7 minute read
Identify the domain to which the selected competencies belong. W rite OL for Oral Language and PA for Phonological Awareness. ________ 1. Use common expressions and polite greetings. ________ 2. Tell whether a given pair of word rhyme. _ _ _ _ _ 3. Talk about pictures presented using appropriate local terminologies with ease and confidence. ________4. Orally segment a two-three syllable word into its syllabic parts. _________5. Listen and respond to others in oral conversation. ______ _ 6. Use expressions appropriate to the grade level to give opinion in a text listened to, heard, or read. ________ 7. Use the correct pronouns in place of naming words in sentences. ________ 8. Give meanings of words through picture clues. ________ 9. Identify the tense of the action word in the sentence. ________ 10. Add or substitute individual sounds in simple words to make new words.
Read and analyze different instructional activities or learning experiences aimed at developing a child's early speaking skills. For each activity, identify the language domain and the competency/ies that is/are being targeted by the activity. 1. Play or say a tongue twister then tell the learners that they are going to repeat the sentence bit by bit after you. Start by asking your learners to repeat the last part of-the sentence until they complete the tongue twister. Language D o m ain :_________ ' ______________ ____________ Speaking Competency/ies:___________________________________ 2. This activity is done by pairs. Give each learner a picture. The pictures should be almost the same with two or three elements missing from each picture. Without showing each other the pictures, they should describe their pictures to each other and try to find which objects are missing. Language D om ain :_______ ___________________________________ Speaking Competency/ies: ___________ __ _______ ________ 3. Have students listen to stories. Then, have them retell the stories aloud. Record their retellings in their own words to create a language experience chart that can be used for future reading. Language D o m ain :__________________________________________ Speaking Competency/ies:________ __________________________

4. Use role-play cards for students to assume the role of a specific person or character and to react to a stimulus or prompt as that person.
Language D om ain :_______________________ ________ __________
Speaking Competency/ies:____________________________________ 5. Sing or read songs. Children can bring in a favorite song to perform alone or as a group, but make sure you have heard the song first and can approve it.
Language Domain: ___________ ____________________________
Speaking Competency/ies: _______ . __________________

Read the four note cards about principles and approaches in the teaching of speaking. Read each carefully. Fill out the synthesis matrix afterwards.
1. Topic: Proficiency-Oriented Teaching of Speaking Skills
Hadley proposes five principles for-proficiency-oriented teaching: • Opportunities must be provided for students to practice using the language in a range of contexts likely to be encountered in the target culture. Opportunities should be provided for students to carry out a range of functions (tasks) necessary for dealing with others in the target culture. • The development of accuracy should be encouraged in proficiency- oriented instruction. As learners produce language, various forms of instruction and evaluative feedback can be useful in facilitating the progression of their skills toward more precise and coherent language use. Instruction should be responsive to the affective as well as the cognitive needs of students, and their different personalities, preferences, and learning styles should be taken into account. • Cultural understanding must be promoted in various ways so that students are sensitive to other cultures and prepared to live more harmoniously in the target language community. Source: Hadley, A. 0 .1993. Teaching Language in Context. Boston: Heinle and Heinle. Page 77.

2. Topic: Current Approaches to the Teaching of Speaking • Speaking and oral interaction is seen as the basis for learning. • Non-native usage as well as native usage both serve as models. Both accuracy and fluency are a primary goal with a greater tolerance of errors. • Oral proficiency is viewed as dependent upon mastery of lexical phases and conversational routines. Pair and group activities predominate in the classroom. Richards, J. C. Current Trends in Teaching Listening and Speaking. ELT. The Teacher. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/407c/ a52a14abec5ff04a2198aca4130cbf72f4b5.pdf.

3. Topic: Case Study on Singapore Schools' Teaching of Tamil Language Use local context-based materials, so that the topics are familiar to the students. Use domain-based vocabulary, that is, words as they are used in real, everyday living. Use age-related content, that is, topics that are relevant to the students at their particular stage in life. SingTeach. Mastering the Mother Tongue. (August 2009). Retrieved from http:// singteach.nie.edu.sg/issue19rlanguageed/

4. Topic: Balance between Fluency and Accuracy in the Teaching of Speaking According to Mazouzi (2013), learners' activities should be designed based on an equivalence between fluency and accuracy achievement. Both fluency and accuracy are important elements of communicative approach. Hedge (2000) expressed that fluency is the ability to answer coherently by connecting the words and phrases, pronouncing the sounds clearly, and using stress and intonation. • The second characteristic of speaking performance is accuracy. Learners should pay enough attention to the exactness and the completeness of language form when speaking such asfocusing on grammatical structures, vocabulary, and pronunciation (Mazouzi, 2013). To gain accuracy in terms of vocabulary means to select suitable words in the suitable contexts. Source: A Gani, Sofyan & Fajrina, Dian & Hanifa, Rizaldy. (2015). Students' Learning Strategies for Developing Speaking Ability. Studies in English Language and Education. 2.17-30.
What are the recurring themes and ideas from the four note cards? What are the unique ideas and insights from each of the note cards?
Your Synthesis
What do these approaches and principles mean to you? In what ways will these be useful to you in teaching speaking in the Mother Tongue?

IV. APPLY _________________________________________________________________

Similar to your Apply Activity for Listening and Viewing, you need to create an instructional activity that specifically targets one or more speaking competencies from the Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide. Complete the template on the next page. Follow the same process. The same Criteria for Grading will also be used.
Activity Title:_____________________________________ __ Target Grade Level:__________ Time Required: ___ Type of Student Work: Individual, Pair, or Group Work Learning Objectives: At the end of the activity, the students are expected to: 1. ______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________
Activity Description:
Criteria for Grading (if possible, include a rubric if necessary):
PROCESS QUESTIONS: 1. Are the learning objectives clearly defined? If not, what suggestions do you have to improve them?

2. Is the instructional activity well-aligned with the learning objectives?
3. Does the activity encourage active student engagement?

4. If the student completes the activity, can the teacher determine whether or not the student has met the stated learning objectives?
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to: know the different language domains in the Mother Tongue curriculum related to reading; • examine instructional activities for young learners in terms of their target competencies and language domains; • familiarize themselves with the different approaches to reading through an analysis of sample instructional activities; • create an instructional activity that specifically targets one or more reading competencies from the Mothere Tongue Curriculum Guide; and • evaluate a peer's instructional activity using a scoring guide. Instructional Materials Needed: copy of the Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide
Learning" Activities:

Reading as a macro skill is an "interactive process" that involves the reader, the text, and the writer. Goodman (2005) specifically defines reading "as the process of relating written symbols to oral language, of constructing meaning from written text." In simple words, reading involves decoding the written text and making sense and deriving meaning from the printed word.
From the definition of reading, the two basic processes in reading were highlighted— decoding and comprehension. Decoding is the ability of the individual to figure out the pronunciation of printed words and ultimately determine the word's meaning; on the other hand, comprehension is the ability to construct meaning by interacting with a text (Harris & Hodges, 1995, in Cooper, et al, 2018). Early reading instruction is focused on decoding and as a child progresses in his or her reading, the focus shifts from decoding to comprehension. The curriculum for Mother Tongue (from K to Grade 3) reflects the competencies needed by a child to successfully decode and comprehend printed texts using his or her mother tongue.