His Voice - Volume 5, Number 1

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Volume 5 - Number 1

March 2010


VOICE From Co-Director

Arthur A. Just Jr.

fter last year’s well-received and well-attended conference on Johann Sebastian Bach, we wondered aloud how we could sustain the momentum. In a meeting with Kantors Resch and Hildebrand and Dean Grime about how we can top Bach, someone blurted out: “Let’s do death. We’ve never done death. Let’s do death.” I looked over at the Kantors, and I could see the musical wheels spinning with requiems, hymns, and all sorts of other possibilities. What is more vital for pastors, musicians, and deaconesses than how we proclaim to the saints what we believe about death? We all agreed that there was no more perfect topic to follow Bach than how we celebrate life in the midst of death, especially at a Good Shepherd Institute conference held during All Saints weekend. Yes, we all agreed, it is time for us to “do death.”


Kantor Resch always comes up with the greatest titles, taking our theme from the great William Irons hymn: “Sing with All the Saints in Glory: The Theology of the Christian’s Death in Rite and Song.” One of the highest moments of ritual activity in the church’s life is when one of the saints crosses the boundary from life to death. Crossing that boundary is tenuous, anxious, even frightening. When people face death they feel “in betwixt and in between,” something every pastor and deaconess understands when they call on the sick and the dying. These are heightened moments of great tension, for they are filled with suffering, grief, and loss.

continued on next page









Pastoral Theology and Sacred Music for the Church


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