Ricky Romer
Edmonton city workers unearth Albertosaurus bones. See Work bytes for more. Page 4
Counterpoint CUPE National’s quarterly publication
More than a picnic …
Lifetime memories and new activists
About 3,000 people, most of them kids, attended the annual CUPE 79 two-day picnic on Centre Island, Toronto. By Pat Daley In one of the hottest summers on record, thousands of CUPE 79 members and their families ferried to Toronto’s Centre Island in August for the union’s annual picnic. Executive board member Fred Taylor, who has been organizing the event for 30 years, says this year’s event was one of the
“most enjoyable” – and he has the thank-you letters to prove it. About 3,000 people, most of them kids, attended the two-day event that featured amusement park rides, foot races and food. The benefits are two-fold, says Taylor. “Lots of times this is the only union event people go to. But they go and end up getting involved, often as a union
steward. It draws people in.” And, it helps to develop a pool of future activists among the children. Taylor himself remembers attending CUPE 43 (now CUPE 416) picnics as a child, noting with a smile that “I was illegal.” He attended with friends. “I still remember the good times,” he said. “It gives the kids good thoughts about the union.”
Fall 2010
Public sector wage controls a political issue – not a fiscal one CUPE members all across the country are facing enormous challenges in the political arena and at the bargaining table. Spending policies aimed at easing the recession have produced deficits. Many provincial governments are now responding with program spending cuts and varying degrees of political pressure on public sector workers for wage restraint. We asked CUPE National President Paul Moist what these challenges mean for CUPE members. “The future for CUPE members will be like that previous members experienced during recessions in the 1970s and early 1990s. Governments will enact cutbacks, our bargaining climate will become tougher and we will be tested.” But as Moist points out it is as much a fight over the direction of public policy as it is a bargaining challenge. “In the aftermath of the financial crisis of October 2008, it was the government that shored up financial institutions and certain businesses Continued on page 6
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