Fieldgate 30 Fun Things

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85 - 2015




We decided to launch 30 fun things before I leave the Pre-Prep as we pride ourselves on developing the whole child and nurturing confidence. Nowadays with busy lives and lots going on some of the simpler things in life can be overlooked. We talked to the children about fun things they like to do and drew up the lists based on their interests, some of which are linked to activities we already do in our Forest school sessions.

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Pre-Prep is the start of your child’s learning journey and the place where we want them to enjoy the art of discovery and exploration. Learning should be fun and we try to promote this and encourage a sense of awe and wonder. A degree of managed risk taking when learning and acquiring new skills will also promote confidence and self-esteem. The Pre-Prep department started life in a Bothy, but quickly became an integral part of Culford school. The school originally accommodated 22 pupils between the ages of 3½ and 8 and there were two full time members of staff and one part time member here. The school has grown and now accommodates children from the ages of 4 to 7. The new Nursery re-located and opened in 2008.

30 Fun Things to do before I leave the Pre-Prep

Culford Pre-Prep, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6TX Tel: 01284 385412 Email:

30 years atFieldgate




1. Roll down the hill

1. Cloud watching

1. Tracking

2. Jump in puddles

2. Press flowers

2. Be a buddy

3. Collect autumn leaves

3. Climb a tree

3. Hang upside down on the climbing frame

4. Build a birds nest

4. Make a natural chain

4. Go on a scavenger hunt

5. Identify bugs

5. Make a pizza

5. Toast marshmallows

6. Break an egg in a bowl

6. Learn a traditional game

6. Play board games

7. Make a mud pie

7. Play chinese whispers

7. Learn to skip with a rope

8. Peel a banana

8. Play conkers

8. Make a bridge using your body

9. Catch a ball

9. Play Pooh Sticks in the River

9. Build a den

10. Bark rubbing

10. Play hopscotch

10. Play hide and seek

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