Cguide May Edition

Page 1

• Your City guide to Macau


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五月 May 2015 - N32


此时•彼语 五月艺满城








Macau Arts Festival 濠探索


论区行赏 II




Arts 节 Festi val

艺术节目小地图 Venue Map

更多节目场地以及资讯可参考艺术节官方网站 More information:

4. 永乐戏院 Cinema Alegria

青少年粤剧《刘金定斩四门》 The Bound-feet Liu Jinding Crashes Four Gates 3/5,19:30 琵琶记 Tale of the Pipa 10/5,19:30

5. 塔石艺文馆 Tap Seac Gallery 色彩的冒险 At the Risk of Color 29/5-9/8,10:00-19:00

6. 旧法院大楼 Old Court Building

动物伊甸园 Savanna - A Possible Landscape 2/5,11:00;2-3/5,15:00,20:00 人在她城 Protean Cities 8-9/5,20:00 2015澳门视觉艺术年展——中国书画类 Macao Annual Visual Arts Exhibition 2015- Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Category 9/5-2/8,10:00-20:00 侯贝多•如戈 Roberto Zucco 15-17/5,20:00 余•暮年 Old Age 21-22/5,20:00;23/5,15:00

1. 妈阁庙前地 Barra Square

百艺看馆 Outdoor Performing Arts Showcase 28-31/5,18:30-21:00

2. 岗顶剧院 Dom Pedro V Theatre

《记忆蓝图II》舞蹈剧场 Memory Blueprint II Dance Theater 2-3/5,20:00 决定•性 Fateful Decision 9/5,20:00;10/5,15:00, 20:00 默剧《公鸡喔喔啼》Cocorico (15-16/5,20:00;16-17/5,15:00) 《异色童话》绘本音乐剧场 The Bizarre Fairy Tales 22-23/5,20:00;24/5,15:00, 20:00

3. 澳门博物馆 Macao Museum

洛港东帆—十八世纪中法海上丝路贸易港 From Lorient to the Orient Port Cities of China and France on the 18th Century Maritime Silk Route 30/5-30/8,10:00-18:00

7. 澳门文化中心 Macao Cultural Centre

舞咏 Lied Ballet( 1-2/5,20:00 情人的西装 The Suit 8-9/5,20:00;10/5,15:00 空气动力学 Aerodynamics 9/5,20:00 《西游梦》音乐会 Musical “Dream of Journey to the West” - Concert Version 12/5,20:00 昆剧《1699•桃花扇》 1699 The Peach Blossom Fan - Kun Opera 16/5,19:30 南昆风度—昆剧经典折子戏 Excerpts of Kun Opera 17/5,19:30 人裁人才 The Making of a Talent 23-24/5,19:30 断章取“艺”─献给碧娜 Out of Context - for Pina 23/5,20:00;24/5,15:00 点点梦乐园 Dot 29/5,20:00;30/5,15:00 信任 Trust 29-30/5,20:00

编辑的话 from the editor

艺文澳门 A Month of Art and Culture 今年是我在杂志行当工作的第十个年头,还记得第一份工作正是做一 份艺文杂志,当年整个大中华区的艺文步伐,台湾和香港算是领先 的。慢慢地,大陆地区也迎头赶上,本身就具备大量优秀人才的神 州,嫁接到各种不同的现代推广力和渠道上,成为世界艺术舞台耀眼 明星并非难事。 澳门,算是发展比较慢的地方,近年来铺天盖地的艺文盛事开始包围 她,究竟这种密集式散布的艺文事,是否能与整个城市的人对艺术的 接受度匹配呢?每年的五月,我们多少能找到些答案。这个让艺术自 由绽放的月份,不单有我们这次很荣幸能成为媒体合作伙伴的“澳门 艺术节”,也有法国五月和一些独立团体举办的艺术展览,经过一年 又一年的反复试验,小城的艺文步伐开始迈得自信、悠然,带有鲜明 的澳门印记。 除了有各种艺术讯息填饱你的“肚子”外,Cguide五月刊还将带来欧 洲菜专题。五月有欧洲日,而澳门这个昔日葡萄牙殖民地可不止有葡 国菜噢,在城市的某个出其不意的角落,你还能遇到更多有坚持的厨 人,把欧洲地道风情传递到你的口里和心上,快翻开本期杂志,与我 们一起探索舌尖上的澳门吧。

My magazine career began with a magazine of art and culture ten years ago; at that time, the art and culture industry was led by Hong Kong and Taiwan, followed by the Mainland. It was not surprising that China, one of the largest countries in terms of both geography and population, rose to be an active player in the international art scene. Macau, though it had a later start, has witnessed a rapid growth in culture in recent years. How well could our city accept such intensive programs of culture and art? I got my answer every May when an amazing Art Festival would captivate the entire island for a full month. This May we celebrate not only the Macau Arts Festival (with whom Cguide is honored to be media partner this year), but Le French May and dazzling rays of art shows by independent organizations. Years of brilliant experiences with art and culture have proven that our city is striding ahead confidently and leisurely in true Macau style. After information to whet your artistic appetite, Cguide in May is also featuring European cuisines, especially the Portuguese delicacies for which Macau is famous. Bon appetite! Enjoy the genuine European dishes prepared by aspiring chefs across the city!

五月 May 2015

Publisher Editor-in-chief 总编辑

Editorial team 编辑团队

Yvonne Yu

Yan Lam

Anthony Lam

Contributors 撰稿人

English proofreading

Dorothy Pou, Jim, Siusi, Mathieu Gaignon, Shirley Jennifer Jokl


Illustrators 插画师 Editorial enquiries 编辑咨询

Xinderer T (+ 853) 28513513 F (+ 853) 2851 3311

Art director 艺术


José Manuel Cardoso

Melao, Wilson


Marketing manager 市场经理

Advertising enquiries 广告询问

Printed By 印刷商

Yvonne Yu 主编 Editor-in-Chief

Macau Plus Ltd.


Marta Vaz Silva

Joyce U


Tipografia Welfare Limitada T (+ 853) 28337972


30 000


Address 地址

中文 2

EN 新澳门导航

五月 2015 |

澳门罗保博士街1号国际银行大廈22 楼2201室 R. Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 Luso International Bld, 22Fl - Macau

杂志发行页 Distribution

更多酒店大堂及礼宾部 More Lobby & Concierge Altira Macau/Best Western Hotel Taipa/Casa Real/Conrad/Crown Towers/Emperor Hotel/Fortuna/Fu Hua Guangdong Hotel Macau/Golden Crown China Hotel/Golden Dragon/Grand Emperor Hotel/Grand Lisboa/Grandview Hotel/Hard Rock Hotel/ Holiday Inn Cotai Central/Holiday Inn Macau/Hotel Beverly Plaza/Hotel Central/ Hotel Guia/Hotel Lisboa/Hotel Rio/Hotel Riviera/Hotel Royal/Hotel São Tiago/ Imperial Palace/L’Arc Macau/Lan Kwai Fong/Landmark/Metro Park/Metropole/ Pousada de Mong-Ha/IFT/President Hotel/Regency Hotel/Rocks Hotel/Royal Infante Harbour View Hotel/Sands/Sintra/Taipa Square/The Venetian - Paiza Mansions/Victoria Hotel/Waldo Hotel/Wynn Macau

部分公共服务机构 Public Institutes

合作伙伴 Partners

Macau Cultural Center/Macau Science Center/CPTTM- Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center/Cultural Institute of the Macau SAR Government/ IACM- Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau/Cultural Affairs Bureau/Macau Government Tourist Office/MAM-Macao Museum of Art

酒店房间 Rooms

书店及其它 Bookshops & Others

酒店大堂及礼宾部 Lobby & Concierge

Pin-to Bookstote/Plaza Cultural Macau/Lda/Portuguese Bookstore/The Portuguese Corner Shop/Futura Clássica/Macau Fitness/CrossFit Macau/Nirvana Spa/TAIVEX/ Malo/Macao Fashion Gallery/Ambiente/Casa de Portugal/Fundação Oriente/ Instituto Internacional de Macau/Macau Science Centre/Macau Golf Country Club/ Caesars/Golf Club Macau/Fundação Rui Cunha/Alverbe SCM/University of Macau/ Instituto de Formação Turística/Signum Store/OX Warehouse/Macau Artists Association/10 Fantasia–Art complex

多达八百家餐厅 More than 800 restaurantS A Baía/Akasaka Café/Angela’s Café/António/Aurora at Altira Macau/Bebe Café/ Boa Mesa/Cafe & Nata Margaret’s/Café Deco/CAFE Dia-Dia/Café Jardim/Café Ou Mun/Cafe Voyage/Cakez Café/Caravela/Casa de Tapas/Clube Militar de Macau/ Cuppa Coffee/Don Quijote de La Mancha/El Gaúcho/Espressamente Illy/Fernando/ Häagen-Dazs/Hayyo/Henri’s/Hot Rod/Il Café/Indian Spice/Institute For Tourism Studies/Irish Coffee House/Jade Garden/Kafka Sweets & Gourmandises/Kapok Cantonese Rest/La Bonne Heure/La Cucina Italiana/La Gondola/Lakeport Cake/ Lax Café/Le Cesar/Lord’s Stow/Macau Tavern/Meet & Sweet/Mugs/Nana Café Lounge/O Santos/Old Taipa Tavern/Pacific Coffee/Paddington House of Pancakes/ Ramenichiryu/Single Origin Coffee/Sky 21/Tacos/Taru - Japanese Restaurant/Terra Coffee House/The Corner’s/YUZU



五月 2015 | | March • April 2015



story 封面故事 cover


五月艺满城 Macau Arts Festival



Le French May 2015





DIY Your World




Macao Indies in Film

Macau on Old Atlas


56 EXPLORE 澳门之外



European Flavour

Macau Tea Culture Museum

28 drink



The Famous Decanter Man







May 2015

May is full of art in Macau, because there is the annual Macau Arts Festival. Professionals from Macau and all around the world fight for a role on the local stages, which gives audiences varied choices. See More on Cguide for the upcoming good shows.




五月的澳门充满艺术气氛,当然得归功于每年定时举办的澳门艺 术节。来自全球的精英艺术团体竞相来到小城献艺,本地艺术团 体同样不遑多让,给观众带来不同种类和层次的选择。

五月 2015 |




Junior Hotelier

小城热话 What’s Hot!

, 月 五 国 法 文艺 更 门 澳 让 au c a M n i May istic t r a e r o Even m

首次的“法国五月”于1993 年举行,所以该艺术节比 澳门艺术节年轻四载。时 至今天,“法国五月”已成 为闻名东亚的艺术风景。 该艺术节每年呈献约120个 节目、吸引约二百万人次 观众。 “法国五月”希望能做到“ 无所不包、无处不在、无 众不欢”:艺术节的节目 类型包罗万象,因此无所 不包;举行的场地可以是 购物中心、酒店甚至是停 车场,因此无处不在;艺 术家主动走进人群,与不 同阶层的观众接触,传递“ 日常艺术”的讯息,所以 达到无众不欢。本年度的 120个节目中,既有偏古典 的,也有偏后现代的。正 因如此,你一定可以找到 所好。 Le French May started in 1993, which makes it only four years younger than the local Arts Festival; it has since caused quite a stir in the East Asian art industry. The Festival presents about 120 events and receives approximately 2 million visitors each year. The Festival aims at “Everything, Everywhere, and Everyone”. The 120 events can be seen in any corner of the city. You will find your favourite from the diverse shows and exhibitions.



五月 2015 |

5月8, 14, 22日 8, 14 & 22 May

5月29至6月4日 29 May – 4 June

法国五月@澳门新濠天地 Le French May at City of Dreams

法国电影2015 French Film Festival 2015

“法国五月”于新濠天地苏濠添加自家制的调味料, 带来最“法式”的音乐及街头艺术表演。14日会由 Circa Tsuica带来结合管乐和杂技表演的精彩演出;而8 及22日,则会上演Gadjo Station的法式吉卜赛爵士乐。 Le French May is adding its flair to SOHO at City of Dreams, presenting French music, street performances, and art. On May 14th the Circa Tsuica Company will perform a blend of brass band and acrobatic performances. On the 8th and 22nd of May, Gadjo Station is performing French gypsy-jazz music. In-house street performances remain.

今年七天的影展,UA 银河影院会放映七部电 影。包括3D动画电影《 虫虫大联盟:方糖争霸 战》,可提供更多机会 让爱好电影的人欣赏到 各类不同的法国制作或法国投资的优质电影。 UA Galaxy Cinemas will be showcasing a total of 7 films during the 7-day festival. The films that are being showcased are from a wide genre that includes 3D animated film Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants. French film lovers dare not miss it.

5月15日 15 May

订票及查询 Ticketing and inquiries:

锡巴斯安.福夏尼与挥洒自如古乐团 Counter-Tenor Sébastien Fournier & Sprezzatura Ensemble 挥洒自如古乐团由福夏 尼、撒维尔. 雅诺及约 希.维力古于1998 年创 立,秉持普及巴洛克古 乐的理念, 以创新方式 演奏, 与不同风格的乐 手、乐团合作,并致力推广经典古乐作品。 Founded in 1998 by Sebastien Fournier, Xavier Janot, and Jory Vinikour, the Sprezzatura Ensemble is on a mission to making Baroque music accessible to everyone. They uphold universal ideas, invent innovative ways to play, and collaborate with different styles of musicians and orchestras in their commitment to the promotion of classical works of ancient music. They are coming to the University of Macau for a onenight-only concert. 20:00 澳门大学学生活动中心音乐剧场 University of Macau Student Activity Centre Theatre 免费入场 Free Entry

5月30至8月30日 30 May – 30 Aug

不容错过的节目 Do Not Miss!

“法国五月”美食节 民以食为天,与华人同 样懂吃的法国人,也 在“法国五月”加入美 食元素,毕竟美食也可 以是艺术品。本年参 与“法国五月美食节” 的澳门餐厅计有天巢法 国餐厅、御膳房、派意 舫、御苑餐厅、宝雅 座、Sky 21。

洛港东帆 From Lorient to The Orient 400多年前,澳门就已经 是一个繁盛的港口,从 欧洲来的船大多选择停 泊澳门,令澳门成为欧 亚接触的“根据地”。 第一艘抵达澳门的法国 船“安菲特里忒号”以 模型身份重回澳门,直 驶进澳门博物馆,与你一同重温欧亚初聚的时光。 Macau has long been a centre point of Eurasian voyages. Many passengers and cargo got on and off vessels in Macau as early as the 15th century. Old days are gone but not the memories, and one of the many vessels – L’Amphitrite, also the first French ship in Canton – makes a return this year to Macau. Come to Macau Museum to reminisce about the first days of French-Chinese relations. 10:00-18:00 非公众假期之周一休馆 Closed on Mon, except public holiday 澳门博物馆 Macau Museum

Le French GourMay This year’s Le French May comes with Le French GourMay, the dining festival that celebrates French cuisine. In Macau, you can sample unforgettable French dining at participating restaurants, namely Robuchon au Dôme, The Tasting Room by Galliot, Privé, Vida Rica, Aux Beaux Arts, and Sky 21. | May 2015



五月 May

好节目 Cguide recommendations SATURDAY, 2


DOR’S ART-线条与 色彩的连结 Link Between Colors and Lines 廖克敏作品展 Exhibition by Dor Lio 时间 Time: 至5月3日Till May 3 地点 Location:: 疯堂十号创意园CIPA 免费 Free

澳门艺术橱窗黑夜再临 杨文彬摄影作品展 Unfoldable Map II Photography by Ieong Man Pan Page 17

第四届春季亚洲美食展 及五一黄金购物展 4th Asia Food Expo & Golden Week Shopping Expo Page 11




处境 奴诺.圣地牙哥作品展 This is where I will always be:-Works by Nuno Santiago Page 17

品尝“葡轩”全新餐单 Gosto New Menu Tasting Page 25

品尝怀旧经典粤菜 Traditional Cantonese Cuisine Promotion 地点 Location::帝影楼 Ying at Altira Page 25




“誉龙轩”厉家菜宫 廷御膳 Family Li Imperial Cuisine at Jade Dragon-City of Dreams 时间 Time:5月8-10日 May 8-10 (+853) 8868 2822

和母亲看“空气动力学” Watch “Aerodynamics”: ART with Mum Page 15

澳门制造 Macao Indies in film Page 18




花道主厨Luís Américo 再献技 FADO Executive Chef Luís Américo Returns 地点 Location:: 皇都酒店 FADO (+853) 2855 2222, ext. 142

Touch Mi 郑秀文世界巡回 演唱会 Touch Mi Sammi Cheng World Tour Concert 地点Location::威尼斯人 金光综艺馆 Cotai Arena (+853) 2882 8818

拜访皮窦学皮艺 Learn from Leathership Workshop Page 39




参观茶文化馆 Visit Macau Tea Cultural Museum Page 56-57

异色童话 The Bizarre Fairy Tales Page 15

喜来登酒店小达人亲 子行 Join Sheraton Macau’s Junior Hotelier Program Page 59




五月 2015 |

濠好看 Now


博览会 expos

5月1-3日 1-3 May

第四届春季亚洲美食展及五一黄金 购物展 4th Asia Food Expo & Golden Week Shopping Expo 美食无分国界,在 这里你一定找到 你喜爱的美食, 同时也可与不同 地区的美食达人 交流心得。展场 有高中低档不同 美食,必能找到 心头好。同时, 五一假期最好就 购物,因此同场 亦有购物展,提 供各类精美商品,送礼自用皆宜。 Food knows no bounds, so at this Expo you’ll be sampling all kinds of food items and exchanging ideas with other food lovers. Also under the same roof is a Shopping Expo where you can find the best goods for both yourself and your loved ones. 11:00-20:00 威尼斯人金光会展A馆 Hall A, CotaiExpo, Venetian Macao. +852 2155 1175

5月19-21日 19-21 May

亚洲国际博彩娱乐展会 G2E Asia 亚洲国际博彩娱乐展会是亚洲首屈一指的博 彩盛会,为决策者们提供领先的一站式采购 平台。本年的展会更将与澳门国际酒吧及夜 生活娱乐设备用品联手推出全新的澳门国际 酒吧及夜生活娱乐设备用品(MICS)展区。多 个展区将展示最新的娱乐与活动管理产品和 趋势,如酒水、酒吧设施、音响灯光和效 果、设计、服务供应商与新技术等,此外还 会举行社交晚会。

G2E Asia is the leading Asian gaming expo, which provides a platform for decision makers within the industry. This year, Macau International Clubbing Show has been added to the Hall, with the provision of news on bar and nightlife. 11:00-17:30 (21日到16:00,Closed at 16:00 on 21 May) 威尼斯人金光会展 CotaiExpo, Venetian Macao

6月5-7日 5-7 June

2015购物嘉年华 Go Shopping 2015 2015购物嘉年华即将于6月5至7日,一连三日 在威尼斯人金光会展A馆举行。展场有大量受 本地人欢迎的特价货品,包括西班牙美食、黑 毛猪、黑松露等等出售,亦设国际食品专区。 免费入场,免费泊车(B馆)。入场即送精美 礼品,活动期间更有大抽奖,不容错过。

Go Shopping 2015 is bringing you delicacies such as tapas, iberico pork, black truffles, and more. There is a dedicated tasting section. Free gifts are given away upon entry, and there will also be a raffle. 12:00-21:00 威尼斯人金光会展A馆 Hall A, CotaiExpo, Venetian Macao +853 2875 3276 | May 2015



濠好看 Now 重点介绍

澳门五月,艺满全城 Arts of May


濠好看 Now 演出 Shows

Text by Yan & Shirley

26届澳门艺术节以“此时.彼语”为主题于本 月带来三十项国内外以及本地艺术团体的精彩 演出和展览,节目连同延伸活动共超过一百场次活 动,使艺术遍布城中每个角落。为了让你更好地了解 艺术节的节目,Cguide精选了多场演出,与你先睹为 快。


ith “Encounter” as its theme, this month the 26th Macao Arts Festival will bring us 30 wonderful performances and exhibitions by art groups from the Mainland, overseas and local Macao. There will be over 100 activities, such as shows and booths to visit. Cguide has selected many wonderful performances so you can get a glimpse of the highlights.


Kun opera: 1699 The Peach Blossom Fan

宣扬中国不同的传统戏剧一向来是澳门艺术节的亮点 之一,今年带来的是糅合唱念做打、舞蹈及武术等, 以唱腔婉转、念白儒雅、表演细腻著称的昆剧。昆剧 《桃花扇•1699》以清初戏曲作家孔尚任的作品《桃 花扇》为蓝本,由著名话剧导演田沁鑫操刀,收集整 理多首散落民间的曲谱并且把原著删减成三个多小时 的浓缩版。虽然观众在现代舞台上看到的是由原来44 出裁成6出的版本,但内容上却只字未改,而新剧名更 加上了完稿年份1699,以表示对原作者的敬意和传承 精神。 《桃花扇•1699》剧中的角色集合了江苏省老中青三 代昆曲台柱新秀,以昆曲婉转的唱腔道出文人侯方 域、秦淮名妓李香君的一段爱情故事,道出明末乱世 各遗族孤臣建立南明政权到诸政权士崩瓦解的段段往 事。在视觉方面,服装及舞台请来了中日韩艺术家倾 力打造。行头上最为看重的水袖全以单线刺绣制造, 其他共291件服饰也全人手制作而成。舞台则以“天. 地.人”的理念为中心、附以“透明”墙的明代山水 画为背景,还原了当时秦淮河畔繁华的江南生活风 貌。

The promotion of different traditional Chinese operas has always been one of the highlights of the Macao Arts Festival. This year will feature a Kun opera. Adapted from The Peach Blossom Fan written by early Qing dynasty dramatist Kong Shangren, the Kun opera 1699 The Peach Blossom Fan is directed by Tian Qinxin, the renowned drama director. After searching high and low across China for the missing music scores, Tian Qinxin created an abridged version of about three hours in 6 acts from the 44 acts of the original drama. His version makes no alterations to the original text. Rising stars and paragons of Kun opera from Jiangsu province have gathered in 1699 The Peach Blossom Fan, and with their wonderful and tactful singing, they will tell us a love story between the young scholar Hou Fangyu and the courtesan Li Xiangjun. Artists from China, Japan and South Korea have collaborated in their great efforts to craft costumes and sets. The long sleeves, which are the highlight of the costumes, are intricately embroidered, and the other 291 outfits and accessories are also handmade. Inspired by the motif “Heaven, Earth and Human”, the stage is framed with translucent water paintings, representative of the Ming era.

时间:16/5, 18:45-19:15(演前导赏), 19:30 (演出) 地点:演前导赏─澳门文化中心会议室,演出─ 综合剧院 门票:MOP100/200/300/350



五月 2015 |

Time: 16/5,18:45-19:15 (Pre-performance talk), 19:30(Performance) Place: Pre-performance talk—Conference Room in Macao Cultural Center; Performance—Grand Auditorium Admission: MOP100/200/300/350

昆曲原名“昆山腔”,晚清 后被称为“昆剧”,发源于 元末明初的苏州,是中国传 统戏曲中最古老的剧种之 一。 2001 年被联合国教科 文组织列为“人类口述和非 物质遗产代表作”。 昆剧经 典作品包括《十五贯》、《 牡丹亭》、《桃花扇》及《 长生殿》等。 The primary name of Kun opera is “the Kunshan opera”, and it was called “Kun opera” in the late Qing Dynasty. Originating in Suzhou in the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty, Kun opera was popular in the areas of Suzhou, Shanghai and Wuxi. As one of the oldest Chinese traditional operas, Kun opera was classified as part of “The Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO in 2001. The classic works of Kun opera include: Fifteen Strings of Cash, The Peony Pavilion, The Peach Blossom Fan, The Palace of Eternal Youth, etc.


Arts 节 Festi val

导演陈飞历、编剧叶玉君 Director Philip Chan and Writer Emmy Ip


Macao-made drama: Fateful Decision

澳门本地制作的剧目同样倍受瞩目,门票开卖旋即售 罄要加场的《决定•性》是其中之一。《决定•性》剧 本由澳门年轻编剧叶玉君蕴酿多年创作而成,题材为 鲜见的关于双性人的故事,并于去年荣获第十届澳门 文学奖戏剧组冠军。本届艺术节,叶玉君与本地导演 陈飞历连手把剧本首度搬至舞台,引发一场新的性别 决择的思考。 《决定•性》主要是讲述一直以为自己是女生的主角于 13岁时意外发现自己是一个双性人,由于双性人身份 为她在这个社会中生活带来诸多不便,迫使她必须在 男与女两个性别中二选一,变成只有一个性别的人以 后数十年发生的故事。叶玉君表示双性人是一个社会 的边缘群体,变性人可以选择变成自己想要的性别, 但双性人天生既是男性,又是女性,他们选择一个性 别很多时候只是因为双性人身份的不便,如没有双性 人身份证、自己的另一伴不能接受等。她希望透过此 剧为少数群体发声,与大众一起重新探讨社会上“是 与非,不存在中间可能性”的所谓普世价值观 。

The Macao-made dramas have also drawn a lot of attention; the drama Fateful Decision sold out shortly after tickets went on sale, and has thus increased the number of performances. The script of Fateful Decision was created by Emmy Ip, a young playwright of Macao, after years of great efforts. The drama centers, controversially, around the story of hermaphrodite. Last year the script won Emmy Ip the 1st prize in the 10th Macao Literature Competition’s Theatre Category. At this Arts Festival, Emmy Ip will cooperate with Philip Chan, a director of Macao, to put this drama on the stage for the first time. In Fateful Decision, the protagonist, who grew up thinking herself female, finds out accidentally at the age of 13 that she was born a hermaphrodite. Unfortunately, choosing to identify as such would create enormous problems for her, as she lives in a society in which the social construct of gender is clearly defined and distinctly polarized. The drama unfolds over the years after she makes the choice to identify with a single-gender. Emmy Ip wants to show us the life of hermaphrodite, a marginalized group of society. Transsexuals have made the decision to transition their body to reflect the gender with which they identify, but hermaphrodites are physically and genetically both sexes. Many hermaphrodites choose to identify with a single gender; this is strongly influenced by societal pressure to conform with gender norms. ID cards only acknowledge the existence of two genders, and a hermaphrodite may face legal complications when marrying, for example. Emmy wants to speak for the minority group through this drama, and discuss with the public what the implications are when “choosing either male or female, with nothing in between.”

时间:9/5, 20:00; 10/5, 15:00, 20:00 地点:岗顶剧院 门票:MOP120/150 Time: 9/5,20:00;10/5,15:00,20:00 Place: The Dom Pedro V Theater Admission: MOP120/150

据维基百科的解释,双性人 是医学上称为两性畸形或性 别畸形 。在某些文化中这种 人被归类为“第三性”或性 别混合的社会角色。世界上 有少部份国家于出生证明或 护照上容许以“ X ”代表不 属于男或女的性别类别,包 括澳洲、纽西兰以及德国。 According to Wikipedia, hermaphrodites have a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. In certain cultures, such individuals are called “intersex” because they do not conform to strict gender classifications. Some countries in the world, such as Australia, New Zealand and Germany, allow people to denote gender with an “X” instead of male or female in a birth certificate or passport. | May 2015



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表演 shows 5月1-2日 May 2-3

舞咏 LIED BALLET 狂勒布伦为第六十八届法国亚维侬艺术节精心 创作《舞咏》,此作品共有三幕,分别演绎不 同年代编舞艺术的相容相斥,同时反思当我们 的社会“流行歌曲成为经典,布尔乔亚阶级进 驻音乐厅,创意艺术回避主流”时,此文化环 境中还剩下多少空间容下社会的差异性。勒布伦 对历史的尊重与崇敬给予他源源不绝的灵感。 他认为诞生于当下的舞蹈并非是受到当下的生 活点滴所启发,但当下的一切反而是提供明日 创作的养份。

5 月2-3日 May 2-3

动物伊甸园 SAVANNA-A POSSIBLE LANDSCAPE 阿米特.德洛伊用了两年时间与瑞士洛桑剧 院携手研究、设计、雕塑及编创剧中的表演 装置,借此打造出一个人工生态剧场,并以 一对大象母子与猎人的故事为中心,反思人 类文明对大自然的破坏。与观众一同探讨科 技、人类与自然之间的关系。

Created within the 68th Avignon Festival 2014, Lebrun orchestrated Lied Ballet, a world in three acts where epochs that morphed and fashioned today’s art of choreography coincide and clash. He reflects on the space left for social issues and tolerance in cultural settings where “popular songs became classics, or spectacles addressing bourgeoisie now find their place in the music hall, shunned by ‘innovative ’ art”. 20:00 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Mop100/200/300/350 +853 2855 5555

Drori spent two years collaborating with the Théâtre Vidy Lausanne, researching, designing, sculpting and programming Savanna’s instruments of expression. A compelling piece of visual theatre, tells two touching stories of the cycle of life. The two stories create together a stage poem about the delicate tension of creation and destruction. 11:00、15:00、20:00 旧法院大楼二楼 Old Court Building, 2nd floor Mop150 +853 2855 5555



五月 2015 |


Arts 节 Festi val 5月9-10日 May 9-10

空气动力学 “AERODYNAMICS” 林文中旅美十年,被纽约《村声週报》誉 为“ 超级舞者”,是近年来少数植根于台 湾本土舞蹈训练、进而扬名国际的男舞者之 一。2008 年他返台创立同名舞团,作品风 格独特细腻,结合中西文化特色,在台湾舞 蹈界崭露锋芒。此作灵感源自航空科学的空 气动力学原理,以人体动作与气流较量,展 开一场对抗引力的舞蹈实验。澳门艺术节委 约作品《空气动力学》将于本届艺术节作首 演,其后会到转到台湾演出,参演者包括在 台湾受训的本地舞者,体现澳台两地的又一 次跨文化交流及合作,在当代舞蹈的领域中 另觅蹊径。

Wen-Chung Lin performed with companies such as Bill T. Jones/ Arnie Zane Dance Company in New York for almost a decade, earning the moniker “Superb Dancer” from New York’s The Village Voice and becoming one of the few Taiwanese dancers to reach international renown. In 2008, he decided to return to his homeland where he founded WCdance. Blending Eastern and Western influences, Wen-Chung Lin garnered a reputation as an exciting choreographer with a unique and intriguing style.

5月23-24日 May 23-24


20:00 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Macao Cultural Center

亚兰.布拉德勒曾教导有特殊需要的运动障 碍或多重障碍儿童,深切了解畸形及肌肉障 碍等缺憾。布拉德勒从不批评他们,反而选 择歌颂畸形残障的美感,以动作及姿势赤裸 裸地表达人类情感的核心,反映当代文明的 奢华与狂野。为向其故友、已故德国编舞家 碧娜.鲍许致敬,布拉德勒创作出获奖无数 的《断章取“艺”─献给碧娜》,并尝试发 明一种崭新的肢体语言,解读理性的含意, 混沌生序,寻找和平谧静。

Grand Auditorium MOP100/180/250 +853 2855 5555

In Out of Context – for Pina, director Alain Platel continues his search for a language of movement connected to the unconscious, the arbitrary, the uncontrolled. The movement material covers the entire range of dyskinesia and dystonia, in other words: spasms, convulsions, tics. Revstlessly and nervously. 15:00-20:00 澳门文化中心小剧院 Macao Cultural Centre-Small Auditorium Mop120/150 +853 2855 5555

5月22-24日May 22-24

异色童话 THE BIZARRE FAIRY TALES 《异色童话》是一个集现场音乐、绘本、动 画及剧场的跨媒体创作,务求以崭新的创作 形式擦出艺术火花。 共由三个故事所组成, 分别是讲述能预视别人厄运的《独眼儿》; 失忆之城内一群改革者,寻找失落记忆的《 守梦人》,以及关于一个爱说故事的孩子, 终于发现了有趣吸引的说故事方式的《快乐 颂》。

The multimedia production The Bizarre Fairy Tales uses live music, animation and acting to tell three extraordinary stories that express concern on humankind and civilization. The One-eyed tells the tale of a person who can foresee people’s misfortunes. InDream Guardians – set in the town of Amnesia – a group of revolutionaries’ searches for lost memories. Ode to Joy follows a child who discovers a wrong but entertaining way of telling yarns. 20:00 岗顶剧院 Dom Pedro V Theatre Mop120/150 +853 2855 5555 | May 2015



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表演 shows 6月27日June 27

6月6日 June 6

迷幻战境 WAR SUM UP by Hotel Pro Forma

Cesar Millan现场秀 - 爱犬训练巡 演2015 Cesar Millan LIVE Love your Dogs Tour 国际级驯狗师Cesar Millan将于今夏在亚洲进行 寓教于乐的现场秀之巡演,分享他与狗只建立 和谐愉快关系的独到技巧。Cesar Millan因热门 电视节目系列《狗语者》以及新节目《Cesar to the Rescue》而闻名,后者的第二季将于2015 年4月在全球的国家地理悠人频道及国家地理 频道首播。Cesar是狗只康复治疗领域的杰出权 威,他将在充满娱乐的现场表演中与观众分享 其关于信任、尊重及关爱的人生哲理。 International dog behavior expert Cesar Millan, will tour Asia this summer with his educational and entertaining live show, sharing his unique techniques on how to establish a balanced and happy relationship with dogs. Known for his hit television series “Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan” and his new series “Cesar To The Rescue”, which premieres its second season internationally on Nat Geo People and National Geographic Channel in April 2015, Millan is the preeminent authority in the field of dog rehabilitation. He will share his philosophy of trust, respect and love with the audience in this entertaining live show.Dog lovers will be inspired by Cesar Millan’s way, as he reveals the key to happier, healthier relationships between humans and their canine companions. 19:30 澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆 Cotai Arena, The Venetian MOP280/480/680/880 +853 2882 8818

5月22-24日May 22-24

《火影忍者》舞台剧 Naruto Live Spectacle《NARUTO-火影忍者》以广受欢迎 的连载漫画原著前27册为蓝本,重点演述鸣门 人生的第一阶段。该舞台剧结合戏剧、舞蹈及 令人叹为观止的特效表演,绚丽的舞台效果、 精致的戏服及创意十足的妆容,把漫画中的人 物角色栩栩如生地展现,让观众一睹真人版漫 画角色的风采。《火影忍者》连载漫画是日本 漫画家岸本齐史的代表作。作品于1999年开始 在《周刊少年JUMP》(集英社)上连载15年, 于2014年11月完结, 其漫画作品已于超过35 个国家及地区发售。 One of the most well-known manga series is making its way to Macao for a three-day run. A live action version of “Naruto” called Live Spectacle-NARUTO-will take place at The Venetian Macao’s Venetian Theatre May 22 to May 24. Based on the first 27 volumes of the popular manga series, the production will focus on the first part of Naruto’s life. The live action drama will combine acting, dance and incredible acrobatic performances with brilliant stage effects to bring the comic book characters to life. Intricate costumes and creative makeup will see the actors transformed into real-life versions of the characters. 22日-19:00 23-24日-13:30/19:00 澳门威尼斯人剧场 The Venetian Theatre MOP280/480/680/880/1080 +853 2882 8818



五月 2015 |

《迷幻战境》由丹麦剧团Hotel Pro Forma打造, 堪称首部前卫视觉音乐剧场。跨界结合日本漫 画、能剧、电子乐及装置艺术,2011年在拉脱 维亚首演后一鸣惊人,翌年更获邀于极具前胆 性的纽约布鲁克林音乐学院“下一波艺术节” 中演出。全剧围绕战争为题材,“战士”、“ 士兵”、“间谍”三个核心人物与战争有微妙 的关系,无法脱离尘世的鬼魂、对战争的病态 依赖者以及超自然力量的化身,一位游戏主宰 者贯穿这三部曲,勾勒出一部视觉、音乐与意 象的三重奏,残酷而哀伤。 War Sum Up is a visually stunning alternative opera, merging Japanese manga images projected on stage with classic warrior texts. Fuelled by an amazing mash-up of chamber pop, electronic and new classical music, the piece has been received with great acclaim after its premiere in Riga in 2012. Through a blend of striking light effects, smashing sets and technical innovation, its 12 singers appear on stage wearing costumes by fashion designer Henrik Vibskov, to tell us a story with three main characters: a soldier who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the spectre of a Warrior killed in battle and a Spy who became a superwoman in order to survive. 20:00 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Macao Cultural Centre – G.A. MOP100/150/200/250/300


展览 exhibitions

艺博馆近期展览 MAM’s Art Exhibitions “澳门艺术橱窗黑夜再临---杨文彬摄影作品” ((27/03-10/05))以黑夜为题作出批判性反思现状, 用作品避开言之凿凿的敍事手法,呈现城市形态 的历时性持续理念的志向。“岁月如流---濠江旧 侣诗书画篆刻乙未展”(03/04-09/08))以鸦片战争 (公元1840年)至今,曾在澳门生活的已故文 人学者、书画篆刻家之诗、书、画、篆刻作品为 主题,精选出一百件套作品,展示篆刻艺术在澳 门的发展过程。“石湾陶瓷展”((27/03-02/08))带 来一系列闻名海内外广东石湾陶瓷,让您深入了 解釉色丰富、色调多变而且有强烈地方风格的石 湾陶瓷作品。 即日起至6月31日 Till June 30

即日起至5月10日 Till May 10

处境──奴诺.圣地牙哥作品展 This is where I will always be Works by Nuno Santiago 葡萄牙艺术家奴诺.圣地牙哥(Nuno Santiago)以 不同的处境作为创作灵感,为观众带来其个人全 新作品展“处境──奴诺.圣地牙哥作品展”, 展出他新近创作的28件/套绘画作品。他在大型 画布上运用各种不同肌理,结合抽象视觉元素, 创造出神秘空间,藉所营造的效果,引发观众感 受作品所带动的气氛及对其的联想。出生于里斯 本的奴诺.圣地牙哥在1987至1993年间在澳门 生活及创作,其作品多样独特,呈现其坚持原创 的创作态度,曾于世界各地举办过展览。 The exhibition organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau will feature 28 works from Portuguese artist Nuno Santiago’s newest collection, which goes back to textures in the subtle overlaying of canvas on paper. The abstract works of Nuno Santiago are both majestic and mystical, inspiring observers to feel the ambience they inspire. 10:00-19:00 塔石艺文馆 Tap Seac Gallery, Macao 免费入场 Free

法国根雕艺术家Mickaël Obrénovitch作品展:人体根雕 “Human Roots”: organic wood sculpture by French artist Mickaël Obrénovitch 作为“法国五月”的一个澳门重头戏,法国著名 根雕艺术家,年仅36岁的Mickaël Obrénovitch将 会在澳门十六浦索菲特酒店和游衍画廊同时展 出其根雕作品。这些精致有生命力的根雕作品 都取材自印尼爪哇岛200年树龄的柚木,且经 过多年时间才可完成。不少作品灵感取材自印 尼原始森林与人的关系。他的很多作品曾在巴 厘岛的奢华酒店及荷里活度假村内展出,这次 在澳门的作品展更堪称是他个人艺术生涯的一 个阶段性小总结。 Exhibition named “Human Roots” will feature almost complete collection of Obrénovitch’s works. The spectacular tree trunk sculptures will be displayed at IAOHIN Gallery and Sofitel At Ponte 16 as part of “Le French May” festival. Huge tree roots sourced from the Indonesian rainforest will soon greet guests’ checking-in at Macau Sofitel’s lobby and visitors to IAOHIN Gallery. Looking raw and magnificent, the works took French artist Mickaël Obrénovitch years to complete. The roots are the artist’s metaphor for a typical, yet profound question about men and nature. In the exhibition, named “Human Roots”, Obrénovitch explores the relationship between the two.

With Unfoldable Map II - Photography by Ieong Man Pan (27/3-10/5) the artist ‘only finds true form in the tension of direct contact with its environment... the principle of diachronic continuity of the city shape. The Past – Masters of Macau: An Exhibition of Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting and Seal-carving 2015 (3/4-9/8) features the poetry, calligraphy, paintings and seal-carvings of artists and intellectuals residing in Macau since the Opium War (1840), while the Shiwan Ceramics Exhibition (27/3-2/8) showcases the richness of its glaze colours, primarily white, red and blue, and the diversity of colour tones used. 10:00-19:00 (逢周一休馆,Closed on Mondays) 澳门艺术博物馆 Macau Museum of Art MOP5( 周日及公众假期免费开放 Free on Sundays and public holidays +853 8791 9814

11:00-19:00 澳门游衍画廊 IAOHIN Gallery 免费入场 Free +853 6310 0191 | May 2015



濠好看 Now 5月12-16日 May 12-16

澳门制造 Macao Indies Yvonne



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12-14日: 19:30 15日: 21:30 16日: 16:30/21:30 澳门文化中心 Macau Cultural Center MOP60 +853 2840 0555



由澳门文化中心主办的年度电影盛事《澳门国际电影及 录像展2015》一直延续到五月结束,而重头戏“澳门制 造”就被安排在这个艺文气氛浓厚的五月天放映,26部 涵盖多种电影模式的作品将会在一周内轮番放映,最适 合“电影狂人”。 纪录式作品《缪鹏飞》(Mio Pang Fei)由葡萄牙籍导演嘉 斯华((PedroCardeira))执导,缪鹏飞蜚声画坛,是澳门最 优秀的艺术家之一、亦在中国当代艺术领域中成就杰出。 上世纪三十年代出生于上海,见证了二十世纪中后期中国 社会、政治及文化的发展变化。移居澳门之后,缪鹏飞运 用西方抽象手法探索东方意蕴表现,开创“新东方主义” ,该纪录片忠实还原了老先生的艺术人生。 另一部18分钟的短片《三轮车夫》(TricycleThief)之前曾 竞逐多伦多国际电影节最佳短片奖。26岁俄罗斯裔导演贝 斯梅来耶(MaximBessmertnyi)在纽约大学新加坡分校主 修亚洲电影,对澳门有一份情意结。这部色彩饱和的午夜 澳门映画充斥着黑暗的街道、潮湿的小巷、一路的霓虹, 故事描述一个绝望的三轮车夫骑行在街巷,他的欲望和贪 婪带他走向了不归路。 五月 2015 |

Macao International Film and Video Festival 2015 – “Macao Indies” 2015 hosted by The Macau Cultural Center is an ongoing event which comes to a peak in May when the Macao Indies, the highlight of the festival, are presented. Among the particularly notable is Mio Pang Fei, by Portuguese director Pedro Cardeira. The documentary faithfully reflects the life journey of Mio Pang Fei, who has a prestigious position in Chinese Contemporary Arts. Born in Shanghai in the 1930’s, Mio was a witness to the major social, political and cultural developments of 20th century China. In Macao, he finally came to establish his own voice with a mix of Chinese tradition and western contemporary techniques he named Neo-Orientalism. Tricycle Thief, by 26-year-old Macao Russian Maxim Bessmertnyi, is a notable 18-minute short film. The director is a student of Asian Movies at New York University’s Singapore Campus who frequently visits Macau. The movie is about color-saturated late nights, dark streets, back alleys, and neon lights; the perfect setting for a desperate tricycle driver’s cautionary tale of need and greed.


film in action

深夜食堂 Midnight Diner 导演 Directed by: 松冈锭司Joji Matsuoka 主演 Cast: 小林薫丶不破万作Kobayashi Kaoru, Fuwa Bansaku 片种 Genre: 剧情Drama

长日终尽,众人各自踏上归途时,繁华新宿的某条小巷里,食堂老板 的一天才正要开始。食堂没有特定的菜单,但请随意点菜,老板总会 用心烹调出你所想的美食。营业时间是晚上十二点到早上七点左右, 大家都称这里作“深夜食堂”。这样的深夜丶这样的角落,还会有客 人上门吗?其实,客人还挺多的…… The Master’s (Kobayashi) cooking and the friendly low-key atmosphere of his establishment fill the Midnight Diner night after night. One evening a burial urn left behind brings a frown, but to the Master’s customers it’s something novel and becomes the seed of entertaining speculation. Through all the small dramas taking place in this cozy eatery, the question remains about what will become of the burial urn?

翻唱人生 Danny Collins 导演 Directed by: 丹方格文Dan Fogelman 主演 Cast: 阿尔柏仙奴、安妮贝宁、波比简拿威、基斯杜化庞马、珍妮花嘉纳、 梅莉莎毕诺斯Al Pacino, Annette Bening, Bobby Cannavale,

Christopher Plummer, Jennifer Garner, Melissa Benoist 片种 Genre: 喜剧Comedy

爷爷级音乐巨星丹尼(阿尔柏仙奴 饰)依然活色生香,拖着妙龄女 友夜夜笙歌,晚晚为同样疯狂的“老友记”演奏。64岁生日当天,共 事多年的经理人在ebay投得一封陈年信件做礼:由传奇歌手约翰连写 给19岁的丹尼的勉励信。星光背后,丹尼失去当年的冲劲,这封多年 从未寄出的信件,重燃他当年的音乐梦。

澳门影院资讯 Macau Cinemas

旅游塔影院 MACAU TOWER THEATRE 澳门观光塔前地旅游塔四楼 4th Floor, Macau Tower

Aging 70s musician Danny Collins (Pacino) is still living fast-drugs, sex, and a way-too-young-for him girlfriend. He’s playing sold-out arenas every night where he performs his “sell-out” music (his words) in front of an ageing, rabid audience. When, on his 64th birthday, Danny discovers an undelivered letter written to his 19-year-old self from his hero JOHN LENNON, he is inspired to straighten his life out, rediscover the music he originally set out to make, and most importantly, reconnect with the forty-year-old son he’s never known.

澳门大会堂 Cineteatro Macau - 澳门家辣堂街19号 Rua de Santa Clara, Nº19, Macau

永乐戏院 Cinema Alegria- 镜湖马路85号E地下 Estrada do Repouso: 85D-F, Macau

UA银河影院 UA Galaxy Cinemas 澳门路氹澳门银河综合度 假城内 Galaxy Macau, Avenida de Cotai, Cotai City, Macau | May 2015



濠味道 Taste

假装在欧洲 European Flavors in Macao Yvonne & Anthony Melao & Wilson

很多人都觉得澳门是南欧小镇和亚洲城市的结合体,如果想要避开拥挤的 旅游区和大酒店内的人群,走进比较静谧的街巷,也可以发现很多与欧洲 神似的小店小路,甚至有着百分百欧洲风味的美食。这期Cguide就带你游走 小城,发现那些可以让心情和味蕾都“假装在欧洲”的餐饮选择。 For many people, Macao is a combination of a southern European town and an Asian city. You can find many small shops and small roads similar to those in Europe, and delicacies with one hundred percent European flavour. Let Cguide take you through Macao to find the foods and drinks which will bring you the tastes and feelings of “just like Europe.” 20


五月 2015 |

BarCelona西班牙小馆 BarCelona Tapas & Rice 澳门慕拉士街16号富大工业 大厦地下B座 1/F, 16 Rua de Venceslau de Morais, Macau

巴塞隆拿好时光 BarCelona Tapas & Rice

+853 2872 1084

萄牙和西班牙地理相连,连带生活上的种种形 式都非常相似。然而,这种“亲密关系”却没 有为澳门带来很多西班牙餐厅。因此,很多爱好美食 的人都对这种情况感到落莫。 时光推移,到今天澳门也多了很多广受欢迎的西班牙 餐厅,当中包括BarCelona西班牙小馆。西班牙小食可 算是驰名世界,但多数局限于派对上;而BarCelona则 将这些小吃带入澳门华人圈。晚餐品尝西班牙小食的 好处,在于你可以一次过品尝更多美食。 餐厅的老板Antonio来自巴塞隆拿,他非常注重传统烹 调法,会花费大部分时间去和西班牙主厨研究怎样去 做出道地味道;所以,在这里你会品尝到最真实的西 班牙风味。


e all know Portugal and Spain are close neighbours. However, this closeness has not resulted in an influx of Spanish cuisine to Macau, so many foodies have been quite frustrated by the lack of Spanish food here. A new day is dawning: there are more Spanish restaurants in Macau. Some have received wide appreciation, one in particular being BarCelona Tapas & Rice. Tapas are more than famous in Spanish cuisine, usually passed around at parties. BarCelona has made it a celebrated choice on their menu. The best part of serving tapas is that you can sample many dishes at one time. The owner of the restaurant, Antonio, is from Barcelona. He is dedicated to family recipes and thus spends extensive time with his head chef, Hector Costa, also Spanish, perfecting their authentic Spanish tastes. The Spanish experience here will never let you down.

黑毛猪肉串 Iberico Pork Skewers MOP78

经典西班牙炸丸子 Grandma’s Creamy Spanish Croquettes MOP48

鲜滑八爪鱼须配橄榄油薯蓉 Tender Octopus Legs w/ Mashed Potato and Olive Oil MOP158

西班牙海鲜饭(价格随份量变动) Paella (Price depends on portion) | May 2015



濠味道 Taste

御庭,不止意大利 The Terrace:,more than Italian 位

于氹仔住宅区的御庭是很多澳门老饕推荐的意大利餐厅,更是不少住在澳门的 外籍人士御用“饭堂”。有着30多年西厨经验的Chef Kent曾在澳门多家五星级 酒店任职。 御庭的装修别致,红色绒布墙壁和长沙发有种温暖又慵懒的惬意,户外区域更是晚餐 时众多人的首选。前菜方面,大厨给我们推荐了十分清爽,适合夏日的“御庭龙虾柚 子沙律,MOP188”,他说食材很多都是从世界各地找回来的,柚子的酸涩口感和芒 果搭配就像是港澳人熟悉的“杨枝甘露”,Kent表示那是他儿子最喜欢的饮品,因此 萌生创意做出这一道菜,柚子选用泰国柚,有更饱满的果汁。作为主菜的“烧西班 牙黑毛猪架配千层薯,时令蔬菜配蜜糖黑醋汁,MOP260”是欧洲乡村原汁原味的做 法,份量足够二人享用,千层薯采用白酒一层一层腌制,很多欧洲人来试过都感觉吃 到家乡感觉。说到意大利菜,不得不提Pizza,执着的大厨只要对成品有一点不满意都 会换掉,这边的Pizza和意粉价位介乎于MOP75-148间,也有不少意大利饭选择,丰俭 由人却能享受五星级的质量 。


ocated in the residential area of Taipa, Terrace is not only an Italian restaurant recommended by many gourmets in Macao, but also the “special canteen” for many foreigners here. Chef Kent has worked in many five-star hotels in Macao and has more than 30 years of experience as a chef. With its exquisite decoration, the red velvet wall and the settee in Terrace have brought a comfortable and leisurely atmosphere to this restaurant. To many people, the outdoor areas are the first choice for supper. As for the appetizer, Kent has recommended “Lobster, pomelo, avocado and pine nut salad” (MOP188), which is very refreshing and suitable to eat in the summer. Kent assures us that many of the ingredients were collected from all over the world. The mixture of sour pomelo and mango is just like “chilled mango sago cream with pomelo”, which people of Hong Kong and Macao are familiar with. Kent said that “chilled mango sago cream with pomelo” was his son’s favorite treat, so he was inspired to create a similar dish. The main course, “roasted Spanish Iberico pork rack served with gratin potatoes, seasonal vegetable and balsamic honey sauce” (MOP260), is cooked in the original way of European countryside, and is more than enough for two people.

芝麻菜,莎乐美肠,橄榄薄饼 铺满芝麻菜的Pizza是红酒的最佳伙伴,饼身薄脆香,莎乐美


肠用料上盛,带有浓浓意大利风情。 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路

Arugula, salami and olives Pizza

61-67号曼哈顿地下 A 铺 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Nos.61-67, The Manhattan R/C A, Taipa

Pizza with arugula is the best pair for red wine. The Pizza is thin, crispy and delicious, and the ingredient of salami is superb. One can find strong Italian flavors in this dish. MOP98

+853 2886 8663



五月 2015 |

于丽景湾酒店后面的Maquette(绘)算是大隐隐于市的餐厅代表,从市场管 理学毕业的主廚Maggie看起来像是半路出身的厨人,“但其实我从小就热爱 煮食,之前从事市场和公关工作的时候也一直有做私房菜”,Maggie笑着说。几年 前,Maggie毅然放下工作,飞到法国和意大利学习了半年当地的厨艺技巧, “我不 喜欢硬绷绷的教学,很多时候会跑到欧洲的农村,去一个普通的当地人或者小餐馆 学艺,我始终相信那些才是最地道的饮食精髓。” Maquette的菜式全是创意之作,像是代表法国菜的法式芝士西班牙白毛猪火腿多士 配半熟蛋(Parisian Cheese and Serrano Ham Served on Toast with half-boiled Egg, ,MOP58)就是一道法国人三餐都可以吃的常见出品,但不同的是法国一般用煎 蛋,Maggie则改良成流心的半熟蛋,而火腿也变成了白毛猪,更加有肉质鲜嫩感。 不说不知道,原来Maggie店内还有一道隐藏“拿手菜”:奶茶!她说自己一天不喝 一杯奶茶就会浑身不舒服,所以在欧洲游学期间也测试了各种茶叶和牛奶的搭配, 这杯带着浓浓港澳风味的饮品,是你不可错过的人情味出品呢。

美女厨房“绘” Maquette, authentic I French cuisine

n Maquette, located behind Regency Hotel, you can find a European experience as close to real as it gets, especially if you take a table next to the window. Chef Maggie is the magic hand behind all of it. A Marketing Management graduate and a former PR office lady, “I was a little chef since I was young, and never gave it up; even when I worked a white collar job,” Maggie confessed, smiling. This was why she left her office position to take an exploratory tour of French and Italian cuisine a few years ago. “I was not a fan of classroom lecturing. Mostly I enjoy being an apprentice at small restaurants in the European countryside because that is where you have the freedom to create true delicacies.” Every dish served at Maquette was created by Maggie, such as the Parisian Cheese and Serrano Ham Served on Toast with half-boiled Egg (MOP58). This is a normal item on a French table, but the egg and pork meat have been tweaked from the original recipe. A small change, but a big difference. Milk tea is another star in the restaurant. A huge fan of the drink, Maggie tried almost every pairing of milk and tea in Europe. How could you miss the experience of having a cup of Hong Kong and Macau-style milk tea in a French-style restaurant? 法式传统油封鸭配杂菌、手 打薯蓉、红酒汁、鸭肉汁 经典法国菜,油封鸭需要腌 一晚,再用油低温浸5-6小 时,选取鸭腿也非常考究 Traditional French Duck Confit Served with Mixed Mushrooms, mashed potatoes and finished with a herb infused duck jus and red wine reduction A French classic. The duck is carefully selected before being seasoned overnight and then immersed in oil for 5-6 hours. MOP275

绘 MAQUETTE 氹仔卢廉若马路华达阁地 下D座 7E Estrada Lou Lim Ieok,

法式烤金文毕芝士配新鲜无 花果及焦糖洋葱 Maquette’s Baked Camembert with Fig and Caramelized Onion MOP150

Edif. Wa Tat Kok G/F Room D Taipa ++853 2881 3246 | May 2015



濠味道 Taste

里斯本在地感 Lisboa Flavours 澳

门这个城市发展快 速,但依然可找到 绿草如茵的地方。位于 路环的“里斯本地带餐 厅”是一栋古旧建筑, 周边的建筑同样古色古 香,穿插着几条狭窄的 巷道。晴朗的日子里, 阳光洒满这里的每个角 落,散发出南欧一般温 暖宜人的氛围。店内约 可容纳70名客人,以实 木为主的装饰风格舒适 惬意,地面上铺设葡萄 牙石材,楼上有一个露 台,供食客们享受户外 用餐的乐趣。 餐厅提供令人眼花缭乱 的葡萄牙菜肴,既有响 当当的名菜,也有不为 人知的特色菜品。老板 丶经理和主厨都是葡萄 牙人,确保菜肴的原汁 原味。如果您是首次光 临,不妨从入门级葡菜 开始,比如炒蚬和海鲜 饭。菜谱上有两道海鲜 饭,建议品尝招牌的“ 里斯本地带海鲜饭”则 是店内的招牌之一。具 有澳门特色的非洲鸡也 同样烹饪得别具一格。 如果您是老客人,自然 就可以在各式葡国美味 中尽情地大快朵颐了。




espite the small size of the city, Macau does have some green areas, and sometimes among which you can even dine. This little restaurant located on Coloane is surrounded by aged buildings (as is itself) and narrow alleys. On sunny days, sunlight showers through them. The two-storey architecture makes a perfectly homely restaurant that accommodates about 70 people. It is a cosy place with wooden décor and Portuguese stones on the floor; and upstairs there is a small balcony where diners can enjoy al fresco dining. The“top 3”of the restaurant – the director, the manager, and the chef – are all Portuguese, so authenticity is promised. A collection of Portuguese food – famous and less famous – is served here. If it’s your first visit to the restaurant, try Sautéed Clams, and Seafood Rice. There are two versions of the latter: opt for “Espaço Lisboa Seafood Rice”, which is apparently a signature dish. One of the Macanese choices is African Chicken, which is also done exceptionally. And if you are a returning guest, you have the entire freedom to sample our great food.

五月 2015 |

里斯本地带海鲜饭 Espaço Lisboa Seafood Rice MOP377

里斯本地带餐厅 Espaço Lisboa

蒜蓉炒蚬 Sautéed Clams w/ Garlic & White Wine MOP118

地址 AddRESS 澳门路环市区水鸭街8号 8 Rua das Gaivotas, Coloane, Macau +853 2888 2226


F&B Promotions

“帝影楼” 呈献怀旧经典粤菜 新濠锋帝影楼于即日起至5月17日呈献由香港一代粤 菜宗师、两朝港督御厨邝炳均师傅独创的一系列怀旧 粤菜,包括前港督府名菜“玫瑰花烟熏鸡”以及令邓 小平先生赞不绝口的“京酥鸭”,令不少国家领导人 吃得津津有味。邝炳均巧妙地运用简单食材配搭繁复 的制作过程,为食客带来无与伦比的怀旧风味餐飨体 验。

Ying Presents Traditional Cantonese Cuisine

“葡轩”推出全新餐单 拥有40多年烹调澳葡菜式经验的陈玉光师傅正式加 入“葡轩”,与融会贯通葡式烹饪精髓的葡萄牙籍总 厨马俊杰((Mario Gil))携手推出全新的自选菜谱。光师 傅精心炮制的一系列澳门土生葡菜:光师傅招牌咖喱 蟹及特色非洲鸡等,以及“葡轩”独家出品的“葡式 酸芷烩鸭”;Mario则主打传统葡国菜,例如“香煎鳕 鱼配鲜虾香菜蓉”和“葡式烧海鲈鱼”等。

From April 16 to May 17, Ying at Altira Macau presents a variety of traditional Cantonese cuisines uniquely created by Kwong Bing Kwan, who brings over 50 years of professional culinary experience including a stint as head chef for the former Government House of Hong Kong. During his visit to Ying, Chef Kwong will present the favorite Cantonese dishes of world leaders, such as the signature dish “Smoked Chicken with Rose Petals” and Mr. Deng Xiaoping’s favorite “Crispy Duck Filled with Lotus Seed.”

地址 Location “澳门银河”地下G008及G011 G008 & G011, Galaxy Macau, Cotai Tel.: +853 8883 2221

元起 Traditional Cantonese dishes from MOP48* 推广日期 Available 即日起至5/17 Till May 17 地址 Location 澳门新濠锋酒店11楼帝影楼 Ying, 11F,Altira Macau, Taipa Tel: ++853 2886 8868

Gosto Presents New Menu Gosto at Galaxy Macau introduces an all-new à la carte menu jointly created by its two star chefs. Chef Chan Yok Kong has over 40 years of experience in Macanese cuisine, and Portuguese Chef Mario Gil brings the best of Portuguese cooking skills and ingredients to this exciting new offering. With unique concoctions as well as traditional favorites, the new menu features signature Macanese dishes by Chef Kong. “Chef Kong’s Specialty Curry Crab” and “Macanese-style Roasted African Chicken” have both been reinterpreted with secret recipes. Chef Mario focuses on traditional Portuguese cuisine, offering new dishes such as “Fried Fillet of Atlantic Hake with Prawns and Coriander Açorda”.


碧涛意国渔乡母亲节特色菜单 提供正宗意大利美食的“碧涛意国渔乡”推出特色套 餐以庆祝母亲节,当中美食包括开胃菜白芦笋配新鲜 羊肚菌及柠檬味鹰嘴豆汤配大带子;主菜可从罗西尼 式小牛西冷配鹅肝、松露酱、香葱土豆泥和时令蔬菜 或澳洲鲈鱼柳配菠菜仔、炒蚬、时令蔬菜和藏红花汁 两款中任选其一;甜品则有大黄草莓果酱配香草冰淇 淋和气泡甜酒沙巴翁。

Mother’s Day Menu at Portofino Relaxing décor and authentic Italian cuisine await diners this Mother’s Day at Portofino. It will feature tempting selections such as white asparagus with sautéed fresh morel mushrooms, Soft poached organic Egg and Chervil Vinaigrette; lemon-leaf scented chickpea soup with pan-roasted scallops; a choice of veal sirloin “Rossini” with goose liver medallion, truffle sauce, scallion-olive oil mashed potatoes and spring vegetables, or barramundi fillet on baby spinach, sautéed clams, spring vegetables and saffron sauce; with strawberry and rhubarb compote and vanilla ice cream and moscato zabaglione to finish.

推广日期 Available: 5月10日 May 10 价格 Price: MOP 680* 地址 Location 澳门威尼斯人娱乐场楼层1 楼1039号 Casino Level1, Shop 1039, The Venetian Macao Tel.::+853 8118 9950 *以上价格以澳门币计算并 需加收10%服务费。 *Subject to a 10% service charge. | May 2015



濠味道 Taste

TANG 以茶酿酒 创世之作

THE REVOLUTIONARY NEW LIQUOR Bacardi推出具划时代意义的烈酒新品 TANG——一款完 全萃取自绿茶叶精华酿制的新时代烈酒。 Bacardi unveils its latest innovation – TANG – a revolutionary spirit distilled entirely from green tea leaves.

TANG这一命名的灵感来自于中国古代第一个黄金时 代,盛世唐朝。受制于茶叶本身的成分以及为了弥补 单糖的流失,Bacardi的专家们研发出开创性的蒸馏技 术,成功从茶叶中提取复合糖,并将它们转化为能够 发酵的形式,造出一浓醇芳香的复合物,成为了酿造 TANG的基础。而顶尖的调酒大师们将它们汇聚起来并 按照不同比例精心调配,只保留最馥郁怡人的风味。 最后,再加入绝配的以纯淨闻名于世的法国天然泉 水,经历多道匠心独运的工序之后,饱含茶叶精萃且 散发浓醇茶香的惊世烈酒TANG由此诞生。


he name ‘TANG’ is inspired by the mighty Tang dynasty, China’s first Golden Age of antiquity. Due to the composition of tea leaves and the absence of simple sugar, the experts at Bacardi developed a groundbreaking process that successfully releases complex sugars from tea leaves and transforms them into a fermentable form, resulting in a beautifully aromatic compound that forms the essence of the spirit. This is then concentrated and meticulously blended in different fractions by top master blenders who retain only the most pleasant and intense flavors. The precious liquid is then combined with its ideal complement, nothing more than the finest spring water from France, world renowned for water sources of exceptional purity. The result is a deliciously complex spirit that embodies and expresses the rich flavors of tea.

Tips for U 饮用TANG时,建议纯饮不 加冰,在室温下饮用。当调 制鸡尾酒时,加入TANG, 多重口感将在酒中大放异 彩。建议零售价HKD1,888 ,DFS有售。 TANG is recommended to be consumed neat, at room temperature, without ice. The complex TANG taste profile is equally delightful when mixed in cocktails. TANG will retail from HKD1,888 and it’s available at DFS.



五月 2015 |

“百利迷你瓶” 温暖喝 Mini Baileys in Town 来自爱尔兰的百利甜酒要以全新的迷你身材 再度征服你,百利甜酒最近推出全新迷你包 装——50ml的百利迷你瓶,迷你瓶身除了容 易携带,更可以和其他饮品混合制成一杯暖在 心头的饮品。 Cguide就给你两个简单的方子,让你用迷你瓶 冲出与别不同的休闲风味。迷你瓶目前在大中 华区众多超商和便利店都能买到,非常方便爱 出行的你。 The newly launched Baileys 50ml mini bottle is particularly attractive and convenient to carry around. Here are a few suggestions of DIY warm drinks with Baileys as an ingredient. The mini version is as good for every occasion as the large one. Find it in supermarkets and convenient stores.

百利牛奶 Baileys Milk

百利咖啡 Baileys Coffee

1份百利+2份热牛奶 按照1:2的比例将百利甜酒和热 牛奶充分混合,待百利®甜酒与 牛奶充分融合,啜饮一口,就 着午后暖阳,和姐妹们的畅聊 用这一款热饮来搭配,也是再 好不过。

1份百利+2份咖啡 除了加入热牛奶之外,另外一个 百利甜酒专属的溫暖搭配是以 1:2的比例加入热咖啡。有了咖 啡风味的百利热饮口感更加复 合,香气怡人,适合闺蜜间的下 午茶聚会。

Baileys+Hot Milk = 1:2 Mix Baileys and hot milk in a ratio of 1:2. If you use one mini bottle of Baileys, add 100 ml milk, mix thoroughly, then enjoy a relaxing warm drink for afternoon gatherings.

Baileys+Coffee = 1:2 The recipe is especially nice for afternoon time; just use the same proportion of 1:2 Bailey’s to coffee. The mixed fragrance will be a direct comfort to your heart.

酒精单位 Unit of alcohol: 0.05*17=0.85 | May 2015



濠味道 Taste Alvaro(左)和他的侄子Richardo(右)-资料图片 Alvaro(Left) and his nephew Richardo(Right)

Alvaro Palacios 酒界终身成就奖得主



世纪80年代末,被誉为“西班牙当代最受人瞩目的年轻酿酒 师”美名的Alvaro Palacios在西班牙境内四处旅行,向葡萄酒 酿造厂销售法国木桶。但是他的旅行还有另外一个目的:寻找一个 最佳地点,以实现成为西班牙最伟大葡萄酒酿造品牌的目标。1990 年,他最终决定落脚冷门产区Priorat(皮欧拉产区),随后推出享 誉世界的L’Ermita和Finca Dofi。但是当时他还看中了另外一个地点 Bierzo。那里有他希望的一切条件:位于陡峭山坡上的葡萄园,独一 无二的风土条件,最重要的是,还有举世无双的Mencía(门西亚) 古老紫葡萄园,这种葡萄据说是由中世纪法国清教徒带入西班牙的, 能产生较多单宁,酿造出更高级的红酒。

追逐梦想 Alvaro始终没有放弃用古老的Mencía葡萄能酿造出高品质葡萄酒的 梦想,在Piorat的经验告诉他,尤其是L’Ermita的成功,让他更加确 信Bierzo产区的巨大潜力。与此同时,他的侄子Richardo Perez当时 结束了在波尔多的生态学学业,开始在法国境内旅行,学习一切关于 顶级葡萄酒的知识。他曾在Château Margaux收割葡萄,也曾在其他 波尔多地区的著名品牌中做学徒,比如Moueix(Pétrus, Trotanoy就 产于此)。Richardo经常拜访Alvaro,也同样认为Bierzo非常具有潜 力。1998年,叔侄二人决定成立一家合资公司,开始寻找该地区最 优质的古老葡萄园。 他们的品牌名旨在向Alvaro的父亲、Richado的爷爷致敬。这位给予 他们很多灵感的老人于2000年初去世,他们所酿造的葡萄酒也是送 给逝者的最佳礼物。这次我给大家推荐的Pétalos del Bierzo正是他们 的心血结晶,它来自西班牙加利西亚省边界附近的Castilla y Leon产 区西北部的DO Bierzo酒庄。 28


五月 2015 |


uring the late 1980’s, Alvaro Palacios traversed his native Spain selling French barriques to winemakers. But his journeys had another purpose: to find the best place to achieve his goal of making Spain’s greatest wine. He ultimately decided, in 1990, on Priorat, where he would achieve worldwide fame with “L’Ermita” and “Finca Dofi.” But there had been a close contender: Bierzo. It had all the ingredients that Alvaro wanted; incredibly steep hillside vineyards, distinctive terroirs and, most importantly, ancient vineyards of Mencía - a unique red grape believed to be brought by French pilgrims during the Middle Ages.

In Pursuit of the Dream The idea of making great wine from classic Mencía vines never left Alvaro, and his experience in Priorat - particularly with L’Ermita - convinced him of Bierzo’s enormous potential. Meanwhile, his nephew Ricardo Perez had finished enological studies in Bordeaux and was travelling across France absorbing everything he could about great wines. He worked the harvest at Château Margaux, and did internships at other Bordelais firms like Moueix (Pétrus, Trotanoy, etc.). He also visited Alvaro frequently and came to share a belief in Bierzo’s potential. In 1998, the two decided on a joint venture and set out in search of the region’s finest old vineyards. The winery is dedicated to Alvaro’s father and Ricardo’s grandfather, who passed away in early 2000. The wines are a worthy tribute to the man who inspired them. As part of The Seasons–MUST Training Restaurant wine selection, I am bringing on a monthly wine discovery displayed on our big black board.

Pétalos del Bierzo的葡萄源自Bierzo西部边界位处山 坡和山顶的古老葡萄园。这款葡萄酒并非瞬间令人倾 心之作,但却会用该酒庄独一无二的精致和低调征服 你。 这款2012年份产的葡萄酒,酒体为深宝石红色,气息 以深色浆果和黑醋栗为主,辅以甘草、大茴香、紫罗 兰,夹着淡淡的烟草和性感的橡木气味,是一款非常 优雅的葡萄酒,柔和深色浆果和热情的樱桃气息,与 橡木和干脆的酸度完美整合。矿物质味道与悠长而雅 致的单宁收结相融合。它复杂而富有深度,绝非为炫 耀而生。

This month’s selection is the 2012 Pétalos, from the DO Bierzo in the Northwest of Castilla y Leon, near the border of Galicia, Spain. Pétalos del Bierzo is assembled from old hillside and hilltop vines from across Bierzo’s western edge. The wine is vinified for immediate appeal, but it retains the estate’s signature finesse and restraint. The 2012 vintage show a dark ruby color, black cherry & blackcurrant fruits complemented by some licorice, anise, and blue violets. Light smoky, sexy oak spices, very elegant wine, soft dark berry and zesty cherry fruits, well-integrated oak and firm acidity. Mineral notes carry through a long, gently tannic finish. This wine is not showy, but has complexity and depth.

About Mathieu Gaignon 澳门科技大学季节餐厅饮 品部总监 葡萄酒文化协会副总监

超过15年经验在世界 顶级高级餐厅任职头号 侍酒师或餐厅经理,包 括三星米其林餐厅“天 巢”和Gordon Ramsay 在伦敦的三星餐厅 Hospital Road等等。 Beverage Director, The Seasons–MUST Deputy Director, Wine Culture Association

Mathieu has over fifteen years of experience as Head Sommelier / Restaurant Manager at some of the world’s most famous restaurants, including the 3-Michelin-Star “Joël Robuchon au Dôme” in Macau and Gordon Ramsay’s 3-Michelin Star restaurant “Hospital Road” in London. | May 2015



濠味道 taste

中餐 Chinese

乐轩华 LE CHINOIS 澳门十六浦索菲特酒店18楼 18/F, Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16 11:30-15:00; 17:30-22:00 8861 1001 $$

观海轩中餐厅 KWUN HOI HEEN CHINESE RESTAURANT 金路环度假酒店 3/F, Grand Coloane Beach Resort Macau, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane Mon-Fri, 11:00-15:00,18:30 -23:00 Sat-Sun, 9:30-17:30,18:30-23:00 8899 1320 $$$

8餐厅 THE EIGHT 南湾葡京路葡京酒店二楼 2/F, East Wing, Grand Lisboa, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30; Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

利苑酒家 LEI GARDEN RESTAURANT 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心2130 Shop 2130, Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Taipa, Macau Lunch: 11:30-15:00 Dinner: 18:00-23:30 $$$

满堂彩 BEIJING KITCHEN 路氹连公路新濠天地澳门君悦酒 店一楼 1/F, Grand Hyatt Macau, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:30-00:00 8868 1930 $$



路氹金光大道金沙城中心底层 Level 1, Sands COTAI Central, Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920 $$$

澳门(皇朝)友谊大马路星际酒 店6楼 Level 6, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00-15:00, 17:00-23:00 8290 8638 $$ 



澳门新口岸填海区星际酒店2楼 Level 2, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8290 8628 $$

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店二楼 2/F Grand Lapa Macau, Av. Amizade, Macau 8793 3821 $$



永利澳门酒店,澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Sat & Sun 11:30-14:30 ; Tue-Sun 18:00-22:30, Closed on Mon 8986 3663 $$

葡京潮州酒楼 LISBOA CHIU CHOW 澳门葡京路葡京酒店旧翼四楼 3/F East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 10:00-23:00 2871 2549 $$

南湖明月 LUA AZUL 澳门旅游塔前地旅游塔会展娱乐中 心三楼 3/F, Macau Tower, Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:30-22:00 Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 10:00- 15:00; 18:30-22:00 8988 8700 $$

金殿堂 IMPERIAL COURT 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 Sat/Sun 10:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 8802 2361 $$$$

誉珑轩 JADE DRAGON 新濠天地新濠大道二楼 The Boulevard Level 2, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 8868 2822 $$$


五月 2015 |

南湾葡京路新葡京酒店二楼 2/F, Grand Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30 Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

自助餐/美食广场 Buffet & Food court

澳门威尼斯人3楼2130号 Shop 2130, 3F,Shoppes at Venetian 11:30-15:30,18:00-23:00(周日至六, Sun to Sat) 2882 8689 $$$ 

葡京日丽 PORTAS DO SOL 澳门南湾葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东 翼 2楼 2/F, East Wing, Lisboa Hotel, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 11:30 - 14:30, 18:30 - 22:30 8803 3100 $$ 

永利轩 WING LEI 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-15:00; Sun and Public Holiday 10:30-15:30 18:00-23:00 8986 3663 $$$$ 

紫逸轩 ZI YAT HEEN 路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店大堂 1/F, Four Season Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00-23:00 2881 8888 $$$$

喜迎楼 TREASURE PALACE 路氹连贯公路新濠天地新濠大道一楼 Level 1, Crown Tower, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-23:00 8868 6661 $$$

$ Less than MOP150/person 多于澳门元150/人 $$ MOP150-300/person澳门元150-300/人 $$$ MOP300-500/person 澳门元300-500/人 $$$$ Above MOP500/person 澳门元500以上/人 Romantic 情侣约会 Family Friendly家庭聚餐 Cash Only 只收现金



盛事餐厅 ROSSIO 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 07:00-11:00,12:00-23:00 Sun 07:00-10:30,11:30-23:00 8802 2372 $$

苏濠 SOHO 新濠天地二楼 2/F, City of Dreams Macau 11:00-02:00 (+853) 8868 6688 $$

奥旋自助餐 CRAND ORBIT 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中 心底层 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, Sands Cotai Central, Level 1, COTAI 10:00-23:00 8113 8910 $$

渢竹自助餐 BAMBU 澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1033 Shop 1033 (Next to Starbucks off the gaming floor), Venetian Macao Sun-Thurs 10:00-23:00, Fri-Sat 10:00-00:00 8118 9990 $$


泓日本料理 MIZUMI

路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Macau, Cotai Strip, Taipa, Macau Brunch: 12:00-15:00 (Sun Only) Lunch: Mon-Sat 12:00-14:30 Dinner: 18:00-22:00 2881 8888 $$ ,

澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利澳 门酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau
 17:30 - 23:30
 (周二休息) 8986 3663 $$$,)


群芳 FESTIVA 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城1楼G19 G19, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel Macau 07:00-22:00 28880888 $$$

银河亚洲美食坊 TASTE OF ASIA 路氹澳门银河综合度假城购物大道 东地下G43 G43, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Macau, Estradada Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 10:00-00:00 8883 2221 $

威尼斯人美食广场 VENETIAN FOOD COURT 路氹澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购 物广场3楼 3/F, Food Court of the Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macao 2882 8500 $,

印度菜 Indian 阿露娜印度咖喱咖啡屋 ARUNA’S INDIAN CURRY & CAFE HOUSE 澳门友谊大马路779号中裕大厦第二 座地下O铺 G/F, Store O, Block 2, Building Chong Yu,No.779, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 11:30 - 23:00
 2870 1850 $,

印度园林餐厅 INDIAN GARDEN 氹仔花城区成都街濠景花园第27座 地 下18号铺 G/F,Shop 18, Block 27, Nova Taipa Garden,Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 12:00 -14:30,18:00 - 22:30 2883 7088 $,

皇雀印度餐厅 Golden Peacock 路氹城金光大道望德圣母湾大马路澳 门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1037号 Shop1037, Level 1,The Venetian Macau Resort , Cotai Strip 11:00-23:00 8118 9696 $$$

日本菜 Japanese 天政 TENMASA 澳门氹仔广东路澳门新濠锋酒店 11楼 11F, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 11:30 – 23:30 8803 6611 $$,

山里日本餐厅 YAMAZATO 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大 仓酒店28楼 28F, Hotel Okura, Galaxy Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30(周一休息) 8883 5127 $$$

贵族炉端烧 MAJESTIC ROBATAYAKI 澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒 店地下 G/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, No.288, Avenida Comercial de Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:30 8986 7609 $$,)

澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 2/F, East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, No.24,Avenida de Lisboa, Macau
 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 8803 3677 $$)

橘子新派日本料理 YUZU CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE CUISINE & BAR 澳门氹仔至尊花城成都街地下J铺 G/F, Shop J, Supreme Flower City, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 18:00 – 23:00 2883 8517 $$,

澳葡菜 Macanese 海湾咖啡屋 CAFE LITORAL 氹仔旧城区地堡街第四座伟展阁 53-57 号地下 G/F, Block 4 ,Wai Chin Kok, No.5357,Rua do Regedor, Taipa 12:30 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:00 2882 5255 $$,

佛笑楼 FAT SIU LAU 澳门福隆新街64号 No. 64,Rua da Felicidade, Macau 12:30 - 22:30 
2857 3580 $$,

木偶葡国餐厅 COZINHA PINOCCHIO 氹仔旧城区消防局前地38号 No.38, Largo dos Bombeiros, Vila de Taipa 11:00 - 23:00
 2882 7328 $,)

火锅 Hot Pot 鲜 XIN 澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店1楼 Level 1 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central 11:30-15:00,18:00-23:00 8113 1200 $$$

香港金牌海鲜火锅 HONG KONG GOLD MEDAL SEAFOOD HOT POT “澳门银河”综合度假城M楼M01 M01, M/F, Galaxy Macau 11:00-14:30,17:00-02:30 8883 2266/8883 2267 $$$$

金悦轩海鲜火锅酒家 JINYUEXUAN SEAFOOD & HOTPOT RESTAURANT 澳门宋玉生广场699号至707A富泽 园大厦AR/C R/C,Flat A-D, Edificio Fu Chat Yuen, 699-707 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao, Macau 11:00-15:00,17:00-01:00 2828 2862 $$$$ | May 2015



濠味道 Taste 大堂街八号葡国餐厅 RESTAURANTE ESCADA


澳门新马路大堂街8号 No.8, Rua da Sé, Macau 12:00 – 15:00 ,18:00 - 22:00
 2896 6900 $$,

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Macau, No. 986-1110, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30(周一 休息) 8793 4818 $$,

澳门新马路水坑尾264号地下 G/F, No.264, Rua do Campo, Macau 11:45-22:00 
2835 5460 $$

雅憩花园餐厅 NGA TIM CAFé 路环市区计单奴街8号 No.8, Rua Caetano, Coloane Village, Coloane 12:00 – 01:00 2888 2086 $

熊猫葡国餐厅 PANDA PORTUGUESE RESTAURANT 氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 No.4-8, Rua Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 11:00 - 23:00
 2882 7338 $$

沙利文餐厅 SOLMAR RESTAURANT 澳门南湾大马路512号 No. 512, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 11:00 - 22:30 2888 1881 ) $$

CAFé SIAM 路氹城澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店大运 河购物中心2412号铺 Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30 2882 8469 $$


氹仔旧城区地堡街85-87号O, P座地下 G/F, Block O & P, No.85-87, R. do Regedor, Vila de Taipa 12:00 - 15:00
, 18:00 – 23:00 2882 7200 $,



水晶廊 CRYSTAL LOUNGE & DELI 澳门葡京路2-4号新葡京酒店u1红 金上层 U1/F, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon to Sun; 00:00 – 00:00 (+853) 8803 7711 $

SINGLE ORIGIN POUR OVER AND ESPRESSO BAR 澳门荷兰园二马路19号通发大厦 地下 No.19, Rua de Abreu Nunes, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 20:00 / Sun; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6698 7475 $

氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦 花园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 19:00 (+853) 2882 5201 $

尚坊 SAFFRON 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城悦榕庄 地下大堂 G/F Banyan Tree Macau, Galaxy Macau, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Cotai 07:00 - 23:00
 8883 6061 $$,

笃笃泰国美食 TUK TUK 氹仔马场广东大马路鸿业大厦地下 J-K 铺 Shop J-K, G/F, Edificio Hung Ip, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 0999 $

咖啡室 Cafés 赤坂 AKASAKA CAFÉ

泰国菜 Thai

澳门会展娱乐中心和澳门旅游塔地 面一层 G/F, Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center, Macau Tower, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:00 - 22:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00 – 22:00 (+853) 2838 9118 $


内港餐厅 O PORTO INTERIOR 澳门下环河边新街259号B地下 G/F, B, No.259, Rua do Almirante Sergio, Macau 11:30 – 22:00 2896 7770 $$

澳门美丽街29号C地下 G/F 29 C Rua Formosa, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6677 9985 $

澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)巴黎街117号 大丰广场第2座地下Q铺 Shop Q, Tai Fung Block 2, Rua De Paris 117, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2878 6378 $$

水帘 CASCADES 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城地下G03 及G05号 G/F, G03&G05, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 10:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$

五月 2015 |

金丽华饼店 THE CAKE SHOP AT GRAND LAPA Photo: Diana Lau




澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号 金丽华酒店2楼 2/F, Grand Lapa, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 20:30 (+853) 8793 3810 $$

THE SEASON COFFEE CORNER 卡夫卡 KAFKA 氹仔布拉格街152号地下 152, Rua de Braga, Taipa Tue to Sun; 13:30 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 0086 $


澳门科技大学图书馆内 G/F Block N, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa Mon to Fri; 08:30 – 17:00 (+853) 8897 1888 $


澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau Lobby, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 10:00 - 01:00 8868 1131 $

澳门新马路巴素打尔古街十六浦索菲 特酒店大堂 1/F, Hotel Lobby, Sofitel Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8861 7213 $


法国菜 French

路环市区挞沙街1号地下 No.1 Rua Do Tassara, Coloane Village, Coloane Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2888 2534 $

MGM PÂTISSERIE 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM MACAU Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 09:00 – 21:00 (+853) 8802 2324 $$

宝雅座法国餐厅 AUX BEAUX ARTS 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Grande Praça, MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tue to Fri; 14:00-00:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00-00:00 (+853) 8802 2319 $$

法厨天地 Jack’s Kitchen 澳门新桥镜湖马路5号 No.5, Estrada do Repouso,Macau 12:00-14:30,15:00-18:00 (周一至周六Mon-Sat) 2835 8089 $$

海风餐厅 MISTRAL 新马路内港巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦 索菲特酒店六楼 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:30 (+853) 8861 7210 $$

PRIVÉ 巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦索菲特 大酒店 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Wed to Sun; 18:00 -22:00 (+853) 8861 0016 $$$$

BarCelona Tapas & Rice


澳门慕拉士街16号富大工业大厦地 下B座 No. 16, Rua de Venceslau de Morais,Macau 17:00-02:00(周一及三至 五,Mon,Wen-Fri); 12:00-02:00(周六及日Sat & Sun) (+853) 2872 1084 $$

路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下g21号铺 G21, G/F, East Promenande, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$

葡国菜 Portuguese 葡国美食天地 A PETISQUEIRA 氹仔旧城区生央街15C-D号 Rua de São Joao, vila da Taipa, Taipa Tue to Sun; 12:30-14:30, 18:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5354 $$

安东尼奥餐厅 ANTóNIO 氹仔旧城区木铎街7号 Rua dos Clerigos No. 7, Old Taipa Village,Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 (+853) 2899 9998 $$

百姓餐厅 BANZA

天巢法国餐厅 ROBUCHON AU DOME 澳门新葡京酒店43楼 Avenida de Lisboa, grand Lisboa Hotel, 43/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 -22:30 (+853) 8803 7878 $$$$

御膳房 THE TASTING ROOM 路氹连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒 店三楼 3/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8868 6681 $$$$

西班牙菜 Spanish 塔巴斯西班牙小馆 CASA DE TAPAS 氹仔木铎街9号 Rua dos Clerigos, 9, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 $$$

氹仔旧城区广东大马路154号A-B号 南新花园第5座地下g-H座 Avenida de Kwung Tung, 154, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:30 23:00 (+853) 2882 1519 $$

澳门陆军俱乐部 CLUBE MILITAR 新口岸南湾街975号 Avenida da Praia grande, 975, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:30 - 15:00, 19:0022:30 (+853) 2871 4000 $$$

澳门旅游学院教学餐厅 EDUCATIONAL RESTAURANT I.F.T 望厦炮台斜坡 Colina de Mong-Ha, Mong Ha, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8598 3077 $$

法兰度餐厅 FERNANDO’S 路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac Sa Beach, 9, Coloane Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 21:30 (+853) 2888 2264

葡国餐厅 GUINCHO A GALERA 葡京路2-4号葡京酒店西座3楼 3/F, Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8803 7676 $$$

花道葡萄牙餐厅 FADO 澳门得胜马路2-4号澳门皇都酒店 M/F, Hotel Royal, Estrada da vitoria, 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 6:30 - 22:30 (+853) 2855 2222 $$$

澳门海景正宗葡国餐厅 MIRAMAR 路环黑沙海滩黑沙马路 Hac Sa Beach (near Westin Resort), Coloane Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 21:00 (+853) 2888 2623 $$

Le Cesar 澳门氹仔濠景花园第23座地下 Edf. Nova Taipa Garden, Blc 23, Loja 9, Taipa 09:00 - 23:30 (周一至日,Mon to Sun) (+853) 2884 3061 $$

意大利菜 Italian 经典意大利餐厅 ANTICA TRATTORIA 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)伦斯泰特大 马 路40,42及46号帝景苑 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, 40, Edf. vista Magnifica Court, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:30 (+853) 2875 5102 $$

帝雅廷意大利餐厅 RISTORANTE IL TEATRO 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Tue to Sun; 17:30 – 23:30 (+853) 8986 3648 $$$

我的意大利厨房 LA CUCINA ITALIANA 氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村伟 兴阁地下AD-AF铺 G/F, Wai Heng Kok, Rua do Pai Kok, 6-12, Chun Fok village, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 7818 $$

当奥丰素 1890 DON ALFONSO 1890 澳门新葡京铂金层(3楼) 3/F, Grand Lisboa, Macau 12:00-14:30,18:30-22:30 8803 7722 $$$$

山度士葡式餐厅 O SANTOS 氹仔旧城区官也街二十号 Rua de Cunha, 20, vila da Taipa, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5594 $$

海湾餐厅 RESTAURANTE LITORAL 下环河边新街261A地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261, São Lourenço, A, g/F, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 (+853) 2896 7878 $$

庭园意大利餐厅 TERRAZZA ITALIAN DINING 路氹城澳门银河]综合渡假城银河酒 店 2楼201号铺 2/F, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 18:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$

澳金玛葡国餐厅 Ao Grama 氹仔旧城区英布拉街138号太子花城 第二座M铺 Shop M,Prince Flower City Block 2,Rua de Coimbra n°138,Taipa, Macau +853 2883 9838 | May 2015




养生首选 天赏良药 Macy Pharm for your wellb-eing 资料由客户提供 Photos by Macy Pharm



五月 2015 |

“天赏良药”(Macy Pharm)创立于2001年, 以“呈送吉祥、护佑安康”为企业的宗旨, 一直向客人提供不同类型的养生保健食品以 及知识。“天赏良药”作为扎根于澳门的 本地企业,主要代理环球中西成药、健康产 品、参茸海味等。旗下品牌有“健华药行” 及“万泰药房”两大旗舰店及全新的“赏念健 康坊”概念店,开业至今一直是中国内地、 香港、澳门及各界人士的口碑养生品牌之 选。

Since its foundation in 2001, the local pharmacy is aimed to safeguard the wellbeing of every customer by offering varieties of health care products and related knowledge. The two brands of Man Tai Pharm and HKW Medicine Shop and brand-new concept store are selling western drugs, traditional Chinese medicines and health food. It has been the first choice with widespread reputation in the mainland, HK and Macau.


Source of Health

Shop 890,Opera Street, (2637)The Venetian

“天赏良药”之所以能成为养生保健的代名 词,除了有质量上佳的产品以外,更重要的是 其品牌下有一个具有多年医学知识及经验丰富 的服务团队。服务团队成员分别获得中国、香 港、澳门及国外政府的药用专业人员资格认 可,而且定期考核每个团队成员的医药知识及 药用经验的交流,每月也会为成员作最新的医 药知识培训,所以无论在中药或西药方面,他 们都可以提供专业的养生及医药治疗建议。在 积累悠久中西药经验后,“天赏良药”更发展 出自身的一套用药方法,为顾客提供最佳、最 健康及最专业的优质药品。

Macy Pharm a good resource to get information of health product or Chinese and Western medicines by its expert team comprising pharmacists, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine and dietitians certified in Macau, Hong Kong, the Mainland and western countries. To make sure customers are provided the most accurate and professional information, the group reviews the knowledge level of each member regularly and their capacity of communication with customers for any necessary training.

万泰药房 Man Tai Pharmacy

健华药行 HKW Medicine Shop 营业时间 Opening 09:00-23:00 (周日—周四Sun-Thur), 09:00-00:00 (周五—周六Fri & Sat) 地址 Address 澳门威尼斯人大运河购物中心歌剧街890号

营业时间 Opening: 10:00—23:00 地址 Address 澳门新濠天地商场1楼1313铺 Shop 1313, City of Dreams, Macao 赏念健康坊概念店

赏念健康坊 H Concept 营业时间 Opening: 09:00—23:00 地址 Address 澳门氹仔金沙城中心商场二层·2116号铺 Shop 2116,Shoppes Cotai Central, Macao | May 2015




“天赏良药”环球首选产品推介 The most recommended global products of Macy Pharm

1 天·煜——野山稀有人参皂苷群 Immortality

Rare Ginsenosides 人参早于古代医药学书籍《神农本草经》中 就被列为上品,有大补元气、宁身益智、益 气生津、补虚扶正、延年益寿之功效, 而如 今通过独家的自主知识产权的专利技术分离 50年以上野山人参的植物干细胞,除了滋补 强身外,在防肿瘤、抗衰老、抗心律失常、 抑制细胞凋亡等方面也有帮助。 Ginseng was first described as a valuable life-prolonging herb in the first volume of the earliest Chinese pharmacopoeia, the Classic of Herbal Medicine. inseng has its unique use on reinforcing vital energy, tranquilizing mind, promoting mentality, tonifying “qi” to help generate body fluids, and prolonging life. We can now adopt our own patent technology to isolate plant stem cells from wild ginsengs which are over 50 years old. These plant stem cells can tonify and strengthen the body. In addition, they help prevent tumors, fight aging, fight cardiac arrhythmias and inhibit apoptosis of cells.

into Cordyceps Extract Troche which is safe, hygienic and available in sublingual form. Sublingual administration allows Cordyceps Extract Troche, through the oral mucosa, to be dissolved and absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream. Therefore, the active ingredients of troche are 100% used and cordyceps sinensis’s medicinal value is brought into full play in human health.

3 我们不“泄”的追求——勃体素 Power Up

Eurycoma Longifolia and Pumpskin Seed Extract Capsule 选用东南亚原始热带雨林野生植物制剂为原 料,经高科技生物分离技术,使产品浓度更 高,活性更强,为当今最有效的补肾配方。 内含多种活肾因子,全面调补及强化肾脏机 能,达到补肾气、滋肾阴、温肾阳,固本培 元、强精补肾的功能,药性温和有效,安全 可靠,可长期服用,是男士健肾之极品。 Wild plants from the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia are adopted to be the product’s raw materials. This is the most effective formula for tonifying the kidneys today. Through advanced bioseparation technology, the concentration and activity of active ingredients become higher, thereby fully rejuvenating and strengthening the kidneys.

4 女性至宝——红花苜蓿 2


Empire Cordyceps Extract Troche “尊赏虫草·至尊含片”使用超微粉粹技术 打破细胞结构,使细胞内蕴含的精华成份易 于释放和吸收,促使冬虫夏草的功效提升数 倍,达到安全、卫生、直接含服的效果。“ 尊赏虫草·至尊含片”在口腔内迅速崩解, 经粘膜吸收精华,有效成份直接进入血液循 环,达到100%高效利用,充分发挥虫草对 人体的一切药用价值。 Empire established the world’s most rigorous manufacturing methodology, complying with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). Through advanced technology, the structures of cordyceps sinensis’s cells are unlocked. This allows the essences contained in the cells to be more absorbable. Then, cordyceps sinensis is converted




S2 Red Clover 红花苜蓿是一种豆科植物,自然界活性异黄 酮含量最高的天然植物,能调整生理机能, 并缓和雌激素不足引起的许多身体困扰。活 化表皮细胞,提升肌肤弹性,养血益气,改 善荷尔蒙分泌,滋养卵巢,舒缓更年期女性 的各种不适。 Red clover - a species of clover - is one of the richest sources of isoflavones in nature. Isoflavones can regulate physiological functions and alleviate the problems caused by estrogen deficiency. In addition, isoflavones help activate epidermic cells to improve skin elasticity, increase the production of red blood cells, regulate hormones, nourish the ovaries and relieve the discomfort caused by menopause.

五月 2015 |

5 精神的焕发——舒眠肽 Just Sleep

EZF Peptide “舒眠肽”经中外医学专家精心研发的特效 舒眠配方,通过调节神经传递物质平衡激发 神经肽分泌,让亢奋的脑细胞休息,稳定情 绪,松弛神经,帮助恢复睡眠意欲,解决失 眠问题,选用纯天然制剂,药性温和有效, 无副作用,白天也可服用,不会造成白天嗜 睡或打瞌睡。 EZF Peptide was formulated by overseas and China’s medical experts. Through regulating the balance of neurotransmitters, EZF Peptide helps stimulate the release of neuropeptides, which allow excited neurons to rest, stabilize emotions and calm nerves, therefore inducing sleepiness and solve insomnia without causing drowsiness or dozing in the daytime.

6 仙菌圣药——云芝精华 Lac La

Coriolus Versicolor Essence “云芝精华”採用一级药用野生云芝,严格 按照GMP标准,以新研发的低温提取技术制 成,令天然野生云芝的有效成份不被破坏, 是目前市面上纯度最高的药用产品。可明显 提高人体免疫力,调节内分泌,帮助睡眠, 改善肿胀,清热解毒,调节中枢神经,循环 系统,呼吸系统,强化肝脏,平衡白血球数 量等功效。 Lac La’s Coriolus Versicolor Essence - the medicinal product that contains the highest purity of coriolus versicolors in the market - is made of top medicinal wild coriolus versicolors by adopting the newly developed low-temperature extraction technique, which allows the active ingredients of wild coriolus versicolors not to be damaged. The whole manufacturing process is compliant with GMP. Coriolus Versicolor Essence can effectively boost human immunity, regulate the endocrine system, increase sleep quality, improve edema, clear internal heat to detoxify the body, regulate the central nervous system, circulatory system and respiratory system, strengthen the liver and balance the number of white blood cells.






6 | May 2015




手作天地 DIY Your World by Cho



五月 2015 |

自澳门政府大力推动文化创意产业,本地大大小小的文创品 牌尤如雨后春笋般纷纷冒起,为这个小城增添不少创意色 彩。然而创作绝非设计师专利,任何人也可以发挥创意,制 作属于自己的独特作品;一班手作达人今期现身Cguide,与 你一起探索手作世界的缤纷趣味。 Thanks to the local government’s promotional efforts, Macau has witnessed the spread of culture and creativity city-wide. Creation is a not only a privilege for artists, but can be enjoyed by anyone wish to express themselves. Check out the interesting crafting experiences Cguide enjoyed with the following cool stores.


1 卡片套 Card case MOP180

2 散纸包 Coin purse MOP199


3 背囊 Backpack MOP1, 400


皮窦 开业两年的皮窦,由两 位热爱皮具的男士Andrew及Michael于2012 年创办。店铺一如其 名,里面除了售卖各式 自家手制的精美皮具, 也是一个让皮革爱好者 交流聚脚的 ”窦口” (窝);作为澳门本土的 文创品牌,皮窦一直透 过产品及工作坊将“澳 门创作”推广开去,店 主会于每星期开办皮具 製作班,教授银包、卡 片套、手袋等各种皮制 用品,让学员将制成品 带回家或送赠挚爱,并 从中享受制作皮革的乐 趣。

Leathership Workshop Andrew and Michael’s passion for leather goods inspired them to open Leathership in 2012. As the name suggested, it not only sells exquisite handmade leather products, but gathers leather lovers to share ideas and experiences. As a local brand of culture and creativity, Leathership aims to promote the concept of Made-inMacau to a larger audience through quality products and interesting activities, such as weekly seminars to make leather goods such as wallets, card cases, and bags. Participants will bring home their works for personal use or a heart-warming gift. 创办人Andrew(左)与Michael(右)同 为皮革爱好者。 Andrew (L) and Michael(R) are both leather lovers

电话 Tel.: +853 2835 3892 地址 Address: 和隆街23号A地下 Volong 23A r/c A,Macau

濠好玩 ENJOY 1“Little²”的皮革吊饰 上印有励志文字,可制 作成项链吊坠、电话绳 或锁匙扣送给好友。 The leather pendant Little² with inspiring text prints are perfect as necklaces, phone charms, or key rings. MOP120-MOP150 2 “WORDist-文字师” 把粗糙平凡的石头变成 带有鼓励讯息的心灵小 物。 WORDist-changed rugged stones into small items with encouraging messages. MOP80 3 依据当下心情挑选一 张“Something”名信 片,再以塑胶彩涂上喜 爱的颜色,寄给挚爱诉 说感受。 Paint a postcard with something fitting your mood in favorite colors and send to your love. MOP38

创办人Mimi乐于向顾客分享每个品牌背后的故事。 Founder Mimi shares the story behind each brand



P.M & Salon Creative Store 位于草堆街的P.M & Salon Creative Store汇集多名 中、港、澳、台,以及外国设计师的创意作品,可谓 澳门的“创意集中地”;店名“Prism”解作“菱镜” ,创办人Mimi冀望品牌有如菱镜一样,可以成为创作 人士的平台,藉此展现不同风格的文创产品,让创意 发挥得更广且更具色彩;店内又会经常举办各类手作 坊和讲座,激发参加者的创作能力,并在舒适自在的 时光中发掘创作趣味。



五月 2015 |


P.M & Salon Creative Store located at Rua Das Estalagens is a true creativity hub of Macau thanks to work by designers from the Mainland, HK, Macau, and abroad. The P in the name stands for Prism, to reflect the expectation of the founder Mini that the store will grow into a platform for creative minds, like a prism, to demonstrate the shining products of different styles. The regular workshops and seminars hosted here are great opportunities to unleash the creativity in your mind.

电话 Tel.: +853 6371 5152 地址 Address: 草堆街37-A和发大厦地 下A铺 r/c A, 37-A Edifício He Fa Rua Das Estalagens,Macau Facebook: Face Prism Creative Macau

1 小店内放满各式各样 的手作产品及材料供客 人选购。 Dazzling arrays of handmade products and crafting materials 2 Absolute Friends Club 手工书签给人一种自然 舒服的感觉,而且很具 环保气息。 The hand-made bookmarks by Absolute Friends Club are relaxed and natural, a great addition to daily life. 3 各款钮扣同样别具特 色,不容易与人“撞 款”。 Unique buttons are the key to a unique look.

Javier(左)同时创立了Javi’s Style这个文创品牌,与好友兼Absolute Friends Club创办人周亮敏 (Katrina)一同于点点工房内出售自家制的创意产品。 The store sells creative products of Javi’s Style founded by Javier (L) and Absolute Friends Club by Katrina.





Dottie Workshop

电话 Tel.::

任职平面设计师的Javier于去年创立点点工房,主要售 卖Javi’s Style与Absolute Friends Club两个本地品牌 的文创产品,包括饰物、书签、散纸包、名信片等, 又会从不同地方搜罗布料、缎带、钮扣等各式材料供 手作爱好者购买。店内会不定期举办手作坊,让参加 者在手作世界中感受生活味道;而喜爱小孩子的Javier 未来会开办更多儿童手工班,藉着创作培养孩子的创 意与想像力。

Founded by graphic designer Javier last year, the Dottie Workshop features two local brands Javi’s Style and Absolute Friends Club, including accessories, bookmarks, coin purse and postcards. There are also crafting materials such as fabrics, ribbons, buttons and more collected from different sources. The workshops hosted here inspire creativity and imagination for both adults and children.

地址AddRESS: 丛庆三巷2号成庆大厦 地下C

+853 6655 8277

C Edifício Seng Heng, No.2 Travessa Terceira do Pátio do Jardim, Macau Facebook:点点工房 | May 2015



濠好玩 ENJOY 即日起至5月10日 Till May 10

简约时尚 澳门绽放 Simple is the best Yvonne

Anonymous’ works

哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 澳门时尚廊 Macao Fashion Gallery +853 2835 3341

Design by Karus Lei’s Collection



五月 2015 |

澳门时尚廊不遗余力地推广澳门本土原创时装品牌,一直持续到 5月10日的春日期限店再一次把几位新生代时装创作力量带到大 众面前,我们这期就为你带来其中两位设计师的介绍,他们分别 是“Anonymous”和“Design by Karus Lei”。 “Anonymous”顾名思义就是无名氏,由四位设计师组成,LOGO 取材自首字母A 字,也有四人的剪影版本。四位拍档因之前参与 CPTTM的设计课程而认识,于是共同着手创作一系列走简约路线, 且能体现女性低调、活力、坚强而不失温柔的美之服装。采用黑、 白、米黄和灰色为主的衣服适合一种上班族个性女生。最新一季的概 念来源于树叶的剪影,可以做出如光影般的层次效果。 另一个走暗黑晚装路线的“Design by Karus Lei”由从英国学成归来 的Karus创办,本人活泼健谈的Karus说她的原本设计大胆前卫,是 给穿加加小的女生服务的,有很多凸显线条的设计 。她说就如当初 Coco Chanel为女性带来裤装革命一样,希望选择品牌的顾客都有种 冲破传统的劲,成熟而独立,是值得被追随的新女性。 To follow its tradition of promoting original local fashion brands, MFG is introducing a few emerging young fashion talents to the public through Fashion Pop-up Shop which goes through May 10th. You can see original new works such as the following Anonymous and Design by Karus Lei. You can easily recognize the logo: an A outlined with silhouettes of the four designers behind Anonymous. This brand is devoted to integrating simplicity, elegance, vitality, determination and femininity into its designs. The four entrepreneurs who found common ground during a CPTTM design course are looking for the best outfit for professional women, and do so with a color palette of black, white, cream and gray. The latest collection is inspired by the shape of trees to create a layering effect of light and shade. Design by Karus Lei is a brand of evening dresses in a more Gothic style. Karus, the founder who returned to Macau after study in England, is incredibly personable and open minded. She said she started her career by making avant-garde pieces for size zero girls to highlight the sexy bodyshape. Her goal was to be as revolutionary as her idol CoCo Chanel who changed lives and fashion with women’s pants. Women should be more creative, independent and mature when selecting fashion brands, according to her, that is the identity of New Women.

白雪魔法 Snow White Dorothy

俗语说“一白遮三丑”,凡是有一脸白晢肌肤 总是羡煞旁人。夏日将至,面对太阳光悄悄来 袭,除了要把握最后机会美白一番,更要及早 做好防护措施,对抗顽强紫外线! Skin whitening is always an obsession for Asian beauty lovers. Our new products suggestions will help you to prevent the sun from taking away your skin’s beauty and health this summer.

For Her Soo Beauté魔幻活肌亮金精华 Gold Collagen Treatment Essence MOP248/200ml 来自韩国的魔幻活 肌亮金精华,蕴含 81% 高浓度酵母 成分,结合纳米黄 金多肽,保湿、滋 润、美白、紧致、 抗氧化及调节水油 平衡一次搞定,韩 妹肌轻易得手。 This nearmagical product from South Korea uses a high-concentration of yeast, antioxidants, and gold nano-peptides to allow for a comprehensive treatment of your skin, including moisturizing, nourishing, whitening, tightening, and oilmoisture balancing.

SK-II科研极效净斑精华 Whitening Power Spots Specialist MOP830/30ml 点点色斑看起来 像是污垢,尤其 紫外线侵害还会 使“污垢”加 深。集合多种高 效修护及淡斑成 份的净斑精华, 有助调节肌肤水 份与皮脂,活化 肌肤细胞;修复 受损肌肤,抑制 紫外光对肌肤的 伤害,拦截黑色 素入侵。 Dark spots on your skin will be worsened by exposure to UV rays. This essence will weaken the pigments while adjusting the balance between moisture and sebum, strengthening skin cells to avoid being damaged and darkened.

For Him FANCL祛斑净白精华露 Whitening Essence MOP335/18ml

哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 卓悅 Bonjoure 澳门三巴街11-11A号华发大厦地下 G/F, Edf. Va Fah, 11-11A

蕴含维他命C的祛斑 净白精华露能更快、 更高效地淡化赶走黑 色素,同时抑制黑色 素活化,打散色斑, 令肌肤更净白。 All-for-one skin product for men. The VC-contained essence is the best way to fade pigments and nourish cells for an even and healthy skin tone.

R. de São Paulo, Macau +853)2835 8124

SK-II 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号新 八佰伴 G/F, New Yaohan,No. 90, Av. Doutor Mário Soares, Macau +853)2872 7379

FANCL 澳门板樟堂街16号 No. 16, Rua de S. Domingos, Macau +853)2832 2230 | May 2015



澳门买好酒 wineshop

Prime Shop 优质食品店 Prime Shop 黑沙环中街592号寰宇天下地下2座 地下D铺 Central Areia Preta 592, La Cite Block 2, r/c D Macau 2848 1659

年度酒窖 Les Millesimes 宾利酒世界 Banny Wine Cellar 菜园涌北街83-89号地下S Norte Canal Hortas 83-89 r/c S 2822 7530

酒宝巴库斯 Bacchus wine 寰发洋酒有限公司 Remfly Wine and Spirits Ltd 澳门宋玉生广场235-243号中土大厦地下Q,R铺, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção 235 - 243, China Civil Plaza R/C Q,R 2857 5243

肯尼思酒窖 Kenneth Wine Cellar 澳门新口岸宋玉生广场235-287号中 土大厦15楼f座, Alameda Dr Carlos D’Assumpção China Civil Plaza 15° 2875 1628

太平洋酒窖有限公司 Pacific Ocean Wine Mart Company Ltd 马德里街31号地下D Madrid 31 r/c D 2875 0622

福隆新街49号地下 Felicidade 49 r/c 2878 5415

金泉酒庄 Golden Winery 菜园路164号地下IA Hortelãos 164 r/c IA 2842 3399

荣仕廊美酒澳门有限公司 Vins Gallery Limited 澳门商业大马路友邦广场地下02室 Av Comercial Macau Ed AIA Tower r/c apt 02 2888 9881

皇家酒窖 The Royal Wine Cellar 好时行洋酒专门店有限公司 Greattime Wine Pouring House Ltd

马统领街26号地下 Com Mata-Olivª 26 r/c 2871 8989

河边新街94-120号地下B Alm Sérgio 94-120 r/c B 2893 8495

氹仔望德圣母湾大马路澳门威尼斯 人度假村酒店大运河购物中心3楼 Venetian Macao Nuance-Watson 2882 8105

嘉兴酒业 Sociedade de Vinhos Finest Limitada 华大新村第三街海南花园第1座地 下J R.3 Va Tai Hoi Nam Gdn bl 1 r/c J 2848 1710

华大新村第三街13号海南花园1座 地下o铺 Rua 3 Va Tai Hoi Nam Gdn Bl 1 R/C 2843 0917

宋玉生广场112号地下M Alª Dr Carlos d’Assumpção 112 r/c M 2822 0899

巴波沙大马路华大新邨华康楼地下H Av A Tamag Barbª Va Tai San Chun Va Hong Lau r/c H 2843 9809

屈臣氏酒窖 Watson’s Wine Venetian


法国马伯乐集团酒业有限公司 MBL Wine Group Lirnited

润德酒业 Runde Wine & Spirits

氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路139号百利宝 花园百丽阁地下1座 Av Dr. Sun Yat Sen, No.165 Edif, Treasure Garden Pretty Court. Block 1, Ground Floor 2822 1155

888酒庄 Adega 888

骏德酒业(澳门)有限公司 Jointek Fine Wines 罗马街30-38号地下AA Roma 30-38 r/c AA 2875 5746

葡萄酒博物馆 WINE MUSEUM 澳门新口岸高美士街431号 Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes 431, basemant 8798 4188

圣美基街1号C-D地下 S Miguel 1C-D r/c 2835 4585

俊轩酒业 JOIN HIN WINES 关闸马路64号地下C Ist Ferrª Amaral 64 r/c C 2848 7371

慕拉士来来酒窖 ROYAL SUPERMARKET CELLAR 澳门慕拉士大马路181-183号来来 大厦一楼 Av, de Venceslau de Morais No 181-183, Royal Group Building R/C 8791 9488

澳门DFS醇酒及雪茄概念店 DFS VINTAGE CELLAR 澳门四季酒店DFS内 Four Season Resort, Macao DFS 2870 0175



五月 2015 |


澳门壹号广场 ONE CENTRAL MACAU 澳门外港新填海区沙格斯大马路 Avenida de Sagres,Nape Macau 10:30-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2822 9838

永利名店购物区 WYNN ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966

万利名店购物区 ENCORE ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街

金沙广场 Shoppes at Cotai Central 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心 Cotai Sands Central, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8113 9630

澳门T广场四季名店 T GALLERIA MACAU, SHOPPES at FOUR SEASONS 澳门路氹金光大道四季酒店望德 圣母湾大马路 The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2828 2833

DFS BEAUTY WORLD 澳门四季名店1楼1101/18-30店 1101/18-30,Level 1,The Shoppes at Four Seasons,Cotai 10:00-23:00 +853 2828 2833

Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966

威尼斯人购物中心 SHOPPES at VENETIAN 澳门望德圣母湾大马路 澳门威 尼斯人度假村酒店3楼 3F,The Venetian Macao, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Taipa 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8117 7841

澳门T广场新濠天地店 T GALLERIA MACAU, CITY OF DREAMS 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路连接路 环及路氹填海区 Estrada do Istmo,Cotai, Macau 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8590 3000

永盟百货 WINMAN 澳门殷皇子大马路友谊广场地库 Avenida Do Infante D,Henrique 31A-31B, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 82916350

化妆品与个人护理 COSMETICS & SKNICARE 莎莎 SA SA 澳门板樟堂街1E-1F地下 Rua de S. Domingos, No. 1E-1F,R/C, Macau 10:00-23:00 +853 2832 2155

卓悦 BONJOUR 澳门板樟堂街12-14号物业全幢 G/F, 12-14 Rua De S. Domingos, Macau 10:00-22:30 +853 2832 2146

思维美 SWEETMAY 澳门板樟堂街1D号铺 Shop 1D,Rua de S. Domingos,Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2838 9156

日本数码店 JC SHOP PREMIUM @ Macau 澳门威尼斯人大运河购物中心大 运河街877号铺 Shop 877, Grand Canal Street, Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian Macau 10:00-21:30 +853 2882 8987

歌谣KOIO CYBERLAND 澳门伯多禄局长街 (白马行) 银 座广场地下 O~S铺 Shop O-S, Macau Ginza Plaza, Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, Macau 11:00-23:00 +853 2835 5227

丽斯摄影器材行FOTO NICE 澳门南湾大马路616号万胜大厦 地下A Av. dA Praia Grande No.616, Edf. Man Seng,R/C “A”, Macau. 10:00-20:00 +853 2871 5618


电子及家庭电器 AUDIO VISUAL AND ELECTRONIC ACCESSORIES 玛莎百货 MARKS & SPENCER 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心广 场2楼2116B室 Shop 2116B,Level 2,Shoppes at Cotai Central,Sands Cotai Central, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2885 3592

澳门新八佰伴 NEW YAO HAN 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mario Soares no. 90, Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2872 5338

丰泽 FORTRESS 议事亭前地11号信德堡地库


Basement,Shun Tak House,11 Largo Do Senado,Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2832 9958

氹仔官也街11-13号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 11-13, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +853 2882 7458



Shop P, V&W,G/F, Macau Square 10:00-20:30 +853 3871 7428

氹仔官也街31号地下 Rua do Cunha, No. 31, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +2882 7811

来来电器广场 ROYAL ELECTRONICS SQUARE 澳门慕拉士大马路181-183号来 来集团大厦2楼


Avenida de Venceslau de Morais, Edf. Loi Loi Grupo, No. 181-183, 2/F, Macau 11:00-22:00 +853 8791 9432

澳门大三巴街28E号地下 Rua de S. Paulo, No. 28E, R/C, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2836 2122 | May 2015



濠探索 explore

杨超荣 Ricky Yeung

五月澳门的节日多多,最适合喜欢看秀的你, 这次为我们推荐行程的正是星际酒店的礼宾司 Ricky,看看他给你的“游澳门”贴士为何。


The event calendar of Macau in May gets tight because there are events everywhere. See what Ricky Yeung, Chief Concierge at StarWorld Hotel Macau, recommends to us.

Chief Concierge of StarWorld Hotel Macau

你最喜欢哪一道能在澳门吃到的菜色? 我最喜欢葡式海鲜饭,特别是由我们总厨陈继祖(Joe哥)制作的,美 味无穷。 你最推荐哪家澳门餐厅? 当然是我们星际酒店的“风味居”,不论你爱辣与否,都会喜欢这 里。因为这里结合湖南菜的酸辣丶四川菜的麻辣丶以及北方菜的手拉 面丶手包饺子,确是包罗万有。 有什么活动值得五月访澳的旅客参与? 庆祝妈祖诞丶花地玛圣像出游丶佛诞丶舞醉龙丶谭公诞的活动,都是 不容错过的。 你最喜欢澳门的哪一方面? 小小城市,拥有多元化的餐饮和五星级酒店,亦有深远的历史和节庆 丶节目,通通都能结合东西文化。 请用一个词语形容你心中的澳门。 引人入胜。 What is favourite dish that can be sampled in Macau? Portuguese-style Seafood Rice - made very well by StarWorld’s Head Chef Joe Chan - is my favourite dish in Macau. Which restaurant in Macau do you most recommend? Feng Wei Ju, which recreates the essence of Hunan and Sichuan using fresh local ingredient. From the hot and sour of Hunan and the spiciness of Sichuan cuisines, to the delicate hand-made noodles and dumplings, all will enjoy dining at Feng Wei Ju. What are your most recommended activities for visitors coming in May? A-Ma Festival, Procession of Our lady of Fatima, Feast of Buddha, Feast of Drunken Dragon and Tam Kong Festival are highly recommended in May. What of Macau do you like most? A wide variety of restaurants and elegant 5-star hotels, combined with the multi-faceted history and entertainment that blend the Eastern and Western cultures. Please describe Macau using one word. Entertaining

Les Clefs d’Or Macau - International network of Concierges 46


五月 2015 | | May 2015





五月 2015 |

论区行赏(二):漫步路氹 Step Out: Macau II Touring Taipa and Coloane

与繁忙的澳门半岛历史城区相比,离岛路氹的旧城小巷则富有 别样的悠闲韵味。氹仔旧城区内有古老的庙宇、华丽的教堂以 及繁华的手信街等相互辉映,而路环则保留着澳门昔日渔村的 闲适自在,是适合一家老少的澳门悠闲步行路线。 In contrast to the hustling inner city of Macau, Taipa and Coloane are more leisure with a vintage vibe. It is a family-friendly route to cruising among the temples, churches and gift streets in Taipa as well as the legacy of old fishing village long existed in Coloane.

“论区行赏”手机应用程式 “Step Out, Macau” Mobile App | May 2015



濠探索 explore

氹仔嘉模•葡韵风情 “氹仔嘉模•葡韵风情”步行路线从施督宪正街开始, 沿路充满中西特式的建筑,是感受葡式慢调生活的行 走路线。施督宪正街是一条安静的小街道,这里没有 摩天高楼,只有简单的两或三层平房,搭配欧式的路 灯,给人一种闲适的感觉。施督宪正街沿途有多家各 有特色的中式庙宇,包括供奉医灵大帝的氹仔医灵庙 (嘉善堂)、观音堂、天后古庙(天后宫)以及氹仔北帝 庙。其中的北帝庙是氹仔规模较大的庙宇之一,至少 有160年历史。从前的氹仔岛居民以捕鱼为生,因此人 们信奉有治水御火的神力的北帝并建立庙宇。每年农 历三月初三日的北帝诞,一连串神功贺诞庆祝仪式在 庙前举行,吸引市民以及旅客参与。 官也街是区内最热闹的手信街,两旁除了有历史悠久 的食肆餐厅外,近年更进驻了不少新式的手信店、甜 品店、创意纪念品商店等,每天都吸引各地访客慕名 前往。此外,官也街附近有多条有趣又美丽的小巷 子,如连理巷、仙女巷等。而消防局前地每逢周日便 摇身变为以澳门文化创意为题的氹仔市集,设有手工 艺品、饰物、纪念品、衣服等各式摊位,更有音乐表 演、街头魔术等活动增添气氛,喜欢手作小物的游客 可以在此淘宝。沿着官也街尽头的拾级而上,便可到 达曾是氹仔电灯总局、现时为文艺活动中心的嘉模会 堂。从会堂前的斜坡直上即到达浪漫温馨、新人最爱 的结婚拍摄胜地─嘉模圣母堂,教堂外更设有公园、 凉亭供游人休憩。从嘉模圣母堂往氹仔海边马路方向 走你就会发现以五幢葡萄牙特色的建筑组成的龙环葡 韵住宅式博物馆,五幢住宅分别以土生葡人之家、海 岛之家、葡萄牙地区之家、展览馆及迎宾馆主题命 名。从前的博物馆岸边种有一大片候鸟最爱的红树林 湿地,景色开阔,如今湿地附近大型旅游设施林立, 龙环葡韵见证着氹仔岛的城市发展。 想要认识更多路氹的故事?不妨前往以保存路氹历史 文化为主题的路氹历史馆参观。路氹历史馆建于19世 纪后期,前身为海岛市政厅大楼,2006年改建为保存 路氹历史文化的展馆,更展出由澳门主导的考古发掘 遗址以及多件珍贵文物, 呈现往昔路环与氹仔社会民生的环境变迁。



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五月 2015 |

龙环葡韵住宅式博物馆 及 路氹历史馆 开放时间:



Bygone Days of Taipa Village

10:00 - 18:00,17:30

The architectures in Chinese and western styles are the feature of Rua Direita Carlos Eugénio, the starting point of the route. Any tension will disappear when walking along the peaceful narrow street, surrounded by buildings of only two or three floors instead of skyscrapers. Among the historical Chinese temples in the street such as the I Leng Temple, Kun Iam Temple, Tin Hau Temple and the larger-scaled 1 Pak Tai Temple of at least 160 years history worshipping Pak Tai, or the God of the North controlling water and fire. The annual birthday celebration of Pak Tai here is a big event by live performances attracting both locals and tourists. 2 Rua da Cunha is the busiest gift street in the area, known among tourists by its historical restaurants and newly opened shops selling souvenirs, desserts and creative gifts. Some lanes deserve a visit even by its romantic names such as Travessa dos Bem Casados(Lane of Deep Love) and Travessa das Bruxas(Lane of Fairy). Largo dos Bombeiros will be transformed into an outdoor marketplace every Sunday themed by culture and creativity. Other than booths of handicrafts, accessories, souvenirs and clothes, to name a few, there are also live music performance, street magic shows and other interesting activities to enjoy. Stepping up the stair at the end of the Rua da Cunha will access to the Auditório do Carmo, a culture gathering venue used to be the Administration of Electric Light. Walking up the slope in front of the building, you will see the 3 Igreja de Nossa Senhora Do Carmo, a meca for wedding picture shooting. The garden and pavilions outside the church are also perfect rest point. 4 The Taipa- Houses Museum featuring five Portuguese style buildings are just a short walk away from the church toward the coast, namely the Macanese House, House of the Islands, House of the Portugal Regions, Exhibition Gallery and House for Reception. The museum has witnessed the changing landscape of Macau for example the used-tobe mangrove wetland nearby replaced by large-scale tourism facilities. 5 The Museum of Taipa and Coloane History is an informative place to know the area better. The former office of the Municipal Council of Islands built in the late 19th Century was renovated into a museum to track the history of Taipa by archeological discoveries and relics in the area.


停止入场 (逢星期一休息) 学生及团体票-MOP2 (12岁以下及65岁以上免 费入场) 星期日免费参观

建议游览路线 Suggested Route 总时间:约25分钟 Estimated time: Around 25 minutes 1. 氹仔医灵庙(嘉善堂) I Leng Temple in Taipa 2. 氹仔观音堂 Kun Iam Temple in Taipa 3. 路氹历史馆 Museum of Taipa and Coloane History 4. 氹仔天后古庙(天后宫) Tin Hau Temple in Taipa 5. 氹仔北帝庙 Pak Tai Temple in Taipa 6. 官也街 Rua do Cunha 7. 嘉模会堂 Carmo Hall 8. 嘉模圣母堂 Our Lady of Carmo Church 9. 龙环葡韵住宅式博物馆 The Taipa Houses-Museum

周末文艺表演 Weekend Performance 周六SAT 氹仔消防局前地(舞蹈) Largo dos Bombeiros (Street Dance)12:00-12:20 氹仔消防局前地(舞狮) Largo dos Bombeiros (Lion Dance) 14:00-14:20 周日SUN 氹仔嘉模墟 (土风舞) Feira do Carmo (Portuguese Folk Dance) 13:00-13:30 | May 2015



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路环乡情•思古寻幽 路环市区与氹仔的葡韵风情截然不同,这里清幽纯朴,保留着昔日小渔村的恬静, 在绿树成荫的河堤上漫步,一杯香浓的咖啡、一个美味的葡挞,让你的澳门之行增 添无限闲适之感。“路环乡情•思古寻幽”步行路线从串连路环旧市区的重要街道 恩尼斯总统前地开始,这个小小的广场是为了纪念首次到访澳门的葡萄牙总统恩尼 斯而命名。广场内绿树成荫,中间更竖立着一个爱神丘比特雕像,非常浪漫,所以 这里曾吸引不同的电视剧集到此取景。在恩尼斯总统前地周边有多 家风土的特色美 食、鱼产品及小区小店,如闻名的葡式蛋挞和蕃茄薯仔汤米等,是旅客们觅食的最 佳地点之一。 沿着恩尼斯总统前地旁的中街而入,你可以发掘到本地古早味的小杂货店以及充满 特色的小平房,房子前大多种植着美丽的鲜花,是摄影爱好者不能错过的取景场 地。由于路环邻近海边,是渔民聚居的地方,所以你可以在这里找到四家以庇佑渔 民平安为题的庙宇,包括路环观音古庙、路环天后古庙、路环谭公庙以及三圣庙(金 花庙),合称四庙。谭公庙庙内存放了一条约6米长的鲸鱼骨制的龙船,每逢农历新 年,善信纷纷前往祈福及一睹龙骨,寓意 “年头好到年尾”。而每年农历四月初八 是谭公诞,人们于当天举行神功戏及飘色巡游,以及设有盘菜宴招待附近居民,热 闹非常。而三圣庙(金花庙) 则供奉金花娘娘、观音娘娘及华光大师。相传金花娘娘 有送子之神力,同时保佑小孩健康成长,因此吸引善信来参拜。庙内挂有一口具历 史价值的珍贵铜牌古钟,是镇庙之宝。三圣庙位处的船人街上可以看到澳门仅存的 棚屋,以木材及铁皮搭建而成。 除了守护渔民的中式庙宇,宁静的路环海边还有一座有守护海上作业的功能的教堂 ─圣方济各圣堂。圣堂以使用一般教堂较少使用的颜色以及堂内穿着中式服饰的圣 母画像为特色,揉合了中西文化的精髓,同时体现澳门中西文化信仰共融的特色。 而教堂门前有一座纪念碑,以纪念当地1910年战胜海盗一役。教堂的两旁有多家充 满本土特色的餐厅,在宁静的绿荫下品尝澳门风味葡菜及小炒,也是体验澳门的上 佳方式。

Nostalgia in Coloane Different from the Portuguese influence of Taipa, Coloane maintained its fishing village identity. Strolling along the tree-lined river bank, enjoying a cup of coffee and egg tart, your Macau experience will never be so blessed elsewhere. The route starts from Largo do Presidente António Ramalho Eanes, a small plaza named after the first President of Portugal visiting Macau. The sculpture of Cupid underlined the romantic air, making it a favorite background of many TV dramas. Food lovers will find here especially attractive by the surrounding fish product shops, specialty stores and snack bars selling traditional Macau food. The nearby Rua do Meio has more boutiques and groceries in attractive bungalows with flowers blooming in the front stopping many photographers. As fishing is a business of long history in Coloane, it is natural to find four temples here blessing safety of fishers, including Ancient Temple of Kun Iam in Coloane, Ancient Temple of Tin Hau in Coloane, Tam Kung Temple in Coloane and Sam Seng Temple in Coloane. The Dragon Boat made of whale bones at the Tam Kung Temple will be worshiped by followers during Chinese Spring Festival for a good year ahead, while the birthday ceremony of Tam Kung every April 8th of Chinese Lunar Calendar, a large-scale patrol and feast will be held in the temple. Sam Seng Temple is for three gods. A precious copper bell in the temple is of great historical significance. The street is also where you can witness the last patch of wigwams made of wood and iron panels. The Chapel of St. Francis Xavier shows the western aspect of Taipa, but still for blessing fishing activities. The chapel is featured by unusual color seen on Christian architectures and the Virgin Mary in Chinese clothing, an example of Macau’s mixed culture of east and west. There is a monument in the front in memory of a fight against pirates in 1910, while the surrounding restaurants will provide a different way of tasting Macau by its twisted Portuguese dishes under the tree shade. 52


五月 2015 |

建议游览路线 Suggested Route 总时间:约30分钟 Estimated time:Around 30 minutes) 1. 恩尼斯总统前地 Largo do Presidente António Ramalho Eanes 2. 路环观音古庙 Ancient Temple of Kun Iam 3. 路环天后古庙 Ancient Temple of Tin Hau 4. 路环谭公庙 Tam Kung Temple 5. 路环图书馆 Coloane Library 6. 路环圣方济各圣堂 Chapel of St. Francis Xavier 7. 路环三圣庙(金花庙) Sam Seng Temple 8. 路环码头 Coloane Pier | May 2015



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MACAU ON OLD ATlAS 小时 Melao & Eric Fok

家族第三代传人黄永稣先生 入 选 国 际 出 版 界 盛 Mr. Huang Yongsu, the 3rd generation 事“2013意大利波隆那国

际儿童书展”后,澳门年轻画 家霍凯盛(Eric Fok)的插画之路 似乎有着微妙的变化。当年入 选展览的只有两名华人,来自 澳门的霍凯盛占其中一席,他 的钢笔素描作品《乐园》被收 录于插画界宝典《波隆那插画 年鉴》中,为澳争光的同时, 他更希望可以藉自己的作品让 观众反思这个以“赌”闻名于 世的城市 。 E r i c 最为人熟悉的《乐园》系 列作品以澳门旧有地图为题, 远看这些褐黄色的地图作品, 他们就像是来自17世纪的古老 地图,但细看之下你不难发现 当中加入了各种现代澳门的元 素,如新填海土地、美轮美奂 的赌场、挤拥的人群及巴士等,有种以古讽今的意味。“我希望观众 可以透过这些作品来反思澳门繁荣经济下一直存在的矛盾及民生问 题。”Eric如是说。 “我很怀念以前的澳门,我相信很多澳门土生土长的人也是这样想 的。”他的笔下往往讽刺城市发展和密度。“自意大利回来后,我有



五月 2015 |

幸受邀到葡国举办个人展,这是我首个在欧洲的个人展。”踏上葡国 的土地让他倍感熟悉,毕竟澳门曾是葡国的殖民地。从历史古籍中, 他还找到了真实的澳门旧地图,使他对长大生活的澳门有更深的体 会,他形容葡国之行让他获益良多,除了技术上的提升外,还让他开 阔眼界,对未来的发展方向有新的启发。 Eric目前的作品都是以针笔素描为主,一笔一划都是心机活,当谈及 技术难度时,“钢笔素描可能与你平常使用的原子笔感觉相近,又不 必特别添置其他硬件设备,随时想到什么都可以画出来。若必要说难 度的话,可能是耐性吧,技术倒是可以用经验及时间累积的。”在刚 过去的四月,成功完成了最新个人展”踏岸──Eric新作展”,为了 这个展览,他特地创作了全新系列《1513》,并于展览中展出五件 针笔画作品,新作展中的作品不再以古地图形式呈现,他尝试使用古 时候西方贵族出巡图般的横轴形式呈现,而内容上则一如既往地表达 出自己对现在澳门的个人感觉。“我一直在想,500年前的澳门是怎 么样子的呢?如果当时的小贩们提着沉重的货物,那时候并没有巴士 没有的士,他们会是怎样子呢?这些都可以在我新作中展现。”Eric 表示。至于未来,他希望能定期推出新作品,将作品推向极致,同 时,亦希望让更多人认识澳门的文化,把澳门的插画推出国际。 后记:擅于绘制澳门地图的他向笔者透露,他最喜欢的地方是西湾的 半边橙,除了因为那个地方宁静清幽,仍旧保有澳葡时候的南欧风味 外,还使他回忆起幼时的经历,那时候一望无际的海岸线仍深刻地刻 在他的脑海中。有时候,他还会到那里一边感受海风,一边回忆小时 的片段。在与他对谈的过程中,笔者可以从其言语间表达出对澳门的 喜爱,也是因为深爱才使他一直关注这个小城的变化,画出一系列深 刻反映澳门现状的作品,这就是我们常说的爱之深责之切啊!


ric Fok is the pride of Macau as one of only two Chinese nominees for the prestigious Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2013. When discussing his ink pen sketch series Paradises, which was included in the Bologna Annual Illustrators of Children’s Book, he stated that his work was a reflection of Macau, the city known as Oriental Las Vegas. Paradises is an excellent combination of history and modernity by the form of brownish old maps of 1700s and features of modern Macau such as land reclamation, magnificent casinos, crowds, and buses. “I hope audiences could be inspired to rethink the conflicts and livelihood issues underlying the urban prosperity.” Eric said. “I miss the Macau of old days, a common mindset of so many locals, I believe.” which could explained the ironic undertone in his works on topics of urban development and population density. “I was honored to host my first European solo exhibition in Portugal after my Italian trip.” During his stay in Portugal, which colonized Macau for more than a hundred years, Eric Fok found some real old maps of Macau in the historical documents, deepened his understanding of the city of his birth and growth. The visit to Portugal was benefitial in terms of skill, vision and career orientation. Ink pen is currently his major tool of creation, which is a time-consuming

method of painting. “It feels almost the same as a ball-point pen, simple and convenient. Means you can draw anywhere, anytime. As to the difficulty, I will say it requires painstaking patience. Skills, on the other hand, could be improved by experience and time.” To prepare the solo exhibition of Landfall, New Works by Eric Fok recently launched in Macau, he has spent the last four months creating a new series titled 1513, of which five are to be exhibited. Instead of old maps, he drew the new series in the form of classic paintings in the theme of royal progress to express his personal impression of the city. “I’ve been thinking”, Eric said, “what did it look like 500 years ago, the city and those venders with heavy load in the time without buses? As to his future plan, he said new works will be launched regularly aiming for an aesthetics height. Meanwhile, he would use his works as a bridge connecting Macau culture with the outside world. Afterword: Meia Laranja in Sai Van is his favorite place to hang around thanks to its serenity, seclusion and South Europe vibe. He still remembers the beauty of the endless coastline during his childhood. The most relaxed activity he enjoyed was to be absorbed in memory while feeling the sea breeze. I sensed his deep love of Macau which explained his attention to its every change. | May 2015



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叹茶,品文化 Macau Tea Culture House 小时 Melao

国的茶文化博大精深,源远流长,作为开门七件事之一,其地位不可取替。而 澳门是中国17世纪出口茶叶到西方国家的重要茶叶转口贸易港,也是近代中国 茶文化推广至西方世界的最早门户之一,为了展现其重要地位,澳门民政总署特别邀 请了建筑师马若龙设计原为娱园 (卢廉若公园的一部份)的“澳门茶文化馆”,以 葡萄牙风格外观配合中国式的瓦片作屋顶,特显其中西茶文化史交流上的重要角色。 “澳门茶文化馆”作为澳门首座以茶文化为专题的博物馆,向观众有系统地重新展现 中西的茶文化特色,展出大量珍贵的茶文化遗产,如茶诗丶茶联丶茶画丶茶楼丶茶 庄丶茶社丶茶馆丶茶艺以及茶俗等,还有昔日不同茶楼的宣传单张丶报道丶用具, 甚至有模拟场景。当你步上二楼,则发现楼上的布置别有一番滋味,清幽雅静的环 境,配以数副“茶联”,模拟旧式茶庄的摆设让你重温昔日底蕴,让你彷佛回到旧 日的时光 。在另一边,还设有互动游戏,能让观众挑选喜爱的茶具,然后布置属于 自己的茶席,十分有趣。 此外,澳门茶文化馆常定期举办不同形式的展览以及茶文化活动,包括茶艺课程及茶 会活动,邀请茶艺专业培训导师主讲,同时也会示范利用不同茶具的茶艺表演。活动 每次主题均有不同,希望可以向观众推广博大精深的茶文化及提升大众对品茶的鉴赏 能力。该馆还提供免费品饮服务,由驻场茶艺师为参观者冲泡普洱丶铁观音丶龙井供 品尝。品茶,除观外形丶闻香气丶看汤色丶尝茶味及察叶底外,若再配上悦耳悠扬丶 牵动心弦的乐曲,必能提升各种感官的层次。澳门茶文化馆特别邀请两位本地优秀音 乐人李慧芬及叶剑国,从茶文化不同的角度创作四首主题音乐,并于馆内播放。不论 是爱茶还是爱园景的朋友都不妨前往叹一杯茶,感受一下澳门的茶文化。



五月 2015 |


acau played an important role in China’s rich and historical tea culture, serving as a major transit port for tea exports during the 17th century. As such, it was a window through which outsiders could first see the magical leaves. To highlight the significance of Macau in this aspect, the IACM commissioned renowned architect Carlos Alberto dos Santos Marreiros to redesign part of the Yuyuan (the present Lou Lim Ioc Garden) into the Macao Tea Culture House. His design combines strong Portuguese style with Chinese tiled roofs to highlight the unique tea culture in Macau. As the first of its kind in Macau, the tea museum exhibits thoroughly and systematically the rich heritage of tea culture through literature, art, architecture, organizations, traditions, posters, newspapers, sets, and even simulated scenes. The second floor is more elegantly decorated, taking one back to traditional Chinese tea houses. There are also amusing interactive games in which you can select a favorite tea set and your own tea house. To promote tea culture among the public, the museum hosts regular classes, tea ceremony shows, gatherings, exhibitions and other cultural events led by tea experts. There are also free samples of various kinds of teas provided by by the resident tea master. With a cup of refreshing tea in your hand, a view of the exquisite surrounding gardening, and beautiful background music composed by two local musicians celebrating four aspects of tea culture, all your senses are triggered to get the most unforgettable and comprehensive experience of tea.

澳门茶文化馆 Macau Tea Culture House 地址 AddRESS 澳门荷兰园大马路卢廉若 公园 Lou Lim Ioc Garden, Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida, Macao 开放时间 Opening 每日上午9时至晚上7时 9:00-21:00 (星期一休息Close on Mondays) 免费入场 Free Admission | May 2015



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哪里可以买到 Where to buy

Four Cow Farm

Nest Beauty 澳门银河购物商场地下 G030号店 No.G030,Ground Floor, Shopping mall at Galaxy Macau


澳门威尼斯人大运河购物中 心三楼STK31号店

Arrived in Macau

No. SKT31, F3, Grand Cannel Shoppe, Venetian Macau

自澳洲的全天然及人手制造有机婴儿护肤品牌Four Cow Farm正式登陆澳门, Four Cow Farm 所有产品均 产自农场,优质原材料也采购自当地有信誉的供应商。农场罕有地以100%可再生能源进行生产,产品的瓶 罐包装全是100%可回收物料,在制造和测试过程中,没有动物被伤害,Cguide率先给你推荐其中两款适合妈妈 购买的BB护肤品。 Four Cow Farm from Australia has recently launched their organically supplied products in Macau. All containers and packages are 100% recycled, while the production and test procedures jeopardize no animal’s well-being. The baby products in particular deserve a try. 婴儿油 HK$172 / 125ml 混合100% 纯冷压杏核油,夏威夷果油和杏仁油,再 加上有机洋甘菊和迷迭香。 是按摩油优质之选,可舒 缓干燥皮肤。 Baby Oil HK$172 / 125ml Ease skin dryness by 100%; almond oil and macadamia oil have been blended with extracts of organic chamomile and rosemary. A perfect choice of massage oil.



五月 2015 |

金盏花修护霜 HK$198 / 50g 以80%有机金盏花浸泡橄榄油制成的高浓度润肤膏, 含维生素E和有机罗马洋甘菊萃取,具保湿舒缓效果。 适合红肿或湿疹性皮肤,也可用作乳头滋润膏和润唇 膏。 Calendula Remedy HK$198 / 50g An intensive repairing cream with 80% organic calendula soaked in olive oil, with added VE and organic Roman Chamomile extract. For rashes and eczema, or for dryness in nipples or lips.


Junior Hotelier

为了让社会的未来主人翁深入了解大型酒店的运作方 式,澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店推出集学习与趣味于一 身的“酒店小达人”亲子活动 。 Junior Hotelier is a new program introduced by Sheraton Macao, its newest family-oriented initiative that allows kids to learn about operating a hotel while having fun along the way.

即日起至6月28日 Till 28th June

门喜来登的“酒店小达人”活动为4至12岁儿童 提供广泛的实践机会,例如亲身担任餐饮部的 少年酒保或少年厨师、房务部的少年接待员或少年客 房服务员,从中学习酒店不同层面的运作。参与活动 的小朋友更要穿上酒店小达人的专有制服,如配戴厨 师围裙、厨师帽,以及客房服务员围裙等不同工种的 服饰。完成所选择的活动后,每位酒店小达人均会获 颁证书,并为其澳门喜来登酒店小达人护照收集到一 个盖章。完成4个活动并集齐4个盖章的参加者更会获 得印有“我是澳门喜来登酒店小达人”字样的恤衫、 喜来登小熊、梦工场索绳袋,以及动物相架。参加者 更可购买不同活动的精美制服,以作纪念。


he Sheraton Macao Junior Hotelier program will offer children the chance to learn various aspects of the hotel’s operations, taking on food and beverage roles such as Junior Barman or Junior Chef, and positions within the Rooms division such as Junior Agent or Junior Housekeeper. Each Junior Chef, Junior Barman, Junior Agent, or Junior Housekeeper will receive a certificate at the end of his/her selected activity and collect a stamp on his/her Sheraton Macao Hotel Junior Hotelier Passport. Each one of the new Sheraton Macao Junior Hoteliers who completes all four activities will collect all four passport stamps, plus receive an “I am a Sheraton Macao Junior Hotelier” T-shirt; a Sheraton Bear; a DreamWorks bag and animal photo frame. Participants are also welcome to purchase Junior Hotelier uniforms from each activity.

日期及时间 Date & Time 周六餐饮活动-少年酒保 及少年厨师—下午2:45至 下午4:30 周日房务活动—少年客房服 务员及少年宾客接待员-下 午2:45至下午4:30 Food and beverage sessions on Saturdays (starting April 4): Junior Barman & Junior Chef – 2:45 to 4:30 pm Rooms sessions on Sundays (starting April 5): Junior Housekeeper & Junior Guest Agent – 2:45 to 4:30 pm | May 2015



濠探索 explore

五月星座运程 MAY HOROSCOPE William Leung

在投资上有不错的成绩,然而更加需要把精力投入在工作当 中,不要因为收入的增加而忽视了本业。 Expect a nice investment gain, though don’t forget to give your job attention. Remember that investment is only a dessert.

单身的朋友要好好的努力了,这个月我们的机会会大增,不 妨多去一些有文艺气息的活动,可能会有不错的对象在等着我们。 There are more opportunities to meet your special someone, especially if you take part in new activities.

射手座 Sagittarius

金牛座 Taurus 有太多的花费在家人或家居当中,而且都是不太实用的东 西。另外朋友聚会会增多,增加了在财务上的压力。 You will find yourself spending more on your family or home, but mostly on something useless. Reunions with old friends will be another big cost this month.

要好好的对待另一半,不然对方闹脾气的话,会影响到生活 的许多方方面面,所以为了对方,准备一个小旅行散散心吧。 Your partner deserves more attention because they are the key to your wellbeing in many aspects. A short vacation may help.

摩羯座 Capricorn

双子座 Gemini 和伴侣之间的问题愈来愈多,都是不肯放下自尊心来解决问 题,所以最好请对方吃顿好的,在饭局当中好好把事情理清楚。 Stubbornness will result in growing tension between you and your partner. An exquisite dinner will help to settle issues down.

在工作中会和上司有一些冲突,最主要的原因是和同事之间 的关系引发了一连串的问题,所以为了升上爬,有必要和同事搞好关 係。 Conflict with your boss is rising, mostly rooted in your professional relationships. Remedying this will be necessary for any promotion.

水瓶座 Aquarius

巨蟹座 Cancer 要好好修补和家人之间的关系,其实也不是太复杂,好好的 和大家吃顿饭,去看电影,就可以令大家感受我们的用心。 Patching relationships with family is not complicated; a good meal and a movie will show your good heart.

狮子座 Leo 只要坚持下去,一定会受到上司的重用,现在就好努力的时 间,好好的把自己的本领完全的展现在人前吧。 Persistence is the key to winning recognition from your boss. It’s time to work hard and show off your competence.

处女座 Virgo 旅行和学习是当下是主线,月初时最好在假期当中去一些比 较冷门的地方。之后就要好好的进修,保持工作上的竞争力。 Travel and study are the key words this month. Enjoy a relaxing holiday in a place less traveled, then get back to training to be more competitive professionally. 新澳门导航

要注意休息,不要因为工作压力太大而累坏身体。要好好的 护理自己一番,可以尝试一些水疗按摩之类的方式来保养自己。 Work is always second to health. Work hard, but don’t forget to treat yourself well; a spa day may be just what you need to rejuvenate.

天蝎座 Scorpio

白羊座 Aries


天秤座 Libra

五月 2015 |

当我们为了成功不择手段时,就算得到了预期的成果,也没 有满足感可言,所以一定要记得我们初心,才可以好好的走下去。 By any means necessary may be the key to achieving your goal, but it will not guarantee happiness. Staying true to yourself is always the priority.

双鱼座 Pisces 先好好的工作,之后听一些好听的音乐来奖赏自己吧。只有 好好把工作处理好,金钱和另一半都可以垂手可得,不要再想走捷径 了。 Music is the best way to spend leisure time between hard work. Taking short cuts for money and love will not be necessary if your work is done well.

澳门必备 essentials

气候 CLIMATE 澳门全年气候温和,平均气温约为20°C,夏天温度普遍为30°C以 上。 The climate is a fairly warm tropical climate. Annual average temperature is about 20°C (68°F), with temperature rising higher (over 30°C/86°F) in summer.

出入境口岸 BORDER CHECKPOINTS 澳门现时有6个旅客常用出入境口岸,包括关闸、港澳码头、粤通 码头、氹仔码头、莲花口岸、澳门国际机场,开放时间如下: Macau has 6 border checkpoints, namely Border Gate, Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal (Exterior Harbour), Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal, Taipa Ferry Terminal, Cotai Checkpoint, Macau International Airport. The office hours are: 关闸 Border Gate: 7:00-00:00 港澳码头: Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 粤通码头: Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal: 8:00-16:30 氹仔码头: Taipa Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 莲花口岸: Cotai Checkpoint: 9:00-20:00 澳门国际机场: 24 Macau International Airport: 小时 24 Hours

逗留及过境 STAY AND TRANSIT 大多数旅客(欧洲、澳大利亚/新西兰、美国、加拿大、南非)无 需签证逗留30天至90天,其他人一般可逗留30天。持中国往来港 澳通行证并获得签注旅客到澳门旅游最长可逗留7天;持中国护照 过境澳门前往第三国的旅客可逗留5天。 Most travellers (EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa passports holders) can enter and stay in Macau visa-free for 30-90 days with their valid passports. Others can get a 30-day visa on arrival. Mainland residents in possession of a valid EEP bearing a valid exit endorsement can stay for a maximum of 7 days in Macau. The “authorisation to stay” for the first entry of PRC passport holders who transit Macau to other countries will be 5 days.

WiFi任我行 WiFi GO “WiFi任我行” 为澳门市民及旅客提供免费无线宽频互联网接入 服务,贴有该标志的区域都覆盖无线网络。你可以在每天8:00至次 日凌晨1:00连接使用,每次连接限时45分钟,断开后可再次连接。 网络名称为“wifigo”(非加密)和“wifigo-s”(加密),加密网络的 登录名称和密码同为“wifigo”。 Macau SAR Government provides free wireless Internet access – “WiFi GO”. Available daily from 8:00 to 1:00 the following day, users can use a non-encrypted connection (network name “wifigo”) or encrypted connection mode (network name “wifigo-s”, user name and password are wifigo). Each session has 45 minutes’ connection.


澳门半岛Macau Peninsula: MOP 3.20 澳门至氹仔Macau-Taipa: MOP 4.20 澳门至路环Macau-Coloane: MOP 5.00 澳门至黑沙 Macau-Hac Sa: MOP 6.00 澳门至机场 Macau-Airport: MOP 4.20 澳门至氹仔可乘坐Macau-Taipa Bus: 11, 22, 25X, 28A, 30, 33, 34, MT4 到机场可乘坐 To Airport: AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26,36 往返澳门、氹仔和路环Macau-Taipa-Coloane:21A,,25,,26,,26A, ,50,,MT3,和N3

仁伯爵综合医院 S. Januário Hospital 仁伯爵山山顶Estrada do Visconde de Sao Januario, Macau +853 2831 3731 镜湖医院 Kiang Wu Hospital 澳门莲胜街Estrada Coelho do Amaral,Macau +853 2837 1333 科大医院 University Hospital 澳门氹仔伟龙马路澳门科技大学 H 座 Block H, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau +853 2882 1838 24小时药房 24Hour Pharmacy 新口岸药房Farmácia San Hau On 澳门上海街84号广发商业中心地下B铺 Rua de Xangai, No. 84, Centro Comercial Kuong Fat +853 2870 1697


有用电话 Useful Phone Numbers


AVIS 澳门金丽华酒店,停车场 Grand Lapa Hotel Car park, 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau +853 2833 6789

紧急求助电话 Emergency Number: 999 旅游热线 Tourism Assistance Hotline: 2833 3000 电话查询 Directory Enquiries: 181 | May 2015



儿童世界 children’s world 滑草 GRASS-SKIING



澳门科学馆设有大量不同种类的互动 游戏,适合各个年龄层。透过这些游 戏将环境、社会、生态等连接到我们 所处的城市里的信息带给大家。 The Macao Science Center is a huge interactive facility comprised of various sections for learning and fun. Suitable for a variety of ages, it manages to incorporate information about the environment, society, ecology and more, and link many of them to city we live in. 开放时间 Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 (周四休馆 Closed on Thursday) 门票Admission:: 展览中心Exhibition Center-MOP25 地址 Add:RESS: 澳门孙逸仙大马路澳门科学馆 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macao Science Center Tel: (+853)2888 0822

澳门大熊猫馆位于路环石排湾郊野公 园内,馆内设有两个室内活动区和一 个室外活动场,透过玻璃可以看到大 熊猫的可爱模样。 Located in the Seac Pai Van Park, Giant Panda Pavilion comprises two indoor-activity areas and an outdoor yard of the giant pandas. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00, 14:00-17:00 门票 Admission:MOP10 Tel: (+853)2888 0087

内有高达6米的复合攀爬设施,附设 一座垂宜滑梯、两座小型滑梯,一座 V字形绳桥、跨越及攀爬障碍物、之 字形攀爬绳等。 Qube features a six-meter-tall multi-climbing facility with a free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridges, over and underbarriers,zigzag net climbers and more. 开放时间 OpeningHours 10:00-22:00 门票Admission: MOP50起 Price From Mop 50 地址 Add:RESS: 金沙广场2楼2201店铺Shop 2201, Level 2, Shoppes Cotai Central Tel: (+853)8113 8598


耗资20亿港元的大型水上汇演《水 舞间》以特技、舞蹈等表现方法配合 以水为主题,把东方智慧意象发挥得 淋漓尽致。 The HK$2 billion performance “The House of Dancing Water” is a breathtaking water-based show that draws its creative inspiration from the roots of Chinese culture and is destined to be the most extravagant live production ever staged in Asia. 门票 Admission:: HKD580起, Price From Mop 580 地址 Address: :澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau Tel: (+853) 8868 6767


历险Q立方 QUBE



位于路环岛西部的山麓,离路氹公路 不远。这里绿树成荫,是郊游的好 去处。 The Seac Pai Van Park comprises a blend of zoological and botanical attractions, with scenic areas of conserved ecology in which visitors can expand their knowledge of nature. 开放时间Opening Hours: 8:00-18:00 门票 Admission: 免费 Free 地址 AddRESS: 澳门路环石排湾马路 Avenida de Seac Pai Van, Coloane, Macau Tel: (+853) 2833 7676

五月 2015 |

澳门海上游 HARBOuR CRUISE 澳门的海岸线极具吸引力,而内港一 仍可见到旧的楼房和码头,洋溢着日 渔港风情。 The Harbor Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 11:30-21:30 门票 Admission:Mop80-398 地址 Address: 澳门内港岐关十二号码头 Ponte No. 12 (Inner Harbour), Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos Tel: (+853)2893 0012

观光缆车 CABLE CAR 在二龙喉公园入口处有观光缆车直达 东望洋山山顶,你可以一边乘坐缆 车,一边饱览美丽的景色。 The Guia Hill offers spectacular views of the city, harbor and the sunset, with a sing trip taking two to three minutes. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 8:00-18:00 门票 Admission:MOP2-5 地址 AddRESS: 澳门士多鸟拜斯大马路二龙喉公园 Flora Garden,Avenida de Sidónio Pais Tel: (+853)2833 7676

在大潭山郊野公园有个滑草场,带小 朋友去玩个够吧! Parque Natural da Taipa Grandea is a great place to come for BBQs and for views out over Cotai and Macau. Not only that, but try out the Grass-ski slope, enjoy the thrill of the ride. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 14:30 - 17:30 门票Admission:免费Free 地址 AddRESS: 氹仔天文台斜路大潭山郊野公园 Parque Natural da Taipa Grande,Taipa

百步登天及高飞跳 TOWER CLIMB & SKYJUMP 参加百步登天来征服338米高的旅游 塔。高飞跳和空中漫步能看到澳门震 撼的景色。 Conquer the 338-meter tall Macau Tower with the Tower Climb. Try out the hair-raising SkyJump and SkyWalk to get dynamic views of Macau. 时间 Time: 11:00-21:00 空中漫步Sky Walk: MOP 788 百步登天Tower Climb: MOP 1,888 高飞跳Sky Jump: MOP 1,888 地址Address: 澳门旅游塔T2层冒险地带 Level T2,Adventure Zone,Macau Tower,Macau Tel: (+853) 8988 8656

儿童世界 KID’S CAVERN 儿童世界占地约三万五千平方呎,为 澳门最大型的高端儿童综合王国,里 面的商品应有尽有,大型糖果屋、公 主主题饰品区、机动战士高达主题店 中店等,令人目不暇给。 Kid’s Cavern is a 35,000 square foot children’s store in Sands Coati Central in Macau. The candy shop inside has a swirling vortex of shiny translucent lollipops, enormous egg displays feature merchandise in the baby zone, and oversized models circle the ceiling within the toy department. 开放时间Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 地址 Address: 澳门金沙城中心3001-3001号铺 Shop3001-3007,Sands Cotai Central,Taipa Tel: (+853) 2885 3300

水疗 spas 英皇水疗中心 ROYAL THAI SPA

名媛坊 Ladies Beauty

澳门商业大马路288号英皇酒店20楼 20/F,Grand Emperor Hotel,No. 288,Avenida Comercial De Macau (+853)8986 7525

荷兰园大马路81-83A昌成大厦地下 R/C, Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida,81-83A, Edf. Cheung Seng,Macau (+853) 2852 2834


松蓉庄 Pine Beauty Macau 澳门美丽街24B地下 R/C, 24B,Rua Formosa,Macau (+853) 2838 9526

美之天使护肤中心 Angel Beauty 澳门惠爱街87号B地下 R/C,Shop B, No. 37,Rua da Alegria,Macau (+853) 6399 2038

诗迪美容护肤中心 Si Tek Salao De Beleza 澳门高士德大马路柯高园3号A地下 R/C,A, No.3,Avenida de Horta e Costa,Macau (+853) 2855 3054

心悦馨减压美疗中心 Rose Beauty 布鲁塞尔街85号 No. 8,Rua de Bruxelas, NAPE, Macau (+853) 2872 2722

E&W能量站(卓姬美学中心) 澳门南湾大马路665号志豪大厦2楼 2/F, Edf. Great Will,No.665, Avenida da Praia Grande (+853) 2838 9880

茶树水疗 TEA TREE SPA 澳门新口岸北京街82-86号澳门假日 酒店9楼 9/F, Holiday Inn Macau,Rua de Pequim, No. 82-86 (+853) 8790 1930

新濠锋“澄”水疗 ALTIRA SPA 氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8886

菩提水疗 BODHI SPA 澳门康莱德酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Conrad Macau, Level 3,Cotai (+853) 8113 6188

澳门新口岸高美士街230号澳门兰桂 坊酒店2楼 2/F, Hotel Lan Kwai Fong Macau, Rua de Luis Gonzaga Gomes 230,Macau (+853) 2870 2268

心彦坊专业美容 SAM IN FONG PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY 澳门爹利仙拿姑娘街12-C号东方晋 皇台地下C R/C, C,Tong Fong Chon Wong Toi, 12-C,Rua da Madre Terezina (+853) 2855 3313


氹仔成都街371号濠景花园23座紫 荆苑地下 Nova Taipa Garden (Edif. Hou Keng Garden), Blk. 23, RC‐A, Taipa (+853) 2883 3356

Tranquil SPA 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路45号雍景湾 地下A铺 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, No.45, KINGS VILLE RC,Shop A,Taipa (+853) 2883 1288

澳门文华东方酒店3楼 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental,Level 3,Nape,Macau (+853)8805 8588

澳门悦榕 SPA BANYAN TREE SPA 路氹填海区莲花海滨大马路东面记望 德圣母湾大马路南面 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy Macau,Cotai (+853)8883 6633

怡·水疗中心 ISALA SPA 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地君 悦酒店 Estrada do Istmo, city of Dreams, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Cotai 
(+853) 8868 1193

澳门四季酒店水疗中心 FOUR SEASONS SPA 澳门望德圣母湾大马路澳门四季酒 店水疗中心 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI (+853) 8112 8080

永利理疗康体中心 THE SPA AT WYNN 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利酒店 大楼一楼 1/F,Wynn Tower,Wynn Macau Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE,Macau (+853)8986 3228

SO SPA 阿凡达水疗及按摩中心 AVATAR SPA

澳门美副将大马路14号 No. 14,Avenida do Coronel Mesquita (+853)2851 9922


澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 8861 0016

SIX SENSES SPA AT MGM 澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen ,1101,Macau (+853)8820 3333

万利理疗康体中心 THE SPA AT ENCORE 万利酒店大楼一楼,澳门外港填海 区仙德丽街 1/F,Encore at Wynn Macau,Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau (+853)8986 3228

“漾日”水疗中心 Crown Spa 金丽华酒店水疗中心 GRAND LAPA 澳门友谊大马路956-1110号金丽 华酒店 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, Macau (+853) 8793 4824

澳门新葡京水疗中心 LISBOA SPA By CLARINS 澳门葡京路新葡京5楼 5/F Grand Lisboa,Avenida de Lisboa,Macau
 (+853) 8803 7703

LA BELLE 马德里街105号环宇豪庭地下AM Rua de Madrid No. 105, Wan Yu Villa Shop AM, Macau (+853) 2875 2842

悠然自足 Foot Hub 澳门银河东翼广场 LG02 (近UA影院) Galaxy Macau, LG02 of East Square (+853))8883 2488

氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams,Crown, Cotai (+853) 8868 6883

泰福马泷水疗 TAIVEXMALO SPA 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心5楼 Estrada da Ba.a de Nossa Senhora da Esperan.a, Venetian Complex, Grand Canal Shoppes, Level 5,Cotai (+853) 8862 2688

NIRVANA SPA 氹仔海洋广场第一期3楼328铺 Shop 328,3/F, 522-526,Av. Dos Jardins do Oceano,Taipa (+853) 2833 1521

腾水疗中心 ROCK SPA 澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams,Cotai (+853 ) 8868 3318

喜来登炫逸水疗中心 SHINE SPA for SHERATON 澳门氹仔岛路氹金光大道 Estrada do Istmo, Sands CotaiCentral, Sheraton, Cotai (+853) 2880 2000 | May 2015










MACAU centre 澳门市中心 酒店 HOtel

邮局 Post OffiCE

购物 Shopping


餐厅 restaurant

巴士站 bus station

酒吧、俱乐部 Bar, Clubs, Pubs 找换店 Money exchange 博物馆 Museum



五月 2015 |

出租车站 taxi pick-up 世遗之旅 Heritage route 观光 sightseeing















G H I J K L MACAU strip 澳门新填海区 | May 2015



Cotai Strip 路氹金光大道









五月 2015 |







TAIPA village 氹仔旧城区








38 | May 2015





澳門最佳﹣飲茶 Best of Macau

Yum Cha


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