ch PsBy Y L Y DIA e e SOU h TH d WO T
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he decade of the 1960’s is often associated with dreams. It was a time of civil rights movements, advances in science, and a popular culture revolution. The dream many young people held onto was one of hope and change. This is what inspired a wave of social and political movements, fighting to end war and promote peace. At its climax, 1967s ‘Summer of Love’ convinced these people that change was just around the corner. But by
1969, this dream came crashing down. Just as the cultural wave was influenced by and reflected in the music of the time, fashion was equally as instrumental in shaping the course of history. These dreams of hope and transformation were materialised in the clothes worn by the people dreaming. It was a reaction to and against the order of the early 1960’s, and created a youth counterculture centred