CU DHM Fall 2022 Newsletter

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#CUDHM Accomplishments

Check out our top five Division of Hospital Medicine (DHM) accomplishments from the last quarter!

Faculty & DHM Highlights

Get to know the newest faces around DHM while learning some recent fast facts about the division.

Stay up to date with the latest wins, recognition, and awards within the DHM.

Check in on the daily happenings with the DHM that build into our efforts to improve lives through excellence in patient care, education, and cutting edge innovation.

For this newsletter, we wanted to highlight our core focus: building thriving teams. Read more about the mentorship and advancement opportunities we focus on for both our faculty and staff. Stay up to date with the latest DHM announcements, events, social posts and more!

We are excited about our Fall DHM Newsletter! Our incredible team is thrilled to share many of our new endeavors and accomplishments with you. My message this quarter will focus on a simple note of gratitude: Gratitude for a dedicated team who shows up every day ready to face the daily challenges and triumphs. We show up because we believe we can help our patients to feel better and that we can improve healthcare systems to optimize care for our patients, enhance our learners’ experiences, and support our team members! This unrelenting dedication is visible in the many accomplishments you see in the newsletter (and there is so much more). It is an honor to work with such fantastic people here locally and nationally. Thank you for all that you do!

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Message from Marisha #CUDHMWins
DHM Daily Fall Spotlight Stay Connected


DHM Top 5 Quarterly Accomplishments

These are just five of the many accomplishments for this incredible team. Stay tuned for our next newsletter and follow us on Twitter @CUDivHospMed to hear what we are up to next!

1We are Geographic!

Efforts led by Dr.’s Adam Meyer, Dimitriy Levin, Hemali Patel, and Darlene Tad-y (plus so many other team members!) have resulted in an impressive increase in geographically based teams.

Preparing for a New Tower

In partnership with our hospital, school of medicine, and department colleagues we are actively recruiting for our expansion slated for Summer of 2023.

Welcome our newest program: Physicians Leaders in Health Systems Fellowship

3We are excited to partner with the University of Colorado to offer an Executive MBA in Healthcare. Physician leadership at the executive level has been identified as a critical gap in the healthcare workforce as healthcare has evolved in complexity. Traditional medical training inadequately pre pares physicians to step into leadership roles that require an understanding of and ability to manage the complex financial, operational, and regulatory challenges in U.S. healthcare today. Our team sought to create an experiential program that would prepare future physician leaders to have the knowledge and skills to navigate those challenges.

Rapid qualitative methods are our thing!

Interested in learning more? Rapid qualitative methods are an incredible method for prompt turn around assessments for operational and quality improvement work as well as research. Check out some of the recent publications from our team and colleagues from around the country with more coming soon!

At the beginning of November, the Department of Medicine held their annual Faculty and Staff Rec ognition Event. We want to take a moment to celebrate the individuals recognized and who won awards!

Amiran Baduashvili, MD

Kerry Fleischer, MBA, MHA

Emily Gottenborg, MD

Reem Hanna, MD

Christine Jones, MD, MS

Angela Keniston, MSPH

Maria Klimenko, MD

Adrienne Mann, MD

Li-Kheng Ngov, MD

Baduashvili, MD

Faculty Innovator Award Winners:
Hospital Medicine Faculty & Staff Get Recognized during Annual DOM Awards Christine D. Jones, MD, MS Amiran Recognized Faculty/Staff: Adaptability on Shifting Ground
Impact of Surge Adaptations on Hospitalist Care Teams

Meet the Newest Faces in our Division


Welcome Advanced Practice Fellows (APF) September 2022 Cohort!

Our APF program uses a multiphase approach to develop learners into well-rounded, competent inpatient providers. The DHM has built core clinical teams around fellows in order to provide opportunities for highyield, bedside clinical instruction from talented Physician and APP faculty.  In addition to a strong clinical core, the APF utilizes frequent didactic sessions and case-based learning to enhance fellow development.

Global Health Scholar Travels to Harare, Zimbabwe

The aim of the Global Health Scholars Program is to train future hospitalist-leaders for careers in resource-limited and underserved settings. Physician scholars pursue up to six months of international work in combination with six months as hospitalists at Anschutz.

This year we brought on Jenny Doran, MD, who is spending her international portion of the program in Harare, Zimbabwe. She is spending two months providing patient care and teaching medical students and residents at the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences. She will then return to Harare in the spring to spend an additional four months. While there, Jenny is providing patient care and teaching medical students and residents at the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences. She is also studying the barriers of utilizing POCUS in resource limited settings.

Once she concludes her international portion of the program, she will continue to provide patient care as a hospitalist at CU Anschutz and to complete her project. She will also be attending seminars, journal clubs, and lectures pertaining to global health via the Center for Global Health. We look forward to seeing her growth and sharing more about her experiences as our Global Health Scholar!

want to give a warm welcome to our newest faculty and staff CUDHM team members!
Ben Haerther PA-C Molly McCullough PA-C Hattie Hanson PA-C
Lauren Dailey PA-C Cortland Vis PA-C Learn more about our Current Advanced Practice Fellows! Bhavyaa Bahl MD Catherine Anderson BS | Office Admin Kelsey Keil M. Ed | Education Specialist Magdalena Danch MD

Check out our faculty publications! Click here to see a list of the publications.

Publications October

August September

Faculty Featured: 7 Faculty Featured: 6 Faculty Featured: 5

DHM Innovation Start-Up Program

The Division of Hospital Medicine is pleased to announce the availability of funding through the DHM Small Grants Program. This internally-funded program is designed to provide a source of funding for faculty who have appointments in the Division of Hospital Medicine across all of our academic sites. We are excited to announce that we’ve accepted two programs for our innovations start-up! Congratulations to:

Mark Kissler, MD:

Proposal to initiate a DHM Speaker Series with a focus on the arts and humanities

Samuel Porter, MD & Benjamin Vipler, MD: Proposal to initiate Podcast “Heartbeats: Music and the Practicing Clinician”

“My commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) has been unwavering throughout my career. As someone who participated in pathway programs as a high school and college student, it was important to contribute to these programs upon completion of my training. Early in my career, I created two pipeline programs in the Hospital Medicine Group geared toward preparing underrepresented minority (URM) students for careers in medicine and for leadership positions. Through these programs, I have mentored 23 students with ~ 80% of them now having matriculated into medical school and other health professional programs. I have continued to provide mentorship, advising, and coaching to the students who are attend ing CUSOM and feel ecstatic to see them continuing their journey to becoming physicians.

As Director of DEI for the Division of Hospital Medicine, I’ve had the pleasure of working with faculty and staff within the Division and Department of Medicine to advance our DEI efforts. This includes advocating for and achieving salary equity based on rank, standardization of FTE for leadership positions, standardization of faculty recruitment and interview processes to help minimize bias and enhance recruitment of URMs, and leading diversity trainings and educational sessions for faculty, including sessions on implicit bias, upstander training, and racism and medicine.

As I start in my new role as Associate Dean for DEI in the School of Medicine, I continue to reflect on how supportive and instrumental the faculty and staff in the DHM have been in moving the needle forward in DEI and helping prepare me for this role. I am enthusiastic about DEI, and I find this important work to be engaging, fulfilling, and rewarding. My goal is to create diverse, equitable, and inclusive environments for all, one in which diversity drives excellence and all individuals are valued and heard.”

Dr. Amira Del Pino-Jones Named SOM Associate Dean for DEI
Read the SOM Article About Dr. Del Pino-Jones’ Promotion Here

Biocontainment and Emergency Preparedness

Emergency preparedness can apply to many things beyond just emerging infectious diseases. From preparing for extreme circumstances such as emergent hospital evacuation, to loss of critical infrastructure, or multi-casualty incidents, hospitalists play a vital role in hospital preparations and response.

Within our CUDHM team, Kasey Bowden, FNP, NP, MSN, RN, Jason Persoff, MD, and Gaby Frank, MD are members of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM)’s Task Force Mass Critical Care, and Dr. John Cunningham has also been involved in SCCM. This increased interest and focus will further benefit our hospitals with proactive plan ning in disaster preparedness. Here are some things to keep an eye on currently:


While many continue to view the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the rearview mirror, the reality is that many signs indicate the potential for a severe surge this upcoming year as further social distancing and mask use initiatives continue to fall to the wayside. As is typical of evolution of respiratory viruses, newer variants such as the Omicron BA.4, BA.5, and BA.4.6 all are highly transmissible (with Ro of >15 meaning for every person infected they can spread it to at least 15 other people) but with lower lethality. Long term effects of COVID are the principal concern moving forward in the pandemic posing an exceptionally high risk for severe burden of disease. Studies suggesting long-COVID can age the brain 10 years and lead to early dementia notwithstanding the high risk for thrombotic complications even with asymptomatic disease.


The possibility that monkeypox (likely to be renamed very soon due to social stigma) will become a pandemic, bringing current active pandemics to three: SARS-CoV-2, monkeypox, and HIV, underscores the vulnerability that a burgeoning population has when living side-by-side with animal-borne illnesses that “skip” into the human population. Fortunately, two main strategies for monkeypox should allow this disease to be treated effectively on a large scale: effective antiviral medication that had previously only been slated for smallpox--tecoviromat--and effective vaccines--JYNNEOS and ACAM2000--can lessen the impact or prevent the disease. However, the scale of this global emergency is difficult to know. While the prevailing variant of monkeypox from the West African clade normally has a mortality rate of 1%, the current data suggests that the current variant is far less fatal.

“In the past, resiliency has generally been referred to the person themselves trying to find resiliency,” Dr. Jason Persoff said. “What we learned in the COVID-19 pandemic is the idea of systems to build personal resiliency are insufficient to deal with the high quantity of demands placed on providers. What we found is, based on work [Dr. Gaby Frank] and I have done with the Task Force for Mass Critical Care, is that resiliency has to come from the institutional level down.”

Members Highlighted in Society of Hospital Medicine’s Special Interest Group Article for
Medicine Disaster Preparedness and Management
“Hospitalists continue to lead the way in biocontainment and emergency preparedness.”
In the News CUDHM Team
Read More from the SHM Article by Clicking Here

Spreading Gratitude with Thankful Thoughts

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we asked our team to send in some thankful thoughts sharing what they are greateful for. Check out some of their responses below!

I am thankful for Lindsay Thurmanshe is an incredible friend, mentor, and colleague. This week we have had a really incredible week on service together and I feel privileged to get to work with her. I would not be the Onc provider that I am today without her telling me (during my fellowship 8 years ago) that its ok to cry when you talk to patients. I am thankful for the work I get to do on the Oncology service and I can confidently say that had no one told me it was ok to cry, I wouldn’t get to do this everyday!! Thanks LT!!

I am very thankful to Kevin Sullivan, Abby Mehler, Melisha Begerman and Anna Maw. Having not attended on Med2 for 18 months, all four individually helped bring me up to speed on the procedure service, work through logistical issues and went above and beyond to support me.

Brian Wolfe, MD

I am thankful to work with such a fun, dynamic, and inspiring group of professionals that truly care about each other and the patients we serve. I could not ask to work with a better team!

Lauren McBeth, BA

I’m thankful for our certified nurse assistant colleagues who work tirelessly to ensure our patients’ core needs are met. They contribute so much to patient dignity while hospitalized.



I’m thankful for so many things, but right now I’m most thankful for vaccines that work and the ability to travel safely again!

Anunta Virapongse, MD, MPH

I’m thankful for a supportive spouse who has let me pursue my passion at every step of my career. I’m also thank ful for a division chief who is willing to work with me on all fronts to ensure that what makes me thrive is something she can support.

Ben Vipler, MD

I am thankful for the amazing people I have in my life, my health, and the opportunities I’ve had that have allowed me to be where I am today. I’ve accom plished a lot this year and I am so grate ful for all the support I have received from my friends and family.

Cat Anderson, BS

I am thankful for the DHM Admin team for welcoming me to the team and helping me get familiar with my new role!

Kelsey Keil, M. Ed.

I am thankful for the Data Dream team. They are so helpful, responsive, and fun to work with.

Susan Calcterra, MD

I’m thankful for the DHM team as a whole. Since starting in this new industry in January, I’ve felt welcomed and respected. Every one is so supportive and I’m so grateful to have found this team.

Kelsey Hussey, BA

I am thankful to be part of an incredible group of clinicians, researchers, and administrators who challenge, encourage and inspire me every day!

Kasey Bowden, FNP, NP, MSN, RN

I am grateful for random acts of kindness.


Building Thriving Teams Through Mentorship & Advancement

Our division has maintained a strong emphasis on mentorship for our faculty and staff. We have provided several opportunities and programs to support the diverse needs of our team. Our Faculty Advancement team meets each month to check on the programs offered and brainstorms new ways the can improve.

DOM Mentorship Program

When it comes to mentorship, two of our staff joined the DOM Mentorship Program offered to staff that runs for a full year (March 2022 to March 2023).

As a mentor, Katherine Frank, BA, MA, was paired with two mentees and has been meeting with them each month from the start of the program. Katherine is our HR professional and brings so much to the table when it comes to providing advice and guidance as a mentor.

“As a mentor in the DOM’s inaugural Staff Mentorship program, I have really enjoyed honing my leadership skills and connecting with other member of the DOM community! As a former teach er, I am a lifelong learner and am grateful for the learning opportunities this program offers.”

Our Website and Digital Content Specialist, Kelsey Hussey, BA, found a place as a mentee in the program. She’s found a lot of value in the program through its monthly professional development program. She has also appreciated getting to know her mentor, Hillary Chastril, and fellow mentee Taylor Cameron. “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time so far in the DOM Men torship Program. The program started only two months after I joined the CUDHM team and CU Anschutz. It’s been a great way to immerse myself in the CU community and get to know more people in the department,” Kelsey added.

Faculty Advancement Opportunities

Our Faculty Advancement team is always looking for growth and development opportunities for our team. We aim to build a community that supports all faculty in identifying and fostering individual interests in order to attain career satisfaction and academic success, and to collectively be institutional and national leaders in faculty development through innovation and collaboration. We take these efforts very seriously and meet as a committee monthly to ensure all the needs in our division are being met or improved.

In the past 3 years, we have promoted: - 28 to Associate Professor - 2 to Professor

Dr. Greg Misky and Dr. Gaby Frank lead and provide oversite for our division for our Faculty Advancement efforts. By identifying and addressing barriers for timely academic success of our faculty members, building strong mentorship relationships, and developing venues and opportunities for academic development, our team supports all faculty in their path toward career advancement, professional development, and meaningful dossier drafting. We look forward to continuing to share the benefits of mentorship and faculty advancement programs with our faculty and staff!





Listening Tour: Hospital Medicine

Join the Hospital Medicine team on December 6th at 3pm for the DOM Research Listening Tour. The purpose of this event is to learn about successes and barriers from all faculty and staff engaged in research across the T0–T4 spectrum. All faculty and staff are invited! Learn more about the event here.

National Book Month Recommendations

In honor of National Book Month in October, we took to twitter to find the best book recommendations for hospitalists. We received everything from research/ quality books to fantasy novel recommendations and we wanted to share the results! Thank you so much for sharing these books!

Healthcare Related Books

• House of God by Samuel Shem

• The Anatomy of Hope by Jerome Groopman

• The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture by Daniel Mate

• The Song of the Cell by Siddhartha Mukherjee

• God’s Hotel by Victoria Sweet

• Why We Revolt by Victor Montori

• The Patient Revolution by David Gilbert

• The Healthcare Quality Book by Maulik Joshi

• Essentials of Healthcare Marketing by Eric N. Berkowitz

• Any book by American surgeon, writer, and public health researcher Atul Gawand

Professional Development/Leadership

• Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink & Leif Babin

• Switch-how to change things when change is hard by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

• Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone by Amy Gallo

Upcoming Events

January Writing Challenge

Click here for more info

QI, Research, Study design, etc.

• Survey’s: The Tailored Design Method by Don A. Dillman, Jolene D. Smyth & Leah Melani Christian

• Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design by John W. Creswell & Cheryl N. Poth

• Dissemination & Implementation Research in Health (D&I) Small Data by Ross C. Brownson

Other and Fun Reads

• I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy

• The Story of Earth by Robert Hazen

• Anything by British romance novelist Talia Hibbert

• Like Comment Subscribe: YouTube’s Chaotic Rise by Mark Bergen

• Cork Dork by Bianca Bosker

• The Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas

• The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson

• Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis

• Any novel by Kristen Hannah

For social media, newsletter or digital marketing content, please send your submission to Kelsey Hussey, BA at for a chance to be featured! You can also use our hashtag #CUDHM or tag us in your post.

University of Colorado Division of Hospital Medicine

December 5 DHM Holiday Gathering
@CUDivHospMed @CUDivHospMed @CUDivHospMed
A Chance to be Featured November 24 Thanksgiving

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