Lectura y escritura avanzadas Libro del profesor Para uso como complemento al Programa del Diploma del IB
Sections Section 1 – Instructional and informative texts Section 2 – Narrative and descriptive texts Section 3 – Formal texts Section 4 – Persuasive texts Section 5 – Essays
Contents Section 1 – Instructional and informative texts Unit
Grammar / functional focus
Writing skill
1 Recomendaciones de viaje
Leisure / Culture and traditions
Imperative (tú form)
Organising ideas into subheadings with main points
Health / The individual and society
Leisure and culture
Future tense
– writing an informative leaflet 2 Informe sobre el estilo de vida – writing a report
3 Itinerario turístico – writing a travel itinerary
Giving simple instructions
Use of impersonal pronoun se
Modifying writing plans in progress 16
Using questionnaires to collect information Writing up research findings and describing data Researching and selecting information from the Internet
Writing short affirmative sentences Correcting and revising first drafts
4 Instrucciones de uso – writing instructions
Science and technology
Imperative Use of para to express purpose Giving instructions / expressing general requirements (hay que; tiene que; para)
Vocabulary building relating to ICT and the Internet Selecting and organising information
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
Section 2 – Narrative and descriptive texts Unit
Grammar / functional focus
Writing skill
5 Desastre ecológico
Global issues
Pretérito indefinido
Vocabulary building relating to the environment and pollution
Al + infinitivo to express simultaneous actions
– writing an account of an event
Time links 6 Biografía – writing a biographical piece
Leisure and culture / Communication and media
Use of present historic tense Relative clauses
Time sequencing in a narrative Selecting and sequencing content for a chronological description / biography
Choosing an appropriate style
Expressing past points in time and past periods of time 7 Estilos periodísticos
Communication and media
– writing an article
8 Crítica cinematográfica – writing a film review
Leisure and culture
Passive voice Conditional expressing supposition
Expressing opinions and making conjectures about a director’s intentions Differentiating between subjective and objective language
Understanding connotations of lexical items Building a range of vocabulary relating to film
Organising ideas and structuring a film review Summarising
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Section 3 – Formal texts Unit
Grammar / functional focus
Writing skill
9 Solicitud de puesto de trabajo
Communication and media / World of work
Conditional to express polite wishes and make polite suggestions about the future
Imagining dialogues
– writing a covering letter for a job application 10 Correspondencia comercial
Communication and media / World of work
– writing a formal business letter
11 Carta de reclamación – writing a letter of complaint
Formal language Conditional + que + imperfect subjunctive
Organising information
Expanding from notes / instructions
Describing events and their consequences
Expressing preferences Setting out conditions
Leisure and culture / Health
Using formal language to express intentions deber Connectors of concession and contrast
Linking contrasting ideas
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Section 4 – Persuasive texts Unit
Grammar / functional focus
Writing skill
12 Tabaquismo y drogadicción
Health / The individual and society
Textual links / linking words
Explaining reasons and consequences
Convincing and persuading
Building on existing arguments using connectors of addition
– writing a persuasive text
Mind-mapping to gather information 13 Vegetarianismo – writing a campaign leaflet
Health / The individual and society
Suggestions using the nosotros form of the imperative
Using rhetorical devices to make a case
Using an emotive style to appeal to the reader
Structuring an argument using claim and counter-claim
Section 5 – Essays Unit
Grammar / functional focus
Writing skill
14 Internet en nuestras vidas
Communication and media
Elaborating using connectors of addition
Structuring an essay
– writing an essay presenting both sides of an argument 15 Los medios de comunicación
Presenting a balanced argument
Communication and media
– writing an argumentative essay
Paragraph building Elaborating points with further arguments or examples Building an argument within the context of a formal essay
Describing consequences
Qualifying ideas
page 92
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Introduction The aim of Lectura y escritura avanzadas is to develop the linguistic competence of IB Diploma students within a skills-centred framework, focusing specifically on reading and writing skills. Students are gradually trained in techniques that will help them write confidently and coherently at an advanced level and carry out tasks which integrate language skills and content. This book develops students’ writing skills by taking the writing process as its starting point. There are many different stages in the writing process and the activities in each unit have been designed to give students an insight into what they need to do in order to produce their final written outcomes. Each unit practises a number of transferable writing skills that can be applied to the various stages of the writing process: the generating of ideas, planning, drafting, rewriting, editing and checking. Students are encouraged to be flexible in their approach and not to treat writing as a strictly linear process. The activities encourage students to work together. This collaborative approach helps students to come up with ideas, develop skills in self- and peer-evaluation and ensures that students play an active role in the redrafting process. In each unit the student analyses a model text in terms of its structure, form, content and language. The authors carefully guide this process by developing students’ reading strategies and engaging the students in activities that foster their analytical skills. Once they have grasped what characterises the text type they can begin to think about their own written work. The activities get students to recognise, practise and produce a range of structures and lexis. The written outcomes are fully contextualised in terms of form, audience and purpose and students are able to write in a variety of styles and registers. The book is organised around the principle of text types. This enables students to practise the breadth of language functions they are required to demonstrate at I.B. Diploma level and fosters their ability to use Spanish for different purposes. The topic for each unit has been carefully researched to engage students in active and interactive learning. Topics encompass the Internet and ICT, ecology, health and lifestyles, food, el botellón, film, drugs and alcohol, vegetarianism, the media and business. The book is divided into the following five sections: 1 Instructional and informative texts, characterised by the present and future tense, the imperative and more concrete vocabulary. The model texts include a leaflet with travellers’ tips, a short report, a travel itinerary and an e-mail to a friend giving instructions. The model texts in this section are shorter than those that appear later in the book and the authors have integrated activities to get students reflecting on the writing process during this initial stage. 2 Narrative and descriptive texts, in which accounts are given in chronological, or near chronological order; typical features may include the use of time links, relative clauses, the past historic tense and the use of adjectives. Particular attention is paid in this section to the differences between subjective and objective language and how language forms achieve this. The model texts include an account of an ecological disaster, a biographical piece for a website, newspaper articles and a film review.
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
3 Formal texts observe certain conventions in terms of layout and the formality of the language. Students are required to demonstrate the appropriate use of register at IB Diploma level and this can be achieved by analysing the model texts, identifying typical grammatical structures and set phrases and practising them. In this section students are required to write a response to a job advertisement, a letter of complaint and a business letter. They will learn how to link form to the function of language and communicate at a more sophisticated level. 4 Persuasive texts, in which the author intends to put across a particular viewpoint, are characterised by the use of an emotive style, certain expressions and rhetorical devices. Students practise analysing the way language is used to express the author’s stance and opposing viewpoints. Students write an anti-drugs article and a campaign leaflet in this section. 5 Essays are texts which present both sides of an argument. The first model essay is balanced; the conclusion is a balanced summary that raises a question about how to take the debate further. The second is discursive, but builds up the argument to the conclusion where the writer presents his / her viewpoint. Examiners not only look for grammatical accuracy but also reward the ability to plan, organise and develop ideas. In this section, students work on structuring essays, paragraph building and on techniques for constructing and developing an argument. They also consolidate everything they have learned from earlier units.
How to use this book This book gives commentaries on and answers to the exercises set in Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del alumno.. The teacher’s notes for each unit begin with a summary of what the students will be learning and what the outcome of the unit will be. At the beginning of each unit in this book is a Unit Framework table that presents the writing skills, functions and grammar that will be practised in the corresponding unit of the Student’s book. It also contextualises the final written outcome in terms of the audience (intended reader of the students’ written work) and format. It may also suggest an area for preliminary grammar revision. There is then a summary in Spanish of what the students will be learning and what the outcome of the chapter will be. Each student activity is complemented by notes in the teacher’s book. These contain answers / possible answers where appropriate, and suggestions for managing the class activities. The units all contain a follow-up Internet activity that is fully integrated with the preceding class work. These activities direct students to find authentic materials that can be used to prompt personal responses, build research skills and serve as a resource or springboard for further study or practice.
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
1 Recomendaciones de viaje
1 Recomendaciones de viaje Unit Framework Outcome
Writing a leaflet with travellers’ tips for a country of students’ choice
Writing skills
Organising ideas into sub-headings with main points Modifying writing plans in progress
Grammar/Functional focus
Imperative (tú form) Giving simple instructions
Gap-year students
Preliminary grammar revision
Imperative (2nd and 3rd persons singular)
Introduction – whole class Ustedes van a poner en común los diferentes problemas que pueden ocurrir cuando se viaja a otros países. Después leerán un folleto informativo con recomendaciones de viaje para Latinoamérica. Ustedes utilizarán sus propias ideas y las que encuentren en el folleto para preparar el esquema de su trabajo final. Tras identificar y practicar las estructuras que aparecen en el folleto escribirán un folleto con recomendaciones de viaje destinado a estudiantes que vayan a viajar a un país de su elección.
1 Poner en común Put the class into small groups to brainstorm for the kinds of problems that arise when travelling abroad. Make a list on the board in Spanish.
Possible answers • Se contraen enfermedades • Es difícil encontrar comida vegetariana • La policía no es amable con los extranjeros • No hablar el idioma local
2 Clasificar Students sort the ideas into groups (there may be more or less than four of these depending on the feedback) and then think of a heading for each category. The aim is to get them thinking up and predicting the main ideas that they will encounter in the reading.
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
1 Recomendaciones de viaje
Possible answers Problemas de comunicación
Problemas con la comida
Problemas burocráticos
Problemas de salud
no hablar el idioma local
es difícil encontrar comida vegetariana
la policía no es amable con los extranjeros
se contraen enfermedades
3 Leer Encourage students to read the text without using a dictionary and to try and guess the meaning of any unknown words from the context provided by the sub-headings.
4 Completar Students complete the sentences using the correct information from the text. This exercise works as a further comprehension device to help students to fully understand the text and some of its key words.
Answers 1 Es posible conseguir rebajas en los precios si posees un carnet de estudiante. 2 Antes de viajar, infórmate sobre el país que vayas a visitar y, sobre todo, averigua si existen conflictos. 3 Las mayores ventajas de los productos que puedes comprar en tus viajes es que son bonitos y baratos. 4 Aunque el transporte público es fiable, los servicios pueden alterarse por causa de huelgas y manifestaciones. 5 En lugar de estar solamente en lugares para turistas, deberías intentar llegar a conocer a los nativos del país que visitas.
5 Buscar The students look for synonyms in the text. You could ask them to do this activity in pairs or groups and encourage them to brainstorm about possible synonyms before they try to locate them in the text.
conseguir – obtener
reducciones – descuentos
tomar – consumir
intentar – tratar de
medicamentos – medicinas
indispensables – imprescindibles
lugareños – gentes del lugar
hospitalarios – acogedores
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
1 Recomendaciones de viaje
6 Decidir The aim here is to check the students’ understanding of the text by deciding whether the statements are true or false and justifying their choice by quoting the relevant part of the text that they have read. Students should quote directly from the text in their answers.
Answers 1 Es recomendable viajar con una bolsa extra de equipaje. V Justificación: llévate una mochila vacía para poner en ella … 2 Debes tener cuidado con tus posesiones para no atraer el peligro. V Justificación: no llames la atención de posibles ladrones … 3 Hacer autostop aumenta la posibilidad de rapto. V Justificación: no hagas autostop, el peligro de secuestro … 4 El consumo de estupefacientes no es problemático cuando viajas. F Justificación: las penas por consumo o tráfico de drogas … 5 El artículo recomienda sumergirse en la cultura y las costumbres del país que se visita. V Justificación: es recomendable tratar de llegar a conocer a las gentes del lugar …
7 Emparejar This multiple choice exercise aims to help students understand the author’s intentions when writing the text. It draws their attention to the intended audience and the main purpose of the text.
Answers 1 El texto va dirigido a a personas jóvenes 2 La intención del autor es c aconsejar al lector 3 El autor del texto recomienda b una preparación previa al viaje 4 Según el texto, el viajero debe ser a cauto pero abierto a experiencias nuevas
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
1 Recomendaciones de viaje
8 Contextualizar The aim here is to get students to contextualise the text in terms of who it was written for in order to raise awareness of the importance of the reader in the writing process. When it comes to their own written assignments, it is essential that, first and foremost, they are clear about who they are writing for so that they can gear content and style towards that specific readership.
Answer c Estudiantes The following points support the answer: El texto está escrito con la forma ‘tú’ del verbo, que lo hace más informal. El texto ofrece recomendaciones que pueden ser útiles para muchos tipos de viajeros, pero hay varias recomendaciones que son especialmente importantes para los estudiantes: • Contrata un seguro médico y un seguro de viaje. Los estudiantes son probablemente el único de los 4 grupos de viajeros que no tengan ya un seguro médico y de viaje. • Infórmate sobre los posibles descuentos que puedes obtener con tu carnet de estudiante. Esta información no es relevante para los otros grupos de viajeros. • No hagas autostop, el peligro de secuestro es real. Los estudiantes son los únicos que considerarían hacer autostop.
9 Seleccionar These headings will form the preliminary framework for students to work with. Point out that when they select the content for a written task they have to consider what is relevant for the reader. A typical mistake that students make is to simply put down everything they know about a subject with no sense of audience. Throughout this book we will pay particular attention to the relationship between the reader and the style, content and form of the written outcomes.
10 Ordenar In pairs, students work out the order of the headings. This will give them the overall structure of their written work. There is no correct order but it makes sense that some items come before others, such as Antes de viajar.
11 Buscar Ask students to go through the text and to underline all of the imperative forms.
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
1 Recomendaciones de viaje
12 Practicar Students practise forming the imperative here and its function is reviewed in Unit 4. You may need to remind students of the following points: • In the imperative, the affirmative and negative forms of verbs are different. • Personal pronouns that are the subject of a command come after the imperative. • Object pronouns are added to affirmative imperative endings.
Answer obtener
él / ella / usted
no obtengas
no te vacunes
no te pongas
no consumas
no obtenga
no se vacune
no se ponga
no consuma
él / ella / usted
13 Rellenar Students practise putting the correct verb forms under the appropiate headings as a warm-up for the final written task which requires them to use the tú form of the imperative.
14 Hacer una lista Students make a random list of travellers’ tips using the imperative. They should concentrate on content rather than accuracy at this stage. If some students find it difficult to come up with ideas you could take differences between your own country and other countries as a starting point. What might they need to bring with them if they were going to Scotland or New Zealand, for example?
15 Revisar They now organise the list according to the headings they have. They will no doubt have to review their original main headings in the light of these new tips. Point out that it is important not to get tied down to the original outlines or frameworks and that good writers constantly amend these as their ideas take shape.
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
1 Recomendaciones de viaje
16 Redactar Students write their first draft and hand it in to you to point out any mistakes. Remind them to use the tú form of the imperative as they are writing for Spanish-speaking students of their own age. The second option gives a choice for students to practise using a reading text as a prompt to write a short piece. The students should include as many details as possible from the text that are relevant to the task. In order to achieve the maximum grade, the students must make sure that they have used the information from the source text appropriately and that they have manipulated it without undue copying of the source text. The teacher should insist on the importance of the appropriate use of register and style required for the type of text and the audience that is aimed at. Language accuracy is not formally addressed here; with the focus being rather on the content and the format of the students’ writing.
17 Reescribir Advise the students to use the grammar checklist on page 119 of the student's book as a guide when they revise their first drafts.
18 Navegar Ask students to put the additional points they find in inverted commas. The aim here is to get them reading the structures they have been practising in an authentic context.
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
2 Informe sobre el estilo de vida
2 Informe sobre el estilo de vida Unit Framework Outcome
Writing a report on student health and lifestyle
Writing skills
Using questionnaires to collect information Writing up research findings and describing data
Grammar/Functional focus
Quantifiers Conjunctions
Readers of a college magazine or newsletter in Latin America or Spain
Preliminary grammar revision
Questions with usted Adverbs of frequency
Introduction – whole class Ustedes van a poner en común los diferentes factores que contribuyen a tener un estilo de vida sano, reflexionando sobre su propio estilo de vida. Después leerán un informe sobre el estilo de vida mediterráneo. Ustedes analizarán la manera de expresar datos y enlazarlos en un texto. Más tarde utilizarán un cuestionario para obtener información sobre la salud y el estilo de vida de sus amigos/as. Con la información obtenida ustedes escribirán un informe destinado a ser publicado en la revista del instituto de un/a amigo/a suyo/a en Latinoamérica o España.
1 Predecir Students predict whether they think that their lifestyle is more or less healthy than the Mediterranean lifestyle they are going to read about. Ask for a few suggestions from the group.
Possible answers
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
2 Informe sobre el estilo de vida
Más saludable
Menos saludable
En general se fuma menos.
El clima es menos soleado.
Tomamos menos el sol.
Realizamos menos actividades al aire libre.
El desayuno es más abundante.
Utilizamos menos aceite de oliva para cocinar.
Se cena más temprano.
Comemos más comida elaborada industrialmente. Bebemos más alcohol.
2 Poner en común In pairs, students brainstorm for things that contribute to a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle.
Possible answers Saludable
No saludable
hacer deporte
comer comida sana
beber alcohol
beber agua
comer comidas fritas
dormir ocho horas diarias
comer comidas producidas industrialmente
tener estrés
Before you get students to read the report, ask them to look at the pie chart and subheadings in the main body of the text. What are the main areas the report deals with?
Answer Diet and lifestyles
3 Leer Ask students to read the text at least twice. First of all they should skim through the text to get a general impression of what it is about and to see if their predictions were right. Then they should read the text more closely, looking up any words that they cannot guess from the context.
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
2 Informe sobre el estilo de vida
4 Responder Students answer the following questions based on the information from the text. Encourage them to write full sentences as answers.
Answers 1 Los españoles viven más años gracias a su dieta y ciertos comportamientos sociales. 2 En los países del norte europeo se come mucha más comida producida de manera industrial. 3 El aceite de oliva se consume mucho más en España que en Europa. 4 El vino tinto puede ser beneficioso para la salud si se consume con moderación. 5 Los ancianos pasean con más frecuencia.
5 Decidir The aim here is to check the students’ understanding of the text further. Students have to decide if the statements are true or false, and justify their choice by quoting the appropriate sentence from the text.
Answers 1 Los españoles son más longevos que muchos otros europeos. V Justificación: estas cifras son más altas que las de la mayoría… 2 En España se tiende a cocinar más en casa que en otros países del norte de Europa. V Justificación: su dieta se basa en comidas caseras, al contrario de lo que… 3 El pescado es la base de la dieta de los españoles. F Justificación: se consume mucho pescado y cereales… 4 Los españoles utilizan el coche tanto como los demás europeos. V Justificación: el número de desplazamientos en automóvil es similar al de… 5 En las ciudades grandes, los habitantes se desplazan andando al lugar de trabajo. F Justificación: si no se toman en cuenta a los habitantes de la grandes ciudades…
© Advance Materials 2009 Lectura y escritura avanzadas – Libro del profesor
2 Informe sobre el estilo de vida
6 Emparejar Students match up the sentences according to what they have read.
Answers 1 Las mujeres españolas son más longevas que los hombres. 2 La longevidad se debe en gran parte al modo de vida y la dieta. 3 Las generaciones más mayores no consumen productos precocinados. 4 Muy pocos europeos consumen tanto aceite de oliva como los españoles. 5 Los españoles suelen ir al trabajo andando a menos que vivan en grandes ciudades. 6 Socializarse es parte de la vida y de la cultura españolas.
7 Añadir Students add ideas from the text to the table they produced in exercise 2 and improve or amend their existing wording.
Possible answers Saludable
No saludable
comer comidas caseras
abusar del consumo de alcohol
comer pescado, fruta, verdura y cereales
utilizar el coche a menudo
pasear habitualmente
8 Formular This activity is designed to help students devise valid questions for their questionnaires (i.e. questions that will give rise to answers that are relevant to their report objectives). Ask students to underline five ‘facts’ in the text. Ask them to put themselves in the shoes of the interviewer. What questions did the interviewer need to ask the respondents in order to be able to elicit these statements? Remind students to use usted in the questions.
Possible answers • Información del texto: Se consume mucho pescado y cereales. ¿Cuánto pescado y cereales consume usted? • Información del texto: Una pequeña parte de los trabajadores viaja a su lugar de trabajo. ¿Cómo acude usted a su lugar de trabajo? • Información del texto: El paseo es una actividad diaria para el 70% de los españoles. ¿Pasea usted habitualmente?
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