The Workbook: – focuses on developing Skill B, Handling information and problem solving, and some aspects of Skill C, Experimental skills and investigations – contains exercises arranged by chapter, in the same sequence as in the Coursebook – contains exercises structured to give students plenty of guidance in the early stages, progressing to more difficult and less structured tasks towards the end of the book – invites students to match their performance in some tasks against generic criteria, to help them to see clearly what they need to do to improve – uses language accessible to students of a wide range of abilities.
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Second edition
Jones and Jones
Other components of Cambridge IGCSE Biology, Second edition: Coursebook ISBN 978–0–521–14779–8 Teacher’s resource ISBN 978–0–521–17617–0
Co m ple t Ca el y m Ca br idg Ca m br idg f e re m e q or sou b rce ri ua dg lifi s ca tio e ns
This Workbook is intended to be used alongside the Cambridge IGCSE Biology, Second edition Coursebook. It contains exercises that will help students to develop the skills they need to do well in the IGCSE Biology examination. A Teacher’s resource is also available.
Mary Jones and Geoff Jones
Cambridge IGCSE®
Cambridge IGCSE Biology, Second edition matches the requirements of the revised Cambridge IGCSE Biology syllabus (0610). The series is written by an experienced IGCSE teacher, and is endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations, ensuring that it is up to date and comprehensive in its coverage.
IGCSE Biology
Cambridge IGCSE Biology, Second edition Workbook Mary Jones and Geoff Jones