The Coursebook has been revised ensuring that it is up to date and comprehensive in its coverage with supplementary material clearly marked. A Workbook and Teacher’s Resource are also available. The Coursebook contains: • total coverage of the syllabus • language accessible to students of a wide range of abilities • a clear indication of the chapter content at the beginning of each chapter • activities to help students develop practical and investigative skills • study tips throughout to aid with understanding • highlighted definition boxes • a specific chapter relating to the development of practical and investigative skills • in-chapter questions and end-of-chapter questions, including examstyle questions to test students’ knowledge • summaries at the end of each chapter • a glossary of key chemical terms. The accompanying CD-ROM contains: • advice on how to revise for and approach examinations • self-assessment check lists for making drawings, constructing and completing results tables, drawing graphs, and designing experiments • revision check lists for each chapter • answers to the end-of-chapter questions, including the exam-style questions • model exam papers and mark schemes • multiple-choice self tests and answers • expanded notes on the activities from the Coursebook with full teacher/technician notes for the activities • a series of animations to aid understanding.
Other components of IGCSE Chemistry, Fourth edition: Workbook ISBN 978-1-107-61499-4 Teacher’s resource ISBN 978-1-107-61501-4 Completely Cambridge – Cambridge resources for Cambridge qualifications Cambridge University Press works closely with Cambridge International Examinations as parts of the University of Cambridge. We enable thousands of students to pass their Cambridge exams by providing comprehensive, high-quality, endorsed resources.
Richard Harwood and Ian Lodge
Cambridge IGCSE®
Chemistry Coursebook Fourth edition
Harwood and Lodge
9780521757843 Cambers & Sibley: IGCSE Physics Cover. C M Y K
Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry, Fourth edition matches the requirements of the 2016 Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry syllabus (0620). It is endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations for use with their examination.
Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Coursebook Fourth edition
Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry, Fourth edition Coursebook with CD-ROM Richard Harwood and Ian Lodge
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Original material © Cambridge University Press 2014