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in terms of “ celebration of Creation’’ (Orr, 1992), “ s p irit" and “ reverence for the E a rth " (Capra, 1996,2007), and “ expansion of the s o u l" (Wooltorton, 2006). An ecoliterate person is prepared to be an effective member of sustainable society, with well-rounded abilities of head, heart, hands, and spirit, comprising an organic understanding of the world and participatory action within and with the environment.
Environmental literacy, ecological literacy, and ecoliteracy
Environmental literacy
Ecological literacy
General conceptions of environment
Problem Field of values Develop problem-solving skills, from diagnosis to action Develop a system of ethics Adopt environmentally responsible behaviors Cognitive Pragmatic Affective/ Moral Case study, issue analysis, problem-solving project Analysis and clarification of values, criticism of social values
Object of study System Acquire knowledge of ecological concepts and principles Develop skills related to the scientific method: observation and experimentation Develop systems thinking: analysis and synthesis Understand environmental realities in view of informed decision-making Cognitive Experiential Obser/ation, demonstration, experimentation Case study, environmental system analysis, construction of ecosystem models
Dominant educational objectives
Primary pedagogical approaches Examples of strategies
Ecoliteracy Shared Promote and Cognitive Case study, resource for contribute to sustainable economic n u y 11 ivj i social marketing, living development Holistic sustainable Gaia that addresses Intuitive/ consumption social equity Creative activities,
and ecological
sustainable sustainability living Develop the many dimensions of management project Immersion,
one's being in interaction visualization, creative
with all aspects of the environment workshops
Develop an organic understanding of the world and participatory action in and with the environment