Culture Guide 八月 August 2013 - N7 - free
Penha Church 尊享阔逸下榻体验
Live it large
水舞间 观赏梦幻谜情 The House of Dancing Water
Watch the mystery unfold
48 70
10 FIVB 世界女排大奖赛 扣球绝杀!
FIVB Volleyball Grand Prix Spike!
14 亚当斯一家 鬼怪一家的奇趣生活
Addams Family A taste of the macabre
66 恐龙“袭”澳 侏罗纪公园预言成真?
Dinosaurs Did they come back to life?
August 2013
发行点 《澳门导航》杂志发行的网点遍布世界各地,基于与 澳门航空的合约,杂志会在大中华二十二个地区的机 场发布;在澳门主要酒店的房间及礼宾部都能找到我 们的杂志,并会在超过八百间的旅游热门餐厅中展 示,我们每月亦会亲自把杂志送到超过五百位贵宾的 手上。 你能在以下的地点找到《澳门导航》的踪影。
Distribution Cguide is distributed internationally in the lounges of 22 airports throughout Greater China, as per an agreement with Air Macau. In Macau the magazine is available in nearly every major hotel in the SAR – present in hotel rooms and concierges. Culture Guide is also distributed to over 800 restaurants and is found in primary tourist spots, as well as being handdelivered to more than 500 VIPs. Check out some of the following locations at which you can find Culture Guide Magazine.
八月 2013
August 2013
Delta Edições
Editor-in-chief 總編輯
Chinese editor
Kelsey Wilhelm
Editorial team
Abbi Mitchell-Morley
YuYu, Pana Lei, Inês Lam, David Wong
Editorial enquiries
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Marta Vaz Silva
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15 000
Address 地址
R. Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 Luso International Bld, 22Fl - Macau
八月 2013
全新形象,全新身份…… 仍是你的澳门之旅最佳导游 New image, new identity, still exactly what you need.
August 2013
封面故事 cover
The House of Dancing Water Get an inside look at the watery show including high-dives, motorcycles, acrobatics and more.
水舞间 云集高空跳水、摩托车特技、杂技等精彩环节, 带你深度探索这场水上盛宴。
八月 2013
专题 features
目录 contents August 2013
44 Traditional Business
马介休 Bacalhau Balls
家庭式經營的露天茶座 A family-run affair
David Wong 的夏日美酒单
妈阁庙 港务局大楼 亚婆井前地 A-Ma Temple Moorish Barracks Lilau Square
37 新碟发行 New CDs
西望洋圣堂 Penha Church
53 Walking Around Macau
Summer Wines with David Wong
70 Expensive Hotel Rooms 最昂贵的酒店客房
尊享阔逸下榻体验 Live it large
精华荟萃 Essentials
消防博物馆 Firefighter Museum
August 2013
主编 Editor-in-Chief
Kelsey Wilhelm
月是一个充满了历史 感的月份:《白鲸》 作者赫尔曼·麦尔维 尔诞辰(1819 年) ,诺贝尔和平奖获得 者曼德拉被捕 (1962 年)——次日玛 丽莲·梦露过世;第一届伍德斯托克音 乐节 (1969 年),拿破仑诞辰 (200 多年前)——所有的这些事件都给了我 们一个审视周围所发生一切的独特视 角。然而,有时候我们更应关注身边, 留心当下,享受周围的一切。活在当 下,现在就与本月的《澳门导航》一起 迸射出八月的盛夏热力吧! 这一期杂志我们将为你奉上银河女排大 奖赛、澳门扑克巡回大奖赛和《亚当斯 一家》的最新报道,另外,《澳门导 航》还将带你一窥美心亨利餐厅,并感 受大厨 David Wong 为我们精选的夏日 美酒酒单,按文索引。最后,跟着我们 前往著名的《水舞间》欣赏精湛演出, 那才叫盛夏的圆满澳门之旅。 这期我们的设计师访谈同样让人无比期 待,San Lee代表着新生代澳门设计师 的时尚潮流和街头风尚,同时,你也可 以停下来享受一杯具有澳门风情的家庭 自制咖啡。 回溯历史,我们将探访澳门最高的古迹 之一——西望洋圣堂,并前往澳门消防 博物馆,探寻烈火往昔。我们还将到访 澳门的公园,您可以带孩子到这里进行 一次精彩有趣的出游,不过一定要小 心,因为 这个夏天,澳门还随时有“恐 龙”出没! 最后,我们探访了本地区最昂贵 的酒店客房,带你畅享豪华生 活,“Essentials”是我们每期的固定 栏目,好好利用它,你将会获得小城最 全面的实用信息,一本杂志在手,轻松 游遍澳门。
ugust is a month filled with history: the birth of Herman Mellville - author of Moby Dick - in 1819, the arrest of Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandella in 1962, the death of Marilyn Monroe the very next day, the first Woodstock in 1969, the birth of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte 200 years earlier – all of these events give us perspective on what is happening around us. However, sometimes it’s good to concentrate on the here and now and to enjoy what surrounds us. So dig into August with fervor with Cguide this month. Served up we have the Volleyball Grand Prix, the Macau Poker Cup and the Addams Family before Cguide tucks into some deliciousness at Henri’s Galley and explores Summer Wines with Chef David Wong. We fly high with the House of Dancing Water then have a drink and head out on the town! Our fashion trends and street styles get you in the mood for our down-low on style with our designer interview but stop for a home-made coffee in the meantime to get a taste of Macau. Delving back into history, we check out the Penha Church, one of Macau’s highest monuments and look into our fiery past at the Fire Services Museum. Take the kids out for a stroll as we hit Macau’s parks and look out as Dinosaurs come to town! Live life luxuriously as we see the most expensive hotel rooms in the area and make sure you can find yourself on the map with our Essentials section with all the information you need to get by. Remember the past but live in the present because August only comes once a year!
铭记过去,活在当下,一年只有一个八 月! 主编 Editor-in-Chief Kelsey Wilhelm
八月 2013
August 2013
重点介绍 HighlighT 玩在澳门 City Lights 表演 Events 这个夏天,万众期待的国际排球联合会((FIVB) )世界女排大奖赛将再次回归,澳门将承办该 赛事的数场初赛。8 月 2 日至 4 日,D 组预赛 将在澳门综艺馆拉开帷幕,届时,古巴、荷 兰、中国和保加利亚四队将在这里展开角逐。 Welcoming the International Federation of Volleyball (FIVB) World Grand Prix once again this summer is Macau as they play host to a handful of the tournament’s preliminary matches. Held at the Macau Forum Complex, the Pool D qualifying games will occur from August 2nd to August 4th and will include matches between four teams: Cuba, The Netherlands, China and Bulgaria.
国际排球联合会世界 女排大奖赛 The International Federation of Volleyball World Grand Prix Abbi Mitchell-Morley
八月 2013
中国目前排在第五位,将对阵第六位的古巴,以及保加利亚和荷兰, 争夺今年在日本札幌举行的决赛的席位。 在去年于中国宁波举办的决赛中,美国队连续第三年赢得了该大奖赛 冠军,这已是该队第五次获此佳誉。紧随其后同样连续第三年位列第 二的,是八次世界冠军得主巴西队,土耳其队则首次获得了季军席 位。 成立于 1993 年,FIVB 世界女排大奖赛是一项声望卓著的女子排球比 赛,每年赛程为期四周;前三周,各队将进行一些列初选赛,争夺入 选在主办城市举行的最后一周决赛资格。今年是 FIVB 世界女排大奖 赛创立的第 21 年,参赛队伍从原来的 16 支扩充至 20 支,来自世界 各地的球队将争夺大奖赛冠军的荣誉。 China is currently ranked in fifth and will go head to head with sixth placeholders Cuba on August 3rd, after battling Bulgaria the previous day. Their final match with the Netherlands on the final day will decide their place at this year’s World Grand Prix finals to be held in Sapporo, Japan. Last year’s finals - held in Ningbo, China - saw the U.S.A. team walk away with the World Grand Prix title for the third consecutive year, their fifth title in total. Following closely behind in second, for their third year in a row, was eight-time championship titleholder Brazil, whilst Turkey grabbed their first placement title at third. Established in 1993, FIVB World Grand Prix is an esteemed women’s volleyball tournament that spans four weeks every year; the first three of which are a series of preliminary matches played for qualification to the last week’s round of finals in a host city. This year marks the 21st installment of the FIVB World Grand Prix and will also introduce the further expansion from 16 qualifying teams to a total of 20 teams from all corners of the world to play for the prestigious World Grand Prix title.
比赛门票以两场套票形式出售,价 格为澳门币 150 元,可通过澳门所 有 Circle K 便利店网点或网站www. 进行网络购票。 Tickets are sold in packets of two matches for MOP 150 and can be bought at any local Circle K or purchased online at www. D 组赛程表(澳门) 8月2日 17:00 – 古巴 – 荷兰 8月2日20:30 – 中国 – 保加利亚 8月3日14:30 – 保加利亚 – 荷兰 8月3日 17:00 – 中国 – 古巴 8月4日13:00 – 保加利亚 – 古巴 8月4日15:30 – 中国 – 荷兰 Pool D Match Schedule (Macau) 02/08 17:00 - Cuba vs. The Netherlands 02/08 20:30 - China vs. Bulgaria 03/08 14:30 - Bulgaria vs. The Netherlands 03/08 17:00 - China vs. Cuba 04/08 13:00 - Bulgaria vs. Cuba 04/08 15:30 - China vs. The Netherlands 8 月 2 日至 4 日 澳门 – 澳门综艺馆 咨询电话:(+853) 8988 4000 Open 02/08 – 04/08 Macau Forum Complex, Avenida de Marciano Baptista, Macau Inquiries: (+853) 8988 4000
August 2013
八月 2013
事件 events
Ryan Huang 今年 8 月 9 至 18 日,澳门扑克杯锦标赛将在新濠天地(City of Dream’s)扑克之星直播室盛大开锣。 作为红龙锦标赛的主赛事,MPC 的参 赛金仅为 11,000 港元,预计这个有利 条件将会吸引全亚洲的各路玩家。 上一届的澳门扑克杯锦标赛冠军 Terry Fan 击败亚洲有史以来规模最大的各路 对手,轻松地将 1,771,000 港元收入囊 中,成为红龙史上最高额奖金的得主。 截至四月赛事的第三天,共有 891 名 玩家参与比赛,刷新了此前 635 人的 记录。 在四月的赛事中,75% 的参赛者被迅 速地击败出局,连续鏖战几轮之后, 在第二天结束时,参赛者已剩 18 人。 在冠军争夺战中,Terry Fan 仅用了 20 分钟就轻松赢得超过 220,000 美元, 而通过网络参赛的他仅花费了 320 港 元。 本届比赛拥有高达 5,000,000 港元的巨 额保证总奖金,赛期三天,起手筹码定于 15,000。 本赛事于 2008 年 5 月首次在澳门举办,如今已是第 19 届。
Vivian I
Raymond Wu The Macau Poker Cup is set to hit the Poker Stars LIVE room located in the City of Dream’s this August 9th to 18th. With a HKD 11,000 buy-in the event is expected to bring in players from across Asia and is the main event of the Red Dragon. Last Macau Poker Cup’s winner Terry Fan walked away with HKD 1,771,000 in winnings, the largest prize in Red Dragon history, overcoming the largest field of opponents ever assembled in Asia. By day three of the April event, 891 entrants were in play, beating the previous record of 635. In April’s event, 75% of the contenders quickly were slid out of the running, leaving the successive rounds to slide down to 18 contestants by the end of the second day. The title match saw Terry Fan after a mere 20 minutes walking away with over US$ 220,000, after qualifying for the match online for HKD 320. This edition now boasts a huge HKD 5,000,000 Guarantee and will follow a deep-value slow structure running over three days, with a starting stack of 15,000 chips. This is the 19th version of this event, the first of which was held in Macau in May 2008.
Celina Lin August 2013
表演 shows Abbi Mitchell-Morley
23/08 to 05/09; 20:00 (24, 25 & 31/08 ; 15:00) Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Av. Xian Xing Hai S/N NAPE Macau Admission: MOP 350, MOP 450 Inquiries : (+853) 2870 0699
演出时间: 8月23日至9月5日每晚 20:00(8月24、25、31日 为15:00)
演出地点: 澳门新口岸新填海区洗星 海大马路,澳门文化中心 综合剧院 门票: 350、450澳门元 咨询电话: (+853) 2870 0699
八月 2013
The Addams Fami l y 亚当斯一家
8月23日至9月5日 23/08 to 05/09
本月,世界上最受欢迎的黑色幽默家族亚当斯一家(港译“爱登士家 庭”)将会通过音乐剧的形式,登陆澳门文化中心的舞台,令人分外 期待。 备受喜爱的古怪角色悉数登场: G o m e z 、M o r t i c i a 、F e s t e r 叔 叔、Lurch、外祖母、Wednesday、Pugsley、Thing 和堂兄 It。在本 月的百老汇热门音乐剧《亚当斯一家》澳门处女秀中,这些漫画中的 人物将会一一活生生地呈现在观众面前。 这一大家子因其古怪的天性而名扬全球,最初的创作目的是将其作为 一个反面样本,以此反讽所谓的“理想美国家庭”。《亚当斯一家》 的作者是卡通画家 Charles Addams,在20世纪初,以单幅漫画的形 式出现在文艺杂志《纽约客》之中。随后,这个奇怪家庭又出现在其 他的媒体形式中,比如1964年的电视剧和20世纪90年代初的两部大 制作电影。 这部音乐剧改编自 Charles Addams 的漫画,以独具特色的亚当斯家 宅为背景,围绕着Wednesday Addams与“正常人” Lucas Beineke 的秘密恋情而展开。Gomez Addams发现了这对恋人的秘密后,邀请 Beineke一家共进晚餐。晚餐期间,两家人之间出现了搞笑却又非常 感人的冲突,这是只有亚当斯一家人才能制造的黑色幽默效果。 音乐剧创作者是托尼奖得主 Marshall Brickman和 Rick Elice,他们的 代表作有热门音乐剧Jersey Boys; 同时,音乐剧由 Andrew Lippa 配 乐,动画片《埃及王子》的配乐就是出自他之手。
The world’s most beloved macabre family graces the Macau Cultural Center’s stage this month in a musical production to die for. Our favorite eccentrics: Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, Lurch, Grandmama, Wednesday, Pugsley, Thing and Cousin It come to life this month in the Macau Debut of the hit Broadway musical The Addams Family. Famed for their strange nature, the family was designed to be an ironic reversal of the ideal American family. First created as single panel cartoons in the early 1900’s by cartoonist Charles Addams for literary magazine The New Yorker, the family would then go on to receive other media adaptations, including a TV show in 1964 and two major motion pictures in the early 1990’s. Set in the iconic Addams family mansion, the play is based upon the original drawings by Charles Addams and centers on Wednesday Addams’s secret love affair with the ‘normal’ Lucas Beineke. Upon finding out the two are in love, Gomez Addams invites the Beinekes to dinner and the two families clash in a comedic but heartwarming tale that only the Addams could deliver. The production was written by Tony Award winning team Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice, who wrote the popular production Jersey Boys; and scored by Andrew Lippa, who worked on the animated feature film The Prince of Egypt.
August 2013
表演 shows
时间 Open 04/08; 20:00 – 22:00
袅袅余音; 演 出 季 闭 幕 音 乐 会 Lingering Sound; Season Closing Concert
时间 Open 01/08 to 03/08; 20:00 – 22:00
2013澳门管乐缤纷大汇演 Macau Band Fair 2013
Organized by the Macau Band DirectorsAssociation(MBDA),the Macau Band Fair 2013 features an array of musical performances by local bands. The event marks the 14th edition of the fair that is designed to present Macau as an international platform for the exchange of artistry and music. 由澳门管弦乐协会(MBDA)主 办的2013澳门管乐缤纷大汇演 中,澳门本地乐队将为观众带来 精彩纷呈的演出。该汇演活动的 目标,是将澳门打造成一个艺术 和音乐交流的国际平台,今年已 经是活动的第14届。 澳门文化中心小礼堂,澳门新口 岸新填海区冼星海大马路 Small Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Av. Xian Xing Hai, NAPE Macau 门票 Admission 免费 Free 咨询电话 Inquiries (+853) 2870 0699
The Macao Orchestra closes its 10th concert season in style alongside master conductor Lü Jia and concert pianist Chen Sa. The performance is set to include an interpretation of Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 4, Mozart’s last opera overtures and Tchaikovsky’s final symphony.
成功落幕的澳门交响乐团第10演 出季,将奉上本演出季的封箱音 乐会,届时将能欣赏到著名指挥 吕嘉和钢琴家陈萨的精彩表演。 音乐会演奏曲目包括:贝多芬第 四钢琴协奏曲、莫扎特最后一部 歌剧序曲和柴可夫斯基最后一部 交响乐。 澳门文化中心大礼堂,澳门新口 岸新填海区冼星海大马路 Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Av. Xian Xing Hai, NAPE Macau 门票 Admission
时间 Open 08/08 to 11/08; 11:00 - 11:45, 15:00 - 15:45, 17:00 - 17:45, 19:30 - 20:15
Spreading the joy of classical music, Companhia de Música Teatral bring the compositions of none other than Johann Sebastian Bach to the delicate ears of infants aged five and under. The performance is the first of its kind and merges elements of music, dance and theatre to develop children’s confidence and interaction benefiting them for the rest of their lives.
为了传播古典音乐带给人们的快 乐,音乐剧场公司(Companhia de Música Teatral)将进行一次 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫作品 专场演出,奉献给5岁及以下年 龄的孩子们。本次演出将音乐、 舞蹈、戏剧的元素融为一体,堪 称首创之举。通过这种方式开发 儿童的自信心和互动能力,这将 让他们一生获益匪浅。 澳门文化中心小礼堂,澳门新口 岸新填海区冼星海大马路 Small Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Av. Xian Xing Hai, NAPE Macau 门票 Admission MOP 140
MOP: 80, 120, 150
咨询电话 Inquiries
咨询电话 Inquiries
(+853) 2870 0699
(+853) 2870 0699
时间 Open 12/08; 20:00 – 21:45
爵士之夜 Jazz Night
To celebrate this year’s Macau Band Festival, the Macau Philharmonic Association invites the Macau Jazz Promotion Association and Jazz Band (Overseas) to perform a one night only concert. The performers are scheduled to play a number of pieces falling in the Pop Jazz genre.
为了庆祝今年的澳门管乐缤纷 大汇演,澳门交响乐团协会特 邀澳门爵士促进会和(海外) 爵士乐队进行一次演出,仅此 一晚。届时将奉上流行爵士乐 各类别的曲目。 澳门文化中心小礼堂,澳门新口 岸新填海区冼星海大马路 Small Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Av. Xian Xing Hai, NAPE Macau 门票 Admission: MOP 40
咨询电话 Inquiries: (+853) 2855 5555 / (+853) 2836 2566
八月 2013
时间 Open 11/08; 20:00 – 22:00
时间 Open
澳门弦乐协会 一周年音乐会 The 1st Anniversary Concert of Macau Strings Association
23/08 to 24/08; 20:00 – 22:15
世界末日过了吗? The End of The World?
Based upon the rumored end of the world, 21/12/2012, the play centers on a group of friends planning to save the world from doomsday and their descent into insanity as the day nears. The play is performed by the Hiu Kok Drama Association and conducted in Cantonese.
The Macau Strings Association celebrates its first anniversary with a performance that will include pieces such as Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Violin Concerto and Dvoják’s Serenade for Strings, Op.22. Headlining the concert are violinists Nancy Zhou and Richard Lin. The performance will be conducted by Fan Ka Hou of Vienna’s University of Music and Performing Arts. 澳门弦乐协会将举办一次演出以 庆祝协会成立一周年,曲目包括 维瓦尔第《四季》小提琴协奏曲 和德沃夏克的弦乐小夜曲作品22 。小提琴家NancyZhou和Richard Lin将在音乐会中领衔演奏。来 自维也纳音乐和表演艺术大学 的Fan Ka Hou则担任演出指挥。 澳门文化中心大礼堂,澳门新口 岸新填海区冼星海大马路 Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Av. Xian Xing Hai, NAPE Macau 门票 Admission: MOP 100
咨询电话 Inquiries: (+853) 2870 0699
时间 Open 17/08; 20:00 & 18/08; 15:00
Travis Pastrana 的 Nitro Circus 极限特技现场秀 Travis Pastrana’s Nitro Circus Live
The hit MTV show take their stunts live at Macau’s very own CotaiArena. The show will highlight full-packed action performances in freestyle motocross, BMX and skateboarding by 40 of the world’s best action sports athletes. Taking their daredevil titles to the next level, the athletes are also scheduled to be including stunts performed with skates, scooters and some unlikely objects such as a drink cooler, Barbie car, toy trike, shopping trolley, boogie board and more.
MTV频道的热门节目将登陆澳门 金光综艺馆,为我们带来一次别 开生面的极限表演。在这全副武 装、惊险刺激的演出中,将有40 名最优秀的极限运动员进行自由 式的摩托车、自行车和滑板特技 表演。选手们还将在本次演出中 再一次超越自我极限,选择滑冰 鞋、滑板车和一些超乎想象的物 品作为表演工具,比如饮料冷却 箱、芭比玩具车、玩具三轮车、 超市购物车、冲浪板等等。
这部话剧以所谓的“世界末日” (2012年12月21日)为主题, 讲述了几个朋友如何制定拯救 世界的计划,随着这一天不断逼 近,他们也慢慢变得疯狂起来。 这部话剧由晓角话剧研进社创作 并以粤语进行表演。 澳门文化中心小礼堂,澳门新口 岸新填海区冼星海大马路 Small Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Av. Xian Xing Hai, NAPE Macau 门票 Admission: MOP: 30, 60, 100
咨询电话 Inquiries: (+853) 2870 0699
金光综艺馆,氹仔新城区金光 大道望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯 人度假村酒店, CotaiArena, The Venetian Macau Hotel and Resort, Estrada Baia De Nossa Senhora Da Esperança, COTAI 门票 Admission: MOP: 280, 580, 780, 1080
咨询电话 Inquiries: (+853) 2882 8818
August 2013
吃在澳门 Dine
Henri’s Galley 美心亨利餐厅,传承美味三十载
美心亨利餐厅30年来一直以烹调精良的菜肴为传统,获得众多回头客的 捧场,这一期《澳门导航》就向读者们独家揭示餐厅背后成功的秘诀。 Serving up over 30 years of tradition on every plate, Henri’s Galley reveals the secret behind their success and exactly why people keep coming back. Abbi Mitchell-Morley
八月 2013
Sponsored Feature 赞助特载
One galley to another
Established in 1976, Henri’s Galley sits along the quiet Avenida da Republica overlooking the Sai Van Lake. “He liked water a lot, from the sea to the decoration, the restaurant - as you can see - its all ship related,” says current owner Raymond Vong of his father Henri Vong. Henri founded the maritime themed restaurant following his retirement from working as a chef aboard a Dutch naval ship. With over 30 years of service Henri’s Galley has witnessed the distinct changes in Macau yet, as Macau grows, so has Henri’s fan base. The restaurant has been featured in a number of international publications such as Gourmet and Discovery Japan and continues to attract a number of tourists and locals alike.
美心亨利餐厅创于1976年,坐落在安静的民国大马路 (Avenida da Republica)旁,俯瞰西湾湖,是观赏澳门景致 的好去处。“他一直非常喜欢水,从选址海滨到整体装修风 格都围绕着水的主题,在这个餐厅里,你会感受到一切都和 船上生活有关,”现任老板 Raymond Vong 这样说起父亲亨 利的设计概念。原来,亨利曾在荷兰军舰上担任主厨,因此 对水和船上生活特别有感情,退役后便顺理成章地开设了这 家海洋主题的餐厅。 30多年来,美心亨利餐厅见证了澳门巨大的变化,可以 说是随着澳门成长的,亨利的忠实食客群也在不断扩大。 餐厅曾多次被众多国 际 刊 物 专 题 报 道 , 例如《Gourmet and Discovery Japan》,在 海内外都有一定的知名 度,吸引着越来越多的 游客和当地居民前往。
Fit for a king One of the primary dishes you find at Henri’s is the famed African Chicken, holding a pole position on their placemats. For the recipe, check out CG’s March edition! However Henri’s is home to an excellent array of Macanese dishes packed with flavor and tradition. A perfect example is their specialty spicy king prawn, which features a large butterflied king prawn that is stewed in a mixture of fresh tomato, seafood stock and a special chili sauce. Raymond comments on the dish saying, “It’s a nice, powerful, exciting dish,” and he is not wrong. The prawn meat is firm and juicy and the sauce dresses up the fresh flavors and delivers a gastronomical experience unlike any other. One of Vong’s inventions, the Galley also offers a wild rocket, also known as arugula, salad topped with grilled salmon. The dish is made up of an assortment of wild rocket, lettuce leaves, avocados, boiled eggs and tomatoes, dressed lightly in vinaigrette and olive oil then served with half grilled salmon fillets. Vong comments on the dish saying, “It’s very refreshing for summertime.” Light and bursting with flavor, the salad is indeed a healthy and refreshing meal that is good all around. Henri’s Galley, Avenida da Republica, 4G-H, G/F, Macau Open Mon – Sun 12:00 – 22:00 (+853) 2855 6251
王者享受 亨利的招牌菜之一是著 名的非洲鸡,它始终占 据着餐垫上的鳌头位 置。想要食谱,请参见 阅《澳门导航》三月 版!它的美味菜式又何 止这道菜?亨利餐厅汇 聚了众多一流的地道澳 门美食,将风味与传统 完美合一,让人目不暇 接。 其中,招牌菜之一的香 辣大虾,是将肥美的蝴 蝶状老虎虾与新鲜西 红柿、海鲜底汤和特 制辣椒酱一同烹煮而 成。Raymond 评价这道菜为“一道美好、浓郁而精彩的菜 肴”,只要试试,就会了解他所言非虚。虾肉密实多汁,酱 料口感鲜浓,为您带来与众不同的味蕾体验。 餐厅还供应 Raymond家的独创菜系,那是一道将野生火箭菜 (也叫芝麻菜)沙拉配烤鲑鱼的独特菜肴。这道菜融合了各 式野生火箭菜、莴苣、鳄梨、煮蛋和西红柿,淋上轻盈鲜香 的香醋和橄榄油,配以半条烤鲑鱼片。Raymond评论说“这 道菜非常清爽,是夏日的绝佳选择。” 澳门 4G-H, G/F 民国大马路美心亨利餐厅 营业时间:周一至周日 12:00 – 22:00 (+853) 2855 6251
August 2013
吃在澳门 Dine
澳门地道菜 Traditional Dish Myth
馬介休球 Bolinho de Bacalhau
八月 2013
马介休(Bacalhau)是葡国一种传统和典型的食品,即是经盐腌制后的鳕鱼干。它 的来由可能与葡国数百年前的航海有关,在大海航行和探索之中,捕捉了大量的鱼 类,在没有冷藏技术的年代,以盐来腌制保存是最好的方法,也造就了这种独特口 味的食品。 据说马介休有上千种烹调方法,可煮汤、烧、焗、炒等等,在澳门甚至用来炒饭。 炎热的夏天,马介休应该怎吃才好呢?我建议吃马介休球,炸得香脆又带有马介休 鱼的咸香味,加一杯冰冻的啤酒,最是美妙,可以到以下介绍的4间餐厅试试,各 有风味。想亲自做马介休球?没问题,我们邀请到星际酒店的行政总厨Joe哥(陈 继祖,Joe Chan)提供食谱,可试试跟着做。 A traditional Portuguese ingredient, Bacalhau refers to salted and dried codfish. Its origin can be traced back hundreds of years aboard Portuguese ships; sailors and navigators would catch large quantities of the fish and preserve the meat by curing it with salt. As many Portuguese will tell you, there are over a thousand ways to cook Bacalhau in Portuguese cuisine; some of which are boiling, stewing, roasting, frying and even combined into fried rice; however one dish stands out - Bolinho de Bacalhau. Literally meaning balls of salted codfish, Bolinhos de Bacalhau are a delicious dish often enjoyed as a snack or appetizer. Made by combining boiled Bacalhau meat and mashed potato, the mixture is deep fried until golden brown. Visit some of the following restaurants to experience it or, if you are interested, make some Bolinhos de Bacalhau at home by following this recipe recommended by Joe Chan, Executive Chef of StarWorld Hotel.
做法 Instructions
吃马介休的好去处 Four Places to Get Bolinhos de Bacalhau
注:马介休需先泡水4 小时
1.公鸡葡国餐厅 Dom Galo
澳门氹仔官也街45号 营业时间:11:00—15:00, 17:30—22:00 电话:(+853) 2882 7138 Rua do Cunha, 45, Vila da Taipa, Taipa Opening Hours: 11:00-15:00, 17:30-22:00 Tel: (+853) 2882 7138
马介休球 (约35-40粒) 马介休 400克 马铃薯 400克 蒜头 2粒 切碎 洋葱 1个 切碎 榄油 2汤匙 鸡蛋 3只 芫茜 适量 切碎 盐 适量
2. 沙利文餐厅 Solmar Restaurant 澳门南湾大马路510-512号互助会大厦地下 营业时间:11:00—23:00 电话:(+853) 2888 1881 Avenida da Praia Grande, 510-512, Edf. Montepio, G/F, Macau Opening Hours: 11:00-23:00 Tel: (+853) 2888 1881
3. 免治 Minchi Minchi Macau 澳门孙逸仙大马路1377号帝景苑1楼 营业时间:12:00—15:00,18:00—23:00 电话:(+853) 2875 2528 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, 1377, Vista Magnifica Court, 1/F, Macau Opening Hours: 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 Tel: (+853) 2875 2528
4. 黄生厨房 Carlos Wong Restaurant St. Roque 34 Cafe 澳门圣禄祀街34号地下 营业时间:12:00—22:00(逢星期三休息) 电话:(+853) 2835 4011 Rua de S. Rogue, 34, St. Lazarus District, Macau Opening Hours: 12:00-22:00 (Closed on Wednesdays) Tel: (+853) 2835 4011
1. 先将马铃薯及马介休
烚熟 2. 将马介休去皮去骨后 备用 3. 将熟马铃薯压成薯蓉 备用 4. 用橄榄油将洋葱碎 炒至金黄色加入蒜蓉、 芫茜 5. 将熟洋葱碎、马介 休、薯蓉放入沙律盆内 再加入鸡蛋拌匀,调味 6.用汤匙将拌好的马介休 刮成橄榄形状,然后放 进滚油内炸至金黄色
Allow the Bacalhau to soak in water for 4 hours in advance
Ingredients (Makes 35-40 Bacalhau balls) Bacalhau, 400g Potato, 400g, peeled and cut Garlic, 2 cloves, chopped Onion,1 chopped Olive oil, 2 tablespoons Egg, 3 Parsley, Handful, chopped Salt, Pinch
1. Boil the potatoes and Bacalhau until they are fully cooked. 2.Remove the skin and bones of the Bacalhau. 3. Mash the cooked potatoes until smooth. 4. Fry the chopped onions with olive oil until golden brown; add in garlic and parsley. 5. Mix the cooked onions, Bacalhau and mashed potato in a salad bowl with the eggs; season the mixture with salt. 6. Use a spoon to scoop the mixture out, forming olive shaped balls, then fry them in hot oil until golden brown.
August 2013
吃在澳门 Dine Summer is a beautiful season characterized by an array of color in everything from fashion to nature and even food. As soon as the summer sun begins to unleash its fiery wrath on us all, supermarkets flood with isle upon isle of fresh produce and it’s terribly hard not to be seduced. Now most summer meals consist mainly of crisp salads consumed al fresco or barbecues on the beach, but on nights when you just want to relax at home with a good book and some comfort food, why not try this great soup recipe? Soup in the summer; its unconventional – yes, but this soup is sunset in a bowl. It’s a gorgeous orange color and tastes amazing with a small pinch of chili flakes for a bit of a kick.
用美食叫醒你 美食博客
In the a.m. A Food Blog Abbi Mitchell-Morley
Marie Claire Barnes
八月 2013
在热辣的夏日中,似乎无论是时装、自然世界甚 或是食物,都理应洋溢着缤纷的色彩。当夏日 的艳阳开始炙烤世界,各色新鲜农产品便陆续登 陆超市,让人垂涎三尺,胃口大开。喜欢西餐的 你,夏日三餐都少不了爽口的沙拉,尤其是在户 外用餐或海边烧烤的时候。但到了晚上,你只想 在家中休息,看一本好书,品尝令人愉悦的食 物,来一碗美味靓汤又如何呢?夏日里喝汤?这 似乎有点儿不合常规——是的,但这汤实在是太 美味了,绚丽的橘红色,如同碗中落日,迷醉。 口味也是一绝,只需加上少许辣椒薄片,画龙点 睛一下就会更带劲。
这道4-6人份的靓汤口感 顺滑而略显浓稠。素食 者只需去掉其中的肉类 原料即可
- 1 lb. ripe tomatoes; cut to roughly 3 cm in diameter, cut in half if you are using cherry tomatoes - 1 lb. pumpkin/squash; peeled and cut into small cubes - 1½ medium-sized onions (preferably red); cut to roughly 3cm in diameter - 1 small bulb of garlic; skin on, top cut off - 2 tbsp. black olives; stoned and chopped coarsely (optional) - 1 chili (optional) - 1 bay/laurel leaf - 4 tbsp. olive oil (not extra virgin) - 1 tsp. dried thyme or ½ tbsp. fresh thyme - 3 tsp. sugar - coarse sea salt (to taste) - freshly ground pepper (to taste)
Roasted Tomato & Pumpkin Soup The recipe makes about 4-6 servings of a smooth, slightly thick soup. For a vegetarian and vegan friendly version, simply eliminate any meat products.
切半即可。 -1磅南瓜,去皮切成小块。 -一个半中等大小的洋葱(最好是红皮洋葱),同样切成3厘 米小块。 -1小头蒜,去皮,切掉头部。 -2汤匙黑橄榄;去核并切成小块(可选) -1个辣椒(可选) -1片月桂叶 -4汤匙橄榄油(非初榨) -1汤匙干百里香,半汤匙新鲜百里香 -3茶匙糖 粗海盐(调味) 新碾好的胡椒(调味)
To thin the soup: - 1-3 cups stock; chicken or vegetable
For a creamier soup:
- ½ cup plain yogurt - ½ cup Milk or 1 cup heavy cream
喜欢浓稠口感: -半杯纯酸奶 -半杯牛奶 - 或者 -1杯浓稠奶油
烤箱预热至190摄氏度,将西红柿、南瓜、蒜、橄榄、百里香、辣椒和月桂叶放在 大烤盘中。加入橄榄油和糖;以盐和胡椒粉调味。搅拌均匀后烤40-60分钟。南瓜、 西红柿和洋葱应该烤至完全变软的状态。将烤盘取出,在搅拌器中放入蔬菜,搅拌 成蔬菜泥。将蔬菜泥放在一个容器中,加入鸡汤或蔬菜汤,可以根据你喜欢的粘稠 度决定倒入多少高汤。这时候可以放入纯酸奶和牛奶的混合物或稠奶油,令其口感 更加柔滑,根据你喜欢的浓稠感决定放入量。炖1-2分钟,然后加进一把烤碎面包或 搭配家乡风味烤奶酪三明治。
1 Preheat your oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Place tomatoes, pumpkin, garlic, olives, thyme, chili and bay leaf in a large roasting tin.
2 Add the olive oil and sugar; season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and place in the oven for 40-60 minutes. Pumpkin, tomatoes and onions should be soft all the way through.
3 Remove from the oven and put vegetables in a blender; pulse until smooth.
4 Empty the contents into a pot and add the chicken or vegetable stock, the amount of stock you put in can vary depending on how thin or thick you want your soup.
5 At this point you may either add a combination of plain yogurt and milk or heavy cream to make it creamy; you may add more or less to achieve your desired creaminess. Simmer for one to two minutes and then serve with a handful of croutons or a nostalgia-inducing grilled cheese sandwich.
August 2013
吃在澳门 Dine
2 2. 桃红葡萄酒
酒窖 the cellar
Chapel Down Rosé Brut NV (Continental)
炎夏美酒荐 来自名厨兼葡萄酒专家 David Wong的夏日酒单建议
这瓶美妙的起泡桃红葡萄酒选 用黑品乐——经典的香槟葡萄 品种——酿造而成。清新靓丽 的鲑鱼色,绝对是您在澳门享 用点心午餐的完美搭配。“这 瓶葡萄酒年龄尚浅、带有微 香,收结干净,却又毫不生 涩,”Chapel Down 的 CEO Frazer Thompson 如此评价该 酒。它散发着馥郁的草莓与覆盆 子浆果芬芳,以及悠长均衡的柑 橘余韵。最近,这瓶葡萄酒更 在著名的 2013 品醇客世界葡萄 酒大奖(Decanter World Wine Awards)中获得了金奖。
Summer Wine Recommendations Chef and Wine Expert David Wong
一红一白一桃红 我们再次邀请到大厨 David Wong 前来与我们分享他的时令 葡萄酒完美之选。这一次,他为 我们精选了三瓶广受好评的上乘 美酒:红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒与桃 红葡萄酒。
八月 2013
1 1. 白葡萄酒
Chapel Down Blanc de Blancs 2007 (Continental) 在一个被称为“英格兰花园”的 地下深处,一场味觉革命正在 酝酿。肯特 Tenterden 的 Chapel Down 酒庄凭借其原产的多瓶精 品葡萄酒,悄然成为众多葡萄酒 大奖赛的获奖者。这是其首瓶 以种植于威尔德(Wealden)黏 土层和白垩土上的葡萄所酿的 Blanc de Blancs葡萄酒。它展 现了经典百分百霞多丽葡萄的 特色,灌于瓶中经过三年多的 陈酿。这瓶令人惊叹的起泡酒 必将让您惊呼——原来英国也有 如此佳酿!
3 3. 红葡萄酒
Craggy Range Aroha Te Muna Pinot Noir 2011 2009 (Montrose) 葡萄种植及葡萄酒酿制大师 Steve Smith 是新西兰克莱格 酒庄(Craggy Range)的创 始人。1996 年,Steve 第一 次申请便获得了葡萄酒大师 (Master of Wine)的美名,成 为了世界上首位获得这项殊荣 的葡萄栽培专家。作为一位笃 信“Terroir”(风土)的男人, 他精选国内顶级葡萄园作为葡萄 生长的基地,栽种完美匹配当地 风土的葡萄品种,并将它们灌装 成为酒庄精品葡萄酒。酒体浓 郁丰满,呈深红宝石色,具有 浓烈的黑色水果与甜香料味, 堪称新西兰黑品乐葡萄酒中的 顶尖之作。
One Red, One Rosé and One White
Yet again Chef David Wong comes to the rescue with his perfect selection of just-the-right wine for this time of year. This time he brings us his selection of the best three wines in the main categories we all know and love: White, Rosé and Red.
1 1. White
Chapel Down Blanc de Blancs 2007 (Continental) Deep in a place called the “Garden of England”, there’s a taste revolution happening. Chapel Down Winery has been quietly clocking up the awards for its grand selection of premier wines, which are all made from its winery in Tenterden, Kent. This is their first Blanc de Blancs with vines grown on Wealden clay and chalk soils. It shows classic 100% Chardonnay fruit with complex yeast characters that have developed from more than three years ageing on the lees in the bottle. This is an amazing sparkling wine and watch out, the Brits are coming!
2 2. Rosé
Chapel Down Rosé Brut NV (Continental) Made from Pinot Noir, the classic Champagne grape variety, this is a wonderful example of a sparkling Rosé wine. Salmon in color and not on the nose, this would be a perfect match for your dim sum lunches in Macau. The wine is young, fresh and clean which isn’t as perverse as it sounds adds Frazer Thompson, the CEO of Chapel Down. A classic nose and palate of red berry fruits of strawberry and raspberry with a long balanced citrus finish. This was recently awarded a well-deserved GOLD Medal winner in the prestigious Decanter World Wine Awards 2013.
3 3. Red
Craggy Range Aroha Te Muna Pinot Noir 2011 2009 (Montrose) Director of Wine and Viticulture, Steve Smith is a founding director of Craggy Range. In 1996 Steve became a Master of Wine, on his first attempt, and in doing so became the first specialist viticulturist in the world to gain this prestigious honour. A big man who believes in terroir, he selects and sources the very best vineyards in the country, planting them with vines that are perfectly suited to that terroir and bottling them all as single estate wines. The Aroha Te Muna Pinot Noir is produced from 70% Block 16 (114 clone) and 30% Abel Clone fruit. Full bodied and rich, deep ruby in colour with intense black fruits and sweet spice. Can New Zealand Pinot Noir get any better than this?
wine expert and contributor to Culture Guide Magazine. David is a regular wine judge on the international circuit including the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition, Macau Sommelier Competition and Thailand Best Sommelier Competition. David writes wine columns for South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Tatler. Associations include the Macau Chevalier for the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne, Jurade de Saint Emilion and Caveleiro - Confraria do Vinho do Porto. David is also an approved tutor for the Wine and Institution Trust, UK (WSET).
DAVID WONG 是《澳门导 航》特邀的葡萄酒专家和撰稿 人,他曾担任多个国际葡萄酒赛 事的常任评审,包括国泰航空香 港国际葡萄酒及烈酒大赛、澳 门侍酒师大赛以及泰国最佳侍酒 师大赛等等,更为《南华早报》 和《Hong Kong Tatler》杂志撰 写葡萄酒专栏。他也是“Macau Chevalier for the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne” 、“Jurade de Saint Emilion” 以及“ Caveleiro - Confraria do Vinho do Porto ”协会成员, 同时,David 也是英国葡萄酒 及烈酒教育基金会的认证导师
2 August 2013
吃在澳门 dine
中国菜 Chinese 水帘 Cascades
iDarts Café
咖啡室 Cafés 赤坂 Akasaka Café 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)巴黎街117号大 丰广场第2座地下Q铺 Rua De Paris 117, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Shop Q, Tai Fung Block 2, Macau 12:00 - 22:30 2875 5777
安琪儿 Angela’s Cafe 澳门商业大马路新八佰一楼 Avenida Comercial de Macau, New Yaohan Department Store, 1/F, Macau 10:30 - 22:00 2872 6055
咖啡苑 Café Esplanada 外海填海区仙德丽街永利澳门酒店 地下 Rua Cidade da Sintra, Wynn Macau, G/F, NAPE 06:30 - 00:00 8986 3663
水晶廊 Crystal Lounge & Deli 澳门葡京路2-4号新葡京酒店U1红 金上层 Avenida de Lisboa, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Upper 1/F, Macau 24 Hours 8803 7711
CuppaCoffee 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦花 园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa 07:00 - 19:00 2882 5201
金丽华饼店 Grand Lapa Cake Shop 澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号金 丽华酒店2楼 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa, 2/F, NAPE, Macau 12:00 - 20:00 8793 3810
Less than MOP150
氹仔旧城区地堡街泉福新村227至237 号地下 Rua de Regedor 227-237, Chun Fok San Chun, G/F, Vila de Taipa, Taipa 12:00 - 02:00 2882 5820
满堂彩 Beijing Kitchen 卡夫卡 KAFKA 氹仔布拉格街152号地下 Rua de Braga, 152, Taipa 13:30 - 22:00 (Close on Mon) 2882 0086
礼记雪糕 Lai Kei 澳门荷兰园荷兰园大马路12号地下 Avenida do Conselherio Ferrerira de Alemida, 12, Ferreira de Almeida, G/F, Macau 12:00 - 19:00 2837 5781
安德鲁饼店 Lord Stow’s Bakery
路氹连公路新濠天地澳门君悦酒店 一楼 Estrada do Istmo, Grand Hyatt Macau,1/F, City of Dreams, COTAI 11:30-00:00 8868 1930
朝 Dynasty 8 路氹金光大道金沙城中心底层 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Sands COTAI Central, Level 1, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920
京花轩 Golden Flower
路环市区挞沙街1号地下 Rua Do Tassara, 1, Coloane Village, Coloane 10:00 - 19:00 2888 2534
鹿港小镇 Lugang Cafe
澳门新口岸仙德丽街永利酒店地面层 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Wynn Macau, G/F, NAPE, Macau 18:00 - 23:30 8986 3663
金殿堂 Imperial Court
路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城地下G05A Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Hotel, G/F, G05A, COTAI 24 Hours 8883 2221
外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门美 高梅 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 Sat, Sun 10:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 8802 2361
大堂酒廊 Patisserie/Lobby Lounge
誉珑轩 Jade Dragon
澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Estrada do Istmo, Grand Hyatt Macau Lobby, City of Dreams, COTAI 10:00-01:00 8868 1131
澳门新马路巴素打尔古街十六浦索菲 特酒店大堂 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Sofitel Ponte 16, Hotel Lobby, 1/F, Macau 11:00 - 01:00 8861 7213
More than 300
新濠天地 新濠大道二楼 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, The Boulevard Level 2, COTAI 11:00 – 15:00, 18:00 – 23:00 8868 2822
苏浙汇 Jade Garden
大堂吧 Rendez vous
MOP 150-300
八月 2013
路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城地下G03 及G05号 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, G03&G05, G/F, COTAI 10:00 - 01:00 8883 2221
澳门(皇朝)友谊大马路星际酒店6楼 Avenida da Amizade, StarWorld Hotel, Level 6, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 15:00, 17:00 - 23:00 8290 8638
Reservation accepted
Credit Card accepted
金丽轩 Kam Lai Heen 新口岸友谊大马路956﹣1110号澳门 金丽华酒店二楼 Avenida da Amizade, 956 -1110, Grand Lapa, 2/F, Macau Wed – Mon 11:00 – 15:00, 18:00 – 22:00 8793 3821
六棉酒家 Kapok Cantonese 花城区杭州街60号地下海怡花园 Rua de Hong Chau, 60, Edf. Hoi Yee Garden, G/F, Taipa Mon – Sat 11:00 – 15:00; 17:30 – 23:00 Sun & Pubic holiday 09:00 – 15:00; 17:30 – 23:00 2883 3333
丹桂轩 Laurel Restaurant 澳门新口岸填海区星际酒店2楼 Avenida da Amizade, StarWorld Hotel, Level 2, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8290 8628
葡京潮州酒楼 Lisboa Chiu Chow 澳门葡京路葡京酒店旧翼四楼 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Hotel Lisboa, 3/F East Wing, Macau 10:00 - 23:00 2871 2549
南湖明月 Lua Azul 澳门旅游塔前地旅游塔会展娱乐中 心三楼 Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau Tower, 3/F, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00;18:30-22:00 Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 10:0015:00;18:30-22:00 8988 8700
皎月食坊 Moonlight Noodle House 澳门友谊大马路金沙娱乐场1楼 Largo de Monte Carlo, 203, Sands Macau Hotel, 1/F, Macau 24 Hours 8983 8125
99面 99 Noodles 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利澳门万 利酒店地面层 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Encore, Wynn Macau, G/F, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 01:00 8986 3663
百乐潮州酒楼 Pak Loh 路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城地下G56a 号铺 Estrada da Baía da N. Senhora de Esperança, Galaxy Hotel, G56a, G/F, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8883 2221
葡京日丽 Portas do Sol 澳门南湾葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼 2楼 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Lisboa Hotel, 2/F, East Wing, Macau 11:30 - 14:30, 18:30 - 22:30 8803 3100
红8粥面 Red 8 宋玉生广场(皇朝)外港填海区仙德丽 街永利澳门酒店地面层 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Wynn Macau, G/F, NAPE, Macau 24 Hours 8986 3663
常满饭庄 Rice Empire 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中心 底层 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperança, Sands COTAI Central, Level 1, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8930
亞洲美食坊 Tastes of Asia 路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城购物大道 东地下G43 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Hotel, East Promenade, G43, G/F, COTAI 10:00 - 00:00 8883 2221
桃花源小厨 Tim’s Kitchen 澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼大堂 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Lisboa Hotel, Lobby Level, East Wing, Macau 12:00 - 23:00 8803 3682
8 餐厅 The Eight 南湾葡京路新葡京酒店二楼 Avenida de Lisboa, Grand Lisboa Hotel, 2/F, Macau Mon – Sat 11:30 – 14:30; 18:30 – 22:30 Sun & Public holiday 10:00 – 15:00; 18:30- 22:30 8803 7788
喜迎楼 Treasure Palace
海风餐厅 Mistral
路氹连贯公路新濠天地新濠大道一楼 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Crown Towers, Level 1, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8868 6661
新马路内港巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦 索菲特酒店6楼 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Ponte 16, Sofitel Macau, Macau 07:00 - 22:30 8861 7210
翠华餐厅 Tsui Wah 路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城购物大道 东地下G45 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, G45, G/f, East Promenade, COTAI 24 hours 8883 2221
永利轩 Wing Lei 澳门新口岸仙德丽街永利酒店地面层 Rua Cidade de Sintra, G/f, Wynn Macau, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 22:00 8986 3663
紫逸轩 Zi Yat Heen 路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店大堂 Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, Four Season Hotel Macau, 1/F, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 2881 8888
Privé 巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦索菲特大 酒店 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Ponte 16, Sofitel Macau, 6/F, Macau Wed – Sun 18:00 -22:00 8861 0016
天巢法国餐 Robuchon au Dome 南湾葡京酒店四十三楼 Avenida de Lisboa, Grand Lisboa Hotel, 43/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 -22:30 8803 7878
御膳房 The Tasting Room 路氹连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒 店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Crown Towers, 3/F, COTAI 12:00 - 23:00 8868 6681
法国菜 French 宝雅座法国餐厅 Aux Beaux Arts 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门美 高梅 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, MGM MACAU, NAPE Tue- Fri 14:00-00:00 Sat & Sun 11:00-00:00 8802 2319
贝隆 Belon 路氹城澳门悦榕庄31楼 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Banyan Tree Macau, 31/F, COTAI 18:00 - 23:00 8883 6090
良辰法国餐厅 La Bonne Heure 澳门新马路板樟堂巷12号A及B铺 Travessa de São Domingos, 12A-B, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2833 1209
印度菜 Indian 阿露娜印度咖喱咖啡屋 Aruna’s Indian Curry & Cafe House 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街631号华发大 厦B铺地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 631, Shop B, G/F, Vila de Taipa, Taipa 11:30 - 23:00 2857 6436/ 6661 3382
印度园林餐厅 Indian Garden 氹仔花城区成都街濠景花园第27座地 下18号铺 Rua de Seng Tou, Nova Taipa Garden, Block 27, Shop 18, G/F, Taipa 12:00 - 22:30 2883 7088
香草园 Spice Garden 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下G23号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Galaxy Hotel, East Promenade, G23, G/F, COTAI 12:00 - 00:00 8883 2221
意大利菜 Italian 经典意大利餐厅 Antica Trattoria 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)伦斯泰特大 马路40,42及46号帝景苑 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, 40, Edf. Vista Magnifica Court, Macau 12:00 - 23:30 2875 5102
奥罗拉 Aurora 澳门氹仔孫逸仙大马路及大马路澳门 新濠鋒十樓 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen & Avenida de Kwong Tung, Altira Macau, 10/F, Taipa Mon-Fri 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30 Sat-Sun 11:30-15:30; 18:30-22:30 2886 8868
帝雅廷意大利餐厅 Ristorante il Teatro 澳门永利酒店1楼 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Wynn Macau, 1/F C, NAPE, Macau 18:00 - 23:30 8986 3648
我的意大利厨房 La Cucina Italiana 氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村伟 兴阁地下AD-AF铺 Rua do Pai Kok, 6-12, Chun Fok Village, Wai Heng Kok, G/F, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 7818
比萨薄饼店 Pizzeria Toscana 澳门下环妈阁斜巷2号A长城大厦地 下及地库 Calçada da Barra, São Lourenço, 2A, G/F, Macau 11:30 - 23:30 2872 6637
庭园意大利餐厅 Terrazza Italian Dining 路氹城澳门银河]综合渡假城银河酒店 2楼201号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Galaxy Hotel, 201, 2/F, COTAI 18:00 - 23:00 8883 2221
August 2013
吃在澳门 Dine 日本菜Japanese 旗舰综合日本料理 King Ship 氹仔旧城区埃武拉街太子花城地下F铺 Rua de Evora, Taipa Prince Flower City, Shop F, G/F, Vila de Taipa, Taipa 12:00 - 15:00, 18:00 - 03:00 2899 5555
贵族炉端烧 Majestic Robatayaki 澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒 店地下 Avenida Comercial de Macau, 288, Grand Emperor Hotel, G/F, Macau 06:00 - 00:00 8986 7609
泓日本料理 Mizumi 澳门永利澳门酒店地面层 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Wynn Macau G/F, NAPE, Macau 17:30 - 23:30 8986 3663
新故里日本料理 New Furusato 澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Hotel Lisboa, 2/F, East Wing, Macau 06:30 - 02:30 8803 3677
清酒杯 Sakazuki Sake Bar 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大仓 酒店2楼202号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Hotel Okura, 202, 2/F, COTAI 16:00 - 00:00 8883 5125
「山里」日本餐厅 Yamazato 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大仓 酒店2楼200号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Hotel Okura, 2/F, COTAI 12:00 - 23:00 8883 5127
土生葡菜 Macanese 海湾咖啡屋 Cafe Litoral 氹仔旧城区地堡街第四座伟展阁53-57 号地下 Rua do Regedor, 53-57, Wai Chin Kok, Block 4, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 5255
八月 2013
加路餐厅 Carlos Restaurant 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)柏嘉街 432-438号 Rua Cidade de Braga, AR, Edificio Vista Magnifica Court, G/F, Macau 06:00 - 23:00 2875 1838
木偶葡国餐厅 Cozinha Pinocchio 氹仔旧城区消防局前地38号 Rua do Sol, 4, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 11:45 - 23:00 2882 7328
澳门陆军俱乐部 Clube Militar
芭朗玛餐厅 La Paloma
新口岸南湾街975号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 975, Macau 12:00 - 22:30 2871 4000
澳门西湾民国大马路圣地牙哥古堡 酒店二楼 Avenida da República, Sai Van, Fortaleza de São Tiago da Barra, Pousada de São Tiago, 2/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 2896 8686
葡国菜Portuguese 船屋葡国餐厅 A Lorcha
小飞象葡国餐厅 Restaurante Dumbo 氹仔旧城区地堡街喜来登广场地下A 铺连壹楼全层 Rua do Regedor, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 12:00 - 23:00 2882 7888
Restaurante Escada 澳门新马路大堂街8号 Rua da Sé, 8, Macau 18:00 - 10:30 2896 6900
海岛船葡国餐厅 Junco das Ilhas 氹仔南京街586号地下 Rua de Nam Keng, 586, G/F, Taipa 17:00 - 23:00 2883 7915
雅憩花园餐厅 Nga Tim Café 路环市区计单奴街8号 Rua Caetano, 1, Coloane Village 11:30 - 23:00 2888 2086
澳门下环河边新街289号 Rua de Almirante Sergio, 289, Macau 11:00 - 21:00 2831 3193
葡国美食天地 A Petisqueira 氹仔旧城区生央街15C-D号 Rua de São Joao, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 11:00 - 21:00 2882 5354
亚丰素三世餐厅 Afonso III 新马路龙嵩街11号A Rua Central, 11, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2858 6271
Albergue 1601 荷兰园望德堂疯堂斜巷8号 Albergue da Santa Casa da Misericordia, 8, Calçada da Igreja de S. Lazaro, Macau Tue, Thur & Sun 12:00 – 23:00 Fri & Sat 12:00 – 23:30 2836 1601
安东尼奥餐厅 António 内港餐厅 O Porto Interior 澳门下环河边新街259号B地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 259, Macau 12:00 - 22:30 2896 7770
熊猫葡国餐厅 Panda 氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 Rua Carlos Eugenio, 4-8, Taipa 12:00 - 21:00 2882 7338
沙利文餐厅 Solmar 澳门南湾大马路512号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 8-10, Macau 11:00 - 22:30 2857 4391
氹仔旧城区客商街3号地下 Rua dos Negociantes, 3, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 18:00 - 00:00 2899 9998
百姓餐厅 Banza 氹仔旧城区广东大马路154号A-B号南 新花园第5座地下G-H座 Avenida de Kwung Tung, 154, Macau 18:30 - 22:30 2882 1519
Cantina da Apomac
士多鳥拜斯大馬路 49 C Edificio China Plaza, 49 C, G/F, Macau 12:00 – 21:30 2852 4325
澳门旅游学院教学餐厅 Educational Restaurant I.F.T 望厦望厦炮台斜坡 Colina de Mong-Ha, Mong Ha, Macau Mon – Fri 12:30 – 22:30 8598 3077
法兰度餐厅 Fernando’s 路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac Sa Beach, 9, Coloane 12:00 - 21:30 2888 2264
葡轩 Gosto 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下G21号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Hotel, East Promenande, G21, G/F, COTAI 12:00 - 23:00 8883 2221
葡国餐厅 Guincho a Galera 葡京路2-4号葡京酒店西座3楼 Avenida de Lisboa 2-4, Lisboa Hotel, 3/F, Macau 12:00 - 23:30 8803 7676
葡国好嘢 Lvsitanvs 路环市区大三巴巷2-6号1楼 Travessa de S. Paolo, 2-6, 1/F, (Near Saint Paul’s Ruins), Macau 10:00 - 19:00 2836 5977
美心亨利餐厅 Maxims Henri’s Galley 西湾民国大马路4号G-H地下 Avenida da Republica, 4, Sai Van Lake, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2855 6251
澳门海景正宗葡国餐厅 Miramar 路环黑沙海滩黑沙马路 Hac Sa Beach (near Westin Resort), Coloane 11:00 - 21:00 2888 2623
阿曼诺葡国餐厅 O-Manel 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街90号地下 Rua de Fernão Mendes Pinto, 90, Taipa 12:00 - 23:00 2882 7571
路环岛竹湾海滩旁竹湾酒店 Pousada de Coloane
Praia de Choec-Van, Cheoc-Van Beach, Coloane 10:00 - 22:00 2888 2143
尚坊 Saffron 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城悦榕庄 地下大堂 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Banyan Tree, G40, G/F, COTAI 07:00 - 23:00 8883 6061
笃笃泰国美食 Tuk Tuk
海港餐厅 Porto de Macau
氹仔马场广东大马路鸿业大厦地下 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Edificio Hung Ip, G/F, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 0999
氹仔成都街濠景花园27座地下 Rua de Seng Tou, Nova Taipa Gardens, Block 27, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2884 3739
西餐/其它 Western/Other
山度士葡式餐厅 O Santos 氹仔旧城区官也街二十号 Rua de Cunha, 20, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 5594
荟景阁咖啡室 Café Bela Vista 澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳 门金丽华酒店 Avenida de Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, NAPE, Macau 10:00 - 22:00 8793 3871
海湾餐厅 Restaurante Litoral
高雅扒房 Copa Steakhouse
下环河边新街261A地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261, São Lourenço, A, G/F, Macau 12:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 2896 7878
新口岸友谊大马路澳门金沙酒店三楼 Largo de Monte Carlo, 203, Sands Macau Hotel, 3/F, Macau 17:30 - 23:00 8983 8222
奥旋自助餐 Grand Orbit
Café Siam 路氹城澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店大运 河购物中心2412号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Venetian Macao, Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, COTAI 12:00 - 22:00 2882 8469
泰摩登 Modern Thai 氹仔旧城区地堡街85-87号O,P座地下 Rua do Regador, 85-87, Taipa 12:00 - 19:00 2882 7200
路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中心 底层 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Sands Cotai Central, Level 1, COTAI 10:00 - 23:00 8113 8910
Mezza9 路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Grand Hyatt Macau, 3/F, COTAI 5:30 - 23:00 8868 1920
红树林 Red Forest 灆泰国菜餐厅 Naam Thai Restaurant 新口岸友谊大马路956﹣1110号澳门金 丽华酒店 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa, The Resort, NAPE, Macau, Tue – Sun 12:00- 14:30; 18:30 – 22:30 8793 4818
氹仔巴坡沙总督街64-86G号A, B铺 Rua Governador Tamagnini Barbosa, 64, Taipa 18:00 - 23:00 2882 7132
Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 07:00-11:00,12:00-23:00 Sun 07:00-10:30,11:30-23:00 8802 2372
日夜咖啡室 Round-The-Clock 澳门葡京路新葡京酒店2楼 Avenida de Lisboa, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Upper 2/F, Macau 24 hours 8803 7766
美式蟹屋 Savory Crab 氹仔花城区成都街297-303号濠景花 园21座紫荆苑地下F铺 Rua de Seng Tou, Nova Taipa, Block 21, Taipa 10:00 - 23:00 2885 5945
大廚 The Kitchen 南灣葡京路新葡京酒店三樓 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Grand Lisboa, 3/F, Macau 12:00 -14:30, 18:30 - 22:30 8803 7777
音乐豆咖啡 The Singing Bean
東京小食館 Toung King (�) 澳门新桥三盏灯1号C 1C, Rotunda da Carlos Da Maia, Santo Antonio, Macau 14:30-1:00 2856 0037 / 2821 5326
韩国菜 Since 1976 KOREAN
明家韩国料理 Korea Restaurant (��) 澳门筷子基筷子基白朗古将军 西湾民国大马路 街114-116号宏基大厦地下 4号G-H地下 Rua do Gen. Castelo Branco, 114-116,Avenida G/f, Fai da Chi Kei, Macau Republica, 12:00 -4,15:00, 17:00 - 02:00 Sai Van Lake, 2822 0525 Macau 阿里郎 (��) Business hours 氹仔运动场圆形地45号美景花 12:00 - 22:00 园第3座地下 Rotunda do Estádio, 45 Edf. Mei Keng Garden, Block 3, (+853) 2855 6251
澳门旅游塔会展娱乐中心地下大堂 Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau Tower, Macau 10:00 - 23:00 8988 8794
御苑餐厅 Vida Rica Restaurant 澳门文华東方酒店2楼 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental, Level 2, NAPE, Macau 06:30 – 23:00 8805 8918
韩国菜 Korean 阿里郎 Ari Rang 氹仔运动场圆形地45号美景花园第 3座地下 Rotunda do Estádio, 45, Edf. Mei Keng Garden, Block 3, Taipa 10:30 - 02:00 2883 5562
盛事餐厅 Rossio 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门美 高梅
August 2013
重点介绍 HighlighT 玩在澳门 Play 表演 Shows
水舞间, 灵动水世界
The House of Dancing Water
在世界知名剧场导演Franco Dragone的创作和指导下,水舞间将上演 一个古老的故事:一位年轻的渔夫走进一个奇幻世界,并在那里帮助 了一个“陌生人”,他们携手从黑暗女王手中拯救公主。在这个过程 中,这位“陌生人”也爱上了这位公主。 水舞间耗资高达20亿港元打造,绝对是不惜重本。场地中心特地为 演出修建了一个270度全景舞台“水舞剧院”,舞台由世界著名设计 师 Sandi Pei 和Franco Dragone娱乐集团的布景师Michel Crête联手 设计,剧院每次演出约能容纳2000名观众,同时,也拥有世界上最大 的室内商演水池,这么隆重的阵容,来澳门旅游的你又岂能错过?演 出水池直径50米(其中29米的范围为副舞台),深7-9.6米,容量为 1700万立升,相当于5个奥运会标准泳池!剧场有着一分钟内将深20 英尺的水池转变为平底舞台,然后在2秒内将水抽走变干的能力,让 人为之惊叹不已。 来自不同艺术领域的80多名演员献艺水舞间,琳琅满目的表演类型包 括各种风格的舞蹈、25米高台跳水和惊险的摩托车特技表演等等,让 观众目不暇接。演员都是从世界各地挑选的舞台精英,在真正开始现 场表演之前,他们曾在比利时进行了2年的密集培训,一个多小时的 表演绝对是力与美的极致体现。现场配乐的小乐队包括四名技艺高超 的乐手,分别演奏鼓、打击乐器、键盘乐器、吉他和二胡(在西方国 家也被称为“中国的小提琴”),细心的观众会留意到舞台附近有一 个专门的乐室,他们就是在这里为演出配乐的。布景、道具和服装的 制作均在澳门完成,并始终保存在演出现场,一场表演下来,除了是 演员的完美表演外,也是幕后人员与时间竞赛的最好见证。
Kelsey Wilhelm and Abbi Mitchell-Morley
八月,我们将为您隆重推荐世界最大规 模的水景表演,它也是澳门的独家巨 制,没错,你猜对了,那就是《水舞 间》! Cguide gets cozy this August with the world’s largest water-based show, and Macau’s very own exclusive, The House of Dancing Water.
八月 2013
Created and directed by the world-renowned Franco Dragone, The House of Dancing Water recounts the tale of a young Fisherman who is transported to a magical world. There, he befriends a Stranger and working together they try to save the Princess, whom the stranger falls in love with, from the Dark Queen. Costing an astounding two billion Hong Kong dollars in production fees, The House of Dancing Water is performed in the specially made 270 degree theatre-in-the-round adequately named the ‘Dancing Water Theater’. It was designed by internationally known Sandi Pei and Franco Dragone Entertainment Group set designer Michel Crête. The theatre seats an estimated 2,000 people at each showing and features one of the world’s largest indoor commercial pools. Measuring in at 50m in diameter (29m of which is used as wing space) and a depth of 7-9.6m; the pool is capable of holding around 17 million liters of water, the equivalent of five Olympic-sized swimming pools, which it can empty or fill in less than a minute. The House of Dancing Water contains everything; from a wide array of dance styles, to 25 meter high dives, to daring motorcycle stunts, and highlights a wide variety of performers from all different artistic backgrounds. The 80 or so performers, hailing from all corners of the world, undergo two years of intensive training in Belgium before they are introduced into the live show. Accompanying music is performed live; four musicians with expert knowledge in drums, percussion, keyboards, guitars and Erhu (also referred to as the Chinese violin in the western world) play along to the show from a purpose built studio. Set pieces, props and costumes are all made and stored on site.
嘘—— 在媒体的广泛宣传下,观众对演出给予了极高的期待, 当人们涌入剧院时,表演大厅座无虚席,似乎比想象中 小了许多。随着灯光变暗,全场瞬间被调整到“静音” 模式,一个孤独的渔夫出现在霓虹灯交织的海浪中,马 上牢牢抓住了观众的注意点。 这场表演的精萃不仅在于打造如此规模舞台的艰巨,更 在于每一个环节上对细节的无所不至的坚持。随着剧情 渐渐推进,只见我身旁的观众紧张得抓紧了椅背——三 根桅杆的船从池水深处现身,一波白色幽灵从桅杆最高 处跳到池边,向抓着船顶端的渔夫发起了攻击。随后, 船突然消失在迷雾中,嘿!一只长颈鹿竟然就出现在舞 台中了!
游历四方 场景飞速转变,一眨眼,我们飞越万里来到非洲,一 个裹着布的男子正在命令组成人梯的手下用特技试图 抓住这个(来自远方的)英俊陌生人。随着女王的出 现——她从人群之上 20 米左右的高空跳下,几秒内掀 起了水池中的狂涛巨澜。随后,水池再次平静——在不 经意间——一个人体吊灯出现了,它就悬挂于“鲨鱼” 出没的水面之上。 接下来,观众将领略澳门巴士车身广告和大楼外墙广告 都喷绘着的著名飞跃——受过芭蕾训练的“公主”在齐 踝深的水中完成一系列高难度的舞蹈动作,指引打扮成 天鹅的女子穿越地面上喷出的无数水流。水池中间升起 的宝塔很快遭到了更多反派角色的袭击。 反派们所使用的索具可以进行 360 度垂直和水平双向 旋转,可以让旋转演员攀升至近屋顶的高空,倒降至地 板之上数英尺,再腾挪飞跃,十足精彩。建筑渐渐沉入 水中,“公主”被反派们掳走。“陌生人”再度登场。
Given the hype around the show, audience members set their expectations high and as they stride in the entrance, the theatre almost seeming small compared to their expectations. The lights dim and a hush falls as a lone fisherman is seen amidst a wash of neon lights. The power of this performance is not merely in the scale of it, which is daunting, but the minute detail in every aspect. Audiences clutch the edge of their seats as three masts of a ship emerge from the depths of the pool, a fisherman clutching the top while assaulted by waves of white clad wraiths which leap from the highest segments of the masts, landing inches from the edge of the pool. Then suddenly the ship is gone in the mist – to be replaced by a giraffe.
Across many worlds
Suddenly we’re in Africa as a loincloth-clad man directs his human-ladder minions in daring acrobatic feats to capture the handsome (from afar) “Stranger”. The pool has been covered in the matter of seconds leading to the emergence of the Queen – descending from the 20-or-so meters above the crowd. Next the pool has been emptied again –without audiences noticing - and a human chandelier hangs above shark-infested waters. The famous leap – portrayed on the sides of buses and buildings across Macau comes in the next scene as the ballet-trained “Princess” pulls off a series of strenuous maneuvers in ankle-deep water, directing women dressed as swans through dozens of jets shooting from the floor. A pagoda emerges from the middle of the pool and is instantly assaulted by waves of more bad guys. The rigging the bad guys use allows for complete 360 degree rotation vertically and can also rotate 360 degrees horizontally, allowing spinning performers to be lifted nearly to the ceiling and dropped head-first to be stopped inches above the floor. The house sinks and the “Princess” is taken captive. The “Stranger” gets beat up again.
August 2013
玩在澳门 Play 信心十足 表演的一个高潮阶段将持续约30分钟,十位艺术家将使用“织 布”——缠绕于手腕的尼龙双带——带来华丽繁复,险象环生的精彩 特技,全场观众凝神屏息。在他们完成表演脱下腕带时,你才会发 现,他们没有任何保护措施!完全没有!演员们只是钩住双腿之间的 布带,升至 25 米高的屋顶——除此之外,再无其它支持,你不禁为 他们捏一把汗。 最后,秋千再次出现——一个金属支架从平台四角冒出,旋转着支 柱,使平台像钟摆一样前后摇摆,并将演员一个个送上空中,随后完 美地落入舞台中心的水池深处。他们在空中优雅地蹦跳着,仿佛重力 已不再存在。 之后,“陌生人”又再出场,与他的敌人一起升至一个小笼子外,继 续在空中打斗。敌人一个接着一个坠至下方越来越远的地面。他们只 有一个五米见方的着陆区,稍有不慎,将再也看不到第二天的太阳。
轰—— 此刻,观众迎来了演出的另一个精彩场景——突然间,从屋顶出现了 一个坡道,一辆辆摩托车驶上舞台,驰过及踝的水池,将水花激向 观众(你坐在前排就会难逃被“沾湿”的命运,但是这竟然也很受观 众欢迎哦);随后,在“无水舞台”上,水又神奇瞬间地抽走消失。 看似没有发动的摩托车将从两侧出现,上演一系列惊险动作,并几乎 同时完成后空翻的高难度表演(别忘了,它们可是坐在摩托车上)。 此时,看似被遗忘的“公主”也将再次出现,指挥水柱向敌人进攻。 这部分是观众不可错过的场景,因为故事情节环环相扣,首尾呼应。 突然间,“公主”与“陌生人”从水中一同消失,不见踪影。
最后结局 正当你以为演出结束时,演员们从天空纷纷落下,没有安全带也没有 过多的服饰;他们将从令人望之胆寒的高空表演精彩的单人高空跳 水。给观众带来难忘震撼的收尾深刻印象。 这次具有纯正 Dragone 戏剧风格的演出并未结束,演员和音乐团队 将悉数登场向观众致谢告别,但奇怪的是,在这里你不会看到索具和 技术团队的成员——也许他们都在忙着确保无人不小心落入水池。 奇幻圆满的娱乐盛宴,复杂而有趣的舞蹈与精心的化妆设计(大量防 水妆容),让你一次尽数体验。敬请关注我们即将推出的新一期《澳 门导航》,跟随我们深入了解《水舞间》,感受这场水花盛宴的别样 魅力。
八月 2013
More than a little faith
One of the highlighting moments of the show, taking place around 30 minutes into the performance, has around ten areal artists using “fabric” – twin strips of nylon with wrist loops – performing a routine of such complexity and danger, that it takes the breath away. As they finish and take the loops off their wrists; demonstrating that they had no safety guards, they hook the fabric between their legs sideways and are lifted 25 meters to the ceiling above with no other support other than pinched fabric between their thighs. Finally, the swings emerge – a metal plank attached at each corner to rotating poles allowing the platform to swing like a pendulum back and forth and – defying gravity – launch performers into the air, over the ground below, perfectly into the depths of the watery center of the stage. And they do flips along the way. Another fight scene ensues with the “Stranger”, where he and his assailants are lifted up on the exterior of a small cage as they battle in the air. One by one they’re picked off to fall to the ever-more-distant floor below. They have a landing area of around five square meters; miss it, there’s no tomorrow.
Vroom Vroom
Now to one of the other highlights of the show as all of a sudden ramps emerge from the ceiling and motorcycles come on the stage, first in ankle-deep water – which they throw onto audiences (who love it) as they spin their wheels, then on a “dry stage” as the water siphons away magically. With seemingly no runup they emerge from the wings and perform a number of areal feats, culminating in a near-simultaneous backflip (remember, they’re on motorcycles). Our seemingly forgotten “Princess” emerges again, directing jets of water at her enemies. This part audiences will have to see because an ending to a story is only the beginning of another. Oh yeah, the “Princess” and “Stranger” disappear underwater and don’t come back up.
every Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun from August 1st to 31st
17:00 and 20:00
VIP HKD 1,480, Zone A HKD 690 – 980, Zone B HKD 550 – 710, Zone C HKD 410 – 580 House of Dancing Water Theatre, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI Tel: (+853) 8868 6688 *As of date of publication
水舞间 8 月 1 日至 31 日每周一、 四、五、六、日演出
时间 17:00 与 20:00
票价* VIP 1480 港元, A 区 690-980 港元, B 区 550-710 港元, C 区 410-580 港元 金光 – 路氹连贯公路 – 新 濠天地 – 水舞间剧院 电话: (+853) 8868 6688 *至公布日期当日有效
This is the end
Just when you thought it was all over, it’s not - as people come plummeting from the sky, this time without harnesses, without really that much clothing on either, as a series of high-dives are performed from heights that one is scared of looking up at, let alone jumping off of. Okay, wow, audiences are officially impressed. In true Dragone style, the show is not even done when you think it’s done and the cast emerges for a final farewell and thank you wave, including members of the music team, yet strangely none of the rigging and technical team – most likely to make sure everyone doesn’t sink unintentionally. All in all a very complete entertainment package, complex and intriguing choreography and intricate costume design (lots of waterproof makeup). Stay tuned for our upcoming issues of Cguide to see as we get inside the House of Dancing Water and see what makes this H2O jive. August 2013
玩在澳门 Play August 17th (Saturday)
who’s in town Abbi Mitchell-Morley
August 10TH (星期六 Saturday)
Globally known French-Swiss DJ/Producer/Singer Quentin Mosimann has come to set fire to Macau with the hottest in electro-house and progressive music. Mosimann is currently ranked number 74 on DJ Mag’s top 100 DJs and continues to dominate the French music scene. August 3rd (星期六 Saturday)
QUENTIN MOSIMANN 法国瑞士混血儿Quentin Mosimann是全球知名的DJ、制 作人和歌手,他将以最热门的 电子和渐进风格舞曲点燃澳门激 情。Mosimann 目前在世界百大 DJ中排名第74位,在法国音乐 圈中享有很高的地位。
August 8th (星期四 Thursday)
VILLAGE MUSIC NIGHT 大门酒吧每年八月的第二个星期 四都会举行乡村音乐之夜,这已 经成为澳门音乐界的一项重要活 动。如织的客人云聚于此,欣赏 当地音乐人的精彩现场表演。酒 吧提供免费饮料小吃。星期五和 星期六晚也可以欣赏到当地乐队 和外来乐队的现场演出。 34
八月 2013
时间 Time:23:30 地点:路氹城新濠天地“娇比” 门票: 250港币 咨询电话:(+853) 6638 4999 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI Admission: HKD 250 Inquiries: (+853) 6638 4999
SCOOTER AND LAVELLE 美国双人组 Scooter and Lavelle将 用独树一帜的风格在澳门掀起音 乐旋风。以融合着EDM、嘻哈和 唱盘主义的热辣嗨曲,带领你踏 上难忘的狂野音乐过山车。 时间 Time:23:30 地点:路氹城新濠天地“娇比”
门票:250港币 咨询电话:(+853) 6638 4999 American duo Scooter and Lavelle turn the heat up in Macau with their unique approach to music. Mixing elements of EDM, Hip-Hop and Turntablism the twosome take the crowd on a musical rollercoaster ride you won’t soon forget.
SPLASH VOLUME 9 AT THE HARD ROCK HOTEL 节后派对世界著名DJ和音乐制 作人Steve Aoki旗下的唱片公司 Dim Mak,将派出各大DJ和制作 人,在第八届Hardrock Splash节 后派对上嗨翻Club Cubic。届时 将欣赏到Deorro、Sound of Stereo 和Botnek等各大DJ的现场炫技。 Splash is back with its ninth installment of Macau’s hottest, and wettest, party. With an incredible line up of artists, including Hungarian duo Myon & Shane 54, this will be a great day to strip down to your boardies and rock out all day. 时间 Time:16:00-00:00 地点:路氹城新濠天地Hard Rock酒 店3楼池畔 门票:450港币 咨询电话:(+853)8868 3338 Poolside Level 3 of Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, COTAI Admission: HKD 450 Inquiries: (+853) 8868 3338
23:30 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI Admission: HKD 250 Inquiries: (+853) 6638 4999
Occurring every second Thursday of the month, Portal Wine Bar celebrates Macau’s musical community with its Village Music night. Free drinks and snacks are offered to the myriad of guests who gather to listen and watch as local musicians display their talents. Friday and Saturday nights also feature live music performed by both local and visiting bands. 时间 Time: 18:30-20:00 地点:氹仔旧城区施督宪正街大 门酒吧 门票: 免费 咨询电话:(+853) 2822 7109 Portal Bar, Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa Admission: Free Inquiries: (+853) 2822 7109
登陆新濠天地的高档夜店Club Cubic,以无以伦比的激情引爆 摇滚之夜。
August 31ST (星期六 Saturday)
PROMISE LAND Promise land是由意大利人Nazario
和 Fabio组成的DJ/音乐制作双 人组,曾打造了Swedish House Mafia乐队名曲“Don’t You Worry Child”中的混音部分。他们曾与 多家知名唱片公司合作,比如 Cr2、Spinnin’、Big Beat、Network 和Subliminal等等。 该双人组将
The DJ/Production duo behind the worlds most esteemed remix of Swedish House Mafia’s ‘Don’t You Worry Child’ are coming to Macau’s luxurious Club Cubic at the City of Dreams to rock your world like never before. Italy natives Nazario and Fabio, who make up Promise Land, have worked with international labels such as Cr2, Spinnin’, Big Beat, Network and Subliminal records. 时间 Time:23:30 地点:路氹城新濠天地“娇比” 门票:250港币 咨询电话:(+853)2872 3344 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI Admission: HKD 250 Inquiries: (+853) 2872 3344
玩在澳门 Play
谁在附近 who’s around
Abbi Mitchell-Morley 香港演唱会 千万不要错过 Live in Hong Kong August 10th (周六 Saturday)
Diana Panton 亚洲巡演香港站
August 24th (星期六 Saturday)
由Alex K和DJ Bosa组成的加拿大 DJ双人组Anthem Kingz,以热门曲 集锦和混音作品在全球派对界闯出 名号。他们将为澳门派对达人献上 高亢狂热的跨界音乐,尽情挥洒热 舞激情。
Rising to fame in the global party scene with their hit mashups and remixes, Alex K and DJ Bosa, of the Canadian DJ duo Anthem Kingz, take Macau partygoers on a ride of their life with their high-powered, cross genre sound. 时间 Time:23:30
地点:路氹城新濠天地“娇比” 门票:250港币 咨询电话:(+853)2872 3344 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI Admission: HKD 250 Inquiries: (+853) 2872 3344
加拿大爵士小天后 Diana Panton 在推出第五张专辑之际,也展开 了亚洲巡回演唱会之旅——My Dear。Panton 自 2005 年出道至今 已获得了众多音乐奖项,包括最佳爵 士唱片和最佳爵士歌手奖。著名爵士 钢琴家 Don Thompson 和爵士吉他 手 RegSchwager 也将随 Panton 一 起,共同完成整个巡回之行。 20:00香港格洛斯特大道 1 号 - 香港 演艺学院 – 歌剧院 门票:380、480 港元 咨询电话:(+852) 34210499
Canadian Jazz singer Diana Panton embarks on the Asian tour of her fifth studio album - My Dear. Panton is the recipient of a number of music awards including Best Jazz Album and Vocalist since her debut in 2005. Accompanying Panton throughout her tour are famed Jazz pianist Don Thompson and renowned Jazz guitarist Reg Schwager. 20:00 Drama Theatre, The Hong Kong Academy For Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester Rd, Hong Kong Admission: HKD 380, HKD 480 Inquiries: (+852) 3421 0499
August 11th (Sunday)
Air Supply 香港演唱会
LIVE IN HONG KONG Graham Russell 和 Russell Hitchcock 组成的传奇二人组合 Air supply 以极富魅力的情歌而广为人 知,他们将在今夏强势登陆香港, 作为其全球 150 多场表演其中的一 站。二人的音乐合作已逾 30 年,但 绝对永不会让歌迷 All Out of Love。 20:00 香港 - 大屿山 – 香港国际机 场 – 亚洲国际博览馆 10 号馆 门票:480、680、880 港元 咨询电话:(+852) 3606 8828
Legendary duo Graham Russell and Russell Hitchcock of Air supply, famed for their captivating love songs, take Hong Kong by storm this summer as part of over 150 shows they are playing worldwide. The two-some has been making music together for over 30 years and we’re definitely not All Out of Love yet. 20:00 Hall 10, AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong Admission: HKD 480, HKD 680, HKD 880 Inquiries: (+852) 3606 8828
August 13th (周二 Tuesday)
The Smashing Pumpkins 香港演唱会 THE SMASHING PUMPKINS LIVE IN HONG KONG: 今夏,随着备受追捧的另类摇滚乐队 The Smashing Pumpkins 即将席卷 香港,乐迷们定能享用一顿精彩的怀 旧盛宴。组建于 1980 年代晚期,由 Billy Corgan、Jeff Schroeder、Mike Byrne 和 Nicole Fiorentino 组成的乐 队凭借不断挑战朋克摇滚、重金属和 随后的电子乐等多流派的不同风格, 使它从同时代的乐队中脱颖而出,成 为了 90 年代的经典代表。 20:00 香港 - 大屿山 – 香港国际机 场 – 亚洲国际博览馆 10 号馆 门票:580、780 港元 咨询电话:(+852) 3606 8828
Spectators can expect a heavy dose of nostalgia as the critically acclaimed band The Smashing Pumpkins get ready to rock out with Hong Kong this summer. Formed in the late 1980’s, the band consisting of Billy Corgan, Jeff Schroeder, Mike Byrne and Nicole Fiorentino - has managed to remain a prominent force in the music industry and transcend the confines of classic 90’s music thanks to their dabbling in a diverse range of genres such as punk
rock, heavy metal and in later tracks - electronica. 20:00 Hall 10, AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong Admission: HKD 580, HKD 780 Inquiries: (+852) 3606 8828
August 15th (周四 Thursday)
Linkin Park 世界巡回演唱会
LINKIN PARK; LIVING THINGS WORLD TOUR 今年八月,随着另类摇滚乐队 Linkin Park 重返香港,一起 Lost in The Echo 吧。应乐迷强烈呼 声,乐队在其 Living Things 世界 巡演中将再度登陆亚洲,Chester Bennington、Rob Bourdon、Dave ‘Phoenix’ Farrell、Brad Delson、Joe Hahn 与 Mike Shinodais 将为你带来难忘的精彩 表演。 20:00 香港 - 大屿山 – 香港国际机 场 – 亚洲国际博览馆 Arena(1 号 馆) 门票:288、388、688、788 港元( 站票)、888 港元 咨询电话: (+852) 2989 9239 、(+852) 3606 8828
Get Lost in The Echo as Alternative rock band Linkin Park returns to Hong Kong this August. Back by popular demand for the Asian leg of their Living Things World Tour, the distinguished sound of Chester Bennington, Rob Bourdon, Dave ‘Phoenix’ Farrell, Brad Delson, Joe Hahn and Mike Shinoda is set to give you a performance you won’t soon forget.
20:00 Arena, AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong Admission: HKD 288, HKD 388, HKD 688, HKD 788 (Standing), HKD 888 Inquiries: (+852) 2989 9239, (+852) 3606 8828
August 2013
玩在澳门 play
艺术家简介 Artist Profile Abbi Mitchell-Morley
嘿,人人都说快乐不知时日过,你是 不是也度过了一个快乐的夏天?一 转眼,凉爽的秋季就会来临啦,伴 着 Chillwave、Dreamfolk 和 Electrosoul的酷爽乐音,《澳门导航》 (Cguide)为您精心奉上了众多秋 凉的音乐养分,希望您能喜欢。
DENITIA AND SENE 成员 Members Denitia Odigie and Sene 流派 Genre Electro-soul
两大歌手携手合作,互 相激发音乐潜力,歌手 Denitia Odigie 和说唱歌 手 Sene 震撼推出全新的 音乐作品,值得喜欢该种 类型音乐的人引颈期待。 二人将骚灵和爵士融入狂 热的 funk 电音节拍与合 成器,毫不费力地创作出 焕然一新而极具穿透力 的新乐声。 作为 electrosoul 中的一员,这个二人 组合常常挑战不同频谱音 调,为流派注入焕然一新 的感觉。 其中的热门单曲 如《Casanova》、《How To Satisfy Your Lover》一 扫非电音不可的风格,回 归音乐本质。 如果您是 Lazy Sundays 和 Smooth jazz 的乐迷,他们的新歌 一定会让你钟爱不已。
When Genres Collide
Slip slowly into autumn with the cool sounds of Chillwave, Dreamfolk and Electro-soul as we at Cguide serve up a dose of musical infusions you’re likely to love. 36
八月 2013
MT. WOLF 成员 Members Kate Sproule, Sebastian ‘Bassi’ Fox, Stevie Red McMinn and Al Mitchell 流派 Genre Dreamfolk, Electronic, Futurepop
Working in tandem to stretch each others’ musical limits, singer Denitia Odigie and rapper Sene, serve up a stunningly new facet of music. Spinning a sultry mix of soul and jazz with the funk of electronic beats and synths, the twosome seemingly effortlessly create a completely different, unhindered sound. Labeled electro-soul, the duo’s sound often swings through the spectrum, taking on different approaches to the genre. This is prominent in singles such as Casanova and How To Satisfy Your Lover, which move from being alive with electro elements to stripped-down to the bare essentials. If you’re a fan of lazy Sundays and smooth jazz, give them a try.
MT. WOLF 结合了民谣主唱空灵的音 调与电音的独特味道,这 就是来自伦敦南部的 Mt. Wolf。这个英国的四人乐 队把 Marissa Nadler 的风 格融入了全新的流派—— 恰如其名的 Dreamfolk, 将 dreampop 和民谣元素 合二为一。目前,乐队已 发行了两张 EP: 2012 年 末的《Life Size Ghosts》 以及今年近期发行的 《Hypolight》。 在两张 EP 中,Mt. Wolf 都大量 使用了电声,并添入了 Kate Sproule 的歌剧式呢 喃和一些新奇可爱的元 素。 尽管这是 dreamfolk 流派的惯有特色,但可以 说,目前还没有人与他们 风格雷同。
Combining the ethereal tones of folk vocals with the trip of electronica is south London’s Mt. Wolf. The British four-piece join the likes of Marissa Nadler in the genre of new sound that is aptly named Dreamfolk, for its combination of dream-pop and folk musical elements. The band has released two EP’s so far: Life Size Ghosts in late 2012 and, recently this year, Hypolight. Within both their EP’s Mt. Wolf have managed to take a heavily electric sound, fill it with the operatic whisper of Kate Sproule’s voice and end up with something organically lovely. Whilst this is often the case with the dreamfolk genre, it can be said that no one does it quite like them.
SMALL BLACK 成员 Members Ryan Heyner, Josh Hayden Kolenik, Juan Pieczanski and Jeff Curtin 流派 Genre Indie, Chillwave, Newwave, Lo-fi
速递 releases SMALL BLACK 前卫的合成曲风和鼓点, 结合传统的四人元素带 来的另类音乐,这就是 Small Black。 这支美国独 立乐队一改以往专辑的商 业气息,在最新大碟中带 来了完全小众化的音乐体 验。在最新专辑《Limits of Desire》中,乐队在 《Free At Dawn》和《No Stranger》等单曲中展现 了非凡的全能创作才华, 让你既能随歌热舞,又能 感动落泪。尽管他们的音 乐常被归为 Chillwave 风 格,但乐队表示,他们并 不认为自己属于该类别, 不管属于哪个流派,Small Black 都是能唤醒你沉睡神 经的最佳选择之一。 Progressive synths and drum notes intertwined with traditional four-piece elements come together to make up the sound that is Small Black. The American indie band pull-away from the business of their previous releases to reveal in their newest album a full, yet minimal, sound. In singles such as Free At Dawn and No Stranger, off of their newest album Limits of Desire, the band express a divine versatility creating music you can both dance and cry to. Although their sound has often been classified as Chillwave, the band has stated that they do not consider themselves quite within that category. Whatever genre they may be Small Black are definitely ones to keep an ear out for.
Andrew Belle 流派 Genre: 摇滚、流行 艺术家 Artists: Andrew Belle 发行日期 Release Date: 8 月 20 日/ August 20th
Washed Out 流派 Genre: 电子乐、 Electronic, Chillwave 艺术家 Artists: Ernest Greene 发行日期 Release Date: 8 月 13 日/ August 13th 完全颠覆以往嗓音,音乐 人 Ernest Greene(又名 Washed Out)将携最新大 碟《Paracosm》来袭。专 辑名喻示了一个奇妙的遐 想世界,Greene 将用歌声 带歌迷游历他自己的精神 王国。洋溢着缤纷梦幻色 彩的主打单曲《It All Feels Right》融合了众多顽皮的 电音元素与舒缓歌声,整 首歌如同用音乐诠释了《 爱丽丝梦游仙境》。如果 想进一步了解 chill-upbeat 音乐,那么这张专辑一定 能满足你的口味。 Completely revamping his sound this time around is musician Ernest Greene, better known as Washed Out, with his follow-up album Paracosm. The title refers to a detailed imaginary world, so it’s no surprise that Greene takes listeners on a trip though his own. The lead single It All Feels Right is a colorfully toned track with playful electronic elements and soothing vocals and the entire experience is intriguingly reminiscent of a musical interpretation of Alice’s Wonderland. If you like more chill-upbeat music then this album is something to look forward to.
继 2009 年赢得“约翰列 侬歌曲创作大赛”冠军 后,Andrew Belle 就成 了乐坛势不可挡的新锐力 量。自 2010 年推出个人 首张大碟《The Ladder》 后,本月,这名创作歌手 将推出第二张录音室专辑 《Black Bear》。尽管专 辑现在还未面世,Belle 表示,“《Black Bear》 从概念上反映和触及了 我生命中所有最重要的关 系。它是一次与神的对话 和角力”。回顾他此前的 音乐,再仔细品味他圆润 的嗓音和歌词风格,你一 定能发现这张专辑的精彩 魅力。 The singer/songwriter Andrew Belle is set to release his second studio album Black Bear, his first being The Ladder in 2010, later this month. The singer/ songwriter is set to release his second studio album Black Bear, his first being The Ladder in 2010, later this month. Though nothing has been heard off of it yet, Belle has said, “Black Bear is an album that conceptually reflects and touches on all of the most important relationships in my life. It’s a dialogue and a wrestling with God.” Venture into his past music and come to delight in the roundedness of his voice and lyrical style and you’ll see why that’s exciting.
August 2013
玩在澳门 play
卡拉OK Karaoke
金曲廊 Top One Karaoke
澳门皇朝广场地下 Dynasty Plaza, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, G/F 2875 0999
澳门南湾大马路613-639号时代商业 中心7楼 7 FL, Edf. Centro Comercial Si Toi, No.613-639, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 2831 3245
皇朝会 Dynasty Club
Tune Up
澳门海港街外港回力球场3楼F 3/F, Jai Alai Stadium, Porto Exteriro, Macau 2872 6688
喜喜 Hei Hei 澳门马德里街165号珠光大厦地下 G/F, Edif. Zhu Kuan, No.165, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, Macau 2875 3593
i Darts Macau 澳门伦敦街190号地下 G/F, No.190, Rua de Londres, Macau 2831 1138
Le Club 澳门美副将大马路9D号地下 G/F, 9D, Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, Macau 2852 9537
澳门罗理基博士大马路600E第一国际 商业中心地下 G/F, Edf.Centro Comercial First National, No.600E, Av. Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Macau 2870 1982
酒吧 Bar 180°空中酒吧.扒房 180° Lounge and Grill
澳门罗理基博士大马路70﹣106号富 豪酒店4楼 4 FL, Hotel Beverly Plaza, No.70106, Avenida Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Macau 2878 7307
Ruka’s 澳门飞南第街85号地下 G/F, No.85, Rua Francisco H. Fernandes, Macau 2875 1799
八月 2013
Casablanca Café 澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景苑地 下R-S铺 G/F, Shop R-S, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1281
霞 Cinnebar
氹仔广东大马路澳门新濠锋 38 FL, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 2886 8868
非洲村酒吧 AfriKana Bar
Neway (Hotel Beverly Plaza)
氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村2620号铺 Shop No.2620, The Grand Canel Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2882 8477
38 Lounge
澳门毕仕达大马路26号中福商业中 心2楼 2 FL, Chong Fok Centro Commercial, No.26, Avenida de Marciano Baptista, Macau 2841 1111
Boca tapas and wine
Cathedral Café & Wine Bar
Aba Bar
Neway (Chong Fok)
氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村1041号铺 Shop No.1041, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8118 9940
澳门南湾新填海区澳门旅遊塔 59 楼 59/F, Convention and Entertainment Centre Largo da Torre de Macau, Sao Lourenco, Macau 8988 8659
澳门宋玉生广场181﹣187号光辉集团 商业大厦地下 G/F, Centro Comercial do Grupo Brilhantismo, No 181-187, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, Macau 2875 7355 澳门伦敦街41号地下 G/F, No.41, Rua de Londres, Macau 2875 1177
百利酒廊 Bellini Lounge
澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路美 高梅金殿 MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 3888
澳门友谊大马路渔人码头非洲村 Cape Town, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. da Amizade, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau 8299 3678
Bar Azul 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2881 8888
洛欣吧 Bar Florian 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村1043号铺 Shop No.1043, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8118 9960
澳门大堂街12号A No.12A, Rua da Se, Macau 6685 7621 澳門外港填海区仙德丽街永利酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 8986 3663
唐会 Club China 澳门新口岸皇朝大丰广场地下M铺 G/F, Loja M, Edf. Commercial Tai Fung, Ave. do Governador Jamie Silverio Marques, Macau 2872 2766
焰 Flame Bar
Kidult Club 澳门马德里街珠光大厦Y铺 G/F, Edifício Zhu Kuan, Y, Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpocao, Macau 2872 3385
嵐 Lan 路氹城连贯公路新濠天地皇冠渡 假酒店1楼 1/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6685
金獅吧 Lion’s Bar 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路 美高梅金殿 MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 2375
澳感廊 Macau Soul 澳门大三巴街31A No.31A, Rua de Sao Paulo, Macau 2836 5182
魔幻咖啡屋 MagiCafe 澳门俾利喇街115号B铺地下 G/F, No.115B, Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Macau 2852 8751
McSorleys Ale House 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人 渡假村1038号 Shop No.1038, Grand Canel Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2882 8198
夜光杯酒吧Moonwalker 澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景 苑地下 G/F, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1329, 2875 1326
路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6695
MP3 Bar Lounge 澳门孙逸仙大马路1333号地下
Hive Bar
Mugs Talk Bar 澳门罗飞勒前地12A地下
氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路135号百利宝 花园地下H座 Shop H, Treasure Garden, No.135, Avenida de Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa 2883 1711
Innside Bar 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路149号 No.149, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa 2883 1233
爱尔兰酒吧 Irish Bar 氹仔广东大马路南新花园116C和 116D地下 Block 6, G/F, Nam San Bulding, No116C-D, Av Kwong Tung, Taipa 2882 0708
G/F, No.1333, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1306
G/F, No.12A, Lobo D’Avila Square, Macau 2897 2691
好客乡村餐厅 Old Taipa Bar 氹仔客商街21号 Taipa Village,No.21, Rua dos Negociantes, Taipa 2882 5221
喜栢 Palms 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路金沙城 中心喜来登酒店 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8113 1200
大门酒吧 Portal Wine Bar
The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge
Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 3888
路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村2楼203铺 Shop 203, 2/F, Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8883 2221
品味吧 Whiskey Bar
The Roadhouse Bar
氹仔施督宪正街86号 No.86, Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 6682 1078, 2836 8401
澳门新口岸马德里街45号环宇豪庭 Wan Yu Villas, No.45, Rua de Madrid, Macau 2875 2945
Private Party
天台酒吧 The Rooftop Bar
氹仔成都街濠景花园25座F室 BL25, Edf. Nova Taipa Garden, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 6657 1727
乐吧R Bar
澳门大三巴巷3-5-7号三巴艺门 No.3-5-7, Travessa de Sao Paulo, Macau 2848 2848
路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店1楼 1/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6694
水晶钢琴吧 The Crystal Piano Bar
Veuve Clicquot Lounge
路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村澳门大仓酒店28楼 28FL, Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8883 5109
澳门友谊大马路956号文华东方酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel, No.956, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 8793 3831 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路美 高梅金殿 MGM Grand Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun
澳门友谊大马路星际酒店16楼 16FL, Star World Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 8290 8698
Xanadu Bar 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路金 沙娱乐场 1FL, Sands Casino, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 2888 3388
俱樂部 Club China Rouge 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村 Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2888 0888
Club Cubic 路氹连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 2828 6696
D2 澳门商业大马路301号友邦广场2楼 2FL, AIA Tower, No.301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2872 3777
DD3 澳门友谊大马路渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. da Amizade, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau 2871 1800
天梵 DIVINO 澳门商业大马路251A至301号友邦广 场2楼202室 Room202, 2FL, AIA Tower, No.251A-301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2872 3968
SKY 21 澳门商业大马路251A-301号友邦广 场21楼 21FL, AIA Tower, No.251A-301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2822 2122
August 2013
购物指南 Shop
潮流时尚 fashion trends
海滩度假 必备单品 Beach Vacation Must-Haves 来到一年最炎热的八月,大家都喜 爱跑到海边度假消暑,除了得准备 吸睛的比基尼泳衣外,时尚的太阳 眼镜、优雅的蕾丝长裙以及充满活 力的荧光配饰都是让你在沙滩上突 围而出的必备单品。 August - one of the hottest months of the year. We at Cguide stopped by a beach resort to revel in the summer heat. But not to go unprepared we brought our bikinis, trendy sunglasses, lace dresses and some vibrant fluorescent accessories to stand out amongst the tanning crowds. 40
八月 2013
太阳眼镜 对抗艳阳,岂可缺少一款时尚太阳眼镜?对于夏日着装 讲求轻盈清透的概念,今夏选太阳眼镜时也可以选择镜 片颜色更浅、透明度更高的太阳眼镜款式,又或者边框 色彩较为鲜艳的款式都能让人在闪耀阳光下显得神采飞 扬。
Squinting into the sun went out of fashion with country-movies, so grab some fashionable sunglasses to pair with a light summer dress. To get incredibly stylish choose brighter lens colors and more transparently styled sunglasses. Vivid colors and border styles give you that extra flash, so don’t be afraid to be selective.
蕾丝长裙 白色、蕾丝、长裙是打造女神必备组合。纯净的白色长 裙配上花朵刺绣蕾丝,充满浓厚的度假风情,轻轻走动 就摇曳出浪漫轻舞,让人心动。此外,搭配一条民族风 的项链,也会让你女神形象加分不少。
Lace Dress
For an elegant look in the heat, try white lace dresses as your canvas. A pure white dress coupled with flower embroidery and lace gives you the resort style you’re going for and is perfect for a moonlit walk. Mix and match with accessories to complete the image.
荧光配饰 银炼配上色彩鲜艳的荧光绳子,再缀以闪石而成的手炼 及项链款式绝对是本夏大热选择,荧光黄、荧光橙和荧 光桃红等颜色让人充满活力;简约的银片配以荧光黄或 桃红线条设计的耳环及手镯也是盛夏必备的配饰。
Fluorescent Accessories
Essential accessories must be essentially eye-catching so try out some of the fluorescent rope and amphibole bracelets and necklaces our there. For summer choose a fluorescent yellow, orange or pink. Accent these with silver pieces with fluorescent touches, such as earrings and bracelets to give off a vibrant yet cool appearance.
August 2013
购物指南 Shop
访问 interview Wing
李明新 澳门时装新生代
San Lee
Macau’s Fashion World
澳门政府近年锐意发展创意文化产 业,而时尚产业更是其中的重点项 目,随着本土时装业的日渐兴盛, 不少有潜质的本地时装设计师亦应 运而生,李明新(San Lee)便是 当中的表表者。 The Macau government’s recent push over the past few years to develop the local creative and cultural industries has not overlooked the fashion industry. As such, local fashion businesses are growing and talented local fashion designers are emerging. San Lee is one of these up and coming stars. 42
八月 2013
明新(San Lee) 从小便对设计方 面充满浓厚兴 趣,大学时于本 地大专院校主修立体空间及平 面设计,及后更于2007年修读 生产力暨科技转移中心的时装 设计及制作文凭课程,对时装 设计富有天分的他,作品更荣 获毕业表演的第一名。能拥有 自己的服装品牌,是每一个设 计师梦寐以求的事,而S a n 于 2009年便实现了此梦想,创立
emonstrating interest in fashion from an early age, Lee began studies in 3D Space and Graphic Design at a local college before later majoring in Fashion Design and Production out of the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre in 2007. Displaying a natural gift for fashion design, San’s works won first prize at his graduation show and he followed the dream of every fashion designer – to create one’s own brand.
了名为“ZICS”的自家品牌, 从此为澳门时装设计界写下新 的一章。 San每年都会设计一季春夏系 列的新装,他钟情于黑白灰世 界中探索具实验味道的主题, 并擅长以黑白灰三色表现其别 树一帜的设计风格,风格多变 的他,善于搭配不同元素的材 料,设计简洁清新富型格。如 当季的春夏系列取名为“In between”,主要以灰色调为主, 并尝试在印花中混入色彩,在
采用实色布料的同时,搭配雪 纺、丝等具透明感的布料,务 求呈现一种虚与实之间的感觉。 San坦言虽现时澳门的时装业正 不断发展,但由于行业现还只 属起步阶段,要全职从事时装 设计有一定困难,因此目前他 从事室内设计工作,时装设计 师只是他的副业,尽量利用工 余时间进行时装设计。而为了 增加品牌的曝光率,他也一直 积极参与本地的时装活动及展 览,并跟随生产力暨科技转移
中心出外参展,曾参与香港、 台湾、中国等地的时装表演, 并希望透过对外参展的机会, 为自己开拓更多海外市场,同 时让更多人认识澳门的时装事 业。
Launched in 2009, Lee’s brand “ZICS” is now firmly ensconced in the fashion history of Macau. San creates a new spring/ summer line every year. He has a particular fondness for experimental themes, focusing on black, white and gray. He specializes in adaptations and combinations of these tones and aptly mixes and matches different elements from simplistic, yet fresh, design concepts. His current spring/ summer series “In Between” creates a balance of virtual
and real and utilizes colored prints with the main gray hue of the designs, with mixed see-through chiffon and silk in solid-color fabrics. San was frank in his portrayal of the fashion industry in Macau, describing it as developing, yet still in its infancy. Making a living as a full-time fashion designer is difficult, as such, San works as an interior designer, while fashion design takes a secondary role to be conducted in his leisure time. Lee’s active
participation in local fashion shows and events acts as local exposure to the market, while he also has presented his work overseas (aided by the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre). The designer’s wish to expand his business overseas does not overlook his desire to introduce Macau’s fashion world to growing audiences and his current sights are set on joining fashion shows in the region, including Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. August 2013
购物指南 Shop 传统行业 Traditional Business
Hidden Treasure
Handcrafted Coffee in Macau Inês Lam
茶餐厅是港澳人最爱的食店之一,而临近马路边而设的 露天小咖啡店更是澳门的一大特色,这种小店没有名贵 的餐具、没有米其林大厨师坐阵,就连空调也未必有, 但却吸引着四面八方的人前往,寻找那份专属澳门昔日 的味道。 Tea holds the monopoly as beverage of choice for diners in Hong Kong and Macau. Small roadside open-air cafés dot the landscape of Macau and - though lacking expensive tableware, Michelin-starred chefs and even air conditioning - they attract guests from across the world to their tables.
八月 2013
A Family-Run Affair While the closing of these types of cafés has become more common - especially in the Ilha Verde and Red Market areas – those that keep a tenuous foothold have had to shift further out. One such gem in the figurative dirt is Hon Kee Coffee, a café that’s been serving guests a taste of home for over 20 years. Located in Coloane island, just 20 minutes drive from downtown, Hon Kee provides a combination of service and ambience that are purely its own. Hon Kee Coffee is located at the Merendas de Lai Chi Vun Park, directly next to the old shipyards in Macau. Visitors stroll past the skeletons of the ship building yards to get to the small private house that contains an indoor and outdoor area of the restaurant. Inside it houses few seats, but large tables, and outside seems to be the favored seating location. Complete with an overhang and large trees, the area is shaded, well covered and surprisingly comfortable even in summer. The café was originally founded by Mr. Hon and his wife in the 90s and is still run by the couple. Preparing and serving the food and drinks, they’re constantly in contact with the customers and they represent the typical family-run small businesses that used to be everywhere in this SAR. Unfortunately, the rapid economic development of the region, the resulting inflation and often the lack of successors to take over the cafés have caused this to be a rarer and rarer sight in the past ten years.
Heartfelt “Handcrafted Coffee” The hallmark of Hon Kee is their “handcrafted coffee”. Markedly different to the instant coffee typically served in this type of café, the coffee at Hon Kee is mixed by the owner himself as a sign of hospitality. The secret lies not in expensive coffee powder, but in the method of mixture. The owner mixes water, sugar and coffee by hand at high speed for around 400 rotations until the blend has a texture similar to peanut butter. He then pours boiling water onto the mixture – causing a light foam to form on the surface. Lastly he adds milk to the mixture to complete this handcrafted specialty.
家庭式经营的露天茶座 随着青洲以及红街市的特色矮凳咖啡店相继关门以 后,这种平民露天茶餐厅几乎绝迹澳门。若想寻找到 拥有澳门特色的露天茶餐厅,不妨稍移玉步至距离市 区约半小时车程的路环,那里有一家开业超过20年的 隐世茶餐厅─“汉记咖啡”。 “汉记咖啡”位于澳门旧船厂附近的荔枝碗村,由一 家小民房搭建而成,餐厅分为户外与户内两个区域。 户内小房子里的座位不算多,以大圆桌为主,适合一 大班朋友共聚;户外则是人们最爱的露天座位,你不 必担心遭受日晒雨淋,因为老板早已精心搭建出遮雨 棚,加上旁边的大树遮荫隔热,自然风迎面吹来,带 来的不止凉快,还有清新的树木香气,比空调来得更 舒适。 “汉记”是由老板阿汉和妻子20多年前开设,时至 今日,他们两人仍旧夫妻档上阵,由下单到准备食 物,再到送餐基本都是他们完成,是澳门典型的家庭 式经营小食店。这样的小店在昔日的澳门不难发现, 但如今面对着经济的高速发展,很多商铺不是因为面 对后继无人、就是面对高昂租金的问题而不得不结束 经营,能留下来的店,大部份都是靠老板对经营的坚 持。
诚意十足的“手打咖啡” 来到“汉记”,又岂能错过其非常有名的“手打咖 啡”? 有别于一般茶餐厅的即冲咖啡,这里的咖啡经 由老板亲手搅拌而成,可谓诚意十足。店里并没有用 什么名贵的咖啡粉,倒是以水、糖和咖啡混合后,再 以调羹快手搅拌逾400转,直至所有的材料变得像花生 酱一样。最后在这浓稠的咖啡浆中加入沸水,咖啡面 上就出现一层细滑的泡沫,最后加入奶便完成。 一杯香气浓郁、毫不苦涩的“手打咖啡”配上“汉 记”份量十足的午餐蛋包,一边听着树上蝉声,绝对 是感受澳门老味道的最佳选择。
汉记咖啡 营业时间:7:00-18:00(星 期三休息) 地址:路环市区荔枝碗村 电话:(+853) 2888 2310
Hon Kee Coffee
Opening Hours: 7:00-18:00 (Closed on Wednesdays) Address: Merendas de Lai Chi Vun Park, Coloane Tel: (+853) 2888 2310
Accompanied by the sound of chirping cicadas, having a cup of fragrant, non-bitter handcrafted coffee with a large lunch omelette at Hon Kee is surely one of the best ways to experience a taste of the old Macau. So don’t miss out, get yours today!
August 2013
购物指南 shop
珠宝钟表 Jewellery &Watches
周大福珠宝金行 Chow Tai Fook Jewellery 澳门新马路328号地下 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, No 328, R/C, Macau 2833 0386
Tiffany & Co. 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2003店 2003, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8082
卡地亚 Cartier
时间廊 City Chain 澳门殷皇子大马路59-61号地下B座 Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No 59-61, R/CB, Macau 2871 5866
澳门南湾大马路一定好商业中心地下 Avenida da Praia Grande, Centro Comercial Ia Teng Hou, R/C, Macau 2871 4099
名牌商品 Luxury Goods
宝格丽 Bvlgari
威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2006店 2006, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8748
澳门壹号广场地面G13-15店 G24-26, G/F One Central Macau 2822 9978
欧米茄 OMEGA 澳门友谊大马路555号置地广场地 下015铺 Avenida da Amizade, No 555, Macau Landmark, R/C Loja 015, Macau 2878 0010
澳门壹号广场地面G35店 G35, G/F One Central Macau 2875 1241
Louis Vuitton 澳门壹号广场地面G27-29店 G27-29, G/F One Central Macau 2822 8800
IWC 路凼城银河渡假城商铺G42A G42A Shop, Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai 2882 5862
梵克雅宝 Van Cleef & Arpels 澳门仙德丽街永利
Wynn, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 2878 6006
浪琴表 Longines 澳门殷皇子大马路43A号澳门广场 地下 Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No 43A, The Macau Square, R/C, Macau 2871 6358
欧洲坊钟表集团 Europe Watch Group 澳门壹号广场1楼101-107店 101-107,1/F One Central Macau 2872 3737
澳门壹号广场地面G11-12店 G11-12, G/F One Central Macau 2875 2887
澳门壹号广场地面G11-12店 G24-26, G/F One Central Macau 2872 2762
Loewe 澳门壹号广场地面G5店 G5, G/F One Central Macau 2875 0744
Ralph Lauren 澳门壹号广场地面G19-20店 G19-20, G/F One Central Macau 2875 7766
Bottega Veneta 澳门壹号广场地面G8店 G8, G/F One Central Macau 2872 2920
Dior 四季名店1楼1120店 1120, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 0800 989
八月 2013
Vivienne Westwood
四季名店1楼1117店 1117, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833
四季名店2楼2815店 2815, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2881 8270
Miu Miu
Juicy Couture
四季名店1楼1047店 1047, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2899 8850
四季名店2楼2859店 2859, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2899 8905
Marc by Marc Jacobs
四季名店1楼1126店 1126, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833
澳门壹号广场1楼117号 117,1/F One Central Macau 2875 2884
Rimowa 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2708店 2708, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8516
新秀丽Samsonite Black Label 澳门壹号广场2楼215店 215, 2/F One Central Macau 2875 5768
Kate Spade 四季名店2楼2859店 2859, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai
Cerejeira 澳门伯多禄局长街3号银座广场地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 3, Ginza Plaza, R/C, Macau 28356250
综合时装 Fashion-Mixed
化妆品与个人护理 Cosmetics and Skincare
莎莎 Sa Sa
威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2428店 2428, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8592
澳门板樟堂街1E-1F号地下 Rua de S. Domingos, No 1E-1F, R/C, Macau 2832 2155
万宁 Mannings
威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2328店 2328, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8440
澳门罗保博士街14号澳门广场地 下I座 Rua do Dr. Pedro José Lobo, No 14, The Macau Square, R/CI, Macau
Double Park
屈臣氏 Watsons 澳门议事亭前地11号信德堡地下
威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2330店 2330, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8249
Largo do Senado, No 11, Shun Tak House, R/C, Macau 2838 9371
The Body Shop
威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2313店 2313, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8236
澳门卖草地街9号辉旺阁地下 Rua da Palha, No 9, Edf. Fai Wong Kok, R/C, Macau 2836 9997
史蒂夫·马登Steve Madden
维多利亚秘密 Victoria’s Secret
澳门伯多禄局长街4B-4C号信达城 地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 4B-4C, Sun Star City, R/C, Macau 2835 6228
威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2412a 店 2412a, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8485
电子及家庭电器 Audio Visual and Electronic Accessories
JC Shop premium
See’s Candies
威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼 Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8987
丰泽 Fortress
路凼城银河渡假城商铺G11 G11 Shop Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai 2828 3822
威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼21198 店 2119, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8738
议事亭前地 11 号信德堡地库 Basement, Shun Tak House, 11 Largo Do Senado, Macau 2832 9958
百货商店 Department Stores
Original Technology 澳门广场地下P,V&W铺 Shop P, V & W, G/F, Macau Square 2871 7428
澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mário Soares no.90, Macau 2872 5338
歌谣 KOIO Cyberland
永盟百货 Winman
新八佰伴 New Yaohan
澳门伯多禄局长街15号银座广场 地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 15, Ginza Plaza, R/C, Macau 2835 5227
澳门殷皇子大马路友谊广场地库 Av.Do Infante D. Henrique 31A-31B,Macau 2871 8920
手信/糖果 Souvenirs/ Confectionery
威尼斯人大运河购物中心1楼 1023/1030店 1023/1030, Level 1 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8263
咀香园饼家 Choi Heong Yuen Bakery
DFS Beauty World
澳门大三巴街28E号地下 Rua de S. Paulo, No 28E, R/C, Macau 2836 2122
Duty Free Americas
四季名店1楼1101/18-30店 1101/18-30, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833
巨记手信Koi Kei Bakery 凼仔官也街11-13号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 11-13, R/C, Taipa 2882 7458
澳门老牌车厘哥夫 Old Cherykoff Macau 凼仔官也街31号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 31, R/C, Taipa 2882 7811
美珍香 Bee Cheng Hiang 凼仔官也街9-D号柏鸿大厦地下 Rua do Cunha, No 9-D, Edf. Pak Hung, R/C, Taipa 2882 7977
奇华饼家 Kee Wah Bakery 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼 Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8521
August 2013
热门旅游景点 explore 文物古迹
不说你可能不知道,西望洋圣堂的名字背 后有着一个小秘密, “卑拿”在葡萄牙 文的意思是面向海边的山岩或悬崖,因它 建于面向珠三角的山顶上而得名;西望洋 圣堂位置特殊,是澳门的心脏地带,故于 1992年被评定为“具建筑艺术价值之建筑 物”,并收录于《澳门文物名录》。 Penha Church, also known as the Church of Our Lady of Penha, has been around for nearly 400 years. Built in 1622, the church stands atop Penha Hill - the third tallest in Macau at 62.7 meters above sea level (also known as Bishop Hill as it housed the Bishop’s residence), overlooking the peninsula. One of the major constructions in Macau of the 16th century, like the Ruins of St. Paul, this church is not the most accessible around, but is worth the 15-minute walk up the hill from Praia Grande.
八月 2013
Penha Church Mavis Loi Ieng
望洋圣堂又称海崖圣母小堂或卑拿圣堂,建于1622年,距 今已有差不多四百年的历史,与大三巴牌坊同样是十六世 纪主要的建筑物之一;圣堂耸立在西望洋山顶(又名主教 山,由于主教曾居住在山旁,故得其名),西望洋山位于海拔62.7 米,是澳门第三高的山岗,从山脚徒步约十五分钟便会到达这座受人 称颂的文物古迹。很多来澳门散步的游客,都喜欢沿着这个布满澳 门世界遗产的山头直上,走到气有点喘时便到达这个美的让人惊叹的 小教堂,它是澳门人心目中拍摄婚纱照的最佳地点,非凡地位无法取 代。 而在每年的五月十三日,数以千计的信众将参与朝圣,他们带着花地 玛圣母(同名的教堂)的肖像举行巡游活动,如果你恰好这个时间到 来,不妨跟着信众的脚步,一起去找寻澳门的天主教足迹。
奇迹的诞生 于1620年,一群航海人员在澳门附近海域进行海上活动的时候受到 荷兰舰队的袭击,花地玛圣母显灵并引领受袭的海员及乘客到安全的 海港,它就是现在的西望洋山,花地玛圣母使他们免受俘虏,令人惊 讶的是,事件中并没有人伤亡;为了纪念这个奇迹,他们发誓要兴建 这座圣堂以表敬意。
婚纱拍摄胜地 西望洋圣堂位处山顶,怡人的景色配以圣堂的古典建筑,使这里成为 其中一处最受欢迎的婚纱拍摄场地,夫妇们喜爱在这里轻松地喝上一 杯或尽情享受着日落景致,只要轻松摆出你最有自信的pose,便能 拍出美丽的照片。
he name of this church holds little mystery. The meaning of the Portuguese word ‘penha’ is steep rock face (cliff) facing the sea. Penha Church, due to its location high on the mountain, looking out over the Pearl River Delta, was thus named accordingly. Penha Church’s definition as “architecture with artistic value” earned it a position in the Macau Cultural Heritage List, as defined by UNESCO, in 1992. Thousand of faithful followers take part in the pilgrimage and the procession transporting the image of Our Lady of Fatima (the namesake of the church) every year on the 13th of May.
The Story of Our Lady In 1620 a group of navigators was traversing the waters surrounding Macau when attacked by a fleet of Dutch ships. Our Lady of Fatima appeared to the sailors, guiding the crew and passengers to safe harbor at what is now known as Penha Hill. Saved from certain capture and, amazingly, emerging unscathed from the ordeal, the navigators made a vow to build a church on that spot in honor of their savior.
Wedding Photo Hotspot Penha Church’s hilltop position, surrounding scenery and classical architecture make this church one of the most popular places for wedding shoots. Come sunset couples appear to relax together and drink in the scenery, as photo lovers adjust and click away at the surrounding beauty.
August 2013
热门旅游景点 explore
喷泉 The Fountain
钟楼 The Bell Tower
的建筑物,钟楼的顶部有一个指南 针,但现时已没有报时功能。
Leading up to the church is a small garden equipped with a fountain. During the annual Macau International Fireworks Display Contest starting mid-September, groups gather here to watch the fireworks from the garden while small children play around the fountain.
A distinctive sight that can be seen from anywhere in the harbor, this bell tower is equipped with a compass at the top but its clock doesn’t show the correct time.
3 庭院 The Courtyard 圣堂前方的庭院是每年五月十三日花 地玛圣母游行的终点站,游行由玫瑰 圣母堂开始,沿着澳门的大街小巷,
In front of the church lies an open courtyard. The Procession of Our Lady of Fatima on the 13th of May begins at the St. Domingo Church and trails its way through Macau, ending at this courtyard.
4 圣母玛利亚的大理石像 The Marble Statue of Virgin Mary 圣母玛利亚的石像立在圣堂的庭院,
3 西望洋圣堂 澳门西望洋斜巷主教山 开放时间:9:00 – 17:30 入场费:免费
Calcada da Penha, Penha Hill, Macau Opening Hours: 9:00 – 17:30 Admission: Free
八月 2013
面向澳门南湾湖,她双手合十祷告, 守望着这片土地。
The Blessed Virgin Mary stands at the courtyard facing towards Nam Van Lake in Macau. Her palms are placed together, praying for the land she oversees.
5 路德圣母岩洞 Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes 沿着石级而下,便会到达圣母岩洞, 这里的建成是为了纪念1858年圣母在 法国路德显灵的事件。
Proceed down the stone steps to reach the grotto. This grotto commemorates the appearance of Our Lady of Lourdes in France in 1858.
6 青铜墓碑 Bronze Gravestone 岩洞旁边有个刻有葡萄牙铭文的墓 碑,这是澳门主教约翰鲍理诺的安息 地,他于1918年2月18日埋葬于此。
Near the grotto, a gravestone equipped with Portuguese inscriptions marks the final resting place of Bishop João Paulino of Macau, buried in that spot on February 18th, 1918.
主祭坛 The Main Altar
彩绘玻璃 Stained Glass
了基督的诞生,并写有“ABBA” 和“PATER”,分别是希腊文和拉丁文对“父亲”的尊称。
The size of the church makes the walk up to the altar a peaceful one. Located in middle of the church, this altar exudes solemnity. Pause for a moment to take in the scene.
The windows of the church are created with colored glass. The designs light up the church in a pattern of colors and textures, used both as lighting and decoration. The window above the main altar illustrates the birth of Christ and carries the words “ABBA” and “PATER”, meaning “Father” in Greek and Latin respectively.
August 2013
八月 2013
> 亚婆井前地 Lilau Square
3 分钟
Walking Tours Around Macau
3 分钟
澳门是一座世界遗产美景不断的城市,其中一些更是藏 匿于街头巷尾,稍不注意就会错过。因此,在炎炎夏 日,不妨跟随《澳门导航》的脚步,行走于澳门的内港 区域,沿着我们探索过的路线,游访澳门三大著名的景 点:妈阁庙、港务局大楼与亚婆井前地。
> 妈阁庙 A-Ma Temple
Macau is a city dotted with beauty, some of which can only be found in the smallest places - where you assumed you would never go. So take a trip through Macau’s Inner Harbor area with Cguide as we discover the route between three of Macau’s most famous sites: A-Ma Temple, the Moorish Barracks and Lilau Square.
> 港务局大楼 Moorish Barracks
1 August 2013
热门旅游景点 explore
Moorish Barracks
妈阁庙 A-Ma
八月 2013
Lilau Square
A-Ma Temple
我们的旅程将从澳门的妈阁区开始,这里有着海事博 物馆和多家著名餐厅,古老而瑰丽的妈阁庙就坐落于 此。它建于葡萄牙人最早登陆澳门的地方,妈阁庙见 证了“Macau”一名的由来——葡人把庙宇名“阿妈 阁”误认为岛屿名(与Macau有谐音),从此这个名 字就成了澳门的代称。 妈阁庙是澳门最古老的庙宇,始建于公元 1480 年左 右,六座主要建筑位于妈阁山的山腰上,枕山临海, 古木参天。 1 穿过庙门前两个镇宅护院的石狮,迎 面而来的是宽 4.5 米的花岗岩牌坊,门楣上书“妈阁 庙”三字。穿过牌坊,就是供奉天后妈祖的正殿,规 模最小的弘仁殿位于其后。 2 游览其间,你将看到观 音阁、 3 许愿壁以及独具特色的 4 螺旋形大盘香,随 后,返回位于入口附近的正觉禅林,这里供奉着最大 的天后神像。 步出景点时向右转,你将经过妈阁斜巷充满历史韵味 的建筑和众多家族经营的商户。作为本地人,我们会 建议你在 5 附近小店买一杯饮料,也可以到隔壁的雪 糕店大快朵颐。吃饱了,再沿着蜿蜒向右的小路悠然 前行——这是条单行道,你只能步行穿过,就来到港 务局大楼,其黄色的外墙和方尖形屋顶十分醒目,让 人远远看到就认出来了。
Starting in Macau’s Barra district, home to the Maritime Museum and a wealth of famous restaurants we find the old, yet beautiful A-Ma Temple. Built upon the site where Portuguese sailors were said to have first landed, the temple marks the site where Macau’s name was born, based upon the mispronunciation of the Chinese for “A-Ma Bay”. The temple is the oldest in Macau, originally built around 1480 A.D., and houses six main spaces laidout on the slope of Barra Hill, overlooking the sea and surrounded by trees. Walking through the two stone sentry lions, visitors are greeted by the 1 Gate Pavilion, a 4.5-meter wide slab of granite with “Temple of A-Ma” inscribed at the top. Walking through you’ll find the 2 Prayer Hall – dedicated to the Goddess of Seafarers - before walking up through the Hall of Benevolence. Explore around, finding 3 engraved rocks, the Hall of Guanyin, the Wishing Wall, 4 spiral incense and arriving back near your beginning at the ZhengJiao Chanlin pavilion with the largest statue of Tin Hou in the complex. As you stroll out, make your way to the right, making your way along the Calçada da Barra past homes and family run businesses. You can grab a 5 drink from a small shop or a treat from a nearby Patisserie. Follow the road as it curves to the right – as it’s a one way street you can only do this on foot, to make your way to the Moorish Barracks, easily identifiable by their yellow hue and pointed roof ridges.
妈阁庙 A-Ma Temple Rua de São Tiago da Barra, Barra, Macau 澳门妈阁庙前地 开放时间 Opening Hours 7:00 – 18:00
August 2013
热门旅游景点 explore
Moorish Barracks
港务局大楼由意大利建筑师卡苏索设计,建在一座由 花岗岩围筑的大平台之上。尽管建筑散发着浓郁的新 古典主义风格,但它还结合了葡萄牙、印度与摩尔式 建筑的特点。大楼的外部回廊装饰着莫卧儿建筑特有 的角塔式屋顶和尖拱,其颜色却是葡萄牙建筑常见的 独特黄白色调。 建于 1874 年的港务局大楼最初是作为前来协助澳门警 方的印度籍警察的营地。如今,大楼改为水警稽查队 的办公地点,也是澳门海事局的总部所在地, 3 入口 旁花园内的巨大铁锚就是其身份的最好象征。尽管建 筑不对外开放,但游客可以参观大楼周围的 2 回廊。 除近山一侧外,大楼三面都由宽达4米的回廊环绕。回 廊一侧装饰着 3 19 个宽 1.5 米的莫卧儿式尖拱,另一 侧则是一连串带棕色百叶窗的欧式窗洞。地板、栏杆 和柱子等部位则有马赛克纹饰。 游览完后,继续沿着妈阁街直行。沿途,你将经过各 式各样的小店,贩售的商品从古董到汽车部件,不一 而足;你也可以选一家餐馆填填肚子。继续前行,你 将看到一座粉红色的建筑,亚婆井前地就位于街道对 面,标志性的两株巨大榕树格外显眼。
Designed by an Italian architect only known as Cassuto, the structure sits elevated on a large granite platform. Despite being distinctly neoclassical, it expresses combined influences from Portuguese, Indian and Moorish architecture. The exterior, featuring a turreted roof and pointed arches typically found in Moghul constructions, is painted the distinctive yellow and white color scheme often found in Portuguese architecture. Built on Barra hill in 1874, the Moorish barracks were originally the residence of an Indian regiment brought here to assist the Macau Police force. Today, the barracks house offices for Marine and Customs Police as well as the headquarters of Macau’s Maritime Administration; 1 illustrated by the large anchor that lays in a patch of garden adjacent to the building’s main entrance. Though access to the interior is restricted, the barracks have a large 2 veranda that is open to the public. The veranda measures up to 4 meters wide and extends around the entire exterior of the building that faces away from the hill. 3 A total of 19 Moghul style pointed arches, each 1.5 meters in width, line the veranda on one side and on the other - a series of European style windows with brown shutters. Some aspects such as the flooring, railing and pillars are decorated to resemble mosaic detailing. Once you’ve had your fill of the Barracks, continue down Rua da Barra keeping straight in spite of turning options. On your walk, you’ll pass a number of small shops, selling an array of merchandise from antiques to car parts, and restaurants where you can grab a bite to eat. Keep going until you see a pink building, Macau’s Lilau Square will be across the street, recognizable by its large banyan trees.
3 Moorish Barracks 港务局大楼 Rua da Barra, Barra, Macau 顺妈阁庙前地的妈阁斜巷 顺路上行 开放时间 Opening Hours (外廊 Veranda): 09:00-18:00 电话 Telephone (+853) 8399 6699
八月 2013
赞助 Sponsored by: Macau Government Tourist Office 澳门区政府旅游局
Lilau Square
亚婆井前地距港务局大楼仅一箭之遥,这里昔日是澳 门主要的饮用水源。亚婆井的葡文意思为“山泉” (Lilau),由于毗邻水源,附近的区域成为了澳门最 早的聚居点之一。 亚婆井前地就是其中的中心地带,曾是葡萄牙人早期 的住宅区。澳门昔日的葡人曾有民谣 1 “喝过亚婆井 水,忘不掉澳门”,前地周围伫立着的众多具有葡式 和地中海特色的欧式建筑就是最好例证。如今,亚婆 井前地 2 四周的西式和中式建筑相映成趣,郑家大屋 就位于不远处。虽然亚婆井不再是主要的饮用水源, 但对于生活在周围的街坊居民来说,它仍具有不可磨 灭的意义。 夜幕降临, 3 欧式的街灯照亮了宁静的前地,只有泉 水淙淙和偶然经过的汽车传来一些声响。前地中央的 两棵老榕树已有逾百年的树龄,充满欧式风情的前地 还曾作为成龙电影《奇迹》(1989 年)的外景拍摄 地。
A stone’s throw away from the Moorish Barracks, Lilau Square was once home to a natural underground spring that provided most of the drinking water for the people of Macau. Lilau literally translates into “mountain spring” and because of the close proximity to drinking water the areas surrounding the square became one of Macau’s first residential quarters. Lilau Square is especially relevant at it was the first site in which the Portuguese presence was felt. Portuguese colonists, who attached the phrase: 1 “One who drinks from Lilau never forgets Macau” to the square, constructed a number of houses with heavy European influences that highlighted Portuguese and Mediterranean architectural elements. Today, Lilau Square sits at the center of contrasting 2 Western and Chinese architecture, as the Mandarin House is located not too far away. Lilau may no longer be a main source of drinking water but it still remains close to the hearts of locals who you will find scattered around the square. European style 3 lampposts light up the quiet square where only the trickle of the fountain, and the occasional passing vehicle, make any sound. The square is also home to two banyan trees over 100 years old and has been used as one of the Macau filming locations in Jackie Chan’s film Miracles (1989) for the prominent European architecture.
你的步行游览到此结束,接下来,就自由自在地探索 澳门城中心吧!
Lilau Square 亚婆井前地 Rua da Barra, Barra, Macau 澳门妈阁庙前地 Open to the Public 向公众开放
This wraps up your walking tour, so feel free to explore and find an adventure in the heart of Macau!
August 2013
热门旅游景点 explore
我的澳门 my Macau Abbi Mitchell-Morley
Kellianne Weale
Kellianne Weale is an 18-yearold student and model. Born in Hong Kong she is of British/ Filipina heritage and moved to Macau in 2006. Kellianne has modeled, both runway and print, for a number of fashion brands including Mango and Hollister. Kellianne Weale 是一名 18 岁的学生兼 模特。她生于香港,是英国与菲律宾 混血儿,2006 年搬至澳门。Kellianne 既做平面模特,也是走秀模特,合 作过多家时尚品牌,包括 Mango 和 Hollister。 58
八月 2013
What’s your best memory of Macau? This one is really hard because I have so many, but I’d have to say studying at The International School of Macau. I met all my best friends there, whom I will never forget. Shout-out to Alex, Madi, Marco S, Bobby, Jeff, Sydney and Jon.
Where in Macau do you find the most beautiful scenery? The most beautiful scenery in Macau would have to be at the waterfront outside of Ocean Gardens. If you go there on a clear night the skyline view is so vibrant and pretty.
Where do you like to have a drink?
你对澳门最美好的回忆是什么? 有太多选择了,要选出一个真的很难!但是我必须说,就读澳门国际学校让 我最难忘。在那里我结识了最好的朋友,一辈子不会忘记的朋友!他们是 Alex、Madi、Marco S、Bobby、Jeff、Sydney 和 Jon。
你觉得澳门最美丽的景色是什么? 澳门最美丽的风景一定是海洋花园(Ocean Gardens)外的海滨!如果你在晴朗的 夜晚去那里,会看到五彩缤纷且活力四射的天际线景色。 你平时喜欢小酌吗?为什么? 每到晚上,我最喜欢做的事情就是不用化妆,然后和朋友们小酌娱乐,我通常会选 择去氹仔(Taipa)一家叫 Portal 的小酒吧。他们有宽大的沙发、现场乐队还有阿拉 伯水烟,真的是与朋友休闲放松的好去处。 你最喜欢的餐厅是哪家?为什么? 这个问题真的很难答,因为我是个吃货!但是,我自己最爱去的餐厅叫Mexicana。 离我家很近,菜的份量足,价格也很合理。我最喜欢他家的一道菜是 Mejia!
你喜欢在哪里购物? 我一般不在澳门购物,因为我喜欢去香港买东西。但如果我要在澳门买,通常是去 威尼斯人的 Bershka、Pull and Bear 和 Stradivarius。
哪里是最适合约会的地方?为什么? 我必须说是澳门银河度假村,因为你可以在这里先看一部电影,再选一家餐厅就 餐。但是,由于我是个内向的人,我更喜欢和男朋友 Bobby 呆在家里,点外卖食 品,看在线电影。
你在澳门喜欢去哪里拍照? 所有地方!
哪里是最能体验真正澳门魅力的地方?为什么? 我觉得是黑沙(HacSa)和路环文化村(Coloane Village)。黑沙有著名的 Fernando’s Restaurant 和黑沙滩,而路环文化村的安德鲁饼店(Lord Stow’s)葡挞 也一定不容错过!
On a night where all I want to do is have a drink with friends without having to dress up, I usually choose to go to a small bar in Taipa called Portal. They have massive couches, a live band, and shisha; it’s really relaxing and a great place to just chill with friends.
Where is your favorite restaurant? This question is really hard, because I LOVE food, but the place I find myself always wanting to go to is Mexicana. It’s really close to my house, and they serve big portions at a reasonable price. My personal favorite on their menu is the Mejia!
Where do you like to shop? I don’t usually shop in Macau, because I like to go to Hong Kong for shopping. But when I do it’s usually in [the] Venetian at Bershka, Pull and Bear, and Stradivarius.
Where is the best place to go for a date? I’d have to say Galaxy because you can watch a movie then have dinner at one of the restaurants. But, I’m an introvert at heart so I’d rather stay at home with my boyfriend Bobby, order takeout, and stream movies online.
Where in Macau do you like to take pictures? Everywhere!
Where is the best place to go for a real Macau experience? I’d have to say Hac Sa and Coloane Village. Hac Sa for the famous Fernando’s Restaurant and black sand beach, and then Coloane Village for an egg tart at the original Lord Stow’s!
What is the best piece of advice given to you? “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.”
“生活无需完美,只需精彩” August 2013
热门旅游景点 explore
1 冰镇柠檬茶
八月 2013
Hotel Lisboa
Ice Lemon Tea
7 赛马
Gondola Restaurant, Cheok Van Beach, Coloane
2 空中漫步
Jockey Club, Taipa
Horse Races
8 购物
Macau Tower, Macau
12 澳门导航
令你喜爱澳门 的三十件事 Things We Love About Macau
1 3 爵士音乐演唱会 澳门白鸽巢公园东方基金会
Jazz Concerts
Casa Garden, Luís de Camões Garden, Macau
4 烧烤
Shopping COTAI
9 观光 澳门主教山
The View
Penha Hill, Macau
10 远足
Hac Sa Beach, Coloane
5 柠檬车露
Coloane Trails, Hac Sa, Coloane
11 阅读
Senado Square, Macau
6 人力车 澳门葡京酒店
Macau Historical Archives, Tap Seac, Macau
12 赛车展览
17 野餐
22 跑步
27 观光
澳门高美士街旅游活动中心澳门 大赛车博物馆
Grand Taipa Country Park, Taipa
Macau Reservoir, Macau
Guia Lighthouse, Farol da Guia, Macau
Macau Grand Prix Museum, Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes, 431, Macau
18 日常用品
23 观光
28 刺激
13 闲逛
Red Market, Avenida Almirante Lacerda, Avenida Horta e Costa, Macau
The View
14 澳门旧区
澳门福隆新街 Rua da Felicidade, Macau 澳门黑沙环关闸
Old Meets New
Border Gate, Areia Preta, Macau
15 结婚 氹仔龙环葡韵住宅博物馆
Taipa House Museums, Taipa
16 烧香拜佛 澳门妈阁庙
Lighting Incense
A-Ma Temple, Barra, Macau
19 捕鱼之乐 Observing the Catch
Inner Harbor, Ponte 16-22, Macau
A-Ma Statue, Alto de Coloane, Coloane
24 氹仔市集
29 小吃
Flea Market
25 感受太极
Lord Stow’s Egg Tarts, Coloane Village, Coloane
Taipa Village Square, Taipa 澳门塔石广场
Tap Seac Square, Macau
Lilau Square, Macau
Observing Tai Chi
30 美食
26 散步
21 悠闲
Lou Lim Iok Garden, Macau
Crazy Paris Show, Grand Lisboa, Macau
20 拍照 Taking Pictures
路环雅憩花园餐厅 Nga Tim Café, Coloane Village, Coloane
Nam Van Lake at Sunset, Macau
23 August 2013
热门旅游景点 explore 博物馆
Mavis Loi Ieng Melao 澳门的博物馆众多,分门别类得超乎你想 象,要了解像电视剧《烈火雄心》里的消 防英雄生涯?澳门消防博物馆就可以满足 你需求。它建于一九二零年,分别在两个 展厅中展出逾700件展品,澳门很多学校和 社团会经常到消防博物馆参观,同时消防 局更可借该博物馆,让大众认识更多有关 澳门消防局的服务及历史。 大部分的澳门消防史历史图片和展品,包括中国和英 国制造的古老手摇水泵、队旗、队徽、勋章及襟章等 都陈列在主展厅,而最具意义的可说是两辆在五十年 代由英国制造的消防车,它曾为当时的澳门消防队作 出重大贡献,是很多人心目中的“救命车”!内展厅 则展出了较当代的展品,包括有消防总局模型、消防 帽及水靴、报火警钟、消防员用的呼吸辅助器等等, 这里还有一个电子板显示屏,能让大家了解新与旧消 防局不同之处,以及一个模拟澳门木屋区大火场景的 模型,十分生动,让人印象深刻。 消防博物馆以南欧建筑风格建造而成,并于1992年被 评定为“具建筑艺术价值之建筑物”。
消防博物馆 Fire Services Museum 62
八月 2013
The Fire Services Museum, built in 1920, houses over 700 exhibitions, spread throughout two display halls. A common stop for school and community groups, it aims to display the history of the Fire Department and the dedication and services provided by its members. Inside the museum’s main hall, display items include old pictures and fire-fighting objects such as Chinese and British pumps, flags, diplomas, medals, badges and more. The main attractions are two British fire engines, manufactured in the 1950’s, with a longhistory of contributions to saving Macau’s populace from fiery incidents. The second hall is dedicated to more contemporary displays and includes a model of the Central Operational Post, yet also includes older exhibits with helmets and boots, old fire alarms and breathing apparatuses. An electronic display showing the old and new fire stations helps visitors compare and discern the changes between past and present. In addition, a model simulating a fire in a wooden hut is an interesting display piece.
消防博物馆 地址 澳门连胜马路二至六号
开放时间 10:00-18:00 公众假期照常开放
票价 免费入场
电话 (853) 8396 0420
Estrada de Coelho do Amaral, 2-6, Macau
Opening hours
10:00-18:00 (including Public Holidays) Free admission
(+853) 8396 0420
热门旅游景点 explore
Carole Cornet
Joe B
快拍介紹 欢迎将有关澳门的快拍照片分享到这个平台,每月的《澳门 导航》将由你们发送的照片中选出三张最佳的快拍,方法 很简单,只要将在澳门拍摄的照片以电子邮件形式传送到,并提供你的名字,你将会在 下一期的《澳门导航》找到属于你的照片。 我们会对所有由读者发来的照片作出评选,还在犹疑?快来 参与我们的快拍吧!
Introduction of Snapshot Welcome to Snapshots, your platform to share your pictures about Macau. Each month Culture Guide makes a selection of the Top 3 pictures that YOU send in. It’s really simple, just take a picture in Macau, email it to snapshot@cguidemacau. com with your name and look for it in the upcoming edition! We also include a selection of photos from all those that you readers send in, so don’t wait, go take a Snapshot!
Sharon Chen
August 2013
热门旅游景点 explore
澳门最古老的庙宇,供奉与妈祖同名 的天后娘娘 地址: 澳门妈阁庙前地 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 全日 费用: 全免
又名为「花堂」,建于1608年,是 澳门第一个耶稣会的总部。 地址: 澳门花王堂街和沙栏仔街的街角 开放时间: 07:30-17:30 费用: 全免
澳门唯一充满阿拉伯风情的建筑物, 当初是兵营,由印度来澳的摩尔士兵 驻守。 地址: 澳门妈阁山边 开放时间: 09:00-18:00 全日 费用: 全免
亚婆井前地 昔日澳门为葡国殖民地时为居民贮山 泉,以供居民饮用, 曾有著名葡萄牙民 谣说:「喝过亚婆井水, 忘不掉澳门。」 地址: 澳门西望洋山北面的广场 开放时间: 全日 费用: 全免
郑家大屋 郑家大屋具有传统中国广东民居的 特征,是中国近代名人郑观应的居 所,全屋面积约有4,000平方米大。 地址: 澳门龙头左巷10号(亚婆井前 地) 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 (最后入场时 间为17:30, 每逢星期三休息) 费用: 全免
澳门圣老楞佐堂 又称为风顺堂, 于1560年年间由耶稣 会会士所创建, 是澳门最古老的三座 教堂之一。 地址: 澳门风顺堂街, 开放时间: 10:00-16:00 (逢星期一至 星期五,) 10:00-13:00 (逢星期六), 星 期日休息 费用: 全免 圣若瑟修院及圣堂 于1728年年间由耶稣会会士所创 建,以经典的巴洛克风格及独特迷 人的景观吸引艺术家前来参观。 地址: 澳门岗顶前地 开放时间: 10:00-17:00 (逢公众假期 休息) 费用: 全免
伯多禄五世剧院 于1860年建造成的,以新古典形式 设计,是中国第一所西式剧院。 地址: 澳门岗顶前地的古老剧院 开放时间: 10:00-23:00 费用: 全免
澳门大三巴牌坊 昔日圣保禄教堂的前壁,最初建于 1580年。 地址: 澳门大三巴街 费用: 全免
八月 2013
岗顶前地虽然地方细少,却散发着浓 厚的葡萄牙风情,走上由碎石铺成的 波浪图案路面,就如同身在葡萄牙小 街上。四周更有佷多著名的建筑物,包 括圣奥斯定教堂,岗顶剧院,圣若瑟 修院以及圣堂,何东图书馆大楼等。 地址: 岗顶前地2号 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 费用: 免费
大炮台位于澳门的核心地带,占地 约一万平方米,建筑于1617至1626 年,现作为大炮台展览室。 地址:澳门花王堂区大炮台山 开放时间: 07:00-19:00 费用: 免费
又名为金玉堂,传统中国风格的大 屋,是澳门二十年纪商人卢九先生 的住宅,建于1889年。 地址: 澳门大堂街7号 开放时间: 09:00-19:00 (逢星期二到 星期日, 公众假期), 星期一休馆 费用: 全免
何东图书馆大楼建于1894年,它原 是官也夫人的居所。在1918年,香 港富商何东爵士购入该大楼,其后 将大楼赠予澳门政府作开设公共图 书馆之用。 地址: 岗顶前地3号 开放时间: 10:00-19:00 (每逢星期一 至六), 11:00-19:00 (逢星期日) 费用: 免费
又称为「喷水池」,是澳门四大广 场之一,占地面积约有3,700平方米, 采用葡萄牙设计风格。 地址: 澳门半岛的中区, 开放时间: 全日 费用: 全免
仁慈堂大楼 建于1560年, 是当时澳门的医院以及 老人院,是一座古旧,欧陆式建筑 风格的白色大楼。 地址: 澳门议事亭前地旁边的砖石 建筑物。 开放时间: 10:00-13:00; 14:30-17:30 (逢星期日以及公众假期休息) 费用: 澳门币5元
基督教坟场 亦称为马礼逊教堂,已有多年历 史,于19世纪已开始兴建,当时主 要为英国东印度公司作公司办公地 方用。 地址: 澳门白鸽巢前地 开放时间: 09:00-17:30 费用: 免费
主教座堂 主教座堂,是全澳最著名最重要的 天主教座堂之一,以供奉圣母玛利 亚主,建于1622年, 主教座堂设计简 单, 以富有艺术性的彩色玻璃窗作为 背景。在澳门,大部份教会的庆典 都会在此举行。 地址: 澳门大堂前地 费用: 免费
圣奥斯定教堂 圣奥斯定教堂,又名为”龙嵩庙” ( 龙须庙),于1592年由西班牙奥斯定 会修士兴建而成,是澳门第一间教 堂以英语来传道。 地址: 岗顶前地2号 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 费用: 免费
民政总署大楼建于1784年,前身 是澳门市政厅,建筑风格具有明显 的南欧建筑艺术特色。一楼作为图 书馆使用,现有大量外籍藏书,专 门收藏自从17世纪到现今的外文古 籍。 地址: 澳门亚美打利比卢大马路163 号 开放时间:画廊 09:00-21:00 (逢星期 一休息), 花园09:00-21:00 费用: 免费
三街会馆 三街会馆亦即是关帝庙,会馆初 设时刚开放时只是商人聚集的场 所,而在华人社会中有很重要的地 位。1912年,因澳门中华总商会成 立,使得会馆主要功能变为祀奉神 明。 地址: 公局新市南街 开放时间: 08:00-18:00 费用: 免费
玫瑰堂 玫瑰堂是由三位道明会士在中国的第 一间教堂。教堂设计十分华丽,它的 巴洛克建筑风格祭坛更是精致,在那 里更有一个细小博物馆,收藏了超过 三百多件澳门天主教珍贵文物 地址: 板樟堂前地 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 费用: 免费
哪咤庙 哪咤庙建于1888,当时是为了防止 瘟疫流行而兴建的。 地址: 澳门圣安多尼堂区圣方济各 斜巷 开放时间: 08:00-17:00 费用: 免费
旧城墙遗址 旧城墙遗址在大三巴牌坊附近,这 是由葡国人在1569年于澳门所修建 的城墙,为了使澳门成为当时的防 范严密的城堡。 地址: 澳门大三巴斜巷 费用: 免费
东方基金会会址 东方基金会会址本是澳门最好的豪华 住宅之一,原本是葡萄牙富商俾利喇 的别墅;现在作为东方基金会会址。 地址:澳门白鸽巢公园侧 开放时间: 09:30-18:00(逢星期六, 日及公众假期休息) 费用: 免费
东望洋炮台 东望洋炮台建于1622年,包括了一 座灯塔及一间小教堂,它位于澳门 半鸟最高峰,在这里可以俯视整个 澳门的风光。 地址: 澳门松山 开放时间: 09:00-17:00 费用: 免费
A Ma Temple
Oldest temple in Macau, dedicated to Macau’s namesake Tin Hau. Address: Rua de Sao Tiago da Barra, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 daily Entrance fee: Free
Moorish Barracks
The only Arabian-style building in Macau, was originally the barracks of Indian soldiers appointed from Goa to Macau. Address: Barra Street, around the corner from A-Ma Temple, Macau Opening Hours: 09:00-18:00 daily Entrance fee: Free
Lilau Square
Was built to provide fresh water to Macau’s people during the colonial days. A famous old local saying goes: “Anyone who drinks from the water of the Lilau-will never forget Macau”. Address: North of Penha Hill, near the Mandarin’s House, Central Macau Peninsula, Macau Opening Hours: 24h Entrance fee: Free
Mandarin’s House
A traditional Chinese-style compound, home of prominent Chinese literary figure Zheng Guanying, covering an area of about 4,000-square meters. Address: No. 10 Travessa de Antonio da Silva, Largo do Lilau, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (last entry at 17:30, closed on Wednesdays) Entrance fee: Free
St. Lawrence’s Church
Also named Fung Shun Tang, this church was originally built by the Jesuits around 1560, and is one of the oldest churches in Macau. Address: Fung Shun Tang Street, Southwest side of Macau, Macau, China. Opening Hours: 10:00-16:00 (from Monday to Friday) 10:00-13:00 (Saturdays) Closed on Sundays. Entrance fee: Free
St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church
Built by the Jesuits in 1728, St. Joseph’s features classic Baroque architecture and its distinctive beauty has always attracted artists. Address: Rua Do Seminario, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Closed on Public Holidays) Entrance fee: Free
Dom Pedro V Theatre
Built in 1860, the theatre has a distinct neo-classical design, and is one of the first western-style theatres in China. Address: Largo de Santo Agostinho, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00 Entrance Fee: Free
Ruins of St. Paul’s
Floating façade of St. Paul, originally built in 1580. Address: Rua Sao Paulo Entrance fee: Free
St. Anthony’s Church
Also named the “Church of Flowers” in Chinese, the building was built in 1608, and was the first headquarters of the church in Macau. Address: Fa Vong Tong Street, south of Camões Garden, at the north end of Historic Center of Macau, Macau Opening Hours: 07:30-17:30 Entrance Fee: Free
Lou Kau Mansion
A traditional Chinese courtyard mansion in Macau, was home to Lou Kau, a prominent Chinese merchant, and was built in 1889. Address: No 7 Travessa da Se, Macau Opening Hours: 09:00-19:00 (Tuesday-Sunday and Public Holidays), closed on Monday. Entrance fee: Free
Senado Square
One of the four largest Squares in Macau, it covers an area of 3,700-square meters and is carpeted in Portuguese tiles. Seen as the center of the city by locals and visitors alike. Address: Largo de Senado Opening Hours: all day long Entrance fee: Free
Holy House of Mercy
Constructed in 1569, as the medical clinic and social welfare edifice, this white building is filled with history. Address: Travessa da Misericordia 2, Macau, China. Opening Hours: 10:00-13:00; 14:30-17:30 (Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays) Entrance fee: MOP 5
Protestant Cemetery
Also known as the Morrison Chapel, the cemetery was originally built in the early 19th century to serve as the offices of the British East India Company. Address: Praça de Luís de Camões, Macau (North of Luís de Camões Garden) Opening Hours: 09:00-17:30 Entrance fee: Free
The Cathedral, one of the most important Catholic churches in Macau, is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and was built in 1622. It’s simplicity in style and decoration accentuate the stained glass windows and the church houses the majority of the religious ceremonies held in Macau. Address: Largo da Sé Macau, Macau Entrance fee: Free
St. Augustine’s Church
St. Augustine’s Church, also known as “Long Song Miu” (Temple of the Long-whiskered Dragon), was first built by Spanish Augustinians in 1591. This is the first church in Macau to use English sermons. Address: No. 2, Largo de Santo Agostinho, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 Entrance fee: Free
St. Augustine’s Square
St. Augustine’s Square is a small space with a lot of heart that brings together various notable buildings including: St. Augustine’s Church, the Dom Pedro V Theatre, St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church and Sir Robert Ho Tung’s Library. Address: Largo de Santo Agostinho, Macau Entrance fee: Free
S ir R obert Ho T u ng Library
Originally built in 1894, this was the residence of Dona Carolina Cunha. In 1918, Hong Kong businessman Sir Robert Ho Tung purchased it and, according to his will, this building was presented to the Macau Government to be used as a public library. Address: No. 3 Santo Agostinho Square, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Monday to Saturday), 11:00-19:00 (Sunday) Entrance fee: Free
Leal Senado Building
In 1784, the Leal Senado Building was built to serve as Macau’s municipal office. Decorated in a southern European architectural style, it houses a library on the 1st floor, with thousands of foreign texts dating back to the 17th century. Address: No 163 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, Macau Opening Hours: Gallery: 09:00-21:00 (closed on Mondays); Garden: 09:00-21:00 Entrance fee: Free
Sam Kai Vui Kun
Also known as Kuan Tai Temple, originally, it was the meeting place for merchants, and was very important for the local Chinese community. After the establishment of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in 1912, Sam Kai Vui has been used primarily for worship. Address: Rua Sul do Mercado de São Domingos, Macau Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00 Entrance fee: Free
St. Dominic’s Church
St. Dominic’s Church is the first church to have been built in China. Built in 1587 by three Spanish Dominican priests it houses a Baroque altar and its museum holds around 300 Catholic Macanese artifacts. Address: St. Dominic’s Square Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 Entrance fee: Free
Section of the Old City Walls
Located near the Ruins of St. Paul’s a section of the old city wall, built in 1569 by the Portuguese, is visible as the remnants of the former battlements. Address: Calcada de S. Paulo, by Senado Square, Macau Entrance fee: Free
Mount Fortress
Mount Fortress was the heart of the Macanese defensive center. At 10,000-square meters, the building was constructed from 1617 until 1626 to defend against invasion from the sea. Now, it is used as the Macau Museum. Address: Monte, Freguesia de Santo António, Macau Opening Hours: 07:00-19:00 Entrance fee: Free
Casa Garden
Casa Garden is one of the finest villas in Macau, and was originally the summer residence of wealthy Portuguese merchant Manuel Pereira. Now, it is the headquarters of the Oriental Foundation. Address: Beside Camoes Square Opening Hours: Gallery-09:30-18:00 (Closed on Sat & Sun) Garden: 09:30-18:00
Guia Fortress
Guia Fortess, containing the Guia lighthouse and chapel, was built in 1622. It is the highest point in Macau, and is an ideal vantage point from which to look out over the SAR. Address: Guia Lighthouse, Macau Opening hours: Fortress: 09:00-17:00 Entrance fee: Free
Na Tcha Temple
The Na Tcha Temple was built in 1888 as a means of defending against a plague that attacked the city’s population. Address: Calçada de S. Francisco Xavier, Macau Opening Hours: 08:00-17:00 Entrance fee: Free
August 2013
儿童天地 Kid’s
Abbi Mitchell-Morley
今年夏天,澳门威尼斯人酒店将带 你穿越时空回到史前时代,体验一 次史无前例的恐龙之旅,这么一个 既益智又震撼的展览,将会带给你 全家大小无穷的乐趣。 This summer the Venetian Macau travels back to a land before time to bring visitors a dinosaur experience like no other.
八月 2013
“活龙活现”, 最佳亲子节目
Dinosaurs Live
Open 01/08 to 01/10; 11:00 – 20:00 CotaiExpo Hall F, The Venetian, Estrada de Baia de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI Admission: MOP 80 (Adult), MOP 50 (Child), MOP 232 (Family Package: 4 Persons) Inquiries: (+853) 2882 8818 日期:2013年 8月1日至 10月1日 时间:每日11:00-20:00 地点:澳门威尼斯人金光会 展展览厅F馆 门票:澳门币80元 (成人) 及澳门币50元 (小童) ,澳 门币232元(家庭4人套票) 咨询电话: (+853)2882 8818
Deep in the confines of the Venetian Macau’s CotaiExpo Hall F dinosaurs roam in a jungle-like setting as part of the Dinosaurs Live exhibit. The interactive experience is an educational journey though 150 years of prehistoric time and features 30 fully animatronic life-size dinosaur models in their natural environment that breathe, move and make sounds. Learn scientific facts while getting up-close and personal with the reptiles, some of which include the Ankylosaurus - an armored dinosaur with a large club on the end of its tail, the Dimetrodon - a lizard-like dinosaur with a large fan on its back, the Spinosaurus - a dinosaur that looks like an upright Dimetrodon, the Stegosaurus an armored dinosaur with spiky plates protruding from its back, the Velociraptor - a small dinosaur with a delicate appearance and a long tail, and the ferocious Tyrannosaurs Rex - a large carnivorous dinosaur famed for ferocity and short twotoed arms. Dinosaurs Live is part of a traveling exhibit that has been viewed by over half a million people in various countries around Europe and Asia, the last of which was Malaysia. Visitors of the exhibit are also invited to brush up on their dinosaur knowledge in the 120-seat cinema showing the 3D documentary Planet Dinosaur.
在威尼斯人金光会展的F厅深处,各式各样的恐龙在丛 林布景中游荡。这次互动体验就像是一次学习之旅, 穿越回到150年的史前时期,欣赏30只实物尺寸的电 子恐龙在它们的自然环境中呼吸、移动和发声。 近距离欣赏这些爬行动物,会增进你和你家中孩子的 科学知识:甲龙的身上披着一层盔甲般的骨板,尾尖 有一个硕大的棒槌状突起;异齿龙的外形如同蜥蜴, 背部有一个巨大的帆状物;棘背龙看起来就像是一个 倒立的长棘龙;剑龙身上覆盖着骨板,背部有若干锥 形凸起;伶盗龙是外观灵巧的小型恐龙,拖着一条长 长的尾巴;还有凶猛的霸王龙,这头著名的大型肉食 恐龙天性凶狠,有着两条已经退化的短小前肢。 “活龙活现”是一个巡回展览,已经在欧洲和亚洲各 国接待了50多万名观众,上一站是马来西亚。观众们 还可以在一个可容纳120名观众的电影院中,欣赏一部 3D纪录片《恐龙星球》,了解更多关于恐龙的知识。
August 2013
儿童天地 Kids
二龙喉公园 Jardim da Flora (Flora Garden)
乐游澳门公园 Parks Across Macau Freers
二龙喉公园位于松山山下,因花园邻近以前有一口山泉名“嫉妒之 泉”,泉水经两只石雕物口中流出,因而得名“二龙喉花园”。公园 还设有登山缆车,可供人们直达松山市政公园。二龙喉公园绿意盎 然,而游乐设施就最受到小朋友欢迎,更是澳门市区内唯一设有动物 园区的公园,是不少澳门居民周末的好去处。公园内饲养了多种哺乳 类动物和雀鸟,池中饲有鸳鸯,园内有猕猴、黑叶猴,大鸟笼中有孔 雀、八哥、鹦鹉,植物园里有椰子树、洋蒲桃、金银花等珍稀植物, 还有陪伴很多人成长的黑熊。 除了能带小朋友来到二龙喉公园 看可爱的动植物,还能到黑熊家 地址 旁边的环境信息中心,使用小型 图书馆、视听室及计算机室等设 施,来从小培养对自然环境的认 识和爱护。
Situated 周末最有益身心的 亲子 活动,就是带着小朋 友一起出门踏青。澳门有不少公园隐藏在小城 角落,为人们于繁忙的都市生活提供一个稍作 休息的地方。 A very healthy activity during the weekends is going hiking with your kids. Dotting the landscape of this modern city are small shaded oases; fragments of calm, peace and tranquility that are perfect for exploring with the young ones. Cguide takes you through a few of these great parks. 68
八月 2013
交通 巴士2、2A、6、12、17、18 、18A、19、22、23、25 、25X、32号
06:00 - 20:30 at the bottom of Guia Hill, this garden’s Address Chinese name means “Garden Avenida de Sidónio Pais, Macau of Two Dragon Throats”, so Transport named after a spring with two Bus No. 2, 2A, 6, 12, 17, 18, 18A, 19, 22, 23, 25, 25X, 32 stone carvings that resemble Opening Hours mouths located nearby. The 06:00 - 20:30 park is the only in Macau that has cable cars and, although a short ride, visitors can get an interesting view of Macau on their way up to the Guia Municipal Park, on Guia Hill. Popular on weekends, the park’s full of greenery and children’s recreational facilities. It is home to Macau’s only zoo, housing Mandarin ducks, Francois leaf monkeys, peacocks, mynas, parrots, black bears and more. The park is also home to a botanical garden with coconut trees, honeysuckle and wax apple trees. Complete with an Environmental Information Center with audio-visuals and a library, it’s a well-rounded outing for the whole family.
白鸽巢公园 Jardim de Luís de Camões (Luís de Camões Garden)
白鸽巢公园极具历史价值,承载着中葡文化交融的过往。其始建于18 世纪中叶,据说是葡萄牙籍富商马葵士之所,他在公园养了数百只白 鸽,白鸽巢公园故此得其名。后来成为英国东印度公司的驻澳办事 处,后来辗转被澳门政府购入并开放予公众。园内有一尊纪念葡国著 名诗人贾梅士的半身铜塑像,相传贾梅士在洞内完成著名史诗《葡国 魂》。于每年6月10日的葡萄牙国庆,也是贾梅士的忌日,人们都会 回来献花奏乐纪念。走进公园,仿佛走进时光隧道里,回望澳门的点 滴过往。园内还设有图书馆、儿 童游乐场、眺望台和喷水池等。 古榕参天的白鸽巢公园,为人们 地址 在都市中带来了仿佛归隐于深山 澳门白鸽巢前地 中的宁静,假日不妨带小朋友到 交通 巴士8A、18、18A、19、26号 白鸽巢公园游乐和认识澳门与葡 开放时间 国之间的历史痕迹。
Sun Yat Sen Park
06:00 - 20:00
Address de Luís de Praça de Luís de Camões, Macau Camões is a historical site and a Transport prime example of the mélange Bus No. 8A, 18, 18A, 19, 26 of Chinese and Portuguese Opening Hours 06:00 - 20:00 cultures. Built in the 18th century, the park was allegedly the home of Lourenço Caetano Marques – a rich Portuguese businessman who raised hundreds of white doves on the property, gaining the park the name “Nest of White Doves Park”. The British East India Company also briefly held office in the park, before its purchase by the local government – allowing for the park to be opened to the public. In the park a bronze bust statue in memory of the Portuguese poet Camões, after whom the park is named, draws crowds every June 10th - Portugal’s National Day, as well as the anniversary of Camões’ death. Students and various associations come to play music, recite poetry and lay flowers at the site on that day to celebrate the occasion. Fun is still to be had here, as the park’s equipped with a library, a children’s playground, gazebo and fountain, as well as being shaded by towering banyan trees. A great place to relax, learn and play.
公园原址为1983年前是垃圾堆填区,其后于1987年开辟修建为公 园。为纪念孙中山先生居澳事迹,园内于1990设置孙中山的全身铜 像。“纪念孙中山市政公园”位于关闸旁的鸭涌河畔,故此又别称“ 鸭涌河公园”,是北区最大的多功能公园。公园地方偌大,有各类休 憩运动设施,可以陪同小朋友花上整个下午游乐。园内设计中西合 璧,公园东北部是中式古典园林设计,人工湖上有曲折宛转的中式九 曲桥,有遮阳的凉亭、小楼阁等;公园的西南部则是现代设计,有鸟 雀天地供人们欣赏雀鸟,有温室 可观赏植物,还有健康径、五人 足球场、游泳池、儿童游乐场、 地址 野餐烧烤区等活动设施,能在一 片大自然的氛多精中消磨假期时 光。还可到园内的“黄营均图书 馆”里阅读,感受这个且动且静 的纪念孙中山市政公园。
交通 巴士16、30、34号
开放时间 6:00--23:00
Avenida do Comendador Ho Yin, Sun Yat Sen Park Macau was built in 1987, on the site Transport of a former landfill; closed Bus No. 16, 30, 34 four years earlier. The park is Opening Hours 06:00 - 23:00 named in commemoration of Sun Yat Sen – first president and founding father of the Republic of China - and his time in Macau. A bronze statue of the revolutionary was set up in the park in 1990, lending Sen’s name to the largest multi-function park in northern Macau. Large enough to spend an afternoon in, the park combines elements of Eastern and Western parks, equipped with classical Chinese gardens with zigzag bridges over an artificial lake as well as bird viewing areas. Other features include gazebos, a greenhouse, a five-a-side football pitch, a swimming pool, children’s playground and picnic/BBQ area. The Wong Leng Kuan Library, in the park is also a quiet place to sit and read. Whether looking for intimate tranquility or energetic activity, this is the park for you.
August 2013
享受澳门 Relax 酒店套房 Hotel Suites
澳门,有人调侃说现在它已经变身为东方的“拉斯维加 斯”,身处这个处处讲究奢华细节的城市,哪里才有极 致的奢华享受?当然是各大五星级大酒店内最奢华的套 房啦!让我们带你走进这些形形色色的特色奢华套房, 看看何谓“贵得有道理”。 Macau, the “Las Vegas of the East”, brings together those of all walks of life. Power, money and influence all congregate together in a sleepless, neon lit reality; well almost. Where do the rich and famous rest their heads at night; and their feet during the day? Come with Cguide to get a tour of the most lavish 5-star luxury hotel suites and get a look inside the life you could be living.
窥探澳门酒店最 尊贵客房
In A Glance The Most Prestigious Hotel Suites in Macau
Yu & Yan
八月 2013
City of Dreams, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa, Macau
(+853) 8868 6888
Check-in: 15:00 Check-out: 11:00
总统套房 Presidential Suite
皇冠度假酒店 Crown Towers 在新濠天地内的皇冠度假酒店最高级的套房总统套房 也设于酒店高层,同样是视线无阻隔地拥有多个可以 俯瞰美景的落地玻璃窗,犹如君临天下的奢华感油然 而生。该套房装潢出自屡获大奖的澳洲著名室内设计 公司Bates Smart,为三房式设计,面积达到420平 方米,地板上有经典的大地色几何图案,而墙身与吊 灯都是奢华的水晶球纹路和造型。三个房间都非常宽 敞,更有独立的厨房可以让喜欢下厨的尊贵客人自己 出马烹煮一翻,无论你是打算在此召开商务会议还是 亲朋好友欢聚庆生等等,都可以满足你的需求。 值得一提的是,睡房设独立衣帽间让男宾女宾分存个 人衣履,客厅又有非常经典的西方壁炉,感觉就如最 近热播的电影《小时代》内女主角们庆祝圣诞的房 间般奢华,而超宽敞淋浴间连蒸汽室让旅人一洗疲 倦,17寸嵌入式液晶电视以及靠窗而设的奢华按摩浴 池,让你可以一边浸浴,一边享受一杯喜欢的红酒, 听着放松神经的音乐,感受真正的澳门假期。酒店最 匠心的安排莫过于为每一个入住贵宾配备一个24小时 随时候命的贵宾管家,全方位去满足你各种独特个人 的需要,内地游客喜欢的卡拉ok设备,在这个总统套 房也能找到,其音响水平更可称为专业级,你除了能 静静地洗去工作疲惫,还可以一展歌喉。
The Presidential Suite of the Crown Towers redefines extravagance as it sits atop the highest floor of the City of Dreams’ Crown Towers. Guests have a stunning panoramic view over Cotai and the Macau skyline as they reside in this three-bedroom suite. Designed by Australian award-winning designer Bates Smart, the suite is 420-square meters, including a full-size kitchen for those with culinary inclinations. The floor is decorated in geometric patterns, in earth tones complimenting the crystal ball patterns and round chandeliers. The suite comes equipped with a walk-in closet, with areas for His and Her wardrobes. The living room boasts a classic western fireplace and the whole feel is reminiscent of the recently popular “Tiny Times” movie where the heroines celebrate Christmas. The shower room has a steam sauna and a 17-inch builtin LCD TV that looks out over the Jacuzzi tub by the window; perfect to sit and relax with a glass of wine while listening to music or watching your favorite show. A favorite of guests from the mainland is the Karaoke system that’s pumped through a state-of-theart stereo system, just to ensure you can fulfill all of your partying desires. To top it all off, a butler is on call 24-hours to look after every aspect of your stay, so live in the lap of luxury and revel in it!
地址 澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地
电话 (+853) 8868 6888
宾客须知 入住:下午3时 退房:上午11时
August 2013
享受指南 relax 价格 澳门币56,888元++ 地址 澳门氹仔望德圣母湾大 马路澳门四季酒店 电话 (+853) 2881-8881 宾客须知 登记入住:3:00 PM 退房:12:00 PM Price MOP 56,888++
Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, COTAI
(+853) 2881 8881
Check-in: 15:00 Check-out: 11:00
澳门四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel Macau 四季酒店的奢华传统很多游客都有体验过,而澳门四 季酒店最贵的客房总统套房内里的细节让我们为你一 一揭晓。该套房共有两张特大床和两张双人床,可以 住下八名成人!是开私人高级派对的好选择,如果要 加床,还可以加上两张折叠床呢。套房位于酒店的 18楼和19楼,足足有314平方米,算是无阻隔楼层, 能看到四季酒店的室外泳池,套房内拥有门厅、起居 室、休闲区域、储物间和可容纳八人就餐的长桌,最 适合一家大小来澳门度假的需求。 其整体设计走的是奢华低调的欧式古典风,再夹杂东 方优雅元素点缀,各种高档布艺包围着房间,丝质窗 帘和床上用品相得益彰,再加上满室的鲜花,确实有 一年四季的芬芳吐露感。躺在床上,你可以享受42 英寸的等离子电视和超快宽带无线上网,房间内基本 的设施一应俱全,走进浴室,会发现这里统一使用欧 舒丹的洗漱用品。如果你拖儿带女前来,四季酒店也 贴心地为你提供儿童专用的设施和服务,无障碍客房 可以把整个总统客房对儿童的威胁性减低到零,这样 子,家长就更为放心了。
总统套房 Presidential Suite 72
八月 2013
For those who have already experienced the traditional luxury of the Four Seasons Hotels, step it up a notch as we look at the most expensive room of their Macau property – The Presidential Suite. Equipped with two king-sized beds and two double beds, the room can host up to eight people at either an 18th or 19th floor location and the expansive 314-square meters of space give it a huge air. Looking out, guests can see the outdoor pools and walk through the grand foyer, large living room, lounge area, storage room and final dining room with seating for eight. The suites overall boast an understated luxurious classical European style, adorned by Oriental elegant elements. Delightfully the plush fabrics, silky drapery, matching bedding and fresh flowers form a sense of fragrance in the room all year round. Lying on the comfortable bed, guests can enjoy TV on the 42-inch plasma TV and high-speed broadband wireless access. The suite is fully equipped, providing L’Occitane toiletries for guests’ pleasure. For guests travelling with children, rest assured as the Four Seasons will attentively reset the suite to be risk-free for young children.
价格: 澳门币88,888元++ 地址 澳门路氹城莲花海滨大马路澳门银河酒店渡假城 电话 (+853) 8883 8833
MOP 88,888++
Galaxy Macau, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, COTAI
(+853) 8883 8833
总统套房 Presidential Suite
澳门悦榕庄 Banyan Tree Macau 位于澳门路氹银河综合渡假城内的悦榕庄是首家建于澳门的城市度假村,以提供国 际级住宿服务及多元化的国际美食为主,吸引不少旅客慕名前往,而位于酒店30-31 层的总统套房更是感受顶级度假体验的不二之选。 悦榕庄的总统套房位于酒店最高层,其优越的位置除了可从高空中欣赏到亚洲最大 的人工空中浪池外,更把整条金光大道的美景尽收眼底。套房的面积高达888平方 米,而复式错层的设计使其空间感觉更宽阔。备有两间卧室、一间餐厅,一间厨 房,让想拥有更私密用餐空间的宾客无需外出就能享受酒店的美食。房间内还提供 阔8吋、长26吋的“悦心池”,恒温27度的池水经过紫外线过滤和净化,也可因应 需要而调节温度。你也可以选择浴室里的豪华水流按摩浴池以及喜爱的浴盐来一场 顶级的泡澡,享受轻松时刻。而私属的游戏室,更可根据个人喜好设置更不同的精 彩娱乐项目。此外,房间里还提供高速宽带上网服务、55吋液晶显示屏连卫星电视 频道及视频点播、蓝光影碟播放器、智能型客房灯光及窗帘控制、特大型号席梦思 床褥以及具有和风特色的Yukata浴衣连拖鞋等,全方位照顾你的生活需要。
Located at the Galaxy Macau, the Banyan Tree Macau is the first urban resort in Macau, providing international high-standard residential services and diversified worldwide cuisines. The hotel attracts premium guests from all over the world; its ultra-exclusive Presidential Suite on the 30th-31st floor offers an experience of ultimate prestigious resort living second to none. The Presidential Suite of Banyan Tree Macau is situated on the topmost floors of Galaxy Macau. Its location takes in breathtaking views of not only the highest artificial wave pool in Asia but also the whole Cotai Strip. The suite takes up an astounding 888 square meters and with duplex split-level designs, the rooms are extremely spacious. Two bed-rooms, a dining area and a gourmet kitchen set guests up to enjoy the hotel’s delicious cuisines or their own. A 26-foot long and 8-ft wide private heated pool is also included in the suite. The UV filtered and purified water is kept at 27-degrees Celsius or can be set according to guest preference. The bathroom is equipped with a Jacuzzi and guests can even take salt baths. The exclusive game room allows visitors to set up entertainment according to their preferences. High-speed broadband Internet access, a 55-inch LCD screen with satellite television channels and video on demand, Blu-ray players, smart lighting and curtain control system, king-size Simmons bedding and spring style Yukata robe with slippers, are all apart of this pampering package of a hotel suite. August 2013
享受澳门 Relax 悠然自足 Foot Hub
水疗 Spas
位于“澳门银河”综合渡假城的“悠然自足”,面积超过9,000平方 尺,有67张专为足部反射治疗而设的舒适座椅,是香港和澳门首间最 大规模的足部反射治疗中心,提供天然纯净的深层放松体验。 一系列按摩疗程溯其本源,全都来自远古的养生文化,透过传统的亚 洲按摩手艺安抚身心,远离繁嚣,恢复活力。“悠然自足“搜罗世 界各地天然优质的按摩产品,包括来自西班牙比利牛斯山的艾美儿 (Alqvimia)及屡获殊荣的泰国品牌百翠纳(Pattrena)。 宽敞时尚的休闲厅设有56张舒适的座椅,5间“悠然雅室“有11张座 椅,设有影音设备、私人洗手间及淋浴设施,提供私密舒适的足部疗 程空间,绝对是大老板式的足浴享受。
How to relax in Macau
炎热的夏天,最好就是能跳进游泳池畅泳或者 躲进冷气的房间再吃个 雪糕!但是对于游客 来说,如果可以在走到累了的时候为双足做个 按摩,又或者让被阳光过份“爱护”的面部肌 肤来一个轻柔安抚,那么这个夏天的旅程将会 让人更加难忘。 Summer is the perfect time to go for a swim or cool off in an air-conditioned room, but don’t be denied the more heavenly ways of relaxing in this oh-too-short season. 74
八月 2013
Located in the Galaxy Macau, the Foot Hub takes up over 9,000 sq. feet, the largest foot reflexology center of Hong Kong and Macau; and is equipped with 67 seats, custom designed for foot reflexology treatment. Using traditional Asian massage techniques, Foot Hub offers a large range of rituals and treatments and the massage products used are all high-quality natural products selected from around the world. These include Alqvimia from Pyrenees, Spain and the award-wining Pattrena from Thailand. The Hub lounge provides a total of 56 seats, but VIP Zones are also available, containing eleven seats with built-in audio-video systems, individual bathrooms and showering facilities, allowing you to become fully immersed in an intimate, private space for your foot treatment.
地址 Address: 「澳门银河」东翼广场LG 层LG02 LG02, East Square, Galaxy Macau, COTAI 营业时间Opening Hours: 14:00—02:00 预约电话 Tel: (+853) 8883 2488 网址 Web: www.galaxymacau. com/zh-hant/relax/foothub
特别推荐之星级疗程 5-Star Massage Treatments 艾美儿的升华旅程——悠然雅室 Premium Passage to Alqvimia VIP Zone 选用西班牙名贵的艾美儿香熏油,疗程包括香熏足浴、 艾美儿足部调理按摩及能量石热疗足部舒缓。 时间和价格:75分钟疗程 / 澳门币728元。
Using Alqvimia essential oils from Spain, this treatment includes an aromatic food spa, an Alqvimia therapeutic leg massage, and a hot stone foot softener.
百翠纳的活化之旅——休闲厅宾客 Pattrena Top-to-Toe – Lounge 采用泰国屡获殊荣的百翠纳香熏产品,疗程包括香熏足 浴、松弛足部按摩、芳香草本足部舒缓及古印度头部按 摩。 时间和价格:95分钟疗程 / 澳门币468元。
Featuring products of Pattrena, the award-winning Thai aromatherapy brand, this treatment includes an aroma footbath, a relaxing foot massage, a fragrant herbal foot softener, and an Indian head massage. 98 mins / MOP 468
75 mins / MOP 728
金丽华水疗中心 Grand Lapa Spa VOYA 全新夏日護膚體驗 New skin care experience for the summer 提到金丽华,我们会想到那个古色古香的“旧文华”, 原来这里除了下午茶出名外,水疗中心也很不错!首先 要为你的“面子”工程推荐的疗程名为“有机草本焕肤 面部护理”,它旨在提升和紧致面部,使肌肤回复幼 嫩,散发天然光泽。 80 分钟的护理疗程先以蕴含有机 香草和海洋精华的迷你草药球,为脸部和颈部作轻柔按 摩,提升面部轮廓及排毒焕肤;接着进行眼部按摩,配 以VOYA Get Glowing黏土面膜并敷上有机海藻精华眼膜, 疗程包括舒缓心神的头皮按摩。 价格:MOP1,380*
另外,除了面部功夫,身体也绝对不能怠慢,“有机 香料热泥膜护理”则以全身磨砂和有机海藻泥膜来放 松和焕发活力,使身体感觉更轻盈。 80 分钟疗程先以 VOYA“Time To Shine”去角质磨砂进行全身焕肤护理, 再以蕴含丰富矿物质和抗氧化成份的有机香料热泥膜作 敷体疗程,同时以 VOYA有机认证产品护理面部肌肤及 进行头皮按摩。疗程能实时有效排毒,并去除身体死皮 细胞,令肌肤神采再现,配合面部疗程,效果立现。 价格:MOP1,080*
Organic Glowing Facial – this treatment is designed to lift and tighten the facial muscles, while refining the skin and restoring its natural radiance. The 80-minute facial treatment starts with a gentle massage on the face and neck with an herbal ball containing organic herbs and marine extras to stimulate and detoxify your skin; this is followed by an eye massage featuring VOYA Get Glowing clay mask and organic algae extract mask. The treatment is complemented by a scalp massage. MOP 1,380*
Organic Warm Spiced Mud Wrap – using a body buff and an organic seaweed-infused mud wrap, this 80-minute treatment begins with a head-to-toe scrub using VOYA “Time To Shine” organic body buff, followed by a fullbody mineral and anti-oxidant rich mud wrap. During the wrap, VOYA certified organic facial products are applied along with a scalp massage. This treatment offers immediate effects of detoxification, exfoliating, and brightening your skin. MOP 1,080* *以上价格需另加10%服务费及5%政府旅游税 *Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tourism tax
地址 Address: 澳门友谊大马路956-1110号 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Macau 营业时间Opening Hours: 10:00—22:00 预约电话 Reservations: (+853) 8793 4824
August 2013
享受指南 relax
HOTELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ deluxe 新濠锋 ALTIRA 澳门氹仔广东大马路 Avenida De Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8888
澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, 1101, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8802 8888
澳门金沙 SANDS MACAO 澳门蒙地卡罗前地203号 Largo de Monte Carlo, 203, Macau (+853) 2888 3388
Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, COTAI (+853) 8868 6888
永利澳门的万利 ENCORE AT WYNN MACAO 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Wynn, NAPE, Macau (+853) 2888 9966
澳门四季酒店 FOUR SEASONS HOTEL 路氹填海区,路氹连贯公路以西,望 德圣母湾大马路以南,地段1第6区 和第7区 Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI (+853) 2881 8888
新葡京酒店 GRAND LISBOA HOTEL 澳门葡京路 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau (+853) 2828 3838
澳门置地广场酒店 LANDMARK HOTEL 澳门友谊大马路555号置地广场大厦 Avenida da Amizade, 555, Landmark, Macau (+853) 2878 1781
及仙德丽街 Avenida de Sagres, Avenida 24 de Junho and Rua Cidade de Sintra, Macau (+853) 8986 9966
★★★★★ 金都酒店 GRAND WALDO HOTEL 澳门路氹莲花海滨大马路 Dique Oeste Roundabout, facing Galaxy complex, Taipa (+853) 2888 6888
金丽华酒店 GRAND LAPA 澳门友谊大马路956﹣1110号 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Macau (+853) 2856 7888 grandlapa
星际酒店 STARWORLD HOTEL 澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 2838 3838
皇都酒店 HOTEL ROYAL MACAO 澳门得胜马路2号-4号 Estrada da Vitória, 2-4, Macau (+853) 2855 2222
新世纪酒店 NEW CENTURY HOTEL 氹仔徐日升寅公马路889号 Avenida Padre Tomás Pereira, 889, Taipa (+853) 2883 1111
葡京酒店 HOTEL LISBOA 澳门葡京路2﹣4号 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Macau (+853) 2888 3888
银河酒店 GALAXY HOTEL 澳门望德圣母湾大马路银河综合 渡假城 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lótus and Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI (+853) 2888 0888
澳门十六浦索菲特大酒店 SOFITEL MACAO AT PONTE 16 澳门火船头街及巴素打尔古街内港 12A号至20号码头之间 Rua das Lorchas and Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Ponte 12A, Macau (+853) 8861 0016
澳门大仓酒店 HOTEL OKURA MACAO 澳门路氹城莲花海滨大马路 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy Macau, COTAI (+853) 8883 8883
澳门文华东方酒店 MANDARIN ORIENTAL MACAO 澳门外港新填海区B区B2街区B地段 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8805 8888
八月 2013
路氹填海区,路氹连贯公路以西,望德 圣母湾大马路以南 Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI (+853) 2882 8888
澳门威斯汀度假酒店THE WESTIN RESORT MACAO 路环黑沙马路1918号 Estrada de Hác-Sá, 1918, Coloane (+853) 2887 1111
澳门悦榕庄 BANYAN TREE 澳门银河,澳门路氹城莲花海滨 大马路 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy Macau, COTAI (+853) 8883 6888
澳门凯旋门酒店 L’ARC HOTEL MACAO 澳門新口岸皇朝區城市日大馬路 278號 Avenida 24 de Junho, 278, NAPE, Macau (+853) 2880 8888
澳门圣地牙哥古堡 SÃO TIAGO DA BARRA 澳门西湾民国大马路圣地牙哥古堡 Avenida da República, Fortaleza de São Tiago da Barra, Macau (+853) 2837 8111
濠璟酒店 RIVIERA HOTEL 澳门竹室正街2号和高可宁绅士街7 号至13号 Rua da Boa Vista, 2 , Rua do Comendador Kou Hó Neng, 7, Macau (+853) 2833 9955
濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI (+853) 8868 1234
氹仔史伯泰海军将军马路2号 Estrada Almirante Marques Esparteiro, 2, Taipa (+853) 2883 1234
澳门金沙城中心康莱德酒店 CONRAD MACAO, COTAI CENTRAL 澳门金沙城中心 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, COTAI (+853) 2882 9000
★★★★ 金皇冠中国大酒店 GOLDEN CROWN CHINA 氹仔鸡颈马路临近澳门国际机场I 地段 Estrada da Ponta da Cabrita, Adjacent to Macau International Airport, Taipa (+853) 2885 1166
金龙酒店 GOLDEN DRAGON 澳门马六甲街 Rua de Malaca, Macau (+853) 2836 1999
君怡酒店 GRANDVIEW HOTEL 氹仔柯维纳马路142号和佛山街16号 Estrada Governador Albano de Oliveira,142, Rua de Fat San, 16, Taipa (+853) 2883 7788
HARD ROCK HOTEL 澳门路氹城邻近路氹连贯公路及澳门 科技大学之地段(新濠天地) Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, COTAI (+853) 8868 3338
澳门金沙城中心假日酒店 HOLIDAY INN, COTAI CENTRAL 路氹城路氹连贯公路第5及6部分 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, COTAI (+853) 2828 2228
澳门假日酒店 HOLIDAY INN MACAO 澳门北京街68-86号 Rua de Pequim, 68, Rua de Xangai, Macau (+853) 2878 3333
澳门富豪酒店 HOTEL BEVERLY PLAZA 澳门罗理基博士大马路70号 – 106 号 Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, 70-106, Macau (+853) 2878 2288
沙维斯街骏景酒店 Rua de Chaves, Hotel Rossio da Taipa, Taipa (+853) 2883 9933
靠近友谊大马路的澳门渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Avenida da Amizade, Macau (+853) 2878 2782
澳门友谊大马路355号 Avenida da Amizade, 355, Macau (+853) 2855 3888
街40号 Rua de Antonio Basto, 1, Rua de Alve Rocadas, 40, Macau (+853) 2856 6866
澳门新口岸罗理基博士大马路1118 号 Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, 1118, Macau (+853) 2872 6288
澳门兰桂坊酒店 LAN KWAI FONG HOTEL MACAO 澳门高美士街230号 Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, 230, Macau (+853) 2880 0888
维景酒店 METROPARK HOTEL 澳门北京街199号 Rua de Pequim no. 199, Macau (+853) 2878 1233
竹湾酒店 POUSADA DE COLOANE BEACH HOTEL 路环竹湾海滩旁边 Cheoc Van Beach, Coloane (+853) 2888 2143
望厦宾馆 POUSADA DE MONG-HA 澳门望厦山 Colina de Mong-Ha, Macau (+853) 2851 6688 index/240
利澳酒店 RIO HOTEL 澳门高美士街33号及宋玉生广场
交界地段 Estrada Coronel Mesquita, Estrada Governador Nobre Carvalho, Taipa (+853) 2882 1666
澳门东亚酒店 EAST ASIA HOTEL MACAO 澳门新埗头街1A号 Rua da Madeira, 1A, Macau (+853) 2892 2433
澳门富华粤海酒店 FU HUA GUANG DONG HOTEL 澳门俾利喇街98-102号 Rua Francisco Xavier Pereira, 98102, Macau (+853) 2855 3838
帝濠酒店 EMPEROR HOTEL 澳门上海街51号和北京街106-I号 Rua de Xangai, 51, Rua de Pequim, 106-I, Macau (+853) 2878 1888
英皇娱乐酒店 GRAND EMPEROR HOTEL 澳门商业大马路288号 Avenida Comercial de Macau, 288, Macau (+853) 2888 9988
682号 Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, 33, Alameda Dr. Carlos D’ Assumpção, 682, Macau (+853) 2871 8718
澳门广州街63号 Rua de Cantão, 63, Macau (+853) 2878 6333
澳门地厘古工程师马路1号至5号 Estrada do Engenheiro Trigo, 1-5, Macau (+853) 2851 3888
澳门氹仔莲花海滨大马路 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, COTAI (+853) 2883 8333
万事发酒店 MACAO MASTERS HOTEL 澳门火船头街162号 Rua Das Lorchas, 162, Macau (+853) 2893 7572
京都酒店 METRÓPOLE HOTEL 澳门南湾大马路493号和501号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 493-501, Macau (+853) 2838 8166
澳莱英京酒店 OLE LONDON HOTEL MACAO 澳门司打口4-6号 Praca de Ponte e Horta, 4-6, Macau (+853) 28937761
澳莱大三元酒店 OLE TAI SAM UN HOTEL 澳门白眼塘横街(福隆下街)43-45号 Rua Da Caldeira, 43-45, Macau (+853) 2875 3126
新丽华酒店 SINTRA 澳门约翰四世大马路及苏亚利斯博 士大马路 Avenida de D. João IV, Avenida Doutor Mário Soares, Macau (+853) 2871 0111
华都酒店 WALDO HOTEL 澳门友谊大马路 Avenida da Amizade, Macao (+853) 2888 6688
澳门维多利亚酒店 VICTORIA HOTEL 澳门黑沙环拱形马路118号 Estrada do Arco, 118, Macau (+853) 2855 6688
August 2013
享受指南 relax SPAs
金都水疗 Grand Waldo Spa
Nirvana Spa
新濠锋 “澄” 水疗 Altira Spa
澳门路氹莲花海滨大马路 Dique Oeste roundabout, facing Galaxy complex, COTAI (+853) 2888 6888
厦地下 Avenida da Praia Grande, 403, China Law Building, G/F, Macau. (+853) 2833 1521
怡.水疗中心 Isala Spa
Rock Spa
氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8886
菩提水療 Bodhi Spa 澳门康莱德酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Conrad Macau, Level 3, COTAI (+853) 8113 6188
悦酒店 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Grand Hyatt Hotel, COTAI (+853) 8868 1193
澳门水疗中心 Macau Spa 路氹塡海区,路氹连贯公路以西, 望
澳门四季酒店水疗中心 Four Seasons Spa 澳門 望德聖母灣大馬路澳门四季酒 店水疗中心 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Four Seasons Spa, COTAI (+853) 8112 8080
金丽华酒店水疗中心 Grand Lapa 澳门友谊大马路956﹣1110号金丽 华酒店 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, Macau (+853) 8793 4824 grandlapa/
八月 2013
德圣母湾大马路以南, 地段1第6区 至第7区 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Venetian complex, COTAI (+853) 2881 8888
马泷综合康健医疗中心 Malo Clinic Spa Macau 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心5楼 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Venetian Complex, Grand Canal Shoppes, Level 5, COTAI (+853) 8862 2688 welcome/index-zh.html
澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, COTAI (+853 ) 8868 7801 Website:
喜来登炫逸水疗中心 Shine Spa for Sheraton 澳门氹仔岛路氹金光大道 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Sheraton, COTAI (+853) 2880 2000
美高梅 Six Senses Spa at MGM Grand 澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, 1101, Macau (+853) 8820 3333
So Spa 澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 8861 0016
永利理疗康体中心 Spa at Wynn 澳门外港塡海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8986 3228
澳门悦榕 Spa, Banyan Tree Spa 路氹塡海区, 莲花海滨大马路东面及 望德圣母湾大马路南面 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy complex, COTAI (+853) 8883 6888
「漾日」水疗中心 The Spa at Crown 氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Crown, COTAI (+853) 8868 6883 crown-spa
万利理疗康体中心 The Spa at Encore 澳门外港塡海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Encore at Wynn, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8986 3228
澳门必备 essentials
语言 Language 官方语言:中文(广东话)和葡萄牙文 Official Languages: Chinese (Cantonese) and Portuguese
保安Security 警察局及报案中心致电: 999 Police and emergency line: 999
第二语言:英语和普通话 Secondary languages: English, Mandarin Chinese
旅游热线 Tourism Hotline Tel:(+853)28 333 000
气候 Weather 澳门全年气候温和,平均气温约20ºC (68ºF)。夏天温度较高。 The climate is a fairly warm tropical climate. Annual average temperature is about 20°C (68°F), with temperature rising higher (over 30°C)/86°F) in summer.
电力 Electricity 澳门的电压是采用220伏特的交流电,频率为50赫兹。电插座通常 是方形或圆形的三脚插座。 Electricity in Macau is at 220V, 50Hz. The power plugs used in Macau are of the three-pin, square-shaped or round-shaped type.
WiFi任我行 WiFi任我行服务为澳门巿民及旅客提供免费无线宽频互联网接入服 务,只要看到「WiFi任我行」标志,即代表你已身处服务覆盖范围 内,便可以免费使用无线宽频服务(WiFi) The Macau SAR Government has provided citizens and visitors with free wireless Internet access - “WiFi GO”. Available daily from 8:00 to 1:00 the following day, users can use a non-encrypted connection (network name wifigo) or encrypted connection mode (network name wifigo-s). User name and password are wifigo, for 45 minutes per session in high density areas throughout the territory.
医疗/医院 Health and Hospitals
澳门仁伯爵综合医院 São Januário Hospital 仁伯爵山山顶 Estrada do Visconde de São Januário, Macau 8390 5000/ (+853) 2831 3731
镜湖医院 Kiang Wu Hospital 澳门莲胜街Estrada Coelho do Amaral, Macau
澳门国际机场 Macau International Airport 澳门国际机场位于氹仔,离外港客运码头只需十五分钟的车程,到 关闸只要二十分钟的车程,距路氹边境只有五分钟的车程。机场二 十四小时运作。(853) 2886 1111 各大酒店均有接机服务,旅客可提前预订或抵达时再作安排。 出租车(的士)备有空调且价格相宜,旅客可在澳门国际机场的士候 客区乘车。除了车资外,另收附加费5元,大件行李则加收每件3 元。 机场与市区之间有公共汽车连接:AP1,MT1,MT2,N2及26号,沿途 经过几家主要的酒店。 The airport is located on Taipa Island and is 15 minutes from the Macau Ferry Terminal, 20 minutes from the Barrier Gate and 10 minutes from the COTAI Frontier Post. It operates 24 hours/day. (+853) 2886 1111 Taxis are air-conditioned and relatively inexpensive, and are freely available at the taxi station outside the Airport. There is a surcharge of MOP 5 from that location and each piece of luggage carried in the trunk costs MOP 3. Special bus services (marked AP1, MT1, MT2, N2 & 26) serve the airport. These buses cross the city and stop at the major hotels.
国家和地区号码 Country and City Code 电话:拨号前+853 Phone: +853 - this functions as combined country and city code
邮政编号:澳门地区没有邮政编号 Postal Code: Macau does not have a postal code
运输快递 Courier and Shipping UPS 客户中心 UPS Customer Center 澳门慕拉士巷35-43,49 号,澳门工业中心地下D, E Travessa de Venceslau de Morais, 35-43 & 49, Centro Industrial de Macau, G/f, D&E, Macau (+853) 2875 1616
(+853) 2837 1333 /
星期一至星期五 Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 19:00 星期六Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 星期日及公众假期Sundays and Public Holidays: 休息Closed
货币 Currency
联邦快递 FedEx Stations
1美元约=澳门币8元 1 US Dollar = (+/-) 8 Patacas (MOP)
星期一至星期五Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 20:00 星期六Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 星期日及公众假期Sundays and Public Holidays: 休息Closed
100 HKD = MOP 103
兑换外币二十四小时服务:澳门国际机场银行、葡京酒店 24 hour currency exchange counters: Macau International Airport (Taipa Island) and Lisboa Hotel (Macau)
Av. De Marciano Baptista, 54/F, Edf. Hung On Centre, G/f, J
主要银行:大西洋银行,中国银行 Main Branches: BNU, Bank of China
August 2013
澳门必备 Essentials
入境签证 Passports and Visas 大多数旅客(欧洲,澳大利亚,新西兰,美国,加拿大,南非)无 需签证逗留30天至90天,其他人一般可逗留30天。 Most travelers (EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa) can enter and stay in Macau for 30-90 days with a valid passports. Others can get a 30 days visa on arrival.
办公时间 Working Hours:09:00-22:00 (+853) 2872 6416
费用 Fees 个人:100澳门元,十二岁以下儿童收费减半。 家庭护照:200澳门元 团体:团体签证必须由澳门的旅行社申请办理,人数最少十人,费 用每人50澳门元。 中国大陆居民出境后如需再入境,必须重新申办来澳旅游签证。 入境签证可透过中华人民共和国驻外使领馆向治安警察局出入境事 务厅申请,并应在有效期内使用,否则即告失效。持有人准予在签 证上所注明之期限在澳门逗留。 需要签证的旅客可在抵达澳门时办理,但某些国家的旅客须事先获 得入境签证。 Individual – MOP 100, children under 12 years of age pay MOP 50 Family Passport – MOP 200 Group – MOP 50 per person for groups of 10 or more and children age 12 or under. If coming from China and planning to re-enter, you will need a Chinese multiple-entry visa. Visas can be obtained from the Immigration Services through Embassies/ Consulates of the PRC and should be used within the validity. Visas may be applied for upon arrival at the Immigration counter, however some countries are required to apply for an entry visa before embarking to Macau. Details: (+853) 2872 5488 /
关闸 Barrier Gate Areia Preta, Macau
办公时间 Working Hours::09:15-13:00, 14:30-18:00 (+853) 2843 9310
澳门国际机场 Macau International Airport Taipa
办公时间 Working Hours: 09:00-13:30, 14:15-19:30, 20:15-22:00 (+853) 2886 1436
澳门渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf Outer Harbor Macau
澳门孙逸仙大马路澳门渔人码头罗马表演场十七号铺 办公时间 Working Hours::10:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00 (+853) 2872 8981
氹仔临时客运码头 Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal,
办公时间 Working Hours::09:30-13:00, 14:30-18:15 (+853) 2885 0438
香港 Hong Kong
渡轮 Ferries 喷射飞航 TurboJet 营业时间:7:00-23:59 每15分钟从澳门或香港出发. 后:00:30,1:00, 1:30, 2:00,2:30,3:00,4:00,6:00,6:30
外港客运码头 Macau Ferry Terminal, Outer Harbor
香港大屿山香港国际机场一号客运大楼第五层抵港层接机大堂服务 柜台A06 Service Counter A06, Arrival Hall, Level 5, Terminal 1, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong
Operation: 7:00-23:59 between Macau and Hong Kong, departing every 15 min After midnight: 00:30,1:00,1:30,2:00,2:30,3:00,4:00,6:00,6:30 (+852) 2307 0880
办公时间 Working Hours:09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:45
金光飞航 Cotai Jet
336-337 Shun Tak Center, 200 Connaught Road, Central Hong Kong
(+852) 2769 7970
信德中心 Shun Tak Center 香港上环干诺道中200号信德中心336~337室
营业时间:06:00-09:00每1小时,09:30-23:00 每30分钟 23:00后 23:59, 01:00, 03
办公时间 Working Hours:09:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00
:00 Operation: 06:00-09:00 departing every hour, 09:30-23:00 every half hour, after 23:00 - 23:59, 01:00, 03:00 (+853) 2885 0595 (+852) 2359 9990
直升机 Helicopters
(+852) 2857 2287
空中快线:09:00, 10:00-22:30每30分钟 Sky Shuttle: 09:00, 10:00-22:30 departing every half hour
咨询处 Information Center 议事亭前地利斯大厦 Largo do Senado, Edifício Ritz, Macau
办公时间Working Hours::09:00-18:00 (+853) 8397 1120
八月 2013
Flight Duration: 15 minutes (+853) 2108 9898
邮政服务 Postal Services 澳门邮政总局 Central
巴士服务 Bus service 澳门半岛:澳门币3.20元
Macau Peninsula: MOP 3.20
Largo do Senado, Edificio Sede da DSC, Macau
星期一至星期五Mon-Fri:09:00-18:00 星期六 Sat:09:00-13:00
Macau – Taipa: MOP 4.20
(+853) 2832 3666
Macau-Coloane: MOP 5.00
外港码头分局 Marine Terminal Post Office
地址:外港码头入境大堂 Address: Arrivals, G/f , Macau Ferry Terminal, Porto Exterior, Macau
星期一至星期六Mon-Sat:10:00-19:00 (+853) 2872 8079
Macau-Hac Sa: MOP 6.00
澳门至机场,机场至澳门:澳门币4.20元 Macau-Airport: MOP 4.20
澳门至氹仔可乘坐:11,22,25X,28A, 30, 33,34 和MT4 Macau-Taipa Bus: 11, 22, 25X, 28A, 30, 33,34 and MT4
机场邮政分局 Airport Post Office
到机场可乘坐:AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26和36号
Address: Macau International Airport, Departures, 1st Floor, Taipa
To Airport: AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26 and 36 Macau-Taipa-Coloane: 21A, 25, 26, 26A, 50, MT3 and N3
(+853) 2886 1465
水坑尾邮政分局 Rua do Campo 地址:澳门水坑尾街162号公共行政大楼地下 Rua do Campo, 162, Ed. da Administração Pública, Macau
星期一至五Mon-Fri:08:30 - 19:00 (+853) 2832 9334
路环邮政分局 Coloane Post Office 地址:路环打缆街邮政局大楼 Rua da Cordoaria, Ed. Direcção dos Serviços de Correios, Coloane (+853) 2888 2010
澳门有三家巴士公司 Bus Company 维澳莲运公共运输 Reolian Public Transport Co, Ltd. (+853) 2877 7888
澳门公共汽车有限公司 Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos de Macau. S.A.R.L (+853) 2885 0060
澳门新福利公共汽车有限公司 Transmac Transportes Urbanos de Macau. S.A.R.L
租车服务 Car Rental 华国旅游社有限公司 Vacations International Travel Service (Macau) Limited 金丽华酒店停车场Hotel Grand Lapa, Garage, ZAPE, Macau (+853) 2833 6789
百路达自动车租赁有限公司 Burgeon Rent A Car Limited 澳门东北大马路海名居第2座地下及阁仔O,P,Q铺 Avenida do Nordeste, Edifício La Baie Du Noble, Block 2, G/f, O,P,Q, Macau (+853) 2828 3399
宏益汽车租赁服务有限公司 Vang Iek Rent-a-Car Service Company Ltd 地址Address:澳门提督大马路69至71号地下 Avenida Almirante Lacerda, 69-71, G/f, Macau (+853) 2899 1199
(+853) 2827 1122
出租车(的士) Taxi Service 黑的士和黄的士 Black/ Yellow Taxi 澳门的出租车有两款,一款是黑色车身奶黄色车顶,而另一款是鲜 黄色。出租车起程价(首1600米)收费澳门币15元,之后每230米加 收1.5元,停车候客收费每分钟1.5元,如有大件行李,每件加收3元。 从澳门往路环或在澳门国际机场的士候客区乘车,除了车资外,另 收附加费5元;氹仔往路环加收2元附加费。但由澳门往氹仔或由两 离岛返回澳门,则无须加收任何附加费。 There are two kinds of taxis: black and yellow The flag fall charge is MOP 15 for the first 1,600 meters. MOP 1.50 will be added for every 230 meters afterwards. If stopped, MOP 1.50 is charged for every minute.
出租车叫车服务 :(+853) 2851 9519, 2893 9939, 8500 0000 及2828 3283。 To call for a taxi: (+853) 2851 9519, 2893 9939, 8500 0000 & 2828 3283.
广东话课堂 Important Names 妈阁庙/ A-Ma Temple:- “Ma Kok Miu” 民政总署/ Civic & Municipal Affairs Bureau- “Man Zheng Zhong Chu” 新马路/ Av. Almeida Ribeiro- “San Ma Lo” 大三巴/ St Paul’s Ruins- “Tai Sam Pa” 葡京/ Lisboa Hotel- “Pou Keng” 港澳码头/ Macau Ferry Terminal-“Kong Ou Ma Tau” 关闸/ Barrier Gate-“ Kwan Tchap” 东望洋炮台/ Guia Hill-“Tchong San” 文化中心/ Cultural Center-“Man Fa Tchong Sam”
机场/ Airport-“ Kei Cheong”
实用网址 Useful Sites
August 2013
八月 2013
August 2013
八月 2013