Cguide April 2014

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Your City guide to Macau 你的澳门导游 - 四月 April 2014 - N15 -


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Traditional Dish


木糠布丁 最传统的澳门甜品


Bite into a local dessert and find it everywhere

澳门秘景 望德堂区散步 A walk through the St. Lazarus District




生蚝季 全澳生蚝一网打尽

Oyster month

Check out these great food promotions




漫步游澳门 合家欢之旅

Walking Tour

A Family Adventure




礼宾之道 礼宾专家为你旅程支招

Concierge Tips

Get the best info about Macau from the top concierges

Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

The Fountainside

迎湶 The Fountainside is located in the prestigious Penha Hill district, yet offers easy access to the central business district, quality schools, entertainment facilities, ferry terminals and Macau International Airport. 迎湶项目坐落在著名的主教山地区,交通便 利,可轻易前往中心商务区、名校、娱乐设 施、渡船码头和澳门国际机场。

Award-winning Heritage Design with a Contemporary Twist With its elegant blend of classic and contemporary architectural design, The Fountainside is situated in a prime location in the heart of Macau’s UNESCO World Heritage district. The freehold development encompasses a low-density collection of 38 apartments and 4 villas. Setting world-beating standards in quality and design, The Fountainside won the 2012 Monomer Housing Design Award of Chinese Residential Projects. The highly desirable residences at The Fountainside are all exquisitely finished with signature contemporary furniture.

Eco-friendly Green Roof

The Fountainside is designed to be a sustainable residential property, and is one of a handful in Macau to use the MEP® Tray Green Module system, which reduces the carbon footprint of the property and reduces residents’ energy costs.

Headland Developments announces that the villas at its luxury, residential development The Fountainside will be sold with an environmentfriendly BMW i3 electric car, complete with private charging stations. An additional BMW i3 will also be offered in a prize draw for owners of all other 38 units in the development. This ground-breaking offer, in partnership with BMW Macau, is in line with the sustainable design principles of the signature heritage development and its strong emphasis on green credentials. 18 remaining residences at The Fountainside located in Macau’s exclusive Penha Hill district – including 12 apartments, two duplexes and four villas – have just been released for sale. João Afonso, Director of Sniper Capital, which manages The Fountainside, said: “Our partnership with BMW, a world leader in next-generation driving technology, is a natural extension of the thinking that underpins The Fountainside’s development as an environmentally sustainable development.”

澳門迎湶與寶馬合作,為尊貴住戶提供i3電動汽車 豪宅項目的獨立別墅與全電動汽車一併發售

现代生活与传统设计的完美融合 这是一处低密度的永久业权发展项目,包括38所公寓和4栋别墅。该 项目融合了经典和现代的建筑设计方式,尽显高雅尊贵。迎湶更是位 于列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录的“澳门历史城区”的优越地 区。 项 目 以 全 球 最 高 品 质 和 设 计 为 标 准 , 荣 获2 0 1 2 年 华 人 住 宅 项 目 Monomer 住宅设计奖。所有住宅均以极富特色的现代家私进行精 装,受到了市场的高度青睐。

环保绿色屋顶 作为一个可持续性住宅项目,迎湶还是澳门少数采用 MEP® 模块环 保绿色屋顶系统的项目之一,可以减少住宅的碳足迹,降低住户的能 源消耗成本。

凱卓發展宣佈,旗下低密度豪宅發展項目「迎湶」的獨立別墅將與寶 馬i3環保電動汽車一併出售,每幢別墅均設有私人充電站。 此外,項目另外38個單位的業主全部都可參加大抽獎,獎品為一輛寶 馬i3電動汽車。 凱卓發展與寶馬澳門公司合作推出這個難得的優惠,跟這項位處歷史 文化遺產核心地帶的發展項目不謀而合,兩者同樣強調可持續設計理 念及對環保認證的高度重視。 迎湶位於澳門主教山顯赫地段,項目餘下20個住宅單位亦剛作公開發 售,包括14個標準單位、兩個複式單位及四幢獨立別墅。 迎湶的物業管理公司- 力都有限公司的董事João Afonso表示:「寶 馬是全球新一代汽車科技的領導者,我們與寶馬合作正好把迎湶作為 環保及可持續發展項目的理念延續。」 |March April 2014



Find us in Macau Car Rental Services


哪里可以找到杂志? 《新澳门导航》杂志发行的网点遍布世界各地,基于 与澳门航空的合约,杂志会在大中华二十二个地区的 机场发布;在澳门主要酒店的房间及礼宾部都能找到 我们的杂志,并会在超过八百间的旅游热门餐厅中展 示,我们每月亦会亲自把杂志送到超过五百位贵宾的 手上。

Hotels & Resorts


Distribution Cguide is distributed internationally in the lounges of 22 airports throughout Greater China, as per an agreement with Air Macau. Cguide is also present in the Macau Government Tourist Office booths throughout the SAR. In Macau the magazine is available in nearly every major hotel - present in hotel rooms and concierges. Cguide is also distributed to over 800 restaurants and is found in primary tourist spots, as well as being hand-delivered to more than 500 VIPs.


Check out some of the following locations at which you can find Cguide Magazine.


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四月 2014 | |March April 2014




Macau Plus Ltd.


Editor-in-chief 總編輯

Chinese editor

Kelsey Wilhelm

Yvonne Yu


Editorial team

Abbi Mitchell-Morley


Yan Lam

Contributors 撰稿人

Editorial enquiries 编辑咨询

David Wong, Devin Wilhelm, Suzanne Watkinson T (+ 853) 28513513 F (+ 853) 2851 3311

Art director 艺术指导

Photographer 摄影师

José Manuel Cardoso

Chingsin Wong Lin Leong Melao

Marketing manager 市场经理

Advertising enquiries 广告询问

Printed By 印刷商

Marta Vaz Silva

Marta Vaz Silva


Print All The World

澳门马统领街厂商会大厦10楼B、 C单位 Rua do Comandante Mata e Oliveira, No.34-36 Edf. A.I.M.10 andar, B,C, Macau


15 000


Address 地址

R. Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 Luso International Bld, 22Fl - Macau



四月 2014 |

全新形象,全新身份…… 仍是你的澳门之旅最佳导游

New image, new identity, still exactly what you need. |March April 2014



封面故事 cover


望德堂区是澳门新兴的旧区改造活力社区, 位于澳门心脏地带,是游客们不可错过的购 物觅食秘境,本期我们将带您一探究竟。 Stroll the streets of the Saint Lazarus District to find some of these key shops, restaurants and interesting details that caught our eye.



四月 2014 |


专题 features

目录 contents 四月

32 Spring Wines 春日美酒

葡萄酒专家为你推荐的春 日葡萄酒酒单

April 2014

34 生蚝促销季

Oyster Promotions

新CD发行 New CDs

Try some of the excellent Spring Wine picks by chef David Wong

40 Who’s in Town




Check out Macau’s nightlife this month花

潮流速递 Fashion Trends

48 Designer Interview 设计师档案


Place by Gideon的澳门情 意结

Time to shop - with Place by Gideon


Communication Museum

60 70 Qube and Cotai fun 金光Q立方


Great activities and things to do for kids 春季养生茶 Herbal Teas

76 | April 2014



Kelsey Wilhelm Editor-in-Chief 主编

俗语说:四月雨带来五月花。但是本月我们先把鲜花 或小雨放在一旁,因为无论阴雨或是晴朗,澳门都有 太多趣味活动等着您加入。 首先让我们来到户外,逛一逛优美的望德堂坊街区。 这里不仅有世界遗产景点和美食餐馆,还有令人眼花 缭乱的购物选择,您一定会找到适合自己的活动。 浏览本月的会展活动信息,比如MIECF(2014年澳门国 际环保合作发展论坛及展览),然后参加丰富多彩的复 活节活动,接下来当然就是美食时间。 首先光临新开幕不久的花道葡萄牙餐厅,品尝可口的 葡萄牙美食,然后在澳门悦榕庄的泳池边享用烧烤套 餐,最后再点上一份传统甜点木槺布丁,算是完成了 澳门式的美食体验。资深葡萄酒专业人士David Wong 更会向您推荐几款高档白葡萄酒,以作配餐。 快速浏览澳门和周边地区的音乐活动,了解时尚趋 势,杂志带你走进一位澳门顶级时装设计师的世界, 并在他的“游击店”中购买折扣优质服装,使你与众 不同。 接下来又是例牌的漫步游澳门,这是最适合全家人进 行的活动,本期我们为您精选了一条亲子游路线!顺 道造访一家博物馆,换一个视角了解澳门。此外,本 期还将公布第二届澳门葡萄酒美食节照片大赛的获奖 名单,你如果有参加我们的活动,那么就要守候啦! 澳门科学馆正在举行丰富多彩的活动,一定会受到孩 子们的喜欢。再带着他们到威尼斯人度假村,畅玩室 内游乐场Q立方和周边的精彩景点。 本期我们与澳门金钥匙组织合作开辟了一个新栏目。 该组织致力于在澳门推广礼宾服务,帮助宾客真正感 受澳门,不虚此行。我们还将采访该组织的主席 Siana Iong。旅程的最后,别忘记再来上一杯健体草药茶, 恢复身心的活力,翻阅《生活必备》栏目,获取需要 的各种生活信息。 如果您不确定应该怎样游览澳门,不妨参考我们在开 篇推荐的行程安排。 尽情享受你的澳门之旅吧!



四月 2014 |


pril showers bring May flowers, or so they say. This month we don’t worry about flowers or showers as we’ve got so much to do in Macau, whether there’s rain or shine. Kicking off the month get out and about and discover the beauty of the São Lázaro District. Filled with heritage, great restaurants and some diverse shopping you’re bound to find something for you. Check out some of the great MICE events happening this month such as the MIECF, check out a new band in town and have a look at the Easter activities that are in store. Next, time for food. Drop by Fado for a taste of some delicious Portuguese food, stop over at the Banyan Tree for a poolside seafood buffet and finish it up with a traditional dessert “Serradura”. Wash this down with another excellent selection of white wines from Chef David Wong. Quick look at the music scene here and around before popping over to fashion trends and looking at one of Macau’s top designers and what to buy from him. We take you out on another Walking Tour, great for the whole family – come discover the trail we set this time! Then a look at a museum, a local look at Macau and the Snapshot winners of Cguide’s Wine and Dine Festival Photography Competition! The Macao Science Center has some exciting shows lined up, so we dropped in for a look and then took the kids over to the Venetian to check out Qube and some of the other attractions nearby. Check out our new section with the Clefs d’Ors Macau – a dedicated group of concierges here to help you get the most of this great city and our interview with their President Siana Iong. Grab some herbal remedies to get back on track after these cold months and look at our Essentials to find anything you might have missed. Make sure to check out our day-by-day itinerary for you at the beginning of the magazine if you’re ever in doubt about what to do. And as always, have a blast! | April 2014



四月盛事 April

events All day Walking Tour Family 家庭乐:漫步 游澳门

23:00 Ludacris Club Cubic 3rd Anniversary Party Club Cubic, City of Dreams “娇比”三周年庆派对 新濠天地“娇比”

15:00 – 18:00 Conrad Oyster Promotions Conrad Macao 餐饮:康莱德酒店生 蚝盛宴 澳门康莱德酒店

All day All Things Wooly and Beautiful Art Exhibition See Space 艺术展览:“一切美 丽羊毛物创作展” 思空间

20:00 International Jazz bands Macau Cultural Center 音乐:《爵士逍 遥夜》 澳门文化中心

23:00 DJ Brian Cross Club Cubic 夜生活:DJ Brian Cross 新濠天地“娇比”

11:30 – 15:00 Sunday Brunch Rossio 餐饮:周日早午餐 “盛事”餐厅

17:00 – 1:00 Macallan Oyster Promotion Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge 餐饮:麦卡伦生蠔优惠 麦卡伦威士忌吧

10:00-20:00 Canton Embroidery Exhibition Macau Fashion Gallery 展览:广绣展 澳门时尚廊

23:00 DJ Yves V Club Cubic 夜生活:DJ Yves V 新濠天地“娇比”

Daily 4th Macau Furniture and Construction Materials The Venetian 会展:第四届澳门傢俬建材博览 威尼斯人

9:30 – 21:30 Qube Family The Venetian 家庭乐:Q立方 威尼斯人

All day A-Ma Festival A-Ma Temple, Barra 文化:妈祖诞 妈阁庙

19:45 Stacey Kent: The Changing Lights Music The Venetian 音乐:Stacey Kent爵 士音乐会 威尼斯人剧场

22:00 Star Voices Pang Veng Sam Concert StarWorld Hotel 音乐:“澳门星音” 音乐会—彭永琛 澳门星际酒店

All day Spring Wines 餐饮:买一瓶春日美酒 全日

10:00 – 20:00 Place by Gideon Shopping Macao Fashion Gallery 购物:买一套 Place by Gideon 男装 澳门时尚廊



四月 2014 |

20:00 Night of Macau Magic Show Sands Theatre, Macau 魔术秀: 《澳门之夜》 金沙剧场

10:00 – 18:00 Macau People, Macau Heart Photography Exhibition S. Lázaro Church 摄影展: “澳门人·澳门心” 望德堂

22:00 Perfect World Las Vegas Band Performance MGM Macau Perfect World 乐队主题之夜 澳门美高梅

12:00 – 19:00 Last Romance of Macau Photography Exhibition Ox Warehouse 摄影展: “梦游澳门” 牛房仓库

18:30 – 20:00 Village Music Night Portal Wine Bar 音乐:乡村音乐夜 大门酒吧

20:00 Disney Classics by Macau Youth Symphonic Band Macau Cultural Center 音乐:《士尼魔幻之 夜》 澳门文化中心

10:00 – 19:00 Hong Kong and Macau Illustrations Exhibition Macau Museum of Art 展览:港澳插画交 流展 澳门艺术博物馆

19:00 The Reincarnation of Red Plum Opera Macau Cultural Center 剧场: 《再世红梅记》 澳门文化中心

All day (周五) Food Expo 2014 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf 会展:国际进口食品 嘉年华会2014及澳门 进口商品展2014 澳门渔人码头

9:30 – 19:30 Explore communication Communications Museum 家庭乐:发现通讯 的乐趣 澳门通讯博物馆

All day Asia Theme Park & Attractions Summit Expo L’Arc Macau 会展:亚洲主题公园 与景区国际峰会2014 澳门凯旋门

All day Tea shopping Family 4月25日(周五) 家庭乐:喝一杯健 康凉茶

All day São Lázaro Shopping São Lázaro District 购物:望德堂 望德堂区 | April 2014



放眼小城 City lights 妈祖的传说 相 传 妈 祖于 公 元9 0 6 年 农 暦 三 月廿三日出生于福建莆田县湄 洲湾,她自出生到满月时都不 啼不哭,其父亲便给她取名“ 默娘”。默娘自小就有预测天 气的异能,其家乡海湾风大浪 急,礁石错杂,经常有过往船 只遇难,所以默娘就常常站在 崖上,振臂高呼提醒过往船 只注意,晚上更点起红灯引 航。28岁时因为营救遇难的船 只而牺牲,人们便为其修祠塑 像以纪念她的善行,而渔民们 出海前总是到这里祈求平安。


A-Ma Festival

娘妈诞 农历三月廿三日是娘妈诞,也称天后诞,是澳 门本地一个重要的宗教节日之一。娘妈诞当 天,水上渔民和陆上居民到妈祖庙前张灯结 彩,祭祀请神,祈求妈祖保祐人们水陆平安、 生意兴隆等。 A-Ma Festival celebrates the birth of the Goddess of the Ocean, landing on the 23rd day of March in the Chinese lunar calendar. A major religious festival in Macau, believers flock to the Mazu temple – located in the Barra district where Portuguese sailors first landed in Macau - to light lanters, place ribbons and decorations and pray for safety and prosperity for themselves and their businesses (especially fisherman). 12


四月 2014 |

娘妈诞(天后诞)的庆祝仪式一般 会在节日前夕开始还神、还花 炮,过了午夜11点后,人们就 到庙里上头注香、拜神,然后 进行“喊礼”、“读祝文”等 仪式。娘妈诞当天,各龙狮队 与表演团体于天后庙前集合演 出,当庆祝表演完毕后,龙狮 队会继续前往天后庙参神。最 后就是举行隆重的抽炮仪式。 此外,人们还在庙前搭棚上演 神功戏,也称水陆演戏会。现 场锣鼓喧天,并请神入戏棚安 坐,达至人神共娱,最后送神 回庙中,以示尊崇。

澳门的天后宫 妈祖是沿海城市最受尊敬的天神 之一,尤其是渔民和水上居民的 每条船上都要供奉天后,而作为 昔日渔港的澳门,也在多处建有 天后庙,包括澳门的妈阁庙、路 环天后古庙、氹仔天后宫等。于 2001年,澳门更于路环兴建了 以全球最高妈祖雕像为轴心的宗 教文化旅游区---妈祖文化村,妈 祖文化村由天后宫、博物馆、香 客山庄、素食馆等组成,每年都 吸引来自各世界各地的信众及游 客参拜祈福,而且娘妈诞当天更 是热闹。

As legend said

According to legend, Mazu was born in the Fujian Province in A.D. 906 and was named Mo Niang (meaning silent girl) since she never cried. She showed an ability to forecast weather and her village was often hit by heavy storms. To help boats she stood on the cliff tops and warned off fisherman using a red lamp. At 28 she died in an attempt to save a wrecked ship and the locals built a temple in her honor, praying to her memory for safety before leaving shore.


Praying and fireworks begin the festival eve, following by incense burning, worship, salutations and prayer reading towards midnight. On the birthday lion dances and other groups perform in front of the temple. A stage is set up with a variety of activities and gongs and drums are played to invite the spirit of the goddess to join in the celebration. The final step is sending the goddess back to the temple as a gesture of respect. Mazu, the Goddess of the Ocean is one of the most respected goddesses among the coastal cities in China, and her shrine is seen on every fishing boat. A number of the temples exist in Macau – a former fishing village – such as those at Freguesia de São Lourenço, Coloane and Taipa.

4月22日 妈阁庙前地 Largo do Pagode da Barra

22nd,April Largo do Pagode da Barra, A-Ma Temple, Macau

复活节何处去 Easter Activities



复活节有关的纪念和庆祝圣典 会分三天进行,由耶稣苦难(星 期五)、圣週星期六以至耶稣复 活主日(星期日)。在这三天里, 澳门各个堂区的教堂都会举行 庆典弥撒。圣母圣诞主教座堂 (即主教座堂)一如既往举行 连串隆重的纪念仪式,包括“ 苦难圣枝主日”、“祝圣圣油 弥撒”、“耶稣建立圣体大 礼”、“复活前夕弥撒”、“ 复活主日弥撒”等,弥撒庆典 引领不少华裔及外籍教徒聚 首,一起唱诗歌,共沐圣恩。 玫瑰堂更上演一场精彩的复活 节音乐会,由台北市立交响乐 团附属合唱团为观众呈上伟大 作曲家罗西尼的圣乐《圣母哀 悼曲》,以音乐为心灵献上最 大的抚慰。 此外,澳门的多家酒店及商场 也会精心打扮迎接节日的到 来,或者由礼物使者复活节兔 为小朋友们带来各种画上可爱 鬼脸或花纹的复活巧克力蛋, 向小朋友们传递节日的祝福。

Religious events in Macau for Easter last three days: Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Pentecost Sunday. Every parish in Macau holds celebratory mass for these events, including Palm Sunday, Eucharist Mass, Easter’s Eve Mass and Easter Mass. To commemorate Easter Sunday the Taipei Symphony Orchestra will perform a religious musical masterpiece named Satabat Mater by Gioacchino Rossini at St. Dominic’s Church in the Senado Square area. Throughout Easter the hotels and shopping malls have roving Easter bunnies delivering blessings in the form of free chocolate Easter eggs.

圣母圣诞主教座堂 地址:主教座堂前地 圣周活动:4月13日至20日 电话:(853)2837 3643 Catedral Igreja da Sé Location: Largo da Sé Tel: (+853) 2837 3643

走进四月,迎来的是澳门本地重要的西方宗教 节日之一—复活节。在复活节期间,澳门将会 全城庆祝,举办大型的巡游活动和表演,让市 民和游客沉浸于佳节气氛中。 To celebrate one of the most important western religious festivals, Macau holds a celebration across the city with performances and religious celebrations, creating a vibrant atmosphere for locals and tourists alike in the month of April.

复活节音乐会 日期: 4月17及18日,20:00 地点:板樟堂前地玫瑰堂 门票:免费,门票于演出前一小时 现场派发, 每人每次限取两张, 派完 即止。

Easter Concert

Date: April 17th and 18th, 20:00 Location: St Dominic’s Church, Senado Square, Macau Admission: Free admission by ticket. Free ticket will be provided from 19:00, two per person. First come, first serve. | April 2014



演出 shows 日期 Date: April 17th - 22nd, 19:00

日期 Date: April 8th, 20:00

澳门管乐节2014 -《爵士逍遥夜》 Macao Band Festival 2014 “Jazz Night” 澳门管乐节2014的活动 之一,由澳门爱乐协会 主办的《爵士逍遥夜》 于4月向大众公演,本次 音乐会邀请到本地及外地 的爵士乐团献上多首爵士 名曲,以飨乐迷。 Stop by for a night of both international and local classical jazz bands for a one night only event. A part of the Macao Band Festival, this event’s organized by the Associacao de Filarmónica de Macau and brings a rarely seen musical form to Macau stages. 地点 Location 文化中心小剧院 Avenida Xian Xing Hai, Macao Cultural Centre, Small Auditorium, NAPE, Macau 门票 Admission: MOP 50 查询 Inquiries:(((++853))2840 0555

日期 Date: April 11th, 20:00

《迪士尼魔幻之夜》 Disney’s Music Favorties 由澳门管乐协会主办的音 乐之夜,澳门青年管乐团 将演译多首廸士尼主题音 乐,包括“世界真细小” 、“美女与野兽”、“加 勒比海盗”、“阿拉丁” 、“狮子王”、“冰雪奇 缘”等。 Collecting Disney classics such as: It’s a Small World, Beauty and the Beast, Pirates of the Caribbean, Aladdin, The Lion King and Frozen; the world of Disney unfolds on stage in an evening of magic. Hosted by the Macau Band Directors Association, the familiar music from these famous Disney movies is to be performed by the Macau Youth Symphonic Band. 地点 Location 文化中心综合剧院 Avenida Xian Xing Hai, Macao Cultural Centre, Grand Auditorium, NAPE, Macau 门票 Admission: MOP 100 查询 Inquiries:((++853))2840 0555



四月 2014 |

《再世红梅记》 The Reincarnation of Red Plum 继2007年的《帝女花》后,粤剧泰斗白雪仙再次精心策 划经典戏宝《再世红梅记》,并率领爱徒陈宝珠、梅雪 诗携手演出该剧,以纪念一代名伶任剑辉及著名编剧唐 涤生。曲词儒雅、情节细腻动人及文学性与艺术性并重 的《再世红梅记》是粤剧界第一编剧唐涤生登峰造极的 作品,加上奚仲文、陈友荣等星级制作班底的助阵,使 这次的戏宝更令人期待。 Directed by Pak Suet Sin, The Reincarnation of Red Plum comes to Macau stages this 17th to 22nd. The production is the follow-up to the legendary Cantonese Opera performer’s 2007 masterpiece Tragedy of the Emperor’s Daughter. Written by Tong Dik Sang, the opera has timeless value in both literature and art - projected through its elegant lyrics and touching plot. The new performance of the classic work will be a journey after such known professionals in the field - Kenneth Yee Chung-Man and Ewing Chan have confirmed their participation in the production. 地点 Location 文化中心综合剧院 Avenida Xian Xing Hai, Macao Cultural Centre, Grand Auditorium, NAPE, Macau 门票 Admission: MOP 100, 380, 580, 800 查询 Inquiries: (++853) 2840 0555

日期 Date: Until May 11th (Tue - Sun), 20:00

《澳门之夜》 The Night of Macau 《澳门之夜》糅合了魔术、歌舞及脱口秀,并由屡获大 奖的台湾魔术师丁建中联同中国中央电视台的特约演员 携手演出。此表演不但融汇了中西文化的精髓,多位表 演者更将凭借他们深厚的艺术功底为观众表演一场结合 奇幻魔术及精彩歌舞的盛会。 A large-scale show combining magic, singing and dancing and a talk show presented by Danny Tin –an awardwinning magician from Taiwan, and various actors from China Central Television of mainland China. As a performance integrating the essence of Eastern and Western cultures, the show provides the opportunity to enjoy the mysterious world of magic and relish in the performers’ talent. 地点 Location 金沙酒店金沙剧场((Sands Theatre)) Largo de Monte Carlo, 203, Sands Macau, Macau Sands Theater, 3/F, Macau 门票 Admission: MOP/HKD 350 查询 Inquiries:(+(+ 853))2882 8822

日期 Date: April 27th 22:00

澳门”星”音 Star Voices 活跃于澳门及香港的年青 创作歌手彭永琛将于星际 酒店“品味吧”举行音乐 会,为听众带来一系列 R﹠B歌曲。是次音乐会 为一连12场的“澳门星 音”音乐会系列活动之 一,由三月起,每月最后 一个星期日将由不同风格 的澳门歌手于“品味吧” 举行音乐会。 Pang Veng Sam, the talented young singer and song writer known in Macau and Hong Kong, is set to perform a concert at the Whisky Bar of the Star World Hotel immersing audiences in the melody of his R&B hits. Pang is also one of 12 artists performing in the Star Voices Events, which feature a local singer of a different genre performing in the bar every fourth Sunday of each month beginning in March. 地点 Location 澳门星际酒店“品味吧” Avenida da Amizade, Whisky Bar, Star World Hotel, NAPE, Macau 门票Admission: 不设门票, 场内最低消费MOP 98 No ticket, Minimal charge of MOP 98 查询 Inquiries﹕ (++853) 8290 8698


exhibitions 展览日期:即日起至4月13日 Until April 13th 展览日期:即日起至4月20日 Until April 20th

港澳插画交流展 Hong Kong and Macao Illustrations 这次的“港澳插画交流展”邀请了来自香港的五位插画师 和五位澳门本土才华横溢的艺术家参与,香港方面有我们 熟知的李秋明,他通过蒙太奇的手法,写实抽象相融合的 描绘,阐述了“女女”恋的缠绵情感。而澳门方面,最 能吸睛的作品莫过于著名插画家袁志伟的“塞豆隆(粤 语,意为小屁孩)心事”系列,简约笔锋简单勾勒出小 孩子的成长烦恼,为这群往往容易被忽视的孩童发声。 This year’s Hong Kong & Macao Illustrations present works by five illustrators from Hong Kong and five talented local artists. From the Hong Kong side Chow Lee is a familiar name to illustration fans, revealing a pure and romantic emotion between lovers by melting reality and imagination like montage scenes in movies. As for Macau artists, Un Chi Wai is known by his cute series focusing on small kids demonstrating what’s in their hearts by simple lines. 澳门艺术博物馆, 澳门新口岸冼星海大马路澳门艺术博物馆一楼 Address: Avenida Xian Xing Hai, Macau Museum of Art: G/F, NAPE, Macau 咨询 Inquiries: (+853) 8791 9814 门票 Admission: 免费 Free Opening Hours: 10:00 - 19:00

“梦游澳门”朱迅摄影展 Last Romance of Macau 朱迅活跃于香港街头, 并积极以摄影去记录、 反映当今令人关注的社 会话题,著有《我行我 摄 - 香港游行纪录》。 这次他将展示一些自90 年代开始拍下的澳门 城市变化缩影,好让我们在急速的发展过程中稍停下 来,欣赏一位邻埠观察者对我们生活城市的记录。 Birdy Chu is a photographer prowling Hong Kong streets to document and reflect social issues with his camera. He has published an album entitled I walk, therefore I shoot: A record of Hong Kong Demonstrations. This time he displays photos of 1990s and beyond, epitomizing the urban transformation of Macau. The exhibition offers us a whole picture of the city’s booming development from an outsider’s view of our city. 牛房仓库,美副将大马路与提督大马路交界 Address: Intersection of Avenida do Coronel Mesquita and Avenida Almirante Lacerda, Ox Warehouse, Macau 咨询 Inquiries: (+853) 2853 0026 门票 Admission: 免费 Free Opening Hours: 12:00-19:00 (逢周二休息 Closing on Tuesday)

展览日期:即日起至4月20日 Until April 20th

广绣展 Canton Embroidery Exhibition 本月你还可以来到澳门时尚廊二三楼参观“广绣展” ,馆内展出珍贵的民间婚嫁广绣服饰鞋履,甚至还有 清末光绪年间的贡品。广绣历史源远流长,与潮绣合 称粤绣,粤绣为中国四大名绣之一,是国家级非物质 文化遗产。 广绣要求绣工针线灵巧,在丝绸或莨纱布 料上,绣出秀丽精妙的图桉,堪称绝艺。 The Fashion Gallery plays host to a unique and traditional exhibition of Canton embroidery showcasing precious works such as folk wedding dresses, shoes and accessories, and even articles of tribute to emperors of the late Qing Dynasty. This style of embroidery together with the Chaozhou style was classified as Yue Embroidery and boasts a long history, having been crowned as one of the four famous Chinese embroidery styles and a national non-material cultural heritage.

展览日期: 即日起至4月11日 UNTIL APRIL 11th

一切美丽羊毛物创 作展 ‘All Things Woolly and Beautiful’ 展览展出香港羊毛及布 料手作人 Gisela Cheung 的羊毛毡作品,这是澳 门第一个羊毛毡创作 展。来自香港的Gisela Cheung,擅长利用羊毛 湿毡的技巧创作栩栩如 生的动物造型,她的作 品温暖而又有生命力, 好像在告诉我们一个个 关于动物的故事。 The first of its kind in Macau, this exhibition presents woolen creations by Gisela Cheung - a Hong Kong–based artist specializing in wool and fabric. A master of a traditional technique of wet shaping to create vivid images of animals out of wool. 思空间See Space,亚婆井 龙头左巷29号高富大厦地下E Address: Travessa de António da Silva, 29, Kou-Fu Building, See Space, G/F,Macau 咨询 Inquiries: (+853) 2896 8347 门票 Admission: 免费 Free

澳门时尚廊,澳门圣禄杞街47号 Address: Rua de S. Roque, 47, Macau Fashion Gallery, Macau 咨询 Inquiries: (+853) 835 3341 门票 Admission: 免费 Free Opening Hours: 10:00 - 20:00 (逢周一休馆 Closing on Monday) | April 2014




expos 日期 April 18th - 20th

第四届澳门家私建材博览 The 4th Macau Furniture and Construction Materials Expo 澳门傢俬建材博览是一站式的傢俬选购平台,一连三日 展出各个质优价廉的家居品牌产品,是澳门年度最齐全 的傢俬展会之一。 The Furniture and Construction Materials Expo is one of the most comprehensive get togethers in the home decorating industry in Macau. The three-day event gathers brands of the best quality and cost-effectiveness serving as a one-stop shop to satisfy all your needs in this area. 地点:澳门世邦家私建材城 Address: Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, The Venetian, COTAI

日期 April 18th-20th

国际进口食品嘉年华会2014及澳门进口商品展2014 Food Expo 2014, Macau Import Commodity Festival 2014 随着澳门近年国际旅游蓬 勃发展,各大酒店及餐厅 对食品及进口商品的需求 庞大,所以这次展会正好 为澳门本地提供更多国际 进口的食品,为本地建造 优质进口商品的国际商贸 平台。 A timely opportunity for local accommodation participants to find out more food options across the world and build a high-end platform of food importation and international trade activities. 地点:澳门渔人码头会议展 览中心 Address: Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macao Fisherman’s Wharf Convention & Exhibition Center, Macau

日期 Date: April 24th

亚洲主题公园与景区国际峰会2014 Asia Theme Park & Attractions Summit 2014 亚洲主题公园与景区高峰论坛汇聚200多位来自开发 商、运营商、设计规划、工程管理、解决方桉提供 商、政府机构、行业协会等,共同探讨主题公园行业 的前沿发展。 The Asia Theme Park & Attractions Summit 2014 is a gala of more than 200 guests from developers, design and planning, construction management, solution providers, authorities and business associations to discuss the future development of the theme park industry. 地点:澳门凯旋门 Address: Avenida 24 de Junho, L’Arc Macau, NAPE, Macau



四月 2014 | | April 2014





放眼小城 City Lights 探秘澳门街 Places

望德堂坊吃玩买指南 The Streets of Macau: The São Lázaro District Abbi Mitchell-Morley



四月 2014 |

Cguide带领您走进澳门最繁华热闹 的街区,感受最原汁原味的澳门体 验。 Get the real Macau local experience as Cguide takes you around one of Macau’s most bustling districts.




Guia Hill

站在东望洋山顶,该区 近半的景色尽揽眼底。 东望洋炮台就修建于山 顶。1622年,当荷兰 军队试图入侵澳门的期 间,该炮台就是牵制敌 人的两个重要防御工事 之一。炮台旁耸立着著 名的东望洋灯塔,澳门 行政区在地图上的坐标 值就取于此。灯塔修建 于1865年,是中国第一 座现代灯塔。圣母雪地 殿教堂也是炮台的一部 分,之前曾是一所修道 院,内部的壁画作品融 汇东西,吸引着很多游 客的目光。

二龙喉公园 公园地处松山脚下,曾 是澳督宅邸的所在地, 附近一个烟花工厂发生 爆炸之后,被改建成了 公园。公园内可以欣赏 各种动物,比如黑熊和 孔雀。动物园旁边是一 个绿意葱葱的植物园, 一个丰富多彩的植物世 界。公园内还有澳门唯 一的缆车,将游客带到 松山山顶,饱览优美的 全景风光。

望德圣母堂 曾是澳门的第一座主教 座堂,也是城市中最古 老的教堂之一,以麻风 病圣徒命名。澳门第一 位主教Dom Belchior Caneiro曾下令将教堂用 作一所医院,其原始建 筑大部分都保留至今。

Taking up close to half of the district is Guia Hill on top of which sits Guia Fortress. Guia is one of two significant fortresses pertinent to holding off the Dutch when they tried to invade Macau in 1622. On the grounds of the fortress is the famed Guia lighthouse from which the exact coordinates of the SAR are taken. The lighthouse was built in 1865 and was the first modern lighthouse in China. Also a part of the fortress is the Guia Chapel, formerly a nunnery, which receives most attention for the various frescoes illustrating both oriental and western influence.

Flora Garden

Once the Portuguese aristocratic Flora Palace, the site was converted into a garden at the foot of Guia Hill following the explosion of a nearby firework factory. Flora Garden is home to Macau’s first zoo and aviary, and various animals such as black bears and peacocks can be observed at the park. A wide range of greenery can be found at the park’s botanical garden situated beside the zoo. Macau’s only cable car also sits in the Garden and offers visitors a panoramic ride up Guia Hill.

Saint Lazarus Church

Once Macau’s Cathedral, Saint Lazarus Church is one of the city’s oldest churches and was named after the patron saint of lepers. The church was at one point used as a hospital under the orders of Macau’s first bishop: Dom Belchior Caneiro and today remains mostly the same in terms of architecture.

开放时间:周一至周日 炮台:09:00-17:30 教堂:10:00-05:00(不允 许拍照) 澳门松山 门票:免费 Open Mon to Sun; Fortress: 09:00-17:30; Chapel: 10:00-05:00(no photographs allowed) Guia Hill, Macau Admission: Free

开园时间:周一至周 日,6:00-20:30 门票:免费 地址:澳门士多纽拜斯大 马路 Open Mon to Sun; 06:00 – 20:30 Avenida de Sidónio Pais, Macau Admission: Free 开放时间:周二至周 日,08:00-18:00 门票:单程澳门币2元,双 程澳门币3元 地址:澳门士多纽拜斯大马 路/松山东望洋炮台 咨询: (+853) 2896 8820 Open Tue to Sun 08:00 – 18:00 Avenida de Sidónio Pais, Macau/Guia Fortress, Guia Hill Admission: one way-MOP3 Inquiries: (+853) 2896 8820

开放时间:周一至周日 门票:免费 地址:澳门疯堂斜巷 Open Mon to Sun Rua de João de Almeida, Macau Admission: Free | April 2014



放眼小城 City lights Shopping 购物之选

Dor Boutique

这是一家专营儿童用品 的精品小店,商品包括 适合各种场合的儿童服 装、鞋和配饰。 Specializing in children’s ware, Cotton Candy is a small boutique with an assortment of pieces including clothing, shoes and accessories for any occasion.

这家小店的时尚单品更 具炫酷的现代气息,包 括偏深的色调、皮裙、 流行的动物印花和风格 各异的鞋履。是购物狂 门绝不可错过的好地 点。 A boutique selling more modern fashion pieces - including darker tones, leather skirts, fashion forward animal print and an array of shoes Dor Boutique is definitely deserving on any shoppers to do list. Price range 价位 澳门元100起 /MOP 100+ Address 地址 雅廉访大马路 Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga

Price range 价位 澳门元100起 /MOP 100+ Address 地址 贾伯乐提督街 Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral

Style Beauty 名如其店,Style Beauty 就是一。主打时尚之都 日本和韩国的风格商 品,销售各式女士服 装、化妆品和配饰。 With a name as definitive as Style Beauty it is no surprise this haven of all things beauty and fashion related sells an assortment of women’s clothing, make up and accessories, some of which hail from style capitals Japan and Korea. Price range 价位 澳门元100起 /MOP 100+ Address 地址 贾伯乐提督街

Vintage Muse 店内的螺旋形台阶同时 也是服装展示架,如此 创新的设计令人眼前一 亮。Vintage Muse销售 各种风格的女士服装, 比如优雅与前卫兼具的 外套、长裤、做旧靴子 和个性化手袋等。 Evoking a double take with its innovative spiral staircase/clothing rack Vintage Muse sells a range of women’s wear that sits on the border of elegant and edgy like coats, blazers, grungy boots and statement bags.

Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral


Keeping to the spring fashion trends, Wéar sells a collection of muted whites and pastel pieces from Korea’s fashion capital Seoul. The store offers various sophisticated pieces of clothing such as blouses and coats as well as footwear and accessories.

Price range 价位

Price range 价位

澳门元100起 /MOP 100+

澳门元200起 /MOP 200+

Address 地址

Address 地址



真正展示优雅巴黎风格 的小店,以干净简洁的 店内设计,展示着休 闲风格和雅致气质的服 装,比如上衣和外套等 等。店内还销售款式多 样的手袋、钱包和配饰 等商品。 Laid out in true Parisian boutique style, the Nice Boutique is a clean-lined arrangement of garments such as tops and blouses ranging from casual to elegant. The shop also sells an assortment of purses, wallets and accessories.

Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga

Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral

Price range 价位


澳门元100起 /MOP 100+

Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral

澳门元100起 /MOP 100+

Cotton Candy


以及色彩柔和的鞋履。 散发着浓郁的日韩风 情。 Embodying the minimal theme of their fashion, the Genie Boutique is a display of soft pastels, flowing skirts and muted footwear. The fashions follow styles form leading trends in Japan and Korea.

Price range 价位

四月 2014 |

Address 地址 雅廉访大马路 Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga

Nice Boutique

Charming House 这家小店面向更年轻一 代的消费群体,色彩亮 丽的单品,富有活力的 图案,一定会抓住时尚 达人的目光。 Catering to the younger generations, Charming House Boutique is an array of colorful pieces with lively patterns bound to catch any fashionista’s eye.

Leah Beauty


这是一家专门销售化妆 品的小店,琳琅满目的 扮美必备商品,包括韩 国大牌3CE。 As the name would suggest Leah Beauty is a cosmetic specialty store, selling a range of makeup including the popular Korean brand 3CE.

Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga, 25

Price range 价位

Price range 价位 澳门元100起 /MOP 100+ Address 地址

Address 地址

澳门元150起 /MOP 150+ Address 地址 贾伯乐提督街 Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral

Nu Blano Wéar

Genie Boutique 这家小店的时尚彰显出 极简主义的主题,温润 的蜡笔色、飘逸的裙子

店内展示的各色商品紧 贴春季时尚潮流,比如 来自韩国时尚之都首尔 的各种白色和蜡笔色美 衣,还有很多品味独具 的时尚单品,比如外 衣、鞋履和配饰等。

如果你想寻找一些更精 致正式的服装,不妨到 Nu Blano看看。店内 销售各种优美迷人的礼 服,穿着它们出席各种 场合,绝不会出错。 Should you require something a little more

fancy, stop by Nu Blano where they cater to those in need of gowns. With a selection to tackle any occasion there is no going wrong with this place. Price range 价位

golf specialty stores selling attire, footwear and equipment. The sporting goods store is an oasis for golf lovers with its extensive collection of golf irons for that perfect play.

澳门元300起 MOP 300+

Price range 价位

Address 地址

澳门元150起 /MOP 150+


Address 地址

Avenida de Horta e Costa

雅廉访大马路 Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga

Adlib 这是一家男士休闲服饰 专营店,琳琅满目的个 性T恤、夹克、长裤, 打造时髦现代的男性形 象。 Catering to men’s fashion, Adlib is a casual wear store selling statement tees, jackets and trousers for the stylish modern man.


Casa de Cristais 主营水晶、宝石和玉器 商品,店内摆满了琳琅 满目的装饰品和珠宝饰 品。如果您对玉雕或手 链不感兴趣,店内还有 各种类型的陶器和藤条 编制工艺品。 Specializing in crystals and precious stones such as jade, Casa de Cristais sell an array of ornamental or jewelry pieces. If statues or bracelets are not what you are looking for, Casa de Cristais also sells assorted bits of Chinese pottery and wickerwork. Price range 价位 澳门元150起 MOP 150+

Ip Lam Kei

Address 地址 文第士街

坠。 This Jade specialty store is located along the main road and offers an assortment of jade crafted into statuettes, necklaces, bracelets and pendants believed to aid in aspect of life such as prosperity and health. Price range 价位 澳门元150起 MOP 150+ Address 地址 高士德大马路 Avenida de Horta e Costa

Veng Ia n Art Louca

Rua de Silva Mendes


Price range 价位

澳门元150起 MOP 150+

Professi o nal Golf

Price range 价位

澳门元400起 MOP 400+

Address 地址

相对价格 Relative

Address 地址


Address 地址


Rua de Silva Mendes


Avenida de Horta e Costa

澳门元100起 MOP 100+ Address 地址 高士德大马路 Avenida de Horta e Costa

这家体育用品商店是澳 门唯一的高尔夫用品专 营店,销售高球专用服 装、鞋履和各种设备。 作为高尔夫球爱好者的 胜地,这里种类齐备的 球杆将助您场场打出好 球。 One of Macau’s only

Chon Tat Mobilias 这是一家专门销售东方 风格家具的商店,店内 可以欣赏到富有特色的 实木家具,比如桌子、 椅子、柜子和展示架。 Offering a more oriental flare in furniture design, Chon Tat Mobilias is an arrangement of wood pieces from tables to chairs, chests and display cases.

如果您喜欢风格现代、 具有独特美感的多动能 家具,这家欧式风格家 具店就是您的不二之 选,包括各种设计巧妙 的椅子、桌子和衣帽架 等。 Specialty design shop cinchstudio is your best bet if you’re looking for modern, multifunctional and aesthetically unique furniture. The store sells a more European style pieces like chairs, tables and coatracks. Price range 价位

如果您想要购买一些独 特的陶器装点房间,这 家商店就是您最好的选 择。店内装饰非常简 约,墙壁内的圆形内嵌 展示架上,摆放着各种 瓷器和陶器精品,包括 花瓶、小装饰品和灯具 等。 If you’re looking for assorted Chinese pottery to decorate your home with, then Veng Ian Art Louca is the place to go. The simplistic store is a hole in the wall with ceramic and porcelain pieces littered about the place. Everything from vases to decorative trinkets to lamps is available.

走进这家小店,就会被 摆在墙壁上那一卷卷的 布料吸引。这是一家专 营高档面料的小店,很 多布料都来自意大利、 法国、日本、韩国,也 有最精致的中国丝绸。 Rolls of textile lining the walls of this small establishment, Ip lam Kei specializes in luxury fabrics such as those hailing from Italy, France, Japan and Korea whilst also offering only the finest in traditional Chinese silks.

Price range 价位


澳门元150起 MOP 150+ Address 地址 高士德大马路 Avenida de Horta e Costa

Price range 价位

Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga


Ku Iok Hin

这家玉器专营店坐落在 一条主路旁,令人眼花 缭乱的商品,包括各种 具有财富和长寿寓意的 玉雕、相连、手链和吊 | April 2014



放眼小城 City lights 美食推荐 F&B


Café de Coral

Café E.U 这家小巧的咖啡店洋溢 着家一般的气氛,提供 自制甜品和醇香咖啡。 整体的装修风格非常精 致,舒适的沙发、舒适 的暗色调和温暖的灯 光,打造最完美的咖啡 店氛围。经过一天的游 览和购物之后,午后时 分在此享用一位美味咖 啡,无比惬意。 Offering homemade desserts and drip coffee, Café E.U. is a homey little hole in the wall. With an air of sophistication about the place, the café is an assortment of couches, deep tones and warm lighting – the perfect ambiance for a coffee shop. Enjoy an afternoon coffee at the establishment after a day of exploring and shopping. Price range 价位 澳门元50起 /MOP 50+ Address 地址 雅廉访大马路 Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga Telephone 电话 (+853) 2821 1294



Café de Coral 成立于 1969年,是全球最大 的中国快餐连锁店,仅 在香港一地,每天的客 流量就达到惊人的30 万人。餐厅以实惠的价 格提供品种丰富的中西 美食。 The largest Chinese fast food franchise in the world, Café de Coral began in 1968 and caters to an astounding 300,000 people a day in Hong Kong alone. The restaurant serves an array of foods from both Chinese and Western cuisines at an affordable price.

Offering a number of dishes ranging from snacks to sandwiches and more substantial meals, Kaffeeshop is a local fusion eatery that embodies the east meet west nature of the city. Take a break from walking around to enjoy a coffee or ice tea at this cozy joint. Price range 价位 澳门元50起 MOP 50+ Address 地址 亚马喇马路 Estrada de Ferreira do Amaral

Price range 价位 澳门元50起 MOP 50+ Address 地址 高士德大马路 Avenida de Horta e Costa




这是一家非常富有澳门 特色的餐厅,彰显了澳 门中西结合的文化特 色。琳琅满目的美味佳 肴,既有零食小吃,也 有西式三明治和各种精 品主菜。在游览观光的 途中不妨来此休息一 下,在舒适的环境中来 上一杯咖啡或爽口冰淇 淋。

四月 2014 |

Gong Cha

这家饮品店销售多达57 种特色饮料,除了台湾 特色的珍珠奶茶,还 有各种清茶、咖啡、奶 昔。其分店遍布亚洲各 地,但始终保持着澳门 本土特色。 Aside from the famed Taiwanese bubble tea, Gong Cha serves an estimated total of 57different beverages including teas, coffees and smoothies. Gong Cha has various locations throughout Asia and remains a local favorite. Price range 价位

小泉居 Café


这家咖啡馆在澳门多处 设有分店,以提供融汇 台湾菜和西餐的特色菜 肴而闻名。精心设计的 菜单,让最受欢迎的菜 品和饮品一目了然。如 果有机会,不妨到这家 店内品尝独具特色的绿 苹果绿茶或珍珠奶茶。 With several locations all over Macau, Café E.S.Kimo offers a variety of Taiwanese and western fusion dishes. The menu is carefully organized so you know which food and drinks are bestsellers. Try the Green Apple Green Tea or Pearl Milk Tea at any of the establishments should you get a chance. Price range 价位 澳门元50起 MOP 50+ Address 地址 高士德大马路 Avenida de Horta e Costa

澳門仁慈堂婆仔屋 澳門瘋堂斜巷8號 (仁慈堂婆仔屋B座)

澳门元10起 /MOP 10+ Address 地址 贾伯乐提督街 Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral

Nearby: Albergue Santa Casa da Misericordia, Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro, 8, Macau | April 2014



吃在澳门 Dine


超越传统 Tradition Transcended Abbi Mitchell-Morley




四月 2014 |

Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

澳门,几乎每一条街道上都可以看到打着“真 正葡萄牙风味”招牌的餐厅。但 Fado 餐厅却 显得如此别具一格。该餐厅的概念创造者兼主厨Luís Américo 和 Marco Gomes延续的是葡萄牙最传统的 美食特色,以最原汁原味的葡萄牙体验,满足澳门食 客的味蕾。 饭店位于澳门市中心不远的皇都酒店。以迷人的地中 海色彩、落地玻璃窗和葡萄牙传统瓷砖,营造出生机 勃勃的氛围。但在这美妙多姿的装修风格背后,蕴含 的是澳门葡萄牙饮食领域中的全新理念,在秉承传统 的烹饪方式中,加入了一丝现代创意。

原汁原味 这两位主厨说:“我们 (Fado) 之所以与众不同,是因 为我们不会刻意去迎合本地的口味。我们制作的每一 道菜肴,都完全遵循其在葡萄牙的(烹饪)方法。” 他们两人曾经赢得多项知名大奖,比如 Luís 的年度厨 师奖以及 Marco的几项金叉奖。能够获得如此骄人成 绩,完全仰赖于他们精湛的烹饪技艺,以及多年来一 贯秉承的事业目标:赢得当地食客的喜爱。 主厨 Luís 首先解释道:“当你走进一个葡萄牙餐厅 时,很多所谓的‘葡萄牙’概念,无非就是做几道葡 萄牙式菜肴,但大部分情况下,那其实是一种澳门式 葡萄牙口味,是一种口味的融合。”在说到 Fado 的 特色时,他表示:“那是以更现代的方式烹饪的菜 肴,但是你能感觉到,自己品尝的是真正的葡萄牙美 味。”他们的饭店中处处展示了葡萄牙精髓气质,对 此,Luís 继续说:“我们追求的是纯粹,我们想展示 葡萄牙最优秀的产品,不只是农产品和菜谱,还选择 了 Vista Alegre 瓷器,这是葡萄牙最高品质的瓷器品 牌 ,所有刀叉也都是葡萄牙最优秀的品牌。”他一边 说,一边让我们欣赏各种优美的餐具。

饭店命名 在为餐厅命名时,主厨们的想法是要朗朗上口,还要 与葡萄牙有着深刻的联系。Luís说:“当时想了两个 备选,一个是 Fado,另一个是 Douro。Douro是波特 葡萄酒的产地。这两个名字都很好,但之所以更倾向 于 Fado,是因为它包含着两个含义,其一是人的命 运,此外也是一种闻名遐迩的葡萄牙音乐风格。”

挚爱美食 Luís解释道,他和Marco从小就对美食情有独钟, 这种热爱已经融入了他们的血液。他在葡萄牙的北 部出生并长大,小时候经常和自己的祖母在厨房中 流连。Marco则来自葡萄牙较富裕的后山 (Trás-OsMontes) 地区。这两位大厨在一家酒店的后厨工作时 相识,很快就成为朋友,不久后,两个人共同开了第 一家餐馆(名为 (Foz Velha)),后由 Marco 全面接手。 两个人在餐饮界中也分别闯出了自己的名气,Marco 成立了自己的餐饮和葡萄酒学校,而 Luís 则在波尔图 地区开了数家餐馆。


n a city where promises of real Portuguese food line every street, Fado concept creators and Chefs Luís Américo and Marco Gomes carry over the age old traditions of Portuguese cuisine, bringing Macau the truest experience of Portugal to your plate. Situated in the Hotel Royal, near Macau’s center, the restaurant is a vibrant arrangement of Mediterranean hues, floor-to-ceiling windows and Portuguese tiling but under the beauteous environment lays a new approach to the Macau Portuguese dining scene: authenticity with a modern twist.

Tried and true

“What makes us [Fado] different is we don’t adapt, we give you the dish exactly the way it’s [served] in Portugal,” say the Chefs. Equipped with an array of awards, including a Chef of the Year award for Luís and several Golden Fork awards for Marco, the pair relies on pure skill and a heaping tablespoon of tradition to win over local palettes. “When you go into a Portuguese restaurant, what they call a Portuguese restaurant, of course they have some Portuguese based dishes but it’s a kind of PortugueseMacanese, it’s always a fusion,” begins Chef Luís as he explains that Fado offers: “a much more modern way to present the food but you can feel that you are really tasting Portuguese food.” The essence of Portugal apparent in the restaurant, Luís adds “we [wanted] to go for a real thing, we wanted to present the best from Portugal. Not only in the produce [and] in the recipes, but also we have all the porcelain from the best brands in Portugal – Vista Alegre - and we have also cutlery from the best brands of Portugal” he says as he points out various table and glassware.

Why Fado?

The Chefs decision on the name had to be easy to spell and deeply associated with Portugal. “It came [to] two names, one was Fado the other was Douro - which is the region of port wine. Both names made sense to us but Fado more because [the word] Fado has two meanings, it means your destiny,” Luís explains “and Fado is also a song: the most famous music style in Portugal.”

All for the love of cuisine

Born and raised in the north of Portugal, Chef Luís explains the love of food was instilled into both him and Marco from a young age as he spent countless hours with his grandmother in her kitchen, whilst Marco grew up in Portugal’s abundant region of TrásOs-Montes. The two met working in a hotel kitchen, quickly becoming friends and some time after opened their first restaurant together (named Foz Velha) before Marco took over completely. The pair is also known for their individual success in the culinary world, Marco for his cooking and wine school and Luís for several restaurants in the Oporto area.

Fado 花道葡萄牙餐厅 Address 地址

Mezzanine floor Hotel Royal Macau Estrada da Vitória, no. 2-4, Macau 澳门得胜马路2-4号 Tel. 电话 (+853) 2855 2222 - 142 | April 2014



吃在澳门 Dine

池畔欢沁 尽在澳门悦榕庄 Poolside Pleasures at Banyan Tree Macau Abbi Mitchell-Morley

悦涛廊 池畔烧烤套餐

Get right into the groove of summer at Cabana Poolside BBQ Package. 26


四月 2014 |

Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

由4月1日到6月30日, 澳门悦榕庄推出悦涛廊 池畔烧烤套餐。预定人 数仅需20位或以上,宾 客便可享用烧乳猪及各 式美味烧烤类与自助菜 式,两间池畔小屋,随 个人喜好选择台花,台 布和椅套。悦榕庄是澳 门唯一一间全套房高层 城市度假村。其酒店, 餐厅及Spa更是屡获殊 荣。悦涛廊与悦榕庄户 外泳池及8间池畔小屋比 邻,是放松心身心尽情 欢沁的好去处。

From the 1st of April to the 30th of June, the Banyan Tree Macau offers guests an indulgent dining option perfect for kicking off the warmer weather. Designed to cater to larger parties, the Cabana Poolside BBQ Package serves a minimum of 20 guests and includes a number of privileges such as a full barbecue buffet, a complimentary barbecued suckling pig and the use of two cabana houses. Guests may even opt to choose table settings such as floral centerpieces and tablecloths. Banyan Tree Macau is the first high rise full suite urban resort in Macau with several accolades for hotel, restaurants and Spa. Cabana is located besides Banyan Tree’s outdoor pool and 8 cabana houses, a perfect place for relaxation and pleasures.

澳门悦榕庄 澳门路氹金光大道银河综合 度假村内 池畔烧烤套餐每位由澳门币 888元起。 如有任何查询, 请联络+853 8883 8833

Banyan Tree Macau Galaxy Macau Resort, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, COTAI Cabana BBQ Package MOP 888 per person Inquiries (+853) 8883 8833 | April 2014



吃在澳门 Dine

澳门地道菜 traditional dish

澳门必食甜品—木糠布丁 Serradura

The sweet taste of ‘sawdust’ Yan Melao



四月 2014 |

澳门曾是葡萄牙的殖民地,在这里 你能够找到许多具有葡式风味的美 食,而葡萄牙的经典甜品木糠布丁 更是到这裡旅游的朋友们绝不能错 过的美食之一,本月的Cguide就要 为你深入介绍这款大受欢迎的甜 品。 Given Macau’s unique heritage, it’s the perfect place to taste authentic Portuguese food, especially some of the unique desserts that this colony is known for. This month we check out the Serradura pudding, known as ‘saw dust’. Come see what this sweet treat is all about.

附近景点 What’s nearby 卢廉若公园 Lou Lim Ieoc Garden

Serradura, taste of tradition

传统好味道—沙度 娜((Serradura)) 木糠布丁,葡文名 为“Serradura”,木糠 指的就是饼干碎,而布 丁就是由鲜奶油及炼奶 所混合做成,然后把两 种材料逐层相隔铺上, 再冷冻数小时而成。谈 到澳门的木糠布丁,当 然少不了驰名的木糠布 丁连锁店“沙度娜”。 据“沙度娜”创立人之 一的Kelvin介绍他们的 店始创于2003年,是澳 门当年唯一一家以出售 单一甜品为概念的甜品 店。 “沙度娜”经过了多年 的经营,已经在澳门开 设了多家分店,而木糠 布丁也从原来的一种口 味,研发至现在的十几

种口味,包括巧克力、 碎果仁、石板街、绿 茶、咖啡、芒果、曲 奇、榴槤等。品尝他们 家的木糠布丁有两种方 法,一是从冷冻格中取 出趁冻吃,其口感比较 厚实,有点像雪糕,等 它在口中慢慢融化,又 能品尝到马利饼的干 香。第二种是在冷冻格 里拿出后于常温放一 会,让它稍微软化,这 样吃起来口感绵滑,奶 味香浓,而且有一点点 像慕斯的感觉。“沙度 娜”也为顾客准备好保 温用的袋子,让他们除 了能在澳门品尝到木糠 布丁之外,也可以作为 拌手礼一样买回家送给 亲朋好友。

Serradura is a dessert made up of biscuit crumbs and a pudding made from fresh butter and condensed milk. The cooking process is as simple as adding the two ingredients together layer by layer and storing the final dish in a refrigerator for a few hours. The local chain called Serrdura is a popular place to enjoy the pudding and its cofounder Kelvin helped establish it in 2003 as the first Serradura specific shop in the city. After years of growth, the store now claims chains across Macau and its pudding offers have expanded from one flavor to dozens, now including: chocolate, chopped nut, rocky road, green tea, coffee, mango, cookie and durian. Either taste the treat in its harder form fresh out of the refrigerator, or let it warm a bit before taking a bite of the sweet, smooth pudding.

原名娱园,又称卢九花园, 是澳门鲜见的具有苏州狮子 林风格的园林。公园内有亭 台楼阁,池塘桥榭及曲径迴 廊,是澳门居民及旅客都喜

塔石艺文馆 Tap Seac Gallery 位于塔石广场的欧洲新古典 主义特色的建筑,由前后两 部份组成,中央部份为透 光的中庭设计,之间以梯级 相连。该建筑现时主要用以 举办视觉艺术展览和各类文 化活动。 The neo-classic structures at the Praça de Tap Seac serve as a major spot for cultural festivals and performances, as well as holding the Historical Archives and a health center. 开放时间 Opening hours 10:00﹣19:00 门票 Admission: 免费 Free 地址:澳门荷兰园大马路 95 号 Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida, 95, Macau

三盏灯美食区 Three Lamps District 其正名为“嘉路米耶圆形 地”, 这区是澳门着名的东 南亚美食区,雅馨缅甸餐厅

沙度娜Serrdura 原味木糠布丁Price MOP 15 营业时间 Opening hours 12:00 - 22:30 电话Tel: (+853) 2833 2880 氹仔店 :氹仔地堡街泉福 新村第一期第六座裕嘉阁地 下AA铺95号 澳门店 :澳门贾伯乐提督 街41B号地下 Taipa: Rua do Regedor, 95, AA, Chun Fuk Sun Chun, Block 6, G/F, Taipa Village, Taipa Macau: Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral,41 B, G/F, Macau

等 20 多间东南亚美食小店 集中于此,还有传统的小食 猪脚姜等。

爱前往的公园之一。 A traditional Su Zhou style garden rarely seen in Macau, it is a popular destination for locals and tourists with beautifully designed pavilions, carp ponds and winding bridges. 开放时间 Opening Hours 6:00 - 21:00 门票 Admission: 免费 Free 地址:罗利老马路10号 Estrada de Adolfo Loureiro, 10, Macau

The Three Lamps District, official name of the Rotunda de Carlos da Maia, is a popular district with more than 20 Southeast Asian style restaurants such as the Birmanese Nga Heong restaurant. Also a great spot for shopping. 地址:澳门嘉路米耶圆形地 Rotunda de Carlos da Maia, Macau | April 2014



吃在澳门 Dine 在澳门你还能到以下的 甜品店或餐厅中品嚐到 美味的木糠布丁。

Other places to find Serradura Bliss 这原来是一家在网上接受订制的人 气甜点店,近年更于雀仔园开设了 实体甜品店。其木糠布丁全自家新 鲜制作,口感软滑且价钱亲民,很 受欢迎。此外,店裡的印式糕点以 及小食,如椰汁红豆糕也非常受欢 迎。 A popular online dessert store before the actual shop was set up at Bairro Horta da Mitra, Bliss makes smooth and fresh pudding at a very affordable price. Also suggested are the Indianstyle cakes and light foodstuffs such as the coconut milk red bean cake.

九如坊葡国餐厅 Platão “九如坊”是澳门中区受欢迎的葡国 餐厅之一,每天都有数以百计的旅客 慕名前往。其自家制的木糠布丁是餐 后必点甜品,饼干碎和香甜的奶油层 层交迭,拼成13层的布丁,让人每吃 一口都充满惊喜。 A popular Portuguese restaurant in Macau, with hundreds of customers every day, the 13-layer home-made Serradura with crump biscuits and butter is a dish to try from Platão.

木糠布丁 Serradura: MOP 12

木糠布丁 Serradura: MOP 68

电话Tel: (+853) 62811250

电话 Tel: (+853) 2833 1818

地址:雀仔园柯高街2A万事达商场E Rua de Horta e Costa, 2A, Centro Comercial Master, Macau

地址:澳门板樟堂巷3号地下 Leal Senado District, Travessa São Domingos, 3, G/F, Macau

沙利文餐厅 Solmar Restaurant 澳门知名老牌葡国餐厅之一,是政 商名流也追捧的高级餐厅,其出品

老地方 The Old Place


位于传统的福隆新街的“老地方” 是由土生葡人所开设的小店, 店裡以 提供具有土生特色的家庭小吃以及 茶点为主,而葡萄牙的传统甜品木 糠布丁也在餐单的热点之列。除了 小吃,你也可以向店家预订特别烹


製的菜餚。 This tiny shop, owned by local Portuguese residents, is located along the traditional Rua da Felicidade and serves authentic snacks and refreshments with Serradura as the menu highlight. Aside from snacks the shop also accepts orders of custommade dishes. 木糠布丁 Serradura: MOP 20

电话 Tel: (+853) 2893 8670

油与细致的饼干碎而闻名,入口 软滑且甜而不腻。 Solmar, a prestigious restaurant offering dishes of quality, has enjoyed a longterm reputation in Macau among wealthy and political communities as well as locals and tourists. The Serradura made by the chef is milky, gentle and soft together with crispy and delicate crump biscuits - presenting the ideal level of sweetness in your mouth. 木糠布丁 Serradura: MOP 66 电话 Tel: (+853) 2888 1881 地址: 澳门南湾大马路512号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 512, Macau

地址:澳门福隆新街10号地下 Rua da Felicidade , 10, Macau



四月 2014 |

木糠布丁的制作方法 Serradura 除了可以到甜品店或是餐厅中 买到木糠布丁以外,你也可以 尝试着按照以下的食谱自己动 手做做看。 Why buy this delicious treat when you can make it at home? Try out the following recipe: 材料 Ingredients: 鲜奶油 Fresh Butter 500ml 炼奶 Condensed Milk 120g 马利饼 Marie biscuit 200g 1.先以搅拌机把马利饼搅碎, 也可以按个人口味把阿华田、 可可粉等加入100克饼碎中拌 匀,另外100克备用。 Crush the biscuit in a blender. Add Ovaltine or coco powder to half of the crushed biscuit as you wish. 2.取出冷藏过的鲜奶油加入炼 奶溷和,用打蛋器将其打至 稠状。 Take the fresh butter out of the refrigerator and mix it with the condensed milk before whisking the mixture into a cream.




3 在模底铺上一层饼碎,其后 倒下拌好的奶油炼奶作为第二 层,约1cm厚,然后再重複地 把饼碎及奶油间隔铺上,大概4 至5层即可。 Spread a layer of biscuit on the bottom of the mold; drip the cream on the top for a thickness of 1cm then another layer of biscuit. Repeat for four to five layers in total. 4.把做好的木糠布丁放到冰箱 中冷藏4小时即完成。如果想其 口感硬一点的话,也可以延长 冷藏时间至一晚上。 Store the dish in the refrigerator for four hours or overnight for a crisper taste. | April 2014



阳春 《新澳 时节, 门导航 吃在澳门 Dine 》为您 推荐五 瓶价 300 澳 门元的 格低于 精 酒窖 the cellar Top Fiv 选葡萄酒。 e Wine Recom menda t Spring ions for t im e in Mac au for under MOP3 “Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter. 00 Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here. Here comes the sun, here comes the sun”. The Beatles

“亲爱的,这是一个漫长、寒冷而孤寂的冬天。 亲爱的,仿佛有好几年这么长。 太阳出来了,太阳出来了” 披头士

春季,尝一口 阳光滋味

Here Comes The Sun David Wong

春归大地,正如披头 士这首歌所吟唱的, 这是一个暖意融融的 季节,阳光普照,万 物复苏,又一个崭新 的开始。在这个季节 交替的时节,我将向 您推荐五款最适合本 季饮用的优质葡萄 酒,可在澳门当地的 大型葡萄酒零售店中 选购。 32


Spring is here and like the Beatles song, the season brings warming temperatures, increasing daylight and as a time of growth, rebirth, rejuvenation, and renewal. Here are my five top picks of wines for the changing of the season and is available in Macau at your local leading wine distributor.

四月 2014 |


Trapiche Malbec Single Vineyard Vina Federico Villafane 2008 (Links Concept) Tr a p i c h e 是 一 家 位 于 门 多 萨 的酿酒企业,也是阿根廷历 史最悠久的葡萄酒品牌。 该品牌的2008年份Malbec Single Vineyard Vina Federico Villafane,是一款源自单一葡 萄园的葡萄酒,散发着诱人的 黑色水果香,夹杂着香料和上 等橡木独特的气味。单宁度恰 如其份。香味适中,既不会太 浓,也不会太轻。酒体浓郁、 味道正宗,令您回味绵长,是 搭配牛排的首选。 Trapiche is located in Mendoza and is one of the oldest wineries in Argentina. Specializing in single vineyards, we tasted the 2008 Malbec Single Vineyard Vina Federico Villafane. On the nose, this offers a combination of lifted yet still youthful aromatic black fruits with a touch of savoury spice, and subtle complexing oak. This Malbec provide good backbone tannins and structure. Good depth of flavour, without being heavy or over-ripe. The wine is full bodied, powerful and shows great length. Perfect with a steak.


Quinta da Romaneira 2009 (VinoMac) 这瓶无以伦比的 2009 年份精 品展现了品牌所有者和酿酒 师 Christian Seely 和 Antonio Agrellos的超强酿酒技艺。 酒精度只有13.5%,采用杜 罗河产区葡萄酿造方式,主 要葡萄品种为该产区常见的 Touriga Nacional、Touriga Franca、Tinta Roriz 和 Tinto Cao。目前仍处于陈酿的初期阶 段。如果耐心等待 5 年或更久, 你将会获得最佳的体验。 Owners and winemakers Christian Seely and Antonio Agrellos are the brains behind this magnificent estate. The 2009 is just 13.5% alcohol, which is no mean feat in the Douro and consists of the usual suspects of Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinto Cao. This is still a baby and should reward drinkers who have the patience to wait for five years or more.


3. Quinta do

Klein Constantia Vin de Constance Natural Sweet Wine 2007 (ASC)

Vallado Reserva 2011 (Vino Veritas)

这瓶干型红葡萄酒源自酿造商 Francisco Olazabal 之手, 出 产于联合国教科文组织所列的 世界遗产地之一 —— 杜罗河谷 。Francisco也为其家族葡萄园 Quinto do Vale Meao 酿造葡 萄酒。采用具有80多年历史的 老藤葡萄,这瓶 2011 年份的葡 萄酒具有清爽新酒的芬芳,带 有纯正的黑莓水果香和紫罗兰 香,及法式橡木香。特选杜罗 河主产的醇正红葡萄,适合陈 酿多年后饮用。 This dry red wine is made from Francisco Olazabal, one of my favourite winemakers in the UNESCO heritage site Douro Valley, Francisco is also the winemaker for his family estate wine, Quinto do Vale Meao. Made in an excellent vintage from old vines field blend with grapes over 80+ years. A nose of youthful and unmistakeable dark fruits of blackberry and violets combines with subtle French oak. Structured with good concentration of pure Douro dark fruits, this will reward those that can wait.


Jim Barry Riesling The Florita 2013 (Summergate) 已故的 Jim Barry 是澳大利亚 葡萄酒行业中的先驱人物,也 是南澳大利亚 Clare 山谷中第 一位获得认可酿酒资格的酿酒 师。1959 年,他与妻子创办了 一个成功的葡萄酒企业,推出很 多高品质的美酒佳酿。如今,这 个历史悠久的品牌由Peter Barry 带领。4 月 8 日 Peter 将与 Ernie Loosen 和 Etienne Hugel 等雷司 令葡萄品种大师齐聚澳门,参加 Riesling Revolution(雷司令革 命)活动。 The late Jim Barry was a pioneer of the Australian wine industry. He was the first qualified winemaker to work in the Clare Valley, South Australia and with his wife, Nancy, built a successful wine business which has produced remarkable wines since 1959. Today Peter Barry is heading up this legacy and will be in Macau on the April 8 together with other Riesling gurus including Ernie Loosen and Etienne Hugel for a Riesling Revolution. Fasten your seatbelt kids!

Constantia wyn 葡萄酒是南非特 有的一种葡萄酒,采用 Muscat 葡萄酿制,来自当地的沙漠地 区。经过多年的停滞后,最近 几家酿酒企业又将该葡萄酒重 新带回人们的视野,包括1986 年的Klein Constantia ,2003年 的 Groot Constantia,2007年的 Buitenverwachting。Constantia 是世界上品质最好的甜葡萄酒之 一,也曾是拿破仑爱不释手的杯 中物,被简·奥斯丁和查理斯· 狄更斯等作家在作品中引用。葡 萄酒评论家 Robert Parker 曾给 Klein Constantia 品牌的Vin de Constanc以97分的高分,而我在 Groot Constantia品尝的 Grand Constance 也同样出色。 Constantia wyn (wine) is a South African natural dessert wine and is made from the Muscat grape. Production resumed at Klein Constantia in 1986, at Groot Constantia in 2003 and at Buitenverwachting in the 2007. The famous Constantia wine was one of the world’s great sweet wines and enjoyed by Napoleon and quoted by the likes of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. Wine critic Robert Parker gave the Klein Constantia Vin de Constance 97 points while the one I tasted at Groot Constantia called the Grand Constance is equally as good.

DAVID WONG 是《澳门导 航》特邀的葡萄酒专家和撰 稿人,他曾担任多个国际葡 萄酒赛事的常任评审,包括 国泰航空香港国际葡萄酒 及烈酒大赛、澳门侍酒师 大赛以及泰国最佳侍酒师大 赛等等,更为《南华早报》 和《Hong Kong Tatler》杂 志撰写葡萄酒专栏。他也 是“Macau Chevalier for the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne”、“Jurade de Saint Emilion” 以及“ Caveleiro - Confraria do Vinho do Porto ”协会成 员,同时,David 也是英国 葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金会的 认证导师(WSET)。 DAVID WONG is a chef and wine lover and contributor to Cguide Magazine. David is a regular wine judge on the international circuit including the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition, Macau Sommelier Competition and Thailand Best Sommelier Competition. David writes wine columns for South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Tatler. Associations include the Macau Chevalier for the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne, Jurade de Saint Emilion and Caveleiro Confraria do Vinho do Porto. David is also an approved tutor for the Wine and Institution Trust, UK (WSET). * 注:本文作者黄育山先生 是澳门厨艺协会的创始人之 一,同时亦为埃科菲国际厨 师协会(澳门区)的秘书长 以及“法国国际美食家协会 (澳门区)”的美食顾问, 黄先生特别喜欢喝南非的 葡萄酒。 * David Wong is one of the Founders of the Macau Culinary Association, Secretary General for Disciples of Escoffier in Macau, Conseiller Gastronomie for the Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. | April 2014



吃在澳门 Dine Conrad The Lounge Oyster Promotion

(即日起至4月30日 until April 30th)

澳门康莱德酒店大堂酒 廊 ——生蚝特惠

四月餐饮速递 F & B Promotions 进入四月,澳门各大酒店用海鲜阵虚位以待各 位老饕。本月的主角是生蚝,让我们细数各家 餐馆的生蚝优惠活动,它们全是新鲜打捞,从 大海直接落入您的餐盘。 我们深懂您喜欢吃到饱的感觉,因此向您介绍 几个超值的周末特价和自助精选,保证让您大 饱口福! Step into April and discover a world full of seafood. With a special focus on oysters this month – jump into these fresh promotions – straight from the ocean. Also have a look at the weekend offers and buffet options. Dig in!



四月 2014 |

本月的特惠生蚝共有五种类型, 分别来自法国的Belon、Fine de Claire 和 Bouzigues,美 国的Eagle Bald Medium 和 Kumamato,以及南部澳大利 亚的Coffin Bay。 提供3 只、6 只和 12 只的套餐,搭配葡萄酒 或香槟。 Now on offer is a selection of five types of oysters: Belon, Fine de Claire and Bouzigues from France, Eagle Bald Medium and Kumamato from the U.S.A. and Coffin Bay from South Australia in individual or three, six and 12 piece sets – accompanied by wine or champagne.

单只 Individual – MOP 54 6 只 Oyster set – MOP 305 MOP 360 (w/ glass of white wine) MOP 1105 (w/ bottle of white wine/ champagne) 澳门元360 (配送/ 一杯白葡萄酒) 澳门元1105 (配送/一瓶白葡萄酒/ 香槟) 12 只 Oyster set - MOP 605 MOP 660 (w/ glass of white wine) MOP 1405 (w bottle of white wine/ champagne) 澳门元660 (配送/一杯白葡萄酒) 澳门元1405 (配送/一瓶白葡萄酒/ 香槟) 每天 Daily | 7:00 – 13:00, 15:00 – 18:00 Estrada do Istmo, Conrad Macao, Conrad Lobby, COTAI 电话 Tel: (+853) 8113 8970 | 7:00 – 13:00, 15:00 – 18:00 澳门路氹金光大道澳门金沙城中心康 莱德酒店内


Oyster Promotion 贝隆 — 生蚝促销季 走进澳门悦榕庄酒店的贝隆餐 厅,品尝美酒的同时更可尝鲜生 蚝。购买一瓶 Bouvet Brut 起泡 葡萄酒搭配十二只新鲜生蚝德套 餐,价格仅为澳门元488. Step into Banyan Tree Macau’s Belon restaurant for a bite of oyster and a taste of bubbly. When you buy a bottle of Bouvet Brut sparkling wine you receive a dozen fresh oysters for MOP 488

Wed – Mon | 18:00 – 00:00 Tel: (+853) 8883 6090 MOP 488 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy Macau, Banyan Tree Macau, Belon, 31/F, COTAI 星期三至星期一,18:00-00:00 电话 | (+853) 8883 6090 澳门元448 路氹望徳圣母湾大马路澳门银河度假 村 31层贝隆餐厅。 Tel: (+853) 8883 6090

Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge

Oyster Promotion 麦卡伦威士忌吧 —— 生 蚝特惠 来到以实木装饰的麦卡伦威士 忌酒吧,在舒适惬意的环境 中,品尝店家提供的生蚝香槟 双人套餐。六只新鲜去壳的 Colchester 生蚝,其独特的海 洋和金属口感备受食客的青睐, 随餐赠送两杯香槟。相伴共享! Come down to the woodpaneled comfort of the Macallan for a pairing of oysters and champagne. With six freshly shucked Colchester oysters – renowned for briny, metallic flavors, and two glasses of champagne – pair away!


Seafood Promotion 品味坊 —— 海鲜特惠 光临澳门星际酒店的品味坊, 品尝法国蓝贝和其他精选海鲜 菜肴,比如烤伊比利亚猪肉、 虎虾、蛤蜊配海鲜酱(没错, 这所有的菜肴都是放在一碟里 上菜的!) Drop by StarWorld for a taste of some French Blue Mussels this month and a selection of other seafood dishes such as the Grilled Ibérico Pork, Tiger Prawn, Clams and Seafood Sauce (yes that’s all one dish!).

Mon – Thu | 17:00 – 1:00 Fri – Sun | 17:00 – 2:00 MOP 468 Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, Galaxy Macau, 2/F, COTAI Tel: (+853) 8883 2221 星期一至星期四 | 17:00-1:00 星期五至星期日 | 17:00-2:00 澳门元468 澳门路氹望德圣母湾大马路澳门银 河度假村2楼 电话:(+853) 8883 2221

R Bar

Weekend Seafood Buffet (即日起至4月26日 until April 26th)

R Bar — 周末海鲜自助餐 生鱼片、新鲜生蚝、烤鹅肝、 烤牛排、甜点、山珍海味任你 挑选,酒水免费,尽在澳门 Hard Rock酒店 R Bar 周末特价 自助餐。 Seafood sashimi, fresh oysters, pan-seared foie gras, prime rib, desserts made-to-order and a free flow of drinks - now available at the Hard Rock’s R Bar during weekends.

Sat, Sun | 18:30 – 21:30 MOP 488 Adult/ MOP 388 Child Estrada do Istmo, Hard Rock Hotel Lounge, City of Dreams, COTAI Tel: (+853) 8868 6694 星期六、星期日 | 18:30-21:30 澳门元488 (成人)/澳门元388 (儿童) 澳门路氹连贯公路金光大道新濠天地 Hard Rock酒店大堂 电话:(+853) 8868 6694


international dishes. Equipped with sashimi, lobsters and oysters, a juice station and more there’s something for everybody. Try the MOP 568 option to get free flow Veuve Cliquot champagne, white wine, red wine, beer, white or red sangria, lemonade, mojito and juices for two hours.

Daily | 7:00 – 22:00 Starting at MOP 188 Avenida da Amizade, StarWorld Hotel, Temptations, 16/F, NAPE, Macau Tel: (+853) 8290 8688 每天 | 7:00-22:00 澳门元188 起 澳门外港填海区友谊大马路星际酒 店16层 电话: (+853) 8290 8688

Sunday Brunch 盛事——周日自助餐 美高梅的盛事自助餐厅现正举办 周日自助特惠活动。令人垂涎的 海鲜、鹅肝以及来自世界各地的 饕餮美味。更有生鱼片、龙虾、 牡蛎、果汁台和精选菜肴,满 足每位食客的味蕾。如选择 澳 门元568的价位,还可以在两小 时内免费畅饮 Veuve Cliquot 香 槟、白葡萄酒、红葡萄酒、啤 酒、红白果酒、柠檬汁、莫吉托 酒和各种果汁。 Step into the MGM for Sunday brunch at Rossio for a display of seafood, foie gras and

Sun | 11:30 – 15:00 MOP 468/ MOP 568 Avenida Dr. Sun-Yat Sen, MGM Macau, Grand Praça, Rossio, G/F, NAPE, Macau Tel: (+853) 8802 8888 星期日:11:30-15:00 澳门元 468/澳门元 568 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅一层 电话:(+853) 8802 8888 | April 2014



吃在澳门 dine

咖啡室 Cafés 赤坂 Akasaka Café 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)巴黎街117号大 丰广场第2座地下Q铺 Rua De Paris 117, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Shop Q, Tai Fung Block 2, Macau 12:00 - 22:30 2875 5777

安琪儿 Angela’s Cafe 澳门商业大马路新八佰一楼 Avenida Comercial de Macau, New Yaohan Department Store, 1/F, Macau 10:30 - 22:00 2872 6055

咖啡厅L’ARC COFFEE SHOP 澳门新口岸皇朝区城市日大马路278 号澳门凯旋门酒店4楼 4/F, L’Arc Hotel Macau, Avenida 24 de Junho, No. 2


满堂彩 Beijing Kitchen

氹仔布拉格街152号地下 Rua de Braga, 152, Taipa 13:30 - 22:00 (Close on Mon) 2882 0086

路氹连公路新濠天地澳门君悦酒店 一楼 Estrada do Istmo, Grand Hyatt Macau,1/F, City of Dreams, COTAI 11:30-00:00 8868 1930

音乐豆咖啡 SINGING BEAN COFFEE 澳门会展娱乐中心和澳门旅游塔地 面层 Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center, G/F, Macau Tower, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 28389118

朝 Dynasty 8

安德鲁饼店 Lord Stow’s Bakery

京花轩 Golden Flower

路环市区挞沙街1号地下 Rua Do Tassara, 1, Coloane Village, Coloane 10:00 - 19:00 2888 2534

Starbucks 水晶廊 Crystal Lounge & Deli 澳门葡京路2-4号新葡京酒店U1红 金上层 Avenida de Lisboa, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Upper 1/F, Macau 24 Hours 8803 7711

CuppaCoffee 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦花 园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa 07:00 - 19:00 2882 5201

金丽华饼店 Grand Lapa Cake Shop 澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号金 丽华酒店2楼 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa, 2/F, NAPE, Macau 12:00 - 20:00 8793 3810

澳門商業大馬路251A Avenida Comercial de Macau, 251 A, Macau

大堂酒廊 Patisserie/Lobby Lounge 澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Estrada do Istmo, Grand Hyatt Macau Lobby, City of Dreams, COTAI 10:00-01:00 8868 1131

大堂吧 Rendez vous 澳门新马路巴素打尔古街十六浦索菲 特酒店大堂 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Sofitel Ponte 16, Hotel Lobby, 1/F, Macau 11:00 - 01:00 8861 7213

中国菜 Chinese 水帘 Cascades

利澳美食坊RIO COFFEE SHOP 澳門高美士街33號及宋玉生廣場682 號利澳酒店3樓 Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, 33, Hotel Rio, 3/F, Macau 8989 1282

Less than MOP150



路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城地下G03 及G05号 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, G03&G05, G/F, COTAI 10:00 - 01:00 8883 2221

MOP 150-300

More than 300

四月 2014 |

路氹金光大道金沙城中心底层 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Sands COTAI Central, Level 1, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920

永利澳门酒店,澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Lunch:11:30am to 2:30pm (Saturday and Sunday) Dinner:6pm to 10:30pm. Tuesday to Sunday. Closed on Mondays 8986 3663

金殿堂 Imperial Court 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门美 高梅 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 Sat, Sun 10:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 8802 2361

誉珑轩 Jade Dragon 新濠天地 新濠大道二楼 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, The Boulevard Level 2, COTAI 11:00 – 15:00, 18:00 – 23:00 8868 2822

六棉酒家 Kapok Cantonese 花城区杭州街60号地下海怡花园 Rua de Hong Chau, 60, Edf. Hoi Yee Garden, G/F, Taipa Mon – Sat 11:00 – 15:00; 17:30 – 23:00 Sun & Pubic holiday 09:00 – 15:00; 17:30 – 23:00 2883 3333

丹桂轩 Laurel Restaurant 澳门新口岸填海区星际酒店2楼 Avenida da Amizade, StarWorld Hotel, Level 2, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8290 8628

葡京潮州酒楼 Lisboa Chiu Chow 澳门葡京路葡京酒店旧翼四楼 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Hotel Lisboa, 3/F East Wing, Macau 10:00 - 23:00 2871 2549

南湖明月 Lua Azul 澳门旅游塔前地旅游塔会展娱乐中 心三楼 Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau Tower, 3/F, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00;18:30-22:00 Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 10:0015:00;18:30-22:00 8988 8700

皎月食坊 Moonlight Noodle House 澳门友谊大马路金沙娱乐场1楼 Largo de Monte Carlo, 203, Sands Macau Hotel, 1/F, Macau 24 Hours 8983 8125

苏浙汇 Jade Garden 澳门(皇朝)友谊大马路星际酒店6楼 Avenida da Amizade, StarWorld Hotel, Level 6, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 15:00, 17:00 - 23:00 8290 8638

金丽轩 Kam Lai Heen 新口岸友谊大马路956﹣1110号澳门 金丽华酒店二楼 Avenida da Amizade, 956 -1110, Grand Lapa, 2/F, Macau Wed – Mon 11:00 – 15:00, 18:00 – 22:00 8793 3821

Reservation accepted

Credit Card accepted

99面 99 Noodles 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 01:00 8986 3663

百乐潮州酒楼 Pak Loh 路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城地下G56a 号铺 Estrada da Baía da N. Senhora de Esperança, Galaxy Hotel, G56a, G/F, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8883 2221

葡京日丽 Portas do Sol

翠华餐厅 Tsui Wah

澳门南湾葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼 2楼 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Lisboa Hotel, 2/F, East Wing, Macau 11:30 - 14:30, 18:30 - 22:30 8803 3100

路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城购物大道 东地下G45 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, G45, G/f, East Promenade, COTAI 8883 2221

红8粥面 Red 8

永利轩 Wing Lei

永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙德 丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 24 Hours 8986 3663

永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙德 丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Lunch:11:30am to 3pm (Monday to Saturday) & 10:30am to 3:30pm (Sunday and Public Holiday) Dinner:6pm to 11pm 8986 3663

常满饭庄 Rice Empire 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中心 底层 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperança, Sands COTAI Central, Level 1, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8930

紫逸轩 Zi Yat Heen 路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店大堂 Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, Four Season Hotel Macau, 1/F, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 2881 8888

亞洲美食坊 Tastes of Asia 路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城购物大道 东地下G43 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Hotel, East Promenade, G43, G/F, COTAI 10:00 - 00:00 8883 2221

桃花源小厨 Tim’s Kitchen 澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼大堂 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Lisboa Hotel, Lobby Level, East Wing, Macau 12:00 - 23:00 8803 3682

8 餐厅 The Eight 南湾葡京路新葡京酒店二楼 Avenida de Lisboa, Grand Lisboa Hotel, 2/F, Macau Mon – Sat 11:30 – 14:30; 18:30 – 22:30 Sun & Public holiday 10:00 – 15:00; 18:30- 22:30 8803 7788

喜迎楼 Treasure Palace 路氹连贯公路新濠天地新濠大道一楼 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Crown Towers, Level 1, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8868 6661

法国菜 French 宝雅座法国餐厅 Aux Beaux Arts 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门美 高梅 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, MGM MACAU, NAPE Tue- Fri 14:00-00:00 Sat & Sun 11:00-00:00 8802 2319

贝隆 Belon 路氹城澳门悦榕庄31楼 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Banyan Tree Macau, 31/F, COTAI 18:00 - 23:00 8883 6090

Privé 巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦索菲特大 酒店 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Ponte 16, Sofitel Macau, 6/F, Macau Wed – Sun 18:00 -22:00 8861 0016

天巢法国餐 Robuchon au Dome 南湾葡京酒店四十三楼 Avenida de Lisboa, Grand Lisboa Hotel, 43/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 -22:30 8803 7878

御膳房 The Tasting Room 路氹连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒 店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Crown Towers, 3/F, COTAI 12:00 - 23:00 8868 6681

印度菜 Indian 阿露娜印度咖喱咖啡屋 Aruna’s Indian Curry & Cafe House 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街631号华发大 厦B铺地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 631, Shop B, G/F, Vila de Taipa, Taipa 11:30 - 23:00 2857 6436/ 6661 3382

印度园林餐厅 Indian Garden 氹仔花城区成都街濠景花园第27座地 下18号铺 Rua de Seng Tou, Nova Taipa Garden, Block 27, Shop 18, G/F, Taipa 12:00 - 22:30 2883 7088

香草园 Spice Garden 良辰法国餐厅 La Bonne Heure 澳门新马路板樟堂巷12号A及B铺 Travessa de São Domingos, 12A-B, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2833 1209

海风餐厅 Mistral 新马路内港巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦 索菲特酒店6楼 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Ponte 16, Sofitel Macau, Macau 07:00 - 22:30 8861 7210

路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下G23号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Galaxy Hotel, East Promenade, G23, G/F, COTAI 12:00 - 00:00 8883 2221

意大利菜 Italian 经典意大利餐厅 Antica Trattoria 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)伦斯泰特大 马路40,42及46号帝景苑 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, 40, Edf. Vista Magnifica Court, Macau 12:00 - 23:30 2875 5102

奥罗拉 Aurora 澳门氹仔孫逸仙大马路及大马路澳门 新濠鋒十樓 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen & Avenida de Kwong Tung, Altira Macau, 10/F, Taipa Mon-Fri 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30 Sat-Sun 11:30-15:30; 18:30-22:30 2886 8868

帝雅廷意大利餐厅 Ristorante il Teatro 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙德 丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 5:30pm to 11:30pm (Closed on Mondays) 8986 3648 | April 2014



吃在澳门 Dine 我的意大利厨房 La Cucina Italiana 氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村伟 兴阁地下AD-AF铺 Rua do Pai Kok, 6-12, Chun Fok Village, Wai Heng Kok, G/F, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 7818

比萨薄饼店 Pizzeria Toscana 澳门下环妈阁斜巷2号A长城大厦地 下及地库 Calçada da Barra, São Lourenço, 2A, G/F, Macau 11:30 - 23:30 2872 6637

A Vencedora

澳門乙水仔至尊花園成都街地下J鋪 Rua de Seng Tou, Supreme Flower City, G/F, Taipa

地址: 澳门新马路水坑尾264号地下 Rua do Campo, 264, G/F, Macau 11:45-22:00 2835 5460

氹仔旧城区生央街15C-D号 Rua de São Joao, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 11:00 - 21:00 2882 5354

雅憩花园餐厅 Nga Tim Café

亚丰素三世餐厅 Afonso III

「山里」日本餐厅 Yamazato 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大仓 酒店2楼200号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Hotel Okura, 2/F, COTAI 12:00 - 23:00 8883 5127

土生葡菜 Macanese 海湾咖啡屋 Cafe Litoral

庭园意大利餐厅 Terrazza Italian Dining 路氹城澳门银河]综合渡假城银河酒店 2楼201号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Galaxy Hotel, 201, 2/F, COTAI 18:00 - 23:00 8883 2221

日本菜 Japanese 稻菊日本料理 Inagiku Japanese Restaurant 新口岸澳门友谊大马路星际酒店5 楼Avenida da Amizade, Star World Hotel, Macau 12:00 -14:30, 18:00 - 23:00 8290 8668

贵族炉端烧 Majestic Robatayaki 澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒 店地下 Avenida Comercial de Macau, 288, Grand Emperor Hotel, G/F, Macau 06:00 - 00:00 8986 7609

泓日本料理 Mizumi 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙德 丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 17:30 - 23:30 8986 3663

新故里日本料理 New Furusato

氹仔旧城区地堡街第四座伟展阁53-57 号地下 Rua do Regedor, 53-57, Wai Chin Kok, Block 4, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 5255

加路餐厅 Carlos Restaurant 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)柏嘉街 432-438号 Rua Cidade de Braga, AR, Edificio Vista Magnifica Court, G/F, Macau 06:00 - 23:00 2875 1838

佛笑楼 Fat Siu Lau 澳门福隆新街64号 Rua da Felicidade, 64, Macau 12:30 - 22:30 2857 3580

木偶葡国餐厅 Cozinha Pinocchio 氹仔旧城区消防局前地38号 Rua do Sol, 4, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 11:45 - 23:00 2882 7328

小飞象葡国餐厅 Restaurante Dumbo 氹仔旧城区地堡街喜来登广场地下A 铺连壹楼全层 Rua do Regedor, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 12:00 - 23:00 2882 7888


路环市区计单奴街8号 Rua Caetano, 1, Coloane Village 11:30 - 23:00 2888 2086

新马路龙嵩街11号A Rua Central, 11, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2858 6271

内港餐厅 O Porto Interior

Albergue 1601

澳门下环河边新街259号B地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 259, Macau 12:00 - 22:30 2896 7770

熊猫葡国餐厅 Panda 氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 Rua Carlos Eugenio, 4-8, Taipa 12:00 - 21:00 2882 7338

沙利文餐厅 Solmar 澳门南湾大马路512号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 8-10, Macau 11:00 - 22:30 2857 4391

安东尼奥餐厅 António 氹仔旧城区客商街3号地下 Rua dos Negociantes, 3, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 18:00 - 00:00 2899 9998

百姓餐厅 Banza

西班牙菜 Spanish 塔巴斯西班牙小馆 Casa de Tapas

Cantina da Apomac

氹仔木铎街9号 Rua dos Clerigos, 9, Taipa 12:00 - 00:00 2857 6626

士多纽拜斯大马路49C Edificio China Plaza, 49 C, G/F, Macau 12:00 – 21:30 2852 4325

芭朗玛餐厅 La Paloma

澳门陆军俱乐部 Clube Militar

澳门西湾民国大马路圣地牙哥古堡 酒店二楼 Avenida da República, Sai Van, Fortaleza de São Tiago da Barra, Pousada de São Tiago, 2/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 2896 8686

葡国菜 Portuguese 船屋葡国餐厅 A Lorcha

澳门新马路大堂街8号 Rua da Sé, 8, Macau 18:00 - 10:30 2896 6900

澳门下环河边新街289号 Rua de Almirante Sergio, 289, Macau 11:00 - 21:00 2831 3193

四月 2014 |

荷兰园望德堂疯堂斜巷8号 Albergue da Santa Casa da Misericordia, 8, Calçada da Igreja de S. Lazaro, Macau Tue, Thur & Sun 12:00 – 23:00 Fri & Sat 12:00 – 23:30 2836 1601

氹仔旧城区广东大马路154号A-B号南 新花园第5座地下G-H座 Avenida de Kwung Tung, 154, Macau 18:30 - 22:30 2882 1519

Restaurante Escada

澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Hotel Lisboa, 2/F, East Wing, Macau 06:30 - 02:30 8803 3677


葡国美食天地 A Petisqueira


新口岸南湾街975号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 975, Macau 12:30 - 15:00/19:00-22:30 2871 4000

澳门旅游学院教学餐厅 Educational Restaurant I.F.T 望厦炮台斜坡 Colina de Mong-Ha, Mong Ha, Macau Mon – Fri 12:30 – 22:30 8598 3077

法兰度餐厅 Fernando’s 路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac Sa Beach, 9, Coloane 12:00 - 21:30 2888 2264

葡轩 Gosto 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下G21号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Hotel, East Promenande, G21, G/F, COTAI 12:00 - 23:00 8883 2221

葡国餐厅 Guincho a Galera 葡京路2-4号葡京酒店西座3楼 Avenida de Lisboa 2-4, Lisboa Hotel, 3/F, Macau 12:00 - 23:30 8803 7676

花道葡萄牙餐厅 FADO 澳门得胜马路2-4号澳门黄都酒店 Estrada da Vitoria, 2-4, Hotel Royal, Macau 6:30 - 22:30 2855 2222

澳门海景正宗葡国餐厅 Miramar 路环黑沙海滩黑沙马路 Hac Sa Beach (near Westin Resort), Coloane 11:00 - 21:00 2888 2623

阿曼诺葡国餐厅 O-Manel 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街90号地下 Rua de Fernão Mendes Pinto, 90, Taipa 12:00 - 23:00 2882 7571

泰国菜 Thai Café Siam 路氹城澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店大运 河购物中心2412号铺 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Venetian Macao, Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, COTAI 12:00 - 22:00 2882 8469

泰摩登 Modern Thai 氹仔旧城区地堡街85-87号O,P座地下 Rua do Regador, 85-87, Taipa 12:00 - 19:00 2882 7200

灆泰国菜餐厅 Naam Thai Restaurant 新口岸友谊大马路956﹣1110号澳门金 丽华酒店 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa, The Resort, NAPE, Macau, Tue – Sun 12:00 - 14:30; 18:30 – 22:30 8793 4818

尚坊 Saffron 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城悦榕庄 地下大堂 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Galaxy Macau, Banyan Tree, G40, G/F, COTAI 07:00 - 23:00 8883 6061

高雅扒房 Copa Steakhouse 新口岸友谊大马路澳门金沙酒店三楼 Largo de Monte Carlo, 203, Sands Macau Hotel, 3/F, Macau 17:30 - 23:00 8983 8222

奥旋自助餐 Grand Orbit 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中心 底层 Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Sands Cotai Central, Level 1, COTAI 10:00 - 23:00 8113 8910

Le Cesar Pizza Restaurant 澳门氹仔成都街濠景花园23座地下 9号铺 Edf. Nova Taipa Garden, Blc 23, Loja 9, Taipa, Macau SAR 09:00 - 23:00 2884 3061

Mezza9 路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Grand Hyatt Macau, 3/F, COTAI 5:30 - 23:00 8868 1920

红树林 Red Forest

氹仔巴坡沙总督街64-86G号A, B铺 Rua Governador Tamagnini Barbosa, 64, Taipa 18:00 - 23:00 2882 7132

笃笃泰国美食 Tuk Tuk 路环岛竹湾海滩旁竹湾酒店 Pousada de Coloane

Praia de Choec-Van, Cheoc-Van Beach, Coloane 10:00 - 22:00 2888 2143

山度士葡式餐厅 O Santos 氹仔旧城区官也街二十号 Rua de Cunha, 20, Vila da Taipa, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 5594

海湾餐厅 Restaurante Litoral 下环河边新街261A地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261, São Lourenço, A, G/F, Macau 12:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 2896 7878

氹仔马场广东大马路鸿业大厦地下 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Edificio Hung Ip, G/F, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 0999

西餐/其它 Western/Other

盛事餐厅 Rossio 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门美 高梅 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 07:00-11:00,12:00-23:00 Sun 07:00-10:30,11:30-23:00 8802 2372

荟景阁咖啡室 Café Bela Vista 澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳 门金丽华酒店 Avenida de Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, NAPE, Macau 10:00 - 22:00 8793 3871

日夜咖啡室 Round-The-Clock

咖啡苑 Café Esplanada

美式蟹屋 Savory Crab

永利澳门酒店,澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 06:30 - 00:00 8986 3663

澳门葡京路新葡京酒店2楼 Avenida de Lisboa, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Upper 2/F, Macau 24 hours 8803 7766

氹仔花城区成都街297-303号濠景花 园21座紫荆苑地下F铺 Rua de Seng Tou, Nova Taipa, Block 21, Taipa 10:00 - 23:00 2885 5945 | April 2014



玩在澳门 Play April 26th (星期六 Saturday)



who’s in town Abbi Mitchell-Morley April 19th (星期六 Saturday)


April 12th (星期六 Saturday)


April 10th (星期四 Thursday)

Brian Cross 是一位著名的 Amnesia Ibiza 舞曲 DJ,所到 之处,无不掀起一场席卷全 国的 Ibiza 热潮。澳门也不例 外。Cross 曾被 DeeJay 杂志评 选为西班牙最佳国际 DJ,足迹 遍及全球,比如加拿大、巴西、 英国、瑞典、中国、新加坡、韩 国和澳大利亚,为派对达人演绎 最火辣的 Amnesia Ibiza 节奏。 With an Amnesia Ibiza DJ residency under his belt, Brian Cross is taking over the world one country at a time and Macau is no exception. Named the best international Spanish DJ by DeeJay MAG Spain, Cross has brought the Amnesia Ibiza experience to party lovers across the globe performing in countries such as Canada, Brazil, the UK, Sweden, China, Singapore, Korea and Australia. 23:30 路氹城新濠天地娇比 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI 门票 Admission: MOP/HKD 250 港元 咨询 Inquiries: (+853) 6638 4999



Yves V的身影一直活跃在 很多业内盛事之中,比如 Sensation、David Guetta in Concert和Mysteryland, 还曾在最顶级的电子音乐节 Tomorrowland中演出。本 月,Yves V 将把这无以伦比 的节奏带到澳门,打造独一无 二的劲爆之夜。他的音乐融入 了电子、groove和progressive house 曲风,曾与业内很多最 如雷贯耳的名人合作,比如 Ian Carey、Timbaland 和 Missy Elliott。

VILLAGE MUSIC NIGHT 乡村音乐之夜 大门酒吧每月的第二个星期四 都会举行乡村音乐之夜,这已 经成为澳门音乐界的一项重要 活动。如织的客人云聚于此, 欣赏当地音乐人的精彩现场表 演。酒吧提供免费饮料点心。 星期五和星期六晚也可以欣赏 到当地乐队和外来乐队的现场 演出。 Occurring every second Thursday of the month, Portal Wine Bar celebrates Macau’s musical community with its Village Music night. Free drinks and snacks are offered to guests who gather to listen and watch as local musicians display their talents. Friday and Saturday nights also feature live music performed by both local and visiting bands. 18:30-20:00 氹仔旧城区嘉模堂区施督宪正街 Portal Bar, Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 门票 Admission: 免费 Free 咨询 Inquiries: (+853) 2822 7109

四月 2014 |

Having performed at events like Sensation, David Guetta in Concert, Mysteryland and prestigious electronic music festival Tomorrowland – Yves V brings the beats to Macau for a night like no other. Boasting a sound that combines the best of electro, groove and progressive house Yves has gone on to work with some of the music industry’s biggest names such as Ian Carey, Timbaland and Missy Elliott. 23:00 路氹城新濠天地娇比 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI 门票 Admission: MOP/HKD 250 咨询 Inquiries: (+853) 6638 4999

April 26th (星期六 Saturday)

本月,世界知名爵士歌手 Stacey Kent 将莅临澳门,在澳 门威尼斯人的舞台上,倾情演绎 她巴西风格的爵士作品。Kent 于 1996年开始音乐事业,成为 一名现代美国爵士乐歌手,以其 奶油般柔绵的嗓音和缠绵悠扬的 旋律而广受赞誉。本次她将向 观众们呈现她的第十张录音室 专辑:The Changing Lights, 以最悦耳的旋律打动你的心扉。 Bringing her Brazilian inspired jazz to the Venetian Macau this month is worldrenowned Stacey Kent. Since her entrance into the music industry in 1996, the contemporary American jazz singer has been highly praised for her buttery voice and soft melodies. Performing for audiences her 10th studio album: The Changing Lights, Kent is bound to astound you with some of the smoothest tunes to date. 19:45 澳门威尼斯人度假村剧院 Estrada do Istmo, Venetian Macau, Venetian Theatre, COTAI 门票 Admission: MOP 180, 280, 380 咨询 Inquiries: (+853) 2882 8818

CEDRIC GERVAIS CEDRIC GERVAIS演唱 会 Cedric Gervais 是一位备受推崇 的混音师,曾获得多项世界大 奖,包括2013年的格莱美最佳 混音奖。并在迈克尔·贝的电 影《付出与收获》中首次出演 角色。本月,他将把迈阿密风 情的节奏带到澳门,在娇比 的 舞台上展示他作为世界最热门 House DJ 的拿手绝技。 Following a string of accolades and an acting debut in the Michael Bay Film Pain and Gain the world’s “go to remixer” Cedric Gervais brings the heat of Miami to Macau this month. Winning a Grammy in 2013 for best remix, Gervais prepares to show Cubic exactly what makes him the world’s most desired House DJ to date.

23:00 路氹城新濠天地娇比 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI 门票 Admission: MOP/HKD 250 咨询 Inquiries: (+853) 6638 4999

玩在澳门 Play Apr 12th (星期六 Saturday)

谁在附近 who’s around

Abbi Mitchell-Morley

Apr 8th (星期二 Tuesday)


Apr 5th (星期六 Saturday)

FRENCH KIWI JUICE AKA FKJ LIVE IN HONG KONG FRENCH KIWI JUICE 搭配 FKJ 香港现场音乐会 来自法国的音乐制作人 French Kiwi Juice 因大热单曲 Instant Need and Lying Together 而声 名鹊起,今夏即将发行第二张 EP 专辑。本月,他将在香港奉 上热情激扬的电子音乐之夜, 演出地点为香港的 KEE Club, 届时将有多位业内大腕出场助 兴,Bndax 和Star Slinger 亦在 此列。 Enjoy a night of soulful electronic music with musician French Kiwi Juice in Hong Kong. Performing at Hong Kong’s KEE Club, FKJ is most notable for tracks Instant Need and Lying Together. With an abundance of support from big names like Bndax and Star Slinger, the French Producer is set to drop his second EP this summer. 22:00

KEE Club, 6/F, 32 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong 门票 Admission: HKD 300 咨询 Inquiries: (+852) 2810 9000 KEE Club,香港中环威灵顿街 32 号6楼

Darkside 由两位成员组 成:Nicolas Jaar 和 Dave Harrington,被誉为全球最棒的 电子音乐现场表演组合。本月, 他们将凭借其融合了太空摇滚、 浩室音乐和高科技舞曲风格的 电子音乐,带领观众步入灿若 群星的美妙世界。仅此一晚, 不容错过。 Live electronic act Nicolas Jaar and Dave Harrington, known collectively as Darkside, catapult audiences into the stars this month with their space rock, house and techno infusion. Performing for one night only don’t miss what the world is calling one of the greatest live sets yet.


Hed Kandi 是亚洲最负盛名的浩 室音乐厂牌,每个月都会在世 界各地举办超过 70 场的演出活 动,其亚洲巡演将于本月驾临香 江。准备好迎接这场马不停蹄的 尽兴音乐之夜吧。即刻加入这绚 烂奢华的魅力夜晚,尽享厂牌签 约 DJ Pheobe和萨克斯风表演家 Emma Frampton 的精彩表演。 The world’s most popular brand in house music, Hed Kandi bring their Asia Tour to Hong Kong so gear up for an evening of non stop fun. With over 70 Hed Kandi events taking place across the world each month, be apart of an evening of glitz and glam as the label’s resident DJ Pheobe takes the stage alongside saxophonist Emma Frampton. 21:00

1, Austin Road West, West Kowloon, Hong Kong 门票 Admission: HKD 300 咨询 Inquiries: (+852) 3717 2889 香港西九龙柯士甸道西 1 号

Apr 12th (星期六 Saturday)


英国 DJ Ben UFO 是一颗冉冉升 起的新星,不过目前尚未发行演 唱专辑。本月,他将在 Volar 俱 乐部的舞台上以多变而富有富有 创新性的独特歌喉,向香港音 乐达人展示其音乐才华。仅此一 晚,不容错过。 Having never released a record of his own, English DJ Ben UFO shows Hong Kong exactly what talents looks like as he is unleashed on the Volar decks for one night only. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness this rising star’s diverse and experimental sound. 22:00

Basement, 38-44 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong 门票 Admission: HKD 300 咨询 Inquiries: (+852) 2810 1272 香港中环兰桂坊德已立街 38-44 号 地库


1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong 门票 Admission: HKD 440 咨询 Inquiries: (+852) 2620 2222 香港九龙湾展贸径 1 号

Apr 17th (星期六 Saturday)


打碟大师 J-Rocc 携劲爆节奏 重返香港。作为流行音乐团体 Beat Junkies的联合创始人,JRocc 将再次向香港粉丝展示其 嘻哈传奇。 Turntable master J-Rocc brings the beat back to Hong Kong. Co-founder of the hip-hop group Beat Junkies, J-Rocc returns to the SAR to give audiences another dose of his hip-hop legend.

Strizzo是来自美国佛罗里达 州的 DJ 兼音乐制作人,曾 发行过多首热门单曲,比如 Low Lowww、Sweat、Do You Dance 和 Bootleg 等。本月,他 将把美国南部海湾的音乐风情带 到香港舞台,尽展迈阿密低音的 炫酷魅力。 Floridian DJ and Producer Strizzo brings the sound of Jook City to Hong Kong in an evening of Miami Bass Sound. Strizzo is known for several hits such as Low Lowww, Sweat, Do You Dance and Bootleg.



Apr 12th (星期六 Saturday)


KEE Club, 6/F, 32 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong 门票 Admission: HKD 300 咨询 Inquiries: (+852) 2810 9000 KEE Club,香港中环威灵顿街 32 号6楼

Basement, 38-44 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong 门票 Admission: HKD 300 咨询 Inquiries: (+852) 2810 1272 香港中环兰桂坊德已立街 38-44 号 地库 | April 2014



玩在澳门 play

艺术家档案 Artist Profile

根源摇滚 Digging for Roots

ALABAMA SHAKES Lead by vocalist and guitarist Brittany Howard, the Alabama Shakes are on the fast incline to the top with a hard-hitting blues sound that simply resonates. The band formed in Alabama in 2009 and has since released their debut album entitled Boys & Girls. The album, released in 2012, received endless praise and was given Grammy nominations for Best New Artist, Best Rock Performance and Best Recording Package. 在主唱和吉他手 Brittany Howard 的带领下,Alabama Shakes 以其富有感染力的强劲旋律,迅速向最顶级音乐团体的目标攀 升。该乐队在 2009 年成立于阿拉巴马,2012 年推出处女专辑 Boys &Girls 。一经问世即获得了如云好评,随之入围格莱美, 获得最佳新音乐人、最佳摇滚乐队、最佳唱片包装三项提名。

成员 Member Brittany Howard, Zac Cockrell, Heath Fogg and Steve Johnson 流派 Genre Roots rock, Southern rock, Garage rock, Soul, Americana, Blues rock 根源摇滚,南部摇滚,车库 摇滚,灵魂乐,美式音乐, 布鲁斯摇滚

Abbi Mitchell-Morley


根源摇滚乐 (Root Rock) 也被称为 Americana音乐(美式风情音乐),创作灵 感源自乡村音乐、布鲁斯和民俗音乐。本 月,Cguide将带您走进这一独特的音乐世 界中,结识几个最具特色的杰出乐队和歌 手。 This month Cguide unearths some of the Roots Rock genre’s weirdest and most wonderful. Also know as the Americana genre, Roots Rock focuses on the origins of rock in folk, blues and country.



四月 2014 |

Self taught on the guitar, Canadian musician Afie Jurvanen - better known as Bahamas – has shot through to the top of the roots and folk genre. Jurvanen’s first album Pink Strat– recorded in a rural Ontario cabin- was released in 2009 and subsequently nominated for several awards including a Juno Award in the category of Roots & Traditional Album of the year. His most recent album Barchords, released in 2012, has earned him another Juno award nomination for Adult Alternative Album of the Year and Songwriter of the Year. Jurvanen has worked with various other musicians such as Feist, Howie Beck, Jack Johnson and Zeus. 加拿大歌手 Afie Jurvanen 是根源摇 滚和民俗音乐类别中一颗耀眼的明 星,也是一位自学成才的吉他高 手,其艺名 Bahamas 更为乐迷 所熟知,2009年,Jurvanen 发行了自己的第一张专辑 Pink Strat,是他在安大略一个乡村 小屋中录制完成的作品,但随后 即入围多个音乐奖项,包括朱诺奖 的年度根源和传统音乐专辑。2012 年,他发行了最新专辑 Barchords, 又为他带来两项 Juno 奖提名: 年度成人另类摇滚专辑 和年度最佳作曲。 Jurvanen 曾与多 位知名音乐人合 作,包括 Feist、 Howie Beck、 Jack Johnson 和 Zeus。

成员 Member Afie Jurvanen 流派 Genre Folk, Roots rock 民俗,根源摇滚

THE CAT EMPIRE Employing the use of a range of instruments including pianos, a double bass and a turntable, The Cat Empire breathes new life into the genre of Jazz. The Aussie sixpiece conjures up the most authentic French Quarter New Orleans streets, spicing it up with infusions from the Latin and Reggae genres. Based in Melbourne, the band was formed in 1999 and has since gone on to release a total of six albums, the most recent being Steal the Light (2013).

CD Releases

新CD发行 克卜勒 Kepler 爱郧书 I Love You Best 林一峰Chet Lam 成员Member Ollie McGill, Ryan Monro, Felix Riebl, Harry James Angus, Will Hull-Brown and Jamshid Khadiwhala 流派 Genre Ska, Jazz, Latin, Reggae, Roots rock, Alternative Rock

在音乐创作过程中,The Cat Empire 采用了类型多样的乐 器,包括钢琴、双贝斯和打 碟设备,为爵士乐吹进了一 斯卡,爵士,拉丁,雷鬼, 股清新的春风。这个六人乐 根源摇滚,另类摇滚 队从新奥尔良法国区的音乐 风格汲取灵感,在保留原汁 原味的美式特色的同时,加 入了拉丁和雷鬼风格的“作料”,为传统音乐风格带来了富有 魔力的变化。该乐队于 1999 年成立于墨尔本,至今已经发行 了 6 张专辑,最新的专辑是 2013 年的.

流派 Genre 流行、民谣、翻唱 Pop, Folk

艺术家 Artists

张韶涵 (机器人3D视觉限量版)

成员Member Kurt Loewen, Ian Griffiths, Paul Wolda, Keith Rodger and Mack Jonsson 流派 Genre Gypsy, Folk, Roots rock Setting themselves 吉普赛,民俗和根源摇滚 apart from the rest, The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra boast an undoubtedly interesting sound rooted in gypsy-folk. Forming in 2006, the Canadian band is distinctive for its mainly string - violins, guitars, and double bass based sound that is interspersed with a few airy notes from an accordion and the patterned thudding of a djembe. The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra的音乐中,可以明显听出 来自吉普赛民间音乐的影响,令他们显得如此与众不同。这个 加拿大乐队成立于2006年,乐队中的主要乐器均为弦乐:小 提琴、吉他和双贝斯,偶尔加入手风琴的空灵之音,配以非洲 鼓富有穿透力的节奏,打造出独特的音乐氛围。

唱片公司 Recording Company


LYFE Music

Angela Zhang

林一峰第十二张专辑《爱郧 书》,以他的偶像徐小凤的 真名“徐郧书”命名,向这 位香港乐坛传奇歌手致敬。 曾于公开演唱徐小凤名曲的 一峰,今回续篇更将6首经 典作品经重新编曲并谱上新 词,配上简简单单的木结他 演奏和和声,把《双城记》 、《紫钗记》和《城市足 印》演绎出不一样的味道, 希望让更多年轻的乐迷进一 步认识当代香港粤语乐坛的 文化和变迁。

(Limited Edition of 3D Robot)

Angela Zhang 流派 Genre 流行、摇滚、舞曲 Pop, Rock, Dance

艺术家 Artists Angela Zhang

唱片公司 Recording Company 美妙音乐 Wonderful Music Co. Ltd.


林一峰 Chet Lam

作为华语乐坛难得的唱演作 俱佳唱将,张韶涵带着全新 的3D概念闪亮登场,这张 专辑是华人乐坛第一个采用 实景LIVE宣传模式的唱片, 全新单曲《OK蹦》是一首 概念单曲, 张韶涵用机器人 作为表现手法,讲述“爱” 这个主题。虽然音乐元素采 用电气重节奏舞曲的编制, 呈现前卫时尚的音乐风格, 但却在讲述一颗炙热跳动渴 望爱的真心。另外,抢先推 荐的新歌《为爱而活》是一 首散发着正能量,用爱感染 人心的作品。

Introducing a brand new concept of 3D music is Angela Zhang: a singer, dancer and writer hardly seen in the scene of Mandopop. The futuristic lead song - called “OK Jump” - was performed by Angela as a robot in an interpretation of the theme of love. Under the surface of the electronic beat, it describes a heart looking for true love. Also check out “Life for Love” - a catchy song that’s full of positive energy.

As the 12th album of Chet Lam, I Love You Best is a salute to Xu Xiaofeng, a legendary Hong Kong singer as well as Lam’s alltime favorite. As a show of admiration he reproduces six of her classical works with new lyrics, presenting us different but still genuine “old” songs with the clean and simple sounds of guitar and harmonies. He hopes to educate the younger generation of fans of the historical culture and journey of the Hong Kong Cantonese Music industry.

孙燕姿 Stefanie Sun 流派 Genre: 流行 Pop 艺术家 Artists: 孙燕姿 Stefanie Sun

唱片公司 Recording Company 环球唱片 Universal Music Group 这无疑是本年度华语乐坛最 受瞩目的一张专辑,暌违乐 坛三年多的新加坡小天后孙 燕姿不知不觉已完成了成为 人妻甚至人母的角色过渡, 这次全新专辑《克卜勒》是 孕育了三年的结晶品,主打 借克卜勒原理比喻永恒不 落的爱情,是让人熟悉的孙 氏疗伤系情歌。该点题作品 由乐坛重量级老师Martin编 曲,从选歌开始,到燕姿怀 胎四月的录音,再到接下来 的乐器演奏、合音、混音以 及后期母带制作都是燕姿本 人对自己严苛要求下的完美 之作。同时,久休复出的她 也正在筹备《克卜勒世界巡 回演唱会》,务求以最佳姿 态重新展现人前。

Kepler, the brand new release of Stefanie Sun, is absolutely the hottest spot in the world of Mando-pop this year. After more than three years in retreat with her family, enjoying the new role of being a wife and then a mother, the Singapore Pop Queen is back on the stage remarkably with a new album! With the same name as the album, Kepler - the lead song - is a beautiful piece of love using the Kepler Theory as a metaphor of endless love, a familiar theme of her musical style. The song is arranged by the famous Martin - a big name in the music world, yet is still a demonstration of the flawless work of Stefanie starting at song selection, to recording to the accompaniment and the production every detail was under her close attention. | April 2014



玩在澳门 play

卡拉OK Karaoke

金曲廊 Top One Karaoke

澳门皇朝广场地下 Dynasty Plaza, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, G/F 2875 0999

澳门南湾大马路613-639号时代商业 中心7楼 7 FL, Edf. Centro Comercial Si Toi, No.613-639, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 2831 3245

皇朝会 Dynasty Club

Tune Up


澳门海港街外港回力球场3楼F 3/F, Jai Alai Stadium, Porto Exteriro, Macau 2872 6688

喜喜 Hei Hei 澳门马德里街165号珠光大厦地下 G/F, Edif. Zhu Kuan, No.165, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, Macau 2875 3593

i Darts Macau 澳门伦敦街190号地下 G/F, No.190, Rua de Londres, Macau 2831 1138

Le Club 澳门美副将大马路9D号地下 G/F, 9D, Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, Macau 2852 9537

Love 澳门宋玉生广场181﹣187号光辉集团 商业大厦地下 G/F, Centro Comercial do Grupo Brilhantismo, No 181-187, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, Macau 2875 7355

Luxe 澳门伦敦街41号地下 G/F, No.41, Rua de Londres, Macau 2875 1177

Neway (Chong Fok) 澳门毕仕达大马路26号中福商业中 心2楼 2 FL, Chong Fok Centro Commercial, No.26, Avenida de Marciano Baptista, Macau 2841 1111

Neway (Hotel Beverly Plaza) 澳门罗理基博士大马路70﹣106号富豪 酒店4楼 4 FL, Hotel Beverly Plaza, No.70106, Avenida Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Macau 2878 7307

Ruka’s 澳门飞南第街85号地下 G/F, No.85, Rua Francisco H. Fernandes, Macau 2875 1799



澳门罗理基博士大马路600E第一国际 商业中心地下 G/F, Edf.Centro Comercial First National, No.600E, Av. Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Macau 2870 1982

酒吧 Bar 180°空中酒吧.扒房 180° Lounge and Grill

澳门南湾新填海区澳门旅遊塔 59 楼 59/F, Convention and Entertainment Centre Largo da Torre de Macau, Sao Lourenco, Macau 8988 8659

38 Lounge

百利酒廊 Bellini Lounge 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村1041号铺 Shop No.1041, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8118 9940

Boca - tapas and wine 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村2620号铺 Shop No.2620, The Grand Canel Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2882 8477

Casablanca Café 澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景苑地 下R-S铺 G/F, Shop R-S, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1281

Cathedral Café & Wine Bar

氹仔广东大马路澳门新濠锋 38 FL, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 2886 8868

澳门大堂街12号A No.12A, Rua da Se, Macau 6685 7621

Aba Bar

澳門外港填海区仙德丽街永利酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 8986 3663

澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路美 高梅金殿 MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 3888

非洲村酒吧 AfriKana Bar 澳门友谊大马路渔人码头非洲村 Cape Town, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. da Amizade, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau 8299 3678

Bar Azul 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2881 8888

洛欣吧 Bar Florian 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村1043号铺 Shop No.1043, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8118 9960

四月 2014 |

霞 Cinnebar

唐会 Club China 澳门新口岸皇朝大丰广场地下M铺 G/F, Loja M, Edf. Commercial Tai Fung, Ave. do Governador Jamie Silverio Marques, Macau 2872 2766

焰 Flame Bar

路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6695

Hive Bar 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路135号百利宝 花园地下H座 Shop H, Treasure Garden, No.135, Avenida de Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa 2883 1711

Innside Bar 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路149号 No.149, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa 2883 1233

爱尔兰酒吧 Irish Bar 氹仔广东大马路南新花园116C和 116D地下 Block 6, G/F, Nam San Bulding, No116C-D, Av Kwong Tung, Taipa 2882 0708

Kidult Club 澳门马德里街珠光大厦Y铺 G/F, Edifício Zhu Kuan, Y, Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpocao, Macau 2872 3385

嵐 Lan 路氹城连贯公路新濠天地皇冠渡 假酒店1楼 1/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6685

金獅吧 Lion’s Bar 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路 美高梅金殿 MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 2375

澳感廊 Macau Soul 澳门大三巴街31A No.31A, Rua de Sao Paulo, Macau 2836 5182

魔幻咖啡屋 MagiCafe 澳门俾利喇街115号B铺地下 G/F, No.115B, Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Macau 2852 8751

McSorleys Ale House 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人 渡假村1038号 Shop No.1038, Grand Canel Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2882 8198

夜光杯酒吧Moonwalker 澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景 苑地下 G/F, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1329, 2875 1326

MP3 Bar Lounge 澳门孙逸仙大马路1333号地下 G/F, No.1333, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1306

Mugs Talk Bar 澳门罗飞勒前地12A地下 G/F, No.12A, Lobo D’Avila Square, Macau 2897 2691

好客乡村餐厅 Old Taipa Bar 氹仔客商街21号 Taipa Village,No.21, Rua dos Negociantes, Taipa 2882 5221

喜栢 Palms 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路金沙城 中心喜来登酒店 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8113 1200

大门酒吧 Portal Wine Bar 氹仔施督宪正街86号 No.86, Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 6682 1078, 2836 8401

Private Party 氹仔成都街濠景花园25座F室 BL25, Edf. Nova Taipa Garden, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 6657 1727

乐吧R Bar

路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店1楼 1/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6694

水晶钢琴吧 The Crystal Piano Bar 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村澳门大仓酒店28楼 28FL, Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8883 5109

The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村2楼203铺 Shop 203, 2/F, Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8883 2221

The Roadhouse Bar 澳门新口岸马德里街45号环宇豪庭 Wan Yu Villas, No.45, Rua de Madrid, Macau 2875 2945

天台酒吧 The Rooftop Bar 澳门大三巴巷3-5-7号三巴艺门 No.3-5-7, Travessa de Sao Paulo, Macau 2848 2848

Vasco 澳门友谊大马路956号文华东方酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel, No.956, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 8793 3831

Veuve Clicquot Lounge 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路美 高梅金殿 MGM Grand Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 3888

御苑酒廊 VIDA RICA BAR 澳门文华东方酒店2楼 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental, Level 2, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8805 8928

品味吧 Whiskey Bar 澳门友谊大马路星际酒店16楼 16FL, Star World Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 8290 8698

Xanadu Bar 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路金 沙娱乐场 1FL, Sands Casino, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 2888 3388

俱樂部 Club China Rouge 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村 Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2888 0888

Club Cubic

路氹连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock酒 店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 2828 6696

D2 澳门商业大马路301号友邦广场2楼 2FL, AIA Tower, No.301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2872 3777

DD3 澳门友谊大马路渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. da Amizade, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau 2871 1800

天梵 DIVINO 澳门商业大马路251A至301号友邦广 场2楼202室 Room202, 2FL, AIA Tower, No.251A-301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2872 3968

SKY 21 澳门商业大马路251A-301号友邦广 场21楼 21FL, AIA Tower, No.251A-301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2822 2122 | April 2014



购物指南 Shop

潮流时尚 fashion trends

色彩满春日 Invigorating looks for Spring



随着生机盎然的四月到来,女士们终于可以抛开大衣与 深沉色系,把各种闪亮与彩色时尚拥入怀内。Cguide这 期就向你推介多款色彩潮流单品,打造缤纷春日时尚。

April showers bring much fashion and it looks like women can finally start to shed their heavy coats, dull palette dresses and pick something shiny and riding the latest fashion wave. Cguide’s here to show you some of the most colorful and fashionable pieces to embrace spring in a kaleidoscope of color.


Rainbow lace bracelet

Cruciani简约设计的彩色蕾丝手链给人利落的感觉,是 这个春夏搭配衣服的最佳单品之一。以爱心,四叶草 等多款可爱的图桉紧密相连编织而成,用浪漫的方式 传递着“爱”与“幸运”的祝福。此外,Cruciani还提 供同款儿童版手链,让你和孩子可以一同分享有趣又 时髦的亲子手链。

The rainbow-colored lace bracelets by Cruciani are just too impressive to be missed when choosing accessories for your spring and summer look. The simple and cute patterns of hearts and four-leaf clovers knitted together demonstrate the blessing of love and fortune. The kid version is also available for you to share this unique fun and fashion with your baby.

四月 2014 |

1 闪亮“纸袋” (LANVIN Paper Bag) Shimmering Paper Bag by LANVIN LANVIN最新推出的闪亮“纸袋”绝对适合时尚的你, 纸莎草质皮料包包上手更轻巧,搭配宝石鍊带,营造 出独特的休閒风。包包有四种不同尺码可供选择,青 铜色、银色、白色、黑色与深蓝色金银丝绗缝小羊 皮,在外形和纹理上营造出丰富鲜明的对比,在你率 性随意地拿起包包时,更显艺术气派。



咨询Tel. (+853) 2870 0135

3 A perfect accessory for vogue-craving girls, the socalled Paper Bag by LANVIN is actually a lightweight tote in soft cracked metallic lambskin with chain handles. Four sizes are available in bronze, silver, white, black and mid-night blue. The contrasting textures and shapes of the piece add touches of artistry, coolness and ease to your edgy look.



营业时间 Opening Hours

缤纷休闲鞋 Dazzling shoes

以宝石缀饰的凉鞋、色彩鲜豔的芭蕾舞鞋和休闲的帆 船鞋再次回归潮流之列:Longchamp饰有小扣环的 三角形皮盖的牛皮人字凉鞋,拥有幼身 T 字扣带的凉 鞋,黑色或金属色鞋身,缀有小铆钉,非常型格; 以 莹光色或金属色的姿态登场的芭蕾舞鞋也是时尚衣柜 内主打单品之一;Coach走优雅路线的Wilma尖头礼服 平底鞋,设计紧贴春季潮流,鞋面饰有特大品牌经典 金属蝴蝶结及金属鞋跟 。经典鞋款则有采用流行低跟 的全新鞋款Chambers,鞋面以多种面料块拼贴而成, 可出入隆重场合,也可作日用鞋款,最适合喜欢简单 休闲的你。 Returning to the stage are sandals embellished with pretty stones, bright-colored ballet flats and carefree boat shoes. Make sure to notice the leather flip-flops decorated with a tiny buckle and a triangular leather vamp, the black and metallic colored sandals with t-shape straps and rivets or the ballet flat of fluorescent or metallic colors – the must-have pieces for your wardrobe (and all by Longchamp). Alternatively check out the elegant Wilma by Coach. A point-head dressy flat in line with the spring fad, it’s extra-large signature bow and metal heels give it shine. Those used to a simple and casual lifestyle will love the modern low-heeled new models by Chambers, the camp composed of multiple materials making it versatile for both formal occasions and daily wear.

地址 Address 澳门四季名店一楼1052号铺 Estrada do Istmo, The Shoppes, at Four Seasons, 1052, COTAI 2


营业时间 Opening Hours 10:30-23:00

咨询Tel. (+853) 2875 5911

地址Address 澳门美高梅一层 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, One Central Macau, Level 1, NAPE, Macau 3


营业时间 Opening Hours 9:30-23:00 咨询Tel. + (+853) 2882 8263

地址Address 澳门威尼斯人一楼10231027铺DFA Estrada do Istmo, The Venetian, The Grand Canal Shoppes, 1/F, 1023, Duty Free America, COTAI | April 2014





购物指南 Shop 访谈 Interview

谭筠泽(Gideon Tam), 创制贴心男装 Gideon Tam

Designing menswear Yvonne Yu Melao



四月 2014 |

本月,《新澳门导航》为你约到第 一次接受澳门本地杂志采访的澳门 籍设计师谭筠泽,并与他畅谈多年 来在海外时装界创立个人服饰品牌 Placed by Gideon所遇到的挑战与机 遇,以及回流港澳和中国内地后的 个人发展。 Cguide had the pleasure of sitting down with Mr. Gideon Tam - a Macau born designer - in his first ever interview with a local magazine. He shared with us his years of experience creating his clothing brand “Placed by Gideon”, the world of fashion, the challenges and opportunities encountered and his personal development after his return to Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China from abroad.

From Macau to the UK



在澳门土生土长的 Gideon,经常被媒体误 认为是香港设计师,近 年活跃于香港时尚界, 并为政界名人田北辰等 出席设计周活动设计衣 服,获得一致好评。原 来Gideon本身就成长于 服装制造业的家族,从 小就喜欢时装 。耳濡 目染下,兼具先天优势 和后天努力的他,2001 年以一级荣誉学士的 优异成绩毕业于英国 Kingston大学艺术系。 学生时代已经是获奖专 业户的Gideon,说起自 己获得的奖项却显得谦 虚而腼腆,“印象最深 刻的一个奖项就是大学 在读时获得的,当时灵 感来得很妙,下雨天我 看到一个男士在雨中拼 命用自己衣服给怀抱着 的婴儿遮雨,所以就想 着不如设计一件服装可 以让抱婴儿的男士能随 时给孩子遮风挡雨的。 当想象化为真实时,我 便意外地得奖了。”

Gideon的服装生涯并 不是从英国开启的,而 是法国尼斯,这个著名 的旅游城市并不是一个 很适合设计师生存的地 方,很快,Gideon发 现自己不可以像当地人 那样懒洋洋地工作,所 以他选择回到伦敦。然 而,新工作同样不是他 所想要的,因为设计理 念的分歧,三个月后他 再次辞职,在2006年成 立了如今闻名海内外的 男装针织品牌Placed by Gideon。谈到品牌名

称,原来大有来历, “我在欧洲旅游,发现 很多旅店里都有一本圣 经,上面都写着Place by Gideon这样的字眼。 后来才知道Gideons International是一个历 史悠久的基督教组织, 成员会在世界各地的酒 店和汽车旅店放置圣经 供旅客阅读。刚好我也 叫Gideon,我希望自己 的设计也像这个组织一 样,为人们带来一种贴 心窝心的感觉,所以就 把品牌叫作Placed by Gideon了。”

A Macau native, Gideon is often mistaken by the media for a Hong Kong designer due to his activity in its fashion industry in recent years. His work on celebrity wear for Michael Tien and others for “the Design Week” gained him unanimous praise. Having grown up in a clothing manufacturing family, he learned the industry early and through his talent and observation he earned his graduation from Kingston University in the UK with a First Class Bachelor in Arts.

Challenges and Opportunities Gideon began his career in Nice, France and although enjoying the lifestyle he quickly moved to London for the quicker pace. Unfortunately his first job lasted only three months due to design differences and he launched his now-renowned knit menswear brand “Placed by Gideon” in 2006. He describes: “When [I] traveled in Europe, I found there is a Bible in many of the

Although holding many awards Gideon recalls them shyly, one in particular: “One of the most impressive award was obtained during my university days,” says Gideon. “The inspiration came wonderfully. It was a rainy day, I saw a man in rain who struggled to protect his baby from the rain with his own clothes, so I thought if I can design a type of clothing that can make the man shelter his baby at all times, when imagination came into reality, I was awarded by accident,” describes the designer.

hotels, and “Place by Gideon” was written on the Bible. Later, I learned [The] Gideons International is a Christian organization; the members of the organization place the Bible in the hotels and motels around the world for travelers to read. It happened that I was also called “Gideon”, I hope my design can bring a gratifying feeling to people like this organization did, so I named the brand Placed by Gideon,” he explains.

谭筠泽 (Gideon Tam))

Gideon Tam

设计品牌: Placed by Gideon 设计领域:针织男装 曾获奖项: 2000年于伦敦获得由皇家 艺术协会授予的“年度设 计师﹣男装”奖项 2010年于柏林时装节中被 颁发“年轻时装设计师﹣男 装”奖 2013年Placed By Gideon 获得中国上海第一汇颁发新 锐品牌奖

Design Brand: Placed by Gideon Design Field: Knit Menswear Awards won: “Designer of the Year - Menswear” by Royal Society of Arts in London - 2000 “Young Fashion Designer - Menswear” - Fashion Week of Berlin - 2010 “New Brand Prize” by PH Value Shanghai (for “Placed by Gideon”) - 2013 | April 2014



购物指南 Shop

Where is home?

回流与否? 目前,Gideon的服装 主要放在欧洲的高级 Selected Shop(综合品 牌店)售卖, 青岛也有 他的服装踪影。而最近 由澳门时尚廊举办的 “初春期限店”里,就 有他的服装供本澳市民 和游客参观购买。穿梭 于港澳和内地的Gideon 坦言希望未来能进入内 地市场,并对回流澳门 充满期盼,“近年来可 以看出澳门政府对创意 产业的支持度日益上 升,本地很多有心有力 的人开始推动本土文化 创意设计等各方面的发 展,我对自己成长的地 方很有信心,因为未开 发的处女地往往是最有 可能性的。”

澳门还有哪里可以买到 质量不错的针织男装?

Knit Menswear


Estrada do Istmo, The Venetian The Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Holiday Village, 2313, 3/F, COTAI (+853) 2882 8236 10:00 - 23:00

澳門威尼斯人-度假村-酒店 大運河購物中心3樓2313舖. (+853) 2882 8236 10:00-23:00 Esprit新马路店 澳門新馬路135號地下 (+853) 2835 6843



Gideon’s clothing is primarily sold in Integrated Brand Stores throughout Europe, with a presence in Qingdao as well. Currently the “Spring Deadline Shop” – organized by the Fashion Gallery of Macau – features his clothing. Hoping to enter into the mainland market and be able to settle more in Macau (currently he travels between the mainland, Hong Kong and Macau) Gideon sees Macau as a place of potential saying: “In recent years, we could find that the Macao government is increasingly supportive of the creative industry. A lot of local people with both intension and ability began to promote local creative design development in all aspects. I am confident in this place of my growth, because the undeveloped virgin land is mostly possible to be a good market.”

四月 2014 |

拉链外套,MOP2600 (秋冬季节款式最后折扣商品 Price after final sale)


Esprit Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro Shop Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, 135, G/F, Macau (+853) 2835 6843

灰色V领针织衣 MOP2400 (秋冬季节款式最后折扣商品 Price after final sale)

为你深入剖析Place by Gideon最新潮流 Place by Gideon的服 饰以男性针织衫为主, 强调穿着的舒适感,材 质多选择上等布料,如 上季他就在做一系列适 合男性旅游者贴身穿着 的针织服装,舒服且百 搭,以黑白灰为主调, 和大家想象中的前卫英 式风完全不同。而我们 也专门来到了时尚廊, 为你精选了几款值得入 手的款式(注意图中推 荐商品仅为时尚廊过季 最后折扣商品,Place by Gideon服装一般售价在 港币2800-8500之间)

Place by Gideon

黑底半透针织毛衣 MOP1600 (秋冬季节款式最后折扣商品 Price after sale)

灰色横间针织衫 MOP1800 (秋冬季节款式最后折扣商品 Price after sale)

“Place by Gideon” clothing is primarily made up of knit men’s wear, designed to be comfortable and using fine material. An example is last season’s knitted wear series for tourists - all featuring black, white and gray tones – a stylistic difference to the avant-garde British fashion style currently in vogue. 澳门哪里可以买到 Place by Gideon? 澳门时尚廊-春夏时限店( 展期:即日起至5月18日) 地址:澳門聖祿杞街四十 七號 开放时间:上午十点到下午 八时(逢周一休息)

Where to find “Place by Gideon” in Macau? Macao Fashion Gallery-Popup Store Spring/Summer Dates: Until May 18 Address: Rua de S. Roque, 47, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00 20:00 (Closed on Mondays) | April 2014



购物指南 shop

珠宝钟表 Jewellery &Watches Tiffany & Co. 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2003店 2003, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8082

卡地亚 Cartier 澳门南湾大马路一定好商业中心地下 Avenida da Praia Grande, Centro Comercial Ia Teng Hou, R/C, Macau 2871 4099

时间廊 City Chain 澳门殷皇子大马路59-61号地下B座 Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No 59-61, R/CB, Macau 2871 5866

名牌商品 Luxury Goods Hermès 澳门壹号广场地面G13-15店 G24-26, G/F One Central Macau 2822 9978


宝格丽 Bvlgari 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2006店 2006, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8748

欧米茄 OMEGA 澳门友谊大马路555号置地广场地下 015铺 Avenida da Amizade, No 555, Macau Landmark, R/C Loja 015, Macau 2878 0010

IWC 路凼城银河渡假城商铺G42A G42A Shop, Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai 2882 5862

梵克雅宝 Van Cleef & Arpels 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区 仙德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, 2878 6006

浪琴表 Longines 澳门殷皇子大马路43A号澳门广场 地下 Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No 43A, The Macau Square, R/C, Macau 2871 6358

欧洲坊钟表集团 Europe Watch Group

澳门壹号广场地面G35店 G35, G/F One Central Macau 2875 1241

Louis Vuitton 澳门壹号广场地面G27-29店 G27-29, G/F One Central Macau 2822 8800

Fendi 澳门壹号广场地面G11-12店 G11-12, G/F One Central Macau 2875 2887

Gucci 澳门壹号广场地面G11-12店 G24-26, G/F One Central Macau 2872 2762

Loewe 澳门壹号广场地面G5店 G5, G/F One Central Macau 2875 0744

Ralph Lauren


Marc by Marc Jacobs

四季名店1楼1126店 1126, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833

澳门壹号广场1楼117号 117,1/F One Central Macau 2875 2884

Rimowa 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2708店 2708, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8516

新秀丽 Samsonite Black Label 澳门壹号广场2楼215店 215, 2/F One Central Macau 2875 5768

Kate Spade 四季名店2楼2859店 2859, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai

Cerejeira 澳门伯多禄局长街3号银座广场地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 3, Ginza Plaza, R/C, Macau 28356250

综合时装 Fashion-Mixed

化妆品与个人护理 Cosmetics and Skincare


莎莎 Sa Sa

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2428店 2428, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8592

澳门板樟堂街1E-1F号地下 Rua de S. Domingos, No 1E-1F, R/C, Macau 2832 2155


万宁 Mannings

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2328店 2328, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8440

Double Park

Bottega Veneta


澳门壹号广场地面G8店 G8, G/F One Central Macau 2872 2920

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2313店 2313, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8236

澳门罗保博士街14号澳门广场地下I座 Rua do Dr. Pedro José Lobo, No 14, The Macau Square, R/CI, Macau

屈臣氏 Watsons 澳门议事亭前地11号信德堡地下 Largo do Senado, No 11, Shun Tak House, R/C, Macau 2838 9371

The Body Shop


周大福珠宝金行 Chow Tai Fook Jewellery



四季名店2楼2859店 2859, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2899 8905

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2330店 2330, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8249

四季名店1楼1120店 1120, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 0800 989


Juicy Couture

四季名店1楼1047店 1047, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2899 8850

澳门壹号广场地面G19-20店 G19-20, G/F One Central Macau 2875 7766

澳门壹号广场1楼101-107店 101-107,1/F One Central Macau 2872 3737

澳门新马路328号地下 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, No 328, R/C, Macau 2833 0386

Miu Miu

四季名店1楼1117店 1117, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833

四月 2014 |

史蒂夫·马登Steve Madden 澳门伯多禄局长街4B-4C号信达城 地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 4B-4C, Sun Star City, R/C, Macau 2835 6228

Vivienne Westwood 四季名店2楼2815店 2815, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2881 8270

澳门卖草地街9号辉旺阁地下 Rua da Palha, No 9, Edf. Fai Wong Kok, R/C, Macau 2836 9997

维多利亚秘密 Victoria’s Secret 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2412a店 2412a, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8485

电子及家庭电器 Audio Visual and Electronic Accessories JC Shop premium 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼 Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8987

手信/糖果 Souvenirs/ Confectionery 咀香园饼家 Choi Heong Yuen Bakery 澳门大三巴街28E号地下 Rua de S. Paulo, No 28E, R/C, Macau 2836 2122

巨记手信Koi Kei Bakery 丰泽 Fortress

议事亭前地 11 号信德堡地库 Basement, Shun Tak House, 11 Largo Do Senado, Macau 2832 9958

Original Technology 澳门广场地下P,V&W铺 Shop P, V & W, G/F, Macau Square 2871 7428

氹仔官也街11-13号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 11-13, R/C, Taipa 2882 7458

澳门老牌车厘哥夫 Old Cherykoff Macau 氹仔官也街31号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 31, R/C, Taipa 2882 7811

美珍香 Bee Cheng Hiang 歌谣 KOIO Cyberland 澳门伯多禄局长街15号银座广场地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 15, Ginza Plaza, R/C, Macau 2835 5227

氹仔官也街9-D号柏鸿大厦地下 Rua do Cunha, No 9-D, Edf. Pak Hung, R/C, Taipa 2882 7977

奇华饼家 Kee Wah Bakery 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼 Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8521

Godiva 路氹城银河渡假城商铺G11 G11 Shop Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai 2828 3822

See’s Candies 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼21198店 2119, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8738

百货商店 Department Stores 新八佰伴 New Yaohan 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mário Soares no.90, Macau 2872 5338

永盟百货 Winman 澳门殷皇子大马路友谊广场地库 Av.Do Infante D. Henrique 31A-31B,Macau 2871 8920

Duty Free Americas 威尼斯人大运河购物中心1楼 1023/1030店 1023/1030, Level 1 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8263

DFS Beauty World 四季名店1楼1101/18-30店 1101/18-30, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833 | April 2014



热门旅游景点 explore

漫步澳门 天伦之乐

Walking Tours A Family Adventure Abbi Mitchell-Morley



四月 2014 |



卢廉若公园修建于 1906年,地处澳门北部地区,最初 是作为澳门商人卢华绍宅邸的一部分,后由其子卢 廉若打理。家道中落后,公园最终交给当地政府管 理。1974年,经过修复后的公园正式对公众开放。 花园整体设计为典型的苏州园林风格,以别致多变的 花卉植物组合,打造精巧迷人的风景,均为经典中式 花园中的特色景观。在夏天,公园更以赏荷而闻名。 从建筑的角度而言,这个公园是澳门花园中最具东方 特色的一个,园林内布置有鲤鱼池塘,通往幽幽竹林 的小径,蜿蜿蜒蜒的九曲桥和一个大凉亭,常用于举 办各种展览或演出。

Lou Lim Ieoc Garden

1 开放时间

周一至周日 06:00-21:00 澳门罗利老马路 门票:免费 咨询:(+853) 2839 9317


Mon to Sun; 06:00-21:00 Estrada de Adolfo Loureiro, Macau Admission: Free Inquiries: (+853) 2839 9317

Built in 1906, Lou Lim Ieoc Garden sits in Macau’s northern territory. The park was first established as a part of the local merchant Lou Kau’s residence and subsequently handed over to his son Lou Lim Ieoc but after the family fortune ran out was handed over to the local government. Following its restoration in 1974 the park was opened to the public. Structured after the famed Suzhou Gardens, the park is a miniaturized landscape featuring an array of flora and fauna common in classical Chinese style gardens. The garden is famous in early summer for its Lotus flowers. Architecturally the park is the most oriental of the parks in Macau and houses a carp pond, narrow pathways leading through bamboo groves, a zigzagging nine-turn bridge and a large pavilion, often used to hold exhibitions or performances. | April 2014



热门旅游景点 explore



二龙喉公园以两个双眼喷泉为特色,非常容易辨认。 公园坐落于松山山麓,曾是澳督官邸所在地,现在是 最受澳门家庭欢迎的周末休闲目的地。公园内呈欧式 花卉园林风格,更有多种多样的休闲娱乐,包括儿童 游戏设施,潺潺的人工瀑布,小动物园等,你还可以 乘坐缆车往松山顶饱览如诗如画的风景 。 二龙喉花园的动物园虽小,但动物数量很丰富,包 括:菲氏叶猴、黑熊和丰富的飞禽,比如鸳鸯、孔 雀、八哥和鹦鹉等等。除了动物成员,这里的植物园 也非常引人入胜。游客们将置身于一片绿意丰盈的世 界之中,身边围绕着椰树、忍冬和莲雾树和其他特色 树种。花园内有一个环境信息中心,通过这里的音像 资料和图书,更可以丰富拓宽游客们的自然知识。

Flora Garden



松山缆车连接着二龙喉公园和松山市政公园,单程上 山或下山的时间约1分30秒。全程时间虽然不长,但却 是欣赏澳门一隅的全新方式。在松山顶更可以饱览城 市的大好风光。

Connecting Flora Garden and the Guia Hill Municipal Park, the Guia Cable Car is not a long journey but offers a brand new way to experience a part of Macau. Lasting just under a minute and a half the ride takes visitors up, or down, and over Guia Hill and provides them with an unobscured view of the cityscape.

3 开放时间 周二至周日;08:00-18:00 ,澳门士多纽拜斯大马路/ 松山东望洋炮台, 门票:单程2澳门元,双程 3澳门元 咨询: (+853) 2896 8820


Tue to Sun; 08:00 – 18:00 Avenida de Sidónio Pais, Macau/Guia Fortress, Guia Hill Admission: one way-MOP2 round trip MOP3 Inquiries: (+853) 2896 8820 新澳门导航

开园时间 周一至周日;6:00-20:30 澳门士多纽拜斯大马路 门票:免费


Guia Cable Car



四月 2014 |

Mon to Sun; 06:00 – 20:30 Avenida de Sidónio Pais, Macau Admission: Free

Known locally in Chinese as “The Garden of the Two Dragon Throats”, Flora garden is easily recognized by the two-mouthed stone fountain situated nearby. Sitting at the foot of Guia Hill, the garden is built upon the grounds where the Portuguese Flora Palace once stood. One of Macau’s most popular weekend destinations for families, the European style Flora Garden features a number of attractions such as children’s recreational facilities, picturesque landscapes, manmade waterfalls, a cable car that takes you up Guia Hill and not to mention a small zoo. The Flora Garden’s zoo boasts a number of animal habitats and a botanical garden. The zoo is home to various animals like François leaf monkeys, black bears and a number of different birds such as Mandarin ducks, peacocks, mynas and parrots. Beside the animal habitats are the botanical gardens where visitors can explore the lush greenery including coconut, honeysuckle and wax apple trees. An Environmental Information Center within the garden provides visitors with the opportunity to broaden their knowledge with audio-visuals and a library.



东望洋炮台修建于17世纪中叶。1622年,澳门的葡 萄牙军队成功击溃企图入侵的荷兰军队,然后用了随 后的16年间,建成了这座军事炮台。建筑坐落在澳门 最高点,包括一个灯塔和一个小教堂,是澳门悠久海 事、军事和宗教历史的见证。 东望洋灯塔是中国海岸线上的第一座灯塔,于1865年 添加在炮台的整体建筑中。高15米,宽7米,曾被当 作一个精确的坐标参照。此外,炮台内还有圣母雪地 教堂,这里是在St. Clare修会成立之前,由Franciscan Clarist修会的修女们修建的。教堂的整体风格充分反 映出澳门多文化融合的特色,尤其是那些融汇西方和 东方主题的壁画。 炮台和教堂可每日参观,灯塔已经停止对外开放。

Guia Fortress and Lighthouse Built in the early to mid 17th century, the Guia fortress was constructed over a period of 16 years after a victory against the Netherlands in the attempted Dutch invasion of 1622. Sitting atop Macau’s highest point, the fortress -including the lighthouse and the chapelis a reminder of Macau’s rich maritime, military and missionary history. The very first of its kind on the Chinese coast, the Guia Lighthouse was added to the fort in 1865. Standing 15 meters high and 7 meters wide, the lighthouse marks the place Macau takes its exact coordinates from. Also standing within the fortress is the Guia Chapel, established by nuns of the Franciscan Clarist order before the conception of the convent of St. Clare. The chapel is a perfect representation of Macau’s multiculturalism as it displays an elaborate collection of murals containing both western and eastern themes. Whilst the fortress and chapel are open daily, the lighthouse has not been made available to the public.

4 开放时间 周一至周日 炮台:09:00-17:30 教堂:9:00 - 18:00 (不允许拍照) 澳门松山 门票:免费


Mon to Sun; Fortress: 09:00-17:30; Chapel: 9:00 - 18:00 (no photographs allowed) Admission: Free | April 2014



热门旅游景点 explore 5


望德圣母堂又称圣拉匝禄堂,建于1557年至1560年 间,是澳门三座最古老的教堂之一。曾用于收治麻风 病人的医院,后根据麻风病人守护圣人圣拉匝而命 名。 尽管教堂自落成以来,曾经进行了几次不同规模的扩 建和修复工作,尤其是在1885年,但一路走来,教堂 总体基本上保持着原来的风貌。教堂庭院中的希望十 字架尤其令人瞩目,自竖立在这里后,始终未曾改变 过。

St. Lazarus Church First established between 1557 and 1560, St. Lazarus Church is one of the three oldest churches in Macau. Initially named the Hermitage of Our Lady of Hope, the church was used as a hospital for those suffering from leprosy and soon came to be known as St. Lazarus after the patron saint of lepers. Although the church has undergone a few various extensions and renovations, particularly in 1885, the building has remained virtually the same throughout the years. A notable aspect of the church is the original Cross of Hope that stands in the structure’s courtyard.



据说,免治这种澳门特色菜肴源自澳门的葡萄牙人社 区,是澳门美食传统的一个经典代表。 这道菜肴的做法非常简单,其名字免治 (minchi) 来自 英语单词“Mince”(意为剁碎)。即将炖熟的肉切碎, 与马铃薯混合,用小茴香、酱油,搭配米饭和煎蛋。 在澳门各大餐馆中,无论是澳门风味还是葡萄牙风 味,都可以找到这道菜的影子。这是一种文化的传统 滋味。 菜肴中的肉碎通常采用牛肉,鸡肉和猪肉也是经常被 使用的食材成分。


Traditional Dish: Minchi Believed to have come up out of the Anglo-Macanese communities, Minchi is the epitome of Macanese culinary tradition. A combination as simple as its name - a local derivation on the English word “mince” – Minchi is a delicious mix of stir-fried minced meat, spiced with cumin, soy sauce and oftentimes accompanied by potatoes, a fried egg and rice. Available at a majority of Macanese and Portuguese establishments, this is a true taste of local culture. Although the original dish uses only minced beef, varieties with chicken and pork are also generally available.



四月 2014 |

5 开放时间 周一至周日 澳门疯堂斜巷, 门票:免费


Mon to Sun Rua de João de Almeida, Macau Admission: Free | April 2014



热门旅游景点 explore 博物馆


澳门通讯博物馆 Macau Communications Museum

“Dare to Experiment, Dare to Discover” Melao 澳门通讯博物馆的口号是:勇于尝试,勇于发现,尽管听起来有点儿像是 007 的腔调,但却恰 如其分地描述了博物馆令人惊喜的趣味性和教育性!如果您是全家出游、或者是想了解通讯行 业的知识,这里就是您的最佳选择。博物馆于2006年3月1日正式开放,分为两个主要展区:一 层的邮政和集邮(邮票收藏和研究)区,二层和三层的通信区。 “Dare to Experiment, Dare to Discover” - the slogan of the Macau Communications Museum, although sounding rather James Bond-ish, is an accurate description of this museum and the surprising fun and education that lies within! A great choice if you are traveling with your family, or if you simply enjoy learning how all kinds of things work. The museum is divided into two main areas: the Post/ Philately (the collection and study of post stamps) Area on the 1st floor and the Telecommunications Area on the 2nd and 3rd floors. 60


四月 2014 |

附近景点 Attractions Nearby

邮政/集邮 区 , 可 以 欣 赏 到 来 自澳门和全球各地的邮 票和邮戳收藏,其中有 一些非常罕见的展品, 游客还可以自己设计和 打印邮票。此外,还展 示了澳门完整的邮政行 业历史、通信技术发展 历程和邮政行业的重要 人物。该展区内还有一 个有趣的飞行模拟器和 循环播放影片的迷你影 院,千万不要错过。 二层和三层的展览极具 趣味性,游客可以尝试 令人眼花缭乱的实验装 置,通过实践了解通讯 领域的各种知识:比如 两个金属棒发出电流, 相互撞击产生火花,这 个装置将帮观众了解电 磁学的基本原理,还可 以欣赏到早期使用的全 尺寸交换机和电话。如 果你“勇于尝试,勇于 发现”,那么几个小时 的时间很快就飞逝而 去。

二龙喉公园和缆车 Flora Garden and Cable cars 地处松山脚下,曾是澳督宅 邸,以优美的花园和喷泉点 缀着松山景色。可以步行或 乘坐缆车到达松山顶览景。

注意 Note Ticket sales will close 30 minutes before the closing of the Museum 博物馆闭馆前30分钟停止 售票。 地址 Location 澳门马交石炮台马路 Estrada de D. Maria II, 7, Macau 门票 Entrance Fee 成人 Adults: MOP 10 澳门和国际学生持证: 5 澳门元 Macau & International Student ID Holders: MOP 5

地址 Address 士多纽拜斯大马路 Avenida de Sidónio Pais, Macau 开放时间 Opening hours 花园 Garden: 6:00 - 20:30 缆车 Cable Car: 6:00 – 18:00 周一休息,节假日照常开放 Closed on Mondays 缆车票 Cable car ticket prices: Adult MOP 2/ MOP 3 (return) 成人:单程 2 澳门元,返程 3 澳门元

观音堂 Kun Iam Temple 始建于14世纪的传统中式 寺庙,目前的建筑修建时 间约为1632年。三进式布 局,供奉长寿佛、三宝佛 和观音。 Traditional Chinese Buddhist style temple, founded in the 1300s, the current buildings are from around 1632. The three different halls are dedicated to the Buddha of Longevity, the Precious Buddha and Kun Iam - the goddess of mercy.

Opening Hours 开放时间 Closed Monday 星期一休息 Tues - Sun from 9:30 - 17:30. 星期二至星期日,09:30 至 17:30。春节期间初一至初 三休息。

Located at the base of Guia Hill, this was formerly an aristocratic Portuguese mansion whose beautiful gardens and water features lead up to Guia Hill. You can reach the top by walking or using the cable car.


he Post / Philately Area houses a large collection of rare and stamps and chops from Macau and around the world, also allowing visitors to design and print their own stamps. The complete history of the Macau Post is illustrated as well as a timeline of telecommunication’s technological progression and its heroes over the years. To round off this area there is an entertaining flight simulator and mini-theatre with rotating shows.

The 2nd and 3rd floors are the really fun ones, with a large range of hands-on installations that teach the building blocks of telecommunications: from Einstein-like electricity current blasted between metal rods, to learning about electro-magnetism to seeing full size switch boards and telephones used in earlier days. Hours quickly go by here, if you just “Dare to Experiment” and “Dare to Discover”!

地址 Address 美副将大马路 Avenida do Coronel Mesquita 开放时间 Opening Hours 免费参观 10:00 to 18:00 daily 门票 Entrance Fee 免费 Free

东望洋炮台 Guia Fortress 澳门著名的世界遗产景点之 一,展现了澳门独一无二的 海事和宗教历史,以及历史 上的战略性军事地位。炮台 修建于 1622 年至 1638 年 之间。炮台内的东望洋灯塔 则修建于 1865 年,这也是 中国海岸线上修建的第一个 现代灯塔。 One of Macau’s famous World Heritage Sites highlighting Macau’s unique maritime, missionary and strategic military history. The fortress was built between 1622 and 1638 and Guia Lighthouse, constructed from 1865, also stands within the perimeter. It is the first modern lighthouse on the Chinese coast.

地址 Address: 地厘古工程师马路澳门东 望洋炮台 Estrada do Engenheiro Trigo, Macau Guia Fortress 开放时间 Opening hours: 炮台 Fortress: 9:00 - 17:30 小教堂 Chapel: 9:00-18:00 后停止入内(不得拍照) No admission after 17:30 (no photographs allowed) 灯塔 Lighthouse: 未对公众开放 not open to the public 门票 Entrance Fee: 免费 Free | April 2014



热门旅游景点 explore


恭喜三月葡萄酒美食节照片比赛的获奖者!这个月我们有很 好的参与率,收到各种精彩美食照片,快来看看选出的十大 作品,他们都有机会参与一连四日,从20日到23日的精彩葡 萄酒美食盛事喔!

Congratulations to our Wine and Dine Photography Competition winners! The month of March saw excellent participation, with users submitting their Wine and Dine themed pictures for a chance to win tickets to the Wine and Dine Festival held March 20th - 24th. Check out our selection of the Top 10 pictures from our contest winners!

Posy Kuok

Make sure to send in your snapshots of Macau to: Just take a picture and send it in for your chance to see your picture in print and to take advantage of our other promotions.

Raquel Alves



四月 2014 |

Chingsin Wong

Sally Victoria Benson


Geneveva Rodrigues | April 2014



热门旅游景点 explore

Jorge Vale

Jane Kuok



四月 2014 |

Si Vai Lam

Sunny Hu

热门旅游景点 explore

我的澳门 my Macau Yan Lam


guide本月邀请到中港澳杂志及网络生 活专栏人气博主苏苏和我们分享她对澳门 的印象。苏苏于2008年便开始为香港著名 网站撰写博客,取名为“苏苏的部落”, 其内容范围包括了美容、美食、生活、旅 游等,为喜爱自由行的朋友提供澳门、中 国、香港及台湾的吃喝玩乐、美容潮流、 文化艺术及购物资讯。


usanna Lei is a well-known contributor for lifestyle magazines across Macau, Hong Kong and the mainland as well as the name behind Soso Blog - a popular blog she created in 2008. Originally a blog for hot fashion in Hong Kong, the Soso Blog provides updated and essential information on the three regions - covering topics of food, entertainment, beauty, fashion, culture, art and shopping, to name a few.

SusaNna Lei Famous Macau Blogger 苏苏 澳门名人博客 What’s your best memory of Macau?

Where do you like to shop?

Savoring the egg-shaped gelatine desert after bicycling in Taipa when I was a kid.

The stores along the canal of the Venetian Macau.

你对澳门最美好的记 忆是什么?

你认为澳门哪里最合 适约会?

小时候到氹仔骑自行车, 再 吃鸡蛋模样大菜糕。

漫游西环湖和半边橙, 再到 圣地牙哥酒店细品下午茶。

你认为澳门哪里的景 色最美?

你认为哪里最适合 拍照?

黄昏时间在东望洋灯塔望出 去的风景超美。

位于氹仔的龙环葡韵非常闲 适,是个拍照的好地方!

The view is super when looking afar from the Farol da Guia in the dusk.

平时你喜欢到哪里喝 东西?

哪里能给人真正的澳 门的体验?为什么?

Where do you like to have a drink?

卡夫卡,店里的焦糖咖啡做 得非常好。

你最喜欢哪家餐馆? 我喜欢威斯汀酒店隔壁的 Miramar餐厅,到那午膳时 一定要坐外面的位置,有微 微凉风和悠悠美景相伴,让 人觉得特别舒服。

你喜欢到澳门哪里 购物? 澳门威尼斯人大运河上的 商店。

民以食为天, 我觉得街市比 较有澳门的地道特色, 代表 性较高的是红街市, 街市旁 边还有一家怀旧茶楼, 这边 的游客比较少, 可以悠闲地 感受真正的澳门生活。

你得到的最佳人生寄 语是什么? 昨天已逝, 明日是谜, 面对今 天, 尽力而为。

Where in Macau do you find the most beautiful scenery?

KAFKA-the best caramel coffee I ever had.

Where is your favorite restaurant? The Miramar next to the Westin is my favorite. I suggest sitting outdoors for lunch, it’s the most comfortable dining experience with the cool breeze and gorgeous view.

Where is the best place to go for a date? Strolling around the Sai Van Lake and Meia Laranja before a lovely afternoon tea at Pousada São Tiago.

Where in Macau do you like to take pictures? The casual setting of Casas - Museu da Taipa (the Taipa HouseMuseums) is absolutely the best point for snapshot.

Where is the best place to go for a real Macau experience? Food is the first priority to human beings. The traditional market, in my opinion is the best reflection of the town, such as the Red Market. An old-fashioned tea house beside the market would be a good place to have a real Macau experience lazily because of fewer tourists.

What is the best piece of advice given to you? Yesterday cannot be recalled; tomorrow cannot be assured; only today is yours. One today is worth two tomorrows. | April 2014



热门旅游景点 explore



澳门最古老的庙宇,供奉与妈祖同名 的天后娘娘 地址: 澳门妈阁庙前地 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 全日 费用: 全免

又名为「花堂」,建于1608年,是 澳门第一个耶稣会的总部。 地址: 澳门花王堂街和沙栏仔街的街角 开放时间: 07:30-17:30 费用: 全免



澳门唯一充满阿拉伯风情的建筑物, 当初是兵营,由印度来澳的摩尔士兵 驻守。 地址: 澳门妈阁山边 开放时间: 09:00-18:00 全日 费用: 全免

亚婆井前地 昔日澳门为葡国殖民地时是居民储 存饮用山泉的地方,曾有著名葡萄 牙民谣说:“喝过亚婆井水,澳门不 相忘。” 地址: 澳门西望洋山北面的广场 开放时间: 全日 费用: 全免

郑家大屋 郑家大屋具有传统中国广东民居的 特征,是中国近代名人郑观应的居 所,全屋面积约有4,000平方米大。 地址: 澳门龙头左巷10号(亚婆井前 地) 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 (最后入场时 间为17:30, 每逢星期三休息) 费用: 全免

澳门圣老楞佐堂 又称为风顺堂, 于1560年年间由耶稣 会会士所创建, 是澳门最古老的三座 教堂之一。 地址: 澳门风顺堂街, 开放时间: 10:00-16:00 (逢星期一至 星期五,) 10:00-13:00 (逢星期六), 星 期日休息 费用: 全免 于1728年年间由耶稣会会士所创 建,以经典的巴洛克风格及独特迷 人的景观吸引艺术家前来参观。 地址: 澳门岗顶前地 开放时间: 10:00-17:00 (逢公众假期 休息) 费用: 全免

伯多禄五世剧院 于1860年建造成的,以新古典形式 设计,是中国第一所西式剧院。 地址: 澳门岗顶前地的古老剧院 开放时间: 10:00-23:00 费用: 全免

澳门大三巴牌坊 昔日圣保禄教堂的前壁,最初建于 1580年。 地址: 澳门大三巴街 费用: 全免


议事亭前地 又称为“喷水池”,是澳门四大广 场之一,占地面积约有3,700平方米, 采用葡萄牙设计风格。 地址: 澳门半岛的中区, 开放时间: 全日 费用: 全免

仁慈堂大楼 建于1560年, 是当时澳门的医院以及 老人院,是一座古旧,欧陆式建筑 风格的白色大楼。 地址: 澳门议事亭前地旁边的砖石 建筑物。 开放时间: 10:00-13:00; 14:30-17:30 (逢星期日以及公众假期休息) 费用: 澳门币5元

基督教坟场 亦称为马礼逊教堂,已有多年历 史,于19世纪已开始兴建,当时主 要为英国东印度公司作公司办公地 方用。 地址: 澳门白鸽巢前地 开放时间: 09:00-17:30 费用: 免费




又名为金玉堂,传统中国风格的大 屋,是澳门二十年纪商人卢九先生 的住宅,建于1889年。 地址: 澳门大堂街7号 开放时间: 09:00-19:00 (逢星期二到 星期日, 公众假期), 星期一休馆 费用: 全免

主教座堂,是全澳最著名最重要的 天主教座堂之一,以供奉圣母玛利 亚主,建于1622年, 主教座堂设计简 单, 以富有艺术性的彩色玻璃窗作为 背景。在澳门,大部份教会的庆典 都会在此举行。 地址: 澳门大堂前地 费用: 免费

圣奥斯定教堂 圣奥斯定教堂,又名为”龙嵩庙” ( 龙须庙),于1592年由西班牙奥斯定 会修士兴建而成,是澳门第一间教 堂以英语来传道。 地址: 岗顶前地2号 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 费用: 免费

四月 2014 |



岗顶前地虽然地方细小,却散发着浓 厚的葡萄牙风情,走上由碎石铺成 的波浪图案路面,就如同身在葡萄 牙小街上。四周更有佷多著名的建 筑物,包括圣奥斯定教堂,岗顶剧 院,圣若瑟修院以及圣堂,何东图 书馆大楼等。 地址: 岗顶前地2号 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 费用: 免费

大炮台位于澳门的核心地带,占地 约一万平方米,建筑于1617至1626 年,现作为大炮台展览室。 地址:澳门花王堂区大炮台山 开放时间: 07:00-19:00 费用: 免费

何东图书馆大楼 何东图书馆大楼建于1894年,它原 是官也夫人的居所。在1918年,香 港富商何东爵士购入该大楼,其后 将大楼赠予澳门政府作开设公共图 书馆之用。 地址: 岗顶前地3号 开放时间: 10:00-19:00 (每逢星期一 至六), 11:00-19:00 (逢星期日) 费用: 免费

民政总署大楼 民政总署大楼建于1784年,前身 是澳门市政厅,建筑风格具有明显 的南欧建筑艺术特色。一楼作为图 书馆使用,现有大量外籍藏书,专 门收藏自从17世纪到现今的外文古 籍。 地址: 澳门亚美打利比卢大马路163 号 开放时间:画廊 09:00-21:00 (逢星期 一休息), 花园09:00-21:00 费用: 免费

三街会馆 三街会馆亦即是关帝庙,会馆初设 刚开放时只是商人聚集的场所, 而在华人社会中有很重要的地 位。1912年,因澳门中华总商会成 立,让会馆主要功能变为供奉神明。 地址: 公局新市南街 开放时间: 08:00-18:00 费用: 免费

玫瑰堂 玫瑰堂是由三位道明会士在中国的第 一间教堂。教堂设计十分华丽,它的 巴洛克建筑风格祭坛更是精致,在那 里供奉有一个细小博物馆,收藏了超 过三百多件澳门天主教珍贵文物 地址: 板樟堂前地 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 费用: 免费

哪咤庙 哪咤庙建于1888,当时是为防止瘟 疫流行而兴建的。 地址: 澳门圣安多尼堂区圣方济各 斜巷 开放时间: 08:00-17:00 费用: 免费

旧城墙遗址 旧城墙遗址在大三巴牌坊附近,这 是由葡国人在1569年于澳门所修建 的城墙。 地址: 澳门大三巴斜巷 费用: 免费

东方基金会会址 东方基金会会址本是澳门最好的豪华 住宅之一,原本是葡萄牙富商俾利喇 的别墅;现在作为东方基金会会址。 地址:澳门白鸽巢公园侧 开放时间: 09:30-18:00(逢星期六, 日及公众假期休息) 费用: 免费

东望洋炮台 东望洋炮台建于1622年,包括了一 座灯塔及一间小教堂,它位于澳门 半鸟最高峰,在这里可以俯视整个 澳门的风光。 地址: 澳门松山 开放时间: 09:00-17:00 费用: 免费

A Ma Temple

Oldest temple in Macau, dedicated to Macau’s namesake Tin Hau. Address: Rua de Sao Tiago da Barra, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 daily Entrance fee: Free

Moorish Barracks

The only Arabian-style building in Macau, was originally the barracks of Indian soldiers appointed from Goa to Macau. Address: Barra Street, around the corner from A-Ma Temple, Macau Opening Hours: 09:00-18:00 daily Entrance fee: Free

Lilau Square

Was built to provide fresh water to Macau’s people during the colonial days. A famous old local saying goes: “Anyone who drinks from the water of the Lilau-will never forget Macau”. Address: North of Penha Hill, near the Mandarin’s House, Central Macau Peninsula, Macau Opening Hours: 24h Entrance fee: Free

Mandarin’s House

A traditional Chinese-style compound, home of prominent Chinese literary figure Zheng Guanying, covering an area of about 4,000-square meters. Address: No. 10 Travessa de Antonio da Silva, Largo do Lilau, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (last entry at 17:30, closed on Wednesdays) Entrance fee: Free

St. Lawrence’s Church

Also named Fung Shun Tang, this church was originally built by the Jesuits around 1560, and is one of the oldest churches in Macau. Address: Fung Shun Tang Street, Southwest side of Macau, Macau, China. Opening Hours: 10:00-16:00 (from Monday to Friday) 10:00-13:00 (Saturdays) Closed on Sundays. Entrance fee: Free

St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church

Built by the Jesuits in 1728, St. Joseph’s features classic Baroque architecture and its distinctive beauty has always attracted artists. Address: Rua Do Seminario, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Closed on Public Holidays) Entrance fee: Free

Dom Pedro V Theatre

Built in 1860, the theatre has a distinct neo-classical design, and is one of the first western-style theatres in China. Address: Largo de Santo Agostinho, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00 Entrance Fee: Free

Ruins of St. Paul’s

Floating façade of St. Paul, originally built in 1580. Address: Rua Sao Paulo Entrance fee: Free

St. Anthony’s Church

Also named the “Church of Flowers” in Chinese, the building was built in 1608, and was the first headquarters of the church in Macau. Address: Fa Vong Tong Street, south of Camões Garden, at the north end of Historic Center of Macau, Macau Opening Hours: 07:30-17:30 Entrance Fee: Free

Lou Kau Mansion

A traditional Chinese courtyard mansion in Macau, was home to Lou Kau, a prominent Chinese merchant, and was built in 1889. Address: No 7 Travessa da Se, Macau Opening Hours: 09:00-19:00 (Tuesday-Sunday and Public Holidays), closed on Monday. Entrance fee: Free

Senado Square

One of the four largest Squares in Macau, it covers an area of 3,700-square meters and is carpeted in Portuguese tiles. Seen as the center of the city by locals and visitors alike. Address: Largo de Senado Opening Hours: all day long Entrance fee: Free

Holy House of Mercy

Constructed in 1569, as the medical clinic and social welfare edifice, this white building is filled with history. Address: Travessa da Misericordia 2, Macau, China. Opening Hours: 10:00-13:00; 14:30-17:30 (Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays) Entrance fee: MOP 5

Protestant Cemetery

Also known as the Morrison Chapel, the cemetery was originally built in the early 19th century to serve as the offices of the British East India Company. Address: Praça de Luís de Camões, Macau (North of Luís de Camões Garden) Opening Hours: 09:00-17:30 Entrance fee: Free


The Cathedral, one of the most important Catholic churches in Macau, is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and was built in 1622. It’s simplicity in style and decoration accentuate the stained glass windows and the church houses the majority of the religious ceremonies held in Macau. Address: Largo da Sé Macau, Macau Entrance fee: Free

St. Augustine’s Church

St. Augustine’s Church, also known as “Long Song Miu” (Temple of the Long-whiskered Dragon), was first built by Spanish Augustinians in 1591. This is the first church in Macau to use English sermons. Address: No. 2, Largo de Santo Agostinho, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 Entrance fee: Free

St. Augustine’s Square

St. Augustine’s Square is a small space with a lot of heart that brings together various notable buildings including: St. Augustine’s Church, the Dom Pedro V Theatre, St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church and Sir Robert Ho Tung’s Library. Address: Largo de Santo Agostinho, Macau Entrance fee: Free

Sir Robert Ho Tung Library

Originally built in 1894, this was the residence of Dona Carolina Cunha. In 1918, Hong Kong businessman Sir Robert Ho Tung purchased it and, according to his will, this building was presented to the Macau Government to be used as a public library. Address: No. 3 Santo Agostinho Square, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Monday to Saturday), 11:00-19:00 (Sunday) Entrance fee: Free

Leal Senado Building

In 1784, the Leal Senado Building was built to serve as Macau’s municipal office. Decorated in a southern European architectural style, it houses a library on the 1st floor, with thousands of foreign texts dating back to the 17th century. Address: No 163 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, Macau Opening Hours: Gallery: 09:00-21:00 (closed on Mondays); Garden: 09:00-21:00 Entrance fee: Free

Sam Kai Vui Kun

Also known as Kuan Tai Temple, originally, it was the meeting place for merchants, and was very important for the local Chinese community. After the establishment of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in 1912, Sam Kai Vui has been used primarily for worship. Address: Rua Sul do Mercado de São Domingos, Macau Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00 Entrance fee: Free

St. Dominic’s Church

Na Tcha Temple

The Na Tcha Temple was built in 1888 as a means of defending against a plague that attacked the city’s population. Address: Calçada de S. Francisco Xavier, Macau Opening Hours: 08:00-17:00 Entrance fee: Free

Section of the Old City Walls

Located near the Ruins of St. Paul’s a section of the old city wall, built in 1569 by the Portuguese, is visible as the remnants of the former battlements. Address: Calçada de S. Paulo, by Senado Square, Macau Entrance fee: Free

Mount Fortress

Mount Fortress was the heart of the Macanese defensive center. At 10,000-square meters, the building was constructed from 1617 until 1626 to defend against invasion from the sea. Now, it is used as the Macau Museum. Address: Monte, Freguesia de Santo António, Macau Opening Hours: 07:00-19:00 Entrance fee: Free

Casa Garden

Casa Garden is one of the finest villas in Macau, and was originally the summer residence of wealthy Portuguese merchant Manuel Pereira. Now, it is the headquarters of the Oriental Foundation. Address: Beside Camões Square Opening Hours: Gallery-09:30-18:00 (Closed on Sat & Sun) Garden: 09:30-18:00

Guia Fortress

Guia Fortess, containing the Guia lighthouse and chapel, was built in 1622. It is the highest point in Macau, and is an ideal vantage point from which to look out over the SAR. Address: Guia Lighthouse, Macau Opening hours: Fortress: 09:00-17:00 Entrance fee: Free

St. Dominic’s Church is the first church to have been built in China. Built in 1587 by three Spanish Dominican priests it houses a Baroque altar and its museum holds around 300 Catholic Macanese artifacts. Address: St. Dominic’s Square Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 Entrance fee: Free | April 2014



儿童天地 Kids

澳门科学馆 揭开神秘的科学面纱 Macao Science Center

Unlock the mysteries within

地球:我的家园 这部短片中的主人公是来自三个国家的孩子:新西 兰、埃及和日本。全片采用高精度卫星图像,展示地 球上的文化和历史传承。在三个国家对比强烈的场景 中,探索三种看待地球的方式。在这些截然不同的理 念中,蕴含着你不曾意识到的复杂含义。

Furusato Telling the lives of three children from different countries, Furusato uses high-precision images from a satellite to show the cultural and natural heritage on Earth. Contrasting scenes from New Zealand, Egypt and Japan - discover three strikingly different views on a world you never knew to be so complex. 日期: 3月22日至4月21日 片長: 45分钟 Date: 22/3 - 21/4 Duration: 45 minutes

“识得其锁” 锁具和安全特别展 这场独特的展览以锁具为主题,通过展示其不断演变 的发展历程,“解锁”锁具的历史。展览共有五种类 型展品:挂锁、闩锁、无弹簧门锁、门边沿锁和插 锁,跨越 4000 年的绵绵岁月。观众可以欣赏到埃及的 制锁技术,中国的古老发明,了解这些锁具在历史、 文化和世界文明中占据的重要位置,探究它们如何帮 助塑造了今天的世界。 科学馆中的天文馆曾创造了一项健力士世界纪录,不 容错过。现在正进行三场非常精彩的新演出,带领你 以全新视角看世界。

Know Your Locks and Keys – Lock and Security Special Exhibition Unlock time at this special exhibition showing the evolution and spread of locks throughout the world. Examining the five different types of locks: padlock, latch, deadlock, door edge lock and mortise lock, travel back over 4,000 years on a journey to discover our past. Discover Egyptian lock-making techniques, Chinese inventions and the role of these locks in history, culture and civilization – see how locks shape our world. Stop by the Planetarium – a Guinness World Record holder – to see three amazing new shows that give you another view on the world. 68


四月 2014 |

Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

“识得其锁” 锁具和安全特别展 日期:2014年4月下旬至9月 票价:25澳门元/优惠票 15 澳门元 地点:澳门孙逸仙大马路澳 门科学馆展览中心2号展廊

球幕电影 我的家园,拯救先锋,惊 涛骇浪 票价:50澳门元/优惠票20 澳门元 地点: 澳门孙逸仙大马路澳 门科学馆天文馆

Lock and Security Special Exhibition Date: Late April to September 2014 Price: MOP 25/MOP 15 Concessionary Venue: Gallery 2, Exhibition Center, Macao Science Center, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macau

惊涛骇浪 屏住呼吸,让我们以冲 浪高手和海浪气象学家 的视角,走进巨浪的 世界。欣赏冲浪界巨 人 Kelly Slater(十次 世界冲浪冠军)大溪地 冲浪高手Raimana Van Bastolater挑战最惊险的 大浪之一:大溪地。

拯救先锋 展示自然灾难急救人员 的工作场景以及他们经 常面对的紧急情况。在 那些危机场合中,我们 的生命仰赖他们的付 出,这部短片就是了解 他们的最佳方式。巨大 的屏幕上展示出各种震 撼的大场面,令人叹为 观止。

Rescue Introducing the journeys of real life disaster and emergency response workers and the situations they live with, this is a gripping look at those that we rely on when we need them the most. With

The Ultimate Wave Tahiti Hold your breath and explore the world of waves as a surfer and surf meteorologist. Fly along the surface and experience the thrill of surfing on the world’s most challenging surf bech “Tahiti” along with surf giant Kelly Slater – ten-time world surfing champion and Tahitian surfer Raimana Van Bastolater. Surf’s up dude!

Dome Shows Furusato, Rescue, The Ultimate Wave Tahiti Price: MOP 50/MOP 20 Concessionary Venue: Planetarium, Macao Science Center, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macau

日期:5月17日至6月17日 片长:45分钟 Date: 17/5 – 17/6 Duration: 45 minutes

an unprecedented scale, this is an awe-inducing spectacle on the big screen. 日期:4月18日至5月18日 片长:45分钟 Date: 18/4 – 18/5 Duration: 45 minutes | April 2014



儿童天地 Kids

历险Q立方 三维趣味体验 QUBE: Three Dimensions of Fun For Your Kids Abbi Mitchell-Morley

历险Q立方是位于澳门威尼斯人的室内游乐场,如果你 刚好要来威尼斯人住宿,又或者在闲逛澳门之时不知怎 么安顿孩子,这里绝对是个好选择! Let your kids slide into action this month at the Venetian Macau’s indoor playground: Qube.

这家室内游乐场设施先 进,为孩子们提供了丰富 多彩的游戏活动。游乐场 位于度假村五层,可以乘 坐度假村南部的套房电 梯到达,在圣卢卡运河旁 2610店铺内,也有直达 这里的电梯。游乐场面积 约9000平方英尺,就像 一处“丛林运动场”,里 面配备了各种游乐设施和 教育设施,还有适合进行 集体活动的空间。

一路向上 Q立方的多功能攀山游乐 区,占据了整个场馆近三 分之二的空间,最高点的 高度为6米,设计了各式 各样的桥梁、隧道、障碍 70


和大网。父母可以带着孩 子们在这里四处探险,感 觉就像是在进行一场风格 多变的障碍赛跑。

刺激滑梯 除了攀山区,Q立方还有 其他有趣的游乐设施,比 如那三条超棒的彩色滑 梯。 首先是彩虹滑梯:这条波 浪形起伏的滑梯沿一道色 彩缤纷的斜坡而建。孩子 们坐在一个编制垫子上, 沿着滑道全速下滑。第二 条是蓝色滑梯,坡度更 陡,滑道末端堆满了小 球。最后的红色滑梯最惊 险,最高点为6米,坡度 几乎为90度角。

四月 2014 |

在滑梯旁边有工作人员随 时监督,防止客人因绳索 或滑梯而造成擦伤。Q立 方提示家长,来此游玩的 儿童需要穿着正确的服 装:长袖外衣、长裤和袜 子。场地还提供可以租用 的运动服。

互动乐趣 在Q立方还可以畅玩桌球 网络游戏,还提供各种 台式游戏机,比如Xbox 和Wii,均配备了数不清 的精彩视频游戏。 游乐场最近增加了Eye Play 虚拟游乐场,孩子 们在虚拟世界里进行各 种体育比赛,比如足球。

Opening Hours: 09:30-21:30 Location: Level 5, Venetian Macau Admission: MOP 100/2hours Inquiries: (+853) 2882 8888 开业时间:09:30-21:30 地点:澳门威尼斯人度假 村五层 门票:100澳门元/2小时 咨询:(+853) 2882 8888

This leading indoor playground offers children a wide range of fun. Located on the fifth floor of the resort, it’s accessible via the south suites elevators or the elevators beside shop 2610 along the San Luca Canal. With 9,000 square feet, the play space is a jungle gym and features facilities for play as well as education and group interaction.

Rough and tumble

Taking up close to two thirds of the area occupied by the indoor playground, Qube’s multi climbing facility stands at an impressive six meters tall and is comprised of a series of bridges, tunnels, barriers and nets. Parents and children alike can roam the structure and enjoy the obstacle course type experience.


Besides the climbing structure, Qube offers a number of various other facilities to enjoy including three slides built into the

play structure. Try the Rainbow Slide - a wavy ride down a colorful slope, where children are seated on woven mats as they slip down the slide at full speed. The second slide - the Blue Slide has a steeper drop and single hill that leads to a ball pit. Lastly is the Red Slide, a 90-degree drop slide that’s six meters at its highest. Attendants monitor the use of the slides, because various burns can occur from the use of the ropes or the slides, Qube ensures children wear the right attire: long sleeved shirts, pants and socks even offering track suits for rent.

其他趣味活动 And all the rest 格拉多迷你高尔夫球 场: 18洞迷你高尔夫, 提供成人和儿童使用的 球杆、高尔夫球和得分 卡。游戏结束后,可以 在高尔夫球亭内享受清 爽饮料。 营业时间: 每天10:00-18:00 地点:澳门威尼斯人度假村 7层(南楼) 门票:50澳门元 咨询:(+853) 8118 8899

Gardo’s Miniature Golf Course: Featuring 18 holes, putters for adults and children are available at the facility as well as golf balls and score cards. Unwind at the Golf Pavilion and enjoy a few drinks after a game. Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-18:00 Location: Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, Venetian Macau, Level 7 (South Suites), COTAI Admission: MOP 50 Inquiries: (+853) 8118 8899

Interactive Fun

At Qube, kids can also shoot pool, play on computers - complete with Internet access, or use one of several game consoles such as the Xbox and Wii and their infinite list of video games. Newly added is the EyePlay virtual playground, simulating various sports games such as soccer.

贡多拉游船:想要享受 更悠哉的活动,不妨乘 坐贡多拉小船,沿着威 尼斯人大运河商店街的 蜿蜒水道一路前行,聆 听船夫哼唱小曲。或者 在威尼斯人的礼品店中 拍纪念照片、购买毛绒 玩具,纪念这次愉快的 假期。 营业时间: 11:00-22:00;马可波罗 区:11:00-22:00;圣卢 卡:11:00-19:00;门票:成 人(单程):118澳门元; 儿童(单程):88澳门元: 贡多拉包船(单程):472 澳门元。 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河

Gondola Rides: For a more relaxing activity, take a gondola ride down the winding waterways of the Venetian’s Grand Canal Shoppes and enjoy as the gondolier serenades you and your kids. Commemorate your holiday at the Venetian gift shop with a souvenir photograph or stuffed toy. Opening Hours: 11:00-22:00; Marco Polo: 11:00-22:00; San Luca: 11:00-19:00 Admission: Adult (per ride): MOP 118: Kids (per ride): MOP 88: Private Gondola (per ride): MOP 472 Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, Venetian Macau, Grand Canal | April 2014



儿童天地 Kids

儿童世界 Children’s World

美高梅奇幻光彩之旅 MGM Aurora

奇幻表演 Shows

永利表演湖 Performance Lake

历险Q立方 Qube 威尼斯人酒店的历险Q立方内要有高 达六米的复合攀爬设施,附设一座垂 直滑梯、两座小型滑梯、一座V字形 绳桥、跨越及攀爬障碍物、之字形攀 爬绳网等。 Situated inside the Venetian Hotel, Qube features a six-meter-tall multi-climbing facility with a free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridge, over and under barriers, zig-zag net climbers and more. 开放时间Opening hours: 10:00-22:00 Price from MOP 50 入场费:澳门币50元起 (+853) 2882 8857

主题图书馆 Anime-themed library 《喜羊羊与灰太狼》主题图书馆誔生 啦!黑沙环公园黄营均儿童图书馆是 现时澳门唯一一间儿童图书馆。 China’s hit cartoon characters “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” have come to Macau, debuting the first themed library, located in the North area of Areia Preta Urban Park. 开放时间 Opening hours: 8:00 - 20:00 星期一休馆 closed on Mondays) 免费Free admission (+853) 2845 1892



美高梅邀您步入天幕广场的「光・影・水 世界」,亲身体验光影交织的奇妙海 底世界:色彩夺目的珊瑚宫殿环抱8 米高的圆柱形水族馆,海洋与天空融 为一色,逾千鱼儿遨游天际的奇景 尽入眼帘。 Immerse yourself in an intricate interplay of shadow and light, where the water meets the sky. The eight-meter tall cylindrical Water-sky Aquarium in MGM’s Grande Praça is regarded as the soul of Water Aurora. 免费入场Free entrance 查询 Tel:(853) 8802 8888

水舞间 The House of Dancing Water 耗资20亿港币的大型水上汇演「水 舞间」以特技、舞蹈等表现方法,配 合以水为主题,把东方智慧的意象发 挥得淋漓尽致。 The HK$2 billion performance ‘The House of Dancing Water’ is a breathtaking water-based show that draws its creative inspiration from the roots of Chinese culture and is destined to be the most extravagant live production ever staged in Asia. 详情请浏览Visit: (+853) 8868 6688

永利表演湖位于永利酒店大门前地, 逾200个湖水喷咀和发射器,配合 800,000加仑的湖水,热力与光芒绽 放着喜悦和活力。 Located in front of Wynn Macau, the Performance Lakes houses over 200 water nozzles and shooters, and holds 800,000 gallons of water. It sports lofty plumes of water and fire along with music. 表演时间 Show times: 11:00-00:00(15分钟一次 Daily at 15 minutes intervals 免费入场Free entrance (+853) 2888 9966

四月 2014 |

百步登天及高飞跳 Tower climb & Skyjump 参加百步登天来征服338米高的旅游 塔。高飞跳和空中漫步能看到澳门震 撼的景色。 Conquer the 338-meter tall Macau Tower with the Tower Climb. Try out the hair-raising SkyJump and SkyWalk to get dynamic views of Macau. 时间Time: 11:00-21:00 空中漫步Sky Walk: 澳门币MOP 688 百步登天 Mast Climb: 澳门币MOP 3,388 高 飞跳Sky Jump: 澳门币MOP 1,888 (+853) 8988 8656

赛车 Karting 在路氹连贯公路末端、近路环的小型 赛车场,每逢周末都会挤满爱好驾驶 或观看小型赛车的外地和本地人士。 At the end of the causeway linking Taipa and Coloane is a karting track and grandstand. Start your engines! (+853) 2888 1862

滑草 Grass-skiing

龙腾 Dragon’s Treasure 于新濠天地的圆顶形综合剧院「天 幕」欣赏「龙腾」,在四大龙王的带 领下,深深体会多媒体高清特技丶千 变万化的舞台灯光丶独特乐章带来的 超感官奇幻效果。 The Bubble is an iconic multi-media attraction at the City of Dreams with explosive visual and sounds. The Dragon’s Treasure theme tells the story of the Dragon Pearl and the four kings. 放映时间Show times: 12:00-20:00 每30分钟一场 every 30-minutes) 价格Price: 澳门币MOP 50 (+853) 8868 6688

冒险地带 Adventure Zone

电影院和剧院 Cinemas and Theaters 澳门旅游塔的剧院、永乐戏院和澳门 大会堂不时有最新的香港、荷里活电 影和其它国家的影片上映。带小孩看 充满欢乐的3D 电影吧! A variety of movie theatres exist in Macau. With the UA cinema situated in the Galaxy complex, the Cineteatro Macau and the Macau Tower’s movie theatres, kids are able to enjoy a variety of 3-D, 2-D and Anime movies.

在大潭山公园有个滑草场,带小朋友 去玩个够吧! This park’s a great place to come for BBQs and for views out over Cotai and Macau. Not only that, but try out the Grass-ski slope, enjoy the thrill of the ride. (+853) 2831 5566

水上运动 Cheoc Van Nautical Centre 竹湾海滩旁有提供水上运动设备的会 所。吸引很多爱玩的人到这儿冲浪或 玩水上活动。 The Nautical Centre in Cheoc Van is equipped with an array of watersports equipment including canoes, windsurfers, sailboats and more. Instructors are on hand to teach beginners about the ways of the open sea. (+853)2888 2252

动物天地 Critter Country

城市漫游 City Tour

亲子时间 Family Fun Time 熊厨房 Kuma’s Kitchen

澳门大熊猫馆 Macao Giant Panda Pavilion 澳门大熊猫馆位于路环石排湾郊野公 园内,建筑占地约3000平方米,馆 内设有两个室内活动区和一个室外 活动场。去看“开开和心心”的可 爱模样吧! Located in the Seac Pai Van Park, this 3,000-square meter Giant Panda Pavilion comprises two indoor-activity areas and an outdoor yard for the giant pandas “Kai Kai” and “Xin Xin”. 开放时间Opening Hours: 10:00-13:00 门票Price 澳门币MOP10 (+853) 2888 0087

二龙喉公园迷你动物园 Flora Garden’s Mini-Zoo 这里有30种鸟类,15种哺乳和爬 行动物。 This small zoo houses 30 species of birds, 15 types of mammals and other reptiles. (+853) 2833 7676

石排湾郊野公园 Seac Pai Van Park 位于路环岛西部的山麓,离路氹公 路不远。这里绿树成荫,是郊游的 好去处。 The Seac Pai Van Park comprises a blend of zoological and botanical attractions, with scenic areas of conserved ecology in which visitors can expand their knowledge of nature. (+853) 2833 7676

带你的孩子参加熊厨房的亲子班,享 受学习烹饪甜点的乐趣吧! This Kitchen is known for its desserts and pastries and is a great place to go with the kids to learn about how these delicacies are made. (+853) 2878 3126

滑船 Chilling by the Dam 路环黑沙水库建有一个水上乐园可以 一家大小假日是骑脚踏船和健行等。 Hác-Sá Reservoir’s Nature Park has two hiking trails and a water section to the park, allowing families fun in the sun, in the water, and on the paths. Come enjoy a family day. (+853) 2882 7023

体育场 Sports 澳门科学馆 Macao Science Center 澳门科学馆设有大量不同总类的互动 游戏,适合各个年龄层。透过这些游 戏将环境,社会,生态和许多链接到 我们所处的城市里的信息带给大家。 The Macao Science Center is a huge interactive facility comprised of various sections for learning and fun. Suitable for a variety of ages, it manages to incorporate information about the environment, society, ecology and more, and link many of them to the city we live in. 开放时间Opening hours: 10:00-18:00, 星期四休馆 Closed on Thursday (+853) 2888 0822

米高积逊珍品廊 MJ Gallery 已故美国歌星米高积逊的40多 件极具纪念价值的珍品,在于 十六浦的「米高积逊珍品廊」 近距离欣赏。最瞩目的白色莱茵 水晶石左手手套是必看之一! The white rhinestone glove worn by Michael Jackson for his moonwalk debut acts as a magnet for the MJ Gallery in Ponte 16, and the centerpiece for a broad display of Jackson related memorabilia. 开放时间Opening: 11:00-21:00 免费入场Free entrance (+853) 8861 6565

人力三轮 Rickshaws

澳门蛋运动场旁边是个打保龄球的 好地方 An extensive multi-lane bowling alley is located next to the Macau Dome. (+853) 2887 0688

人力三轮车是澳门富特色的交通工 具,也是一种很好的旅游交通工具。 The pedicab, or tricycle Richshaw, is a romantic form of transport around the city and is available from both the Hotel Lisboa area and the Macau Ferry Terminal.

溜冰 Skating

澳门海上游 Macau harbor Cruise

保龄球 Bowling

“佳景乐园“设有溜冰场,是休闲 必选之地。 “Future Bright” Entertainment Centre on Rua de Coelho do Amaral, next to the Protestant Cemetary houses a nice small ice skating rink. Ice skates can be rented at the location and prices are cheap. Lace up! (+853) 2870 3198

澳门的海岸线极具吸引力,而内港一 带仍可见到旧的楼房和码头,洋溢着 昔日渔港风情。 The Harbor Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions. Great at night. 票价Price: 澳门币MOP 120 to 398 (+853) 2893 0012

观光缆车Cable car

步行径 Trekking 澳门松山、氹仔大潭山、小潭山、路 环岛的山上都设有步行径方便不少 运动人士。 Come check out Guia Hill and the hills on Taipa and Coloane for the trails that are perfect for trekking, jogging and exercising.

在二龙喉公园入口处有观光缆车直达 东望洋山山顶。两三分钟内,游客可 饱览东望洋山一带的景色。 The Guia Hill offers spectacular views of the city, harbor and the sunset, with a single trip taking two to three minutes. 开放时间Opening Time: 8:00 – 18:00 缆车票价Price: 澳门币MOP 2-5 (+853) 2833 7676 | April 2014



享受指南 relax

Siana Iong 是澳门美高梅 (MGM) 大酒店的前台 经理,也是Les Clefs d’Or(意为“金钥匙”) 协会新成立的澳门分部主席。这是一家享有声望 的全球性组织,在服务行业中拥有悠久卓越的历 史。Siana将向我们介绍作为一名礼宾人员的意 义,以及澳门金钥匙协会打算如何进一步提升礼 宾服务水平。

成功秘诀 金钥匙协会组织的所有成员,其制服上都有一个全球认 可的标志:金钥匙。经常旅行的客人一眼就能辨认出这 个图案。 Siana 说:“当他们来到酒店时,就会想要寻 找配有金钥匙标志的礼宾人员。”在与香港Clefs d’Or 分部签订了合作协议后,Siana 意识到澳门必须提升其 服务标准,才能真正实现国际化水平。”

澳门分部 澳门金钥匙协会中共有 16 名成员,均来自澳门的主要 饭店。该组织的口号是:以友谊促进服务。 Siana 表 示:“拥有了这些钥匙,我们就能打开所有大门,不只 是在澳门,而是在全世界。”随着澳门不断发展,澳门 金钥匙协会也将随之壮大。这些成员的目标是在酒店餐 饮业推广高行业标准,努力达到国际水平。他们不只掌 握着打开城市的钥匙,更以不断完善的服务为客人提供 各种帮助。

Siana Iong is the Front Office Manager Concierge at MGM Macau and President of the newly created Les Clefs d’Or (meaning Golden Keys) Macau. A prestigious institution with a long history of excellence in the service industry, Siana explains what it means to be a concierge and how Les Clefs d’Or Macau bring an extra shine to your service.

Key in the lock

匙 钥 金

的 信赖


务 促服

谊 以友

After coming into contact with the Clefs d’Or Hong Kong chapter, Siana saw the need in Macau for something to elevate the service standard to an international level. An internationally recognizable symbol of excellence, the Golden Keys on members’ jackets distinguish them to well-travelled guests. “When they come forward, they will look for the concierge with the Clefs d’Or keys,” she describes.


e nriendship d l o G rough F e 宾 h 礼 t ice Th n i t s erv S u – r T ncierges 务 服




四月 2014 |

The Macau chapter Les Clefs d’Or Macau consists of 16 members spread across Macau’s major hotels. The motto of the organization is “Service Through Friendship” and as Siana describes, “with these keys we can open every door, not just in Macau, but worldwide.” As Macau grows, so will Les Clefs d’Or Macau – inspiring high standards within a hospitality industry that’s fighting to reach the international norm; and who better to help than the ones who hold the keys to the city.


Concierge Tips

澳门哪里是欣赏世界文化遗产的最佳地点? 在议事亭前地可以游览很多世界遗产景点,比如大三巴牌坊、仁慈堂 大楼和玫瑰堂等。

What is one of the best parts of town for heritage? Senado Square where you will find most of the heritage located there. Such as Ruins of St. Paul, Holy House of Mercy, St. Dominic’s Church, etc.

周边还有哪些有趣的地方? 除了世遗景点之外,议事亭前地附近还有很多特色小店和餐馆。节日 期间,这里也经常会举行各种庆祝活动。

What else is interesting nearby? Besides the heritage sites, you will easily find some of the local shops and restaurants in Senado Sqaure. Also, it is one of the most popular places for holding a celebration event in the festive days.

之后可以去哪里游览? 建议去福隆新街,从议事亭前地步行五分钟可达。这条街道两旁都是 红墙绿瓦的传统中式建筑,不仅可以感受到传统中国文化,还可以品 尝正宗的中餐和葡萄牙美食。 想要品尝粤菜应该去哪里? 推荐澳门美高梅酒店的金殿堂中餐厅。那里有令人垂涎三尺的粤菜 和地方特色菜,更拥有风格高雅的包间,为客人提供更加私密性的 就餐环境。 哪里是最适合孩子们游览的地点? 家庭出游不妨去澳门科学馆转转,有各种针对儿童的趣味互动展览。 哪里可以品尝到正宗的葡萄牙美食? 氹仔的安东尼奥餐厅餐厅非常棒。不仅可以享受美味佳肴,装修风格 也非常具有葡萄牙风情,暗色的木地板和葡萄牙绘画作品,仿佛真正 置身葡萄牙。

Where should I go after that? You can go to Rua de Felicidade which is five minutes walking distance from Senado Square. It is a street with Chinese style red color buildings, guest can experience Chinese culture and enjoy Chinese and Portuguese cuisine in the street as well. What Cantonese Restaurant would you recommend? I would suggest Imperial Court in MGM MACAU. They do offer a wide range of Cantonese and regional specialties. Guests can enjoy the dinner in a private room with stylish decor. What’s one of the best places to go where my kid can have fun? Family travelers can go to Macau Science Center where you will find some interactive exhibitions and programs focused on children. If I wanted to get original Portuguese food, where should I go? I would suggest Antonio Restaurant located in Taipa. Not only serve great food, but they also have a Portuguese style decor with dark wooden floors, Portuguese paintings to make you feel like in Portugal.

哪里是最适合购买奢侈品的地方? 壹号广场是澳门最大规模的旗舰式高端购物场所,汇聚全球所有顶尖 奢侈品牌。

For luxury shopping, where’s the best place to go? One Central shopping mall is the largest flagship shopping destination in Macau where you will find the world’s leading luxury brands.

在世遗景区周围有哪些购物选择? 议事亭前地附近有很多精致小店,销售服装、珠宝、化妆品和纪念品 等商品。此外,新八佰伴也是一个不错的选择,距离议事亭前地步行 约10分钟左右,各种类别的奢侈品牌均入驻其中,包括化妆品、服 装、玩具、电器等等。

Are there any nice shopping areas nearby to heritage areas? In Senado Square, you will find a wide variety of goods there, such as clothing, jewelry, cosmetic and souvenir shop, etc. In addition, New Yaohan department store is another option for the guest, it just takes around 10 minutes walk from Senado Square. They do offer wide range collection of luxury brands from cosmetics, fashion, toys, electrical appliances, etc. | April 2014



享受指南 relax

春季养生凉茶 Spring Time Herbal Teas “凉茶”是中国南方地区独有的茶饮,民间以药性寒 凉、消暑解热的中草药熬水来喝,以达到预防以及治疗 疾病的功效。而澳门的四月是雨水比较多的月份,潮湿 的天气容易让人觉得疲累以及患上感冒,这时候一杯去 湿解热的广东凉茶便可以帮到你。 As the weather starts to change, venture into the Chinese herbal tea traditionally drank during this season. Brewed of herbs with cold properties, it’s meant to balance the Qi (which creates an overheated body – believed to be a major cause of disease during this season). As Macau falls prey to the cold-hot switches of April, try a cup of herbal Cantonese tea to keep yourself healthy.



四月 2014 |


Dai Seng Gong Chinese Herbal Tea

位于澳门大三巴手信街 上有一家店面小但名气 极大的凉茶舖—“大声 公”,这是一家于清朝 便创立的凉茶舖,至今 已有逾两百年的歴史, 是本地居民以及旅客经 常前往拜访的本地歴史 悠久的凉茶舖之一。 “大声公”现在主要卖 两种茶品,包括外感茶 以及菊花茶。外感茶也 称为“廿四味”,由 多种不同的药材熬煮 而成,外表看起来黑黑 的,入口有点苦,但 是吞下后口腔有点回 甘,并没有看起来的 难接受。外感茶具有 清肝解热的功效,是 感冒时必不可少的良 药。相比廿四味,菊 花茶应该更为受人们的 欢迎,因为这是由清香 的菊花熬煮成,喝起来 更容易入口,菊花茶有 清热解毒、消暑去湿的 功效,也是最常见的凉 茶之一。此外,“大声 公”也有外带瓶装凉茶 提供,如果不想马上喝 凉茶的朋友,大可以把 它们带回家或是酒店里 喝。

Dai Seng Gong, located on the Rua do Cunha in Taipa is a tiny herbal tea shop with a big name. Popular among locals and tourists, it has sold tea for over over two centuries – since the Qing Dynasty. You have two options in the shop: Wai Gan tea and Chrysanthemum tea. Wai Gan, also known as 24 flavors, is made from various herbs and possesses a dark look and bitter taste. A lingering aftertaste of sweetness makes it more agreeable

to the palate. According to Chinese traditional medicine, drinking Wai Gan routinely balances the overheated Qi of the liver, and is also a secret recipe for colds. Chrysanthemum tea on the other hand, is more enjoyable, possessing a fresh smell after its flowers are boiled. Chrysanthemum is also an ingredient of the fiveflower tea (find the recipe below), which is said to balance overheated Qi and help detoxify the body. Bottled herbal tea for take-out is also available.

价格 10澳门元一杯

营业时间 9:00﹣21:30





Opening hours 9:00 - 21:30


Rua da Palha, 1, Macau | April 2014



享受指南 relax 华生行 如果你觉得凉茶太普通 的话, 那不妨试下龟 苓膏,这也是在广东凉 茶舖常见的养生食品之 一,与流质的凉茶相 比,龟苓膏更多了份像 是果冻的口感。位于高 士德的“华生行”便是 一家以卖龟苓膏闻名的 凉茶舖。 店裡的龟苓膏全部由老 闆每天亲手自制造而 成,其材料主要来自泰 国、印尼、马来西亚及 内地,包括一级的龟

Wa Sang Hong If herbal tea is not good enough for you, try turtle jelly! As another traditional healthy snack popular in the Cantonese-speaking area, turtle jelly provides a very different taste for your palate. Cguide goes to Wa Sang Hong to learn more. Manually made by the owner every day, the turtle jelly served to customers is the result of boiling more than 20 first-grade ingredients such as the Wolfiporia (or Fu Ling fungus), dried rehmannia root and macrocephale

板、土茯苓、生地、白 术等二十多种地道的药 精制而成,具有清热解 毒等功效。龟苓膏一般 都是黑色且凝固的膏 状,看起来有点像台湾 仙草,但是入口后会有 较为浓重的中药味,且 入口更是觉得苦涩,所 以有的朋友吃的时候会 喜欢加入糖浆以缓解 苦味。除了龟苓膏以 外,“华生行”还有雪 蛤膏、杜仲桑寄生蛋茶 等养生甜品出售,满足 不同需求的人们。

purchased from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and mainland China. Said to have properties of heatclearing and detoxifying, the black turtle jelly seems more like the mesona jelly - a traditional Taiwanese dessert - but with a stronger taste of herbs and a bitter flavor, balanced by adding syrup. The shop also has an extensive menu including Hasma and a tea made from eucommia and chinensis (both Chinese trees) with an egg – odd but supposedly useful.

营业时间 龟苓膏价格Price 大Big- - Mop35 小Small- - Mop31 11::00﹣23::00



Opening Hours 11:00 - 23:00


Avenida de Horta e Costa, 75, B, Macau



四月 2014 |

简单自制五花茶 Five-Flower Tea Recipe


把从中药店买回的五花茶 材料用清水稍为冲洗。 Clean all the ingredients bought from a Chinese herb shop.


品尝过澳门的本地凉茶 或是龟苓膏以后,你还 可以到中药店裡按照个 人需要买到现成的凉茶 材料回家自已熬煮。最 常见且最简单的莫过于 五花茶了, 五花指的是 金银花、野菊花、鸡蛋 花、木棉花、 南豆花或 水翁花等清热的花类组 成,具有清热解毒、 消 暑去湿 、预防夏季风 热感冒及流行性感冒的 作用,是大部份本地人 都会做的凉茶之一。此 外,不同花的组合有不 同的疗效,你也可以向 中医师请教调配适合自 己的五花茶。

After tasting healthy herbal teas and turtle jelly, try out our recipe for home-made fiveflower tea - the most popular and simplest herbal tea in Macau. The ingredients are honeysuckle, wild chrysanthemum, frangipani, Kapok flower and hyacinth dolichos flower or flower of operculate cleistocalyx - all which can be found at local Chinese herb shops. As a tea made in almost every household - it is said to have all the properties mentioned above including prevention of seasonal colds. You can also visit a qualified Chinese medicine clinic for a flower tea designed especially according to your condition that combines different flowers with unique properties.

加入4碗水到瓦煲中与 五花材料一同浸泡10分钟 左右。 Soak the flowers with four bowls of water for around 10 minutes.

3 也可以因需要加入半个罗 汉果,让五花茶有点甜味, 更易入口。 Half a siraitia grosvenori could be selected to add into the tea for slight sweetness


然后以猛火煲15分钟, 把原来的4碗水煲成1碗水 即可。 Boil at a high-level of heat for 15 minutes until only about one bowl of liquid is left.


值得注意的是不能以煲老 火汤的方式煲凉茶,因为这 样很可能会减低其药效。 Note: the herbal tea should not be boiled by low-level heat (as soup is) to avoid degrading the property of the herbs. | April 2014



享受指南 relax 银河酒店 GALAXY HOTEL 澳门望德圣母湾大马路银河综合



★ ★ ★ ★ ★ deluxe 新濠锋 ALTIRA 澳门氹仔广东大马路 Avenida De Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8888


澳门蒙地卡罗前地203号 Largo de Monte Carlo, 203, Macau (+853) 2888 3388

永利澳门 WYNN MACAO 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau (+853) 2888 9966

澳门路氹城邻近路氹连贯公路及澳 门科技大学之地段(新濠天地)


Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, COTAI (+853) 8868 6888


永利澳门万利酒店大楼 Encore at Wynn Macau 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Wynn, NAPE, Macau (+853) 2888 9966

澳门四季酒店 FOUR SEASONS HOTEL 路氹填海区,路氹连贯公路以西,望 德圣母湾大马路以南,地段1第6区 和第7区 Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI (+853) 2881 8888

新葡京酒店 GRAND LISBOA HOTEL 澳门葡京路 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau (+853) 2828 3838

澳门置地广场酒店 LANDMARK HOTEL 澳门友谊大马路555号置地广场大厦 Avenida da Amizade, 555, Landmark, Macau (+853) 2878 1781

澳门路氹莲花海滨大马路 Dique Oeste Roundabout, facing Galaxy complex, Taipa (+853) 2888 6888

金丽华酒店 GRAND LAPA 澳门友谊大马路956﹣1110号 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Macau (+853) 2856 7888 grandlapa

澳门火船头街及巴素打尔古街内港 12A号至20号码头之间 Rua das Lorchas and Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Ponte 12A, Macau (+853) 8861 0016

澳门大仓酒店 HOTEL OKURA MACAO 澳门路氹城莲花海滨大马路 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy Macau, COTAI (+853) 8883 8883

澳门文华东方酒店 MANDARIN ORIENTAL MACAO 澳门外港新填海区B区B2街区B地段 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8805 8888


澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 2838 3838

濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI (+853) 8868 1234

皇都酒店 HOTEL ROYAL MACAO 澳门得胜马路2号-4号 Estrada da Vitória, 2-4, Macau (+853) 2855 2222

新世纪酒店 NEW CENTURY HOTEL 氹仔徐日升寅公马路889号 Avenida Padre Tomás Pereira, 889, Taipa (+853) 2883 1111


澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, 1101, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8802 8888

澳门葡京路2﹣4号 Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Macau (+853) 2888 3888






渡假城 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lótus and Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI (+853) 2888 0888

四月 2014 |


澳门金沙城中心康莱德酒店 CONRAD MACAO, COTAI CENTRAL 澳门金沙城中心 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, COTAI (+853) 2882 9000

澳门威尼斯人酒店 THE VENETIAN MACAO 路氹填海区,路氹连贯公路以西,望德 圣母湾大马路以南 Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI (+853) 2882 8888

澳门威斯汀度假酒店 THE WESTIN RESORT MACAO 路环黑沙马路1918号 Estrada de Hác-Sá, 1918, Coloane (+853) 2887 1111

澳门悦榕庄 BANYAN TREE 澳门银河,澳门路氹城莲花海滨 大马路 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy Macau, COTAI (+853) 8883 6888

澳门凯旋门酒店 L’ARC HOTEL MACAO 澳門新口岸皇朝區城市日大馬路 278號 Avenida 24 de Junho, 278, NAPE, Macau (+853) 2880 8888

澳门圣地牙哥古堡 SÃO TIAGO DA BARRA 澳门西湾民国大马路圣地牙哥古堡 Avenida da República, Fortaleza de São Tiago da Barra, Macau (+853) 2837 8111

濠璟酒店 RIVIERA HOTEL 澳门竹室正街2号和高可宁绅士街7 号至13号 Rua da Boa Vista, 2 , Rua do Comendador Kou Hó Neng, 7, Macau (+853) 2833 9955

丽景湾酒店 REGENCY HOTEL 氹仔史伯泰海军将军马路2号 Estrada Almirante Marques Esparteiro, 2, Taipa (+853) 2883 1234

★★★★ 金皇冠中国大酒店 GOLDEN CROWN CHINA 氹仔鸡颈马路临近澳门国际机场I 地段 Estrada da Ponta da Cabrita, Adjacent to Macau International Airport, Taipa (+853) 2885 1166

金龙酒店 GOLDEN DRAGON 澳门马六甲街 Rua de Malaca, Macau (+853) 2836 1999



氹仔柯维纳马路142号和佛山街16号 Estrada Governador Albano de Oliveira,142, Rua de Fat San, 16, Taipa (+853) 2883 7788

澳门北京街199号 Rua de Pequim no. 199, Macau (+853) 2878 1233

HARD ROCK HOTEL 澳门路氹城邻近路氹连贯公路及澳门 科技大学之地段(新濠天地) Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, COTAI (+853) 8868 3338

澳门金沙城中心假日酒店 HOLIDAY INN, COTAI CENTRAL 路氹城路氹连贯公路第5及6部分 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, COTAI (+853) 2828 2228

澳门假日酒店 HOLIDAY INN MACAO 澳门北京街68-86号 Rua de Pequim, 68, Rua de Xangai, Macau (+853) 2878 3333

澳门富豪酒店 HOTEL BEVERLY PLAZA 澳门罗理基博士大马路70号 – 106 号 Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, 70-106, Macau (+853) 2878 2288

皇家金堡酒店 HOTEL CASA REAL 澳门新口岸罗理基博士大马路1118 号 Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, 1118, Macau (+853) 2872 6288

总统酒店 HOTEL PRESIDENTE 澳门友谊大马路355号 Avenida da Amizade, 355, Macau (+853) 2855 3888

澳门兰桂坊酒店 LAN KWAI FONG HOTEL MACAO 澳门高美士街230号 Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, 230, Macau (+853) 2880 0888


英皇娱乐酒店 GRAND EMPEROR HOTEL 澳门商业大马路288号 Avenida Comercial de Macau, 288, Macau (+853) 2888 9988


路环竹湾海滩旁边 Cheoc Van Beach, Coloane (+853) 2888 2143

澳门广州街63号 Rua de Cantão, 63, Macau (+853) 2878 6333



澳门望厦山 Colina de Mong-Ha, Macau (+853) 2851 6688 index/240

澳门地厘古工程师马路1号至5号 Estrada do Engenheiro Trigo, 1-5, Macau (+853) 2851 3888




靠近友谊大马路的澳门渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Avenida da Amizade, Macau (+853) 2878 2782

682号 Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, 33, Alameda Dr. Carlos D’ Assumpção, 682, Macau (+853) 2871 8718

环球酒店 HOTEL MONDIAL 澳门巴士度街1号,侧门设于罗沙达

皇庭海景酒店 ROYAL INFANTE HARBOUR VIEW HOTEL 澳门氹仔莲花海滨大马路 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, COTAI (+853) 2883 8333

骏景酒店 TAIPA SQUARE 沙维斯街骏景酒店 Rua de Chaves, Hotel Rossio da Taipa, Taipa (+853) 2883 9933

★★★ 格兰酒店 BEST WESTERN HOTEL 氹仔美副将马路及嘉乐庇总督马路 交界地段 Estrada Coronel Mesquita, Estrada Governador Nobre Carvalho, Taipa (+853) 2882 1666

街40号 Rua de Antonio Basto, 1, Rua de Alve Rocadas, 40, Macau (+853) 2856 6866

万事发酒店 MACAO MASTERS HOTEL 澳门火船头街162号 Rua Das Lorchas, 162, Macau (+853) 2893 7572

京都酒店 METRÓPOLE HOTEL 澳门南湾大马路493号和501号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 493-501, Macau (+853) 2838 8166

新丽华酒店 SINTRA 澳门约翰四世大马路及苏亚利斯博

士大马路 Avenida de D. João IV, Avenida Doutor Mário Soares, Macau (+853) 2871 0111



澳门上海街51号和北京街106-I号 Rua de Xangai, 51, Rua de Pequim, 106-I, Macau (+853) 2878 1888

澳门友谊大马路 Avenida da Amizade, Macao (+853) 2888 6688

澳门维多利亚酒店 VICTORIA HOTEL 澳门黑沙环拱形马路118号 Estrada do Arco, 118, Macau (+853) 2855 6688

SPAs 新濠锋 “澄” 水疗 Altira Spa 氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8886

菩提水療 Bodhi Spa 澳门康莱德酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Conrad Macau, Level 3, COTAI (+853) 8113 6188 | April 2014



享受指南 relax 澳门四季酒店水疗中心 Four Seasons Spa

澳门水疗中心 Macau Spa

澳門 望德聖母灣大馬路澳门四季酒

德圣母湾大马路以南, 地段1第6区

店水疗中心 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Four Seasons Spa, COTAI (+853) 8112 8080

至第7区 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Venetian complex, COTAI (+853) 2881 8888

金丽华酒店水疗中心 Grand Lapa

马泷综合康健医疗中心 Malo Clinic Spa Macau



华酒店 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, Macau (+853) 8793 4824 grandlapa/

心5楼 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Venetian Complex, Grand Canal Shoppes, Level 5, COTAI (+853) 8862 2688 welcome/index-zh.html

金都水疗 Grand Waldo Spa 澳门路氹莲花海滨大马路 Dique Oeste roundabout, facing Galaxy complex, COTAI (+853) 2888 6888

怡.水疗中心 Isala Spa 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地君 悦酒店 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Grand Hyatt Hotel, COTAI (+853) 8868 1193



路氹塡海区,路氹连贯公路以西, 望

Nirvana Spa 澳门南湾大马路403号中国法律大 厦地下 Avenida da Praia Grande, 403, China Law Building, G/F, Macau. (+853) 2833 1521

Rock Spa 澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, COTAI (+853 ) 8868 7801 Website:

四月 2014 |

喜来登炫逸水疗中心 Shine Spa for Sheraton

澳门悦榕 Spa, Banyan Tree Spa

澳门氹仔岛路氹金光大道 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Sheraton, COTAI (+853) 2880 2000

路氹塡海区, 莲花海滨大马路东面及

美高梅 Six Senses Spa at MGM Grand 澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, 1101, Macau (+853) 8820 3333

So Spa 澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 8861 0016

永利理疗康体中心 The Spa at Wynn 永利酒店大楼一楼, 澳门外港填海区 仙德丽街 1/F, Wynn Tower, Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8986 3228

望德圣母湾大马路南面 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy complex, COTAI (+853) 8883 6888

「漾日」水疗中心 The Spa at Crown 氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams, Crown, COTAI (+853) 8868 6883 crown-spa

万利理疗康体中心 The Spa at Encore 万利酒店大楼一楼, 澳门外港填海区 仙德丽街 1/F, Encore at Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8986 3228

澳门文华东方酒店水疗中心 The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Macau 澳门文华东方酒店3楼 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental, Level 3, NAPE, Macau (+853) 8805 8588

澳门必备 essentials

语言 Language 官方语言:中文(广东话)和葡萄牙文 Official Languages: Chinese (Cantonese) and Portuguese

保安Security 警察局及报案中心致电: 999 Police and emergency line: 999

第二语言:英语和普通话 Secondary languages: English, Mandarin Chinese

旅游热线 Tourism Hotline Tel:(+853)28 333 000

气候 Weather 澳门全年气候温和,平均气温约20ºC (68ºF)。夏天温度较高。 The climate is a fairly warm tropical climate. Annual average temperature is about 20°C (68°F), with temperature rising higher (over 30°C)/86°F) in summer.

电力 Electricity 澳门的电压是采用220伏特的交流电,频率为50赫兹。电插座通常 是方形或圆形的三脚插座。 Electricity in Macau is at 220V, 50Hz. The power plugs used in Macau are of the three-pin, square-shaped or round-shaped type.

WiFi任我行 WiFi任我行服务为澳门巿民及旅客提供免费无线宽频互联网接入服 务,只要看到「WiFi任我行」标志,即代表你已身处服务覆盖范围 内,便可以免费使用无线宽频服务(WiFi) The Macau SAR Government has provided citizens and visitors with free wireless Internet access - “WiFi GO”. Available daily from 8:00 to 1:00 the following day, users can use a non-encrypted connection (network name wifigo) or encrypted connection mode (network name wifigo-s). User name and password are wifigo, for 45 minutes per session in high density areas throughout the territory.

医疗/医院 Health and Hospitals

澳门仁伯爵综合医院 São Januário Hospital 仁伯爵山山顶 Estrada do Visconde de São Januário, Macau 8390 5000/ (+853) 2831 3731

镜湖医院 Kiang Wu Hospital 澳门莲胜街Estrada Coelho do Amaral, Macau

澳门国际机场 Macau International Airport 澳门国际机场位于氹仔,离外港客运码头只需十五分钟的车程,到 关闸只要二十分钟的车程,距路氹边境只有五分钟的车程。机场二 十四小时运作。(853) 2886 1111 各大酒店均有接机服务,旅客可提前预订或抵达时再作安排。 出租车(的士)备有空调且价格相宜,旅客可在澳门国际机场的士候 客区乘车。除了车资外,另收附加费5元,大件行李则加收每件3 元。 机场与市区之间有公共汽车连接:AP1,MT1,MT2,N2及26号,沿途 经过几家主要的酒店。 The airport is located on Taipa Island and is 15 minutes from the Macau Ferry Terminal, 20 minutes from the Barrier Gate and 10 minutes from the COTAI Frontier Post. It operates 24 hours/day. (+853) 2886 1111 Taxis are air-conditioned and relatively inexpensive, and are freely available at the taxi station outside the Airport. There is a surcharge of MOP 5 from that location and each piece of luggage carried in the trunk costs MOP 3. Special bus services (marked AP1, MT1, MT2, N2 & 26) serve the airport. These buses cross the city and stop at the major hotels.

国家和地区号码 Country and City Code 电话:拨号前+853 Phone: +853 - this functions as combined country and city code

邮政编号:澳门地区没有邮政编号 Postal Code: Macau does not have a postal code

运输快递 Courier and Shipping UPS 客户中心 UPS Customer Center 澳门慕拉士巷35-43,49 号,澳门工业中心地下D, E Travessa de Venceslau de Morais, 35-43 & 49, Centro Industrial de Macau, G/f, D&E, Macau (+853) 2875 1616

(+853) 2837 1333 /

星期一至星期五 Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 19:00 星期六Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 星期日及公众假期Sundays and Public Holidays: 休息Closed

货币 Currency

联邦快递 FedEx Stations

1美元约=澳门币8元 1 US Dollar = (+/-) 8 Patacas (MOP)



星期一至星期五Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 20:00 星期六Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 星期日及公众假期Sundays and Public Holidays: 休息Closed

100 HKD = MOP 103

兑换外币二十四小时服务:澳门国际机场银行、葡京酒店 24 hour currency exchange counters: Macau International Airport (Taipa Island) and Lisboa Hotel (Macau)

Av. De Marciano Baptista, 54/F, Edf. Hung On Centre, G/f, J

主要银行:大西洋银行,中国银行 Main Branches: BNU, Bank of China | April 2014



澳门必备 Essentials

入境签证 Passports and Visas 大多数旅客(欧洲,澳大利亚,新西兰,美国,加拿大,南非)无 需签证逗留30天至90天,其他人一般可逗留30天。 Most travelers (EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa) can enter and stay in Macau for 30-90 days with a valid passports. Others can get a 30 days visa on arrival.


办公时间 Working Hours:09:00-22:00 (+853) 2872 6416

费用 Fees 个人:100澳门元,十二岁以下儿童收费减半。 家庭护照:200澳门元 团体:团体签证必须由澳门的旅行社申请办理,人数最少十人,费 用每人50澳门元。 中国大陆居民出境后如需再入境,必须重新申办来澳旅游签证。 入境签证可透过中华人民共和国驻外使领馆向治安警察局出入境事 务厅申请,并应在有效期内使用,否则即告失效。持有人准予在签 证上所注明之期限在澳门逗留。 需要签证的旅客可在抵达澳门时办理,但某些国家的旅客须事先获 得入境签证。 Individual – MOP 100, children under 12 years of age pay MOP 50 Family Passport – MOP 200 Group – MOP 50 per person for groups of 10 or more and children age 12 or under. If coming from China and planning to re-enter, you will need a Chinese multiple-entry visa. Visas can be obtained from the Immigration Services through Embassies/ Consulates of the PRC and should be used within the validity. Visas may be applied for upon arrival at the Immigration counter, however some countries are required to apply for an entry visa before embarking to Macau. Details: (+853) 2872 5488 /

关闸 Barrier Gate Areia Preta, Macau

办公时间 Working Hours::09:15-13:00, 14:30-18:00 (+853) 2843 9310

澳门国际机场 Macau International Airport Taipa

办公时间 Working Hours: 09:00-13:30, 14:15-19:30, 20:15-22:00 (+853) 2886 1436

澳门渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf Outer Harbor Macau

澳门孙逸仙大马路澳门渔人码头罗马表演场十七号铺 办公时间 Working Hours::10:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00 (+853) 2872 8981

氹仔临时客运码头 Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal,


办公时间 Working Hours::09:30-13:00, 14:30-18:15 (+853) 2885 0438

香港 Hong Kong

渡轮 Ferries 喷射飞航 TurboJet 营业时间:7:00-23:59 每15分钟从澳门或香港出发. 后:00:30,1:00, 1:30, 2:00,2:30,3:00,4:00,6:00,6:30

外港客运码头 Macau Ferry Terminal, Outer Harbor


香港大屿山香港国际机场一号客运大楼第五层抵港层接机大堂服务 柜台A06 Service Counter A06, Arrival Hall, Level 5, Terminal 1, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong

Operation: 7:00-23:59 between Macau and Hong Kong, departing every 15 min After midnight: 00:30,1:00,1:30,2:00,2:30,3:00,4:00,6:00,6:30 (+852) 2307 0880

办公时间 Working Hours:09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:45

金光飞航 Cotai Jet

336-337 Shun Tak Center, 200 Connaught Road, Central Hong Kong

营业时间:06:00-09:00每1小时,09:30-23:00每30分钟 23:00后 23:59, 01:00, 03:00

(+852) 2857 2287

Operation: 06:00-09:00 departing every hour, 09:30-23:00 every half hour, after 23:00 - 23:59, 01:00, 03:00 (+853) 2885 0595 (+852) 2359 9990

咨询处 Information Center 议事亭前地利斯大厦 Largo do Senado, Edifício Ritz, Macau

办公时间Working Hours::09:00-18:00 (+853) 8397 1120



四月 2014 |

(+852) 2769 7970

信德中心 Shun Tak Center 香港上环干诺道中200号信德中心336~337室 办公时间 Working Hours:09:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00

直升机 Helicopters 空中快线:09:00, 10:00-22:30每30分钟 Sky Shuttle: 09:00, 10:00-22:30 departing every half hour

飞行时间:15分钟 Flight Duration: 15 minutes (+853) 2108 9898

邮政服务 Postal Services 澳门邮政总局 Central

巴士服务 Bus service 澳门半岛:澳门币3.20元


Macau Peninsula: MOP 3.20

Largo do Senado, Edificio Sede da DSC, Macau


星期一至星期五Mon-Fri:09:00-18:00 星期六 Sat:09:00-13:00

Macau – Taipa: MOP 4.20


(+853) 2832 3666

Macau-Coloane: MOP 5.00

外港码头分局 Marine Terminal Post Office


地址:外港码头入境大堂 Address: Arrivals, G/f , Macau Ferry Terminal, Porto Exterior, Macau

星期一至星期六Mon-Sat:10:00-19:00 (+853) 2872 8079

Macau-Hac Sa: MOP 6.00

澳门至机场,机场至澳门:澳门币4.20元 Macau-Airport: MOP 4.20

澳门至氹仔可乘坐:11,22,25X,28A, 30, 33,34 和MT4 Macau-Taipa Bus: 11, 22, 25X, 28A, 30, 33,34 and MT4

机场邮政分局 Airport Post Office

到机场可乘坐:AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26和36号


往返澳门、氹仔和路环:21A、25、26、26A、50、MT3和N3 Macau-Taipa-Coloane: 21A, 25, 26, 26A, 50, MT3 and N3

Address: Macau International Airport, Departures, 1st Floor, Taipa


To Airport: AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26 and 36

(+853) 2886 1465

水坑尾邮政分局 Rua do Campo 地址:澳门水坑尾街162号公共行政大楼地下 Rua do Campo, 162, Ed. da Administração Pública, Macau

星期一至五Mon-Fri:08:30 - 19:00 (+853) 2832 9334

路环邮政分局 Coloane Post Office 地址:路环打缆街邮政局大楼 Rua da Cordoaria, Ed. Direcção dos Serviços de Correios, Coloane (+853) 2888 2010

澳门有三家巴士公司 Bus Company 维澳莲运公共运输 Reolian Public Transport Co, Ltd. (+853) 2877 7888

澳门公共汽车有限公司 Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos de Macau. S.A.R.L (+853) 2885 0060

租车服务 Car Rental 华国旅游社有限公司 Vacations International Travel Service (Macau) Limited 金丽华酒店停车场Hotel Grand Lapa, Garage, ZAPE, Macau (+853) 2833 6789

百路达自动车租赁有限公司 Burgeon Rent A Car Limited 澳门东北大马路海名居第2座地下及阁仔O,P,Q铺 Avenida do Nordeste, Edifício La Baie Du Noble, Block 2, G/f, O,P,Q, Macau (+853) 2828 3399

宏益汽车租赁服务有限公司 Vang Iek Rent-a-Car Service Company Ltd 地址Address:澳门提督大马路69至71号地下

澳门新福利公共汽车有限公司 Transmac Transportes Urbanos de Macau. S.A.R.L

Avenida Almirante Lacerda, 69-71, G/f, Macau (+853) 2899 1199

广东话课堂 Important Names

(+853) 2827 1122

出租车(的士) Taxi Service 黑的士和黄的士 Black/ Yellow Taxi 澳门的出租车有两款,一款是黑色车身奶黄色车顶,而另一款是鲜 黄色。出租车起程价(首1600米)收费澳门币15元,之后每230米加 收1.5元,停车候客收费每分钟1.5元,如有大件行李,每件加收3元。 从澳门往路环或在澳门国际机场的士候客区乘车,除了车资外,另 收附加费5元;氹仔往路环加收2元附加费。但由澳门往氹仔或由两 离岛返回澳门,则无须加收任何附加费。 There are two kinds of taxis: black and yellow The flag fall charge is MOP 15 for the first 1,600 meters. MOP 1.50 will be added for every 230 meters afterwards. If stopped, MOP 1.50 is charged for every minute.

出租车叫车服务 :(+853) 2851 9519, 2893 9939, 8500 0000 及2828 3283。 To call for a taxi: (+853) 2851 9519, 2893 9939, 8500 0000 & 2828 3283.

妈阁庙/ A-Ma Temple:- “Ma Kok Miu” 民政总署/ Civic & Municipal Affairs Bureau- “Man Zheng Zhong Chu” 新马路/ Av. Almeida Ribeiro- “San Ma Lo” 大三巴/ St Paul’s Ruins- “Tai Sam Pa” 葡京/ Lisboa Hotel- “Pou Keng” 港澳码头/ Macau Ferry Terminal-“Kong Ou Ma Tau” 关闸/ Barrier Gate-“ Kwan Tchap” 东望洋炮台/ Guia Hill-“Tchong San” 文化中心/ Cultural Center-“Man Fa Tchong Sam” 机场/ Airport-“ Kei Cheong”

实用网址 Useful Sites | April 2014



1 2 3 4

MACAU Center 澳门市中心 MACAU strip 澳门新填海区 TAIPA village 氹仔旧城区 Cotai Strip 路氹金光大道

1 2



十二月 2013

3 4

December 2013





十二月 2013

Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

The Fountainside

迎湶 The Fountainside is located in the prestigious Penha Hill district, yet offers easy access to the central business district, quality schools, entertainment facilities, ferry terminals and Macau International Airport. 迎湶项目坐落在著名的主教山地区,交通便 利,可轻易前往中心商务区、名校、娱乐设 施、渡船码头和澳门国际机场。

Award-winning Heritage Design with a Contemporary Twist 现代生活与传统设计的完美融合 With its elegant blend of classic and contemporary architectural design, The Fountainside is situated in a prime location in the heart of Macau’s UNESCO World Heritage district. The freehold development encompasses a low-density collection of 38 apartments and 4 villas. Setting world-beating standards in quality and design, The Fountainside won the 2012 Monomer Housing Design Award of Chinese Residential Projects. The highly desirable residences at The Fountainside are all exquisitely finished with signature contemporary furniture. 这是一处低密度的永久业权发展项目,包括38所公寓和4栋别墅。该 项目融合了经典和现代的建筑设计方式,尽显高雅尊贵。迎湶更是位 于列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录的“澳门历史城区”的优越地 区。 项 目 以 全 球 最 高 品 质 和 设 计 为 标 准 , 荣 获2 0 1 2 年 华 人 住 宅 项 目 Monomer 住宅设计奖。所有住宅均以极富特色的现代家私进行精 装,受到了市场的高度青睐。

Eco-friendly Green Roof 环保绿色屋顶

The Fountainside is designed to be a sustainable residential property, and is one of a handful in Macau to use the MEP® Tray Green Module system, which reduces the carbon footprint of the property and reduces residents’ energy costs. 作为一个可持续性住宅项目,迎湶还是澳门少数采用 MEP® 模块环 保绿色屋顶系统的项目之一,可以减少住宅的碳足迹,降低住户的能 源消耗成本。

The Villas 别墅

For those who demand unrivalled elegance and style, The Fountainside’s four villas set a new standard in the prestigious Penha Hill district. 迎湶的4栋别墅拥有无以伦比的优雅气质和风格美感,在尊贵的主教 山地区堪称标杆之作。

The Duplexes 复式公寓

Each duplex boasts a lush private garden - a personal oasis in which residents can relax and recharge in a peaceful space that’s all their own. 每一个复式公寓都配备了一个郁郁葱葱的私人花园,仿佛是一个私人 绿洲,住户可以在一个完全属于他们的宁静空间中放松身心,重拾活 力。

The Terraço 露台

Featuring lush sky gardens with landscaped grounds right on their doorstep, these premium residences are a rare gift in the heart of Macau. 苍翠欲滴的空中花园,天际庭园近在门前,这些高档住宅是澳门核心 地区难得一见的骄傲作品。

At Your Service 礼宾服务

With round-the-clock concierge services and a fully-equipped, stateof-the-art gym to cater for every personal fitness regimen, residents enjoy the ultimate in total convenience to enjoy a leisure-filled, healthy lifestyle. 24小时礼宾服务,尖端设施齐备的健身房,可满足每位客人的健身 需求。该项目提供了舒适便捷的高品质礼宾服务,住户可尽享休闲自 在、有益健康的生活方式。

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