Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry, Forth edition matches the requirements of the latest Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry syllabus (0620). It is endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations for use with their examination. This Teacher’s Resource contains a range of materials designed to support teaching of the syllabus. Its content has been revised and rearranged, ensuring that it is up to date and comprehensive in its coverage, with new material covered. A Coursebook and Teacher’s Resource are also available. The Teacher’s Resource contains: • editable teaching notes for each chapter, including lesson plans, common misconceptions and homework idea • a collection of editable practical activities, with accompanying teacher’s/technician’s guidance notes • editable Worksheets and answers organised by chapter • answers to end-of-chapter questions from the Coursebook • answers to the exercises from the Workbook • model exam papers and mark schemes • animations Other components of Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry, Fourth edition: Coursebook ISBN 978-1-107-61503-8 Workbook ISBN 978-1-107-61499-4 Completely Cambridge • Cambridge resources for Cambridge qualifications
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Richard Harwood and Ian Lodge
Cambridge IGCSE®
Chemistry Teacher’s Resource Fourth edition
Harwood and Lodge
Cambridge University Press works closely with Cambridge International Examinations as parts of the University of Cambridge. We enable thousands of students to pass their Cambridge exams by providing comprehensive, high-quality, endorsed resources.
Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Teacher’s Resource
Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry, Fourth edition Teacher’s Resource Richard Harwood and Ian Lodge
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Original material © Cambridge University Press 2014