Just Jr. Naomichi Masaki Timothy C. J. Quill William C. Weinrich Singapore John T. Pless
Slovakia K. Detlev Schulz
South Africa Carl C. Fickenscher Charles A. Gieschen Don C. Wiley John G. Nordling John T. Pless K. Detlev Schulz Timothy C. J. Quill Spain Arthur A. Just Jr.
Sweden Charles A. Gieschen David P. Scaer John G. Nordling John T. Pless Lawrence R. Rast Jr. Naomichi Masaki Taiwan Naomichi Masaki Robert H. Bennett
Tanzania Amy C. Rast Arthur A. Just Jr. James G. Bushur K. Detlev Schulz Lawrence R. Rast Jr. Naomichi Masaki Peter J. Scaer Timothy C. J. Quill Ukraine Naomichi Masaki Timothy C. J. Quill
For the Life of the World
International Harvesters
Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Matthew J. Wietfeldt
ver the last 175 years, the impact of CTSFW can be seen and felt throughout the four corners of the world. From sending professors to our partner church bodies to training their future leaders, CTSFW remains able and willing to prepare workers for the harvest. CTSFW also has a history of students with international backgrounds coming and staying here in the U.S. for ministry. These ministry opportunities are as varied as the life experience that help prepare our students for future ministry. Here are the stories of four of our first-year students with such backgrounds.
Winter 2020
Above: Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy Bishop David Rakotonirina, father of CTSFW student Solomona Rakotonirina, led worship at Ivato Lutheran Church, in the capital city of Antananarivo in Madagascar.
21 21
Thompson Marin
May Itzcovitch
Thompson Marin is a first-year MDiv student. While he, his wife Erika, and their newborn son, Micaiah, currently call Columbia City, Indiana (about 25 minutes east of Fort Wayne), home, Thompson grew up in Haiti. His father had moved to the U.S. early in Thompson’s life, but it was not until he was out of high school that he joined his father in New York. After moving to the U.S., Thompson originally began pursuing a career in the medical field. Moving from New York to South Dakota also brought Thompson to Erika. While studying to become a respiratory therapist, Thompson became less interested in saving lives and more interested in a possible path that could save people’s souls. He decided to follow other family members and study for the office of the Holy Ministry, to serve as a pastor in Christ’s Church. So he and Erika married and moved to northeast Indiana for him to begin his seminary studies. When asked about how his experiences in Haiti and moves all over the U.S. have prepared and led him to his studies here at CTSFW, Thompson replied, “They have helped me see how precious life is—the preciousness of life and the importance of sharing the Gospel in our most challenging moments.” Thompson went on to underscore what brought him especially to CTSFW. There was no question about what seminary Thompson would attend. CTSFW is where his family went. It is where pastors who have cared for him have gone. He wants to be molded in their images, which is ultimately in the image of our Good Shepherd. May Itzcovitch is a first-year deaconess student from Israel. Despite having struggles as an international student, she sees how God has used them to direct her to CTSFW. While she could serve the Church in other vocations, she feels drawn to serving God’s people as a
deaconess, serving in every aspect of the Church rather than just in one specific area. When comforting the hurting, she feels her own words are inadequate and instead enjoys sharing God’s Word. “It’s not me who’s going to comfort them. It’s God,” she explains. May’s desire to serve as a deaconess led her first to Concordia University Chicago (CUC). There she studied for three years, intending to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Deaconess Studies. However, the COVID-19 pandemic caused her problems as an international student. Due to needing in-person classes to stay in the United States, she looked for possibilities at both seminaries’ deaconess programs. Within a month of starting her application, she was accepted to CTSFW and started classes in fall 2020. When reflecting on her past, May explains that having grown up in Israel as an atheist, she has a unique perspective when reading the Bible. Her knowledge of the geographical locations and Jewish rituals enriches Scripture narratives, helping her explain passages to others. Looking toward the future, she would enjoy staying in the U.S. if that is where God directs her, but she also explains that God often leads her in the opposite way of her own plans. She is interested in parish work and chaplaincy in a hospital. “They need God’s Word, and they need God’s hand,” she says. She wants to comfort those hurting physically and spiritually. Despite these desires, she is open to God’s plan and prays His will be done. Solomona Rakatonirina was born in Madagascar. He grew up wanting to be a pastor in the Church to care for God’s people, following his father’s example. While growing up in Madagascar, Solomona interacted with the Rev. Dr. Timothy Quill and the Rev. Prof. John Pless, two professors visiting from CTSFW. Through them and others,
For the Life of the World
Solomona began to build a relationship with the Seminary. It was not only these professors who inspired Solomona, but also his father who had studied at CTSFW as well. In time, Solomona was able to make connections with Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW) to explore the possibilities to study in the United States. Eventually, Solomona was accepted at CUW and moved to the U.S. to begin his freshman year. During that time, he became more familiar with the English language for writing papers and learned how to translate biblical languages such as Greek and Hebrew into the English language. While at CUW, Solomona came to Christ Academy: College at CTSFW and continued to build relationships and connections with the professors and students at the Fort Wayne Seminary. Solomona began his studies at CTSFW this academic year. When he arrived, he was already well acquainted with many of the staff, students, and professors at CTSFW. Solomona loves theology and is thankful to have this opportunity to study theology at CTSFW. He is excited to learn more about preaching and other skills to form him for future ministry in the Church. Solomona wants to be a pastor in the United States. He also wishes to help build a stronger relationship with the Lutheran Church in Madagascar, where his father was president. Solomona expressed an absolute joy in serving Christ in His Church and a great joy in helping others. In conversation, Japanese American, first-year residential MDiv student Koh Yamamoto said he is pursuing the “normal pastoral ministry route” in order to serve the Lord’s Church as one of His under-shepherds. He is open to service in Japan or America, recognizing the similar but unique cultural challenges of each part of the harvest field.
Koh’s firsthand experience with a superficial and culturally based Christianity in Japan showed him the importance of being thoroughly prepared for the ministry according to the traditions that the apostles have handed down. During his childhood, Koh encountered a false representation of Christianity, which had been imported from our secularized Western world. Whether in Japan or America, Koh firmly believes that the prevailing pagan and atheistic cultures, which have distorted the Christian truth, need to be confronted with a truly biblical response. While he prayerfully considered various routes to the ministry, Koh quickly came to the conclusion that attending CTSFW was the simple choice. With an undergraduate degree from Southern California’s Biola University, Koh discovered that CTSFW would best prepare him for the pastoral office in either country. Time and time again he heard about our fidelity to God’s Word. Our commitment to sound, biblical doctrine and practice was what appealed to him. He expressed that it was our reputation of being faithful to Scripture that made the choice so easy. He wasn’t interested in a curriculum that incorporated new or fluid practices. Rather, he desires to be prepared for the ministry among those who are grounded in the Church’s faithful, traditional, and culturally transcendent biblical teaching. The Church will certainly be blessed to have these individuals as future pastors and deaconess wherever they serve. Please keep all of the students of CTSFW in your prayers as they prepare for service in Christ’s Church.
Solomona Rakatonirin
The Rev. Matthew J. Wietfeldt ( serves as Director of Admission and Director of Christ Academy at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. Koh Yamamoto
Winter 2020
Background photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
“Make Known His Deeds!” Don C. Wiley
Some Background I was born 25 minutes west of CTSFW in Columbia City, Indiana, and my family became Lutheran when I was in high school in the Chicago suburbs. Many years later, I met my wife, Renée, in the northwest suburbs of Chicago while working as an electrical engineer. We married just four months after our first date! I had never considered becoming a pastor until then President Dr. Robert Preus came to our congregation in the summer of 1986 and asked us to encourage capable young men to become pastors. By the fall of 1987, my wife, our first son, and I had moved to Fort Wayne. I had also never considered missionary work, until I was assigned to a two-year vicarage in Panama. Our second son was born just 10 days after the U.S. invaded. Early Ministry Career After completing the MDiv and my STM course work when I returned from vicarage, the Lord decided that I should return to Panama. My vicarage experience was primarily one of church planting, helping to start a new congregation in Rio Rita, a village near
Colón, Panama. When I returned, there were seven congregations. My duties shifted to serving congregations and preschools. My Sundays were filled with hiking hills into villages to serve with Word and Sacrament. Through the week I prepared lessons and taught the future servants of the church. When we returned to the US in 1997, we began a new adventure in Southern California. What a change for our family! We went from tropics with 12 inches of rain a month to a desert region with 12 inches of rain in a year. Most importantly, God had His plan: serving St. John Lutheran Church in Colton, California. The small congregation had only enough saved for one year’s salary, but stepped out in faith and called me. I served there almost 15 years until the best use of God’s gifts was to merge with Christ the King Lutheran Church in Redlands. I was deployed to CTSFW in 2014 to help the Seminary. Spanish SMP Program My involvement with the Spanishspeaking Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Program is another event in which we see God acting providentially. I was
on campus for an event in 2012, after applying to the PhD in Missiology Program, when I ran into Dr. Arthur Just who was giving distance courses in Spanish. The next year I prepared a Spanish homiletics course as Dr. Just was helping create an online program. Sister church bodies throughout Spain and Latin America were seeking assistance. Thus, Pastoral Formation for HispanicAmerica was born and operates today. Here in the U.S., we formed the SMP–Español/English (SMP–EsE) Program. The dedication of CTSFW to teach and reach Hispanics in the United States remains steadfast. We offer a Spanish version of New Testament Greek Readings courses as well as “Spanish over Lunch” to encourage increased use and fluency. Students have even been able to write and deliver sermons in Spanish both in homiletics coursework but also as an aid to congregations. Spanish Growth and Outreach There is already great opportunity to reach out to our Spanish-speaking neighbors in communities all around the United States. And the number of Hispanics/Latinos will grow by nearly
For the Life of the World
80% by 2060 to comprise 28% of the total U.S. population. The German forefathers of the LCMS had to learn English. We need to learn Spanish. The U.S. has the second largest Spanish-speaking population in the world. That’s why we have the programs we have. Districts and congregations need to get involved and make this a priority in our outreach. Racial Outreach There is so much exciting opportunity to work with all the races of God’s people. It takes work and intentionality. The Seminary has long been looking at working with Synod groups to promote diversity in education and recruitment. We are working to foster off-campus immersion events, host convocations, and create videos for LCMS leaders. We are cultivating diverse fieldwork and vicarage experiences. Heaven will hold people “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” (Rev. 7:9). All of us need to encourage that acceptance. Rewarding Work It is difficult to decide what is most rewarding about my work. I’m
Winter 2020
involved in so many areas from Spanish Language Church Worker Formation to MDiv Homiletics, Pastoral Theology, from Ministry in a Pluralistic Context to PhD in Missiology courses to dissertation advising. I love preparing men to be able to reach out and serve the Hispanic population. It is also rewarding to see once fearful men stand up to proclaim the Gospel publicly in a congregation. I thoroughly enjoy working with our international students from Brazil, Ethiopia, Latin America, Myanmar, Nigeria, Philippines, and South Korea. I enjoy growing their understanding of and our participation in God’s mission. Special Projects As stated, I’m involved in a lot of areas. One thing I went back to this past summer was a work I had begun many years ago and set aside. I went back to translating Martin Chemnitz’s Ministry, Word, and Sacraments: An Enchiridion into Spanish. This is an important work that was a great blessing to me when I first came across it in the Seminary and then when I was preparing men to become pastors in Panama.
Advice for Going into Ministry My best advice for students who will be heading out to serve as pastors and deaconesses is to be patient with others and with yourself and teach, teach, teach. Men especially tend to be problem solvers, and sometimes we act too quickly. Often what is needed is patience in teaching, in repetition of the one thing needful, in instruction in the mercy and forgiveness of Christ, and with self. We are sinful humans who make mistakes. We may judge too quickly, speak too rashly or harshly, and sin. Christ’s forgiveness is for church workers too. It is in the certain knowledge of this forgiveness that we live and move and have our being. The Rev. Dr. Don C. Wiley ( serves as Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions and the Director of Spanish Language Church Worker Formation Program at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Gratitude for Faithful Shepherds Timothy R. Puls
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness ... For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 100:1, 5
reated in God’s image, redeemed by the blood of Christ, and baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of their sins by the Holy Spirit, is how life began for Daryl and Denise (McCorkle) Seaman. At the font, with her parents and pastor, Denise was a cradle Lutheran who was born in Rapid City, South Dakota, and baptized at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Pipestone, Minnesota. Her father was a student at South Dakota School of Mines, attending on the GI Bill. Daryl was born in Scranton, Iowa, raised on the family farm and baptized at Providence United Methodist Church. Their parents grew up in humble homes, yet their parents knew that the Lord would always provide. “Fear not, for I am with you ... I am your God” (Isaiah 41:10). Denise’s dad was an engineer for John Deere in Dubuque, Iowa, and their family became charter members of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. Denise learned from Pastor David Anderson (CTS, 1962) and Sunday school teachers what it meant to be loved and saved by Jesus, to obey her parents, and to help her neighbors. One example of this included an incident with her two sisters. Driving back to church one Easter morning, after a cold and rainy outdoor Sunrise Service at a drive-in theater, Denise and her sisters stopped to pick up a homeless man and brought him to Easter breakfast, surprising more than a few people, including the visitor! However, this man was truly thankful for warmth and food shared. Denise loved Christmas programs, playing the organ for Sunday school, singing in choir, and attending Walther League meetings. In high school, Denise pursued music, year-round sports, and was a babysitter as well. Church, however, remained the 26
top priority. To this day, she has high regard for the current pastors of this same congregation, the Rev. Kristian Kincaid (CTSFW, 1987) and the Rev. Jesse Cearlock (CTSFW, 2006). Meanwhile, Daryl grew up living a similar life, except on a farm. The Methodist church in Scranton was a central part of his family life. In those days the congregation thrived as many families had several children and
relatives living nearby. Daryl’s life revolved around church, family events, working on the farm, and playing sports. At that time, the public school dismissed kids every Wednesday morning for an hour to walk to church for a Bible study with the pastor before returning for classes. Most years a traveling evangelical music group would even come to town to share a tent revival! Daryl and Denise first met at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. It was love at first sight, and Daryl began attending Memorial Lutheran Church with Denise. It was truly a great blessing for Daryl to learn about the Lutheran Confessions and “Faith Alone, Grace Alone, and Scripture Alone!” He gained a deeper knowledge of the Gospel as it was clearly delineated for him. Later, they took pre-marriage classes with the Rev. Richard Kapfer (CTS, 1963), a faithful pastor and teacher, and even now, 39 years later, they fondly remember him as “our first pastor together,” a mentor and encourager of faithful living. After Daryl and Denise were married in 1981 at Our Redeemer in Dubuque, they moved to Houston, Texas. Daryl worked for Shell Oil after graduating with a BS in Computer Science. Denise earned her BS in Family Services and completed an MS in Education at Texas A & M. Together they became members of St. Philip Lutheran Church, thoroughly enjoying the solid teaching of both the Rev. Hruska and the Rev. Douglas Barnett, and Daryl was confirmed into the Lutheran Church. For Forthe theLife Lifeof ofthe theWorld World
Sometimes people settle into a place which they love and live there for a long time, but not the Seamans! Family members use a pencil when given their address! After Houston, Daryl accepted a new job in Omaha, Nebraska. At King of Kings Lutheran Church, their children, Gregory and Laura, were baptized by the Rev. David Schmidt and the Rev. Allen Hellwege (CSL, 1967). Soon, however, Daryl’s job prompted a family move to Brighton, England. Having never traveled outside the U.S., they continued to trust that the Lord would be with them in all things! After residing in England five years, they moved back to Nebraska and joined Lord of Life Lutheran in Elkhorn where their children were catechized with patient and faithful teaching, mixed with genuine joy and affection from the Rev. David Linkugel (CTSFW, 1985). Daryl served on the Board of Elders and various Building Committees. Denise was the Choir Director, the Evangelism Chair, and active in the LWML. Lord of Life was their church home for 11 years and where their children learned the importance of being active members in the church. Son, Greg, currently serves as an elder in Parker, Colorado, where he and his family attend Grace Lutheran Church. Daughter, Laura (Seaman) Richert, is married to the Rev. Jeremy Richert (NESC, 2014) of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Dakota Dunes, South Dakota, where she is the Choir Director. The Seaman’s eventually moved to Florida where Daryl worked for three years and they were members at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Oviedo. They heard inspiring sermons from the Rev. Wally Arp (CTSFW, 1988) and remember attending Easter sunrise services in the cemetery! From Florida, it was time to go back overseas! Daryl worked three years in Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean. They witnessed awe-inspiring beauty and delved deeply into the history of St. Paul, St. Barnabas, and other early Christian church leaders. Following this they spent two fantastic years in London, having discovered Christ Lutheran, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England, Winter 2020
in full fellowship with the LCMS. The Rev. Jon Ehlers (CSL) and the Rev. Jaime Kriger (Brazil Seminary) are tireless workers in God’s kingdom and showed by example what it means to persevere and build up one another in Christ. Following five years in Europe, they moved to Arizona and lived in the desert for more than four years! They attended Holy Cross Lutheran Church with the Rev. Brian Murphy (CSL, 2001) and Eternal Life Lutheran Church in Mesa, Arizona, served by the Rev. Martin Frusti (CTSFW, 1992), and the Rev. Steven Resner (CTSFW, 1991). Perhaps without them knowing it, each of these pastors buoyed their faith and joy in the Lord! Following their time in Phoenix, Daryl went to work in Denver. Sitting in a pew quietly and contemplatively, having received from Christ His gifts of Word and Sacrament their first Sunday at Mt. Zion Lutheran Church in Denver, they looked at each other and remarked, “This feels like home!” After completing a required 14-week new member class, the Rev. Jared Melius (CTSFW, 2006), welcomed them not only as church members, but also as friends with his wife, Jan. However, Daryl’s recent job took him to Orange County in Southern California, and it was quite sad to leave yet another church. But thanks be to God, He led them to be members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Irvine, where the Rev. Alfonso Espinosa (CTSFW, 1990) serves and encourages them in joyful faith!
Now you know why their address is always written in pencil! Through all their moves and changes, one thing has remained constant: Jesus’ love and guidance. Daryl and Denise are immensely grateful for their pastors who graciously served them through the journey of life, pastors who still hold a place in their hearts. What people learn about Jesus, how parents teach Jesus to their children, and how people might serve Him are all important to consider. However, behind all those questions, are faithful pastors who lovingly teach the Scriptures and clearly proclaim Christ crucified for us. Daryl and Denise learned much about Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, when daughter, Laura, attended there (CTSFW, 2013), and specifically the importance of supporting the Seminary where students are truly enriched by their learning experience. The Seaman’s life journey, with the realization of the world’s need for doctrinally sound Lutheran pastors, are why they financially support CTSFW, including their own student scholarship endowment, as well as The Dean O. Wenthe Chair in Old Testament Theology. CTSFW is also in their Trust and Charitable Remainder Trust (established with the LCMS Foundation) when the Lord calls them to their eternal home. They did this to ensure that the integrity of theological education remains high at CTSFW for men and women preparing to be servants of the Good Shepherd, Jesus. They believe that if the church is to be continually edified, then solid pastoral and diaconal formation is crucial. As the prophet Jeremiah says, “And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” (Jeremiah 3:15) To God alone be the glory! The Rev. Dr. Timothy R. Puls ( serves as Director of Alumni and Church Relations and Advancement Officer at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 27
In Memorium @ Rev. Dr. David Rakotonirina
he Rev. Dr. David Rakotonirina, President of the Malagasy Lutheran Church (Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy – FLM) and longtime friend of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, died suddenly on July 11, 2020, from COVID-19. Despite being raised as a faithful Christian, President Rakotonirina initially resisted his father’s strong encouragement that he become a pastor. After completing a degree in philosophy, the Malagasy Lutheran Church sent him to be an evangelist. Eventually he began seminary studies and graduated with a Master in Theology degree from the Graduate Lutheran School of Theology in Fianarantsoa, Madagascar. From 1997 to 2006 he served as a parish pastor of two congregations ranging in size from small to very large. His service to the church then continued while serving as president of the Malagasy Lutheran Seminary in Antsirabe, Madagascar, where he regularly taught courses in New Testament, English, and Pastoral Theology. During this time he also attended graduate courses at CTSFW. Rev. Rakotonirina was elected president/ presiding bishop of the Malagasy Lutheran Church on September 13, 2016. On May 18, 2018, CTSFW awarded him the Doctor of Divinity Degree, Honoris Causa in recognition of his unfailing commitment to the Lutheran confession. A son of a pastor himself, Dr. Rakotonirina also encouraged his children in their service to the church. His son, Solomona, is now a student at CTSFW in the MDiv Program. Our prayers are with David’s wife, Saholinirina Jeannine, their four children, and with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Malagasy Lutheran Church.
The Rev. Dr. David Rakotonirina addresses the assembly in Kramer Chapel following the conferring of his Doctor of Divinity Degree, Honoris Causa award.
William and Audrey Bowditch Group Room Dedication
he Seminary community gathered Friday, September 25, 2020, to dedicate the William and Audrey Bowditch Group Room in the Wayne and Barbara Kroemer Library. Attending the day’s events were the couple’s three sons: Kevin and Tamera Bowditch, Dr. Brian and Annette Bowditch, and the Rev. Mark Bowditch (CTSFW 1990). Following the morning’s daily chapel service, President Lawrence R. Rast Jr. conducted the Service of Dedication in the lower level of the library with members of the CTSFW faculty and staff attending the dedication. At the luncheon that followed the dedication, Dr. Rast expressed appreciation for the bequest that funded the William
William and Audrey Bowditch 28
and Audrey Bowditch Student Aid Endowment. Prof. Robert Roethemeyer presented each son with a copy of the Jerusalem Cross plaque that hangs in the Bowditch Group Room. The symbols and colors of the plaque were custom-made in honor of William and Audrey. The sons gave heartfelt remembrances about their parents reflecting on the planning and foresight that William and Audrey took to establish the Student Aid Endowment. After the luncheon, the three sons returned to the Bowditch Group Room. There they video recorded comments and observations about their parents and about the high regard William and Audrey had for pastoral training at CTSFW. What a wonderful legacy!
Rev. Mark Bowditch, Kevin and Tamera Bowditch, Annette and Dr. Brian Bowditch, and President Rast in the newly dedicated William and Audrey Bowditch Group Room. For the Life of the World
EVENTS SCHEDULE Mark your calendars or register today!
For more information, please visit our website at or call (260) 452-2100. Please check the events webpage for current information as events are subject to change. Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Psalm 105:1
JANUARY 175th Anniversary Lecture Series u FREE ONLINE EVENT Sunday, January 17, 2:30 p.m.
APRIL Christ Academy: Confirmation Retreat April 9–11
“1969-1985 Years of Change at the Seminary”—Dr. David P. Scaer
Information: Register: or (800) 481-2155
Lenten Preaching Workshop
175th Anniversary Lecture Series
u FREE ONLINE EVENT Monday, January 18, 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
“Luther on Trial at the Diet of Worms”—Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie
Information and registration:
Symposia Series
Sunday, April 25, 2:30 p.m. in Sihler Auditorium
Easter Hymn Festival with the Schola Cantorum Sunday, April 25, 4:00 p.m. in Kramer Chapel
u FREE ONLINE EVENT January 19–22
Information and registration:
MARCH Prayerfully Consider Visit March 18–20
Information and registration: Contact: or (800) 481-2155
Lenten Evening Prayer with the Kantorei Sunday, March 21, 4:00 p.m. in Kramer Chapel
Vicarage and Deaconess Internship Assignment Service
Monday, April 26, 7:00 p.m. in Kramer Chapel
Candidate Call Service
Tuesday, April 27, 7:00 p.m. in Kramer Chapel
MAY CTSFW Golf Outing Wednesday, May 19
Register: or (260) 452-2260
Alumni Reunion for Years Ending in ‘1 and ‘6
COVID-19 Preparedness for Lecture and Event Attendees Please know that CTSFW is truly blessed to have you as our guest, and we take your safety very seriously. We will keep you updated as we follow CDC Guidelines, clean all surfaces thoroughly and regularly, and design classes and events to allow for social distancing. Masks are required for every attendee while indoors and when less than six feet apart outdoors. We appreciate your understanding. We are thankful for the opportunity to safely open our doors to you. We pray your experience is as enjoyable and enlightening as it is peaceful and protected. Winter 2020
May 20–21
Register: or (260) 452-2204
Friday, May 21, 10:00 a.m. in Kramer Chapel
Commencement Organ Recital
Friday, May 21, 2:00 p.m. in Kramer Chapel
Graduation Exercises
Friday, May 21, 4:00 p.m. in Kramer Chapel Services are open to the public in Kramer Chapel and livestreamed online at or 29
Raise the Song of Harvest Home Walter R. Steele
ack home in the USA, farmers are preparing for the harvest. The seed has germinated. The plants have grown to fruition. Now the reward for all the hard work will come as the crop is harvested and sold. However, in the Lord’s field, there is always the work of planting seed. We look forward to the harvest, yet we also plant the seed of the Word of God, the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the ears of all we meet. Come ye thankful people, come; Raise the song of harvest home. * The first mention of “seed” in the Bible is in Genesis 1:11–12. What does it mean that the plants yield seed, “each according to its kind.” If you want to grow wheat, do you plant thistle seed? How might this apply to the work of spreading the seed of the Gospel? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Read Genesis 3:14–15. The Hebrew word often translated as “offspring” is the same as the word for “seed.” Of all the different kinds of seed, which seed is the most important? In what way is this “Seed of the woman” truly “seed”? What does the term “Seed of the woman” imply? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Jesus, who is the most important “Seed,” was born of Mary, without a human father, as we confess in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. Today, many people—even some church bodies—deny the virgin conception and birth of our Lord. Why is it so important to confess that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary (see the explanation to the Second Article of the Creed in the Large Catechism)? What challenges might you face in your culture as you share this truth about Jesus? Why is it so vital that your confession of this truth be maintained? 30
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ All the world is God’s own field, Fruit unto His praise to yield. * Here in East Africa, many kinds of seed are sown. The seed of Islam is very common, but so is the seed of the “prosperity gospel,” which tries to avoid life lived under the cross. Just like in the USA, the good seed that is sown lands in different kinds of soil. It can be discouraging to faithfully speak the Gospel, to sow the good seed, and seldom to see it sprout and grow. Read Jesus’ parable about seed and soil in Matthew 13:1–9 and His explanation in Matthew 13:18–23. Note that the sower sows the same kind of seed, but the results are quite different. Think about the ways in which each of the first three kinds of soil reflect realities in your culture. What values of American culture cause the seed to be snatched away? What causes it to whither under trials? What causes it to be choked? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ For the Lord, our God, will come, And shall take His harvest home * As we sow the good seed of the Gospel on African soil, and as you do the same in your culture, how can Jesus’ parable encourage you to persevere in sowing the seed, even when you don’t see positive results? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ In the parables of Matthew 13, Jesus often uses the imagery from agriculture. Read Matthew 13:24–30 and His explanation in Matthew 13:36–43. In this parable, the seed is explained differently. Who is the sower? What does this teach about evangelism and mission work, even as you speak God’s Word to others? For the Life of the World
Who is the “good seed” and who is the “weed seed”? As the Gospel goes forth in your community and into every corner of the world, what does this parable teach about what is happening? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ When you share the Gospel, you are not merely communicating information to others. You are involved in true spiritual warfare. The devil will plant his own in the midst of Christ’s visible church. What are you to do about it? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Even though we know that “many hypocrites and evil persons are mingled within” congregations (see Augsburg Confession, Article VIII), what does Jesus urge you to do? Why might it be that patiently persisting in sharing the truth of the Gospel could win some over to the truth? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ In this parable, what other truth from the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds does Jesus teach? As you share the Faith with others, judgment of the living and the dead remains part of the message. How might this be done in a way that still ensures that the Gospel predominates? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Office of International Mission has a three-fold focus: “Spread the Gospel, Plant Lutheran Churches, Show Mercy.” Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. In this section, Paul describes his work and that of Apollos. What was his work and what work did Apollos do? Who was really doing the work, and how does this agree with Matthew 13:36–43? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
sowing the seed of the Gospel remains a task to the end of time, how important is it that a crop be watered and tended so that it brings forth fruit? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Now read 1 Corinthians 3:10–15. Paul states that, after his initial work of “watering,” others are building on his work. While he has switched metaphors from agriculture to building, the idea remains the same. The ultimate goal is to spread the Gospel, to plant faithful churches, and to win others through acts of love and mercy. How can your support of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, and of your missionaries, who are teaching theology to our partner churches around the globe, assist in the Lord’s mission? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Finally, read 1 Corinthians 15:42–49. Paul uses the imagery of seed sown to describe the blessed hope that all Christians share. As you share the Gospel of Christ and as you support LCMS International Mission, you bring this same message of eternal life to others. What could be better than that? Even so, Lord, quickly come To Thy final harvest home, Gather Thou Thy people in Free from sorrow, free from sin, There, forever purified, In Thy garner to abide; Come with all Thine angels, come, Raise the glorious harvest home. * The Rev. Dr. Walter R. Steele (, CTSFW 1994, serves as a Theological Educator and Professor of Exegetical Theology at Neema Lutheran College, Matongo Lutheran Theological Seminary, in Kenya, the seminary of Kanisa la Kiinjili la Kilutheri Kenya (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya). * “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come,” Public Domain. Text: Henry Alford, 1810-71. Photo: Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Here in Kenya, other missionaries have come before us and planted good seed. At Matongo Lutheran Theological College, we train future pastors, evangelists, and deaconesses. While Winter 2020
For the Life of the World
Concordia Theological Seminary 6600 N. Clinton St. @ Fort Wayne, IN 46825-4996
Preparing Servants through God’s Provision
Rev. David Preus and family Dominican Republic
Dcs. Caitlin Ramirez and family Domincan Republic
Rev. Jerry Lawson and family Russia
Rev. Dan Jastrom and Joan Japan
Rev. Dr. Gerald Paul and Heidi Cayman Islands
Rev. Joe and Dcs. Jennie Asher Germany
Dcs. Intern Stephanie Wilde Puerto Rico
Rev. Micah Wildhauer and family Belize
Rev. James and Dcs. Christel Neuendorf—Puerto Rico
Rev. Eric Stinnett and family Ethiopia
Rev. Adam Lehman and family Spain
Rev. Jacob Gaugert Togo
Rev. Daniel Conrad and family Mexico
Dcs. Intern Kate Phillips Domincan Republic
Rev. Dr. Edward Naumann and family—South Asia
32 Rev. Preus—The Rev.David Charles St-Onge Dominican and family Republic Latin America and the Caribbean
Dcs. Danelle Putnam Dominican Republic
Rev. David Bush and Barbara Hong Kong and Macau
For the Life of the World Rev. David Warner and Shelee Rev. Dr. Jonathan and Dcs. Cheryl Spain Naumann—Dominican Republic