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Letter from the President


Letter from the President


The Curaçao Chamber of Commerce & Industry has a longstanding tradition of informing both our local and our international business relations on the performance of our economy, the opportunities it presents and the challenges it faces. For the past few decades, we have been doing this successfully through our bi-monthly publications, seconded by our website and now also our Facebook pages and other web 2.0 instruments.

Recently the Chamber reached an agreement with Van Munster Media Group of Holland to publish Curaçao Business four times a year. Curaçao Business is a traditional magazine that will be available online and in print. Van Muster Media Group is an experienced publisher in business magazines and already publishes fi ve such magazines for cities and municipalities in Holland.

With this new publication the Chamber will expand its dissemination of information to local and international entrepreneurs.

Recently a covenant was signed between the public and private sector agreeing on how to proceed with a positive economic development. The government presented an overview of the economic potential of Curaçao showing interesting investments in public infrastructure, which in turn presents challenging opportunities to the private sector. These developments represent opportunities to improve our business and investment climate, gearing up locally to play the facilitator’s role in attracting new foreign investments and focus on the expansion of our markets.

In the coming editions we will be keeping our business partners informed on the positive developments.

We hope you enjoy the fi rst edition of Curaçao Business. Please let me know if you have any comments and suggestions.

Willem “Billy” Jonckheer President

Curaçao Business

P UB L ISHE R Curaçao Business Media Group b.v. Postadres on Curaçao: Sta. Rosaweg 19 Willemstad, Curaçao

Ex pl oitatio n

Van Munster Media BV P1: Postbus 6684, NL-6503 GD Nijmegen, The Netherlands P2: Kerkenbos 12-26c, NL-6546 BE Nijmegen, The Netherlands T: +31(0) 24 373 8505 F: +31(0) 24 373 0933 I: www .vanmunstermedia.nl

Posta dr es o n Curaçao:

Publisher Michael van Munster T: +31(0) 24 373 8505 E: michael@vanmunstermedia.nl

CH IEF ED ITOR Heather De Paulo T: (599-9) 682-8627 E: heather@vanmunstermedia.nl

SA LE S ENQ UIRI E S T: (599-9) 736-5011 F: (599-9) 736-6365 E: info@gojad.com

SUBS C RIP TIO N S Subscriptions: N AF 35 per year (4 issues) I: www .Curacaobusinessmagazine.com T: 0031 (0) 24 373 8505 E: abonnementenbeheer@vanmunstermedia.nl

MAR KE TING AND SUBS C RIP TIO N S Stephan Aalbers E: stephan@vanmunstermedia.nl

ART P RO D UC TIO N Joost Franken Jan-Willem Bouwman

D ISTRIBUTIO N Nieuwe Post, Curaçao

The publisher and its staf f cannot be held liable for the contents of this magazine and statements and/ or its advertisements do not necessarily reflect its editorial views.

Although the gr eatest care was given to the accuracy of the information in this publication and checked where possible, the publisher and the editors explicitly contest any liability for any incorrectness or incompleteness of the information provided.

van munster media grou p


Letter from the President


How can the Chamber of Commerce help your business?




The export of services


The Startup Stock Exchange has launched


Curaçao social security system


Vidanova pension fund


Enough is enough


The added value of an external venue


New services offered at Nieuwe Post


Checklist workstation


The ergonomic home office

van 41 News munster 42 Noise in the office media grou p

44 48

Energy efficiency and maintenance

Big Data - the next big thing?

18 The social security restructuring has brought some uncertainty and confusion


Less maintenance = higher energy consumption.

8Chamber of Commerce helps your business

12 The revenues from the export of services exceeds those of goods

32 We may even see complete antiquation of the mail system as we know it

16 The opening of SSX is of great importance for investors and starters

22 Vidanova has played an integral role in paving the way towards complete pension reform

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