2 minute read
SUSANNAH PITTMAN spittman@centenary-ws.org
One of the early apostles
whom I find inspiring is Joseph of Cyprus. Described in Acts 11:24 as “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith,” he devoted his life to encouraging others in the Christian faith and to building up the early Church. When the disciples in Jerusalem were reluctant to believe the authenticity of Paul’s conversion to Christianity, it was Joseph who advocated for Paul. For a season, he traveled with Paul to spread the Gospel and to support the new churches. Joseph’s compassion and care made such an impact that the apostles called him “Barnabas”, which means “son of encouragement”.
As we focus on how our life as the Body of Christ at Centenary is for “every day for everyone,” Barnabas serves as a powerful example for us. Just as Barnabas was intentional in his daily encounters to share the love of Christ and encourage others, we are called to do likewise. The Holy Spirit works within us and around us, guiding us in the countless ways that we can use our daily moments to offer care, support, and encouragement to others. Such opportunities may include writing a note to a loved one going through a difficult season or praying with a friend. Participating in a small group and serving others are also ways that we can build up one another. Perhaps God is calling us to use our life experiences to offer support to others with similar experiences. Embracing these daily moments as opportunities to express encouragement and care can make a significant impact in our individual lives and in the furthering of God’s Kingdom.
Our Congregational Care ministry also seeks to provide support, care, and encouragement “every day for everyone.” Our pastoral staff, Stephen Ministers, Shining Light on Mental Health ministry, and grief support ministry are here for you as listening ears, resources, and companions in the journey. You will find more information about upcoming events facilitated by the Congregational Care ministry in this publication and in future communications. Wherever you are in your daily journey, we are here to support and encourage you.
The gift of encouragement that God bestowed upon Barnabas was vital to the early Church. His ministry of support and compassion fostered hope and unity within the Christian community and provided a powerful witness of Christ’s love in the world. As we seek to live out our faith every day, may we, too, strive to be known as “[children] of encouragement.”
Learn more about Centenary by visiting our website at: www.centenary-ws.org