你的澳门导游 Your City guide to Macau 阅 免费赠e fre
十一月 November 2014 - N26 - www.cguidemacau.com
编辑的话 from the editor 速度与激情 Velocity and Passion
十一月 november 2014
十一月的澳门,是比心跳玩速度的月份,同时也是让文青们躁起来的 时节,因为一年一会的格兰披治大赛车又会如约而至,艺穗节更让这 个小城迅速进入文艺味十足的沸腾状态,游客来这里可以体验动静两 面体的各种活动,一举多得。 艺穗节是澳门每年的文艺盛事,今年的演出场地走进社区,草根味 浓,相信很多人都到过仿如走进古装街的福隆新街,也有不少人感叹 这里的老铺子没有被好好利用起来。今年的艺穗就活化了这条著名的 游客必到街道,不仅如此,民政总署还找来来舞蹈团体在其中的地标 新华大饭店上演“舞出澳门”的好戏码,更有专门导赏团带你一边游 乐其中,一边听“老澳门街道”的故事,喜欢深度旅游的朋友,记得 别错过报名时间。 说到大赛车,就像是澳门人的老朋友一样,在十月中已经可以开始看 到各种密锣紧鼓的装备陆续进场。对于游客来说,是一种“慢”城的 快感体验,我们特别为您炮制了一本全方位观赏大赛车的小别册,保 证能满足你各种需求,不虚度这个难忘假期。
November is a month of heartbeat, velocity, and passion in Macau. Grand Prix is just around the corner when you read this, and this year’s City Fringe Festival has even started. Tourists can experience the excitement and calmness of this small city simultaneously. This year’s Fringe Festival is a cultural highlight that is accessible to communities with more widespread art coverage. The traditional beauty of Rua Da Felicidade will be fully unveiled as a venue, while the landmark San Va Inn will be turned into a stage for dances. A well-trained group of guides are ready to inject more fun to and tell more stories about local streets and alleys: a perfect opportunity for culture lovers. Don’t miss the registration deadline. Grand Prix is an old friend of Macau. Even in October the hustling preparation was on for the “fast” experience in the “slow” city. Hence we’ve also prepared a special section to cope with your needs and quench your thirst during the Race.
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Distribution Cguide is distributed internationally in the lounges of 22 airports throughout Greater China, as per an agreement with Air Macau. Cguide is also present in the Macau Government Tourist Office booths throughout the SAR. In Macau the magazine is available in nearly every major hotel - present in hotel rooms and concierges. Cguide is also distributed to over 800 restaurants and is found in primary tourist spots, as well as being hand-delivered to more than 700 VIPs.
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story 封面故事 cover
十一月是澳门的赛车月,吸引无数好手与观众来澳。 很多车手在进军一级方程式前,都胜出过东望洋赛 事。就让Cguide与你一同准备好,迎接紧张刺激的赛 事!
Every November is heated with racers’ roars in Macau. The Guia Races somehow act as steppingstone to F1. So let Cguide get prepared with you to anticipate the races.
My Dream
Hair Care Tips for Autumn
Sunny Portuguese Delights
Hello Habano
Chile in Chill
Trip Macau with Francis
十一月 november 2014
Jaguar & Infiniti
How to Train Your Dragon
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
小城热话 What’s Hot!
每逢入秋,凉风送爽,很多机构 都会举办步行活动,目的为不同 的慈善机构募款,让更多人感受 温暖的世界。其中澳门四季酒店 在11月初举办第六届“四季乐善 行”,成功为镜湖医院癌症支援 工作及恩慈院儿童之家的儿童照 顾服务,募得更多经费,同时更 多有需要的人将得到支援。 四季乐善行主要活动包括五点六 公里个人跑和三公里写意行,及 于酒店举行的一系列餐饮活动, 当中所有餐饮收益均拨捐善款。 活动需要很多人力才成功举行, 而不说不知,恩慈院儿童之家也 有派出小朋友担当工作人员。除 了可让小朋友多一个学习机会, 也可让大众多与他们交流。基本 上入住恩慈院的小孩本身存在家 庭问题,但当中也不乏患上过渡活跃症及读写障碍的院童,这些都大 大加重了院舍於照顾和辅导小孩的困难。 1980年,身患骨癌的 Terry Fox 跑越加洲为癌病研究筹款。翌年,四 季酒店及渡假村举办了首届慈善跑,源于集团创办人为延续及致力达 成Terry改变癌病不治的梦想。故此,本年澳门乐善行的受惠机构,也 包括镜湖医院癌症支援工作。同时,今年澳门国际学校及澳门加拿大 商会继续支持活动筹组工作。
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
utumn is a season for walkathon in Macau, and many organisations do hold this kind of events during the season to raise funds for the charities, so that more people can feel the warmth of the world. Four Seasons Hotel Macao, for instance, has just held the sixth “Run of Hope” and successfully raised more funds for Kiang Wu Hospital and the Evangelize China Fellowship Orphanage. Run of Hope encompasses an individual 5.6-kilometre run, a family-friendly 3-kilometre walk, and several food and beverage offers. All F&B incomes go directly to the two charity organisations. Human resource is crucial in any event, and you may not have expected children from the Orphanage have also volunteered at Run of Hope. They thus have chances to learn event organisation skills and communicate with more people. Basically, they are the less fortunate group of children, some even suffer from psychiatric problems, taking care of them is challenging. In 1980, Terry Fox, a patient of bone cancer, ran across California to raise funds for cancer researches. Four Seasons Hotels held the first Run of Hope the following year, in pursuance of Terry’s dream on cancer cure for all. As a result, Kiang Wu Hospital’s Cancer Department is a beneficiary of this year’s Run of Hope in Macau. On the other hand, The International School and The Canadian Chamber of Macau continue to support the organisation of the event.
十一月好节目 November Cguide Recommendations MONDAY, 3
《水》街舞剧场 Street Dance“Water” 20:00 澳门文化中心小剧院 Macao Cultural Center Small Auditorium Page 15
梅景秘色 Chinese Art Treasures 10:00-19:00 澳门艺术博物馆四楼 The 4th floor, Macau Museum of Art Page 17
传承·澳葡菜 Macanese Food Festival 2014 澳门四季酒店 鸣诗 Macao Four Season Hotel, Belcanção Page 25
澳门时尚廊“秋冬期限 店” Macao Fashion Gallery – Autumn & Winter Pop up Store 10:00-20:00 澳门时尚廊 Macao Fashion Gallery Page 17
第三届澳门公务机展14 Macau Business Aviation Exhibition 澳门国际机场 Macao International Airport Page 16
第四届(澳门)国际汽 车博览会 2014 China (Macau) International Automobile Expo 澳门威尼斯人度假村 金光会展中心 Cotai Expo Hall A,B,C,E, Venetian Macau Page 16
“朝”大闸蟹宴 Dynasty 8 Hairy Crab Promotion 金沙城中心康莱德酒店 Conrad Macao, Cotai Central Page 22
澳门美食节 Macau Food Festival 西湾湖广场 Plaza of Sai Van Lake Page 16
SATURDAY,1 苏芮 X 动力火车 “豪情 万丈”2014演唱会 SUE REY X POWER STATION 2014 Live in Macao 20:00 澳门威尼斯人 金光综艺馆 Venetian,Cotai Arena
HUSH!! Full Band 马拉松摇滚音乐祭 2014 HUSH!! Full Band 2014 15:00-00:00 澳门文化中心艺术广 场Macao Cultural Center Art Plaza Page 15
金光决战2 Clash in Cotai 2 08:00 金光综艺馆 Cotai Arena, Venetian Page 15
2014澳门羽毛球格兰披 治黄金大奖赛 2014 Macau Open Badminton 14:00/19:00 塔石体育馆 Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion Macau Page 15
吴雨霏粤语流行曲之夜 CPOP Night with Kary Ng 23:30 澳门新濠锋38酒廊 38 Lounge, Altira Macau
萨巴尔与埃斯珀里安古 乐团 Jordi Savall & Hespèrion XXI 20:00 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Grand Auditorium of Macao Cultural Centre Page 14
风轻轻吹-萧媺个展 Macao in a Gentle Wind 12:00-19:00 牛房仓库Ox Warehouse Page 17
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
我的梦 My Dream
为庆祝澳门回归祖国十五周年,由澳门民政总 署主办的大型音乐舞蹈秀《我的梦》将会在12 月12日和14日晚上八时在澳门综艺馆公开上 演。《我的梦》是中国残疾人艺术团的代表性 节目,自2000年首次推出以来,不断创新表 演形式和内容,作品真挚的情感和艺术感染力 受到观众的广泛好评。他们被称赞为“伟大祖 国的文化使者”、“全球残疾人的形象大使” 、“美与人性的使者”。 My Dream hosted by IACM to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Macao’s handover to China will be performed publicly at Macao Forum at 20:00 on Dec. 12 and 14. Since its launch in 2000, the significant dance show by China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe with evolving programs and skills has gained wide reputation by its great passion and artistic achievement.
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
国残疾人艺术团团长, 《千手观音》领舞邰 丽华把《我的梦》创排演出的 经历形容为一个婴儿成长的过 程,2000年8月,在张继刚等众 多艺术家的帮助下,中国残疾人 艺术团推出了《我的梦》作品 一,在美国6个城市巡演受到了 广泛赞誉,此后于2002年5月推 出《我的梦》作品二进入文化 市场商演。 2004年对其中的节目《千手观 音》进行改版,参加了雅典残奥 会和中央电视台春节联欢晚会, 引起了强烈反响,迅速红遍大江 南北。随着《我的梦》作品三在 人民大会堂的演出,中国残疾人 艺术团的影响进一步扩大。 《我的梦》作品四精编了《千 手观音》等7个节目,创编了《 化蝶》等6个新节目,以全新舞 台视觉,5.1环绕立体音效,展 现“真、善、美”的人文意境 与“特、雅、精”的艺术追求。 而真正让《我的梦》被世界看到 并为此而欢呼的时刻,正是《我 的梦》作品五推出之时,这是艺 术团为北京2008年奥运会精心 打造的大型综艺节目。当年的 18个节目涵盖了音乐、舞蹈、 京剧以及精缩舞剧、音乐剧等 表演艺术的诸多门类,具有浪 漫的民族风情,散发出浓郁的 东方神韵。 其中,有观众们熟悉和喜爱的《 千手观音》等经典节目,在原有 的基础上进行精编。另外,还创 新推出了《风筝舞》 、《生命 密码》、《三岔口》等一批新节 目。澳门的观众有福气了,这次 原版引入的《我的梦》大型回归 秀将会一一重现这些精彩节目, 让观众一口气观赏到多场华丽震 撼的艺术盛宴。
ai Lihua, the leader of the troupe as well as the amazing dance of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva described the journey of My Dream as the growth of a baby. The troupe released its first version in August.2000 supported by Chinese artists, receiving wide recognition during the tour in 6 cities of the U.S. Version II in May, 2002 was also the start of its commercial performance. The revised Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva were honored to be performed in the Athens 2004 Paralympics Games and the Ceremony of Chinese Spring Festival, a smashing success spreading the fame of the group to the whole nation followed by the prestigious chance of performing the version III in the Great Hall of the People. Version IV reached a higher level not only by the refined seven featured dances and 6 additional programs including the Butterfly Lovers, but the more advanced audio system and brand new visual effect of the stage. Version V performed during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was enjoyed by many audiences around world. It is also what the Macau audience will admire in December. The 18 programs includes all the classical programs and new ones such as Kite Flying, The Code of Life and At the Crossroad, covering music, dance, Peeking Opera, mini dance drama, musical drama and more artistic forms, a brilliant and sensational gala to celebrate the beauty of Chinese culture.
《我的梦》节目内容 Programs • 芭蕾舞手语我的梦-舞蹈 Prologue My Dream - Ballet •化蝶-舞蹈 The Butterfly Lovers - Dance • 黄土黄-舞蹈 Yellow Earth - Dance • 拉丁舞动听-舞蹈 Dance and Listening - Dance • 雀之灵-舞蹈 The soul of a peacock -Dance • 生命密码-舞蹈 The Code of Life - Dance • 千手观音-舞剧 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva – Dance Drama • 去看春天-舞剧 To SeeSpring - Dance Drama • 爵士四重奏-爵士乐 Jazz Quartet - Jazz • 神秘园-舞蹈+爵士乐 Secret Garden - Dance and jazz • 闻香识女人-乐器演奏+拉丁舞 Scent of Women - Latin dance • 三岔口-京剧 At the Crossroads - Peking opera 12月12日及14日 DEC 12/14,20:00 澳门综艺馆 Macao Forum 票价澳门币$200元,公众门券不设 划位,门票每人限购4张,网上购票 不设优惠;凡持澳门居民身份证可享 以下优惠: MOP$200.00. Each person may purchase a maximum of 4 tickets without seat assignment. Tickets purchased online are not entitled to a discount; Macao Resident Card holders can enjoy below discounts: • 11月19日或之前购票,优惠价澳 门币$50元; There is a special ticket price of MOP$50.00 if tickets are purchased before or on November 19th; • 11月19日后购票,学生及65岁或 以上长者,优惠价澳门币$50元; Special ticket price of MOP$50.00 is available for holders of a full-time student card and 65 years old or over if tickets are purchased after November 19th; 门票由2014年11月6日开始发售 Tickets on sale from 6th November 2014 www.macauticket.com +853 2855 5555
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
生活中发现艺术 第十四届澳门城市艺穗节 Art Everywhere
The 14th Macau City Fringe Festival
苏格兰爱丁堡的8月是艺术海洋,定 期举办的爱丁堡艺穗节每年都会吸引 数以25万计的艺术家前往该地自由发 挥,在巷弄中以马拉方式施展浑身绝 技。而每年的11月,澳门的艺穗同样 不遑多让,今年已经来到第十四届的 澳门城市艺穗节更是精彩不断,从11 月1日一直延续到16日,让我们一块与 艺穗躁起来吧! Macau is another destination where you can enjoy the kaleidoscopic world of Fringe Festival out of Edinburgh. As an event as thrilling as that in Scotland where 250,000 artists gathered and celebrated in August, the Macau City Fringe Festival in its 14th anniversary this November from 1 to 16 will turn every lane and corner of the city into stage of art. 11月15日 Nov 15
花容出色 Chromatics 16:30-17:15 议事亭前地 Senado Square 免费入场 Free
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
以推动文化创意,让本澳文化艺术达至“全城舞台,处 处观众,人人艺术家”为目标的“澳门城市艺穗节” 将于11月1日至16日,在澳门各区各处举行39个共78 场的节目,除了本澳的演出团体外,还有来自中国内 地、葡国、法国、巴西、以色列、西班牙、荷兰、日 本、香港、台湾等地的演出者。 今年的“澳门城市艺穗节”演出及活动,重点是从生 活中发现艺术,就像海报的设计元素一样,以生活中 最常见的纸皮为设计元素,寓意艺术镶嵌于日常生活 中,让人们充分“回看生活,遇见艺术”。更鼓励观 众多关注社区文化发展,艺术和社区互动,并与临近
The Macau City Fringe Festival from Nov. 1-16 is an art event committed to promote cultural creativity of Macau, spreading the seed of art to everywhere for everyone to enjoy any time. Other than the local groups, the city will also welcome artists from the Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Portugal, France, Brazil, Israel, Spain, Holland, Japan and more.
想知道第十四届澳 门城市艺穗节的全 部节目资讯,请点 击以下网站 For more
The performances and activities of this year are aimed to discover art in our daily life which is also the underlying meaning of the paper in the poster. It spreads the message that art is in everything around to encourage us to enjoy art anytime and anywhere we like. The event is also aimed to expand art activities in communities and improve the communication between artist and citizens and the exchange among neighboring cities.
information of the 14th Macau City Fringe Festival, please visit
城市的艺术节庆紧密互动交流,以扩展澳门的艺术网 络,有效运用现有文化资源。 为了进一步实践艺术紧密联系生活的宣传语,今年 艺穗节的举办地点也是经过精心挑选的,甚至有艺
Locations of activities were carefully chosen to maximize the existing cultural resources for a full use of the cultural network in Macau. You can also enjoy some shows in the homes of artists . Highlights include the Association of Western Food and Bread, San Va Hospedaria and SKY 21.
包括:西菜面包工会、新华大旅店和SKY 21等等。
11月15日 NOV 15
Our Recommendations
11月16日 NOV 16
11月15日及16日 Nov 15&16
舞•生态─失湿 Dancing for the Wetland
塔米舞团提供独特不同的舞蹈表演,不同的舞 者在同一时间,同一个音乐,在三个被观众窥 视的“细胞”中演出。观众被邀请“窥视”, 并通过惊人的新视角来体验现代舞蹈。 该节目 为观众创建新的、意想不到的经验和意义:偷 窥,文化,现实。
艺穗每年的巡游,焦点注重在社区关系及过 程,强调不同的组织自发地创造巡游团队、 制造艺术装置。艺穗大巡游设多个搞鬼奖 项,评判会在众多队伍中,选出创意爆灯的 队伍。首15队报名的,可得到制作巡游物料 的材料费补助。
舞蹈生态系创意团队,是台湾少数透过舞蹈 探讨环境生态议题的现代舞团,希望透过创 意的现代舞蹈,唤醒民众对环境的重视。舞 者的身体和影像,将带领观众一起进入实验 剧场裡的舞蹈生态系,从舞者和植物间互动 的律动,看见心中的自然。
Tami Dance Company/Nimrod Freed are delivering 3 unique, different dance performances at the same time, to the same music, inside 3 peep cells. The audience is invited to ‘peep’ and to experience contemporary dance through a new lens and surprising perspectives. PEEPDANCE is a site specific dance event which creates new, unexpected experiences and meanings for the audience: Peeping and Politics, Reality Culture- To where?
Fringe Parade has always focused on community relation and process, highlighting voluntary organisation’s creative and artistic efforts. Besides companies, more and more schools and youth groups are taking part and joining force to enrich the parade. The first 15 registered teams can have parade material subsidy.
The Dancecology Creative Team is a Taiwanese dance team which explores environmental and ecological issues through dance. The bodies of dancers, images created and dance interactions with plants will take the audience through a journey of ecology, opening the gate to the nature of their heart.
报名电话 Registration
15日:16:00-16:45 16日:11:00-11:45
13:00-13:20/14:00-14:20/15:00-15:20 议事亭前地 Senado Square 免费 Free
+853 28210000 / paradefringe@gmail.com
16:00-18:00 大三巴牌坊至议事亭前地
龙环葡韵住宅式博物馆(草地区) Taipa Houses-Museum (grass area)
Ruins of St. Paul’s to Leal Senado Square
免费入场 Free
免费 Free
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠好看 Now 重点介绍
Now 表演 show 濠好看
萨巴尔与埃斯珀 里安古乐团 Jordi Savall & Hespèrion XXI Yvonne
11月29日 Nov 29th
林美奖得主、被誉为当今最伟大的古提琴大师 萨巴尔(Jordi Savall)是当代早期音乐界的神级 人物,他身兼演奏、作曲及指挥多职,以细腻、敏感 而情感丰富的演奏造诣,享誉乐坛超过四十年;萨巴 尔致力发掘和复兴许多不为人知的器乐和声乐瑰宝, 不限于国界、文化、种族,曾获联合国教科文组织授 予“和平艺术家”的称号。 过去二十年来,所有带动音乐复苏的人当中,萨巴尔可 说是复兴古乐的先锋。他和蒙赛拉.菲格拉斯以及卞塔 鲁亚皇家教堂(Hesperion、Capella Reial de Catalunya) 及卞塔鲁亚皇家合奏团(Le Concert des Nations)这几个 乐团,建立了一份让人印象深刻的唱片目录,以其多样 性、品质、数量和原创性而令人望尘莫及。萨巴尔的琴音 有着如丝和天鹅绒般的音色。他的雅緻和细腻、敏锐, 是今日世上无人能匹敌的。他自创品牌AliaVox以来,已 发行20张专辑,并荣获无数国际大奖。 11月末,萨巴尔将与殿堂组合埃斯珀里安古乐团以音乐 带领观众游历地中海,包括摩洛哥、阿尔班尼亚、以色 列、意大利、法国和土耳其的古乐文化,更会展示多种 难得一见的中古时期乐器。 14
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
rammy award winner Jordi Savall is recognized as one of the most important icons of ancient music around the world. He is not only a Spanish viol specialist, a conductor, and the creator of his own unique style, but an UNESCO Artist for Peace through his commitment to discovering unknown and forgotten ancient instruments and musical treasures across all social boundaries, cultures, and races. As a pioneer of reviving ancient music for the past two decades, Jordi Savall has built an impressive album list through collaboration with Montserrat Figueras and musical groups such as Hesperion, Capella Reial de Catalunya and Le Concert des Nations. His albums boast unparalleled diversity, quality, quantity and originality. He has launched 20 albums through his own music brand of AliaVox, winning countless international awards for his unique style that is elegant, delicate, and precise, yet as soft as velvet. Jordi Savall and legendary orchestra Hespèrion XXI will lead the audience into a world of Mediterranean ancient music in November. His inspiration comes from places such as Morocco, Albania, Israel, Italy, France and Turkey. He will also unveil rare musical instruments from the Middle Ages to the public.
20:00 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Grand Auditorium of Macao Cultural Centre MOP100/150/200/250 +853 2870 0699
表演 shows 11月22日 Nov 22
11月23日 Nov 23
金光决战2 Clash in Cotai 2
11月3日 Nov 3
《水》街舞剧场 Street Dance“Water” “淨空你的心智,无框的,无形的,像水一 样。你把水倒进杯中,它变成杯。倒进瓶 子,它就是瓶子。倒进茶壶,它是茶壶。水 能细流,亦能变洪流,成为水吧,我的朋 友。” ——李小龙 。澳门国际街舞会以“ 水”为主题串连三个故事,结合街舞与武术 动作,配合现代的多媒体技术,打造出一个 新颖、艺术性强的本土动文化表演艺术。 “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup; you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; you put it into a teapot it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” - Bruce Lee “Water” is the theme of three interconnected stories, which combine the movements of street dance and kung fu with modern techniques of multimedia to create a new and artistic local cultural show.
HUSH!! Full Band马拉松摇滚音乐 祭 2014 HUSH!! Full Band 2014 澳门摇滚音乐盛事《HUSH!! Full Band马拉 松摇滚音乐祭》自2005年举办以来,一直深 受本地乐迷和乐队热烈支持,每年都看到不 少年轻人穿得摇滚味十足地参与 。十年摇滚 祭,本地最强Band队及外地劲旅将带来一连 串精彩的摇滚音乐体验及无尽惊喜,务求令 一众乐迷“Rock ”而忘返! Macao’s largest rock festival is blasting again! “HUSH!! Full Band” started creating a buzz in 2005 and will this year be celebrating its 10th anniversary with the best local and overseas gigs, shaking the crowds with its powerful sound. This November, Macao’s best musicians will hit the HUSH!! stage, exchanging experiences with renowned bands from Asia and sharing the pleasure of playing live before a 7,000 strong audience.
澳门文化中心小剧院 Macao Cultural Center Small Auditorium MOP100/150 +853 2870 0699
澳门文化中心艺术广场 Macao Cultural Center Art Plaza
08:00 金光综艺馆 MOP/HKD880/1880/3880/6480/9880/12880/200 80/24080 +853 2882 8818
免费 Free +853 2870 0699
with a total prize of MOP$1,000,000 (US$120,000) at the Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion, Macau. The Macau Open Badminton is an elite international tournament, bringing together the top badminton players from around the world since 2006. More than 20 countries and 300 players come from around the world to participate in the Men’s and Women’s Singles, Men’s and Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles each year.
11月25-30日 Nov 25-30
2014澳门羽毛球格兰披治黄金大奖赛 2014 Macau Open Badminton 澳门羽毛球总会已连续第九年举办的世界羽 毛球联会第三级别的赛事“2014澳门羽毛球 格兰披治黄金大奖赛”,从今年开始,此级 别赛事被列入为世界羽毛球联会格兰披治黄 金系列赛。赛事总奬金约为澳门币一百万元 (即12万美元),此级别赛事自2006年起已在 澳门举行,每年都汇集来自世界各地的顶级 好手参赛,每年均有约20个国家/地赛共约 300名运动员来澳参加男、女子单打、男、 女子双打及混合双打,共五项的比赛。今 年,将期待有更多的世界级球手来澳争夺各 个项目的冠军殊荣。
拳击界唯一一位曾夺得共八个不同级别的 世界拳王金腰带的曼尼•帕奎奥(Manny Pacquiao)将载誉回归金光综艺馆。届时, 帕奎奥将捍卫其世界拳击组织(WBO)次 中量级冠军头衔,迎战来自纽约的不败WBO 轻次中量级冠军克里斯•阿尔吉里(Chris Algieri)。 Boxing’s only eight-division world champion Manny Pacquiao returns to the Cotai Arena to take on Chris Algieri and defend his World Boxing Organization welterweight crown, a year after defeating Brandon Rios in their 12-round welterweight rumble.
14:00/19:00 塔石体育馆 Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion Macau
It is already the ninth year for Badminton Federation of Macau to organize the 2014 Macau Open Badminton, the part of BWF Grand Prix Gold Series
25/11–28/11 免费入场 Free 29/11–30/11 MOP 400 (划位门票 Numbered Seated)/MOP300(Free Seating) www.macaubadminton.org.mo
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
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博览会 expos
11月7-9日Nov. 7-9 11月7-23日Nov. 7-23
澳门美食节 Macau Food Festival
11月6-8日 Nov. 6-8
第三届澳门公务机展 Macau Business Aviation Exhibition 本次展览除继续邀请国际著名公务机生产、 服务和运营企业参展外,还将展览类型扩 展到专业金融机构、专业媒体、公务机维修 商、飞机租赁企业、通用航空机场,以及二 手公务机经销商等领域。此外,还将搭建国 内独有的高端服务平台,特邀数千位港澳台 和珠三角政商界精英,航空、豪车、游艇业 名流,私人银行理财客户等等VIP会员等到场 参观采购,开辟VIP买家专道,以专业性、舒 适性、私密性为服务宗旨,为观众及展商提 供更加完善的洽谈交流与销售服务平台。 Other than inviting international leading manufacturers, service providers and operating entities, the exhibition also expand its scope to specialized financial institute, media, fixation and maintenance provider, leasing, general use airport and second-hand aircraft dealers, to name a few. It also serves as an exclusive platform of high-end service in China, providing express channel of purchase to VIP guests from HK, Macao and the PRD (Pearl River Delta) in the fields of business, politics, aviation, luxury vehicles, yacht and clients of private banks. The visitors and exhibitors will have more optimal, professional, comfortable and private environment to communicate and trade.
每年秋风起之际,澳门就会美食飘香。本届 网罗的美食更丰富多样,近一百家的本地参 与商号,阵容鼎盛,充分展现澳门独有的多 元饮食文化。此外,更邀请到庞大的日本关 西队伍来澳参与,并把西湾下层打造成极富 东瀛风貎的“日本村-关西”,务求为市民 及旅客带来耳目一新的欢乐气氛。本届的亮 点“日本村-关西”亦汇聚了20多家来自大 坂、兵库、德岛、京都、奈良、和歌山、三 重、滋贺、福井等地区的特色饮食商号,带 您的味蕾游遍关西各地。 Autumn in Macau has a special meaning to food lovers. The annual Macau Food Festival will attract both locals and tourists to the Macau Tower and the Plaza of Sai Van Lake for a mouth-watering array of delicacies. Enjoy the almost 100 booths in the event this year for a thorough experience of the unique and diversified Macau food culture. The highlight will be the Japanese VillageKansai at the lower floor of the Plaza where you would be surrounded by original food from everywhere in Kansai such as Osaka, Hyogo, Tokushima, Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama, Mie, Shiga and Fukui. 西湾湖广场 Plaza of Sai Van Lake +853 2857 5765
Macao International Airport +853 8391 1542 新澳门导航
澳门车展致力打造成中国制造汽车境外参展 品牌最全、规模最大的展会。中国一汽、东 风、广汽、吉利、北汽福田、江淮、陝汽、 宇通、安凯、奇瑞、长城、青年、五洲龙等 企业均积极参加澳门车展,向来自世界各地 的观众集中展示中国汽车工业的发展成就, 切身体会到中国自主品牌的魅力和实力。本 次澳门车展规模将进一步扩大至六点二万平 米,共设自主品牌馆、进口车馆、豪华车馆 及汽车饰品馆四个主题展馆,邀请来自世界 各地的汽车品牌及多家配套服务机构参展。 Macau Automobile Exposition is aimed to be the largest and most comprehensive event of automobile industry in China. The 62,000 sqm exhibition hall this year, also the forth of the event has four theme zones of China-made Autos, Extremely Luxury Cars, Imported Autos and Accessories, gathering full range of local and international brands like a feast to your eyes. It also demonstrates the achievements of Chinese automobile industry to the world, showcasing the charm and strength of Made-in-China. 11:00-20:00 澳门威尼斯人度假村金光会展中心 Cotai Expo Hall A,B,C,E, Venetian Macau
第四届(澳门)国际汽车博 览会 2014 China (Macau) International Automobile Exposition
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
+853 8391 1542,8391 1350/52/53
展览exhibition 即日起至12月7日 Till Dec 7 风轻轻吹-萧媺个展 Macao in a Gentle Wind Solo Exhibition by Hsiao Mei
即日起11月16日 Till Nov 16 梅景秘色 故宫、上博珍藏吴湖帆 书画鉴赏精品展 Chinese Art Treasures Collection and Works of Wu Hufan from the Palace Museum and Shanghai Museum 今年是中国著名鉴定家、收藏家、书画家吴 湖帆诞生一百二十周年,澳门艺术博物馆与 故宫博物院、上海博物馆再度携手推出“梅 景秘色──故宫、上博珍藏吴湖帆书画鉴赏 精品展”。“梅景秘色”将展出故宫及上博 珍藏曾经吴湖帆收藏、鉴定及题跋之书画、 碑帖,吴氏创作之书画,以及其先人亲属及 师友之创作共一百二十九件套,让观众在澳 门回归祖国十五周年之际大饱眼福。 In honour of the 120th birthday of Wu Haifan, a famous Chinese art critic, collector, painter and calligrapher, The Macao Museum of Art in collaboration with the Palace Museum and Shanghai Museum will showcase 129 works from his collections and creations. His collections in particular deserve a visit because they span all the way from the Song Dynasty and include over 90 well-known Chinese artists. 10:00-19:00 澳门艺术博物馆四楼 The 4th floor, Macau Museum of Art +853 8791 9814
台湾艺术家萧媺先后旅居过印度、巴西、瑞 士、西班牙等国,这次随风走到澳门驻场创 作7个月,第三次来澳门的她,怀念过往美 好、纯朴的小城风光,海风、斜阳,那些小 小曲折的巷弄、两层式的旧洋楼、葡式牌 坊……她以画布及油彩作媒材,画澳门的现 况,画想像中的澳门,更多是画古澳门的意 境。澳门具东西交汇的独特性,澳门的殖民 历史及古朴味道,往往是艺术家觉得可贵又 值得记录的事,萧媺随风轻轻吹来,记下她 所见所思的澳门。 Taiwanese artist Hsiao Mei has travelled far to India, Brazil, Switzerland, and Spain. This year, she made a third visit to Macao, engaging herself in a seven-month artist-in-residence project. Here, she is filled with nostalgia for the city’s bygone quaintness – the pristine ambiance, the sea breeze, the evening sun, those meandering streets and alleys, the two-storey old western buildings, and the Portuguese style arches. She creates canvas showing both contemporary and ancient Macao with distinctive flairs. A former Portuguese colony, the city features a unique blend of East and West with great old charm, hence an enchanting, historical city with many precious legacies worth registering. 12:00-19:00 (逢周二休息Closed on Tuesdays) 牛房仓库 Ox Warehouse 免费Free +853 2853 0026
即日起至12月31日 Till Dec 31 澳门时尚廊“秋冬期限店” Macao Fashion Gallery Autumn & Winter Pop up Store 澳门时尚廊于2014年设置销售本澳时装设计 品牌的“期限店”,九月份推出“秋冬期限 店”,参与的本澳品牌包括:“Anonymous” 、“DARE TO DREAM”、“L.A.C.Y. BOUTIQUE” 及“ZICS”。四个品牌各具特色。“Anonymous” 追求简约俐落的设计,坚持在品质及设计上的 细节化;“DARE TO DREAM”以敢于梦想, 创意独特格调的休闲服饰见称;“L.A.C.Y. BOUTIQUE”拥有近三十年时装设计及制作 经验,主要业务范围包括婚纱、晚装及制服 等;“ZICS”是设计中性型格的服装系列, 探索时装设计的不对称及层次性。 Since 2014, The Macao Fashion Gallery has launched a pop-up store for limited periods to sell local designs. The autumn and winter pop-up store, which opened in September, includes local brands such as Anonymous, DARE TO DREAM, L.A.C.Y. BOUTIQUE and ZICS. Each of these is uniquely characterized. The brand “Anonymous,” its signature design being simple and neat, is committed to the task of maintaining great quality in every detail of the designs. 10:00-20:00 逢周一休息 Closed on Mondays 澳门圣禄杞街47号澳门时尚廊 No. 47 Rua de S. Roque, Macao 免费 Free
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
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What’s Around Anthony
表演 shows
11月1-2日 1-2 Nov 新视野艺术节2014 微艺进行中-动作孖宝(英国) 《亡命表演》 Watch Me Fall - Action Hero (UK) 凭着一架单车丶一条跑道,动作孖宝将为你呈献一场刺 激的“亡命表演”!2005年组成的动作孖宝,将以低科 技美学发扬光大,展现人类对亡命表演的迷恋与迷思, 保证极尽嘲讽抵死之能事! Thrilling daredevil stunts performed on a bicycle and a DIY runway? A wonderfully satirical show in which the duo Action Hero, who formed in 2005, use low-tech devices to question our obsession with impossible feats as entertainment. 香港 Hong Kong 14:00 葵青剧院黑盒剧场 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre HKD150 http://ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/eventDetail/24643
11月21日 21 Nov 香港小交响乐团 - 莫扎特第27钢琴协奏曲 Hong Kong Sinfonietta - Great Piano Concertos: Frank Braley Plays Mozart 拥有如魔术师般的慑人魅 力,法国钢琴家布拉雷琴 以浑然天成的琴音,极具 诗意的诠释风靡国际,他 21岁首度参赛便赢得伊 利沙白国际比赛冠军, 至今演出频繁,足迹遍 及世界着名音乐厅和音乐 节,更是卡普森兄弟的主 要室乐拍挡,唱片曾获法 国唱片大奖及两度获金音 叉奖。布拉雷将与刚获美 国查尔斯顿交响乐团委任为音乐总监的香港指挥林敬基合作,演奏莫扎特的第27钢琴 协奏曲。节目还包括香港作曲家卢定彰作品《梦忆之城》。 First Prize winner of the Queen Elisabeth Competition 1991 and praised by “The New York Times” as “An excellent musician and a master of colour”, acclaimed French pianist Frank Braley will collaborate with Hong Kong Sinfonietta and conductor Ken Lam, Music Director of Charleston Symphony Orchestra, in Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 27. Programme also includes Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No 6 and the world première of local composer Daniel Ting-cheung Lo’s “Home City·Dream City”. 香港 Hong Kong 20:00 香港大会堂音乐厅 Hong Kong City Hall, Concert Hall HKD320 / 220 / 140 http://ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/eventDetail/24824
11月29日 29 Nov 2PM WORLD TOUR GO CRAZY世界巡回演唱会-广州站 2PM WORLD TOUR GO CRAZY in Guangzhou 本次巡演象征着2PM的重磅回归。短短2天,新专辑《Go Crazy》的同名主打MV在 Youtube的播放次数高达300万次,人气之高可谓一时无两。本次广州站将为华南地 区的Hottest首次现场献上最IN的电单车舞步,同时近30首劲爆韩曲将悉数唱响,势 必让全场观众疯狂尖叫。 Korean popular pop group 2PM is performing in Guangzhou on 29 November. 2PM is a South Korean idol group managed by JYP Entertainment. The current members are Jun. K (formerly known as Junsu), Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung. 广州Guangzhou 19:30 广州体育馆 Guangzhou International Sports Arena RMB380/480/680/980/1280 +86 400-610-3721
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
博览会 expos
11月6-8日 6-8 Nov 香港国际美酒展 Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair 2014 展览的最后一天将开放予公 众人士参观。这个城中大受 欢迎的活动在2013年便吸 引了超过23,000名公众人士 进场,参观人士藉着这个绝 佳的机会,品尝顶级佳酿, 并了解更多美酒知识。对於 业内买家来说,此项活动为 他们提供宝贵的市场讯息, 特别是最新趋势与新方向。 进场的公众人士即时提供意 见,包括美酒喜好与口味, 与买家直接交换资讯,有助买家更有效地制定市场推广策略。 In this seventh edition of the fair, internationally renowned wine experts including the Programme Advisor and Moderator, Debra Meiburg MW, will share the latest industry updates with the audience, besides workshops on “How to Well-utilise Sommelier/ Wine Steward Position”, etc. Last day of the fair is open to public, wine lovers with valid tickets are welcome to visit the fair and join wine tasting, cocktail demonstration and fine wine tasting sessions to enrich personal experience in wine appreciation.
11月1-16日 1-16 Nov Hello Kitty 40周年庆典 Hello Kitty Go Around!! 打开派对大门,恍如乘坐 时光机回到美式嘉年华, 粉丝既可游走多个精心 打造的主题摄影区的经 典形象:“Hello Kitty周 年馆”丶“Hello Kitty摩 天轮”及“苹果神社 ” 等,重温Hello Kitty;同 时尽玩经典摊位游戏及互动游戏,有机会赢取多款会场 限定礼品,其中“彩虹蝴蝶结”更设终极大奖 - 30吋高 的巨型Hello Kitty公仔。喜欢手作的你亦可参与D.I.Y.教 室,学习制作独一无二的Hello Kitty工艺品。 Open the door to this party at Hello Kitty’s! Come to take a picture with Hello Kitty at the “Anniversary Pavilion”, “Hello Kitty Ferris Wheel”, and “Apple Shrine”. Also, have fun at the game booths where limited-edition prizes are given out! In “Rainbow Knots”, the ultimate prize is a 30-inch tall Hello Kitty doll! You may also try making your unique Hello Kitty handicrafts. 香港 Hong Kong 11:00-20:00 九龙湾国际展贸中心
香港 Hong Kong 10:30
Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Centre
香港会议展览中心 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
星期六及日 Sat & Sun HKD100 / $80 / $60
星期一至五 Mon-Fri HKD130 / $80 / $60
HKD100 (商务观众Trade Visitors) | HKD200 (大众General Public)
11月29-12月2日 29 Nov – 2 Dec 2014中国(深圳)国际工业设计大展 China (Shenzhen) International Industrial Design Fair 美国工业设计界顶级设计大师凯瑞姆•瑞席(KarimRashid)丶青蛙设计公司执行创意总 监丶前耐克公司技术实验室创意总监Max Burton丶Nike FuelBand 主创设计师丶曾担 任耐克“创新厨房工作室(Innovation Kitchen)”的设计主管本• 谢弗(Ben Shaffer)将 出席展会。而来自德国丶法国丶意大利丶美国丶芬兰丶丹麦丶瑞典丶韩国100多家海 外企业丶设计机构丶院校与设计联盟将出席现场。 Big names coming to this Fair include Karim Rashid (US industrial design master), Max Burton (former Nike creative director), and Ben Shaffer (lead designer of Nike FuelBand). Designers from Germany, France, Italy, USA, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, South Korea, etc, will also be present. 深圳 Shenzhen 09:00 深圳会展中心9号馆 Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠味道 Taste
澳门和蟹 Hairy Hairy Crab Cteam Xinderer
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
秋风起,除了三蛇肥外,大闸蟹也适时与大家 见面了。要数十大驰名海外的中菜,大闸蟹必 定榜上有名,而澳门究竟哪里可以吃到最上乘 的大闸蟹呢? The autumn chill signals one thing to foodies everywhere: it’s hairy crab season. People come from all over to taste these crabs, which are renowned for their roe and mouth-watering aroma. Hairy crab is definitely one of the top ten Chinese delicacies.
Crab Guide
About Hairy Crabs
大闸蟹属于“河蟹”,多生长在朝鲜半岛至中国福建省沿岸的河口区 域。蟹身细小肉也少,细长的足给小朋友带来吃蟹棒的兴奋。我们所 知道的大闸蟹美名多源于阳澄湖大闸蟹,1000只淡水蟹中只有3只阳 澄湖大闸蟹,市面上更是被假蟹充斥,想吃到真蟹不容易,在澳门, 星级酒店出品自然有所保证。
These crabs live in the rivers and are usually caught at the estuaries along the coastline between the Korean Peninsula and China’s Fujian Province. They are small, so the meat isn’t abundant; the long legs carry most of the edible parts.
Even though the crabs are small, the sweet, oily roe is an indulgence both on its own and blended with other food. You are sure to pick the right crab when visiting the following restaurants serving them.
爱吃的你都懂,大闸蟹虽肉少,但油膏量多且甜美,用来直接品尝或 配搭其他美食同样精彩,是“少吃多滋味”的佼佼者。别着急,我们 稍后会让你知道该如何选蟹,但在这之前,不妨先来看看澳门吃“大 闸蟹”之处的推荐吧。
Subtly Attractive
Hotel Okura Macau
You may question how much this Japanese hotel knows about Chinese delicacies, but they hold their own against the competition. They offer a Hairy Crab Promotion until December. According to Hotel Okura, they want to attract both local and international MICE groups to taste their Chinese gourmet dishes. The menu is rather comprehensive; from Steamed Hairy Crabs and Baked Crab shells stuffed with crab roe and black truffle, to Braised bird’s nest with crab roe and bamboo pith, and Braised spinach and tofu with crab roe. The preparation is taken care of by Executive Chef Chin and his team. Each set of 12 people in a booking (minimum 20 people) receives a complimentary Chinese Hua Diao Wine. Price is MOP1,200 per person (+10%). Two-day advanced booking is required.
别以为来自日本的大仓酒店不懂中华美食,它其实也非常接地气。这 个月开始酒店推出大闸蟹宴推广,直至十二月。据了解,店方除了想 吸引普通旅客外,也希望趁着假期多的这几个月,吸引商业机构组织 员工聚会,一同品尝美味大闸蟹。 这个蟹宴菜式甚丰,包括一皇一后江苏大闸蟹、黑松露鲜蟹粉焗蟹 盖、银环蟹粉海鲜粒、蟹粉竹笙红烧官燕、蟹粉青翠白玉、蟹粉小笼 包、姜茶汤丸和环球生果盘,以上菜式均由行政总厨钱锦华师傅领军 包办。 每订满十二位更送八年陈酿花雕酒一支(最低人数20位),价格每位 MOP 1,200(另加 10%服务费)。订座需提前两天。
电話 Tel.: +853 8883 8883 8883 5099 / 8883 4808
電邮 Email events@hotelokuramacau.com
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠味道 Taste 金沙城中心康莱德酒店 Conrad Macao, Cotai Central
鹭环海天度假酒店 Grand Coloane Resort
澳门康莱德酒店的招牌中餐馆“朝”推出蟹粉鹅肝焗酿蟹盖、蟹粉 百花酿带子、蟹粉A4和牛柳粒等小菜,也有每位MOP1,680(另加 10%)的大闸蟹套餐。
酒店的观海轩推出正宗大闸蟹菜式,特别推介蟹粉XO酱萝卜糕:将 口感丰富的萝卜糕煎至外皮香脆,再放上由主厨特选的大闸蟹肉、蟹 膏等,让人一试难忘!
“Dynasty 8” at Conrad Macao offers Hairy Crab delicacies that include Braised Minced Shrimp Stuffed with Scallops and Crab Roe and a 6-course set meal (MOP1,680 per head, +10%) with Minced Chicken and Fish Maw in Crab Roe Sauce. 推广期至11月15日。电话:+853 8113 8920
The Chinese Restaurant Kwun Hoi Heen is offering hairy crab dishes; the must try is Fried Turnip Cake with Crab Roe and XO Sauce. It is crispy on the outside and meaty on the inside. 推广期至11月28日。电话:+853 2887 1111 Offers last until 28 November. Call +853 2887 1111 for booking.
Offers last until 15 November. Call +853 8113 8920 for booking.
澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central
新濠锋酒店 Altira Macau
澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店在特色餐厅“鲜”呈献“极品太湖大闸蟹 宴”,再配搭口味清新的红酒,更能带出大闸蟹的鲜味。“太湖大闸 蟹”套餐收费澳门币1088*(两位用)或澳门币1938*(四位用)。
严选当季优质大闸蟹,不论是原只清蒸或以蟹粉烹调菜式,皆甘香无 比。餐厅既有传统紫苏蒸大闸蟹丶上海咸肉花雕蒸大闸蟹丶陈年花雕 焗大闸蟹等金秋限定之选,也有大闸蟹套餐供选择。
Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central presents “Tai Lake Crab Festival” at Xin. Guests can enjoy the impressive “Tai Lake Crab Festival” menus from MOP1088* (Set for 2) and MOP1938* (Set for 4) respectively. (价格另加10%)推广期至11月2日,电话:+853 8113 1200 Offers last until 2 November. Call +853 8113 1200 for booking.
Altira brings you the finest hairy crab dishes including Steamed Hairy Crab with Traditional Condiments, Steamed Hairy Crab with Shanghai Salty Pork and Aged Hua Diao, and Baked Hairy Crab with Aged Hua Diao. An exquisite set menu is also available. 推广期至12月7日。电话:+853 2886 8868 Offers last until 7 December. Call +853 2886 8868 for booking.
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
以貌买蟹 Tips of Hairy Crabs
想品尝美味正宗的大闸蟹,不妨亲自到市场寻找拣 手好蟹,就让Cguide为你送上在澳门选大闸蟹的诀窍 吧。
The time is right to for taste the most delicious Asian crabs. The following tips will allow you to select and make your own crab dishes to rival those of the chefs in gourmet restaurants.
蟹壳背的颜色必须呈现青绿色且看起来有光泽才行, 肉厚壮实,拿起来沉沉的,就是不错的选择。而最理 想的大闸蟹的重量为5两以上,越重越好,因为这代表 蟹里的蟹膏、蟹黄比较多。
The shell should be greenish blue and glossy. The crab should feel heavy in your hand because of its plump meat. The heavier it is, the more roe is inside; look for a crab that is at least 250g.
广福兴蟹栏 KWONG FOK HENG 澳门新马路607号地下 Av. de Almeida Ribeiro 607,
辨别大闸蟹是公是母,得看蟹的肚子,肚子圆形的是 母蟹,尖的为公蟹。此外,选择肚子越白的越好,因 为那说明大闸蟹生活的水质干淨且水草丰富。
Female crabs have a rounded belly, while male crab bellies come to a point. A whiter-colored belly is a signal that the crab was raised in clean water with healthy water plants.
Golden hair
真正大闸蟹的蟹爪尖以及蟹螯上黄绒毛会呈现出淡淡 的金黄色。你也可根据蟹的爬行速度、蟹螯夹力以及 肢腿完整度去判断该蟹是否新鲜。可是很多外面的店 家都会把蟹绑着,让人难以分辨,这时候就要看它吐 出来的泡泡是否够多,越多就表示它越有活力。
大闸蟹哪里寻? Where Can Buy Hairy Crab in Macau?
R/C, Macau 老三阳 澳门巴素打尔古街318号 地下 Rua do Visconde Paço
The presence of golden-yellow hair on a crab’s claws are the proof of a high-quality crab. You can also judge from how actively it crawls, how tightly its claws grip, and how well its legs move. When picking from bound crabs, the one emitting the most bubbles should be your first selection.
de Arcos 318,R/C,Macau
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠味道 Taste
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
十一月美食推介 F&B Promotion Nov
Macanese Food Festival 2014
门四季酒店在酒店的 鸣诗自助餐厅举行名 为传承·澳葡菜的推广活 动,藉此让大家从多角度 探索真正土生葡人家庭的 传统菜肴。 酒店特别邀请 土生葡人美食联谊会的烹 饪代表Florita Alves女士来 到担任客席主厨,四季酒 店行政总厨Klaus破天荒的 厨艺交流,他将带领鸣诗 团队,协助 Florita 步出家 户,向大家展示独有的家 庭式菜肴 。
Belcanção’s kitchens, working closely with the culinary team of Executive Chef Klaus Kallweit to prepare her community’s most beloved dishes. Together, the chefs are presenting delicious and authentic Macanese food proudly cooked to perfection.
即日起至11月5日 Till 5, NOV 星期一至日 Mon-Sun 18:00-22:00 地址LOCATION: 澳门四季酒店鸣诗 Belcanção, Four Seasons Hotel Macao 每位澳门币498元另加 10% 服务费(十二岁以下小半价) MOP498 per person subject to 10% service charge 50% off for children under 12 years old +853 2881 8811
elcanção is hosting the Macanese Food Festival 2014 from now until 5 November. The festival will present an enticing buffet spread of quintessential Macanese favourites to the delight of diners and guests. Guest Chef Florita Alves, one of the master chefs in the Macanese Gastronomy Association of Macau is in
The Art of Inventive Wine Pairing Menu 星际酒店隆重推出八周年庆 典压轴美食推广,由星级客 席名厨Eddy Leung为欧陆 餐厅“品味坊”精心设计 的四道菜品酒晚宴。名厨 Eddy曾主理香港多间顶级 餐厅,并勇夺多项业界殊 荣:“晚宴会以我一些最受 欢迎的招牌菜式为蓝本,将 亚洲风味加入经典的法国风 格中,创造出别具特色的美 食,每一道菜式均会精心佐 配智利著名酒庄Errázuriz的 优质佳酿,把味蕾的享受更 丰富提升。” 晚宴的葡萄酒主角来自世界 顶级酒庄之一的智利伊拉 苏酒庄,酒庄严格监控酿 酒过程,严选产自阿空卡 瓦(Aconcagua)、卡萨布 兰卡(Casablanca)和古力 高(Curicó)等山谷的葡萄, 配上名厨出品,让人一品 难忘。
StarWorld Hotel presents the grand finale to its 8th anniversary dining promotion – an innovative French gastronomy journey designed by Guest Chef Eddy Leung, one of Hong Kong’s leading names in Western cooking. The four-course wine pairing menu will be available at the hotel’s Temptations restaurant. Chef Eddy said, “This menu features some of my most popular signature dishes, the dishes combine classic French style with Asian influences, and each one has been heartily paired with an excellent wine from the renowned Errázuriz winery in Chile.”
推广日期 PROMOTION PERIOD 即日起至12月23日 From now till Dec 23 MOP888/位Per person 地址 ADDRESS 澳门星际酒店16楼品味坊 16th floor of StarWorld Hotel, Temptations 订座 RESERVATION +853 8290 8688
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠味道 Taste
Sunny Portuguese Delights Anthony Lam
想到澳门,自然脑海中会浮现出奢华大酒店的模样。很 多人会以为澳门是没有精品酒店的,其实不然,小而精 酒店如雨后春笋般冒出,企图心不小的新新酒店改造计 划就足够让游客惊艳。当然,好酒店还要有配套的好餐 饮,位于新新酒店的葡国餐厅“广场餐厅”就是当中表 表者。 When planning a trip to Macau, most keep their eyes on the large and luxurious new hotels. The old town, however, houses a number of delights of its own.
广场餐厅 The Square Restaurant 营业时间 Opening Hours 07:00-23:00 地址 AddRESS 澳门司打口14及16号新新 酒店1楼 1/F, Hotel Sun Sun, No. 14 e 16, Praça de Ponte e Horta, Macau. 电话 Tel: +853 2893 9393
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
城中新餐厅 New in town
为“最佳西方酒店集团”成员的新新酒店,座 落于澳门内港码头旁,这个码头主要服务往来 中国大陆的旅客。约五十年前,这里曾是华人的繁华 商业区。虽然车水马龙已不复再,但这区的生活还是 很便捷的。酒店最新开张的“广场餐厅”,主打葡式 美食,设计装潢概念均源于欧洲的广场,众所周知那 种欧式休闲氛围正是游客喜欢欧洲的一大重要因素。 从餐厅窗户往外看,司打口最静谧的一面尽收眼底, 真有那么一刻觉得自己身处异国。
大份量美食 带来欧洲广场风味的,还有丰富份量的美食。据《新 澳门导航》的葡籍同事介绍,广场餐厅的葡式烧3A 牛肋骨的确是欧洲的份量,却只需MOP228。用文字 着实很难告诉你有多大,但从照片中牛肉与酒杯的对 比,你便略知一二。 其他同样正宗的葡菜之选有“薯蓉青菜汤(MOP40 )”,来自中国上海,出身五星餐厅的大厨用薯蓉和 青菜丝煮成汤,这是最能代表葡萄牙的一道家常便“ 汤”,只需伴以几片葡萄牙香肠调味,淡淡的咸味就 能让人胃口大开。
Hotel Sun Sun, currently a Best Western Hotel, sits next to Macau’s Interior Harbour, where ferries sail to and from Mainland China. About five decades ago, this area was the main commercial hub for the Chinese community. The hustle and bustle has gone; life here can be quite tranquil and relaxed. The Hotel’s new Portuguese restaurant that bears the name “The Square” aims to emphasise the atmosphere of European streetside dining, which means that dining here is relaxing and comfortable.
其它葡萄牙美食之选 Other Portuguese Dishes Choices in Town
Generous Portion Another illustration of the European street-side atmosphere is the portion size. The Square serves, according to Cguide’s Portuguese colleagues, Europeansized spare ribs of beef (MOP288). We can’t tell you how big it is, so you may want to give it a try. Some of the genuinely authentic Portuguese dishes are the Caldo Verde (Portuguese Veggie Soup, MOP40), made with vegetable slices and mashed potatoes, accompanied by pieces of chouriços for a sprinkle of saltiness.
Some Macanese Choices
“白酒炒蚬”(MOP95)也是我们大力推荐必试的菜 式。原只蚬肉用白酒煮熟,蚬肉吸收了白酒的香气, 再加上香菜调味,清新怡人的海洋感觉,是葡萄牙式 的自豪。 这里的澳葡菜式,首选必定是“鸭饭”。别小看这么 一道饭,它的精粹在于用鸭上汤来煮饭,让饭尽吸鸭 的鲜美。最重要的是:饭煮得刚刚好,不烂也不硬, 有嚼劲有口感。 最后当然要享用广场餐厅的精美甜点,以及其他葡萄 牙餐厅找不到的冰镇港式奶茶,这些中西结合的传 统,不恰恰是澳门美食的精髓所在吗?同样需要提醒 你的是,这里的菜式份量十分大,适合一家大小或者 众多亲朋好友来共享。当然,我们也听酒店经理说了 一个有趣的故事,曾经有两个娇滴滴的女孩子游客来 把一整只烧猪“干掉”,所以如果你胃口极大,不妨 也前来挑战一下。
The “Clams in Portuguese Style” (MOP95) are a must try. Cooked in white wine and seasoned with fresh coriander, it gives you a taste of the ocean that is the pride of Portuguese culture. The Macanese choice we strongly recommend is the “Duck Rice”. It is one of the best in Macau because the rice is cooked with duck consommé instead of water, so that the essential fragrance of the duck meat is fully absorbed by the rice. Most importantly, the rice is cooked finely so it doesn’t mash. Enjoy also the desserts – which The Square does very well – and the Chilled Hong Kong Style Milk Tea: nowhere to be found in other Portuguese restaurants.
新海湾葡式美食 A Baía Portuguese Food 时间 Opening Hours:12:00-15:00, 18:30-23:00(逢周一休息 Closed on Mondays) 地址 AddRESS 澳门皇朝区伦敦街环宇豪庭 地下88号Z店 Shop 88-Z, Wan Yu Villas, Rua de Londres, NAPE, Macau 电话Tel: +853 2875 1465
花道葡萄牙餐厅 Fado Legendary Portuguese Cuisine 时间 Opening Hours 11:30-14:30;18:00-23:00 地址AddRESS 澳门得胜马路2-4号皇都酒 店M楼M/F, Hotel Royal, 2-4 Est. da Vitória, Macau 电话Tel: +853 2855 2222
婆仔屋餐厅 Albergue 1601 时间 Opening Hours 12:00-23:00 (周五及周六Fri & Sat 12:00-23:30, 逢周一休息 Closed on Mon) 地址AddRESS 澳门疯堂斜巷8号 8, Calçada de Igreja de S. Lázaro, Macau 电话 Tel: +853 2836 1601
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠味道 Taste
情迷波特酒 The Love of Port David Wong
波特酒是一种加强型葡萄酒,源自葡萄牙杜罗河谷的 偏僻葡萄园。在杜罗河谷,时间恍若凝固,这里没有 先进的葡萄酿制技术和高科技设备。相反,您看到的 均是其百年前流传至今的工艺,几乎没有任何改变。 尽管如此,或者说正因为如此,波特年份酒才被誉为 世界上最优秀的葡萄酒之一。 Port is a fortified wine from the remote vineyards in Portugal’s Douro Valley. Here, in the Douro Valley, time has almost stood still. You will not find the latest wine making techniques and fancy equipment. Instead, you will find a wine industry much the way it was over a hundred years ago. Yet, in spite of it, or because of it, vintage Port is one of the world’s greatest wines.
品尝波特酒五大秘诀 5 Port Tips 1 除非酒的陈酿时间很 短,否则年份波特酒在饮用 之前,应该先进行换瓶,以 去除酒瓶内因常年保存所 留下的天然沉淀物。但茶 色波特酒或晚装瓶陈年波 特酒 (LVB) 则不需要进行换 瓶,因为这两款酒的陈酿 过程均在橡木桶中完成。 Vintage Ports should be decanted unless it is a young vintage to remove the natural sediment as they are aged in bottle while Aged Tawny Ports or Late Bottled Vintage (LVB) do not need to be decanted as they are matured in oak vats.
2 波特葡萄酒可与很多
3 波特酒也可用于烹饪
种食物搭配,比如胡桃、果 干、巧克力和各式奶酪,其 中最完美的搭档当属蓝纹奶 酪,比如斯提尔顿 (Stilton) 、戈尔根朱勒 (Gorgonzola) 和羊乳干酪 (Roquefort)。 Port wine can be paired with many kinds of food including walnuts, dried fruits, chocolate and different cheeses but best with blue cheese such as Stilton, Gorgonzola and Roquefort.
食物,比如用波特酒腌制 蜜瓜,冰镇后享用,爽口开 胃;炖肉汤时在出锅前洒上 一点波特酒,让您在这寒 冬中立刻温暖起来;炖牛 尾汤时加入波特酒,会让 这道菜的口味更佳浓郁, 牛尾熟烂的速度更快;将 梨子放在波特酒中蒸熟, 就变成一道可口甜点。我 最喜欢的波特酒烹饪方式 是:用陈年波特酒中的无 活性酵母或沉淀物制作一 种棕色酱汁,非常适合搭 配牛肉或鹿肉菜肴。 Try cooking with Port, marinade some melons in Port and served chilled as a refreshing appetizer or adding a dash to a consommé at the end will certainly
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
warm you up. Deglacing some Port in an oxtail stew will make the dish just that bit richer and decadent or try poaching pears in Port for a delicious dessert. My favourite way of using Port is to use the dead yeast or lees from Vintage Port and use it in a nice brown sauce for beef or venison dishes.
4 虽然烹饪和葡萄酒 搭配有一些基本原则,但 也不必让这些规则束缚住 你。每个人的情况不同, 每个人都有自己的口味, 亲自实验才是王道。 There are certain guidelines in cooking and wine pairings with Port but don’t let rules stop you, everybody is different and each have their own taste so experimenting is the key.
5 波特酒的类型和风格 多样,比如白波特、红波 特、金色新波特、金色年份 波特、晚装瓶年份波特、 传统晚装瓶年份波特、年 份特色波特、单一酒庄年 份波特、年份波特、酒柜 波特 (Garrafeira) 和沉淀波 特 (Cursted)。形形色色, 令人眼花缭乱。 There are many kinds and styles of Port including White, Ruby, Young Tawny, Aged Tawny, Late Bottled Vintage, Traditional Late Bottled Vintage, Vintage Character, Single Quinta Vintage, Vintage, Garrafeira and Crusted and each one is different.
LFE Family Selection Gran Reserva Chardonnay (约approx. MOP160) 口感复杂却不失优 雅,散发着柑橘、 菠萝、蜂蜜和杏仁 的香气。 Complex and elegant.Notes of citrus, pineapple, honey and almonds.
智利好酒 Chile in Chill Anthony Lam
LFE Family Selection Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 十一月,我们为你推荐三款来自智利LUIS FELIPE EDWARDS(简称LFE)酿酒厂的 佳作,它是目前智利最大的全家族式酿酒 企业,共有1859公顷葡萄园,产品出口至 70多个国家。酒庄的历史可以追溯到1976 年,创始人Luis Felipe Edwards 爵士在马蹄 形的 Colchagua山谷中,购置了名为Fundo San José de Puquillay的葡萄园。LFE 曾在 世界各大竞赛中频频斩获殊荣,比如2012 年的国际葡萄酒和烈性酒大赛 (IWSC) 以及 AWC 维也纳国际葡萄酒挑战赛中,都曾被 评为年度最佳智利葡萄酒生产商。 The history of LFE dates back to 1976, when Luis Felipe Edwards Sr. purchased the Fundo San José de Puquillay estate. The Winery is now the largest wholly family-owned wine company in Chile, with 1850 hectares of estate vineyards and is exported to more than 70 countries. Viña LFE has been awarded trophies and medals from some of the most prestigious competitions around the world, and was recognized as Chilean Producer of the Year in 2012 by both the International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC) and AWC Vienna International Wine Challenge.
(約approx. MOP160) 深红色酒体,有浓郁的新鲜樱桃、黑加仑、黑莓、胡 椒和烟草气息。口感鲜明、饱满而圆润,余韵悠长。 A vivid garnet red colour with aromas of fresh cherry, cassis, blackberry, pepper, and tobacco.A lively wine, with big volume and roundness, and a long finish.
哪里可以买到 WHERE TO BUY 汇泉澳门有限公司 Telford Macau Ltd 地址AddRESS 慕拉士大马路建业工业大厦 9楼A-B Av. Venceslau de Morais No. 175-179, Ed. Ind. Kin Yip, 6
LFE Doña Bernarda (约approx. MOP428) 入口便萦绕着梅子干、黑樱桃和 紫罗兰的气息,夹杂缕缕香料气 味,在新橡木桶中陈酿,赋予其 明显烟熏味和甜蜜口感。柔和饱 满,余韵绵长而复杂。 This wine has notes of dried plums, black cherry and violets on the nose with a hint of spiciness, complimented with toasty and sweet notes from aging in new oak barrels. The palate is soft and full-bodied with a long length and complexity in the finish.
Andar B, Macau 电话Tel: +853 2871 9661
关于汇泉 About Telford Macau Ltd 汇泉澳门有限公司隶属于香 港汇泉公司,拥有40多年的 食品和饮料经销经验, 除了 葡萄酒,汇泉公司还经营水果 饮料、矿泉水、苏打水和酒精 类饮料产品。 Telford Macau Ltd is a subsidiary of the namesake in Hong Kong that has 40+ years of history in food and beverage distribution. Apart from wines, Telford is also a distributor of fruit drinks, mineral water, soda water, and liquors.
濠味道 taste
中餐 Chinese
乐轩华 LE CHINOIS 澳门十六浦索菲特酒店18楼 18/F, Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16 11:30-15:00; 17:30-22:00 8861 1001 $$
观海轩中餐厅 KWUN HOI HEEN CHINESE RESTAURANT 金路环度假酒店 3/F, Grand Coloane Beach Resort Macau, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane Mon-Fri, 11:00-15:00,18:30 -23:00 Sat-Sun, 9:30-17:30,18:30-23:00 8899 1320 $$$
8餐厅 THE EIGHT 南湾葡京路葡京酒店二楼 2/F, East Wing, Grand Lisboa, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30; Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$
利苑酒家 LEI GARDEN RESTAURANT 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心2130 Shop 2130, Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Taipa, Macau Lunch: 11:30-15:00 Dinner: 18:00-23:30 $$$
满堂彩 BEIJING KITCHEN 路氹连公路新濠天地澳门君悦酒 店一楼 1/F, Grand Hyatt Macau, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:30-00:00 8868 1930 $$
路氹金光大道金沙城中心底层 Level 1, Sands COTAI Central, Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920 $$$
澳门(皇朝)友谊大马路星际酒 店6楼 Level 6, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00-15:00, 17:00-23:00 8290 8638 $$ 
澳门新口岸填海区星际酒店2楼 Level 2, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8290 8628 $$
新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店二楼 2/F Grand Lapa Macau, Av. Amizade, Macau 8793 3821 $$
永利澳门酒店,澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Sat & Sun 11:30-14:30 ; Tue-Sun 18:00-22:30, Closed on Mon 8986 3663 $$
澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店1楼 Level 1 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central 11:30-15:00,18:00-23:00 8113 1200 $$$ 
葡京潮州酒楼 LISBOA CHIU CHOW 澳门葡京路葡京酒店旧翼四楼 3/F East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 10:00-23:00 2871 2549 $$
南湖明月 LUA AZUL 澳门旅游塔前地旅游塔会展娱乐中 心三楼 3/F, Macau Tower, Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:30-22:00 Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 10:00- 15:00; 18:30-22:00 8988 8700 $$
金殿堂 IMPERIAL COURT 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 Sat/Sun 10:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 8802 2361 $$$$
誉珑轩 JADE DRAGON 新濠天地新濠大道二楼 The Boulevard Level 2, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 8868 2822 $$$
葡京日丽 PORTAS DO SOL 澳门南湾葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东 翼 2楼 2/F, East Wing, Lisboa Hotel, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 11:30 - 14:30, 18:30 - 22:30 8803 3100 $$ 
永利轩 WING LEI 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-15:00; Sun and Public Holiday 10:30-15:30 18:00-23:00 8986 3663 $$$$ 
紫逸轩 ZI YAT HEEN 路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店大堂 1/F, Four Season Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00-23:00 2881 8888 $$$$
喜迎楼 TREASURE PALACE 路氹连贯公路新濠天地新濠大道一楼 Level 1, Crown Tower, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-23:00 8868 6661 $$$
$ Less than MOP150/person 多于澳门元150/人 $$ MOP150-300/person澳门元150-300/人 $$$ MOP300-500/person 澳门元300-500/人 $$$$ Above MOP500/person 澳门元500以上/人 Romantic 情侣约会 Family Friendly家庭聚餐 Cash Only 只收现金
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
桃花源小厨 TIM’S KITCHEN 南湾葡京路新葡京酒店二楼 2/F, Grand Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30 Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$
自助餐/美食广场 Buffet & Food court
盛事餐厅 ROSSIO 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 07:00-11:00,12:00-23:00 Sun 07:00-10:30,11:30-23:00 8802 2372 $$
苏濠 SOHO 新濠天地二楼 2/F, City of Dreams Macau 11:00-02:00 (+853) 8868 6688 $$
奥旋自助餐 CRAND ORBIT 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中 心底层 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, Sands Cotai Central, Level 1, COTAI 10:00-23:00 8113 8910 $$
渢竹自助餐 BAMBU 澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1033 Shop 1033 (Next to Starbucks off the gaming floor), Venetian Macao Sun-Thurs 10:00-23:00, Fri-Sat 10:00-00:00 8118 9990 $$
泓日本料理 MIZUMI
路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Macau, Cotai Strip, Taipa, Macau Brunch: 12:00-15:00 (Sun Only) Lunch: Mon-Sat 12:00-14:30 Dinner: 18:00-22:00 2881 8888 $$ ,
澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利澳 门酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 17:30 - 23:30 (周二休息) 8986 3663 $$$,)
群芳 FESTIVA 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城1楼G19 G19, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel Macau 07:00-22:00 28880888 $$$
银河亚洲美食坊 TASTE OF ASIA 路氹澳门银河综合度假城购物大道 东地下G43 G43, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Macau, Estradada Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 10:00-00:00 8883 2221 $
威尼斯人美食广场 VENETIAN FOOD COURT 路氹澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购 物广场3楼 3/F, Food Court of the Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macao 2882 8500 $,
印度菜 Indian 阿露娜印度咖喱咖啡屋 ARUNA’S INDIAN CURRY & CAFE HOUSE 澳门友谊大马路779号中裕大厦第二 座地下O铺 G/F, Store O, Block 2, Building Chong Yu,No.779, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 11:30 - 23:00 2870 1850 $,
印度园林餐厅 INDIAN GARDEN 氹仔花城区成都街濠景花园第27座 地 下18号铺 G/F,Shop 18, Block 27, Nova Taipa Garden,Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 12:00 -14:30,18:00 - 22:30 2883 7088 $,
皇雀印度餐厅 Golden Peacock 路氹城金光大道望德圣母湾大马路澳 门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1037号 Shop1037, Level 1,The Venetian Macau Resort , Cotai Strip 11:00-23:00 8118 9696 $$$
日本菜 Japanese 天政 TENMASA 澳门氹仔广东路澳门新濠锋酒店 11楼 11F, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 11:30 – 23:30 8803 6611 $$,
山里日本餐厅 YAMAZATO 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大 仓酒店28楼 28F, Hotel Okura, Galaxy Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30(周一休息) 8883 5127 $$$
贵族炉端烧 MAJESTIC ROBATAYAKI 澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒 店地下 G/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, No.288, Avenida Comercial de Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:30 8986 7609 $$,)
澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 2/F, East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, No.24,Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 8803 3677 $$)
橘子新派日本料理 YUZU CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE CUISINE & BAR 澳门氹仔至尊花城成都街地下J铺 G/F, Shop J, Supreme Flower City, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 18:00 – 23:00 2883 8517 $$,
澳葡菜 Macanese 海湾咖啡屋 CAFE LITORAL 氹仔旧城区地堡街第四座伟展阁 53-57 号地下 G/F, Block 4 ,Wai Chin Kok, No.5357,Rua do Regedor, Taipa 12:30 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:00 2882 5255 $$,
佛笑楼 FAT SIU LAU 澳门福隆新街64号 No. 64,Rua da Felicidade, Macau 12:30 - 22:30 2857 3580 $$,
木偶葡国餐厅 COZINHA PINOCCHIO 氹仔旧城区消防局前地38号 No.38, Largo dos Bombeiros, Vila de Taipa 11:00 - 23:00 2882 7328 $,)
美心亨利餐厅HENRI’S GALLEY 澳门西湾民国大马路4号G-H地下 4G-H,Av. Da Republica,R/C,Macau 12:00-22:00 (+853)2855 6251 $$
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠味道 Taste 大堂街八号葡国餐厅 RESTAURANTE ESCADA
澳门新马路大堂街8号 No.8, Rua da Sé, Macau 12:00 – 15:00 ,18:00 - 22:00 2896 6900 $$,
新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Macau, No. 986-1110, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30(周一 休息) 8793 4818 $$,
坤记餐室 A VENCEDORA 澳门新马路水坑尾264号地下 G/F, No.264, Rua do Campo, Macau 11:45-22:00 2835 5460 $$
雅憩花园餐厅 NGA TIM CAFé 路环市区计单奴街8号 No.8, Rua Caetano, Coloane Village, Coloane 12:00 – 01:00 2888 2086 $
熊猫葡国餐厅 PANDA PORTUGUESE RESTAURANT 氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 No.4-8, Rua Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 11:00 - 23:00 2882 7338 $$
沙利文餐厅 SOLMAR RESTAURANT 澳门南湾大马路512号 No. 512, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 11:00 - 22:30 2888 1881 ) $$
CAFé SIAM 路氹城澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店大运 河购物中心2412号铺 Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30 2882 8469 $$
氹仔旧城区地堡街85-87号O, P座地下 G/F, Block O & P, No.85-87, R. do Regedor, Vila de Taipa 12:00 - 15:00 , 18:00 – 23:00 2882 7200 $,
水晶廊 CRYSTAL LOUNGE & DELI 澳门葡京路2-4号新葡京酒店u1红 金上层 U1/F, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon to Sun; 00:00 – 00:00 (+853) 8803 7711 $
氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦 花园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 19:00 (+853) 2882 5201 $
尚坊 SAFFRON 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城悦榕庄 地下大堂 G/F Banyan Tree Macau, Galaxy Macau, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Cotai 07:00 - 23:00 8883 6061 $$,
笃笃泰国美食 TUK TUK 氹仔马场广东大马路鸿业大厦地下 J-K 铺 Shop J-K, G/F, Edificio Hung Ip, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 0999 $
咖啡室 Cafés 赤坂 AKASAKA CAFÉ
泰国菜 Thai
澳门美丽街29号C地下 G/F 29 C Rua Formosa, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6677 9985 $
内港餐厅 O PORTO INTERIOR 澳门下环河边新街259号B地下 G/F, B, No.259, Rua do Almirante Sergio, Macau 11:30 – 22:00 2896 7770 $$
澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)巴黎街117号 大丰广场第2座地下Q铺 Shop Q, Tai Fung Block 2, Rua De Paris 117, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2878 6378 $$
水帘 CASCADES 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城地下G03 及G05号 G/F, G03&G05, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 10:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
音乐豆咖啡 SINGING BEAN COFFEE 澳门会展娱乐中心和澳门旅游塔地 面一层 G/F, Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center, Macau Tower, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:00 - 22:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00 – 22:00 (+853) 2838 9118 $
SINGLE ORIGIN POUR OVER AND ESPRESSO BAR 澳门荷兰园二马路19号通发大厦 地下 No.19, Rua de Abreu Nunes, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 20:00 / Sun; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6698 7475 $
金丽华饼店 THE CAKE SHOP AT GRAND LAPA 澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号 金丽华酒店2楼 2/F, Grand Lapa, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 20:30 (+853) 8793 3810 $$
THE SEASON COFFEE CORNER 卡夫卡 KAFKA 氹仔布拉格街152号地下 152, Rua de Braga, Taipa Tue to Sun; 13:30 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 0086 $
澳门科技大学图书馆内 G/F Block N, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa Mon to Fri; 08:30 – 17:00 (+853) 8897 1888 $
澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau Lobby, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 10:00 - 01:00 8868 1131 $
澳门新马路巴素打尔古街十六浦索菲 特酒店大堂 1/F, Hotel Lobby, Sofitel Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8861 7213 $
法国菜 French
路环市区挞沙街1号地下 No.1 Rua Do Tassara, Coloane Village, Coloane Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2888 2534 $
MGM PÂTISSERIE 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM MACAU Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 09:00 – 21:00 (+853) 8802 2324 $$
宝雅座法国餐厅 AUX BEAUX ARTS 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Grande Praça, MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tue to Fri; 14:00-00:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00-00:00 (+853) 8802 2319 $$
良辰法国餐厅 LA BONNE HEURE 澳门新马路板樟堂巷12号A及B铺 12A-B, Travessa de São Domingos, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2833 1209 $$
海风餐厅 MISTRAL 新马路内港巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦 索菲特酒店六楼 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:30 (+853) 8861 7210 $$
PRIVÉ 巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦索菲特 大酒店 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Wed to Sun; 18:00 -22:00 (+853) 8861 0016 $$$$
BarCelona Tapas & Rice 澳门慕拉士街16号富大工业大厦地 下B座 No. 16, Rua de Venceslau de Morais,Macau 17:00-02:00(周一及三至 五,Mon,Wen-Fri); 12:00-02:00(周六及日Sat & Sun) (+853) 2872 1084 $$
葡国菜 Portuguese 葡国美食天地 A PETISQUEIRA 氹仔旧城区生央街15C-D号 Rua de São Joao, vila da Taipa, Taipa Tue to Sun; 12:30-14:30, 18:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5354 $$
安东尼奥餐厅 ANTóNIO 氹仔旧城区木铎街7号 Rua dos Clerigos No. 7, Old Taipa Village,Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 (+853) 2899 9998 $$
百姓餐厅 BANZA
天巢法国餐厅 ROBUCHON AU DOME 澳门新葡京酒店43楼 Avenida de Lisboa, grand Lisboa Hotel, 43/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 -22:30 (+853) 8803 7878 $$$$
御膳房 THE TASTING ROOM 路氹连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒 店三楼 3/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8868 6681 $$$$
西班牙菜 Spanish 塔巴斯西班牙小馆 CASA DE TAPAS 氹仔木铎街9号 Rua dos Clerigos, 9, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 $$$
氹仔旧城区广东大马路154号A-B号 南新花园第5座地下g-H座 Avenida de Kwung Tung, 154, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:30 23:00 (+853) 2882 1519 $$
澳门陆军俱乐部 CLUBE MILITAR 新口岸南湾街975号 Avenida da Praia grande, 975, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:30 - 15:00, 19:0022:30 (+853) 2871 4000 $$$
澳门旅游学院教学餐厅 EDUCATIONAL RESTAURANT I.F.T 望厦炮台斜坡 Colina de Mong-Ha, Mong Ha, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8598 3077 $$
法兰度餐厅 FERNANDO’S 路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac Sa Beach, 9, Coloane Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 21:30 (+853) 2888 2264
葡轩 GOSTO 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下g21号铺 G21, G/F, East Promenande, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$
葡国餐厅 GUINCHO A GALERA 葡京路2-4号葡京酒店西座3楼 3/F, Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8803 7676 $$$
花道葡萄牙餐厅 FADO 澳门得胜马路2-4号澳门皇都酒店 M/F, Hotel Royal, Estrada da vitoria, 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 6:30 - 22:30 (+853) 2855 2222 $$$
澳门海景正宗葡国餐厅 MIRAMAR 路环黑沙海滩黑沙马路 Hac Sa Beach (near Westin Resort), Coloane Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 21:00 (+853) 2888 2623 $$
阿曼诺葡国餐厅 O-MANEL 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街90号地下 Rua de Fernão Mendes Pinto, 90, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2882 7571 $$
意大利菜 Italian 经典意大利餐厅 ANTICA TRATTORIA 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)伦斯泰特大 马 路40,42及46号帝景苑 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, 40, Edf. vista Magnifica Court, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:30 (+853) 2875 5102 $$
帝雅廷意大利餐厅 RISTORANTE IL TEATRO 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Tue to Sun; 17:30 – 23:30 (+853) 8986 3648 $$$
我的意大利厨房 LA CUCINA ITALIANA 氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村伟 兴阁地下AD-AF铺 G/F, Wai Heng Kok, Rua do Pai Kok, 6-12, Chun Fok village, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 7818 $$
比萨薄饼店 PIZZERIA TOSCANA 澳门下环妈阁斜巷2号A长城大厦地 下及地库 Calçada da Barra, São Lourenço, 2A, g/F, Macau Mon to Sun; 11:30-15:30, 18:30-23:30 (+853) 2872 6637 $$
山度士葡式餐厅 O SANTOS 氹仔旧城区官也街二十号 Rua de Cunha, 20, vila da Taipa, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5594 $$
海湾餐厅 RESTAURANTE LITORAL 下环河边新街261A地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261, São Lourenço, A, g/F, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 (+853) 2896 7878 $$
澳金玛葡国餐厅 Ao Grama
庭园意大利餐厅 TERRAZZA ITALIAN DINING 路氹城澳门银河]综合渡假城银河酒 店 2楼201号铺 2/F, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 18:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$
氹仔旧城区英布拉街138号太子花城 第二座M铺 Shop M,Prince Flower City Block 2,Rua de Coimbra n°138,Taipa, Macau +853 2883 9838
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠好玩 ENJOY Jaguar F-TYPE S COUPÉ 捷豹(积架)全新 FTYPE S COUPÉ超级跑车 隆重登陆澳门,更是亚洲 首发。F-TYPE S COUPÉ 匹配3.0升V6 380马力机 械增压发动机,能在4.9 秒间把由零启动至时速 100公里,速度惊人。捷 豹(积架)F-type跑车代 表英国最顶尖的汽车技术 与超卓性能,配上俊朗 的外型,必令车迷引颈 以待。 The sensational Jaguar F-TYPE S COUPÉ roared into town with a supercharged 380hp engine, highlighting its being a sports car capable of reaching 100km/h from a standstill in just 4.9 seconds. The Jaguar F-TYPE S COUPÉ represents the very best of British engineering and sports performance, great looks and most importantly, eye-watering thrill while on the road.
Jaguar Macau 地址 AddRESS 澳门奥林匹克大马路675号 雍景湾地下F Av. Olimpica No. 675 r/c, Loja F, Edif. Kingsville, Taipa, Macau 电话 Tel::+853 2852 1212
Infiniti Q50
Double Premiere
Infiniti全新高智能豪华 房跑车Q50,为品牌缔 造全新用户体验。沿用 Infiniti的经典设计包括“ 双拱形”进气格栅丶拱 形车顶丶新月形的C柱, 配以极具霸气的前端设 计,令观众眼前一亮。
早前澳门银河陆续与车商合作发布 两款全新汽车,为这个多元化度假 村再添新话题。 Galaxy Macau joined hands earlier with two automobile brands to stage car previews, adding more elements to the tourist destination.
Xin Kang Cheng Motors Ltd. 地址 ADDRESS 澳门渔翁街354-408号地 下C-D铺
英国驻澳荣誉领事及银河娱乐集 团首席市场推广总监祁礼敦先生 Mr. Glenn McCartney British Honorary Consul, Macau & Mr Kevin Clayton, Chief Marketing Officer of Galaxy Macau
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
Rua dos Pescadores, No. 354-408, r/c, C-D, Macau
电话Tel: +853 2871 9838
Infiniti Q50 is designed to create a unique and exciting level of customer engagement - propelling the Infiniti brand in a bold new direction for luxury and performance. Infiniti has a signature exterior design, powerful “double arch” grille, dynamic arch roofline and Crescent-cut C-pillar.
表演 shows
大赛车周前后好秀推荐 Shows Before & After Grand Prix Week 大赛车举办前后,有不少好秀在城中轮番上演,就让我们看看 在风驰电掣后的放松好节目有哪些。 There are so many great shows happening with Macao Grand Prix 2014, here are some Cguide suggestions. 11月8日 Nov 8
11月15日 Nov 15
越黑高歌 Sing Through The Dark
杜德伟极杜世界巡回演唱会 Alex To, my Virtual Planet Tour
为了唤起大众对失明人士的关注,“Good Drop Chessman Charity & Culture 棋人公 益文化计划”首波活动,Johnnie Walker 呈 献——“越黑高歌”慈善音乐晚会将在大赛 车举办一周前假金沙剧场举行,为奥比斯筹 款。音乐会邀请到香港乐坛天后谢安琪,联 同港澳群星,包括小肥、林欣彤、陈慧敏 等,以及色士风演奏家 Timothy 到场演出, 并由香港著名司仪林盛斌 Bob 作声音导航, 定能为观众带来一次洗涤心灵的旅程。 To encourage care for the blind, Good Drop Chessman Charity & Culture, in association with Johnnie Walker, presents “Sing Through the Dark” Concert at Sands Theatre on 8 November, aiming to raise funds for Orbis International. Stars from Hong Kong and Macau, such as Kay Tse, Siu Fay, and Mag Lam, are brightening the Theatre.
如想于澳门格兰披治大赛车举行的周末享受 多样娱乐节目的宾客,万勿错过欣赏香港歌 手兼演员杜德伟之最新澳门演唱会。在20多 年的音乐旅途上,杜德伟一直是带领舞曲潮 流的先驱之一。他是少数多才多艺、为观众 演绎劲歌热舞的的歌手。在巡迴演唱会上, 他将与乐迷分享其寄语音乐的心底话。 Alex is in the town to drive the weekend of the race to a higher High by his hot live performance. As one of the rare talents shining for more than two decades by signature singing and dancing, he will share his understanding of music with fans during the show other than presenting reproduced hits with the live band.
19:45 金沙剧场 Sands Theatre MOP380
20:00 澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆 Cotai Arena, the Venetian Macao MOP280/380/680/880 +853 2882 8818
11月15日 Nov 15
花容出色 Chromatics 由葡萄牙籍艺术总监Laura Nyogeri主理的 这场表演将会免费在游客熙攘的议事亭前 地演出,她认为通过这个充满热情的艺术 平台,年轻人可以表达自己,实现个人成 长。Laura致力在葡萄牙和澳门之间开发创 新的作品,反映我们多元化和充满活力的城 市。这是个关于颜色的互动演出。在 “彩 色”的人物、“彩色”的地点、“彩色”的 对象、“彩色”的声音主题下。人类的情感 是能够通过颜色的神奇力量去感受和体验。 The free show in the hustling Senado Square is produced by Portugal Art Director Laura Nyogeri, who believes the interactive performance about colorus to be a passionate art platform for youth to express themselves and their journey of growth. Under the theme of “colourfulness”, the imagination of different people can be weaved together tightly to become real creativity. 16:30-17:15 议事亭前地 Senado Square 免费入场 Free www.macaucityfringe.gov.mo
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠好玩 ENJOY 精彩赛事不容错过 澳门格兰披治大赛车中的重头戏当数传统三大赛事, 包括培育了多名顶级F1赛车手的澳门格兰披治三级方 程式大赛(FIA洲际杯),连续十年成为赛季收官战的 FIA世界房车锦标赛,以及十分刺激的第48届澳门格兰 披治电单车大赛。 澳门格兰披治三级方程式大赛是重要赛事之一,今年 有多名好手竞逐冠军,包括FIA欧洲三级方程式锦标赛 冠军的法籍车手奥康(Esteban Ocon),他去年首度亮 相澳门、2014年则联同两名队友代表SJM Theodore Racing by Prema车队再战东望洋;今年庆祝四十年 周年庆典、在澳门夺冠次数最多的TOM’S车队带来了 雄踞日本三级方程式锦标赛积分榜首位的新秀山下健 太;勇夺2014英国三级方程式国际巡回赛的桂冠,成 为史上第一位获得该项荣誉的中国车手曹宏伟等顶尖 车手。 澳门东望洋大赛今年进入第43届,也是澳门连续第10 年举办FIA世界房车锦标赛的决赛,作为赛季的收官 站, 车手将在这里展开最后的角逐。雪铁龙车队是今 年的亮点之一,其成员包括去年东望洋保时捷赛事亚 军的勒布(Sébastien Loeb),多次出征澳门的四届 FIA世界房车锦标赛冠军伊云•梅拿(Yvan Muller), 来自阿根廷的赛事新秀卢佩(José Maria “Pechito”
驰骋东望洋 第61届澳门格兰披治大赛车
Power Up at Guia Circuit The 61st Macau Grand Prix
第61届澳门格兰披治大赛车于本月13至16日举行,刺激 的赛道除了吸引到来自36个国家及地区共211名赛车好 手聚首东望洋决一高下以外,也吸引了世界各地的观众 慕名而来,让澳门全城弥漫着速度与激情的氛围。 The 61st Macau Grand Prix from the 13th to 16th of November will attract 211 racing talents from 36 countries as well as countless spectators to the Guia Circuit, spreading the thrill of the chase throughout the city. 36
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
López.)以及六月摘得FIA世界房车锦标赛比赛冠军 的中国车手马清华。而对这支高踞榜首的法国车队而 言,本田车队和澳门常客、前一级方程式车手蒙迪路 (Tiago Monteiro)很可能是他们在东望洋赛道上的 最强对手。 澳门格兰披治电单车大赛一直被公认为世界最顶级的 公路赛,今年进入第48届,一共有9个国家及地区32 名实力雄厚的电单车手在难度极高的东望洋赛道上 角逐。参赛车手名单上除了有由2008至2010年期间 三届澳门格兰披治电单车大赛的冠军伊斯顿(Stuart Easton)、去年冠军的赫彻臣(Ian Hutchinson)以 及八届冠军路达(Michael Rutter)以外,还有睽违澳 门两年的米高邓立普(Michael Dunlop)今年重返澳 门,如此鼎盛的阵容,一定使这次赛事更加刺激。 三大世界赛事固然值得期待,但由来自本澳(澳門)及 亚洲各地的顶级赛车好手带来的刺激支持赛事同样精 彩,包括澳门GT杯、CTM澳门房车杯、澳门路车挑战 赛以及首度亮相澳门,由两岸四地的汽车会推动及联 合主办的华夏赛车大奖赛。 此外,在大赛车进行期间,氹仔官也街、关闸广场、 佑汉街市公园、议事亭前地、嘉路米耶圆形地(三盏 灯)、塔石广场以及友谊广场将有大型电视幕现场直 播,让你随时紧贴澳门格兰披治大赛车的精彩分秒。
Dazzling Races The highlights of the Grand Prix are the three traditional races: the Macau Formula 3 (FIA Formula 3 Intercontinental Cup), the FIA World Touring Car Championship (WTCC) and the Motorcycle Grand Prix. Both big names and emerging stars will gather to fight on wheels. The Macau F3 this year will witness tough fights. FIA F3 European Championship winner, Frenchman Esteban Ocon, made his debut in the category here last year and returns as part of a three-car entry from SJM Theodore Racing by Prema. TOM’S, which has won more times in Macau than any other team, this year celebrates its 40th anniversary with Kenta Yamashita, who is currently a front-runner in the Japanese F3 championship in his rookie season. Another Japanese F3 title contender is Nissan protégé Mitsunori Takaboshi, making his debut on the Guia Circuit with B-Max Racing Team. Also racing is Martin Cao, who made history this year by becoming the first Chinese driver to win the British F3 crown. This year is 43rd anniversary of Guia Race of Macau, which will be the grand finale of FIA WTCC for the tenth consecutive year. The hot Citroën team includes Sébastien Loeb, who finished second in the Porsche race last year; Yvan Muller, who has won four-time FIA WTCC Champion; José Maria “Pechito” López, who is a new star of Argentina; and Ma Qing Hua, who took an FIA WTCC victory in June. The biggest competitors to the dominant French marque are Honda and former F1 driver Tiago Monteiro. The 48th Motorcycle Grand Prix is reputed to be the best road race in the world. This event will see 32 riders from 9 countries conquering the difficult Guia Circuit. Other than Stuart Easton, who won three times from 2008 to 2010, last year’s winner Ian Hutchinson, and the eight-time winner Michael Rutter, we will also welcome Michael Dunlop’s return after two years of absence from Macau events. Supporting races just as thrilling as the three major ones include the Macau GT Cup, CTM Macau Touring Car Cup, Macau Road Sport Challenge and the first Macau-hosted Chinese Racing Cup organized by the racing organizations of the Mainland, Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Don’t miss a second of wonders when watching the live broadcasting on the large LED screens at Rua do Cunha, Taipa, Border Gate Square, Iao Hon Market Garden, Senado Square, Rotunda de Carlos da Maia (Three Lamps District), Tap Seac Square and Friendship Square.
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠好玩 ENJOY 11/13 (周四THURSDAY) 练习日 Practice Days
11/14 (周五FRIDAY) 07:30-08:15
07:15-07:40 FIA世界汽车锦标赛–澳门东望洋大赛–太阳城集团特约–试跑 FIA WTCC-Guia Race of Macau–Presented by Suncity Group-Testing
太阳城集团澳门格兰披治摩托车-第四十八届大赛–排位赛 Suncity Group Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix-48th Edition-Qualifying
08:00-09:00 太阳城集团澳门格兰披治摩托车-第四十八届大赛–练习 Suncity Group Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix-48th Edition-Practice
华夏赛车大奖赛–排位赛 Chinese Racing Cup- Qualifying
FIA世界汽车锦标赛–澳门东望洋大赛–太阳城集团特约–练习 FIA WTCC - Guia Race of Macau–Presented by Suncity Group-Practice
华夏赛车大奖赛–练习 Chinese Racing Cup-Practice
10:00-10:40 澳门路车挑战赛–练习 Macau Road Sport Challenge-Practice
澳门路车挑战赛–排位赛 Macau Road Sport Challenge-Qualifying
10:55-11:35 太阳城集团澳门格兰披治三级方程式大赛–练习 Suncity Group Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix-Practice
太阳城集团澳门格兰披治三级方程式大赛–练习 Suncity Group Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix-Practice
CTM澳门汽车杯–排位赛 CTM Macau Touring Car Cup-Qualifying
澳门GT杯–练习 Macau GT Cup-Practice
12:55-13:35 CTM澳门汽车杯–练习 CTM Macau Touring Car Cup-Practice
13:55-14:25 FIA世界汽车锦标赛–澳门东望洋大赛–太阳城集团特约–练习 FIA WTCC-Guia Race of Macau–Presented by Suncity Group-Practice
14:45-15:25 太阳城集团澳门格兰披治三级方程式大赛–排位赛 Suncity Group Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix-Qualifying
15:55-16:40 太阳城集团澳门格兰披治摩托车-第四十八届大赛–排位赛 Suncity Group Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix-48th Edition-Qualifying
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
澳门GT杯–排位赛 Macau GT Cup- Qualifying
14:05-14:45 太阳城集团澳门格兰披治三级方程式大赛-排位赛 Suncity Group Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix-Qualifying
15:10-16:40 FIA世界汽车锦标赛–澳门东望洋大赛–太阳城集团特约–排位赛 FIA WTCC - Guia Race of Macau–Presented by Suncity Group-Qualifying
11/15 (周六SATURDAY)
11/16 (周日SUNDAY)
07:30-07:50 太阳城集团澳门格兰披治摩托车-第四十八届大赛–赛前热身 Suncity Group Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix-48th Edition-Warm Up
08:20-09:20 华夏赛车大奖赛–10圈 Chinese Racing Cup-10 laps
09:50-10:50 澳门路车挑战赛–10圈 Macau Road Sport Challenge-10 laps
11:20-12:20 CTM澳门汽车杯–12圈 CTM Macau Touring Car Cup-12 laps
09:00-10:00 澳门GT杯–12圈 Macau GT Cup-12 laps
10:30-13:00 FIA世界汽车锦标赛–澳门东望洋大赛–太阳城集团特约–两回合各 10圈 (两回合之间设15分钟歇息) FIA WTCC-Guia Race of Macau – Presented by Suncity Group–2 Races of 10 laps each with 15 minutes break between Races
15:30-16:30 太阳城集团澳门格兰披治三级方程式大赛–15圈 Suncity Group Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix-15 laps
12:50-13:20 澳门GT杯–排位赛 Macau GT Cup-Qualifying
13:45-14:35 太阳城集团澳门格兰披治三级方程式大赛–选拔赛–10圈 Suncity Group Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix - Qualification Race-10 laps
15:30-16:30 太阳城集团澳门格兰披治摩托车-第四十八届大赛–12圈 Suncity Group Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix - 48th Edition-12 laps
门票 Ticket 练习日 Practice Days 11/13-14 赛事日 Race Days 11/15-16 大看台 Grand Stand* MOP/HKD/ RMB 50
葡京看台Lisboa Stand** MOP/HKD/RMB 50
RMB 900 水塘看台Reservoir Stand* MOP/HKD/RMB 50
RMB 350 *设座椅With Chairs **划位座位 Numbered Seats
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠探索 explore
澳门历史城区漫步地图 Guide for the Historic Center of Macau
1 妈阁庙 A-Ma Temple 2 港务局大楼 Moorish Barracks 3 亚婆井前地 Lilau Square 4 郑家大屋 Mandarin’s House 5 圣老楞佐堂 St. Lawrence’s Church 6 圣若瑟修院及圣堂 St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church 7 岗顶前地 St. Augustine’s Square 40
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
8 何东图书馆 Sir Robert Ho Tung Library 9 岗顶剧院 Dom Pedro V Theatre 10 圣奥斯定教堂 St. Augustine’s Church 11 民政总署大楼 “Leal Senado” Building 12 议事亭前地 Senado Square 13 三街会馆(关帝庙) Sam Kai Vui Kun Temple 14 仁慈堂大楼 Holy House of Mercy
15 大堂(主教座堂)Cathedral 16 卢家大屋 Lou Kau Mansion 17 玫瑰堂 St. Dominic’s Church 18 大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St. Paul’s 19 哪吒庙 Na Tcha Temple 20 旧城牆遗址 Section of the Old City Walls 21 大炮台 Mount Fortress
22 圣安多尼教堂(花王堂) St. Anthony’s Church 23 东方基金会会址 Casa Garden 24 基督教坟场 Protestant Cemetery 25 东望洋炮台 Guia Fortress (包括圣母雪地殿圣堂及灯塔)
Endorsed by Macau Government Tourist Office 由澳门特别行政区政府旅游局支持 www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
酒吧 bar 38 LOUNGE 氹仔广东大马路澳门新濠锋酒 店38楼
霞 CINNEBAR 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利 酒店
MCSORLEY’S ALE HOUSE 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人 渡假村1038号
38/F, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa +853 2886 8868
Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau +853 8986 3663
ABA BAR 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马 路美高梅金殿
唐会 CLUB CHINA 澳门新口岸皇朝大丰广场地下 M铺
Shop No.1038, Grand Canel Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai +853 2882 8198
MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau +853 8802 3888
G/F, Loja M, Edf. Commercial Tai Fung, Ave. do Governador Jamie Silverio Marques, Macau +853 2872 2766
非洲村酒吧 AFRIKANA BAR 澳门友谊大马路渔人码头非洲村 Cape Town, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. da Amizade, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau +853 8299 3678
BAR AZUL 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路四季酒 店1楼 1/F, Four Seasons Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai +853 2881 8888
焰 FLAME BAR 路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai +853 8868 6695
Shop 1041, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai +853 8118 9940
温莎廊 THE WINDSOR 澳门英皇酒店21楼 21/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, Macau +853 6363 2121
CATHEDRAL CAFÉ & WINE BAR 澳门大堂街12号A No.12A, Rua da Se, Macau +853 6685 7621
CLUB CUBIC 路氹连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock酒店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai +853 2828 6696
No.86, Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa +853 2836 8401
乐吧 R BAR 路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock酒店1楼 1/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai +853 8868 6694
HIVE BAR 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路135号百 利宝花园地下H_座
XANADU BAR 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马 路金沙娱乐场 1/F, Sands Casino, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau +853 2888 3388
乘风廊 VASCO 澳门友谊大马路956号澳门金丽 华酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel, No.956, Avenida da Amizade, Macau +853 8793 3831
新霹雳火 KARAOKE BAR 澳门筷子基和乐坊街73号地下 G铺
MUGS TALK BAR 澳门罗飞勒前地12A地下
No.149, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa +853 2883 1233
THE MACALLAN WHISKY BAR & LOUNGE 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银 河综合渡假村2楼203铺
CHINA ROUGE 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银 河综合渡假村
Shop 203, 2/F, Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai +853 8883 2221
Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai +853 2888 0888
16/F, Star World Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, Macau +853 8290 8698
Shop G, No. 73, Rua Um do Bairro da Concórdia,Fai Chi Kei,Macau +853 6693 7027
Shop H, Treasure Garden, No.135, Avenida de Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa +853 2883 1711
INNSIDE BAR 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路149号
百利酒廊 BELLINI LOUNGE 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯 人渡假村1041号铺
大门酒吧 PORTAL WINE BAR 氹仔施督宪正街86号
品味吧 WHISKEY BAR 澳门友谊大马路星际酒店16楼
G/F, No.12A, Lobo D’Avila Square, Macau +853 2897 2691
SKY 21 澳门商业大马路251A-301号友邦 广场21楼 21FL, AIA Tower, No.251A-301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau +853 2822 2122
THE ROADHOUSE BAR 澳门新口岸马德里街45号环宇 豪庭
皇朝会 DYNASTY CLUB 澳门海港街外港回力球场3楼F
爱尔兰酒吧 IRISH BAR 氹仔广东大马路南新花园116C 和116D地下
Wan Yu Villas, No.45, Rua de Madrid, Macau +853 2875 2945
3/F, Jai Alai Stadium, Porto Exteriro, Macau +853 2872 6688
Block 6, G/F, Nam San Bulding, No116C-D, Av Kwong Tung, Taipa +853 2882 0708
御苑酒廊 VIDA RICA BAR 澳门文华东方酒店2楼
I DARTS MACAU 澳门伦敦街190号地下
Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental, Level 2, NAPE, Macau +853 8805 8928
G/F, No.190, Rua de Londres, Macau +853 2831 1138
G/F, Edifício Zhu Kuan, Y, Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpocao, Macau +853 2872 3385
180°空中酒吧.扒房 180° LOUNGE AND GRILL 澳门南湾新填海区澳门旅遊塔 59 楼
天一酒廊 Sky Lounge 澳门渔人码头莱斯酒店顶楼
嵐 LAN 路氹城连贯公路新濠天地皇冠渡 假酒店1楼
59/F, Convention and Entertainment Centre Largo da Torre de Macau, Sao Lourenco, Macau +853 8988 8659
KIDULT CLUB 澳门马济时总督大马路100号珠 光大厦Y铺
1/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai +853 8868 6685
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
Top Floor, Rocks Hotel, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf +853 8295 6583
澳门壹号广场 ONE CENTRAL MACAU 澳门外港新填海区沙格斯大马路 Avenida de Sagres,Nape Macau 10:30-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2822 9838
永利名店购物区 WYNN ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966
万利名店购物区 ENCORE ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街
金沙广场 Shoppes at Cotai Central 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心 Cotai Sands Central, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8113 9630
澳门T广场四季名店 T GALLERIA MACAU, SHOPPES at FOUR SEASONS 澳门路氹金光大道四季酒店望德 圣母湾大马路 The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2828 2833
DFS BEAUTY WORLD 澳门四季名店1楼1101/18-30店 1101/18-30,Level 1,The Shoppes at Four Seasons,Cotai 10:00-23:00 +853 2828 2833
Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966
威尼斯人购物中心 SHOPPES at VENETIAN 澳门望德圣母湾大马路 澳门威 尼斯人度假村酒店3楼 3F,The Venetian Macao, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Taipa 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8117 7841
澳门T广场新濠天地店 T GALLERIA MACAU, CITY OF DREAMS 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路连接路 环及路氹填海区 Estrada do Istmo,Cotai, Macau 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8590 3000
永盟百货 WINMAN 澳门殷皇子大马路友谊广场地库 Avenida Do Infante D,Henrique 31A-31B, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 82916350
化妆品与个人护理 COSMETICS & SKNICARE 莎莎 SA SA 澳门板樟堂街1E-1F地下 Rua de S. Domingos, No. 1E-1F,R/C, Macau 10:00-23:00 +853 2832 2155
卓悦 BONJOUR 澳门板樟堂街12-14号物业全幢 G/F, 12-14 Rua De S. Domingos, Macau 10:00-22:30 +853 2832 2146
思维美 SWEETMAY 澳门板樟堂街1D号铺 Shop 1D,Rua de S. Domingos,Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2838 9156
电子及家庭电器 AUDIO VISUAL AND ELECTRONIC ACCESSORIES 玛莎百货 MARKS & SPENCER 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心广 场2楼2116B室 Shop 2116B,Level 2,Shoppes at Cotai Central,Sands Cotai Central, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2885 3592
澳门新八佰伴 NEW YAO HAN 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mario Soares no. 90, Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2872 5338
丰泽 FORTRESS 议事亭前地11号信德堡地库 Basement,Shun Tak House,11 Largo Do Senado,Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2832 9958
ORIGINAL TECHNOLOGY 澳门广场地下P,V&W铺 Shop P, V&W,G/F, Macau Square 10:00-20:30 +853 3871 7428
来来电器广场 ROYAL ELECTRONICS SQUARE 澳门慕拉士大马路181-183号来 来集团大厦2楼 Avenida de Venceslau de Morais, Edf. Loi Loi Grupo, No. 181-183, 2/F, Macau 11:00-22:00 +853 8791 9432
钜记手信 KOI KEI BAKERY 氹仔官也街11-13号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 11-13, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +853 2882 7458
澳门老牌车厘哥夫 OLD CHERYKOFF MACAU 氹仔官也街31号地下 Rua do Cunha, No. 31, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +2882 7811
咀香园饼家 CHOI HEONG YUEN BAKERY 澳门大三巴街28E号地下 Rua de S. Paulo, No. 28E, R/C, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2836 2122
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
Homey Home Cho
讲究生活品味的时尚一族都渴望自己的Dream house能 突显个人风格,除了聘请专业设计师操刀,其实也可以 由自己亲手打造!澳门有各式的潮流家品店,销售由世 界各地进口且紧贴时尚趋势的家私和家品,亦有自家设 计的新颖款式,我们专门为你挑选其中三家,当中总有 适合你喜好和品味的产品。 Having good taste is not simply expressed by the fashion you wear, but is also reflected in the décor of your ideal home. Once you have a personal aesthetic in mind, you too can decorate your living area as well as a professional. The following three shops are just a few of the many places in which you can find unique and trendy furnishings and articles with which to express yourself.
木制家具能为家居带来温暖自然的感觉,近年相当流行 Using natural wood builds a warm and simplistic live environment
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
宅木店内展示多款木制家具及家品,甚具自然气息 The shop has a natural feel when decorated by the beautiful wooden furnishings and items.
玻璃面咖啡柜 Glass-topped café cabinet MOP 3,800 原木靠背椅 Log armchair MOP 5,800
国旗吧椅 | Bar Chair (高 High) MOP 1,450 (矮 Short) MOP 880
S-饰柜 | S- cabinet (左 L) MOP 980 (中 M) MOP 1,480 (右 R) MOP 1,800
宅木 Zawood 环保原木家具 Green and Original 以“环保、简约、自然”为经营概念的“宅木”,由店 主Dave与拍档Nicky于2012年创立。取名“宅木”,源于 Dave觉得木与日常生活息息相关,无论是居住或工作的 地方,都会发现木的存在;因此店内主打多款家居实木 制品,当中以循环再用的原木(未经加工的木材)家具最受 欢迎,它以耐用及不易变形的老原木制成,配合极具玩 味的设计,能为居所营造温暖自然又不失时尚的感觉。
电脑台 Computer desk MOP 3,630 电脑凳 Computer chair MOP 1,700
哪里可以买到 WHERE to buy 地址 ADDRESS 澳门美上校围16号美副新邨 第二座地下 Av. do Coronel Mesquita No.16 R/C Mei Fu Sun Chuen, Macau 电话 TEL.: +853 2851 9394
Inspired by a life that is green, simple and natural, Zawood was established in 2012 by owner Dave and his partner Nicky. Wood is an essential part of daily life, which is why Dave creates mainly wooden products including popular collections from recycled wood and from natural logs. These are complemented by playful a design for a warm and fashionable look. www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
285号生活艺廊 Signum Living Store 设计走进家居 Designer Style “285号生活艺廊”位于澳门世遗建筑妈阁庙旁一栋 绿色旧建筑物内,这里售卖的家居生活精品全部由外 国搜罗,不少更属国际级设计师之作品,意念和造型 都相当破格,藉此向顾客表达“设计融于生活”的理 念。除了从国外引进创意家品,“285号生活艺廊”更 是澳门艺术家的展览场地,让来自世界各地的游客对 澳门艺术创作有更深的认知。 Located in an old green building by the A-Ma Temple of Macau, Signum Living Store promotes the idea of Design for Life. It offers household selections imported from foreign lands, including masterpieces of edgy shapes by famous designers. It also hosts exhibitions of local artists to spread the art of Macau to the world.
“285号生活艺廊”引进不少国际知名设计师的作品,款式创新破格 Innovative and cutting-edge designs by top international designers
BOSA香薰座 MOP 1,680 Essential Oil Base by BOSA, MOP 1,680
哪里可以买到 WHERE to buy 地址 ADDRESS 澳门河边新街285号 Rua do Almirante Sérgio, Mooi Raimond 吊灯(大)MOP 19,100、(小)MOP 27,200 来自荷兰的家居设计品牌Mooi,产品一向大胆前卫;以双层几 何三角形为概念的LED灯由荷兰数学家Raimond Puts设计,寿 命可达50,000小时。 Chandelier by Mooi Raimond, (L) MOP 19,100, (S) MOP 27,200 Mooi from Holland is boasted by its bold and edgy design. The double-layer triangle-shaped LED light with a lifetime of 50,000 hours is designed by Holland Mathematician Raimond Puts.
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
no. 285, R/C, Macau 电话 TEL.
JIA碗 MOP 2,190/套、JIA 蒸锅MOP 870 Bowls MOP 2,190/set and steamer, MOP 870 by JIA
Tom Dixon“Cog系列”收 纳盒(左) MOP 1,600、(中) MOP 800、(右) MOP 900 ,著名设计师Tom Dixon以 齿轮为灵感,创制一系列金 属材质的收纳盒,尽展硬朗 感,适合型格一族。 Container, Cog Collection by Tom Dixon, (L) MOP 1,600, (M) MOP 800, (R) MOP 900. Inspired by wheel gear, the metal containers from Tom Dixon are filled with cool and strong air.
+853 2896 8925
城市之家 City Square Home 老字号品味之选 Tasty Old-school 创立至今已有16年的“城市之家”,一直主打中、高端 家品市场,名字不仅为澳门人熟悉,更经常会有游客慕名 而至。店内销售的家具、木制雕塑、家居及节日饰品, 主要进口自马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、印度、印尼等多 个东南亚国家,每件货品皆由专人前往产地挑选,并由 产地直接进口,因此质素具有一定保证,价格也甚为相 宜,不少款式于港澳及国内鲜见。 City Square boasts 16 years of providing furnishing products to mid-to-top end markets, welcomed by not only locals but foreigners. The furnishers, wood sculptures and ornaments of high-quality and reasonable prices are mainly imported from Southeast Asia such as Malaysia, Thailand, Philippine, India and Indonesia. Some models are too unique to be found elsewhere.
泰国坐垫 Thai cushion MOP 1,190 纯棉制造的泰国坐垫,舒适透气;另有手枕及颈枕,适合放置 沙发或窗台。 100% cotton made cushion from Thailand, comfortable and ventilated. Armrest and neck pillow are also available, perfect for sofa and windowsill.
货源主要来自东南亚,种类非常多元化 Southeast Asia imported products in diversified categories
巴基斯坦手织地毯 2尺*3尺 MOP399 9尺*12尺 MOP8,000 Hand-made carpet from Pakistan, MOP399-8,000 according to size
巴基斯坦毛巾 MOP 12至MOP 215(视乎大小) Towel from Pakistan, MOP 12 to 215 (according to size) 巴基斯坦的棉产品一向质素高;毛巾采用当地棉纱制造,非常 柔软,能锁住水份,晒干后亦会变得极其松软。 The towels made of high-quality Pakistan cotton are extremely soft and absorbent, maintaining its softness after being washed.
哪里可以买到 WHERE to buy 地址 ADDRESS 澳门黑沙环海边马路270号 海滨花园(第二座)地下 Macau Areia Preta, Ave. Nordeste Hoi Pan Garden 电话 TEL. +853 2830 3310 泰国多功能箱 MOP 148/个 Multi-function box from Thailand, MOP 148/ Box
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
数码新知 Gadgets Jim
最强摄录 超高感光 Photo & Video Excellence Sony Xperia Z3
MOP 6,190 属目前首部配备ISO 12,800 感光度的Sony Xperia Z3 智能手机,还备有2,070 万像素连1/2.3吋Exmor RS for mobile 影像感测 器,BIONZ for mobile影 像处理器 以及25mm广角 G Lens镜头,而且更可 用全高清四倍的4K超高 清影片摄录,无论影相和 拍片都有最佳表现。除此 之外,Xperia Z3亦配有 5.2吋全高清屏幕、支援 Hi-Res高清音效,IP65/68 的最高级别防水防尘,并 配搭独家STAMINA省电 技术,续航力强。 Sony Xperia Z3 is the first model of ISO 12,800 produced by the brand. Equipped with Exmor RS for mobile image sensor of 1/2.3’, 20.7 mega pixel, BINOZ for image processing and 25mm wide-angle G Lenses, 4K super HD property allowing excellent quality of photographing and recording. It also has a 5.2’’ HD screen, Hi-Res sound effect, is dust resistant and waterproof for 1.5 meters, and has exclusive STAMINA technology to allow the battery to last twice as long.
轻巧灵活 全幅单反 Bijou and Easy Nikon D750
高质音效 蓝牙耳机 HI-FI Bluetooth Earphone LG Tone Infinim HK$1,498 由LG与Harman/Kardon 合 作 研 发 的 L G To n e Infinim((HBS-900)蓝牙耳 机,拥有获Harman/Kardon 认证的高质素立体音效,而 戴耳机最怕的缠线问题,採 用自动迴捲式连接线设计, 的LG Tone Infinim,可避 免连接线缠绕。此外更备 有Name Alert功能,在接 听电话前会以话音方式作 出来电者名称的通知,亦 可透过Tone Infinim的“jog 键”,简易控制音乐播放。 The LG Tone Infinim (HBS900) blue-tooth earphone developed by LG and Harman/ Kardon has a hi-fi level of stereophonic sound featured by Harman. The LG Tone Infinim auto-rolling wire is a unique way to prevent your headphones from becoming a tangled mess. The Name Alert function will announce the caller’s name before you decide to take a call, and the Tone Infinim Jog key makes controlling your music easy.
HK$16,800(淨机Camera only)
1 如果你是相机玩家,总觉得数码单镜反光相机规格愈 高、体积愈大,而新推出的全幅单反相机Nikon D750 ,机身坚固轻巧,兼具效能及影像质素。内置 Wi-Fi功 能、翻揭式LCD屏幕、2,432万像素FX格式CMOS影像 感应器、91,000像素RGB场景辨识感应器,以及最高 每秒6.5张高速连拍等规格与功能。令机身灵活耐用之 余,亦能轻松拍摄影像。 The new Nikon D750 is breaking the trend of pricier and larger digital SLR cameras. It is compact, light, versatile and durable, boasting internal Wi-Fi, a foldable LCD screen, FX format CMOS sensor (24.32MP), 91K-pixel RGB scene sensor, and is capable of 6.5 shots per second. Photography has never been so easy. 48
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 1
丽斯摄影器材行 FOTO NICE + 853)2831 5678 2
CTM:(853)1000 3
秋日润丝 Hair Care Tips for Autumn Dorothy
天气逐渐转凉,不仅皮肤开始感到紧绷,连头上千根细 丝也同样饱受干燥之苦。想拥有一头亮丽头发,就得准 备好润发保养品,为发丝“穿”上保护衣。 No matter your gender, hair can be damaged by changing up your style. The chilly autumn wind doesn’t do smooth hair any favours, either. Here are some solutions to keep your hair healthy and protect it from the elements this Autumn. FOR women
FOR men
1 Mise En Scene
MOP 60.2/ 70ml
MOP 240/ 100ml
《来自星星 的你》的千 颂伊红到发 紫,连带主 角用的发油 也成为焦点。 小小一瓶含高 浓缩坚果油、 蜂王浆和玫瑰 水,能滋润修复受损发质, 改善头发开叉和暗哑,而 且带淡淡玫瑰香。 This hair oil become even more popular after being used by the leading male in the Korean TV drama hit My Love from the Star. Highly enriched nut oil, royal jelly and rose water all work together to repair damaged hair, improve its quality and leaving a slight yet lasting fragrance of rose.
发尾开叉令人最苦恼,吹发 前涂上这揉合五种精华油 及甜杏油的修护精华,能帮 助滋养和保护发丝纤维, 免热风及高温 伤害秀发,而 且还会出现亮 丽的“天使光 环”。 Got stubborn split ends? Apply this repairing oil to your wet hair before blowing it dry. The combination of five essence oils will repair heat-damaged hair and nourish it to a beautiful shine.
Damage care perfect serum 玫瑰精华护发油
Repairing oil 深层修护精华油
Olive fruit oil deeply repairative hair pak 牛油果橄榄滋润修护 发膜 MOP 330/ 226g 脸要敷面膜,头发也一样。 特别为极干旱和受损头发 而设,含有牛油果和橄榄 精华,用后能于头丝上形 成一层透明保护膜,修护 同时防止水分流失。 Hair, just like the face, needs a regular mask - especially when it starts to feel dry and damaged. The extracts of avocado and olive will form an invisible film around your roots, preventing moisture loss and repairing the damaged area.
4 Schwarzkopf
Ultimate oil elixir serum 秀发修护精华
哪里可以买到 WHERE to buy?
MOP 69.9/ 80ml
1 澳门大三巴街11-11A号 华发大厦地下
每日吹发造型, 头发容易折断。 每次造型前或烫 染后记得使用修 护精华,含树仁 精油和向日葵籽 油,击走干旱, 令发丝更强韧有 光泽。 Hair will lose its elasticity when subject to frequent blowing drying and styling. The oils of nuts and sunflower seeds in this serum will kick off the dryness and bring back shiny and strong hair.
G/F, Edf. Va Fah, 11-11A R. de São Paulo, Macau +853 2835 8124
2 澳门议事亭前地29号
No. 29, Largo do Senado, Macau +853 2832 3865
3 澳门新八佰伴
The New Yaohan, Macau +853 2875 0390
4 澳门高士德大马路 23-33号地下 G/F No.23-33, Avenida de Horta e Costa, Macau +853 2855 2836
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠好玩 ENJOY 重点介绍
濠好玩 Enjoy 电影 Movies
第七谎言 The Seventh Lie 导演Director 孔令政 James Hung 主演Cast 郑中基、何超仪 Ronald Cheng, Josie Ho 片种Genre 剧情 Drama 预告Trailer youtubewaqC3ElNpQ4 城中一夜,酒店内“谎踪”处 处:私人司机阿桑(罗仲谦饰)为 好兄弟Terrance的妻子Julianne( 曾佩瑜饰)庆祝生日却变成翻 云覆雨,不料,妒火中烧的 Terrance杀上门来;同一时间, 假扮的服务员(郑中基饰)潜入酒 店捉“黄脚鸡”,走进偷食人 妻(何超仪饰)的寻欢现场,遁着 狂欢痕迹案件重演,怎料…… Spellbinding vignettes reveal the deception and treachery in the intertwined lives of four flawed characters: a chauffeur falling for his boss’s wife, a sneaky bellhop who rips off hotel guests, a runaway bride seeking out her ex-boyfriend, and a conflicted murderer trying to cover up his crimes.
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
饥饿游戏终极篇: 自由幻梦1 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 导演Director 法兰西斯罗伦斯 Francis Lawrence 主演Cast 珍妮花罗伦丝、祖舒克治逊、里安咸斯禾夫、活地里逊
Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson 片种Genre 动作冒险 Action & Adventure 预告Trailer youtu.be/C_Tsj_wTJkQ “饥饿游戏大旬祭”终结,凯妮丝(珍妮花罗伦丝 饰)以为从此离开竞 技场,她被带到“已消失”的第13区,在反抗军领袖荷恩(茱莉安摩 亚饰)和战友的支援下,成为革命的象征。然而,当她倾尽一切力量 拯救比德(祖舒克治逊饰)时,卻再次陷入危机。为了爱和自由,凯妮 丝的“饥饿游戏”,原来根本从未结束! We follow heroine Katniss Everdeen’s journey as she leads the districts of Panem in a rebellion against the tyrannical and corrupt Capitol. As the war that will determine the fate of Panem escalates, Katniss must decipher for herself who she can trust and what needs to be done, while everything she cares for hangs in the balance.
城中新店 New in town
Hello Habano Yan
La Casa del Habano (LCDH), the international franchise of Habano S.A. with more than 140 stores around the world has opened the Macau flagship store. As one of the largest LCDH in the Asia-Pacific region, the store will be a hotspot for cigar lovers in the region with its top-end Cuban cigars and a broad selection of accessories.
澳门的哈帕诺雪茄栈旗舰店位于 北京街,由新信威烟业贸易有限 公司特许经营。两层高的雪茄栈 出售超过27个品牌的雪茄,当 中包括地区限量版以及年份限量 版的顶级雪茄。此外,还有一系 列的作纯人手制作的保湿盒、烟 斗、雪茄剪等不同的配件发售。 负责之一的Henry表示近年越来越 年多轻人爱上雪茄,特别是亚太 地区的年轻人,他们开始懂得享 受雪茄的美好,所以雪茄栈内也 加入了法国Elie Bleu最潮流时尚 的雪茄保湿盒以满足不同雪茄爱 好者的需要。另外值得一提的是 店内的镇店之宝——H.Upmann 雪茄保湿盒以及Romeoy Julieta 雪茄保湿盒。H.Upmann 雪茄保 湿盒由店主于2009年的古巴雪茄 拍卖会上成功竞投所得,除了保 湿盒全人手制作的精细外,里面 还包括300枝上好的雪茄,使其 叫价总值超过300万。
国际知名 Habano S.A.哈帕诺雪茄的经销商、 于全球拥有超过140家分间的哈帕诺雪茄栈正 式登陆澳门,该旗舰店更成为全亚太区最大型 的哈帕诺雪茄栈,为亚太区的雪茄爱好者带来 更多来自古巴的顶级雪茄以及各式的配件。
保存雪茄小秘方: Tips for storage 通常在摄氏21度、70%相对湿度 的环境下保存为佳。避免因湿 度、温度的变化,日光的照射 及气味的侵入而影响其质量, 应存放在阴凉地方(储存于特 制的木盒或雪茄盒内)。 The ideal environment for cigar storage is at 21oC and RH 70%. The quality of cigar will be degraded by any change of moisture or temperature, exposure to sunlight, or strong external odour. Therefore it is best to keep cigars in a cold and shaded environment, in specially made wooden boxes or cigar boxes for instance.
The two-floor Macau LCDH located at Rua de Pequim is operated by franchisee San Son Wai Cigars Trading Company Limited. It sells more than 27 brands, including exclusive and limited editions. It also has a comprehensive stock of accessories such as humidors, pipes and cigar clippers. Henry, a member of the management team, told us that cigars have attracted increasing numbers of customers from the younger generation in recent years. This has led to a growing appreciation for cigar culture, particularly in the Asia-Pacific Region. To cater to customers of different styles, the LCDH orders from some of the world’s most fashionable humidor suppliers, such as France’s Elie Bleu. Customers will also have an opportunity to admire the legendary boxes of H.Upmann and Romeo y Julieta. The former is an exquisite handmade artwork which the owner acquired at auction for more than 3 million patacas; 300 of the highest quality cigars are still included in the box.
哈帕诺雪茄栈董事长梁晚威先生 President of La Casa Del Habano Macau, Mr. Leoeng Man Wai
哈帕诺雪茄栈 La Casa del Habano 澳门北京街117号澳门中华总商会 地下 I 座 Rua de Pequim, No.117, Edifício da Associação Comercial de Macau, G/F 9:15-03:00 (周一至日Mon-Sun)
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Francis Sien 澳门文华东方酒店礼宾部主管
Chief Concierge of Mandarin Oriental Macau
十一月的澳门精彩纷呈,澳门文化东方酒店礼宾部主管 Francis给你更多秋游澳门的好建议。
There are plenty of amazing events happening in Macau during the month of November. Francis Sien, the chief concierge at the Mandarin Oriental Macau, will give you more tips on the best ways to experience Macau. 您个人最喜欢的澳门美食是什么? 我最喜欢的美食是澳葡菜,这种澳门独有的菜式融合了澳门和葡萄牙的风味。葡国 马介休是其中的典范,和葡挞一样著名。 您觉得澳门哪个酒吧最适合放假放松? 澳门有很多夜生活好去处,我会建议澳门文华东方酒店的Vida Rica酒廊,在这里的 无敌落地窗向外看,可以把澳门美景尽收眼底,你更可以远眺澳门旅游塔,当然这 里的美食和名厨也是不可错过的。 有什么澳门景点是适合秋天亲子游的呢? 适合一家大小全日前往的当然要数澳门科学馆啦!如果要寓教育于娱乐,更可以专 门用一天时间来游玩各种博物馆、教堂和寺庙,如游客必到的大三巴牌坊,妈阁庙 等等,是家庭乐的好去处。如果要运动,可以租借一部自行车在路环观光,或者去 澳门蛋玩保龄球,也可以打打网球。 请用两个形容词形容你心目中的澳门。 真实,休闲 。 52
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
What’s your favourite food in Macau? My favourite is Portuguese food made with a fusion of Chinese and Portuguese flavours. The Portuguese dried cod fish is one of my favourites, and you can find it in many dishes. You also can’t go wrong with Macau’s famous Portuguese egg tart. Where can one find Macau’s most relaxing bar? There are many bars and pubs all over Macau, but if you are looking to relax I suggest the Vida Rica bar at the Mandarin Oriental hotel. The quiet, relaxed atmosphere of the bar is complemented by the window seats which overlook the lake and Macau Tower. It also boasts delicious food cooked by a world renowned chef. Do you have any suggestions for family sightseeing this autumn? Some of the best entertainment for the whole family is at the Science Centre in Macau. One could also take a day tour to visit some of Macau’s many different museums, churches, and temples. The Ruins of St Paul, Macau’s best landmark, and the A MA Temple are both good places for wholesome family fun. Otherwise, renting a bicycle in Coloane village and cycling around the beach or spending a day at the Macau Dome bowling or playing tennis with the children could constitute good quality time spent with your family. Please describe Macau with two words. Authentic, leisurely
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人物 faces 陈伟成(David),如果我 说他是澳门人,或是我 们80后朋友最熟悉的 DJ声音,大概不会有 人有异议吧?中学、大 学深宵复习或是失眠的 夜晚,你是不是也要打 开收音机听他的《共待 黎明》才不再觉得自己 孤军作战? Most locals, or those born during the 1980s, would agree that David Chan is the most familiar voice in the radio, who was there with them for so many sleepless nights.
特别鸣谢「澳门银河」麦卡伦威士忌吧 Special Thanks to “The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge” at Galaxy Macau
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
The Voice of Macau, David Chan Yan Franky
歌手,是偶然 陈伟成来自香港,到澳门之前曾是音乐学校里的唱歌老师,在一次偶 然的机会下被酒廊歌手经理人所发现,便来到澳门开始了驻场歌手的 生涯。“当时我只是觉得这是一个不错的体验,想试一试,就来澳门 了,但万万没想到是这一唱就是两年十个月。”其实澳门当时的酒廊 都是看场内观众的反应而每月续签合约,反应不理想的话,一个月就 会从酒廊舞台离开,而David凭着他的好歌声以及专业演出每天都吸 引到不少粉丝捧场,然而每个晚上都得赶两场的节奏让他表演完以后 都急着离开,互动的时间太少成为了粉丝们以及酒廊老板对他唯一 的“投诉”。
DJ,一直的梦想 在澳门当酒廊歌手的期间,David看到了澳门电台招聘兼职DJ的消 息,从小到大都对DJ这个行业有憧憬的他在得到经理人批准以后马 上报名投考。“那时候我只有晚上演出,白天时间挺多的,我就就 想试一试。经过轮翻笔试面试后,我很幸运都过关了。”David很谦 虚,他把这归功于运气,其实这一切都是来自于他对专业二字的坚 持,为了保护声音唱好歌,他滴酒不沾,为了播音,他常常参考别人 的节目,练习更标准的读字发音。 直到后来澳门的歌厅酒廊渐被时代淘汰,David也做好了回香港的心 理准备,恰恰是这个时候,澳门电台向他发出了全职DJ的邀请。有 什么比能继续自己喜爱的工作更具吸引力?!David欣然留下。可全 职意味DJ着要准备的事情更多,自己选歌播放,安排广告、时间及 交通消息的播报,就像独角戏,一人独立完成。这样的转变也成为了 David当时最大的挑战,刚开始时也会因为不习惯而出现小笑话。 “记得有一次做节目播放歌曲的时候,音乐听起来断断续续,原来是 自己太紧张,手不自觉地在抖,而且碰到了控制台上的按扭。我整整 花了两年多的时间才真正适应并驾驭到这工作。”
未来?随遇而安 David正享受着他在澳门的充实生活,除了当DJ以外,还会当当活 动主持,休息时则是喜欢和三五好友到氹仔走走,尝尝美食。未来 呢?“我一直觉得冥冥中自有安排,就像我从香港到澳门当酒廊歌 手,再后来成为DJ一样。未来?一切随遇而安吧。”
A Career of Coincidence David was born in Hong Kong, and was once a singing instructor before his talent got discovered by a bar manager. “It sounded quite well so I gave it a try, but I wasn’t expecting an experience of two years and 10 months.” David recalled. He said so because Macau bars back then only provided monthly contracts to singers. If one wasn’t popular, they were out. David, however, was so popular that he had to take two shows per night, leaving him no time for socializations. That was the only “complaint” he got from his bosses.
Radio Show Host: A Dream Come True Upon learning of the recruitment at Radio Macau, David applied without hesitation because working as a radio program host had long been his dream. “I was quite free in the daytime since I performed only at night. I felt like trying and was lucky enough to pass a series of interviews and start working part-time at the Radio.” David said. Even though he said it was mere luck, his dedication did count. For example, he stayed away (and still does) from alcohol in order to protect his voice. He was so desperate about the job so he practiced voicing and pronunciation using other broadcasters as reference. David has considered returning to Hong Kong when bars in Macau changed structurally. Coincidentally, the Radio offered him a full-time position. He accepted the offer, of course. It also meant heavier responsibilities to David, including selecting songs, arranging commercials, reporting traffic news, among many others. Moreover, hosting an overnight show was somehow similar to making a monologue. It was a challenge to him initially. “I remembered once a song was being played awkwardly. A moment later, I realized I was so nervous and trembling that my hand kept pressing the controls. It took me more than two years to cope with my new position.”
Carpe Diem David is enjoying his fruitful life in Macau. Besides working at the Radio, he also emcees events. He also goes with friends to Taipa for relaxation and delicacies on holidays. Any plans for the future? “I am quite determinist reflecting on my move from Hong Kong to Macau then to Radio Macau. My view to future is ‘what’s well ends well’.”
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澳门故事馆 Macau Story House Siusi Melao
漫步在望德堂区充满美丽葡式建筑的街道上,你除了可 以感受澳门历史的底蕴外,还可以走进“澳门故事馆” ,寻找关于这个小城的前世今生。 The Macau Story House is another suggested destination at the St. Lazarus Parish, in which you can immerse yourself in the history of the city.
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
于望德堂区内的“澳门故事馆”,是一个向市 民讲述澳门历史与发展故事的艺文空间,空间 由澳门口述历史协会筹设,集历史研究、教育推广和 艺文创作于一身,通过把研究成果运用到展览、工作 坊、讲座和文创产品等不同媒介,从而渗入社区和学 校,以增强本澳的历史文化名城形象,及积极推动乡 土历史教育。 馆内设阅读区、展览区和文创产品区。阅读区藏达 2,000多册,以口述历史及澳门专书为主,书架上还有 关于澳门历史研究、地方掌故、人物传说和生活等书 籍,期望本地居民及旅客能细阅后有不同的体会。此 外,馆内还收藏了杂志约800多册、澳门历史图片近 1,500张供游人们在馆内细阅;展览区则是一个多用 途活动场地,定期举办专题展览、讲座及工作坊等; 文创产品区亦寄卖着由本土艺家设计和制造的文创产 品,是本土设计者向大家展示个人创作的平台。同场 还播放本地音乐人作品,令其增添书卷味 。 馆内装潢古色古香,无论墙壁、书架还是椅子,均拥 有浓厚的文化气息,配上格子式存放的书架,处处可 以觅得岁月痕迹。除阅读外,你还可以欣赏馆内古旧 的摆设顺便听听音乐,又或是与管理员闲聊澳门旧城 的小故事,他们定向你 详细介绍澳门,让你加深对这个城市的认识。此外, 故事馆会定期举办不同专题展览或活动,期望将澳门 故事整理编印成书刊、小册子、明信片等,增加公众 对澳门本土文化的了解,让各种声音自由表达,开拓 一个具个性又率真的交流平台。
he Macau Story House at the St. Lazarus Parish is a space of art and culture demonstrating the history and development of the city. Established by The Oral History Association of Macao, it focuses on researching history, promoting education, and creating art. The Macau Story House spreads its message to communities and schools through exhibitions, workshops, seminars, and products of creativity and culture. It works to enhance the image of Macau as a historical and cultural city through history education. Split into three sections for Reading, Exhibitions, and Cultural and Creative Products, The Macau Story House inspires local residents and tourists with a collection of more than 2000 books. Among these, there are about 800 magazines and 1500 historical photos that cover topics such as historical research, local stories, legendary figures and daily life. The multi-function Exhibition Area hosts regular activities such as thematic exhibitions, seminars and workshops, while the Culture and Creativity Zone consigns art products designed and created by local artists, serving as a platform for art and music exchange. Be it the walls, traditional bookshelves, or antique chairs, something about the atmosphere of the interior will transport you straight back to old Macau. Your knowledge of the city will be deepened whether you prefer to read, listen to music, hear storytelling, or visit one of the regular exhibitions and activities. You can also pick up one of the many publications, brochures and postcards. It is a unique channel through which you know the city and listen to voices of others.
Macau Story House 地址 Address: 疯堂新街6A号 6A, Rua Nova de S. Lazaro, Macau
时间 Opening Hours: 10:00-20:00 (逢周一及公众假期休馆,
(Closed on Monday and Public Holiday)
电话Tel. +853 2835 3504
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠探索 explore
驯龙初体验 How to Train Your Dragon
即日起至12月31日 Till Dec 31
你家中的小朋友是否一直对梦工场 动画电影《驯龙高手》中小嗝嗝驯 龙的故事念念不忘?那就不妨带上 孩子们到澳门喜来登酒店参加驯龙 训练营,让他们亲身感受一系列有 趣的驯龙训练。 Does your child want to experience first-hand the thrill of Dreamwork’s “How to Train Your Dragon”? The Sheraton Macao Hotel is just the place for them to take special training and become an excellent dragon rider. 58
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
门喜来登金沙城中 心酒店以《驯龙高 手》故事为蓝本,为4至12 岁的小朋友设计了有趣的“ 驯龙训练营”,让小朋友 们透过多种学习活动,成 为初级驯龙高手。 “驯龙训练营”一共分为五 个训练区,包括可以亲手设 计属于自己的头盔的“维 京艺术─头盔装饰”区; 带领小朋友们进行体操锻 炼以及格斗对战的“勇者 格斗训练”区;制作“没 牙”龙剪纸的“驯龙技巧常 识”区;制作防护装饰以 及维京面部彩绘及身体图 腾“勇者防卫装”区;最 后则是训练瞄准目标,把 圈套抛到龙身上的“勇者 眼界训练”区。完成一系列 的奇妙体验后,小朋友便 可得到证书,与维京英雄 小嗝嗝和阿翠拍照留念。
he Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central organizes a unique Dragon Training Camp for 4-12 year olds to become junior dragon riders based on the storyline of “How to Train Your Dragon”. The Camp has five zones: the Viking Art-Helmet Decoration to create and design your own helmet; the Physical Preparation to practice gymnastic and wrestling; the Training Skills to make paper-cuttings of your favourite characters, such as Toothless; the Looking the Part to make shields and Viking face paintings; and the Ring Toss Game to catch your own dragon. The little warriors will get certificates after the unique experience and be invited to take pictures with Hiccup and Astrid.
Dragon Training Camp 时间 Opening Hour 16:00 (周一至周五 Mon.-Fri.) 10:00,16:00 (周六日 Sat. Sun)
地点 Address 澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店 4楼-里海宴会厅 Level 4, Caspian Ballroom, Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central
门票 Ticket MOP150((1小童及1位成人1 adult+1 child))
预订 Reservation +853 8113 0228
儿童世界 children’s world 滑草 GRASS-SKIING
澳门科学馆 MACAO SCIENCE CENTER 澳门科学馆设有大量不同种类的互动 游戏,适合各个年龄层。透过这些游 戏将环境、社会、生态等连接到我们 所处的城市里的信息带给大家。 The Macao Science Center is a huge interactive facility comprised of various sections for learning and fun. Suitable for a variety of ages, it manages to incorporate information about the environment, society, ecology and more, and link many of them to city we live in. 开放时间 Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 (周四休馆 Closed on Thursday) 门票Admission:: 展览中心Exhibition Center-MOP25 地址 Add:RESS: 澳门孙逸仙大马路澳门科学馆 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macao Science Center Tel: (+853)2888 0822
历险Q立方 QUBE 内有高达6米的复合攀爬设施,附设 一座垂宜滑梯、两座小型滑梯,一座 V字形绳桥、跨越及攀爬障碍物、之 字形攀爬绳等。 Qube features a six-meter-tall multiclimbing facility with a free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridges, over and underbarriers,zig-zag net climbers and more. 开放时间 OpeningHours 10:00-22:00 门票Admission: MOP50起 Price From Mop 50 地址 Add:RESS: 金沙广场2楼2201店铺Shop 2201, Level 2, Shoppes Cotai Central Tel: (+853)8113 8598
耗资20亿港元的大型水上汇演《水 舞间》以特技、舞蹈等表现方法配合 以水为主题,把东方智慧意象发挥得 淋漓尽致。 The HK$2 billion performance “The House of Dancing Water” is a breathtaking water-based show that draws its creative inspiration from the roots of Chinese culture and is destined to be the most extravagant live production ever staged in Asia. 门票 Admission:: HKD580起, Price From Mop 580 地址 Address: :澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau Tel: (+853) 8868 6767
龙腾 DRAGON’S TREASURE 于新濠天地的圆顶形综合剧院“天 幕”欣赏“龙腾”,在四大龙王的带 领下,深深体会多媒体高清特技丶千 变万化的舞台灯光丶独特乐章带来的 超感官奇幻效果。 The Bubble is an iconic multi-media attraction at the City of Dreams with explosive visual and sounds. The Dragon’s Treasure theme tells the story of the Dragon Pearl and the four kings. 放映时间 Show times: 12:00-20:00 (每30分钟一场/ every 30-minutes) 门票 Admission: MOP 50 地址 AddRESS: 澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau Tel: (+853) 8868 6688
石排湾郊野公园 SEAC PAI VAN PARK 位于路环岛西部的山麓,离路氹公路 不远。这里绿树成荫,是郊游的好 去处。 The Seac Pai Van Park comprises a blend of zoological and botanical attractions, with scenic areas of conserved ecology in which visitors can expand their knowledge of nature. 开放时间Opening Hours: 8:00-18:00 门票 Admission: 免费 Free 地址 AddRESS: 澳门路环石排湾马路 Avenida de Seac Pai Van, Coloane, Macau Tel: (+853) 2833 7676
澳门大熊猫馆 GIANT PANDA PAVILION 澳门大熊猫馆位于路环石排湾郊野公 园内,馆内设有两个室内活动区和一 个室外活动场,透过玻璃可以看到大 熊猫的可爱模样。 Located in the Seac Pai Van Park, Giant Panda Pavilion comprises two indoor-activity areas and an outdoor yard of the giant pandas. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00, 14:00-17:00 门票 Admission:MOP10 Tel: (+853)2888 0087
澳门海上游 HARBOR CRUISE 澳门的海岸线极具吸引力,而内港一 仍可见到旧的楼房和码头,洋溢着日 渔港风情。 The Harbor Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 11:30-21:30 门票 Admission:Mop80-398 地址 Address: 澳门内港岐关十二号码头 Ponte No. 12 (Inner Harbour), Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos Tel: (+853)2893 0012
观光缆车 CABLE CAR 在二龙喉公园入口处有观光缆车直达 东望洋山山顶,你可以一边乘坐缆 车,一边饱览美丽的景色。 The Guia Hill offers spectacular views of the city, harbor and the sunset, with a sing trip taking two to three minutes. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 8:00-18:00 门票 Admission:MOP2-5 地址 AddRESS: 澳门士多鸟拜斯大马路二龙喉公园 Flora Garden,Avenida de Sidónio Pais Tel: (+853)2833 7676
在大潭山郊野公园有个滑草场,带小 朋友去玩个够吧! Parque Natural da Taipa Grandea is a great place to come for BBQs and for views out over Cotai and Macau. Not only that, but try out the Grass-ski slope, enjoy the thrill of the ride. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 14:30 - 17:30 门票Admission:免费Free 地址 AddRESS: 氹仔天文台斜路大潭山郊野公园 Parque Natural da Taipa Grande,Taipa
百步登天及高飞跳 TOWER CLIMB & SKYJUMP 参加百步登天来征服338米高的旅游 塔。高飞跳和空中漫步能看到澳门震 撼的景色。 Conquer the 338-meter tall Macau Tower with the Tower Climb. Try out the hair-raising SkyJump and SkyWalk to get dynamic views of Macau. 时间 Time: 11:00-21:00 空中漫步Sky Walk: MOP 788 百步登天Tower Climb: MOP 1,888 高飞跳Sky Jump: MOP 1,888 地址Address: 澳门旅游塔T2层冒险地带 Level T2,Adventure Zone,Macau Tower,Macau Tel: (+853) 8988 8656
儿童世界 KID’S CAVERN 儿童世界占地约三万五千平方呎,为 澳门最大型的高端儿童综合王国,里 面的商品应有尽有,大型糖果屋、公 主主题饰品区、机动战士高达主题店 中店等,令人目不暇给。 Kid’s Cavern is a 35,000 square foot children’s store in Sands Coati Central in Macau. The candy shop inside has a swirling vortex of shiny translucent lollipops, enormous egg displays feature merchandise in the baby zone, and oversized models circle the ceiling within the toy department. 开放时间Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 地址 Address: 澳门金沙城中心3001-3001号铺 Shop3001-3007,Sands Cotai Central,Taipa Tel: (+853) 2885 3300
www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
濠探索 explore 即日起至11月30日 Till 30th Nov
极致娇宠 金秋时节,澳门悦榕庄推出“极致娇宠”Spa护理疗程,是时候释放一 下工作压力,以全新姿态进入冬日备战状态。这次的新疗程带来前所 未有的奢华体验,细致呵护宾客的肌肤,十分适合秋冬干燥天气,以 人参为主角。全身Spa护理包括30分钟人参大麦磨砂护理,60分钟任 选身体按摩及30分钟红米人参体膜,听起来都觉得滋润!优惠期每位 只需澳门币1,988元(原价澳门币2,300元),记得提早预定。
Banyan Tree Spa’s “Splendid Indulgence”
This fall, pamper yourself like never before with the “Splendid Indulgence” spa package, available only at the award-winning Banyan Tree Macau. This ultimate head-to-toe experience includes a 30-minute Ginseng Barley Body Scrub, a 60-minute body massage of your choice, and a 30-minute Red Rice Ginseng Body Wrap for the exclusive price of just MOP 1,988 (regular price MOP 2,300). 电话 Tel::+853 8883 6633 spa-macau@banyantree.com
金秋的身心享受 即日起至11月5日 Till 5th Nov
水上健身 天浪淘园绝对是澳门享受城市绿洲 首选之地,既有便捷的城市设备包 围着你,又有大自然亲密接触的私 密度假感。“澳门银河™”综合度 假城在天气转凉前适时推出“水上 健身”(Aqua Zumba)体验活动,以 首创性的泳池派对形式,让宾客全 面锻炼身体的同时。“水上健身” 融合时下最流行的运动元素,结合 水流阻力与四溅的水花,更特别邀 请著名香港教练Alice Freeman进 行专业指导,即日起逢周三在酒店 内之恒温泳池开放予酒店住客与“ 银河优越会”会员参与,费用每位 澳门币298元,包括一杯有机饮料 及一份健康小食,参加宾客更可到 空中冲浪池畅泳。
Wet and Wild
Galaxy Macau has introduced “Aqua Zumba”, Macau’s first group workout concept where participants work up a sweat but still keep cool in the pool. Hosted by Hong Kong-based instructor Alice Freeman, Aqua Zumba takes uber-popular Zumba routines and adds the element of water for extra resistance and a splashing good time. Classes happen every Wednesday till 5 November at Galaxy Hotel™’s heated pool, and they’re recommended to the hotel guests and Galaxy Pavilion Club members for just MOP 298, a price that also includes one organic drink, healthy snack and free access to the resort’s Skytop Wave Pool. Galaxy Privilege Club members and hotel guests receive a complimentary organic juice with each workout. 电话 Tel::+853 8883 3758
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
Perfect Autumn
狮子座 Leo 有被人骗钱的危机,所以不要因为朋友义气而帮人保管财 物和借钱.另外在感情方面有可能有新发展,多留意工作 中常有交流的人。 Be careful of the liars around; don’t store anything valuable for anyone or lend money. There might be romantic workplace relationship on the horizon.
十一月星座运程 November Horoscope William Leung
处女座 Virgo 异性缘不错,多出席一些公开的活动,可以成为大众的焦 点.工作方面会有停滞的时期,下个月会好起来,现在要 放轻松。 You will attract more attention from the opposite sex. Don’t worry about any delay in your work, the next month will be better.
天平座 Libra 经济上会因为有突然的收入或收回之前外借的钱而有所好 转.工作当中也会有新气象,人事问题会得到解决。 This month should be financially comfortable due to an unexpected source of income. Wait for positive change in your workplace, personnel affairs will be solved.
天蝎座 Scorpio
白羊座 Aries 工作上有不错的表现,然而不能单靠自己,注意和团队其他 人的合作.消闲娱乐的话,真的可以去娱乐场看一下运气。 Expect better prospects at work, but be sure to take your team with you. You will have a lot of luck in your nightlife, go for it!
金牛座 Taurus 注意在感情上会有第三者的介入.另外在因为投资或朋友 借钱,令自己的财务出现问题,所以事前要量力而为。 An exciting new love affair may be possible in your life. Keep a tight budget to avoid any financial trouble; you may be tempted into a bad investment or to loan to an untrustworthy friend.
双子座 Gemini 单身的朋友有机会结识不错的异性朋友,是可以深入了解 的对象.在工作方面开始找回状态,所以要把落后的进度 赶上。 Single Geminis may meet the One for a serious relationship. Temporary workplace troubles will be back to normal or even better soon, be sure to power through them.
巨蟹座 Cancer 工作的新机会出现,要准备好全情投入.在努力准备新工 作之后,其实生活也有不少烦恼的事,要先清除才可以令 效率变得更高。 Be open to new opportunities at work, but the problems in your life should be solved first for a better work performance.
专心在学习上面,要有好的工作机会,先要有好的知识, 边学边做绝对不是明智之举.也可以多去派对轻松一下。 Focus on learning before finding good work opportunity; don’t expect to get the two things done at the same time. But don’t forget to relax and have fun on occasion!
射手座 Sagittarius 和上司的关系会由亲密变成疏离,因为我们没有太前在工作 当中的冲劲,可以多做按摩,看表演等活动给自己充充电。 Keep your distance from your boss; you are not as dynamic as you used to be. Massage or some entertainment activities may be a welldeserved recharge for your system.
山羊座 Capricorn 家庭方面要多加时间去照顾.工作有很好的机会,不过要付 出相对的代价.也有去旅游的机会,要多留意相关的资讯。 Your family deserves more attention. There are opportunities at work, but they will not be easy to take advantage of. Pay attention to tourism information because you may be able to go traveling.
水瓶座 Aquarius 注意交通安全,汽车要记得定期去检查.伴侣方面会因为 不少兼顾工作和感情而出现冲突,可能在工作当中要作出 让步和减轻负担。 Drive safe! Check your vehicles regularly. If there are conflicts with your partner over work or emotional issues, taking a step back will help both parties.
双鱼座 Pisces 对于工作机会的落空是有点失望,不过金钱方面,来自朋友 的介绍,会有一笔不错的收入,感情方面也有新的发展。 A vain effort of work might make you disappointed. But a nice income is there for you thanks to a friend. Love is also developing pleasantly. www.cguidemacau.com | November 2014
水疗 spas 英皇水疗中心 ROYAL THAI SPA 澳门商业大马路288号英皇酒店20楼 20/F,Grand Emperor Hotel,No. 288,Avenida Comercial De Macau (+853)8986 7525
皇后美容中心 QUEEN BEAUTY 新濠锋“澄”水疗 ALTIRA SPA 氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8886
菩提水疗 BODHI SPA 澳门康莱德酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Conrad Macau, Level 3,Cotai (+853) 8113 6188
澳门美副将大马路14号 No. 14,Avenida do Coronel Mesquita (+853)2851 9922
ORCHID VALLEY SPA 氹仔成都街371号濠景花园23座紫 荆苑地下 Nova Taipa Garden (Edif. Hou Keng Garden), Blk. 23, RC‐A, Taipa (+853) 2883 3356
Tranquil SPA 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路45号雍景湾 地下A铺 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, No.45, KINGS VILLE RC,Shop A,Taipa (+853) 2883 1288
澳门文华东方酒店3楼 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental,Level 3,Nape,Macau (+853)8805 8588
澳门悦榕 SPA BANYAN TREE SPA 路氹填海区莲花海滨大马路东面记望 德圣母湾大马路南面 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy Macau,Cotai (+853)8883 6633
怡·水疗中心 ISALA SPA 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地君 悦酒店 Estrada do Istmo, city of Dreams, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Cotai (+853) 8868 1193
澳门四季酒店水疗中心 FOUR SEASONS SPA 澳门望德圣母湾大马路澳门四季酒 店水疗中心 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI (+853) 8112 8080
永利理疗康体中心 THE SPA AT WYNN 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利酒店 大楼一楼 1/F,Wynn Tower,Wynn Macau Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE,Macau (+853)8986 3228
SO SPA 澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 8861 0016
SIX SENSES SPA AT MGM 澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen ,1101,Macau (+853)8820 3333
万利理疗康体中心 THE SPA AT ENCORE 万利酒店大楼一楼,澳门外港填海 区仙德丽街 1/F,Encore at Wynn Macau,Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau (+853)8986 3228
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“漾日”水疗中心 The Spa at Crown 金丽华酒店水疗中心 GRAND LAPA 澳门友谊大马路956-1110号金丽 华酒店 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, Macau (+853) 8793 4824
澳门新葡京水疗中心 LISBOA SPA By CLARINS 澳门葡京路新葡京5楼 5/F Grand Lisboa,Avenida de Lisboa,Macau (+853) 8803 7703
LA BELLE 马德里街105号环宇豪庭地下AM Rua de Madrid No. 105, Wan Yu Villa Shop AM, Macau (+853) 2875 2842
氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams,Crown, Cotai (+853) 8868 6883
泰福马泷水疗 TAIVEXMALO SPA 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心5楼 Estrada da Ba.a de Nossa Senhora da Esperan.a, Venetian Complex, Grand Canal Shoppes, Level 5,Cotai (+853) 8862 2688
NIRVANA SPA 氹仔海洋广场第一期3楼328铺 Shop 328,3/F, 522-526,Av. Dos Jardins do Oceano,Taipa (+853) 2833 1521
腾水疗中心 ROCK SPA 澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams,Cotai (+853 ) 8868 3318
喜来登炫逸水疗中心 SHINE SPA for SHERATON 澳门氹仔岛路氹金光大道 Estrada do Istmo, Sands CotaiCentral, Sheraton, Cotai (+853) 2880 2000
澳门必备 essentials
气候 CLIMATE 澳门全年气候温和,平均气温约为20°C,夏天温度普遍为30°C以 上。 The climate is a fairly warm tropical climate. Annual average temperature is about 20°C (68°F), with temperature rising higher (over 30°C/86°F) in summer.
出入境口岸 BORDER CHECKPOINTS 澳门现时有6个旅客常用出入境口岸,包括关闸、港澳码头、粤通 码头、氹仔码头、莲花口岸、澳门国际机场,开放时间如下: Macau has 6 border checkpoints, namely Border Gate, Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal (Exterior Harbour), Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal, Taipa Ferry Terminal, Cotai Checkpoint, Macau International Airport. The office hours are: 关闸 Border Gate: 7:00-00:00 港澳码头: Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 粤通码头: Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal: 8:00-16:30 氹仔码头: Taipa Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 莲花口岸: Cotai Checkpoint: 9:00-20:00 澳门国际机场: 24 Macau International Airport: 小时 24 Hours
逗留及过境 STAY AND TRANSIT 大多数旅客(欧洲、澳大利亚/新西兰、美国、加拿大、南非)无 需签证逗留30天至90天,其他人一般可逗留30天。持中国往来港 澳通行证并获得签注旅客到澳门旅游最长可逗留7天;持中国护照 过境澳门前往第三国的旅客可逗留5天。 Most travellers (EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa passports holders) can enter and stay in Macau visa-free for 30-90 days with their valid passports. Others can get a 30-day visa on arrival. Mainland residents in possession of a valid EEP bearing a valid exit endorsement can stay for a maximum of 7 days in Macau. The “authorisation to stay” for the first entry of PRC passport holders who transit Macau to other countries will be 5 days.
WiFi任我行 WiFi GO “WiFi任我行” 为澳门市民及旅客提供免费无线宽频互联网接入 服务,贴有该标志的区域都覆盖无线网络。你可以在每天8:00至次 日凌晨1:00连接使用,每次连接限时45分钟,断开后可再次连接。 网络名称为“wifigo”(非加密)和“wifigo-s”(加密),加密网络的 登录名称和密码同为“wifigo”。 Macau SAR Government provides free wireless Internet access – “WiFi GO”. Available daily from 8:00 to 1:00 the following day, users can use a non-encrypted connection (network name “wifigo”) or encrypted connection mode (network name “wifigo-s”, user name and password are wifigo). Each session has 45 minutes’ connection.
澳门半岛Macau Peninsula: MOP 3.20 澳门至氹仔Macau-Taipa: MOP 4.20 澳门至路环Macau-Coloane: MOP 5.00 澳门至黑沙 Macau-Hac Sa: MOP 6.00 澳门至机场 Macau-Airport: MOP 4.20 澳门至氹仔可乘坐Macau-Taipa Bus: 11, 22, 25X, 28A, 30, 33, 34, MT4 到机场可乘坐 To Airport: AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26,36 往返澳门、氹仔和路环Macau-Taipa-Coloane:21A,,25,,26,,26A, ,50,,MT3,和N3
仁伯爵综合医院 S. Januário Hospital 仁伯爵山山顶Estrada do Visconde de Sao Januario, Macau +853 2831 3731 镜湖医院 Kiang Wu Hospital 澳门莲胜街Estrada Coelho do Amaral,Macau +853 2837 1333 科大医院 University Hospital 澳门氹仔伟龙马路澳门科技大学 H 座 Block H, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau +853 2882 1838 24小时药房 24Hour Pharmacy 新口岸药房Farmácia San Hau On 澳门上海街84号广发商业中心地下B铺 Rua de Xangai, No. 84, Centro Comercial Kuong Fat +853 2870 1697
有用电话 Useful Phone Numbers
AVIS 澳门金丽华酒店,停车场 Grand Lapa Hotel Car park, 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau +853 2833 6789
紧急求助电话 Emergency Number: 999 旅游热线 Tourism Assistance Hotline: 2833 3000 电话查询 Directory Enquiries: 181
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MACAU centre 澳门市中心 酒店 HOtel
邮局 Post OffiCE
购物 Shopping
餐厅 restaurant
巴士站 bus station
酒吧、俱乐部 Bar, Clubs, Pubs 找换店 Money exchange 博物馆 Museum
十一月 2014 | www.cguidemacau.com
出租车站 taxi pick-up 世遗之旅 Heritage route 观光 sightseeing
G H I J K L MACAU strip 澳门新填海区
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Cotai Strip 路氹金光大道
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TAIPA village 氹仔旧城区
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