2 minute read
Five Tips for your Best Life

As you ease into the new year and Q1emerges, there are many opportunitiesto pivot — everything from how youapproach work, exercise, relationships,health and living on purpose. What followsare a few simple tips for being intentional about getting to your best life!
Sit 5 Minutes Per Day
Take a little time every day to just be withyourself. There’s no effort here except to sloweverything down and just be you. Try staring outthe window at a tree branch or lower, considersitting and simply following your breath — don’tpressure yourself into thinking of it as meditation,just follow your breath.
What vs. Why?
What’s possible when you openly communicatewith others in a way that promotes creativity andinnovation? Try shifting to ask questions startingwith what instead of why. “What was your thinkingwhen you sent that reply?” vs. “Why did you sendthat email reply?” can eliminate defensiveness andresult in a more thoughtful, considered response.
Get Really Curious
Follow your curiosity, each and every time itstrikes you. If you wonder about something, pauseand ask yourself or those around you, what’s thatabout? What do you like about working here? Whatmakes that piece of equipment generate that sound?With anything and everything you wonder about,share your curiosity. It promotes engagement withothers, it keeps your brain active and it’s a healthyway to stay connected. Be okay being vulnerable andexposing that you don’t know something.

Allow Space
This is simple, yet very powerful. If you resistthe urge to manage, to x, or to judge the things thatare uncomfortable or unfamiliar, a world full ofpossibility will be revealed. Whatever you resistwill persist, so try this instead: turn your attentiondirectly toward the thing(s) that you typicallydismiss, ignore or gloss over. Then try the threepreceding steps and see what happens — ask whatvs. why, sit with yourself, and get curious. Get readyfor a brand new experience!
everything you wonder about, share your curiosity. It promotes engagement with others, it keeps your brain active and it’s a healthy way to stay connected.
Excellence vs. Perfection
What kind of handicap do you think is beingapplied to your life when you work so hard to achieveperfection? Vince Lombardi once said, “Perfection isnot attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catchexcellence.” Give yourself a break, be kind and gentlewith yourself and see what happens.
These five tips for your best life are meant toinspire you to broaden the lens and to be open towhat happens next!

www.CultursMag.com | Spring 2019 15