Cambridge Phonics and Handwriting FAQS
Does Cambridge Early Years currently include support for phonics and handwriting?
Phonics and handwriting are covered by the Literacy part of the Communication, Language and Literacy curriculum that is available via the School Support Hub for registered Cambridge schools.
This includes curriculum learning statements that give a broad indication of the phonics and handwriting skills expected at each stage. However, you will need separate systematic phonics, reading and handwriting schemes to teach these learning statements.
Is Cambridge working on a phonics and handwriting scheme?
Yes. We are currently doing research into the most effective ways to teach phonics and handwriting in multilingual contexts. This research will help us develop a phonics and handwriting scheme.
What support/resources will be available for teachers and learners and when will it be available?
In September 2025, we will release a phonics and handwriting framework and general teaching support as part of the Cambridge Early Years programme on the School Support Hub. The framework will give a detailed recommended progression of phonics and handwriting
We will also be releasing print and digital resources to support teaching and learning of the framework in the first half of 2026. This will include print learner’s books, flashcards and print and digital teaching resources, which will contain letter formation and pronunciation videos, songs, projectable stories and more.
What should I use to teach my learners phonics and handwriting whilst I wait for the scheme from Cambridge?
We recommend you continue using your existing systematic phonics, reading and handwriting schemes
In the meantime, the following published resources from Cambridge provide guidance and activities for teaching handwriting systematically: Penpals for Handwriting
If you’re looking for reading books, you can also explore our guided reading scheme, Cambridge Reading Adventures
What age range will Cambridge Phonics and Handwriting cover?
The Cambridge Phonics and Handwriting framework is being developed to be used alongside the following stages of the Cambridge Pathway:
• EY1 to Primary Stage 4 for children following our English as a Second Language programme
• EY1 to Primary Stage 2 for children following our English as a First Language programme
How can my school access the Cambridge Phonics and Handwriting framework when it becomes available?
If you are an existing Cambridge Early Years centre, you will automatically get access to the framework and the general teaching support on the School Support Hub in September 2025.
If you are not a Cambridge Early Years centre, you can find out more about registering to become a Cambridge school on our website. Once registered, you will be able to access the framework and teaching support.
You can also buy the resources without being a registered school. Click here to sign up for our mailing list to receive the latest updates on our resources.
Do I need to pay an extra fee on top of my Cambridge Early Years programme fee to access the phonics and handwriting framework?
The Cambridge Early Years programme fee will include access to the Cambridge Phonics and Handwriting framework and general guidance about effective teaching and learning
Teaching and learning print and digital resources will be available at an additional cost.
Will there be professional development support for teachers/practitioners?
Yes, we are developing professional development courses alongside our phonics and handwriting scheme. More information will be available on our website and the School Support Hub in September 2025.