Editing video
Name the Project Browse a location to save it to
Open PREMIERE Select New Project
Setting up the Premiere Project
Select HDV Select HDV 720p25 OK
720 is resolution for the height You could do 1080, but rather unnecessary
P is Progressive
25 is Frame rate
Setting up the Premiere Project
General Premiere Layout
General Premiere Layout
Right-Click in the Project Files area Select New Bin
Name your bin
Create a new BIN
Create a new sequence for each cut scene, and repeat
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Create a Timeline
Then create a new sequence for the overall composition, same settings as all the rest ď ŹIn the Project Files section, all the sequences can be dragged into the overall composition ď Ź
Create a Timeline
AUDIO Drag track onto an audio layer Pull back and front of track to resize to desired location in track To key frame, have red slider in correct position, and click the keyframe ICON shown
Drag KEYFRAME up or down to create a fade between to keyframes
NOTE: To unlink audio from video, right click track, and select “unlink”
Create a Timeline
Some editing tips
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Scale (Timeline Window)
Edit the Timeline
File, Export, Media
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Export to Movie
Format: H264
Preset: HDTV 720p 25 High Quality
Output Name and Location
Export Video Export Audio
Export to Movie
TV Standard: PAL
Height: 720
Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels
Export to Movie