Part of Culford Pre-Preparatory School Culford, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk, IP28 6TX Tel: 01284 385415
As Nursery Manager, I would like to personally welcome you to Culford School Nursery. I am extremely proud of our nursery, and along with my dedicated team, will endeavour to make your child’s first taste of education an enjoyable one. In partnership with you, we strive to help your child to achieve their best and have great fun in the process. I have been teaching for nearly 12 years and can honestly say I am happiest when reading stories, doing a puppet show or building a Lego house!
Children of nursery age are truly
inspirational and their sense of wonder is something I will never tire of. At Culford we offer an education that is challenging, enriching and fun; at Culford School Nursery we certainly deliver this and our happy, polite and busy children are testament to this. The following pages are to help you and your child to become familiar with the nursery and its routines. If you have any questions, we operate an open door policy and all staff are happy to help. At the back of this pack you will find some forms to complete. Please return them to us as soon as possible so our records are up to date.
Liz Grey Nursery Manager
About Culford School Nursery Culford School Nursery is part of Culford Pre-Prep School, based in 480 acres of Suffolk countryside in Culford near Bury St Edmunds. The nursery’s purpose built facilities will enable your child to take those first steps away from home in a secure, safe and stimulating environment. Children are welcomed from the start of the term during which they turn three. Each child is offered a ‘taster’ morning prior to starting nursery—this is also an opportunity for parents to chat with a member of staff and ask any questions that may not have been covered on a tour or open day.
Our nursery uses a Key Person System. This means each member of staff has a group of children for which they are particularly responsible. Your child’s key person will work with you to make sure that your child is settled and happy and will answer any questions or concerns you may have. The key person will also make detailed observations of your child on a daily basis which will be shared with you at parents’ evenings, as well as in the reports you will receive during the autumn and summer terms. In small classes, your child will quickly develop language and number skills in a rich, varied and practical way. Childrens’ learning is monitored individually and progress is shared regularly. Daily access to a safe and secure garden for plenty of fresh air daily, as well as the use of the beautiful grounds at Culford, makes the nursery the ideal environment in which children develop and learn. We encourage healthy eating, with freshly prepared fruit for snacks as well as a balanced meal at lunchtimes which is cooked on site. Our most recent Ofsted report (2008) rated Culford School Nursery as outstanding. In 2011, Culford Nursery and Pre-Prep School was accredited with the ECaT (Every Child a Talker) Standard by Suffolk County Council.
Our Staff
Mrs S. Preston
Mrs E. Grey
Head of Nursery
Mrs M. Bainbridge
Nursery Assistant
Mrs D. Rampling
Nursery Assistant
Miss A. Clarke
Lunchtime Supervisor
Rev Simon Battersby
School Chaplain
The main administrative office for the nursery is in our Pre-Prep building, tel: 01284 385412 The office admin staff are Mrs J. Spraggs (am) and Mrs E. McNeil (pm).
Our Facilities We are very lucky to have purpose built facilities which enable us to offer children the very best start on the path to early education. We have two main rooms; Rainbow and Sunshine, each with its own smaller side room, access to the garden and bathroom facilities.
Each child will be designated either the Rainbow or Sunshine room as a base, in which they will have a named drawer to store their book bag and artwork. Each room is similar in layout and provides areas for communal play, desks and chairs for adult-led learning and quieter areas, such as the book corner.
We often undertake activities as a whole nursery, in which case we gather in one of the rooms or the garden, depending on the activity. Our side rooms each have an interactive whiteboard which enables children to participate in games and puzzles, and to explore letters and numbers in a more collaborative way.
Our Garden In autumn 2011, we opened our new all-weather terrace and landscaped garden, which is for use solely by nursery children. It is accessed via both our Rainbow and Sunshine rooms, and is completely enclosed by hedging.
We make frequent use of our garden, both for play and learning. Our all-weather terrace, equipped with sand and water trays, phonics display and much more, means we are able to go outside even on the wettest of days. We also have a small herb garden that the children enjoy helping to plant and harvest.
Early Education We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidelines, which are outlined below. The EYFS principles are grouped into 4 themes: 1. A UNIQUE CHILD Principle: Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
2. POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS Principle: Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person.
3. ENABLING ENVIRONMENTS Principle: The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning.
4. LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT Principle: Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected.
Working from the EYFS guidelines, we follow the seven areas of learning and development; 1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development 2. Communication and Language 3. Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy 4. Knowledge and Understanding of the World 5. Physical Development 6. Creative Development 7. Literacy These areas are equally important, connected and underpinned by the EYFS.
Early Learning Journey Nursery staff constantly observe and evaluate your child’s individual progress and record this in his/her ‘Learning Journey’. This is kept in the office and will be shared with you on parents’ evenings and other meetings you can have with your child’s key person.
EYFS Six Areas of Learning and Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development This is a crucial part of the EYFS as it is a prerequisite for your child’s success in all other areas of learning. We provide opportunities to develop your child’s independence through self-selection, changing and managing their own hygiene. We support and offer experiences which enable your child to interact well with others and develop a positive sense of themselves. Communication and Language This focuses on developing speaking and listening skills, for example effective self-expression and anticipating events in stories. Children will learn to answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences. With activities such as identifying which musical instrument is being played and using ICT equipment, we promote good communication through circle time and philosophy for children.
Physical Development Your child will gain maximum use and enjoyment of the outdoor environment in our all-weather outdoor play area. A range of toys and apparatus are provided to suit all the children, from balancing, climbing and digging to ride on toys, ball games and even a parachute. Your child’s fine motor skills are promoted using small tools such as pegs and pens as well as threading and cutting. Understanding the World Your child will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to help him/her make sense of the world. We encourage your child to explore their environment in our play area and extensive grounds. Children will be encouraged to talk about past and present events in their lives and those of family members. They will understand that other children don’t always enjoy the same things, and learn to appreciate different communities and traditions. We use programmable toys and computers to enhance their learning. Expressive Art and Design This area covers such aspects as art, music, dance, role play and imaginative play. We will encourage your child to make 2D and 3D constructions using a variety of materials. Your child will have opportunities to paint, collage and use play dough. He/she will also use puppets for story telling and develop his/her imagination whilst role playing. Mathematics This includes counting, sorting, matching, seeking patterns and working with numbers, shapes, space and measures. There is an emphasis on developing problem solving and thinking skills. We use practical maths at snack time nominating a helper daily. We encourage your child to be aware of numbers across the curriculum. Literacy This area concentrates on children’s phonic knowledge where they will learn letters of the alphabet and the sounds that they make. They will learn to write their own names and use their phonic knowledge to write familiar words. Children will develop the tools necessary to learn to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.
Partnership with Parents We believe that engaging with all parents/carers enables a greater level of understanding about the role that we play in a child’s learning development and enhances positive involvement from all parties. Sharing all types of information regarding each child is essential to maintain a good level of understanding about your unique child. It opens up avenues that can be explored with the children and helps us to understand any extenuating circumstances. Any information regarding your child can help us keep each child’s Learning Journey updated and celebrate your child’s achievements. It is known that what parents do at home with young children has the greatest impact on a child’s social, emotional and intellectual development. The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) report concludes: “What parents do is more important than who parents are.” A digital display is on the wall in Reception to update you on what the children have been learning in the Nursery. We hope you will find the following information useful.
Early Learning Journey Nursery staff constantly observe and evaluate your child’s individual progress and record this in his/her ‘Learning Journey’. This is kept in the office and will be shared with you on parents’ evenings and other meetings you may have with your child’s key person. An ‘All About Me’ sheet is enclosed at the back of this pack for you to fill in. Treasure Box Your child may bring in a special toy or ‘comforter’ when first starting at Nursery. When he/she is settled in they will be encouraged to put these in their drawer (or in the treasure box if too large) until the end of the session. Settling in Meeting Once your child has been in Nursery for a few weeks, you will be offered a meeting with the Nursery staff to chat about how your child is settling in. This is a chance for you to get to know his/her key person better and an opportunity to voice any questions and ensure we develop a good working partnership in order to benefit your child’s progress.
Stickers Your child will be awarded stickers for good behaviour, effort and manners. Star of the Week Each week a ‘Star of the Week’ is awarded to a child who is deemed to have made extra effort. His/her name will appear in the weekly Fieldgate newsletter. Culford Post This is an electronic means of regularly passing information to parents. You will receive the weekly Fieldgate newsletter by this means, but if you would prefer a paper copy, please let us know. A copy of the newsletter can also be found on the Culford website under ‘Info for Parents’. In the event of school closure due to bad weather, you will be notified by Culford Post.
Parents’ Evenings/Information Evenings These are noted in the school calendar and on the website. A sign-up form will be placed on the door of the office during the week prior to the meetings. We run informal information evenings for every new cohort of children detailing how we deliver the curriculum. Reports You will receive a report at the end of the autumn and summer terms. This will be given to you by hand on the last day of term or sent in the post on that day. Lost Property Any unnamed items found will be kept in the lost property box for the term – please ask a member of staff if you have lost anything. At the end of the term this box will be placed in Reception so everyone may check for items they are missing. Policies/Inspection Reports If you wish to browse a copy of our policies or inspection reports, these are located in a file in the perspex container on the wall facing the Nursery entrance.
Daily Routine Our day is structured in line with a traditional school day which enables our pre-schoolers to become accustomed to the daily routine in good time for their transition into the Pre-Prep. Arriving The children are encouraged to find their named butterfly on the lines outside the classrooms and place them on the forest scene opposite. Each child will be signed in as they arrive. They will then settle in by choosing which of the available activities they wish to do until tidy-up time and registration at 9am. Coats are left on pegs, wellies are put on their shelf and book bags are placed in the drawers. Water bottles are filled with fresh water daily.
Picking Up Pick up times from nursery are at 1.10pm after lunch and outside play, or at 3.40pm. If your child is participating in After School Care, you may pick up at any time between 4pm and 6pm from the Pre-Prep. We ask that parents arriving for the 3.40pm pick up do not ring the door bell at this time, as all the children leave the nursery building at this time. The door will be opened at 3.35pm and the children will be individually passed to the parent/carer collecting them. Parents are asked to take water bottles home at the end of each day to be washed. Each child will be signed out as they leave. We have limited car parking space so please ensure you park carefully.
After School Care After School care is held between 4 and 6pm at the Pre-Prep, and is split into two sessions; 4-5pm and 5-6pm to enable maximum flexibility for parents. It is charged at £7 per hour (£11 per two hours if pre-booked) and a sign-up sheet is in the nursery reception, so you can signup at the beginning of the week for exactly the extra care you need. Between 4-5pm, children congregate in the Pre-Prep dining hall for sandwiches, a range of healthy snacks and drinks. Various activities are also available at this time for children to take part in and on Fridays, a DVD is shown. Between 5-6pm, supervision continues in one of the Pre-Prep classrooms. This is usually a quieter time and may involve story telling or craft activities. Children may be collected at any time during the session in which they are participating and will need to be signed out by an adult listed on the ‘Individual Collection Arrangements’ form which can be found at the back of this pack. Please adhere to the one way traffic system that is in operation when collecting your child from the Pre-Prep (entering via the main entrance and exiting via the Fieldgate exit).
8-9.00 am
Children may be dropped at nursery between 8 and 9am. Our day begins with free play and self-selected activities. From 8.30am, an adult-initiated activity is available for children to participate in.
9.00 am
By 9am, we expect all children to have arrived and we take a register
9.15 am
Curriculum activities
10.15 am
Snack time and outside play
11.00 am
Curriculum activities
12.00 noon
Lunch and outside play
1.10 pm
Children participating in morning session only are collected at this time Curriculum activities
2.15 pm
Snack time and outside play
3.00 pm
Curriculum activities
3.30 pm
Story/Song time
3.40 pm
Children can either be collected at this time or are accompanied to the Pre-Prep for After School Care
4-6.00 pm
After School Care
Our Activities Our nursery children take part in a weekly PE session. As well as these sessions, we also offer dance and swimming taught by specialist teachers.
Dance Ms Rogers, a qualified dance teacher, teaches the nursery children on Wednesday mornings. There is no extra charge for these lessons. The children follow a specific age-related dance program concentrating on moving freely in a variety of ways including skipping and hopping. The children work towards having the necessary control to hold a fixed shape. They experiment with different ways of moving and are encouraged to match their movements to music, moving with control and co-ordination. In the autumn term the children put on a dance show with the Pre-Prep children. Parents are invited to come and see what they have been learning in their dance classes. A uniform list is at back of this pack. Please complete and hand back to a member of nursery staff who will pass it on to Ms Rogers.
Swimming *Children must be accompanied by a parent or other adult until deemed confident enough to swim by themselves by Mrs Almond* Mrs Almond, a qualified swimming instructor, teaches towards Ducklings and Stage 1 awards at the Sports Centre swimming pool on Friday afternoons. There is no extra charge for these lessons.
The children are split into two groups: Unaccompanied/more confident swimmers swim from 1pm to 1.30pm. These children are escorted to their lesson by Nursery staff and need to be attending Nursery on Fridays. This is a structured scheme of work for children who can swim with aids but do not require assistance from an adult. (Mrs Almond will assess children prior to them being included in this group). Accompanied children swim from 3pm to 3.30pm. These children must be accompanied by a parent/carer but do not need to be attending Nursery on a Friday. If they are attending Nursery that day, please pick them up at 2.30pm when they will be signed out for the day. Pupils will be introduced to the pool environment allowing them to gain knowledge of water safety and water confidence through play. There are ongoing assessments to encourage pupils to achieve an award or to move from the accompanied to the unaccompanied class. Note: there is not a uniform requirement for swimming at Nursery. However, children with long hair are encouraged to wear a swimming hat. Girls should wear a one piece swimming costume. Any parent/carer accompanying their child is asked to wait until the previous class has vacated the changing rooms before using it. From the Sports Hall entrance, continue along the corridor and the changing rooms are located on the right hand side. Showers and hair dryers are available.
Developing the Healthy Child Lunch We offer a two course lunch as part of the morning session charge. The weekly menu is displayed in our reception area as well as on the school’s website under ‘Info for Parents.’ Children are encouraged to try their food and are assisted in cutting up items when needed. A plate of raw vegetables and bread and butter are always provided at lunchtimes. Fruit is always offered as an alternative to the dessert on the menu. Children are supervised by at least two members of staff, one of whom is our lunchtime supervisor, Miss Clarke, whom the children soon know well. Our food is cooked on site and delivered to us from the kitchens. Children are allocated a place to sit with boys and girls mixed on all tables. Dietary Requirements We cater for special dietary requirements and food allergies. Please let us know if your child has any dietary requirements as soon as possible.
Drinks We encourage the children to drink water throughout the day and their Culford water bottles are always available for them to help themselves. We only provide squash as a special treat. Sample Lunch Menu MONDAY
Carbonnade of Beef
Neopolitan Pasta Cheese
Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce
Chicken Fricassee
Fish & Chips
Apricot Pie & Custard
Mixed Fruit Strudel
Éclair Buns
with onions and mushrooms
Peach Cobbler
with Pasta
with Chocolate sauce
Moist Chocolate cake
Snack At snack time (pictured below) we offer fresh fruit and milk or water to drink. The children are required to pour their own drinks (this encourages them to drink more as they love to do this). We also provide a plain biscuit after the children have eaten at least two portions of fruit.
Birthday Cakes If your child is celebrating his/her birthday during term-time, he/she is welcome to bring in cakes. Please let us know the ingredients in case of any allergies. Please always avoid nuts. Dummies We do not allow children to have dummies and indeed discourage the use of them at nursery age, as this affects the hardening of the soft palate and can lead to problems with speech development. Medicines If your child is well enough to be in nursery but is finishing a course of prescribed medicines, you will be asked to sign a consent sheet to allow us to administer this medication. We are unable to administer any ‘over the counter’ medicines. If your child has any ongoing treatment for conditions such as asthma or allergies, a letter must be given to staff giving permission to administer these medicines when required. We will then produce a care plan specific to your child which will be stored with their medicine. Copies of all health requirements are sent to the onsite Medical Centre. Please ensure that all medicines for your child are in date. Illness If your child has symptoms of sickness or diarrhoea you will be contacted and asked to collect him/her. He/she may not return to the Nursery until a full 48 hours after the last symptom.
Sessions Our sessions are from Monday to Friday, during term time only. We recommend a minimum of 3 sessions per week to ensure each child feels settled in the nursery environment. Morning session
(to arrive by 9am, includes lunch)
Afternoon session
After School Care
Sessions run from 4pm-5pm and 5pm-6pm
Employer Childcare Vouchers Childcare vouchers is a scheme some employers offer to help working parents save on registered childcare costs. The vouchers are not means tested and can save you National Insurance and income tax, as a set weekly amount can be deducted from your salary and used to provide childcare vouchers for the same amount. This amount is then deducted from the gross salary. We accept employer childcare vouchers.
Getting ready for Nursery at Parents and 0-3s For children who are not yet old enough to join Culford School Nursery, we offer weekly Parent and 0-3 sessions on Friday mornings during term time from 10am until 12noon.These sessions are held in the nursery and there are always plenty of exciting things to keep you and your child entertained, such as:
Music making and movement
Craft activities
Dressing Up
All weather outside terrace, garden and playground
Refreshments for adults and children
Regular extras, such as swimming in our onsite pool
Why not come along for a coffee and a chat? You do not need to book in advance and our £3 session charge includes all activities and refreshments.
Moving on from Nursery to Reception Nursery children visit the Pre-Prep on a number of occasions and soon become familiar with the setting and members of staff. Your child may have dance lessons in the Weston Hall, attend after school care and on other occasions will visit for special assemblies and events. At the Pre-Prep there are two Reception classes which run in parallel with one another. During the summer term, the two Reception teachers frequently visit the Nursery in order to work with groups of children so that everyone gets to know each other. When grouping children for their Reception class, friendships, age and ability are taken into consideration. Before your child moves to Pre-Prep he/she will spend a morning in June with his/her new teacher and classmates and have lunch prior to returning to Nursery. At this time there is also a Transition Meeting held for parents when information is discussed regarding the Pre-Prep routines and requirements. This is also a chance for parents to meet the teachers and have an informal chat with them as well as to visit their child’s new classroom. The Nursery staff and Reception teachers hold meetings to discuss the children, their stages of development and next steps.
Frequently Asked Questions 1.
Does my child need to be toilet trained prior to acceptance in the nursery?
Children will be at different stages in this area and through close communication and partnership with parents, we endeavour to help the children achieve independence in personal hygiene prior to entrance in the reception classes. 2. What are your expectations of a pupil entering Culford School Nursery? We ask parents to share any relevant information prior to starting with us, about their child’s early experience and development. This will help us to support their child in all areas of learning. We do not have fixed expectations of children as they all develop at different paces. 3. How many sessions should my child start with? We recommend a minimum of three sessions per week to start with, building to a minimum of three full days in the summer term prior to starting in the reception class. This ensures a smooth transition into the reception class. 4. What do I do if I’m running late? Always try and ring the Nursery directly or send a message to the Pre-Prep. From 3.45pm children will be escorted to the Pre-Prep to wait with the after school care. Any parent coming after 4.00pm to pick up will be charged for after school care at £7 per hour. 5. Can I collect my child earlier than 3.40pm? Yes, please check with the Nursery staff where the children will be in order to pick up from the correct part of the school. 6. May I take my child on holiday during term time? As the children at Nursery are not of legal school age, you may do this without seeking the permission of the head of the Pre-Prep. We would however, as a matter of courtesy, appreciate a letter outlining the times you will be on holiday. 7. What if my child is ill? Please let us know as soon as you can so we can mark your child as absent (preferably by 9.00am). If in doubt about an illness, please mention it to a member of staff as we have guidelines on various illnesses and may be able to help you. 8. What can I do to support my child at home with their learning? We do not set homework from the Nursery but children are offered a variety of books to take home. Reading to your child is a valuable way of helping him/her understand and enjoy stories. Providing him/her with various arts and crafts; and toys for imaginative play will encourage the development of fine motor skills and language development. Lots of counting games and number hunts will help your child’s mathematical development.
9. Why is my child not writing his/her name yet when his/her friend already is? Children develop at different rates in different areas. In their first term, children are asked to draw a self portrait to give us some indication of writing readiness. We frequently do activities involved in strengthening hand muscles such as play dough, pegging and use of tools. 10. Will my child automatically progress to the Pre-Prep? At the end of the spring term parents will be asked to indicate whether they would like to apply for a place in Reception class at the Pre-Prep. As your child progresses in the nursery their Learning Journey is carefully monitored. Any child needing 1:1 support to access the curriculum would need to be formally assessed to ascertain if Culford School can meet their needs. Transfer at each level of the school depends upon a child’s progress and the availability of places. 11. When do you start reading with my child? We constantly read with the Nursery children; exposure to books, print and stories is vital. 12.How do you tailor the curriculum and activities to meet the needs of every child? We plan activities that follow your child’s own interests and allow for child initiated activities on a daily basis. We have meetings every week where we discuss our key children. We look at the previous weeks’ observations and determine further learning that is needed. 13. What are the school’s term dates? Term dates can be found on our website, in the school calendar.
Our Uniform Our nursery uniform is one of our distinctive hallmarks and enables even the youngest of children to take pride in their appearance and their school. We value it highly. The School Outfitter is Aubyn Davies, 81 St John’s St., Bury St Edmunds, tel: 01284 754276. They supply all the regulation uniform as well as many of the other items which we recommend for students. The shop sells quality secondhand uniform for all three of Culford's Schools: Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory and Senior School. The Nearly New Shop is open every Monday 08:45am - 09:45am during term time. There will also be additional holiday opening dates from time to time - please check this page regularly to find out more information. The shop is now run by the Pre-Prep PTA. The new team are planning to offer a more mobile service to the Prep and Pre-Prep Schools. The shop is situated within the Tuck shop located in the left hand corner of Culford Hall and can be reached via Reception. If you have any problems please ask at Culford Hall reception for directions. All clothes, shoes and bags should be clearly named. We recommend for name labels. The children are provided with water bottles (£1.00), book bags (£4.25) and P.E drawstring bags (£3.00).These will be added to your bill.
DAYWEAR *V-neck striped jumper Black polishable shoes *Striped long sleeved blouse Navy tights Own coat Own wellington boots
DAYWEAR *Striped summer dress *White ankle socks *Navy blue cardigan Black polishable shoes Own coat Own wellington boots
SPORTSWEAR *Navy polo shirt *Navy shorts *Games sweatshirt Plain navy jogging bottoms Trainers
SPORTSWEAR *White polo shirt White shorts Outdoor trainers Short white socks Culford sun hat
DAYWEAR *V-neck striped jumper *Grey short/long trousers Black polishable shoes *Long-sleeved blue shirt *Long grey socks Own coat Own coat Own wellington boots
DAYWEAR *Short sleeved blue shirt *Grey shorts *Grey ankle socks Black polishable shoes *V-neck striped jumper Own coat Own wellington boots
SPORTSWEAR *Navy polo shirt *Navy shorts *Games sweatshirt Plain navy jogging bottoms Trainers
SPORTSWEAR *White polo shirt White shorts Outdoor trainers White short socks Culford sun hat
*These items are obtained from Aubyn Davies in Bury St Edmunds
Culford Pre-Prep Dance Uniform - Boys
Chest/shoe size
Lycra Short Sleeved Top (Black)
Ballet Socks (White) (available in 6-8.5, 9-12, 12.5-3.5)
Ballet Shoes (Black)
Cheques should be made payable to Attitude Dancers Academy
Culford Pre-Prep Dance Uniform - Girls
Chest/shoe size
Cotton Leotard (plum)
Chiffon skirt (plum)
Ballet Socks (White) (available in 6-8.5, 9-12, 12.5-3.5)
Ballet Shoes (Pink)
Cheques should be made payable to Attitude Dancers Academy
Individual Collection Arrangements Child’s Name: In the event of parent or main carer being unable to pick up from school, the following are authorised to pick up the above named child.
Relationship to child:_________________________________________________________
Relationship to child:_________________________________________________________
Relationship to child:_________________________________________________________
Descriptions (if they have not been introduced to the staff before) _________________________________________________________________________
This information will remain relevant unless we receive written instructions to the contrary.
Emergency Procedure Consent Form If your child becomes ill, or has an accident and requires urgent treatment, we will follow our emergency procedures. We will contact you or your other nominated emergency contact numbers. However in case we are unable to contact you we need your permission for the following: In the event of an emergency I/we give permission for Name:__________________________________________, to be transported to a medical facility and be treated as recommended by a doctor or the emergency services.
Name of parent/s:___________________________________________________________
Emergency contact telephone numbers: Home:____________________________________________________________________
Any special instructions: _________________________________________________________________________
Consent Form
Child’s name:______________________________________________________________
Please sign if you will permit the following:
I give permission for the nursery staff to undertake observations and assessments of my child.
I give permission for the nursery staff to take my child on outdoor activities, including short walks within Culford Park.
Any special instructions:
All About Me