Wellbeing & Cambridge Reading Adventures Mapping chart

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Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary

Wellbeing & Cambridge Reading Adventures

Mapping Char t Mapping chart





Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023

Institute of Education

How to use this mapping chart This mapping chart has been created to show you how you can use Cambridge Reading Adventures books to support your teaching of Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Wellbeing. While most books are tailored to Cambridge Primary level, you will find that some of the strands, such as ‘Wayfarers’ and ‘Voyagers,’ are well-suited for Cambridge Lower Secondary Wellbeing Stage 7. This brochure maps each suitable book to strands and sub-strands of the curriculum framework such as ‘Understanding myself’ and ‘My relationships’. It also maps each book to the areas reported on in the Cambridge Wellbeing Check. To find out more about our teacher’s resources for Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Wellbeing (available from June 2024), visit our website at www.cambridge.org/education/primary. If you’d like to find out more about the curriculum frameworks, visit www.cambridgeinternational.org.

Introduction What is the connection between reading and wellbeing? Reading brings greater awareness and understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Reading both fiction and non-fiction can impact on learners’ wellbeing. Fiction is about story-telling, with characters, places and events that reflect our own lives or take us to lives we can only imagine. We create connections with characters, learning to empathise and see different points of view. Through reading learners can experience unfamiliar emotions, relationships and events in a controlled context, helping them to understand and process different ways of feeling and behaving. Stories might remind them of their own lives, giving them the opportunity to see their own situation from a new perspective and creating a very personal response. Following story lines and predicting outcomes develops the imagination and improves creativity and problem-solving skills. Learners can find out about the world around them both near and far, in geography and time, by reading non-fiction. Through gaining new knowledge about the world, they can also learn more about themselves, explore their interests and understand how they can make a difference. They can be exposed to a wide range of cultures, ideas and contexts that helps to develop a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness. Overall, reading develops vocabulary and language skills. This allows learners to better communicate about themselves, their lives, their ambitions and their emotions.

How does Cambridge Reading Adventures relate to Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Wellbeing and Cambridge Wellbeing Check? Cambridge Reading Adventures offer a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books to appeal to all reading interests for learners between approximately 4-12 years old. Themes, topics, contexts and characters from different global cultures provide an engaging and enriching reading experience which supports the development of learners’ wellbeing. The mapping shows which books explore key themes from the Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Wellbeing curriculum frameworks ( strands, sub-strands) and Cambridge Wellbeing Check (domains). The texts often cover more than one theme; the main ones have been identified, but you might find other connections that are meaningful to your learners.

How can I use Cambridge Reading Adventures to support the Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Wellbeing curriculum frameworks and Cambridge Wellbeing Check? Group reading: Teachers select books that fit their planning for teaching the Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Wellbeing curriculums or address a need identified through the Cambridge Wellbeing Check. All students in a group read the same set of books, so that the topics can be focused on in the classroom. Teachers can guide discussion about ideas; use pictures to encourage independent thinking; work on learners’ ability to relate to characters and predict events; and ask for personal responses to texts. Individual reading: Learners can make their own choice from a range or teachers guide learners towards books they think best meet their needs and interests. Using the results of the Cambridge Wellbeing Check helps teachers identify topics that might be the most relevant for individuals or groups of learners at a particular point in time. School and home: Learners can read both at school and at home; as part of the curriculum and to encourage reading for pleasure, which in itself can improve learners’ wellbeing. Sharing: Encouraging learners to talk about the books they are reading with each other and with adults can create a context for talking about difficult topics. Classroom activities: Reading can act as a prompt to productive activities where learners communicate, create and work together, for example with creative writing, debates, art or design projects that can be linked to the Cambridge Primary Wellbeing curriculum. School activities: Use reading to inspire action in the real world. Organise trips to find out more about what is happening locally about some of the real-world topics covered. Learners organise activities to respond to some of the problems they learn about. Supporting wellbeing through reading requires sensitivity from the teacher. Learners might be exposed to situations and emotions that they find challenging. Teachers should make sure they select, or help learners select, books with awareness of how learners might react and provide the guidance and support to encourage a positive learning experience.

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

Bedtime on the Farm Alex Eeles 9781316500811 Fiction

My relationships Understanding myself

Healthy relationships Healthy habits

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

On the farm, Dev wants to put the animals to bed. But where are they? The animals need persuading with a little treat.

Leopard and his Spots Kathryn Harper 9781316503089 Fiction

Understanding myself

Managing emotions

Competence wellbeing Negative emotions

Leopard doesn't like his spots. He goes to see the doctor.

Seagull Kathryn Harper 9781316503102 Fiction

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Seagull gets covered in smoke, oil and rubbish. The children help clean Seagull up and they clean up the beach.

Imani’s Library Book Alison Hawes 9781108400725 Fiction

Understanding myself

Managing emotions

Life satisfaction

Imani loves the book about dinosaurs. Can he find another one he wants to read?

Look! It’s Baby Duck Gabby Pritchard 9781107549579 Fiction

Understanding myself

Managing emotions

Competence wellbeing

Brown Mouse and Grey Mouse look at Baby Duck. What can Baby Duck do?

Competence wellbeing

Min thinks that Little Kitten wants to play with her. Big brother Lee helps her understand what Little Kitten needs to be healthy and happy.



on the Farm


where are

Reading Adventures is a ground-breaking Primary guided es which offers a wide variety of engaging texts. The series bridge University Press in collaboration with the UCL Institute of eracy Centre. Each book is carefully positioned in reading bands. This port teachers to ensure progress. Teacher’s notes are provided inside ull guidance to get the most out of every reading session.

e Reading Adventures is a ground-breaking Primary guided ries which offers a wide variety of engaging texts. The series ambridge University Press in collaboration with the UCL Institute onal Literacy Centre. Each book is carefully positioned in reading llenge will support teachers to ensure progress. Teacher’s notes are k with full guidance to get the most out of every reading session.

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Kathryn Harper Julian Mosedale



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Kathryn Harper Ana Villalba

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Seagull Red band

Reading Adventures is a ground-breaking Primary guided es which offers a wide variety of engaging texts. The series mbridge University Press in collaboration with the UCL Institute nal Literacy Centre. Each book is carefully positioned in reading enge will support teachers to ensure progress. Teacher’s notes are with full guidance to get the most out of every reading session.

Reading Adventures is a ground-breaking Primary guided es which offers a wide variety of engaging texts. The series mbridge University Press in collaboration with the UCL Institute nal Literacy Centre. Each book is carefully positioned in reading enge will support teachers to ensure progress. Teacher’s notes are with full guidance to get the most out of every reading session.

Red band

can help Seagull.

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Red band

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Alison Hawes

Ailie Busby

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eading Adventures is a ground-breaking Primary guided s which offers a wide variety of engaging texts. The series bridge University Press in collaboration with the UCL Institute al Literacy Centre. Each book is carefully positioned in reading nge will support teachers to ensure progress. Teacher’s notes are with full guidance to get the most out of every reading session.

Gabby Pritchard Lucy Boden

Red band

e and Grey Mouse Duck. What can o?

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Min wants to play. But what does Little Kitten want?

Cambridge Reading Adventures is a ground-breaking Primary guided reading series which offers a wide variety of engaging texts. The series has been created by Cambridge University Press in collaboration with the UCL Institute of Education’s International Literacy Centre. Each book is carefully positioned in reading bands. This gradient of challenge will support teachers to ensure progress. Teacher’s notes are provided inside every book with full guidance to get the most out of every reading session.

Institute of Education

Red band


Alex Eeles


ard h is S p ot s

Red band



Kathryn Harper Paula Bowles

What Little Kitten Wants Kathryn Harper 9781108405690 Fiction

Understanding myself

Healthy habits

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

Omar helps his friends. Can his friends help Omar?


My relationships

Omar can Help Lynne Rickards 9781107575721 Fiction


Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

Our Senses Claire Llewellyn 9781316605684 Non-fiction

Understanding myself

Healthy habits My relationships

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

What can we do with our senses? Think about how we use them to communicate. Begin to think about what can happen to our senses if we're not feeling well and about people who can use their senses differently from you or can't use one of their senses.


Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

In the Sea Claire Llewellyn 9781107575783 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Find out about animals that live in the sea and their natural habitats. Think about how we affect our environment.


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Houses and Homes Lynne Rickards 9781107549494 Non-fiction

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

Find out about different types of homes people live in around the world.


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

The Weather Today Claire Llewellyn 9781107576766 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Staying safe

Competence wellbeing

What’s the weather like today? Where can we play? Think about how the weather affects what we do.



Little Tiger Hu can Roar Gabby Pritchard 9781107549968 Fiction

"Understanding myself My relationships"

"Identifying emotions Healthy relationships"

Interpersonal wellbeing

Little Tiger Hu has learned to roar. He scares Elephant, Hippo and Monkey. Hare is not scared. They become friends.

Staying safe

Competence wellbeing

A young boy explores the city he lives in. He crosses a busy road. Think about road safety.

Understanding myself My relationships

"Identifying emotions Healthy relationships"

Negative emotions Interpersonal wellbeing

Zak is having a bad day. He doesn't want to get up and can't be persuaded. But seeing his family enjoying themselves brings him out of his mood and he joins them to play together.

Diego Fandango enjoys playing the banjo. He finds some friends to play in a band together. The rain interrupts their concert. The rain stops and a beautiful rainbow appears.


Navigating my world

The Big City Lynne Rickards 9781108410793 Non-fiction


Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

The Boy Who Said No Alex Eeles 9781108400770 Fiction


Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Diego Fandango Lynne Rickards 9781107550216 Fiction

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing Life satisfaction


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Playgrounds Lynne Rickards 9781316503188 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Staying safe

Competence wellbeing

Discover different types of playgrounds. Think about how to stay safe when doing the different activities.


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Where are my Shoes? Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin 9781108439640 Fiction

Navigating my world My relationships

Dealing with change Healthy relationships

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Taj is untidy. He can't find his shoe when it's time to leave the party. Will he learn why its important to put things in the right place?



Help! Gabby Pritchard 9781108408158 Fiction

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Lizard eats too many bugs and insects. He gets stuck between two rocks with his big stomach. A little ladybird sings him a song that helps him sleep. When he wakes up, his stomach has shrunk enough for him to escape. But will he eat the ladybird?

Understanding myself My relationships

Healthy habits Healthy relationships

Staying safe Healthy relationships

Competence wellbeing

Follow the children at school for a day. Sometimes it's too hot to play outside. What do you do at your school and how do you stay safe?

Understanding myself My relationships

Managing emotions Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing Life satisfaction

Bella likes to help her family. Sometimes her help causes problems, so her family stop asking for help. Bella is sad until Tessa comes up with a perfect opportunity to help.

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Omar and his friends know they should be at school on time. It looks like they are going to be late. They arrive on time, but the teacher is late because of her bicycle. Why does everyone have to be at school on time? How can you stay safe on the roads?


Navigating my world My relationships

My School Shoua Fakhouri 9781107550001 Non-fiction


Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

Oh Bella! Lauri Kubuitsile 9781107550704 Fiction


Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Late for School Claire Llewellyn 9781107576797 Fiction


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

A House for Snail Vivian French 9781107550063 Fiction

Understanding myself

Managing emotions

Competence wellbeing

Snail wants a house. He asks each creature if he can live with them, but their houses aren't right for him. Bee helps him understand he's got the perfect house on his back.


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

The Big Pancake Susan Gates 9781108439725 Fiction

My relationships Understanding myself

Healthy relationships Identifying emotions

Interpersonal wellbeing

The big pancake is running away. More and more people chase him. He thinks they want to eat him, but they want to say thank you.



It’s Much Too Early Ian Whyrow 9781107560321 Fiction

Understanding myself

Identifying emotions Healthy habits

Life satisfaction Competence wellbeing

Jamal is excited to open his birthday presents. It's much too early. His family want to sleep. When it's time to get up, Jamal is back in bed.

My relationships Navigating my world

Healthy relationships Staying safe

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb


The Pumpkin Monster Susan Gates 9781316605769 Fiction

Navigating my world

Staying safe

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Hanna's pumpkin grows into a monster. She manages to keep the villagers safe.


Suli’s Big Race Alex Eeles 9781316600863 Fiction

Understanding myself Healthy relationships

Identifying emotions Managing emotions Healthy habits Healthy relationships

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Suli the elephant likes running, but isn't very fast. The animals laugh when he says he'll race Taz the cheetah. Suli tries hard to keep going. When Taz falls, Suli wins the race and no one calls him slow again.


A Day at the Museum Sibel Sagner, Sevi Senocak and Inci Kartal 9781316503201 Fiction

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

Omar and his friends go to a museum. They can look at the things but not touch them. Think about the rules in different places.


On the Track Claire Llewellyn 9781316503225 Non-fiction

Understanding myself

Healthy habits

Competence wellbeing

Find out about different types of athletics events. Think about which physical activities you enjoy.


The Mean Monkey Rachel DelaHaye 9781108439718 Fiction

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

Babbo wants to keep all the coconuts for himself. Clevel Kamal works out a way to share them fairly. Does Babbo know he's been tricked?


My First Train Trip Lynne Rickards 9781107575943 Non-fiction

Competence wellbeing

A little girl is going on her first train trip. Find out what happens when you travel by train. Prepare for your first train trip.


Navigating my world

Staying safe

Staying safe Identifying emotions Managing emotions

Negative emotions Interpersonal wellbeing

A little ant has lost his family. His crying wakes up a cricket. Can the cricket help him find his way home?

Understanding myself My relationships

Managing emotions Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing Life satisfaction

Omar and his friends tell their classmates about their home lives. They listen to each other and find out about their different interests.


Navigating my world Understanding myself

Lost! Gabby Pritchard 9781316600788 Fiction


Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

The Show and Tell Day Sibel Sagner 9781108401913 Fiction


Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

All About Honey Lynne Rickards 9781108405720 Non-fiction


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

A Drop of Rain Tanya Landman 9781107550605 Non-fiction


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Turtle is a Hero Gabby Pritchard 9781107550469 Fiction

Navigating my world Understanding myself My relationships

Staying safe Managing emotions Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing Competence wellbeing

Turtle meets a little boy on the beach. The boy notices how different Turtle looks. When the boy gets into trouble in the sea, Turtle rescues him by carrying him on his shell. They become friends. Think about who keeps us safe and who we can turn to for help in an emergency.



The Lion and the Mouse Vivian French 9781107550384 Fiction

My relationships Understanding myself

Healthy relationships Managing emotions

Interpersonal wellbeing Competence wellbeing

How can Little Millie Mouse help Big Billy Lion? She uses her sharp teeth to help him escape when he's trapped in a net.

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Find out about bees and making honey from early history to the present day. Think about the importance of the natural environment for insects.

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Learn about the water cycle. Discover how important water is for animals. Think about the effect of water on the way we live.

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb


Big Bugs Claire Llewellyn 9781107550643 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Staying safe

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Hanna's pumpkin grows into a monster. She manages to keep the villagers safe.


Hide and Seek Lynne Rickards 9781107575998 Fiction

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

When the little chick Scruff goes missing, Zara and her classmates all look for her together.


Baking Bread Lynne Rickards 9781316503270 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Interpersonal wellbeing

Find out how bread is made. Think about different types of bread around the world.


Up, Up…Elephant! Alex Eeles 9781108400824 Fiction

Understanding myself My relationships

Managing emotions Healthy relationships

Negative emotions Interpersonal wellbeing

Elephant is crying. Sim helps him smile again.


Dressing for the Weather Kathryn Harper 9781316503249 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Staying safe Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Explore extremes of hot and cold weather across the world. Find out about the different clothes people wear.


Take Zayan with You! Peter Millett 9781107575875 Fiction

My relationships Understanding myself

Healthy relationships Managing emotions

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Zayan and his brothers want to do something together, but what? Zayan can't surf or skateboard, but discovers he's the best at sandboarding.


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb


Life on the Reef Andy Belcher 9781107560222 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Find out about life on a coral reef. Think about what we can do to protect our natural environment.


Omar in Trouble Gabby Pritchard 9781316503294 Fiction

My relationships Navigating my world

Healthy relationships Dealing with change

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbein"

Omar ruins his friend's painting and makes his teacher cross. He works out how to put things right.


Town Underground Jonathan Emmett 9781316503331 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Interpersonal wellbeing

Find out about some amazing underground places. Why do some people choose to live or work underground?


The Great Inventor Gabby Pritchard 9781316500835 Fiction

Undertsanding myself Navigating my world

Managing emotions Healthy habits Staying safe

Life satisfaction Competence wellbeing

It is too hot for Kito and his friends to play football. Instead they go to visit Kito's Uncle Juma, the inventor. Kito discovers he is an inventor too and creates something useful to help them all stay cool.


Finn Saves the Day Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin 9781108439770 Fiction

Navigating my world My relationships

Staying safe Healthy relationships

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Finn makes friends with a boy on the beach as they look for puffins together. Later he helps to rescue the boy and his family after he notices they have not returned from a boat trip.


For Today, For Tomorrow Lauri Kubuitsile 9781107550810 Fiction

Life satisfaction

Omar's friend Hamidi is saving all his money. He is not telling anyone what he is saving for. His friends tempt him to spend his money and try to get him to share his secret. Hamidi does not tell them and surprises them all with what he buys.


Understanding myself

Managing emotions


The Best Little Bullfrog in the Forest Ian Whyrow 9781107560185 Fiction


Get Active! Anita Ganeri 9781108439732 Non-fiction


Little Fennec Fox and Jerboa Ian Whyrow 9781108430920 Fiction


Motorcycles Andy Belcher 9781107576247 Non-fiction


Clever Computers Jonathan Emmett 9781316503317 Non-fiction



The Great Jewelled Egg Mystery Gabby Pritchard 9781107576148 Fiction

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

Understanding myself My relationships

Managing emotions Healthy relationships

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

The animals of the forest compete with each other at a talent contest. Little Bullfrog so wants to be the best at something, but he can't compete with the other animals. His mother loves him just as he is and helps him understand what he is good at.

Understanding myself

Healthy habits

Competence wellbeing

Explore some of the different activities people do in the leisure time around the world.

Understanding myself

Managing emotions

Competence wellbeing

Little Fennec Fox goes hunting for a jerboa. They look very different from each other. When Little Fennec Fox tries to catch jerboa, they both find out what they are good at.

Navigating my world

Staying safe

Competence wellbeing

Explore the development of motorcycles over time. Find out about safety measures riders need to take.

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

We use computers for communication and in every part of life. Find out some facts about computers and how they developed to the machines of today. Start thinking about how we can keep ourselves safe when we use computers.

Interpersonal wellbeing

Nadim, Farid and Aisha go to the shopping mall with their father to listen to a mystery story in the bookshop. They find a jewelled egg, but don't know who it belongs to. They help an old man when they decide to solve their own mystery.

Navigating my world My relationships

My relationships

Staying safe Healthy relationships

Healthy relationships


Power Cut Peter Millett 9781316605868 Fiction


A Dark Winter Claire Llewellyn 9781108439787 Non-fiction


Draw the World Catherine Chambers 9781107576841 Non-fiction


Sandstorm Peter Millett & Giorgio Bacchin 9781107576070 Fiction


The Book of World Facts Anita Ganeri 9781316600801 Non-fiction



Sorry Isn’t Good Enough Lauri Kubuitsile 9781108400817 Fiction

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

Navigating my world

Staying safe Making a difference

Life satisfaction Competence wellbeing

What will the Chen family do when they have a power cut? How do they cope when their home environment becomes unfamiliar? How important is electricity in our lives?

Understanding myself Navigating my world

Healthy habits Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Find out how people live in the town of Karasjok in the Arctic Circle. Explore how their lives are affected by living in darkness for several months of the year.

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Find out about traditional patterns and pictures from around the world.

"Managing emotions Staying safe"

Interpersonal wellbeing Negative emotions

Understanding myself Navigating my world

Navigating my world

My relationships

Staying safe Making a difference

Healthy relationships Understanding myself

Competence wellbeing

Interpersonal wellbeing

Shan and Jia get caught in a sandstorm. How do they stay calm and safe until Mum and Dad can find them?

Discover amazing facts about the world we live in. Find out about the different environments people and animals live in and how we can appreciate and protect them.

Omar is usually kind and keen to help, but he is upset when his friend Pelo knocks him over in the playground. Pelo doesn’t realise why he should apologise. Their friend, Zara, steps in to solve the problem.

Staying safe

Competence wellbeing

Find out what happens at the airport and on the plane. Prepare for what will happen when you travel by plane.

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

Find out how birds use bright colours to communicate with each other. Think about different ways we can communicate.

Understanding myself

Identifying emotions Managing emotions

Life satisfaction Negative emotions

Sinbad is off on another adventure. He meets a terrifying giant bird. How do he and the sailors react?


Navigating my world

Going on a Plane Alison Sage 9781316500880 Non-fiction


Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

Colourful Birds Claire Llewellyn 9781108435697 Non-fiction


Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Sinbad and the Roc Ian Whyrow 9781316503409 Fiction


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

King Fox Tom Bradman 9781107562158 Fiction

Undertsanding myself My relationships

Identifying emotions Healthy relationships

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

All Fox wants is his breakfast but everyone is hiding from Tiger. He makes a plan to find food and save everyone in the forest community. He calls himself King Fox. Tiger learns to respect him as a leader.


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Lost at Sea Peter Millet 9781316503447 Fiction

Navigating my world

Staying safe

Competence wellbeing Negative emotions

Adeline and her father are lost at sea. They work out how to survive and be rescued.



Tefo and the Lucky Football Boots Lauri Kubuitsile 9781107551411 Fiction

Competence wellbeing

Tefo gets into the football team wearing Grandpa's lucky football boots. Will he still be good enough when Mum throws the old boots away?

Understanding myself

Managing emotions

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Experience a typical day in the Ranthambore National Park in India. How do national parks help to preserve endangered species?

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Explore the issues of waste and recyling by looking at the enterprising people who turn discarded plastic bags into usable objects.

Navigating my world

Making a difference Staying safe

Competence wellbeing

Discover interesting facts about deserts. How do people live there? Explore lives that might be very different from your own.


Navigating my world

Tigers of Ranthambore Jonathan and Angela Scott 9781108436137 Non-fiction


Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

Rags to Bags Anita Ganeri 9781316500866 Non-fiction


Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

A World of Deserts Kathryn Harper 9781108405850 Non-fiction


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Yu and the Great Flood Tony Bradman 9781107562257 Fiction

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Competence wellbeing

This adaptation of a well-known Chinese tale charts the triumph of good over evil. Yu is good at solving problems. The Emperor orders him to stop the floods caused by Gong Gong the water monster. Yu asks his friends to help him.


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Scarface: The Real Lion King Jonathan and Angela Scott 9781107560475 Non-fiction

My relationships Navigating my world

Healthy relationships Making a difference

Interpersonal wellbeing Competence wellbeing

Follow the adventures of a young lion called Scarface as he sets out to establish a pride of his own. His relationships with other lions change as he becomes independent.



Giants of the Ocean Catherine Bowley 9781107551657 Non-fiction

Competence wellbeing

Whales are amazing and wonderful creatures. Their habitats have been impacted by our behaviours. Find out about whales and think about what we can do to protect our natural world.

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Healthy relationships Dealing with change Making a difference

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing Life satisfaction Negative emotions

Cheng went looking for a new home on the Silk Road. Can he learn enough to survive and be happy?

Navigating my world Understanding myself

Making a difference Healthy habits

Competence wellbeing

Find out how people eat bread for lunch in different ways all over the world.

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

People in Africa use their phones for all kinds of things. Find out how phones are connecting people and doing much more.

Understanding myself Navigating my world

Managing emotions Dealing with change

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Tefo's grandfather was invited to play for a football team in England. He remembers how difficult he found leaving home and not being welcomed in the team at first.


My relationships Navigating my world

The Silk Road Tony Bradman & Emmanuel Cerisier 9781107562325 Fiction


Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

What’s for Lunch? Catherine Chambers 9781108411875 Non-fiction


Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

The Mobile Continent Chris Oxlade 9781316600672 Non-fiction


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Don’t Give Up Yet! Lauri Kubuitsile 9781108400787 Fiction


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

The Great Migration Jonathan and Angela Scott 9781107560659 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Staying safe Dealing with change

Competence wellbing

The Great Migration is a round trip of about 3000 kilometres. Find out why animals make this journey every year and the dangers they face on the way. Think about how and why people also move to a new area or country.



The Great Escape Peter Millett 9781107551589 Fiction

Understanding myself

Identifying emotions Managing emotions

Competence wellbeing Negative emotions

Selma is scared of the water but when some whales beach themselves, she has to be brave. Can she help to save the whales?

Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

Negative emotions Competence wellbeing

What is it really like in an earthquake? Why do earthquakes happen? Explore the phenomenon of earthquakes around the world and how to keep safe.


Cambridge Primary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Earthquakes Kathryn Harper 9781316503423 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Staying safe



Mei and the Pirate Queen Tony Bradman 9781316500903 Fiction

Understanding myself Navigating my world

Identifying emotions Managing emotions Making a difference

Interpersonal wellbeing

Mei runs away from home and is captured by pirates. In a brave encounter, she confronts the Pirate Queen. Her bravery brings positive changes for her family and village.


Four Clever Brothers Lynne Rickards 9781108410816 Play


The Mountain of Fire Peter Millett 9781108400749 Fiction


River Rescue Peter Millett 9781108400718 Fiction


Honey and Toto: the story of a cheetah family Jonathan and Angela Scott 9781108436151 Non-fiction



Leila’s Game Spike Breakwell and Colin Millar 9781108408202 Fiction

Cambridge Lower Secondary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Cambridge Lower Secondary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

Understand the importance of listening skills and learn how to resolve an argument in this play about four wise brothers and a lost camel.

Navigating my world

Staying safe

Life satisfaction Competence wellbeing

Jun wants to be first to the top of Mount Merapi, but climbing an active volcano can be very dangerous. Will she listen to the instructor?

Navigating my world

Staying safe

Competence wellbeing

Kamon and his father try to rescue two boys stranded when a flash flood hits the river. Kamon's quick thinking saves the day.

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

"Dealing with change Healthy relationships

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing Life satisfaction

Navigating my world My relationships

Find out how Honey the cheetah takes care of her cub, Toto. Compare what this family needs to survive with our own lives.

Leila is worried about her friends in the basketball team. They keep losing their games. Her grandfather gives her an idea. She is able to help them plan a strategy using the strengths of each team member.

Competence wellbeing

Explore the ancient city of Timbuktu. Find out how nature and people have changed the city over time.

Understanding myself

Managing emotions

Competence wellbeing

Compare the lives and achievements of some of the greatest sportsmen and women of all times.

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Interpersonal wellbeing

A collection of poems about families and friendship.


Making a difference


Navigating my world

Timbuktu Kathryn Harper 9781108410854 Non-fiction

Who is the Greatest? Anita Ganeri 9781108436175 Non-fiction


Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

You and Me Lynne Rickards 9781108410830 Poetry


Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Diving under the Waves Andy Belcher 9781108411646 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Discover how diving has developed from a human desire to see the world underwater to a popular sport and a form of exploration. Think about the importance of conservation to preserve marine habitats.


Cambridge Lower Secondary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

The Digger Jim Eldridge 9781108400930 Fiction

Understanding myself My relationships"

Managing emotions Healthy relationships

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing

Dak finds a broken-down digger. He's determined to make it work again, with help from his family. Can he use it to help his community?



Cambridge Lower Secondary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

The Mystery of Sol Lauri Kubuitsile 9781108436724 Play

Interpersonal wellbeing

Sol and Lonny are new at Ava and Cherie's school. They seem to be used to very different rules. They all become friends and help Sol discover the truth about his situation.

My relationships

Healthy relationships

Cambridge Lower Secondary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Find out about dolphins lives in the wild and the threats they face from the way we live. Think about what we can do to help them survive.

My relationships Understanding myself

Healthy relationships Managing emotions

Interpersonal wellbeing

Sinbad returns home in secret after three years and tells a young boy about his adventures. We hear about kindness and bravery and explore how actions have consequences.


Competence wellbeing

Follow the preparations as scientists plan the first space mission to establish a human colony on a distant moon. What will the crew need onboard the spaceship to survive? What will the ideal crew member be like?


Understanding myself Navigating my world

Managing emotions Healthy habits Making a difference

Journey to Callisto Maritz DeRidder 9781108405812 Fiction

Dolphins in the Wild Anna Bunney 9781108405836 Non-fiction


Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

A Tale of Two Sinbads Ian Whyrow 9781108430975 Fiction


Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

The Changing Climate Jon Hughes 9781108405782 Non-fiction

Navigating my world

Making a difference

Competence wellbeing

Find out about facts and opinions surrounding climate change. Discuss the potential impacts of global warming on the world today and how we can make a difference.



Cambridge Lower Secondary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Hunters of the Sea Tony Bradman 9781108400992 Fiction

Understanding myself Navigating my world

Managing emotions Dealing with change Making a difference

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing Life satisfaction Negative emotions

A young boy is kidnapped and forced to work on a whaling ship. Can he survive the sudden change and harsh environment?


Movie World Colin Millar Spike Breakwell 9781108401067 Non-fiction


The Refugee Camp Jim Eldridge 9781108401081 Fiction


The White Elephant Geraldine McCaughrean 9781108405881 Fiction


Meltdown Peter Millett 9781108434850 Fiction


The Cave at the End of the World Chris Powling 9781108439794 Fiction



Tamerlane and the Boy Tom and Tony Bradman 9781108410878 Fiction

Cambridge Lower Secondary Wellbeing Curriculum Strand/s

Cambridge Lower Secondary Wellbeing Curriculum Sub-Strand/s

Cambridge Wellbeing Check Sub-Domain/s

Cambridge Reading Adventures Blurb

Understanding myself

Managing emotions


Find out about what goes into making different types of films around the world and over time. Begin to explore the influence of media on us.

My relationships Understanding myself

Healthy relationships Managing emotions

Competence wellbeing Interpersonal wellbeing Life satisfaction Negative emotions

Ahmed's life in the refugee camp is difficult, facing loss and bullying. His success in a football game gives him hope for the future.

Interpersonal wellbeing

The arrogant King tells Preecha to look after his White Elephant as a punishment for offending him. Preecha's good sense, honesty and positive relationships lead to a positive outcome.

Understanding myself

Managing emotions

Navigating my world Understanding myself

Staying safe Making a difference Healthy habits

Competence wellbeing Negative emotions

Sometime in the future, Mahira and her brother try to survive in a city without power after a solar flare causes chaos. How do they cope with the practical and emotional problems they face?

Understanding myself

Identifying emotions Managing emotions

Life satisfaction Competence wellbeing

Tig doesn't want to be like the other children in her prehistoric community. She wants to draw. But is she good enough and brave enough to join the Mountain Man?

Interpersonal wellbeing Negative emotions

Kioni's life is struck by tragedy when his home is destroyed by Tamerlane's warriors. He shows bravery in the face of loss, cruelty and hardship.

Understanding myself

Identifying emotions Managing emotions

Mapping Char t

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