Culture Guide May 2013

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ISSN 2306-6776

Nº4 五月 │ MAY │ 2013

免费 │ FREE



Wine and Dine Festival Come take a sip



Millionaire Merchant

Lou Kau Mansion

澳门美食 本地最美味的葡萄牙菜

Bite of Macau The best Portuguese in Town


进球!!! 儿童足球

Goooooaaall Kid's Football

澳门艺术节 Get in touch with creativity

Macau Arts Festival


EDITORIAL LIST 出版社 Publisher Macau Plus, Ltd 多加澳有限公司


主编 Editor-in-chief Kelsey Wilhelm

Filipe Santos CEO

中文编辑 Chinese Editor 林思思 Cecília Lin

Oscar Marques

编辑团队 Editorial Team Abbi Mitchell-Morley 李美欣 Kitty Lee 欧阳慧君 Vivian Ao Ieong Wai Kuan

查询方式 Editorial Inquiries T (+853) 2851 3513 F (+853) 2851 3311 美术总监 Director of Art Gil Araújo 摄影总监 Director of Photography Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro 市场部 Marketing Manager Marta Vaz Silva 销售经理 Sales Manager 高倩雯 Suki Ao 广告咨询 Advertising Inquiries 高倩雯 Suki Ao

Corporate Address:

澳門羅保博士街1號國際銀行大廈 22樓2201室 Luso International Building, 22nd floor Rua Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 - Macau T (+853) 2851 3513

五月号 May Edition

印刷商 Printed By 印通天下 Print All The World 澳門馬統領街廠商會大廈10樓B、C單位 Rua do Comandante Mata e Oliveira, No.34-36 Edf. A.I.M.10 andar, B,C, Macau 发行量 Circulation 15,000 地址 Newsroom 澳門羅保博士街1號國際銀行大廈 22樓2201室 Rua Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 - Luso International Building, 22nd floor Macau ISSN 2306-6776



五月 │ May ■ 2013

F (+853) 2851 3311

编辑手记 Editor’s Note

五月是一个令人兴奋的月份,带来了一系列新的活动。虽然这个月的天气并不是十分美好,但亦是一 个不错的机会让大家细心地欣赏到暴雨过後的美丽景色。 本期澳门导航一开始将会带大家体会一个每年都深受本地渔民欢迎的独有节日-澳门醉龙节。我们为 大家介绍醉龙节的传统习惯以及其背後的故事:如为何舞者要一边喝着米酒,一边舞动神龙巡游澳 门。 接着,我们会带大家体验澳门文化--澳门艺术节,我们体贴地把艺术节期间所有有关戏剧,音 乐等等精彩的表演活动清楚的列明出来,以方便大家参阅。 在艺术文化方面,我们会大家介绍的是著名的妈祖诞。接着,我们会带大家到澳门首次举办的葡萄酒 美食节,去体验和感受四周充满着威尼斯人嘉年华狂欢的气氛以及精彩的表演节目。大家还可以去我 们本期推荐的-最美味的葡国风情的餐厅里尽情享受美食。然後,不妨去欣赏一些古董名店,当然不 能不去澳门已故百万富翁的故居-卢家大屋里参观一下! 为了洗涤我们的身体和耳朵,我们为大家介绍H a r d R o c k 咖啡室里最近来到澳门的一个葡萄牙乐 队,和大家交流一下80&tal的心得。接着,快点把衣柜里的运动装穿上,跟青少年足球员一齐来一场 充满青春的比赛。本期的最後,当然不忘为大家介绍一下近期的赛事,活动,展览,以及更多更精彩 的表演活动,大家记得千万不能忘记参阅放眼小城这个部份。 今个5月亦是个忙碌的月份,让我们赶快行动吧! May is an exciting month, as with it comes a wealth of new experiences, sights, smells and tastes. Having made it through the worst of Macau’s monsoon season, it’s time to sit back and appreciate the beauty that springs from such torrential natural outbursts. Speaking of torrential outbursts, we start off this edition of Culture Guide with a very unique festival that has taken a strong hold on Macau’s fishing community: the Drunken Dragon Festival. As revellers traipse around the city consuming vast amounts of rice wine, we trail behind and get the story. To clear our heads we head over to the Macau Arts Festival and check out the array of theatre, performance, music and more that’s on display throughout the month. A cultural stop in to see the A-Ma Festival, then we’re off to Macau’s first Wine and Dine Festival, all surrounded by a typical Venetian carnevale atmosphere and performances. Keep eating as we drop through the Best Portuguese in Town, then stop in for some antique shopping, before heading over to the millionaire merchant’s Lou Kau Mansion. To soothe our bodies and our ears, we drop into the Hard Rock Cafe to talk to 80&tal, a Portuguese band recently arrived in town, then check our wardrobe and head out to punt the ball around with the youngsters in youth football. To top everything off, we have our typical rundown of events, activities, expos and more in our City Lights. A busy month as usual, so let’s get to it! 主编Editor-in-Chief Kelsey Wilhelm


五月 │ May ■ 2013

目录 CONTENTS May Edition 五月号


聚焦澳门 Macau Highlights

现场音乐- 80&tal Live Music - 80&tal

澳门艺术节 Macau Arts Festival

猜猜谁会来到城中 Who’s in Town

妈祖诞 A-Ma Festival

精彩表演 Who’s Around

威尼斯人嘉年华 Venetian Carnevale

夜生活指引 Nightlife Guide

今期时尚元素 Trends 设计师访问 Designer Interview

澳门地道菜 Traditional Dish

潮流街拍 Street Styles


购物指南 Shopping Mall 探索古董店之旅 Antique Shopping 本地商户 Local Business


购物指南 Fashion Point

最美味的葡国风情 Best Portuguese in Town

美食好去处 Restaurant Guide



特色美食 Food Court

慢食文化 Slow Food


夜生活蒲点 Nightlife

醉龙节 Drunken Dragon Festival

葡萄酒美食节 Wine and Dine Festival



儿童足球 Football Associations 活动指南 Activities

78 艺术 Arts

住宿指南 Hotel Guide

生活 Live


卢家大屋 Lou Kau Mansion 澳门三天游Macau in 1,2,3 Days

52 快拍 Snapshot

City Lights 放眼小城 旅游学院第一届慈善飞镖大赛 IFT Charity Darts Competition

酒店住宿 Staying

热门旅游景点 Exploring

儿童天地 Kid’s Corner


博览会Events & Expos

My Macau 我的澳门

Old Times 历史回顾

聚焦 澳门 Macau Highlights



Dragon Festival A celebration unlike any other 文 李美欣 By Kitty Lee 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY MGTO

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五月 │ May ■ 2013


澳门醉龙节 Drunken Dragon Festival

门鱼行醉龙节将在5月17日举行,它不 仅是澳门弥足珍贵的非物质文化遗产, 也是鲜鱼行独有的一项民间传统节庆。这是一个 每年都深受本地渔民及鱼商喜爱的活动。喜欢米 酒,舞龙的人千万不要错过! he Feast of the Drunken Dragon holds a place on the list of National Intangible Cultural Heritage as one of the most unique celebrations held in Macau. Taking place on the 17th of May this year, this festival is beloved by local fisherman, fish traders, and anyone who likes rice wine, and dragons-in that order.


醉龙节的起源 Origin of the Drunken Dragon festival 澳门鲜鱼行总会关伟铭理事长告诉了我们源自中 山的醉龙节是怎样来到澳门的。 Culture Guide spoke to Mr. Kwan Vai Meng, the Director of the Macao Fresh Fish and Commercial Association, who told us that the Feast of the Drunken Dragon originated in the city of Zhongshan, in the Guangdong Province. 醉龙节源自很久以前的广东省香山县(现在的中 山)。那时候那边发生了一场瘟疫。村民们求佛 祖协助,在抬着佛像他们回村的路上,一条蟒蛇 突然从森林跳出。村民与蛇战斗,蛇遭乡民砍断 后血染河水。人们喝了河水后便治愈了疾病。之 后,村民们认为蟒蛇是龙的化身,便创造出舞醉 龙来纪念它,这个节庆后来传到了澳门。 In the very distant past, Zhongshan was suffering from a pestilence. The villagers went in search of the Buddha, to “invite” him to the village to assist them in their plight. While returning to the village from their search, a boa snake appeared out from forest and assaulted the villagers. They fought with the snake, in the end killing it. The blood of the boa snake flowed into the river and whenever people drank of the river water, their disease was cured. Afterwards, the villagers believed that the boa snake was the embodiment of the dragon and they created a dance in its honor. The festival has since spread to Macau, where it has been received with open arms.

醉龙节的传统 Traditions of the festival 醉龙节会在每年的农历四月初八日举行,庆祝活 动由四月初起开始,持续两天。四月初七这一 天, 在澳门从事鱼业批发或零售的居民都会聚菜 市场, 像家人一样围绕着圆桌而坐,一起用盛宴 来庆祝醉龙节的开始。 The festival is held every year on the eighth day of the fourth month in the Lunar Calendar,

and consists of two days of festivities. On the day before the feast, people in the fish industry gather in the markets, sit at a round table and celebrate with their family by having a feast. 第二天,澳门鲜鱼行的行友先在三街会馆集合, 把木龙开光点睛祈福。然后便舞动神龙沿街巡 游到澳门不同的菜市场。舞者会一边喝酒一边舞 动,才能真正舞出醉龙的神髓,不够醉的话,他 们会喝更多,但同时他们也要保持清醒直到巡游 结束。

On the second day, dancers will first gather in the Pagoda Sam Cai Vu Cun to have the wooden dragon blessed; then they travel throughout Macau dancing to, and in, different markets. The dancers drink while they dance. If they are not “drunk” enough, the other dancers will make them drink more, sometimes pouring it over their heads or spitting it. However, they all still have to maintain a clear head in order to finish the dance.

2013 ■ May │ 五月


聚焦澳门 Macau Highlights

龙船头长寿饭 Longevity Rice 节日当天的中午还有另一项传统活动,就是在澳 门营地街市及红街市派鲜鱼行的行友准备了一整 个晚上的发龙船头饭长寿饭。大家都认为吃过龙 船头饭会得到好运和身体健康。营地街市的长寿 饭比较传统,材料有烤猪肉,节瓜,猪肉皮,花 生和香菇,而红街市派发的是用煮熟的蔬菜,如 黑木耳,银耳,蘑菇和胡萝卜作材料。 At noon on the second day, people distribute the "Dragon Boat Longevity Rice” at the São Domingos Market and the Red Market. The “Longevity Rice” is prepared over the course of the previous evening and those who eat it are meant to receive good luck and health. At São Domingos the rice is more traditional, with ingredients such as roast pork, hairy cucumber, pork skin, peanuts and mushrooms; while the one from the Red Market contains cooked vegetables such as black fungus, white fungus, mushroom and carrot. 醉龙节是澳门独一无二的活动,让我们告诉你一 些你不知的事实吧: ◢营地街市派发长寿饭并不提供饭盒分布,民众 需要自己准备好饭盒。 ◢醉龙节被列入国家级非物质文化遗产名录,但 不是舞醉龙的舞蹈。而且它被列入在民间艺术的 范畴下。 ◢木龙的大小取决于鹿茸有多大。 ◢醉龙舞只限会传授给男性。 As this festival is unique in Macau there are some facts that you may not know: ◢Containers are not provided for the “Longevity Rice” that is distributed at São Domingos Market. People must bring their own containers. ◢The Feast of Drunken Dragon is inscribed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List, but not the dance. The feast falls under the category of Folk Art. ◢The size of the Wooden Dragon depends on how large the antler is. ◢The Drunken Dragon Dance is only open to male members of the fishing community.

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五月 │ May ■ 2013


The Macau Arts


文 By Abbi Mitchell-Morley

快来寻找你的艺术气质吧 Come get your art on 五月对澳门来说是一个充满艺术的月份!也是澳 门展示其本地创意及实力的最佳时机:让澳门艺 术节带给你别样的体验! It time to get creative as the month of May brings with it Macau’s most diverse celebration of creativity and prowess: The Macau Arts Festival! 由澳门文化局主办的澳门艺术节,今年已踏进了 第24个年头,于五月三日开幕。今年澳门艺术 节一共有超过三十多项精彩的节目,全都是澳门 本地以及十多个国际地区的艺术家的心血结晶。 更有来自中国,葡萄牙,比利时,越南,美国和 荷兰等的艺术家专程到澳门庆祝这个盛大的艺术 节! Organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau (ICM), this will be the 24th installment of the festival. Opening on the 3rd of May, the Macau Arts Festival promises to deliver more than 30 astounding performances by a selection of local Macanese and international artists. Artists from: China, Portugal, Belgium, Vietnam, America and the Netherlands will all be coming to the SAR to celebrate the festival.

由来 History 第一届澳门艺术节早于1989年就开始了,此 后每一年都会举行这个活动来宣扬它所秉持的宗 旨-“推动本地艺术发展,传播世界优秀作品, 弘扬中华民族文化”。 First established in 1989 The Macau Arts Festival is an annual event that, according to their mission, was set up “to stimulate development in the local arts scene, promote outstanding works of art from around the world and propagate Chinese culture”. 文化局的代表Kerria Kuok说,这个活动“能够 提供旅客一个文化之旅,还能积极地推动澳门的 艺术创作,向本地艺术团体及作家提供一个平 台,让他们展示自己的作品,同时也鼓励他们, 令他们的艺术超越国界。” Kerria Kuok, a representative of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, says that the festival “attracts and entertains tourists with culturally significant experiences [...] while actively supporting Macao’s own artistic creations, providing local groups and artists with a platform to showcase their work, as well as the encouragement to take their artistry beyond borders.”

澳门文化局希望建立一个文化交流平台,让本澳 以及世界上最著名的艺术家和团体有机会在这舞 台上演出,这些活动包括:现代舞蹈,戏剧艺 术,中国传统戏曲,多媒体表演,管弦乐表演, 电影,中国书画等。 With the hopes of creating a platform for cultural exchange, the Cultural Bureau of Macau has opened the city doors and heritage sights to a range of performances and exhibitions by some of the world’s most notable artists. The program of the festival includes: contemporary dance, theatre arts, traditional Chinese opera, multimedia shows, orchestral performances, film, installations and Chinese paintings. 五月有表演者为我们带来不同惊喜!快拿着你的 门票去感受吧! There truly is something for everyone in the month of May, so dive into the arts and grab your tickets to one of the many performances while they last. 详情请致电: For more information: (+853) 8399 6699 订票热线: Hotlines & ticket reservations: (+853) 2855 5555 网上购票 / Online booking: 2013 ■ May │ 五月


聚焦澳门 Macau Highlights

精彩节目 Program

戏剧—旱雨 ( 于2011年重新编排) 日期: 3/5 –星期五 时间: 20:00 – 21:30 地点: 澳门文化中心综合剧院 票价: 澳门币 200, 150, 120 Theatre - Drought and Rain (re-creation 2011) Date: 3/5 - Friday Time: 20:00 – 21:30 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Price: MOP 200, 150, 120

舞蹈 - My Chair 20:13 日期: 4&5/5 – 星期六& 星期日 时间: 15:00 – 16:30 & 20:00 – 21:30 地点: 旧法院大楼 票价: 澳门币 100 Dance - My Chair 20:13 Date: 4 & 5/5 Saturday & Sunday Time: 15:00 – 16:30 & 20:00 – 21:30 Venue: Old Court Building Price: MOP 100

文学舞蹈剧场 – 影落此城 日期: 4-6/5 – 星期六至星期一 时间: 20:00 – 22:00 地点: 何东图书馆 票价: 澳门币 100 Theatre - Home Sweet Home Date: 4 & 5/5 Saturday & Sunday Time: 20:00 – 22:00 Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre Price: MOP 120, 100

舞蹈 – 情书 日期: 8/5 – 星期三 时间: 20:00 – 21:45 地点: 澳门文化中心综合剧院 票价: 澳门币 150, 120 & 80 Dance - Love Letters Date: 8/5 - Wednesday Time: 20:00 – 21:45 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Price: MOP 150, 120 & 80

电影 -《相约银幕年代》 日期: 10 - 12/5 – 星期五到星期日 时间: 20:00 – 22:00 (10 /5); 19:30 – 22:30 (11 /5); 16:00 – 17:35, 20:00 – 21:35 (12 /5) 地点: 岗顶剧院 票价: 澳门币 120, 100 Cinema - 1920’s Rendez-vous – Cine-Concerts Date: 10 - 12/5 - Friday to Sunday Time: 20:00 – 22:00 (10 /5); 19:30 – 22:30 (11 /5); 16:00 – 17:35, 20:00 – 21:35 (12 /5) Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre Price: MOP 120, 100

戏剧 – 通知书 日期:11, 12/5 – 星期六 & 星期日 时间: 20:00 – 22:00 (11, 12/5), 15:00 – 17:00 (12/5) 地点: 旧法院大楼 票价: 澳门币 100 Theatre - The Memorandum Date:11, 12/5 – Saturday & Sunday Time: 20:00 – 22:00 (11, 12/5), 15:00 – 17:00 (12/5) Venue: Old Court Building Price: MOP 100

五月 │ May ■ 2013

摄影 – 消失的技法– 鲍德里亚摄影展 日期: 11/5 - 28/7 时间: 每日, 10:00 – 19:00 地点: 塔石艺文馆 票价: 免费入场 Photography - Vanishing Techniques – Photography of Jean Baudrillard Date: 11/5 - 28/7 Time: Daily, 10:00 – 19:00 Venue: Tap Seac Gallery Price: Free admission

中国粤剧 - 《杨门女将》 日期: 12/5 – 星期日 时间: 19:30 – 21:45 地点: 澳门文化中心综合剧院 票价: 澳门币 100 & 80 Chinese Opera - Yang’s Female Warriors Date: 12/5 - Sunday Time: 19:30 – 21:45 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Price: MOP 100 & 80

音乐 – 意国随想 日期: 9/5 – 星期四 时间: 20:00 – 地点: 澳门文化中心综合剧院 票价: 澳门币 120, 100 & 80 Music - Italian Scent Date: 9/5 - Thursday Time: 20:00 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Price: MOP 120, 100 & 80 木偶剧 – 眼仔碌碌手郁郁 日期: 11 - 14/5 – 星期六到星期二 时间: 14:00 -14:45 , 16:00 – 16:45, 18:00 – 18:45 (11, 12/5) 17:00 – 17:45 , 18:30 – 19:15, 20:00 – 23:45 (13, 14/5) 地点: 卢家大屋 票价: 澳门币 100

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Puppets - Hands Up! Date: 11 - 14/5 Saturday to Tuesday Time: 14:00 -14:45 , 16:00 – 16:45, 18:00 – 18:45 (11, 12/5) 17:00 – 17:45 , 18:30 – 19:15, 20:00 – 23:45 (13, 14/5) Venue: Lou Kau Mansion Price: MOP 100


音乐演奏 – 澳门抒怀 – 澳门中乐团 委约作品专场 日期: 15/5 – 星期三 时间: 20:00 – 21:25 地点: 玫瑰堂 票价: 免费入场 Orchestra - Macao Feelings – Commissioned Works Date: 15/5 - Wednesday Time: 20:00 – 21:25 Venue: St. Dominic’s Church Price: Free admission

中国粤剧 – 梨园春晖 日期: 15/5 – 星期三 时间: 19:30 – 21:45 地点: 澳门文化中心综合剧院 票价: 澳门币 150, 120 & 80 Chinese Opera - Cantonese Opera in Concert Date: 15/5 - Wednesday Time: 19:30 – 21:45 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Prices: MOP 150, 120 & 80

当代舞蹈 – 潜藏空间 主要事项: 有裸露场面 日期: 16 -19 /5 – 星期四至星期日 时间: 20:00 – 21:05 地点: 旧法院大楼 票价: 澳门币 100 Dance - Self-Unfinished Note: Contains nudity Date: 16 -19 /5 Thursday to Sunday Time: 20:00 – 21:05 Venue: Old Court Building Price: MOP 100

综合文艺 – 百艺看馆 日期: 16 - 19/5 – 星期四至星期日 时间: 18:00 – 22:00 地点: 佑汉公园 票价: 免费入场 Various - Out Door Performing Arts Showcase Date: 16 - 19/5 Thursday to Sunday Time: 18:00 – 22:00 Venue: Iao Hon Garden Price: Free admission

多媒体- 心随所动 日期: 17 - 19 /5 – 星期五到星期日 时间: 19:30 – 22:00 地点: 大三巴遗址广场 票价: 免费入场 Multimedia - Motivations Date: 17 - 19 /5 Friday to Sunday Time: 19:30 – 22:00 Venue: Ruins of St. Paul’s Price: Free admission

儿童影偶戏 - 《马戏团来了》 日期: 17 - 19 /5 – 星期五到星期日 时间: 11:00 – 11:45, 12:30 – 1:15, 15:00 – 15:45 & 16:30 – 17:15 地点: 卢家大屋 票价: 澳门币 100 Shadow Puppetry - The Circus Has Arrived Date: 17 - 19 /5 Friday to Sunday Time 11:00 – 11:45, 12:30 – 1:15, 15:00 – 15:45 & 16:30 – 17:15 Venue: Lou Kau Mansion Price: MOP 100

戏剧 – 告别: 身体十六章 日期: 18 & 19/5 – 星期六& 星期日 时间: 15:00 -16:45 & 20:00 – 21:45 地点: 岗顶剧院 票价: 澳门币 120 (不设划位) Theatre - Farewell: The Body in 16 Chapeters Date: 18 & 19/5 Saturday & Sunday Time: 15:00 -16:45 & 20:00 – 21:45 Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre Price: MOP 120 (Free seating)

戏剧- 金龙 日期: 18 & 19/5 – 星期六 & 星期日 时间: 20:00 – 21:55 地点: 澳门文化中心小剧院 票价: 澳门币 120, 100 Theatre - Der Goldene Drache Date: 18 & 19/5 – Saturday & Sunday Time: 20:00 – 21:55 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Small Auditorium Price: MOP 120, 100

新编京剧- 《韩玉娘》 日期: 19/5 – 星期日 时间: 20:00 – 22:35 地点; 澳门文化中心综合剧院 票价: 澳门币 200, 150, 120 Opera - Han Yuniang Date: 19/5 - Sunday Time: 20:00 – 22:35 Venue; Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Price: MOP 200, 150, 120

音乐 – 江南诗情 日期: 23 - 26 /5 – 星期四到星期日 时间: 20:00 – 21:45 地点:卢家大屋 票价: 澳门币 100 Music - Suzhou Pingtan Date: 23 - 26 /5 Thursday to Sunday Time: 20:00 – 21:45 Venue: Lou Kau Mansion Price: MOP 100

戏剧 – 长夜漫慢路迢迢 日期; 24 & 25/5 – 星期五 &星期六 时间: 20:00 – 22:15 地点: 岗顶剧院 票价: 澳门币 120, 100 Theatre - Wall of Fog Date: 24 & 25/5 Friday &Saturday Time: 20:00 – 22:15 Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre Price: MOP 120, 100

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戏剧 – 大世界娱乐场 日期: 24 - 26/5 – 星期五到星期日 时间: 20:00 – 21:35 地点: 旧法院大楼 票价: 澳门币 100 Theatre - A Gambling World Date: 24 - 26/5 - Friday to Sunday Time: 20:00 – 21:35 Venue: Old Court Building Price: MOP 100

音乐 – 墓所事事 日期: 24-26/5 – 星期五至星期日 时间: 20:00 – 21:25 地点: 现场音乐协会会址 票价: 澳门币 100 Music - Picnic in the Cemetery Date: 24-26/5 - Friday to Sunday Time: 20:00 – 21:25 Venue: Live Music Association Studio Price: MOP 100

土生戏剧 – 投爱一票 日期: 25 & 26/5 – 星期六& 星期日 时间: 20:00 – 22:30 地点; 澳门文化中心综合剧院 票价: 澳门币 150, 120, 80 Patua Theatre - Amochai Divoto (A Vote for Love) Date: 25 & 26/5 Saturday & Sunday Time: 20:00 – 22:30 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Price: MOP 150, 120, 80

戏剧 – 冬天的故事 日期: 25 & 26/5 –星期六& 星期日 时间: 20:00 – 22:45 地点; 澳门文化中心小剧院 票价: 澳门币 120, 100 Theatre - The Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare Date: 25 & 26/5 Saturday & Sunday Time: 20:00 – 22:45 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Small Auditorium Price: MOP 120, 100

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多媒体 – 光影遗迹 I 及 II 日期: 26 - 29/5 & 31/5 - 8/6 地点: 塔石广场 & 郑家大屋 时间: 20:00 – 20:10, 20:30 – 20:40 & 21:00 – 21:10 票价: 免费入场 Multimedia - Mapping: made in Macao I and II Date: 26 - 29/5 & 31/5 - 8/6 Venue: Tap Seac Square & Mandarin’s House (respectively) Time: 20:00 – 20:10, 20:30 – 20:40 & 21:00 – 21:10 Price: Free admission

戏剧 – 喝彩 日期: 31/5 & 1/6 – 星期五&星期六 时间: 20:00 – 21:55 地点: 何黎婉华庇道演艺剧院 票价: 澳门币 120, 100 & 80 Theatre - Shooting Star A Musical Date: 31/5 & 1/6 – Friday & Saturday Time: 20:00 – 21:55 Venue: Clementina Leitão Ho Brito Theatre Price: MOP 120, 100 & 80

展览 – 中国风- 象映乾坤 日期: 25/5 - 18/8 时间: 每日, 10:00 – 18:00 (每逢星 期一休息) 地点: 澳门博物馆 票价: 澳门币 15 Exhibition - Fantasy World Chinoiserie Date: 25/5 - 18/8 Time: Daily, 10:00 – 18:00 (closed on Mondays) Venue: Macao Museum Price: MOP 15

舞蹈- 同床异梦 日期: 31/5 & 1/6 – 星期五&星期六 时间: 20:00 – 21:05 地点; 澳门文化中心小剧院 票价: 澳门币 120, 100 Dance - Reflections by Uri Morag and Yoram Karmi Date: 31/5 & 1/6 – Friday & Saturday Time: 20:00 – 21:05 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Small Auditorium Price: MOP 120, 100

展览 - 2013 澳门视觉艺术年展— 中国昼画类 日期: 1/6 - 11/8 时间: 每日, 10:00 – 19:00 地点:旧法院大楼 票价: 免费入场 Exhibition - 2013 Macao Annualvisual Arts Exhibition – Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Category Date: 1/6 - 11/8 Time: Daily, 10:00 – 19:00 Venue: Old Court Building Price: Free admission

戏剧 – 谁怕吴尔芙 日期: 1 & 2/6 – 星期六& 星期日 时间: 20:00 – 22:15 (1/6); 15:00 – 17:15 (2/6) 地点:岗顶剧院 票价: 澳门币 120, 100 Theatre - Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf Date: 1 & 2/6 – Saturday & Sunday Time: 20:00 – 22:15 (1/6); 15:00 – 17:15 (2/6) Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre Price: MOP 120, 100

戏剧 – 追.寻 日期: 1 & 2/6 –星期六& 星期日 时间: 20:00 – 21:15 地点: 澳门文化中心综合剧院 票价: 澳门币 200, 150, 120 Theatre - FAR Date: 1 & 2/6 – Saturday & Sunday Tim: 20:00 – 21:15 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Price: MOP 200, 150, 120

(妈祖诞) a-ma festival


文 欧阳慧君 By Vivian Ao Ieong 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY MGTO

(节庆活动) Divine Festivities

A-Ma Festival

每年农历3月23日是澳门著名的妈祖诞,又称 为天后诞。为了庆祝这个特别的节日,这一天会 举行一连串庆祝活动和传统仪式来祈求妈祖的保 佑。除了有舞龙舞狮,参拜天后,天后巡游等等 的仪式之外,当然不能少了妈祖诞里不可缺少的 环节"抽花炮",以及中国传统戏曲表演。 A-Ma Festival, also called the Tin Hau Festival, is held on the 23rd day of the third month every year (according to the lunar calendar). To celebrate the occasion, revelers participate in a series of celebrations and traditions. These include the Dragon and Lion dance, praying for Tin Hau’s blessing, a parade in Tin Hau’s honor, as well as the lighting of sparklers and Chinese Opera performances in bamboo-shed theaters.

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聚焦澳门 Macau Highlights

起源 Origin of A-Ma Festival 传说妈祖是一位名为林默娘的女士。每逢有风 暴,她都能为当时的渔民以及商人提供安全的道 路让船只行驶。通常她站在悬崖上,遥望着大 海,拯救那些需要帮助的渔民和商人。为了感激 妈祖的恩惠,渔民们纷纷决定兴建寺庙,诚心供 奉,每逢妈祖生辰的大日子,都会举行一连串庆 祝活动来庆祝一番。 According to legend, A-Ma, also named Lin (Tin) provides safe passage to those travelling on open seas, especially in times of tempest. She stands on the cliffs, looking out and saving fishermen and those in need. In celebration of her works, fishermen built temples in her honor and hold numerous celebrations on her birthday.

妈祖诞的庆祝活动 Celebration and Activity Schedule 妈祖诞的庆祝活动一般都由妈祖生日的前一天 (即是农历3月22日)就已开始庆祝。当天 傍晚,善众首先会还神以及花炮来答谢妈祖的 保佑。接着,每个村都会派一名村代表到天后庙 上“头炷香"以求为所有村民得到妈祖最多的庇 佑和眷顾。最后,更要进行一些传统仪式,如“ 喊礼”和“读祝文”等等,借此来传达对妈祖的 恭贺以及感激之情。 Normally, A-Ma festival celebrations begin the day before A-Ma’s birthday, on the 22nd day of the third month. On that evening, people first carry out a thanksgiving ritual and sparkler show. Then, each village’s representatives go to Tin Hau Temple to light the first stick of incense. This is to request the first blessing from A-Ma, believing that this first blessing is always the best, providing more luck and fortune from the goddess. Afterwards they carry on traditional rituals such as the “Shouted Ceremony” and “Reading Zhu-Wen”, to deliver their appreciation and congratulatory messages to A-Ma. 妈祖诞当天,一众表演者,包括舞龙舞狮的隧伍 和抽花炮的工作人员等,都会预先在天后庙前地 集合,以祈求表演一切顺利。当所有的表演节目 都完毕,以舞龙舞狮隧伍为首,带领其他表演者 到天后庙上香参拜,接着举行隆重的抽花炮仪式。 On the day of A-Ma’s Birthday, performers including the Dragon and Lion Dance group and the sparkler grabber’s group gather in front of the Tin Hau Temple, praying for luck in their performance. Once the performances

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are completed, the Dragon and Lion Dance group leads the others back to Tin Hau Temple where the rest of the performances are conducted, followed by the lighting of sparklers.

抽花炮 Sparkler Grabbing “抽花炮"是只有在妈祖诞才有体验到传统仪 式。在“抽花炮”仪式中,一般都设有三十座花 炮。当中的第三炮是最为特别和重要,这座花炮 象征着“丁财两旺",意指家财万贯,儿孙满 堂。它也是被认为是最灵验的花炮,故也有“炮 王” 之称。 “Sparkler Grabbing” is the only celebratory activity conducted exclusively at the A-Ma Festival. In the “sparkler grabbing” activities, normally there are thirty sparklers. The third sparkler of the grouping is the symbolic “Ting Tsai Booming”, meaning whoever holds it will gain money, luck, and fortune for their family. It is the most desired sparkler of the ceremony and is often named “The King Sparkler”.

中国传统戏曲表演 Opera Performances 除了“抽花炮”不能错过之外,有一个活动也是 绝对不能错过的,就是中国传统戏曲表演。这个 传统已有超过百年的历史。当时,渔民们专门在 妈阁庙前地搭建竹棚戏台,并在此戏台上表演中

国传统戏曲。故此,妈祖可以跟大家一起欣赏到 大家诚心为其准备的表演节目。古时,人们只有 在新年才有机会可以欣赏到戏曲表演。在庆祝妈 祖诞的期间,一连五日,每日共有2场表演, 中午 13:30以及傍晚19:45各一场。 There is one celebration that can never be missed: the Chinese Opera performances. This tradition is believed to have been around for hundreds of years and started when fishermen built bamboo-shed theatres in front of the A-Ma Temple in which to hold these performances. In this way, A-Ma can enjoy the Chinese Opera with everyone else. In the past, people could only watch the performances during the lunar New Year. However during this celebration, everyday there are two performances: one at 13:30 in the afternoon and another at 19:45.

日期: 4月30日 —5月4日 (一连五日) 时间: 每日共有2场表演, 中午13:30以及傍晚 19:45各一场 地点: 妈阁庙 电话: (+853) 2833 9261 地址: 澳门妈阁庙前地妈阁庙 Dates: 30th April —4th May Times: Two shows: 13:30 and 19:45 Venue: A-Ma Temple Tel: (+853) 2833 9261 Address: A-Ma Temple, Rua De Sao Tiago da Barra, Macau


威 D

尼斯人嘉年华是澳门威尼斯人渡假村 的传统节日庆祝盛会,畅游威尼斯人 也是适合一家大小共聚天伦的活动! ive into celebration this May as the Venetian Macau hosts Carnevale Extravaganza. Taking inspiration this year form the Carnavale di Venezia - Venice’s own famed festivity - expect an array of traditional Venetian activities for you and your whole family to enjoy!


The Venetian Carnevale:

Grand Italian Style 文 By Abbi Mitchell-Morley

嘉年华 Carnavale 威尼斯人嘉年华,或简称为狂欢节,通常在四 旬期前开始,至大斋期首日前结束。嘉年华 的起源自公元1162年,威尼斯战胜乌尔里科 后,举办了一场庆典,然后逐渐演变成当地全 民参与的嘉年华,虽曾一度因威尼斯的经济状 况不佳而沉寂一百八十二年之久,而意大利政 府在1979年将嘉年华重新举办了起来,并且 每年接待超过三百万名游客! Carnavale di Venezia, or simply the Venetian carnival, is habitually celebrated in Venice before Lent, on Shrove Tuesday. Carnevale is said to have begun as a celebration of victory against the ancient roman city Aquileia in 1162. Despite the banning of the iconic masks and a 182 yearlong hiatus whilst under Austrian rule, the Italian government revived the tradition in 1979 and now welcomes an estimated three million tourists during Carnevale time. 今年将举行第三届威尼斯人嘉年华,大会将提 供经典意式美食, 香醇美酒, 精彩表演等,在澳 门旅游发展局的支持下,是次嘉年华会将有望 比2011年的巴西嘉年华及2012年的新奥尔良 嘉年华更出色和成功! Marking the third carnival event held at the Venetian Macau, the Carnevale submerges visitors in classic Italian merriment with art, music and wine. The Venetian Macao, who are receiving support from the Macau Government Tourist Office, have high hopes and expect the Venetian Carnevale to be bigger and better than either of its

predecessors; the Brazilian Carnival (2011) and the New Orleans Carnival (2012). 为了保持传统的嘉年华会,所有客人将免费获赠 独特的威尼斯人风格面具,令客人能体现浓郁的 嘉年华气氛。 In order to keep with the traditions of Carnevale, hotel guests receive complimentary Venetian style masks, allowing them to experience Carnevale exactly as the Venetians intended.

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聚焦澳门 Macau Highlights

嘉年华: 活动内容及特色之处 Carnevale: Activities and Features

威尼斯人嘉年华 日期:2013年4月25日(星期四) 至2013年5月26日( 星期日) 时间: 14:00-22:30 地点:澳门威尼斯人户外人工湖畔区 票价:免费入场

于4月25日开幕的威尼斯人嘉年华,历时32日。 在这期间,嘉年华会将会举行2项大型活动-年 度盛事嘉年华大汇演以及澳门首个葡萄酒美食节。 Opening on the 25th of April and occurring over an astounding 32-day period, Carnavale brings together two major events Carnavale Extravaganza and Macau’s first Wine and Dine Festival.

Venetian Carnevale Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013 to Sunday, May 26, 2013 Time: 14:00 - 22:30 Venue: Outdoor Lagoon, The Venetian Macao Price: Free admission

威尼斯人嘉年华将会提供一系列令人兴奋的活 动以及精彩的表演给大家,如街头表演,旋转 木马,乘坐贡多拉船,面具,脸部彩绘,摊位 游戏,现场表演,3D光效投射汇演,更有杂耍 者,魔术师,小丑等为大家表演。此外,大家还 可以欣赏到意大利吹制玻璃的装饰品以及朱丽叶墙。 Carnevale boasts a line up of exciting events and performances such as street performers, a carousel, gondola rides, mask and face painting, game booths, live performances, 3D sidewalk chalk art, a caricaturist, acrobats, jugglers and clowns, Italian glass-blowing demonstrations and a Giulietta Wall. 整个嘉年华每日都会有3D光效投射汇演-透过 3D灯光投射配上声效的表演项目:威尼斯之奇 妙面纱3D光效投射汇演。将神秘的威尼斯人面 纱,投射于威尼斯人的外墙上,旨在带到大家一 个惊喜的表演:完美地结合了无限创意的灯光技 巧,声效与特效技术。 Running the entire course of the festival is the 3D light and sound projection show: The Magical Masks of Venezia. Projected onto the façade of the Venetian, the show is a marriage of creative lighting, sound and special effects. 嘉年华会内更设有拍照的摊位,幸运大抽奖,小 食流动手推车以及咖啡室,以便提供一系列的 意大利美食给大家,例如有其著名的甜食,可丽 饼,爆米花以及更多的美味食品。 Carnevale also has a photo booth, a lucky draw and food carts and café serving a variety of Italian delicacies, sweets, crepes, popcorn and more.

嘉年华大汇演 日期: 2013年4月25日(星期四) 至2013年5月5日(星期日) 时间: 14:00-22:30 地点: 澳门威尼斯人户外人工湖畔区 票价: 免费入场

Carnevale Extravaganza

嘉年华大汇演 Carnavale Extravaganza 由4月25日至5月5日的嘉年华大汇演是整个嘉年 华的最隆重的庆祝活动,在这11日里, 将会带游 客共同经历另类崭新的娱乐节目。营火晚会,在 巴士上办派对,甚至乘坐太空球在水上行走等等。 全部都可在嘉年华大汇演的活动项目上找到。 Running from April 25th to the 5th of May, a concentration of the Carnevale activities will take visitors through 11 days of new entertainment. Take in a fire show, party on a bus around Macau or experience walking on water in a Zorb ball, all these and more will be available alongside the normally scheduled Carnevale activities.

澳门葡萄酒美食节 The Macau Wine and Dine Festival 设有30个摊位摆放着来自世界各地的葡萄酒, 这次是澳门首次于澳门威尼斯人的湖边举行葡萄 酒的活动。是次活动由5月23日起,直至5月26日, 快把握这3个特别的晚上,尽情享受美酒佳肴吧! Featuring 30 booths stocked with wines from around the world, Macau’s very first celebration of wine is lagoon side at the Venetian Macau. Happening on the 23rd of May until the 26th of May, enjoy three full evenings of the nectar of the gods.

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Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013 to Sunday, May 5, 2013 Time: 14:00 - 22:30 Venue: Outdoor Lagoon, The Venetian Macao Price: Free admission

澳门葡萄酒美食节2013 日期:2013年5月23日(星期四) 至2013年5月26日(星期日)时间:14:00至深夜12时 (5月23日由晚上点至晚上11点) 地点: 澳门威尼斯人户外人工湖畔区 票价:免费入场

Macau Wine and Dine Festival 2013 Date: Thursday, May 23, 2013 to Sunday, May 26, 2013 Time: 14:00 - 00:00 (18:00 - 23:00 on May 23rd) Venue: Outdoor Lagoon, The Venetian Macao Price: Free admission

2013澳门葡萄酒美食节 Macau Wine and Dine Festival 2013

2013澳门 葡萄酒美食节 Macau Wine and Dine Festival 2013 文 By Abbi Mitchell-Morley

这 T

个月,不论你是葡萄酒新手或专家,都不 容错过品尝世界名酒的机会,一起踏上澳 门首届葡萄酒美食节的奇妙之旅吧! his month, embark on a journey through the wonderful world of wine at the very first Macau Wine and Dine Festival. Whether you’re a novice or aficionado this is an event you simply decant miss! 澳门首届葡萄酒美食节将在5月13号到26号隆重举 行,这次的活动由澳门及香港专业会议顾问公司DOC DMC,澳门洋酒协会和澳门威尼斯人联合举办。 Running from the 23rd to the 26th of May, Macau’s premier celebration of wine and food is the result of joint efforts between The Wine Society of Macau, organiser DOC DMC and sponsor the Venetian Macau. “我们葡萄酒美食节可以成为一个年度的特色活 动,”澳门洋酒协会主席山度士表示:“从而吸引 游客和本地社区的注意。因为饮食和葡萄酒行业对 澳门休闲娱乐的发展起着互补的作用 “Our goal is to promote this event every year in the calendar of Macau’s events,” says Filipe Santos, President of The Wine Society of Macau. “In order to capture the attention of the visitors and local community,” he describes, “for the complementary role of the Food and Wine industry in the leisure and entertainment objectives of Macau’s development.”

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聚焦澳门 Macau Highlights

澳门威尼斯人的户外人工湖畔一带将会有嘉年华 大汇演,以及澳门葡萄酒美食节的焦点场所。届 时会设有美食酒廊,乐队、艺人娱乐表演,美酒 学府等。 Coinciding with the Venetian’s Carnavale, the festival is held at the Venetian’s outdoor lagoon area and will feature a wine and dine lounge, booths selling wine and food, live entertainment by bands and artists and a wine school.

活动特色 The Activities and Features 活动在威尼斯人的户外人工湖畔一带举行,除了 品酒活动区外,更有特别的主题与丰富多彩的娱 乐活动。这里还有来自多个国家的摊位,欢迎访 客和媒体一起参与。 Firstly, and most importantly, situated on one of the decks of the Venetian lagoon, the Wine and Tasting Lounge is set to be the main tasting area and feature special attractions and entertainment for guests. Housing the products and services of the festivals major supporters, this area is open to all guests and members of the media. 访客可以轻松自在地品尝不同国家的葡萄美酒, 同时还能欣赏到优美的小夜曲与醉人的现场表 演,有什么比这更享受的呢? Taking center stage, literally, are the various live performers scheduled to serenade and entertain guests through the diverse flavors of some of the world’s wines. 湖畔其余的地方提供美食与饮品,客人可以在喝 每杯酒之间品尝小食。湖畔被各式各样的摊位 围绕着,非常热闹,客人可以在那里玩游戏,购 买尊尚品酒套餐劵和一系列来自不同国家的葡萄 酒。 The remaining decks are dedicated to food and beverage stations where guests can go for a bite between glasses of wine, while booths lining the surrounding areas of the lagoon will offer games, tickets/vouchers and a range of wines from different countries. 最后要为您介绍的是能丰富葡萄酒知识的葡萄酒 课程,这个活动在威尼斯人酒店一楼的西西里会 议厅举行,主要目的是向葡萄酒新手讲解一些品 酒的记本知识,种类与试味等。葡萄酒鉴赏家亦 可以通过活动与其他资深葡萄酒爱好者讨论各种 佳肴的丰富特制。 Finally, further your education in wine at the festivals Wine School event. Occurring at the Sicily Meeting Room, on level one of the Ventian, this event aims to equip those without prior experience in wine with an introductory crash course in wine types and 22 

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wine appreciation criteria, whilst nurturing the knowledge of wine lovers and connoisseurs. 葡萄酒美食节实行现金卷和通行证制度,宾客可 以到指定的摊位购买现金卷或通行证,之后就 可以随意地运用它们去买食物,玩游戏,参与各 项活动和葡萄酒课程等。现金卷澳门币10元一 张,另外还有经典美酒通行证,是一本有十张现 金卷的小册子,澳门币100元一本,这个通行证 提供客人各种优惠,如购买酒杯和酒袋的优惠 等。 The festival operates on a voucher/pass system; guests exchange money for vouchers or passes at specified booths and are then free to purchase food, wine and activities with these. Vouchers can be purchased in singles at MOP10 a piece and booklets called classic wine passes - worth 10 vouchers - at MOP100 apiece. Classic wine passes come with a booklet of promotional offers, a custom wine glass and wine glass carrier.

2013澳门葡萄酒美食节 Macau Wine and Dine Festival 2013

澳门洋酒协会 The Wine Society of Macau 澳门洋酒协会在1995年成立,目前有超过两百 位会员,会定期举办品酒活动。协会致力于向大 众推广葡萄酒,同时传递品酒艺术。 Founded in December of 1995, The Wine Society of Macau promotes the continued appreciation of the art form that is wine. Holding regular wine tasting events, the society boasts a membership of over 200 wine connoisseurs. DOC DMC 在 港 澳 地 区 发 展 的 DO C DMC,他们的名 字形容公司的经营范围,DOC是葡萄牙语 ‘Denominação de Origem Controlada的缩 写,代表着葡萄酒的质量,在葡萄酒行业里受 到广泛认可。DMC则代表着提供专业服务的公 司,他们有丰富的知识和资源,来实现活动目 标,举行会议,专业导游,提供所需要的地面交 通,并将所有细节都综合到一个完整的方案中。 他们提供一系列的服务包括酒业和策划等,跟 世界不同地方的公司如葡萄牙DOC DMC, 全球 DMC’s, SITE和 SKAL 国际等有着联系。 Operating in Macau and Hong Kong, DOC DMC stands for two separate acronyms that describe the areas in which the company deal; DOC standing for the Portuguese phrase ‘Denominação de Origem Controlada’ is a representation of quality that is widely recognized in the wine industry, and DMC or ‘Destination Management Company’ which (according to the website) “is a term for a professional services company possessing extensive local knowledge, expertise and resources, specializing in the design and implementation of events, activities, tours, transportation and program logistics.” Providing an array of services in both the wine and planning industry, DOC DMC is affiliated with organizations and companies such as DOC DMC Portugal, World of DMC’s, SITE and SKAL International.

日期Date: 23/05/2013 -26/05/2013 时间Time: 14:00 – 00:00 (23/05/2013: 18:00 – 23:00) 活动场地Venue: 澳门威尼斯人的户外人工 湖畔一带Outdoor Lagoon, The Venetian Macau 价格Price: 免费入场Free admission

2013 ■ May │ 五月



最美味的葡国风情 The Best Portuguese in Town 文 By Abbi Mitchell-Morley


经是葡萄牙殖民地的澳门,拥有很多葡 萄牙餐厅,提供一系列不同风味的葡萄 牙美食。无论是传统的或是加入现代风味的葡萄 牙美食都应有尽有。面对这么多的选择,有没有 感到眼花瞭乱呢?本期澳门导航细心地为大家精 选了4间葡萄牙餐厅。


eing once a Portuguese colony, Macau is littered with Portuguese restaurants serving everything from Portuguese cuisine bathed in tradition to versions with a more modern twist. With all this choice it can be hard to decide, so we at Culture Guide have made life a little easier and compiled a short list of the best;

葡国美食天地 A Petisqueira 走进氹仔旧城区蜿蜒的小巷,在好客乡庄附近, 你就可以看到葡国美食天地。 Tucked away in the winding alleys of the Old Taipa Village, near Old Taipa Tavern, sits the cozy A Petisqueira. 尽管葡国美食天地没有奢华的外观,让你觉得它 只是一间咖啡屋或是一间法国小酒馆,然而当你 踏进这家餐厅,就能深深感受到浓厚温馨的用 餐气氛,再配上正宗的葡萄牙美食,絶对是一流 的配搭!葡国美食天地大部分的菜肴都与木炭烧 烤肉类有关,另外也有很多拿手小菜,如芝士拼 盘,炒蚬,烤伊比利亚黑猪,以及典型的葡萄牙 美食:马介休和沙丁鱼。 Despite a less than extravagant exterior, A Petisqueira, literally translated as: “The Snackery”, is reminiscent of a corner café or French bistro, and once you are inside this restaurant oozes a warm and inviting dining atmosphere that is only made better by their authentic Portuguese food. Although famed for their large portions and Charcoal-grilled meats, some of A Petisqueira’s very best dishes include their Cheese platter, Fried clams, Grilled Iberian black pig, as well as the typical Portuguese favorites: Bacalhau and Sardines.

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由2位店主Jose Almeida 和 Eusebio Tome合办 的葡萄牙美食天地于1995年开业,餐厅布局简 洁鲜明,放着数张富有乡土风情的葡萄牙桌椅。 墙壁亦挂满了各类饰物,酒瓶,人造葡萄藤蔓以 及照片。此外,葡国美食天地还收集了很多有名 的葡萄牙酒和桑格利亚酒。 Opened in 1995 by Owners José Almeida and Eusébio Tomé, the restaurant is a simple set up of a few rustic Portuguese tables and chairs. Decorating the walls are assorted knick-knacks, wine bottles and photos, not to mention the faux grapes and vines that hang from the archway. A Petisqueira also boast an impressive collection of Portuguese wines and a Sangria recipe. 虽然规模较小,这家餐厅仍很受本地人和游客的 欢迎,皆因餐厅地方虽小,但桌椅易于变动,店 主会为方便客人而自由组合桌椅,提供舒适的地 方,及真诚的态度对待客人!

It is no mystery why this restaurant is so popular with local and travelers alike, because of its smaller size the restaurant is a more intimate space and often times managers and owners are moving from table to table making sure your experience is none other than they best they can offer. 开放时间: 午餐: 星期二-星期五 12:00-14:15; 星期 六,日及公众假期 12:00-14:45 晚餐: 星期二-星期日 19:00-22:15 Opening Hours: Lunch: Tue-Fri 12:0014:15; Sat-Sun & Holidays 12:00-14:45 Dinner: Tues-Sun 19:00-22:15 地点: 氹仔旧城区生央街15, A/B 地下 Address: Rua de S. Joao, No.15, A/B, R/C, Taipa, Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2882 5354


澳门船屋葡国餐厅 A Lorcha 澳门船屋葡国餐厅由一种中国帆船的名字得来, 再搭配葡式航海风格。这家餐厅附近有澳门海事 博物馆,以及全澳门最古老,最有名的文化遗产 妈祖庙,相隔大约只有一粒石子的距离。据说也 是葡萄牙水手第一次在澳门停泊的地方。 Appropriately named after a type of boat made up of Chinese junk rigs and a Portuguese haul, this restaurant is located only a stones throw away from the Macau Maritime Museum, and one of Macau’s oldest and most famous heritage sites: A-Ma Temple, where Portuguese sailors were said to have landed when they first came to Macau. 1989年开始经营的澳门船屋葡国餐厅,被称为 最早期在妈阁营业的餐厅。钟情于散发葡萄牙和 中国文化韵味的船屋设计的店主Adriano Neves 说,当初之所以会选择在这里开办餐厅,是因为 当时这里是一个环境优美宁静,且远离澳门市中 心,给人一种世外桃源的感觉。 Established in 1989, A Lorcha holds the title of the very first restaurant in Barra. Owner Adriano Neves, who much like the A Lorcha boat is of Portuguese and Chinese heritage, says its location was chosen because at the time it was a peaceful, quiet setting but most importantly it was out of downtown Macau. 以海洋为主题,当你推开特制的木门,它以类似 于船的齿轮来设计,这种设计于葡萄牙建筑物, 甚至餐厅上都是经常可以看到的。这家餐厅的装 修,从其深色木质横梁,白色的墙壁以及圆拱通 道,都可看出其葡式怀旧的风格。 Keeping with the naval theme, you enter though a maritime inspired doorway that looks spectacularly similar to the wheel used to steer a boat. Housed within is typical Portuguese architecture, which is apparent in most Portuguese restaurants. The restaurant is expressive of a different time with its exposed dark wood beams, white walls and detailed archways. 作为航海主题的餐厅,理所当然除了主题吸引之 外,其美味的特色菜也格外诱人,例如橄榄油香 蒜炒鲜蚬,烤大虾和葡萄牙烩饭。此外,除了提 供鲜美的海鲜外,还可到船屋品尝到令人一试难 忘的红烧牛尾! Being a nautically themed restaurant it is only fitting that their specials include dishes such as: Clams with garlic, coriander & olive oil, Grilled prawns and Portuguese fried rice.

Aside from their seafood, A Lorcha deliver a delicious Stewed Ox tail.

开放时间: 星期三-星期一 12:30-15:00 & 18:30-23:00 Opening Hours: Wed-Mon 12:30-15:00 & 18:30-23:00 地点:澳门河边新街 289地下 Address: 289 Rua do Almirante Sergio, Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2831 3193, (+853) 2831 3195

2013 ■ May │ 五月



山度士葡式餐厅 O Santos 当你走到氹仔旧城区内最繁忙的街道时,很有可 能你就是身处于同样繁忙的山度士葡式餐厅门 前。山度士葡式餐厅每日都有很多人光顾,原因 是——简单。 If you take a walk down one of Old Taipa Village’s busiest streets you will most likely come across the iconic marquee of the similarly busy O Santos, a Portuguese restaurant with a reputation that precedes its simplicity. 于1989年开始经营的这个家庭式餐厅的老板兼 主厨Santos Manuel Bruno Pinto曾担任葡萄牙 海军的厨师。自从退休后,就开始经营这间餐 厅。从墙上一排排的与客人和朋友的照片及留言 就可清楚明白客人是多么喜爱这间餐厅。走进山 度士葡式餐厅里,就好像走进一个好朋友的家, 简单的格局,餐桌排放于餐厅两侧。当你享用美 食时,山度士会到餐厅四周与客人谈天,热切的 关心客人,因此,这家餐厅很受大家欢迎。 Set up in 1989, after owner and chef Santos Manuel Bruno Pinto retired from work as a cook in the Portuguese navy, this homey restaurant displays the years of culinary service and satisfaction on its walls with the rows and rows of photos depicting happy customers and friends. Walking into O Santos feels no different than walking into the home of a good mate, with a simple arrangement of tables that sit along either side of the narrow two-story restaurant. As you dine, Santos moves around the room speaking to his guests in a manner that can only be described as intimate and it is clear why this restaurant is so popular. 山度士葡式餐厅这些年来已受到大量的关注,曾 被受欢迎的旅行顾问网站授予优秀的证书。餐厅 提供一系列的葡萄牙美食,例如招牌菜葡式烤乳 猪,烩鸭饭以及和八爪鱼色拉。

开放时间: 星期一: 12:00 - 15:00; 18:30 22:00 & 星期三 – 星期日: 12:00 - 15:00; 18:30 - 22:00 地址:氹仔旧城区官也街20号 电话: (+853) 2882 5594 Opening Hours: Mon: 12:00 - 15:00; 18:30 - 22:00 & Wed - Sun: 12:00 - 15:00; 18:30 - 22:00 Address: Rua do Cunha No. 20, Taipa, Macau Tel: (+853) 2882 5594

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O Santos has received a lot of attention throughout the years, and been awarded with a certificate of excellence by popular website “trip advisor.” The restaurant offers an array of Portuguese dishes, highlighting these in their menus of the day, but Santos swears by his Roast suckling pig, Arroz de pato and Octopus salad.


里斯本地带餐厅 Espaço Lisboa 充斥着乡村风味的葡萄牙美食,里斯本地带餐厅 就可带给你5种葡萄牙的感官体验。 Famous for their country-style Portuguese cuisine, Espaço Lisboa deliver an utterly Portuguese experience for all five senses. 餐厅位于路环,附近就是澳门最出名的葡挞发源 地-安德鲁饼店。餐厅与平常传统的中国家庭无 异,但当你一进入餐厅,就会感到自己快要被浓 厚的西方气氛所淹没。深色木横梁,搭配上白墙 壁,再加上一系列的绘画和饰品。餐厅一侧有楼 梯可通向第二层,那里有个阳台,天气许可下, 可到这里享受一下户外用餐的滋味。当你享用其 餐厅的特点推介美食时,他们还会为你演奏葡萄 牙民间音乐。特点推介菜式包括有:白酒香蒜黄 油酱炒蚬,鳕鱼鱼饼,传统葡式白菜汤,从葡国 进口的烟熏火腿。 Located in Coloane, near the birthplace of Macau’s most famous Portuguese egg tarts: Lord Stow’s Bakery, the restaurant appears no different from the line of traditional Chinese homes that surround it but upon entrance you are submerged in an utterly European atmosphere: exposed dark wood beams frame white walls, a complimentary blend of paintings and trinkets decorate the walls, off to one side side a narrow staircase leads to the both the second story and a balcony perfect for Al Fresco dining, should the weather allow it. Portuguese Folk music plays overhead as you dine on one of their many specials; Arroz de pato, Clams in a white wine, garlic & butter sauce, Cod fish cakes, traditional cabbage soup and smoked ham imported from Portugal. 里斯本地带餐厅由店主Francisco Cruz 和 Henrique Custódio在2003开始经营的,已经吸 引了很多爱食的旅者专诚过来品尝一下其独特的 葡萄牙美食风味。 Set up in 2003 by owners Francisco Cruz and Henrique Custódio, Espaço Lisboa has fed an array of hungry visitors and continues to expose travelers and locals alike to the unique flavors of the Portuguese cuisine. 开放时间: 星期一-星期五 12:00-15:00 & 18:30-22:00; 星期六-星期日 12:00-22:30pm 地址: 澳门路环水鸭街8号地下 电话: (+853) 2888 2226 Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 12:00-15:00 & 18:30-22:00; Sat-Sun 12:00-22:30pm Address: 8 Rua dos Gaivotas, Coloane, Macau Tel: (+853) 2888 2226 2013 ■ May │ 五月




Barbecue Suckling Pig “Portuguese Style” 文 李美欣By Kitty Lee 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY GONÇALO LOBO PINHEIRO

国人跟葡萄牙人都喜欢在 庆节的时候吃烧乳猪,中式 的婚宴和满月酒时吃乳猪代表好意 头,西方喜欢在圣诞节的时候一家 人一起分享。是什么让这道菜受欢 迎呢,吃过你就会知道了! his dish needs little introduction, merely a plate. A specialty in both Chinese and Portuguese cuisines, suckling pig is internationally loved. Chinese typically reserve the pig for wedding parties and important events, while Portuguese devour it on festive occasions. What is the secret behind this succulent delight? Culture Guide sticks its snout in to investigate.



A dish made of intentions and time 28 

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考验师傅功力 Take your time


澳门受葡萄牙文化影响,很多餐厅都有这道菜。 但说到在哪能尝到最美味的烧乳猪,那一定是位 于新马路附近的金叠葡式美食餐厅!金叠的主 厨“波哥”入行四十多年,经验老道,他说,“ 做这道菜需要花很长时间以及复杂的过程。”时 间控制,材料和香料都是决定这道菜好不好吃的 重要因素。烧乳猪要用两天的时间才能做好,所 以有些顾客会提早到达餐厅,因为乳猪当天卖完 就没有了。 Golden Castle restaurant is one of the many homes of the suckling pig. A specialty of the restaurant, guests arrive early so as to get one while supplies last. According to the wellknown chef of the establishment, Chef “Bo”, time control is the most important element in preparing a suckling pig. Two days are needed for the dish. “Making the suckling pig is a long and complicated process.” says Bo, the correct choice of spices and ingredients is paramount to guarantee the taste and tenderness of the meat.

当你吃到这道葡式烧乳猪的时候,必定被那又香 又脆的皮和嫩滑的肉吸引,对大厨赞不绝口。 Despite the time necessary and the complexity of the dish, the first bite is worth it. Instantly you’re greeted by the sweet, crispy skin, then your palate notices the silky, juicy flesh beneath. The well-marbled meat and full flavor evidence the chef’s prowess. 如果是少数人的聚餐,可以点一份烧乳猪(澳门 币198),大概是全猪的四分之一,要点全只烧 乳猪要提早预定,让师傅有时间准备! For a small group dinner, the pig is available in a serving size that is about one-fourth of the whole pig. For those who want to order the whole pig, they must reserve it in advance.

严选材料 Only the best

和其它菜色不同,这道菜没办法现点现做,因为 要保持乳猪皮香脆,这非常考师傅的技巧。为了 把最好的带给客人,波哥每天都会到市场选最新 鲜的材料。有四十多年厨师经验的波哥,在行家 及客人眼中都是非常专业和用心的。他甚至准备 提前一天的菜,确保物资充足。 Unlike other dishes that are easily prepared, the challenge of cooking this dish is in keeping the skin crispy and the meat moist throughout the day. That’s why the chef goes to the market everyday to choose the best ingredients and pieces. With over forty years of cooking experience, Chef “Bo” is famous for his diligence and professionalism, never turning down guests who come hoping for the piglet. He even prepares the dish a day in advance so as to make sure supplies last.

Savory Characters

以下就是波哥的葡式烧乳猪食谱 Chef Bo’s Recipe for Suckling Pig “Portuguese Style”

步骤: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

把肉腌10个小时 用醋和麦芽糖上皮 把乳猪吊干10个小时 加入香料粉 把乳猪放进烤箱烤熟

Steps: 1. Salt the meat for 10 hours 2. Apply vinegar and maltose to the skin 3. Hang in a dry area for 10 hours 4. Add in spice powder 5. Roast until the suckling pig is cooked (time depends on the size of the piglet) 烤的时候要时不时把乳猪拿出来再放进去烤。 From time to time during baking, the suckling pig should be removed from the oven, for short periods of time.

材料* 乳猪-一只 香料粉-一把 盐-适量 醋-适量 麦芽糖-适量

Ingredients* 1 whole suckling pig 1 handful Spice powder Salt - moderate amount Vinegar- moderate amount Maltose- moderate amount *份量以乳猪的大小为准 *Ingredients depend on the size of the pig

快去试一下这道佳肴吧: Check out this dish at: 金叠葡式美食Golden Castle Restaurant 地址Address: 澳门龙嵩正街8-G地下 (司法处停车场对面)/ Rua Central 8-G (opposite to the parking lot of the Judiciary Police station) 营业时间Opening hours: 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00逢星期一休息 (closed on Mondays) 电话Tel: (+853) 2835 5931/ (+853) 6283 3234

2013 ■ May │ 五月




“美好, 安全和公平交易“

Slow Food: “Good, Clean and Fair ” 文 By Abbi Mitchell-Morley

“multidisciplinary approach to food that recognizes the strong connections between plate, planet, people, (plant) and culture”.

今世界发展得越来越快,不停地加快工 作效率来提高生产力,但同时,亦使我 们失去了某些重要的事物。例如失去了我们最喜 爱的东西─食物。 he world is working in a higher and higher gear as we accelerate our productivity through efficiency and cutbacks. However, sometimes a cutback ends up erasing what we like most about something, like food.


澳门慢食文化协会的主席Baudouin Neirnck阐 述其协会的宗旨—“美好,安全和公平交易”, That’s why we sit back and ask why Slow Food is better than the alternatives. President of the Macau sector of the Slow Food Association: Baudouin Neirynck elaborates on their philosophy - “Good, Clean and Fair” – explaining: “美好,是指食物使人类可以吸收均衡的营养, 维生素,还能享受美食的乐趣。安全,是指食物 含有少量或完全不含任何农药,杀虫剂或任何化 学残留物。公平交易,是指生产者有权利去获得 公平的对待,应以公平贸易,减少谋取暴利的情 况是出现。” “Good because food should bring eaters balanced nutrition, vitamins and pleasure, Clean because the food should contain no or a minimum of pesticides, insecticides or residues; and Fair because the producer has the right to receive a fair share of the final selling price of the food or beverage product, something that is not always the case”. 慢食文化协会通过新饮食的教学来推广其哲学理 念。根据其网站的资料,意指想多学科食品的慨 念──与碟,行星,人(植物)与文化之间形成 强韧的连接关系。 Slow Food promotes its philosophy by educating members in the areas of neogastronomy; a concept coined by Slow Food that, according to their website, refer to a 30 

五月 │ May ■ 2013

在世界各地已有超过十万会员,其中90名成员 来自澳门。慢食文化是一个非牟利的国际组织, 致力于反对快餐文化以及保护当地的文化和美 食。慢食慨念是由当时一位记者卡罗尔·彼得里 尼所提出,目的是为了反对麦当劳在罗马开业, 而这个慨念亦开始受到人们的关注,直到1989 年,慢食已成为一个合法组织。 Made up of around 100,000 members across the globe, 90 of which are in Macau, Slow Food is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against fast food and the conservation of individual cultures and cuisines. Despite being founded in 1986 by Carlo Petrini, who began to receive attention for campaigning against the opening of McDonalds in Rome, it wasn’t until 1989 that Slow Food became a legitimate organization.

在澳门,慢食文化协会举行了两个大型活动。第 一次活动是于12月澳门慢食文化奖,主席雷域 教授解释说:“在每个不同的餐厅,他们一直坚 持对慢食的原则。此外,我们尽可能地选用来自 于中国南方的原材料,以尽量减少由空运,海运 或陆路运输所形成的碳排放量。 “ Within the Macau chapter, two major events are organized by Slow Food, the first being the December Macau Slow Food Awards which Neirynck explains is an event to “reward [...] restaurants [...] in each category for their adherence and respect of the [...] Slow Food principles.” He continues to say that: “in addition, and wherever possible, ingredients must originate from South China to minimize the carbon footprint caused by air, sea or land transportation.”

而第二个就是于5月举行名为地球母亲的活动, 以促进人们拥有良好的饮食习惯。会员会造访一 所小学,通过一系列的工作坊、游戏和演示教导 孩子们健康饮食的好处。也会举办一些小型的活 动,如烹饪工作坊,以及到本地有机农场的小旅 行等等。 The second event, held in May, is called Terra Madre and is basically the promotion of good eating habits. Members travel to a primary school and through a series of workshops, games and presentations teach the children about the benefits of healthy eating. Smaller events such as cooking workshops and trips to independent local organic farms are held throughout the year. 适应慢食生活方式除了可以有益身心之外,雷域 教授曾说过:”就好像发现了一个新的生活方 式,从不同的烹调方法中获取更多的乐趣。”雷 域从日常生活中已开始适应慢食文化,在他烘烤 面包时,利用当地材料以及自己亲自栽种的草药。 Aside from the obvious health benefits that come with adapting the Slow Food way of life, Mr. Neirynck has said that “discovering a new way of life and a lot more pleasure from the eating experiences” are the true benefits of membership. Neirynck lives the Slow Food philosophy by baking his own bread, cooking with local ingredients and growing his own herbs.

你 也 可 以 成 为 慢 餐 成 员 , 快 登 录 到 w w w.,点撃“加入我们”的选项。为 期两年的会员只需花费10欧元,相当于澳门币 100元。 You can become a Slow Food member too by logging on to, and clicking on their “Join Us” option. A two-year membership only costs 10 euros or MOP100.

美食好去处 Restaurant LIST

美食好去处 RESTAURANT LIST 咖啡 CAFÉ 一楼西餐厅Café Panorama 澳门威斯汀酒店1楼 Westin Macau Hotel Level 1, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane 10:30 - 22:00 8899 1020 价钱Pricing: 2

水晶廊 Crystal Lounge & Deli 澳门葡京路2-4号新葡京酒店U1红 金上层 Upper 1/F, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 24 Hours 8803 7711 价钱Pricing: 1

鹿港小镇Lugang Cafe 路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城地下G05A G/F, G05A, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI 24 Hours 8883 2221 价钱Pricing: 1

大堂酒廊 Patisserie/Lobby Lounge 澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau Lobby, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 10:00-01:00 8868 1131 价钱Pricing: 1

大堂吧Rendezvous 澳门新马路巴素打尔古街十六浦索 菲特酒店大堂 1/F Hotel Lobby, Sofitel Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau 11:00 - 01:00 8861 7213 价钱Pricing: 1

金丽华饼店 Grand Lapa Cake Shop 澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110 号金丽华酒店2楼 2/F, Grand Lapa, 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 12:00 - 20:00 8793 3810 价钱Pricing: 1

安德鲁饼店 Lord Stow’s Bakery 路环市区挞沙街1号地下 Rua Do Tassara, 1, Coloane Village, Coloane 10:00 - 19:00 2888 2534 价钱Pricing: 1

御苑餐厅 Vida Rica Restaurant

氹仔旧城区官也街2 8 - 3 0号地下 Rua do Cunha, Taipa Village 2830, G/F 12:00 - 23:00 2882 5323 价钱Pricing: 1

澳门文华东方酒店2楼 Mandarin Oriental, Level 2, NAPE, Macau 06:30 –23:00 8805 8918 价钱Pricing: 3


老上海沪杭菜馆 Old Shanghai

路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城地下 G03及G05号 G03&G05, G/F Galaxy Macau COTAI 10:00 - 01:00 8883 2221 价钱Pricing: 1

美食荟萃 Chef Sun’s Private Kitchen 澳门提督马路23- 25C号4楼C室 Avenida do Almirante Lacerda, 23-25C, 4/F, Macau 19:00 - 00:00 6686 6837 价钱Pricing: 1

朝 Dynasty 8

Cuppa Coffee 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦 花园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa 07:00 - 19:00 2882 5201 价钱Pricing: 1

诚昌饭店 Casa de Pasto Seng Chong

中菜 CHINESE 北方馆North 路氹金光大道望德圣母湾大马路澳 门威尼斯人度假村酒店娱乐场1015铺 Shop 1015, Venetian MacaoResort Hotel, COTAI 11:00 - 02:30 8118 9980 价钱Pricing: 2

16号码头德兴海鲜火锅 16 Tak Heng Hot Pot Restaurant 澳门新口岸北京街怡珍阁南光百货2楼 Rua de Pequim 2-B, I Chan Kok, 2/F, Macau 12:00-03:00 2893 9388 价钱Pricing: 1

99面99 Noodles 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利澳门 万利酒店地面层 G/F, Encore, Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 01:00 8986 3663 价钱Pricing: 1

路氹金光大道金沙城中心底层 Level 1, Sands COTAI Central, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920 价钱Pricing: 2

京花轩Golden Flower 澳门新口岸仙德丽街永利酒店地面层 G/F Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra NAPE, Macau 18:00 - 23:30 8986 3663 价钱Pricing: 2

丽涛轩 Lai Tou Hin 澳门友谊大马路渔人码头意大利馆 Avenida de Amizade e Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8299 3371 价钱Pricing: 1

葡京潮州酒楼 Lisboa Chiu Chow Restaurant 澳门葡京路葡京酒店旧翼四楼 Hotel Lisboa, 3/F East wing 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 10:00 - 23:00 2871 2549 价钱Pricing: 1

澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)凯旋门新世 界酒店3楼 3/F, L Arc, Avenida 24 de Junho, No. 278, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 00:00 2888 6922 价钱Pricing: 2

百乐潮州酒楼Pak Loh 路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城地下 G56a号铺 G56a, G/F, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8883 2221 价钱Pricing: 1

红8粥面 Red 8 宋玉生广场(皇朝)外港填海区仙德 丽街永利澳门酒店地面层 G/F, Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 24 Hours 8986 3663 价钱Pricing: 1

常满饭庄 Rice Empire 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中心 底层 Level 1, Sands COTAI Central, Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8930 价钱Pricing: 2

新世界西洋餐 San Sai Kai Sai Ieong Chan 澳门沙梨头连胜街48-48A号地下 Rua de Coelho do Amaral, No. 48-A e Rua da Entena, No. 1 G/F Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2833 4292 价钱Pricing: 1

2013 ■ May │ 五月



金丽轩 Kam Lai Heen

紫逸轩 Zi Yat Heen

澳门金丽华酒店2楼 Grand Lapa Hotel Level 2, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 8793 3821 价钱Pricing: 2

路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店大堂 1/F, Four Season Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 2881 8888 价钱Pricing: 2

亞洲美食坊Tastes of Asia 路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城购物大 道东地下G43 G43, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI 10:00 - 00:00 8883 2221 价钱Pricing: 1

桃花源小厨Tim’s Kitchen 澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼大堂 Lisboa Hotel, Lobby Level, East Wing, 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 12:00 - 23:00 8803 3682 价钱Pricing: 2

喜迎楼Treasure Palace 路氹连贯公路新濠天地新濠大道一楼 Level 1 City of Dreams, Crown Towers, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8868 6661 价钱Pricing: 2

翠华餐厅Tsui Wah 路氹城澳門銀河綜合渡假城购物大 道东地下G45 G45, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Macau, COTAI 24 hours 8883 2221 价钱Pricing: 2

永利轩 Wing Lei

观海轩中餐厅 Kwun Hoi Heen Restaurant


澳门威斯汀酒店 Westin Macau Hotel, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane 11:00 - 23:00 8899 1320 价钱Pricing: 2

贝隆 Belon 路氹城澳门悦榕庄31楼 31/F, Banyan Tree Macau Galaxy Macau, COTAI 18:00 - 23:00 8883 6090 价钱Pricing: 3

良辰法国餐厅 La Bonne Heure 澳门新马路板樟堂巷12号A及B铺 12A-B Travessa de Sao Domingos, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2833 1209 价钱Pricing: 1

海风餐厅 Mistral

澳门新口岸仙德丽街永利酒店地面层 G/F, Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 22:00 8986 3663 价钱Pricing: 2

鲜 Xin

御膳房The Tasting Room

32 

五月 │ May ■ 2013

印度园林餐厅Indian Garden 氹仔花城区成都街濠景花园第27座 地下18号铺 Nova Taipa Garden, Shop 18, G/F, Block 27, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 12:00 - 22:30 2883 7088 价钱Pricing: 2

香草园 Spice Garden 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大 道东地下G23号铺 G23, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, COTAI 12:00 - 00:00 8883 2221 价钱Pricing: 2


新马路内港巴素打尔古街澳门十六 浦索菲特酒店6楼 Sofitel Macau, Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos, Macau 07:00 - 22:30 8861 7210 价钱Pricing: 2

路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中心底层 Level 1, Sands COTAI Central, Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 1200 价钱Pricing: 2


路氹连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒 店3楼 3/F, City of Dream, Crown Towers, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 12:00 - 23:00 8868 6681 价钱Pricing: 3

意大利菜 ITALIAN 经典意大利餐厅 Antica Trattoria 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)伦斯泰特 大马路40,42及46号帝景苑 Edf. Vista Magnifica Court, 40, 42, 46 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, Macau 12:00 - 23:30 2875 5102 价钱Pricing: 3

陆舟餐厅La Gondola 路环竹湾海滩 竹湾马路 Estrada de Cheoc-Van, Coloane (Beside Cheoc-Van pool) 12:00 - 23:00 2888 0156 价钱Pricing: 1

我的意大利厨房 La Cucina Italiana 氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村 伟兴阁地下AD-AF铺 Rua do Pai Kok No. 6-12, Chun Fok Village, Wai Heng Kok, G/F, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 7818 价钱Pricing: 2

比萨薄饼店Pizzeria Toscana 澳门下环妈阁斜巷2号A长城大厦 地下 G/F, 2A Calcada da barra, Sao Lourenco, macau 11:30 - 23:30 2872 6637 价钱Pricing: 2

庭园意大利餐厅Terrazza 路氹城澳门银河]综合渡假城银河酒 店2楼201号铺 201, 2/F, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, COTAI 18:00 - 23:00 8883 2221 价钱Pricing: 3

Mezza9 路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店3楼 Grand Hyatt Macau, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 5:30 - 23:00 8868 1920 价钱Pricing: 3

日本 JAPANESE 贵族炉端烧 Majestic Robatayaki 澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒 店地下 G/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, 288 Avenida Comercial De Macau 06:00 - 00:00 8986 7609 价钱Pricing: 2

新故里日本料理 New Furusato 澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 2/F, East Wing, 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 06:30 - 02:30 8803 3677 价钱Pricing: 3

清酒杯 Sakazuki Sake Bar 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大 仓酒店2楼202号铺 202, 2/F. Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau, COTAI 16:00 - 00:00 8883 5125 价钱Pricing: 1

美食好去处 Restaurant LIST

鮨味亭日本料理 Sushimitei

Restaurante Escada

贾梅士葡国餐厅 Novo Camões


澳门贾伯乐提督街64号宝诚大厦地下 Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral, No. 64, G/F, Macau 18:00 - 22:30 2833 2992 价钱Pricing: 2

澳门新马路大堂街8号 Rua da Se, 8, Macau 18:00 - 10:30 2896 6900 价钱Pricing: 2

澳门友谊大马路渔人码头里斯本馆 第3座1楼 Avenida da Amizade, Fisherman’s Warf, 1/F, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2872 7988 价钱Pricing: 1

氹仔旧城区客商街3号地下 Rua dos Negociantes, 3, Taipa Village, Taipa 18:00 - 00:00 2899 9998 价钱Pricing: 2


澳门福隆新街64号地下 Rua do Felicidade, 64, Macau 12:00 - 23:00 2857 3585 价钱Pricing: 2

路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大 仓酒店2楼200号铺 2/F, Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau, COTAI 12:00 - 23:00 8883 5127 价钱Pricing: 3

土生葡菜 MACANESE 海湾咖啡屋 Cafe Litoral 氹仔旧城区地堡街第四座伟展阁 53-57号地下 Rua do Regedor, Block 4 Wai Chin Kok, No. 53-57, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 5255 价钱Pricing: 1

加路餐厅 Carlos Restaurant 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)柏嘉街432438号 Rua Cidade de Braga, G/F, Shoppes AR and As Edificio Vista Magnifica Court, Macau 06:00 - 23:00 2875 1838 价钱Pricing: 1

木偶葡国餐厅 Cozinha Pinocchio 氹仔旧城区消防局前地38号 Rua do Sol, 4, Taipa 11:45 - 23:00 2882 7328 价钱Pricing: 1

小飞象葡国餐厅 Restaurante Dumbo 氹仔旧城区地堡街喜来登广场地下 A铺连壹楼全层 Rua do Regedor, Taipa Village, Taipa 12:00 - 23:00 2882 7888 价钱Pricing: 1

佛笑楼 Fat Siu Lau

佛笑楼2 Fat Siu Lau 2 澳门孙逸仙大马路帝景苑佛笑楼 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Edificio Vista Magnifica Court, Macau 12:00 - 23:30 2872 2922 价钱Pricing: 2

佛笑楼3 Fat Siu Lau 3 澳门氹仔地堡街181-185号地下 Rua Do Regedor 181-185 R/C, Taipa, Macau 12:00 - 22:30 2882 5257 价钱Pricing: 2

海岛船葡国餐厅 Junco das Ilhas 氹仔南京街586号地下 Rua de Nam Keng, 586, G/F, Taipa 17:00 - 23:00 2883 7915 价钱Pricing: 1

船屋葡国餐厅 A Lorcha 澳门下环河边新街289号 Rua de Almirante Sergio, 289, Macau 11:00 - 21:00 2831 3193 Pricing: 1

美心亨利餐厅 Maxims Henri’s Galley 西湾民国大马路4号G-H地下 Avenida da Republica, 4, Sai Van Lake, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2855 6251 价钱Pricing: 2

雅憩花园餐厅 Nga Tim Café 路环市区计单奴街8号 Rua Caetano, 1, Coloane Village 11:30 - 23:00 2888 2086 价钱Pricing: 2

海军咖啡座 O Cantinho Do Marujo 氹仔华宝花园第一座A铺 Rua de Eora, 11, Taipa 09:30 - 21:30 2882 7989 价钱Pricing: 2

熊猫葡国餐厅 Panda 氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 Rua Carlos Eugenio, 4-8, Taipa 12:00 - 21:00 2882 7338 价钱Pricing: 2

九如坊Restaurante Platão 澳门新马路板樟堂巷3号乐华花园 地下B铺 Travessa de S. Domingos, 3, Macau 12:00 - 23:00 2833 1818 价钱Pricing: 3

百姓餐厅 Banza 氹仔旧城区广东大马路154号A-B号 南新花园第5座地下G-H座 Avenida de Kwung Tung, 154, Macau 18:30 - 22:30 2882 1519 价钱Pricing: 2

葡国美食 Boa Mesa 新马路板樟堂巷16A号铺 Travessa de S. Domingos, 16A, Macau 12:00 - 21:30 2838 9453 价钱Pricing: 1

澳门陆军俱乐部 Clube Militar 新口岸南湾街975号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 975, Macau 12:00 - 22:30 2871 4000 价钱Pricing: 3

内港餐厅 O Porto Interior 澳门下环河边新街259号B地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 259, Macau 12:00 - 22:30 2896 7770 价钱Pricing: 2

法兰度餐厅 Fernando’s


葡轩 Gosto

澳门南湾大马路512号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 8-10, Macau 11:00 - 22:30 2857 4391 价钱Pricing: 2

路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac Sa Beach, 9, Coloane 12:00 - 21:30 2888 2264 价钱Pricing: 2

路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大 道东地下G21号铺 G21, G/F, East Promenande, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI 12:00 - 23:00 8883 2221 价钱Pricing: 2

葡国餐厅 Guincho a Galera

葡国菜 PORTUGUESE 亚丰素三世餐厅Afonso III 新马路龙嵩街11号A Rua Central , 11, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2858 6271 价钱Pricing: 2

葡京路2-4号葡京酒店西座3楼 3/F Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa, 2-4, Macau 12:00 - 23:30 8803 7676 价钱Pricing: 3 价钱Pricing: 1

没有 / Less than MOP 150

价钱Pricing: 2

MOP 150 - MOP 300

价钱Pricing: 3

以上 / More than MOP 300

2013 ■ May │ 五月


购物 指南


董,是古人的精心之作。经过岁月的洗 礼,每一件保存下来的古董,都有它的 时间印记。本期就让澳门导航为大家介绍一下澳 门古董店内的秘密。

古董店之旅 Antique Shopping 文 欧阳慧君 By Vivian Ao Ieong 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY GONÇALO LOBO PINHEIRO

make-up, and body characteristics, we find a pampered, mellow and full style of body. This is a common characteristic of Tang ladies, when fat was considered beautiful and a sign of prosperity.


ntiques are a testimony of the trials and tribulations gone through by our ancestors. Shaped by hand and possessing a spirit built up over decades and sometimes centuries, these pieces, like us, have their scars. To show you the beauty in the past, Culture Guide takes you antique shopping, with hand picked pieces found in the city.

文拓堂 Antiquario Man Tok Tong 名称: 唐朝陶女偶, 陶制品 年份: 唐朝 (公元618-907) 价钱: 约澳门币 160,000 特点: 从这对唐朝陶女偶,可得知当时唐代女性 的服饰,面相,饰品,装扮,特征等等,均一览 无遗。例如,大家可见到陶女偶的身型是设计得 较为圆润丰满的,皆因唐朝的女性都以拥有丰满 的身材为美。 Name: Pair of ladies, made out of ceramic Estimated time period: Tang Dynasty (AD 618 - 907) Price: around MOP 160,000 Features: From this “Pair of ladies”, we learn about the style and figure of ladies in the Tang dynasty. By analyzing dress, facial expression, 34 

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名称: 萧立声先生之男士人物图 年份: 70年后期-80年代早期 价钱: 约澳门币 10,000 特别之处: 这幅画像是店主最喜爱的古董收藏品 之一。萧立声先生是1950年代时期有名的画家 之一,擅长于绘画中国山水,十二罗汉,以及人 物画。这幅男士人物图就是其得意之作之一,画 中颜色鲜明,细致的人物以及神态的緢绘,整幅 画带出淳朴无华之意,实属佳作。 Name: Male Figure Painting of Pro. Siu Lap Sing Estimated time period: 1970s-1980s. Price: MOP 10,000 or above Features: This is one of the favored antique pieces in the owner’s collection. Prof. Siu Lap Sing is one of the most famous painters from the 1950s, an expert in drawings and paintings of Chinese landscape, 12 Arhat (Lohan) paintings and figure paintings. This piece is one of his masterpieces. The use of distinct colors and the meticulous attention given the expression of the figures demeanor (simple and honest) creates an excellent painting.

名称: 萧立声先生之女士人物图 年份: 70年后期-80年代早期 价钱: 约澳门币 10,000 特别之处: 店主最喜爱的古董收藏品之一。这幅 画像是萧立声先生一幅较特别的之作,是緢绘一 位少女出浴后只披上薄纱的一幅出浴图。这幅图 像的主题带有一点色情的题材,但凭着萧立声先 生的巧手妙笔,令人只会留意到少女含羞答答的 神情,身体的动作等等优雅的韵味, Name: Female Figure Painting of Prof. Siu Lap Sing Estimated time period: 1970s-1980s. Price: MOP 10,000 or above Features: The owner’s favorite piece from her antique collections. This painting is an explicit painting, capturing a woman wearing a light cloth after bathing. The portrayal may have (at that time) been considered pornographic, but Prof. Siu Lap Sing manages to exactly express the bearing of the lady, her shy facial expression, her body posture, using nudity as art. 文拓堂 Antiquario Man Tok Tong 地址: 澳门大三巴街52A地铺 Address: R.S. Paulo 52 a G/F, Flat A Ed. Man Wai Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2835 8712, (+853) 6218 6933, (+86) 153 4488 6933

古董店之旅 Antique Shopping

名称: 清雍正乾隆珐琅彩杯具 年份: 清朝 价钱: 约澳门币 2,000,000 –澳门币 3,000,000 特别之处: 这对清雍正/乾隆珐琅彩杯具是店主远 赴欧洲拍卖回来的。大家可见其花纹是以中国山 水画为主,再配上数只白鹿。白鹿是传统中国的 吉祥动物,可带给人吉祥如意。这对杯具是由江 西建德镇最有名出产杯具的地方生产,再运往皇 宫绘画。由于是特别为清朝皇帝所用,故所有用 料,设计以及质量都采用最上乘的材料。

宝正珍文化艺术有限公司 Bao Zheng Zhen Cultural Art Co. Ltd. 名称: 珐华彩葫芦形花瓶 年份: 明朝 价钱: 约澳门币 1,000,000 特别之处: 这个珐华彩葫芦形花瓶是店主最近才 在美国拍卖行拍卖回来的,当真是店主的心头 好!大家可见花瓶的花纹是以牡丹花为主。牡丹 花是传统中国家庭中代表着富贵吉祥的意思。古 时大多达官贵人都以牡丹花为身份的象征。再以 深蓝色作底色,将整个花瓶的优雅高贵的气质完 全地表露无遗。 Name: Carved Fahua - glazed gourd-shaped vase Estimated time period: Ming Dynasty Price: around MOP 1,000,000 Features: This piece, recently auctioned from the U.S., has worked its way into the shop owner’s heart. The pattern of this vase displays brilliant peony flowers – meaning wealth and fortune in the traditional Chinese culture. Many rich Chinese families use this flower as a sign of their influence. The use of dark blue as the background, contrasts this wealth with an expression of nobility and elegance.

Name: YongZheng-QianLong Period, inscribed Falangcai tableware Estimated time period: Qing Dynasty Price: around MOP 2,000,000 –MOP 3,000,000 Features: These two pairs of Falangcai tableware were auctioned from Europe. The pattern of the tableware is similar to drawings of Chinese landscapes, with deer inscribed on them. These animals are considered sacred, and bringers of fortune. The tableware is specially made in the town of Jiangxi Kin Tak, the best tableware producer during the Qing Dynasty, and the color was the same as the paintings located in the palace. As they are specially made for the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, all the materials, design and quality must be the best.

名称: 清乾隆青花白鹿尊 年份: 清朝乾隆 价钱: 约澳门币 2,000,000 特别之处: 这尊来自清乾隆期间的青花白鹿尊都 是店主从欧洲拍卖行拍卖回澳的。花纹亦以中国 山水为主,再加上白鹿作点缀。这种青花尊是清 朝著名的烧制技术,当中只用2种颜色-青花。 对比其他朝代之制的青花瓷器,清朝的较为色彩 鲜艳,层次较为分明,主题风格亦较为丰富,百变。 Name: Qing Dynasty-QianLong Period, Blue and White Deer ceramic Estimated time period: Qing Dynasty Price: around MOP 2,000,000 Features: This Blue and White Deer ceramic is also auctioned from Europe. Its pattern demonstrates elements of Chinese landscapes, the center of attention displaying a deer. The statue is created using a famous and special technique in the Qing Dynasty, with two primary colors: blue and white. Compared with other dynasties, the blue and white statues are brighter, due to the colors, distinctive in structure, and vary more in their theming and style expression.

宝正珍文化艺术有限公司 Bao Zheng Zhen Cultural Art Co. Ltd. 地址: 澳门大三巴街44号地铺A-B Address: R.S. Paulo 44 A-B R/C, Flat A Ed. Kui Val Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2855 0855, (+853) 6396 4777 2013 ■ May │ 五月



中国 根家私 寻找珍宝

Old house gallery A place to treasure hunt 文 李美欣 By Kitty Lee 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY GONÇALO LOBO PINHEIRO

36 

五月 │ May ■ 2013

本地商户 Local Business

国际拍卖 International Auctions 清朝时期,我国的大部分珍品都流到了其它国 家,所以很多手工及用料都非常精巧的古董都不 在国内。冯先生会不时地参加外国的拍卖会,把 这些珍品竞投回来。他将收藏卖给和他有相同爱 好的人,那些收藏也得到了不少好评。 Many Chinese antiques made their way to new homes in other countries during the late Qing dynasty, as such many of the great works of art are not located in their home country. Feng goes to Europe and abroad to bid for them, participating in many international auctions. Once collected, he sells some of his collections to those with the same passion as he, many of his products receiving very high appraisals.

中国根家私』早期售卖及为客人订造家私, 近年主要收藏古玩珍品等。中国根在澳门有 两家店,旗舰店位于旅游旺区大三巴,分店設在 四季酒店的购物中心。 he Old house gallery sells furniture designed in an older, more traditional style, recently branching out into collecting (and selling) antiques. There are two shops in Macau, with the flagship shop located next to the iconic landmark - St Paul’s ruins. The branch is located in the shopping center of the Four Seasons hotel in Cotai.


『中国根家私』的创办人冯连华先生是有多年經 驗的古董收藏家,喜欢到国内及欧洲等国家收藏 及欣赏古董和有历史价值的珍品。 收藏古董除了 是冯先生的兴趣,也是他认为值得投资,有升值 潜力的一个项目。 The founder of the Old house gallery, Mr. Feng, has been collecting antiques for years and in his search for treasured pieces has gone so far as Europe and the Mainland, constantly procuring the perfect piece.

热爱古玩 Antique Passion 大三巴的旗舰店总共有四层高,里面有明清或更 早时期的古玩,大部分都价值连城。 The shop by St. Paul’s ruins is a fourth-floor walk-up store, where you can find collections from periods including the Ming and Qing dynasty, and pieces with an even longer history, nearly all of them priceless. 老板对古玩的认识与热情都非常高,他说:“很 多历史博物馆及展览会都会联络我,向我借珍 品。香港的孙中山博物馆就曾问我可否借出孙中 山阅兵的陶瓷。” The owner, Mr. Feng, is filled with enthusiasm when it comes to collecting the items, saying: “many historical museums and exhibitions have contacted me and ask me to lend out my curios, I have once been asked to lend out a ceramic of Sun Yat Sen standing with the military parade from the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Museum in Hong Kong.” “我非常热爱古董,记得有一次我到北京旅游, 在天安门的博物馆里看到一张毛主席的广告画, 就问那里的工作人员可否卖给我。起初他们不 肯,被我极力游说后,最终那张广告画现在就挂 在我的店里。” “I have great passion for these antiques, I remember when I was visiting a museum in Tiananmen Square and I saw a commercial poster of Mao Zedong, I immediately asked the staff to sell me the poster. At first they refused but after spending time lobbying them, now the poster is in my shop.”

冯先生说:“我喜欢把自己的收藏卖给懂得欣赏 的人,我的客人大部分来自国内及欧美,他们都 会很惊讶我有这么多珍贵的收藏。” Feng says, “I like to share my collections with people who have the same interest and those who have good knowledge of antiques. The majority of my customers are from Europe, America and the Mainland, and they all get surprised when they step into my shop and see so many ancient curios.” 店里的每件收藏都有很高的艺术价值,如越南黄 花梨围板床和方台,全都价值不菲。 In the store is an amazing collection, including items such as “Dalbergia” (Chinese domestic furniture) panel bed and desks, valued at over a hundred million patacas.

联络资讯 / Contact information 开放时间/Opening hours: 10:00-19:00 地址/Address: 澳门大三巴街27-27A地下 Rua De S.Paulo, No.27-27A, G/f, Macau 查询电话/Hotline: (+853) 2835 8387 查询电邮/Inquiry email:

2013 ■ May │ 五月



酒店 住宿


新葡京酒店 GRAND LISBOA HOTEL 地址: 澳門葡京路 Address: Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2828 3838 級別:五星級豪華 Class: Five-star-deluxe

文华东方酒店 Mandarin Oriental

住宿 - 酒店 CROWN TOWERS 地址: 澳門路氹城鄰近路氹連貫公路及澳門科 技大學之地段(新濠天地) COTAI, City of Dreams 電話Tel: (+853) 8868 6888 Class: Five-star-deluxe 級別:五星級豪華

永利 WYNN 地址: 澳門外港新填海區"南灣湖計劃"B區鄰近 沙格斯大馬路,城市日大馬路及仙德麗街 Address: Avenida de Sagres, Avenida 24 de Junho and Rua Cidade de Sintra, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 8986 9966 級別:五星級豪華 Class: Five-star-deluxe

金沙 SANDS 地址: 澳門友誼大馬路"金沙"娛樂場 Address: Avenida da Amizade, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2888 3388 級別:五星級豪華 Class: Five-star-deluxe

置地廣場酒店 LANDMARK HOTEL 地址: 澳門友誼大馬路555號置地廣場大廈 Address: Avenida da Amizade no. 555, Macau Landmark, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2878 1781 級別:五星級豪華 Class: Five-star-deluxe

38 

五月 │ May ■ 2013

地址: 澳门皇朝区孙逸仙博士大马路 Address: Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen Nape, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 8805 8888 級別:五星級豪華 Class: Five-star-deluxe

金都酒店 GRANDE WALDO 地址: 氹仔島南部遊艇碼頭鄰近西堤圓形地 Address: Dique Oeste Roundabout, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 2888 6888 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

金麗華酒店 GRAND LAPA 地址: 澳門友誼大馬路,外港 Address: Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2856 7888 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

新濠鋒 ALTIRA 地址: 氹仔17地段(A1) Address: Avenida De Kwan Tung, Taipa 電話Tel: (+853) 2886 8888 級別:五星級豪華 Class: Five-star-deluxe

星際酒店 STARWORLD HOTEL 地址: 澳門外港新填海區第3地段(A2/I) Address: NAPE, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2838 3838 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳門四季酒店 FOUR SEASONS HOTEL 地址: 路氹填海區,路氹連貫公路以西,望德聖母 灣大馬路以南,地段1第6區和第7區 Address: Venetian complex, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 2881 8888 級別:五星級豪華 Class: Five-star-deluxe

澳门金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel 地址: 澳门友谊大马路956-1110 号 Address: 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau 电话Tel: (+853) 2856 7888 級別:五星級豪華 Class: Five-star-deluxe

澳門美高梅 MGM MACAU 地址: 澳門孫逸仙大馬路1101號 Address: Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen no. 1101, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 8802 8888 級別:五星級豪華 Class: Five-star-deluxe

皇都酒店 ROYAL 地址: 澳門得勝馬路2號-4號 Address: Estrada da Vitória no. 2-4, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2855 2222 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳门威斯汀酒店 Westin Hotel 地址: 澳门路环黑沙马路1918号 Address: 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane 电话Tel: (+853) 2887 1111 property/overview/index.html?propertyID=1065 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

酒店清单 Hotel List

新世紀酒店 NEW CENTURY HOTEL 地址: 氹仔徐日昇寅公馬路889號 Address: Avenida Padre Tomás Pereira no. 889, Taipa 電話Tel: (+853) 2883 1111 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

葡京酒店 LISBOA 地址: 澳門亞馬喇前地1號3號及5號,葡京路2號 及4號和賈羅布大馬路1號及3號 Address: No. 1 Praça de Ferreira do Amaral, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2888 3888 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳門大倉酒店 OKURA HOTEL 地址: 路氹填海區,蓮花海濱大馬路東面及望 德聖母灣大馬路南面 Address: Galaxy Complex, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 8883 8883 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳門文華東方酒店 MANDARIN ORIENTAL 地址: 澳門外港新填海區B區B2街區B地段 Address: NAPE, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 8805 8888 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳門君悅酒店 GRAND HYATT 地址:澳門路氹城鄰近路氹連貫公路及澳門科技 大學之地段(新濠天地) Address: City of Dreams, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 8868 1234 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳門金沙城中心康萊德酒店 CONRAD HOTEL

銀河酒店 GALAXY HOTEL 地址:路氹填海區,蓮花海濱大馬路東面及望德 聖母灣大馬路南面 Address: Avenida Marginal Flor de Lótus and Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 2888 0888 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店 SOFITEL MACAU AT PONTE 16 地址: 澳門火船頭街及巴素打爾古街內港12A號 至20號碼頭之間 Address: Rua das Lorchas and Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Ponte 12A, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 8861 0016 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

地址: 路氹城路氹連貫公路第5及6部分 Address: Sands Cotai Central, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 2882 9000 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳門威尼斯人酒店 THE VENETIAN 地址:路氹填海區,路氹連貫公路以西,望德聖母 灣大馬路以南 Address: Venetian complex, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 2882 8888 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳門威斯汀度假酒店 THE WESTIN RESORT 地址: 路環黑沙馬路1918號 Address: Estrada de Hác-Sá no. 1918, Coloane 電話Tel: (+853) 2887 1111 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

澳門悅榕莊 BANYAN TREE 地址:路氹填海區,蓮花海濱大馬路東面及望德 聖母灣大馬路南面 電話Tel: (+853) 8883 6888 級別:五星級 Address: Galaxy Complex, COTAI Class: Five-star

澳門凱旋門酒店 L'ARC HOTEL 地址:澳門新口岸外港填海區A2/j地段,地庫二 層至二十二樓(酒店範圍) Address: NAPE, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2822 3388 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

2013 ■ May │ 五月





地址: 澳門民國大馬路聖地牙哥古堡 Address: Avenida da República, S. Tiago da Barra Fort, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2837 8111 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

地址: 澳門新填海區第三區C及F地段 Address: ZAPE, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2836 1999 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

濠璟酒店 RIVIERA HOTEL 地址: 澳門竹室正街2號和高可寧紳士街7號至13號 Address: Rua da Boa Vista no.2 , Rua do Comendador Kou Hó Neng no. 7, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2833 9955 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star

維景酒店 METROPARK HOTEL 地址: 澳門北京街199號 Address: Rua de Pequim no. 199, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2878 1233 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

竹灣酒店 POUSADA DE COLOANE 地址: 路環竹灣海灘旁邊 Address: Cheoc Van Beach, Coloane 電話Tel: (+853) 2888 2143 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

利澳酒店 RIO HOTEL 地址: 澳門高美士街33號及宋玉生廣場682號 Address: Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes no. 33 and Alameda Dr. Carlos D' Assumpção, no. 682, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2871 8718 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

君怡酒店 GRANDVIEW HOTEL 麗景灣酒店 REGENCY HOTEL 地址: 氹仔史伯泰海軍將軍馬路2號 Address: Estrada Almirante Esparteiro no. 2, Taipa 電話Tel: (+853) 2883 1234 級別:五星級 Class: Five-star


HARD ROCK HOTEL 地址:澳門路氹城鄰近路氹連貫公路及澳門科技 大學之地段(新濠天地) Address: City of Dreams, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 8868 3338 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star 40 

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地址: 氹仔柯維納馬路142號和佛山街16號 Address: Estrada Governador Albano de Oliveira no. 142 and Rua de Fat San no. 16, Taipa 電話Tel: (+853) 2883 7788 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

金皇冠中國大酒店 GOLDEN CROWN CHINA 地址: 氹仔雞頸馬路臨近澳門國際機場I地段 Address: Estrada da Ponta da Cabrita, Adjacent to Macau International Airport, Taipa 電話Tel: (+853) 2885 1166 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

澳門金沙城中心假日酒店 HOLIDAY INN MACAO, COTAI CENTRAL 地址: 路氹城路氹連貫公路第5及6部分 Address: Sands Cotai Central, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 2828 2228 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

澳門假日酒店 HOLIDAY INN MACAU 地址: 澳門北京街68號,82號,86號,102號A,102 號B,102號C和102號D,入口設於上海街93號F 和93號G Address: Rua de Pequim no. 68, Rua de Xangai, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2878 3333 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

酒店清单 Hotel List


財神酒店 FORTUNA 地址: 澳門廣州街49號57號和63號;殷豐素王 前地76號80號和90號;及佛山街48號A至48號 G,56號60號62號64號和78號 Address: Rua de Cantão no. 49, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2878 6333 級別:三星級 Class: Three-star

地址:澳門羅理基博士大馬路70號,86號,94 號,98號和106號,地下,閣樓及以上數層 Address: Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues no. 70, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2878 2288 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

總統酒店 PRESIDENT HOTEL 地址: 澳門友誼大馬路355號 Address: Avenida da Amizade no. 355, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2855 3888 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

帝濠酒店 EMPEROR HOTEL 地址: 澳門上海街51號和北京街106-I號 Address: Rua de Xangai no. 51, and Rua de Pequim no. 106-I, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2878 1888 級別:三星級 Class: Three-star

華都酒店 WALDO HOTEL 地址: 澳門新口岸填海區6J地段 Address: ZAPE, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2888 6688 級別:三星級 Class: Three-star


駿景酒店 TAIPA SQUARE 地址: 氹仔新城市中心第23地段B Address: Baixa da Taipa, Taipa 電話Tel: (+853) 2883 9933 級別:四星級 Class: Four-star

京都酒店 METRÓPOLE 地址: 澳門南灣大馬路493號和501號 Address: Avenida da Praia Grande no. 493, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2838 8166 級別:三星級 Class: Three-star

東望洋酒店 GUIA 地址: 澳門地厘古工程師馬路1號至5號側門設 於Calçada do Paiol,25號 Address: Estrada do Engenheiro Trigo no. 1, and Calçada do Paiol no. 25, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2851 3888 級別:三星級 Class: Three-star

地址: 澳門商業大馬路251-292號D Address: Avenida Comercial de Macau no. 251, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2888 9988 級別:三星級 Class: Three-star

格蘭 BEST WESTERN HOTEL 地址: 氹仔美副將馬路及嘉樂庇總督馬路交界地段 Address: Estrada Coronel Mesquita and Estrada Governador Nobre Carvalho, Taipa 電話Tel: (+853) 2882 1666 級別:三星級 Class: Three-star

萊斯酒店 HOTEL ROCKS 地址: 友誼大馬路的澳門漁人碼頭 Address: Macau Fisherman's Wharf, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2878 2782 級別:三星級 Class: Three-star

新麗華酒店 SINTRA 地址: 澳門約翰四世大馬路及蘇亞利斯博士大馬路 Address: Avenida de D. João IV and Avenida Doutor Mário Soares, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2871 0111 級別:三星級 Class: Three-star

2013 ■ May │ 五月




Lou Kau Mansion

澳门的古典豪宅 Wealth Endures 卢家大屋原名为“金玉堂”,是澳门历史城区的 景点之一,位于澳门最热闹的大堂街。大屋是已 故富商卢华绍的豪宅,建筑以中式为主融入了西 方设计,是一座中西交融的西关大宅。 One of the many UNESCO-classified world heritage sites in Macau, Lou Kau Mansion was the residence of a prominent Chinese merchant, owner of various imposing properties in Macau. This historical house was built in the centre of the old “Christian City”, where the traditional Chinese house still sits, next to the Senado and Cathedral Squares.


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中西交融的西关大宅 House of mixed cultures 卢家大屋建于1889年,大屋是用厚青砖建造的 中式两层高住宅。大屋的布局模仿广州的西关大 宅,装饰精緻细腻,是澳门少有完整的古旧建 筑。屋内融合中西方装饰材料和手法,有粤中地 区常见的砖雕、灰塑等,也有南欧特色的青花瓷 砖、铸铁栏杆等。大屋完全表现了那时侯中西建 筑风格合璧的民居特点,还反映了澳门当时的时 代发展与人文特色。 Lou Kau Mansion, believed to be built in 1889, is a two-storey courtyard house constructed in traditional grey-brick. The house is typically Chinese in its structure with the architectural characteristics of a typical Xiguan building (traditional Cantonese architecture from ancient Guangzhou; once occupied by the upper class). Influenced by Portuguese culture, the decorative motifs integrate subtle western styles and techniques from other regional sources. Eastern styles meet Western styles, making this Chinese house a city landmark of culture.

澳门第一代赌王 The first king of gambling 卢家为广东新会人,大约于清咸丰六年移居澳 门。卢九十几岁時來到澳门,起初做货币找换生

意,后来开始开银行,且经营赌业“白鸽票”, 因经营得当而财雄一方,他被誉为澳门第一代赌 王。澳门有一条卢九街即为纪念卢华绍而命名。 Lou originally lived in Guangdong and migrated to Macau in 1857. He started into the banking business and made a fortune by engaging the gambling business to participate in Chinese lottery. By and by he became extremely wealthy, coming to be known as the first king of gambling in Macau. In order to commemorate his contribution to charity works, one of the streets in the city was given his name, “Rua do Lu Cao” meaning: “The street of Lou”.

导赏服务 Guided tour 为了让游客了解更多卢家大屋的历史与建筑,在 周末会有文物大使作免费导赏服务,文化局还会 不时在这安排表演活动。 Every weekend free guided tours are provided by Macau heritage ambassadors for visitors who want to learn more about the house. The Culture Affairs Bureau (ICM) also arranges performances (such as mini concerts) at the mansion from time to time.

地址Address: 大堂巷7号No. 7, Travessa da Sé, Senado Square, Macau 开放时间Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00 (逢 星期一休息/ closed on Mondays) 免费入场Free admission 导赏服务Guided tours: 星期六,日及公众假期:10:00/14:00 广 东话12:00/16:00 普通话 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays 10:00 / 14:00 Cantonese 12:00 / 16:00 Mandarin 主办单位Organizer: 澳门文化局Cultural Affairs Bureau 查询电话 / Telephone enquiries: (+853) 8399 6699

2013 ■ May │ 五月



走进卢家大屋 Walking around Lou Kau Mansion


主入口 The main entrance

主入口部分內凹,為中式典型形的遮挡风雨的设计。 The facade of the house has a recessed entrance, which creates an overhanging eave for weather protection.




布置了多个天井,便于通风和采光。 The patios have been designed in an open-air fashion to maximize the use of natural light and ventilation.

两个庭院 Two courtyards

主入口的屏风 The main entrance’s screen

主入口有阻挡煞气的屏风。 The screen placed at the main entrance wards away bad luck.


卢家大屋以上下两层,三开间能贯穿大厅的格局 建成的,两个庭院隔开了三个大厅:门厅(石门 关厅),茶厅(轿车厅)和正厅(头厅)。 Two courtyards occupying the building’s interior divide the house into three parts: the Entrance Hall (Men Guan Hall), the Tea Hall (Sedan Hall) and the Senior Hall (Tou Hall).

4 3 5

3 2 3


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地面 Ground floor


一楼 First floor


7 7


7 8


蚝壳窗Western windows

蚝壳窗反映大屋的建筑设计融入了西方元素。 Oyster shell decorates windows, reflecting the influence of Western architecture.


正厅The Senior Hall

大屋的建筑设计展示了中国,特别是富裕的家 庭,大宅里常见的分层次结构。正厅位置最里 面,常常是留给家庭中高辈分的成员。 The building’s arrangement demonstrates the hierarchical structure of Chinese families in the upper class. The senior hall located furthest inside the house is a private space reserved for senior members.


铸铁栏和西式的假天花 Neo-classical balustrades and perforated wooden ceilings

传统的中式建筑结构,配上大屋里多种西式的装 饰,大大流露出中西文化的影响和技术。铸铁栏 和西式的假天花,都是时常可以在澳门的教堂里 看到。 Although Lou Kau Mansion is constructed in a typical Chinese style, the ornamentation also incorporates elements of Western design. The neo-classical balustrades and perforated wooden ceilings - which can be seen in many of Macau’s churches - are an example of this.


大屋二楼The second level

二楼包括数间古色古香的主人房、寝室等,在周 末和节日的时候限制开放,通常一次都只容许少 量游客去观赏。 The second level of the house consists of few bedrooms. It is restricted on weekends and holidays, and normally small groups are let in at a time.

2013 ■ May │ 五月



Macau for the day trippers


Your Basic Guide on what to see within your time frame 2 东望洋山炮台 Guia Fort

大三巴牌坊 1 Ruins of St. Paul

堡垒位于澳门半岛最高的地 方,1638 年为了保卫 中国的边疆而建松山。 Fortress on highest point of the peninsula. Build in 1638 to defend the border with China. Colina da Guia

昔日圣保禄教堂的前壁, 最初建于1580年。 澳门大三巴街 Floating façade of St. Paul Church, originally built in 1580. Rua de São Paulo

3 澳门茶文化馆 4 Macau Tea Culture House 有荷花池区、竹林区、太极拳练习 区和本地茶文化展示区 卢廉若公园 周二至周日 9:00 – 19:00 Area with lotus ponds, bamboo groves, Tai Chi practitioners and dispays of local tea culture. Lou Lim Ioc Garden 9:00 – 19:00 Tue – Sun

5 新葡京娱乐场 Grand Lisboa 是疯狂巴黎歌舞秀的会场和 澳门其中一家历时 最悠久的葡京酒店旁。 澳门葡京路 24小时开放 Home of the Crazy Paris Cabaret and big brother to one of the oldest casinos in Macau: Hotel Lisboa. Avenida de Lisboa 24h

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妈阁庙 A Ma Temple 澳门最古老的庙宇, 供奉与妈祖同名的天后娘娘。 澳门妈阁庙前地 10:00 - 18:00 Oldest temple in Macau, dedicated to Macau’s namesake Tin Hau. Rua de São Tiago da Barra 10:00 - 18:00

6 澳门旅游塔 Macau Tower 拥有澳门最高的旋转餐厅。 可以在高223米或以上的塔 外面走走或爬上离地面338 米高的塔尖。 9:00 – 21:00 Holds Macau’s highest revolving restaurant. Walk around the outside 223 meters up or climb to the top 338 meters off the ground. 9:00 – 21:00


澳门威尼斯人 Venetian

妈祖像和天后古庙 A-Ma Statue and Tian Hou Temple


酒店、购物商场和赌场的大规模 合成,内有运河、壁画和唱歌的 船夫。 路氹连贯公路24小时开放 Hotel, shopping and casino complex on a massive scale, equipped with canals, frescoes and singing gondoliers. Estrada do Istmo, Cotai - 24h

20米高的妈祖玉雕像,可看 到路氹金光大道和黑沙海滩的 风景,寺庙建筑在妈祖雕像的 下面。 路环民国马路 20m tall jade statue of Goddess A Ma with views over Cotai Strip and Hac Sa Beach, temple complex below. Estrada do Alto de Coloane, Coloane Island


10 安德鲁饼店 Lord Stow’s Bakery


澳门葡挞的始创地 路环市中心挞沙街1号地下 10:30 – 19:00 Home of the Macau egg-tart. 9 Largo do Matadouro, Coloane Village, Coloane 10:30 – 19:00


龙环葡韵住宅式博物馆 Taipa House Museums

路环小型赛车场 Kartodrome Race Track

五个浅绿色的别墅,是富有 的土生葡人夏天的住所,建于 1921年,现举办展览和招待会 。 氹仔海边马路 周二至周日 10:00 – 18:00 Five lime-green villas, summer residences for wealthy Macanese, built in 1921, holds exhibitions and receptions. Avenida da Praia, Taipa 10:00 – 18:00 Tue – Sun

1.2公里的专业卡丁车赛道 限时10分钟,每人葡币100块 路环石排湾马路 周一至周五 11:00 – 19:00, 周六至周日 11:00 – 20:00 1.2 km professional gokarting circuit MOP 100/person/10 min. Estrada de Seac Pai Van, Coloane. 11:00 – 19:00 Mon – Fri, 11:00 – 20:00 Sat – Sun

11 黑沙海滩 Hac Sa Beach 黑沙的海滩,澳门特别行政区 最大的海滩,有食物摊位和有 名的餐厅。 路环黑沙 Black sand beach, largest beach in the S.A.R., food stalls and renowned restaurants. Hac Sa, Coloane

2013 ■ May │ 五月



Macau for the two day trippers


Your Basic Guide on what to see within your time frame 1

澳门博物馆 Macau Museum 整个澳门历史的概要。 澳门博物馆前地112号 周二至周日10:00–18:00 Entire overview of Macau history. 112 Praçeta do Museu de Macau 10:00 – 18:00 Tue – Sun

2 民政总署画廊和图书馆

IACM Gallery and Senate Library 展览会和广泛的藏书量。 议事亭前地 Expositions and extensive book collections. Largo do Senado 9:00 – 21:00 Tue – Sun 周二至周日9:00 – 21:00

3 金沙娱乐场

Sands Casino 浮华、魅力和金碧辉煌,有超过十万磅 的吊灯装饰。澳门蒙地卡罗前地203号 24小时开放 Glitz, glamour and gold, equipped with a chandelier weighing over 100,000 pounds. 203 Largo de Monte Carlo 24h

渔人码头 Fisherman’s Wharf


坐地111,500平方米,由不同主题构 成,购物、酒店、赌场和娱乐消遣。 澳门友谊大马路及孙逸仙大马路 24小时开放 111,500 square-meter themed complex; shopping, hotels, casino and entertainment. Avenida da Amizade and Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Set, Macau 24h


观音莲花苑 Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre 二十米高、青铜制的观音像,从 海外面七米高的莲花座上出现- 有儒教、道教和佛教的资料。 周四至周六 10:00 – 18:00 20m bronze statue of Kun Iam emerging from a 7m lotus clower in outer-harbour- info on Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. 10:00 – 18:00 Sat - Thu

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玛嘉烈蛋挞店 Margaret’s Café 澳门葡挞的其中一个始创者, 一个必需停下来吃几口葡挞或 喝杯咖啡的地方。 澳门约翰四世大马路金来大 厦地下 8:30 – 18:00,逢周三休馆 One of the founding mothers of the Macau egg-tart phenomenon, a must-stop for a quick bite or a lingering coffee. Edificio Kam Loi, Macau 8:30 – 18:00, Closed on Wednesday



东方基金会会址 Casa Garden 殖民的别墅,以前是英国东印 度公司的总部,东方基金会的 展览画廊。 白鸽巢前地3号 Colonial villa, former headquarters of the British East india Company, exhibition gallery by the Oriental Foundation. 3 Praça de Luís de Camões



9 38酒廊 38 Lounge 在38楼的餐厅和酒吧,提供澳 门、氹仔和路环的360度风景 澳门氹仔广东大马路,新濠锋 酒店。 周日至周四 14:00 – 2:00,周五 至周六 14:00 – 3:00 Restaurant and bar on 38th floor, offers 360-degree view of Macau, Taipa and Coloane. Altira Hotel, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 14:00 – 2:00 Sun – Thu, 14:00 – 3:00 Fri – Sat

主教山 Penha Hill 安宁和很少被参观的地 方,可以看到澳门和氹仔 绝妙的景色,而且山上有 主教府和主教山小堂。 9:00 – 17:30 (礼拜时间) Peaceful, little-visited area, excellent views of Macau and Taipa, home to the Bishop’s Palace and Chapel of Our Lady of Penha. 9:00 – 17:30 (Chapel Hours)

逸园赛狗场 Canidrome 亚洲唯一赛狗的场所澳门白朗古将 军大马路,望厦山旁边。比赛时 间:周一、周四、周六和周日19:30 Only facility for greyhound racing in Asia,Avenida General Castelo Branco, next to Mong-Há Hill. Race Times: Mon, Thurs, Sat and Sun at 19:30



石排湾郊野公园 Seac Pai Van Park 占地20公顷的公园,为鸟舍、 动物园和熊猫的住所。 路环石排湾马路 周二至周日 9:00 – 18:00 20-hectare park, housing an aviary, zoo and pandas. Estrada de Seac Pai Van, Coloane 9:00 – 18:00 Tue – Sun

圣多安尼堂 Church of St. Anthony 建于1608年,在澳门的第一个 耶稣会总部,中文叫做「花堂」 花王堂街和沙栏仔街的街角。 7:30 – 17:30 Built in 1608, Jesuits first headquarters in Macau, called “Church of Flowers” in Chinese. Corner of Rua de Santo António and Rua do Tarrafeiro 7:30 – 17:30

2013 ■ May │ 五月



Macau for the three day trippers


Your Basic Guide on what to see within your time frame 2

白鸽巢公园 Luís de Camões Garden 供奉独眼诗人,风景优美和宁静。 白鸽巢前地 6:00 – 22:00 Dedicated to the one-eyed poet, scenic, tranquil. Praça de Luís de Camões 6:00 – 22:00


海事博物馆 Maritime Museum 展示澳门过去的船只和手工制品。 澳门妈阁庙前地1号 10:00 – 17:30 (逢周二休馆) Boats and artifacts from Macau’s water-logged past. 1 Largo do Pagode da Barra 10:00 – 17:30 (Closed on Tuesday)

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塔石广场 Tap Seac Square 有方形的文化局和澳门中央图书 馆,是澳门历史资料库的图书馆。 澳门荷兰园大马路95号 Rejuvinated square housing Cultural Affairs Bureau, Central Library of Macau, Library for Macau’s Historical Archives. 95 Avenida Conselheira Ferreira de Almeida


陆军俱乐部 Clube Militar 前军官俱乐部改成餐厅和社交俱 乐部,具有历史性的格调和典型 的葡国菜。 澳门南湾大马路795号 Former officers club turned restaurant and social club, historic ambience and typical Portuguese dishes. 795 Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau


圣味基坟场 Cemetery of St. Michael the Archangel 大炮台城堡的东北方,有巴洛克 式的教士墓碑及墓穴。 澳门望德堂区西坟马路2A 8:00 – 18:00 Northeast of Monte Fort, contains baroque ecclesiastical tombs and sepulchers. 2A Estrada do Cemitério, Macau 8:00 – 18:00


福隆新街 Rua de Felicidade 前路通到红灯区,现拥有古色古 香的茶叶店、餐馆等等。 由新马路到营地大街 24小时开放 Former road leading to the red light district, now boasts quaint tea shops, restaurants and more. Take Almeida Ribeiro to Rua dos Mercadores 24h



菩提禅院 Pou Tai Temple 路氹最大的寺庙,有巨大的佛祖 释迦牟尼的铜象、祈祷馆和兰花 温室。 氹仔卢廉若马路 9:00 – 20:00 Largest temple of Taipa and Coloane, enormous bronze statue of Lord Gautama, prayer pavilions and orchid greenhouses. Estrada Lou Lim Ieok, Taipa 9:00 – 20:00



赛马会 Jockey Club 赛马氹仔柯维纳马路 比赛时间:周二至周三17:00,周 六至周日14:00 Horse races. Estrada Governador Albano de Oliveira Race Times: Tues-Weds 17:00, Sat – Sun 14:00

9 红街市 Red Market 从卖服装、食物、电子用品到 宠物的露天市场。 罅些喇提督大马路与高士德大 马路的交叉口 Open air market with everything from clothing, food and electronics to pets. Avenida do Almirante Lacerda and Avenida Horta e Costa

大潭山郊野公園 Grand Taipa Country Park 大潭山上的公园,能看到路氹 金光大道和澳门半岛的优美景 色,特别是晚上的时候。 氹仔鸡颈马路 Garden on Tai Tam Hill, scenic garden with views of Cotai Strip and Macau peninsula, great at night. Estrada da Ponta da Cabrita, Taipa



天空21酒吧 Sky 21 在21楼的三层餐饮消闲场所, 可看到南湾湖和澳门旅游塔的景 色。澳门商业大马路301号友邦 广场21楼12:00 – 23:30 Three-story restaurant and club on the 21st floor, view over Nam Van Lake and Macau Tower. 301 Avenida Comercial de Macau, 21st fl., AIA tower 12:00 – 23:30

硬石餐厅 Hard Rock Café 坐在真正的摇滚历史旁边用餐和 喝饮料,或走去试玩轮盘游戏。 澳门路氹连贯公路,金光大道新 濠天地2楼 6:00 – 2:00 (逢周末3:00) Dine or sip next to true rock and roll history, or walk out and try and game of roulette. Level 2, The Boulevard in City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 6:00 – 2:00 (3:00 on weekends)

2013 ■ May │ 五月




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Patrick Bonar

Patrick Bonar

Patrick Bonar

Patrick Bonar









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2013 ■ May │ 五月





Bringing the Heart Back

80后 80&tal 文 By Kelsey Wilhelm


门的过去及未来都与葡萄牙息息相 关。随着全球的经济变动,这个城 市已成为了很多人的安乐窝,许多人特意 来这里寻求赚钱的机会,也有些人想在这 里找寻一个可以喘息的地方。现在在澳门 的葡国人相比起十年前的多了很多。澳门 正迎接着更多葡国的影响,例如语言,以 及葡国音乐。而这个时候,有一个人适时 地来到了!


acau’s past and future seem to be intrinsically linked to Portugal. As world economies fluctuate, the city has become the refuge and hope of many who travel here seeking a fortune or just plain survival. Portuguese is heard on the street more than it has been in the past decade. The city is calling for more Portuguese influence, more of the language, and more of the country’s music. So somebody arrived just in time.

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现场音乐 live music

远离故乡 Home away from home 因为知道人们乐于听到有关他们家乡的事 情,Hard Rock Café成功地激起了这个旋 风。有趣的是,他们最近选择音乐娱乐与 当前的城市形势相结合。 “80&tal”(80 后),这个来自葡萄牙里斯本的乐队,体 现了通过80年代的摇滚精神为导向,专注 于摇滚音乐,同时通过观众的故乡来确定 观众群体。 Hard Rock Café rides the crest of this wave, understanding the idea that people always like to hear something that reminds them of home. Intriguingly their most recent selection for musical entertainment manages to combine the essence of the brand with the current situation of the city. “80&tal” (80-something), the Portuguese band hailing from Lisbon, embodies the rock spirit through their 80s oriented, rock focused music, while identifying with audience members through their origin. 在乐队充当鼓手的Luís Bento 形容他们每 天都像是在家里一样。虽然逗留在澳门的 时间只有短短的6日,但乐队不止得到葡萄 牙人热烈的支持,更得到其他接触过他们 音乐的听众们的大力支持。 “We feel like we’re at home,” describes Luís Bento, drummer for the band. After only six days in the city the band has been welcomed with open arms by not only the Portuguese community, but also by most of those that they come into contact with. 乐队始创人之一的Miguel Andrade 说, 有些听众甚至给了他们自己的联络电话, 说如果他们需要任何帮助,可以随时打电 话给他们。 “People have given us their phone numbers, said that if we need any help, to call them,” describes Miguel Andrade, one of the founding members of the band.

2013 ■ May │ 五月



乐队队友 Bandmates Miguel与其乐队成员Felipe Fontanelle已经有 超过20年的乐团合作经历,一开始的时候,是 一个只有二人的组合。之后,两人开始玩Lisbon circuit,一起经历了乐队成员的组合和时间的变 迁,唯一不变的依然是80年代的音乐。 Miguel joined up with fellow band member Felipe Fontanelle over 20 years ago, forming the original duo. Surviving the test of time, the two started playing the, going through band members, change, and time; yet always steeped in the 80s. 乐团里唯一来自巴西的队友Felipe说,他们每个 人都很喜欢80年代的音乐,所打造的音乐灵感 大多来自那个时期的音乐。乐队曾经经历了十年 没有队友Miguel 和Bento的日子。然后乐队的 主唱结婚生子,并决定要去追求一种不一样的生 活。 “We always liked the 80s,” says Felipe - the only Brazilian member of the group, “we played a lot of music from it. We had a band that Miguel and Bento were apart of and we played for ten years together. Then the vocalist got married, had kids, and decided to pursue a different life,” he laments.

“The ‘e tal’ served as much to refer to the future as it did to the past, allowing us to play what we wanted and what we like, but with an emphasis on the 80s,” describes Felipe.

收获 Getting with the times 虽然Miguel, Felipe, Luís 和Tomás都能完美地将 各自的才华和天赋展示出来,但作为一个乐团, 他们不知道如何寻找一位好的主唱。

其后经朋友介绍,他们认识了Tomás Deus,乐 团的成员由二人变成了三人。彼此了解过后,原 来他们都是玩着相同的乐器和喜欢相同的音乐气 氛-80年代的音乐,有了这样的认识交流,令 他们有更多的音乐创作灵感。 This was when the duo, turned trio, met Tomás Deus through mutual friends. After understanding that they were all riding the same vibe musically - revolving around 80s music - the group came up with the “& tal” (meaning “something”) part of the name, allowing them more leeway in musical creativity. Felipe 说‘e tal’未来的发展将会像它过去一 样,做他们喜欢的音乐,但他们一定会坚守以 80年代的音乐作重点。 58 

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While Miguel, Felipe, Luís and Tomás perfected their talent and coherence as a band, little did they know what was looming on the horizon. Luís说:“我们是在RTP节目上认识Bianca的, 她当时正在参加‘The Voice’ (“葡萄牙好声 音”). 当时我们恰巧正在物色一位女歌手,而 她就成为我们的目标。” “We met Bianca when were on the RTP (Portuguese television channel) program while she was participating in ‘The Voice’ (‘A Voz de Portugal’). We needed a female singer and she was our victim,” describes Luís. Bianca Adrião, 是这项活动中唯一一位能进入决 赛的女选手,她为此感到十分骄傲。 The only female singer to have made it as a finalist in the program, Bianca Adrião was

proud to participate and to make it so far. Bianca 说:“对于我来说我已经赢了,因为在包 含不同领域范畴的比赛中,这项比赛涉及电视和 其他媒体,每一次比赛对我来说都是一种新挑 战。我的目标只是希望能够进入决赛,而我现在 十分高兴我已成功达到这个目标,而且我还是能 够济身决赛中最年轻的选手。 “For me it was like I had won because there’s a lot of competition, as in all work environments,” describes Bianca, “but especially in that one, because it involves television, media […] It was a conquest more than an attempt to win. My goal was to get to the finals and I feel very happy now to be integrated into this group, especially considering that I’m a younger member.” 这对于Bianca来说是十分困难的,不仅仅她因为 她只有23岁,是这项活动中最年经的选手,还 有她最近才被灌输80后的的音乐。然后她认为 这还不是最困难的,只要跟随着摇滚的精神,一 切也会变得美好。 Bianca has it hard as she’s not only the youngest, at 23, but also the most recent to be indoctrinated into all that is “80&tal”. But she doesn’t find it difficult, and judging by the band spirit, fits in just fine. Bianca说:“我十分荣幸有机会去观看他们 [80&tal]的表演,我有时会离开舞台并以观众的 身份的观看他们。我十分喜欢他们的表演,你可

现场音乐 live music

以感受到他们的凝聚力。我置身当中并陶醉于 此。” “I have had the opportunity to watch them [80&tal] performing,” describes Bianca. “I sometimes come off stage and watch them from the audience. I like it and you can tell that they’re very cohesive. And I’m very happy to see that what they’re playing - I like, it’s not just that it sounds good. I identify with it and I enjoy it,” she says.

让音乐说话 Music speaks for itself 对于音乐的演进,Luís说,“总有些音乐是不能 缺少鼓声的,像爵士,波萨诺瓦舞曲和传统的葡 萄牙音乐。随着科技的发展,录音的时候已经不 再需要鼓手到录音室从头到尾不出错地录完一首 歌。” “There will always be types of music where it will be impossible to replace the drum: Jazz, Bossa Nova, Traditional Portuguese Music,” describes Luís. “Due to technological evolution, it’s no longer demanded of a drummer to come into a studio and record a song from beginning to end with no mistakes,” he says of musical evolution. 对于唱片业和有潜力的音乐人来说,科技就像一 把双刃剑。想做音乐的人,使用软件就可以做得 到。只不过,他们可能无法体会靠自己而成为音 乐人的那种过程。 Technology has been a double-edged sword, both for the Record Industry, and for potential musicians. The use of software allows for those who want to make music to do so. However, it eliminates the process of becoming a musician – kind of. Miguel说,“以前的音乐人把他们的生命都 献给了音乐和创作, 现在有了各种科技他们已 经不需要走那条艰难的路了,这就是科技的弊 端。” “Musicians before dedicated their lives to music, to learning,” describes Miguel. “Today, because of this, it’s easier to do things without having to walk the hard road. And that’s the disadvantage,” he says. 当问到对于最近许多歌手如Lil Wayne, T-Payne, 布兰尼和麦当娜都流行使用能修正人声或独奏乐 器声调的软件“自动调谐”的意见时,我们得到 了强硬的回应,“这不应该存在。”但Felipe指 出,如果这个软件能让别人出唱片的梦成真,为 何不可以使用。 When asked what their opinion was of “Autotune” – a popular voice modulation and

tuning software used by the likes of Lil Wayne, T-Payne, Britney Spears and Madonna – the response was a resounding: “It shouldn’t exist”. However, Felipe points out that if the software can help someone to facilitate the dream of making a CD, then why not use it. 他形容作为音乐人是需要付出的,“我们所有人 都有练习,上音乐课,吉他课,学习打鼓和唱 歌,这都是成为音乐人要走过的路。” “All of us, we’ve had practice, classes, guitar lessons, drum lessons, singing lessons, and all of that has to do with the road to becoming a musician,” he describes of the dedication that is necessary.

录音时间 Studio Time 这并不代表乐队成员在录音的过程中完全不使用 电脑科技。Pro Tools, 一个世界各地的音乐制作 人都在用来做音乐后期处理软件,对于不在舞台 时的乐队来说非常重要。 This isn’t to say that the members haven’t used technology in the recording process. Pro Tools, the industry standard for recording, mixing and mastering songs, plays a large role in the off-stage side of the band. Miguel说,“我们每个成员也有自己或和其它 乐队的音乐计划。” “Each one of us has our own personal projects with other bands or solo,” says Miguel.

Felipe and Miguel created a Chill Out CD, with the catchy title “Chill Bill”, very recently that utilizes elements of the more technological side of music. Felipe说,“那是不一样的经验,尝试新的东 西。我们加入了一些电子元素,还有我们制作的 音乐循环和样本。”

“That was a different attempt, a different experience to try a new path,” says Felipe. “[We used] electronic elements, with samples, with loops that we had created, not loops that had been created by others.” 不过,当你在台下看到乐队的现场表演时, 也 不需要用到“自动调谐”和音乐循环这些技术。 乐队就是紧凑,有震撼力, 和极其旋律的。他 们第一次表演就全场满座,他们表演时大家都非 常赞赏,还一起跟着唱。他们创造了一种在澳门 少见的氛围,美妙音乐的氛围。这种氛围让你感 到像在家享受一样! Still, when you see the band live on stage, no “Autotune” is necessary, no loops need to be used. The band is tight, powerful, and extremely melodic. As they debuted to a completely full house (and streamed live around the world for the first time), they were met with roars of applause, with audience members singing along to their favorite tunes and they created a vibe that isn’t very often seen in Macau - a vibe that makes everyone feel good, a vibe from beautiful music. A vibe that feels like home, wherever home may be.

最近Felipe 与 Miguel创作了一张以休闲作为主 题的唱片,还为他们的作品取了一个吸引人的唱 片名““Chill Bill”,制作时大量利用了音乐技 术上的元素 。 2013 ■ May │ 五月




澳門名人到訪 Who’s in Town

星期六,5月4日– Girl Night Out ft. DJ Tenashar Saturday, May 4th– Girl Night Out ft. DJ Tenashar 地点: Club Cubic, 新濠天地, 金光大道 Venue: Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI 时间: 23:30 / Time: 23:30 入场费: 澳门币250 / Price: MOP 250

DJ Tenashar,艺名 Debbie Valerie Long,新加 坡人,但她在欧洲已小有名气,尤其在西班牙, 当初因当模特儿而走红,Tenashar放弃了当时 在新加坡股票经纪的工作而去追求摄影和模特儿 的事业,你可能会在新加坡版FHM的杂志,或 是一些国际时尚电视节目里会看到她。如果你还 没有机会见到她的话,赶快把握这次机会吧! DJ Tenashar, also known as Debbie Valerie Long, is originally from Singapore, but is no stranger to Europe, in particular Spain. Known for being a model, Tenashar gave up her stockbroker position in Singapore to pursue photography and modeling. You’ve probably seen her in FHM, Cosmopolitan and Fashion TV, yet have probably not seen her behind the decks. So this should definitely be a first!

星期六,5月11日 - OMNIA Saturday, May 11th – OMNIA 地点:Club Cubic, 新濠天地, 金光大道 Venue: Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI 时间:23:30 / Time: 23:30 入场费: 澳门币250 / Price: MOP 250

OMNIA是来自乌克兰的DJ,2012年的后起之 秀,以Progressive Trance劲曲,打进2012 DJ Mag Top 100 DJs第58位。在过去的一年,这 位全球嘱目的新星注于重音律和电音;舞台上散 发着厚实饱满的弹奏,使每位观众都有被电流洗 刷心灵的感觉。你可能也有听过他某些混录版 的歌曲,如:Ashley Wallbridge feat. Audrey Gallagher的 “Bang The Drum”絶对是一首很 有趣的歌曲。 A rising star in progressive and trance since 2012, this DJ/Producer from the Ukraine smashed his way into DJ Magazine’s Top 100 DJs in October at #58. The past year has seen a massive rise in this DJs name in fame, due in part to the tracks hitting Beatport’s #1. Firmly ensconced in Trance, Omnia ventures throughout the EDM scene and you’ve probably heard some of his remixes such as Ashley Wallbridge feat. Audrey Gallagher’s 'Bang The Drum'. This should be fun.

5月18日 - Allure 18th May – Allure 地点:Club Cubic, 新濠天地, 金光大道 Venue: Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI 时间:23:30 / Time: 23:30 入场费:澳门币250 / Price: MOP 250

Allure project是由电音传奇教父Tiësto创立, 他们的第一首歌:Pair of Dice在网络上取得空 前的成功,而且Allure project也深受大家喜 爱,Tiësto现在坐在上里亚兹霍哈尔作为该项目 的执行制片人,而TijsVerwest退居二线,让新 一代接棒。喜欢电子音乐或是想了解电子音乐, 请不要错过这激情音乐活动。 Celebrating its first Beatport #1 song: “Pair of Dice”, Allure has had the internet in an uproar. Taking the incredibly smart idea to team up really, really famous people, the Allure project got everyone’s surprise for who came up: Tiësto. Collaborating to smash out “Pair of Dice”, Tiësto now sits on the backburner as the Executive Producer of the project, while TijsVerwest stepped aside to let the new generation take over. So come check out the new face of Allure, and some good music.

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5月25日 - Kissy Sell Out 25th May – Kissy Sell Out 地点:Club Cubic, 新濠天地, 金光大道 Venue: Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI 时间:23:30 / Time: 23:30 入场费:澳门币250 / Price: MOP 250

喜欢轻快拍子跳舞歌的人一定想联想起英伦制 作人Kissy Sell Out,他毕业于伦敦St. Martin College of Art,主修平面设计,但离开学院 后却在混音室找到了方向,创立了属于自己的 舞台。他的2013年新专辑并不只是个人的集 合,而是包括超过30种最好的舞蹈音乐:Zeds Dead, Jack Beats,Taku Takahashi等,不同 电子音乐元素等待着你细听! A UK import, Kissy Sell Out’s here to bring us up and down on those incredibly repetitive screeches that epitomize electro – but you know we love it. Having helped develop the Pioneer CDJ 2000s, in use by DJs around the world, Kissy Sell Out hails from East London, and studied at London’s University of the Arts. He manages the San City High Records independent record-label which he founded and has dropped a new album in 2013. This new album isn’t a collection of just him, he collaborates with over 30 of dance music’s best including Zeds Dead, Jack Beats, Taku Takahashi and more and seems like something to check out. As is he.

猜猜谁会来到城中Who’s in Town / 精彩表演 Who’s Around


Who’s Around 5月4日(星期六)Kraftwerk 3-D 演唱会 Saturday, May 4th - Kraftwerk 3-D Concert

ago. Although fans here have been waiting a long time, they should be pleasantly surprised to see what the selection is. Coming off of their last album Valtari – meaning Steamroller - the band has a nice selection of ambient sound to mix in with their older, brighter, sounds and are guaranteed to steamroll the audience (hopefully not to sleep, but into a fervor).

地点:香港九龙湾国际展贸中心-汇星 Venue: Star Hall – KITEC, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong 时间 / Time: 20:00 票价Price: 港币780站位,港币580 对号入座 Price: HKD 780 Standing, HKD 580 Seated

自2008年的演唱会后,Kraftwerk再度来港, 将打造出最令人兴奋的3-D立体动画与数码环 回声响的多媒体表演,让本地观众大饱耳福和 眼福。这个乐团成立了40年,凭着崭新破格的 音乐概念,把前卫的声音带给乐迷,流行音乐 从此再不一样。这次演唱会的阵容包括:Ralf Hütter / Fritz Hilpert / Henning Schmitz / Falk Grieffenhagen。 Kraftwerk’s first visit to HK since their debut in 2008, this 3-D, one-night-only, show can only be something spectacular. One of the most influential bands in modern music, these guys have been running things for 40 years, and influencing how music is made across so many genres that it makes your head spin. Set to blow up the place, they have a spectacular line-up of unpronounceable names: Ralf Hütter / Fritz Hilpert / Henning Schmitz / Falk Grieffenhagen. Even if you’ve never heard of them, you have, so go.

5月21日(星期三)Sigur Rós 香港演唱会 Wednesday, May 21st – Sigur Rós Live in Hong Kong 地点:香港亚洲国际博览馆8号馆 Venue: Halls – AsiaWorld-Expo, HK International Airport, Lantau Island, Hong Kong 时间 / Time: 20:00 票价 / Price: 港币HKD 750

来自遥远的冰岛,这组后摇滚乐队七年前首次来 到香港演出,便让喜爱他们的乐迷等了好一段时 间。但乐迷现在应该更期待Sigur Rós会带来怎 么样的惊喜表演。他们的上一张专辑Valtari – 有 着“压路机”的意思,乐队在音乐上有出色的选 择与混合,保证能激起观众的热情。 All the way from Iceland, this post-rock band had their first show in Hong Kong seven years

5月25日(星期六)Glay– Justice & Guilty 2013亚洲巡回演唱会 Saturday, May 25th – Glay Asia Tour 2013 – Justice & Guilty 地点:亚洲国际博览馆,大屿山,香港 Venue: Arena – AsiaWorld-Expo, HK International Airport, Lantau Island, Hong Kong 时间 / Time: 19:30 票价 / Price: 港币HKD 1,080/780/480

GLAY于1988年由当时在北海道就读高中的Teru 和Takuro创立。1994年推出了首张单曲并加入 了低音结他手Jiro。此后,GLAY逐渐在日本乐坛 站稳脚。乐队成立十五周年的纪念演唱会以十五 万入场人数获得空前成功,在 2010年推出了自 己的品牌和专门店。更在2012年夏季举行了为 期两天的Hotel GLAY概念现场演唱会。 A Japanese pop rock group from Hokkaido, Glay has yet to have seen HK’s shores officially. Originally formed in 1988 by Teru and Takuro while still in high school, the duo launched their first single in 1994, with Jiro coming in on bass. Gaining popularity, the group has since launched a 15th anniversary tour, gathering together 150,000 fans, launched their own label in 2010, started an official store and held a two-day concept concert in a hotel. Interesting.

5月10日(星期五)David Guetta 巡回演唱会香港站 Friday, May 10th – David Guetta Live in Hong Kong 地点:亚洲国际博览馆,大屿山,香港 Venue: Halls – AsiaWorld-Expo, HK International Airport, Lantau Island, Hong Kong 时间 / Time: 19:00 票价 / Price: 港币HKD 880/580 这位格林美得奖DJ已售出超过五百万张专辑 以及一千七百万张单曲。他亦在2011年的 DJ Mag Top 100中,被乐迷评选为第一位 DJ。在2010年,他的混音作品When Love Takes Over使他获得第一座格林美最佳混音 录音奖,之后凭着麦当娜单曲Revolver的混 音制作,在第二年也取得相同的奖项。2011 年,David Guetta发布了万众期待的第五张录 音室专辑Nothing But The Beat,碟内网罗多 位乐坛巨星,包括Flo-Rida,Nicki Minaj、Taio Cruz、Ludacris、Snoop Dogg、Akon等 等。David Guetta的音乐已经占据了不同的音 乐排行榜以及派对舞池,快快准备参与由他带领 的疯狂派对吧。 Having sold over five million albums and 17 million singles, Guetta was rated No. 1 DJ in the DJ Mag Top 100 DJs fan poll, 2011. Holding a Grammy for his remix of his single “When Love Takes Over” in 2010, he seized another in 2011 for a remix of Madonna’s “Revolver”. An evolution that every DJ is envious of, from his start in nightclubs, to the launch of “Nothing but the Beat” featuring Flo-Rida, Ludacris, Nicki Minaj Snoop Dogg and more in 2011, Guetta’s held the charts, and the dance floors. Although sometimes prone to too much faith in CDs, Guetta should put on a hell of a party.

2013 ■ May │ 五月


夜生活 蒲点 NIGHTLIFE 夜生活去处 Night Guide 地区酒吧 • Bars Casablanca Café 新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景苑地下R-S铺 Avenida do Dr. Sun Yat Sen, (Waterfront), Macau Tel: (+853) 2875 1281

Aba Bar 澳门美高梅金殿 MGM GRAND MACAU, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tel: (+853) 8802 3888

Lion’s Bar 澳门美高梅 金狮吧 MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tel: (+853) 88023888

Macau Soul 澳感廊 大三巴街31A 31A Rua de São Paulo, Macau Tel: (+853) 2836 5182

MagiCafe 澳门俾利喇街115号B铺地下 魔幻咖啡屋 Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira (next door to E.S.kimo Café), Macau Tel: (+853) 2852 8751

Moonwalker 澳门新口岸新海湾大马路帝景苑地下 夜光杯酒吧 Vista Magnifica Court (Waterfront), Macau Tel: (+853) 2875 1329/ (+853) 2875 1326

MP3 Bar Lounge 澳门孙逸仙大马路 1333- Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Macau Tel: (+853) 2875 1306

Cathedral Café & Wine Bar 大堂街12號A Rua da Sé, behind Macau Post office HQ by Historical Governor’s steps Tel: (+853) 6685 7621

The Roadhouse Bar 澳门新口岸马德里街45号环宇豪庭 Wan Yu Villas, 45 Rua de Madrid, Macau Tel: (+853) 2875 2945

The Rooftop Bar 大三巴巷3、5及7号 三巴艺门天台酒吧 3-5-7 Travessa de São Paulo, Macau Tel: (+853) 2848 2848

Vasco 文华东方酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel, 956 Avenida da Amizade, Macau Tel: (853) 8793 3831

Veuve Clicquot Lounge 澳门美高梅金殿 MGM Grand Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tel: (+853) 8802 3888

Whiskey Bar 澳门友谊大马路星际酒店16楼 品味吧 Level 16, Star World Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, Macau Tel: (+853) 8290 8698

Xanadu Bar 地址: 澳门友谊大马路“金沙”娱乐场 Sands Casino, 1st Floor, Casino Area Tel: (+853) 2888 3388

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38 Lounge 澳门氹仔广东大马路澳门新濠锋 Level 38, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa Tel: (+853) 2886 8868

Portal Wine Bar 氹仔施督宪正街86 大门酒吧 86, Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa Tel: (+853) 66821078; (+853) 2836 8401

Irish Bar (Taipa) 爱尔兰酒吧, 氹仔广东大马路116C和116D地下 Av Kwong Tung, 116D, Nam San Bulding, Block 6, G/f, Taipa Tel: (+853) 28820708

Old Taipa Tavern 澳门氹仔客商街21号 好客乡村餐厅 No.21 Rua dos Negociantes, Taipa Village, Taipa Tel: (+853) 2882 5221

Innside Bar 孙逸仙博士大马路 149K Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen 149, Taipa Tel: (+853) 2883 1233

Mugs Talk Bar 地址:羅飛勒前地12A, G/F Address: G/F, 12 A Lobo D’ Avila Square, Praia Grande Avenue Tel: (+853) 2897 2691

夜生活去处 Night Guide

Private Party 氹仔濠景花园25座F室 Rua de Seng Tou, Block 25 Nova Taipa, Taipa Tel: (+853) 6657 1727

Hive Bar 澳门氹仔孙逸仙大马路135号百利宝花园地下H座 Shop H, Treasure Garden, 135 Avenida de Sun Yat Sen, Taipa Tel: (+853) 2883 1711

Bar Florian

McSorleys Ale House

Club Cubic

澳门氹仔澳门威尼斯人酒店大运河购物中心 1038铺 1038 Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau, Taipa Tel: (+853) 28828198

路氹连贯公路新濠天地HardRock酒店2楼 2/F Hard Rock at City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai Tel: (+853) 28286696

The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge

China Rouge

澳门路氹路望德圣母湾大马路银河酒店2楼203铺 Shop 203, 2/F Galaxy Hotel, Cotai Tel: (+853) 8883 2221

洛欣吧 Shop No.1043, The Crand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian, Macau Tel: (+853) 8118 9960

Bellini Lounge 百利酒廊 Shop No.1041, The Crand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian, Cotai Tel: (+853) 8118 9940

Boca - tapas and wine 澳门威尼斯人─度假村─酒店2620号铺 Shop 2620, The Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, Macau Tel: (+853) 2882 8477

御苑酒廊 Vida Rica Bar 澳门文华东方酒店2楼 Mandarin Oriental, Level 2, NAPE, Macau Tel: (+853) 8805 8928

俱乐部 • Clubs

地址: 路氹填海区,莲花海滨大马路东面及望德 圣母湾大马路南面 Address: Cotai, Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai, Diamond Lobby Tel: (+853) 2888-0888

D2 澳门商业大马路301号,友邦广场2楼 AIA Tower, 2nd fl, 301 Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau Tel: (+853) 2872 3777

Fashion Club 澳门渔人码头千里达馆第一座 Block I, Trinidad, Fisherman’s Wharf, MACAU Tel: (+853) 2872 5579

SKY21 Restaurant & Bar 澳门商业大马路 251A - 301 号友邦广场 21 楼 21 / A to C, AIA Tower, 251A-301 Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau Tel: (+853) 2822 2122

乘风廊 Vasco 澳门金丽华酒店2楼 Grand Lapa Hotel Level 2, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 电话Tel: (+853) 8793 3831

一楼酒廊Panorama Lounge 澳门威斯汀酒店1楼 Westin Macau Hotel Lobby, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane 电话Tel: (+853) 8899 1021

2013 ■ May │ 五月



绽放的夏日 Summer Blossoms

天就是要穿上荧光色, 花朵图案,色彩鲜艳衣 服的季节!如果想散发出优雅气 质可以穿碎花洋装,碎花上衣加 短裤能带出成熟又甜美的味道。 ummer is time to discard the old, drab clothes and deck-yourself-out in neon colors and floral patterns! Putting on a dress with a flower pattern or coveringyet-exposing with a bright color will make you feel - and look - beautiful and young.

文 李美欣By Kitty Lee


心型盒子晚宴包 Pull and Bear evening box bag with spikes 澳门币/MOP 299

牛皮信封包 Zara calfskin messenger bag 澳门币/MOP 299

手提包 Bershka contrast bag 澳门币/MOP 259

亮色三角型项链 Pull and Bear necklace with tiny lacquered triangles 澳门币/MOP 99

珍珠装饰包包 Zara messenger bag with pearls 澳门币/MOP 349

麂皮凉鞋 Bershka BSK suede sandals 澳门币/MOP 339

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高根凉鞋 Bershka sandals 澳门币/MOP 339

手绳组合 Bershka bracelet set 澳门币/MOP 79

麂皮平底凉鞋 Stradivarius suede flat slave sandals 澳门币/MOP 399

黑色宝石装饰平底凉鞋 Stradivarius jeweled flat sandals 澳门币/MOP 329

时尚元素 Fashion Trends

简约的衬衫款色容易搭配,加上花 朵图案能显出与众不同的一面,上 班可以配长裤,休闲时配牛仔短裤 都不失时尚感! A simple floral print shirt with matching trousers adds subtle elegance to your smart and casual office look and you can match it with shorts for a more casual feel. Flower patterns are found in many head-to-toe outfits and are so pretty for this summer season, making you, and not the weather, look hot. 编织花裙子 Pull and Bear crocheted flower dress 澳门币/MOP 399

印花连衣裙 Pull and Bear cashmere print dress with hip gather 澳门币/MOP 299

东方图案上衣 Pull and Bear top with oriental print front 澳门币/MOP 349

吊带洋装 Pull and Bear dress with straps 澳门币/MOP 299

荧光手袋 Bershka neon zip-detail shopper bag 澳门币/MOP 399

拼花短裤 BSK crochet detail shorts 澳门币/MOP 339

花朵图案洋装 BSK floral print dress 澳门币/MOP 299

荧光色是今年的大热,随意简单 的装束搭配萤光色的包包和饰 品,立刻带出你的时尚气色! Neon colors are a big hit in this summer season and are back and brighter than ever. Match your simple look with neon accessories to help bring out you stylishness.

花朵图案上衣 Bershka floral print shirt 澳门币/MOP 299

尖领衬衫 BSK skull collar shirt 澳门币/MOP 399

夏天不要错过穿凉鞋的机会!快 点涂上色彩缤纷的指甲油吧! Don’t go on your holiday without wearing sandals and wedges and hurry up to polish your nails and pick up your new summer shoes! 2013 ■ May │ 五月



Ribs 名字 / Name: Topman Ieong 创意总监 Creative Director


opman Ieong,土生土长的澳门 人,大学主修平面设计,五年前 开始在他哥哥与人合伙的澳门品牌Ribs 设计男装T恤,现在是R i bs 的 创意 总 监。


ative-born with a keen interest in art, Topman Ieong was a student of graphic design. Five years ago, he started designing T-shirts for Ribs, a Macau brand that his brother co-founded. He has since gone on to become the creative director of Ribs.


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今期設計師 Designer of the Month

创作概念 Creative concept Topman的灵感主要来自街头文化,创作时会运 用字体,图像表现出街头文化的特色,深受年青 人喜爱。 Street culture is Topman’s strongest inspiration. By making use of graphic prints and fonts in his design, Ribs’ clothing has become a popular street fashion brand among the younger generation. “每一季我们都会想出不同的主题,”Topman 介绍说:“例如利用各种运动元素,比如羽毛 球、篮球、网球等作为设计概念,在表达街头时 尚的同时也能带出健康讯息。”他们新潮及独特 的设计让品牌在几年间成为澳门时尚的风向标。 “We will often decide a theme for the season’s new collection,” describes Topman. “Previously, we used sports as a theme and added in elements of sports such as badminton, basket ball and tennis in our design to assemble a healthy message in our street style clothing.” Their modish and distinctive designs made the brand quickly become a fashion hit in Macau.

跨界合作 Crossover 为了在设计上添加更多创意艺术,他们大胆地尝 试与不同公司合作。“我最深刻的设计经验是成 功游说了澳门有名的老字号义顺牛奶与礼记雪糕 合作设计出一系列的T恤。” 这个系列受到了众

多澳门与香港人的喜爱,大受欢迎。把澳门的古 老特色与流行元素结合,充分展现了品牌的时尚 和独特性。 Providing plenty more creativity and inventive fashions in the clothing design is one of the brand’s aspirations. Their bold attempt to work with other companies has pushed their brand to a higher level evidenced by their successful collaboration with two timehonored restaurants: Yee Shun Diary and Lai Kei Ice Cream. Together they launched a crossover collection of T-shirts, which were popular with both local and Hong Kong street fashion followers. “Collaborating with these two companies is my most memorable experience among all,” says Topman. By incorporating Macau’s traditional features with a stylish fashion trend, it fully illustrates Ribs’ chic fashions and uniqueness.

品牌的由来The Brand Ribs是本土年轻服装潮牌,由六位年轻人在 2009年创办。凭着创作出澳门独有的街头时尚 品牌这个设计理念,Ribs如今已是本地时尚新 宠。常代表澳门文化局到外地参加文博展。品牌 会不时跟其它地区,包括香港及台湾的设计师合 作,让品牌更上一层楼。 Ribs is a men’s clothing brand in Macau, cofounded by six young locals in 2009. With the aim of creating a local brand of street fashion, Ribs are now in vogue here. They also

represent the government in cultural expos outside of the SAR. In order to keep building the brand’s reputation, they collaborate with various designers from countries in the region including Taiwan and Hong Kong .

联络资讯 / Contact Information 营业时间/Opening Hours: 平日Mon - Fri: 3:30 - 9:30 假日Sat - Sun: 14:30 – 22:00 地址/Address: 澳门大堂巷辉业大廈地下 Edificio Fai Ip 10 Travessa da Se, Macao, China 电话/Tel: (+853) 2835 6358

2013 ■ May │ 五月




周曼妮 23岁/years old 学生/Student 高度/Height 160cm 裙子购自Nine West Dress from Nine West 包包购自 Dior Bag from Dior 鞋子购自Nine West Shoes from Nine West

傅恺廷 22岁/years old 学生/Student 高度/Height 178cm 衣服购自H&M Clothes from H&M 裤子购自 H&M Pants from H&M 鞋子购自时装店 Shoes from Boutique


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购物指南 Fashion Point

Mim sho 23岁/years old 文职/Office Worker 高度/Height 157cm 衣服购自时装店 Clothes from Boutique

Bonnie 22岁/years old 学生/Student 高度/Height 168cm Dress from Boutique 衣服购自时装店 包包购自 Nike Bag from Nike 鞋子购自BF Shoes from BF

在哪里买?Where to buy? ZARA @ 澳门威尼斯人三楼大运河购物中心 ZARA @ ZARA Shop Level 3, Shoppes Grand Canal, the Venetian, COTAI Adidas/Nike @ 澳门威尼斯人三楼大运河购物中心 Adidas/Nike @ Level 3, Shoppes Grand Canal, the Venetian, COTAI Christian Dior @ 澳门壹号广场购物中心1楼 Christian Dior @ Level 1, Macau One Central, NAPE, Macau Nine West @澳门威尼斯人三楼大运河购物中心 Nine West @ Nine West Shop, Level 3, Shoppes Grand Canal, the Venetian, COTAI

Joyce 31岁/years old 销售经理/Sales Manager 高度/Height 165cm 衣服购自GAP Clothes from GAP 包包购自ZARA Bag from ZARA 围巾购自ZARA Scarves from ZARA 鞋子购自台湾品牌 Shoes from Taiwanese Brand

2013 ■ May │ 五月



儿童 天地


青年足球会 Youth Football Associations

Escolas da Casa do Benfica 文 By Abbi Mitchell-Morley 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY GONÇALO LOBO PINHEIRO

月的春雨预告了夏天的来临,准 备带你的孩子们跟着澳门足球总 会的成员一起到球场,享受足球的乐趣 吧!


s the April showers give way for the early summer heat, get your kids out and about on the football pitch with a few of the Macau football associations for the young’uns. Your kids will definitely get a kick out of it!

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五月 │ May ■ 2013

青年足球会 Youth Football Associations

踢足球有什么好处? Why play football? 现在的小孩都经常拿着智能手机和掌上电 脑,低着头用手指触碰的方式玩电子游戏作 为娱乐。而在以前,我们玩的运动类游戏则 很不一样。运动既可以让小孩多动动身体, 又可以促进与他人交往,从而学习什么是 团队精神,踢足球绝对能让小孩在锻炼中成 长。 With the constant beckon and call of technology just a finger’s touch a way, it’s easy to let the kids get into a habit of relying on technology for entertainment. However, what happened to good-oldfashioned fun in the form of a sport. A great way to get exercise, be outside, socialize with others and build a team spirit, football (or soccer depending on where you’re from) is a great way for the kids to burn off steam, and have a ball - pun intended.

澳门的足球运动 Macau football 澳门有几个练习足球的地方。本地甲组足球 队宾菲加(内地译名:本非卡)成立了他们 的足球学校- Escolas da Casa do Benfica ,学校迎合5到12岁的女生和男生进行足球 培训。澳门导航访问了高级队主教练Bruno Alvares,青年队教练Marcus Tavares和宾菲 加球队的成员。 Here in Macau, various outlets are available. Local first division football team Benfica de Macau set up their football school - Escolas da Casa do Benfica - to cater to the training of young girls and boys ranging in ages from five to twelve. Culture Guide met with Bruno Alvares - senior team coach, and Marcus Tavares - junior team coach and Benfica player, to get some insight. 对于澳门小孩的成长环境,主教练Bruno有自 己的看法,“在这里小孩放学后就会立刻回 家,而他们最亲密的朋友就是他们的佣人, 这样是不健康的。宾菲加几年前已经有开学 校的想法,因为在澳门你不会找到类似的足 球学校。” “Most of the kids here (in Macau) go to school then go home, and their best friend is their helper. It’s not healthy,” says Bruno of the environment for children in Macau. “Benfica had the idea for this project in the past years and we wanted to continue them because in Macau you don’t have [...] schools like this.” Bruno explains.

2013 ■ May │ 五月



“进球 !!!!” “Gooooooaaaaaaaaallllll” 成立于2012年9月足球学校有两个目标,它们的 共同希望是帮助小孩子。 The football school was established in September of 2012 with two goals in mind, both with the intention of helping the children. Bruno说,“我们的一个目标是社会文化。想教 他们怎样去玩以及学习在社会上该用什么态度去 待人,使他们善于交际。澳门的小孩要什么有什 么,举个例说,如果他们口渴,佣人就会立刻把 水端到他们面前。我知道他们会带着这种态度进 入团队,因此我希望可以打破他们这种习惯。” “One is the socio-cultural objective. We want them to learn how to play and learn how to behave in society, develop them socially. We think kids in Macau have everything (handed to them),” says Bruno. “For example, at practice, if a child is thirsty they just call out to their helpers and they will come running. We want to break them of this attitude because we believe that they’re going to bring this into the team.” 他补充说,“我们还有体育这个目标,让孩子能 得到身心的全面发展,锻炼他们技术等各方面的 能力。在技术方面,我们会教导他们传球,头 球,腿法等。体能上,他们会学到如何应对各种 阻力,怎样才能把速度与技巧一起运用。透过足 球的学习来让他们自我进步。” “We also have the sport objective, ”he elaborates. “We aim to develop the children physically and mentally: their capacity, the technical aspects. In technical we learn passes, headshots, kicks [etc.] and in physical we learn resistance, velocity and technical combination. We teach them all about the game and make them improve upon themselves.”

練習Training 青年队教练Marcus Tavares表示,在培养孩子的 过程中,当孩子第一次到球场上,他们通常只是 把球乱踢。他希望在课程结束前,他们会变得更 有组织。 Junior team coach Marcus Tavares elaborates on the process of training children, explaining that when the children get on the field for the first time they are just kicking the ball around. By the end of the lessons however, he hopes to have educated them enough so that they will have structure. 72 

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青年足球会 Youth Football Associations

Marcus 解释说:“我们要让他们发展自己的天 赋和判断力,以及对战略的理解。使他们明白不 仅要踢得好,也要会思考。” “We want to develop their instincts and judgment as well as their understanding of strategy. We want them to understand that it is not only doing well, but thinking well,” Marcus explains.

球场上下 On and off the field 宾菲加的足球学校不仅着重于给孩子专业的培 训,更会让孩子们把每天的球场练习当作人生课 堂。学校会教导孩子们尊重同辈和长辈,拟定战 略,形成团队精神。宾菲加努力地为孩子们提供 一个健康的环境,发展他们的社交,心智和体 能。 Escolas da Casa do Benfica focus on equipping kids not only with expert training but also with life lessons that can be carried off the pitch and practiced in everyday life. They try and teach respect of their peers and elders and promote strategizing and working together as a team to attain something. Benfica works hard to provide children with a healthy environment for social, mental and physical development.

宾菲加球队成立于1950年,是澳门十个甲组球 队之一。虽然年轻,但他们的足球学校显然是受 小孩和家长欢迎的,共培训了约35名小孩。 Founded in 1950, Casa do Benfica are one of ten first-division football teams based in Macau. Although admittedly young, their football school is clearly popular with both children and parents as it trains a total of about 35 children. 想要注册,逢星期一和星期五的下午五点至七 点,带上你的孩子参加训练课程。头几堂训练是 免费的,如果你的孩子决定要继续的话,一个月 是澳门币240。 In order to sign up, you need only bring your child to try out the trainings on Mondays and Fridays at 17:00-19:00. The first few trainings are free and if your child decides to continue training with Benfica it costs MOP 240 a month.

联絡資訊Contact Information: Bruno Álvares

2013 ■ May │ 五月



活动指南 龙腾天幕 Dragon’s Treasure 澳门不仅有丰富的历史与多元文化,还有震慑 世界的新科技。龙腾天幕---震撼人心的多媒体 表演。表演讲述了龙 珠和它赐给四大龙王神秘 力量的故事,四大龙王分別引领 观众一起体验 15分钟的奇幻的感官历程。 Immerse yourself in The Bubble, an iconic multi-media attraction at the City of Dreams. With explosive visuals and sounds, as well as exciting sensory effects, the Dragon’s Treasure tells the story of the Dragon Pearl and its mysterious powers as experienced by each of the four Dragon Kings, who lead you on an amazing sensory adventure across their magical kingdoms. Show times: 15 minute shows every 30-minutes, 12:00 – 18:00 Hourly shows, 19:00 – 22:00 Free admission

得带上孩子出游很麻烦?孩子们根本不明白什么是「历史文化的意义」? 其实 在澳门还有很多既有趣又富有教育意义的活动可以进行。本期「儿童天地」 栏目为大家推介健康有趣的活动,让烦恼的家长们偷得浮生半日闲。跟随我们的步 伐,让有孩子同行的旅途变得轻松惬意、舒适自在。


till worried about how to entertain the kids while on a family vacation? Are they too young to enjoy some of the historical spots? Not to worry! A variety of entertaining, meaningful and educational activities are here for you, assuring you (and the little ones) a carefree holiday in Macau. 缀了澳门半岛。通常从九月到十二月,一些罕见 的艺术、非主流和经典电影会在文化中心的小礼 堂放映。

射,数不尽的水花在激光的照射下,幻化出七彩 的星光,配合间中喷出的火焰,营造出一个个大 型的音乐喷泉表演,游客绝对不容错过。音乐喷 泉 是由两百个湖水喷咀和发射器,及一千个独 立灯泡组成。 Located in front of Wynn Macau, the Performance Lake sports lofty plumes of water and fire that shimmer and dance through the air to classical music, Pop and Broadway show tunes. To achieve this mixture of water, light, color and fire, the Lake houses over 200 water nozzles and shooters, and holds 800,000 gallons of water. This vibrant performance, expressing a complexity of moods, rhythms and emotions, provides a fascinating spectacle. Show times: Daily at 15 minutes intervals, 11:00 - 00:00 Free entrance

美高梅金殿---浪漫的天幕广场 Lights & Sounds Shows 广场的设计参照了葡萄牙首都里斯本的里斯本车 站作為建筑特色,融合清新淡雅的设计风格,配 合浪漫音乐让人如痴如醉。 The “Lights & Sounds” is an explosion of images, visuals and music that runs daily after sunset at MGM Macau’s Grand Praça. Show times: 19:00-00:00-every 30minutes 免费入场 / Free entrance

电影院 Cinemas and Theatres 永利音乐喷泉 Performance Lake 永利的巨大的音乐喷泉给这个“东方拉斯维加 斯”的不夜城带来了沙漠绿洲的感觉。巨大的 湖泊式喷泉随著音乐的旋律、节奏而变化、喷

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澳门具有各式各样的电影院,有近期兴建在银河 酒店的UA银河影院、著名的澳门大会堂,还有 澳门旅游塔会展娱乐中心内的设施,这些设施提 供了一个国际性中英语言功能的电影选择。此 外,其他小型剧院大多数播放中文的制作,也点

A variety of movie theatres exist in Macau, ranging from the recent installment of UA Galaxy Cinemas at Galaxy, to the famous Cineteatro Macau, as well as facilities at the Macau Tower. These offer an international selection of Chinese-language and Englishlanguage feature-films. Other, less-accessible theatres dot the Macau peninsula and play mostly Chinese-language productions. The Small Auditorium of the Cultural Centre is also home to infrequent displays of artistic, Indie and classic movies, normally from September to December. Tickets from MOP 50

澳门大熊猫馆 Macao Giant Panda Pavilion 位于路环石排湾郊野公园内的澳门大熊猫馆,占 地面积高达930平方米,设计彷照熊猫在四川的 居所,务求为大熊猫製造一个贴近自然生活的环 境。而为了大熊猫的生活需要,馆内还设有大熊 猫后勤中心,包括屋舍、竹子清洗区、竹子储存 库、饲料准备室、饲料储存库、监控区和医疗室 等。 Nestled against a hill side in Seac Pai Van Park in Coloane in a fan-shaped layout of about 3,000 square meters lies the Macao Giant Panda Pavilion. The pavilion comprises two indoor-activity quarters and an outdoor yard for the giant pandas. Two viewing paths of different elevations line the front edge of the indoor activity area. Internal facilities include: a logistics center with panda dens, bamboo washing and storage quarters, a food-preparation room, warehouse, control center and veterinarian clinic. Opening Hours : 10:00-13:00 Price MOP 10

活动指南 Things to Do and See

就脚动物园 二龙喉公园 Mini-zoo 位于东望洋山山腰的二龙喉公园动物园,每天都 吸引很多小孩子。动物园内有30多种鸟类,15 种哺乳动物和爬行动物。园内鸟语花香,有小 溪,瀑布,水族馆。 Flora Garden’s small zoo, housing 30 species of birds, 15 types of Mammals and several reptiles, attracts many school children and families. Home to a brook, a waterfall, an aquarium and a foot massage path, it’s a great place for a meandering stroll. 营业时间/ Opening hours:06:00 - 20:30 免费入场 / Free admission

十六浦迈克杰克逊珍品廊 MJ Gallery 珍品廊内有40多件迈克杰克逊的物品。珍品廊 的主角是迈克杰克逊一隻首次向全球表演招牌 太空舞步( Moon walk )时佩戴的水晶手套, 是十六浦用了数百万元从拍卖中得来的物品。 另外,水晶袜、演唱《 Thriller 》时所穿的丧尸 衬衫、亲笔签名的《 Bad 》RIAA 白金唱片奖等 等,全都是 M J 迷的至爱。 The white rhinestone glove worn by Michael Jackson for his moonwalk debut acts as a magnet for the MJ Gallery in Ponte16. Worn on the left hand of the pop legend as he performed one of recent history’s greatest songs - ‘Billie Jean’ - the white glove is among the King of Pop’s 40-plus treasures exhibited together for the very first time. 开放时间/ Opening Hours: 11:00 - 21:00 免费入场/ Free entrance

free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridge, over and under barriers, zig-zag net climbers and more. Teenagers can use computers to access the internet, play video games or shoot some pool. For those celebrating a birthday, the holidays or any other special occasion, kids of all ages can throw their own parties in one of the two themed party rooms at Qube. 营业时间 / Opening Hours:10:00 - 22:00 Price from MOP 50

童梦天地 Kid’s City 占地一千平方米的童梦天地位于新濠天地Hard Rock酒店2楼。内裡有攀爬设施、电视游戏、泡 泡机、工艺及美术天地、舞台表演及华丽服饰装 扮等,目不暇接。玩乐设施包括「勇闯天地」、「 科幻世界」、「创意坊」、「梦剧院」四个区域。 Occupying over 10,000 square feet, the dynamic and interactive Kids’ City at City of Dreams is well-equipped with climbers & slides, video games, a bouncy tent, a painter’s glass easel and lots more. It comprises four play zones - Explore, Excite, Create and Dream, specially designed to stimulate children’s imagination through interactive learning and social interaction. 时间/ Opening Hours:10:30 – 21:30 Price: Two hour admission Mon-Thu MOP 90 Fri-Sun MOP 100

旅游团笨猪跳 Tower Climb & Skyjump 吊在233米高空命悬一线,并且以200公里的时 速下坠,如此刺激的运动你敢尝试吗?这就是 澳门旅游塔的笨猪跳!澳门旅游塔笨猪跳高233 米,最适合喜爱冒险、挑战勇气极限的游客。 Conquer Macau’s highest summit at the Macau Tower at 338 meters, and stand at the top of the tower by climbing 100 meters up the mast’s vertical ladders. Try the Sky Jump, a 20-second flight over the breathtaking cityscape of Macau or take off from the outer rim of Macau Tower 233 meters above ground on the Sky Walk. Sky Walk: 11:00 - 21:00 - MOP 688 Mast Climb: 11:00 - 21:00 - MOP 3,388

澳门海上游 Macau Harbour Cruise 从极具历史气息的澳门内港码头出发,途经妈阁 庙、旅游塔,澳门八景之一的镜海长虹西湾大 桥,海事博物馆、观音莲花苑等,让您在微微海 风中,舒适写意畅游澳门,而夜间在点点的星光 映照下,欣赏澳门闻名的璀璨夜景,感受澳门不 夜天的繁华,让您留下深刻的旅游记忆。

威尼斯人Qube儿童游戏场 Qube 这个名为历险Q立方的游乐场,设有规模庞大的 攀爬设施及令儿童爱不释手的电脑游戏,不但好 玩而且充满创意,儿童与家长都可在这里尽情欢 乐。场内有高达六米的复合攀爬设施,附设一座 垂直滑梯、两座小型滑梯、一座V字形绳桥、跨 越及攀爬障碍物、之字形攀爬绳网等等.专为庆 祝生日及特别节日而设的两个主题派对游戏间也 近在咫尺,儿童可与家长在这里举办欢乐派对。 Situated inside the Venetian Hotel, this 9,000 square foot children’s playground features a six-meter-tall multi-climbing facility with a

The Harbour Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions such as the A-MaTemple, Macau Tower, Sai Van Bridge, Maritime Museum, and Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre, presenting passengers with a perfect perspective of the city’s rich heritage in an intimate environment. 航班时间:早上11开始,每30分钟一班 Runs every 30 minutes daily starting at 11:00 登船地址:澳门内港12号码头(内港客运码头侧) Starting point: Ponte No. 12 (Port-Interior) Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos 价钱:澳门币80元起 From MOP 80 2013 ■ May │ 五月



缆车 Cable Car

保龄球 Bowling

位于松山脚下二龙喉公园的登山观光缆车,由公 园的入口直到松山顶,游人可在缆车内饱览东望 洋山一带的景色。登上坡顶就可看到从十七世纪 留下来的古炮台堡垒和建于1865 年的灯搭 ,此 处为澳地势的最高点,繁华的街景可一览无遗。 The Guia Hill dominates the Macau peninsula, its peak offering the best views in town, namely of the Pearl River and the surrounding islands. If you go in through the Flora Garden Gate (Avenida Sidónio Pais), you will find a cable car, which gives you an easy ride up and a panoramic view over the hill. 澳门币3元/成人; 澳门币2元/儿童 Adults MOP 3; Children MOP 2 开放时间:每天8:00-18:00(周一除外) Opening hours: Daily 8:00 – 18:00 (closed on Mondays)

观光巴士 Tour Machine 若你想用一种特别的风格和舒适的方式去庆祝特 别的日子,乘坐1920年代的九座英伦巴士会是 一个不错的选择。两小时的观光旅程收费每位 MOP200(最少三人),根据固定路线由11:00开 始至15:30。巴士从酒店出发,每小时的导游费 为MOP400。 If you want to celebrate a special occasion in style and comfort, take a trip in a nine-seat chauffeur-driven 1920s English bus replica. Two-hour city tours cost Mop 200/ person(minimum three people) and operate under a fixed itinerary starting at 11:00 and 15:30. Tour starts from your hotel. Hourly touring costs MOP 400/hour.

想一试身手吗?来澳门东亚运动会体育馆打一场 保龄球吧。体育馆位于路氹城东亚运广场,为现 时澳门最大的综合体育设施。 An extensive multi-lane bowling alley located next to the Macau Dome is a great way to spend a rainy afternoon. Grab a ball and knock ‘em down! 开放时间:每天早上9点至晚上10点门票:按不 同时间段收费 Macau East Asian Games Dome, Av. de COTAI Opening hours: 9:00 – 22:00 daily Admission: based on time period From MOP 30

人力车观光 Rickshaws 人力三轮车是澳门富有特色的交通工具。尽管比 不上现代交通工具的速度,(骑车上山坡的时 候,你也许还要推车呢),坐人力三轮车游览这 个历史小城却有另一番味道。车夫通常会在港澳 码头或葡京酒店前载客,每小时收费约澳门币 150元。 The pedicab, or tricycle rickshaw, is a romantic form of transport around the waterfronts of Macau (it is not designed for hill climbing), and offers visitors a chance to see and photograph the sights. The main locations for hiring a pedicab are outside the Macau Ferry Terminal and opposite the main door of the Lisboa Hotel. They usually charge MOP 150/ hour. It’s best to agree on the price before starting your trip.

滑冰和保龄球 Skating 尽管旁边是旧西洋坟场,但没有什么能挡得住佳 景娱乐中心里面的活力。场内有溜冰场,保龄球 馆,娱乐场等设施一应俱全。 Bowling and skating facilities in the “Future Bright” Entertainment Centre on Rua de Coelho do Amaral, next to the Protestant Cemetery are a nice way to test your skill and have fun as a family. 地址:连胜街 Address: Rua de Coelho do Amaral 营业时间:每天10:00 - 01:00(保龄球馆);每 天10:00 - 22:30(熘冰场) Opening hours: Bowling: 10:00 - 01:00 daily Skating: 10:00 – 22:30 daily

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活动指南 Things to Do and See

a swimming pool, a Portuguese Inn and a Nautical Club with equipment for canoeing and windsurfing. Hác-Sá beach is longer and is popular for windsurfing and jetskiing. Near the beach is a park that contains tennis courts, a swimming pool, picnic area, children’s playground and several Portuguese and Chinese restaurants. The Nautical Entertainment Centre located at Hác-Sá reservoir park houses different boats and water scooters which are available for rent. It also provides a barbecue area, children’s playground, nature trails, a jogging track, and a coffee shop and snack bar.

澳门科学馆 Macao Science Center 天文馆为半圆球型,而展览中心则呈圆锥型,使 用的是呈现原材质色泽的铝钢板及玻璃帷幕。大 人小孩都可以在科学馆内玩得不亦乐乎,最吸引 人的是互动游戏的设计。

赛车 Karting 想感受一下迎风的快感吗?澳门路环石排湾马路 石排湾公园对面的小型赛车场绝对可以满足你所 有的愿望!不用驾照、不用经验,你就可以在这 裡体验一下赛车的乐趣! At the end of the causeway linking Taipa and Coloane is a karting track and grandstand, visited by locals and visitors throughout the week either to practice or to watch the races. Start your engines! 查询电话/For enquiries call (853) 2888 1862.

球场,游泳池,游乐场和野餐区,一应俱全。在 海滩另一头的水上娱乐中心,提供各式摩托艇租 赁服务。此外还有烧烤区,儿童游乐场,咖啡馆 和小吃店等设施。 Coloane island is home to two beaches: Cheoc Van and Hac Sa. At Cheoc Van Beach there are several restaurants with esplanades,

A perfect every day alternative for family fun. The Center is very interactive with loads of hands-on adventure. Be sure to olpcheck out the planetarium. 澳門孫逸仙大馬路澳門科學館 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macau 营业时间: 10:00-18:00,逢周四闭馆 Open 10:00 – 18:00, Closed on Thursdays. • (+853) 2888 0822

健行 Trekking 在路环和氹仔的群山之间纵横交错的小径徒步旅 行,绝对别有一番滋味。在这里城市美景一览无 遗,是爬山爱好者和摄影师们的最爱。 On Guia Hill and the hills of Taipa and Coloane there are trails equipped for trekking, jogging and exercising. These are safe routes, which offer panoramic views over the city, the islands and the Pearl River, providing wonderful opportunities for nature and photography lovers.

水上运动 Nautical Sports 想去路环玩水吗?那一定要来这两个著名海滩。 其中竹湾海滩旁有各式餐厅,游泳池,一间葡式 酒店和一个水上俱乐部,配有独木舟和帆板等设 备。短暂车程后可到达黑沙海滩,有更多的葡萄 牙和中国餐馆餐厅任君选择。公园,篮球场,网

2013 ■ May │ 五月


放眼 小城 CITY LIGHTS 第一届澳门慈善飞镖大赛 The 1st Macau Charity Darts Championship

日 日期:5月11 /5 11 e: Dat

比赛时间Time: 12:00-18:00 (业余级/Entry Level) 16:00-17:30(职业级/Advanced Level) 比赛场地Venue: iDarts (业余级/Entry Level) Mini Bar(职业级/Advanced Level) 地址Address: iDarts Red - 白马行雅明阁一楼B座 iDarts Red - Rua Pedro Nolasco Da Silva Nga Meng Kok, 1st Floor B Mini Bar –氹仔百利宝花园地下F Mini Bar - Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Treasure Garden, Flat F, Taipa 参赛费: 业余级澳门币350 / 职业级澳门币400 Participation fees: Entry Level MOP 350/ Advanced Level MOP 400

世界流行的飞镖比赛来到澳门了!由澳门旅游 学院大四学生举办的第一屆澳門慈善飛鏢大 賽欢迎职业与业余选手参加,奖金高达澳门币 5000元。 Students from Macau’s Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) are holding the 1st ever darts competition in the SAR, held in the name of charity. Darts professionals and amateur players can come join in the fun and win a grand prize of MOP 5,000. 这次的飞镖比赛是一个大型的筹款活动,善款 将用来帮助两所慈善机构:希望之源及華夏綠 洲,支持他们继续照顾被遗弃的儿童以及资助 中国内地的学生上学。 The competition is a large-scale fundraising event that raises money for two charity groups: the Cradle of Hope Association (a children’s charity) and the Action Oasis (a charity for youth education in China).

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镖靶上有代表着不同得分的区域,掷到最高分的 区域并不等同胜利。同样的,人生路上成功也并 不等于个人的功名利就。以运动的精神,宣传推 己及人,把爱人互助的心传出去,正是「第一届 澳门慈善飞镖大赛」要传达的讯息。 Various sections and types of scoring will be undergone throughout the championship, ensuring that the sport applies a range of life practices, including sportsmanship and teamwork - the norms of “The 1st Macau Charity Darts Championship”. 飞镖不像其它耗体力的运动,要赢得比赛需要一 定的技巧,精密计算,个人稳定性及清晰的头 脑。想感受游戏的刺激,為參賽者打气的同时也 能把善心传出去,千万不要错过这场比赛。 Unlike other kinds of physical sports, playing darts requires certain skills of calculation and stability as well as keeping a clear mind. So come thrown down, feel the nerves, show

support to the players and give a helping hand to charity. 比赛后将有颁奖典礼及庆祝派对,欢迎大家来 参观,期间更有表演,食物和饮品提供! There will be an award ceremony and after-party on the same date, following the matches. Spectators are welcome to watch the matches, live performances and food and drinks will be available throughout.

有兴趣请在5月9日前到http://mcdc24.报名。 If you are interested please apply online before 9/5.

艺术 Arts

拿破仑宫廷艺术展 Napoleon and the Decorative Arts: Treasures of the Imperial Palaces 拿破仑宫廷艺术展是由法国国家家具暨织毯造办 处以及澳门艺术博物馆联合主办。展览中共展出 125件来自法兰西第一帝国时期 (1804-1815年) 奢华的皇室的珍品,如摆钟,挂毯,枝状吊灯等 等,此外,当时拿破仑的皇帝宝座中也会展出。 This exhibition, organized by Mobilier National (preserver of national French collections) and the Macau Museum of Art, brings together 125 of the finest masterpieces from the Napoleon Imperial Palace. These are selected from the period of the first French Empire (1804-1815) and include furnishings such as: pendulum clocks, tapestries, chandeliers, and the throne of Napoleon the First. This is the first time these items have been displayed outside of their native France.

《探索新加坡—传统文化的色彩》 “Explore Singapore! Colors of Heritage” Special Exhibition 展览内容主要向澳门介绍新加坡这个国家,透过 展示出互动展品,当地的集邮藏品以及照片,让 大家进一步了解其浓厚的文化遗产。整个展览 共分为6部份:"新加坡-过去和现在",“新 加坡的民族",“消失的行业",“新加坡传统美 食",“节日万花筒",以及“今日的新加坡"。 This exhibition aims at introducing Singapore to Macau, sharing its rich culture and heritage through the interactive displays, stamp collections, and photographs. This exhibition is divided into 6 parts: “Singapore-Now and Then”, “People in Singapore”, “Vanishing Trades”, “Singapore Heritage Food”, “Kaleidoscope of Festivals” and “Singapore Today”. The exhibition is co-organized by the Singapore Philatelic Museum and the Communications Museum of the Macau Post.

活动日期: 27/03/2013-31/08/2013 开放时间: 09:30-17:30 (每逢星期一休息) 地点: 澳门通讯博物馆(澳门马交炮台马路7号) 入场费: 免费入场 Date: 27/03/2013-31/08/2013 Opening Hours: 09:30-17:30 (Closed every Monday) Venue: Temporary Exhibition Gallery, Communications Museum of Macau, Estrada D. Maria II, No.7, Macau Admission: Free Admission

活动日期: 18/04/2013-14/07/2013 开放时间: 10:00-19:00 (每逢星期一休息) 地点: 澳门艺术博物馆(澳门新口岸冼星海 大马路澳门文化中心) 入场费: 成人:澳门币5元, 小童:澳门币2元 (逢星期日以及澳门公众假期可免费入场) Date: 18/04/2013-14/07/2013 Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Closed every Monday) Venue: Macau Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai, NAPE Macau Admission: Adults: MOP 5, Child: MOP 2, (Free Admission on Sundays and Public Holidays)


春风妙笔﹣杨善深百年诞辰艺术展 Yang Shan Shen-The Legacy: Commemorative Exhibition of the Centennial Birth Anniversary 杨善深,亦有“岭南派最后一位大师”的称号, 一生致力于推广中国岭南画派,对书画艺术界影 响巨大,并于1999年荣获香港艺术发展局授予 视艺成就奖这项殊荣。是次展览为庆祝杨善深先 生百年诞辰而举办的,艺术展将展出115件杨善 深先生近70年的创作品,题材以丰富,风格多 样为主。 Yang Shan Shen, the Master of the Lingnan School of Painting, dedicated his life to the promotion and continuation of the Chinese painting school, achieving both personal success and a strong influence on the development of the art scene in China. In 1999, he was awarded the “Fellowship of Achievements in Visual Arts” by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. This exhibition is specially launched for the centennial birth anniversary. In this exhibition, 115 of Yang’s creative works of nearly 70 years are shown; all featuring a variety of themes and styles.

活动日期: 28/03/2013-09/06/2013 开放时间: 10:00-19:00 (每逢星期一休息) 地点:澳门艺术博物馆(澳门新口岸冼星海大 马路澳门文化中心) 入场费: 免费入场 Date: 28/03/2013-09/06/2013 Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Closed every Monday) Venue: Macau Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai, NAPE Macau Admission: Free Admission

2013 ■ May │ 五月


放眼小城 City Lights

聚焦澳门 LIVE

《旱.雨》 法国五月2013 Drought and Rain 2013 May 《旱.雨》是一部关于战争回忆的作品,首次公 演于1995年,由编舞家爱雅.索拉创作,以传 统的歌曲动作,配上现场乐器的演奏,震撼观察 的心灵。 Artist Ea Sola is most know for this famous piece in which the artist, through the medium of a performance, expresses the memory of war. Originally performed in 1995, the piece mixes together various elements, enthralling audiences with traditional music, dance, and live instruments, which are bound to leave a mark on the spirit of the viewers.

表演日期: Date: 04/05/2013

《潮拜music群星演唱会》 Top Teen Music Concert 一场前所未有的演唱会,由来自中国大陆,台 湾,香港以及新加坡的苏见信,张敬轩,唐禹 哲,BY2,黄丽玲,宋念宇(小宇),黑Girl,郭 易,宋靖宇,一共9个风靡亚洲的年青人偶像歌 手及组合首次携手合作,齐齐施展浑身解数,把 迷人动听的歌声和劲歌热舞带给大家!为大家献 上一个轻松,愉快,难忘的晚上。 An unprecedented concert performed by nine of the world’s hottest singers from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. This brings together Shin, Hins Cheung, Danson Tang, BY2, A-Lin, Xiao Yu Sung, Hey Girl, Guo Yi and Song Jin Yu, for a night of mesmerizing vocals and top-notch choreography. 时间:20:00 地点:澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆 票价:澳门币 1080/ 880/ 580/ 280/ 180 Date: 04/05/2013 Time: 20:00 Venue: Arena, The Venetian Macau, COTAI Price: MOP 1080/ 880/ 580/ 280/ 180

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开放时间: 20:00-22:00 地点: 澳门文化中心综合剧院, 澳门大堂冼星海 大马路 入场费: 澳门币200/150/120 Time: 20:00-22:00 Venue: Macao Cultural Centre-Grand Auditorium, Avenida Xian Xing Hai, NAPE, Macau Price: MOP 200/150/120

表演日期: Date: 03/05/2013

聚焦澳门 Live

《城市粤剧曲艺汇演-2013》 Cantonese Opera Performance-2013 粤剧是中国的传统文化艺术,亦深得大家的欢 迎。随着社会的变迁,闗注传统文化艺术的人就 越来越少。民政总署,工联文化委员会以及澳门 日报合办了一年一度名为《城市粤剧曲艺汇演》 借此推广传统粤戏曲艺给大众,特别是年轻一 代。至今已进入第17届了!活动由今年3月份 起,一连三个月为大家免费送上一共46场精彩 的粤剧艺曲表演,闭幕长剧「花染状元红」除 外。 Cantonese Opera, one of the most representative components of traditional Chinese culture, is back this year. Organized by IACM, the Macau Federation of Trade Unions, and Macau Daily, the events aim to promote and educate the public about traditional Cantonese Operas, with a focus on the younger generations. This year the operas celebrate their 17th session, and will run from March to June, totaling 46 public performances. All of the performances are free to the public, except the last performance: “A scholar becomes rich”.

表演日期:22/03/2013-29/06/2013 时间:20:00-22:30 ( 每逢星期一,三,五) 14:30-17:00 ( 每逢星期六 ) 地点:工联文娱中心及社区文娱中心 票价:免费入场

大吉利是世界巡回演唱会2013 The Big Four

表演日期: Date: 25/05/2013

The Big Four是香港有名的全男组合,由歌手张 卫健,许志安,苏永康以及梁汉文组成。 于农历新 年除夕夜开始展开了他们的2013年世界巡回演 唱会,终到澳门站。当晚他们以多首热爆经典歌 曲,舒展浑身解散,散发独特的其舞台魅力。 The Big Four, the all-male Hong Kong actorsinger group-- Dicky Cheung, Andy Hui, William So and Edmond Leung, started their 2013 world tour concert in Hong Kong on Lunar New Year’s Eve. This time, they will entertain audiences not far from home with their famous songs and cohesive on-stage chemistry, including hits such as “BigFour” and “Love But Can’t Help”.

时间:20:00 地点:澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆 票价:澳门币 880/ 680/ 480/ 280 Time: 20:00 Venue: Arena, The Venetian Macau, COTAI Price: MOP 880/ 680/ 480/ 280

Date: 22/03/2013-29/06/2013 Time: 20:00-22:30 (Every Mon, Wed and Fri) 14:30-17:00 (Every Sat) Venue: Macau Animation and Cultural Centre of Macau Federation of Trade Unions and Local Animation and Cultural Price: Free entrance 闭幕长剧「花染状元红」 Closing Performance “A scholar becomes rich” 表演日期: 29/06/2013 时间: 19:45 地点:永乐戏院 票价:澳门币 20 Date: 29/06/2013 Time: 19:45 Venue: Alegria Cinema, 85D Estrada do Repouso, Macau Price: MOP 20

2013 ■ May │ 五月


放眼小城 City Lights

活动及博 览会 events and expos

“十月初五的艺墟” Feira Das Artes Cinco de Outubro/ Art Fair @ Outubro Street “十月初五的艺墟” ,是一个为一班创作者打 造的舞台,为大家展示其心机之作,这里每个摊 位所售卖的每件产品都必定是原创的(自家制) ,例如有手工艺品,创意设计产品,食品,饰物 等等,绝对有别于平日倒模型产品。除了可以买 到新奇,创意无限的产品外,还能了解多些澳门 本地创意文化的知识! This art fair is a creative stage specially built for local Macau designers. In this fair the artists can show off all their elaborate products in stalls, selling items from handicrafts to innovations, food, accessories and more. All these vary greatly from items commonly found in stores, as they are originally designed and created by locals. It’s a good chance to get a taste of Macau’s culture.

活动日期: 08/06/2013-09/06/2013 开放时间: 15:00-20:00 地点: 康公庙前地 入场费: 免费入场 Date: 08/06/2013-09/06/2013 Opening Hours: 15:00-20:00 Venue: Largo do Pagode do Bazar, Rua do Guimarães, Macau Admission: Free Admission

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CSI: 犯罪调查体验展(澳门) CSI: The Experience-Macau CSI: 犯罪调查体验展(澳门)一共有三个犯罪现场 提供客人选择:冲撞之屋,为谁上餐,以及人骨 拼图。在展览中,客人化身成CSI 调查员,分析 现场的线索,搜集现场环境证据,进行科学推理 等等,务求寻找出破案关键。 The classic American crime scene series has come to Macau, with an interactive twist. The exhibit houses a total of three crime scene mysteries that need to be solved. The mysteries are entitled: “A house collided”, “Who got served” and “No bones about it”. In the scene, visitors are the CSI investigators, trying to formulate a hypothesis based on the scientific evidence, validate their finds, and solve the crime.

日期: 01/04/2013-15/06/2013 时间: 11:00-20:00 (每日) 地点:澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店4楼里海 宴会厅 票价: 澳门币120 Date: 01/04/2013-15/06/2013 Time: 11:00-20:00 (Daily) Venue: Caspian Ballroom, Level 4, Sheraton Macau Hotel, Sands Cotai Central, COTAI Admission: From MOP 120




澳门博物馆 是一间展示澳门历史和多元文化的 博物馆,馆内的展品以其丰富和深刻的历史和文 化内涵,展示数百年来澳门的历史变迁,讲述来 自不同国家、具有不同文化背景的居民在澳门和 平共处的生活。

海事博物馆 Maritime Museum 海事博物馆是澳门历史最悠久的一间博物馆,对 面是妈阁庙。据说这里是当年葡国人首次登陆澳 门的地方。博物馆主要介绍这地区的主要海事活 动,包括:中国南部的捕鱼方法和传统渔船、科 学技术和交通工具、葡国和中国的海事历史。 The Maritime Museum, located in the Square of the Barra Pagoda, is dedicated to the Taoist goddess “A-MA”, the protector of fishermen, and is also believed to be the place where the Portuguese first landed in Macau. 澳门妈阁庙前地1号 10:00-18:00 逢周二闭馆 Largo do Pagode da Barra, 1. From 10:00-18:00 Closed on Tuesdays

澳门艺术博物馆致力向参观者展示澳门东西方 文化融合的独特氛围。 The Macau Museum of Art is the only art museum in Macau and provides the largest space around dedicated purely to the visual arts. 冼星海大马路澳门文化中心 10:00 - 19:00 周一闭馆 Macau Cultural Centre, Av. Xian Xing Hai, Nape, Macau 10:00 – 19:00 Closed on Mondays

澳门博物馆 Macau Museum

The Macau Museum is a historical and cultural museum with a vast number of objects of great historical value. It demonstrates the lifestyles and cultures of various communities that have inhabited the city across the ages. 地址: 澳门博物馆前地112号(大炮台) 10:00-18:00 逢周一闭馆 112 Praceta do Museu de Macau (Mount Fortress) 10:00-18:00 Closed on Mondays

澳门艺术博物馆 Macau Museum of Art

use of maps, texts, photos, tiles and videos (among others) it relates the history and traditions circling wine. 高美士街(旅游服务中心地下) 431号 10:00-21:00 逢周二闭馆 Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes 431 10:00-21:00 Closed on Tuesdays

大赛车博物馆 Grand Prix Museum 大赛车博物馆建于1993年11月18日,是为庆祝 澳门格兰披治大赛40周年而设,展览每年11月 格兰披治大赛的名车。 Opened in 1993 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix, this museum features a selection of retired racecars and motorbikes used in the November competitions over the years. 高美士街(旅游服务中心地下) 431号 10:00-21:00 逢周二闭馆 Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes, 431 10:00-21:00 Closed on Tuesdays

澳门回归贺礼陈列馆 Handover Gifts Museum of Macau 该馆所在地原为一九九九年十二月二十日中葡政 府进行澳门政权交接仪式的场馆, 主要展示当 年回归贺礼。 The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau is built on the site of the Macau Handover Ceremony. Now, it houses an exhibition of the handover gifts. 冼星海大马路澳门文化中心 10:00 – 19:00 周一闭馆 Av. Xian Xing Hai, Macau 10:00 – 19:00 Closed on Mondays

葡萄酒博物馆 Wine Museum 这个面积1400平方米的葡萄酒博物馆除了介绍 酿酒、葡萄种植历史 、浏览葡萄种植、酿制工 具器皿和各种陈年葡萄酒酒之外,还可让游客品 尝美酒。 This 1,400 square-meter space is divided into a number of areas including: a Historical Information section, a Wine Cellar, a Museum, and various other Exhibitions. Through the

2013 ■ May │ 五月


放眼小城 City Lights

澳门科学馆 Macau Science Center 由美籍华人建筑师贝聿铭设计。 主体由一个倾 斜的圆锥体、一个半球体和一个菱形的基座组 成。 外形科学味甚浓,延续了贝氏喜爱几何图 案的建筑风格。 The Macau Science Center - designed by world-renowned Chinese-American architect I.M. Pei - is an instantly recognizable structure. Its silvery, cone-shaped exterior hides the fourteen galleries within: all arranged in a spiral, and accentuated by an arch shape. 澳门新口岸填海区孙逸仙大马路 10:00 – 18:00 周四闭馆 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macau Science Center 10:00 – 18:00 Closed on Thursdays

St. Dominic Square (next to Senado Square) 10:00 - 18:00 Open Everyday

天主教艺术博物馆与墓室 Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt 位于大三巴牌坊的地下层,展出天主教澳门教区 的文物,包括油画、耶稣受难像、圣像、教堂圣 物、礼拜器物等 。墓室则安放了由路环圣方济 各圣堂迁来的日本和越南殉道者骸骨。

圣物宝库 Treasure of Sacred Art 圣物宝库又称玫瑰堂圣物宝库,位于玫瑰堂 侧,于1997年启用,展出澳门天主教会的文 物。1834年,禁教命令强制执行,旁边的玫瑰 堂一度被政府用作军营、马棚和办公室。 The Museum of the Church of St. Dominic (Treasure of Sacred Art), located in the buildings adjacent to the church, has been open to visitors since 1997. When, in 1834, the Religious Order was abolished in Portugal, the church became the home of a great number of religious artifacts that are presently on display in the museum. 澳门圣母玫瑰堂前地(议事亭前地旁) 10:00 – 18:00 84 

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Built at the bottom section of the inner area of St. Paul’s Ruins - in the spot where the church and the College of the Mother of God were previously located - the Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt evoke the rich history of the missions in the region, the main source of which was the College of St. Paul. 大三巴牌坊 每日9:00 – 18:00 St. Paul’s Ruins 9:00 – 18:00 Open Everyday

澳门国父纪念馆 Dr. Sun Iat Sen Memorial House 国父纪念馆保留原貌,大部分房间保持原有布 置。展览品有孙中山在澳门行医时所用的物品、 在广州起义时用过的家具、孙中山的真迹和生前 照片。 This original building in Macau houses a number of documents, paying homage to the

stay of Dr. Sun Iat Sen in Macau. 澳门文第士街1号(对面是治安警察局) 10:00 – 17:00 逢周二闭馆 Av. Sidonio Pais (opposite the police station) 10:00 – 17:00 Closed on Tuesdays

我的 澳门


芑儿, 年仅22岁的本地澳门大学生。中 学时期已是澳门小有名气的歌手,现 在更成为了澳门著名化妆师,年纪轻轻的她正 经营一间化妆品店。


你对澳门最美好的回忆是什么? What’s your best memory of Macau?

waffles and dumplings. My favorite restaurant is the Old Shanghai Restaurant or the Antica Trattoria.

澳门是我最喜欢的地方,如果谈到最美好的回 忆,我会想起当我还是小学生时,放学时妈妈会 带我到旧八佰伴,去玩机动游戏,买玩具,去美 食广场吃东西,那是我对澳门最美好的回忆。 When I was a primary student, my mum always took me to [New] Yaohan (Macau’s only department store) after school. We went there for playing on the amusement rides, buying toys and eating in the Food Court.

你最喜欢到哪里购物? 为什么? Where do you like to go shopping?

澳门哪里的风景最美? Where can you find the most beautiful scenery in Macau? 刚刚和男朋友拍拖的时候常去一个名为“海角游 云”的小公园,不是太多人知道它在哪里,它位 于马交石炮台马路东端,旁边是通讯博物馆,可 以看到澳门优美的自然风景。除此之外,大潭山 郊野公园也是不错的选择! When I was first dating with my boyfriend, we always went to a little garden called “Cape Tour Cloud”. Not many people know where it is, it is located in the Miradouro de D. Maria II, near the Museu das Comunicações (Macau Communications Museum). There you can enjoy the natural scenery of Macau. Besides that, Parque Natural da Taipa Grande is a good idea too!

哪里的美食最好? Where is your favorite restaurant? 澳门有很多美食,特别是街头小吃,例如鸡蛋 饼,饺子,而我最喜欢的餐厅是老上海沪杭菜 馆,意大利经典餐厅等等。 There are lots of delicious cuisines in Macau, especially the local street foods, like the egg

平时比较喜欢到雅廉访和渡船街的时装店购物。 那里的时装店的服装都是来自不同国家的品牌, 有时你可以找到独一无二的衣服。 Normally, I love to go shopping in the boutiques in Nga Lim Fong and Ferry Street. The customs there are always brands from different countries, sometimes, you can find the limited editions in there too.

哪里是约会的好地方呢? Where is the best place for a date? 在澳门,我一定会选澳门银河UA戏院作为约会 的最佳地点。相信对大部份情侣来说,拍拖不外 乎逛街看戏吃饭。在澳门看戏,就一定要去澳门 银河UA戏院,那里有华丽的装潢,又有干净舒 适的环境,是最佳约会的好地方! In Macau, the best place for dating I must choose [is] the Galaxy UA Cinema. Most of the couples always [choose it] to go shopping, watch movies and have a meal. Watching movies in Macau, you must go to Galaxy UA Cinema.

ecky Ieong Hei I, 22, is a local university student in Macau. She made a name for herself during her secondary schooling as a singer, and has since gone on to become a well-known make-up artist in Macau. She currently owns her own make-up shop. 文 欧阳慧君 By Vivian Ao Ieong

weather. There are many excellent and featured attractions in Macau Fisherman’s Wharf. So when I am free, I go there to take photos, and try to take more different styles photos.

澳门哪个地方是必去的? What is the best place for a real Macau experience? 大三巴!因为大家一说到澳门就会想起大三巴! 而且大三巴附近有很多特色街头摊档,游客游览 完大三巴后,更可到附近品尝澳门街头特色小食。 Ruins of St. Paul! When people think of Macau, they will immediately think of the Ruins of St Paul. Besides, there are many special street food stalls nearby. After visiting the Ruin of St. Paul, travellers can go to taste the local Macau street food.

你的格言: Your best advice: 机会是留给有准备的人! Opportunities are given to those who are prepared.

最喜欢到哪里拍照? Where do you like to take pictures? 平常我在不同的时节去澳门渔人码头拍照。那里 有很多有特色的景点。空闲的时间我都会到渔人 码头拍拍照,每一次拍出来的效果和风格都很不 一样。 I love to go to Macau Fisherman’s Wharf for taking photos from time to time in different 2013 ■ May │ 五月



东望洋炮台 – 1870年代 Guia Fortress – 1870s

了望德堂,东望洋炮台还筑有堡垒,小圣堂,灯塔,以及望德堂教区。荷兰人曾一度想入侵 澳门,为了抵御外敌入侵,澳门在1620到1640年之间建立了炮台堡垒。东望洋炮台作为澳 门历史城区的一部分,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。灯塔于19世纪末期建成,在晴 朗的天气下,澳门四周 20 里的范围内可以见到灯塔射出的灯光。炮台位处澳门的最高点:东望洋山 上。


part of the St. Lazarus complex, the Guia Fortress consists of fort, chapel and lighthouse, as well as the St. Lazarus Parish. Classified a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the fort was constructed between 1620 and 1640, following an attempted invasion by the Dutch. A lighthouse was added in the late 1800s which is visible for up to 20 miles in clear weather. The fort stands on Macau’s highest point: Guia Hill.

照片由Photo by澳门历史档案馆 Macau Historical Archives

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五月 │ May ■ 2013


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