NEWSLETTER Pg 2 GENERAL NEWS BCAPL & USAPL Side by Side Comparison CSI / BCAPL / USAPL Facebook Guidelines Upcoming Events
Pg 3 READY FOR RIO New! BCAPL Leisure Division at Nationals
Pg 4 LEAGUE UPDATES Preparing for the National Championships New BCAPL / USAPL Events Download Rules on Kindle and Nook Magic Ball Rack
FALL 2012
Tis the Season FOR POOL
Pg 5 CSI OPEN EVENTS US Open 8-Ball Added 17th Annual Jay Swanson Memorial 20th US Bar Table Championships What is CSI? Link to the TAR Video
BCA Pool League and USA Pool League are divisions of CueSports International (CSI).
General News A Side by Side Comparison: BCAPL & USAPL BCA Pool League
Independent League Program (8, 9, 10-Ball, straight pool, etc) No mandatory handicap - League Operator’s discretion Round Robin or local format Protection of night policy LeagueSys software is required for “New” leagues only (FREE!) Prize fund payout - League Operator’s discretion League prize fund under local control $15 Annual sanctioning fees Added $ to national, state and regional tournaments Qualified players eligible for 2013 BCAPL National Championships
November 9-11, 2012
BCAPL / USAPL Colorado State Championships Antique Billiard Museum, Colorado Springs, CO $2,000 ADDED
November 9-11, 2012
BCAPL / USAPL Florida State Championships Backstage Billiards, Orlando, FL $2,000 ADDED
USA Pool League Uniform national league program (Hdcp. 8-Ball and 9-Ball) National “Fairplay” handicap system “1 on 1” match play format only “Free” protected geographical areas LeagueSys (state of the art management system) required (FREE) League prize fund secured in national account and returned at end of session FREE to join - No annual membership fees until June 1, 2013 Qualified players eligible for 2013 USAPL & BCAPL National Championships
November 16-18, 2012
BCAPL / USAPL Indiana Fall Classic John Wayne’s Pub & Eatery, Indianapolis, IN $2,000 ADDED
February 20-24, 2013
Wisconsin BCAPL State Championships Olympia Resort, Oconomowoc, WI $TBA ADDED
To start or join a BCAPL league visit To start a USAPL territory or join a USAPL league visit
February 23-24, 2013
17th Annual Jay Swanson Memorial Hard Times Billiards, Bellflower, CA $3,000 Guaranteed ADDED $4,000 with a full 192 field
CSI/BCAPL/USAPL FACEBOOK GUIDELINES 1. Naming your league page: Use your entire league name and spell out “Pool League.” (i.e., Sin City USA Pool League)
2. DO NOT use just BCA Pool League or USA Pool League. These pages are already registered and administered by CueSports International.
February 25 - March 3, 2013
20th Annual US Bar Table Championships Grand Sierra Resort and Casino, Reno, NV $25,250 ADDED
Click the Events Tab to View ALL UPCOMING EVENTS
Ready for Rio NEW! Leisure Division at the 2013 BCAPL National Championships The BCA Pool League will introduce a new division at the 2013 BCAPL National Championships, called the “Leisure Division.” It is designed to fill the gap between average league players and the better players in the Open Division. The “Leisure Division” will offer a lower entry fee ($80.00) and a deep payout. Here are the basic criteria for this division: • Players who have played for 2 years in Open, Senior, or Super Senior (since 2005), and have never cashed in any Singles Division are eligible. • Players may also be eligible if they have finished a full league session in the bottom half of their local league, and their league is enrolled on LeagueSys. We need LeagueSys to help research player history. • Every player will be researched for player history. The eligibility criteria above do NOT insure playing in the new division. Known ability will be a big factor in establishing eligibility for this new division. • Players entering the Leisure Division may also enter the 2nd Chance Singles events (if eligibility criteria are met), all mini tournaments, and much more. The purpose of this division is to give lesser skilled players (called “B” players in some states) a level playing field against players of equal ability. For years, hundreds of players have participated in the Open division with no results. We greatly appreciate their support of the BCAPL and the BCAPL National Championships and wish to give them a fair chance to truly compete and cash among similarly skilled players. If a player is unsure of his/her eligibility, he/she may send an email to Bill Stock, CSI Rules and Referee Director, requesting approval to enter the new Leisure Division- Relocating the BCAPL National Championships to the larger Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, July 17-27,2013, allows us to add this new division. We look at this as an opportunity to introduce more entry level pool players to “The Greatest Pool Tournament in the World!” This welcome addition demonstrates CSI’s ongoing commitment to provide … More Choices for All Players. CueSports International is dedicated to creating more choices for all players. In the past 8 years CSI has directly paid out $8,000,000 to players. CSI is the parent company of the BCA Pool League and the USA Pool League. CSI also produces independent events such as the US Bar Table Championships, the Jay Swanson Memorial, the US Open One Pocket Championship and the US Open 10-Ball Championship. Visit,, and for more information about CSI and its divisions.
From the desk of Bill Stock
League Updates Three New BCAPL / USAPL Events in November In pursuit of “More Choices For All Players,” as per the CueSports International (CSI) mission, three new events for BCA Pool League (BCAPL) and USA Pool League (USAPL) players have been added to the CSI calendar for November.
Preparing League Players for the 2013 BCAPL and USAPL National Championships
Each will include $2,000 added and feature Scotch Doubles, Men’s Singles and Women’s Singles 8-Ball divisions. Eligibility and details can be viewed and entry forms downloaded and printed at and Players may also register online on the CueSports Tournament System (
With the BCAPL and USAPL National Championships moving from May to July, many have asked about the end of league year dates. Below is a segment from a larger Q & A section about the BCAPL and USAPL national events being held July 17-27, 2013 at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2012 BCAPL / USAPL Florida State Championships November 9-11th Backstage Billiards Orlando, Florida 2012 BCAPL / USAPL Indiana Fall Classic November 16-18th John Wayne’s Pub & Eatery Indianapolis, Indiana CueSports International is dedicated to creating more choices for all players. In the past 8 years CSI has directly paid out $8,000,000 to players. Visit,, and for more information about CSI and its divisions.
To view the full Q & A section CLICK HERE. Q. Will the BCAPL/USAPL league year end on July 31, when the nationals move to July in 2013? A. The league year will not change. The qualifying league year will end May 31, and the new league year will begin June 1, as always. The May 31 deadline will allow players and teams an extra 6 to 7 weeks to qualify for the championships through league play and still meet the late entry deadline. More time will also be available for local leagues and CSI to process entries and certify eligibility. The 2012/2013 qualifying league year starts June 1, 2012 and ends May 31, 2013. The national tournament for the end of the 2012/2013 league year is in July 2013. You can qualify for the 2013 nationals only during sessions for the 2012/2013 league year. Sessions that start after June 1, 2013 should be for the following, 2013/2014 league year and for the tournament in 2014.
Download the BCAPL Rules on Kindle & Nook
2012 BCAPL / USAPL Colorado State Championships November 9-11th Antique Billiard Museum Colorado Springs, Colorado
CSI Open Events US Open 8-Ball Championship Added to Events Roster at Rio In 2013 CueSports International (CSI) is adding a third illustrious professional level event to the roster in July at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas. Joining the 14th US Open One Pocket Championship (July 17-19) and the 5th US Open 10-Ball Championship (July 1923), CSI will add the US Open 8-Ball Championship which will be held July 23-27. All three pro events are held alongside the BCAPL National Championships and the USAPL National Championships. Attracting the top players from around the world, such as Shane Van Boening, Efren Reyes and Ralf Souquet, the CSI US Open events are considered some of the most exciting and well produced pro events in the United States.
The US Open 10-Ball Championship is a BCA point event which determines which US players are chosen to compete in WPA World Championships and the Mosconi Cup.
VIP tickets will be available for purchase and General Admission will be FREE to participants in the amateur and professional events. Contact CSI for more information and to purchase tickets. All three pro events will be live streamed via The Action Report (TAR). For more information about these and all events being held at the Rio in July 2013 CLICK HERE.
Tourney Results Champions Named at the 2012 BCAPL Southwest Regionals Pacific Northwest Players
CueSports International (CSI) and Bad Boys Billiard Productions brought the 2012 BCAPL Southwest Regional Championships to the Radisson Fort McDowell Resort & Casino in Scottsdale over the Labor Day weekend of August 30th - September 3rd. $6,000 in added prize money, courtesy of the Radisson and CSI, and 40 beautiful Diamond 7’ tables, was more than enough to draw the top players from Arizona, as well as select players from Nevada, New Mexico, California, Colorado, and Washington. To view the entire results article of the 2012 BCAPL Southwest Regional Championships VISIT HERE.
Crowned Winners
On October 9-14, 2012 the 15th Annual Western BCA Regional 9-Ball Championships were once again held at Chinook Winds Casino Resort in Lincoln City, Oregon. 793 players from Washington, Oregon and Idaho traveled to the Oregon coast to compete for their share of over $69,800 in prize money. - To read the full article CLICK HERE - To View Brackets CLICK HERE
To view the brackets and all payouts visit: CTSONDEMAND.COM
Dan Louie & Cindy Sliva 2012 Western BCA 9-Ball Men’s & Women’s Grand Master Singles Champions
2012 BCAPL Southwest Regional Championships Men’s / Mixed Team Winners 8 and Out: JR Burkhart, Bret Huth, Brian Reich, and John Smith
Jay Swanson Memorial US Bar Table Championships BCAPL National Championships USAPL National Championships & all CSI Produced BCAPL and USAPL Regional Events
2012 BCAPL Southwest Regional Championships Women’s Team Winners Bad AZZ Babes: Sonia Flores, Susan Williams, Sara Miller, and Sophia Morquecho
CueSports International (CSI) BCAPL
BCA Pool League BCAPL National Championships
Rules & Referee
USA Pool League
USAPL National Championships
Rule Book Referee Training
State and Regional Events Added Money STAMP Program League Member Store by Mueller Recreational Products
CSI Open Events
CTS - CueSports Tournament System
US Open 10-Ball Championship
Live - Online Event Charts
US Open 8-Ball Championship
Live Scoring
US Open One Pocket Championship
Texting or Email Notification
US Open Straight Pool Championship
Online Player Registration
USBTC - US Bar Table Champ.
Jay Swanson Memorial 9-Ball
CSI Sponsors / Affiliates:
Mark Griffin (CEO) David Vandenberghe (Chief Operating Officer)
CueSports International 2041 Pabco Road Henderson, Nevada 89011 (702) 719-7665
Glenna Stock (League Administrator) Tessie Vilahu (New Membership Administrator) Sara Bayliss (New Membership Assistant) Bill Stock (Rules Administrator & Director of Referees) Ron Guilmette (IT Manager) Mark Estes (Manager, USA Pool League) Holly Dimmick (Fodda Design, Everett, Washington)
Sunny Griffin (PR & Social Media)