CU DHM Fall 2023 Newsletter

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IN THIS ISSUE #CUDHM Accomplishments


Faculty & DHM Highlights




DHM Daily


Fall Spotlight


Stay Connected


Check out our top five Division of Hospital Medicine (DHM) accomplishments from the last quarter!

Get to know the newest faces around DHM while learning some recent facts about the division.

Stay up to date with the latest wins, recognition, and awards within the DHM.

Check in on the daily happenings with the DHM that build into our efforts to improve lives through excellence in patient care, education, and cutting edge innovation.

Learn about some of the divisions hospitalists that are making a difference in our local community here in Colorado.

Stay up to date with the latest DHM announcements, events, social posts and more!

A Message from Marisha Burden, MD, MBA University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | Department of Medicine | Hospital Medicine Division Head “Greetings colleagues! We are excited to share our Fall Newsletter with you which highlights our many efforts to serve our community and continue to foster our incredible academic environment. Tower three is open, bringing with it many new patient care and practice innovation opportunities. We are also excited to share several program highlights, including the innovative CARE Clinic, which offers patient-centered care for oncology patients. In the spirit of supporting our faculty and staff, our division is deeply engaged with the Department of Medicine (DOM) Staff Mentorship Program, where staff members are honing their leadership skills. Meanwhile, our DHM Visiting Professor Program keeps us connected with thought leaders from around the country, shedding light on important topics in our ever-changing healthcare landscape. Finally, we celebrate commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through our participation in the CU Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Community Fair. We hope that you enjoy this read celebrating excellence, embracing innovation, and fostering growth! Thank you for being part of our thriving DHM community. We look forward to sharing more exciting updates with you in our next newsletter.”


#CUDHM ACCOMPLISHMENTS DHM Top 5 Quarterly Accomplishments

These are just five of the many accomplishments for this incredible team. Stay tuned for our next newsletter and follow us on X @CUDivHospMed to hear what we are up to next!


Recognizing Great People

Did you know that we have a dedicated committee that makes sure our wonderful people are recognized? This year, the Faculty Institute for the Recognition of Excellence (F.I.R.E) expanded their reach to make sure our growing admin team also has opportunities for recognition. Between internal division awards, to department and external recognition, we are intentionally looking for ways to celebrate the amazing work our CUDHM team is doing.

Small Grants Program

We’ve redesigned our DHM Small Grants Program this year to better align with our division goals and to better support our grant recipients. Some changes include new grant tiers, an updated application process, and redefined requirements. Overall, we aim to provide funding for projects that support innovation, improvement, and education within the healthcare system.


Striving to Build Optimal Work Design


Many of our team members are utilizing research and quality improvement methods to understand optimal work design which helps to inform our daily operations and work! Some of the work includes team members working to understand volumes of secure chats, attention in the clinical environment, APP best practices, how to optimize/understand workloads for trainees, and strategies to understand how to balance clinical work and the educational mission (to name a few!). There are many articles headed your way that will change practice that you can find on our News and Events page on our website. As many of these projects come to completion, our hope is to translate the findings into our daily work!

Tower Three Ramping Up

Over the past few months, UCHealth hospital has been ramping up for the newest development, Tower 3. This tower will help expand our reach to the community and allow for wider capacity in the hospital. We are excited to have a few of our service lines in this new tower and we’re looking forward to watching the growing impact the additional tower will bring the Colorado community.



CARE (Clinical Assessment and Rapid Evaluation) Clinic

Have you heard of the CARE Clinic? Located at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, the CARE Clinic is an Advanced Practice Provider (APP) led clinic that provides intensive symptom-management and urgent care services for solid tumor oncology patients at the University of Colorado Hospital. The clinic aims to improve delivery of cancer care through a proactive and patient-centered approach to complex symptom management and through providing same-day urgent care services tailored to the unique needs of oncology patients. This approach provides oncology patients with a cost-effective alternative to the emergency department while undergoing cancer treatment. Learn more about this clinic where you can find several of our hospitalists on service.


FACULTY & DHM HIGHLIGHTS Newest Team Additions

We want to give a warm welcome to our newest faculty and staff CUDHM team members starting from October to December this year! A few of the individuals below may look familiar as several are joining us after a fellowship program with us at CU Anschutz.

Grace Maurer, RN

Pallabi Sanyal-Dey, MD

Lauren Dailey, PA-C Past APF Graduate

Ben Haerther, PA-C Molly McCullough, PA-C Cortland Vis, PA-C Past APF Graduate Past APF Graduate Past APF Graduate

Recent Publications and News Check out our CUDHM faculty publications and blogs! Click here to see a list of the publications.

Leadership Updates HMS 7/TSU Co-Director Joesie McManamen, PA-C

Medicine Procedure Service Assistant Director Chris King, MD

Associate Chief Medical Officer, Inpatient Services for UCHealth Li Ngov, MD


#CUDHM WINS DHM Staff Join Department of Medicine Mentorship Program

For it’s second year, after a successful pilot program, the Department of Medicine (DOM) Staff Mentorship Program is back and better than ever! This year, we have three staff members joining as mentees and one staff member joining as a mentor. This program is designed to facilitate staff career development specifically with building work-related competencies, self-evaluation, leadership skills, and opportunities. In addition to our staff that are participating in the program, we also have a few CUDHM members on the leadership team. Check out these individuals and learn more about the program below! We look forward to sharing updates through out the next year of the program. DHM Program Participants

Cat Anderson, BS Mentee

Melisha Begerman, BS Mentee

Kelsey Keil, M.Ed Mentee

Katherine Frank, Mentor

DHM Leadership Team Members

Kelsey Hussey, BA Events Committee

Maria Klimenko, MD Feedback & Evaluation Committee

Learn more about the DOM Staff Mentorship Program Here!


DHM DAILY Happenings on CU Anschutz Medical Campus Success at the Department of Medicine Mentorship Academy

For the third year offered, the University of Colorado Department of Medicine and the University of Michigan Department of Medicine hosted the Mentorship Academy where individuals can join to learn the intricacies of being a mentor and mentee. This year, individuals connected at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus for the oneday workshop on October 27th. Some speakers included hospitalist Christine Jones, MD and the department chair, Vineet Chopra, MD, MSc, who both brought important conversations on maximizing menteeship, minimizing misstepts, and mentorship malpractice. Some of the other topics included: • What Mentors Wish Their Mentees Knew • Career Roadmaps: Strategic Planning for the Early Career Years • Mentoring Trainees • Developing Mentorship Programs • Keynote Address from Kimberly Manning, MD, FACP, FAAP • Reflections from the Dean: John J. Reilly, Jr., MD • Presentations from our very own CUDHM Hospitalists Thank you for this wonderful program on learning how to be a better mentor and a more effective mentee. We look forward to putting these new skills to practice! CU Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Community Fair The CU Anschutz Office of DEI and Community Engagement hosted a community fair for individuals committed to learning more and making an impact through DEI efforts. Most of the day consisted of breakout rooms, a keynote speaker, and open discussion on challenges and ideas/ improvements related to DEI. The energy toward this very important mission was refreshing and motivating. We look forward to seeing our community make an impact on DEI and we are excited to be a part of this movement ourselves. Did you Know? In addition to her role as a hospitalist, Dr. Amira Del Pino-Jones, is also the Associate Dean of

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the University of Colorado School of Medicine. During the event, she lead the patient care focused breakout room to facilitate discussion around importance and some challenges with DEI in regards to our patient community.

Supporting Wellness One Cart at a Time This October, our hospital medicine division had the opportunity to take the WellDOM Cart to our hospitalists working throughout the UCHealth hospital. WellDOM is the wellness initiative within the CU Department of Medicine and they have a fully stocked “wellness” cart they allow divisions within the department to disperse among their teams. The cart has everything from treats, to wellness resources, to themed items. October’s theme was all about stress, so we provided items such as stress balls, bath bombs and other stress-reducing items to our #CUDHM team.


DHM DAILY An Overview of our CUDHM Education Programs Advanced Practice Fellowship

Hospitalist Training Program

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13-month long program for PAs/NPs interested in a career in Hospital Medicine​ Two cohorts/year​ 5-6 fellows/cohort​ Over 100 fellows graduated

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Training track for residents in the Internal Medicine Residency Training Program​. 4-6 residents/year​ Oldest Hospitalist Training Program

Health Innovations Scholars Program

Advanced Clinical Scholars Program

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One-month summer program for medical students​ Focuses on innovation and improvement in healthcare​ This year the program had their first ever international participants

Administrative Scholars Program • •

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Two-year long program An experiential program that prepares future physician leaders to have the knowledge and skills to navigate healthcare challenges Accepts 1-2 scholars a year We partnered with our local business school for scholars to earn an MBA

One-year long program Scholars choose an area of interest such as POCUS research, clinical decision making, evidence based medicine, or curriculum development

Quality Improvement (QI) and Health Systems Leadership Fellowship • •

One-year long fellowship Fellows will participate in training through the IHQSE, with a focus on advanced leadership, teamwork, quality, safety, and system redesign concepts and skills

Hospital Medicine ActingInternship • • •

Internship for 4th-year medical students​ Focus on patient safety and quality improvement​ Participants receive academic credit rather than payment/ stipend

Global Health Scholars Program • •

One-year long program Scholars pursue up to six months of international work, in combination with working six months as a hospitalist at the University of Colorado Hospital Currently accepting applications

Translational or Outcomes Research Fellowship • •

Two-year long program Requires dual application to the CUDHM fellowship program and the SCORE fellowship that are each associated with an intensive didactic or classroom-based course, clinical duties, and experiential work

We have amazing teams that are dedicated to the success of each of these programs. To learn more about our hospital medicine education programs and offerings, visit our website using the link below! Learn more about Hospital Medicine Education Programs!


FALL SPOTLIGHT Hospitalists Making a Difference in Our Community

In honor of being grateful and thankful, we wanted to highlight some hospitalists that are making a difference in our surrounding community. Do you know a hospitalist that should be highlighted for their work in the community? Provide a submission to recognize an amazing colleague for a chance to be featured in future newsletters and division social media posts.

Erin Bredenberg, MD

Assistant Professor | Hospital Medicine Impact: Community Housing and Healthcare Housing Transitions Dr. Bredenberg has become heavily involved with the community to better serve patients experiencing homelessness and healthcare housing transitions. These efforts include meeting with members of the Housing Transitions Team at UCHealth as well as community partners from Stride, Salud, and CO Coalition for the Homeless to help patients find a medical home in Aurora. Along with Dr. Jia Liu, hospitalist at the VA and co-director of the Health Equity Pathway for resident physicians, she has arranged tours of community resources (Comitis, Stout Street Health Center) for residents in the pathway. She also has connected with fellow hospitalist Dr. Amanda Johnson to mentor a resident physician on a project exploring barriers to cancer care and palliative care referrals among people experiencing homelessness. Dr. Bredenberg is also helping to support a project spearheaded by Dr. Johnson and fourth year medical student, Becca Henkind to link patients experiencing homelessness with primary care at the time of discharge from the hospital. As you can see, Dr. Bredenberg is passionate about these housing efforts and has spent a lot of her time looking to find solutions for our community. We’re excited to see where her efforts (alongside the other passionate hospitalists) will lead us in providing better options for individuals needing a proper place to recover after receiving treatment at the hospital.

Lily Cervantes, MD

Associate Professor | Hospital Medicine Impact: Health Equity Research, Advocacy, and Community Partnerships Dr. Cervantes has spent much of the last decade focused on research and advocacy work on eliminating disparities in Colorado’s healthcare system. Dr. Cervantes is recognized for spearheading several innovative changes to a Medicaid payment rule in Colorado to give undocumented patients with kidney failure access to life-saving maintenance dialysis, home dialysis, and outpatient COVID-19 care. The efforts have garnered national attention and partnerships, leading to strategies to enable routine improved access to care for underserved patients in several other states. Additional research and advocacy work includes expanding access to cancer treatment for undocumented immigrants, improving the care and well-being of all Latinos with kidney disease, improving communication and reducing medical mistrust for Latinos with limited English proficiency, and improving health insurance literacy and primary care preventative services. In addition to her policy and research, Dr. Cervantes partners with community by serving on four civic and community boards. For a more in-depth highlight on the amazing work and impact she’s made on the community, read this article published from CU Anschutz.

Moksha Patel, MD

Assistant Professor | Hospital Medicine Impact: Open Dialogue on Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Dr. Patel suffered from debilitating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) for many years until a rare brain surgery called Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) changed his life and helped him regain control over his mind and life. Since receiving the surgery, Dr. Patel has provided peer support to other patients with OCD. He has had the opportunity to speak on numerous podcasts and guest speak at OCD support groups to spread awareness of OCD and rare treatment options. Recently, Dr. Patel spoke at Exposurepalooza, an OCD awareness event that aimed to break stigma around the disease and introduce people to Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy. We’re inspired by the path he is paving for others who may be eager to regain control in their life and mind as well!


STAY CONNECTED Announcements Kickoff 2024 with our Hospital Medicine Writing Challenge

It’s that time a year again - our bi-yearly hospital medicine writing challenge! This Writing Challenge provides an opportunity to build the daily habit of writing by asking participants to complete a small amount of suggested/required words per day. Participants will be asked to log 400 words, for 4 days per week, for 4 weeks (or 16 days out of the month). It’s the perfect way to kick off the year with a healthy habit of daily writing. Join us this year as an individual or sign up as a team to help motivate your colleagues to kick-start a daily practice of writing. Learn more about this exciting challenge and consider signing up today!

Upcoming Events December 5 All-Site Division of Hospital Medicine Holiday Party


Hospital Medicine Writing Challenge (all are welcome to join)

Feeling Thankful and Grateful

We hope everyone had a wonderful time with loved ones last week over the holiday. For our hospitalists that were scheduled to work over the holiday, they had the opportunity to sit down to share a meal together. We want to just take a moment to share our gratitude for those who worked over the holiday and dedicating your time to their patients and our community. We also want to thank UCHealth for providing a free meal that day!

Did you know that expressing gratitude is good for your health? Here are some ways you can practice your gratefulness and improve your well-being: • • • •

Write a thank you note! Reflect on your day and write one thing you’re grateful for in a journal or the notes in your phone. Call a loved one. Find time to volunteer somewhere you’re passionate about or donate to an organization.

By making a habit of practicing these gratitude efforts, you can actually improve your health, sleep and happiness. We hope you have the chance to practice a few of these!

A Chance to be Featured


For social media, newsletter or digital marketing content, please send your submission to Kelsey Hussey, BA at for a chance to be featured! You can also use our hashtag #CUDHM or tag us in your post.

@CUDivHospMed @CUDivHospMed University of Colorado Division of Hospital Medicine

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