2017 Woodcraft Vedette: Issue 3

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Issue 3 July 27, 2017

Cardinal G.I’s vs butterfly G.I’s Second Trimester Vedette Staff

Editor Gabrielle Pecsi Photographers Gabrielle Pecsi, Hannah Farmer


By: Estelle Kress Maggie Cooke

G.I’s are the hardest woodcraft inspection that happens almost every Saturday. When I walk into a cardinal cabin on any day of the week though is looks like a butterfly can on G.I day, VERY NEAT so I wondered what the difference is between cardinal cabins on G.I day and butterfly cabins on G.I day. We asked both cardinals and butterflies questions, for example what’s the hardest and what’s the easiest part. Butterflies said the bed is the hardest part because the fold has to be the size of a hand and the fold has to be an arm’s length away from the top of the bed, also the bed can’t have any wrinkles or tales Cardinals answered that personal check is the hardest part because no one can make them practice and memorize the honor card. Both cardinals and butterflies thought the two easiest things to clean are closets and athletic bins because there small and there is not much to put in it and clean We also asked cardinals that were in butterflies to is butterfly G.I’s or cardinal G.I’s harder. We got lots of responses saying cardinals is harder because they focus on the little details, one girl said “cardinals is harder because they expect you to know more from previous years.” Over all it seems cardinal and butterfly G.I’s are very different, and I would rather have G.I’s in butterflies the easier choice.

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Arts and Crafts By: Taylor Wagoner and Eleanor Erwin

Arts and crafts is a well known class of them all. Hundreds of campers have taking the class. You might consider Taking the class once you here about the class from these girls.

Lornza Alvarez is a girl from B3 in 4th C.P. arts and crafts, enjoys drawing and painting very much. She also says that you can also have mosaic tiles as a project. Thank you Lornza.

Micaela San martin , an girl from B3 in 4th C.P. Arts and Crafts, supports the idea that paper pulp is an old favorite. She has also made bowls and walking sticks. Thank you Michaela.

Masa Aldaoud is a girl from C 1 in 4th C.P arts and crafts. Masa thinks Clay And Under Glaze is very popular craft in arts and crafts . she has also told us that you can do drawing and painting in arts and crafts, Thank you Masa!

Camila Alvarez, a girl from b2 in 4th C.P. arts and crafts, likes making crafts that use clay and glaze. She also tells us that painting and drawing is also popular. Thank you camila!

And last but not least, Alexa Norman, a girl from B3 in 4th C.P. arts and crafts, agrees with Micaela, and likes paper pulp

JOGA BONITO By: Olivia Dinorah

HOW MUCH DO THEY PRACTICE? They play everyday for 45 minutes for four weeks. There can be four instructors but this year there are only 2 are coachWHAT DOES JOGA BONITO ing. MEAN? DO THEY PLAY GAMES? “Beautiful game” What is also beautiful about the game Players don’t actually play games .The is that there is no separation girls and kids just play for fun. boys play together. HOW LONG HAS JOGA EXISTED? Joga has existed for two years. WHEN DO WE TRY-OUT ? Joga Bonito is a soccer team where they take the best players out of woodcraft to play soccer properly and to show off their moves.

On the second week of camp, any boy or girl an sign up but, there is a In conclusion: Joga Bonito is a great limit 30 children max .This year there way to increase players to play the way soccer is supposed to be played . are only 28 children.

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The Real Colonel Wettig by: Mary Kate Kelley, Ayana Odom,Alondra What do you think of Colonel Wettig? Is he a guy who loves kids and try’s his hardest to lead them, or just a guy who’s always telling people to tuck in their shirts? Whatever your opinion is on Colonel Wettig we all can agree he’s trying to help us become some of the best leaders we can be. According to major tricky, Colonel Wettig is an outstanding man. In Major Trickey’s eyes he sees a man who cares about leading and helping kids. Major said “I liked Colonel Wetting as soon as I met him, Colonel Wettig leads by inspiration.” Major Trickey also stated “Colonel Wettig is nicer when you get to meet him in person.” Maj. Arvelo told us that when she first met Colonel Wettig, he was yelling in the dining hall, telling people to tuck in their shirts. At first she thought he shouldn’t be yelling, but telling them in a nicer tone. Then as she got to know him, she felt like Colonel Wettig was a good fit for the position, and he knows what he is talking about. She also shared with us that though

Colonel Wettig can be a tough guy, but he can have a soft side to him just like a grandpa as well. Colonel Wettig was introduced to Culver when he was born. A family friend gave his mother a brochure for culver because her son was attending the winter school. At a young age Colonel Wettig decided he wanted to be in the army, so his mom sent him to winter school. After winter school he accomplished his goal of going to the army. He was a military police officer by specialty. When asked “How did you become the boys director?” His reply was “I was asked to be the military officer first then they called me again 1 year later and asked if I wanted to be the boy’s director.” When asked “What is your favorite part about culver?” His reply was “I like the sense of purpose.” Colonel Wettig also said “Culver is my home ask me where I live I’ll give you a different answer.” Where he lives Colonel Wettig is the scout leader for his grandson. As you can see Colonel Wettig isn’t always the guy who is telling people to tuck in their shirts he just loves helping and leading children.

Weather Holds By: William Ericson Weather holds are an event that occurs often here at Woodcraft. When you hear the air horn, we know that we have to stay where we are. You are either stuck in your current class or your cabin. I asked lots of kids if they would rather be stuck in their cabin or a class. It was close, but people preferred to be in their cabin. Why do kids want to be in their cabin? Why do other kids want to be in their class? I’m here to tell you tell you why people do and don’t like weather holds, along with various other questions about weather holds. I interviewed Alondra Guerra from

C2 and asked why she would rather be stuck in her class than cabin, and she said to me “I would rather be stuck in a class than my cabin because if you have a big project and are slow in it, you get more time to complete it and talk and get to know your other classmates.” I interviewed Joel Lacoste from D5 and asked why he would rather be in a cabin than a class, and he told me “I would rather be stuck in my cabin because we get more bonding time, play fun games, and get opportunities to do other things we don’t normally do during free time.” I also asked kids three

Do You Like Weather Holds?

questions about weather holds. 1.) Do you like weather holds? 2.) Would you rather be stuck in a cabin or a class during a weather hold? 3.) If you were stuck in a class, what class would you want it to be? The most popular class choice was fitness. Following close behind were Arts and Crafts, Ice Skating, Rocketry, and Indian Crafts.

Would You Prefer to Be Stuck in Cabin or Class?

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Traveling People come from all over the world to get to culver. We wanted to see people’s opinions on this. We interviewed Calista Ye (b1), Majo Lozano (b2), and Sirine Hamshari (b1). We asked them five questions about traveling to culver. First we interviewed Calista Ye. We asked her these questions. “Where do you live?” “Michigan.” “Do you like to travel.” “Yes.” “Was it worth the trip?’ ’ “Kind of, I don’t know.’’ “How long was it?” “Four hours.” “When did you leave?”

What Do International Students Think About America? By: Kyle Letke, Marcelo Garza, Gavin Bergman, and Aiden Eckert

It is common knowledge that many campers at Culver do not come from the United States. The international campers come from 40+ countries, to a small town in Indiana, for a once in a lifetime experience. It is fact that America is different from other countries, so campers from the US might wonder how international campers feel about Culver, and the United States. We were curious about this, so we went out and interviewed some kids. Camper: Rodrigo De La Garza, D5 Country of origin: Mexico Q: What do you like about US food? A: “I like pizza and hamburgers because of the meat” Camper: Wen (Bob) Bao, D7 Country of origin: China Q: What do you like about Culver? A: “I like Culver because it is fun. I enjoy the games and the classes”

“I don’t know the exact time, but we left early.” Next we interviewed Majo Lozano, we asked her the same questions, she lives in Mexico city, Mexico, she likes to travel, she thinks it was worth the trip, the trip was five hours, and the flight was 1:00am. Next we interviewed Sirine Hamshari, she lived the farthest, she lives in Amman, Jordan, she likes to travel, her many flights were added up to 14 hours, she said it was definetily worth coming here, her first flight took off at 4:00am. They are only some of the few people who come far to come to Culver.


The Vedette // Culver Summer Schools & Camps

Camper: Gaspard Simonetta, D7 Country of origin: Switzerland Q: What would you change about America? A: “I would like America to be smaller, because people think it is the best country because it is the biggest” Camper: Fauaz alhabib Country of origin: Saudi Arabia Q: How did you find out about Culver? A: “My cousin came last year and he liked it so he told me to come with him.” As you can see, they all have different thoughts. However they all share one common thing, they all came to Culver, and enjoy it immensely.

Maze Game

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Natalie Tidd

By: Reid Seddelmeyer Katy Hague The person that I interviewed today is named Natalie Tidd . She is a silver “c” cardinal .Right now she is in C1 . The counselor that I will miss the most is Lt. Valdez because I know that I can go to her with anything and she will help or keep it a secret if it is embarrassing. My best memories in butterflys is when my cabin is getting honor cabin all three years with different counselors and cabin mates every year ,that shows that you can do anything you set your mind to. I am considering going to upper camp or winter school because I


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think it is good practice for college. The counselor/Major I will miss the most on the boys side is Major Maes because I will miss the sense of humor, to make me laugh, his hugs when I need one or I see him , making more memories with him , and even though I am a silver “c” and still have one more year with him it will be hard to say good bye. My favorite activity here at camp is Kline relay because even though I have never won a Kline relay it show how much teamwork you need and you to complete a tasks or to cheer on other people .

Old Woodcraft Classes

By: Victor Cerda, Neil Marquell, Kaily Jo Norris Have you ever wondered how the old of were wallet making and ceramics, woodcraft was? Well, we interviewed wallet making was where you made Major Trickey and he told us enough wallets and ceramics was where you made things with tile. to make a story out of it, here are some things he told us.

We asked him what classes they had back at the old woodcraft, and he replied saying that they used wallet making and he plans to bring it back!

And that was some of the old Woodcraft classes were.

We had also asked a question no one really asks about and we asked when Camp Play was introduced, he had told us that it was added the same year girls were added so in 1977. The other classes that woodcraft got rid

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Water Ski By: SOFIA ARELLANO ROBERTA ARMENTA We interview Ms. Lexie Skrinak Water ski is one of the best classes at Woodcraft, that’s some campers opinion. We asked some campers a few questions like: what do they like about water ski? And they answered: That it was fun and it was different comparing to other classes and we agree with that because we’ve been in that experience and others too.


The Vedette // Culver Summer Schools & Camps

Some counselors and campers said that water ski is challenging because of the waves that move the boat and getting out the wakes and getting in the wakes. The best part of water ski is when you get up and you know that you finally made it, and the counselors said that the best part of water ski is seeing the campers faces when they get up.

Circle Ikwe Circle Ikwe (girls) and master dancer (boys) are secret societies for Indian Dance. 12 boys and 8 girls get inducted each year and are handpicked by the Indian Lore society. The chosen few have to go through a series of tests, for example, they aren’t allowed to speak for a day. People have wondered about theses secret societies for so long, and we wanted to answer all the questions people had. Q: How do you choose people for these societies? A: Circle Ikwe and Master Dancer have to be exceptional dancers and have a great character. The Indian Lore committee goes through a long process of choosing the members. Lt. Kucera Q: What has changed from your perspective? A: I think they induct more girls,

that’s all. Anymore changes are a secret. – Lt. Lopez Q: How did you find out and react when you were inducted? A: I found out after awards on a Sunday. I felt excited and I even almost cried because I achieved my goal. – Ben Smith Q: What do you think gets people inducted? A: You can’t only be a great dancer, you have to be a good person. You need to help others, not only in the ring, but in your division and cabin. – Ben Smith Q: How do you feel about being inducted, and what has it taught you? A: Honestly, it feels like a whole new experience. It teaches you to respect things more anywhere, cabin or division. – Ben Smith

Q: What would you say to the dancers that didn’t get master dancer? A: Even if you don’t get master dancer, as long as you are a good person, you have some master dancer within you. – Ben Smith Q: What would you say to future master dancers? A: Cherish being a part of it. It will teach you a lot. – Ben Smith Q: How long has master dancer been around? A: The first circle Ikwe class was in 1995 and it’s 22 years old. The first master dancer class was in 1975 and it is 42 years old. – Lt. Kucera Lt. Lopez reaction story “I woke up at the staff peer. I was really sticky and I was like ‘what’s going on?’ I remembered the early night but nothing else.”

The Vedette // Culver Summer Schools & Camps


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