1 minute read
By Rev. Meg Gaston
Starting in September, we will have a “Monthly Mission Focus” where we will highlight one of our ministry partners and the ways in which you and your family can get involved. Through discussions with mission team members, we thought about what “Every Day for Everyone” would look like in our partnerships with those in our community. So often Mission opportunities leave out a group of people who are either too young or physically not able to volunteer in the ways that are available. We want to change this so that regardless of how old or young you are, or what your schedule may look like on the weekends or week days, there will be opportunities for you to get involved. The Betty and Jim Holmes Food Bank Garden is our focus for the month of September and we are excited for all
As our way of being the church continues to change, we want to make sure our approach to Mission has the flexibility to change as well.
that this entails. Not only will there be options for you to sign up to help harvest the many crops they have coming in next month, but there will also be an opportunity for families with young children to either visit the garden or come to the church to learn more about the garden and their work. We are excited not only to shed more light on our mission partners, but also to bring our church together as we serve alongside each other and our community. I am excited about all that our church does and look forward to growing our mission program over the next year.
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