Productivity matters within your workplace
3rd July 2024
Delegate Pack
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‘We can have all the ideas, investment, excitement, hubris – vision (what), mission (why) and strategy (how) in the world – without the essential ‘who’ – the plan is built on sand and has a high probability of failure’.
How to attract high calibre at less cost
Methods and techniques for optimising Right
First Time hiring decisions
Step change engagement
- the key to retention and sustainability
72% of job seekers are likely to share their bad experiences online or with someone directly
70% of candidates do their research before applying to a company. (Source: LinkedIn)
58% of job seekers had declined a job offer due to poor experience. (Source: CareerPlug)
63% of candidates are dissatisfied with the communication from employers after applying. (Source: Talentegy)
Companies that took the time to develop a positive candidate hiring experience reported a 70% improvement in the quality of hires. (Source: Glassdoor)
60% of job seekers quit an application in the middle due to its length or complexity. (Source: SHRM)
83% of candidates say a negative interview experience can change their minds about a role or company they once liked. In comparison, 87% say a positive interview experience can change their minds about a previously doubted role or company. (Source: LinkedIn)
Only 42% of employers reach out to declined candidates with information on future job opportunities.
(Source: CareerArc)
Candidates are 4x more likely to consider a company for future opportunities if provided thoughtful feedback. (Source: LinkedIn)
25% of the candidates receive no preparation at all before they come for a job interview.
(Source: Talent Board)
Productivitya very simple equation.
The colleague/ employee
New, more and better added value from your provider
Your productivity & value for money sweet spot.
Productivity/ output (return on investment/ return on salary/ direct cost)
Main takeaways - Easy best wins
Welcome and Introductions
Housekeeping/ setup
Quick virtual around the room, show of hands, current challenges, ideal focus - take aways
Top line presentation of Recruitment 2.0three critical components
Summary Q&A
Follow up
Crafting a robust strategy – the ‘how’ + assembling a winning team + no sacred cows approach = success.
How to attract, compete for morehigher calibre people
Carry out a no sacred cows –down and dirty assessment of the V1 recruitment strategy
Gap/needs analysis
You can’t fix what you don’t understand - thought Experiment/framing exercise
Be pragmatic, get to the brutal facts – make this a blame free process. You’re focusing on what, why, how – not ‘who’
Value Stream Mapping
(delay/waiting, repetition, duplication, waste, overprocessing, omissions, errors)
Focus on ‘easy/best’ – for quick/impactful wins
The definitive five-point plan –success engineered in:
Why recruitment is an 'always on' imperative Look up and out - WFP and COT
Craftingthebest possibleEVP-1MPUnderstandandmap yourEVPtoknow candidatemotivations, themarket-bemore creativewithhow youbuild capacity
Robust, engaging and agile recruitment assessment and candidate experience
Innovate, evolve and prepare to compete
Building the goodwill bank the key to engagement, retention and diminishing risk
What ifs?
ContingencyPlan B's
Migration & Returnees2020-2021
UnderperformersA's, B's & C's10% C's
Retirees & Aging
Attrition/ Leavers
Crafting a compelling Employer Value Proposition - is unashamedly a promotional, marketing and yes, selling exercise.
Note! Candidates are neither motivated or qualified to know why a career with your organisation is a smart career move – the onus is on you get on their radar, turn heads, inspire a response.
Channels to market
Brand awareness 1 minute pitch Web/apps
Followers, engagement, impressions, subscribers
Socials Platforms
Inbound/ outbound
Word of mouth & Referrals
Online communities /groups
Aggregator sties
Trusted source of information/ advice
Resource and overhead investment costs
Overall ROI and trend
Costs per hour
Quality and in scope shortlists
Fulfilment and time to fill - target vs actual
Right First Time decisions and hiring
Attrition - what and why, RCA
Candidate journey and experience
Applications and shortlists per campaign and by role
Retention and engagement
Have a clearly defined and executable plan, roadmap, blueprint for the 'how' you intend to deliver value and impact.
Dial your EVP up to 10 and leave it there
In a nutshell:
Remember - it's a sellers market. There's an under-supply of high quality people and skills.
Invest the time, energy, resources - the results and pay back is transformative
Effective talent acquisition is multifaceted and 'always on'.
The costs of failed hires – one of the biggest blind spots in many organisations
51% of organisations are unsure of the real costs attached to bad recruitment decisions (CIPD)
85% of the businesses polled had experienced failed hires - most had made little or no changes to the recruitment process as a result
39% of those responding agreed that interviews, assessment and engagement with candidates needs to be improved. of decision makes say competing for top talent is their number challenge.
98.4% RFT 98.1% TTF
96% retention (candidates still in post after two years)
…..across 15 projects, 450+ hires, all levels. How?
Precisely profile the job - job and culture fit Engineer in objectivity, evidence based assessmentjob and culture fit Competency and scenario based interviews, assessment, scoring and selection
Utilise integrated technology to improve speed, ease and interactions
Train your stakeholders - this is 360 50/50 situation
Wrapthewholeendto endprocessupinan engaging,respectful, transparentand meaningfulcandidate experience
Be prepared to review, reimagine and redesign the candidate journey/experience - good will is nurtured both waysfrom the outset and ongoing
'Check your tech' - a smooth/fast and integrated UX/UE can be the difference that makes the difference.
In a nutshell:
Smart assessment/selection tools and techniques seamlessly engineer in fast/accurate decision making - and engineer out inherent risk, frustration and damage associated with poor recruitment decisions.
Hold a mirror up to the process and strategycommit to C.I and fine tuning - World Class Excellence = your share of the best of the best.
The goals are; 100% candidate satisfaction, an ability to return to the well, organic promotion of the organisation, building your own talent communities and networks.
Retention, engagement and long-term sustainability talent strategies
Some of the keys to long-term retention and engagement include:
Building and nurturing goodwill - from first contact onwards
Invest in L&Denable progression for those that want/have earned it
Make retention, engagement and loyalty a leadership imperative and KPI
Visibility understanding and alignment to the Vision (what) and Strategy (how) is fundamental to fostering more meaningful relationships
Communication - in the absence of open, honest, relevant information - the vacuum can be filled with mis-information, conjecture, guesswork and incoherence
Get your people to the Apex - 100% satisfaction and 100% contribution
Create and embed a 'culture of'
‘Taking the temperature’ of the business – real time, organically, authentically –encouraging feedback, continually; reviewing, refining and evolving all aspects of the talent strategy – is an A1 business imperative.