In 1804, the country declared it’s independence and itself Haiti, which
byline Nyehla Irshied “mountainous,” with as leader.
means Dessalines
1791 a group of former slaves led in part by Toussaint Louverture organized a full- Short-term stabilization measures including: fledged uprising that toppled the • Tariffs reduced, import controls issued colony—the first successful slave revolt • Government spending on health and in history. education cut wage restraints into effect
“Real wages in Haiti declined 50% between 1980 and 1990.”
H ipsum dolor
aiti is considered the poorest country in
the Western Hemisphere.
3 In purus dolor, aliquet id, aliquam at, consequat sed, mauris. Morbi Economic policy serves interests of U.S ligula risus, tempor non, euismod investors and exporters. ut, faucibus eget, massa. Nulla et nibh. Vivamus id lectus.
The Haitian Constitution also provides for Maecenas enim eget Structural adjustmenttempus programs included the political decentralization through the election byline privatization of utilities and the removal of fall state of mayors and administrative bodies libero fermentum. Donec sagittis subsidies. responsible for local government. Nyehla Irsheid pretium urna.
Textile factories produced 90% of Haitian exports.
Sed quis mi. Etiam ultricies nonummy lectus. Nulla lacinia elit in dolor. Integer laoreet consectetuer augue. Nullam nibh mi, congue at, aliquam ac, euismod non,Hope nulla. Fusce elit require eu euismod congue, tortor ligula convallis andsollicitudin, trade bills yearly certification that ipsum, ac placerat odio purus nec lectus. Donec id orci. Proin hendrerit, sit amet Caribbean countries are complying with Worldquam Bank
Policies. porta tempor, est tortor accumsan lorem, at sagittis felis nunc at arcu. Integer
auctor purus eget nunc. Fusce sollicitudin. Aenean justo. Donec velit. Vestibulum U.S has used its political influence to Morbi orciexport ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cum 5 Pellentesque mold Haiti viverra. into a low wage, Structural adjustment program shifted focus from elit, ultrices ut, vestibulum id, sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. friendly economy. producing food for domestic market to producing for ullamcorper vel, massa. Vestibulum dignissim sollicitudin est. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis Pellentesque ac sem. Sed risus export. parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla cursus. Aliquam et diam. Nunc bylinescelerisque ut, ultrices a, justo, pretium ante ac risus. Vestibulum convallis ullamcorper nunc. Nulla posuere. auctor et, lacus. programs Duis a orci. Structural adjustment Esther implemented in the 1980s in an effort to • Elimination of tariffs led to the Importation of open up Haiti’s economy further to foreign
Haiti first
While the initial uprising was finally Textile factories produce 90% of Haitian exports quelled, the Real wages in Haiti declined events set in motion what become the Haitian Between 1980 and 1990 Revolution.
50 Percent
Over 50%
Of the $1billion Haitian became budget isthe derived free of foreign black aid republic in the
the first
Unemployment in crowded urban cities such as Port-auPrince was as high as
state and
state after Sates.
Hope I & Hope II Trade bills require yearly certification that Caribbean countries are complying with World Bank Policies
Structural independent adjustment in the programs implemented in
Caribbean the second the independent in an effort to open up in the Western Haiti’s economy further to Hemisphere foreign investment the United
Haiti is considered tHe poorest country in tHe Western HemispHere
FD investors.
Francois Duvalier came to power The U.S. begins to mold Haiti into Structural adjustment programs a low-wage, export-friendly through included the privatization of utilities economy by using its political and the removal of all state subsidies elections in influence and development assistance programs 1957, he lostshifted all Structural adjustment program focus from producing food for credibility domestic market to producing for export because of a reElimination of tariffsfraudulent led to the importation of cheap goods, such as election in 1961, a rigged agrees referendum in 1964 that confirmed him as Haiti’s president for life, Nixon administration to rice which led to the elimination of provideand political support for therepression he dealt out, primarily through and the severe unrelenting the Volunteers domestically grown rice for ruling dictatorship in return for National Security (Volontaires de la Securite Nationale—VSN) or tonton mascoutes the implementation of Haiti’s wealth is usually (bogeymen). incentives to attract U.S. distributed amongst Haitian elites who are mostly white, mulattoes and descendants of Immigrants
Duvalier (“Papa Doc”) extended his illegitimate rule beyond his death by naming his son Jean Claude (“Baby Doc”) as his successor.
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In march 1987, a constitution was ratified that provides for an elected bicameral, parliament; an elected president that serves as head of state; and prime minister, cabinets, and Supreme Court appointed by the President with parliament’s consent.
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byline Raynald Jean-Gilles
Official language is Creole (kreyol). It is composed of 18th century French with influences of Portuguese, Aramaic, Spanish, Taino, and West African.
About 1 to 5% of the population speaks French (mostly elites), which is highly esteemed.
Catholic (Elites) •
Official State religion, due to Protestant missionary work reduced from 90% in 1960 to less than 70% in 2000.
Evangelical Protestant (Levanjil) •
Growing religious sector
Voodoo (Vodun) 5
VOODOO FESTIVAL CELEBRATED IN HAITI DURING EASTER: Haitians participate in a ritual, during the Voodoo Festival, at
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Marriage is expected between elite and middle class, but not so much nonelites.
The provision of a house to the woman and a child solidifies the union and makes it respected by the community.
by Patrice Piard
the country. Therefore are not
Husband is owner of the home. Wife is the Manager of household and financial decision maker.
apparent in everyday life. Voodoo however does not discriminate against people who identify as LGBT. Homosexuality was taken off the list of mental illness in Haiti in 1992.
July 2013 1000 people marched in the capital in demand of same-sex marriage. Demand but still not addressed.
Household can contain members of the nuclear family, adopted children of relatives, elderly widows and widowers.
Men and women inherit estate equally form both parents.
EDUCATION (Side Note): Often misunderstood by outsiders, heterosexual men and mostly women hold hands to signify a
Literacy race:
deep friendship.
72% (15-24 yrs. of age). 49% (24yrs+)
Elites and middle class send their children to