Cambridge Global English Activity Book 3

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Activity Book

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Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean

Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condim entum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc,

Linse and Schottman

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi.

Activity Book

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.


Cambridge Global English

Global English

Caroline Linse and Elly Schottman


ISBN 000 0000 00000 0

ISBN 000 0000 00000 0

ISBN 000 0000 00000 0


Global English Activity Book



Working together

1 Read 1 Read Look and read. Write yes or no.

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AW 1.1 LB3 U1 Lesson 1 page 6 - children doing dragon dance

1 The children are learning the Dragon Dance. 2 The teacher is dancing. 3 There are eight children. 4 A child is playing the drum. 5 The children are holding up the dragon with long poles. 6 The dragon has big eyes and a little mouth. 7 The dragon has sharp teeth and a long body. 8 The dragon is dancing in the air.


Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1

2 Write Pretend that you are the Chinese New Year dragon. Write a poem about the Dragon Dance.

up down left  right slowly quickly

Answer these questions:

twist turn dance

Who are you?  How are you moving?  Why are you dancing?

Use some of these words in your poem. Give your poem a title.

AW1.2 Artwork: Decorative artwork of a Chinese dragon (make sure style is appropriate), preferably worked into the border of the poem writing space (see layout note above).]


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If you want to do something really well, you need to practise it. You do it many times, so that you do it better and better.

What do you practise?

Write a sentence. Draw a picture.

I practise playing the cymbals.

AW1.3 Detail of Steve( boy playing cymbals). He will be speaking from a speech bubble

Language tip Use -ing after practise. Let’s practise speaking English!

Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1


2 Let’s play! 1 Use of English Do you remember the game ‘Up and Down’?

Put the instructions in the right order. Write the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Link your elbows.

AW1.4 LB3 U1 page 8 Illustration for ‘Up and down’

Then sit down again.


Sit back-to-back with your partner. Try to stand up.

2 Read Write the missing words.

circle hand hold say many win


Eleven fingers

This is a game for three people. Stand in a Together,




‘1, 2, 3 … Go!’

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When you say ‘Go!’, 3 out some fingers on one 4 : 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 fingers. Count all the fingers. How To



fingers are there altogether?

the game, there must be 11 fingers.

3 Let’s do it! Look at the chart. Jamal, Nabil and Tobin played the game ‘Eleven fingers’ three times.


Add up the number of fingers for each game. Write the number in the chart.

Did the boys win each game? Circle Yes or No.

How many fingers?

Did they win?




Game 1




yes no

Game 2




yes no

Game 3




yes no

Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1

4 Word study Practise school and playground words with this crossword puzzle.

The picture clues and the words in the box will help you. 1 3






boy  chairs  children  girl




paper 7




rope  swing



p 10






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s w



2 [AW 1.6a]

1 [AW 1.6g]

3 [AW 1.6b]

2 [AW 1.6h]

6 [AW 1.6c]

4 [AW 1.6i]

7 [AW 1.6d]

5 [AW 1.6j]

9 [AW 1.6e]

7 [AW 1.6k]

10 [AW 1.6f]

8 ([AW 1.6l]


Draw a playground. Write sentences about the things on your playground.

There are six swings in my playground. There is a big tree. Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1


3 Team activities  1 Write Look at the pictures. AW1.7 LB3 U1 Lesson 3 page 10 Either the whole picture, with children clearly labelled

Ben is climbing to top of the wall. Alex and Jim are pushing Ben up the wall; Paul is pulling him.


Jack (no. 18) and Jill (no. 21) are carrying boxes.

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Ann is standing on the stack of bricks/ blocks and passing a glass of water to Lucy, who is standing on the ladder.

Write the answers. Start each answer with He is, She is or They are.

1 What is Ben doing? 2 What are Alex and Jim doing? 3 What is Lucy doing?


Write the questions. Start each question with What is ... ? or What are ... ?


They are carrying boxes.


He is pulling Ben.


She is passing a glass to Lucy.

Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1

2 Use of English Verbs are words for things that you can do. Circle the five verbs.


kick count ground jump girl giggle floor when bounce Read Draw a line from the number word to the number picture.

forty-two thirteen thirty twenty-four fifteen fifty-one twelve

AW1.8 Each number (i.e. the numeral not the word) to appear within a small artwork or graphic as follows:a)13 - on the inside sole of a child’s shoe b)20 - on a (generic) coin c)12 - on a (child) footballer’s shirt d)30 - on a road sign (i.e. speed limit) (Any of the following numbers: 24, 42, 51, 15) e)24 a house number on a front door f) 15 a number on the front of a bus g)51 number on a (generic-looking) postage stamp on the corner of an envelope h) 42 a number on the side of a little dodgem with a child( Chinese heritage girl age 9-10) driving and waving


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What’s the pattern? Write the missing numbers.

one hundred, ninety, eighty, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, 5 Read Answer the quiz questions.

Write your own ‘How many … ?’ question. Write the answer.

, sixty,


, forty-five

[Realia: Set the questions (and header) using a graphic so that it looks like a quiz in a magazine ] Number quiz How many hours are there in a day? ________ How many minutes are there in an hour? ________ How many letters are there in the alphabet? _______ How many days are there in three weeks? ________ How many months are there in a year? _______ How many days are there in August? _______

Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1


4 Performing a play 1 Word study Write the name below each bird and mammal.

bear fox goose kangaroo owl parrot penguin tiger


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Make a Picture dictionary. You need fourteen small pieces of paper.

Write the names of the mammals and birds above and six more. Draw pictures.

Put all the mammals and birds in alphabetical order. Make a book or a poster.

3 Read Vicky and Paul are going to act in a play. All the characters are birds.

Paul is trying to decide which bird he wants to be. Put the sentences in order to make a conversation. Number the lines 1–6.

Vicky: How about a parrot? Vicky: What do you want to be, Paul?


Vicky: How about a goose? Paul: I don’t know. Paul: No, I don’t want to be a goose.


Paul: That’s a good idea! I’ll be a parrot! Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1

4 Use of English Write the missing words. Use is or are and the -ing form of each verb.

1 The girls


. (skip, giggle)

AW1.13 Chinese New Year dragon on poles (we needn’t necessarily see the people holding the poles). Possibly reuse part of picture in LB3 U1 page 6.

AW1.12 Two girls ( age 8/9 one Afro-Caribbean/ one Mediterranean/Turkish heritage) skipping (side by side, separate ropes) and laughing.


2 The dragon

up and down. (move) AW1.14 clapping (from Picture Dictionary)

our hands. (clap)


3 We

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5 Write Make up a sentence for each picture. Use the -ing form of the verb.

6 What are you good at? Write a sentence.

What are you not good at? Write a sentence.

Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1


[AW 1.18] picture from top of LB3 U1 page 14, bear talking to kangaroo and fox in goal mouth

5 Whose team are you on? 1 Read Read the story on pages 14−15 of your Learner’s Book again. Then read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false).

1 The Bird and the Fish teams are playing football. 2 At first, Bat joins the Mammal team. 3 Bat wants to be on the winning team. 4 Bat switches to the Bird team. 5 When Bat switches teams, the other players are happy. 6 If Bat wants to play football, he needs to follow the rules. 2

Write How are mammals and bats the same?

Look at the chart. Write the missing words in the sentences below.



They have teeth.



They have fur.



They usually have four legs.


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and fur, and they usually have

Mammals have Bats have


[AW 1.19] picture of bat from LB3 U1 page 17 activity 7 (Words with more than one meaning)


, but they don’t have

How are birds and bats the same?

Look at the chart. Write the missing words in the sentences below.



They have wings.



They have two legs.



They have feathers.


Birds have


Bats have


Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1

and , but they don’t have

. .

. .

3 Word study Does your class have these rules? Circle yes or no.

Listen when your teacher is talking.

yes no

Put up your hand when you want to say something.

yes no

No mobile phones in the classroom.

yes no

No running in the classroom.

yes no


4 Write Pretend that you are Bat. Write a letter to the Mammals and the Birds. Say you are sorry that you switched teams.

Say you are ready to follow the rules now.

Ask if you can please come back and play.

End the letter with the words:

AW1.24 Bat( from LB) writing a letter with a pencil. If the words are at a size/ angle to be legible, we should see (‘handwritten’) ‘Dear Mammals and Birds,’

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Your friend, Bat

Dear Mammals and Birds, I am sorry that

Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1


6 Quiz 2 Listen

Listen and tick (3) the box.

1 What is the boy doing? a





2 What is Sally good at?



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3 What number comes next? A 25  B 35  C 40 4 Which animal is it? a


[AW 1.19a]


[AW 1.19b]

[AW 1.19c]

5 Write the word. Write-on line for one word. Then tick the box. a

b [AW 1.10d]


Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1

c [AW 1.10c]

[AW 1.10b]

Read Read and circle the best answer. A reporter is asking Steve questions.

6 Reporter: What are you and your friends doing?

Steve: A It’s Chinese New Year.

B We’re practising the Dragon Dance.

C Our dragon is beautiful.

7 Reporter: What is your teacher doing?

Steve: A She’s playing the drum.

B He’s playing the drum.

C We’re moving together.

AW1.37 Adapted from LB3 U1 Lesson 1 page i. Female reporter with microphone talking to Steve (the one playing cymbals in the original image in LB page 4 and AW1.3 in this AB) in the foreground, while dragon dance and drumming (same characters as original) carries on in the background.

Dance easy or difficult?


8 Reporter: Is learning the Dragon

Steve: A It’s difficult, but it’s also fun.

B I like the Dragon Dance.

C Don’t give up!

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Read and write Read the text and write two questions about it. Use question words like When … ? How many … ? Are … ? What … ?

Bats have two legs and wings, but they are not birds. They are mammals. Bats are the only mammals that fly! Bats fly at night. They eat insects. 9 10

My global progress Think about the activities you did in this unit. Answer the questions.

What were you good at? Name one or two activities. What did you find difficult? Name one or two activities. Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book Unit 1


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