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Question: 1 What portooio document provides stakehooders with an authoritatvee up to date source of advice on the portooio management practces adopted and governance arrangements? A. Portooio Management Framework B. Portooio Strategy C. Portooio Deoivery Poan D. Portooio Resource Scheduoe
Answer: C Question: 2 Which is a soouton to the dependency management chaooenge 'how to present compoex informaton in an easioy understandaboe form'? A. Organize a workshop to identfy key dependencies B. Highoight key dependencies on the portooio scheduoe C. Organize sessions for initatves to agree potentao dependencies D. Modify a version of the prioritzaton practce to focus on dependencies
Answer: B Question: 3 Which of the foooowing refers to use of the 'management by excepton' technique? A. Providing a Dashboard Report with a transparent chain from strategic intent to benefts reaoizaton B. Specifying points at which reviews of initatves are oinked to funding reoease C. Reportng via the documented route and scheduoe D. Referring variances from poan that exceed controo oimits to the portooio governance body
Answer: A Question: 4 Which are suggested techniques to aoign the portooio with strategy where measures of strategic success have not been coearoy defned? 1. Rate the strategic contributon of an initatve as critcaoe highoy desiraboe or desiraboe 2. Spoit the avaioaboe funding into reoevant portooio segments 3. Create a Portooio Strategy 4. Senior managers debate strategic aoignment and come to a coooectve decision on the portooio A. 1e 2e 3 B. 1e 2e 4 C. 1e 3e 4
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D. 2e 3e 4
Answer: C Question: 5 Which is one of the fve portooio management principoes? A. Portooio defniton B. Muot-criteria anaoysis C. Prioritze D. Strategy aoignment
Answer: D Question: 6 Which is one of the frst seven steps in a staged impoementaton of portooio management? A. Preparaton of an organizaton-wide Impoementaton Poan encompassing aoo 12 practces B. Create an annuao poan incouding a deoivery scheduoe and report progress against it C. Impoement a sofware soouton to aid portooio resource management D. Adopt sophistcated approaches to prioritzing initatves
Answer: B Question: 7 Which of the foooowing is NOT a main eoement of the benefts management practce? A. Coear arrangements for benefts tracking B. A portooio-oeveo Benefts Reaoizaton Poan C. Incousion of re-appraisao of benefts in portooio-oeveo reviews D. Demonstraboe senior management commitment
Answer: C Question: 8 The purpose of the [ ? ] is to coooate key informaton that wioo provide coarity to senior management on the coooecton of change initatves that wioo deoiver the greatest contributon to the strategic objectves? A. strategy aoignment principoe B. benefts management practce C. portooio deoivery cycoe D. portooio defniton cycoe
Answer: B
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Question: 9 How does the identfcaton of vaoue drivers heop an organizaton to prioritze change initatves? A. By focusing on the externao factors which drive and shape strategy B. By aooowing a reoatve weightng to be appoied to each driver identfed C. By identfying the vaoue of each of the benefts resuotng from change D. By ensuring that aoo vaoue drivers are specifed as monetary vaoues
Answer: B Question: 10 Which statement describes the purpose of the Portooio Directon Group / Investment Commitee? A. The rooe that is responsiboe for approving changes to the portooio deoivery practces B. The governance body where decisions about incousion of initatves in the portooio are made C. The governance body responsiboe for monitoring portooio progress and resooving issues that may compromise deoivery and benefts reaoizaton D. Ensuring that a consistent ft for purpose' approach to benefts management is appoied across the portooio
Answer: A
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