ASAL Psychology Coursebook

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This print and digital coursebook has been developed from extensive research through lesson observations, interviews and work with our research community (the Cambridge Panel) to meet your specific needs. Activities and questions develop your essential science skills, with a focus on practical work. Exam-style questions give you valuable practice. Projects provide opportunities for assessment for learning, cross-curricular learning and developing skills for life. There are multiple opportunities to engage in active learning, such as role-play activities, discussions and debates. Activities build in complexity to support your learning. The resource is written in accessible language with features to support English as a second language learners.

✓ S upports the full Cambridge IGCSE and

IGCSE (9-1) Biology syllabuses (0610/0970) for examination from 2023

✓ H as passed Cambridge International’s rigorous quality-assurance process

✓ Developed by subject experts ✓ For Cambridge schools worldwide

for Cambridge International AS & A Level COURSEBOOK Amy Papaconstantinou, Lizzie Gauntlett & Julia Russell


This resource is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education



• Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education for full syllabus coverage • Develops your scientific enquiry skills, such as making predictions, recording observations, handling data, interpreting data and evaluating methods • The project feature at the end of each chapter provides opportunities for assessment for learning, cross-curricular learning and skills for life development • Answers to all questions are accessible to teachers online at • For more information on how to access and use your digital resource, please see inside the front cover

Cambridge International AS & A Level


Completely Cambridge Cambridge University Press works with Cambridge Assessment International Education and experienced authors to produce high-quality endorsed textbooks and digital resources that support Cambridge Teachers and encourage Cambridge Learners worldwide. To find out more visit

Second edition

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