Issue 1 July 13, 2021
By Luciana Perez Hinojosa As most of us know, Vedette is Culver's magazine, but what is it about? Most would say it's just a magazine where people talk about Culver, others would even say it's an easy way of getting a patch, but it's not just that, in my opinion, Vedette is a place of expression, where we can tell others how we or others feel and/or think about different aspects of Culver. It's a place to share ideas, to brainstorm, to learn how to express yourself in an organized way. It's also a great place to relax and let your creativity flow in the way of writing, And learning how to convey your ideas in a proper, organized, and respectful way! So take it from a fellow camper, Vedette is one of the best classes on campus, and if you want to, you should try it.
CAMPER’S GUIDE By Andres Fernandez and Diego Espejo This campers guide consists of helping all the new campers that came here without knowing anything. Bronze"C", Silver"C" and Gold"C" have teamed up to help you in your first week of Culver and make it easier. Pay attention to these very helpful tips to make your summer at Culver easier. How To Pass An Inspection
Never like never ever sleep under your covers, if you already made your bed don't be an idiot and ruin your bed, instead bring an extra blanket and use that.
When you wake up the first thing you should do is your bed, it should be pretty easy to fix the wrinkles if you don't sleep under your cover.
Always make sure you don't have flags, that's one of the most common gigs people get.
Never accumulate stuff in your center bin, if you have to put something away, do it immediately, that way you don't get extra work for P.I.
If you have some shirts that don't fold correctly, and there is not that much time before P.I, put it in your laundry bag, that way you won't get gigged for it.
The most important thing to do before a P.I. is to check for cabin gigs, it doesn't matter if you get a gig, check for trash on the floor and trash outside the cabin.
When you are standing in Parade or in retreat, never lock your knees, you stop your circulation and you'll faint.
Interview with COL Young By: Lev Vitrak Col. Young is the director of Woodcraft and this is her first year doing so. I decided to interview her because she is a new colonel and new to running Woodcraft Also, she is the third woman to direct woodcraft and this also would be her first interview for the vedette. Q. How did covid effect camp? A. There are lots of protocols and it made camp shut down for a year but it made campers more excited to come back. Q. What are the guidelines put in place to keep camp open? A. there is testing 3 times a week, there are masks indoors and we can't use Penske for rainy days anymore Q. Has the camp shut down ever? A. no not in 119 years. It did not shut down for ww1 ww2 and even the influenza pandemic. Q. Do you think that covid made us happier in a way A. Yes I do because we were here together for a year and now we are here together after a very harsh pandemic but it's still going on so we need to be aware.
Aquatic Biology
By Evander McIver Aquatic biology is one of the most interesting classes in all of culver. When you are in aquatic biology you explore bodies of water and look for crawfish, frogs and bugs. And you get to learn about nature! Lt. O’Neil is the person in charge of that class and he is awesome. He takes us to swamps and creeks! I think that you should take aquatic biology.
The Different Story of Club Foot
Once in 1924 there was a camper at Culver whose name was Abe, he was in D-2. his Lt, whose name was unknown, took all the campers in d -2 on a nature walk in the woods. At the time there was not a lot of technology at Culver so they did not know about the incoming storm! When the storm hit everyone was scared. When lightning hit a tree every one ran but abe. He was too shocked to move and the tree landed on his leg! Everyone had run over to their cabin and they thought Abe was with them but they had accidently left Abe behind. When Abe realized that he had been left behind he was so angry that he grabbed a sharp stick and cut his leg off! To keep himself from dying from blood loss he wrapped his shirt around the wound. Then Abe hobbled off to the golf course and stuck a golf club where his leg used to be. He grabbed a golf t and waited till night to strike. Then he murdered everyone in his cabin with a golf t. The major was so scared that he shut down D-2. The end.™
Top 10 Most Popular Woodcraft Classes 2021 1. Indian Dance 2. Arts & Crafts 3. Indian Crafts 4. Water Ski 5. Air Rifle 6. Soccer 7. Sailing 8. Archery 9. Tennis 10. Ping Pong
A Chat with MAJ. Robertson Maj. Robertson is the director of one of the most popular Woodcraft classes, Indian Dance. Not only is he in charge of Indian Dance, but he is also one of the people who have been around at camp the longest. We decided to interview Maj. Robertson because he is one of the people who have the most knowledge when it comes to Woodcraft Camp and how Indian Dance came to be what it is today for Culver. We asked Major Robertson to answer a few questions about Indian dance, and this is what he had to say:
Q: Where did you get the council fire stories? A:"The stories are written by staff members and books with Indian legends. " Q: How long has Indian dance been in your life? A:" 60 years." Q: Are the dances real ? A: "They have adapted dances from books, the steps are real but the councils from the past have added some." We also asked some kids from a few units which dances they liked the most.
Michael Mosley (D5): "My favorite move is double action." Alexa Rincon (C2): "My favorite dance is double action." A Camper’s Opinion on American Indian Crafts American Indian crafts is a very old class but it's still very fun to take. I currently take it and it's a great class. At the start of every day you get to hear a story that can either be scary or can be really funny. I love these stories because they make my day. After the story they tell you to go get your stuff from the place that you put it and it feels like there should be many bugs in there but there's none. Then you'll go back to the place where you'll finish some stuff that you make there. You can either make it inside or outside . If you decide to work inside you need a mask if not you don't need one. The class isn't too long in real time but it's so much fun it feels like you just got there when class is ending. At the end there will be a number from 5 - 15. If there is a lot of trash you will most likely pick up 11 things of trash and if there's a little bit of trash you might have to pick up only 6 things of trash. At the end of class you will put what you were making back where you got it. In this class there is so much to make like dream catchers, friendship bracelets, ladder bracelets, ohos, and much more. One of the reasons I love this class is because of the teachers they're always so funny and overall great people. I would definitely recommend taking this class! It's amazing.
Gaga Ball Interviews Q: "Why is gaga ball such a popular game amongst kids."-Interviewer A: "Primarily because it's fun, it's an activity that is fairly simple to learn." -Maj Roesler A: "Because it gives them a chance to engage with a large group of their peers. It's also different from what you have at home". - Maj Hisey A:"Gaga ball is a recent PE phenomenon and has taken over four square."Maj Lynch A: " Gaga ball is like the electronics of camp. It's addicting, fun, and good for meeting new people. It's addictive because A:Maj Bradkie: brings together .it's fun because it's competitive. Also tiers people out Q: Do you like gaga ball ? why? A:Maj Bowers: I love gaga ball, I like gaga ball because i feel like everyone can be included and it's easy to also brings people closer to each other.
Camp Before and During Covid-19: What has Changed? As a Silver "C" who went to camp before Covid-19 and is now a camper again during Covid-19, I can definitely say that there have been some significant changes from the summer of 2019 to the summer of 2021. We must wear a face mask when we are at upper camp and inside buildings with large groups of people. Both campers and counselors are also getting tested every Monday, Wednesday and Friday unless they are fully vaccinated. Fortunately, we do not have to wear a mask here at woodcraft but if you feel more comfortable doing so, you are free to do it. Maj.Thomas said, "it was necessary to come back and it's a good thing most of us have the covid vaccine." Camp before was also very fun. For example, in Penske we used to go and hang out during weather holds, we used to go and watch movies and talk with all of the campers. Although because of Covid, movies are now cancelled which means on Fridays we do not go to watch a movie, instead we do other activities such as unit time with other divisions or units. On the more positive side, a majority of activities haven't changed. For example, cabin games, swim meets, track meets, wing/division games and free swims, all of which are very fun. I know every staff member is trying to make the best out of our current situation and I'm very excited to see how Culver makes this summer even more amazing despite the circumstances