Success International English Skills for IGCSE: Student's Book

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Student’s Book

Revised Edition

Marian Barry The revised edition of this highly successful course offers complete preparation for all papers of the Cambridge IGCSE in English as a Second Language examination. The book is endorsed by University of Cambridge International Examinations for use with the revised syllabus.

Student’s Book

The author is an experienced teacher and uses her in-depth knowledge of the syllabus requirements to train students in the skills needed for exam success.

Success International English Skills for IGCSE

Success International English Skills for IGCSE

Revised Edition

Key features: Ij_ckbWj_d] jef_Yi" _dj[hdWj_edWb _d f[hif[Yj_l[ WdZ h[b[lWdj je ?=9I; students’ educational needs and interests. Ij[f#Xo#ij[f Z[l[befc[dj e\ j^[ \ekh ia_bbi je Xk_bZ YedÓ Z[dY[ WdZ competence. FWhj_YkbWh Wjj[dj_ed je Z[l[bef_d] W cWjkh[ mh_j_d] ijob[ m_j^ W \eYki ed jed[" h[]_ij[h WdZ WkZ_[dY[ WmWh[d[ii$ <h[gk[dj effehjkd_j_[i \eh ehWb [nfh[ii_ed WdZ b_ij[d_d] m_j^ fhWYj_Y[ _d \kdYj_edWb bWd]kW][" fhedkdY_Wj_ed" _djedWj_ed WdZ ijh[ii" WdZ interacting with a speaker. ;n[hY_i[i _d ]hWccWh" leYWXkbWho WdZ if[bb_d]$ 9edijWdj [nfeikh[ je jof_YWb ?=9I; gk[ij_edi WdZ ceZ[b Wdim[hi" with exam-format exercises and tips after every unit.

Success International English Skills ® for IGCSE Student’s Book

Revised Edition

The Teacher’s Book YedjW_di Z[jW_b[Z j[WY^[hÊi dej[i" ik]][ij_edi \eh Wbj[hdWj_l[ WffheWY^[i WdZ m_Z[h fhWYj_Y[" Yecc[dji j^hek]^ekj ed j^[ h[gk_h[c[dji e\ j^[ [nWc" WdZ Yecfb[j[ WkZ_e iYh_fji WdZ Wdim[hi" including answers to the Workbook exercises. The Workbook provides stimulating practice material that consolidates and tests understanding of the language and themes in the coursebook. Marian Barry _i W ^_]^bo [nf[h_[dY[Z j[WY^[h" j[WY^[h#jhW_d[h WdZ Wkj^eh$

Student’s Book Workbook Teacher’s Book Audio CD

978-0-521-14086-7 978-0-521-14090-4 978-0-521-14088-1 978-0-521-14089-8

<eh ceh[ _d\ehcWj_ed ed ?=9I; j_jb[i \hec 9WcXh_Z][" l_i_j mmm$YWcXh_Z][$eh]%Y_[

ISBN 978-0-521-14086-7

Marian Barry Endorsed by University of Cambridge International Examinations

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