Maci Feed & Supply Your Cattlemen’s Headquarters Purina Expert Dealer
It doesn’t cost you to feed. It should pay you to feed. Hardin, TX 77561 • Phone: 936.298.9404 • Fax: 936-298-2824 E-mail: macifeed@imsday.com • macifeedandsupply.com
Table Of Contents
Opening Letter / Red Angus Association of America
TRAA 2014-2015 Officers and Directors
TRAA Life Members
TRAA Membership Form
TRAA Junior Membership Form
TRAA Members
TRAA Members by County
TRAA Member By-Laws
4 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
Welcome to the Texas Red Angus Association! We are an organization of Red Angus breeders dedicated to producing and promoting quality Red Angus Cattle. Our goal is for all of our members to have success in making RED ANGUS the most commercially relevant beef breed in Texas. Our members are a diverse group of breeders scattered from the Gulf Coast to the Red River and all across the state from east to west. We hope that you will find this directory helpful in locating and contacting our members in your search for Red Angus Cattle. We invite you to visit our website and online interactive directory at TexasRedAngus.org for the latest news, calendar of events and more! Each member has a personalized online listing that can be customized to their operation. To learn how to customize your online listing, visit the membership section of texasredangus.org.
Red Angus Association of America RAAA NATIONAL OFFICE 4201 N. Interstate 35 Denton, TX 76207 940-387-3502 Fax 940-383-4036 email: info@redangus.org RedAngus.org
We invite you to visit our website at TexasRedAngus.org for the latest news, calendar of events and more! Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 5
Morris / box ranch Family owned and op erated for five generations.
Cattle raised to re… perform in the pastu • Red Angus Bulls, Cows & Heifers and commercial females available private treaty year round.
The Kelly Box Family
• Look for our consignments each year at the Red Alliance and TRAA sales.
Sallye’s Cell: 817-988-8323 Randall’s Cell: 817-614-6869
7371 Sherman Rd. Justin, TX 76247
REGISTERED RED ANGUS BULLS AND FEMALES Contact us today for more information!
936-394-5413 H • 979-255-1991 C • alexiem@yahoo.com
Officers, Directors PRESIDENT Robin Guenther
vICE PRESIDENT Mayna Haggard
Secretary Judy Kay Ferguson
Treasurer Roddy Alexander
979-561-6657 robin.guenther@fsis.usda.gov
214-536-6902 judykay@3klandandcattle.com
817-965-0687 providence1970@aol.com
325-236-5724 alexanderag17@yahoo.com
Past President Tony Ballinger
817-371-4520 anthony.ballinger@adm.com
Area 1 Director Gary Mathiews
Area 2 Director David Pool
Area 3 Director John Gore
Area 4 Director Eddie Curtis
940-873-3250 gmmathiews@brazosnet.com
409-782-0612 johngore130@gmail.com
903-646-2068 david@poolranch.com
409-781-6799 gator4570@aol.com
Area 5 Director Anne Kimmey 817-793-7704 anne@cultivateagency.com
At Large Director 1 Randy Glascock
At Large Director 2 Julie Lobpries
At Large Director 3 Nanette Walker
At Large Director 4 Don Ferrill
940-368-4101 timbercreekcattle@gmail.com
281-593-5513 nannettecwalker@gmail.com
8 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
936-545-2531 julialobpries@windstream.net
817-247-9435 dferrill@brownpruitt.com
Life Members Over the years certain individuals have served the Texas Red Angus Association with such distinction that they have been awarded life membership in the association. The following have been awarded this honor:
Joy and T.J. Davidson
Judy Kay Ferguson
Mrs. T.P. Fowler
Clifford Halfmann
Dennis Halfmann
Lou Hertenberger
Carole and Jim Kolle
Owen Kolle
Elvis Lam
Susannah Lindsay
Clark McKelvey
C.J. Rawlings
Elton and Sue Sliger
Dr. Tom and Janice Walker
Marietta, OK
Greenville, TX
Rowena, TX
Inez, TX
Waxahachie, TX
Justin, TX
Barry, TX
Lewisville, TX
Rowena, TX
Navasota, TX
Inez, TX
Iola, TX
Royce City, TX
Temple, TX
= Deceased Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 9
The Total Package for
the Progressive Red Angus Breeder
BIEBER H HUGHES W109 Reg # 1311331
BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 Reg # 1441805
RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U Reg # 1329010
RED LAZY MC CC DETOUR 2W Reg # 1352939
• Semen & Embryo Sales • A.I. Equipment Sales
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• ET Equipment Sales
• Estrus Synchronization Products
• HeatWatch Systems, TruTest Scales
• A.I. / Palpation Clinics
• Professional Exporting
• A.I. Consulting
3300 Longmire Drive • College Station, TX 77845 (800) 786-4066 • (979) 693-0388 • Fax: (979) 693-7994 Website: www.bovine-elite.com • Email: carl@bovine-elite.com
Registered RegisteredRed RedAngus Angusand andCommercial CommercialCattle Cattle Registered RegisteredRed RedAngus Angusand andCommercial CommercialCattle Cattle
Nebula Nebula Z693 Z693
BWBW -6.0 -6.0 WW WW 57 YW 57 YW 106106 Nebula Z693 Nebula Z693 Semen Available Available BWBW -6.0Semen WW 57 YW 106106 -6.0 WW 57 YW Semen Available Semen Available
Mission Mission Possible Possible Z1541 Z1541 BWBW -1.2-1.2 WW WW 68 YW 68 YW 115Z1541 115 Mission Possible Z1541 Mission Possible Semen Available Available BWBW -1.2Semen WW 68 YW 115115 -1.2 WW 68 YW Semen Available Semen Available
Mary Maryand andEddie EddieCurtis Curtis Mary and Eddie Curtis
Mary and Eddie Curtis 409-781-6799 409-781-6799 • PO • PO Box Box 1236 1236 • Silsbee, • Silsbee, TXTX 77656 77656 409-781-6799 • PO Box 1236 • Silsbee, TXTX 77656 409-781-6799 •gator4570@aol.com PO Box 1236 • Silsbee, 77656 gator4570@aol.com gator4570@aol.com gator4570@aol.com Ranch Ranch Manager: Manager: John John Gore, Gore, 409-782-0612 409-782-0612 Ranch Manager: John Gore, 409-782-0612 Ranch Manager: John Gore, 409-782-0612
Our Our cattle cattle perform perform THEIR THEIR BEST BEST when when conditions conditions are are atat THEIR THEIR WORST WORST
0244 0244 Choctaw Choctaw Chief Chief 373 373
For For over over 5050 YEARS, YEARS,
Chiefl Chiefl ineine Red Red Angus Angus has has been been designed designed to to fit fi the t the target target forfor FEEDYARD, FEEDYARD, PACKER, PACKER, RETAILER, RETAILER, CONSUMER. CONSUMER. Their Their dominance dominance is also is also proven proven in in & out & out of of thethe SHOWRING! SHOWRING!
Cow Cow with with Spring Spring 2011 2011 calf calf WeWe have have semen, semen, embryos, embryos, & bulls & bulls forfor salesale at all at all times. times.
Mark Mark&&Celia CeliaMiller Miller RR1 RR1 - Box - Box 9 ::9Abernathy, :: Abernathy, TXTX 79311 79311 Home Home :: (806)328-5210 :: (806)328-5210 Cell Cell :: (806)438-4979 :: (806)438-4979 e-mail e-mail :: MFMRRAIDER@aol.com :: MFMRRAIDER@aol.com www. www. chiefl chiefl ineredangus ineredangus .com .com
Junior Officers, Directors, & Royalty
PRESIDENT Thomas Glascock
vICE PRESIDENT Madison Stout
Secretary Tyler Griffeth
Treasurer Wesley Walker
Ponder, TX
Pilot Point, TX
Dayton, TX
Justin, TX
REPORTER Owen Tolar Muenster, TX
Director Carson Ballinger
Director Gracie Clark
Director Kristin Massingill
Director Hayden Smith
Morgan Mill, TX
Valley View, TX
Hamilton, TX
Lubbock, TX
REPORTER Karlyn Wager Hearne, TX
Queen Heather Brown Era, TX
Princess Lindsey Rogers College Station, TX
12 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
sweetheart Chloe Tolar Muenster, TX
Membership Application Name
(First and Last)_______________________________________________
Ranch/Farm Name_______________________________________________ Mailing Address_________________________________________________ City________________________ State________ Zip Code_______________ Home Phone___________________ Cell Phone_______________________ Office Phone_____________________________________________________ Email(s)__________________________________________________________ Website___________________________________________________________ County___________________________________________________________
Membership Type Family ($55)
Individual ($35)
Mail to: Judy Kay Ferguson TRAA Secretary 8514 Jim Baker Rd Justin, TX 76247
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 13
JunIOR MEMBERSHIP APPlICATIOn Dues are $10 annually per inDiviDual. name
(first and last)_______________________________________________
Birthdate_________________ Junior ARA Member number__________ new Member
Address__________________________________________________________ City_______________________________
Tx Zip Code_______________
Home Phone___________________ Email(s)__________________________ Parent’s name___________________________________________________ Mom/Dad Cell Phone_____________________________________________ Mom/Dad Work Phone____________________________________________
(If more than one member per household, include additional information here. Separate applications are not necessary.)
(first and last)_______________________________________________
Birthdate_________________ Junior ARA Member number__________ new Member name
(first and last)_______________________________________________
Birthdate_________________ Junior ARA Member number__________ new Member name
(first and last)_______________________________________________
Birthdate_________________ Junior ARA Member number__________ new Member
Mail to: Nannette Walker 615 CR 610 Dayton, TX 77535
Time. Reputation. Time. Reputation. Time.Money. Money. Reputation. Time. Money. Reputation.
Time,they theysay, say,isismoney. money.But But what what counts more more is how you make your mark on world. Time, ishow howyou youmake make your mark onthis this world. Time, they say, is money. But whatcounts counts more is your mark on this world. ® ™ ® Genomic ™ (GGP) GeneSeek Profiles help you select young seedstock with confidence. you ® ™ GeneSeek Genomic Profiles youngseedstock seedstock with confidence.With WithGGP GGPcan youcan can GeneSeek Genomic Profiles(GGP) (GGP)help helpyou youselect select young with confidence. Time, they say, is money. But what counts more is how you make your markWith on GGP this you world. raise the best – the cattle that brand your legacy. raise the – the– cattle thatthat brand raisebest the best the cattle brandyour yourlegacy. legacy. ® ™ Genomic Profiles (GGP) help you select young seedstock with confidence. With GGP you ThinkGeneSeek about the value verifying maternal, performance and carcass traits step. confirm Think about the value of verifying maternal, performance and carcass traits in in one step. PlusPlus you you confirm Think about the value ofofverifying maternal, performance and carcass traits inone one step. Plus youcan confirm raise the best – the cattle that brand your legacy. parentage and genetic health. Imagine the possibilities. parentage and genetic health. Imagine the possibilities. parentage and genetic health. Imagine the possibilities.
Think the verifying maternal, performance andAnd carcass traits in cattle oneperform step. Plus confirm You good areabout good at value what you do. GGPmakes makesyou you even better. cattle asyou advertised, Youare are what youof do. GGP even better. when your as You good atatand what you do. GGP makes even better.And Andwhen whenyour your cattle perform perform asadvertised, advertised, parentage genetic health. Imagine theyou possibilities. your buyers can take your word to the bank. yourbuyers buyerscan cantake takeyour your word word to to the the bank. bank. your You are good at what you do. GGP makes you even better. And when your cattle perform as advertised, ®® your buyers can take your word to the bank.
GeneSeek ® GeneSeek GeneSeek ® aNew New Brand Brand of Partner GeneSeek of aa New Brand of Partner Partner a New Brand of Partner
Alexander, Roddy
Barton, Christopher
Double A Cattle P.O. Box 363 Roscoe, TX 79545 county Nolan home 325-236-5724
Christoper Barton P.O. Box 357 Jarrell, TX 76537 county Williamson home 512-751-1075 bartonlimi@aol.com
Alexander, Kim and Marsha Double A Cattle P.O. Box 363 Roscoe, TX 79545 county Nolan
Alexander, Justin and Tamara Double A Cattle P.O. Box 363 Roscoe, TX 79545 county Nolan home 325-338-5866
Ashworth, Ronald and Joyce Ashworth Red Angus 1496 FM 354 San Augustine, TX 75972 county San Augustine home 936-288-0797 ashworthredangus@yahoo.com
Askew, Shawn and Angela Askew Cattle Co 8261 N US HWY 283 Albany, TX 76430 county Shackelford home 325-725-8661 cell 325-338-0318 askewshawn@gmail.com
Ballinger, Tony and Allison Cross B Cattle Co P.O. Box 98 Morgan Mill, TX 76465 county Erath home 817-371-4520 anthony.ballinger@adm.com
Barron, Troy and Emily Gobblin’ B Ranch 1820 CR 103 Whitesboro, TX 76273 county Cooke home 940-612-4525 emilylanbarron@gmail.com
16 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
Beale, Craig Beale Beef Company 3425 Hanover Dallas, TX 75225 county Dallas home 214-435-3007 craigbeale@att.net
Bower, Ken, Marja, Lane, Ladewig Bola Red Angus P.O. Box 215 Forestburg, TX 76239 county Montague home 940-964-2317 dancindeerranch@yahoo.com bolaredangus.com
Box, Sallye Morris Box Ranch 7371 Sherman Rd Justin, TX 76247 county Denton home 940-242-3216 morrisbox-ranch@hotmail.com
Box, Randall Morris Box Ranch 7371 Sherman Rd Justin, TX 76247 county Denton home 940-242-3216 morrisbox-ranch@hotmail.com
Callen, George Kings High Ranch, LLC P.O. Box 986 Santa Fe, TX 77517 county Galveston home 409-925-6608 cell 713-906-5949 gcallen@kingshighranch.com KingsHighRanch.com
= Life Member
Chapin, Mark
Crawford, Greg
Chapin Farms P.O. Box 464 Chico, TX 76431 county Wise home 817-403-1307 mark@chapinfarms.com chapinfarms.com/
Crawford Brothers Ranch P.O. Box 87 Mineral Wells, TX 76068 county Palo Pinto home 254-672-5976 gpcrawford28@yahoo.com
Choate, Rick and Joy Choate Cattle Company 3603 Bentfield Place Arlington, TX 76016 county Tarrant home 817-516-7429 cell 214-663-5535 rickchoate@sbcglobal.net
Clark, Tony and Carla Saint Jo Land and Cattle P.O. Box 26 St Jo, TX 76265 county Montague home 940-995-2555 tonyclark@centurylink.net saintjolandandcattle.com
Clark, Philip and Crystal Saint Jo Land and Cattle 816 CR 2255 Valley View, TX 76272 county Montague home 940-390-8440 philcrystalk@ntin.net saintjolandandcattle.com
Coe, Dennis Bar C Red Angus 222 Suntide Sunnyvale, TX 75182 county Dallas home 972-226-1440 drcoe@att.net
Cole, Carl and Lola High Hill Ranch 352 Knobbs Rd McDade, TX 78650 county Bastrop home 512-253-6363 cell 512-626-9330 carlcole41@gmail.com
Crossland, Chance, Whitney & Tatum Crossland Cattle Company 6077 Old Spanish Trail Bryan, TX 77807 county Brazos home 361-920-0417 cell 940-390-7062 crosslandcattleco@hotmail.com
Culp, Terah 2228 Vickers Dr Plano, TX 75075 county Collin home 214-280-3952 terah@theculps.net
Curry, Marvin & Melonie Curry Red Angus 304 E Blackjack Dublin, TX 76446 county Erath home 254-445-0352 cell 254-967-1631 mcurry@centurylink.net
Curtis, Eddie and Mary C&C Family Partners, Ltd P.O. Box 1236 Silsbee, TX 77656 county Hardin home 409-385-2937 gator4570@aol.com
Davenport, Ty Triple Creek Red Angus 1730 HWY 205 S Rockwall, TX 75032 county Rockwall home 972-524-5105 tydavenportdvm@hotmail.com
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 17
Davidson, Joy and Nancy
Doss, Jr., James F.
Timber Creek Ranch 7899 Putman Rd Marietta, OK 73448 county Love home 940-367-6245 timbercreekcattle@gmail.com
Lone Star Red Angus 1684 CR 305 Rockdale, TX 76567 county Milam, Lee home 512-760-0906 jfdoss1@yahoo.com
Deal, Kevin
Adams Family Farm and Ranch 13497 HWY 114 Justin, TX 76247 county Denton home 817-996-7659 kevindeal@hotmail.com
Dees, Stephen Dees Cattle P.O. Box 208 Schulenburg, TX 78956 county Fayette home 979-743-2134
DeVoe, Kyley and Brenna 3K Land and Cattle/ Flying K3 Cattle Co. 8514 Jim Baker Rd Justin, TX 76247 county Denton home 940-367-4708 kyley@3klandandcattle.com 3klandandcattle.com
Diles, Jeff Vista Red Angus 4465 FM 1796 D’Hanis, TX 78850 county Medina home 830-363-6250 jeff@sensibleseestock.com sensibleseedstock.com
Dobry, Mary Lazy D Ranch 2022 N. Turner Hobbs, NM 88240 county Lea home 575-392-3753
18 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
Earles, Jeff 3J Farms LLC P.O. Box 350 Ravia, OK 73455 county Johnston home 580-226-1915 jeffearles@soonertrading.net
Eaton, Barry Adams Family Farm and Ranch 13497 HWY 114 Justin, TX 76247 county Denton home 817-688-2004 beaww1@verizon.net
Elrod, Sam and Sherry Elrod SS Ranch 315 W Doyle St Granbury, TX 76048 county Hood cell 817-219-6778 sherry7320@att.net
Ferguson, Judy Kay 3K Land and Cattle 8514 Jim Baker Rd Justin, TX 76247 county Denton home 214-536-6902 judykay@3klandandcattle.com 3klandandcattle.com
Ferrill, Don and Denise Ferrill Family Cattle Co., Ltd 201 Main St Ste:801 Fort Worth, TX 76102 county Comanche home 817-980-9782 dferrill@brownpruitt.com facebook.com/pages/ ferrill-ranch/221458757878401
Findley, David
Guenther, Robin S
J Bar D Ranch P.O. Box 381907 Duncanville, TX 75138 county Dallas home 972-291-4914 dvftx@yahoo.com
Middle Creek Red Angus 5446 Middle Creek Rd Schulenburg, TX 78956 county Fayette home 979-561-6657 robins@cvctx.com
Foltyn, Mike and Tiffany
7F Cattle Co 1714 Halfmoon Dr Wharton, TX 77488 county Wharton cell 979-533-2235
Foundation, Dixon Water Dixon Ranches 4528 CR 398 Decatur, TX 76234 county Wise home 940-768-2740 mbookhout@dixonwater.org
George, Larry and Carol Leaning Oaks Red Angus 525 Spears Ranch Rd Jarrell, TX 76537 county Williamson home 512-567-1166 ldgeorge@juno.com
Glascock, Randy, Tammy, Rachel, Thomas Timber Creek Ranch 7899 Putman Rd Marietta, OK 73448 county Love home 940-367-6245 timbercreekcattle@gmail.com
Gore, John P.O. Box 625 Spurger, TX 77660 county Tyler home 409-782-0612 johngore13@gmail.com
Grace, Justin and Carrie Grace Cattle Company, LLC P.O. Box 142 Sunset, TX 76270 county Montague home 940-231-7043 gracecattleco@yahoo.com
Haggard, Mayna L White and Gehrig A Haggard’s Yellow Rose Ranch P.O. Box 796 Azle, TX 76098 county Parker home 817-965-0687 providence1970@aol.com
Halfmann, Chad and Tami Halfmann Red Angus 2501 CR 357 Miles, TX 76861 county Runnels home 325-374-6116 chad@halfmannredangus.com halfmannredangus.com
Halfmann, Cody and Laura Halfmann Red Angus 2501 CR 357 Miles, TX 76861 county Runnels home 325-468-2390 cody@halfmannredangus.com halfmannredangus.com
Halfmann, Glen and Diane Halfmann Red Angus 2501 CR 357 Miles, TX 76861 county Runnels home 325-468-5391 glen@halfmannredangus.com halfmannredangus.com
Harbin, Mark and Mary Harbin Red Angus 3955 CR 314 Jarrell, TX 76537 county Williamson home 254-527-4650 meharbin@hotmail.com harbinredangus.com
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 19
Hart, Ronny and Marilyn
Jesch, Michael and Kathleen
High Lonesome Ranch 1782 CR 2925 Dodd City, TX 75438 county Fannin home 903-583-6062 hartronny@yahoo.com
Showplace Ranch 14319 N US HWY 79 Palestine, TX 75801 county Anderson home 903-584-3363 showplaceranch@aol.com showplaceranch.com
Henderson, Jerry and June Henderson Farm P.O. Box 517 Gainesville, TX 76241 county Cooke home 940-665-1747 redangus@swbell.net
Henderson, Toby Henderson Red Angus 178 Tejas Trl Springtown, TX 76082 county Parker home 817-360-4630 toby_henderson@ymail.com
Henderson, Frank Henderson Red Angus P.O. Box 1597 Springtown, TX 76082 county Parker home 817-229-3287 aniprofrank@yahoo.com
Horner, Jimmy Horner Cattle Co. 269 CR 1120 Decatur, TX 76234 county Wise home 940-627-7165 cell 940-683-8123 jhorner@protocoltech.net
Jackson, James, Vickie, Misty Jackson Farms 670 CR 34650 Sumner, TX 75486 county Lamar home 903-785-5197 jacksonfarmsredangus@gmail.com
20 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
Johnson, George G&D Johnson Ranch 12085 FM 1795 Hawkins, TX 75765 county Upshur home 903-769-1292 cell 903-312-6718 geo_dee.redA@yahoo.com
Jones, Brad and Charolotte Jones Ranch 212 CR 2310 Telephone TX 75488 county Fannin home 903-664-4875 cell 903-227-4975 brad@jonesranchcattle.com
Keith, Steve North Central Texas College 1525 W California St Gainesville, TX 76240 county Cooke home 940-668-4217 skeith@nctc.edu
Kimberlin, John and Charlotte Kimberlin Ranches 3322 Shorecrest Dr Ste 200 Dallas, TX 75235 county Dallas home 214-654-9027 ckimberdal@aol.com
Kimmey, Anne and Kelley 7K Cattle Co 6066 Tim Donald Rd Justin, TX 76247 county Denton home 817-793-7704 anne@cultivateagency.com
Kolek, James
Lockyear, Alan
Trinity River Land and Cattle Co. 200 Trinity River Ranch Rd Shepherd, TX 77371 county San Jacinto home 936-365-3582 trinityriverredangus@yahoo.com trinityriverredangus.com
Lockyear Land and Cattle 38915 Sampson Rd Brookshire, TX 77423 county Waller home 281-375-2651 alockyear@gamil.com
Ludlow, Kathryn and Owen
Lam, Elvis Lam & Sons Red Angus Farms 162 Boyce 3rd St Waxahachie, TX 75165 county Ellis home 972-938-8846
Landers, Daniel Landers Cattle Co./Lazy M Ranch Ltd 600 Landers Ln Shepherd, TX 77371 county San Jacinto
Landers, Jake and Marion Landers Cattle Co/Lazy M Ranch Ltd 600 Landers Ln Shepherd, TX 77371 county San Jacinto home 936-365-2388 lazym@eastex.net
Landers, Carson Landers Cattle Co/Lazy M Ranch Ltd 600 Landers Ln Shepherd, TX 77371 county San Jacinto
Lindsay, Susannah Robertson-Lindsay Cattle Co. P.O. Box 235 Iola, TX 77861 county Grimes home 936-394-5413 alexiem@yahoo.com robertsonlindsaycattle.com
Lobpries, Howard and Julie CL Cattle Company 486 CR 1630W Crockett, TX 75835 county Houston home 936-545-2531 clcattleco@yahoo.com
Ludlow Farm 1272 County Road 4122 De Kalb TX, 75559 county Bowie home 903 667-7454 owlkel@aol.com
Mangum, Jeff Seven Angels Farm P.O. Box 24 Argyle, TX 76226 county Denton home 940-241-2089 sevenangelsfarm@verizon.net
Mathiews, Gary and Michelle Mathiews Cattle Company P.O. Box 157 Woodson, TX 76491 county Throckmorton home 940-345-6652 gmmathiews@brazosnet.com
McDermott, Cooper Super C Cattle Company 3240 FM 2401 Garden City, TX 79739 county Glasscock home 254-482-1101 super_c_cattleco@yahoo.com
Mesey, Bill and Sandy M & M Red Angus 1106 FM 384 Winters, TX 79567 county Runnels home 325-743-6393 cell 325-977-0089 mmredangus@yahoo.com
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 21
Michalski, Richard and Lana
Peacock, Gary
Michalski Cattle Company 201 Monkey Rd Elgin, TX 78621 county Bastrop home 512-848-9576 michalskirealestate@gmail.com
Peacock Angus Ranch 313 FM 2488 Covington, TX 76636 county Hill home 254-874-5868 gpeacock@windstream.net peacockredangus.com
Miller, Mark and Celia Chief Line Red Angus 1762 FM 2060 Abernathy, TX 79311 county Hale home 806-328-5210 mfmraider@aol.com chieflineredangus.com
Moore, Jim and Linda Red River Red Angus 707 Kiowa Dr West Lake Kiowa, TX 76240 county Cooke home 214-415-9767 jim.moore@ntin.net
Novosad, Gary Tashica Ranch 17820 E State HWY 21 Chireno, TX 75937 county Nacogdoches home 936-362-2410 garynovosad@att.net
Owen, Kathryn Ludlow or Ludlow Farm 1272 CR 4122 De Kalb, TX 75559 county Bowie home 903 667-7454 owlkel@aol.com
Payne, Willis M. WP-Payne Ranch P.O. Box 298 Saint Jo, TX 76265 county Montague home 940-995-2430 cell 940-995-2409 willispayne127@yahoo.com
22 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
Pena, Raminro La Encinada Ranch 16053 HWY 95 Holland, TX 76534 county Bell home 254-982-4590 cell 254-760-3544 rapenamd@msn.com
Perkins, Ed Perkins Livestock Co 931 CR 164 Whitesboro, TX 76273 county Cooke home 940-736-4156 perkinslivestock@yahoo.com
Pool, David R and Katrina Pool Ranch 8192 CR 314 Laneville, TX 75667 county Rusk home 903-863-2171 david@poolranch.com poolranch.com
Rice, Mary Denise Lazy D Ranch 2022 N. Turner Hobbs, NM 88240 county Lea
Rogers, Brain and Caroline BCR Ventures 304 Bernburg College Station, TX 77845 county Brazos home cell 936-585-0221 bcrventurescattle@gmail.com bcrcattle.com
Rowland, John D.
Smith, Preston
7G Cattle Company 4225 Harvest Hill Dallas, TX 75244 county Dallas home 972-458-7873 jdr1@sbcglobal.net
Aleph Tav Ranch 1311 James C Road Weatherford TX 76085 county Parker home 817-980-2705 fax 817-625-5009 preston@marathonconstruct.com www.alephtavranch.com
Sandoval, Raul and Kathy 9580 FM 3396 Kemp, TX 75143 county Kaufman home 903-498-8335 kathysandoval@gmail.com
Sanford DVM, Doug Sanford Red Angus 1501 HWY 84 West Fairfield, TX 75840 county Freestone home 903-389-4606 dougsanford@valornet.com
Schill, Danielle D Bar S Cattle P.O. Box 216 Donie, TX 75838 county Freestone home 903-388-2264 showqueen_07@yahoo.com
Shieldknight, Quentin Shieldknight Land & Cattle, LLC P.O. Box 356 Spearman, TX 79081 county Hansford home 806-570-7932 quentin.shieldknight@windstream.net
Shieldknight, Fred Shieldknight Land & Cattle, LLC P.O. Box 356 Spearman, TX 79081 county Hansford home 806-341-5971
Smith, Landon and Rodney
Spruill, Truett Spruill Farm 1217 CR 415 Carbon, TX 76435 county Eastland home 254-631-8381
Stepp, Dennis Stepp Cattle Co 923 FM 1696 W Huntsville, TX 77320 county Walker home 936-295-3213 steppdennis58@yahoo.com
Stigall, Zane and Eunice Stigall Ranch 7420 N FM 486 Thorndale, TX 76577 county Milam home 512-862-3248 zstigall@flash.net
Stuckly, John A Middle Creek Red Angus 5446 Middle Creek Rd Schulenburg, TX 78956 county Fayette home 979-561-6352 robins@cvctx.com
Sultenfuss, Cody Sultenfuss 8891 Reeds Lake Rd Rogers, TX 76569 county Bell home 254-982-4536 psultenfuss@hotmail.com
R&L Red Angus P.O. Box 530 Olton, TX 79064 county Lamb, Hale home 806-638-4821
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 23
Thomas, Garrett
Walker, Robert, Nannette, Wesley
Allied Genetic Resources 2245 Ropp Rd. Normal IL 61761 cell 936-714-4591 garrett@alliedgeneticresources.com alliedgeneticresources.com
Walker Farm 615 CR 610 Dayton, TX 77535 county Liberty home 281-593-5513 nannettewalker@gmail.com
Tolar, Tony
Welch, James E. and JoAnn
T5 Cattle 292 A-1 Ranch Rd Muenster, TX 76252 county Cooke tony.tolar@a1landandcattle.com a1landandcattle.com
J&J Farm & Ranch P.O. Box 54 Hardin, TX 77561 county Liberty home 936-298-2775 cell 936-346-2311
Tomascik, Tracy
Williams, Monte
T2 Cattle Co 6516 Vista View Dr Waco, TX 76710 county McLennan home 254-541-1118 ttomascik@txfb.org tomascikfarms.com
Precision Guesswork Cattle Co. P.O. Box L Altair, TX 77412 county Colorado home 979-758-1529 honestmonte@pgwcc.com
Tomascik, Carl Tomascik Farms 2508 CR 218 Cameron, TX 76520 county Milam home 254-697-1072 tomascikfarms@gmail.com tomascikfarms.com
Turk, Godwin Lazy T Ranch 10318 FM 1013 W Kirbyville, TX 73956 county Jasper home 409-423-5627 cell 409-383-4889 gturk1728@gmail.com
Walker, David Under The Cross Ranch 517 N Bateman Rd Fairfield, TX 75840 county Freestone home 903-389-5767 cell 903-390-1256 carver012@valornet.com
24 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
Williams, George M. Jr. “Mac� GW Land & Cattle Co 116 Foxhall Cove San Antonio, TX 78213 county Bexar home 210-341-6701 mwilliams@wcmtexas.com
Woodward, Tom and Pat Woodward Cattle Co. P.O. Box 1388 Decatur, TX 76234 county Wise home 940-393-6316 tomwoodward@brosecoranch.com
Woodward, Tom Broseco Ranch 3157 FM 71 W Omaha, TX 75571 county Morris home 940-393-6316 bulls@brosecoranch.com brosecoranch.com
Wright Meredith & John W5 Farms 6008 FM 433E Vernon TX 76384 county Wilbarger home 940-552-7618 merewright@hotmail.com
Wright Carter, Michael and Norlene Carter Wright Farm 6904 Tucker Dr Weatherford, TX 76085 county Parker home 817-980-2159 cell 817-980-8019
Zermeno, Frank JE Ranch 1755 CR 2711 Goldthwaite, TX 76844 county Mills home 512-368-5990 cell 512-844-6521 frankzermeno@hotmail.com
Zermeno, Elizabeth JE Ranch 1755 CR 2711 Goldthwaite, TX 76844 county Mills home 512-368-5990 cell 512-844-6521 frankzermeno@hotmail.com
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 25
Jake and Marion Landers 600 Landers Lane Shepherd, TX 77371
Home/Office: 936-365-2388 Cell: 936-327-2053 E-mail: landers@eastex.net
WANTED: RED ANGUS SIRED CALVES Work directly with buyer • Specializing in less than load lot sizes Chris Gosnell • Weatherford, TX • 940-395-1386 • c.gosnell13@gmail.com
We Love Show heifers, replacement females and bulls for sale year round.
Don’t miss out on these powerful genetics: Damar Joplin (Big Mama) x Mulberry • Damar W085 x Evolution Damar W085 x Power Eye • Faith 8L x Ironhide Timber Creek Ranch Marietta, OK
Joy and Nancy Davidson, Randy, Tammy, Rachel and Thomas Glascock Tammy: (940) 367-6245 / Thomas: (940) 736-7706 timbercreekcattle@gmail.com
Jesch, Michael and Kathleen
Box, Sallye Box, Randall Deal, Kevin DeVoe, Kyley and Brenna Eaton, Barry Ferguson, Judy Kay Kimmey, Anne and Kelley Mangum, Jeff
Bastrop Cole, Carl and Lola Michalski, Richard and Lana
Pena, Raminro Sultenfuss, Cody
Spruill, Truett
Williams, George M. Jr. “Mac�
Lam, Elvis
Ludlow, Kathryn and Owen Owen, Kathryn Ludlow or
Ballinger, Tony and Allison Curry, Marvin & Melonie
Crossland, Chance, Whitney & Tatum Rogers, Brain and Caroline
Culp, Terah
Williams, Monte
Ferrill, Don and Denise
Hart, Ronny and Marilyn Jones, Brad and Charolotte
Dees, Stephen Guenther, Robin S Stuckly, John A
Sanford DVM, Doug Schill, Danielle Walker, David
Barron, Troy and Emily Henderson, Jerry and June Keith, Steve Moore, Jim and Linda Perkins, Ed Tolar, Tony
Beale, Craig Coe, Dennis Findley, David Kimberlin, John and Charlotte Rowland, John D.
Callen, George
Lindsay, Susannah
Miller, Mark and Celia Smith, Landon and Rodney
Shieldknight, Quentin Shieldknight, Fred
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 29
Curtis, Eddie and Mary
Stigall, Zane and Eunice Tomascik, Carl Doss, Jr., James F.
Peacock, Gary
Elrod, Sam and Sherry
Zermeno, Frank Zermeno, Elizabeth
Turk, Godwin
Bower, Ken, Marja, Lane, Ladewig Clark, Tony and Carla Clark, Philip and Crystal Grace, Justin and Carrie Payne, Willis M.
Earles, Jeff
Woodward, Tom
Sandoval, Raul and Kathy
Novosad, Gary
Lobpries, Howard and Julie
Jackson, James, Vickie, Misty
Smith, Landon and Rodney
Alexander, Roddy Alexander, Kim and Marsha Alexander, Justin and Tamara
Palo Pinto
Crawford, Greg
Dobry, Mary Rice, Mary Denise
Doss, Jr., James F.
Walker, Robert, Nannette, Wesley Welch, James E. and JoAnn
Haggard, Mayna L White and Gehrig A Henderson, Toby Henderson, Frank Smith, Preston Wright Carter, Michael and Norlene
Davenport, Ty
Families, Davisdon/Glascock
Tomascik, Tracy
Diles, Jeff
Halfmann, Chad and Tami Halfmann, Cody and Laura Halfmann, Glen and Diane Mesey, Bill and Sandy
Pool, David R and Katrina
30 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
San Augustine Ashworth, Ronald and Joyce
San Jacinto
Kolek, James Landers, Daniel Landers, Jake and Marion Landers, Carson
Askew, Shawn and Angela
Choate, Rick and Joy
Mathiews, Gary and Michelle
Gore, John
Johnson, George
Stepp, Dennis Lockyear, Alan
Foltyn, Mike and Tiffany
Meredith & John Wright
Barton, Christopher George, Larry and Carol Harbin, Mark and Mary
Chapin, Mark Foundation, Dixon Water Horner, Jimmy Woodward, Tom and Pat
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 31
If your cattle saw a heat wave, would they wave back? Our superior genetics guarantees profit no matter the conditions. Raised with tradition. Bred for profit.
Join us for our October 7, 2015 Annual Production Sale
Glen 325-895-0544
Chad 325-374-6116
Cody 325-245-8928
2501 CR 357 Miles, Texas 76861 HalfmannRanch.com
KOLLE RED A NGUS 961 N. FM 444 Inez, TX 77968
(361) 782-2510 • jakolle@tisd.net Cell: (361) 550-5045
POOL POOL RANCH RANCH Your East Texas Connection to Red Angus Your East Texas Connection to Red Angus
www.poolranch.com www.poolranch.com
903-863-2171 903-863-2171
34 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
ARTICLE I NAME, PURPOSE, and NON-PROFIT STATUS SECTION 1. NAME The name of this non-profit corporation is and shall be TEXAS RED ANGUS ASSOCIATION (hereinafter, “the Association” or “TRAA”).
SECTION 2. PURPOSES The purposes of the Association are to promote the breeding and marketing of Red Angus cattle through participation in programs of research, education, and production; and to encourage and assist Texas Junior Red Angus members in their endeavors.
SECTION 3. NON-PROFIT STATUS. The Association is and shall be recorded with the State of Texas as a non- profit corporation and, in compliance with its Articles of Incorporation or Certificate of Incorporation, this corporation is and always shall be a non-profit organization and no stock shall ever be issued, and no Member shall ever receive any profit or anything of pecuniary value for his or her membership, either during the operation of the corporation or upon its dissolution, or the liquidation of any of the corporation’s assets of any kind. The Directors and Officers in office at such time shall, in accordance with the laws applicable to non-profit corporations like or similar to the Association, continue to act as trustees for the benefit of all persons, and after liquidation of all assets, cause any net proceeds to be distributed in pursuance of the objectives and purposes of this corporation as stated in its Articles of Incorporation or Certificate of Incorporation and herein, and to pay such net proceeds over to a charitable or non-profit organization in the State of Texas or, if not practical, elsewhere in the United States, carrying on functions most similar to the purposes for which this corporation is organized.
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 35
ARTICLE II OFFICERS SECTION 1. OFFICERS The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer; provided, however, that the offices of the Secretary and the Treasurer may be combined into the single office of Secretary-Treasurer for such time as the Board desires. They shall take office at the time of their election.
SECTION 2. ELIGIBILITY TO SERVE AS AN OFFICER To be eligible to serve as an Officer, an individual must be an Active Member in good standing at the time of election and must have been so, since the last Annual Meeting.
SECTION 3. DUTIES The duties of each Officer shall be those as provided by these By-laws, by the Board of Directors (hereinafter “the Board”) and the Membership, by law and as customarily exercised by such Officers. a. PRESIDENT. The President shall be elected annually by the Membership for one (1) year and shall be considered a member of the Board for all purposes; provided, however, that the President will only vote in the event of a tie-vote among the members of the Board. The President is the executive officer and is in general charge of the execution of the rules, directives and policies of the Board and the Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Members and of the Board, and perform all duties usual to such office or as prescribed by the Board. In the event that the President or Vice-President are unable to attend any National function, the President shall designate an Association Member to be acting President at those functions. b. VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President shall be elected annually by the Membership, shall have voting privileges at Board meetings, and shall be considered a member of the Board for all purposes. The Vice President shall attend all meetings of the Members and of the Board, and shall perform all duties usual to such office or as prescribed by the Board. Should the President be unable or unwilling to serve, in the absence of the President or at the President’s request, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President or such duties as the President may designate.
36 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
c. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall be elected annually by the Membership, shall have voting privileges at Board meetings, and shall be considered a member of the Board for all purposes. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all books, papers, records, documents, official seal (if any), and other property of the Association, except as otherwise provided by these By-laws or as directed by the Board. The Secretary may, as the Secretary determines practical and as authorized by the Board, rely on other responsible individual(s) to serve as the physical custodian(s) of such property, but the Secretary shall retain ultimate responsibility for the retention and ability to retrieve said items. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Members and of the Board, perform all duties usual to such office or as prescribed by the Board, and make a full and complete record (the Minutes) of all matters considered at such meetings, which shall serve as the official record of the meetings of the Board and of the Membership. The Secretary shall assure that a copy of documents made the subject of a particular action is incorporated into and made a part of the Minutes of such meetings. The Secretary shall prepare and distribute such correspondence as may be directed by the Board, shall serve or cause to be served, printed or published, such notices as shall be required by law, these By-laws, or the Board, and shall perform such administrative duties as may be assigned to the Secretary by the Board.. d. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be elected annually by the Membership, shall have voting privileges at Board meetings, and shall be considered a member of the Board for all purposes. The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the Association and shall pay and otherwise handle them as directed by the Board, keep an accurate record of the receipts and disbursements of the Association, and submit a report to the Board at its Regular Meetings and more often, if required. The Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the Members and of the Board, perform all duties usual to such office or as prescribed by the Board, be prepared to give a full and complete report of the fiscal status of the Association at such meetings, and give a full and complete report for the fiscal year to the Board and the Membership at the Association’s Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall deposit all monies of the Association to the Association’s account in such depository or depositories as the Board shall designate. e. SECRETARY-TREASURER. The offices of Secretary and of Treasurer may be combined into the singular office of Secretary-Treasurer for such time as the Board may direct. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform all of the duties of Secretary and Treasurer . The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by the membership, shall have voting privileges at Board meetings, and shall be considered a member of the Board for all purposes.
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 37
SECTION 4. TERM of OFFICE The term of office for all Officers shall be for a term of one (1) year, or until their respective successors are duly elected. A majority of the Members present and voting shall be sufficient for the election of any Officer. No person shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms. Any individual elected to serve the remaining term of an Officer is still eligible to serve two full, consecutive terms if elected.
SECTION 5. EX OFFICIO OFFICERS a. The immediate past President shall be an ex officio member of the Board for the immediately succeeding one (1) year. They shall have voice but shall not have voting rights. b. The current members of the Board of Directors of the Red Angus Association of America who are Members of the Association, but who are not currently elected to serve on the Board, shall be ex officio members of the Board. They shall have voice but shall not have voting rights on the Board; provided, however, that their right to vote as a Member of the Association shall not be affected by their status as an ex officio Board member.
SECTION 6. VACANCY The Vice-President becomes President upon the death or resignation of the President, and the Vice-President’s office shall be filled by affirmative vote of a majority of the Board. Any vacancy of the other offices of the Officers of the Association shall likewise be filled by affirmative vote of a majority of the Board. Any Officer elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office.
SECTION 7. REMOVAL Except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, an Officer may be removed from office at the sole discretion of the Members, at a vote held at the Annual Meeting or any other meeting of the Members, said removal to become effective immediately following such a vote.
SECTION 8. ADDRESS The mailing address, and the registered and principal office, of the Association. shall be the address of the President or the Secretary, unless otherwise directed by the Board.
38 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION 1. GOVERNING BODY The duly elected Officers and Directors of the Association, collectively, are the Governing Body of the Association, which shall be known as the Board of Directors or “the Board”.
SECTION 2. DIRECTORS The Directors will consist of five (5) Area Directors, each representing one of the five (5) areas in the State of Texas designated and approved by the Board and the Membership in accordance with the By-laws, and four (4) Directors At Large.
SECTION 3. ELIGIBILITY TO SERVE AS DIRECTOR To be eligible to serve as a Director, an individual must be an Active Member in good standing at the time of election, and must have been so since the last Annual Meeting.
SECTION 4. TERM OF DIRECTORS A Director shall be elected for a term of three (3) years. Three Directors shall be elected each year. These three will be two (2) area Directors and one (1) Director At Large. These three Directors will replace the three Directors whose terms are expiring that year. There will be one year in which two (2) At Large Directors and one (1) Area Director will be elected. No Director shall be elected to successive terms of office; provided, however, that an individual elected to serve the remaining term of a Director is still eligible to serve a subsequent and consecutive term. A Director or Officer who has missed three (3) consecutive Board meetings shall be removed and replaced, should a majority of the Board so vote.
SECTION 5. VACANCY Any vacancy of a Director’s office as a result of resignation or otherwise shall be filled by affirmative vote of a majority of the Board, the newly elected Director to serve the unexpired term of his or her predecessor.
SECTION 6. REMOVAL Except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, a Director may be removed from office at the sole discretion of the Members, at a vote held at the Annual Meeting or any other meeting of the Members, said removal to become effective immediately following such a vote.
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 39
SECTION 7. AREA DIRECTORS The five (5) Area Directors will each be elected from one of the five (5) designated areas of the State of Texas. The five designated areas shall be formed initially by the decision of two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Board and confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Active Members. Ballots shall be mailed to all Active Members and results validated by the Board at the next Annual Meeting. At such time when an area is to nominate a member for the Board, and no one is able to serve from that area, a nomination can be made from the Membership at large.
SECTION 8. Directors At Large The four (4) Directors At Large will be elected from the Active Membership of the Texas Red Angus Association. They will serve for a period of three (3) years. There will be one year in which two Directors At Large will be elected.
ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP Any Red Angus breeder or persons interested in the promotion of Red Angus are eligible for membership, as provided by these By-laws. Membership categories and requirements are: a. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Active Members are Texas Red Angus cattle breeders who are current in payment of their dues. They may hold office, serve on committees, and vote. They shall have a legal residence in the state of Texas, and must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. 1) FAMILY MEMBERSHIPS. To encourage greater participation in the activities of the Association, any Active Member whose spouse wishes to be a Member of the Association may initiate a Family Membership affording the spouse a full Active Membership, that Membership to be available at a discounted annual dues rate as determined from time to time by the Board. b. LIFE MEMBERS. Life Members are those having been awarded such status by vote of the Members at the Annual Meeting. This category shall be limited to longtime Active Members of the Association and shall be in recognition of their outstanding commitment to the Red Angus breed and their outstanding contributions to the Association. Life Members whose Active Memberships remain in good standing may vote, but shall not be required to pay dues.
40 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
c. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Associate Members are those who are in accord with the Association’s purposes and objectives and who wish to support the Association in its endeavors. Their residence is not limited to the State of Texas. They may attend meetings but may not vote, pay dues or hold office. Associate Members may include but are not necessarily limited to: 1) Texas Junior Red Angus Association and its members. 2) Persons who feed or crossbreed using Red Angus and who sincerely wish to further the progress of the beef industry using Red Angus, but who do not wish to be Active Members. 3) Businesses whose activities or income is linked primarily to agricultural activities and who wish to support the Association, its purposes and objectives.
SECTION 2. ANNUAL DUES Except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, annual dues for Active Members shall be as recommended, from time to time, by the Board of Directors and as approved by the Members at the Annual Meeting. A notice of any proposed change in the Annual Dues to be presented to the Board for its consideration will be mailed to the Active Members at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
SECTION 3. PAYMENT OF DUES A Member’s annual dues are due and payable on the first day of the Association’s fiscal year, unless the Board determines another date.
SECTION 4. MEMBERSHIP IN GOOD STANDING A Member is considered to be in “good standing” unless the Member no longer meets the requirements of membership or, with regard to Active Members, the Member is delinquent in the payment of annual dues. A Member is considered delinquent in the payment of annual dues if full payment is not received within six (6) months of the date dues are due and payable. In such a case, the membership is automatically suspended and the Member may not vote until the delinquency is remedied. Should the Member’s failure to pay annual dues extend beyond the 8 fiscal year, the membership is automatically terminated.
SECTION 5. NEW MEMBERS New Members who join the Association after April 30th of a given fiscal year shall pay one half (½) the current annual dues for the remainder of that fiscal year.
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 41
SECTION 6. APPLICATION Each applicant for membership must apply in writing to the Secretary in such form as the Association shall prescribe, to be presented with the necessary membership fee.
SECTION 7. TRANSFERS No membership is transferable except in case of the death of an Active Member; in such a case, a membership can be transferred within a family to another individual qualified to be an Active Member.
ARTICLE V FISCAL MATTERS SECTION 1. FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Association shall be from November 1st through October 31st.
SECTION 2. BUDGETARY LIMITATIONS No expense, debt or financial obligation of any kind may be incurred in the name of, or on behalf of, the Association that would cause the Association to exceed the annual budget then in effect, nor shall any individual or entity be reimbursed for such expense, debt or financial obligation, nor shall the Association be liable or responsible for such expense, debt or financial obligation, unless payment of the expense, debt or financial obligation is approved by the Board and the Membership, and the budget is amended and approved accordingly.
SECTION 3. COMPENSATION The Directors and Officers shall serve without compensation.
SECTION 4. REIMBURSEMENT A Director, an Officer or a Member may be reimbursed as authorized by the Board for expenses incurred on behalf of and in furtherance of the authorized business of the Association.
SECTION 5. PAYMENT FOR SPONSORED EVENTS From time to time, the Association may sponsor special event such as sales, shows, bull tests, Junior Red Angus events, and similar events. The Association shall be responsible for the financial backing of these events either directly, by special assessment of the Membership or by direct assessment of those Members participating in the event. For purposes of membership status, non payment of such an assessment by a Member shall be considered cause for immediate termination of membership.
42 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
SECTION 6. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Any special assessments of Members must be approved by the Board and two-thirds(2/3) of the attending Active Members at a regular meeting.
SECTION 7. INDEMNIFICATION To the extent permitted by law, the Association shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Directors and Officers of the Association with regard to any and all liability they may incur, or to which they may be exposed, as a result of their conduct in office, when the conduct was in the course and scope of their respective office, in good faith, and in the reasonable belief that it was in the best interests of the Association. To effect the same, the Association shall purchase directors’ and officers’ liability insurance covering the acts and omissions of its Directors and Officers, in a form like or similar to that typically purchased by non-profit organizations such as the Association.
ARTICLE VI COMMITTEES SECTION 1. STANDING COMMITTEES There will be three (3) Standing Committees that will remain in existence without being renewed annually. These committees will be appointed annually by the President for one year. The term of the Chairmen will be at the discretion of the President. The Chairman of a standing committee must be a member of the Board. a. BUDGET. The Budget Committee shall be responsible for developing and presenting to the Board, for its approval, a budget that will conform to the requirements of the Association, and shall be responsible for effecting the conduct of an annual audit of the Association’s financial records by a qualified, independent auditor to be approved by the Board, and presenting said audit to the Board and to the Members at the Annual Meeting. b. MARKETING. The Marketing Committee shall be responsible for all aspects of promotion and marketing of Red Angus cattle that are in the interest of the Association, as approved by the Board. This may include sales, bull tests, promotions at state events, advertising and other methods of promoting the breed. c. SHOWS. The Shows Committee shall be responsible for all matters related to the sponsorship of shows by the Association, as approved by the Board. This will include determining which shows to conduct or participate in, the degree of participation, the rules and regulations governing participation in these shows, as well as the financial backing of these events. The Show Committee shall adhere to the policy of the Texas Red Angus Association that only 1-A Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 43
(registered 100% Red Angus) heifers are to be eligible for any Junior Heifer Show that is sponsored by, and for which premium moneys are paid by, the Association.
SECTION 2. SPECIAL COMMITTEES Special Committees will be established, charged, and dissolved, as determined by the President.
SECTION 3. EX OFFICIO The President is an Ex Officio member of all committees.
SECTION 4. REPORTS All Standing Committees must make a report at the Annual Meeting of the Membership. A written copy of all such reports shall be furnished to the Secretary.
SECTION 5. RESPONSIBILITY All committees are directly responsible to the President.
SECTION 6. NOMINATING COMMITTEE The President shall timely activate the Nominating Committee, giving consideration to the time and efforts needed for completion of its task of identifying and recommending individuals suitable for offices to be filled at the Annual Meeting. If possible, the Nominating Committee shall be made up of the three outgoing Directors. The Committee will take nominations from all eligible Members who wish to make nominations. The Board of Directors will vote on a slate of Officers and Directors to present to the Membership. The Membership can make additional nominations from the floor.
ARTICLE VII MEETINGS SECTION 1. ANNUAL AND OTHER REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE MEMBERSHIP The Association shall hold at least one Regular Meeting of the Membership a year, at a time and place determined by the Board, which shall be called the Annual Meeting. The Board and the Members may determine to have other Regular Meetings of the Members. Members in good standing will be notified, at their address last recorded with the Secretary, as to the date and location of the Annual Meeting or other Regular Meetings by the Secretary. This notice will be mailed at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting, which shall include the items of business reasonably expected to be considered thereat. It shall be the responsibility of each Member to provide the Secretary with a current mailing address. 44 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
SECTION 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE MEMBERSHIP Special Meetings of the Membership may be called at any time by the President, the Board or, upon presentation to the President, the written, signed request of no less than one-tenth (1/10) of the total Active Membership. Notice of a Special Membership Meeting must be mailed to each Member not later than ten (10) days before the date of such meeting, which shall include the items of business reasonably expected to be considered thereat.
SECTION 3. QUORUM FOR MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS A quorum shall consist of twenty percent (20%) of the total Active Membership.
SECTION 4. ELECTIONS AT MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Elections conducted by the Members shall be by secret ballot, except when there is but one candidate for the office.
SECTION 5. VOTING AT MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Membership carries one (1) vote per paid membership, and any one (1) person can only vote one (1) membership. No proxy vote is permissible at meetings of the Membership. If there is more than one paid membership in a family, farm, ranch, business operation, or herd, each membership in good standing will have a vote. A simple majority will rule in all cases unless otherwise stated in the Constitution or these By-laws. Active Members whose memberships are not in good standing may not vote.
SECTION 6. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE BOARD The Board of Directors shall conduct Regular Meetings at least each quarter of the Association’s fiscal year and as otherwise directed by the Board or the Members. One of the Board’s Regular Meetings shall take place at, or in conjunction with, the Association’s Annual Meeting. Written notice of any such meeting, and the business reasonably expected to be transacted thereat, shall be given to all members of the Board at least ten (10) days prior thereto.
SECTION 7. SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE BOARD A Special Meeting of the Board may be called on request of a majority of the Board members or at the direction of the President. Written notice of any such meeting, and the business to be transacted thereat, shall be given to all members of the Board at least twenty four (24) hours prior thereto.
SECTION 8. QUORUM OF THE BOARD A quorum for any meeting of the Board shall consist of seven (7) of its members.
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 45
SECTION 9. RULES FOR CONDUCT OF ALL MEETINGS All meetings will be governed by these By-laws. If matters are not covered herein, the Constitution and By-laws of the Red Angus Association of America will be consulted and followed when practical and, if not covered therein, reference shall be to Robert’s Rules of Order. A ruling by the Chair may be reversed only by a majority of the votes present in person.
ARTICLE VIII ORDER OF BUSINESS The order of business at a regular meeting shall be as follows, or as close to the following as is practical: a. Taking of the roll b. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting and of special meetings subsequent thereto. c. Report of the Treasurer. d. Report of the Board of Directors through the Secretary. e. Reports of Committees (standing and special). f. Unfinished business. g. New Business. h. Elections. i. Adjournment.
ARTICLE IX AMENDMENTS These By-laws may be amended by a proposal from the By-laws Committee. A proposal may also be made to the Committee by any Active Member. The Committee must pass the proposed amendment by a two-thirds (2/3) majority before presenting it to the Board for approval. Any proposal, as approved by the Board, must be presented to the Active Membership in writing thirty (30) days prior to its next regular or special meeting of the Members. The amendment may be voted on at the next regular Annual Meeting which may be no sooner than six (6) months after the meeting at which it was presented to the Active Membership. To become effective, any amendments to these By-laws must pass by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Active Members at that meeting.
46 Texas Red Angus Directory 2015
6 35
A supplement to but not part of the Constitution and By-laws.
Area 1.
Northeast: OK border I 35 south to I 35 (W) to I 20 then east to the AK border.
Area 2.
East: AK border West on I 20 to I 35 (W) to Waco then TX 6 south to the Gulf coast.
Area 3. Southeast: Gulf coast north on TX 6 to Waco then south on I 35 to the Mexico border. Area 4.
Southwest: Mexico border north on I 35 to I35 (W) to I 20 west to NM border.
Area 5.
Northwest: NM border east on I 20 to I 35 (W) then north to OK border. Note: A Member’s mailing address is used for establishing their area of membership. Ranch location may be used only in special occasions.
Texas Red Angus Directory 2015 47
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