Leaders Magazine 2016

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Stephen Archer, Vic Crone, Chellie Spiller & Alan Edwards: On Mindful Leadership Your Brain at Work Book Review

Partner Perspective: Altris


VISION Enriching New Zealand through active leadership in a connected community.

We thank the following people for their generous support of Leadership New Zealand

MISSION To build an exceptional leadership culture that develops and celebrates resilient, courageous, authentic leaders who: - Have a strong awareness of issues of significance for New Zealand; - Value diversity, engage in meaningful conversation, connect and work successfully across difference; - Build and transform organisations, communities and effect positive social economic and cultural change across society.

LEADERSHIP NZ TRUSTEES Peter Garnett – Chair, Leadership NZ; Company Director Nick Astwick – Deputy Chair, Leadership NZ; Chief Operating Officer, Kiwibank; Alumnus 2010 Carol Bellette – Group General Manager Shared Services, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu; Alumnus 2012 Martin Fenwick – Chair, Altris Ltd Tara Pradhan – Independent Advisor; Alumnus 2007 Neville Pulman – Chief Code Cracker, The Customer Code; Alumnus 2006 George Riley – Trustee, Te Tii Waitangi (B3) Ahu Whenua Trust; Alumnus 2009 Samuelu Sefuiva – Public and Social Policy Consultant Hilary Sumpter – CEO, Auckland Communities Foundation; Alumnus 2010 Christien Winter – Executive Director, Sheffield

VALUES Courageous Generous of spirit Inclusive Acting with integrity Innovative Apolitical Celebrating diversity Pumanawa Kaiarahi O Aotearoa

LEADERSHIP NZ TRUST PO Box 5061 Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141 T: +64 9 309 3749 E: info@leadershipnz.co.nz W: www.leadershipnz.co.nz

LEADERSHIP NZ STAFF Sina Wendt-Moore – Chief Executive Louise Marra – Programme Director Annette Bartlett – Programme Leader Judy Whiteman – Network Connector Tania Hack – Communications & Office Co-ordinator Nicola Campbell – Programme Facilitator

DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Leadership New Zealand, its members or the publishers. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, no responsibility can be accepted by the publisher for omissions, typographical or printer’s errors, inaccuracies or changes that may have taken place after publication. All rights reserved. LEADERS 2016

LEADERSHIP NZ ADVISORY TRUSTEES Sir Bob Harvey – Chair, Advisory Trustees; Champion for Auckland – Overseas Investment, Auckland Council David McGregor – Deputy Chair, Advisory Trustees; General Counsel, Envirocounsel Reg Birchfield – Publisher, RJMedia Jo Brosnahan – Founder, Leadership NZ; Company Director Tony Carter – Chair, Air New Zealand; Director, Fletcher Building, ANZ Bank NZ; Corporate Director Maureen Crombie – Director, Monterey Art Gallery; Alumnus 2006 John Hinchcliff – Emeritus Vice Chancellor, AUT University; President, Peace Foundation Peter Kerridge – Director, Kerridge and Partners Ltd Chris Laidlaw – Wellington Regional Councillor; Writer Louise Marra – Director, Spirited Leadership; Leadership NZ Programme Director Tim Miles – CEO, Gen-i, Australasia Tony Nowell – Director, Valadenz; Corporate Director Suzanne Snively – Executive Chair, Transparency International; MD, More Media Enterprises; Corporate Director Dr Morgan Williams – Chair, WWF New Zealand PATRON Lady Beverley Reeves EDITORIAL TEAM AND CONTRIBUTORS Sandra Kailahi, Sina Wendt-Moore, Judy Whiteman, Kimberly Rees, Tania Hack, Ophelia Buckleton, Louise Marra, Annette Bartlett, Curative Ltd, Jennie Vickers, Douglas Lang



Throughout my life, I have had the privilege of being both a leader and experiencing leadership across a diverse range of organisations and sectors from military aviation through small family businesses, large corporates, government agencies and not-for-profit organisations. This has involved me working with people with a variety of leadership ‘styles’; many I have admired and endeavoured to emulate; others I have actively avoided including in my own leadership style. Yes, in my view each individual’s leadership style is not static; rather it evolves along one’s life journey, through personal experiences, observation of others and active reading of world leaders’ ideas and theories. All enhanced by robust honest discussion. I have observed common elements displayed by each of the leaders I have admired. Important ones being active listening and being respectful of others’ views even if they are very different from your own. So I was attracted to become involved with Leadership NZ as I clearly identified with its vision and values. I have valued the influence the themes we have adopted for our Programme over the past five years have had on me personally. Intergenerational Leadership in 2012, through Disruptive Leadership in 2013, Creative Leadership in 2014, Fearless Leadership last year and now Mindful Leadership for this year. Each time we have had speakers from across generations and experience share their acts of leadership and ideas on how we need to lead differently. Then our facilitators have encouraged robust conversation about what we could do together to enhance leadership in our New Zealand context – all underpinned by aroha. I do sometimes wonder where my journey may have taken me if our Programme had been around as I moved along my leadership path? So what does “Mindful Leadership” mean? It certainly has had me thinking and exploring. I was particularly interested to read about a Mindful Leadership summit held in Washington, DC, last November. The summit programme proposed “There is an alternative to just leading from the top down. It’s leading from the inside out.” It went on to say “That’s what mindful leadership is all about. It’s about recognising that your leadership is in service

to others. It’s about creating the space in your life to cultivate self-awareness and compassion, and leading with authenticity in a way that inspires others. Doing this, we can transform our own lives, our organisations, our communities – and the world.” This immediately appealed to me as an active and proud Rotarian with our focus on doing good in the world through “Service above Self.” However, as I explored further I soon found myself challenged by Bill George, a senior fellow at Harvard Business School and author of Discover Your True North, who wrote “Becoming a mindful leader isn’t easy. There are no five easy steps to do so. A few years ago when I asked the Dalai Lama how we can develop a new generation of compassionate, mindful leaders, he replied simply, ‘Develop a daily habit of introspection.’” I was encouraged by research undertaken by Wisconsin’s Richard Davidson, which demonstrated a direct correlation between mindfulness and changes in the brain - away from anger and anxiety and toward a sense of calm and well-being. The Mindful Leadership Forum identified the following Three Pillars of Mindful Leadership: 1. Self-Awareness - Mindful leaders understand how to respond wisely to stress and learn the skills to allow more intelligent and creative choices in challenging situations. 2. Authenticity - Mindful leaders bring their whole selves to work. They don’t have to act like someone else. They “walk the talk” and people experience them as honest and real. 3. Compassion - Mindful leaders value high-quality relationships. They learn skills to create a culture of kindness and creativity rather than a culture of stress. The mindful qualities create greater performance, compassion and discernment to help individuals and organisations flourish. So there is the challenge for each of us – to become mindful leaders; to ‘recognise that your leadership is in service to others.’ Best wishes to each of you as you progress on your leadership journey. Peter Garnett Chair




Peter Garnett





Sandra Kailahi

A better world through better leadership Douglas Lang

2016 PROGRAMME LAUNCH 10 A photo essay



Thoughts from the class of 2016



Rod Gibson & Di Rump





Your Brain at Work Jenny Vickers

A photo essay



COVER STORY Sandra Kailahi

Mindful Leadership Leadership New Zealand’s theme in 2016 is mindful leadership. Chief Executive, Sina Wendt-Moore says in this high-tech world we live in, multiple distractions have increased exponentially and our ability to stay focused has lessened. But there is a mindful revolution going on across the globe. This year Leadership NZ is exploring how to stay mindful while achieving great things in life, in leadership. Four inspiring leaders have agreed to share their views on the meaning, the importance and how they practice mindful leadership in their lives. They are former Chief Executive of Metlifecare, Alan Edwards; Auckland Mayoral candidate and former Xero Managing Director, Vic Crone; Mindfulness Educator, trainer and Principal Consultant at Mindfulness Training, Stephen Archer; and Associate Dean of Maori and Pacific at the University of Auckland’s Business School and Leadership NZ 2010 Alumnus Chellie Spiller. Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn, who created the Stress Reduction Clinic in the United 2


States, describes mindfulness as “the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment.” “Our goal this year is to focus on how do we stay present when every moment of our day is consumed with ‘stuff’ to do and the busyness of life,” says Sina. “How do we ensure we are mindful and that we treat others with profound levels of respect and compassion while needing to get traction to move things forward and create change?” Thousands of people at visionary companies including Google, Facebook and the Harvard Business School have adopted the principles of mindful leadership and are integrating evidence-based tools, mindfulness training to create thriving workplaces where people unleash creativ-

ity, productivity and purpose-driven high performance in their lives, communities and organisations. “Mindful leadership is all about recognising that our leadership is in service to others. It’s about creating the space in our life to cultivate self-awareness and compassion, and leading with authenticity in a way that inspires others,” says Sina. _____________________________________ Q: What does mindful leadership mean to you? Alan Edwards (AE): A Chief Executive role is extremely solitary. It is also one where there is a huge amount of input, often contradictory, from above and below. Assimilating and categorising inputs requires singular focus and a non-judgmental approach. Remaining in the now, not dwelling on the past are helpful ways of dealing with the ambiguity one may

confront. So to me, mindful leadership means being able to be in the now, to be aware of emotional, physical and psychological stimuli, and to not judge whilst reaching conclusions or making decisions or setting direction. Victoria Crone (VC): It’s recognising that how you manage yourself and your energy will impact your leadership of others. A mindful leader comes from a place of collaboration and empowerment and is very good at building strong relationships to achieve win-win outcomes for those involved. Stephen Archer (SA): Mindfulness is about being fully present. It’s the quality of engagement necessary if we want to bring all of our capabilities to the moment. Someone once described mindfulness as a mind full of awareness. Mindful leadership helps expand our mental capacities beyond our habitual point of view while offering greater internal spaciousness, clarity and innovation. A mindful leader is centred and grounded, even in a demanding, action-orientated role. Chellie Spiller (CS): Mindful leadership is about being more aware and that includes awareness of what is going on around

“Mindful leadership is all about recognising that our leadership is in service to others. It’s about creating the space in our life to cultivate self-awareness and compassion, and leading with authenticity in a way that inspires others.” – Sina Wendt-Moore you. To do that requires letting go of the inner chatter, pre-empting what others are saying, and having what I call bellycentred listening or what Maori call ‘nohopuku’ – coming from your head and heart belly. It’s about being grounded. A lot of wisdom traditions have this idea of sitting and breathing into the belly area. It allows a slowing down because it is very easy to rush around. This allows me to slow down, be more alert so I am aware of what’s going on around me so I respond rather than react. Q: How do you become more mindful? AE: As we experience life and we mature in terms of our self-knowledge we develop the ability to become less critical or judgmental of ourselves and others. I am often reminded of Nelson Mandela, the

fanatical firebrand, an emotional activist who went to prison in his 40’s emerging 27 years later as one of the most mindful leaders ever. Mandela’s humility, his ability to focus on what was immediately at hand, the forgiveness, the calm resolute and magnanimous human that he became is staggering. In my view we become more mindful the more we grow to understand that we cannot control what has already happened nor can we control what may happen in the future, all we can control is what is happening now! Moments are fleeting and therefore we need to be fully conscious of everything that is happening right now.

VC: The first place is to start with yourself, that’s making sure you really understand who you are, look after your health,



Alan Edwards

de-stress regularly, and take the time to reflect on things such as big decisions and conversations. It’s also making sure you take the learnings from what went well and what didn’t. SA: Have a great inquiry into life. Intentionally practice being present and ignoring all distractions. A good start is to let go of the past and the future. Let go of any attempt to improve or change oneself - just allow your body and mind to express your natural self. It is about self-awareness, not self-analysis. Mindfulness is not an attainment, it is not a goal and there is no conclusion. CS: Mindfulness is being present in experience. It is incredibly difficult for most people to be truly present. The busy nature of modern life, particularly organisational life, combined with an almost constant bombardment of information has left many people with a consciousness that is extremely noisy and prone to distraction. Mindful leadership requires modelling the way for others by leading from, with and as presence. It includes recognising and cultivating the potential of others to be more present. Much of my recent book Wayfinding Leadership co-authored with waka captain Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr and entre-



preneur John Panaho, explores Mindful Leadership. The great wayfinding tradition of the Polynesian navigators provides a clear, comprehensive and compelling account for today’s leaders of how they can be more mindful. This requires stepping into the unknown, developing sharper powers of observation, being more comfortable with uncertainty and finding new and better ways to tackle situations, relying not only on rational thinking but also on the much broader sets of intelligence with which each of us is endowed.

actively engaged in listening. What I have been working on generally is to remain non-judgmental of situations, to have a greater appreciation of the immediate environment and to work hard at remaining calm.

Q. What do you do to practice mindfulness at work and at home?

VC: A range of things depending on the circumstance and place. I have a list of around 20 things to help me remain calm, whether that’s fitting in exercise or simply going for a stroll, listening to music, talking to friends and colleagues when I’m getting stuck, right through to things like massage and meditation if stress levels are higher than usual.

AE: I am not sure that I actively practice. There are times when one leans back in the chair and reflects. I don’t actively meditate but do find myself

SA: I spent 13 years as an ordained Buddhist monk and practiced daily meditation. When I left the monastery, I wanted to dig deeper into mindfulness

“As we experience life and we mature in terms of our self-knowledge we develop the ability to become less critical or judgmental of ourselves and others... No individual can control what someone else says or does, we can, however, absolutely control how we respond to others.” – Alan Edwards

Chellie Spiller

and meditation and explore it more in every day life. I would set times during the day where I would spend at least an hour simply being present and letting go of any wanderings of the mind. I am discovering that I can now practice this from anywhere. I am more interested in bringing mindfulness attention to difficult moments and relationships and being open to this. But I realise you can’t put the cart before the horse especially when you are first getting started. People think mindfulness is some sort of technique that causes you to be more present but it isn’t a technique. You don’t need special conditions. Realistically, those starting out will need to engage in some kind of discipline but mindfulness is about having an open mind and expanding your awareness into the present. My own journey continues because learning never comes to an end.

CS: I apply the wayfinding meditation practice of nohopuku – a belly centered approach that recognises the importance of being grounded. I aim to formally do this sitting practice for 30 minutes each morning and evening. Then throughout the day, I seek to operate from this relaxed state of nohopuku. This isn’t a detached state that seeks to be away from a distracting world, rather it is about being present and fully engaged. Master wayfinders have the ability to move from stillness; they possess a steadfast calm clarity and operate from a relaxed and engaged flow state in all circumstances, whether in a raging storm or caught up in the wayward and dangerous winds of the Doldrums. I seek to follow their lead. Wayfinding also encourages reflexive practice – to take the time to check in with ourselves and reflect on our respons-

“This isn’t a detached state that seeks to be away from a distracting world, rather it is about being present and fully engaged... Mindfulness is about having an open mind and expanding your awareness into the present.” – Chellie Spiller

es and reactions. This helps me to not only cope with stress; it helps me gain greater perspective. Reflexivity is about stepping back and looking at ourselves from a distance; being an observer of ourselves and our relationships – with others, situations, signs – and challenging one’s own thinking, letting go of assumptions, norms and habits if they are preventing us from seeing what is really going on within and around us. This includes being awake to what ‘gets us’ and has us in the grip of deep assumptions that can inhibit our ability to perceive fully. Q: How do you help move others to a more mindful state? AE: Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you expect to see in others.” I have often used this quote to instill a sense of self-leadership in everyone. As we all know, no individual can control what someone else says or does, we can, however, absolutely control how we respond to others. Mindfulness for me is reaching that point where one clearly knows that you are wholly accountable for the choices you make. VC: Firstly by role modelling it. And then by encouraging others to think about their own state of mind and health and how that’s either helping or hindering their



Stephen Archer

work for example. I do a lot of work in the EQ space in terms of raising awareness and helping people manage emotions to build constructive working relationships.

mentors, Matua Pereme Porter, explained karakia as ‘an incantation to invocation’, that is, a declaration to invoke a reality.

SA: I run my own company providing mindfulness programmes in the workplace. It is my passion. Right now, I am working with Kiwibank delivering mindfulness programmes to their staff. I run regular sessions, facilitate drop-in groups and am now running stage 2 programmes on how we can make the company a more mindful workplace. I also work with other consultants to provide different mindfulness courses and provide one-onone training.

Q: Why do we need more mindful leaders?

CS: In our Wayfinding Leadership courses, we teach a wide range of mindfulness practices including the meditation practice of nohopuku and strategies for reflexive practice. Another example that the wayfinders use and that I use at the university including in staff meetings, is karakia. This is a form of invocation that focuses our mind and attention upon the highest intention. Karakia can be done collectively and ritually, or it can be a quiet, personalised reflection that seeks to draw insight and guidance from higher sources of knowing. In speaking karakia, a person is calling for mindfulness to permeate their processes and activities. In the book, I describe how one of my



AE: Mindfulness is a consciousness and awareness of the here and now. I have often heard people say that someone is not self-aware. The insinuation is that the person is being inappropriate. Elevated self-awareness is definitely a strength, not only in leadership but in everyone. VC: It’s a more powerful place to lead from. We’ve all heard or experienced horror stories around bosses who are short-tempered, make their problems everyone else’s and aren’t mindful of their team’s needs or personal situations. They struggle to motivate or create a culture where people want to go the extra mile to get things done. SA: As a leadership competency, mindfulness allows us to deepen into the power of presence. It helps leaders to work more effectively with differences and conflict. It helps to precipitate new perspectives and insight and to move away from automatic pilot to conscious responsiveness. For me, two key qualities of leadership are authentic presence and vision. Authentic

presence is about standing in the dignity of your own authority - being real and honest. It’s quality over quantity. In my work, I remind leaders their unique being is their greatest offering. If you have a leader who demonstrates authentic presence they tend to evoke loyalty around them. The second aspect is vision. Mindful leaders have a professional responsibility to sustain clarity. Leaders who are reactive in the workplace have no inspiring or compelling vision. We are responders as humans and if someone has an inspired vision that will attract others to get on board and share that passion. CS: Mindful leaders are kaitiaki – experts in taking care of people and place. They create mauri ora wellbeing by being mindful themselves and creating spaces where all people liberate each other in communion to fulfil their potential. Most individuals and organisations are a long way from fulfilling their true potential. Mindful leaders can develop and harness this potential for personal and organisational transformation. This, in turn, can enable the creation of more economic, social, environmental, cultural and spiritual wellbeing. Mindful leaders can make a big difference for us all individually and collectively.

Q: What are the consequences of not practicing mindful leadership? AE: I am not aware of research that proves organisations practicing mindfulness are better than those that are not; however, to have an organisation where people are all focused on the now, are invested in solving problems, finding solutions, discovering new methods – all without judgement, without recriminations or restrictions – that must be an outstanding outcome. VC: Our lives are full of stress, whether that’s at work, home or in our communities. The consequences of not dealing with stress can be significant, whether that impacts your ability to do your job effectively or in more severe cases continuous stress leading to anxiety and depression. SA: The world is changing so quickly and unless you have the capacity for innovation, you will be left behind. We need leaders who sustain the quality of presence in the information age. We have these old paradigms of leadership, which simply aren’t cutting it today. Mindful leadership is a different paradigm and one, which we are starting to explore more which is exciting. It is the future because it taps into natural creativity and innovation. CS: If leaders aren’t leading with mindfulness they can’t cultivate this in others. The consequences are a failure to fulfil potential with individuals being less peaceful and productive and organisations failing to really perform well and create optimal wellbeing.

Q: How does mindful leadership contribute to a collective consciousness in the workplace? AE: I do link mindfulness and conscious leadership and believe that where organisations remove the barriers often associated with structure and hierarchy, they become enablers of success. The higher the level of self-awareness across all levels within the organisation the better the level of engagement of each individual with the goals of that organisation. These are the organisations that become best in class. VC: Mindful leaders are more conscious of how their actions impact others and work hard to mitigate negative impacts on other people. They are often also more open minded, leading to a strong tolerance of differences in the workplace. Open mindedness can lead to greater innovation and strong positive cultures. SA: Nature is always moving but it moves along at its own pace. There is no magic pill to create transformational leadership. It takes a long time to grow a kauri tree just like it takes time to develop a strong leader. There is wisdom in slowing down to the speed of our breathing and being aware of the state of our world and environment. As we listen more, we are better able to respond which is not only good for any business but the entire planet. CS: Mindfulness has often been associated with reducing stress and helping people relax and feel calmer. At a higher level in terms of collective consciousness, more mindfulness creates a greater coherence around a higher purpose, more compassion and kindness.

“I spent 13 years as an ordained Buddhist monk and practiced daily meditation. When I left the monastery, I wanted to dig deeper into mindfulness and meditation and explore it more in every day life. The world is changing so quickly... we need leaders who sustain the quality of presence in the information age.” - Stephen Archer

Q: Is mindfulness beneficial for all kinds of organisations? AE: In my opinion, absolutely! People benefit from being mindful and as a result, organisations benefit. VC: In my experience, it’s applicable to many different types of organisations. SA: Absolutely, there are no real contrary indications. You don’t have to have a special qualification - all you need is a body and a mind because we are talking about working with inherent qualities. We are diverse and not the same and we all bring different qualities. Live more fully the great qualities that you have come into this world with because if you don’t allow healthy diversity you won’t have a healthy community. CS: I believe so. For all kinds of organisations, there are ways to cultivate mindfulness. Q: Who stands out as an exemplar of mindful leadership? AE: Nelson Mandela! Mahatma Gandhi! These men achieved so much whilst appearing to be unflappable, unhurried, steadfast, resolute, and wise! Nelson Mandela said, “It seems impossible until it is done!” Gandhi said, “Be the change you expect to see in others!” In the case of Nelson Mandela, his mantra was one step at a time, focused attention on getting things done now, steadily and consistently. Gandhi’s views were that change comes from example. Emulating Gandhi was exactly what Gandhi wanted! VC: There are some great examples such as Sina Wendt-Moore, Nic Kennedy and Lillian Grace, who lead from a sense of purpose and collaboration being incredibly aware of the impact they have on those around them. SA: Everything I have learned was not done in isolation. I have had wise teachers who have role-modelled mindfulness, which I believe is a powerful way of learning. As humans, it is what we transmit to each other that make a difference. You don’t get that from an app or on YouTube. Let it be modelled to you by another person. I have a great teacher who lives



Vic Crone

in the far north and I get to spend regular time with him, which gives me a huge amount of inspiration and nourishment. CS: The leader who is the primary focus of our Wayfinding Leadership book is a great exemplar of mindful leadership. Hotu is a descendant (and namesake) of the great high priest who commanded the Tainui waka that carried the founding ancestors of the Tainui iwi to Aotearoa. In 1966, when Hotu was about five years old, he used to sit on the tribal waka in the shed by the river, imagining his ances-

tors sailing across the ocean. He would daydream about traversing the ocean in a double-hulled sailing waka. Mentored from childhood by his elders, and with extensive oceangoing experience, he took stewardship of the double-hulled sailing waka Haunui which we draw upon for our framework and many of the examples in the book. Hotu demonstrates a phenomenal ability to release the potential in others and in situations. Hotu’s willingness to share his remarkable knowledge is another mark of his leadership. Q: What 3 qualities of mindful leadership do you live by?

“ Mindful leaders are more conscious of how their actions impact others and work hard to mitigate negative impacts on other people. They are often also more open minded, leading to a strong tolerance of differences in the workplace.” – Vic Crone 8


AE: I work hard on being in the present, working hard on non-judgement and to accept things as they are. I have fully accepted that I cannot control what other people say or do. I cannot control events as they unfold. I can, however, fully control how I respond to those events, or outcomes or expressions or statements. We frequently hear it said that “It is what it is!” This expression is often said in a manner which acknowledges defeat. Instead, it should be said as a truism! This is what it means to accept things as they are. Accepting things as they are, does not preclude us from being present and being engaged in creating better outcomes. So, for me, it is all about focus on what is immediate, what can immediately be done to influence great outcomes in the future.

VC: 1. I don’t let my problems impact how I treat other people. 2. I keep on top of my physical and mental health so I have the energy to lead from a place of purpose and collaboration. 3. I like to build diverse teams that are open-minded and tolerant of differences because we get better results from that than from teams of like-minded people. SA: When it comes to being stimulated in my heart in terms of my love and attraction of this work, everything I have been talking about are the things that bring me alive in my own practice of mindfulness. Part of my work now is to supervise other mindfulness educators and help grow this new generation of people who want to be in this role. CS: 1. Be grounded in the belly – apply nohopuku. 2. Apply reflexive practice – take the time to reflect on my responses and reactions. 3. Use karakia – invoke my mind upon the highest intention.


A Better World through Better Leadership Altris has been a partner of Leadership NZ since 2007. Although the two organisations could be seen as potential competitors with both operating in the leadership development space, we see the relationship as complementary rather than adversarial. The Altris Vision is ‘A Better World through Better Leadership’. We look to help in the delivery of this through tailored leadership development and coaching programmes primarily for medium to large organisations and Government departments and agencies. We see Leadership NZ as a complementary provider that reaches into parts of the business and not-for-profit world in their unique way. The two organisations have very similar aims in the work they do. Both want to build a better New Zealand and have an impact on the wider world through developing confident and self-aware leaders. We both deliver our Programmes over a 9-12 month period to allow time for reflection and embedding new awareness and skills. Our experience is that this increases the likelihood of leadership changes being sustained. Altris first got involved with Leadership NZ following a conversation between Altris Director Martin Fenwick (who is also a current Trustee of Leadership NZ) and Lesley Slade, the first Leadership NZ CEO. Through discussions (over a few glasses of wine no doubt) about respective plans and recognising the common areas of interest and focus, Martin got intrigued as to how Leadership NZ did things. Lesley talked about the significant personal change and growth journey

that many alumni went through during the Programme. As Lesley described it, many finished the Programme with a much better understanding of themselves but also some questions about how to best represent who they were, and how to integrate their new understanding and learning into their business, community and personal lives. This sounded like a common coaching situation (which is Altris’ specialist area of expertise) so, as a result, Altris signed up to partner with Leadership NZ through the provision of coaching and behavioural profiling support for Programme participants. Over the years we have worked with different Leadership NZ CEOs and offered to support the Programme in whatever way we can. So our way of supporting has evolved and grown over the years, just like the relationship between the organisations. As well as offering coaching, Altris has also been proud to support Leadership NZ through hosting a table at the Dinner with a Difference event as well as sponsoring elements of other events like the annual Bishop Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture. What Altris particularly likes about the Leadership NZ approach is the emphasis on dialogue, on breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes of all kinds. People are thrown together to stretch their thinking and yet they are supported and nourished along the journey. The

Leadership NZ journey is as much about the exploration of themselves and their perspective on the world as it is about the world outside of them and their role as leaders in organisations or communities. Working with participants on the Programme provides an opportunity for the Altris team to work with individuals in backgrounds and roles that are often quite different from our ‘typical’ executive coaching client. The content of the sessions is often more about exploring the individual’s sense of who they are and where they are heading rather than working through some role or organisation-specific element. Supporting the individuals in embedding the learning and awareness from the Programme into a new ‘personal brand’ is incredibly satisfying for us as coaches. A number of the coachees haven’t had this kind of 1-1 development support before so are hungry to make the most of the opportunity. (Unfortunately, this is not something that can be said for all coaching clients). The Altris team gets a lot from our relationship with the Leadership NZ team and the opportunities we get to spend time with the Programme participants either as a group or on a 1-1 basis. We trust that between the two organisations we can continue to make a positive impact on leadership within New Zealand and the wider world. WINTER 2016


















2016 PROGRAMME LAUNCH 1. 2015 Alumni David Udy, Vivek Rajendran, Dave Norman, Lauder Erasmus, Jackie Curry-Malolo, Ainsleigh Cribb-Su’a, Nigel Kapa and Grant Palmer 2. Our event partner, KPMG 3. Auckland Airport Alumni Anil Chandra Varma and Vivek Rajendran 4. Advisory Trustee Sir Bob Harvey, CEO Sina Wendt-Moore and Founder Jo Brosnahan 5. Participants, Alumni and friends gather at KPMG 6. Programme Director Louise Marra and 2016 Participant Helen Peters 7. 2014 Alumna Eddy Royal with 2016 Participants Mini Prasad and Marion Schrama



8. 2016 Participant Mary Camp 9. NZ Defence Force 2016 Participant Keren Ross and Alumni Grant Palmer 10. Mihi whakatau from Alumni Jamie Munro 11. Some of our Leadereship NZ wahine 12. Jason Doherty welcomes us to KPMG 13. Our MC for the evening David Udy, 2015 Alumnus 14. Some of the 2016 Participants 15. Our Chair, Peter Garnett 16. Our guest speaker and 2005 Alumna Vicky Taylor 17. Our Programme Director Louise Marra 18. 2015 Alumnus Morehu Wilson 19. Hilary Palmer speaks on behalf of the 2016 Participants



20. All of the 2016 Participants


Having their Say Thoughts from the class of 2016 Damon Birchfield CEO, EcoMatters Environment Trust My purpose in life has not changed for some time. I’ve tried to remain focused on a commitment to using my skills and expertise in playing an enabling role to support people and organisations to shift their lives and performance to meet their economic, social and cultural goals while protecting and restoring our environment and the planet. In my current role with EcoMatters, and before that working in local government, I’ve always sought opportunities for collaboration. Along the way, I have enjoyed some success in getting practical programmes in place that have at least in part fulfilled on this mission. This and working with some amazing people is what keeps me motivated.

I began the Programme having completed my first year as CEO at EcoMatters Environment Trust, armed with a hope I would meet a new peer group and learn some practical new leadership skills and insights. I haven’t been disappointed. It is clear I am in the company of some high capacity people. It is rare to find such cohesion and synergy so quickly in a group - a lesson on what’s possible when a diverse group of talented leaders comes together. Expertly guided by Louise, our focus on mindful leadership is also timely as my own need to balance a high-pressure job with personal wellbeing has been emphasised. I’ve met some awesome people who are working in a wide array of sectors and business challenges. I am sure the relationships formed will be for a lifetime. Thank you to Leadership NZ also for the generous scholarship which enabled me to be here.

Darren Lee Continuous Improvement Manager (Quality), ACC Having spent most of my career in the public sector - mainly in change leadership roles - I believe strongly in the concept of delivering public value. I have experience in Project/ Programme Management and I have led several large legislative and business projects, particularly in the Student Loans area. Over the last decade I have developed a passion for customer-centric innovation through Service Design and Lean/ Continuous Improvement approaches. In my current role, I not only lead ACC’s continuous improvement programme, but I am also focussed on creating a wider organisational culture shift through coaching and developing leaders in how to drive business performance through continuous improvement.

Being a career public servant and almost exclusively with Inland Revenue, I was concerned about how insular my world view had become. Leadership NZ hasn’t so much broadened my worldview; it has grabbed me by the collar, ripped me from the comfort of my nicely padded bubble, wrenched my boundaries from their rusty hinges and smashed them into a thousand tiny pieces so that they can never be reconstructed. It has held up a mirror and challenged me to confront my own views, prejudices, judgements and insecurities. It has awoken my social awareness. It has reignited a sense of purpose. And the authenticity and the integrity of the speakers and community leaders we have been exposed to is inspiring. This is a deeply rich ride and I am humbled to be able to share it with such a diverse and talented group of people in the 2016 cohort.

David Hall Infrastructure Reliability Manager, Auckland International Airport I was born in Wellington and was schooled and grew up in Masterton. I successfully completed a Chemical Engineering degree from Auckland University. My working career started in the dairy industry where I spent time in the operational area before moving overseas in a customer focused function. I am currently working at Auckland Airport in an aeronautical planning role. I am part of a supportive and vibrant team that deals with exciting challenges daily. I have four boys of whom I am exceptionally proud and a partner who is supportive and empathetic both in her own work environment and at home. 12


The Leadership NZ Programme has been an amazing journey so far. We have a theme of Mindfulness this year and this has resulted in my initial response of undertaking an inward journey of self-discovery, which has enabled me to understand the need to be “healthy” within before being able to address external issues. A critical part of the journey is the amazing people also undertaking their journey; the relationships and bonds that are built are so supportive, and this enables robust conversations to occur around significant issues. The catalyst for these conversations are amazing speakers who freely impart their thoughts and feelings about issues that are dear to them, to New Zealand. These leaders have been passionate and then have followed through on that passion and this is a key learning I have taken from the journey to date.

Dayne Farley Head of Medium Business, Spark Digital I have worked for Spark for almost ten years, during that time I have worked in a variety of roles, from Sales to Operations. I am currently the Head of the Medium Business segment in Spark Digital. I am in an extremely fortunate position to be able to work for Spark in Auckland for most of the week but spend the rest of the time in my hometown of Tauranga. I was born in Australia but spent most of my formative years in the Waikato and the Bay of Plenty. In my spare time, I love hanging out with my two kids.

Having the opportunity to be part of Leadership NZ has been an amazing experience for me personally. It has already shown me how little I really understood about New Zealand and the diversity of views, experiences and opportunities (or lack of) that our society has. Additionally, being on this journey with people from a variety of sectors in New Zealand has exposed me to different viewpoints that potentially I would not have had, sharing these opportunities with this group has been a real privilege. The next step for me is to understand how I can make a difference as we all have a responsibility to contribute to the improvement of our society.

Dianna Taylor General Manager, IT, Kiwibank My working career has predominantly been in the banking sector with a mix of business and technology roles in NZ and Australia. I have a common theme with all of my career achievements thus far, a strong delivery focus, transformation, succeeding through others, developing high performing teams, leaders and achieving long-term high staff engagement results. I am currently working as the CIO for Kiwibank; this is a really challenging role. Kiwibank is a great company to work for as they have a strong social conscience as do I.

I struggle to put into words my experiences thus far. Leadership NZ for me has been a great opportunity to immerse myself in situations far removed from my normal life that challenge my thinking, values and beliefs. I feel honoured and humbled to be part of this learning experience and by my fellow participants; they are amazing and generous. I associate well with our theme of ‘Mindfulness’ and I feel my soul is full after our retreats, syndicate catch ups and my triad sessions. This is a brilliant learning opportunity that I will definitely recommend to many others.

Dr El-Shadan Tautolo, PhD Director of the Centre for Pacific Health & Development Research, Auckland University of Technology Born and raised in Mangere, my Samoan and Cook Islands heritage have been a strong influence in shaping my journey. I am the Director at Centre for Pacific Health & Development Research based at AUT, and Lead Research Investigator for the Pacific Islands Families (PIF) Study. This is a longitudinal study of 1,398 Pacific children and parents, who have been tracked and interviewed since 2000. I am fortunate to be conducting research identifying and examining the needs and issues amongst our Pacific communities, and then providing this for advocates and decision makers to support and meet these needs or issues. I am happily married to a beautiful Niuean woman and a proud father.

I was fortunate to be asked to apply for this Programme through the Office of Pasifika Advancement at Auckland University of Technology. I had heard from other colleagues that the Programme was a great experience, but didn’t really know what to expect when I was accepted. I am happy to say that although the Programme is nothing like what I thought it would be, I have really enjoyed it, and am extremely grateful that I am able to be part of this legacy of NZ leadership. Meeting a diverse range of people on the Programme has been fabulous and I look forward to the rest of the journey.




Having their Say Thoughts from the class of 2016 Eli Tagi Owner and Director, WE Accounting and Business Born in Samoa, I moved to New Zealand with my family when I was 3 years old as my parents wanted to give me, my brothers and sister an opportunity for a better education. My passion has always been about inspiring and helping people to achieve their dreams and becoming a Chartered Accountant was the vehicle I chose to achieve those goals. I’m fortunate to have a wonderful wife who supports me in all that I do, so when she said why not start our own firm, I jumped at the chance and WE Accounting was born. Business made easy is our slogan and is the mantra WE set in our firm and for our clients.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience so far with Leadership NZ. It has been a real privilege and an honour to hear from some of the inspirational leaders during our journey. The stories of their leadership journeys have been both inspiring and thought provoking for me personally. Mindful leadership is the theme for our 2016 cohort and it has really challenged me to open my mind and thoughts to a multitude of ideas and viewpoints that I had been closed to. I hope to use what I have learned from my experiences so far to help in my personal life as well as help the communities and the causes I love to work with. Thank you once again Leadership NZ for this fantastic opportunity and I hope to one day share my journey with you all.

Hayley Shields Deputy Director, International Marketing and Business Development The University of Auckland My career so far has been globally focussed. I currently lead the international student recruitment business for the University. I have developed my leadership experience in the tertiary education sectors and as a leadership coach in Auckland. Born in the UK and raised in New Zealand, I decided to return home and reconnect with NZ after 15 years in Australia and beyond. I’m passionate about social justice and gender equality, which has led me to mentor future women leaders both at home and in developing countries.

I’d been seeking a leadership development programme for several years and heard about Leadership NZ from a close friend and alumni. The stars soon aligned, I met Sina and I knew it was for me. The focus on diversity, political and social economy and personal development was the attraction along with the mission to develop conscious leadership for NZ. On day one I learned of the mindfulness theme and I knew I was home. I appreciate the honesty, intellectual and emotional challenge and the opportunity to be with such beautiful people on this epic journey. Personally, it is disruptive, necessitating deep reflection on my purpose. Leadership NZ is helping to bring heart into NZ organisations; I feel fortunate to be part of that movement.

Helen Peters Director, KPMG I started my professional accounting career in Wellington where I have been very fortunate to work alongside many inspiring leaders. Historically, you would have found me loudly supporting the Hurricanes at the Cake Tin, running around the town belt, swimming in Oriental Parade and cycling the Makara loop. This all changed in 2013 when I was asked whether I would like to transfer and help grow the KPMG Christchurch office – being a Wellingtonian all my life, this was actually a hard decision. Christchurch has now been home for three years and I haven’t looked back.



I feel incredibly privileged to be invited to join and be part of the Leadership NZ journey. So far this journey has been everything and more than I expected. The deep learning about our history and my connection to New Zealand has been empowering and has left me wanting to learn more. The readings, discussions, mindfulness tools and incredibly talented people who are joining me on this journey are all adding to the experience and it is starting to build into being quite life changing. Never before have I focused so deeply on New Zealand’s social and economic environments and felt such an energy and drive to make a positive change and step forward.

Hillary Palmer Head of Culture and Leadership, Kiwibank I was brought up in Wanganui, learned quickly to stand on my own two feet, live in the moment and appreciate family and friends. I moved to the UK with my husband, started a new life, but NZ was always home. We returned with our daughter so she could connect with family and the things we loved about NZ. I wanted to work for a Kiwi owned organisation and found my place with Kiwibank. I’m part of making Kiwibank a great place to work, developing our leaders and strengthening our culture. I’m proud to be part of a bank which believes in its people and continues to challenge the status quo.

I’ve watched my colleagues participate in Leadership NZ for many years, never thinking one day I’d actually be on this myself. For me, this has been an inward exploration of my beliefs, values and preconceptions, and a deeper understanding of the things that have shaped me. Sometimes I’ve felt challenged both personally and professionally but that’s why I’m here. Other times it feels like I’m diving into freezing cold water – it’s energising and invigorating to be exposed to diverse topics and inspirational speakers. I’m starting to think differently, develop my worldview and I really love being part of a diverse and talented group of people who are on this journey together.

Imogen Parry Co-Founder, Director & Head of Design, The Infographers In 2012, after eight years as a graphic designer for a learning design company, I co-founded information design micro-studio The Infographers. The Infographers has provided the opportunity to work alongside some extraordinary people – transforming their complex ideas, processes, and data into simple, beautiful graphics. I’ve designed infographics for in-store signage and magazine spreads, annual reports and textbooks, worked with NIWA scientists to illustrate the life in waterways, created live sketch-note prints at TEDx Wellington, helped Oxford University teach students and a greengrocer sell potatoes. I’m a founding member of Fail Club. And I write about wellness, resilience, and wild places at TinySanctuaries.co.nz

My Leadership NZ journey began due to the support of two remarkable women – alumni Eddy Royal and Jade Tang-Taylor. They shared with me how extraordinary their own experiences had been and encouraged me to apply. Not one of my many anxieties about whether I had a place amongst this group would dissuade them. Now, three sessions in, I am so grateful. For them and their fierce persuasiveness. And for the experiences I have already been gifted – the places I have visited, the people I have met, the wisdom that has been shared with me. The opportunities to form new friendships and broaden my views. The conversations in our small groups. For the invitation each month to explore what it means to lead.

Jennifer Linney Strategic Advisor for Operations Group, ACC Starting at ACC in my mid-20s as a case manager, and navigating my way through various roles in operations management, a stint in the ACC Minister’s office and taking some time out to travel, to teach and to try the private sector, I am now the strategic advisor for the Operations Group for ACC. Outside of work, you can generally find me enjoying New Zealand’s beautiful outdoors and wildlife with my partner Caron, or doing my bit to support Wellington’s vibrant arts and café culture.

This Programme is everything I wanted and more. I seldom take the time to reflect on my life ambitions, my way of being at home and at work and really dissecting the things that are critical for me to be the best leader I can be. Leadership NZ has provided this opportunity. The sessions have been challenging, sometimes scary, the conversations really stimulating and the speakers inspiring. I find myself internally debating social issues, reflecting on conversations from the sessions, thinking about what I can do from a leadership point of view to support my community and feeling more engaged in my role at ACC gaining confidence in what I offer and accepting my foibles. I look forward to each session, to reconnecting with the awesome 2016 cohort, and wondering what I will learn this time.




Having their Say Thoughts from the class of 2016 Justin Maddock Manager, Commercial Relationships, Ports of Auckland I come from a technology-based background. I found myself applying for a role with the Port seven years ago in the IT service delivery space; from there I was fortunate enough to move into Port operations and haven’t looked back. I recently took on a new role with the commercial team which has given me the opportunity to look behind the curtain of operations to better understand the commercial aspects of service delivery and leadership in our business.

The Programme was something that found me and quite by accident; not really knowing what I was in for was probably a blessing at the time. Phrases like “prepare to be tested” and “it will take you to some uncomfortable places” were not your typical referral headlines. However, I dove in head first and thank goodness. Yes, I have been tested and boy have I been uncomfortable but strangely I have enjoyed every minute of it. After each session, I find myself looking for space from it all, but all too quickly the excitement of the next session arrives and the rollercoaster starts again! I have experienced more about leadership in my first three sessions than all my time as a leader in business; you will get to know yourself and build some amazing friendships with those on the journey.

Kathy Stirrat Strategic Advisor - Customer Group, ACC I am a born and bred Wellingtonian and while I’ve lived overseas three times in the past, I’ve never lived anywhere else in New Zealand. I’m married to Doug and we have two adult children currently having their own adventures living in Auckland. After a career that has spanned the public and private sectors in primarily in health, banking and insurance, I’m now working for ACC in workplace safety. My role is challenging and rewarding - developing programmes and incentives to encourage employers to keep their workers injury free and ensure everyone goes home safe.

It’s a real privilege for me to be part of the 2016 Leadership NZ Programme. It’s given me an amazing opportunity to meet a diverse group of highly talented and caring people from throughout NZ. The Programme is carefully crafted to introduce us to a plethora of new experiences, challenging subjects, leadership tools and important debate and discussion. Through this Programme I am growing, expanding and deepening my world view and I’m being challenged to consider my response to the critical issues we face. I’m excited about where this Programme may lead me and I’m open to a new world of possibilities. I’m immensely grateful to ACC for sponsoring me on this Programme and gifting me this amazing experience. The next step is up to me!

Kelly Bewley Project Manager - Exhibitions, Auckland Museum Downtown Auckland 1960s – Joyce from Nuhaka meets William from Cumbria. My parents fell in love, had three children, and settled in provincial Taranaki. I grew up immersed in rugby league, surfing, punk music and the local art scene. These interests and pursuits have served me for life; I’m an obsessive guitarist and instrument builder, love the outdoors and the rugged west coast. Tamaki Makaurau 1999 – Cybele from Colville meets Kelly from Taranaki. We are happily married and have three children. I’m an exhibitions project manager at Auckland Museum where I have worked for the past 12 years. I love working with a wide range of people which sparks my creative side.



I feel privileged to be part of this Programme, for the opportunity to reflect, share, learn and open myself to mindful leadership. The opening retreat had a profound effect on me - I left with a renewed sense of confidence and calm. Because of this, I stepped out of my comfort zone to co-lead the mihi for our nohomarae in Kaikohe; this left me with a great sense of pride. I have been challenged by the readings on diverse issues that NZ communities face, as well as meeting inspirational leaders who have devoted themselves to such causes. It has been transformative to learn from each speaker’s life. I feel very close to the cohort through sharing beliefs and personal experiences and the support and challenge they provide. This enables me to honestly and openly explore my purpose and full potential. I’m excited to continue this journey of self-discovery and reflection.

Kelly Bleakley Leadership Programme Director, Sir Peter Blake Trust I am a proud Kiwi and have spent the majority of my working life supporting the next generation of New Zealanders to achieve their potential. Inspiring young people is my calling, and starting at the Sir Peter Blake Trust in 2015 has been a perfect place to turn my passion into my career. Prior to this, I rolled out the Fonterra Milk for Schools programme around New Zealand while holding the senior volunteer role of National Commissioner for SCOUTS New Zealand. My other passion is musical theatre and my favourite place to be is performing on the stage.

The Leadership NZ Programme has been eye-opening. It’s been an honour to meet and interact with some of New Zealand’s greatest leaders, and to form bonds with senior leaders doing amazing things for our country in a range of industries – all with a common interest and purpose. I am gaining tools to help me be the best person I can be at work, at home, and in the community where I live, as well as learning how I can influence and make a difference to the people around me. New Zealand is a small country and the more we understand about our history, our people, and how to connect and work together, the stronger and more successful we will be.

Keren Ross Business Advisor - Army General Staff, NZ Defence Force I grew up in rural South Otago, with parents who instilled in us an awareness of society beyond our own four walls. I made the move from small town to Wellington for university and haven’t yet managed to leave it since, though I wish I could spend more time out of the city. I’ve been working for the New Zealand Defence Force for the past five years in a few different roles. I enjoy reading, baking, drawing stick figure comics and hanging out with my pet bearded dragon Fluffy.

I feel very privileged to have been put forward by the New Zealand Army to attend the 2016 Leadership NZ Programme. I have so enjoyed meeting the diverse range of people in our cohort and have already learnt so much from our conversations. The speakers we have heard so far have been exceptional and the entire experience has been incredibly thought provoking. The diversity and breadth of experience represented by both the participants and speakers is a real strength of the Programme. I look forward to continuing to deepen our conversations as we progress through the year.

Ketan Panchal Financial Controller, Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi I came to New Zealand in 2003 and started my life in Auckland. I met my beautiful wife at Massey University, Albany. We have a wonderful daughter who fulfils our lives. Like any other migrant, I spent first few years learning the culture of New Zealand, or at least I thought I did until I join Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi. My first and only experience working for a Maori organisation has changed me and shaped me to be a real Kiwi. My current position has given me opportunities to engage and connect with leaders of diverse organisations.

Ever since I learnt about Leadership NZ, I wanted to participate in this Programme. I was offered this opportunity and my prior understanding about the Programme was completely changed on day one. It has so much more to offer than I originally thought. It has challenged me to think outside the box. I have had an opportunity to meet leaders from diverse sectors and to learn from their life experiences. The Leadership NZ forum has given me a unique opportunity to engage myself in thought-provoking discussions within my group and with myself. I feel privileged to meet the fantastic participants from different geographical locations and business sectors. It has inspired me to do something for what I strongly believe in. It has given me an open platform to build a strong network and I know it will change the direction of my life to make me a better leader.




Having their Say Thoughts from the class of 2016 Maraea Rakuraku Founder, Native Agency Ko Ngati Kahungunu ki te Wairoa me Tuhoe oku Iwi. Ko Maraea Rakuraku ahau. Ngati Porou, Apirana Ngata encouraged Maori to take up the tools of Te Ao Pakeha to benefit Maori. My lifetime has been spent moving between two worlds holding this vision. At times, being on the margins of both. As a storyteller, this gives me access to rich experiences and compels me to give voice to those you never hear from. This drives all my mahi, as a playwright, performance poet (DuskyMaidensNobleSavages), broadcaster, reviewer, producer and founder of boutique media and production house - Native Agency Ltd.

E hoki ki o maunga kia purea koe e nga hau a Tawhirimatea - Return to your ancestral mountains to be cleansed by the winds of Tawhirimatea. When a number of people in my life suggested I apply for Leadership NZ, it started to feel a bit like an intervention! It was something well, outside my comfort zone and yet, there was a resonance. While it seemed almost impossible to contemplate, I knew that Leadership NZ would be transformative for me. And it has been, in the most expected and unexpected, gloriously confronting way. I have stared down my deep-seeded prejudices, connected with people I wouldn’t necessarily interact with, all while deepening, (the most significant relationship I will ever have) my relationship with self. It’s been a hoot. It’s been challenging. It’s been affirming and I thank you all for it.

Marion Schrama Regional Operations Manager, NZ Post Born in Whangarei, the youngest of four children to Dutch immigrants, I’m a first generation New Zealander. I love my ‘mixed heritage’ and love being a New Zealander. My career path to date has seen me work in every business that has NZ in it - RNZ, BNZ, ANZ and now NZP. New Zealand Post has been my ‘home’ for the past ten years and it’s afforded me the opportunity to work in numerous roles with a huge range of people who have taught me that it’s okay to ‘fail’ and he aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.

My participation to date has raised many questions for me and made me realise that I am just as responsible for the future of New Zealand as anyone else. Leadership, for me, used to be leading a team of people in a work environment. Wrong. You don’t need a team to be a leader. You need to BE a leader. I am at the beginning of my journey of understanding Maori and Te Tiriti – I’ve been surprised by own naivety. I am truly grateful for the opportunity that has been given to me – to see New Zealand in a very different light and to learn through appreciating the perspective of others.

Mary Camp Business Development Manager, Education New Zealand I work for Education New Zealand, the government agency for international education. International students bring many benefits to NZ – economic, social and cultural. I feel proud of the NZ education system – while not perfect, it is a ‘product’ I totally believe in. I’ve been in education for 20 years – I’ve been a teacher in NZ and England, a consultant and worked for the Ministry of Education. I’ve travelled widely, mostly solo. I’m also a mum of two. My husband is a student and does most of the childcare. His support is a key factor in everything I do.



The Leadership NZ Programme is inspiring and challenging. It is making me reflect deeply on NZ society and my place in it. I look forward to every session because I know I will be in a totally safe (and fun!) environment, and I will also be extended in my thinking. The facilitation is extremely skilful, and I love the experimental prototyping approach. I am learning skills, learning about myself and others, learning about NZ society and of course learning about leadership. One very valuable aspect is the other participants – they are inspiring, diverse, talented and inclusive. The speakers have much wisdom and challenge to offer. I feel incredibly lucky and privileged to be part of this Programme. I am already noticing the positive difference it is making in my life. The mindful leadership theme of this year’s Programme is a great fit for me.

Mat Stone Director Animal and Animal Products, MPI I’m a Pakeha kiwi, raised in North Canterbury and living in Wellington with my partner and three children. We live in Newtown, a culturally diverse inner-city suburb, where we are engaged in school, sports, voluntary sector and social communities. I’m a veterinary epidemiologist and public service manager, working for MPI and the OIE (Google it). My professional passions are to help New Zealand’s farming sector produce the highest quality, ethical and sustainable food products for consumers here and overseas, and to support international food security by taking our farming and veterinary expertise to the world.

Each of our retreats has offered a particular insight into what it is to be a New Zealander that I have experienced as profound. Our hikoi to Kohewhata Marae in Kaikohe to witness te ao Maori was a powerful and moving experience, and I felt the spiritual connection that deepens our Tiriti partnership. With A Civil Society at Te Oro in Glen Innes, we explored the diversity of our stratified society, confronting the disparities. It is a privilege to meet and discuss ideas with people committed to supporting communities, to see the philosophy of “a thousand flowers blooming” in action, and to think about what we collectively can do to support those inspired and dedicated individuals who are driven to deliver social justice services in creative ways that achieve strong uptake. Or even how to become one of them.

Megan Hurnard Director - Performance, NZTE Global, multi-cultural, passionate people, intellectually challenging, a strong customer focus – these are characteristics of the organisations I have worked for over the last 20 years. My roles have been diverse, from project management to strategy, but a common theme that ties all these together is using information and analysis to drive service improvement, process improvement and to help develop and inform strategy. As much as I love my work I have a number of other interests outside that I am particularly passionate about: singing, playing soccer, dancing and, more recently, being the mother of a very engaging but mischievous toddler.

Leadership is a very personal journey. No two leaders are the same and it can be tempting to look to others you admire and ask yourself, how can I be more like them? I hadn’t really thought much about my own values and where I wanted to head on my leadership journey. I knew I wanted to become a better leader but didn’t know what that meant or how I could get there. This Programme is about finding out what sort of leader you are at your core - what values are really important and will drive you. We have been exposed to some extraordinary people with diverse ideas and experiences. Their stories have been inspiring, and at times confronting, and I have been challenged to think about what aspects resonate with me and what this tells me about myself.

Megan Tyler Planning Manager, Central & Islands, Auckland Council I am a proud ‘westie’ Aucklander, born and bred. I discovered planning as a profession in my last year of high school and went on to study it at the University of Auckland. After 18 months as a graduate in a private consultancy, I entered local government and have remained there ever since. My personal values align well to the public sector and it has provided me with amazing leadership and growth opportunities. My current role at Auckland Council sees me working alongside the Chief of Strategy on the complex challenges of a growing Auckland.

I feel incredibly privileged to be a part of the 2016 Leadership NZ cohort. It is rare to have the opportunity to move out of the day-to-day pressures and focus entirely on personal development and new ideas. I am inspired by the great leaders sitting around me and the guest speakers who share with such mana and honesty. There is already a real sense of camaraderie and desire within the cohort to develop together as leaders. I am being challenged to think differently, to consider what mindfulness means in the leadership context, to debate world views and to learn from the experiences of others. I am looking forward to the continuing journey this year and what lies ahead for me after 2016.




Having their Say Thoughts from the class of 2016 Mini Prasad Business Development and Social Enterprise Strategist, ConnectSR I’ve had a humble upbringing as an immigrant from Fiji and the youngest of three children. My parents consistently laid down the gauntlet for how to be the best we could be for ourselves and others. Graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting, Taxation and Commercial Law I was quickly absorbed into the Big 4 environment. Eventually following a deep-seated desire to contribute to a society which provided me with opportunity, I now work at ConnectSR as a Social Enterprise Strategist and Business Development Manager, actively involved in work with a vision for thriving, robust and healthy communities.

The Leadership NZ journey has been eye-opening. It has unearthed a sense of self-agency which is profound, seeking answers to questions of what defines me as a leader, a participant of our society, a contributor to our country and how do we as New Zealanders fit into the evolving global community? I now ask myself this daily and set forth on my mission to contribute. The understanding gained in snapshots from various change agents in New Zealand history, as well as getting the opportunity to delve into communities and experiencing snippets walking in the shoes of members of our diverse society has not only unveiled and challenged misconceptions but awakened a sense of responsibility that it is up to all of us to care about who we are walking alongside, be responsible for the future generations of our country and its success as a thriving nation.

Nazli Effendi Director & Director of Studies, NZ Academic and Learning Institute I was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1966, and have degrees from the University of Warwick (UK), the University of Durban-Westville (South Africa) and the University of Western Cape (South Africa). My lifelong career has been in education, including roles as a university lecturer, school principal, international marketing manager, academic director, operations manager, business manager, education consultant, and director of studies. I run full and half marathons

and am generally a bit of a fitness freak. I speak Afrikaans, German and basic conversational Chinese Mandarin. I immigrated to New Zealand and now live in Auckland. The Leadership NZ Programme is allowing me to dig deep and uncover what is really important to me as an individual in all the different roles that I have in my life – it is helping me to bring balance to my life – a contentment that I believe will ensure that I am able to lead myself with greater awareness and insight.

Neil Swailes Deputy Crew Chief, Auckland Airport I was born in Leeds, England. My parents immigrated to New Zealand before I was a year old. My father worked at the steel mill, my mother later working as a radiographer for Kingseat Hospital. I attended St Mary’s Primary in Papakura before moving onto Rosehill College. Without clear direction I left high school at the end of my seventh form year and laboured for a year before chancing upon an advertisement for Auckland Airport’s Emergency Response Team, where I have now worked for 19 years. I currently hold the rank of Deputy Crew Chief and enjoy the myriad of challenges each day brings.



Moving into Leadership NZ 2016 I thought I was going to be in a good position. I had faced some adversity in leadership in my position and had a very strong sense of who I was and what I stood for. Day one shattered that illusion for me. Leadership NZ is taking me on a journey of self-discovery at levels I had not considered in significant depth before. All the time you are buoyed by the fantastic and inspiring collection of people around you who are all taking their own journey, and sharing it completely selflessly and with great passion. The diversity of people and backgrounds in the group, combined with the mutual aspiration to being better leaders and people, opens new doors of challenge, and yet acceptance. It truly is a wonderful experience and I am loving this journey.

Owen Thomas Community Services Manager, Whangarei District Council After university, I started my working life with an NGO in the Taihape/ Waimarino area. This proved to be a wonderfully supportive learning environment and the dynamics of rural communities taught me the value of ‘local solutions to local problems’. Moving to Whangarei nine years ago, I intended a role in local government to be a short term thing but I’m still here and loving it. Provincial NZ is the backbone of NZ and with the support of my beautiful wife and the motivation of my young son I hope I can continue to help grow our district and our country.

Last year I had an interesting conversation with the CE of the local PHO about a ‘next step’. A conversation with an alumni member from Northpower further piqued my interest. When I was fortunate enough to be accepted onto the Programme I went back to the same people for more pearls of wisdom. The one that really stands out for me now was “just go with it”. I have been so surprised by tools like poetry and how my own work has been influenced by using mindfulness techniques. It’s not always ‘comfortable’ but it’s amazingly effective. When looking for the next step, I was looking for an appropriate learning environment because I firmly believe you are conditioned by your environment. From my Leadership NZ experience to date this couldn’t be truer – ‘he tangata’; the 2016 learning environment is a fantastic bunch of people.

Pania Schwenke Immediate Past President, P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A. and Flight Attendant Manager, Qantas Born and raised in Samoa, I inherited strong cultural values and industrious energy from my Samoan, German and Chinese ancestors. I studied at Otago University before returning to Samoa and working in the airline industry. I then spent thirteen years in the manufacturing industry working for H.J. Heinz in California as a Senior Manager. Passionate about making connections and engaging with people, I returned to the airline industry where I am currently Flight Attendant Manager with Qantas/Jetconnect. As the immediate past President of P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Auckland Branch, I’m a proud Pacific woman who believes in working collaboratively to achieve common goals.

New Zealand citizen by descent, tertiary education provided by the New Zealand government and living in New Zealand for the last ten years... does this warrant me to call NZ my ‘home’? Leadership NZ has opened my eyes and broadened my mind to see New Zealand through a different lens. Learning about the rich New Zealand history, the deep and spiritual Maori culture, having the privilege to hear from dynamic and inspiring NZ leaders and engaging with participants from diverse backgrounds and cultures is an invaluable experience. Leadership NZ is teaching me to discover my true self and how I can make a difference as a leader in our society, including practicing mindful leadership. I have obtained a deeper appreciation of New Zealand and look forward to making a positive impact on a country which has offered me so much.

Pauline Hanna Executive Project Director, Counties Manukau Health I was brought up with my father constantly telling me “you can do anything, Love…” After an extended OE, I completed my economics degree and MBA then entered the health sector. Married to an amazing husband with three children – I have a full personal life which has supported my career. I am at Counties Manukau Health. Our community needs transformational, effective DHB leadership to reverse our awful health statistics. I have a heightened awareness that I need to be actively contributing to our objectives. I have been afforded opportunities to work in a variety of senior, executive roles at Counties Manukau Health where I have delivered demonstrable, positive change.

Some may say I am in the ‘sunset’ of my career as I approach 60. But I am only just starting! Of the many inspiring experiences in my life, the Leadership NZ Programme is among the best. I was excited by the interview experience – and have not looked back. The material we are exposed to, the expertise of Louise, the musings, debate, informed heartfelt discussions, the expert, talented speakers – are all a magic mix. The combination of this mix and the talented, giving, experienced people who are the 2016 cohort has engendered serious soul searching and enquiry – which is both exhilarating and frightening – but I absolutely LOVE IT! As the result of this experience, I am going to exceed what I have already achieved and you should watch this space in my ‘sunset’ years. Thank-you Leadership NZ and Counties Manukau Health, for the enthralling, challenging opportunity.




Having their Say Thoughts from the class of 2016 Phil Brewster International Programme Development Manager, NZ Red Cross I am the manager of the New Zealand Red Cross International Programme. I came into this role after 15 years working on international humanitarian issues including disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, post-conflict recovery, capacity building and education. I have worked in Timor-Leste, Philippines, Nepal, Chile, Australia and the North Pacific including eight years for the International Organisation for Migration. A highlight was being adviser to the Minister of Social Solidarity in the response and recovery to the crisis in Timor-Leste between 2006 and 2009. Back in Wellington after 35 years away, I live in Hataitai with my wife and two children.

Leadership NZ – what a ride so far! I feel privileged to be a part of it. It is providing me with a unique perspective on this country and my contribution to it. Every month surrounded by other driven, committed Kiwis we seek to ask the right questions as we navigate through the geography and issues that shape New Zealand. Who are we in this land? What do we stand for? What do we believe in? What are our best selves? The curation of high-quality speakers inspire and motivate us for weeks after. Not sure if I’m improving my meditation but I am feeling more mindful and deliberate. A little slower in my pace, a little more reflective in my thoughts and able to get outside myself enough to hopefully make more effective decisions.

Rebecca Sinclair Director Academic, College of Creative Arts, Massey University From initial dreams of being an astronaut, an author, or an actor, and through education as an architect, I settled on becoming an academic (never quite getting past the ‘A’ section in the dictionary of careers). I am now the Director Academic, College of Creative Arts, Massey University Wellington, where I have the overview of all our programmes and a total belief in the power of creativity to make positive change for people and for the planet. A commitment to creative process in the cultural context of Aotearoa underpins everything I do. I’m also mum to four small (amazing) girls.

Accompanied by the inevitable anticipatory butterflies, it was a remarkable feeling to arrive on day one of the Programme and feel surrounded by kindred spirits. Each and every member of the 2016 cohort has real aroha and a real desire to make the world a better place, which has filled me with the most amazing sense of optimism and hope. With a diversity of backgrounds, roles and approaches, we bonded almost immediately, guided expertly by the wonderful Louise Marra and a thoughtfully crafted Leadership NZ Programme (with the odd obligatory madcap team building exercise thrown in for good measure!). Through exploration of ourselves, our relationship to Te Tiriti, and civil society in Aotearoa we are becoming mindfully aware of our potential as an integral part of this beautiful land. What a wide-ranging and holistic view of leadership. And what a gift.

Rob Kerr Development Director, Anchor Projects, Otakaro My role is Development Director – Anchor Projects for Otakaro; the Crown Company responsible for delivery of anchor projects in Christchurch central city following the earthquake sequence that started in 2010. I have a background in civil and environmental engineering, with experience working with developers, consultants and local authorities to deliver major projects in the UK and New Zealand. My particular professional interests include how major development projects can be used as a tool for enhancing broader social and community outcomes while still being delivered to time and budget. I am married with one child and live in Christchurch. 22


The recovery of Christchurch has dominated my life since early Saturday morning on the 4th September 2010. Being involved with the response and then long-term recovery effort, this experience has highlighted to me the vital role that engineers must play in the psycho and emotional recovery of our community. Leadership, however, plays the most crucial role; not only in the immediate aftermath but more challenging is leadership in the long years that follow. The Leadership NZ journey is helping me to broaden my understanding of the range of other issues at play in our society, and particularly how the individual qualities of leaders play the most important role in resolving these issues. Remembering that only good people will make good leaders, it is incumbent on us all to look into ourselves before we seek to solve our community’s issues.

Sanjoy Nand Service Manager, Pharmacy and Medication Safety, Counties Manukau Health, Bula Vinaka and Namaste. Born in Fiji, I moved to this beautiful country 28 years ago and adopted it as my new home. I am proud of my Pacific heritage. I have worked in the health sector over my career to date. A pharmacist by training, I have worked across the sector in community, hospital and central government roles and currently lead a team at Counties Manukau Health. I enjoy the company of people from different backgrounds, travelling and cooking. I thrive on ideas, creativity and trying new ways of doing things.

I see it as a great privilege to have the opportunity to be on the 2016 Leadership NZ Programme and am grateful for the Diversity Scholarship from Counties Manukau Health, a key enabler for this amazing opportunity. This Programme has certainly positively disrupted my thinking on a range of subjects and has had me searching deep into my soul for answers to questions I would not have even contemplated before starting this leg of my leadership journey. The ability to hear and learn from some brilliant leaders and find out what drives them has been truly inspiring. Together with the skill and expertise of the facilitators and participants and the spirit of trust and openness that is unique to this Programme, great “mind-expanding” conversations happen. Previous participants have described the experience as “life changing”, now I know what they meant – mine is certainly changing.

Sarah Graham Producer, Q Theatre Raised in Palmerston North by parents working in professional theatre and after a childhood spent observing in rehearsal rooms and painting in set workshops, I stopped avoiding the obvious and committed to a career in the performing arts. First prop making, then drama school (where I realised I had a voice) to founding The Outfit Theatre Company along with my fellow classmates. Through these experiences, I’ve come to understand the value of connecting an audience to story and experience and in my role as Q Theatre’s Producer, I can fully drive this passion.

I’m profoundly grateful for the opportunity to delve into the Leadership NZ Programme with the support of Q Theatre and Q’s CEO and Leadership NZ 2013 Alumnus James Wilson. Already after only three sessions I have begun opening up my worldview and I can only imagine what lies ahead over the coming months. The nurtured practise of inquiry is constantly surprising and not what I was expecting from a ‘leadership’ Programme. Uplifting and revealing. Looking inward into those places where we aren’t comfortable or have possibly become too comfortable. It’s an unravelling experience where the opportunity to build on already existing knowledge is challenged, reformed and expanded. Being in a room with so many incredibly giving humans in the 2016 cohort is a humbling experience in itself as we learn from each other and our diverse perspectives.

Shaun Greaves Head of Learning and Delivery, SCOUTS New Zealand I was born and raised in Manukau where I developed a strong sense of responsibility and passion for building resilient people and communities. Since graduating from The University of Auckland I have spent my working life in the not-for-profit sector, firstly with St John, and more recently with SCOUTS New Zealand. I genuinely believe our future will be brighter if we grow and develop our young people, and providing leadership for this in New Zealand is my life’s focus.

Over the years, I have often shared my favourite quote on leadership from Gandhi: “There go my people - I must follow them, for I am their leader.” I like that these wise words indicate that leadership can take many forms, and Leadership NZ encourages each person to develop a leadership style that is unique and personal to them. I am motivated by the fact that Leadership NZ explores diversity and how leaders need to adapt to inspire different communities. I am honoured to be part of this journey and look forward to making a difference through my contribution.




Rod Gibson Leadership NZ Alumnus (2007) Rod Gibson did the Leadership NZ Programme in 2007 when it was in the first few years of existing. “It was high calibre,” Rod says “I don’t know how they got such important ‘top of New Zealand’ people to come speak to us back then, but they did, and it has had a profound effect on me.”

the role, I would have been quick to pass judgement on the alcohol industry due to the harm alcohol can cause.” But Rod developed a new culture and marketing strategy at Liquorland around responsible, moderate alcohol use and developed the company to be the fastest growing retail seller of alcohol in the country.

When asked to explain, Rod says “The Programme was incredibly open and allowed participants as well as guest speakers to share their perceived or real fears and short-comings. It was empowering to realise that other aspiring leaders were also experiencing very similar doubts and fears.” Rod continues; “The key thing I learned through the Leadership NZ Programme was to have confidence in myself and my ability to develop my own leadership style along the way.”

Rod says, “Not realising it at the time, but it was mindful leadership that made the new approach I put into place at Liquorland successful. The situation created a need for me to do a lot of personal reflection. Also, I actively sought out other people’s views and ideas using the skills learned through Leadership NZ. This helped to build the vision and direction for the company that the franchise owners and employees could relate to, support and feel good about their contribution towards. That’s what made it successful.”

Rod was the Retail Operations Manager at Shell NZ when he completed the Programme. Through a friendship with another 2007 Leadership NZ participant, he moved to Foodstuffs Ltd shortly after the year finished. “It is true what they say about the networking opportunities the Leadership NZ Programme provides,” Rod says. At Foodstuffs Ltd, Rod has had several different leadership roles across various parts of the organisation. Some, he admits, were quite daunting at first and challenging at a personal level. For instance, when he was made CEO of Liquorland, tasked with improving declining profitability, he says; “This was a personally challenging time for me because before I got



Since November 2015, Rod is General Manager of Foodstuffs Own Brand which he admits, is challenging his adaptive leadership skills. “This is a new multifaceted, interdependent environment for me where I am working with a huge range of diverse people and interests. I am utilising the skills and confidence I gained

“Mindful leadership to me is about having a willingness for wider exposure as well as being individually attentive, considerate and respectful...”

through the Leadership NZ Programme every day.” Rod continues; “I am still evolving my leadership style in this role. I often find myself simplifying the situation and encouraging people to take a deep breath, do what feels right, not to second guess themselves and then to stay on the course.” When asked if his style can be defined as mindful leadership, Rod says “Mindful leadership to me is about having a willingness for wider exposure as well as being individually attentive, considerate and respectful in dealing with people.” A keen motorcycle racer, Rod says “I see mindful leadership as similar to riding a bike. You have to ‘be in the moment’ with all of your senses attentive to that around you. Just like on a bike, you have to trust in your ability and look well ahead to have the broader perspective in order to make good decisions. If you keep your head down looking too close to the ground, everything will seem to be rushing at you and you’ll make bad decisions, often resulting in putting yourself in a dangerous situation. By looking ahead to assess your situation you can choose the right speed and line – making informed decisions about when to slow down and when you can speed up. Also, and in most instances, you’ll have to go through some adverse conditions (which might make you feel uncomfortable) in order to get to the place you want.” When asked for some final words of advice for new leaders Rod says; “Keep it simple, and trust yourself to stay on course.” And then he adds “But most importantly, make sure you enjoy the ride!”


Di Rump Leadership NZ Alumnus (2011) Tena koutou katoa Ko Kurahaupo toku waka Ko Tararua toku Maunga Ko Ngati Hine toku hapu Ko Kawiu toku marae Ko Muaupoko toku iwi Ko Di Rump toku ingoa Tena koutou Tena koutou Tena koutou katoa On the very day Di Rump began the Leadership NZ Programme in 2011 she was offered a new job. As General Manager of New Zealand Post Kiwibank Store Network (with around 1600 people and 300 stores nationwide), embarking on a comprehensive leadership Programme was ‘perfectly timed’ for Di to learn how to take her leadership to the next level. Two or three years into the role things took a turn, Di’s mother fell terminally ill. In 2013, Di made a call to take extended leave and return to her hometown of Levin to support and spend time with her mum and whanau.

“Leadership NZ taught me to trust my inner voice, my ancestors, to develop a sense of trust in what feels right, to stand in the decisions I take in that space.”

“Leadership NZ taught me to trust my inner voice, my ancestors, to develop a sense of trust in what feels right, to stand in the decisions I take in that space. I did that to ‘just step off’ my career path, go home to whanau and be with Mum – I have absolutely no regrets.” When Di was faced with going back to her GM role she made another decision, “It just wasn’t where I was at anymore, plus I could see a sea change coming in NZ Post and Kiwibank Store Network.” “I have always been a career person so for me to say, you know what, my heart’s not in it the same way it used to be and I can’t be the half pie chick... to make the decision to leave before I had another role or something in particular to do... was absolutely huge for me as the breadwinner.” “I was terrified! My security and our family’s certainty – gone.” “The Programme experience gave me courage and permission to throw caution to the wind, I would not have made this decision ordinarily.” In 2014, out of the blue Di was offered the chance to serve her Iwi, Muaupoko. She, with major trepidation, agreed to take on the role of interim CEO. “I would never ever have imagined doing this in a million years! But I guess by making myself free and open to uncertainty – I recognised it when it came along! The Programme taught me to relax into opportunity and step into challenge with

an open mind. So I did.” Di says the dramatic change commuting to her childhood hometown from Auckland to a role in Te Ao Maori has challenged her to be mindful of her leadership outside the corporate world she is used to. “Through Leadership NZ I connected with the most diverse peers. All with different world views, all passionate about sharing those. I discovered the only right way to be an authentic leader is to be and know yourself and to be open to possibility about everything else.” Di believes she’s exceptionally lucky that being Maori and working for iwi in a kaupapa Maori environment, automatically puts you in a mindful leadership kaupapa. “Every single day, no matter where everyone is, we gather for karakia (and that won’t be the only time we have karakia throughout the day) this keeps us grounded, grateful and mindful of one another as well as why we are here - for our tamariki, rangatira and our whanau.” Remembering to stay present is vital for Di as her time is consumed not only with her job but also involvement in over 11 community forums. Di says the most important thing future leaders can do to stay mindful in a hectic life, is to constantly find things to be thankful for, laugh a lot (preferably at yourself) and give out more energy than you take. Tena koutou katoa



BOOK REVIEW Jennie Vickers

Mindfulness is all about not being Mindless! Review of “Your Brain at Work – Strategies for overcoming distraction, regaining focus and working smarter all day long” by David Rock It is embarrassing to admit that when I embarked on reading a book on mindfulness written by the global expert Ronald Siegel, I ended up stressed at the idea of putting his techniques into action and having to be quiet and still for more than a minute! I realised reading the book that I am fortunate in not having urgent problems dictating a need to learn the skill of meditation and associated management skills like mindfulness, as taught by Siegel. However, for many people in leadership positions with change needed and teams relying on them, mindfulness as a leadership skill is becoming of increasing importance. David Rock is at pains to point out that while Buddhism has developed mindfulness for many thousands of years, it is not a religious concept or construct but in fact a way of understanding how our own minds work and how to use our brains and minds better and then, having mastered that, how to lead others to make better use of their own thinking capabilities, so they can make better decisions and take steps towards change. David Rock has written a number of easy to read books with a common theme of

neuroleadership. I first read “Your Brain at Work” in 2009 briefly when I was studying mind mapping and learning brain essentials and recently a senior leader from Australian Defence recommended his earlier work (2006), “Quiet Leadership”, as a useful guide in managing contract relationships. The Foreword is written by the same Dr Siegel who is full of praise for the practical use of mindfulness advocated in the book. This is a great book for so many reasons. If you have not studied the brain and how it functions, this book nicely brings together research which you may have become aware of from a range of sources, but never in a holistic package with such a clear outcome in mind. The book has a refreshing approach to complex scientific content that without structure, could easily befuddle us! The book is divided into four Acts with scenes within each Act. The science is explained through the vehicle of scenes (where something does not go according to plan) within one day in the life of two working people: Emily and Paul, who are respectively stepping into a new role and a new

“Mindfulness is a habit… a skill that can be learned. Mindfulness isn’t difficult. What’s difficult is to remember to be mindful.” – John Teasdale



project. I particularly like the scene replay technique, each replay having a reframe of the same scene where something went badly, utilising in the replay the brain science and mindfulness techniques explained in that Act (how good would that be in our working lives!). Better outcomes are secured as a result of the knowledge and use of mindfulness. Each Act/Chapter has a “Surprises About The Brain” section and a “Some Things To Try” section which distils the science from that section into a summary and a hard to ignore, Action Plan. If you are short of time try speed reading through these and picking sections of most pressing relevance. I particularly recommend this book to new leaders looking for a first 90-day leadership and management guidebook, but ideally, read it before day one not on day 30! Otherwise a few Homer Simpson “Doh’s” might be uttered. A final comment is from John Teasdale, a mindfulness researcher quoted by Rock “Mindfulness is a habit… a skill that can be learned. Mindfulness isn’t difficult. What’s difficult is to remember to be mindful.” So I can reassure those who know me that they are not suddenly going to find me crossed legged on Queen St, but might find me being still and planning for at least five minutes. Using new knowledge about how I think, will empower me in using mindfulness in communicating with others.








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2015 GRADUATION 1. Network Connector Judy Whiteman, KPMG Chairman and our guest speaker Ross Buckley and 2015 Graduand Jo Walker 2. Programme for the evening 3. Trustees Tara Pradhan, Christien Winter and Sarah Trotman with our CEO Sina Wendt-Moore (second from L) 4. Our guests assemble




5. Trustee George Riley welcomes us with a mihi whakatau 6. A waiata from Leadership NZ wahine 7. 2015 Graduand Nigal Kapa 8. Our guest speaker for the evening, Ross Buckley 9. 2015 Graduand Wyndi Tagi’s family celebrating her graduation 10. Wyndi Tagi addresses the 2015 Graduands 11. Some of our very special guests – Founder Jo Brosnahan, Patron Lady Reeves and US General Counsel Melanie Higgins 12. A karanga from 2015 Graduand Ainsleigh Cribb-Su’a 13. Our 2015 Graduands 14. The taongas carved by Karam Meuli, Alumnus 2009



15. Our Chair Peter Garnett with the korowai gift from the 2015 Graduands 16. Our 2015 Graduands



Key Partner

Creative Partner

Supporting Partners Dinner with a Difference Event Partners The Bishop Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture Event Partners

Scholarship Partners Special thanks to the following who assist to ensure that diversity continues to be achieved across the Programme through the generous funding of scholarships: • 2013 Year Kia Manawanui Scholarship • 2015 Year Tuku Mihi Scholarship • Counties Manukau Health Diversity Scholarship

Programme Event Partner Q Theatre

Event & Programme Hosts

(Alumnus), Morehu Wilson (Alumnus), Angela Parquist (Alumnus), Dave Norman (Alumnus) and Sina Wendt-Moore (Alumnus, LNZ CEO) for formally welcoming our 2016 Programme participants into the Leadership Programme • Karlo Mila (Alumnus) for bringing creativity to leadership • Our fabulous speakers: Sir Bob Harvey, Jo Brosnahan • Alumni Wyndi Tagi, Jonathan Hulme and Jo Walker for providing the participants with the useful insights about how to run syndicates

Special thanks to the following who have assisted us in providing event venues, donated goods/catering or valuable time: • Elizabeth McNaughton for being MC at our 2015 Leadership Programme graduation • George Riley for his Mihi Whakatau at our 2015 Leadership Programme graduation • Ross Buckley for his inspiring speech at our 2015 Leadership Programme graduation • KPMG and Ross Buckley for hosting our 2016 Leadership Programme launch and cocktail party • David Udy for being MC at our 2016 Leadership Programme launch • Jamie Munro for his Mihi Whakatau at our 2016 Leadership Programme launch • Vicky Taylor for sharing her leadership journey and thoughts at our 2016 Leadership Programme launch

March • Chris Farrelly, Whaea Annie and Manaia Health PHO for hosting us during our Programme visit to Whangarei • Fiona Davies (Alumnus), Darren Mason (Alumnus) and Julia Hartshorne (Alumnus) for their time spent with the group in Whangarei • He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust, and Debbie & Ngahau Davis for hosting us during our trip to Moerewa • Our amazing speakers: Chris Farrelly, Debbie & Ngahau Davis, Justice Joseph Williams and Dr Aroha Harris • George Riley (Alumnus, LNZ Trustee), for his energy and time at the Treaty grounds and with the group at Kohewhata Marae • Matua Sid Tau for guiding our visit to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds • Kaumatua Ted Wihongi and the whanau at the wonderful Kohewhata marae, Kaikohe

February (Auckland) • Louise Marra from Spirited Leadership • Nick Astwick (LNZ Deputy Chair), Wane Wharerau (Alumnus), Annette Bartlett, Judy Whiteman, Nicola Campbell, Tania Hack, Jade Tang-Taylor (Alumnus), Jo Walker

May (Glen Innes) • Our wonderful speaker Pat Snedden • Jenni Heka (Alumnus) from Te Oro for hosting our session in Glen Innes • Pacific Business Trust, co-sponsoring the group for dinner

• DISC profiling by Douglas Lang and Martin Fenwick from Altris • Leilani Clarke from Kinetic Wayfinding • Sarah Ward from the Mangere Refugee Centre • Dr Ellis Situe from Nirvana Health Group • Jenny Oxley from Manaiakalani Educational Trust • Jenny Wang from the Chinese New Settlers Services Trust • Andrea McLeod (Alumnus) from Enliven, Presbyterian Support Northern • Josephine Bartley (Alumnus) for the walking tour of Glen Innes • Anne Lee and the women from Umma Trust for providing amazing food

Special thanks to the following: • All invited authors, contributors and people who gave their time to be interviewed for this publication • The editorial team (listed on inside front cover) • The team at Curative – for editing and publishing of this magazine, and development and support of our new Programme marketing material • Canon – for providing printing supplies • Leadership NZ Alumni who gave their time, talents and energy at various events, alumni activities and Community Engagement & SkillsBank projects (listed on our website in Paying it Forward) • Leadership NZ Trustees, Advisory Trustees and Funding Partners - for their ongoing support and invaluable advice • Simon Telfer, Appoint – for support advertising SkillsBank board vacancies • KPMG – for annual audit support • John Moore – for IT and project support



Do you hear the call to leadership? Leadership NZ’s founding Trustees were called by the opportunity to bring together leaders from every generation and every sector of New Zealand society; to connect them through conversation, dialogue and debate; to develop their ability and capacity to lead those around them; and to challenge them with making a leadership difference for the better in the communities within which they lived, worked and played. This is your opportunity Our Leadership Programme provides a uniquely respectful, open and honest arena for full debate, real challenge and deep learning. Each year we bring together up to 36 carefully selected, mid-career, senior leaders from a diverse range of sectors across New Zealand. Throughout the Programme, participants have important conversations with prominent New Zealanders and subject matter experts who share their knowledge,

leadership stories and experience so that the participants are introduced to a broad diversity of leadership styles and perspectives.

the complex challenges New Zealand is facing in community, health, education, equality, economy and environment.

We challenge our participants to take themselves to their learning edge, to be honest with themselves, to develop their self-awareness, to develop their societal-awareness, and to step forward in their organisations and communities to lead change for the better.

Applications for our 2017 Leadership Programme are invited from residents of New Zealand who:

Diversity is a key enabler to achieving ever higher levels of societal engagement, creativity and innovation. We are proud of our legacy of excellence and innovation in educating on a basis of a diversity of thought and perspective. As a future graduand you will join your alumni peers as a New Zealand leader who makes a difference. You will hold knowledge that enables you to harness the diverse intellectual capital of your organisation and build this into a competitive edge. You will join the next generation of leaders creating richer solutions for

• Are talented leaders with at least 10-15 years’ experience in their sector • Care about New Zealand and its future • Have senior executive support from their organisation • Are able to commit (the Programme spans 10 months across NZ and attendance is essential) • Are committed to continuing their leadership growth after the Programme via community involvement and/or volunteering for Leadership NZ’s community projects

Applications for the 2017 Leadership Programme close on 15 August 2016 For further details go to www.leadershipnz.co.nz or contact us on 09 309 3749 or email info@leadershipnz.co.nz

Key Partner

Accident Compensation Corporation www.acc.co.nz

Creative Partner

Curative www.curative.co.nz

Supporting Partners

Altris Ltd www.altris.co.nz

AUT University www.aut.ac.nz

Kiwibank Limited www.kiwibank.co.nz

KPMG www.kpmg.co.nz

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