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CUNY SPS Scholarship Recipients: In Their Own Words

With the help of our generous supporters, the CUNY SPS Foundation has awarded named scholarships of more than $1.3 million to over 400 students since 2012. In FY2022, the CUNY SPS Foundation distributed scholarships to 153 students, representing 20 different academic programs. These exceptional and inspiring students are working adults who came to CUNY SPS to complete their degrees, often juggling work, children, families, and financial responsibilities as they forge their path to success. Below, several scholarship recipients describe the impact that these scholarships have had on their educational journeys, careers, and lives.

Chiyere Barbor, MA in Disability Studies

With so much going on in my life personally, I am able to say that receiving this scholarship [William J. Kissane Scholarship] made a difference for me financially as well as academically. I hope to use what I learn at CUNY SPS to open up my own day program and residence to serve those that mean so much to me.

Baly Cooley, BS in Nursing

The real benefit of the [Petrie Nurse] scholarship is more than the cost of tuition. It’s the faith. The faith that I can finish my degree with a high GPA. The belief that nursing is an important profession. The encouragement to continue all the way through, even though working full time and completing a degree in two years is exhausting. And most of all, the support of knowing there are people who believe in me, a 47-year-old in her second career, her second bachelor’s, and her second chance at making a real difference in the world.

Nicholas Fosmire, BS in Nursing

It was thanks to CUNY [and the Petrie Nurse Scholarship] that I managed to find the purpose I was looking for. Being a nurse has been a dream come true, a profession where I can help those most in need and where I can have a great impact on people’s lives.

Khadijah Frederick, Child Development Associate Certificate, BA in Liberal Studies, and MA in Youth Studies

Being a two-time ACE [scholar and] mentor was really rewarding, I truly enjoy helping my mentees reach their goals. So what did the ACE mentorship do for me? It literally changed my life and future goal aspirations, which at my age I didn't think was possible.

Jessica Montalvo, BA in Sociology (Finish Line Degree Completion Scholar)

Being a single mother while working full-time and taking college courses has been one of the biggest obstacles that I have ever had to face. Battling financial stability while still trying to afford my remaining tuition after financial aid has been a scary journey, but well worth it in order to give my son a better life.

April Outen, BA in Psychology

The ACE Scholars Program helped me pave the way to success, from start to finish. It allowed me to breathe and turn my complete focus to my academic studies rather than wringing my hands every semester, trying to play financial magic, or pausing my studies because some other area of my life needed to be addressed first.

Eduardo Quevedo, BA in Human Relations

Although life is no longer a mess, bills and responsibilities don’t ever go away, especially when the system is as broken as it is. Without this [ACE Scholarship] award, I would have not been able to return to CUNY SPS to complete my education.

Caroline Richardson, MA in Youth Studies

As a result of the [Youth Studies] scholarship, I pursued the opportunity to participate in an independent study…that explores youth participation in the food justice field. As independent studies are not a requirement for the master’s program, without the scholarship, I am not sure I would have prioritized a unique opportunity like this. I am so grateful for this scholarship.

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