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22 Chatty Kathy Television and comedy star Kathy Griffin earns an A+ On the cover: Photo courtesy of Bravo

features 12 The Aftermath Now that Washington’s gone legal, what can patients (and non-patients) expect? 14 Southern Hospitality Author James Higdon’s Cornbread Mafia delves into the backstory of Kentucky Bluegrass. 16 Droppin‘ Science Wu-Tang’s GZA name-drops Stephen Hawking as someone who matters.

departments 6 Letter from the Editor I can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store. 8 News Nuggets Cannabis makes headlines here, there, everywhere—and we give you the scoop—PLUS our latest By the Numbers 18 Destination Unknown Exotic locales and colorful (literally) adventures can be had in Northwest India. 20 Profiles in Courage Our latest feature provides insight into the life—and struggle—of a medical marijuana patient near you. 26 Strain & Edible Reviews Our ever-popular sampling of amazing strains and edibles currently provided by your friendly neighborhood dispensary. 40 Cool Stuff From the Carbon Black Wheelchair to CoolJarz Flipz storage containers, if it’s a cutting-edge product or cool lifestyle gear, we’re all over it. 42 Recipes Get our your best china, it’s time to serve something extra special for the holidays. 46 Entertainment Reviews The latest films, books, music and more that define our culture. 48 Event Listings Our wrap-up of some of Washington’s best end-of-theworld shakedowns.

E 30 PAG


50 News of the Weird Yeah, these news tidbits are weird as hell—and absolutely true.

V I S I T U S AT i R e a d C u l t u r e . c o m


letter from the editor

Vol 4 IssUE 6


Jeremy Zachary


Roberto C. Hernandez Editor-In-Chief


Roberto C. Hernandez

Managing Editor Lynn Lieu

Editorial Contributors

Dennis Argenzia, Omar Aziz, Stephanie Bishop, Jake Browne, David Burton, Michael Carlos, Grace Cayosa, Jasen T. Davis, Stacy Davies, Philip Dawdy, Alex Distefano, David Downs, James P. Gray, Lillian Isley, David Jenison, Liquid Todd, Kevin Longrie, Dan Macintosh, Meital Manzuri, Jane Mast, Sandra Moriarty, Damian Nassiri, Paul Rogers, Jeff Schwartz, Lanny Swerdlow, Arrissia Owen


Steve Baker, Kristopher Christensen, John Gilhooley, Amanda Holguin, Audrey King, Khai Le, David Elliot Lewis, Mark Malijan, Patrick Roddie, Michael Seto, Kim Sidwell


Yensil Chung, Joe Martone, Derek Obregon, Jamie Solis

Art Director

Steven Myrdahl

The Future’s So Bright I had the pleasure of attending the National Marijuana Business Conference last month. I came away very inspired and very optimistic. Inspired because I had the opportunity— no, the privilege—to speak to some of the medical cannabis industry’s luminaries. You might call them movers and shakers, but I simply call them part of the family. I was inspired because I had a chance to (literally) shake the hands and see the faces of our community’s most talented professionals. I chatted with doctors whose knowledge of medical cannabis and its vast implications for health was truly impressive. I spoke with edibles manufacturers who were already prepared to meet tough FDA standards and advocating for best-business practices. I talked to chemists and scientists about the new frontiers in cannabidiol (CBD) research. I listened to consultants eager to share their views on the future of Massachusetts—our newest MMJ state—and Colorado and Washington, where voters approved state-level legalization. I heard from lawyers talking about Arizona and what people were doing there to ready


this state’s baby steps into full-fledged compassionate mode. I grew optimistic as I realized that I was facing a bright future for our community and our needs and issues. For many of us, this past election was exciting in some respects, frustrating in others. Had Mitt Romney captured the White House, we would have had four years of a President who swore he would fight medical cannabis “tooth and nail.” At least Obama paid it lip service to the idea of letting MMJ states handle their own business. The lesser of two evils, I guess. With our compassionate family growing and with the good people of Washington and Colorado shifting the prohibition paradigm, we’re changing hearts and minds, folks. Just as they did in the now-18 states that allow the medicinal use of cannabis, the voters of this country made change happen. Massachusetts, glad to have you on board! Colorado and Washington, thanks for advancing marijuana rights. Prohibition, you’re on your way out. I can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store. c

Graphic Designers

Vidal Diaz, Tommy LaFleur

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Shane Harms, Nick Villejo

Office Manager Iris Norsworthy

Office Assistant Chelsea Hults

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THE STATE More than 200 possession cases dismissed by Pierce, King counties prosecutors

Prosecutors in Pierce and King counties said they are dismissing more than 220 misdemeanor cases involving cannabis as a response to the passage of Initiative 502, according to The Seattle Times. Starting Dec. 6, possession of one ounce or less of marijuana is legal for adults 21 years or older. “Although the effective date of I-502 is not until December 6, there is no point in continuing to seek criminal penalties for conduct that will be legal next month,” King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg said in a written statement. In King County, 175 cases were being dismissed. Pierce County Prosecutor told the Times that his office was dismissing nearly 50 cases.

Spokane County officials will not prosecute new cannabis possession cases

With provisions of Initiative 502 about to kick in, law enforcement officials in Spokane County say they will forego prosecuting adults 21 years or older for possession of less than one ounce of cannabis, The SpokesmanReview reports. The portion of 8 CULTURE • DECEMBER 2012

Initiative 502 that which makes possession of one ounce (or six plants) legal for those 21+ kicks in Dec. 6. State-regulated sales will not be allowed until January 2014. “We are not going to prosecute any new cases,” Jack Driscoll, chief criminal deputy prosecutor for Spokane County, told the newspaper. “After Dec. 6, it is legal to possess an ounce” if you are 21 or older, he added. There is currently only one possession case (but nine others that involve felonies) that would be affected by this latest development. I-502 is already facing a legal challenge. An Olympia resident, Arthur West, who is a member of No on I-502, filed a lawsuit Nov. 14 asking the court to declare the Initiative unconstitutional.

Spokane newspaper tells Congress to “join the 21st century”

The Spokesman-Review last month urged Congress to legalize cannabis, in the wake of legalization measures passed in this state and Colorado. Massachusetts recently became the 18th state to pass a medical cannabis law. “Congress is stuck in the 1970s, treating marijuana like demon weed,” the editorial read. “We don’t care whether representatives embrace the states’ rights argument or the

scientific research that shows marijuana isn’t that dangerous. We just want them to join the 21st century.”


Some observers have speculated whether Amendment 64 could usher in cannabis tourism. Immediately after Election Day, the headline in the Aspen Times asked, “Aspendam?”

Massachusetts becomes the 18th state to go compassionate

Welcome, Massachusetts! The Bay State last month became the 18th state in the country to pass a medical marijuana law. Massachusetts’ law passed with 63 percent of the electorate in favor of Question 3, and 37 percent against it, according to The Boston Globe. The new law will allow up to Colorado voters usher in 35 dispensaries across the state. state-level legalization With the passage of Amendment Starting next year, patients with serious medical conditions and an 64, possession of cannabis approval from a physician will be for non-medical purposes in Colorado is legal, officially starting authorized to purchase medicinal cannabis from state-sanctioned Dec. 6. The new law will allow adults 21 years or older to possess centers. Patients with HIV, up to an ounce—or six plants. The sale and taxation of cannabis will be regulated by the state, and starting Jan. 1, 2014, four different types of licenses will be made available to applicants: wholesale cultivation, retail sale, edibles manufacturing and testing facilities. Amendment 64 will give local governments the option of banning such cannabis-related businesses. A similar legalization measure also passed here in Washington.



multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C or other conditions can obtain a card from the state permitting them to purchase the plant and will be allowed to possess a 60-day supply. They also may appoint a caregiver to obtain cannabis on their behalf.

THE WORLD Mexico lawmaker proposes legalized cannabis

Mexico, long seen by wrongheaded drug warriors as the root of all evil when it comes to narcotics trafficking, might have a few more progressive minds than its neighbor to the north. A leftist lawmaker recently introduced a bill that would legalize the production, sale and use of marijuana, according to Reuters. While it’s unlikely that the bill would pass—polls show that two-thirds of Mexicans would oppose the move—it is significant

to note the rising number of Latin American political leaders who have proposed legalizing cannabis and adopting a common-sense approach to drug policy. “The prohibitionist paradigm is a complete failure,” said Mexican lawmaker Fernando Belaunzaran, the author of the proposed legalization bill.

by the numbers


The approximate population of Israel: 8 million (Source: The Associated Press)

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Estimate of the number of cannabis possession cases to be dropped by Kitsap County prosecutors, in light of I-502’s passage: 20 to 100 (Source: Kitsap Sun).

Percentage of voters who cast their ballots in favor of Massachusetts’ medical marijuana law: 63 (Source: Reuters)


Percentage of voters who cast their ballots against Massachusetts’ medical marijuana law: 37 (Source: Reuters)

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Percentage of voters in Franklin County who opposed I-502: 61 (Source: The Olympian).


The number of nanograms of THC per milliliter that constitute driving under the influence of drugs in Washington, as dictated by Initiative 502: 5 (Source: Detroit Free Press)

The amount of money (in millions) that a controversial excess electricityuse tax—aimed at large-scale indoor growers—in the Northern California town of Arcata could generate: 1.2 (Source: TimesStandard)

The number of such cases to be dismissed by prosecutors in King County: 40 (Source: The Seattle Times).

The number of possession cases Yakima County prosecutors are reviewing— though these cases will not be automatically dismissed: 119 (Source: The Olympian).

The number of nanograms of THC per milliliter that constitute driving under the influence of drugs in Ohio and Nevada: 2 (Source: Detroit Free Press)



The number of pending cases King County prosecutors decided not to file charges on altogether: 135 (Source: The Seattle Times).


The maximum number of days the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has to issue dispensary regulations, registration cards for patients, etc., starting Jan. 1, 2013: 120 (Source:

The approximate number of registered medical marijuana patients in Israel: 10,000 (Source: The Associated Press).

Land of the Sweets!: The Burlesque Nutcracker Looking for some innocent Christmas fun—keep looking because this is one show where it’s necessary to leave the kids at home. While we’re all familiar with The Nutcracker, this is much better than ballet—this is burlesque. While they can both make for great performances with beautiful costumes and professional choreographers, Land of the Sweets! takes the cake with lots of corsets, feathers, pasties, thongs, rhinestones and peep shows that bring the level of excitement way higher than the Sugar Plum Fairy could ever dream of. With this show you have a sexy peek of what happens when The Nutcracker characters take off their clothes, relax and have some cocktails. Men and women joke, sing, dance and perform dazzling acrobatics high in the air—turning the heat up just in time for Christmas. (Jamie Solis)


What: Land of the Sweets!: Burlesque Nutcracker. When/Where: Dec. 11-27 at The Triple Door, 216 Union St., Seattle. Info: Tickets $28 advance, $32 at door. Go to www.






Legal possession is about to kick in Dec. 6—as Seattle police get ready to get sensible {By Stephanie Bishop}

Will recreational users be allowed to purchase medical cannabis from my dispensary?

Legal possession and the DUID limits—motorists with 5 nanograms or more of cannabis in their system are considered too impaired to drive—go into effect Dec. 6. This does not mean cannabis for non-medical use will be immediately available for purchase. Recreational users will not be able to go into an established access point or collective garden and purchase cannabis on this date. The Washington State Liquor Board has until Dec. 1, 2013 to define the parameters of the program allowing for state-regulated retail establishments, large-scale grow operations and processing establishments for medibles and concentrates. At this time, business owners will be able to apply for one of three licenses, retail establishment, processor or producer. Once approved, these business owners will look for commercial business properties


to lease or purchase fitting the zoning restrictions defined by the Liquor Board. All this takes some time.

Can I really legally possess an ounce of cannabis?

Beginning Dec. 6, police officers in this state will no longer make arrests when they find an ounce or less in a person’s possession. The Seattle Police Department recently released an official statement with a FAQ section. The department reminds citizens that while its officers will no longer make arrests for the aforementioned possession, cannabis is still considered a Schedule I drug by the federal government and illegal to possess in any amount. Seattle Police advises against bringing cannabis to any federal courthouse or onto federal property. Seattle Police also say that between now and Dec. 6, officers will treat marijuana possession cases as the lowest priority, using citations for possessions similar to an infraction for consuming

alcohol in public. Cannabis confiscated before Dec. 6 will not be returned under any circumstances.

Can I grow cannabis as a recreational user and sell it to my friends, family and co-workers?

The new law does not allow growing cannabis for non-medical purposes. Recreational users will not be permitted to grow their own cannabis or sell any to friends unless they obtain a retail license which will not be available until after December 2013.

Does the passage of I-502 directly impact qualified medical cannabis patients?

Washington’s medical marijuana laws will not change with the passing of I-502. However, medical marijuana patients are expected to be directly impacted by the I-502’s DUID provisions as they tend to maintain a high level of active THC in their systems than most recreational users. In other words, if a sober patient ends up pulled

Washington went legal . . . now what? With does legalization mean for patients, non-patients and the cannabis industry? Here is a breakdown of some of the things you might expect:

over, that patient could still be considered too medicated to drive based simply on the elevated levels of cannabis in their systems.

Speaking of cannabis and motorists, the Seattle Police Department recently published its response to the question “What happens if I get pulled over and I’m sober, but an officer or his K-9 buddy smell the ounce of Super Skunk I’ve got in my trunk?

“Under state law,” according to the department, “officers have to develop probable cause to search a closed or locked container. Each case stands on its own, but the smell of pot alone will not be reason to search a vehicle. If officers have information that you’re trafficking, producing or delivering marijuana in violation of state law, they can get a warrant to search your vehicle.” c (click on “MARIWHATNOW?”)



A Legend is Corn Kentucky’s marijuana smuggling underworld ends up going bust in The Cornbread Mafia {By Terri Schlichenmeyer} County farmers were given seeds and asked to help, although they soon noticed that industrial hemp made them feel “a little funny.” Thirty-five years after hemp arrived legally in Marion County, one Johnny Boone made a decision. He’d learned farming and botany from his tobacco-growing grandfather, but tobacco farming wasn’t lucrative. Marijuana was. Boone set out to breed the best sinsemilla Kentucky ever grew. By 1980, West Coast pot smokers knew that Kentucky Bluegrass was good stuff. Officials knew it, too, and they began using helicopters to find illegal crops. Undaunted, Johnny Boone moved his operation to Belize, and shipped his marijuana to pipelines in Kentucky. He was

Say What?

Nobody likes a snitch. Nobody wants to hear the words “I’m telling!” because it ruins a good time. It halts the fun. It quashes camaraderie. Okay, yeah, you squealed on your siblings a time or two, but that’s different. Among friends, nobody likes a tattle-tale. But what if the lack of informing meant serious punishment—like jail? In the book The Cornbread Mafia by James Higdon, you’ll read about an unbelievable code of silence and one gigantic stash. Marion County, Kentucky, had long been a live-and-let-live kind of place. When prohibition came to the county in 1920, it forced moonshiners to go “underground” with their product, especially since its proximity to “thirsty northern cities” gave its citizens a way to feed their families. Moonshine was illegal, but sheriffs and residents generally looked the other way. Until the beginning of World War II, tobacco was Marion County’s biggest crop but that changed when the U.S. government needed hemp for the war effort.

“Regulating marijuana is simply the right thing to do. —Melissa Etheridge

caught and sent to prison, got out in 1984, and returned to find that cocaine had taken over as the drug of choice. Marion County wasn’t the same, but Boone wasn’t worried. He quickly found a new place to grow pot. On October 23, 1987, five armed policemen sprang from a truck at the Minnesota farm where Boone had set up business. When the bust was over, 62 dump trucks full of marijuana—over 42,000 pounds—had been confiscated. Of the 70 people ultimately arrested, not one would testify against the others . . . Though I really wanted to like it, I struggled a lot with The Cornbread Mafia. Author James Higdon included too many esoteric details, more county history than I cared to have, and way too many names to follow in the earliest part of his book. For several chapters, I had to make myself continue reading. It wasn’t fun.

Defense! Defense!

Apparently, author James Higdon’s had to get close to “Cornbread Mafia” ringleader Johnny Boone in order to get the scoop . . . so close that the writer ended up attracting the attention of federal marshals who were looking for Boone. Higdon was the first journalist to be subpoenaed under the Obama administration, and the writer eventually set up a Higdon Defense Fund to pay for his legal expenses incurred by Higdon, who declined to answer some questions about Boone, citing First Amendment privilege.


By Part 2, though, things were more interesting, perhaps because the content was more current. Higdon keeps the namecount low in the second half, and he brings readers up-to-date on events after the big bust—including his own near-miss with the law. Overall, this isn’t a book for everybody. I think, in fact, that its best audience lives in Kentucky or, perhaps, smokes marijuana. If you fit in those categories, then, go ahead and read. For you, The Cornbread Mafia may be a book you’ll tell everybody about. c The Cornbread Mafia: A Homegrown Syndicate’s Code of Silence and the Biggest Marijuana Bust in American History by James Higdon, Lyons Press, 375 pages. List price $24.95.



Ties That Bind



Photo by Kai Reagan/ALLDAYEVERYDAY

Solo tours aside, GZA says the bond between him and the rest of Wu-Tang’s members is unbreakable. He brushes off the subject of infighting. “We’re family,” he says. “There’s no separation. Of course every group is going to have problems. And there’s been stuff in the air. There’s been stuff online. It happens, man. Sometimes you just gotta go through it and deal with it.”

Wu-Tang lyrical swordsman GZA prepares a “galactic adventure” {By Liquid Todd} With a spacy new album set to drop early next year, Wu-Tang Clan founding member GZA is looking towards the future, but on his current tour The Genius is performing songs that came out when most of the people in the club were still learning to crawl. “I’ve been doing the Liquid Swords, mostly,” he explains. “Promoters are hiring me to do that album. The interesting thing about it is the album is 17 years old, and a lot of the times most of the audience is 17 years old. And knowing every word.” When it was released in late 1995, GZA’s second solo album shot


up the Billboard Hot 100 chart— peaking at No. 9—and was certified gold a few months later. Universal recently reissued a two-CD box set version of Liquid Swords, complete with a mini chess set and an instrumental version of the album. “One of the good things about performing the Liquid Swords album I have every single (Wu-Tang) Clan member on that album, but when I perform it they’re not really missed even if they’re not there because off that album I have nine solos.” As his fans are well aware, besides the occasional WuTang member GZA shuns guest appearances on his solo albums, and his forthcoming release, Dark Matter, is no exception. “I’m used to that,” he says. “Knocking out albums. I come from that era. Nowadays artists have so many guest features that it doesn’t really even seem like it’s their album.” According to GZA, Dark Matter isn’t designed to be performed in clubs—but is instead more of a “listening album.” “It’s a cosmic journey through the universe,” he says. “A galactic adventure. A real interesting story.” But GZA explains that his new album is inspired more by Stephen Hawking than Luke Skywalker.

“I’m not really into science fiction, but I’m into science. I’ve always been fascinated with science. Since I was young,” he says. “On this album I’m not studying it. I’m not coming at you like I’m an astrophysicist. It’s just like me telling cold world stories. It’s just very descriptive.” As you’d expect from an artist often called the “spiritual head” of the Wu-Tang Clan, GZA has an enlightened view on medical marijuana. “Keep hope alive. That’s what’s up. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with marijuana. Even if you smoke too much all it does is make you lazy and laid-back. From what I hear it helps people—as far as medical purposes,” he says. Although he’s currently on sabbatical from the herb (“Every now and then I take breaks.”) he is clearly a man who enjoys the medicine. And when the subject of edibles comes up GZA gets animated. “Man they got brownies and lemonades and teas and velvet cakes! All kinds of stuff,” he says. “And when it kicks in . . . it kicks in. You won’t know it until you’re putting the remote control in the refrigerator. It may not even be anything that extreme. You may just be using the remote from the TV to turn on the radio.” c


destination unknown

Story and photos by Dennis Argenzia and grace Cayosa

Color and Chaos Rejoice in the pigment-themed cities of Rajasthan and its exotic stimulants Director: I need an exotic location—think forts, temples, palaces with hidden women, the occasional painted elephant, etc.— that’s popular in visually stimulating films with mixed reviews. Location Scout: Yep, got it: Northwest India. When India isn’t stripping down to Eastern European glory in Goa, ripping hamstrings in yoga-saturated Mysore or shaking its thing in Bollywood, it’s starring in foreign films. Outside of the mega-soundstage called Mumbai, the most popular locations are in the northwestern state of Rajasthan, where wistfully romantic filmmakers can choose a colorful and chaotic backdrop from one of the state’s pigment-themed cities: the Pink City (Jaipur), the Blue City (Jodhpur) and the White City (Udaipur). Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan and the largest city in the entire state. Nicknamed the “Pink City” for its salmoncolored walls, Jaipur is famous for its textile and gem bazaars. More intriguing to location scouts are Jaipur’s various architectural sights: two palaces (Jal Mahal, anchored in the middle of Man Sagar lake, and City Palace, near city center); one palace attachment (the Hawa Mahal, a five-story screened structure where the lovely-butsequestered royal ladies could view “regular” city life without catcalls); three fortresses (of which the Amber/Amer fort, with its painted pachyderm transports, is hands-down the most impressive); temples (including a cheeky Monkey Temple); and the Jantar Mantar observatory (a UNESCO World Heritage site). The entire city has been featured in films, most recently in John Madden’s The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel where a group of mature British folks attempt to make


the best out of a situation clearly born from the “health and medical tourism” movement. Much less recently, but more breathtaking, were the scenes in Tarsem Singh’s The Fall, especially one where a distraught wife takes a perfect 10 leap off one of the Jantar Mantar’s giant sundial observation decks. Also featured in The Fall was the second, decidedly more recognizable city of Jodhpur, or the “Blue City,” a name derived from the bright blue paint on many of its structures. In addition to a bustling handicrafts market and restaurants selling the local dessert makhaniya lassi (a delectably creamy lemon lassi that requires a spoon and self-control), Jodhpur is home to the magnificent Mehrangarh Fort, the largest fortress in the state and the most deserving of the word “awesome” without the Valley Girl accent. So impressive is Mehrangarh that it was featured in Christopher Nolan’s Batman: The Dark Knight Rises as a warning:

if you dare to piss off a man who wears a metal tarantula on his face, you will end up HERE. This massive hilltop fort literally towers over the city. It houses several [party] halls—the Moti (Pearl), Sheesha (Mirror) and Phool (Flower) Mahals—plus a hide-your-women zone (the Zenana Deodi, guarded by trusty eunuchs), a museum and opium paraphernalia displays with staff members smoking, yes, real opium. Here would be a good place to mention that, in addition to opium, green is also available all over Rajasthan. Technically, the leaves of the marijuana plant are legal in the state of Rajasthan; there are even licensed shops that sell bhang lassi, the medicated form of India’s yogurtbased drink. Discretion is still advised, as the potent flowers are illegal. Also, just like in the rest of India, locals don’t usually smoke marijuana straight: it is normally mixed with tobacco. Lastly, hookah (water pipe) shops are aplenty in this region, but travelers debate the merits of mixing marijuana with shisha. We end our cinema color tour in Udaipur, the “White City” or more aptly, the “City of Lakes.” As indicated in the name, Udaipur sits atop what can only be called giant puddles: outside of monsoon season, Udaipur’s three lakes—Lake Pichola, Fateh Sagar Lake and Swaroop Sagar Lake—are muddy beds. Once the rains hit, however, Udaipur is transformed into a waterside city, awash in twinkle lights, white paint and romance, giving it its third moniker, “Venice of the East.” It is in Udaipur that James Bond (Roger, not Sean) was held captive in the hilltop Monsoon Palace, and it is where, inside the heritage Lake Palace Hotel on Lake Pichola, Bond meets the woman for whom the film is named, and whose name can now be seen on every one of the city’s “special movie night” posters: Octopussy. c


profiles in courage Patient:

Stephanie Annis

AGE: 34

Condition/ Illness: Crohn’s Disease

Using medical cannabis since: 2008

Photo by Lance Farrell


Are you an MMJ patient from Washington with a compelling story to tell? If so, we want to hear from you. Email your name, contact information and details about your experiences with medical cannabis to

WHY DID YOU START USING MEDICAL cannabis? In November 2008, I returned home from a 45-day stay in the hospital, weighing only 98 pounds. With the first joint, I started to eat again; I had struggled to eat while in the hospital, without medicine to help. DID YOU TRY OTHER METHODS OR TREATMENTS BEFORE cannabis? Yes, I was fed through an IV at one point and at another point was prescribed Marinol [a synthetic marijuana compound]. The IV feeding caused me to gain too much weight and had side effects. The Marinol had the side effect of making me feel as if I had a pit in the bottom of my stomach, and I would actually overeat which created a different type of problem. Marinol was far too strong for me in its lowest dose. Neither of these medical options worked as well as medicalgrade cannabis. WHAT’S THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE OR PROBLEM FACING MEDICAL cannabis PATIENTS? Finding medicine which is safe and pure and finding a caregiver who knows how to truly produce quality medicine . . . Quality medicine which is free from these harmful substances can only be found in dispensaries which test medicine. WHAT DO YOU SAY TO FOLKS WHO ARE SKEPTICAL ABOUT cannabis AS MEDICINE? Until I [saw] it myself in my own life, I, too, was a skeptic . . . Seeing [cannabis] work in my life changed [my mother’s] lifelong held beliefs. c


Kathy Griffin has been taking her clothes off lately. A lot. On Late Night with David Letterman. On the cover of her new video. On New Year’s Eve in Times Square with Anderson Cooper— then she texted him naked photos of herself from his summer home while he was hosting the news on CNN. A “D-lister” no more, the 51-year-old comedian has a prodigious work ethic. She cranked out four cable specials last year, performs her stand-up show around 100 times a year, hosts her own daytime television talk show—called Kathy, of course—and now it looks like she’s got a club hit on her hands as the remixes of the Kathy theme song (which she sings herself, naturally) are moving up the Billboard dance chart. Fast. She’s performing around the country between now and February 2013, but she doesn’t need me to tell you about it because Griffin can promote herself just fine, thank you very much. She’s become a role model for aspiring comedians of the female persuasion by almost single-handedly convincing America that, yes, chicks can be funny too. And when you talk to her you get the feeling that after all she’s done, this redhead is just getting started. So who’s pissing you off right now? Well you know I never met a Kardashian that I don’t like as a comedian. I’m worried that we kind of demean ourselves by even mentioning them. Shouldn’t we be ignoring them? Maybe they’ll go away. I’m sorry but they’re multiplying! I’m looking at basically an old-fashioned metronome or some sort of sands of time to see how long it’s gonna be until Kim gets pregnant. But I’m assuming she’ll at least have one pregnancy by the time I’m at Pechanga and one on the way. I mean if Snooki can be wheeled out of the hospital with her little meatball then Kim can’t be far behind. Your current status with The View is difficult to nail down. So tell me: are you banned or unbanned at the moment? Banned . . . I would say I’ve been banned and unbanned about a half a dozen times. Now are you really banned or do you just like to say that to kick up a little controversy?


No, you can call them tomorrow and ask them if they’d like to have me as a guest. You really became a household name—in a stroke of delicious irony—when your Bravo comedy special The D-list became a huge hit. So I suppose you really can’t say claim to be a D-lister anymore, can you? No, I have a talk show. I have Emmys. I have Grammy nominations. You have a lot of Emmys. I have a dance hit! I was going to ask you about that next. This is where it gets fun. So—never to be bored—I thought, “What can I do between Season 1 and Season 2 of the Kathy show?” Because taking some time off would be unthinkable for you, right? Because I like to build a bridge and I don’t like to not work for even one second. So one: I sing the theme to my talk show—which is really corny. And two: I’ve got Emilio Estefan and the Cuban mafia behind it to do a dance mix. And then their daughter Emily did another dance mix. And I now have a dance mix hit called “I Say It.”


Didn’t you have four comedy specials on the TV this year? Last year I did four in one year which has never been done. Do you worry about maybe being a little greedy with the four comedy specials in one year? Can’t you leave some for the other comics? No, I think it’s because I’m a female comic. I have to jump higher and work harder. I still think it’s pretty damn impressive what you’ve done. You’ve changed a lot of minds about the viability of women in stand-up comedy. When you have a landscape that is so saturated with everything from social media to a million cable channels, you can get comedy or drama from so many different sources. I find what I do is the one thing you really can’t change [and that’s] who you are. My comedy comes from my own embarrassing life first, and then my own take on celebrities and I make it very personal. I don’t just talk about

Speaking of politics. Is it just me or the Republican Party just getting more and more regressive, retarded and plain ol‘ batshit crazy? We are pretty much rolling back the clock. I think that’s been happening . . . a little bit with Regan but definitely with Dubya, even more than his father. And now people are refighting the separation of church and state and they’re trying to rewrite the constitution and teach creationism and all this stuff which is completely antithetical to what I grew up with. My mom and dad worked hard to send me to a school where education was paramount. I tease the nuns because they tried to make me a Catholic but it didn’t stick, but certainly not for one minute . . . did those nuns try to teach me about creationism. They never tried to convince you that Darwinism is just a “theory,” and Jesus was riding dinosaurs 5,000 years ago when the Earth had just been created. No! I would have gotten in trouble

It’s just a little hypocritical that people can go and get as drunk as they want. —on those who criticize cannabis use

Well there’s a whole lot of people in jail right now—casualties of our expensive, never ending Drug War, I guess I’d call them. Roughly half of our ridiculously high per-capita prison population is there because of drugrelated offenses. So people getting arrested for smoking a plant or for just possessing a baggie of dried leaves seems to be a pretty big problem to me. I’m much more interested in

Flying the Multicolored Flag

Besides her notoriety in entertainment circles, Kathy Griffin is also a bona fide LGBT activist who often uses her television soapbox to stump for gay rights, such as same-sex marriage. Two years ago, she helped organize a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” rally in Washington, D.C., and has supported the nonprofit Aid for AIDS (AFA) annual fundraiser. She won a Vanguard Award during the GLAAD Media Awards in 2009. But considering Griffin’s candid, usually brazen style, it should be no surprise that the comedienne described her advocacy in this way, in an interview with the Washington, D.C.-based Metro Weekly: “I’m building bridges between hot guys, the LGBT community and women everywhere. And isn’t that what’s important?”

random celebrities. I talk about celebrities I have had a personal run-in with. I find that people really like having that mask ripped off. I think it’s great. And it’s proved to be very entertaining. Doing live standup is my favorite thing ever. I really love it. I’m on the road pretty much every weekend. There’s nothing like live entertainment. It is completely no-holds-barred. It is the last bastion of a censorship-free comedic environment. In the live shows I really can and do say things that I can’t even do in my specials. 24 CULTURE • DECEMBER 2012

for that because it’s factually incorrect! Let me ask you about medical marijuana. I don’t even know if it should be just medical. I guess there are issues about it—you don’t want to do it around kids, and I’m not sure I want to be driving behind someone who’s really high. It’s just a little hypocritical that people can go and get as drunk as they want . . . And it’s typical of the conservatives [who] would want to distract you with that conversation.

the lady umpire from the U.S. Open who allegedly killed her husband with a coffee cup. That’s a story I can wrap an act around. Do you partake of the medicine yourself? The last thing I need is something to help me loosen up. Good point. What would happen to you if you did smoke some herb? Spontaneous combustion? What goes on? That’s the thing . . . you know, I’ve never had a drink in my life.

I’ve heard this, yes. Everyone I know who drinks or smokes pot—they do it to loosen up in some way or relax or feel more confident or whatever . . . “Liquid courage,” I think they call it. I’m actually trying to get less courage. Liquid or solid. I’m a little too heavy on the courage side of the scale. What do you do to relax? How do you chill out? What do you do in your spare time—if you ever actually allow yourself some spare time? I actually work out a lot. I hang out with my friends a lot. Shoot the breeze. I love a dinner party. I love smart conversation. And then I love really ridiculous television beyond control. I mean I can watch TV 12 hours a day, no problem. What are your favorites right now? Everything from The Newsroom and Political Animals to Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, and everything in-between. I watch all the news cycles and then I’ll watch everything from 24/7 Mayweather [vs. Cotto] to every single one of the Housewives franchises to Bridezillas to Boardwalk Empire. How much time do you spend on the show? Is it a full-time job when it’s on? Well the whole thing is full-time. It’s either the Kathy show or it’s prepping for one of the specials or it’s going on the road or its doing something crazy like a dance mix of the theme song from Kathy. Do you spend time working on ideas that never happen? Not with me. I’m not really in movies so I’m not somebody who auditions for movies or TV shows. It’s my own show or nothing! So you’re not spending a lot of time pitching ideas to studios and stuff like that? No. They come to me! That’s what I’d call an “A-List” attitude, Ms. Griffin! [Laughs] Thanks, Todd! c


strain & edible reviews






A sativa strain’s cerebral, euphoric effects are often described as energetic or uplifting. Best for daytime use.

Indica strains are often characterized by strong aromas and flavors with heavy sedating effects. Recommended for evening use.

Atomic Dog So the folks at Ballard’s Sensable Patient Network have gone and hammered out another winning hybrid. Too bad they won’t tell us exactly what it is, aside from saying that it’s OG Kush crossed with another indica-dominant strain. The “Dog” in Atomic Dog sure makes us wonder . . . but never mind. These folks are masterful growers and all any of us should really ever care about is the medicinal effect, right? Atomic Dog delivers a very strong body numbing effect without zoning you out and is effective with muscle spasms. It also gives you a bit of fatigue and we can attest to its insomnia-attacking properties (not a bad thing at the right time of day). The A-Dog would also be a great choice for leveling off anxiety and nausea, as, wow, did we ever develop an appetite on this strain! Keep this one away from your now-valuable stash of Twinkies.

NYC Diesel Counter to what you might assume, this 60/40 sativa-dominant hybrid is not Sour Diesel crossed with a little something-something. NYC Diesel is thought to be a cross of Mexican Sativa and Afghani with a hint of Hawaiian tossed in. This strain—available at Seattle’s Best Alternative Care in Magnolia—sure bears out its New World heritage with loads of red hairs mixed with medium green buds. It isn’t nearly as fuel-stinky as Sour Diesel. Instead, its odor is grapefruity. Effect? Well, this is pretty much the Mr. October of sativa dominants and offers a perfectly lucid head high while its indica side delivers a solid yet light body stone. That means NYC Diesel is an excellent choice for daytime use, particularly to address anxiety issues or overall pain. You’ll also develop an appetite on this one, although it’s not the annoying eat-your-own-arm-off variety of omnivorism.


White Dawg Whoever it was who stepped out of the hippie mists of time to bring Chemdog unto the masses sure delivered humanity one of the strongest strains of which we know. But this cross of indica-dominants Chemdog (the ’91 cut no less) and White Fire OG (the mysterious The White crossed with OG Kush) takes “strong” to a new level. Have A Heart Compassion Center in North Seattle reports that its White Dawg tests at 28 percent THC, and we have no reason to doubt the center since this is one of the strongest strains we’ve ever sampled in many decades of sampling. Surprisingly, White Dawg has a strong floral scent and isn’t harsh in flavor. It is, however, über strong in effect, which for experienced patients should last a good couple hours of pain-relieving and anxiety-nuking. It’s not a daytime med except for third-shift workers and should be reserved for evening use. White Dawg is truly an excellent med, and is one we’d like to see in concentrate form as well.

Fweedom Collective’s Harlequin & Jack Herer Medicinal Cannabis Tinctures The words “strain” and “specific” don’t often beckon with excitement—except when it’s describing something from Fweedom Collective because when these folks dial-in on specific strains it is because they are very good medical effects to be had. Case in point is this North Seattle collective’s Harlequin tincture, built around the high-CBD qualities of the award-winning strain its name fore. Seriously, the CBD in this 75/25 sativa-dominant strain can go over 20 percent in concentrate forms and Fweedom’s glycerin extraction gives you .46 milligrams of CBD per dose along with .24 milligrams of THC. In our experience, this is the most calming, bliss-inducing—both mentally and physically—tincture we’ve ever encountered and we expect it’s perfect for treating mild anxiety, appetite and peripheral spasms. The other tincture offered by Fweedom is Jack Herer, and it clocks in at a healthy .45 milligrams of THC and .01 milligrams of CBD. Both offerings taste quite grassy, but it’s a flavor you should find your way around as the effects are worth it.

Super Sour D3 This hybrid from Green Solutions in Puyallup is one of the better daytime meds we’ve run into in ages. It’s Sour Diesel backcrossed twice with SD3 Super Sour, and has been third party tested by Northwest Botanical Analysis at 20.37 percent THC and .04 percent CBD. Super Sour D3, a 75/25 sativa-dominant, offers a clear, euphoric high that’s not distracting or activating but still manages to provide a good body stone. That makes this strain an ideal day-use painkiller and anti-anxiety. Patients also report that it can be useful for treating migraines and arthritis (our old-school, ink-stained wretch hands did feel good after smoking). In fact, Super Sour is so good that it might give you another reason to think of doing “The Puyallup.”




Eclipse Vape

It’s the original, it’s efficient and it’s one of the best plug-in-andplay items around. $98.99

Dab Essentials Domeless Titanium Nail

If smoothness, flavor and minimum heat transfer are important to you, put Dab Essentials’ nifty nail (comes with a built-in diffuser) on your “nice” list. $179.97

Vector Nitro Butane Torch

Holiday Gift Guide! Shade Glass DabSaber

Strong enough for a Jedi . . . but made for that special patient (and Star Wars fan) on your wish list. $50

CONCENTRATE UTENSILS For those who are serious about their meds . . .

Hot Hit Slide

A cunningly designed slide with three small holes instead of the usual central hole—innovative! $60 14.5mm and 18.8mm)


From the Scoop Dogg to the Flexy, Skilletools’ line of dental-grade stainless steel utensils are made to last all year. $12.99 each


When you need to crank it up to 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit, let this chromed out little number from Heady Glass heat things up. $64.99


CaliJars South Park Glass Jar

Doob Tubes

These hard plastic tubes are the perfect, water- and odor-proof way to carry pre-rolls, and they double as storage for those halfsmoked joints. $5.99 five-pack

Get your nugs out of that natty baggy and into this South Park-inspired line of jars—small enough to hold an eighth, large enough to hold an oz. $9.99

Holiday Gift Guide!

Containers & Jars For those who always have something in store . . .

Tightvac Vitavac Pocketvac

Vacuum-sealed food container-maker Tightvac offers these opaque, BPA-free airtight cases, which prevent your nugs from oxidizing. $6.50

Santa Cruz Shredder

With a new tooth design, this computer-designed anodized shredder is built to last and won’t slice or smash your precious herbs. $22 Mini 2-Piece, $79.99 Large 4-Piece 32 CULTURE • DECEMBER 2012

CVault Containers

CVault containers are airtight, made of stainless steel and perfect for curing and storage (with space for a humidity control pack from Boveda). $19.95 Small CVault, $205.95 Connoisseur Combo 4

CannaFresh Jimi jar

This company’s Collectors Edition Cheech & Chong Series includes this trippy, Jimi Hendrixinspired 22-oz. jar. $32


Sheldon Black SixShooter Bubbler (Black Tree)

Pulse Glass Double to Double Showerhead

This High Times Medical Cannabis Cup first-place winner for Best Glass, Pulse offers this 20-inch tall, 5mm-thick Double to Double stemless with percolator, ice pinch and slide. $550

Pure Glass Zero XM Swiss

For the chilliest, sickest hit out there, pre-chill the glycerinfilled coil, plop it on top and enjoy the Swiss percolating, water filtration. $669

Holiday Gift Guide!


For those who like to keep things transparent . . .

Snic Mobius Bubbler

Texas-based Snic Barnes ranks among the best heady glass pipe designers in the world thanks to his stunning, steampunkesque electroplating work. Prices vary

Salt and Snic Custom Heady Bubblers

Heady heavyweights team up on these hyper-ornate, smallish bubblers featuring Snic’s electroplating and Salt’s characteristic biomorphic creature styles. Prices vary

Toro Glass Diffusion Bubbler

Toro—a master in the scientific glass domain, with its clean lines and emphasis on functionality— shows off its heady side. MSRP $400 34 CULTURE • DECEMBER 2012

One of the biggest names in boutique scientific glass offers this super diffusion bubbler with a six-branch, black diffusion tree and ultra sleek and smooth hitting. $250


Atmos Nuke Dual Cartridge Vaporizer

A small, innocuous vape pen, the Atmos Nuke Dual Cartridge takes herbs, oils and waxes and can switch between double or single cartridge use. $123.49

Elite V3 Portable Vaporizer

Capable of delivering more than 400 hits between charges, VaporPenz’ elegant Elite V3 will vaporize everything your heart desires—flowers, concentrates, fluids—to help get you through the holidays. $79.95


In need of a perfect stocking stuffer? Try VaporCones’ Discreet—a buttonless vape pen with a ceramic skillet and mouthpiece—or its big brother, the Elite. Each one handles herbs, concentrates or e-liquids. $50 Discreet, $90 Elite

Cloud Vape

Holiday Gift Guide!

Vaporizers For those who like to clear the air . . .

Iolite Wispr Vaporizer

An industrial redesign of the standard pocket vape. Load the stylishly colorful box, wait a few seconds for Wispr to heat to 374 degrees and puff. Tres chic. $249

Storz & Bickel Volcano

A stone-cold classic, this medical-grade device uses precision-heated air to eliminate the vast majority of nastiness associated with smoking the plant. $539 36 CULTURE • DECEMBER 2012

You can refill this travel-friendly little number with your own medicine, and it’ll only take 10 seconds flat to start feeling the vapors. $69.99




cool stuff Carbon Black Wheelchair Patients with mobility issues, take note. The Carbon Black Wheelchair is positioned as the next revolution in personal transportation. It is easily adjustable, comes with built-in LED lights and—because its made of carbon fiber—its ridiculously lightweight and portable. This is how you should roll. (MSRP TBA)

Tarantino XX: 8-Film Collection Get your Flock of Seagulls haircut ready, cuz this must-have collection of Quentin Tarantino flicks will deserve a high place of honor in your DVD collection. Next to Street Fighter. ($119.99)

CoolJarz Flipz For storage that’s a literal snap, CoolJarz’s new Flipz’ offer flip-top convenience while at the same time providing peace of mind with a tamper- and child-proof design. And they’re recyclable! ($10 Sample Pak)



By Aunt Sandy

Winter is typically a time when families gather to share a special—and delicious—meal together. This holiday-themed menu is sure to get your loved ones rushing to the dinner table.

Legal Disclaimer

Publishers of this publication are not making any representations with respect to the safety or legality of the use of medical marijuana. The recipes listed here are for general entertainment purposes only, and are intended for use only where medical marijuana is not a violation of state law. Edibles can vary in potency while a consumers’ weight, metabolism and eating habits may affect effectiveness and safety. Ingredient management is important when cooking with cannabis for proper dosage. Please consume responsibly and check with your doctor before consumption to make sure that it is safe to do so.



Crown Roast of Pork Pan Gravy Cannabis Apple & Onion Stuffing Mashed Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower in Cheese Sauce Cannabis Infused Brandy

Sandy Moriarty is the author of Aunt’ Sandy’s Medical Marijuana Cookbook: Comfort Food for Body & Mind and a Professor of Culinary Arts at Oaksterdam University. She is also the co-founder of Oaksterdam’s Bakery.

Crown Roast of Pork 1 crown roast of pork (8 to 9 lbs.) Pan Gravy (see recipe on pg. 43) Cannabis Apple & Onion Stuffing (see recipe below) Remove meat from the refrigerator about 1 hour before cooking. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Wipe moisture from the roast. Protect the ends of the rib bones by covering with aluminum foil. Immediately after putting the roast in the oven reduce heat to 325 degrees, roasting 30 minutes per pound. Remove roast one hour before it’s done to stuff the center of the crown with Cannabis Apple and Onion stuffing. Return roast to the oven to complete cooking for the additional hour. Carve between each rib and serve with Pan Gravy.

Cannabis Apple & Onion Stuffing 1 cup of raisins 1 chopped garlic clove 3 cups of diced tart apples 1 cup of chopped celery 1/4 cup of finely chopped parsley 3 cups of diced tart apples 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt 1/4 cup of finely chopped parsley 7 cups of soft bread crumbs 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt 1 cup Canna Butter* 1/4 teaspoon of paprika 1 cup of chopped onion Place raisins in boiling water for five minutes. Blend diced apples, chopped parsley, salt and paprika with the bread crumbs. Drain water from cooked raisins and add the bread crumbs mixture. Sauté with melted Canna Butter and mix all ingredients together.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Cauliflower in Cheese Sauce Makes 6 servings 1 cauliflower 3 tablespoons of Canna Butter* 2 tablespoons of flour

1 cup of milk 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese

Cut off the tough end of the cauliflower’s stem. Remove the leaves and soak in cold salted water head down for 10 minutes. Drain and break up the cauliflower into florets. Cut deep slashes into the stalk. Steam the florets (head up) and stalk in 1 inch of water. Reduce the heat to simmer and cook partially covered until the stalk is barely tender, about another 10 minutes. Drain well and place in serving dish. Melt the Canna Butter with the head in a skillet. Add and blend flour over medium heat. Stir slowly in milk with a whisk until thickened and smooth. Add cheese. When the cheese is melted, pour the sauce over the cauliflower. Serve immediately.

Makes 4 servings 6 sweet potatoes 2 tablespoons of Canna Butter* 1/2 teaspoon of salt Hot milk Drop the sweet potatoes into boiling water and cover. Cook until tender, about 25 minutes. Mash with a potato masher and add Canna Butter. Add salt and a little hot milk, slowly and gradually. Beat the mixture with a fork or whisk until it’s very light and smooth. Serve with Pan Gravy DECEMBER 2012 • CULTURE 43


Pan Gravy Pan drippings 3 tablespoons of flour 1 cup of water Optional salt and pepper ¼ cup of Canna Butter* Blend pan drippings from the Crown Roast with flour. Whisk the mixture until the flour has thickened and all the ingredients are well combined and smooth. Continue to cook slowly and stir constantly while adding water slowly to reach the perfect gravy consistency. Add salt and pepper for taste. Finish this by adding Canna Butter to make it creamy.

Cannabis Infused Brandy

2 cups of brandy ½ ounce of cannabis buds Pour the brandy into a sauce pan. Cook over a medium heat for three minutes. Add the cannabis buds and simmer them for 20 minutes. Strain the buds from the brandy. Keep warm. Add this to your favorite warm drink (we prefer eggnog), and add a lemon twist for a soothing and delicious beverage.

Canna Butter* 1 cup unsalted butter 1 ounce low to average quality dried leaf marijuana or 1/2 ounce average dried bud 4 cups water Bring water and butter to boil in a small pot, lower heat to simmer. Simmer gently for about 1 1/2 hours. Mash and stir frequently to extract all THC from the plant material. After cooking, use cheesecloth to strain the butter/water mixture. Pour about 2 cups clean boiling water over the leaves in the strainer to extract every last drop of butter. Squeeze plant material well to remove as much liquid as possible. Chill the butter/water mixture in the refrigerator until the butter has solidified (1 to 2 hours). Separate butter from water and keep butter in the refrigerator (or freezer for longer storage) until needed. DECEMBER 2012 • CULTURE 45

entertainment reviews Chali 2na

Boys Noize Out of the Black Boys Noize Records While the name sounds like the opening act on a One Direction tour, Boys Noize gets huge cool points for making a Monster Magnet “Space Lord” dance remix one of his first releases in 2004. Alex Ridha, the German-born DJ making all the Noize, is now an international star with a new full-length album, Out of the Black. Sounds range from digitized guitar and live drum sounds (“Rocky 2”) to new wave-disco hybrids with a native percussion breakdown (“Conchord”), all driven by pounding electro-synth grooves. Tracks like “Circus Full of Clowns” come across as album filler, but EDM fans can cherry pick the standouts like the euphoric “XTC,” the bouncy “Ich R U” and the dynamic, energy-building opener, “What You Want.” Hopefully rap radio will embrace the album closer, “Got It,” which has Snoop Dogg throwing down like he’s trying to bring ’93 back. (David Jenison)

Cannabis Sativa: The Essential Guide to the World’s Finest Marijuana Strains Vol. 2 S.T. Oner Green Candy Press Not content to let the world continue with only one authoritative guide to sativa strains, the ganja geniuses over at Green Candy Press cultivated yet another voluminous volume dedicated to providing a comprehensive overview of the best of the best. If you’re a connoisseur, Cannabis Sativa Vol. 2 should prove to be instructive reading for those with a deep interest in the heaviest and bushiest of marijuana strains (Krane Damage, Nebula, etc.). Genetics-minded patients will find rock-solid lineage descriptions of popular phenos such as Cannatonic and Sour OG. Coming straight from the minds of breeders and growers, Vol. 2’s information is unsurpassed . . . but at the same time not overly technical—often the weakness of some marijuana books. The photos are drool-worthy, but the information—and adroit wit—will keep you coming back. A great stocking stuffer for the patient hungry for colorful and accurate information. (Matt Tapia)

Twisted Sister A Twisted Xmas – Live in Las Vegas Eagle Rock Entertainment A Twisted Christmas, a 2006 collection of metalized holiday standards, became Twisted Sister’s bestselling album since the Reagan years. The band released a live Christmas DVD the next year, but unlike Ghost Rider, this bad boy deserved a sequel. A Twisted Xmas - Live in Las Vegas features Sin City theatrics, Steel Panther-like nostalgia and Radio City Christmas Spectacular production with holiday-adorned strippers replacing the Rockettes. The concert took place at the Vegas Hilton, a.k.a. the house Elvis built in the theater Barry Manilow ruled. Sure, Manilow covered many of the same classics on his Christmas albums, but he didn’t dress like a tranny or radically reimagine songs like Twister Sister’s “12 Days of Christmas” (spoiler alert: they don’t ask for turtle doves). Complete with colorful costumes, fake snow and amped-up arrangements, A Twisted Xmas is a sick holiday treat! (David Jenison)


The 9th Annual Emerald Cup

In the Fall of 2003, Tim Blake of Area 101 in Laytonville, California, and a friend formed an ingenious plan to showcase and decide the best bud grown in Northern Cali. At the time, Mendocino and Humboldt were getting more and more attention for the quality organic cannabis they cultivated outdoors, deep in the mountainous regions. Nine years later, The Emerald Cup is still held each December featuring more than 150 strains, concentrates and a photo competition. Among the Cup awards is the Person of the Year, awarded to dedicated activists in recognition of their efforts to end cannabis prohibition. This year’s Cup will feature the musical talents of House of Vibe (featuring Chali 2na of Jurassic 5 and Ozomatli fame) and the House of Vibe All Stars, as well as attorneys, activists and industry leaders slated to discuss about the movement’s latest happenings in this vigorous, postelection season. The first prize for Best Medicinal Cannabis will be an all-expenses-paid, sevenday trip to Jamaica. Ya, mon! (Stephanie Bishop)


What: The 9th Annual Emerald Cup. When/Where: Dec. 15 at the Mateel Events Center, 59 Rusk Ln., Redway. Info: Doors open at noon. Go to


event listings Our picks for the coolest Mayaninspired end-of-the-world parties taking place on Dec. 21 Apocalypse Doom End of the World Party

Cheers to the end of the world. The Elysian Brewing Company reveals its 12th and final beer of its Apocalypse Series: Doom Golden Pale. This party also includes games and music by DJ Riz Rollins. Elysian Brewing Company, Seattle

End of the World Party

Special guest performances by hip-hop trio TH3RDZ, Bishop I, DJ Cues, MadMan and others. 21+. Columbia City Theater, Seattle

End of the World Party

Before Eve forced Adam to take a bite of the apple, there was no need for clothes. Celebrate End Times the way the Big Man Up There intended us to be, au naturel. Fraternity Snoqualmie, Issaquah

End of the World Party

Rock out to Stone Temple Pilots/Velvet Revolver tribute band Stone Revolver at this self-described “best damn rock bar in Tacoma.” The Ride Rock is slated to perform Collective Soul and Buckcherry ditties. The Backstage Bar and Grill, Tacoma

End of the World Party

Sidle up to the bar and rock out to Vengeance, Primordial Conviction and Abode for the Dead. You don’t want the Four Horsemen to have all the fun, right? The Checkerboard, Spokane

The End of the World Masquerade Ball

A classy approach to end-of-the-world festivities. Dress up and lend a hand—all proceeds go to the Buswell family from Puyallup, whose son was born with a rare genetic disorder. Landmark Catering and Convention Center, Tacoma

Take a Leap of Faith

Here’s another one to check off the bucket list. “Take a Leap of Faith” at Hotel Lucia by bungee jumping from the highest jump site in the U.S. What have you got to lose? Hotel Lucia, Portland 48 CULTURE • DECEMBER 2012


Chuck Shepherd

News of the


; In October, state alcohol agents, assisted by local police in full riot gear, pointing their weapons, raided a bar in Largo, Fla., to shut down the latest gathering of the venerable Nutz Poker League, even though its players do not wager. (They meet at bars and restaurants, where management gives winners token gifts in exchange for the increased business.) A prosecutor told the Tampa Bay Times that Florida law defines illegal “gambling” as any


game that permits players to win something—even if they don’t have to “ante up.” The raid (during which players were ordered to keep their hands where the officers could see them) came after a months-long undercover investigation.


; No Do-Overs: By 2009, James Washington believed he had gotten away with a 1995 murder, but then he had a heart attack, and on his deathbed, in a fit of remorse, he confessed to a confidant. (“I have to get something off


my conscience,” he told a guard in the jailhouse where he was serving time for a lesser, unrelated offense.) However, Washington miraculously recovered from the heart attack and tried to take back his confession, but prosecutors in Nashville, Tenn., were unfazed. They used it to augment the sparse evidence from 1995, and in October 2012 the now-healthier Washington was convicted of the murder and sentenced to 51 more years in prison.


; India’s notorious bureaucracy records deaths particularly ineptly, to the advantage of men seeking an alternative to divorce. They find it easier merely to swear out a death certificate on one wife so they can marry another, but that means the first wife will face years, and maybe decades, of campaigning to convince officials that she is not dead. BBC News chronicled the plight of Ms. Asharfi Devi, now 64, in September as she was finally declared “alive” after being deserted by


her husband at age 23 and ruled dead at age 40. After Devi finally earned a hearing and brought relatives and evidence to the village council, deliberations took eight more months. Notwithstanding the ruling, the husband stuck to his story. ; Puzzingly, adults continue to accidentally ingest improbable objects, often seemingly unaware of what they did. Lee Gardner, 40, of Barnsley, England, swallowed a plastic fork 10 years ago, but said he “forgot” about it until violent stomach pains forced him to the hospital in August. And British student Georgie Smith, 19, became the latest person to accidentally swallow a regularsized toothbrush (though the first doctor she consulted told her he couldn’t spot any “toothbrush” on an X-ray). (With kids, the phenomenon is more understandable. Sinus-suffering Isaak Lasson, 6, of Salt Lake City was finally diagnosed in August to have accidentally stuck a Lego piece up his nose three years ago, and Hector Flores Jr., 7, of New York City, was

found in October to have swallowed the whistle mechanism of a plastic duck, causing him to tweet when he laughed.) ; Darren Hieber, 33, became the most recent person to choose drastic means to reconcile with an ex. Twice Hieber, of Onawa, Iowa, arranged to have himself shot in order to win his ex-wife’s sympathy. The first hit man shot Hieber in the leg, but the wife still ignored him, and a second job was arranged in March, with two different shooters, but that failed, also. Adding to his frustration, Hieber was sentenced to 10 years in prison in August because it is illegal in Iowa to have yourself shot.


; Former U.S. Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho, who made the “wide stance” famous when he explained his alleged, notorious restroom encounter with another man in June 2007, has been sued by the Federal Election Commission because he used $217,000 in campaign

donations to fund his legal defense to the resulting indecent exposure charges. Craig pointed out that visiting the restroom (irrespective of any alleged activities there) occurred during the ordinary course of Senate travel and thus that he was entitled to spend campaign funds. ; Jonathan Lee Riches, perhaps America’s most prolific quixotic litigator (chronicled in News of the Weird for his lawsuits against, among others, George W. Bush, Charlie Sheen, Kanye West, Steve Jobs and—for luggage theft— Tiger Woods), was likely the person named “Naomi Riches” who filed a $3 billion October lawsuit in Pennsylvania against the acquitted child-murder suspect Casey Anthony, whom Naomi said had conspired with TV personality Nancy Grace to poison Naomi’s water supply. Anthony had also allegedly threatened to stab Naomi in the left eye as a symbol of the Illuminati conspiracy. (Judge David Baker quickly dismissed the lawsuit.)




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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.