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Who Are Our Students?

During the 2021-2022 academic year, over 3500 students attended CUNY SPS in total. Of those, more than 2440 are in bachelor’s degree programs and over 1110 are in a master’s degree program.

Within this class:

- Approximately 70% of our students are women

- More than 63% are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color)

- The majority of our undergraduates work full or part-time or serve in the military More than 34% of our students are between ages 31-40, and 19% are over 41 years old

- Over 68% of our students reside in NYC; nearly 14% live in NYS; and another 18% reside outside of New York

- Of our local students, over 15% are from the Bronx; 32% from Brooklyn; 14% from Manhattan; 35% from Queens; and 4% from Staten Island

Among our BIPOC students:

- 0.5 % are American Indian or Native Alaskan

- 17% are Asian or Pacific Islander

- Nearly 30% are Black, Non-Hispanic Ä Over 16% are Hispanic, Other

- Over 16% are Hispanic, Other

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