Clucky and the Magic Kettle

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To my mother, whose delicious stews never failed to cheer me up.

Clucky and the Magic Kettle Text © 2012 Mar Pavón Illustrations © 2012 Mónica Carretero This edition © 2012 Cuento de Luz SL Calle Claveles 10 | Urb Monteclaro | Pozuelo de Alarcón | 28223 Madrid | Spain Original title in Spanish: Cocorina y el puchero mágico English translation by Jon Brokenbrow ISBN: 978-84-15619-44-4 Printed by Shanghai Chenxi Printing Co., Ltd. in PRC, August 2012, print number 123 All rights reserved

Illustrated by Monica Carretero

Clucky the Hen takes her kids, as a rule, To learn and have fun at the barnyard school.

Hide-and-go-seek is their favorite game, At recess they play it again and again.

But then Mr. Goose set their hearts all a-flurry, With something he said that made the chicks worry: “Your mom’s memory’s weak, you know this is true, One day she could leave and forget about you!”

The chicks asked their mom at the end of the day, “Could you ever forget us?” She answered, “No way!” “I love you my darlings,” the mother hen said, “What nonsense is this? Get that out of your head!”

Hidden Pages

a 1968)

Mar Pavón (Barcelon

portant role in Mar im ry ve a ed ay pl Wings have child ies she heard as a or st e th e: lif s n’ vó Pa ncil to sprout wings; a pe n io at in ag im r he allowed for e the perfect wings er w r pe pa of t ee s and sh ke shape; and year ta to t ar st to s ie her fantas gave her the ideal n re ild ch r he of hs later, the birt story books, where of ld or w e th to in y, wings to soar she discovered Cluck 10 20 in y da g in pr S one her ues, and of course rt vi , ts ul fa r he of l . with al t, downiest feathers es ft so e th ith w d re wings, cove ould It Happen To “C of or th au e th She is also olphins,” tales that D e th d an ra ai “Z Anyone?” and ar into the sky so to ns io at in ag im allow children’s the at, without doubt, is th nd A n. ow r he e just lik HAPPINESS. first step towards

Mónica Carretero

(Madrid 1971)

With an imaginat ion like something out of a Marx Brothers m ovie, Mónica neve r stops drawing characte rs and inventing st ories that leap out of her he ad and into her b ooks. Characters who ar e full of life, color and tenderness, with hu gs and kisses all around (maybe you have to look closely to find them, but they’re alway s there!). And of course, there’s always a p iece of stripy clot hing. Mónica has illustr ated dozens of boo ks, and has won awards in London and the U SA.


Clucky takes her chicks to the barnyard school. There they learn, play and make friends ‌ but also see how others turn their backs on classmates, and how even they are made fun of. But Clucky is there with her magic kettle to fix all those bad feelings, and even to recycle them! This third tale of Clucky the Hen deals with the theme of bullying. Our heroine, as scatter-brained as ever, but with all of her energy and resourcefulness, solves the problem with the help of a magic kettle that symbolizes the best possible attitude in these cases: a willingness to discuss the situation. This attitude should serve as a model for our children, promoting respect, living in harmony and accepting other people’s differences.

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