Representative of SME’s in the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry The Curaçao Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the voice of private enterprise in Curaçao. It represents the general interests of the Curaçao business community, registers businesses, and provides information and services to local and international companies with an interest in doing business in and with (other businesses in) Curaçao. TEXT DENISE VIJBER
The Chamber has various executive divisions and a board of directors. The board consists of nine members who are elected by the voting members of the business community, five of which represent the corporate sector (companies with an invested capital of at least 100,000 Antillean Guilders) and four who represent
the small business sector (companies with an invested capital of less than 100,000 Antillean Guilders). Board members serve a term of three years and can be re-elected; furthermore they represent the different sectors of the business community. Curaçao Business Magazine had the opportunity to interview Mr. Marco Cheis, a young entrepreneur who was elected in January 2015 to represent the small business sector.
What is your role in the Board?
Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?
What do you think the public should know about the role of the Curaçao Chamber of Commerce and Industry in our community?
MC: I am 27 years old, and have a passion for innovation and economic development. I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in International Business and Language studies from Boston University, and felt that I needed to return home, to Curaçao. At the beginning of my career, I worked as a Business Information Officer at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, but recently joined my family business, where I manage and assist with an array of retail and real estate projects.
| NUMBER 1 | 2016
MC: As a board member, I represent the voice of small and medium sized enterprises in Curaçao, particularly those based in the city center. In doing so, I voice our common concerns and interests, and play an active role in the decision-making process of the board. Also, I represent the Chamber at various public events.
MC: The Chamber sponsors training for the private sector. We hold a lot of workshops for people who want to start a business, people who want expand their business, or people who have limited knowledge and want to gain more knowledge on certain topics relevant to the private sector. Every month there is training on how to set up your own business. We also hold information sessions, for example on new laws. Usually, there is a small fee