3 minute read
1. After providing a few lectures, the teacher wants to know if his/her students can critically reflect about a certain topic using the mother tongue. How would the teacher go about accomplishing this? 2. The teacher wants to know if a student can use idioms from the mother tongue in an actual conversation. How would the teacher go about accomplishing this? 3. The teacher wants to observe whether the students can perform actional competencies like greeting, making introductions, saying goodbye, etc.
How would the teacher go about accomplishing this? 4. The teacher wants to collect all the learning highlights of the students in one folder as proof that they have learned many things about the Mother
Tongue. How would the teacher go about accomplishing this?
How would you assess students' learning? Is there a most correct method of assessment better than other methods? Assessment in education must reflect reality and have an accurate measure of a student's knowledge, skills, and values (Lewin & Shoemaker, 2011). In relation to this, classroom assessment may be classified into four. These are: 1) Selected-response assessment;

2) Essay assessment; 3) Performance assessment; and 4) Personal communication (Stiggins, 1997).
Finally, assessment may take in the form of quizzes, exams, performance tasks, learning portfolios, reflection papers, exemplars, self-assessments, diary or journal entries, and photographs or images (Lam, 2018).
In groups of four, determine the most suitable assessment method for each of your class objectives in the classroom. Proceed to your assigned groups and follow the instructions below. Your task is to create a language assessment scheme. Encourage every member to share their thoughts.
First, list down your class objectives on the leftmost column. Second, write the most appropriate method of assessment vis-a-vis the objectives. Like mentioned above, this may be quizzes, exams, performance tasks, learning portfolios, reflection paper, exemplars, self-assessment, diary/journal entry, or photographs/images. Finally, write a remark on why you think it is the most suitable assessment method. You may use the matrix on the next page. The first objective is already accomplished to serve as a guide.
Objectives Portfolio item Remarks
Objective 1: Explain at least one figure of speech in their mother tongue. (Example) Photographs or images Photographs or images are suitable for this objective because the student may be able to use symbols or icons to represent a specific figure of speech.
Objective 2:
Objective 3:
Objective 4:

Lesson Synthesis:

Can you distinguish between and among the different methods of assessment in education? Explain. How would you measure intangible objects like knowledge and values? What assessment method would you use? Why?
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to: • explain the definition of a performance task assessment and identify its four integral parts; • differentiate the various types of performance task assessment; and • formulate a strategy to use performance task assessment to gauge student learning. Instructional Materials Needed: none
Learning Activities:
Assessment in the MTB-MLE isfully grounded on the measurable performance standards that is interpreted into a more detailed and task specific learning competency based on the identified nonnegotiable content standards. The performance standards provides the baseline for the frequency of assessments. Consequently, plans for instruction is integral to a full cycle learning experience of the learner and plan for assessment is intrinsic to meaningful learning.
At this point, you are very familiar with performance tasks or assessments. With your seatmate, discuss how you understand a performance assessment.

A performance assessment is

One of the most effective means of measuring meaningful learning in the classroom is to design and provide performance tasks to young learners that would allow them to demonstrate their learning. For Mother Tongue, it is crucial that learners are given opportunities to demonstrate what they can do at their appropriate level. They should be given ample chances to interact or socialize and use the target language, in this case, their mother tongue, as frequent as possible.
Unit IV - Assessing Student Learning for the Mother Tongue 119