Volume 113, Issue #6
“I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
“The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Invent It” -Alan Kay
In This Issue... Awesome Articles
AP Opinions
Sports Recaps
Senior Photos
Spring Musical Preview
May 2010
a note from your
the Vedette s t a f f, M A Y :
Dear Culver Campus,
Editors-in-Chief: Lindie Wang and Laura Freymiller
This is it. 2009-2010’s final Vedette. We hope that you have enjoyed reading this magazine over the year, but more importantly we hope you have ideas on how it can be improved. The Vedette is only as good as the people who submit to it (that would be you). To the freshmen we hope that you’ll consider sending something in to the Vedette. We’d love to get your thoughts and ideas. Congratulations on making it through your first year here. May the next ones be just as challenging and rewarding. To the sophomores, this is the end of the sophomore slumber. Get ready to work next year! Don’t worry though you’re more than ready for the task. It is exciting to know that you will soon be the leaders of this school. To the juniors, it’s almost time to run to Beason! We’ve made it this far, let’s not lose sight of the goal. Make sure we take time to remember the good times and the times that “built character”. Get ready for the class of 2011! Seniors, this is it. You are about to end your life at Culver. The world is open to you; may you have the courage to move forward with strength and optimism. Don’t do anything in these next two months that will prevent you from walking through the arch/ gate. We are so excited to hear about the amazing things you will be doing. To the faculty, teachers, and staff, thank you for doing what you do. Our lives as students would not be possible without your hardwork and dedication. Thank you. Yours, Laura and Lindie
Layout: Laura Freymiller, Jake Kang, Alex Rodgers, Michelle Schlaubitz, Clancy Tripp, Lindie Wang
Editors: Lucy Battersby, Sharon Chen, Deanna Dilts, Laura Freymiller, Sam Gao, Cricket Gullickson, Phoebe Hall, Jake Kang, Jessica Knox, Dani Krou, Laura Ma, Mary McKinnis, Vanessa Morales, Elise Pare, Sihua Qiu, Alex Rodgers, Michelle Schlaubitz, Joy Shen, Erika Teahan, Clancy Tripp, Lindie Wang Writers: Alejandro Arroyo Yamin, Lucy Battersby, Brandon Beaver, Andrea Canacci, Nelson Collet, Carina Conti, Deanna Dilts, Alex Ding, Laura Freymiller, Taylor Giacin, Cricket Gullickson, Jake Kang, Eddie Kim, Claire Lee, Ned O’Connor, Alex Rodgers, Janet Sananixay, Leo Segura Vazquez, Jessica Simon, Clancy Tripp Photographers: Atrium, Battery A, Battery B, Battery C, Benson, Abigail Conkle, Court, Company A, Company B, Compnay C, Ciel, Ithaka, Jake Kang, Claire Lee, Kelly Lee, Linden, Melissa Ma, Janet Sananixay, Maddie Slykas, Troop A, Troop B, The Band, and Tower Graph Creator: Clancy Tripp
about us: The Vedette is the student-run newspaper of the Culver Academies which seeks to provide a campuswide forum for discussion. The goal of The Vedette is to facilitate open and honest discussions between students, faculty, and administration, and to inform its readers of campus, local, and world news. We are open to letters, ideas for articles, photos, cartoons, and other contributions; if you have contructive criticism, please contact us. Campus papers are only as good as their contributors and we know you have something to say. Opinions expressed in The Vedette do not reflect the opinions of The Vedette staff, and their publication does not in any way imply an endorsement of these opinions by this magazine.
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
Month in Review This month has been full of restrictions: Pakistan shut down Facebook due to a “Draw Muhammad competition”;
Editing... or Censoring?
France has banned the wearing of full face Islamic veils; and,
In journalism there is always an element of uncertainty
of course, the new immigration laws in Arizona are being dis-
about what constitutes editing and what constitutes censor-
cussed with great vehemence.
ship. The editorial staff of the Vedette would like to take this
Iran recently turned down a UN sanction which would
time to clarify the difference. On the Vedette we make judg-
have curtailed their nuclear program. Iran claims that their
ments about materials to be printed based on a set of criteria.
program was not designed with weaponry in mind. The reuni-
We do this to ensure a high quality newspaper ,not to limit
fication process in Korea has been stymied by the sinking of
the opinions of our writers or contributors. The criteria are
the Cheonan frigate earlier in March.
as follows: submissions should not be cruel (hurtful to indi-
Speaking of volcanoes it has been thirty years since the
viduals or certain groups); submissions should be well written
eruption of Mt. St. Helens and the European airways have fi-
and well thought out; submissions should not use unnecessary
nally reopened after the Eyjafjallajokull volcano eruption in
profanity. In addition we occasionally choose not to print sub-
late April.
missions in order to maintain a balance of opinion, because of
In domestic news President Obama recently gave a com-
the focus of a certain issue, or because of layout technicalities.
mencement speech at West Point encouraging cooperation and
In these cases we hold the submissions for another time, but
diplomacy. The Tea Party-party has been slowly but surely
as we are human [i.e., we sometimes misplace things] these
working its way to national prominence and possibly infamy.
submissions do not always make it into the following issues.
On the Culver campus, Alumni Weekend was a “classy
The point that we hope you have gleaned is that the Vedette
affair” complete with bluegrass music and the Iron Gate Cer-
is not interested in curtailing anyone’s first amendment rights.
emony. The Senior Dinner Dance is in the past, but seniors
We are willing to print all ranges of opinion if the authors
are still celebrating because there are only 11 days until grad!
are willing to write or create high quality pieces. In addition
Laura Freymiller ‘11
the Vedette is willing to print any and all criticism directed against it. We have always encouraged people to write us emails or talk to us in person about how we can improve as a publication. It is thanks to the contributions of thoughtful students and faculty members that we are able to run a newspaper at all. Laura Freymiller ‘11
Mt. St. Helens erupting at left. Picture taken from
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
Bringing Out the Best in People: Through Their Stomachs 49.1 million people go hungry each year in the United States. How can a country that is so often associated with obese children stuffing down another Big Mac have a hunger problem of these proportions? The answer is simple: America is wasteful. The reason why America is not aware of the amount of starving people, ranging from infants to the elderly, is because we have all the food resources our nation needs; the problem is that it is becoming increasingly inaccessible to struggling families. As food prices and unemploy-
ment rates rise, this under-publicized problem is becoming more and more pressing; sort of like being forced to drink when your bladder is already full. Most Americans do not recognize the need for –or waste of- food in their own areas. For example, consider a rapidly-growing city such as Orlando, Florida. Home to the Happiest Place on Earth, Orlando contains about 350,000 families who are afflicted by hunger. Each day, 100,000 kids are in need of, or go without food in this city alone. Thanks to nationwide organizations such as the Sec-
ond Harvest Food Bank that these under privileged families are provided with sufficient meals. This past Christmas Break, I had the privilege of meeting Greg Higgerson, vice president of Development for the Second Harvest Food Bank in Orlando. As a 1981 graduate of CMA from Battery B, Mr. Higgerson explained to me how pressing is the need for food distribution, not only in Orlando, but all over the country. He observed that at Culver, where food was plentiful, we are not often exposed to the growing need in the world outside of the Culver bubble. Mr. Higgerson explained that the bank, as a non-profit organiza-
tion, works by collecting excess food from surrounding restaurants and businesses, much of which includes Disney World. Nonperishable items are then given to emergency food pantries, shelters for the displaced or homeless, or disaster relief programs, while prepared meals are transferred to soup kitchens. This incredibly successful organization distributed nearly 21 million pounds of food to families in Central Florida alone, and billions all over the country. Because programs like the Second Harvest Food Bank survive on volunteers and donations, involve-
ment is the first step towards change and improvement. Although the need for help may not always be evident, this problem affects our entire nation. More than 63,900 families in Central Indiana are in need of food assistance every year, including seven thousand seniors and 22 thousand children. While Culver has done its part in conserving food, through efforts such as the tray-less initiative, there are still many opportunities for further involvement. This is a new idea for America - this is about being grateful for what you have, and giving back to those who don’t. In the words of Greg Higgerson, “It’s better to live a life of giving rather than a life of acquiring your own fortune.” -Carina Conti ‘12
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
Underclassman Picnic On the last Friday of April, the campus atmosphere felt different from that of a normal Friday afternoon. It was final the day which seniors had been eagerly awaitingsenior dinner dance. Seniors were dressed to the nines with their bestlooking suits and dresses; they were practically stampeding to get on the bus to Valparaiso. As a sophomore looking on from a patch of grass that was clearly not Beason ground, I felt sorry for myself, knowing I would have to change into uniform and go to dining hall. After seniors were gone, however, I saw people gathering around the volleyball court where two long columns of tables with food and drink had magically appeared. I immediately recognized that this was a cookout, meaning no dining hall. Though I wished that the day was less windy (the wind took all my chips from my plate) the fact that I could eat without having to put on uniform or spend money on Papa’s more than made up for it. As with any picnic, we played soccer and volleyball; some people even brought their own equipment. As the field began filling with un-
derclassmen, the picnic likewise just kept getting better. During that time, I could release the pressures that the next week’s AP exam was placing on my body and soul. Somebody started kicking a soccer ball around and soon I and a bunch of other guys were playing. We naturally played shirts vs. skins and, surprisingly, the teams were fairly balanced. Because of the continuous flow of new members joining the game, the game lasted roughly an hour but soon ended when it began to get dark and cold. On my way back to my room, someone noticed a flyer that said there would be a bonfire with s’mores. Of course, once I’d heard that, I couldn’t leave the place. I waited till nine o’clock but saw no signs or symptoms for either of my desires: no bonfire showed and not a s’more could be found. I realized by then how windy the day was and concluded that a bonfire would be impossible under these conditions. Since I am not God, all I could do was walk back to my room and say, “better luck, next time". I guess I’ll have to wait and see how the 2011 underclassman picture turns out. Jake Kang ‘12
The underclassmen enjoying themselves at the 2010 picnic. Great food, great people, and no seniors!
Inbox “….and with these improvements...” “On sale now for just…” Carey groaned loudly. It was summertime and nothing worth watching was on. Not to mention, it was eleven at night. When she resumed zipping through the channels, the computer on the opposite end of the room beeped, meaning she had new mail. Carey stopped searching for a good channel and walked over to the office desk. When she opened her inbox, sure enough, she had a new message. It read: Up the stairs. That was odd. Carey suspected it was her nineteen-year old brother trying to scare her. As she was on her way back to the couch to search for another channel the computer beeped again. The second message read: Past the kitchen. This was beginning to get creepy. The messages were giving a description of her house. Carey froze. There were stairs leading up from the basement across the hall from the kitchen. No one ever went down into the basement because the stairs were rotting. Beep! In the bedroom. This was no longer likely to be a joke by her brother. He would have already jumped out to scare her. The computer beeped. Watching you. Carey spun around, but no one was there. Suddenly, a shadow appeared in the corner of the room and moved slowly towards her. The computer beeped again, but Carey was no longer able to look around. When her parents came home later that night they found their daughter lying on the floor by the computer. On screen there was a message reading: By the way, I like your computer. Is it the new Apple version? Lucy Battersby. prospective student of the Class of 2014
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
The CSUN Secretariat and creators (Mr. Goldstein and Ms. Van Loon) pose with Alum and honored guest Mr. William Lee.
Molly Walker enjoys the International Buffet before the first committee session Emily Ford gives her perspective
With a bang of shiny uniform shoe against podium, CSUN 2010 officially began. For weeks, we had seen the grumbling Facebook statuses of sophomores and had answered constant requests for help writing position papers. We had turned the tables and taught teachers how to teach Model United Nations to their students. As we shuffled to our respective committees I was a little nervous. However, those nerves were completely eclipsed by the giant ego boost that comes with
Notes From The Chair forty people being forced to listen to you. (Teachers: , I know your real motivation now!) The first night went by without a hitch; sophomores galore were giving their own opinions on real world problems. The morning of the second day I was faced by quite a few blank stares when I asked the question, “Are there any motions on the floor at this time?” After a quick review of every piece of parliamentary procedure, we were ready to go. Being a chair was great
fun; I quickly learned to use the United Nations flag as a gavel and took great pleasure in whacking it against the desk and screaming, “DECORUM DELEGATES.” Because it was a simulation that focused more on learning than competition, I was lucky enough to explain how to translate from real English to UN speak. Instead of saying, “I think everything you just said is stupid and I hate you” the sophomores were quickly adapting to phrases like, “The People’s Republic
of China respectfully disagrees with your stance on this issue.” Yes, at times I was sure people were going to leap over the desks and beat each other with their placards, but for the most part Culver Sophomore UN was a success. Throughout caucuses and debate the sophomores strutted their stuff. The Secretariat, on the other hand, was sniffing out new recruits for next year! - Clancy Tripp ‘11
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
N e w s: C S U N
The Almighty Creators By now you will probably have talked to a sophomore who participated in the Culver Sophomore United Nations (CSUN) and gotten a student’s opinion of the event. However, it is unlikely that you have had the same conversation with an administrator of the event: the sophomore humanities teachers. If you have, congratulations;, if not, please feel free to continue reading this article. As early as last April, the sophomore humanities teachers began collaborating to create the event, which took place a few weeks ago. The idea for this event was taken largely from Ms. Lindsey Van Loon who had implemented a mock United Nations in her classroom for several years. This was the first time, however, that the idea would be applied to the entire grade which is no mean feat. As Mr. Michael Goldstein said, “This was a highly ambitious project and it really required a lot of teamwork from the sophomore instructors: we all had to be on the same page.” CSUN fit in very well with the overall goal of 10th grade humanities: developing speaking, writing, and critical thinking skills wrapped within the theme of global perspectives. To prepare for the event each student wrote statements and gave speeches in front of their peers. In addition the students spent time researching the view point of their given country. “[Students] demonstrated a maturity that was frankly amazing,” Mr. Goldstein comments, “Even our guest [Mr. William Lee a Culver graduate and member of the actually United Nations] was impressed.” Students tackled complex international issues and were able to view these conundrums in much greater depth than is normally allowed. In addition, the overall goal of the event was to create a resolution; this framework gave sophomores a clear picture of just how difficult resolving conflicts can be. Mr. Goldstein adds, “It allowed students to recognize just how important bodies like the United Nations are.” (Continued on next page)
Like proud parents the sophomore humanities teachers were there to cheer on their students
Students pose with the United Nations flag at the International Buffet
Too Much Conflict, Too Little Time Recently, the sophomore class partook in the first Culver Sophomore Model United Nations. For one CQ and a full school day, the sophomore class discussed the predicament that is Israel and Palestine. And in the true spirit of the United Nations, almost nothing was accomplished. Granted, tackling an issue as huge as the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict was a massive challenge. After more than a halfcentury of fighting and debating, the real UN hasn’t even reached a legitimate compromise. Not even the best minds in international politics and diplomacy can craft an effective peace plan that both parties can agree to. The sheer complexity of the situ-
ation in Israel and the surrounding nations is mind numbing. As a class, the sophomores spent nearly three weeks solely studying the aspects of the conflict and many still do not understand what drives the conflict. To expect 10th graders to meet for little longer than a school day and conjure a solution to
(Continued on next page)
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
N e w s: C S U N
(Continued from previous page) Whether CSUN will return or not is still undecided, but the general feedback garnered from Mr. Goldstein’s survey was positive (80% felt the event should continue). It will be interesting to see how the tenth graders (and faculty members) implement what they have learned over the course of the next few years. Finally, a special “thank you” goes out to all the sophomore humanities teachers for their hard work and dedication in making the CSUN possible. - Laura Freymiller ‘11
(Continued from previous page)
Hectar De La Canal proudly supporting his country.
Placards galore are raised to take a vote
One humanities class is ready to do less eating and more MUN-ing!
fighting that has challenged the Middle East for so long is unreasonable. That being said, the students themselves contributed to the lack of seriousness. Whether it was declaring nuclear war on each other or arguing the character of fellow classmates, it seemed that a two-state solution was the farthest thought from most participants’ minds. Throughout the course of the day, I heard many comments on the sheer pointlessness of the exercise. On top of all of this, most people didn’t understand parliamentary procedure and the practices in the UN. For example, many in the International Court of Justice had trouble understanding that the issue was a lawsuit, not an argument. Our lawsuit regarded Israeli war crimes, but frequently we discussed Iran, the West Bank wall and Hamas terrorists. Outbursts and interruptions were frequent, as well as extremely inaccurate views on the conflict. This is not to say everyone was lost. There were a select few students who took the exercise to heart. These people presented their ideas in an effective manner and attempted to actually solve the problem at hand. Their effort should be applauded; however, these individuals were few and far between. A majority of the students were not at all prepared for the conference. In short, the Humanities instructors should not have expected the sophomore grade to solve a decades-long conflict in such a short time. - Nelson Collett ‘12
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
AP Classes: Helpful or Harmful? “Advanced Countering the Placement”: AP Influence An Asset to Society
It’s 8:00 A.M. While most of Culver is still eating breakfast, here I am, 27 questions into my APUSH exam. For two weeks I’ve been up until 2 A.M., desperately trying to remember everything about Thomas Jefferson and supply-side economics. I’m tired, my pencil is getting dull, I don’t know what the economy was like in the 1720’s, my stomach is already growling, and it’s storming out (what if there’s a tornado? does the Naval Building even have a basement?). Yet again—and more than ever—I find myself wondering exactly why I allowed Mrs. Barnes to sign me up for this last spring. The answer, I’m sure, has something to do with the hope of being successful in college and something to do with being a masochist. Let’s start with being successful in college. As any senior visiting Corky’s office knows, the most important step of your college career is actually getting in (and then handling the coursework once you are there). And, as any underclassmen visiting Corky’s office knows, APs in your sophomore and junior year are essential to that. APs are your way of showing to your dream school that you are prepared and capable of handling college coursework. While APs at Culver are usually very mechanical because the syllabus teaches to a test and while APs are not as broad and in-depth as the actual college courses they are advertised as, they are still undeniably more challenging than the regular courses offered at Culver. Plus, because APs teach to a single test, your result is the same across the board; while a B- in US History at Wealthy Suburban High in Manhattan may be equivalent to an A+ in Nowheresville, Alaska, a 5 on the APUSH test is a 5 in both New York and Nowheresville. It is, so-to-speak, your bargaining chip—your chance to say on your college application, “Take me, because I’ve proven that I am ready for college.” And, of course, there are the benefits that come with having taken an AP—benefits such as actually being challenged during your high school career, earning college credit and skipping introductory courses at some schools, and being as prepared as Culver can help you to be for the actual college experience. Of course, there are many times when it’s easy to forget the pros of taking an AP—27 questions into an APUSH exam at 8:00 A.M. is a prime example. But if you are prepared to work hard and are up to the challenge, taking an AP can only bring you closer to the college diploma you’re striving for.
One hundred forty one days of class. One hundred forty one days of hand cramps from note taking. One hundred forty one days of worrying about this one three hour test. I’ll tell you what: those were one hundred forty one days of class getting hand cramps from note taking because I was worrying about this one three hour test wasted. I am no stranger to AP (better known to juniors as college credit) tests and I am no stranger to how many schools besides Culver treat AP tests. As a freshman I was disappointed to find out that I could not take any AP class my sophomore year, to pace and challenge myself throughout my Culver career. But I got over it and accepted that that is how it is. Junior year rolled along and I found myself sitting pretty in Italy- taking five AP classes. I was challenged (living abroad, speaking a new language, making new friends on top of school) but I handled the classes pretty well. I also found out that most students take classes like APUSH their freshman year since it was “the easiest class” their school offered. Or they just took the test after their regular American Studies course. They all got fours and fives on the test. Why, I ask, does Culver emphasize AP’s with such importance? Is it necessary for us to have two hours of homework for one three hour, relatively easy, and not to mention expensive AP test? No. We are told that the AP classes are for juniors and seniors to experience a college style classroom and expectations. I refute that notion not only because I believe Culver students are relatively prepared for college, but because AP classes are focused around a single test whereas college classrooms focus around the depth and understanding of a topic. The environment may be duplicated, but you are a hypocrite to say that the learning expectations are the same. So I say to you, Culver, either make AP classes available for everyone, lessen the homework load, and simply teach the material of the test or make it the college classroom experience and throw the AP guidelines on the floor. -Alexandria Rodgers, ‘10
--Cricket Gullickson ‘11
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
Summer Travel Plans
With the numerous count downs, the anxious invitations to Final, and the general atmosphere of anticipation, it’s easy to tell that summer is on its way. Before you pack up and head out though we thought we’d take a minute to find out what everyone’s summer plans. So here they go. Alex Rodgers ’10- BEAST! Cricket Gullickson ’11- I am going to Guadalupe for my senior service project… if it counts as a senior service project. Caitlin Miclot ’10- I’m going to travel and visit people. And after that I might try to get a job, I guess. Carina Conti ’12- I’m going to France, maybe. My friends are kind of spontaneous. Kim Asenbeck ’12- I’m going to Valpo, and then Washington! Nathan Turner ’11- The Warrior Dash. It’s a 3.71 mile race over twelve different obstacles: stuff like wire crawls and fire pits etc. Alex Ding ’13- Lots and lots of Chess. Alex Burke ’11- I’m going to Germany for seven weeks. My host parents want me to call them Papa Wolfgang and Mama Michaela. Mr. Battersby- Ask Catherine. Claire Lee ’11- I’m going to Korea. Mrs. Barnes- I’m scheduling and working very diligently to get kids into all the classes they want (so tell them to not change classes!) Stephanie Thompson ’11- I’m sleeping. Andrew Eiler ’11- Golf tournaments… a lot of golf tournaments.
Mr. Oberwetter- I’m going to take a raft trip down the Colorado River. I’m going hiking in the Grand Canyon and I’m going to Ecuador with my son-in-law and daughter. I think there’s something else… Well although we all can’t be like Mr. Oberwetter I hope that everyone’s summer is wonderful and safe. For the underclassmen see you next fall! For the seniors good luck next year! Laura Freymiller ‘11
Graph by Clancy Tripp
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
Lights, music and… DANCE!!! The latest dance performance from our very own Dancevision was on April 24th and 25th. The dancers performed to “Be Ok”, choreographed by Maggie Cann, at the all-school meeting, giving us a sweet and bubbling outlook of what would be shown at their spring recital. The show was kicked off with the Cancan, choreographed by Jill Tulchinsky, as their opening performance to Cathy Duke’s piece of “West Side Story”. The show also featured “Requiem for a Dream” choreographed by Maggie Cann, “Lean on Me” by Nick Pupillo and two senior honor pieces by Asia Ingram and Lauren Nelson. Onstage, the performance may have looked serene but off-stage, it was a calamity; from a
The Dancevision crew ready to dance their hearts out. We look forward to seeing what the next year brings!
dancer spraining her ankle the night before the opening show to costumes ripping just seconds before their performance. But even though there was one less dancer, the show had to go on! The dancers and choreographers came together the day of the show at 2pm to re-choreograph every dance piece that the injured dancer was originally in; and Jill Tulchinsky re-sewed all of the costumes that ripped a few minutes before
Graduation A million memories from here and there A thousand pictures from everywhere A hundred friends from near and far Are waiting for graduation The one person who stole your heart The one whose image fills your thoughts The one who kissed your virgin lips Is waiting for graduation White dresses and white dress pants High heeled shoes and high laced boots Pretty flowers and shiny swords Are waiting for graduation Tears will flow and hearts will break As the seniors walk through the arch and gate For now it is time to say goodbye On the day of graduation -Deanna Dilts, ‘11
Vol. 113 Issue #6
the dancers had to step onstage. It may sound like a nightmare back stage, but in the end, everything came together and our dancers performed a fantastic show that I (the clumsy dancer who sprained her ankle) will never forget! -Janet Sananixay, ‘13
Honors in Theatre Eileen Dicke howled with laughter as Christina Cooper and John Lewis performed three scenes from various plays (Mr. and Mrs. Two for the Seesaw and Prisoner on Second Avenue) while A.J. Cook honored in theatre tech. Cooper, Lewis and Cook were all candidates for Honors in theatre, and put their talents to the test Saturday during Parents weekend. Christina and John played opposite each other in two comedies and one drama. The costumes ranged from a plain back suit to a dated wedding dress. When asked about her favorite moment of honors program Christina replied “there’s not one moment more memorable than another. Due to the fact that it was all a learning experience and I grew so much as an actress.” This performance was only one of the four criteria required to honor in theatre. In addition to performing a minimum of a fortyfive minute production, a complete character analysis must be completed, as well as participating in all three of the theatre classes offered, and be a main stage character in at least three shows. For those of you who thought theatre was easy, think again. -Deanna Dilts, ‘11
Spring Musical Spells Anticipation For any who have participated in the spelling bee circuit, this year’s spring musical is destined to be a winner. The audience is welcomed to join the “spellers” on that day of all days: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. The Bee takes viewers through the pathology and quirks of your archetype spellers- from the shy underdogs to the overly-confident robots and all the shades in between. The competition is fierce with words that would boggle any but the strongest of spellers. Of course, as the contestants ruefully note, the problem with spelling bees is that the best spellers don’t always come out on top. If you enjoy laughing yourself silly, listening to great music, and watching spelling bees then stop by Eppley Auditorium on May 29, June 3, or June 4 (all at 7:30) and enjoy the ride. From the announcing of the rules to the crowning of the champion, The Bee will keep you entertained and delighted. (Worst case scenario, you walk out knowing how to spell a few more words!) We’ll see you there! (Directed by: Mr. Coven, Conducted by: Ms. Woods). -Laura Freymiller, ‘11 Meet the Cast:
Meet the Crew:
Kim Asenbeck- Rona Lisa Perretti Carina Conti- Logaine Christina Cooper- Ms. Mahoney Austin Engelbrecht- Chip Tolentino Takashi Izutsu- William Barfee John Lewis- Douglass Panch Andrew Walker- Leaf Coneybear Lauren Watts- Marcy Park Callie Wilkinson- Olive Ostrovsky Carol Alban- Understudy David Golubski- Carl Grubenierre/ Understudy Madison Tallant- Understudy
Carol Alban Timothy Alexander A.J. Cook Shania Feitz Kyle Howard Tess Janicki Allison Kennedy Melissa Ma Cord Martin (Assistant Stage Manager) Todd Newton Jesse Peters Kirstyn Petras Sihua Qiu (Stage Manager) Meghan Reilly Madison Tallant
Callie Wilkinson sings about her unusual friend.
Meet the Pit Orchestra: Alex Burke- Drum set Christine Burke- Clarinet Sharon Burke- Piano Laura Freymiller- Oboe Jerry Howard- Percussion Tess Janicki- Keyboard Lindie Wang- Flute
The Bee begins!
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
Welcome Back!
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
CMA Polo finishes as National Runner-up “Come on, be aware and take the man!” In every single match that CMA varsity polo team played this year, August Scherer, the captain of the polo team, would shout out to his teammates, Austin Chandler, Devin Vass, and Stephen Lacy, to fight for the ball and take the opponents out of the way. Most of the time, his insightful comments brought the team together and took it to a higher place such as national interscholastic championship tournament. On March 19th, 2010, CMA polo team was in a hurry to get to Chicago airport since they had to travel to Texas, where the regional league was taking place. If successful in regionals, the team would advance to Cornell University in which polo teams from all around the U.S would be fighting for the national championship. With great leadership of the captain and tremendous effort from every player, there was no worry that they wouldn’t get to purchase the air-tickets to Cornell. For winning both games against El Sur and Midland in regional league by more than 15 goals in each, Culver was given a bye for the first game of national championship. As a result, only two victories in the league would give them the champion’s trophy. Culver’s first match was on April 23rd and it against Cowtown, which had beaten Poway team 25-15 the previous day. “It was a tough game,” said August Scherer. “Cowtown team played very fast and a game style we were not used to. They were 3 strong players and all contributed together as a very functional team. In the third chukker, we pulled away with a substantial lead sticking hard with our man and clearing balls in our defensive end. They had a strong comeback in the fourth but could not manage to take the lead. We won 17-20”. Eventually, it came to the moment CMA polo team had been waiting for all season: final fixture in the national. In the first chukker, Culver started off slowly and Eldorado took the lead with 6-3. In the second chukker, however, August Scherer scored a two-pointer which brought the game to a brief tie. Then, Eldorado took the lead again which set the score 9-10. After half-time, Culver came out strong with back to back goals. This time, the lead was in Culver’s hand. Culver team was able to defend their lead with 16-14 until the buzzer rang that alerted the end of third chukker. Unfortunately for Culver, the horse string changed in Eldorado’s favor in the last chukker. Culver got into unlucky fouls which allowed Eldorado several penalty shots. In the last minute of the game, the difference in both teams’ scores was only one: 17-18. It seemed that
(Members of CMA Varsity Polo From left: Austin Chandler, August Scherer, Devin Vass, and Stephen Lacy) both team had the same chance to take the trophy back home; it was definitely a time to be aware and take the man. Nonetheless, Eldorado capitalized on the first throw-in and brought the score to 17-19. With only 30 seconds remaining, Culver had little momentum and was late to their plays in fear of defeat. Eldorado scored the buzzer goal which set the final score of the game 20-17. “Overall, we played a great game,” said August Scherer. “With some unlucky fouls in the last chuckker, Eldorado pulled away on top. Unfortunately, we could not bring the trophy home to Culver and missed a chance at national recognition”. Though Culver’s dream to earn the national championship was hindered by some unfortunate moments in the last match, their achievement and passion are still worth being praised and applauded. In addition, this is not the only year that have national championship and we should look forward to having greater achievement next year, the year after next year and so on.“As all of us are seniors, I hope to see the CMA polo team continue the battle to win a national title after a twenty year spread for Culver,” said August Scherer, the captain of CMA polo 09-10. - Jake Kang’12
Vol. 113 Issue # 6
CGA Track and Field This season has been a success for the CGA track team with many records broken and awards earned. Waverly Neer set the indoor mile and 1500 meter records at Nike Indoor Nationals in Boston to start off the regular season, and won the 1600 and 3200 meter run at the Rochester sectional. Other sectional wins include; the 4X800 meter relay of Kaye Sitterley, Moira Kelley, Kylee Shipley and Hanna Klondaris, the 4X100 team of Ashley Taylor, Emily Rich, Andrea Lin and Anne-Marie Dumas, and Kenzie Ungar in the High Jump. These first place finishes advance to the Bremen Regionals, along with Kylee Shipley in the 800, Kaye Sitterley in the 3200, Emily Rich in the 200, Ashley Taylor in the 100, the 4X400 team of Kylee Shipley, Moira Kelley, Andrea Lin, and Waverly Neer, Moira Kelley in the 400, C.J. Spaulding in the discus, Jasmine in the long jump, and Andrea Lin in the 300 low hurdles. CGA finished second overall with 145 points. - Deanna Dilts ‘11
(Above: CGA Track and Field)
Jumping Team This year’s Culver Jump Team season-although ongoing, because a rider’s work is never done- has been one of the most successful seasons I’ve seen during my Culver career. The coaches, captains, and returning riders were surprised at the number of new teammates that tried out this year, making our team bigger than we predicted. Throughout the fall and winter, we prepared our new riders and polished the performances of our old ones in preparation for the showing season. Each season is difficult, because every show is a surprise, and sometimes where you rank is literally the luck of the draw. When team members travel to a horse show (and traveling itself can take up to 9 hours) we don’t bring our own horses with us. When we get to the show ring, we draw a horse from a hat. Riding a horse you’ve never seen before makes shows difficult, and the placings can be sporadic. However, despite this, we’ve had great success this year. We sent many team members to the IEA Regionals- which requires a rider to have won at least 15 points at 5 different shows around the Midwest. First place equals 7 points, second place is 5 points, and third place is 4 points, and so on and so forth. If a rider places third or higher at Regionals, they advance to Zones, which can include riders from more than just one state. From there, the next step is Nationals, where a select few compete to be the best in the country. However, now that show season has wound down, the Culver Jump team has a new challenge on their hands. Each rider has been assigned to a young, inexperienced horse to train and condition to be a better jumper. This includes working on flatwork- how they move and flex and bend- and on their jumping- their fear of jumps, their speed and straightness. This can be a lot of hard work, but it’s rewarding. All in all, the Culver Jump Team has had a great season, and is looking forward to starting it all up again in the fall for next year’s show season! - Alex Van Pelt ‘11
End of Crew Season As the Crew Season draws to a close, I can’t help but relive some highlights of the year. Most recent on my list of intrigue was the Midwest Scholastic Championship. The wind was so bad that we were sure the boats were sinking. Each new wave of icy water was met with a scream and hysterical laughter. One of our boats may or may not have wandered onto the race course while a race was going on. As race after race got cancelled due to wind, we dog-piled, huddled close, and wrestled each other (literally) for one blanket. We wrapped ourselves in tent covers for warmth and nestled
into the hay (yes, hay) to stay alive. One oar was decimated, two tents were dismantled, and four uni-suited boys in a quad took first place and will soon be on their way to Nationals. Some have speculated that crew is a cult. You join, purchase the shiny maroon jacket, and then just can’t persuade yourself to quit. Whether it’s the coat or the coach, we’re all in it for the long haul. Despite hardship and brutal winds, the crew team members all remain hypnotically attached to each other. -Clancy Tripp’11
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
CGA Tennis
On the CGA Tennis team we have a great mix of personalities and a work-hard attitude. We love to play, we love to have fun, and we love to win. We also have an awesome coaching staff that offers every player individual attention. This includes a former CGA student Laura Dushanova, a recent Davidson graduate, who played 1 Varsity Singles for the duration of her time at Culver. The focus this year has been on conditioning and technique on the court. The goal has been to have one of the most closely-knit and physically fit teams in Indiana. Head Coach Alan Loehr said “We have great potential and a wonderful set of skills on our team. We haven’t quite lived up to it yet but we are anxious for upcoming matches that could be big wins, and we are going to do anything but finish the season out flat. ” After a little bit of a shaky start to the season, the team is hungry for another chance to show its skill. Just recently, CGA beat Valparaiso 4-1 after an early season loss of 3-2. We have all improved so much over these past weeks and we can’t wait for another whack at Penn and South Bend St. Joe this year at Regionals! -Jessica Simon’11 and Mackenzie Goettle’11
Golf Team Recap Judging by all the number of spectators at golf matches, many of you may not know there is actually a golf team, or a golf course on campus for that matter. Both the Varsity and the Junior Varsity golf teams are off to strong starts in the 2010 season, with records of 12 – 0 and 8 – 1. The Varsity team has consistently posted strong scores, finishing with 3 straight 2nd place finishes in Saturday invitational tournaments. The JV team has also notched a 1st and a 2nd place finish in Saturday tournaments. Along with improving our games, team antics keep practices and bus rides lively and entertaining even at 4:45 a.m., which is when the JV team left on a recent Saturday. Whether its Max McHugh taking Coach Haase’s McGriddle or T.J. Selby and his vanilla coke at Café Max at 6 in the morning, the habitual team breakfasts are always lively and interesting. Long time Head Coach Fred Haase shares his passion for the game every day in the fall and spring seasons with both the girls and boys teams. Through advice, tips, and the latest training tools, Coach Haase has helped hundreds of students develop their skills and enjoyment of the great game of golf. -Andrew Eiler’11
The Final Lap I’ve been running around an oval for more than three years now and I must admit that there is not a better feeling, not a better sound, than the sound of a gun indicating the final lap. During those 400 meters, innumerable chemical reactions give your body a second air and propel you faster and faster every single step. And the clock keeps ticking. And the sweat keeps pouring down your face. And you just want to get to the finish line, no matter what. Well Track is coming to an end and soon all of its members will face their final lap for the year, for the season, and for some…for life. As we get closer to the end though, Track begins to face some issues…rain, injuries, severe cases of senioritis, and an overall frustration because summer is close and we, athletes, are still running and experiencing pain while others lay down on the field and attempt to get a tan. But we are strong, and we are committed. We will end what we began and we will end it as fast as we can. And before we know it, Sectionals and Regionals will be right around the corner, and our performance there will dictate who advances and gets to go to Bloomington for the finest of the finest track meets in Indiana: the State Championships. So there you go . . . a shot that marks the final lap, a meet that marks the beginning of the ending of a successful season, and a sport that some might enjoy, some might detest, some might practice it for the rest of their lives, and some might leave it behind after June 6. But to those who still have years left at Culver, remember: you can always go faster and –most importantly- there will be plenty of chocolate milk waiting for you after, yeah . . . the final lap. -Alejandro Arroyo Yamin ‘10
(Above: CMA Golf Team with Coach Haase)
Vol. 113 Issue #6
May 2010
Rugby: the hooligan’s game played by gentlemen. Rugby is a mental as well as a physical sport. The matches have 15 men to a side with 30 minute halves; no time outs, no downs. The clock only stops when someone gets hurt. Every aspect must be performed with the utmost physical commitment, whether you are up by 5 points or down 40; whether it is in the middle of the first half or the final seconds before the game is finished. It requires a joint effort among every player, from the four year senior veteran to the newest rookie. In my three years of playing for the CMA Rugby team I have learned that it rugby is more than just a game; it is a way of life. If anyone was fortunate enough to come to the Culver- South Bend Clay game, you would have caught a glimpse of the special nature of this sport. After spending an hour beating each other up on the field, we were graced to share a meal with the Clay Mercs. We sat back and relaxed with one another, getting to know one another, exchanging stories of playing other teams, and looking at the freshly made bumps and bruises we had given each other. This shows that rugby is not just a simple game where you travel for hours on a bus, get out, play the game, and leave. There is a mutual respect for anyone who is willing to lace up the boots and fight for their brothers. No matter where a rugby player goes in the world, they will be able to find a club and make new friends. Our team accomplished much over the past year. With our two props unable to play for a week after coming back from break, one being in Panama and the other being forced not to by his father, we still able to bring our swagger on the pitch with people who had never played that position before. The more we played, the more cohesive our performance became. The backs were able to quickly get the ball out to the wings where their defense was weakest. Despite our undersized forward pack, we were able to scrum down against almost every team we played and poached their own put ins. In the end, our performance at the Midwest tournament shows how the team has grown from the beginning of the year: We won two games, with everyone on the team playing, and in one of those two games we shout out the opposition. -Ned O’Connor ‘10
A shot from CMA rugby team
Vol. 113 Issue #6
Baseball Have you been lucky enough to be in the presence of Max “The Great One” Terhar lately? Have you ever witnessed Josh Wright drop a bomb (Either have I). Or are there simply too many Bartleman’s for your liking? If the answer to any of these questions is no, then you need to make the pilgrimage to George T. Wilkins Baseball field to support your 2009-2010 CMA Baseball Squad. If you are willing to make the excursion out to the baseball diamond you be able to witness much more than legends such as Max “Willie Mayes” Terhar. You will have the opportunity to watch seven extraordinary innings of baseball, commentated by none other than the voice of CMA sports, Mr. Geoff Wilkins. If you listen closely enough, you are more than likely to overhear Coach Christensen stressing the importance of “Progress over Results” to his players. The CMA Eagles varsity baseball squad, led by Captain Connor Kucera, is excited for the 2009-2010 baseball seasons. Currently the Eagles have a .500 winning percentage (6-6) and have only two home games left before they enter the post season. Come support your seniors on May 22nd at 11:00 AM as they take George Wilkins Field for one last game of their Culver careers. - Ryan Kolden ‘11
Class of 2010
May 2010
Congrats to the Class of 2010! You made it!
Vol. 113 Issue #6
C LAS S o f 2 0 1 0
May 2010
The long wait is finally over. Good luck to everyone next year!
Vol. 113 Issue #6
College List Note: This list is the most recent list the Vedette staff received as of May 22, 2010; the list is from April 23, 2010. There have been some changes since then, but we were unable to obtain an updated list in time for the print issue. Please check the later online issue for the updated version. Congratulations to all the seniors and good luck in your next years!
May 2010
Connor Carroll
Junior hockey/Undecided
Conor Casey
Indiana University
Chase Chakeen
Miami University
Otto Chan
Roger Williams University
Austin chandler
Purdue University
Min woo Cho
Northwestern University
Alisha Conley
Manchester College
Rachel Conley
Purdue University
Abimbola Agunloye
Denison University
Aaron Cook
Carnegie Mellon University
Nicholas Ahlers
Xavier University
Christina Cooper
Conserv. for Dramatic Arts/NY
Gerardo Alvarez-Sottil
Davidson College
Cameron Crowell
U.S. Naval Academy
Mitchell Anthony
Purdue University
David Cueva
Southern Methodist University
Richard Arriviello
Vanderbilt University
Oliver Culver
Santa Clara University
Alejandro Arroyo Yamin Princeton University
Jiayin Dai
Oxford College at Emory U.
Louis Bakris
Purdue University/Calumet
Alexandra Davidge
University of Kentucky
Madeleine Balchan
Gap year/Washington University
Ashley Dawson
Virginia Tech
Irena Balzekas
McGill University
Zachary Deery
Dickinson College
Robert Bartelman
The University of Chicago
Renee Del Castillo
Babson College
Brandon Beaver
Indiana University
Oyedola Delano
Oxford College Emory U.
Jacqueline Bellaci
College of William and Mary
Craig Denker
North Carolina State University
Ryan Benczik
Purdue University
Shaun Devlin
Washington and Lee University
Brandon Benn
Johns Hopkins University
Kirsten Elliott
University of Louisville
Carolyn Birkmeier
Miami University
Karla Esponda
University of Texas/San Antonio
Morgan Boundy
George Washington University
James Eun
Oxford College of Emory U.
Ramsey Bradke
Wabash College
Connor Eustace
Hobart and WM Smith Colleges
Joshua Branson
Purdue University
Ryan Everson
Brittney Braun
University of Kansas
Diego Fabrega
American University
Joshua Brown
Indiana University
Joshua Fender
Indiana University
Patrick Brun
Davidson College
Taylor Ferguson
Northwestern University
Stephanie Burian
Lesley University
Erik Feuillan
Susquehanna University
Christine Burke
Duquesne University
Christa Finley
The University of Vermont
Tianzhang Cai
U. of IL/Urbana-Champaign
Constance Flanagan
University of Alabama
Alexander Canacci
US Military Academy/West Point
Jody Fox
Seattle University
Michael Cangialosi
George Mason University
Qian Gao
Bryn Mawr College
Ana Karina Cano-Angulo Centro de DiseĂąo (CEDIM)
Ariana Garcia
Miami University
Austin Carlson
Marquette University
JosĂŠ Garcia
Suffolk University
Patrick Carr
University of Mississippi
U.S. Naval Academy
Continued on next page
Vol. 113 Issue #6
Continued from previous page Cameron Garrison
Randolph College
Taylor Giacin
St. Norbert’s College
Hannah Gilley
College of Charleston
Austin Gilmore
University of Denver
Ian Greenburg
University of Kansas City
Troy Grogan
Roanoke College
Stephen Grzanowski
Santa Clara University
Alonzo Gutierrez-Rod.
Instituto Tec. de Monterrey
Annelise Hansen
Bentley University
Marvin Hargraves
USMA/West Point
Xinyu He
Bowling Green State University
Corinne Henning
Northeastern University
Zach Hewitt
Ohio University
Adam Holt
Franklin and Marshall College
Daniel Hopf
Universidad Iberoamericana
Kyle Howard
Indiana University/South Bend
Chuan Huang
Villanova University
Wei-Ting Huang
Boston University
Blake Hunnewell
United States Military Academy
Asia Ingram
University of Rochester
Duyang Jiang
Syracuse University
Lauren Jones
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Caitlin-Jean Juricic
Sewanee: U. of the South
Nina Karas
University of Virginia
Stephen Keisler
Junior hockey/Undecided
Ryan Kemeny
University of Miami
Allison Kennedy
Andrews University
Logan Kilduff
Lynchburg College
Musang Kim
Penn State University
Nayeon Kim (Kay)
Columbia University
Nayeon Kim (Sylvia)
Gap year/Boston College
Michael Kime
United States Military Academy
Hanna Klondaris
Earlham College
Jessica Knox
Ball State University
Tyler Korellis
USMA Foundation/West Point
Vol. 113 Issue #6
Connor Kucera
Junior hockey/undecided
Stephen Lacy
Gap year/U. of Mississippi
Hae Seok Lee
New York University
Ting-Ya Lee
The University of Missouri
Paul Leffler
Gap year/Purdue University
John Lewis
ESU/Emerson College
De Jia Li
Villanova University
Ji Young Lim
Emory University
Oon Hyoung Lim
Emory University
Alberto Maiocco
Kenyon/Colorado College
Can Ran Mao
Southern Methodist University
Wyatt McCloskey
Fort Lewis College
James McCluskey
Plymouth State University
Caitlin Miclot
The University of Mississippi
Katherine Miller
Miami University
Isaac Mollinedo Portilla Instituto Tec. y de Monterrey Mitchell Murphy
Texas A & M
Marina Myers
Indiana University
Marco Navarro Artigas
Technologico de Monterrey
Michael Nay
Tulane University
Adriann Negreros
Harvard University
Lauren Nelson
University of Texas
Kaylee Niestrom
Bradley University
Raul Nieto
Universidad Anáhuac
Andrea Nieto
Universidad Anáhuac
Edmund O’Connor
Loyola Marymount College
Deborah Ohiani-Jegede
Washington University
Emma Ost
Bradley University
Trace Ostergren
Gap year in China
Kirsten Paff
Purdue University
Bo Pang
The University of Chicago
SeJung Park
Syracuse University
Juengsun Park
Michael Patterson
Jesse Peters
Vassar College
Karson Pound
William Preston
Junior hockey/Undecided
Sihua Qiu
Barnard College
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page Hayley Quartuccio
Loyola Marymount University
Ryan Stec
Dickinson College
Anne Quella
St. Xavier
Ryne Sternberg
Post-Graduate year/Undecided
Jesse Rabishaw
Hobart and WM Smith Colleges
Adrieana Stroud
University of Pittsburgh
Jasmine Rahman
University of Durham/St John’s
Ji-Min Sun
Lehigh University
Mariah Tabor
University of San Diego
College Sarah Reeser
Miami University
Kelaine Tepe
St. Mary’s of Notre Dame
Daniel Reynolds
Mass. Maritime Academy
Trace Thews
University of Delaware
Anna Rich
Denison University
Bo Thompson
University of Mississippi
Alexandria Rodgers
USMA West Point
Sean Thompson
Union College
Shadrach Rodriguez Vera Uni. Autonoma de Guadalajara
Christopher Trennepohl
Davidson College
Natalie Rosen
DePauw University
Erin Tress
Middlebury College
Nicholas Rosen
The University of Iowa
Braxton Troyer
Wofford College
Adam Ross
Purdue University/Navy ROTC
Hsin-Yu Tsai
Boston University
Eleni Roulakis
Loyola of New Orleans
Breely Unger
Southern Methodist University
Johanna Salgado
University of San Diego
Vincent Vacketta
Lawrence University
Christian Sassano
Ithaca College
Devin Vass
Texas A&M
Blake Saylor
Junior Hockey/US Air Force
Lindie Wang
Princeton University
Sarah Warmbein
Vassar College
Academy Rhett Schaefer
Indiana University
Yorel Warr
Loyola of New Orleans
August Scherer
Southern Methodist University
Trevor Weaser
Northeastern University
Michelle Schlaubitz
Villanova University
Tristan Weber
Trinity University
Luke Schumacher
United States Military Academy
Victoria Weitgenant
Syracuse University
Jonathan Sdao
Junior Hockey/Undecided
Christopher Williams
Suffolk University
Daniel Seo
Purdue University
Stephen Wilson
Lehigh University
William Sexton
The University of Mississippi
Michael Wortell
Hobart and WM Smith
Yixing Sheen
Villanova University
Joshua Wright
Wabash College
Zachary Shez
Purdue University
Michael Yeager
Eckerd College
Matthew Shippey
New York University
David Zaccaria
University of Illinois
Adam Silver
Swarthmore College
Coleman Zimmerman
Southern Methodist University
Erica Sims
Bowling Green State University
Courtney Zotos
Michigan State University
Margaret Sizemore
Northern Michigan University
Samuel Smiley
Florida Southern College
Maggie Smith
Butler University
Willow Smith
Sewanee: U. of The South
Scott Snyder
Junior Hockey/Undecided
Wenbo Song
Oxford College at Emory U.
Jasmine Soo
Washington & Lee College
Christine Spaulding
Miami University
Vol. 113 Issue #6
Awesome Articles
May 2010
Thank you to all of our participants in the Awesome Article Contest! Published in this issue are the first prize winner, second prize winner, and a few runner-ups who also wrote “awesome articles.” We hope you enjoy reading them and are inspired to write and submit articles yourself!
First Place: Jessica Simon ‘11 Her awesome article: Goodbye to You Everything in this world starts with hello: hello mother, hello love, hello air. Filled with the excited anticipation to fathom the unknown and a restlessness to forge our own paths, we enter every new situation with an uncanny bang. We take our first steps with a profound boldness that inspires those around us, and we jump off the edge with no regrets. We are free, untreaded, unbroken, and unheralded. And although these hellos are almost tangibly pure and undeniably selfless, they are nothing near the goodbyes that inevitably come with each and every one. Goodbye innocence, goodbye heart, goodbye to you. A little less loud, with more hesitant steps, and a heavier tread from the wisdom we now carry on our shoulders,
they hurt. They make you want to have one of those cries that leave a stain on your pillow and a scar on your spirit. They force you to leave part of yourself behind. Unlike hellos, they teach you and scare you like the boogeyman underneath your bed. But most importantly the goodbyes hand you to new hellos, which lead to more goodbyes and yet still more hellos, and in that way you are never alone, and never facing a battle not worth thought. Everything...affects everything. Goodbye yesterday, hello to a new tomorrow. Jessica Simon, Angelina Garcia, and Ioanna Aguilar in front of the courts before parting ways with Culver for the summer.
Second Place: Leonardo Segura Vazquez ‘13 His awesome article: Lung Cancer
Leo, the author lf this creative and realistic poem.
Vol. 113 Issue #6
You thought you were fine, but something is not right. It’s something in your inside that’s pushing you to the wrong side. Bit by bit, your cells get sick. And before you knew, it was all over you. Day after day, it spreads. Like a group of ants, it moves on and never stops. You’ll feel weak, you’ll listen the sadness when you speak. You are ill; you can’t believe this is real. It’s slowly killing you, and don’t even argue. Because this is your entire fault, you made this choice. You now cough, as if it wasn’t enough. You now breathe and the air feels thick. You can treat this thing, it may disappear. But in your case, it’s too late to start that race. And just to think, that the cause of this. Is that little white thing that you liked to spend time with. And who would’ve thought that something the size of a ring. would bring an entire being to its end without even saying a single thing.
May 2010
0: The number of sweet pranks the seniors are allowed to pull and still graduate
23: The number of juniors who were muddy, bloody, and victorious at the powderpuff football game 22:20 The score of said powderpuff game 7: The number of hours necessary to wash out the mud after the powderpuff football game ∞: Amount of love the classes of 2013, 2012, and 2011 have for the seniors. 17: Number of awkward, “I don’t like you but everyone is watching” hugs during the CGA Leadership Transition Ceremony 1: Number of Jack Daniels jacket, black hat sportin’ alumni 1: Number of new signs in front of the far dorms (hooray for Ithaka/Linden) 200: The approximate number of alumni who walked through the iron gate last Friday 2: Average number of APs seniors took this year (see pg. 9 for more AP news) 5.5: Average number of APs next year’s seniors are attempting to take 10: Average number of APs sophomores believe they can take over the course of their careers 1,003: The number of thoughts about graduation each day 31: The number of activities per day on Alumni Weekend 200: The approximate number of juniors about to step on Beason for the first time 70: The number of juniors training for the run to Beason 186: The number of freshmen who can’t wait to be sophomores 4: The numer of seniors who can’t wait to be freshmen again 11: The number of days until graduation
-Lindie Wang ’10, Laura Freymiller ‘11, Cricket Gullickson ‘11
Disclaimer: This is not a factual or research- based article, and does not in any way reflect the opinions of the Vedette staff.
Photo, left of Trinity College in Ireland by Abigail Conkle, right.