Cguide Macau July Edition

Page 1

• Your City guide to Macau


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七月 July 2015 - N34





Macau in 3D Graffiti




好想下午茶 Afternoon Tea Fever





Dress like Kingsman


Skytop Water Fun





编辑的话 from the editor


像我们这种码字坐办公室的人,看到孩子们放暑假总是心生羡慕。一 年里最悠长的假期即将展开,孩子和家长都纷纷蠢蠢欲动,为七八月 做好热身,所以Cguide也提前为您准备一期和孩子们有关的杂志,让 您全家做好计划,到城中各大最新最好玩的亲子胜地去过一个“全身 心”投入的暑假。 封面故事所说的正是刚开幕的银河酒店第二期最吸睛的游乐项目:天 浪淘园,虽然是热浪逼人的炎夏,但这种既能放松身心又可以顺便锻 炼身体的水上项目,绝对是一家大小都钟爱的。游累了还可以到二期 的百老汇食街吃吃地道街头小吃,这种接地气的亲子模式,应该是增 进家庭情感联系的一种有效方法。 为了迎接仲夏,我们也特别为您搜罗了全城热门的下午茶套餐,有依 季节推出的限量之作,也有赢尽口碑,需要提前一个月以上预定的排 队之作,光看那些诱人的咸甜点面目就已经足够让人垂涎欲滴啦!每 个酒店推出的下午茶套餐都有自己酒店的特色,看完这个专辑您会马 上想动身把所有都吃遍。除了天浪淘园,我们也跟您推荐了全城唯一 的一家亲子咖啡,适合本地家庭前往小聚,又不担心怎么安置孩子, 加上kawaii的餐点,绝对虏获一众大小孩小小孩的心! 废话不多说,想要知道更多关于澳门七月的最新资讯,翻开杂志就知 晓!

Summer Break Package


ow wonderful to have a summer break! Every office worm will sigh as I did when contemplating the long vacation kids enjoy in Summer. Well, at least Cguide can present you with an issue that will give you plenty of suggestions on how to spend some facbulous family days in July and August. The Grand Resort Deck featured in our cover story is the star of the recently opened Phase II of Galaxy Macau. The water theme park is a marvel for all age groups and the perfect place to go to on a hot summer day. This can be followed by a gourmet visit to the Broadway food street nearby completing a wonderful that will put a smile on the face of every family member. We have also selected several afternoon tea offers in the city including one that is so hot that it requires reservation at least one month in advance. The various afternoon tea options are truly irresistible and the only limit to your enjoyment will be your apettite.We have also included in our issue the only family-friendly café in Macau where adults will have their own peaceful time without worrying about their children. The kawaii food will win the little ones at first sight. Now go ahead and open the July issue of CGuide; we will reveal more ways of having fun in Macau! Yvonne Yu 主编 Editor-in-Chief

七月(逢一号出版) 1st July 2015

Publisher & Director Editor-in-chief 总编辑

Editorial team 编辑团队

Contributors 撰稿人

English proofreading

Yan Lam

Mia Cheng, Shirley, David Wong, Mathieu Gaignon Jennifer Jokl


Illustrators 插画师 Editorial enquiries 编辑咨询

Xinderer T (+ 853) 28513513 F (+ 853) 2851 3311

Art director 艺术


José Manuel Cardoso

Melao, Mia Cheng


Marketing manager 市场经理

Advertising enquiries 广告询问

Printed By 印刷商

Marta Vaz Silva

Marta Vaz Silva


Tipografia Welfare Limitada T (+ 853) 28337972


30 000


EN 新澳门导航



Yvonne Yu

Anthony Lam



Oscar Sousa Marques


七月 2015 |

澳门罗保博士街1号国际银行大廈22 楼2201室 R. Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 Luso International Bld, 22Fl - Macau

杂志发行页 Distribution

更多酒店大堂及礼宾部 More Lobby & Concierge Altira Macau/Best Western Hotel Taipa/Casa Real/Conrad/Crown Towers/Emperor Hotel/Fortuna/Fu Hua Guangdong Hotel Macau/Golden Crown China Hotel/Golden Dragon/Grand Emperor Hotel/Grand Lisboa/Grandview Hotel/Hard Rock Hotel/ Holiday Inn Cotai Central/Holiday Inn Macau/Hotel Beverly Plaza/Hotel Central/ Hotel Guia/Hotel Lisboa/Hotel Rio/Hotel Riviera/Hotel Royal/Hotel São Tiago/ Imperial Palace/L’Arc Macau/Lan Kwai Fong/Landmark/Metro Park/Metropole/ Pousada de Mong-Ha/IFT/President Hotel/Regency Hotel/Rocks Hotel/Royal Infante Harbour View Hotel/Sands/Sintra/Taipa Square/The Venetian - Paiza Mansions/Victoria Hotel/Waldo Hotel/Wynn Macau

部分公共服务机构 Public Institutes

合作伙伴 Partners

Macau Cultural Center/Macau Science Center/CPTTM- Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center/Cultural Institute of the Macau SAR Government/ IACM- Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau/Cultural Affairs Bureau/Macau Government Tourist Office/MAM-Macao Museum of Art

酒店房间 Rooms

书店及其它 Bookshops & Others

酒店大堂及礼宾部 Lobby & Concierge

Pin-to Bookstote/Plaza Cultural Macau/Lda/Portuguese Bookstore/The Portuguese Corner Shop/Futura Clássica/Macau Fitness/CrossFit Macau/Nirvana Spa/TAIVEX/ Malo/Macao Fashion Gallery/Ambiente/Casa de Portugal/Fundação Oriente/ Instituto Internacional de Macau/Macau Science Centre/Macau Golf Country Club/ Caesars/Golf Club Macau/Fundação Rui Cunha/Alverbe SCM/University of Macau/ Instituto de Formação Turística/Signum Store/OX Warehouse/Macau Artists Association/10 Fantasia–Art complex

多达八百家餐厅 More than 800 restaurantS A Baía/Akasaka Café/Angela’s Café/António/Aurora at Altira Macau/Bebe Café/ Boa Mesa/Cafe & Nata Margaret’s/Café Deco/CAFE Dia-Dia/Café Jardim/Café Ou Mun/Cafe Voyage/Cakez Café/Caravela/Casa de Tapas/Clube Militar de Macau/ Cuppa Coffee/Don Quijote de La Mancha/El Gaúcho/Espressamente Illy/Fernando/ Häagen-Dazs/Hayyo/Henri’s/Hot Rod/Il Café/Indian Spice/Institute For Tourism Studies/Irish Coffee House/Jade Garden/Kafka Sweets & Gourmandises/Kapok Cantonese Rest/La Bonne Heure/La Cucina Italiana/La Gondola/Lakeport Cake/ Lax Café/Le Cesar/Lord’s Stow/Macau Tavern/Meet & Sweet/Mugs/Nana Café Lounge/O Santos/Old Taipa Tavern/Pacific Coffee/Paddington House of Pancakes/ Ramenichiryu/Single Origin Coffee/Sky 21/Tacos/Taru - Japanese Restaurant/Terra Coffee House/The Corner’s/YUZU



七月 2015 | | March • April 2015





封面故事 cover




The opening of the new phase of Galaxy Macau has brought not only more shopping and dining options, but also fun places that children will surely like. Apart from the existing artificial beach, the Grand Resort Deck has been added with Asia’s longest river ride. Let’s have fun! 城中热话



H&M Debuts in Macau




百老汇 3D 粉笔画

Broadway Macau 3D Chalk Graffiti






Dress Like Kingsman



十六浦3D 画廊

Ponte 16 3D Gallery




Macau’s Afternoon Tea

Photo Exhibition “3 Black Suits”



Wining Series





24 drink



July 2015


七月 2015 |

54 LANDMARK 澳门必到


Luís de Camões Garden: An Urban Oasis

Photo: Mia

小城热话 What’s Hot!

Text: Yvonne

优越会新服务 Brand new Privilege Club ——专访澳门银河首席市场推广总监祁礼敦(Kevin Clayton)先生 Interview with Kevin Clayton, Chief Marketing Officer of Galaxy Macau

门银河第二期的瞩目开 幕,无疑是五月最新焦 点,不论是游客还是本地住 客,都对这个全新的“庞然大 物”期待万分,不知不觉已经 开幕一个多月的酒店还有哪些 更贴近我们的便捷推广?当然 要从几乎人手一张的“银娱优 越会”会员卡说起。 为了让您了解更多改革后的优 越会资讯,我们特别采访了澳 门银河首席市场推广总监祁礼 敦(Kevin Clayton)先生。亲切的 Kevin不厌其烦地为我们解答一 个个关于全新银娱卡的问题, 过去持有旧卡的会员只需要在 酒店的礼宾处出示相关个人身 份证明文件,只需五分钟就能



获取新卡,新卡不单能在第一 期使用,更可以享受第二期的 餐饮优惠和娱乐场积分,换取 更丰富的奖品。为了让贵宾进 一步近距离接触各种限量的礼 品,银娱优越会更专门在娱乐 场正中设置优越名品店,尊贵 非常。 那么新卡和旧卡有何大区 别?Kevin说相对于旧卡,现在 发展多一种卡的类别,四种不 同等级的银娱卡包括:皇卡、 爵卡、赫卡及凭酒店方邀请方 能取得会籍的尊卡,尊卡会员 一般都会安排入住澳门丽思卡 尔顿酒店的套房,并享有两位 私人管家的服务,一个管家照 料会员事务,另一位则可以照

七月 2015 |

顾他/她的家人。在七月更会 有专门给尊卡会员的顶级俱乐 部天际88落成。而最吸引人的 还有在澳门国际机场的免排队 轮候入境服务,专属礼宾人员 会代办各种通关手续,实行顺 畅的一条龙服务,最适合公务 繁忙的尊贵客人。 谈到银河娱乐大力发展的娱乐 服务,Kevin笑说百老汇就是一 个成功的试验品,从百老汇舞 台到百老汇食街,除了能看到 国内外知名艺人表演外,他们 也囊括了不少本地出色的艺术 家现场作秀,完全是一个开放 的舞台,为所有有才华的人提 供机会。


he grand opening of the Second Phase of Galaxy Macau is definitely the super event in May, by unveiling a new entertainment giant that caters for both locals and tourists. What is new about this mega development? Let’s start with the Privilege Club, a program that has already demonstrated its huge benefits to almost everyone of us. To get an insider view of the evolved Club, we interviewed Mr. Kevin Clayton, Chief Marketing Officer of Galaxy Macau, who so kindly and patiently explained the new program. Existing card holders will be given a new one in less than 5 minutes by presenting the old card to the member concierge together with any form of identification. The new card is for both phase 1 and 2 and entitles the bearer to enjoy F&B discounts and accumulate credits that can be redeemed for a wide range of gifts which are featured at the boutique shops at the center of the mega resort. What are the main differences between the old and new program? A new membership tier has been introduced, being the range now from Gold, to Platinum, Black and then the invitation-only Diamond. Diamond members will enjoy the luxurious all-suite Ritz-Carlton, Macau and two personal butlers for the holder and guests. The Sky 88 opened in July is a top class club for Diamond members exclusively. Another additional benefit for Diamond holders is the express immigration service at the Macau International Airport immigration counters where a dedicated host will take care of all immigration procedures. As for entertainment, a very proud Kevin said with a satisfied smile that the Broadway is already a successful bet, and provides an open stage for performances by both established and emerging local and international artists.


H&M Heat in Macau 继

台湾的H&M旗舰店盛大开幕后,这个全球热捧的快时尚品牌 终于来到了澳门,在6月13日掀开其神秘面纱。开幕当天整个 威尼斯人简直是为H&M而疯狂,店铺附近区域被挤得水泄不通,好 不热闹。 就如Cguide上期介绍的快时尚品牌纷纷进驻澳门所说的一样,这个代 表瑞典的全球热爆高街品牌其实算是姗姗来迟,澳门的零售市场愈趋 畅旺,近年来高级购物广场一座又一座相继落成,今年H&M就打算 一下子在澳门新开两家店,抢占本地人和游客市场。光威尼斯人每日 能吸引75,000名顾客到访的数字已经是一个极具吸引力的点。 在开幕活动中,碧咸先参观H&M店舖,然后跟50位幸运儿会面,他 们均胜出了品牌举办的比赛及店内活动。随后,碧咸与约100名金沙 中国员工见面及澳门特殊奥运会成员互动交流,最后在四季名店中漫 步,享受名店区的特色购物体验。新店舖楼高两层,佔地19,000平方 呎,经精心设计,致力为顾客打造优质购物体验,现场所见,澳门店 品牌系列齐全,除了有走高端棉品路线的L.O.G.G系列外,也有H&M 著名的环保系列H&M conscious。H&M时装系列由230多位内部设 计师精心设计,以价格实惠见称,为澳门时尚达人提供种类繁多的潮 流服饰。


&M, the global leader of fast fashion, has finally landed in Macau. On June 13, right after its Taiwan flagship store opening, H&M opened its new store at the Venetian with great fanfarre. The Swedish high-street fashion retail brand is a latecomer to the Macau market following the others Cguide introduced in the previous issues. Attracted by the thriving local retail market and the staggering 75,000 daily visitors to the Venetian store, H&M already has plans to open another store this year to attract more local customers and tourists. After a visit of the store, David Beckham, the VIP guest at the grand opening, met 50 winners of the brand competition and in-store activities. He also talked with about 100 employees of Sands China and working members of Macau Special Olympics before a tour of the Shoppes at Four Seasons. The two-floor H&M store covers an area of 19,000 s.f. boasting exquisite interior design and a top-level shopping experience. It also presents a full range of collections designed by their 230 in-house designers, such as the high-end cotton brand of L.O.G.G and the famous environmental-conscious brand, H&M Conscious. Most importantly, all the pieces have attractive price tags, ensuring its mega status among fashion lovers in the world, and Macau, of course. 地址 Address 澳门威尼斯人购物中心3楼205号舖 Shop 205, 3F, The Grand Canal Shoppe, Venetian 营业时间 Working Hours 星期日至四——10:00-23:00, 星期五及星期六10:00-00:00 10:00 -23:00(Sun.-Thur.) 10:00-00:00 (Fri.- Sat.) | July 2015



七月 JUly

好节目 Cguide recommendations Saturday,4


张智霖疯狂有时演唱会 澳门站 Chi Lam Crazy Hours Live in Macao PAGE 13

澳门时尚廊-“澳门时 装汇演之袖珍展” Macao Fashion Gallery -“Macao Joint Fashion Performance– Mini Exhibition” PAGE 15

Wednesday, 8



落大雨水浸街──崔焕 添濠江旧影 Heavy Rain and Floods Photographs of Macao by Choi Vun Tim PAGE 15

孙燕姿《克卜勒》演唱 会尾站 Yanzi Kepler 2015 World Tour Macao PAGE 12

澳门特色3D画 Macau in 3D Graffiti PAGE 14




美食:Café Panorama,初夏意 国梦 F&B:Early Summer Dream to Italy PAGE 23

美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast 地点Venue:威尼斯人剧场 The Venetian Theatre (+853) 2882 8818

第7届品牌消费嘉年华 7th Mega Sale Carnival PAGE 11




第二届国际宠物及水族 用品展 2nd International Pet & Aquarium Supplies Expo PAGE 11

第6届电脑及电子产品节 6th Macau Computer & Electronics Fair PAGE 11

可口可乐X「澳门百 老汇」分享可口可乐 · 分享快乐 · 艺术 瓶展览 Coca-ColaX Broadway Macau Art Bottle Exhibition 地点Venue:百老汇大 街 The Broadway




电影:迷你兵团 Movie:Minions PAGE 17

《关我事》-澳门社会议题 艺术作品展 “Who Cares”–Macau Social Issues Art Exhibition PAGE 15

2015粤澳名优商品展 销会 Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair 地点Venue:澳门渔 人码头会议展览中心 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf Convention and Exhibition Center

Friday,3 2015澳门动漫博览会 Macau Animation Comic & Toy EXPO 地点Venue:澳门威尼 斯人渡假村酒店金光 会展D馆 The Venetian Macao Cotai Expo Hall D (+853) 6555 3814



七月 2015 |

濠好看 Now


博览会 expos

7月17-19日 17-19 July This is a carnival that shows multi-directional products, such as food and drinks, beauty products, clothing, household products. Under the same roof, there are also business matching, seminars, product launching, etc.

第七届品牌消费嘉年华 7th Mega Sale Carnival 暑假又到了,无论是游客还是本地人,都开始有“大开买 戒”的欲望。想在澳门一站式购物,来这个展会寻找就非 常适合。会上展出名牌产品、特色饮品、美容、食品、 服饰、精品、生活家居、外国特色商品等,同时也进行 商业配对、企业交流、业界讲座、商家新产品发表等。

澳门渔人码头会议展览中心 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf Exhibition Centre 免费入场 Free +853 2871 5709

7月17-19日 17-19 July

第二届国际宠物及水族用品展 2nd International Pet & Aquarium Supplies Expo 第二届国际宠物及水族用品展将继续提供一个集国际、 专业、权威为一体的业界交流合作平台;同时帮助客户 促进品牌推广、增进大众品牌认知,协助参展商探索迅 速增长宠物水族市场中的无限商机。一系列展前及展会 活动将隆重登场,吸引一众宠物爱好者之馀,寓商贸於 娱乐,为与会者提供一个更佳的营商环境。 Pet & Aqua Expo is Macau’s first-ever & largest trade exhibition showcasing the widest scope of exhibits for the pet & aqua industries, with products ranging from supplies and food, beauty, medical and health care, training, immigration service, to aquarium maintenance technology.

7月17-19日 17-19 July

第六届电脑及电子产品节 6th Macau Computer & Electronics Fair 想要找最新最潮的电子消费产品?需要购置新的电脑设 备?快来这个展会看看。会内有电脑及配件产品、视听 产品、电视游戏产品、数码影像产品、汽车电子产品等 等,是男士电子爱好者的福音,必能找到你的心水之余, 也能找到很大折扣优惠的电子电脑商品。

11:00-19:00 澳门渔人码头会议展览中心


Macau Fisherman’s Wharf

CotaiExpo, Venetian Macao

Exhibition Centre

免费入场 Free

免费入场 Free

+853 2871 5709

Come to this Fair for the latest models of electronic appliances, including computers, A/V products, videogames, and digital products for vehicle use. | July 2015



濠好看 Now 重点介绍


濠好看 Now 演出 shows


Yanzi Kepler 2015 World Tour Macao 7月11日 July 11

华语乐坛天后级歌手孙 燕姿将于7月11日(星期 六)登陆澳门威尼斯人的 金光综艺馆,举行仅此一 场的最新个人演唱会“孙 燕姿克卜勒世界巡迴演唱 会澳门站”。同时,这次 于澳门的演出是“孙燕姿 克卜勒世界巡迴演唱会” 的尾站,前几站错过的朋 友这次记得提早订票 。

孙燕姿克卜勒世界巡迴演唱会” 以票房爆满的佳绩横扫广州、 厦门、天津、重庆、新加坡、北京 及香港等多个亚洲地区。目前, 超过50万的亚洲观众已观赏过这 位华语天后的最新演唱会 。孙燕 姿于去年二月推出第十二张唱片 《克卜勒》,这场演唱会亦特意 为这张全新大碟而设。她向来以 独特的唱腔见称,这位实力华语 歌手为是次巡迴演唱会亦不遗余 力,务求在每个细节上精益求精﹔ 当中,演唱会海报上的“Kepler” 字样正是出自她的手笔。孙燕姿 将以多个亮眼造型华丽登场,献 唱多首大热歌曲及最新唱片的主 打歌曲之余,亦会送上连串动人 舞蹈,为澳门歌迷呈献一场惊喜 万分的演唱会。

8pm 澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆 Cotai Arena, The Venetian Macao MOP380/680/980/1280/1580 +853 2855 5555



七月 2015 |

Mandopop superstar Stefanie Sun will bring her latest concert tour, Yanzi Kepler 2015 World Tour Macao, to The Venetian Macao’s Cotai Arena for one night on Saturday July 11. This concert will be the last stop of Sun’s Kepler tour so book early to avoid disappointment as tickets are sure to sell out quickly.


he tour has already seen incredible success across Asia, selling out arenas in Guangzhou, Xiamen, Tianjin, Chongqing, Singapore, Beijing and Hong Kong to name a few. Over half a million fans across the region have seen one of their Mandopop idols and now it is the turn of fans in Macao. The concert is to promote the Singaporean singer’s twelfth studio album “Kepler” which was released in February last year. Sun, who is known for her exquisite vocals, was heavily involved with the concept of the tour to the point where she even designed the typeface used on the poster. Sun will thrill fans with a mix of songs from her latest album and some of her greatest hits along with dazzling choreography and a range of amazing costumes.

7月4日 July 4


8月4日 Aug 4

表演 shows

音乐剧《人鬼情未了》 “GHOST” the Musical

张智霖疯狂有时演唱会澳门站 Chi Lam Crazy Hours Live in Macao 香港著名歌手张智霖在演唱会中将与观众 互动,并会化身为电视剧《冲上云霄》中 的“Cool魔”角色。他更特别进行地狱式操 练,成功练成一身结实肌肉,与性感舞蹈员 在演唱会上大跳辣身舞。 张智霖于1991年出道,与许秋怡合唱《现 代爱情故事》后一举成名。2000年,他于 电视剧《十月初五的月光》中饰演“初哥 哥”文初一角,使他成为当代最受欢迎的男 演员之一。电影版的《十月初五的月光》还 于今年初在澳门威尼斯人拍摄。他亦曾演唱 该电视剧中深受喜爱的主题曲《祝君好》。 去年配合香港演唱会,张智霖推出了最新大 碟《Crazy Hours》,他亦将在澳门演唱会 中献唱当中的新歌《疯狂有时》和《义气仔 女》。 One of Hong Kong’s best-known actors and singers Chilam Cheung will bring his latest concert “Chi Lam Crazy Hours Live in Macao” to The Venetian Macao’s Cotai Arena on July 4. During the show, Cheung will interact with his fans by transforming into “Captain Cool,” his character from the TV show “Triumph in the Skies.” He will also perform some of his biggest hits, including “Love is Dead”, “Ten Fingers Interlocked” and “You’re Good but I Never Cherish”. The movie version of “Return of the Cuckoo” was filmed at The Venetian Macao earlier this year. He was helped when he sang the very popular theme song of the show “Wishing Kwan Well.” In support of his concert in Hong Kong last year, Cheung released his latest album “Crazy Hours”, and he will be singing “Crazy Hours” and “Buddies” from the album. 8pm

被誉为史上最伟大爱情电影之一的《人鬼情 未了》,即将登上澳门舞台。由电影原版音 乐剧由原作者兼奥斯卡最佳编剧得主布鲁 斯•乔伊•罗宾(Bruce Joel Rubin)亲自改 编,让多个令人难以忘怀的经典场景完整重 现。在全新编创的动人旋律之中,配合不可 思议的舞台特效,每分每秒都牵动着你的情 感。这次英国原版演出首度临澳,完美结合 灵异与爱情元素:深深相爱的韦森与莫莉, 因一次意外阴阳永隔,捨不得莫莉的韦森化 作鬼魂伴其左右,却发现自己的死背后另有 阴谋,蒙在鼓裡的女友亦身陷险境,韦森于 是找来灵媒奥德美,即使耗尽最后一分力亦 要保护心爱的人…… Love transcends anything, even death, as we will find out with this one of a kind musical. Based in the 1990 Academy Award-winner movie, GHOST the Musical is a West End and Broadway production like nothing we have seen before. Transporting us to the afterlife, this technically perfect show was written by the same screenwriter of the original film. The story begins when Sam is tragically murdered in the street. Molly, his girlfriend, morns her loss in an abyss of sorrow and loneliness, not noticing Sam’s killer is lurking around her home. Realizing she is in danger, the ghost of Sam hopes he can warn his love through Oda Mae Brown, a kooky psychic who was played by Whoopi Goldberg in the motion picture. 8pm 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center MOP180/280/380/480 +853 2855 5555

8月22日 Aug 22

英皇娱乐15周年和华丽有约澳门演 唱会 EEG 15th Anniversary Glamorous Concert in Macao 英皇娱乐集团(EEG)旗下诞生过众多家喻 户晓的艺人歌手。为庆祝集团成立15周年, 英皇娱乐将特别举行仅此一晚且星光灿烂的 演唱会,众多巨星于台上演绎由英皇娱乐制 作的经典金曲。 这次演唱会主题以象征着成功及荣耀的金色 为元素,群星亦将披上金色华冠丽服,一同 演绎主题曲《和华丽有约》,唱出繁盛传 奇。除容祖儿、Twins、古巨基及张敬轩之 外,其他星光熠熠的歌手阵容包括歌影视红 星林峯、钟舒漫、泳儿、陈伟霆、洪卓立、 林欣彤、冯允谦、张致恆、吴浩康、洪杰、 罗力威、许靖韵及陈凯彤亦将于演唱会上一 展歌喉。著名舞台戏剧大师詹瑞文更将现身 演唱会,带来精彩绝伦的表演。 The Emperor Entertainment Group (EEG) has given the public dozens of artists that are now household names. To celebrate an incredible 15 years, the group will bring together some of the biggest names from their history for a spectacular one-night only concert to perform the greatest hits produced by EEG. Symbolizing the success of the company, the concert’s theme is “Gold” which is symbolic of success and glory. There will also be a theme song called “He Hua Li You Yue” which will be performed by a group of singers dressed in golden costumes. Along with Joey Yung, Twins, Leo Ku and Hins Cheung, there will be plenty of other performers who will participate in the concert, including movie and TV star Raymond Lam, Sherman Chung, Vincy, William Chan, Ken Hung, Mag Lam, Jay Fung, Steven Cheung, Deep Ng, Alex, Adason Lo, Angela Hui and Lillian Chan. Famed stage actor Jim Chim will perform at the concert as well. 8pm 澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆 Cotai Arena, The Venetian Macao



Cotai Arena, The Venetian Macao

+853 2882 8818

MOP280/480/680/880/1080 +853 2882 8818 | July 2015



濠好看 Now 重点介绍


濠好看 Now 展览 exhibitions

澳门特色3D画 Macau in 3D Graffiti Yvonne

鼎大名的Tracy Lee Stum,是少有的女性街头粉笔3D画家,曾 经保持吉尼斯纪录长达九年,去年才被破掉。街头粉笔画是从 意大利开始传入的,于16-17世纪出现,至20世纪逐渐被淡忘。直到 1973年,一家教堂青睐街头艺术家为其创作粉笔画,才让这种艺术 形式再次复兴。不过,街头粉笔画虽然漂亮却短暂,不容易保存;( 因此这次Tracy给百老汇绘制的画并非她最擅长的粉笔画模式)很多花 了无数心血去完成的作品,往往“存活期”只有一天便被洗刷干净, 所以一般画家会拍下照片留念。Tracy曾在采访中说,这是一种极具 哲学意味的艺术,让她学会如何“放下”。 很多人都知道Tracy曾经是吉尼斯纪录保持者,却不知该纪录的画 作为何?原来正是2006年她替电影《达芬奇密码》绘画《最后的晚 餐》。这个纪录保持了九年之久!足证明其难度有多高,这幅作品花 了整整20磅粉笔,用了21天才完成噢。



七月 2015 |

澳门银河第二期的开幕绝对是最近最热门话题, 而富有本土特色的百老汇食街更是其中的重头 戏,银河重金聘请了美国街头粉笔画涂鸦鼻祖 Tracy Lee Stum 和她的 团队前来作画,让我们 看看这些装点食街的画 作有什么特色? The grand opening of Galaxy Macau Phase II and the Broadway Macau is the recent highlight in town. To celebrate the great event, Tracy Lee Stum, the guru of street chalk graffiti from the U.S. was invited to present a special collection of paintings on the wall of the venue.


s one of the handful female graffiti painter in the world, Tracy Lee Stum is specially good at 3D works by chalks. One of her chalk paintings stayed on the wall for nine years before becoming too degraded, which made a Guinness World Record. Originated from Italy dated back to 16-17 century, street chalk graffiti was faded during 20th century before its revival in 1973 when a group of street artists were invited to create chalk paintings for a church. But the graffiti has a problem of preservation, which sometimes has only one day of life. That is why mostly they “live” in pictures. But Tracy has a quite profound understanding of the short-term art: it teaches you to “let it go”. But Tracy also knew how to extend the existence of her works, for example the Last Supper she made for the blockbuster the Da Vinci Code in 2006, a work consumed 20 pounds of chalks in 21 days, having a record-long life of nine years.


展览 exhibitions 即日起至11月8日 TILL NOV 8

即日起至8月9日 TILL AUG 9

澳门时尚廊-“澳门时装汇演之袖 珍展” Macao Fashion Gallery -“Macao Joint Fashion Performance–Mini Exhibition” 时尚廊“澳门时装汇演之袖珍展”集十二位 活跃于本澳时装界的中坚份子和后起新秀, 藉由按1/2袖珍人形公仔比例设计,裁制不 一样的服装,结合不同的元素,既有高雅时 尚,又有艺术玩味;透过展览,尽显设计师 们的细腻心思和灵巧手工,向外界展示本澳 时尚的创意及实力。 The“Macao Joint Fashion Performance - Mini Show” hosted by Macao Fashion Gallery (MFG) will gather 12 elite and rising designers active in Macao’s fashion industry to produce extraordinary costumes with different elements according to the proportion of 1/2 height mini dolls, elegantly fashionable and artistically playful. The exhibition will unfold to the outside world the meticulous thoughts and dexterous crafts of the designers, as well as the fashion creativity and strength in Macao. 10:00-19:00 (逢星期一休馆 Closed on Mondays)) 澳门时尚廊 Macao Fashion Gallery 免费入场 Free

落大雨水浸街──崔焕添濠江旧影 Heavy Rain and Floods - Photographs of Macao by Choi Vun Tim 为了让观众对新桥区八十年代的淹水情况有 更深刻的了解,展览邀请了当年生活及工作 于新桥区的培正中学黄就顺老师、渡船街新 光明发型屋东主黄光先生、镜湖马路永乐戏 院员工卓春杏女士通过镜头,讲述新桥区有 关淹水时候发生的一些往事。同时更找来摄 影家陈显耀先生,于暴雨刚过的时刻在新桥 区进行拍摄,相关照片并同场展出,通过不 同年代的影像比较,让观众对新桥区的过去 有更深刻的感受。 In order to present a thorough picture of the flooding situation in San Kio, some residents who lived and worked there during those years were interviewed to tell old stories. They are Mr. Vong Chau Son, a teacher at Pui Ching Middle School; Mr. Vong Kwong, the owner of Sun Kwong Ming Hair Salon on Rua da Barca and Ms. Cheok Chun Hang, a staff of Cinema Alegria at Estrada do Repouso. Local photographer Chan Hin Io was invited to show his photos of San Kio area, taken right after heavy showers, thus conveying a deeper understanding about San Kio by comparing images from different periods. 10:00-19:00 (逢周一休馆 Closed on Mondays) 澳门艺术博物馆 Macao Museum of Art 免费入场 Free

即日起至7月28日 TILL JULY 28

《关我事》 澳门社会议题艺术作品展 “Who Cares” Macau Social Issues Art Exhibition 关心社会,这个话题永远都不过时,艺术家 们为此也十分“操心”。此次《关我事》展 览,邀请了二十位本澳艺术家,他们透过创 作来表达自己关心的社会议题,内容不仅含 括各个范围还展示了各种创作的方法,如视 觉艺术(画画、摄影等)、文字。展览希望 能透过艺术家们的作品与观众交流,引发大 家关怀社会现象的讨论,艺术是桥梁,成为 沟通的载体。

As members of society, artists have duties and responsibilities to care for society. This year, “Who Cares” – Macau Social Issues Art Exhibition has invited 20 local artists to create, through different approaches and media, artworks of varied forms that present their views on societal issues. The exhibits include works of visual arts like painting, photography and installation, as well as creations of texts and performance art. It’s our hope that the artworks can interact with viewers, prompting them to care for society, as art is a bridge and also a medium for communication. 12:00-19:00 (逢周二休息 Closed on Tuesdays) 牛房仓库 Ox warehouse 免费入场 Free | July 2015



濠好看 Now

暑假卡通片热, 屈机起“格”命 SUMMER PIXELS

时候的电子游戏角色,竟再一次化身电影主角,在大银幕上发 热发亮! 其实如果Google地图早些时候不是突然临时推出“食豆人”游戏, 相信没几个人会再次记起它。Sony索尼公司可是非常有心的,将 此“可爱”的食鬼搬上银幕。不过在银幕上,这只食鬼可不是省油 的灯。 电影版故事讲述一群外星人化身经典电玩角色入侵地球,在世界各地 陆续出现。它们透过实体接触,将人类世界中的物品都变成一颗颗的 像素粒粒,造成极大恐慌。国家安全局紧急召集几个80年代的电玩高 手,利用他们对游戏本身的认知,对抗这次毁灭性的入侵。我们很好 奇,究竟这班“屈机奇兵”要如何合作拯救地球? 希望你看完电影不会怕了“食豆人”吧。



七月 2015 |

导演 Directed by: 基斯哥伦布 Chris Columbus 主演 Cast: 亚当桑迪拿、奇云占士 Adam Sandler, Kevin James 片种 Genre: 动画 Animation | 动作 Action


et another film featuring our favorite childhood videogame characters! If Google hadn’t revived “Pac Man” on their maps earlier this year, it may not have been on a lot of people’s radars recently. Sony is following in their footsteps by bringing this beloved arcade game to the silver screen, though maybe not in the way you remember it. In “Pixels”, when intergalactic aliens misinterpret video-feeds of classic arcade games as a declaration of war against them, they attack Earth using the games as models for their various assaults. President Will Cooper (Kevin James) has to call on his childhood best friend, ’80s video game champion Sam Brenner (Adam Sandler), now a home theater installer, to lead a team of old-school arcaders (Peter Dinklage and Josh Gad) to defeat the aliens and save the planet. Joining them is Lt. Col. Violet Van Patten (Michelle Monaghan), a specialist supplying the arcaders with unique weapons to fight the aliens. Hopefully you’ll still love Pac Man after watching Pixels!


film in action 迷你兵团 Minions 导演 Directed by 皮尔哥菲、凯尔巴达 Pierre Coffin, Kyle Balda 片种 Genre 动画 Animation

超级英雄大战GP幪面超人3号 Super Hero Taisen GP Kamen Rider 3 导演 Directed by 柴崎贵行 Takayuki Shibasaki 主演 Cast 及川光博、竹内凉真、稻叶友 Mitsuhiro Oikawa, Ryoma Takeuchi, Yu Inaba 片种 Genre 剧情 Drama|动作 Action

1973年撒旦帮制造出最强战士 蒙面超人3号,并打败1号及2号 成功征服世界。时间来到了现 代,警视厅特状课也成为了撒旦 帮的目标。现在,蒙面超人光 太郎用最后的力量,令蒙面超 人Drive的进之介醒觉并开始反 击;作为蒙面超人3号的黑井响 一郎,也都以正义的战士醒觉起 来。究竟3号的真正目的是? The evil organization Shocker alters history by sending their newest creation, Kamen Rider 3, to defeat Kamen Riders 1 and 2 back in 1973. In the alternate present, Shocker is more powerful than ever, but one of such brainwashed Riders remembers the truth and makes a stand against Shocker to put history back on its proper course.

澳门影院资讯 Macau Cinemas

旅游塔影院 MACAU TOWER THEATRE 澳门观光塔前地旅游塔四楼 4th Floor, Macau Tower

澳门大会堂 Cineteatro Macau - 澳门家辣堂街19号 Rua de Santa Clara, Nº19, Macau

这回终于轮到可爱的迷你兵 Minions担大旗做 主角!!!故事讲 述自盘古初开, 迷你兵团一直以 效力大坏蛋为生存 目标。从暴龙到拿破 仑,这群小家伙协助最穷凶极恶 的坏蛋夺取天下。现在就加入他 们的行列,跟大哥哥加分丶反叛 的小小超和趣致的阿卜一起走遍 世界,踏上征途寻找新主人,和 拯救迷你兵团一族。 The story of Minions begins at the dawn of time. Continuously unsuccessful at keeping these masters—from T. rex to Napoleon—the Minions find themselves without someone to serve and fall into a deep depression. The trio embarks upon a thrilling journey that ultimately leads them to their next potential master, Scarlet Overkill, the world’s first-ever female super-villain. They travel from frigid Antarctica to 1960s New York City, ending in mod London, where they must face their biggest challenge to date: saving all of Minionkind... from annihilation.

永乐戏院 Cinema Alegria- 镜湖马路85号E地下 Estrada do Repouso: 85D-F, Macau

UA银河影院 UA Galaxy Cinemas 澳门路氹澳门银河综合度 假城内 Galaxy Macau, Avenida de Cotai, Cotai City, Macau | July 2015



濠味道 Taste


Afternoon Tea in Style YUYU Yan & Hotels

下午茶,似乎不是上班一族在平日可以考虑的事情,却是你转变成游客身份时想大试特试的休 闲体验,澳门这个以旅游业为主导的城市更是有琳琅满目的下午茶选择,从典型的英式到日 式、葡式甚至中式下午茶,你想得到的这里都有,如果你不能平日前来,也有不少酒店是只在 周六日推出下午茶的。这种最“奢侈”的消磨光阴方式,不是只有“好想”二字喔! Tourists looking for an afternoon tea could treat themselves well in Macau where all kinds of styles are available from English to Japanese and from Portuguese to Chinese. For those on a tight working day schedule, weekend offers of afternoon tea in star hotels will be a perfect choice to kill time casually and stylishly.



七月 2015 |


Rock Your Teatime Hard Rock酒店“乐吧”夏日下午茶 Summer Afternoon Tea at R Bar 一向走年轻人路线的Hard Rock在夏日继续摇滚,连下午茶都“有型”过人,位于 大堂一楼的“乐吧”于即日起至七月呈献夏日下午茶,提供诱人的法式马卡龙、鲜 果制的清新甜点、滋味的西式小吃等,艺术品般摆设在水晶结他造型的三层架上, 赋予丰富多变的味觉体验,让您在炎炎夏日悠然乐享午后时光。 R Bar is offering a delightful high tea set with selection of delicious savory treats from enticing cakes, macarons and pastries served on a guitar-shaped set-up. Our menu for two offers you the perfect way to enjoy a hot summer afternoon and refresh your taste buds with this scrumptious afternoon tea. 供应时间:下午3-6点 Available from 3pm to 6pm 价格: 澳门币258++,二人共享 Price: MOP258++ for two 电话Tel::++853 8868 6694


When East meets West 君悦酒店大堂吧下午茶 Macau Grand Hyatt Lobby Lounge Afternoon Tea set 君悦酒店的品牌自然是质量的保证,尤其是美食方面,更是众多休闲或商务客始终 钟情的环节。澳门君悦酒店的下午茶套餐在其大堂吧就可以品尝到,旋转式的优雅 摆架上放上了颜色鲜艳,入口惊艳的各种咸甜美食。更让人一试难忘的是,这里的 二人下午茶套餐是有点心吃的,还是皮薄肉鲜的虾饺 和铺满鱼子的烧卖!喜欢甜食的一定会爱上这里的葡 供应时间 Available 式云呢拿及开心果蛋挞,和一般澳门葡挞不一样,这 下午3-6点 个一口份量的香脆小挞有着浓浓的坚果香气,而传统 from 3pm to 6pm 的英式提子酥饼也是下午茶必备,记得点上一壶冲制 价格 Price 的花茶,既健康又能为炎夏消暑。温馨提示,份量很 澳门币428++,二人共享 多,如果是胃口比较小的女孩子,可以四个人来品尝 MOP428++for two 喔。 电话 Tel:+853 8868 1131

The Grand Hyatt brand is always a guarantee of quality as well as good food. The afternoon tea set offered in the lobby lounge is surely a must-try. Apart from a wide variety of refreshing teas, colorful and tasteful treats presented on rotating shelves are prepared for both sugar and salt lovers such as traditional grape cookies, vanilla egg tarts and pistachio nuts, shrimp dumplings and fish roe sui mai. A warm reminder, the set is quite generous and perfect for up to four girls. | July 2015



濠味道 Taste



Limited Offer

New Experience

“和”七夕下午茶套餐 Tanabata Afternoon High Tea at Nagomi

永利下午茶体验 Café Esplanada Afternoon Tea set 永利澳门早前首度在咖啡苑呈献让宾客置身花园美景,享受悠闲清新 的下午茶体验。这个奢华的体验并不需花大价钱,宾客可以在户外茶 座欣赏夏日的蓝天白云,全情和阳光拥抱;如果觉得太晒,又可以移 动到咖啡苑内,透过落地玻璃观赏如诗如画的池畔花园景色,永利澳 门饼房行政总厨 Yoann Mathy 说:“新推出的下午茶赏心悦目特意选 用了我最喜爱的大溪地云呢拿籽制作红莓云呢拿挞。大溪地出产的云 呢拿籽浓郁醇厚,散发独有的花果香,有着令人难以抗拒的魅力。另 一道绝对不能错过的是朱古力忌廉泡芙,以‘Amedei’朱古力制成 的忌廉幼滑香浓,令人再三回味。”咖啡苑还提供不同口味的即磨 咖啡、茗茶及各款鲜榨果汁作搭配,完美的下午茶体验定能让飨客 回味无穷。

澳门大仓酒店每年都会举办庆祝七夕的活动,七夕源于两千年前牛郎 和织女的中国古代爱情传说,他们每年只能在农历七月初七才能见 面,后又被日本当成传统节日庆祝,为庆祝七夕,大仓酒店的“和” 大堂酒廊及酒吧将带来可爱又有爱情气息的“七夕下午茶”,七夕下 午茶包括:青柠味马卡龙 、玫瑰花味马卡龙、蓝柑桂酒樱花奶冻、 栗子卷、绿茶批、剧院蛋糕、柚 子芝士蛋糕、黑/白朱古力棉 供应时间 Available Date 花糖棒、柠檬批、和果子(两 7月3-26日,下午2-6时 款)、 松饼、肠仔卷、吞拿鱼 July 3-26, 2-6pm 泡芙、鲑鱼三文治等等。 价格 Price


Nagomi Lobby Lounge & Bar delighted to present Tanabata for 2 persons Afternoon high tea for the 电话 Tel: +853 8883 5125 celebration of this special day. Come and enjoy the high tea and have a Grand Time with your family and friends on this wonderful festival. Tanabata Afternoon High Tea includes Blue macaroon lime flavor, Pink macaroon rose flavor, Sakura panna cotta with blue curacao jelly, Chestnut roll, Green tea tart, Opera Cake, Yuzu cheese cake, Marshmallow stick white and dark chocolate coated, Lemon tart, Wagashi, Scone, Sausage roll, Tuna puff and Salmon sandwich. MOP 228+ with coffee or tea

Afternoon tea is as popular in this part of the world as in Europe (specifically the UK). A lot of world-class hotels in Macau offer their very own masterpiece of afternoon tea set to pamper foodies during the long, relaxing afternoons. Wynn Macau has just launched their afternoon tea set at the renowned Café Esplanada, after quite several years of operation. The Café takes pride in the offering of an al fresco green dining area that look over the artistic swimming pool. The afternoon tea experience here is thus more special. Or, you may opt to stay indoor – which is as artistic – and enjoy some private time with your special ones. Be that a gathering of friends or family, afternoon tea at Café Esplanada is simply lovely. 供应时间 Available time 每日下午2时30分至5时30分 2:30-5:30pm 价格 Price MOP308+两位用 Mop308+ with standard drinks for 2 persons 电话Tel::+853 8986 3663



七月 2015 |


地址 Address

Other afternoon tea choices 澳门•鸡街41号永升大厦43 号地铺

G/F Store 43, Edifício Veng

Seng, No. 41Rua do Capão

澳门十六浦索菲特酒店 Rendezvous Lounge Sofitel Macau 甚具法国风情的索菲特酒店当然也要有休闲 下午茶,位于大堂的Rendezvous 聚雅廊大 堂吧就是一个便利的选择,别看它是大堂 吧,私密度并不低,因其匿藏在一个较为僻 静的角落,很适合三五知己谈心。酒吧可容 纳 43 人,色调以异国情调的金啡色为主, 使法国风情的装潢在澳门旧城黄昏街灯映照 下显得别帜一格。有别于很隆重的下午茶套 餐,这里的休闲中式茶聚及轻食更是爱健康 人士首选,尤其是那些去做完运动回来的住 客。 Intimate banquettes and elegant French café-style tables make this a sophisticated setting for beautifully garnished creative cocktails and Macau’s finest Tea Sets by Sofitel. Traditional finger sandwiches, dainty French patisserie and premium leaf teas are presented in a pleasing, contemporary Asian or French style. 索菲特中式茶聚供应时间:11am-9pm 价格:MOP258++两位用 Relax with French and Chinese Tea Sets

电话 Tel. +853 2835 0201 营业时间 Opening 18:00-01:00

澳门文华东方酒店 Afternoon FANtasy Mandarin Oriental Macau

澳门美高梅酒店 Dilmah Teaset MGM Macau 不少爱茶人士对高质素的帝玛茶推崇备至。 于澳门首次举行的帝玛下午茶挑战赛(Real High Tea Challenge)中夺冠的美高梅团队特 别呈献得奖下午茶点作品,并于MGM咖啡 饼店限定供应,套餐中包括一系列的帝玛 茶,由锡兰小种茶、鲜杂果茶,以至清新的 冰冻梅达瓦特茶或冰冻分子鸡尾酒茶等。饼 师团队以帝玛茗茶入馔,精心设计各具特色 的的咸甜茶点,包括“法式帝玛绿茶味奶油 麵包配菠菜、烟鸭胸及香梨酱”等,让人回 味无穷。

澳门文华东方酒店的御苑酒廊一如始终地贯 彻了文华东方品牌的下午茶文化,为喜爱下 午茶的女士带来“梦幻下午茶之约”,宾客 可于总厨悉心设计的皇牌下午茶选单,挑选 喜爱的现制三文治及精致法式蛋糕,并搭配 选择丰富的顶级咖啡、茗茶,御苑酒廊更备 有三种可可浓度与风味各异的法国法芙娜朱 古力,供宾客挑选并现制丝滑馥郁的热朱 古力。口味包括:散发浓烈香气与个性的 Guanaja 70% 黑朱古力、滋味微苦并带有杏 仁与炭烤咖啡豆香气的Caraibe66% 黑朱克 力,以及口感轻柔、富含迷人焦糖和香草气 息Jivara40%牛奶朱古力。

by Sofitel at your choice from 11am - 9pm | MOP258++ for 2 persons. 电话 Tel.: +853 8861 7213

True tea aficionados will surely treasure the unique taste of unblended Dilmah tea, which guarantees an exquisite, rich and sophisticated tea drinking experience. After taking top honours at the recent Dilmah Afternoon Tea Competition, MGM MACAU’s team of chefs now offers the ‘Champion Afternoon Tea Set’, including a superb array of Dilmah tea as well as mini sandwiches and tea-infused pastries to create a luxurious cross-cultural tea experience.

Vida Rica Bar at Mandarin Oriental, Macau invites guests to experience and become fans of its weekend culinary delight, Afternoon FANtasy. They can enjoy a personalised selection of made-on-the-spot sandwiches and exquisite desserts, along with top-quality coffee and tea, and hot chocolate made with their preferred flavour of Valrhona chocolate. Set against a stylish backdrop with stunning waterfront views, Afternoon FANtasy fulfills all fantasies about enjoying leisurely afternoons.

供应时间:下午2点后 价格:MOP288+两位用


Avaliable Daily after 2pm, MOP288+ for two



Served between 3pm and 6pm on Saturdays and

电话Tel.: +853 8802 2324

Sundays, Afternoon FANtasy is priced at MOP438 for two and subject to 10% service charge. 电话Tel.: +853 8805 8928 | July 2015



濠味道 Taste

仲夏的鸡尾酒 Colourful Summer Cocktails

处澳门,想要躲避这里的炎炎夏日实在不易,喝上 一口清凉透心的鸡尾酒也是一种不错的解暑方式。 澳门威尼斯人的百利酒廊新近推出了一系列共12款鸡尾 酒,减缓你的热感。每杯鸡尾酒的名字都非常有特色, 例如蓝色夏威夷丶黑夜笑声丶太平洋浪花等。所有鸡尾 酒都色彩斑斓,是色丶香丶味俱佳的制作。不论你喜欢 浓点还是淡点的都可以,各取所爱。 每杯澳门币70(加一服务费),非常有性价比。这里还有魅 力满分的酒廊服务员(Bevertainers)为您奉上精心调配的 夏日鸡尾酒,定能为您的晚上增色不少。在品味鸡尾酒 之际,若有放松身心的现场音乐将更是锦上添花。百利 酒廊的常驻乐队Phunk Shui会于每晚现场演绎流行摇滚、 蓝调或是80年代等一系列经典歌曲,保证每夜精彩。 22


七月 2015 |


he summer heat in Macau is indeed inevitable; but there are ways to cool down and quench your thirst. Bellini Lounge at the Venetian has recently launched a special series of cocktails to quench the summer thirst. There are 12 choices in the series, all with exotic names, such as Blue Hawaii, Laughter in the Dark, and Pacific Splash. These cocktails are colourful, and capture your senses right away. Alcohol levels vary between each of them, but you can definitely pick one from a vast array of choices. All sold at MOP70 (plus 10%) at Bellini, with complimentary band entertainment.

百利酒廊 Bellini Lounge 地址 Address 澳门威尼斯人1041店 1041, The Venetian Macao Casino 电话 Tel.: +853 8118 9940 时间 Hours 16:00-04:00


米芝莲星级名厨 STÉPHANE CARBONE 亲临御苑餐厅

s ion t romo P B & F

澳门文华东方酒店将在七月邀请法国米芝莲 星级名厨Stéphane Carbone莅临御苑餐厅展 现风格独具的当代法式美馔,他一贯秉持高 标准,坚持呈献简单不造作、而又臻至完美 的料理。推广期间,他将以优雅又具创意, 并强调滋味口感完美平衡的厨艺风格,打造 丰富感官的美食体验。Carbone总厨将悉心 呈献四道或五道菜式午餐,与六道菜式精选 晚餐,汇聚鸭肝开心果配酸樱桃啫喱及菜根 雪糕、烤海鲈鱼配日本芥末薯仔蓉及葡国肠 泡沫,以及法式蛋白球配焦糖慕丝及苹果片 等皇牌佳肴。

Café Panorama, 初夏意国梦

高雅扒房全新美味菜式 澳门金沙高雅扒房推出一系列让人垂涎的全 新菜式及精致甜食,为到访品尝美馔的宾客 提供更多选择。高雅扒房主厨Luis Silva表示 作为澳门及香港最出众的扒房之一,我们一 直以来不断推陈出新,并保持高品质水准。 这次全新推出的新增菜色包括香煎鹅肝伴烤 奶油面包、黑莓酱和杏仁、美国战斧牛扒 、 清蒸或香烤巨型蟹、太妃糖布甸伴奶油蛋奶 雪糕 。

Copa Steakhouse Presents New Menu Copa Steakhouse at Sands Macao is launching a new range of tempting dishes to ensure diners have an array of delectable options when it comes to eating in Macao. As one of the best steakhouses in Macao and Hong Kong, We always have to keep our menu fresh and innovative while maintaining the high standards, said Luis Silva, Chef de Cuisine, Copa Steakhouse. New additions to the Copa Steakhouse menu are: Seared Foie Gras with Toasted Brioche, Blackberry Jam and Marcona Almonds; 20 oz USDA Prime Tomahawk Steak; Roasted or Steamed Giant Crab; Sticky Toffee Pudding with Vanilla Crème Anglaise and Ice Cream.

初夏时节Café Panorama将推出意式自助 餐,选用地中海当季新鲜食材,配合意大利 菜必不可少的香草,让每位客人食指大动。 Café Panorama 提供包括意大利杂冻肉、巴 拿马火腿等开胃菜,主菜更有经长时间烹煮 的烩牛膝及地道的烩海鲜等。餐厅里更设有 现点现煮的自家制意面,客人可以目睹传统 Cacio e pepe,即以原只大芝士为基础,将 煮热的意面放在芝士中心,用热力让芝士融 化拌入意面当中。

Michelin-Starred Guest Chef Stéphane Carbone at Vida Rica

To leave your palate in bliss, Grand Coloane Resort invites you to indulge in a sumptuous Italian buffet feast at Café Panorama, featuring traditional Italian cold cuts, braised veal shanks, seafood stew, cacio e pepe and more, from the beginning of June. Café Panorama offers a wide range of authentic Italian treats, including cacio e pepe, prepared through a traditional Italian method for cooking pasta using a large cheese wheel, which will be available this summer.

From 10 to 12 July 2015, Vida Rica Restaurant at Mandarin Oriental, Macau welcomes acclaimed French chef Stéphane Carbone from Michelin-starred restaurant L’incognito in Normandy. Chef Carbone sets high standards for himself and insists on offering simple dishes that are cooked to perfection. At Vida Rica, he will create a sensory experience as he presents his own version of modern French cuisine which is creative yet elegant with exquisitely balanced flavours. Guests are invited to savour his four- and five-course lunch menus and sixcourse degustation dinner menu.



MOP 298 成人per adult /MOP168 小童per child*

7月10 -12日 July 10 till 12


午餐价格 LUNCH PRICE-MOP 398/498*

澳门路环黑沙马路澳门鹭环海天度假酒店 Grand Coloane Resort, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa,


Early Summer Dream to Italy

Coloane, Macau 电话TEL: +853 8899 1020

晚餐价格DINNER PRICE-MOP 998* 澳门文华东方酒店御苑餐厅 Vida Rica, Mandarin Oriental Macau, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau

地址 LOCATION 澳门金沙酒店3楼


3th Floor, Sands Macao Hotel

*Subject to a 10% service charge.

电话TEL: +853 8983 8222

*持有馔享(Boa Vida)餐饮会员更可获八折优惠 *20% discount with Boa Vida Membership Card

电话 TEL: +853 8805 8918 *以上价格以澳门币计算并需加10%服务费。 *Subject to a 10% service charge. | July 2015



濠味道 Taste

贝尔文学奖得主海明威就非常喜爱西班牙,曾 经多次造访此地,据说他非常爱喝里奥哈红 酒,饮酒能让他文思泉涌。这位钟情葡萄酒的大文 豪,也让品饮Rioja红酒时,多了一分浪漫的诗意。 西班牙比较常见的葡萄酒品种约20种左右,大多数 都是当地的原生品质。以Rioja一地来说,较常见的 红葡萄以Tempranillo为最著名,其次为Garnacha、 Mazuelo 和 Gracoano 等品种。白葡萄则以Viura和 Garnacha Blanca最常见。 依地理位置不同,Rioja 可分为位于在西部的Rioja Alta、北部的Rioja Alavesa 以及东部的 Rioja Baja 三 个区域。其中,Rioja Baja地势较低、气候炎热干 燥,所产的葡萄酒酒精度较高,但较不耐久藏。Rioja Alavesa 气候则略微凉爽,特别适合品质优异的 Tempranillo品种生长,使此地的葡萄酒质倾向细腻丰 厚、层次多元,整体口碑也最佳。


西班牙和葡萄牙 一脉相承,所以 澳门除了有很多 地道的葡萄牙美 食美酒外,西班 牙美食美酒文化 也绝不容小觑, 如果你喜欢西班 牙美酒,一定听 过大名鼎鼎的里 YUYU 奥哈产区,如今 的Rioja葡萄酒主 要由著名的葡萄 品种Tempranillo酿制,深具醋栗味,优雅且性价比甚高。

里奥哈的葡萄酒 Wine from Rioja

Spain and Portugal being the two Iberian countries are deeply culturally connecte. That explains why the food and wine in Macau is influenced by both nations. Rioja is a popular region among connoisseurs of Spanish wines not only because of the rich gooseberry aromas from the famous Tempranillo variety but also for its great value. 24


七月 2015 |

ioja wine has a close relation with literature mainly because of the famous American author, Ernest Hemingway, who was very fond of Spain and used its wine as his source of inspiration. There are about 20 varieties of grapes in Spain. In Rioja you will find red grapes such as the most common Tempranillo but also Garnacha, Mazuelo and Gracoano, and white grapes such as Viura and Garnacha Blanca.There are three major local regions: Rioja Alta in the West, Rioja Alavesa in the North and Rioja Baja in the East which has lower elevation and drier and hotter weather producing wines with higher alcohol content yet shorter aging time. Rioja Alavesa, on the other hand has colder weather, good for the Tempranillo grape that delivers rich, smooth and complex wines with high reputation.

Where to Taste? 澳门金沙3楼金沙御匾会酒廊 Sands Paiza Lounge, 3/F entry through Paiza lobby +853 6618 3844

夏日开胃酒 Summer Good Wine Mathieu Gaignon

月推荐给各位的葡萄酒是很多澳门人熟知的一种葡 萄牙佳酿,说的正是来自Quinta de Soalheiro酒庄 的2013 Alvarinho“Primeiras Vinhas”。庄园地处葡萄牙 最北端省份Melgaço洒满阳光的丘陵地带,其风土条件非 常适合阿尔瓦力诺(Alvarinho)葡萄的生长。这种葡萄在西 班牙语中为Albariño(加利西亚语“葡萄”),葡萄牙语中则 为Alvarinho,有时也被称为Cainho Branco。酒名字中的 Primeiras Vinhas,即该酒庄最原始、最古老的葡萄藤。 酒庄位于Peneda山脉和Minho河之间的一隅,土壤为深 色花岗岩质,面朝北向,拥有充沛的光照条件。由于葡 萄成长周期较长,因此散发出一种纯粹清透的香气,其 清爽度和矿物质气息也非常经典。这款阿尔瓦力诺葡萄 酒有着绝妙的复杂度和平衡感,层次微妙的香气中萦绕 着白桃、柠檬和百香果的气息,更有丝丝缠绕的荔枝和 橙花芬芳,是Soalheiro酒庄一款经典的阿尔瓦力诺葡萄 酒,口感热烈,富有热带风情,夹杂着矿物质的味道, 同时也是一款未经橡木桶发酵、风格纯粹的作品。它是 夏季户外用餐中完美的开胃酒之选,夏天到了,如果有 户外派对,这款性价比高的葡萄酒绝对很适合,你更可 以用它来搭配清爽新鲜的沙拉、海鲜冷盘和烤鱼等菜肴。


his month’s selection is the 2013 Alvarinho “Primeiras Vinhas” from Quinta de Soalheiro. The vineyards are set in the sunny hills around Melgaço, Portugal’s northernmost municipality. This region is perfectly suited for the production of Alvarinho grape. Also known as Albariño in Spanish (actually the Galician name for the grape), in Portuguese it is known as Alvarinho and sometimes as Cainho Branco.“Primeiras Vinhas” refers to the first vines (old vines) from Quinta de Soalheiro. Nestled between the Peneda Mountains and the Minho River, the dark granite soil and the northern facing slopes allow warm sunshine to slowly ripen the grapes. This gives them an attractive clean aroma with classic freshness and minerality. This Alvarinho is stunningly complex and balances the subtle fragrances of white peach, lemon, passion fruit, lychee and orange blossoms. A classic Alvarinho Soalheiro, intense and tropical with mineral notes. This is unoaked and very pure in expression. Perfect to enjoy at this time of the year outside on a terrace as an aperitif! Match it with light fresh salads, cold seafood, grilled fish…

About Mathieu Gaignon 澳门科技大学季节餐厅饮 品部总监 葡萄酒文化协会副总监 Beverage Director, The Seasons–MUST Deputy Director, Wine Culture Association 超过15年经验在世界顶级 高级餐厅任职头号侍酒师或 餐厅经理,包括三星米其 林餐厅“天巢”和Gordon Ramsay在伦敦的三星餐厅 Hospital Road等等。 Mathieu has over fifteen years of experience as Head Sommelier / Restaurant Manager at some of the world’s most famous restaurants, including the 3-Michelin-Star “Robuchon au Dôme” in Macau and Gordon Ramsay’s 3-Michelin Star restaurant “Hospital Road” in London. | July 2015



濠味道 Taste

Schubert来自新西兰维拉拉帕的佳酿 Wines from Wairarapa, New Zealand David Wong

灿烂的阳光下品味来自新西兰的美酒,恐怕只有Kenny Chesney 那迷人的字句才能形容:如同微笑,如同亲吻,如同 轻啜美酒….如此夏季好时光。本次将要介绍的是来自新西兰怀拉拉 帕的美酒,由Herr Kai Schubert 和 Frau Marion Deimling 酿造,两人 均是德国盖森海姆大学葡萄栽培和酿酒专业的毕业生,1998 年创立 了 Schubert Wines 公司。在此之前,Kai 曾在 Dr Loosen Estate 旗下 传奇的 Erni Loosen 酒庄中任职,还曾在俄勒冈的 Cameron Winery 与业内大师 John Paul 共事。 Kai 和 Marion 曾在世界各地周游,遍访欧洲各国、俄勒冈、加 州和澳大利亚这些葡萄产区。但只有在来到新西兰怀拉拉帕省的 Martinborough 后,他们才为其心仪的黑皮诺找到理想的安家地点。 他们创建的第一个黑皮诺葡萄园面积很小,只有 8 公顷,2001 年的 产量仅为800瓶。2003 年,他们迎来了真正意义上的黑皮诺大丰收。 我当年在曼谷酒店工作期间,首次购买了他们最早期出品的陈酿,从 此以后就欲罢不能。 Kai一年中大多数时间都在外面奔走,穿梭在各大酒店或餐厅之间。 他的妻子 Marion 则留在 Martinborough照顾酒庄,随时恭迎来访的 客人。



七月 2015 |


s Kenny Chesney eloquently puts it “It’s a smile, it’s a kiss, it’s a sip of wine .... Its summertime” and what better way to enjoy the sun than with New Zealand wines. This time we are looking at the wines of Wairarapa with Herr Kai Schubert and Frau Marion Deimling, both Geisenheim University Viticulture and Oenology graduates from Germany that established Schubert Wines in 1998. Kai past resume includes a stint with the legendary Erni Loosen of Dr Loosen Estate and in Oregon with John Paul of Cameron Winery fame. After travelling throughout the world including parts of Europe and regions like Oregon, California and Australia, it wasn’t until arriving in Martinborough in the Wairarapa province of New Zealand that Kai and Marion felt they had found what they were looking for, a place to plant their beloved Pinot Noir. Their first ever vintage was a tiny crop of Pinot Noir that produced only 800 bottles made from 8 hectare in 2001 and their first proper Pinot harvest was in 2003. I remember purchasing their very first vintages in my past life as a struggling hotelier in Bangkok and been a fan since. Kai is on the road for most part of the year, racking up the air miles so he could be coming to a hotel or restaurant near you soon otherwise please visit his better half, Marion in Martinborough as the cellar door signage do declare that they are open most days.

Schubert Sauvignon Blanc 2014

Schubert Marion’s Vineyard Pinot Noir 2012

Schubert Block B Pinot Noir 2011

此酒采用整株压榨和果皮浸渍工 艺酿造,在多个容器中以不同的 酵母菌株和温度进行发酵,带来 了独特的口感。在浓郁的柠檬和 酸橙气息下,隐隐透出新割青草 和香瓜的香气。是夏日午餐时的 完美搭档,也适合其他时间随意 享用,建议搭配海鲜。

Marion’s Vineyard 采用的是两 种嫁接品种黑比诺:Pommard 和 Abel。手工挑选出葡萄果 实,完全去梗,低温浸泡,然后 在不锈钢桶中进行小批量发酵, 留皮 3 星期。这款富有朝气的 葡萄酒散发着紫罗兰、覆盆子和 皮革的香气。在口中留下清爽红 色莓果和甜茴香的味道,隐隐可 以品出泥土中生长的蘑菇味道。 最后的收结以橡木和香草的气息 在口中萦绕不散。

Block B 的酿造方式与上一款几 乎相同,但陈酿过程中同时使 用新桶和旧桶。这款葡萄酒采 用的是另外一种嫁接品种黑皮 诺:Dijon。酒体香气浓郁而复 杂,交织着甜甜的黑莓、樱桃、 摩卡、肉桂和皮革的气息。口感 除了迷人的矿物质特色,还有将 黑色果实、皮革和烟熏气息完美 融合的味道。单宁感觉丝滑而有 力。最后的收结则以雪松和烤橡 木的气息在口中萦绕徘徊,让人 无法抗拒。

Partially whole bunch pressed and maceration on skins. Fermentation in different bins under the influences of various yeasts strains and temperatures. This Sauvignon Blanc has flavours of lemon and lime and in the background, nuances of cut grass and hints of melons. This is the perfect lunchtime summer wine, but it’s also great for casual sipping, and goes well with food especially seafood dishes.

Marion’s Vineyard is a selection of predominantly two Pinot Noir clones, the Pommard and the Abel clone. Hand- picked and careful selection of grapes. 100% de- stemmed, cold -maceration and small batch fermentation in stainless steel vats and left on “skins” for 3 weeks. This brilliant wine has aromas of violets with raspberries, and leather notes. On the palate, layers of fresh red berries and sweet spice of anise with some earthy mushroom undertones. An excellent weight and acid balance throughout refresh the palate, while subtle notes of oak spice and vanilla linger at the end of the exceptionally long finish.

The Block B is made in almost identical fashion except the maturation in the percentage of new and used French oak barriques used and the different selection of Pinot Noir clone, this one has the Dijon Pinot Noir clone. This wine offers rich, complex aromas of ripe sweet blackberry and cherry, mocha, cinnamon and leather. In the mouth this wine has nice minerality and wonderful concentration of black fruits, leather and smoky flavours with some silky yet firm structure of smooth tannins. Nice notes of cedar and toasted oak round out the tremendous long finish that will keep you coming back for more.

欢迎在 Fine Beverages Limited 购买文中所述葡萄酒。敬请联系 Michael Keen The above wines are available at Fine Beverages Limited, contact Michael Keen

黄育山先生 是《新澳门导 航》特邀的葡萄酒专家和撰 稿人,他曾担任多个国际葡 萄酒赛事的常任评审,包括 国泰航空香港国际葡萄酒及 烈酒大赛、澳门侍酒师大赛以 及泰国最佳侍酒师大赛等等, 更为《南华早报》和《Hong Kong Tatler》杂志撰写葡萄 酒专栏。他也是“Macau Chevalier for the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne” 、“Jurade de Saint Emilion” 以及“ Caveleiro Confraria do Vinho do Porto ”协会成员,同时,David 也 是英国葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金 会的认证导师(WSET)。 DAVID WONG is a chef and wine lover and contributor to Cguide Magazine. David is a regular wine judge on the international circuit including the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition, Macau Sommelier Competition and Thailand Best Sommelier Competition. David writes wine columns for South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Tatler. Associations include the Macau Chevalier for the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne, Jurade de Saint Emilion and Caveleiro - Confraria do Vinho do Porto. David is also an approved tutor for the Wine and Institution Trust, UK (WSET). * 注:本文作者黄育山先生是澳 门厨艺协会的创始人之一,同时 亦为埃科菲国际厨师协会(澳门 区)的秘书长以及“法国国际美 食家协会(澳门区)”的美食顾 问,黄先生特别喜欢喝南非的葡 萄酒。 * David Wong is one of the Founders of the Macau Culinary Association, Secretary General for Disciples of Escoffier in Macau, Conseiller Gastronomie for the Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs and likes drinking South African wines. | July 2015



濠味道 taste

中餐 Chinese 观海轩中餐厅 KWUN HOI HEEN CHINESE RESTAURANT 金路环度假酒店 3/F, Grand Coloane Beach Resort Macau, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane Mon-Fri, 11:00-15:00,18:30 -23:00 Sat-Sun, 9:30-17:30,18:30-23:00 8899 1320 $$$



路氹金光大道金沙城中心底层 Level 1, Sands COTAI Central, Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920 $$$

澳门(皇朝)友谊大马路星际酒 店6楼 Level 6, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00-15:00, 17:00-23:00 8290 8638 $$ 



澳门新口岸填海区星际酒店2楼 Level 2, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8290 8628 $$

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店二楼 2/F Grand Lapa Macau, Av. Amizade, Macau 8793 3821 $$



永利澳门酒店,澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Sat & Sun 11:30-14:30 ; Tue-Sun 18:00-22:30, Closed on Mon 8986 3663 $$

葡京潮州酒楼 LISBOA CHIU CHOW 澳门葡京路葡京酒店旧翼四楼 3/F East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 10:00-23:00 2871 2549 $$

8餐厅 THE EIGHT 南湾葡京路葡京酒店二楼 2/F, East Wing, Grand Lisboa, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30; Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

利苑酒家 LEI GARDEN RESTAURANT 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心2130 Shop 2130, Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Taipa, Macau Lunch: 11:30-15:00 Dinner: 18:00-23:30 $$$

满堂彩 BEIJING KITCHEN 路氹连公路新濠天地澳门君悦酒 店一楼 1/F, Grand Hyatt Macau, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:30-00:00 8868 1930 $$

南湖明月 LUA AZUL 澳门旅游塔前地旅游塔会展娱乐中 心三楼 3/F, Macau Tower, Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:30-22:00 Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 10:00- 15:00; 18:30-22:00 8988 8700 $$

金殿堂 IMPERIAL COURT 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 Sat/Sun 10:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 8802 2361 $$$$

誉珑轩 JADE DRAGON 新濠天地新濠大道二楼 The Boulevard Level 2, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 8868 2822 $$$

澳门威尼斯人3楼2130号 Shop 2130, 3F,Shoppes at Venetian 11:30-15:30,18:00-23:00(周日至六, Sun to Sat) 2882 8689 $$$ 

葡京日丽 PORTAS DO SOL 澳门南湾葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东 翼 2楼 2/F, East Wing, Lisboa Hotel, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 11:30 - 14:30, 18:30 - 22:30 8803 3100 $$ 

永利轩 WING LEI 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-15:00; Sun and Public Holiday 10:30-15:30 18:00-23:00 8986 3663 $$$$ 

紫逸轩 ZI YAT HEEN 路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店大堂 1/F, Four Season Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00-23:00 2881 8888 $$$$

喜迎楼 TREASURE PALACE 路氹连贯公路新濠天地新濠大道一楼 Level 1, Crown Tower, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-23:00 8868 6661 $$$

桃花源小厨 TIM’S KITCHEN 南湾葡京路新葡京酒店二楼 2/F, Grand Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30 Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

自助餐/美食广场 Buffet & Food court

盛事餐厅 ROSSIO 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 07:00-11:00,12:00-23:00 Sun 07:00-10:30,11:30-23:00 8802 2372 $$

苏濠 SOHO 新濠天地二楼 2/F, City of Dreams Macau 11:00-02:00 (+853) 8868 6688 $$

奥旋自助餐 GRAND ORBIT 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中 心底层 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, Sands Cotai Central, Level 1, COTAI 10:00-23:00 8113 8910 $$

渢竹自助餐 BAMBU 澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1033 Shop 1033 (Next to Starbucks off the gaming floor), Venetian Macao Sun-Thurs 10:00-23:00, Fri-Sat 10:00-00:00 8118 9990 $$

$ Less than MOP150/person 多于澳门元150/人 $$ MOP150-300/person澳门元150-300/人 $$$ MOP300-500/person 澳门元300-500/人 Romantic 情侣约会 Family Friendly家庭聚餐 Cash Only 只收现金 $$$$ Above MOP500/person 澳门元500以上/人



七月 2015 |


泓日本料理 MIZUMI

路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Macau, Cotai Strip, Taipa, Macau Brunch: 12:00-15:00 (Sun Only) Lunch: Mon-Sat 12:00-14:30 Dinner: 18:00-22:00 2881 8888 $$ ,

澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利澳 门酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau
 17:30 - 23:30
 (周二休息) 8986 3663 $$$,)


群芳 FESTIVA 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城1楼G19 G19, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel Macau 07:00-22:00 28880888 $$$

银河亚洲美食坊 TASTE OF ASIA 路氹澳门银河综合度假城购物大道 东地下G43 G43, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Macau, Estradada Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 10:00-00:00 8883 2221 $

威尼斯人美食广场 VENETIAN FOOD COURT 路氹澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购 物中心3楼 3/F,Food Court of the Shoppes at Venetian,Venetian Macao 2882 8500 $,

印度菜 Indian 阿露娜印度咖喱咖啡屋 ARUNA’S INDIAN CURRY & CAFE HOUSE 澳门友谊大马路779号中裕大厦第二 座地下O铺 G/F, Store O, Block 2, Building Chong Yu,No.779, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 11:30 - 23:00
 2870 1850 $,

印度园林餐厅 INDIAN GARDEN 氹仔花城区成都街濠景花园第27座 地 下18号铺 G/F,Shop 18, Block 27, Nova Taipa Garden,Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 12:00 -14:30,18:00 - 22:30 2883 7088 $,

皇雀印度餐厅 Golden Peacock 路氹城金光大道望德圣母湾大马路澳 门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1037号 Shop1037, Level 1,The Venetian Macao Resort , Cotai Strip 11:00-23:00 8118 9696 $$$

日本菜 Japanese 天政 TENMASA 澳门氹仔广东路澳门新濠锋酒店 11楼 11F, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 11:30 – 23:30 8803 6611 $$,

山里日本餐厅 YAMAZATO 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大 仓酒店28楼 28F, Hotel Okura, Galaxy Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30(周一休息) 8883 5127 $$$

贵族炉端烧 MAJESTIC ROBATAYAKI 澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒 店地下 G/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, No.288, Avenida Comercial de Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:30 8986 7609 $$,)

澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 2/F, East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, No.24,Avenida de Lisboa, Macau
 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 8803 3677 $$)

橘子新派日本料理 YUZU CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE CUISINE & BAR 澳门氹仔至尊花城成都街地下J铺 G/F, Shop J, Supreme Flower City, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 18:00 – 23:00 2883 8517 $$,

火锅 Hot Pot 鲜 XIN 澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店1楼 Level 1 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central 11:30-15:00,18:00-23:00 8113 1200 $$$

香港金牌海鲜火锅 HONG KONG GOLD MEDAL SEAFOOD HOT POT “澳门银河”综合度假城M楼M01 M01, M/F, Galaxy Macau 11:00-14:30,17:00-02:30 8883 2266/8883 2267 $$$$

金悦轩海鲜火锅酒家 JINYUEXUAN SEAFOOD & HOTPOT RESTAURANT 澳门宋玉生广场699号至707A富泽 园大厦AR/C R/C,Flat A-D, Edificio Fu Chat Yuen, 699-707 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao, Macau 11:00-15:00,17:00-01:00 2828 2862 $$$$ | July 2015



濠味道 Taste 大堂街八号葡国餐厅 RESTAURANTE ESCADA


澳门新马路大堂街8号 No.8, Rua da Sé, Macau 12:00 – 15:00 ,18:00 - 22:00
 2896 6900 $$,

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Macau, No. 986-1110, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30(周一 休息) 8793 4818 $$,

澳门新马路水坑尾264号地下 G/F, No.264, Rua do Campo, Macau 11:45-22:00 
2835 5460 $$

雅憩花园餐厅 NGA TIM CAFé 路环市区计单奴街8号 No.8, Rua Caetano, Coloane Village, Coloane 12:00 – 01:00 2888 2086 $

熊猫葡国餐厅 PANDA PORTUGUESE RESTAURANT 氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 No.4-8, Rua Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 11:00 - 23:00
 2882 7338 $$

沙利文餐厅 SOLMAR RESTAURANT 澳门南湾大马路512号 No. 512, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 11:00 - 22:30 2888 1881 ) $$

CAFé SIAM 路氹城澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店大运 河购物中心2412号铺 Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30 2882 8469 $$


氹仔旧城区地堡街85-87号O, P座地下 G/F, Block O & P, No.85-87, R. do Regedor, Vila de Taipa 12:00 - 15:00
, 18:00 – 23:00 2882 7200 $,



水晶廊 CRYSTAL LOUNGE & DELI 澳门葡京路2-4号新葡京酒店u1红 金上层 U1/F, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon to Sun; 00:00 – 00:00 (+853) 8803 7711 $

SINGLE ORIGIN POUR OVER AND ESPRESSO BAR 澳门荷兰园二马路19号通发大厦 地下 No.19, Rua de Abreu Nunes, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 20:00 / Sun; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6698 7475 $

氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦 花园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 19:00 (+853) 2882 5201 $

尚坊 SAFFRON 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城悦榕庄 地下大堂 G/F Banyan Tree Macau, Galaxy Macau, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Cotai 07:00 - 23:00
 8883 6061 $$,

笃笃泰国美食 TUK TUK 氹仔马场广东大马路鸿业大厦地下 J-K 铺 Shop J-K, G/F, Edificio Hung Ip, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 0999 $

咖啡馆 Cafés 赤坂 AKASAKA CAFÉ

泰国菜 Thai

澳门会展娱乐中心和澳门旅游塔地 面一层 G/F, Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center, Macau Tower, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:00 - 22:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00 – 22:00 (+853) 2838 9118 $


内港餐厅 O PORTO INTERIOR 澳门下环河边新街259号B地下 G/F, B, No.259, Rua do Almirante Sergio, Macau 11:30 – 22:00 2896 7770 $$

澳门美丽街29号C地下 G/F 29 C Rua Formosa, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6677 9985 $

澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)巴黎街117号 大丰广场第2座地下Q铺 Shop Q, Tai Fung Block 2, Rua De Paris 117, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2878 6378 $$

水帘 CASCADES 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城地下G03 及G05号 G/F, G03&G05, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 10:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$

七月 2015 |

金丽华饼店 THE CAKE SHOP AT GRAND LAPA Photo: Diana Lau




澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号 金丽华酒店2楼 2/F, Grand Lapa, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 20:30 (+853) 8793 3810 $$

THE SEASON COFFEE CORNER 卡夫卡 KAFKA 氹仔布拉格街152号地下 152, Rua de Braga, Taipa Tue to Sun; 13:30 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 0086 $


澳门科技大学图书馆内 G/F Block N, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa Mon to Fri; 08:30 – 17:00 (+853) 8897 1888 $


澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau Lobby, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 10:00 - 01:00 8868 1131 $

澳门新马路巴素打尔古街十六浦索菲 特酒店大堂 1/F, Hotel Lobby, Sofitel Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8861 7213 $


法国菜 French

路环市区挞沙街1号地下 No.1 Rua Do Tassara, Coloane Village, Coloane Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2888 2534 $

MGM PÂTISSERIE 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM MACAU Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 09:00 – 21:00 (+853) 8802 2324 $$

宝雅座法国餐厅 AUX BEAUX ARTS 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Grande Praça, MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tue to Fri; 14:00-00:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00-00:00 (+853) 8802 2319 $$

法厨天地 Jack’s Kitchen 澳门新桥镜湖马路5号 No.5, Estrada do Repouso,Macau 12:00-14:30,15:00-18:00 (周一至周六Mon-Sat) 2835 8089 $$

海风餐厅 MISTRAL 新马路内港巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦 索菲特酒店六楼 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:30 (+853) 8861 7210 $$

PRIVÉ 巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦索菲特 大酒店 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Wed to Sun; 18:00 -22:00 (+853) 8861 0016 $$$$

BarCelona Tapas & Rice


澳门慕拉士街16号富大工业大厦地 下B座 No. 16, Rua de Venceslau de Morais,Macau 17:00-02:00(周一及三至 五,Mon,Wen-Fri); 12:00-02:00(周六及日Sat & Sun) (+853) 2872 1084 $$

路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下g21号铺 G21, G/F, East Promenande, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$

葡国菜 Portuguese 葡国美食天地 A PETISQUEIRA 氹仔旧城区生央街15C-D号 Rua de São Joao, vila da Taipa, Taipa Tue to Sun; 12:30-14:30, 18:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5354 $$

安东尼奥餐厅 ANTóNIO 氹仔旧城区木铎街7号 Rua dos Clerigos No. 7, Old Taipa Village,Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 (+853) 2899 9998 $$

百姓餐厅 BANZA

天巢法国餐厅 ROBUCHON AU DOME 澳门新葡京酒店43楼 Avenida de Lisboa, grand Lisboa Hotel, 43/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 -22:30 (+853) 8803 7878 $$$$

御膳房 THE TASTING ROOM 路氹连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒 店三楼 3/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8868 6681 $$$$

西班牙菜 Spanish 塔巴斯西班牙小馆 CASA DE TAPAS 氹仔木铎街9号 Rua dos Clerigos, 9, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 $$$

氹仔旧城区广东大马路154号A-B号 南新花园第5座地下g-H座 Avenida de Kwung Tung, 154, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:30 23:00 (+853) 2882 1519 $$

澳门陆军俱乐部 CLUBE MILITAR 新口岸南湾街975号 Avenida da Praia grande, 975, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:30 - 15:00, 19:0022:30 (+853) 2871 4000 $$$

澳门旅游学院教学餐厅 EDUCATIONAL RESTAURANT I.F.T 望厦炮台斜坡 Colina de Mong-Ha, Mong Ha, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8598 3077 $$

法兰度餐厅 FERNANDO’S 路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac Sa Beach, 9, Coloane Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 21:30 (+853) 2888 2264

葡国餐厅 GUINCHO A GALERA 葡京路2-4号葡京酒店西座3楼 3/F, Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8803 7676 $$$

花道葡萄牙餐厅 FADO 澳门得胜马路2-4号澳门皇都酒店 M/F, Hotel Royal, Estrada da vitoria, 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 6:30 - 22:30 (+853) 2855 2222 $$$

澳门海景正宗葡国餐厅 MIRAMAR 路环黑沙海滩黑沙马路 Hac Sa Beach (near Westin Resort), Coloane Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 21:00 (+853) 2888 2623 $$

意大利菜 Italian 经典意大利餐厅 ANTICA TRATTORIA 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)伦斯泰特大 马 路40,42及46号帝景苑 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, 40, Edf. vista Magnifica Court, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:30 (+853) 2875 5102 $$

帝雅廷意大利餐厅 RISTORANTE IL TEATRO 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Tue to Sun; 17:30 – 23:30 (+853) 8986 3648 $$$

我的意大利厨房 LA CUCINA ITALIANA 氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村伟 兴阁地下AD-AF铺 G/F, Wai Heng Kok, Rua do Pai Kok, 6-12, Chun Fok village, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 7818 $$

Le Cesar 澳门氹仔濠景花园第23座地下 Edf. Nova Taipa Garden, Blc 23, Loja 9, Taipa 09:00 - 23:30 (周一至日,Mon to Sun) (+853) 2884 3061 $$

山度士葡式餐厅 O SANTOS 氹仔旧城区官也街二十号 Rua de Cunha, 20, vila da Taipa, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5594 $$

海湾餐厅 RESTAURANTE LITORAL 下环河边新街261A地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261, São Lourenço, A, g/F, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 (+853) 2896 7878 $$

澳金玛葡国餐厅 Ao Grama 氹仔旧城区英布拉街138号太子花城 第二座M铺 Shop M,Prince Flower City Block 2,Rua de Coimbra n°138,Taipa, Macau +853 2883 9838 | July 2015




穿出绅士范 Dress Like Kingsman

一套入型入格的西装是绅士的武器,一部《皇牌特 工》让英式绅士热潮席卷世界,电影里也有说“西装 乃战袍”,然而,衣着易得,品味难求。披一身传统 西服,未必散发应有英气。沉稳、坚强、风度……更 多更多的形容词,都让您身上的西装散发出更多意 义。我们这期就教您怎么在澳门找齐这身行头,从头 到脚散发正宗绅士味。 “The suit is the modern gentlemen’s armour.” – Harry Hart in “Kingsman” Dressing like a gentleman isn’t really that difficult. Visit a boutique, get a suit, and there you are. What will make you a gentlemen are the manners, the courtesy, and the chivalry… Allow us to start from zero: where and how to dress like a gentleman. “Nobility is being superior to your former self.” – Harry Hart in “Kingsman”



七月 2015 |


英式绅士风 Be British Mr. Collection 这

Shirley Melao

Model: Eusebio Lau 图片里的两套西服,每套西服(外套加西裤)均为MOP569、衬衫MOP529、马 甲MOP529,皮鞋分别为MOP1299和MOP899(红色) MOP569 for each of both suits (jacket and pant), shirt MOP529, vest MOP529, leather shoes MOP1299 and MOP899 (red)

家叫Mr. Collection 的西 装店,位处于塔石广场附 近,被英式风格的红砖墙所包 围,显现出十分的英伦调,店主 是位年轻却很有想法的美女,说 到加盟这家西装点的初衷,张 店主表示这家店的理念和质感是 她选择去尝试加盟的原因。“我 之前是做银行的,完全和这行没 有交际,但自己平时就很喜欢看 人着西装,觉得着西装的男人很 man很有魅力,但看多了之后发 现澳门人时常穿的西装都比较相 似,颜色的选择上也多为黑、灰 色,没有太多新意,就想计划开 一家专门为港澳男士量身定做, 能跟进时尚潮流, 但不会太浮 夸、彰显绅士魅力的西装定制 店,了解下来 Mr. Collection这 个品牌非常合适”。 Mr. Collection主要支持订做一 整套或者单件的西装,心仪的日 常装、正式的礼服、燕尾服和商 务西装都可以在这里购买到。男 士皮鞋和配饰等搭配品在店里也 能买到,但不支持订做。 在西 服的版型、店面的装修摆设、开 店地点等细节之处,能感受到美 女店主花在Mr. Collection身上的 心血。“MOP2300左右就能订 做到一整套量身定做的西服,下 订单后一个月左右西服就能拿到 手,可以说性价比是非常高的。 而皮鞋方面,价格会根据皮质和 手工的不同,价位由MOP799到 MOP2699不等, 而且由于手工设 计得很精致,即使是单穿,我们 的衬衫和鞋也同样有个性”,说 到西服和皮鞋的个性及性价比, 小编带去的模特也试穿了两套, 西服上身后的确有型有个性, 价格也十分可爱,看得我十分心 动。

r. Collection is a tailor shop near the Tap Seac Square. Ms. Cheong, the young yet smart lady owner said she was attracted by the concept and quality of the franchise brand. “I was in banking business with zero experience in tailoring. But I do enjoy admiring men in suit, adding more charisma and power. Macau streets, on the other hand, are mostly filled with similar and dull styles in black or grey. Then the idea occurred to me to offer tailor service for customers in Macau and HK, creating the look of trendy yet elegant gentlemen, which is exactly the goal of Mr. Collection.” It is not only a tailor shop, but the dedication of Ms. Cheong who devoted to every aspects of the business including its location, decoration and the suits patterns. It offers a full range of services covering styles of leisure, formal, business, tuxedo, the complete suits or one-piece. It also sells readyto-wear shoes and accessories. “About MOP 2300 will be enough for a nice suits taking about a month to be completed. A great value for money. As to leather shoes, MOP299 to MOP2699 depends on the leather type and craft. Our shirts and shoes are sophisticatedly designed to be worn separately.” I realized that she was absolutely right about the value for money when seeing my male company trying two suits, stylish and cool with very attractive price tags.

地址 Address :澳门塔石街5A号朗晴轩地下I铺 Macau, Rua do Tap Seac No 5-A,The Serenity Res-do-chão I 电话 Tel: +853 2852 3648 | July 2015




裁缝世家 Sartor Lab

A Family Tailor Anthony Melao


artor,本是拉丁文“裁缝”的意思。店家将这字 与Lab(实验室)凑在一起,正是想以实验的心 态,为这里的西装选择尝试更多可能性。 Sartor Lab其中一位老板Kade出身自制衣世家,爸爸 是资深西装裁缝,到现在还有很多官商名流的客人。 与此同时,留学外国的Kade认为裁缝是专业手艺, 不忍见越来越少专业裁缝,所以抱着传承之心去创立 Sartor Lab。而另一位老板Victor本身做市场推广,两 者结合绝对是相得益彰。两人对西装皆非常热爱,希 望为澳门带来时尚传统兼备的西装,于是成就了Sartor Lab。 两位老板都有一定要求,Sartor Lab使用的布料均来 自英、意的优质品牌,例如广为人知的Ermenegildo Zegna和Loro Piana、英国的Thomas Mason等。Kade 和Victor的专业知识很丰富,由选材、选色到衬饰都 会给予专业意见。Victor忆述:“有时客人希望要很窄 身很短的外套,配很短而且不扎进裤头的衬衣。我们 预想这套西装会不够正式也不够美观,所以尽量说服 他,也给他更多的可能性。” 除了西装,Sartor Lab也有皮鞋、领带和配饰供选择, 当中袖扣是本地设计师寄卖的,非常有特色。在这里 订造一套西装由澳门币二千起,非常物超所值。



七月 2015 |

Model: Echo Wong


artor, originally a Latin word, means “tailor”. Combining it with “Lab” highlights the mentality of Sartor Lab experimentation of this sartorial shop. Fear not the experimentation here for Kade, co-owner 地址 Address of the boutique, was raised by a family of tailors, of 澳门荷兰园大马路78A高士 which the father, an experienced tailor, still possesses 德花园地下D座(近与高士 a clientele of the highest social classes. Educated 德大马路交界) abroad, Kade was saddened to see a broken link in the Av. do Conselheiro Ferreira succession of tailors, so he started the boutique out of the belief of “inheritance”. Victor, another owner, de Almeida, No. 78A, Kou studied marketing in university, making this a truly Si Tak Garden, R/C D (Near complementary partnership. Sartor Lab was founded the junction with Av. Horte out of the love for suit making that is both traditional e Costa) and innovative. 电话 Tel: Sartor Lab uses some of the best fabric from Italy and +853 6557 2640 / 2856 Britain, such as Ermenegildo Zegna, Loro Piana, and 7859 Thomas Mason. 时间 Hours Kade and Victor are dedicated professionals and assist 12:00-20:00 their clients through the whole process of choosing the fabric, colour and accessories for their bespoke suit. Victor remembers, “Some customers request very edgy designs, but we can predict that they’re not going to work; so we’ll provide them with better, more practical possibilities.” Leather shoes, ties, and other accessories are among the treasures that you can find here. Quite noteworthy is that the cufflinks are locally designed. A suit is priced from MOP2,000, quite a good value for money for a bespoke suit.


More Shops for “Kingsman” 高性价比之选: Imagehouse Macau Great value: Imagehouse Macau Imagehouse 是澳门颇受欢迎的本地男士定 制服饰店之一,原本店铺设于充满文艺气息 的疯堂圣禄杞街,如今则搬至东望洋山下, 店内的定制服务以及潮流配件也更为丰富。 整齐的上班西服,到设计感极强的潮流西 服,再到有舞台效果的礼服等,应有尽有。 除男装以外,店内也提供皮鞋,袜子和其他 精美配件,把都市时尚绅士精神贯彻始终。

全新进驻:gentleManner New Shop: gentleManner gentleManner是全新进驻荷兰园的男士服饰 店,醒目的蓝紫色店铺门面看上去甚有复古 味。店内以“Macao Design”为主旨提供原 创西服定制服务,从西装外套到马夹衬衫, 再到领带袖口钮都是时下最潮流样式,是一 众年轻潮男们的西服定制新选择。 gentleManner is a newcomer on this historical Macau avenue but one sure to make a statement with its vintage-inspired royal purple entrance. The shop offers “Macao Design” tailored services to gentlemen seeking a classic style. This fashionable shop also offers exquisite suits, vests, shirts, ties, and cuff-links. 地址 Address

Imagehouse, one of the most popular local tailors has moved to a new address in Rua Nova à Guia. Still it has kept and is improving on its renowned service level. Its aim is to cater for metropolitan gentlemen who seek sharp business suits, trendy blazers and dramatic formal suits as well as refined leather shoes and socks. 地址 Address 东望洋新街222号新平安大厦地下B铺(近圣罗撒 后门) Shop B, R/C, EDF. San Peng On, No. 222, Rua Nova à Guia,Macau 电话 TEL: +853 2875057

高端品牌: Gieves & Hawkes澳门旗舰店 High-end: Gieves & Hawkes Macau flagship store Gieves & Hawkes,众所周知的高级定制 品牌,提供全定制(Bespoke Tailoring) 丶半定制(Personal Tailoring)和Ready to Wear(成衣)三种服务。澳门四季名店内 的旗舰店是英国境外最大的旗舰店,量身定 制专家于备有逾2000种最上等布料的“私人 定制空间”为顾客服务,完成仔细的咨询并 经过量身及调整等工序后,在下单后的8星 期内,定制服饰更可直接送往顾客的住所或 办公室,非常贴心。 Gieves & Hawkes is located at the Shoppes at Four Seasons and is the largest flagship store outside the U.K. The famous Saville Row tailor offers bespoke and personal tailoring services and stocks also ready to wear. The bespoke service will be provided in a private room with more than 2,000 of the best quality fabrics to choose from. Your order will be delivered to your residence or office in person eight weeks after your measurements were taken. 地址 Address 澳门四季名店二楼2820-22 2820-22, LEVEL 2, SHOPPES AT FOUR SEASONS, MACAU 电话 TEL: +853 2899 9830

荷兰园大马路28-B (文化广场往水坑尾方向前行 30米) 28-B, Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida 电话 TEL: +853 2856 7820 | July 2015




术馆 美 体 立 D 3 玩转 The First 3D World in Macau



七月 2015 |


he first large-scale 3D world in Macau – Pier 16 Macau 3D World - is open to the public now. With approximately 18,000 square feet, the museum has over 100 points in seven theme zones, offering visitors a chance to pose for interesting photos with Michael Jackson, the Macau Tower, dinosaurs, all in 3D paintings. Unlike traditional art museums, two exhibition halls in the Pier 16 Macau 3D World are divided into various theme zones, including the first Asia 3D Michael Jackson Exhibiton, a 3D Jurassic World, a 3D Macau Journey, a Touch of French, a Romantic Story and Chinese Culture and 3D Interactive Experience Zone. Visitors here can be part of the art piece and change the content of the painting by their participation. Every visitor is the director of his or her own photos in this 3D universe. The Asia’s first MJ exhibition, which combines 3D artworks, is a must-see exhibition in the museum. Visitors can take photos in classic MJ scenes with this superstar. In addition, there will be showcases of MJ exhibits, which include items used by the artist, and some MJ collections. “3D Macau Journey” is based on Macau’s famous attractions. Through immersive technology, visitors can climb the Ruins of St. Paul, stand on top of the Macau Tower, and overlook the night view of Macau. “Touch of French” and “Romantic Story” theme zones share the romantic atmosphere and beautiful scenery of France. The Chinese Culture zone is full of paintings from traditional Chinese culture and you will be able to find a lot of Chinese household name characters such as Monkey King and Guanyu. 3D Jurassic World is another theme zone not to be missed. With special sound and lighting effects, the dinosaurs from the Jurassic Period come alive. Visitors travel back to the Jurassic period and are surrounded by a variety of dinosaurs that will come to greet you face to face. With the sound effect and available technology, it will bring visitors a brand new sensory experience. The Face Image Interactive Coin Wall will create your own coin visual by snapping a photo of your face. The coins will then move according to human motions.

门首家大型的3D立体美术馆正式登场,占地面积逾18,000平方尺,设有多个 主题馆,提供超过100个拍照点,与MJ合照,徒手登上澳门旅游塔丶近距离 接触栩栩如生的恐龙,打破传统艺术欣赏模式,享受置身其境般的亲身体验。 澳门3D立体美术馆由香港3D奇幻世界与澳门十六浦度 假村携手打造而成,两层的展厅一共设有7个不同的主 地址 Address 题拍照区,MJ 3D展丶3 D侏罗纪丶澳门3D之旅丶法 澳门内港巴素打尔古街澳门 式风情丶浪漫恋人丶中华文化以及3D互动体验空间, 十六浦度假村二楼及三楼 让参观者发挥创意和想像力的空间,摆出各种有趣的 Ponte 16 Resort, Macau, 姿态,结合3D画作一起拍摄,为作品增添生命。 2/F & 3/F, Rua das Lorchas 亚洲首个“MJ 3D展”是美术馆内不能错过的亮点, e Rua do Visconde Paço de 多个MJ的经典场面重现眼前,让你和偶像合照之余, Arcos, entre Pontes12A a 更可与MJ同台演出,在舞台上拍出如幻似真的3D相 20, Macau 片。此外,场内更展出MJ生前使用过的物品及珍藏 营业时间 Opening 品。“澳门3D之旅” 主题利用澳门着名的特色景点和 10:00-20:00 元素,3D化呈现在参观者眼前。透过错视技术,让参 周一至日,19:00后停止 观者可爬上大三巴丶站在澳门旅游塔的塔顶丶从高空 入场 俯瞰澳门夜景等。“法式风情”和“浪漫恋人”主题 Mon- Sun, no admission 则以美丽风景为背景,最适合与爱侣留影;还有充满 after 19:00 浓厚文化的中华文化馆,你可以找到孙悟空丶关羽等 门票 Admission 中国家喻户晓的经典故事角色。 成人-MOP188,3-11 恐龙主题是美术馆内的另一亮点,“3D侏罗纪”主 岁小童、65岁以上长 题除了有不同种类的大小恐龙外,还加入模拟恐龙声 者-MOP120 效,让人有如置身于侏罗纪的感觉。此外,馆中还设 Adult-MOP188, child 有3D互动体验空间,“数码恐龙实境科技”带来一只 between 3-11 and seniors 只栩栩如生的恐龙以及模拟声效及逼真的道具,带来 over 65-MOP120 不一样的3D感官体验,而“互动人像金币墙”则可以 电话 Tel.: 拍摄下访客的头像并制成金币投影,金币会随人体动 +853)2895 1011 作而移动,最适合一家老少一同体验。 | July 2015






药旗下有“金城中药房”、“康城药房”两大旗舰店,主要代理世 界各地的保健食品、中西成药、参茸海味、医疗器材。康城医药已

康城医药 M&M Medicine

在扩大市场领域进行充分准备的同时,为顾客提供更具有疗效、质 量保证的药品、及贴心贴切的服务,回馈大众。 康城医药积极拓展市场领域,不断引进世界各地优质的药物、保健 产品、参茸海味和医疗器材等,让客顾有更多元化和更高质量的选 择;此外,康城医药一直关注顾客的健康状况,为顾客提供更专属 和贴切的产品,因此,推出新项目 -----“康城养生秘方”来迎合新一 代健康主意群的需求,当中包括“康膳”、“康研”和“康酿”。



七月 2015 |


&M Medicine was established in 1995 being our aim to enhance your wellbeing. This is also the commitment which we have been keeping to our customers. M&M Medicine has two flagship stores – Golden Wall Chinese Pharmacy and MM Pharmacy – that mainly distribute health supplements, proprietary Chinese and Western medicines, Chinese herbs and dried seafood, as well as medical devices from across the world. M&M Medicine has plans to expand to other markets but always by guaranteeing attentive care,and quality effective medicines to the public. In recent years, M&M Medicine has been actively expanding its market span and introducing quality medicines, health supplements, Chinese herbs and dried seafood, as well as medical devices from across the world, offering more diversified and quality products. We are deeply concerned with the health of our customers and strive to provide them with the most suitable products. We have recently launched a new programme –“ M&M’s Health Secret”, of which “M&M Cuisine”, “M&M Grind” and “M&M Liquor” are a part of.

金城中药房 Golden Wall Chinese Pharmacy

康城药房 MM Pharmacy 营业时间 Opening Hours

营业时间 Opening Hours



地址 Address

地址 Address

金沙城中心,金沙广场 一


楼 1033铺

道东 地下 G012

1033, Level 1,

G012, G/F East

Shoppes at Cotai Central,

Promenade, Galaxy Macau

Sands Cotai Central

电话 Tel.:

电话 Tel.:

(853) 2836 3473

(853) 2885 3115

(+86) 153 4482 1995

(+86) 153 6215 9137

传真 Fax

传真 Fax

(853) 2836 2069

(853) 2885 3116 | July 2015






严选生长在海拔4500米以上高原的顶级野生 虫草作为原料,通过运用专利技术对冬虫夏 草细胞进行超微“破膜、破壁” ,使其精华成份 极致释放,令药效吸收提升7倍以上。

Superior Cordyceps Extract Troche Slowly dissolve in the mouth, effectively absorbed by the body



延.龄 稀有人参皂苷是集健康食品、药品角色 于一身的至宝,拥有市面上任何人参皂苷类 产品所不具备的众多稀有人参皂苷的高含量 优质配比,其中例如PK1,PPD等人参皂苷是 绝对稀有的,是科学家们梦寐以求想得到的 稀有物质。它是经过第三代改良后的产品,已 进行人体临床研究,其效果是更令人瞩目,研 究成果受到了权威期刊《自然生物技术》的高 度评价。作为平台性技术,在世界十多个主要 国家申请了50多个专利注册,并且拥有83个 专利 ,包括原料专利、技术专利和用途专利。

Scettro Vii Rare Ginsenosides At the front line of health, explore the secret of longevity Scettro Vii - Rare Ginsenosides is a treasure chest of health supplements and medicines, containing a high content of quality rare ginsenosides which other similar products in the market do not contain. The extremely rare PK1 and PPD are part of this product’s formula. Scettro Vii - Rare Ginsenosides is the third generation with several improvements. The clinical trials on human beings were done, and the significant outcomes have long attracted scientists’ attention and are highly evaluated by the authoritative scientific journal - “Nature Biotechnology”. To date, Scettro Vii has applied for over 50 patents in more than 10 countries, and holds



七月 2015 |

Superior rigorously selects top wild cordyceps from the highlands with altitudes above 4500m. Through the patent micro membrane and cell wall breaking technology, active ingredients are perfectly isolated from cordyceps, resulting in a



植物干细胞具有非常惊人的再生能力,是永 恒生命力的不朽细胞。野山参干细胞可推迟 人体机能老化,排出体内有毒物质,修护受 损细胞再生,增强细胞活力,使人体细胞经 久不衰。

Neji Wild Ginseng Plant Stem Cells A star, with endless vitality, lights up your health Plant stem cells have extraordinary ability for regeneration, thereby being known as the immortal cells. Wild ginseng’s stem cells can delay the aging process of the body functions, detoxify the body, help damaged cells to regenerate and increase cellular vitality, allowing cells to thrive for a longer time.

澳洲蓝山·芹菜籽油 爱·根


爱·根Again是采用国际GMP优良药厂超浓 缩技术,萃取纯天然的东革阿里和南瓜籽精 华炼制而成,绝不含任何西药成分,安全可 靠,绝无副作用。长期服用有壮阳补肾、养生 延寿之效,彻底解决男士多年的困扰,重建强 健体魄。

Again Eurycoma Longifolia and Pumpkin Seed Extract Capsule Men’s regimen, for both you and her

蓝山‧芹菜籽油是由澳洲大药厂Catalent®注册并开发 而成,以纯天然西洋芹菜籽为原料,采用国际先进的分 子超临界低温萃取技术,以低温确保分子活性达到高纯 度脱水分离状态。长期服用芹菜籽油有强效的利尿作 用,能充分发挥了“脱酸” 、 “降酸”和“排酸”的作用。

OA Osteoarthritis Bone Celery and Juniper Vegicap The product made of natural celery seeds was registered and developed by an Australian pharmaceutical factory - Catalent®. The factory adopts innovative supercritical fluid extraction which is a low-temperature extraction, ensuring molecular activity at a state of high concentration (dehydration). Long-term use of this product exerts a significant diuretic effect which can effectively remove uric acid from the blood, expel uric acid from the body and reduce uric acid levels.

Again adopts the concentration technology of international GMP-certified pharmaceutical factory. This product does not contain any ingredients of western medicines. The ingredients, which are extracted from natural eurycoma longifolia and pumpkin seeds, are safe without side effects. Long-term use helps strengthen body vitality, nourish the kidneys and extend lifespan. This product thoroughly solves the problems which have been stressing men for years, and brings the body back into a state of health.

露兰寇·活性油切纳豆菌 打开日本人千百年健康长寿的密码,是皆因长期食用纳豆活菌,它可以分泌丰富的活性酵素及 纳豆激酶,改善消化道机能,促进肠道益菌群,帮助排便,调节体质,维持身体整体健康。

Lunako BSN311 For thousands of years, Japanese longevity has been a mystery. Today, Lunako has successfully unveiled it – Japanese people always eat natto which contains bacillus natto with rich active enzyme and nattokinase contents, improving the function of digestive system, promoting intestinal flora to regulate bowel movements, helping the body to make functional adjustment and supporting the body’s overall health. | July 2015



澳门买好酒 wineshop

Prime Shop 优质食品店 Prime Shop 黑沙环中街592号寰宇天下地下2座 地下D铺 Central Areia Preta 592, La Cite Block 2, r/c D Macau 2848 1659

年度酒窖 Les Millesimes 宾利酒世界 Banny Wine Cellar 菜园涌北街83-89号地下S Norte Canal Hortas 83-89 r/c S 2822 7530

酒宝巴库斯 Bacchus wine 寰发洋酒有限公司 Remfly Wine and Spirits Ltd 澳门宋玉生广场235-243号中土大厦地下Q,R铺, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção 235 - 243, China Civil Plaza R/C Q,R 2857 5243

肯尼思酒窖 Kenneth Wine Cellar 澳门新口岸宋玉生广场235-287号中 土大厦15楼f座, Alameda Dr Carlos D’Assumpção China Civil Plaza 15° 2875 1628

太平洋酒窖有限公司 Pacific Ocean Wine Mart Company Ltd 马德里街31号地下D Madrid 31 r/c D 2875 0622

福隆新街49号地下 Felicidade 49 r/c 2878 5415

金泉酒庄 Golden Winery 菜园路164号地下IA Hortelãos 164 r/c IA 2842 3399

荣仕廊美酒澳门有限公司 Vins Gallery Limited 澳门商业大马路友邦广场地下02室 Av Comercial Macau Ed AIA Tower r/c apt 02 2888 9881

皇家酒窖 The Royal Wine Cellar 好时行洋酒专门店有限公司 Greattime Wine Pouring House Ltd

马统领街26号地下 Com Mata-Olivª 26 r/c 2871 8989

河边新街94-120号地下B Alm Sérgio 94-120 r/c B 2893 8495

氹仔望德圣母湾大马路澳门威尼斯 人度假村酒店大运河购物中心3楼 Venetian Macao Nuance-Watson 2882 8105

嘉兴酒业 Sociedade de Vinhos Finest Limitada 华大新村第三街海南花园第1座地 下J R.3 Va Tai Hoi Nam Gdn bl 1 r/c J 2848 1710

华大新村第三街13号海南花园1座 地下o铺 Rua 3 Va Tai Hoi Nam Gdn Bl 1 R/C 2843 0917

宋玉生广场112号地下M Alª Dr Carlos d’Assumpção 112 r/c M 2822 0899

巴波沙大马路华大新邨华康楼地下H Av A Tamag Barbª Va Tai San Chun Va Hong Lau r/c H 2843 9809

屈臣氏酒窖 Watson’s Wine Venetian


法国马伯乐集团酒业有限公司 MBL Wine Group Lirnited

润德酒业 Runde Wine & Spirits

氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路139号百利宝 花园百丽阁地下1座 Av Dr. Sun Yat Sen, No.165 Edif, Treasure Garden Pretty Court. Block 1, Ground Floor 2822 1155

888酒庄 Adega 888

骏德酒业(澳门)有限公司 Jointek Fine Wines 罗马街30-38号地下AA Roma 30-38 r/c AA 2875 5746

葡萄酒博物馆 WINE MUSEUM 澳门新口岸高美士街431号 Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes 431, basemant 8798 4188

圣美基街1号C-D地下 S Miguel 1C-D r/c 2835 4585

俊轩酒业 JOIN HIN WINES 关闸马路64号地下C Ist Ferrª Amaral 64 r/c C 2848 7371

慕拉士来来酒窖 ROYAL SUPERMARKET CELLAR 澳门慕拉士大马路181-183号来来 大厦一楼 Av, de Venceslau de Morais No 181-183, Royal Group Building R/C 8791 9488

澳门DFS醇酒及雪茄概念店 DFS VINTAGE CELLAR 澳门四季酒店DFS内 Four Season Resort, Macao DFS 2870 0175



七月 2015 |


澳门壹号广场 ONE CENTRAL MACAU 澳门外港新填海区沙格斯大马路 Avenida de Sagres,Nape Macau 10:30-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2822 9838

永利名店购物区 WYNN ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966

万利名店购物区 ENCORE ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街

金沙广场 Shoppes at Cotai Central 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心 Cotai Sands Central, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8113 9630

澳门T广场四季名店 T GALLERIA MACAU, SHOPPES at FOUR SEASONS 澳门路氹金光大道四季酒店望德 圣母湾大马路 The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2828 2833

DFS BEAUTY WORLD 澳门四季名店1楼1101/18-30店 1101/18-30,Level 1,The Shoppes at Four Seasons,Cotai 10:00-23:00 +853 2828 2833

Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966

威尼斯人购物中心 SHOPPES at VENETIAN 澳门望德圣母湾大马路 澳门威 尼斯人度假村酒店3楼 3F,The Venetian Macao, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Taipa 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8117 7841

澳门T广场新濠天地店 T GALLERIA MACAU, CITY OF DREAMS 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路连接路 环及路氹填海区 Estrada do Istmo,Cotai, Macau 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8590 3000

永盟百货 WINMAN 澳门殷皇子大马路友谊广场地库 Avenida Do Infante D,Henrique 31A-31B, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 82916350

化妆品与个人护理 COSMETICS & SKNICARE 莎莎 SA SA 澳门板樟堂街1E-1F地下 Rua de S. Domingos, No. 1E-1F,R/C, Macau 10:00-23:00 +853 2832 2155

卓悦 BONJOUR 澳门板樟堂街12-14号物业全幢 G/F, 12-14 Rua De S. Domingos, Macau 10:00-22:30 +853 2832 2146

思维美 SWEETMAY 澳门板樟堂街1D号铺 Shop 1D,Rua de S. Domingos,Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2838 9156

日本数码店 JC SHOP PREMIUM @ Macau 澳门威尼斯人大运河购物中心大 运河街877号铺 Shop 877, Grand Canal Street, Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian Macau 10:00-21:30 +853 2882 8987

歌谣KOIO CYBERLAND 澳门伯多禄局长街 (白马行) 银 座广场地下 O~S铺 Shop O-S, Macau Ginza Plaza, Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, Macau 11:00-23:00 +853 2835 5227

丽斯摄影器材行FOTO NICE 澳门南湾大马路616号万胜大厦 地下A Av. dA Praia Grande No.616, Edf. Man Seng,R/C “A”, Macau. 10:00-20:00 +853 2871 5618


电子及家庭电器 AUDIO VISUAL AND ELECTRONIC ACCESSORIES 玛莎百货 MARKS & SPENCER 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心广 场2楼2116B室 Shop 2116B,Level 2,Shoppes at Cotai Central,Sands Cotai Central, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2885 3592

澳门新八佰伴 NEW YAO HAN 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mario Soares no. 90, Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2872 5338

丰泽 FORTRESS 议事亭前地11号信德堡地库


Basement,Shun Tak House,11 Largo Do Senado,Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2832 9958

氹仔官也街11-13号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 11-13, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +853 2882 7458



Shop P, V&W,G/F, Macau Square 10:00-20:30 +853 3871 7428

氹仔官也街31号地下 Rua do Cunha, No. 31, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +2882 7811

来来电器广场 ROYAL ELECTRONICS SQUARE 澳门慕拉士大马路181-183号来 来集团大厦2楼


Avenida de Venceslau de Morais, Edf. Loi Loi Grupo, No. 181-183, 2/F, Macau 11:00-22:00 +853 8791 9432

澳门大三巴街28E号地下 Rua de S. Paulo, No. 28E, R/C, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2836 2122 | July 2015



濠探索 explore

Francis Yang 澳门威尼斯人酒店副礼宾司

Assistant Concierge at The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel

澳门的美食、娱乐、游玩节目多不胜数,如何以最道地的方式游 澳门一直都是困扰游客的问题。澳门威尼斯人的副礼宾司Francis Yang却有不错的适合这个暑假的好建议,快来看看吧。

你最喜欢澳门哪个地方? 我喜欢的地方有很多,当然澳门威尼斯人是很多游客必到之地。它是亚 洲最大的综合型度假村,内有购物中心、酒店、美食、娱乐、会展场地,在 亚洲绝对是独一无二。 你最喜欢澳门的什么? 来到澳门,如果没有去过大三巴牌坊,实在有点可惜。大三巴牌坊前身 是建于十七世纪的圣保禄教堂;1835年毁于一场大火,只剩下现时所 见,原先为教堂正立面的石建筑。

你最推荐游客去哪个地方? 必去澳门最广阔的天然沙滩“黑沙海滩” ,海床及海滩的沙含丰富矿物 致其色深,故得其名。该海滩位于路环岛南端,全长一公里。同样必试的 是沿着海滩设置的烧烤档,吹着海风品尝美味烧鸡翅,风味非常。 在澳门有哪道菜式是必试的? 当然是外脆内香软的甜美葡挞啦!

在礼宾部工作以来,最难忘的经历是? 2006年,当我还在中山工作时,有客人退房后带着行装坐计程车离店。 下车时,他却忘了拿行李。由于计程车司机联络不到他,就将行李送回 我工作的酒店。 该客人是酒店的常客,所以我知道他常常在中山和广州两边走。因此我 立刻致电广州各大酒店,看看他会否入住其中一家。 最后我查到他会入住广州花园酒店,遂把行李送到该处。客人登记入住 时看到自己的行李神奇地抵达,非常欣喜,并致电我工作的酒店表扬 我。这肯定是我职业生涯最难忘的经历。

Les Clefs d’Or Macau - International network of Concierges 44


七月 2015 |

Picking the right choices from the vast options of food and entertainment available in Macau is quite a difficult task for many. Francis Yang, assistant concierge at The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel, however, has great insights for you. Let’s hear from him. Which place in Macau do you like the most? Personally, The Venetian Macao is one of my favourite places in the city. It is the largest integrated resort of its kind in Asia. There is nowhere else in Asia that has such a wide range of offerings including shopping, hotel accommodation, food and beverage outlets, entertainment and MICE facilities under one roof. What in Macau do you like the most? Traveling in Macau without visiting the Ruins of St Paul means not really visiting Macau at all. It is a must-visit attraction. Originally built in 17th century, the Church of St. Paul was destroyed by fire in 1835 and what remains today is the facade of the Church. Where do you recommend tourists to go to? Hac Sa Beach – which translates as “Black Sand Beach” – is Macau’s largest natural beach. It’s on the southeast side of Coloane. The beach is a kilometre long and is famous for its black sand. It gets its unique colour from minerals in the seabed that are washed ashore. Don’t forget to try out a delicious barbeque chicken wing available at the stalls along the beach. What is the must-try food item in Macau? Portuguese egg tart is the must-try food in Macau. It is a dessert with outer pastry crust filled with egg custard and baked. What has been the most memorable experience in your career as a concierge? In 2006, a guest checked out of a hotel at Zhongshan where I worked at that time. He took his luggage with him and took a taxi. But when he arrived at his destination, he forgot his luggage. The taxi driver couldn’t contact him so he brought the luggage back to the hotel. The guest is a regular guest of our hotel, so I knew he travelled regularly between Guangzhou and Zhongshan. I tried to contact many hotels in Guangzhou to see if I could find the guest. Finally, I found that the guest was going to check in at the Guangzhou Garden Hotel. I sent the luggage to Guangzhou Garden Hotel and when the guest checked in, he was very surprised to see the luggage. He called my hotel where I worked to thank me. I felt very happy for the guest and it is a memorable experience in my career.



七月 2015 |

论区行赏(四) 探索多元文化街区

Step Out Macau (IV)

Explore St. Anthony’s Parish and Our Lady of Fatima Parish

本期的Cguide带领您走进花王堂区以及花地玛堂区,穿梭于大街小巷内寻找那些混合 中西特色的建筑,走进澳门市民生活的小区,探索其中的精彩魅力。 Roaming in the St. Anthony’s Parish and Our Lady of Fatima Parish, admiring buildings with Chinese and western influences alongside the streets and lanes, discovering true happiness of Macau. | July 2015



濠探索 explore

花王堂区•情牵中西 The Marriage of East and West in St. Anthony’s Parish

王堂区是体验多元文化的必访之地,从澳门地 标性建筑大三巴牌坊出发,途经浪漫的教堂、 传统的民间庙宇、充满历史故事的名人故居、再走进 热闹的生活小区,是一条感受澳门中西文化融合不能 错过的路线。 著名的大三巴牌坊是圣保禄教堂正面前壁的遗址,也 是“澳门历史城区”中重要的历史遗迹。教堂在1835 年遭遇大火,仅剩下教堂的正面前壁。从雄伟的牌坊 上可见各种细致精美的雕刻,包括人物圣像、以及牡 丹花、菊花、太阳、月亮等深具宗教意义和浓厚东方 色彩的元素。而大三巴牌坊后有一所天主教艺术博物 馆,馆内的展品是澳门多间教堂和修院收藏的天主教 艺术精品,其中最引人注目的是圣保禄教堂唯一留存 至今的油画《圣弥额尔大天神》。 大三巴牌坊旁是传统的哪咤庙,同一个地点有着中西 两种截然不同的宗教信仰以及建筑特色,是体现澳门 中西文化和谐相处最好的印证。此外,这里还有一段 数百年历史的旧城墙遗址,穿过旧城墙后,您将进入 茨林围,这是昔日大量天主教徒聚居的小区,里面的 一砖一瓦记载着澳门民生的点滴。 从大三巴脚下往白鸽巢公园方向前行,您会经过一条 洋溢浪漫气氛的巷子─恋爱巷。恋爱巷的名字源于其 葡文名称“Travessa da Paixão”,巷子两旁是粉色 以及鹅黄色的欧式建筑,是多出电影及电视剧的取景 地,也是情侣们喜爱前往拍摄婚纱照的热门地点。走 过恋爱巷仍旧意犹未尽?那么不妨前往有“花王堂” 之称的圣安多尼教堂参观。圣安多尼教堂因奉有“婚 姻主保”之称的圣安多尼而得名,与中国传说中的 “月 老”一样,保佑姻缘婚姻,所以很多天主教徒都选择在 此举行婚礼。另外,以往葡人婚礼多在此举行,华人 因此将之称为“花王堂”。 走进新桥小区,您将发现更多有趣的景点,包括莲溪 庙、叶挺故居、三盏灯等。香火鼎盛的莲溪庙供奉各 类神佛超过十多种,是澳门奉有最多神祇种类的庙宇 之一。每天清晨,莲溪庙前地就会变成极具特色的天 光墟,各种地摊商贩老街坊齐聚,非常热闹。区内特 色景点还包括中国杰出军事家叶挺的故居,叶挺故居 内长期设有展览,展出多幅将军的生活照以及与家人 在澳门的生活照片等重要展品。至于附近的三盏灯则 是澳门无人不识的美食集中地,您不但可以在此尝到 美味的街头小吃,还可以一次尝遍缅甸、越南、印度 尼西亚的地道风味菜色。



七月 2015 |


t. Anthony’s Parish is a must for lovers of culture and history. Starting from Ruins of St. Paul, the route covers elegant churches, traditional Chinese temples, historical residence of great names and lively communities. Ruins of St. Paul’s, the most well known landmark of Macau, is one of the significant architectures of “The Historic Centre of Macao”. In fact, Ruins of St. Paul’s refers to the façade of St. Paul’s Church destroyed by fire in 1835. The façade still demonstrates exquisite carvings of saints, flowers, moon and sun and many other religious elements full of rich eastern influences. The Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt at the rear of Ruins of St. Paul’s exhibits fine art of Catholic churches in Macau including the St. Archangel Michael, the only original oil painting survived in the fire. Located next to the Ruins of St. Paul’s, Na Tcha Temple with traditional Chinese architectural style is dedicated to the worship of the deity Na Tcha, presenting harmonious coexistence of eastern and western cultures . Walking across the Section of Old City Wall that had protected the city for hundreds of years, you will enter the Pátio do Espinho where the old days of Catholic believers were gathered and settled. “Travessa da Paixão” (Lane of Love) deserves a quick visit while strolling to Camões Garden. The European style buildings with exterior walls in pastel colour situated both sides of the lane have made it a beautiful and romantic setting for films and wedding photos. Want to be surrounded by romantic atmosphere? Don’t miss the St. Anthony’s Church. The church is dedicated to St. Anthony, the patron of lovers, and is a popular venue of wedding among Catholics. More attractions are awaiting your visit in the San Kio community, such as Lin Kai Temple, Ye Ting Residence and Rotunda de Carlos da Maia. The temple is a gala of Chinese Gods because it is dedicated to more than 10 Gods in such a small place. Every morning, the daytime market in front of the temple has created a place for vendors and local residents to gather and share their happy moments. Ye Ting Residence, a historical attraction in the community, exhibits the famous late Chinese general Ye Ting’s pictures and his life here in Macau. Rotunda de Carlos da Maia is not a strange place for food lovers because it is a food paradise where you can taste both local snacks and authentic dishes from Burma, Vietnam and Indonesia.

建议游览路线 (总时间:约41分钟) 1. 大三巴牌坊 - 2. 旧城墙遗址 - 3. 哪咤庙 - 4. 哪咤展示馆 - 5. 恋爱巷 - 6. 何族崇义堂 - 7. 永福围 -8. 圣安多尼教堂(花王堂) - 9. 白鸽巢公园 - 10. 东方基金会会址 - 11. 基督教坟场 - 12. 三巴门土 地庙 -13. 包公庙及医灵庙 - 14. (镜湖医院内)孙中山铜像 - 15. 消防博物馆 - 16. 莲溪庙 - 17. 新桥 花园 -18. 三盏灯 - 19. 叶挺故居

Suggested Route (Estimated time: Around 41 minutes) 1.Ruins of St. Paul’s - 2. Section of Old City Wall - 3. Na Tcha Temple - 4. Na Tcha Exhibition Hall - 5. Travessa da Paixão- 6. Macau Ho’s Clan Association - 7. Pátio da Eterna Felicidade - 8. St. Anthony’s Church - 9. Camões Garden -10. Casa Garden - 11. Protestant Cemetery - 12. Tou Tei Temple in Sam Pa Mun -13. Pao Kong Temple and Temple of Divinity of Medicine 14. Statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen (in Hospital Kiang Wu) -15. Fire Services Museum - 16. Lin Kai Temple - 17. San Kio Garden - 18. Rotunda de Carlos da Maia -19. Ye Ting Residence

景点开放时间及门票 Opening Hours & Admission 天主教艺术博物馆及墓室:09:00 -18:00,逢周二14:00 - 18:00 休馆,公众假期照常开放;免 费入场 Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt: 09:00 – 18:00 (closed on Tuesdays after 14:00, open during public holidays) . Free Admission 哪咤展示馆:10:00-18:00,周三休馆,公众假期除外;免费入场 Na Tcha Exhibition Hall: 10:00 – 18:00, closed on Wednesdays, open during public holidays . Free Admission 圣安多尼教堂:9:00-17:30 St. Anthony’s Church: 9:00-17:30 东方基金会会址:画廊-9:30-18:00(周一至五,周末及公众假期休息);花园-9:30-18:00 Casa Garden: Gallery: 09:30 – 18:00 (closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays); Garden: 09:30 – 18:00 基督教坟场:8:30-17:30 Protestant Cemetery: 8:30-17:30 消防博物馆:10:00-18:00,公众假期照常开放;免费入场 Fire Services Museum: 10:00-18:00, open during public holidays. Free Admission 新桥花园:7:00-18:00;免费入场 San Kio Garden: 7:00-18:00, Free Admission 叶挺故居:10:00-18:00,周三休馆,公众假期照常开放;免费入场 Ye Ting Residence: 10:00 – 18:00, closed on Wednesdays, open during public holidays. Free Admission

周末文艺表演 Weekend PerformaNce: 周六Saturday 大炮台(粤剧)Mount Fortress(Cantonese Opera)─12:00-12:30,15:00-15:30 塔石广场(土风舞)Tap Seac Square(Portuguese Folk Dance)─15:00-15:30 仁慈堂婆仔屋外前地(作画) Santa Casa da Misericordia Albergue(Street Painting)─15:00-18:00 周日Sunday 仁慈堂婆仔屋外前地(音乐演奏) Santa Casa da Misericordia Albergue(MusicConcert) 15:00-17:00 塔石广场(街舞) Tap Seac Square(Street Dance)─16:00-16:20 | July 2015



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Enchanting Stories of Our Lady of Fatima Parish

闸是最多访客选择进入澳门的口岸,过关后随 即到达花地玛堂这个有着浓厚中式文化与民间 信仰特色的区域,当中更不乏洋溢葡萄牙特色的建 筑。 关闸拱门是花地玛堂区之行的首个历史景点,同时它 也见证着澳门的发展。关闸作为澳门的城门,原本位 于关闸马路中段,当时是一座中式的城楼闸门且有官 兵驻守。1871年,澳葡政府则在现时拱门所处位置 建造出如今凯旋门式的鹅黄色拱门。此外,关闸广场 中央的多个波浪形水池晚上在璀璨的灯光衬托下,份 外悦目。自关闸拱门步行15分钟,您将到达极具本地 特色的三角花园。三角花园是市民街坊休憩以及儿童 玩耍的小花园,每天都有不少朋友在公园的大树下下 棋聊天,而粤曲爱好者则集合其中练习曲艺,好不热 闹。 与三角花园一街相隔的是与妈阁庙及普济禅院并称澳 门“三大古剎”的莲峯庙,该庙宇建于明朝,又名“莲 峯寺”或“天妃庙”,供奉天后及观音,也是当年钦 差大臣林则徐奉命南下查禁鸦片时与葡萄牙的官员会 面的地点,其中接见官员的亭台至今还在,具有非凡 历史意义。另外值得一提的是,庙宇外设有许愿树供 访客许愿之用。细心的您会发现庙宇前的空地还有一 座民族英雄林则徐纪念馆,纪念馆内藏有澳门旧时风 貌、虎门销烟等图片,并展出清代的中国军舰、葡萄 牙航船及鸦片存放船等,还有当时林则徐接见澳葡官 员情形的模型。 喜欢艺文的朋友绝不能错过近年以艺术展览闻名的牛 房仓库,楼高两层的建筑原来是澳门市政牧场仓库, 后来得到澳门艺术团体“婆仔屋艺术空间”(后改名“牛 房仓库”)的迁入。如今的牛房仓库定期举办绘画、海 报、雕塑和多媒体等不同的艺术展览,还设有戏剧图 书室、书房等专区,周末更开设儿童绘画、手工艺等 艺术工作坊,为澳门艺术创作的实验交流平台。欣赏 过精彩的展览后,您还可以在附近的咖啡店或地道茶 餐厅品尝美食。尝过美食稍作歇息后,您可以往望厦 山进发。山上的炮台曾有非洲裔的葡国士兵驻守炮 台,故又称 为“黑鬼山炮台”,是澳门昔日北边的 军事防御据点,直到1997年才被开辟为望厦山市政公 园。公园中心是圆形广场,炮台附属兵营则改建为澳 门旅游学院及其教学酒店 – 望厦迎宾馆。



七月 2015 |


order Gate is one of the busiest ports in Macau, leading visitors directly to the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, a popular site among tourists by its unique environment filled with cultural and religious elements, as well as Portugal-style architectures. The historical Arch of Border Gate will definitely catch your eyes while entering Macau. The city used to have a Chinese-style gate tower with troops located in the middle of the Istmo Ferreira do Amaral. In 1871, the colonial government decided to build another gate in European style where the Border Gate is located nowadays. Surrounded by fountains and plants, the Board Gate Square is a pleasant site to have leisure moments in the evening. It takes only 15 mins from the Gate to Areia Preta Triangle Garden, a park for locals gathered for entertainments such as playing Chinese chess, practicing Chinese opera or chatting. Located at the next block of Areia Preta Triangle Garden, Lin Fong Temple is one of the three ancient temples in Macau, the other two are A-Ma Temple and Kun Iam Temple. The temple is a historical place since Mandarins and government officials used to stay in the temple when they visited Macau. The most renowned visitor was Commissioner Lin Zexu, who came to investigate and suppress the opium trade in 1839. During his visit in Macau, he met with Portuguese officials at the temple. To memorize the important event, Lin Ze Xu Memorial Museum of Macau adjacent to the temple was established.The museum demonstrates pictures of old Macau and historical photos of how Lin managed to confiscate and destroy more than 20,000 chests of opium in Humen. Also in the museum you’ll see a miniature that portrays the meeting between Lin and Portuguese officials in the temple. Culture and art fans should be familiar with the Ox Warehouse which is known by its exhibitions in recent years. The two-floor building with such an interesting name because it used to be a government-owned cattle shed before the Ox Warehouse (former name the Old Ladies’ House of Art Space) moved in, turning it into a art hub for exhibitions and performances of contemporary art. Workshops of various topics are hosted here every weekend as an exchange platform for local art community. Take a rest at the café or restaurants nearby then continue the walk, or visit Mong Há Fort that used to be stationed by Portuguses soldiers including some from Africa. The Fort is transformed into Mong Há Hill Municiple Park in 1997. The barracks have become the Institute for Tourism Studies and its educational hotel – Pousada de Mong Há today.

建议游览路线 Suggested Route (总时间:约25分钟) 1.关闸拱门 2. 三角花园 3. 莲峯庙 4. 澳门林则徐纪念馆 5. 牛房仓库 6. 观音古庙及城隍庙 7. 望厦炮台 (Estimated time: Around 25 minutes) 1. Arch of Border Gate 2. Areia Preta Triangle Garden 3. Lin Fong Temple 4. Lin Zexu Memorial Museum of Macau 5. Ox Warehouse 6. Kun Iam Ancient Temple and Temple of City God 7. Mong-Há Fort

景点开放时间及门票 Opening Hours & Admission 莲峰庙:7:00-17:00 Lin Fong Temple: 7:00-17:00 澳门林则徐纪念馆:9:00 - 17:00,周一及强制性假期休馆 门票:成人─MOP5 8岁以下儿童或65岁以上长者─MOP3 Lin Zexu Memorial Museum of Macau: 9:00 – 17:00, closed on Mondays and mandatory holidays Admission: MOP5 for adults MOP3 for children (under 8) and elderly (over 65) 牛房仓库:12:00-19:00,周二及强制性假期休馆;免费入场 Ox Warehouse: 12:00 – 19:00, closed on Tuesdays and mandatory holidays, Free Admission 观音古庙及城隍庙:7:00-18:00 Kun Iam Ancient Temple and Temple of City God: 7:00-18:00

“论区行赏”手机应用程式 “Step Out, Macau” Mobile App | July 2015



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3 Black Suits 实 真 的 魂 灵 , 黑色的隐秘 t ear H o t e u Tr t Black ye Shirley



七月 2015 |

初见梁子盛(Kenny Leong),他的掌劲有力却不 失礼,没有束起来的及肩中发和手臂上“嚣张” 的纹身似乎再一次提醒我他是搞摄影创作的艺术 家,走进他的工作室,吸引我的就更多了,除了 琳琅满目的工艺品,还有他桌上这次在疯堂十号 举办的“3 Black Suits摄影展”照片小样。

黑色为主色及主基调的摄影作品不是没有,但是在澳门很少 见,悬空在废弃工厂里的女性美、夜晚泳池边上裸身的男性 美、黑暗中“妓女”的回眸侧影及象征着重生,一只脚踏出安全出口 的“人”,这样另类的作品还有很多,我无法用文字一一描述我的惊 讶,但我侧目对Kenny说出了我的疑问:“你的黑色世界究竟想要展 示什么”?“人们提到黑色,通常会联想到悲哀、痛苦这些词,但对 我来说,黑色不止于如此。黑色也可以是美的、有致命吸引力的,带 着灵魂、带着真实,我想展示它的这一面”,不是只有色彩鲜明、阳 光的那些表现手法才美、才真实和富有创造力。 出生于澳门,成长在多伦多,Kenny有着澳门人的率性直接,也将多 伦多的自由“写进了”他的作品里,他的照片充斥着一种另类的野 性,这种野性是基于他对创作形式不受限的追求而产生的,他表示在 拍片的过程中,并不会用条条框框去规范拍摄的手法和形式,而是想 到任何新奇的点,就毫无顾忌的去做。 为了举例,他告诉我了其中一张照片的创作故事,听了之后我忍俊不 禁:为了夜晚拍摄的效果,他和曾华兴以及何宗益—这次展览的另两 位创作者,深夜翻墙潜入竹湾泳池,全裸拍摄完后,还没来得及穿戴 好就不幸被管理人员发现,光着身子被赶出去,十分尴尬和好笑。

Firm handshake, courteous, no longhair and statement tattoo, Kenny Leong surprised me at first sight as a “non- typical” photographer. His studio surprised me even more for the dazzling rays of artworks and photo samples he prepared for the 3 Black Suits exhibition.


hotos dominated by black color are not a common way of art in Macau. The alternative themes of his work were astonishing and range from a women suspended in the air in an abandoned plant, a naked man by the pool at night, the profile of a prostitute in the dark and people stepping out of safety exits symbolizing rebirth. What is his intention by presenting a black world? “Black is normally connected with sadness, pain and similar words. But it is more profound than that. It can be beautiful, extremely attractive, spiritual, authentic, which is what I am eager to demonstrate. There could be more methods than using colors traditionally known as positive to be beautiful, real and creative.” Kenny fills his works with the candor known to his fellow Macanese and the city of Toronto where he grew up. You will feel a unique wildness in his photos that is rooted in his pursuit of new frontiers in the world of art. Whenever a new idea occurs, he will follow it without hesitation, a craze could be proved by a funny yet embarrassing moment, he told me. Once he and two other artists involved in the exhibition “trespassed” the Cheoc Van Swimming Pool late at night to take a photo with a different background, but naked. They were caught by the night watcher right after the shooting and kicked out with no single piece of cloth on. | July 2015



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城中小绿洲 白鸽巢公园

Oasis Urban r u Find Yo Mia


位于市中心的白鸽巢公园,是市民和游客的“绿洲”, 公园依小山岗而建,设有凉亭丶健身及游乐设施,更 有“心灵绿洲”的图书馆。公园历史悠久,更传承着深 厚的文化底蕴,那些关于葡萄牙诗人贾梅士的故事,彷 佛都在树木林阴保护下世代相传,等待世人寻幽探秘。 Luis de Camões Garden, located in the heart of Macau, is a true spiritual oasis. It provides more than simply beautiful views of the hills, trees, pavilions, and relaxation areas; it is the inspiration for the enlightening library of cultural heritage from Portuguese poet Luis de Camões.



七月 2015 |

鸽巢公园坐落于白鸽巢前地,是澳门历史悠久 的公园之一。始建在18世纪中叶,原为葡萄牙 富商俾利喇的花园别墅,曾租给英国东印度公司设立 其澳门办事处,其后由俾利喇女婿马葵士重掌,由于 马葵士钟情白鸽,曾饲养多达数百只,而白鸽栖于檐 宇时远观犹如白鸽巢,公园因此得名。直到1885年, 这座物业为当时澳门政府购入,改建成对外开放的花 园。 白鸽巢公园承载着不少葡国的文化足迹,当中最值 得人赞赏的肯定是葡萄牙公认最伟大的诗人贾梅士 (Luis de Camões)(1524-1580年)的足迹,由于 相传贾梅士在公园的石洞内完成了葡萄牙史诗《葡国 魂》的一部分,马葵士为了纪念贾梅士,于1866年由 平若龙(M.M. Bordalo Pinheiro)铸造一尊贾梅士半 身铜塑像,刻上《葡国魂》第一章第一丶二丶三节的 诗句,使之留芳百世。1977年,葡国政府更特别将贾 梅士逝世的日子(6月10日)定为“葡国日丶贾梅士日 暨葡侨日”以纪念这位葡国诗人。公园入口不远的喷 水池中央,更铺砌了由费利玛绘图制作的十幅关于《 葡国魂》的十篇诗歌的石灰石版画作品,中间更围绕 着一件由女雕刻家韦绮莲于1996年制作名为“拥抱” 的艺术雕塑,让人能从公园舒心的绿意中找寻着历史 的气味。 公园内有不少大人丶小朋友都喜爱的健身丶游乐设施 以及凉亭,更设有羽毛球场,以及黄营均图书馆,图 书馆内设有儿童阅览室丶儿童休憩区和阅览区等,共 有藏书约25,000册,适合动静皆宜的朋友。白鸽巢公 园里由於曾作为东印度公司收集植物用的苗圃,故此 留存多种古树,如假菩提树丶海南蒲桃等,绿意盎然 的公园,让市民游客能呼吸最清净的空气,成为了小 城里的一片“绿洲”。


方基金会会址建于18世纪70年代,原为葡国富 有商人俾利喇的别墅,后来别墅租予英国东印 度公司,作为该公司驻华商务监督的住所。20世界 60年代曾改为贾梅士博物馆,现为东方基金会会址, 主建筑位于白鸽巢公园东南侧,为一座白色为主调, 粉擦上粉红色装饰边,衬托着绿色 Luis de Camões Garden 欧式窗户,楼前楼后,绿草如茵,门前更有池 塘景致,环境清幽,是澳门花园住宅的典范。如今, 东方基金会会址已成为举办展览场地,不时有摄影展 丶画展及音乐会等举办,让会址与文化艺术结合,传 承及制造历史。

白鸽巢公园 Camões Garden 开放时间 Opening hours

Camões Garden

白鸽巢公园 Camões Garden


he Garden at the Praça de Luís de Camões is one of the most historical gardens in Macau. Originally the residence of Manuel Pereira, a Portuguese businessman who had it built in the mid-18th century, it was later transformed into the Macau office of the British East India Company. It was next taken over by Lourenço Caetano Marques, Pereira’s son-in-law who loved pigeons. He kept so many hundreds of them on the premises that it is referred to as “Pigeon’s Nest Park” in Cantonese. The residence was purchased by the government in 1885 and was renovated into a public garden. As a typical Portuguese residence, it bears inescapable marks of Portugal culture. It is said that Luis de Camões (1524-1580) completed a part of his masterpiece Os Lusíadas in the garden cave, which is why he is commemorated there in bronze. The bust was carved in 1866 by M.M. Bordalo Pinheiro and commissioned by Marques, engraved with the first three lines of the Canto. The date of his death (June 10th) is also Portugal’s National Day. Ten verses of the Os Lusíadas carved onto ten pieces of limestone were placed in the fountain next to the entrance. They highlight the centerpiece, the sculpture Embrace carved by Irene Vilar in 1996. Camões Garden has more than the greens and recreational spaces for all ages, like the badminton field. It is also know for the Wong Ieng Kuan Library with its collection of over 25,000 books. You can also discover a world of old trees thanks to the nursery started by the British East India Company, which offers pure air and an urban oasis for residents.

06:00-22:00 黄营均图书馆 Wong Ieng Kuan Library 08:00 - 20:00 星期一及公众假期休馆 Closed on Mondays and Public holidays

东方基金会会址 Casa Garden 开放时间 Opening hour 09:30-18:00 星期六丶日及公众假期休息 Closed on Saturdays, Sun-

Casa Garden


days and public holidays

asa Garden, established in the 1770s, is located in a building rich with history. Originally thought to be the residence of Manuel Pereirathe, a Portuguese businessman, it was later leased to the British East India Company as the home for its business supervisor in China. It was then renovated to become the Museum of Luis de Camões in the 1960s. With the Luis de Camões Garden on the northwest and grasses and ponds surrounding, the building has a white façade, pink panels, and green European windows. The peaceful setting and signature architectural elements of Macau’s garden residence has offered a perfect venue for photography and art exhibitions as well as concerts organized by the foundation to celebrate culture and art; highlighting heritage and inspiring the future.

途经景点附近之巴士路线 Bus 8A,丶17,丶18,丶18A,丶19,丶26,在 白鸽巢站下车 8A, 17, 18, 18A, 19, 26, Station of Camões Garden | July 2015



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Village Macao Crossover Studio GAGA Mia Cheng

近年于工厦创业渐渐成为新趋势,工厦不仅地方大,租金较便宜, 空间私密,各种优势能开辟出更多元化的创意天地。“村”一直打 造复合式潮流文化交集空间,如今“村三”更联同Studio GAGA 和 乐村合作,打造儿童乐园,让“村民”能享受摄影,玩乐,派对等 元素的新天地。 Industrial buildings, thanks to their larger areas, relatively low rates, and relatively private locations, have attracted start-ups to expand their creativity. This is why Village Macao and Studio GAGA decided to establish in such a building a fairyland where children may enjoy photography, entertainment, and parties.


tudio GAGA 由香港摄影师KK开设,踏入 其中,发现原来是个很温馨的摄影棚, 专门为大人小朋友提供拍摄服务。影楼里有 可爱的毛公仔、木马、波波池等道具,更设 有不同布置的主题,如树装饰、砖墙以及水 蓝色充满欧式风格牆,不论是准妈妈或爸 爸,甚至小朋友,能一边玩乐的同时,摄影 师捕捉下每个温馨的瞬间,创造出一辑辑充 满快乐回忆的照片。 除了摄影服务外,不少得大人小朋友都会爱 的儿童乐园。由乐村设计的游乐园,绝对是 办派对的最佳地点。老板娘以可爱的面包超 人为主题,不论是墙纸、玩具、以至门口外 的马赛克墙,满满都是面包超人的图案,游 乐设施除了有小朋友最爱的波波池之外,更 有滑梯、攀爬架等。每个小时的租场费用为 三百元,乐村更推出了几种“哈哈快乐村民 派对套餐计划”,包办食品和饮品,让家长 能轻松办派对。


tudio GAGA, founded by Hong Kong photographer KK, is an intimate photo studio for both children and adults. With so many cute props, toys, and diverse backgrounds such as colorful ball pits, everyone will be too immersed to realize that the photographer has captured these genuine happy moments with his camera. The happiness you find in the studio extends to the playground built by Village Macao. With its theme being Japanese cartoon Anpanman, the place can be a great place for parties. Other than the ball pits which are a universal favorite, you can find slides, jungle gyms, and more facilities designed for kids. You can lease by the hour at MOP300/ hour or select one of the packages which include food and beverages, a popular bargain for parties. Stop by the gift shop for adorable Anpanman toys and accessories from Japan. Village Macao and Studio GAGA will expand their businesses by presenting more services, such as party photography, which is sure to be a hit with families.

“村三” Village Macao 地址 Address 澳门黑沙环第六街合时工业大厦3楼 (蚬壳油站出口对面黄色大厦) F3 Edifício Industrial Hap Si, Rua Cinco do Bairro da Areia Preta, Macau 电话 Tel.::+853 6646 2161/6611 7187



七月 2015 |


小脚板亲子咖啡 Oh My Babies Café & Play

贴心打造大人小孩的“HAPPY HOUR”

地址 Address

HAPPY HOUR Oh My Babies Café & Play

澳门货仓街5号颖丰大厦地下A A, R/C, Edf. Weng Fune,No. 5, Rua dos Armazéns,Macau 营业时间 Opening: 周二 - 周五(Tue - Fri): 12:00 - 21:00 周六 - 周日(Sat & Sun):


11:00 - 21:00 电话 Tel.::+853 2893 0033

朋友大多都是活泼好动的“小魔鬼” ,家长们平常带小孩到普通餐厅吃饭 会怕吵到人,而小朋友也没法定性安坐于位 置上,能舒适悠闲地和孩子出门用餐常常只 是梦想。而“小脚板亲子咖啡 ”的老板为人 父母,洞悉到许多父母的需求,便打造了这 家设计构思都是从亲子角度出发的咖啡店, 照顾家长和小孩的需要,让家长能轻松用餐 聚会之余,小朋友亦能畅快玩乐。 咖啡店以带给人温馨感觉的木色调为主,店 内以火车造型木柜分隔了用餐区和游戏区, 游戏区内有各种积木丶小型滑梯丶玩具车等 玩具,更有大黑板让孩子尽情创作,而图书 阁便提供符合幼儿及儿童各年龄层的益智书 籍。最受小朋友欢迎莫过于不用去海边都能 玩的沙池,沙粒是以决明子代替,轻易就能 扫走,不怕弄脏衣物,即使误食也不会有 害。游戏区更会定期进行消毒,确保环境卫 生,让每位小朋友及家长都能无后顾之忧地 尽情吃喝玩乐。咖啡店更特意打造适合幼儿 及儿童的餐点,有为八个月以上的幼儿提供 无调味的樱花鸡蓉粥,为儿童而设的可爱造 型限量饭团及新鲜果汁等更有多款大人也喜 欢的特色美食,如烧虾煎意大利饭丶意粉丶 三文治等佳肴,让大人小朋友能边吃边玩, 轻松悠哉地拥有自己的“Happy Hour”。


arents might find it exhausting to deal with the restlessness of their little monsters when dining out. That is why the owner of Oh My Babies Café & Play created a favorite place for parents to enjoy a casual and relaxed dining out while kids can release their endless energy within sight. The warm wood-colored interior is dedicatedly decorated and separated into dining zone and play zone by a train-shaped cabinet. Energetic kids might prefer having fun with toy bricks, small slides, toy cars or blackboards for free drawings, while quieter ones will love the books in the reading corner. But all the kids will not say no to the sand pond which uses grains instead of real sand, making it cleaner and healthier. Regular sterilization guarantees care-free dining and playing here. As to the food, the restaurant prepares delicious choices for kids such as chicken congees, cute rice rolls and fresh fruit juice, as well as for adults including seafood risotto, spaghetti and sandwiches. Oh My Babies Café & Play is designed for every family member to have their own Happy Hour. | July 2015



濠探索 explore



Get Wet at Grand Resort Deck Shirley


Galaxy & Mia

來到澳门,男男女女都有消遣娱乐好去处,但是 随行而至的小朋友们去哪儿呢?有这样顾虑的你 如果幸运的看到这篇文章,就不用愁了,Cguide告 诉你标准答案—“澳门银河”之天浪淘园。 Are you a parent looking for the perfect place to entertain your family for one day? Lucky you! Cguide has the answer: Grand Resort Deck at Galaxy Macau.

浪淘园是集冲浪池、沙 滩、空中激流、儿童水上 游乐园等众多水上项目为一体 的大型酒店式水上欢乐设施, 充满了亚洲主题式的热带园林 风情。值得一提的是它拥有全 球最长的575米空中激流及全球 最大的空中冲浪池、盛满350吨 白沙的沙滩、刺激的惊险瀑布 以及为年幼孩童专设的水上游 戏区和小童游泳池。一家人来 到这里,完全不用因为玩什么 而产生分歧,因为无论是“速 度与激情”还是“戏水长流” 这里都有!天浪淘园真的有这 么好玩吗?来,跟着我们走一 遍特色玩点,你就不会再质疑 了。




rand Resort Deck is a large water theme park located in one of the most luxurious hotels in Macau. It presents an Asian tropical landscape with many water activities for all age groups such as the 575 meters water-slide, the largest wave pool in the world, an artificial beach made with 350 tons of white sand, a thrilling waterfall and a game zone and swimming pool for younger kids. Every family member is sure to find their favorite attraction here!

七月 2015 |

动感天桥(GLASS BRIDGE)—— 天桥中的极品


2 活力雨林(JUNGLE

蓝色透明的凹型摇篮式玻璃管道、悬 空的连接方式、冰凉清透的水质、不 算快的 冲流速度,带一个遮阳墨镜,惬意的 靠着游泳圈,45度仰头望向不远处的 银河酒店,这种美不仅正在玩的人能 体会到,路过的看客们也很享受。

为什么名里带雨林?因为漂流路过这 一段则会体会到雨林里“悉悉索索” 的感同身受。来到这里,还没来得及 收回被彩色洒水椅吸引过去的目光, 就已经“身中数枪” ,被喷下的水砸个 没声。正如此,无论是声音、视觉还是 水砸在身上那种爽感,皆为活力二字。

The Glass Bridge

Jungle Storm

Transparent blue glass tubes shaped like cradles are suspended in the air with water running through slowly. It is not only a special way to relax but provides a unique angle to look up and enjoy the marvelous architecture of Galaxy Macau from a short distance.

STORM) ——洒水中的战斗机

You will find yourself in a jungle when encircled by the visual and sound effects. Attracted by the colorful columns? Ops, you wre “shot” by the sudden water spray hidden in them. But no one will compliant as you will be screaming with fun!

看了这么多,你应该感受到天 浪淘园的魅力了吧,作为澳门 银河第二期引人瞩目的优品之 一,天浪淘园还有很多惊喜等 着你去发现。只要入住澳门银 河旗下任何一家酒店,都可以 免费进入天浪淘园开心享乐, 过来亲身体验吧!(注意,很 多项目都要求小孩子身高1.2m 以上喔,敬请家长留心)

4 3 The Grand Resort Deck has too many attractions to be included in such a short article. As one of the highlights Galaxy Macau’s Phase II, guests staying at any Galaxy Macau hotel will enjoy free access to the park. Note: kids shorter than 1.2m might not be allowed to enjoy all activities.

5 3

6 4

5 棕悦湾(PALM COVE)


激流玩的是什么?玩的是刺激,玩的 是速度!冲天而下的水流和人不用思 考,只要10S,已飞速冲过,玩的就是 心跳。

浅浅及脚跟的水,长得像蝴蝶的喷水 设施,这大概是担心小朋友安全的家 长们的最爱了,小朋友可以在这边邂 逅小伙伴,戏戏水,发出让我们幸福 的最纯真笑声。

玩累了可以到微风咖啡休息一下,这 里有各种特色小饮,可以一边看着孩 子玩耍一边聊天,而附近更有专门帮 小孩拍摄照片的点,为你的开心旅程 留下一些美好回忆。


Kidz Island

棕悦湾也是漂流会路过的水段之一, 值得一提的是它旁边的大面积热力 沙滩,被阳光宠幸的它格外美丽,漂 流累了带着小朋友来这边玩玩沙、堆 堆沙人、晒晒太阳,享受风吹过脸庞 的惬意感也十分不错。

Palm Cove

A bit exhausted and in need of a quiet spot to rest? Breeze Café will be your destination of choice. Located far away from crowd and serving all kinds of drinks, the Breeze Café is a nice place to kick back and have a casual chat.

冲天激流 (SKYTOP WATERSLIDE) 一入激流深似海

童乐岛(KIDZ ISLAND) 儿童们的娇宠天地

A water-slide to be thrilling must be fast. How about taking 10 seconds only before reaching the bottom?

Shallow water, butterfly-shaped water spray equipment…parents will find peace of mind when they let their kids play here. It is also a great opportunity for the younger ones to meet new friends.


You will definitely not want to miss the chance to spread yourself on the beach soaking the sunshine and enjoying the waves while your kids are busy playing with the real sand.


Breeze Café | July 2015



儿童世界 children’s world 滑草 GRASS-SKIING



澳门科学馆设有大量不同种类的互动 游戏,适合各个年龄层。透过这些游 戏将环境、社会、生态等连接到我们 所处的城市里的信息带给大家。 The Macao Science Center is a huge interactive facility comprised of various sections for learning and fun. Suitable for a variety of ages, it manages to incorporate information about the environment, society, ecology and more, and link many of them to city we live in. 开放时间 Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 (周四休馆 Closed on Thursday) 门票Admission:: 展览中心Exhibition Center-MOP25 地址 Add:RESS: 澳门孙逸仙大马路澳门科学馆 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macao Science Center Tel: (+853)2888 0822

澳门大熊猫馆位于路环石排湾郊野公 园内,馆内设有两个室内活动区和一 个室外活动场,透过玻璃可以看到大 熊猫的可爱模样。 Located in the Seac Pai Van Park, Giant Panda Pavilion comprises two indoor-activity areas and an outdoor yard of the giant pandas. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00, 14:00-17:00 门票 Admission:MOP10 Tel: (+853)2888 0087

内有高达6米的复合攀爬设施,附设 一座垂宜滑梯、两座小型滑梯,一座 V字形绳桥、跨越及攀爬障碍物、之 字形攀爬绳等。 Qube features a six-meter-tall multi-climbing facility with a free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridges, over and underbarriers,zigzag net climbers and more. 开放时间 OpeningHours 10:00-22:00 门票Admission: MOP50起 Price From Mop 50 地址 Add:RESS: 金沙广场2楼2201店铺Shop 2201, Level 2, Shoppes Cotai Central Tel: (+853)8113 8598


耗资20亿港元的大型水上汇演《水 舞间》以特技、舞蹈等表现方法配合 以水为主题,把东方智慧意象发挥得 淋漓尽致。 The HK$2 billion performance “The House of Dancing Water” is a breathtaking water-based show that draws its creative inspiration from the roots of Chinese culture and is destined to be the most extravagant live production ever staged in Asia. 门票 Admission:: HKD580起, Price From Mop 580 地址 Address: :澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau Tel: (+853) 8868 6767


历险Q立方 QUBE



位于路环岛西部的山麓,离路氹公路 不远。这里绿树成荫,是郊游的好 去处。 The Seac Pai Van Park comprises a blend of zoological and botanical attractions, with scenic areas of conserved ecology in which visitors can expand their knowledge of nature. 开放时间Opening Hours: 8:00-18:00 门票 Admission: 免费 Free 地址 AddRESS: 澳门路环石排湾马路 Avenida de Seac Pai Van, Coloane, Macau Tel: (+853) 2833 7676

七月 2015 |

澳门海上游 HARBOuR CRUISE 澳门的海岸线极具吸引力,而内港一 仍可见到旧的楼房和码头,洋溢着日 渔港风情。 The Harbor Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 11:30-21:30 门票 Admission:Mop80-398 地址 Address: 澳门内港岐关十二号码头 Ponte No. 12 (Inner Harbour), Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos Tel: (+853)2893 0012

观光缆车 CABLE CAR 在二龙喉公园入口处有观光缆车直达 东望洋山山顶,你可以一边乘坐缆 车,一边饱览美丽的景色。 The Guia Hill offers spectacular views of the city, harbor and the sunset, with a sing trip taking two to three minutes. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 8:00-18:00 门票 Admission:MOP2-5 地址 AddRESS: 澳门士多鸟拜斯大马路二龙喉公园 Flora Garden,Avenida de Sidónio Pais Tel: (+853)2833 7676

在大潭山郊野公园有个滑草场,带小 朋友去玩个够吧! Parque Natural da Taipa Grandea is a great place to come for BBQs and for views out over Cotai and Macau. Not only that, but try out the Grass-ski slope, enjoy the thrill of the ride. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 14:30 - 17:30 门票Admission:免费Free 地址 AddRESS: 氹仔天文台斜路大潭山郊野公园 Parque Natural da Taipa Grande,Taipa

百步登天及高飞跳 TOWER CLIMB & SKYJUMP 参加百步登天来征服338米高的旅游 塔。高飞跳和空中漫步能看到澳门震 撼的景色。 Conquer the 338-meter tall Macau Tower with the Tower Climb. Try out the hair-raising SkyJump and SkyWalk to get dynamic views of Macau. 时间 Time: 11:00-21:00 空中漫步Sky Walk: MOP 788 百步登天Tower Climb: MOP 1,888 高飞跳Sky Jump: MOP 1,888 地址Address: 澳门旅游塔T2层冒险地带 Level T2,Adventure Zone,Macau Tower,Macau Tel: (+853) 8988 8656

儿童世界 KID’S CAVERN 儿童世界占地约三万五千平方呎,为 澳门最大型的高端儿童综合王国,里 面的商品应有尽有,大型糖果屋、公 主主题饰品区、机动战士高达主题店 中店等,令人目不暇给。 Kid’s Cavern is a 35,000 square foot children’s store in Sands Coati Central in Macau. The candy shop inside has a swirling vortex of shiny translucent lollipops, enormous egg displays feature merchandise in the baby zone, and oversized models circle the ceiling within the toy department. 开放时间Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 地址 Address: 澳门金沙城中心3001-3001号铺 Shop3001-3007,Sands Cotai Central,Taipa Tel: (+853) 2885 3300

水疗 spas 英皇水疗中心 ROYAL THAI SPA

名媛坊 Ladies Beauty

澳门商业大马路288号英皇酒店20楼 20/F,Grand Emperor Hotel,No. 288,Avenida Comercial De Macau (+853)8986 7525

荷兰园大马路81-83A昌成大厦地下 R/C, Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida,81-83A, Edf. Cheung Seng,Macau (+853) 2852 2834


松蓉庄 Pine Beauty Macau 澳门美丽街24B地下 R/C, 24B,Rua Formosa,Macau (+853) 2838 9526

美之天使护肤中心 Angel Beauty 澳门惠爱街87号B地下 R/C,Shop B, No. 37,Rua da Alegria,Macau (+853) 6399 2038

诗迪美容护肤中心 Si Tek Salao De Beleza 澳门高士德大马路柯高园3号A地下 R/C,A, No.3,Avenida de Horta e Costa,Macau (+853) 2855 3054

心悦馨减压美疗中心 Rose Beauty 布鲁塞尔街85号 No. 8,Rua de Bruxelas, NAPE, Macau (+853) 2872 2722

E&W能量站(卓姬美学中心) 澳门南湾大马路665号志豪大厦2楼 2/F, Edf. Great Will,No.665, Avenida da Praia Grande (+853) 2838 9880

茶树水疗 TEA TREE SPA 澳门新口岸北京街82-86号澳门假日 酒店9楼 9/F, Holiday Inn Macau,Rua de Pequim, No. 82-86 (+853) 8790 1930

新濠锋“澄”水疗 ALTIRA SPA 氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8886

菩提水疗 BODHI SPA 澳门康莱德酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Conrad Macau, Level 3,Cotai (+853) 8113 6188

澳门新口岸高美士街230号澳门兰桂 坊酒店2楼 2/F, Hotel Lan Kwai Fong Macau, Rua de Luis Gonzaga Gomes 230,Macau (+853) 2870 2268

心彦坊专业美容 SAM IN FONG PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY 澳门爹利仙拿姑娘街12-C号东方晋 皇台地下C R/C, C,Tong Fong Chon Wong Toi, 12-C,Rua da Madre Terezina (+853) 2855 3313

氹仔成都街371号濠景花园23座紫 荆苑地下 Nova Taipa Garden (Edif. Hou Keng Garden), Blk. 23, RC‐A, Taipa (+853) 2883 3356

Tranquil SPA

澳门美副将大马路14号 No. 14,Avenida do Coronel Mesquita (+853)2851 9922


氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路45号雍景湾 地下A铺 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, No.45, KINGS VILLE RC,Shop A,Taipa (+853) 2883 1288

澳门文华东方酒店3楼 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental,Level 3,Nape,Macau (+853)8805 8588

澳门悦榕 SPA BANYAN TREE SPA 路氹填海区莲花海滨大马路东面记望 德圣母湾大马路南面 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy Macau,Cotai (+853)8883 6633

怡·水疗中心 ISALA SPA 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地君 悦酒店 Estrada do Istmo, city of Dreams, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Cotai 
(+853) 8868 1193

澳门四季酒店水疗中心 FOUR SEASONS SPA 澳门望德圣母湾大马路澳门四季酒 店水疗中心 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI (+853) 8112 8080

永利理疗康体中心 THE SPA AT WYNN 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利酒店 大楼一楼 1/F,Wynn Tower,Wynn Macau Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE,Macau (+853)8986 3228

SO SPA 阿凡达水疗及按摩中心 AVATAR SPA


澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 8861 0016

SIX SENSES SPA AT MGM 澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen ,1101,Macau (+853)8820 3333

万利理疗康体中心 THE SPA AT ENCORE 万利酒店大楼一楼,澳门外港填海 区仙德丽街 1/F,Encore at Wynn Macau,Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau (+853)8986 3228

“漾日”水疗中心 Crown Spa 金丽华酒店水疗中心 GRAND LAPA 澳门友谊大马路956-1110号金丽 华酒店 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, Macau (+853) 8793 4824

澳门新葡京水疗中心 LISBOA SPA By CLARINS 澳门葡京路新葡京5楼 5/F Grand Lisboa,Avenida de Lisboa,Macau
 (+853) 8803 7703

LA BELLE 马德里街105号环宇豪庭地下AM Rua de Madrid No. 105, Wan Yu Villa Shop AM, Macau (+853) 2875 2842

悠然自足 Foot Hub 澳门银河东翼广场 LG02 (近UA影院) Galaxy Macau, LG02 of East Square (+853))8883 2488

氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams,Crown, Cotai (+853) 8868 6883

泰福马泷水疗 TAIVEXMALO SPA 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心5楼 Estrada da Ba.a de Nossa Senhora da Esperan.a, Venetian Complex, Grand Canal Shoppes, Level 5,Cotai (+853) 8862 2688

NIRVANA SPA 氹仔海洋广场第一期3楼328铺 Shop 328,3/F, 522-526,Av. Dos Jardins do Oceano,Taipa (+853) 2833 1521

腾水疗中心 ROCK SPA 澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams,Cotai (+853 ) 8868 3318

喜来登炫逸水疗中心 SHINE SPA for SHERATON 澳门氹仔岛路氹金光大道 Estrada do Istmo, Sands CotaiCentral, Sheraton, Cotai (+853) 2880 2000 | July 2015



濠探索 explore 澳门带給游客们的不只是逛不完的美食和看不 厌的美景,还有方便游玩的交通工具。

澳门之轮 Macau on Wheels

Macau is not just about food and views; there are all kinds of means of transportation for more fun. Turbojet—Premier Plus 免费专车 Turbojet为尊豪位乘客特别开启 了免费专车服务。只要是尊豪位 的乘客均可提前一日通过电话或 电邮预约该项服务。

Turbojet—Premier Plus

人力三轮车—漫游街边 人力三轮车是澳门颇有特色的 交通工具,坐着果绿纸皮及黄 色油漆包裹着三轮车漫游南湾 或者西湾一带是感受城市悠闲 一面的方式,三轮车夫还可根 据你选择的路线景点帮你安排 行程。




在澳门租车自驾游也是一个不 错的选择,AVIS提供微型小客 车丶宽敞舒适的豪华大房车丶 适合大家庭使用的七丶八人车 服务。

开蓬观光巴士共有11个班次, 最早一班为早上9点半,最晚一 班是下午5点,均从港澳码头开 出,期间每隔45分钟会有新的 班次开出。途中会经过科学馆、 观音莲花苑、澳门旅游塔、妈阁 庙、十六浦、红街市、关闸、逸 园赛狗场、观音堂及澳门银河 酒店等十个站,最终回到港澳码 头,全程历时大约75分钟,每个 站均设上下车点。

AVIS Car Rent

Renting a car from a qualified company such as AVIS will be a convenient way to enjoy the city. Large touring cars for groups of 7-8 persons are also available. 租车地点 Location 澳门金丽华酒店、澳门新口岸新港澳 码头一楼1022室 Grand Lapa, Room 1022,

The old-fashioned pedicab colored in green and yellow are themselves sights on the streets of Praia Grande and Sai Wan. Other than taking tourists around for a leisurely tour around the area, the pullers are also willing to customize tour according to your sightseeing preferences.

1/F of Terminal Marítimo 电话 TEL. (853)2833 6789 注意事项 Reminder 需备齐身份证件、国际驾照/香港 驾照 ID, IDP/HK driver’s licenses are required

Open-top Bus

The open-top touring bus has 11 trips a day at 45 minute intervals from 9:30am to 5:00pm. The round tour starts and ends at Terminal Marítimo and lasts for about 75 minutes with ten stops at the Science Center, Lotus Statue, Macau Tower, A-Ma Temple, Ponte 16, Red Market, Border Gate, Canidrome, Kun Iam Temple and the Galaxy Macau. 票价 Rate 成人票MOP155

车站 Station

儿童票(2-11岁) MOP88 MOP155 for adult

外港码头、葡京酒店 Terminal Marítimo,

MOP 88 for children (2-11) 购票方式:

Hotel Lisboa

网上订购 Ticket: mo/2012/1103/34545.html

价钱 Rate 约MOP150/小时 MOP 150/h (appr.)



港澳码头 Terminal Marítimo

七月 2015 |

Passengers with Premier tickets can enjoy free limo service by reservation one day ahead via phone or e-mail. 专车路线 Limo route 香港上环—香港机场(每日十班) 澳门外港码头—澳门境内任何目的 地(早上9点—晚上九点下船后均有 班车) 澳门外港码头—珠海长隆海洋王国 (周五、六、七及节假日每日两班) Sheung Wan - HKIA (ten shifts a day) Macau Terminal Marítimo – Anywhere in Macau (9:00am - 9:00pm+) Macau Terminal Marítimo Chimelong Ocean Kingdom, Zhuhai (Two shifts a day on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) 电话:(853)63809900(澳门); (852) 56991800 (香港) 网站 Website

澳门必备 essentials

气候 CLIMATE 澳门全年气候温和,平均气温约为20°C,夏天温度普遍为30°C以 上。 The climate is a fairly warm tropical climate. Annual average temperature is about 20°C (68°F), with temperature rising higher (over 30°C/86°F) in summer.

出入境口岸 BORDER CHECKPOINTS 澳门现时有6个旅客常用出入境口岸,包括关闸、港澳码头、粤通 码头、氹仔码头、莲花口岸、澳门国际机场,开放时间如下: Macau has 6 border checkpoints, namely Border Gate, Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal (Exterior Harbour), Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal, Taipa Ferry Terminal, Cotai Checkpoint, Macau International Airport. The office hours are: 关闸 Border Gate: 7:00-00:00 港澳码头: Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 粤通码头: Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal: 8:00-16:30 氹仔码头: Taipa Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 莲花口岸: Cotai Checkpoint: 9:00-20:00 澳门国际机场: 24 Macau International Airport: 小时 24 Hours

逗留及过境 STAY AND TRANSIT 大多数旅客(欧洲、澳大利亚/新西兰、美国、加拿大、南非)无 需签证逗留30天至90天,其他人一般可逗留30天。持中国往来港 澳通行证并获得签注旅客到澳门旅游最长可逗留7天;持中国护照 过境澳门前往第三国的旅客可逗留5天。 Most travellers (EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa passports holders) can enter and stay in Macau visa-free for 30-90 days with their valid passports. Others can get a 30-day visa on arrival. Mainland residents in possession of a valid EEP bearing a valid exit endorsement can stay for a maximum of 7 days in Macau. The “authorisation to stay” for the first entry of PRC passport holders who transit Macau to other countries will be 5 days.

WiFi任我行 WiFi GO “WiFi任我行” 为澳门市民及旅客提供免费无线宽频互联网接入 服务,贴有该标志的区域都覆盖无线网络。你可以在每天8:00至次 日凌晨1:00连接使用,每次连接限时45分钟,断开后可再次连接。 网络名称为“wifigo”(非加密)和“wifigo-s”(加密),加密网络的 登录名称和密码同为“wifigo”。 Macau SAR Government provides free wireless Internet access – “WiFi GO”. Available daily from 8:00 to 1:00 the following day, users can use a non-encrypted connection (network name “wifigo”) or encrypted connection mode (network name “wifigo-s”, user name and password are wifigo). Each session has 45 minutes’ connection.


澳门半岛Macau Peninsula: MOP 3.20 澳门至氹仔Macau-Taipa: MOP 4.20 澳门至路环Macau-Coloane: MOP 5.00 澳门至黑沙 Macau-Hac Sa: MOP 6.00 澳门至机场 Macau-Airport: MOP 4.20 澳门至氹仔可乘坐Macau-Taipa Bus: 11, 22, 25X, 28A, 30, 33, 34, MT4 到机场可乘坐 To Airport: AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26,36 往返澳门、氹仔和路环Macau-Taipa-Coloane:21A,,25,,26,,26A, ,50,,MT3,和N3

仁伯爵综合医院 S. Januário Hospital 仁伯爵山山顶Estrada do Visconde de Sao Januario, Macau +853 2831 3731 镜湖医院 Kiang Wu Hospital 澳门莲胜街Estrada Coelho do Amaral,Macau +853 2837 1333 科大医院 University Hospital 澳门氹仔伟龙马路澳门科技大学 H 座 Block H, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau +853 2882 1838 24小时药房 24Hour Pharmacy 新口岸药房Farmácia San Hau On 澳门上海街84号广发商业中心地下B铺 Rua de Xangai, No. 84, Centro Comercial Kuong Fat +853 2870 1697


有用电话 Useful Phone Numbers


AVIS 澳门金丽华酒店,停车场 Grand Lapa Hotel Car park, 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau +853 2833 6789

紧急求助电话 Emergency Number: 999 旅游热线 Tourism Assistance Hotline: 2833 3000 电话查询 Directory Enquiries: 181 | July 2015










MACAU centre 澳门市中心 酒店 HOtel

邮局 Post OffiCE

购物 Shopping


餐厅 restaurant

巴士站 bus station

酒吧、俱乐部 Bar, Clubs, Pubs 找换店 Money exchange 博物馆 Museum



七月 2015 |

出租车站 taxi pick-up 世遗之旅 Heritage route 观光 sightseeing






12 G









MACAU strip 澳门新填海区

H I J K L | July 2015



Cotai Strip 路氹金光大道









七月 2015 |







TAIPA village 氹仔旧城区








38 | July 2015





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