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Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Understanding the Herrmann Whole Brain® model Discover the impact of your HBDI® thinking style preferences. Overlay your profile transparency on the cover of this booklet. Review how your preferences relate to the Brain® model. “Is this profile ‘me’, or how I would like to see myself?” Generally, how people see themselves is accurate and informative: it captures a point of view which can be invisible

Upper Lef

to others. Our research has shown that having a third par ty filling out an HBDI® gives imprecise results. While you might tilt your answers towards an idealised view of yourself, the HBDI® questions are framed to minimise this. Also, it is likely you would think it self–defeating to provide inaccurate information about yourself.


A QUADRANT Logical Quantitative Analytical Technical Factual

Upper Right


Metaphoric Integrative Visual Synthesising Conceptual

–3– LOW

Realistic Sensible

My HBDI® Profile


Feeling–based Emotional







The background of the Herrmann Whole I — Introduction

II — Right brain/Left brain

The human brain is one of the wonders of the world. It weighs only 1.4 kg (3 lbs) yet contains over 100 billion neurons. Each neuron has the possibility of connecting with 10,000 adjoining neurons. This means that the total number of possible combinations in the brain, if written out, would be 1 followed by over 10.5 million zeros. The potential of the human brain is unlimited. In the last 40 years, knowledge of the brain has progressed fur- ther than it had in the previous twenty centuries, thanks to new technologies which allow us to see the brain in action: electroencephalography (EEG), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and fMRI) and more. The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI®) was developed from this knowledge. The HBDI® allows you to become aware of your thinking preferences in order to use them better in your personal and professional life.

In 1975, the brain research of Roger Sperry, began to reveal the dual specialisation of the brain. By observing patients who had their brain hemispheres separated by a procedure to sev- er the Corpus Callosum in an attempt to cure epilepsy, Sperry made a multitude of discoveries. For example, the left side of the brain, which controlled the right hand, appeared to have the function of logical, analytical, sequential and rational thinking. Conversely, the right hemisphere was shown to perceive the world and other people in a global mode, instantaneous, intu- itive, visual, synthesising, emotional and expressive. It finds solutions through sudden and spontaneous intuition, leaving to the left hemisphere the job of proving them in a logical, analytical and scientific manner. The research shows that the left hemisphere breaks everything down into different elements; the right hemisphere, on the other hand, considers the global whole and searches systematically for connections, analogies and similarities. This has been demonstrated and observed again and again in laboratory tests, as well as in healthy subjects and patients with lesions in one or the other hemisphere. For example, a victim of damage to the right hemisphere won’t recognise people or streets in his hometown. Someone with damage to the left hemisphere will not be able to express himself easily and may have to begin relying on such elements as word and sentence intonation to regain language ability. Ned Herrmann studied this research and also included other findings about the limbic system, also a dual structure, buried deep inside the brain. The principal location for emotion and memory, this system directs our affective and interpersonal processes. Ned Herrmann synthesised this body of research into the four quadrant Whole Brain® model, a metaphor for how we think.






Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model

C QUADRANT Instinctive

Lower RIght

When I filled out the HBDI®, I wasn’t feeling 100%. Will that affect my profile? Mood does have a bearing on the overall size of the profile, but it seems to have very little effect on the shape or orientation. If you were feeling especially positive or expansive when completing the assessment, then you may have answered some questions with higher values, thus expanding your higher preference scores. Your least preferred quadrant will typically not shift with your mood. Page - 2

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Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Brain® model

Upper Left Quadrant Logical, Analytical, Mathematical, Technical, Problem solving.

Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Those with more Left mode preferences would rather reason logically, study verified facts and adopt a systematic approach. They would tend to avoid fantasy, and resist going off on a tangent, preferring to remain focused, rational and rigorous. Right mode dominant people tend to enjoy new ideas and interpersonal involvement; they may communicate symbolically rather than by pure reason. They may think in pictures rather than words. Abstract concepts and hypothetical issues are interesting to the Right brain dominant person.

Summary of key traits by quadrant

Upper Right Quadrant Creative, Synthesising, Artistic, Holistic, Conceptual.

Upper Left A SKILLS Analysis, Evaluation, Qualification, Technical, Financial, Feasibility studies, Critical assessment. STYLE Rational, Thorough, Precise, Logical, Authoritative. Can appear

Lower Left Quadrant Controlled, Detailed, Planning, Organisation, Administrative.

Rigid, Ruthless, Cold and calculating, Short term, Limited by the need for proof/explanation.

Applying Whole Brain® thinking through the HBDI® profile leads to a better understanding of the natural styles we use to process information. These styles impact our perception of the world as well as the way we approach problem solving, the effectiveness of our interaction with others and how we get things accomplished. Ongoing applications include leadership and management development programmes for global organisations that deliver results such as increased speed and effectiveness of com- munication, greater innovation, improved team processes and leveraging the possible return on intelligence of all con- tributors in the organisation.

SKILLS lnnovation, Vision, Lateral thinking, Synthesis, Holistic and Strategic thinking, Catalyst for change. STYLE Exploring, Imaginative, Adventurous, Experimental, Artistic. Can appear

SKILLS Organisation, Implementation, Accuracy, Administration, Operational planning, Practical tasks, Completion. STYLE Careful, Methodical, Procedural, Reliable, Predictable, Disciplined, Detailed, ‘Doer’. Can appear

Unfocussed, Impulsive, Rash, Oblivious of deadlines, Vague, Given to tangents.

SKILLS Customer relations, Teaching/Training, Communication, Anticipating needs, Team awareness. STYLE Caring, Friendly, Sociable, Empathetic, Humanistic, Emotional. Can appear

(Particularly from a diametrically opposed quadrant) Controlling, Nit picking, Bossy, Stuck in a rut, Boring.

Lower Left B

Overly sensitive, Un–businesslike, Sentimental, Too talkative.

Lower Right C

VI — Two different ways to solve problems V — Taking different preferences into account The HBDI® allows participants to become conscious of their own mental preferences and thinking styles. This understanding allows individuals to be more at ease with themselves and more perceptive and effective with people who think differently. For example, Left mode dominant people may feel more at ease in a technical job, one that requires organisation, operational planning and administration.

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Upper Right D

(Particularly from a diametrically opposed quadrant)

Lower Right Quadrant Interpersonal, Emotional Musical, Spiritual, Expressive.

Each of us has access to all the above quadrants, but we clearly have preferences for some over others. Those preferences, based on the dominance of specialised thinking processes, form the basis of the Whole Brain® model, the foundation of the HBDI®.

By all evidence, these aspects of communication and perception are opposite, yet complimentary. Difference is the norm: the HBDI® profile data spans 81 main preference codes or ‘families’ of profiles. The top 10 profiles represent 78% of the population. Through the awareness achieved with the HBDI® profile data, you now can take into account how you can be more effective in a wide range of applications: communication, teams, problem solving, decision making, career development, management development, creativity, teaching and learning, and strategic planning.

Everyone has their own particular way to face and solve every- day problems. Right mode dominant people proceed in a start and stop mode with periods of insight and incubation. They may take a step back and see the ‘big picture’ with all the relationships between varying elements. They think and understand by metaphor or analogy by making connections between elements which at first glance seem remote and unrelated, things that would appear illogical to a Left brain dominant person. In contrast, the Left mode dominant person prefers a more methodical approach, step by step, beginning with detailed observation of the facts before continuing to form a judge-

ment. This approach often appears sterile and boring to the Right mode dominant person who would have difficulty even playing along. The HBDI® can help individuals and teams understand how they prefer to approach problems. In a true–to–life way, their awareness is raised to demonstrate that their own way of thinking is not the only way, and that some approaches to problems require different types of thinking. Ned Herrmann insists, “Each person is unique; people interact spontaneously as a function of their thinking preferences.”

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Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model

Upper Left


Key Descriptors



Upper Right Fantasy



Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model

Upper Left Finance: Transactor, Banker, Stock Exchange Trader

Engineering: Aeronautics, Electronics, Telecommunications, Old, Data Processing

Cartographer, Geographer, Surveyor

Aviation: Technical, Pilot, Air Traffic Controller


Research: Biologist, Chemist, Botanist

Typical Professions




Lawyers Bankers



Quantitative Intellectual Technical



Organisational Dev. Consultants

Typical Types Visionary Risk Taking Open

Medicine: Veterinary, Surgeon, Doctor, Ophthalmologist, Physiotherapist, Radiologist, Dentist

Special interests

Performance Efficiency Function Value

Quality Security Reliability Production



Exploration Strategy Concept Fun

Law: Lawyer, Magistrate, Jurist, Notary, Auctioneer, Bailiff

Love People Charity Communication

Insurance: Insurance Broker

Quantitative Intellectual Technical

Personable Musical Helpful

Accountancy: Chartered Accountant, Book-Keeper, Organisational Manager, Economist

Bookkeepers Supervisors

Teachers/Trainers Sales People

Musicians Social Workers

Organized Safekeeping

Lower Left

Emotional Spiritual

Creation: Script Writer, Fashion Designer

Sales: Selesperson, Departamental Supervisor, Real Estate Agent, Medical Rap

Arts: Painter, Sculptor, Musician

Advertising Marketing: Research, Product Manager

Infers Takes risks Is impetuous Bracks rules Like surprises

Film Making: Actor, Editor

Journalism: Journalist, Copy Reader, Designer

Is sensitive to others Likes to teach Touches a lot Is supportive Is expressive Talks a lot Feels

Teaching: Teacher, University Professor Medical: Pediatric Nurse, Dietician, Nurse, Midwife, Speech Therapist, Psychomotor Therapist

The distinctions between scientists and artists, engineers and sales people are as old as the human race. Statistical studies of HBDI® profiles have identified typical profiles for different careers, fields and job descriptions. A study of hospital personnel revealed preference differences among the varying jobs: Specialists (A quadrant); Administrators (B quadrant); Nurses (C quadrant); Psychiatrists (D quadrant). Is it any wonder that sometimes there might be tension in the hospital environment? HBDI® research has also demonstrated that directors and CEOs are most often multi–dominant — even with three or four dominant quadrants, as opposed to single or dual dominant specialists.

Security: Fireman, Policeman, Inspector


Tourism: Flight Attendant, Tourist Guide, Receptionist, Translator / Interpreter, Tourist Information Center Manager

Human Resources: Trainer, HR Manager

Person Responsible For Public Relations


Lower Right

VII — Preferences and team effectiveness

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Takes preventive action Establishes procedures Gets Things done Plans/Organises Is Reliable Is Neat Timely

Civil servant: Tax Inspector, Administrator, Factory Inspector

People Control

Analyses Is logical Is critical Is realistic Knows about money Knows how things work Quantifies/Likes numbers

Building: Architect, Designer, Decorator, Webmaster

Secretary, Personal Assistant



Upper Right





An individual’s work approach can certainly be linked to their mental preferences. A team will work more effectively if the individual members appreciate the differences in their thinking styles. In fact, thinking diversity will also lead to more creative outcomes. Research using the HBDI® Team profile has shown that team effectiveness can be up to 66% greater in diverse teams.

Lower Left

Psychology: Psychologist, Career Counsellor

Social Worker: Sociocultural Leader, Educator, Family Adviser

Lower Right

VIII — Improving communication All of us communicate. Effective communicators who understand thinking styles will tailor their presentation to fit their audience while being sure to communicate key points in all four quadrants. For a group of engineers or technicians you might cite plenty of facts and figures, and emphasise logic and methodology showing the potential results of practical application. To a group of artists, teachers, or sales people, you would most likely emphasise innovative aspects and point out ways to improve communication and instruction. Which presentation appeals to you the most? Doesn’t your answer reflect your thinking style?

Communication is easiest between people who have similar preferences. They ‘speak the same language’. Communication is quite easy when people share preferences in the same mode, Left (A and B) or Right (C and D). When people share preferences in the Upper (A and D) or Lower (B and C) mode, they may find common ground for communication. Most challenging may be communication between those who have preferences in diametrically opposing quadrants.

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Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


IX — Inside each of the four quadrants The following model and paragraphs explain the characteristics of each quadrant, shown as clusters of preferred tasks, and style of functioning within each quadrant. A preference for a quadrant indicates an inclination for some or many of the clusters of tasks in that mode. This helps explain how two

Upper Left A

Factual Critical Rational Realistic Rigorous thinking Knows the basis of things

Intellectual Thinking

Logical Analytical Problem solving Test & prove Knows how Things work

Financial Numerical Quantitative Mathematical Knows about Money


Conservative Traditional Controlled Dominant Safekeeping

Implementation Gets things done Speaker Reader

On time Organized Reliable

Playful Breaks rules Risk taking Original

Artistic Spatial Visual

Simultaneous Impetuous Like surprises

Interpersonal Friendly Intuitive (people) Sensitive to others People oriented Supportive Empathetic


Intuitive (solutions)

Conceptual Metaphorical

Intuitive (Solutions) Strategic Future oriented Imaginative

Linear Sequential Step by step Procedural

Organized Planning Administrative Preventive Neat

Lower Left

Emotional Feeling


Writer Reader

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may be given credence. Spiritual awareness and musical interest are largely ‘C’ quadrant features. People with preferences in this quadrant may be emotional and highly sensitive. For some, spiritual aspects represent a significant ‘cluster’ for this quadrant. For others, interpersonal aspects play a key role. Which clusters represent your preferences in this quadrant?

C Lower Right

A Quadrant: Analyse This quadrant prefers a cognitive and rational approach. When using this thinking style, you would be likely to approach problem solving in a logical manner and to take account of facts, figures, statistics, and other tangibles. You would prefer conclusions that are backed up by supporting data or by examples of precedent. You would like approaches that reduce the complex to the simple, the unclear to clear, and the cumbersome to the efficient. Your critical evaluation of ideas occurs in this quadrant; decisions or judgments are explained and justified by A quadrant thinking.

Characteristics are caution, control, and conservatism. The degree to which ‘B’ quadrant tendencies are apparent will be affected by the ‘D’ quadrant score; a low primary or high secondary preference in ‘D’ would tend to have a balancing influence. Clusters in this quadrant may include safekeeping for one individual vs. timelines for another. Which clusters best describe you?

Equally, administration and maintenance are smoothly handled. B quadrant preferences may suggest you dislike chaos and confusion and have considerable skill and satisfaction in making order out of such a situation.

A primary preference in this quadrant would suggest you are naturally in tune with and sensitive to other’s needs, mood, attitudes, atmosphere, or energy level. There is usually an attraction to people–related tasks plus an ability to relate to others and express yourself easily. Characteristics may include good interpersonal skills with an awareness of the feelings of others, ease of communication, and often skills in teaching/training facilitation or group leadership. ‘Sensory intuition’, in the form of gut feelings or hunches,

Talker Teaching/Training Communicator Expressing

Symbolic Intuitive (people)

This quadrant likes structure in a practical and procedural sense. A primary preference here would suggest you have a natural inclination towards organisation, reliability, efficiency, order, and/or discipline. Tasks might frequently be prioritised; you would tackle them in a systematic and sequential manner and complete them; time is often managed effectively. This quadrant is mindful of logistical constraints and is methodical and attentive to detail. Skills of this quadrant include operational planning and the implementation of projects.

C Quadrant: Personalise




Upper Right Integrating Synthesising Holistic


B Quadrant: Organise

people with similar preferences can be different in the specifics of that preference. Keep in mind that you may only A prefer one cluster in a quadrant while another individual with a preference for that quadrant may prefer a different cluster or clusters.

Original Imaginative Innovative Creative Curious Artistic

Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model

This style is logical, analytical and rational; it is engaged in feasibility studies, critical assessments, and any task that requires rigorous and focused research. Financial, mathematical, and technical matters are included in this mode. One individual may prefer rational, logical approaches, while another may be mathematical and quantitative. Which clusters do you prefer?

D Quadrant: Strategise With a D quadrant preference you can usually handle several mental inputs simultaneously, make rapid connections and feel comfortable with abstract concepts. An initially holistic approach to problem solving may be preferred; various facets are assessed simultaneously, ‘mental jigsaws’ are made and conclusions are reached in a spontaneous rather than a studied manner. Such operating could be called intuitive in an intellectual sense. Lateral thinking takes place in this mode and inspires imaginative, innovative and original ideas. This quadrant could be described as the catalyst for the creative process. Strategic thinking is an activity that draws heavily on D quadrant thinking. In this mode you welcome positive change (particularly when occurring with a considerably lower ‘B’ score) and may have an

inclination towards adventure, experimentation, and risk. This quadrant often thrives on the excitement of new ideas, variety, incongruities, and possibilities. The risk–taking aspects of this mode may be in contrast to or balanced by the B quadrant safe–keeping modes. Some prefer the ‘artistic’ cluster while others might select ‘metaphorical’. Which clusters represent your D quadrant thinking?

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Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Reading your HBDI® profile step by step Preference code This consists of four numbers placed in order of the quadrants: ABCD. The terms ‘Primar y, Secondar y, and Ter tiar y’ are used to designate the 1 (prefer), 2 (use), 3 (use least) zones of the profile grid. Please refer to chapter C to read more about your code.

Profile Scores and Preferences Codes > 1 or Primar y (score of 67 or above): In a given quadrant, a primar y indicates a dis- tinct preference for the type of activities relevant to that quadrant. Ever y profile will have at least one primar y score, but could have as many as four. A result above 100 represents a ver y strong preference, often easily recognised by other people. Scores may go above 133, outside the boundar y of the grid, and represent ver y strong preferences. > 2 or Secondar y (score of 34–66 inclusive): A secondar y in your profile indicates thinking modes that are comfor table and available as necessar y with relative ease. It is still

a preference, but clearly secondar y to your primar y (or primaries). > 3 or Ter tiar y (scores less than 34): A ter tiar y preference indicates a lack of interest in that mode of thinking and for some people even an avoidance. This means that the modes of a ter tiar y quadrant will, although available to you, be those you will least likely use or with which you are least comfor table. A ter tiar y will reinforce (by the absence of preference) the other strong preferences in the profile, especially when a primar y preference is situated diagonally opposite it (A–C or B–D).





My learning profile





Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Reading your HBDI® profile step by step You have just received your HBDI® profile. You now want to understand the significance of the results. You want to learn how to apply the results. This chapter was created to get you started.

Different ways to look at your HBDI® profile results The Visual Profile found on your transparency is a good place to start. It is a graphic displaying 4 diagonal axes, where the data plots of your four profile scores have been placed, based on your responses to the HBDI® Survey Form. It is a visual representation which synthesises your responses into a global Visual Profile. At the top of your Visual Profile, you will find your preference code, adjective pairs and profile scores for your easy reference. Another way to look at your data is the Data Summary sheet which shows how your pro- file score for each quadrant is determined. The purpose of this sheet is to remind you of your responses to many of the questions on the HBDI® Survey Form and to clarify which elements in each quadrant you prefer. It is a representation of your profile using a sequential, linear, detailed and quantified mode format.

Dotted line profile: It indicates where your thinking shifts in pressured situations. It is the result of the forced choice pairings on the HBDI® survey where you were asked to select one of two adjectives most like you. Page - 10

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Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


a detailed guide to the results I — The Visual Profile To create the graphic representation of your profile, we used the profile scores which appear on the first line of the Data Summary sheet. These values are placed along the diagonal axes. The four totals are read in the order ABCD,

starting in the upper Left and going counter-clockwise. This order is also used to describe a group or family of Preference Codes which can be found in the C booklet.

Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


II — The Data Summary sheet and Explanation page Your package includes a Data Summary sheet and explanation page. The explanation page describes, in descending order of preference, your selections in each quadrant. The Data Summary shows how your profile scores for each quadrant are deter- mined. This sheet consists of a table of four colour columns sorting your responses into the four quadrants and a set of self- placement scales in black and white. The purpose of this sheet is to remind you of your responses to many of the questions on the

HBDI® Survey Form and to clarify which specific element selected in each quadrant you prefer. This is particularly useful should you wish to compare or contrast your data to that of others. The four columns represent the quadrants from left to right ABCD: > The A (blue) and B (green) columns correspond to the Left brain mode. > The C (red) and D (yellow) columns correspond to the Right brain mode.

Profile scores: the basis of your profile The four different modes


The Visual Profile graphic

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Your thinking preferences are measured not only by the four quadrants, but also by four modes combining the mental processes of 2 adjoining quadrants; Left (A+B), Right (C+D), Upper (A+D) and Lower (B+C). 100% is split between Upper and Lower to show the degree of tilt toward that mode. The Left and Right modes also have 100% representatively split between them. > The Upper Mode, combining quadrants A and D, is more cognitive and intellectual, preferring thinking in abstract, conceptual modes. Compare to the Lower mode. > The Left Mode, combining the A and B quadrants prefers concise, efficient processes with realistic, disciplined and orderly approaches. Compare to the Right mode. > The Right Mode, combining the C and D quadrants, includes key mental processes such as intuitive and perceptive thinking, as well as idealistic, expressive and open approaches. Compare to the Left mode. > The Lower Mode, combining the B and C quadrants is grounded and emotional in nature. This mode often prefers visceral, ‘gut’ and concrete approaches. Compare to the Upper mode.


This line shows the total score for each quadrant A, B, C and D. These figures are used to plot the graphic on the profile overlay.

Adjective pairs

The adjective pair data comes from the forced choice pairings section on the HBDI®. By forcing you to choose between two different terms, this section typically reveals the thinking style distribution that is most instinctive for you. This distribution may or may not be the same as your overall preferences. Your adjective pair data helps indicate your inner or ‘back up’ style of preferred thinking. The highest score typically reveals the thinking styles favored in ‘pressured’ situations, which may vary from your ‘day

Key descriptors: a general view of self

This section is a simple transcription of the choices you made in the Key Descriptors section of the HBDI® Survey Form (questions 26–50). An X appears next to your selections in the columns relating to the quadrant to which they belong. The asterisk (*) denotes the key word you chose as being


to day’ preferences. Differences between adjective pairs and your overall profile sometimes indicate that you are undergoing a change in preferences in part of your life. Preferences suggested by the adjective pairs may be more visible to others than your overall profile and under pressure situations you may react more in keeping with the adjective pair indications. There are 24 pairs, and therefore, 24 points distributed between the four quadrants.


the most descriptive of the 8 you selected from the 25 provided. Look over the distribution of your selections. Do they cluster in certain quadrants or are they distributed across all four? Is the distribution consistent with your overall profile scores?

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Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Work Elements: your work self

Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Energy Level and Motion Sickness SAMPLE SAMPLE

When completing this section of the HBDI® Survey Form (questions 10–25) you were asked to rank order the Work Elements from 1 (work you do least well) to 5 (work you do best). Your rankings are shown, sorted into the four quadrant display. Your work preferences show thinking styles that are most accessed in a work environment. This is often influenced by the training, assignments, opportunities and challenges your work experiences have provided.

Note your selections. Where do the higher rankings (4’s and 5’s) appear? Check for clusters of preferences in certain quadrants and lack of preferences in others. Now compare this section with your Key Descriptors section. Are they similar or different? Your data may reveal situational work preferences which have developed that are perhaps somewhat different from your overall more general Key Descriptor preferences.

Adolescent education, educational focus, occupation and hobbies: other aspects of self SAMPLE

An indicator of an earlier, often influential time of your life, ranking school subjects can indicate an early orientation toward maths, foreign language or native language, and through that orientation a possible inclination toward associated thinking styles. Additional clues are provided about the tilt of your mental preferences through understanding preferred subjects in school, education and occupational choices and how you spend your leisure time. The data

has been consolidated, sorted into quadrants and grouped together B for comparative purposes. A bar chart indicates the distribu- tion of preferences for each of the above categories. The longer the bar, the greater the preference for that quadrant. If no bar appears in a quadrant, there was no significant data in that quadrant in response to your selections.v

This information corresponds to the questions about day/ night time energy and about motion sickness (questions 73–75). Energy Level: In very general terms, people who are Left mode dominant are frequently more morning or day oriented and people who are Right mode dominant are frequently more night oriented. However this can be greatly influenced by life circumstances. This information can give a clue to preference by observation and is useful in deciding when to schedule meetings, tasks and group activities. From your own perspec- tive, an idea of when you are likely to be most mentally alert shows the optimum time of day to pursue activities which are most mentally challenging. Motion Sickness: An area of ongoing

research, a person’s sense of balance is maintained with information from two biological sources, the eye and the inner ear. Motion sickness occurs when input from these two sources conflict. Left mode people often have the ability to deal with facts and information sequentially and thus may have the inner control to make an ‘executive decision’ to either go with the information from the eye or the ear but not both at once. Right mode people often have a large tolerance for ambiguity and tend to take note of both inputs and may end up nauseous as a result. However, the above is a tendency and there are many exceptions to the trend.


Your self–placement in the introvert/extrovert scale on the assessment is replicated on the report. In very general terms, introverts tend to be more Left mode oriented and


extroverts more Right mode oriented. However, each quadrant may have its own continuum of introvert to extrovert, and thus its own interpretation and impact.

D Quadrant Introvert: Off in ‘own world’, does own thing, loner Extrovert: Constant flow of ideas, loves to experiment with others, have fun

A Quadrant Introvert: Quiet, serious, very focused Extrovert: Debater, often funny, driven

C Quadrant Introvert: Expressive through writing or non–verbals, caring in a quiet way Extrovert: Talkative, interested in bringing people together, sharing

B Quadrant Introvert: Controlled, always ‘doing,’ often keeps to self Extrovert: Dominant, organiser of events and people

Hand Dominance SAMPLE

Preference does not equal competency Hand dominance is readily recognised. Most of us consider ourselves either left or right handed. Handedness provides a simple example of the body’s tendency towards dominance in paired structures. Analysis of our data indicates a slight con- nection between left handedness and Right brain dominance and between right handedness and Left brain dominance. Therefore we are continuing to

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gather data for further research. You were asked (questions 5 and 6) to choose the diagram which corresponded most closely to the way you hold your pen and this provides another interesting research opportunity. Handwriting has a connection to language processing — a powerful mental process.

Remember that your profile is not ‘good’ or ‘bad’, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. It is just a representation of your preferred thinking approach. The concept of dominance is often evident with any paired structures in the human body. In most cases we naturally choose to use a certain hand, foot, or eye in preference to the other and then reinforce this with continued and habitual use. This does not, of course, reflect less potential for effective use of the other. The same

pattern frequently emerges with a dominant thinking style. A preference or dominance does not indicate competence. Although there is a link — the two terms represent two distinct ideas. We often have competencies in areas of lesser preference. Our preferences present those thinking styles that provide the greatest satisfaction, those that make our ‘heart sing’. Our competencies are skills that allow us to perform and get things done. Page - 15

Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model

motivation, preferences are unlikely to change quickly. However if you do indeed wish to develop new preferences, Herrmann’s advice is to start the process in your private life first rather than in the workplace, for example in free time activities or other hobbies. This private approach always entails fewer risks of consequences for mistakes made, and generally allows more freedom of choice. For example if you want to develop approaches that are more C quadrant oriented, you might decide to purchase season tickets to a concert series, or take yoga classes. Conversely, if you want to develop greater comfort with the A quadrant you might enroll in a course on how to invest in the stock market, or get more interested in computers. In the ‘Activities and Hobbies’ table located in the D chapter, you will find a wide range of activities you might consider when seeking to become more comfortable with a particular preference. Pick one, stick with it and you are bound to succeed.

III — Making sense of your personal HBDI® profile: FAQs 1. Is there an ideal profile? Yes. Yours! One of the most appreciated aspects of the HBDI® is that it shows us you can be ‘great’ whatever your profile. People often think that being ‘Whole Brained’ would be ideal but, like any profile, this may be felt to have its disadvantages as well as its advantages. The HBDI® is a tool provided to encourage us to understand our strengths and blind spots, preferences and avoidances. We can then, if desired, find strategies to learn competencies in those areas of lesser prefe- rences. By doing this we widen our scope for using different approaches without compromising our preferences.

2. ‘My profile is good, his profile is bad...’ Absolutely not. Profiles are never good or bad. Your profile is just a static representation of your thinking preferences at a specific point in time, which always have to be viewed within your current context in order to be properly understood. There is no such thing as a good or bad preference, there are only preferences that are more or less suited to your situation, profession and activities. If your preferences match well with the work you are doing and hope to do, then it is likely that you are feeling good and succeeding. On the other hand, if your preferences seem disconnected or unrelated to your current activities, you may not feel at ease and could have a hard time devoting

3. ‘I have Right brain tendencies, I am very Right brained, etc’. These expressions are not helpful because they tend to be misleading. Preferences are not something we possess like things. A preference is not something that determines every aspect of who we are and which is not subject to change. In fact it is more correct to say for example “I prefer to function using my Right brain preferences”, because preferences are about modes of mental functioning, ways of grasping or perceiving the world, of reacting to it through specific behaviours.may not feel at ease and could have a hard time devoting

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4. ‘This person is highly ‘competent’ in Left brain activities.’ Profiles indicate preferences not competencies. The two must be kept distinct. A person may very well have skills in a given quadrant and yet still only be doing a type of work out of necessity rather than by choice. Some people would love to sing but are unable to carry a tune. To prefer something is to be drawn to it, to have a taste for it. Competency has to do with acquired knowledge and professional experience. Just because, for example, a person has Left brain preferences doesn’t automatically mean they are going to be a master accountant, especially if they have never studied or trained in the profession!

yourself and being as successful as you desire to be. It is up to you to work on aligning your preferences with your activities, studies, career and life (see paragraph 7). Necessity may be the mother of professional competency, but true mastery in a specific domain can only be achieved in those areas that converge with our preferences as well. Thus in practice, there arises a certain correlation between prefer- ences and competencies, but only because people tend to succeed the most when doing what they love the most. Having a taste for something tends to make us more motivated to become skilled at it, which then reinforces our taste for it, and so on, in a positive feedback loop that is generated whenever a person truly acquires a new skill.


5. ‘This person has pronounced Right brain preference, therefore he must be creative’. Wrong! Never reduce a quadrant to just one of its component parts: each quadrant has several characteristics. Always double- check in the Data Summary sheet whether a specific attribute is truly preferred, rather than assuming it is, when only looking at the overall view. A person may be dominant in A quadrant and yet still be weak in maths, simply because they lacked the opportunity to pursue their studies in this domain. Indeed it is highly likely they would succeed in it if they decided to truly put the time in, precisely because these kinds of studies suit their thinking preferences. 6. ‘Can my profile change?’ Yes. Longitudinal studies of thousands of HBDI® participants indicate that change can take place if there is a reason for it. Change seems to take place over a long period of time with an individual’s desire and willingness to change, or with a change in their life’s circumstances, or as a result of a significant emotional event. However, if nothing has happened to the individual and they continue to do the same things in the same way, then the profile will remain stable.

8. ‘Is the 1111 profile the most desirable profile to have?’ Definitely not for everyone. The most ‘desirable profile’ is the profile that truly matches your goals in life and the professional activities you are pursuing (see the answer to Question 1).

9. ‘Are there any 2222 or 3333 profiles?’ No, everyone has at least one primary (1) in their profile.

10. ‘I am very strong in one quadrant, but not all of the descriptors describe me. Why?’ Each quadrant is made up of ‘clusters’ of specialised thinking. You may prefer one set of clusters over another, and having a preference for a quadrant does not mean you will prefer all of the clusters in that quadrant.

7. ‘How do we actually develop new preferences in practice?’ The object of the HBDI® profile is not to change preferences, but rather to be more effective, accept the consequences of our preferences and not become their ‘prisoner’. Our prefer- ences can’t be changed just because it might seem like a nice idea. Situational change is preferable in order to achieve new personal or professional objectives, when we have begun to view our current preferences as incoherent with our activities or life-goals. Without this kind of Page - 17

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How does your HBDI® profile impact your work and compare to others? Impor tant : Competence and preference are two different things. The HBDI® measures your preferences. Knowledge of your preferred thinking styles illuminates what degree of satisfaction or comfor t you may have on the job when you encounter: a work challenge, a learning situation, a challenging interpersonal or communication situation. Superimpose your HBDI® profile overlay on this page and compare its orientation with different groups of professions.

Consider your interests and successes in your professional and personal life. Where would you place your co–workers and family? How are their preferences similar or different from yours? Our statistics have shown a strong correlation between job satisfaction and how well a job matches one’s profile. We have a tendency to orient ourselves toward professions which attract us and bring us satisfaction.


Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model

How does your profile compare to others? Principal profile groupings General profile information

Frequency of typical profiles

One of the best ways to understand the uniqueness of your profile is through understanding the general attributes of your profile group or ‘family’ and comparing it with others. This chapter contains descriptions of the 40 most frequently occurring profiles. Each profile consists of four numbers: a four-digit preference code, identified using the following order: A, B, C, D. For example 1 2 2 1. Remember within each quadrant:

Two facts are clear from the studies of over one million profiles studied across the world in the Herrmann International database.


Corresponds to a strong preference (a score of 67 or above).


Corresponds to an intermediate preference or thinking that is comfortable and available as needed (a score of 34–66).









Preferences at work





The aggregate total of all profiles results in a 1 1 1 1 profile. This will be true of most groups of at least 100 profiles. This means that the world is a composite ‘Whole Brain’.


When you compare averages of a given profession, to an individual in that profession, you see strong correlation. Although this is generally true, exceptions do occur.

The chart below shows the percentage of profiles that have single, double, triple or quadruple dominance:

Example: 2 3 1 1 indicates an intermediate preference (use) in the A quadrant, a low preference (use least) in the B quadrant and a strong preference (prefer) in the C and D quadrants.

Triple dominance: 34 % Quadruple dominance: 3 % Single dominance: 5%

Double dominance: 58 %





Indicates a low preference or a lack of interest and for some even an avoidance (a score of 33 or below).




These numbers alone can answer the question: “Is my profile rare or common?” This section provides brief general descriptions of profile groups or families with typical problem solving, communica- tion and decision making approaches for each. They are grouped as above: > single dominant profile: page 19 (one 1) > double dominant profile: page 23 (two 1’s) > triple dominant profile: page 31 (three 1’s) > quadruple dominant profile: page 34 (four 1’s)

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I — Single Dominant Profiles This group of profiles has only one primary and represents only 5% of the population surveyed. Instances of primary preferences occur across all of the four quadrants. One advantage of having a single dominant profile is that there is relatively little internal conflict. Perceptions and deci- sion making tend to be predictable, coherent and comfort- able. The single dominant person tends to see the world through a consistent set of lenses.


This group of profiles has only one primary and represents only 5% of the population surveyed. Instances of primary preferences occur across all of the four quadrants. One advantage of having a single dominant profile is that there is relatively little internal conflict. Perceptions and deci- sion making tend to be predictable, coherent and comfort- able. The single dominant person tends to see the world through a consistent set of lenses.


Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model

2. Double Dominant Profiles — Upper and Lower Both the Upper and Lower dominant families of profiles unite distinct thinking processes in a synergistic interchange. The Upper mode, A + D may, for example, be as comfortable with facts, data and theory (A) as with conceptual frameworks and intuitive insights (D). This results in a cognitive, intellectual approach. The Lower mode, B + C, brings together a strong sense of detail and structure (B) with a sensitive, emotional awareness of

1. Left or Right Double dominant Left or Right profiles experience an internal integrated coherence between the two primary quadrants. In both Left and Right double dominant profiles, the two quadrants tend to reinforce each other. The logical, rational processes of the A quadrant reinforce the structural and pro- cedural qualities of the B quadrant. Likewise, the visual imaginative approaches of the D quadrant are supported by the expressive, sensory elements of the C quadrant. As opposing modes, double dominant Left

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might perceive their Right counterpart as unrealistic and unfocused. The double dominant Right might see their Left counterpart as controlling and pedestrian. In both cases, these individuals will benefit from a greater appreciation of their mental opposites, not only to improve their communication and relationships, but also to appreciate mental processes very different than their own, allowing them to more effectively ‘cross the bridge’ between these very different styles.

feelings and people (C). This results in a visceral, grounded approach. On the other hand, both Upper and Lower modes can experi- ence a sense of two distinct mental perspectives as they look at the world. These individuals have an opportunity to learn when to apply particular thinking processes appropriately to different situations, allowing them to maximise the effective- ness of their mental processes.

3. Double dominant profiles — Diagonal This diamond shaped family of profiles cross the diagonals from either B to D or A to C. There is an inherent internal con- trast of preferences within these profiles. The contrast is both Left vs Right and Upper vs Lower. This can translate into a sense of conflict, both internally and when interacting with others. For example: Ideas (D) vs. Action (B), Safekeeping (B) vs. Risk taking (D), Facts (A) vs. Feelings (C), People consid- erations (C) vs. Financial considerations (A). This contrast is often described by these individuals as a pull between two very different, sometimes contradicting thinking processes. Ideally, they are able to integrate and balance out these two different perspectives as they make decisions. How- ever under less ideal circumstances there may be a tendency to vacillate, or at worst, feel paralysed between both. It is worth noting that no direct connection exists in the brain to link the Upper Left mode with the Lower Right

mode or the Upper Right mode with the Lower Left mode. In both the model and the actual brain, all iteration between these two modes must go through another brain structure or quadrant first. A good way to integrate diagonally opposed preferences is to enhance abilities in one of the other two quadrants. These quadrants can play the role of relay station to facilitate thinking processes. On the plus side, the person who learns to integrate his func- tioning has an enormously powerful combination of abilities. An entrepreneur, for example with a 2 1 2 1 profile, can envision the business as it can be and do the detailed work required to get it there. A financial person with a 1 2 1 2 profile has not only the A quadrant necessary for determining the best financial arrangements, but also the C quadrant which gives him the interpersonal ability to package and present his services effectively on a face– to–face basis.

III — Triple Dominant Profiles The triple dominant profile represents 34% of the database. Within that total, 2111, 1121 and 1112 are the most frequent, representing 81% of the triple dominant profiles. This group has access to a certain thinking flexibility that comes from the multi-dominant nature of their thinking process. This allows the individuals to move through their three dominant modes somewhat seamlessly, looking at all of the perspectives before making a decision. Such multiple preferences also facilitate interaction with others. Due to the triple nature of their preferences, they are likely to share at least one preference with those with whom they interact.

II — Double Dominant Profiles


On the other hand, this multiplicity of preference can slow down the decision-making process due to the need to really check out all the alternatives available. Another potential challenge may be the multitude of options these preferences provide, as career decisions or education choices need to be made. Identifying the strongest preference among the three comes with time and a willingness to go with a lead quadrant long enough to be able to evaluate the experience effectively. Often the opportunities that present themselves first are the ones pursued.

IV — Quadruple Dominant Profile The 1 1 1 1 profile expresses primary level preferences for every one of the four quadrants and is sometimes referred to as ‘whole brained’. Perhaps surprisingly to some, these profiles occur less than 3% of the time. They offer an enormous potential for a highly integrated, varied thinking processes. This can translate into an ability to move seamlessly from quadrant to quadrant and mode to mode as the situation requires. Often able to under- stand all the thinking perspectives, these individuals have the potential to function quite effectively in group situations

which require situational flexibility such as management or mediation (with appropriate training). They will interact easily with many different types of profiles. Like other profile families that display multiple preferences, these individuals are faced with certain challenges associated with the multiplicity of their preferences. Internal conflicts can occur, as well as a sense of indecisiveness or unclear focus. As with triple dominant profiles, establishing a lead quadrant helps provide direction. The overall tilt of their thinking preferences will be influenced by their highest profile quadrant or quadrants.

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Exploring your HBDI® profile Ideas and exercises The coalition of our different thinking processes Remember that you use each of the four quadrants at different times and in different ways.

Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Exploring implications You have just become aware of your HBDI® profile. Your curiosity is now satisfied. This next step is the most important. The real objective of the HBDI® profile is to help you achieve better results by exploring how you can be most effective and what development options you might wish to pursue to get there.

function independently of the others. Secondar y preferences are ‘comfor t zones’, more ‘operational’, and ter tiar y preferences often require more effor t. Keep in mind that all thinking preferences function as an integrated system, all par t of your complex mental processes.

The following exercises were designed to help you reach that objective. Take a few moments to relax

The most preferred styles seem natural and accessible to you, but they never

and work through the following exercises. It represents an essential application step and will be time well spent.

A voyage through your profile At this point, you should have reviewed your Visual Profile, Data Summary, explanation page and read the description of your ‘profile’ in chapter C (red) ‘How does your HBDI® profile compare to others?’, giving you a general description of your preference code and how it impacts your problem solving, decision making and communication approaches.

The next step is to synthesise and personalise all of the infor- mation you have received. This will help you become more self aware and decide on actions you can take to broaden and expand the range of your thinking approaches. Note: these exercises are only guides; feel free to make your own inspired reflections.

Exercise 1: HBDI® profile Describe a typical daily behaviour that illustrates each one of your four quadrants.


It may be helpful to also look at the relative scores between the Upper and Lower modes and the Left and Right modes.


Functioning in Upper mode (A+D) means that you would be considering things and people in an intellectual manner, somewhat abstractly, with a certain distance, without committing yourself, and thinking before acting.


The opposite functioning, in the Lower mode (B+C) means considering things and people in a reactive manner, being emotional, getting involved right away, because of gut feelings or by need for structure, detail or getting things done.


Functioning in Left mode (A+B) means considering things and people realistically, logically, factually, analytically (broken down into essential elements). It means thinking sequentially (one step at a time), liking precision, having control, measuring, numbers. > The opposite functioning, in Right mode (C+D) means considering things and people in an intuitive manner, seeing the ideal (rather than the reality), synthesising, imagining, looking at things holistically, being sensitive and aesthetic.


With the above in mind, imagine the effect of your dominances and preferences in everyday activities both in and out of work for instance.

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Ideas and exercises Exercise 2: Draw your own profile under stress 1 — Take a look at your profile overlay and refer to the dotted line which represents your profile under stress. Draw your own profile under stress on the grid to the right. Compare to your profile (represented by the solid line): What do you notice? What are the positive and negative points of your profile under stress?

Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Look up your profile code in chapter C ’How does your profile compare to others?’ and read its description carefully.


D 130 120 110 100 90 80 70

60 50 40 30 20 10

1. The exercise consists in personalising the text describing your preference code. Copy the text and replace the general terms by your profile’s own terms (coming from the 2 upper sections of your Data Summary sheet).

2. Advantages and disadvantages of your profile in the current situation. To write it down, you will get inspiration from the text which describes your profile, in the Chapter ‘How does your profile compare to others?’ Advantages:




Thoughts regarding the future:

2 — Now, please take a look at the Data Summary sheet. In each quadrant (A, then B, then C, then D) copy the ‘X’s which appear in the Key Descriptor section. Underline the key words you have chosen. Circle the ‘key’ word marked with an asterisk (*).

Exercise 4: Choice of a new sport or leisure activity (as an amateur) Upper Left

Describe a daily behaviour corresponding to each one of the key words you have selected. How is it positive and with whom? How does it create difficulties and with whom?

Upper Right

Amateur radio Billiards Car repair Computers Do–it–yourself projects Electronic games Golf

Model building Restoring cars Strategy games Woodworking

Body building Bowling Cards Collecting (organisation) Fishing Gardening

Hunting Jogging Rowing Spectator sports Team handball Tennis Weight lifting

Lower Left

Distributed: Aviation Basketball Camping Caring for pets Chess Family outings Sailing Swimming

Aerobics/Dance Applied arts Creative writing Cycling Exploring Extreme sports

Nature watching Photography Playing music Skiing Video games Wine tasting

Collecting (passion for) Conversation Cooking Fashion Listening to music People watching Playing with children

Pleasure reading (Fiction) Singing Theatre Travel Volunteering Walking

Lower Right

Exercise 3: Your personal profile Your profile code is Your profile is

mono dominant double dominant

triple dominant multi dominant

( The term dominant corresponds to number ‘1’s’ in the profile code).

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Exercise 6: Review your HBDI® profile, using all of the pages provided, especially the Visual Profile and Data Summary sheet. 1. In thinking about your career development needs, identify a quadrant which you would like to ‘work on’ or develop.

My quadrant to be developed is:

2. For the quadrant you selected above, identify in the Work Elements section on your Data Summar y sheet the items that you ranked lowest, 1 or 2 (do less well or least well). Which one of these represents an area that would be useful to better develop or ‘work on’ as you think about your current work situation?

The work activity that is most critically important to my work, and occasionally represents a challenge for me is:

3. Now think back to real situations from your professional or personal life in which the non–preferred activity identified above created a real challenge or problem for you.

Real life examples of a challenge with a non–preferred activity:

4. What is a concrete example that describes why this type of activity can be a challenge for you?

My challenge with is because

5. Restate your problem in “how–to” format by beginning your sentence with ‘how do I’ and completing the sentence with a second phrase ‘in order to’. Example: “my problem is that I do not organise my files” will now read “how do I better organise my files in order to save time and frustration at work?”

How do I in order to

6. Next, seek out a person in your personal or professional network who has a style that is different from yours, complementar y to your profile, to discuss your challenge and uncover some new ideas. Explore options and helpful tips by asking: ”In this situation, how do you approach it for the best results?”

Understanding the Herrmann W hole Brain® model


Exercice 6 : How do I move from one quadrant or mode to another?... To move from Upper Left A to Lower Right C: Relax on need for proof by facts and value feelings.

To move from Upper Mode AD to Lower Mode BC: Respect gut feelings, value body response and relax on intellectual modes.

To move from Left Mode AB to Right Mode CD: Respect intuition and value instinctive, experimental, humanistic approaches.

To move from Lower Left B to Upper Right D: Relax on tightness of form and structure and value spontaneity.

To move from Upper Right D to Lower Left B: Relax on need for absolute freedom and value form and structure.

To move from Right Mode CD to Left Mode AB: Respect logic and value planned, organised, rational approaches.

To move from Lower Mode BC to Upper Mode AD: Respect cognitive processes and value the balance of rational and intuitive thinking.

To move from Lower Right C to Upper Left A: Relax on intensity of feelings and value facts.

Now that you discovered your profile, what did you learn?

What are your strong points?

What are the potential blind spots and areas for development? People I can seek out to discuss my challenge:

Based on what you discovered about your preferences: What are you going to stop doing?

What are you going to start doing differently? 7. Develop an action plan using the advice and tips provided. Be sure it includes specific and realistic action items you can star t as early as the next day.

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My action plan, starting tomorrow morning, will be:

What are you going to continue to do and reinforce?

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